Welcome to our Tuesday afternoon linkstravaganza. Sorry, all the top hats in the previous post got me into a punning mood. Feel free to assassinate me for it in the comments.

Zombie Stadium lives on
The 8th Wonder of the World (Texas Figurin’) is getting a new lease on life. It appears that no new tax or bond will be be raised.
Cherophobia — the defining quality of Puritanism in general.
I want to get old like this gentleman. 111 and still smoking cigars and drinking whiskey and coke.
This young lady has put out a strong resume for a leading role in the Trump White House Press Operation.
Flat-Earthers are 2-5% of the American population. Given the number of people who think they’re going to win the lottery, I’d rate the oblate-spheroid Earth propaganda educational materials as very effective. On another barely scientific subject — a specific, falsifiable near-term prediction about global temperature [8000 word rant about them being a bad metric for anything elided. edit fairy] readings. Since it actually looks like science, guess the predictions for 2019. The results will shock you!
I think Iggy made it look harder than it was, although his eyes in some of the 70s-era shows make me think he really was trying to sing from a different reality.
Iggy played a Vorta in an episode of DS9,
Fun Fact First!
Iggy also wrote the theme music for Repo Man.
That version, off the soundtrack album, is slightly different than the actual theme in the movie.
“I’m looking for the joke with a microscope”
Also got some Iggy Pop in “Rock and Rule”
Iggy was less likable than Curly, though probably better than Shemp.
I’ll be damned.
He was also a semi-regular cast member in the 2nd & 3rd seasons of The Adventures of Pete & Pete.
Cherophobia — the defining quality of Puritanism in general.
Felt most by gypsies, tramps, and thieves.
NICE ted! Me Smiling
I only wrote what everybody else was thinking.
** LOLs and then lays his money down**
Golf clap. I
Is “golf clap” something Tiger Woods caught from an admiirer?
A coworker contended that I could not get a song stuck in her head because she wasn’t familiar with contemporary pop music. I blasted Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves down the hall and caught her humming it an hour later.
Best way to get that song out of your head? Sing it all the way through.
I had “Just What the Doctor Ordered” stuck in my head for two days because it started on you-tube from something else.
I got up this morning and started singing it within 5 minutes.
I recommend the Cowboy Song by Thin Lizzie to get it out of there.
Ever since the season premiere of The Americans, I’ve had that Crowded House song stuck in my head. “Hey now, HEYYYY now”
I’ve had that stuck in my head ever since it was part of the soundtrack on ABC’s The Stand miniseries.
*prolonged applause*
The only cure is believing in life after love.
When I was 10 and my grandfather was dying of lung cancer, he went to MD Anderson as a Hail Mary to try and get better. It was summertime and my Mom and I went along. We all went together to an Astros game in the Dome. It was one of the last times I ever got to see him. I’ll miss the Astrodome.
My only visit to the Astrodome was while it was housing 30,000 refugees from Hurricane Katrina, we worked in the emergency medical clinic there.
These knockouts’ knockers will nuke your nihilism.
This list could be a lot longer but just picking the cream of the crop:
3, 10, 11, 14, 16, 30, 33 (bonus for the cultural appropriation), 37, 41, 51, 73.
10, perfect
Nice batch
Thanks, Q. But I, for one, want a harem, not a dairy farm.
I’m just commenting because early.
/takes sip of Gatorade.
A little of this.
A little of that.
That’s how you get raided by the FBI, DEA, and Dog Catcher…
Hey fapping is work, just look at all the arm strength it builds
You’re fired Rufus.
I think he’s self-employed. And he’s taking care of business, every day…
Man, I hate Bachman Turner Overdrive
Down below he is talking about some new kids starting, so maybe he is also a bad pimp…
“Hell, you don’t need a million dollars to do nothin’ all day. Look at my cousin. He’s broke and don’t do shit.”
You don’t need to be unemployed to do nothing all day either. /Rufus
At least one of the CL results is making me happy.
“Like Brains on a Theater Balcony”
Was Pope Jimbo talking during the movie again?
Maybe Lincoln was from Memphis.
Uffda. You’d think I admitted to performing circumcisions on aborted fetuses from illegal immigrants to use as filling on deep dish pizzas.
All I said was that I think it is stupid to have to sit still and shutup in a dark theater. And that there have been bad movies that I watched where the audience was more entertaining than the movie was.
BTW, I should have clarified that even though my kid and I talked during the last movie we were far enough away from everyone that no one was “bothered” by our chatting.
Two of my best movie experiences involved…audience participation (and were not Rocky Horror). The Patriot: at the bit where he’s trying to recruit people to the cause the audience started jumping up and yelling “AND I WILL GO WITH YOU!” and the re-release of The Exorcist: a rowdy group in the front was alternately freaked out by the movie and doing an MST3K running commentary on it including “I wish Gina could bend like that” as she spiderwalked down the stairs followed by hoots and then someone nailing an open-hand slap.
In spite of the Trump shirt (at least you know she’s not an SJW).
Link 4!
I did! Honest! I copied into my clipboard for my browser and forgot! I’M INNOCENT!
I would like to see that cat’s notarized informed consent paperwork to confirm that I’m not witnessing an heinous rape.
I would like…
But you’ll watch it anyway?
Of course. Man’s only human, after all . . .
So…that dog got the cat-butt?
Mass hysteria!
At least he wasn’t off topic.
The Trump shirt tells me that she wants me to be her dad. Sexually.
Whoops, accidentally copied the link.
I did look at it from Brett!
We’re sensitive here. Which is a good argument against exposure driven desensitization.
Uh, this is one of the links.
Where’s the IWB holster?
Is she trying to pull a Plaxici and now her lady bits off?
Should have known autocorrect wasn’t going to like Plaxico
I assume Plaxici is the feminine or plural.
According to her, she has an IWB belt, you just can’t see.
Which is why I’m complaining.
‘Unzip dose pantses, bay-bee’
Better question: wtf is a Plaxici?
The owner of two testicles, instead of just one?
She mentions that she was wearing a belly band, just pulled the gun up for visibility.
Someone gave her shit about that and she said she wears a belly band. Apparently, real life differs from vanity photos.
Yeah, I felt like a dirty old man enjoying that pic of her in the tight white pants. The gun made it even worse!
Mr Overton looks damned good for 111 years old. Hell, my grandpa is a mere 94 and looks older than him.
Does he do windows?
Now way man, he’s so old he’s all Vax or GTFO
It’s the cocoa butter.
/Lisa Lampinelli
Bank robber claims he was inspired by Taylor Swift
Where is Tipper Gore when you need her?!
Probably stoned off her matronly ass, listening to The Grateful Dead.
At least he didn’t shoot a president.
This young lady…
Would — only after confirmed consent.
This young lady has put out a strong resume for a leading role in the Trump White House Press Operation.
We had a tornado warning downtown a little while ago. Did the Florida Man thing and stood in front of my office’s giant windows to look at the weather. Didn’t see anything though.
I also recommend staring at the sun during an eclipse.
I did the same thing during the downtown Miami tornado in 1997 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1997_Miami_tornado) (was working a mail room in a law firm downtown at the time), so I’m not the brightest bulb.
And I could see the tornado that time, and I still didn’t take shelter.
I’m from Kansas, first thing we do when the sirens go off is go outside to find it.
I thought that was the correct procedure?
LJW. always ends up disappointed on the first Wednesday of the month.
I once drove to work through a Wichita tornado. On the way back home after work, I noticed the strip mall across the highway seemed to be missing.
I always thought that seeing a tornado would be cool unail I did. The damn things are terrifying.
That’s no shit.
Had a freak Tornado pass within a quarter mile of my house earlier this year. Gotta say one of the scariest things I have experienced weatherwise
That church is about 1000 feet from my house
Yeah, I grew up in Tornado Alley. They are scary, but you actually have to be pretty close to them to be in much danger.
The worst ones are ones that kind of lay down on the ground.
One of these (an F4 that killed 11 people) came within less than a mile of my house when I was in high school. I (inadvertantly) drove right through its path about a half hour before it showed up.
I’ve seen funnel clouds and I’ve seen storms that dropped tornadoes minutes later, but I’ve never actually seen a tornado on the ground. Plenty of the aftermath, though.
Was going to the U of MD in 2001 when it was hit by a tornado. Me and my roommate had our faces plastered to the big ass front window until the street trees started toppling and someone said,” Never seen clouds do that before.”
We had one hit here a couple years back. In the evening, no warning sirens. Missed our place completely, but about half the houses in the neighborhood were fucked up pretty good. And our local pizza place was flattened, likely divine punishment for serving pineapple as a topping.
Iggy played a Vorta in an episode of DS9,
Also excellent in Dead Man.
He basically played Himself, very Bored and sarcastic, quite funny
New kid started today. Missing part of her skull. Sometimes…perspective is a bitch.
You take college SJW’s now?
Skull, not brain.
I guess they can’t install a patch until she stops growing.
Wow Dude
I think so.
Grafts and surgeries and all that.
I think they use titanium plates.
Be. Careful.
That’s sad and beautiful at the same time. Tragic, because the child has to live with the disability, but beautiful that we live in a world where people with those disabilities can live a full life.
(PS- I’m sorry that was so incredibly sappy. Having a child has turned me into a little bitch and I can’t help it. Damn you feelings and such!)
I can’t watch movies or read about stories involving harm to children anymore.
I want to rip to shreds people who bring harm to kids.
[steps back from recommending Night of the Hunter to Rufus]
Cancels Rufus’s invite to Glibs screening of Battle Royale.
It gets worse as you get older. The more horrible shit you see first hand the harder it gets to stomach just seeing it on a screen or hearing about it. Hell, I barely hunt anymore because I cant bring myself to shoot critters aside from hogs. Ok, a really good buck, I’d take the shot.
That’s been my experience. I’ll still shoot vermin (javelinas, hogs, coyotes), but I have really lost my taste for most hunting.
That said, I’m planning to go mule deer hunting this fall near my house. As in, walk to where I will hunt, since I live about half a mile from hunting and we’ve got a nice mulie population with some decent bucks. But, it will take a really nice buck to get me to pull the trigger. Which is totally irrational, but there it is.
Oryx are an imported species that have over-run their area in NM. The local predator, cougars, are no match for the lions of the Oryx home range so there is no effective natural control.
I drew a depredation hunt on the missile range and managed to bag one, a female. “Good,” the game warden said, “She’s nursing so the calf will die also.” Talk about feeling like shit, killing momma and baby, too.
The consolation is that Oryx meat is really, really good.
… Hobbit
Is that common in South East Florida?
Tornadoes? Kind of rare, except when related to hurricanes. Lots of waterspouts though.
When we do get tornadoes, they’re of the EF0/EF1 variety.
Yes, whoops. Meant to be a reply.
0/1? Standing next to the windows is fine.
I don’t even go under a door frame during an earthquake unless it’s a 7.
One woman, Victoria Silva, alerted the police in an apparent attempt to have Spencer arrested.
No kidding.
White Privilege
Shut down the internet. That’s a winner.
I do like the one commenter who claims 95% of the white billionaires didn’t make their billions this generation. I”m sure there are some (the Walton family comes to mind) but I’m pretty sure most Billionaires in the US made it this generation (Gates, Zuckerberg, Musk, Ellison, Brin, Bezos, so forth and so on).
And it appears that most of the legacy wealth of super wealthy families doesn’t continue into perpetuity like class warrior griefers would prefer to have you believe.
It would be interesting to take a look at it, with the proviso that for that to have any chance at all you’d have to count inherited sub-billion fortunes that turned into billion dollar fortunes in the current generation as from the previous one if most of the work of making them were complete before the inheritance.
There are a lot of billionaires now (there were very few as recently as my childhood.) it could be that a lot of the smaller fortunes mostly derive from inheritance. One thing that is clear is that as a fraction of the amount of money held in billion dollar fortunes the percentage would be far lower. Sure, there are the Waltons, but then there’s Bezos, Gates, Slim, Zuckerberg, Page, Brin, etc. An awful lot of the biggest billion-plus fortunes were acquired by the current generation.
Damn, that is good.
Goodbye and good riddance, Champions League Manchester City.
Suck it, Pep
/disillusioned Bayern fan
And suck it Barça.
“Ex-“Silicon Valley” star TJ Miller caused hours of Amtrak delays when he drunkenly called in a fake bomb threat after a female passenger snubbed his advances, federal authorities said as they announced his arrest Tuesday.”
Yeah, that’s what you should do when some bitch doesn’t want you!
He’s got a shit-ton of addiction issues. And a brain injury.
They also wrote him off of Silicon Valley because he was too big an asshole.
And he also willingly took on the lead role in the Emoji Movie.
A movie so awful even my daughter, who will watch ANY animated crap, wanted to leave in the middle of it.
If she would have sat next to me, I bet she would have had a good time hooting and making fun of the movie with me.
You’re not going to let this go, are you?
He pretty good as a mucus ball, though.
I saw an HBO special where at the end he said he has some kind of brain condition that will eventually be terminal?
She’s certainly regretting her decision now.
Everybody regrets taking Amtrak.
“I got a callback to play Marty on an episode of TJ Hooker!”
“It’s the new TJ Hooker!”
One of my favorite movies. It’s kind of fun to see a Tarantino script done in a conventional Hollywood action movie way and it has some great performances in small roles like Walken, Hopper, and Oldman.
I can’t watch it anymore. The motel scene with Gandolfini and Patricia Arquette is too graphic for my middle aged self. But it is definitely something I would tell other people to see at least once.
Yeah, it’s pretty brutal.
So what you are saying is that he wasn’t action on the show
Did you guys cover the Packers guy who got nabbed for making a bomb joke?
The depressing part for me is that all the coverage was about this guy being a knucklehead. Not one story took his side and called out the airport fucks and the cops for being a bushel full of assholes.
I think I slipped it into Sunday morning links.
When I see an OMWC comment that starts “I think I slipped it into” . . . I’m kinda afraid to read the rest.
You are a wise, wise man.
He probably figured the costume would allow him to get away with it.
Oh Rocky, you dog!
So, yiffing?
Furries are weird.
Do you think Stormy pays him in sex?
Yes, and somebody like Soros pays him in (((gold))).
Looks like the 69D chess champion using the Obama era tactics will not make the progtards happy since it now is trying to stake that vampire down so it can be beheaded and then burned in the sun.
Bra size, or sex position?
Good news: FTC issues Warning Notice that companies cannot enforce “removal of this sticker voids warranty” notices. Its nice to have a higher standard than a damaged sticker for companies to abandon part of the contract they made while selling you something.
Considering the source, this is so hilarious it hurts: How to Pay For Real News
Combo Spoiler Alert and Trigger Warning: Links to the shambling corpse of Gawker.
Journalism is not a profession or a trade. It is a cheap catch-all for fuckoffs and misfits — a false doorway to the backside of life, a filthy piss-ridden little hole nailed off by the building inspector, but just deep enough for a wino to curl up from the sidewalk and masturbate like a chimp in a zoo-cage.
-Hunter S. Thomson
It goes to a good cause!
Hulk Hogan can’t wrestle anymore.
Hamilton Nolan? No…..I just won’t, not even to laugh at him.
I pay for The Athletic. No political bullshit, no ads, and 100x better quality writing than ESPN.
Hamilton Nolan has got to be one of the most self entitled, egomaniacal motherfuckers on the planet.
Champions League reax:
Holy shit.
Roma played better than them over the two legs. Those four goals flattered Barca.
Do you have the genetics of Zeus? If not, I hate to break it to you that you are dying of either cancer or heart disease at around 80.
Please not prostate or ass cancer!
I had 2 great-grandparents make it to their 90s. 92 and 97. Both on my mom’s side. I’m going to pretend that’s a yes.
If I can make it past my mid-60s, I like my odds. Out of four granparents, three died at 58, 59, and 66 years old. The fourth is still going relatively strong at 94.
No autoerotic asphyxiation?
Not until I get home.
I’ll be living into my 90s, then. With Alzheimer’s for the last twenty.
I intend to die from snu snu.
One aunt dead (of liver cancer) at 72. Her sister (my mother) dead of liver cancer at 84. Both heavy smokers, though my Mom stopped after her sister died.
Their parents died at ages 88 and 95 (mother and father, respectively), of generalized organ failure due to extreme age.
My grandmother’s father died at age 104 in rural Normandy — he fell off a roof he was re-shingling!
My grandfather on my father’s side died of stroke from being a chain-smoker. My Dad died of being an asshole, also at age 84.
Given all this, I have *zero* idea how long I’m going to live.
Another voice, crying in the wilderness
Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright describes herself as an “optimist who worries a lot.” And lately, it seems, there has been much to worry about.
Albright’s new book, Fascism: A Warning, starts by describing how Hitler and Mussolini came to power in the 20th century, then warns about today’s authoritarian rulers in Eastern Europe, North Korea, Turkey and Russia.
Albright, who was born in Czechoslovakia and fled with her family after the Nazis occupied the country in 1939, notes that the United States has traditionally been viewed as a nation that opposes authoritarianism and supports democratic principles and human rights, but that perception is changing — in part because of President Trump.
While Albright does not call Trump a fascist, she says that he is “the most anti-democratic leader that I have studied in American history.”
“We’re not fulfilling the role that we’re supposed to,” she says of the United States today. “I believe very much that democracy in the United States is resilient [and] that people can be skeptical about things that are going on, but I really am afraid that we are taking things for granted.”
Trump’s America is a shithole.
Albright isn’t authoritarian, but she certainly doesn’t mind bombing the shit out of brown babies.
And slavic babies.
Whatever. They’re all niggers east of Italy.
I guess Pie took the day off, or surely you would’ve gotten at least something as narrow as the Bosporus.
He’s just not bombing enough children for her tastes.
My Wife is looking at a new Home in AZ. it would be our first, What a shithole Trump created,
Madeline helped the Norks out under The Clinton Yes?
So Madeleine is going to help prevent this outcome and empower the people by promoting free speech and the right to bear arms, right?
No silly we need more government! Just the *right kind* of government!
Whataboutism time
No mention of the fact that it’s the Democrats who want to overturn a legitimate election because of a conspiracy theory this time around.
Last time was the birthers.
And that Obama used his phone and pen in an undemocratic way.
That’s not “whataboutism”, it’s the truth.
Also “most undemocratic leader”?? For my money Franklin (interment camps) Roosevelt leads in that department.
In what way is he anti-democratic? He won the election. Sure, he’s had some court rulings go against him, but he has not ignored the rulings unlike some of his predecessors. He’s pushed some of the legislating process back to Congress where it belongs. He hasn’t sicked the police on his enemies’ lawyers. There’s stuff to dislike about him, but I don’t see how he’s been anti-democratic unless you mean anti-Democratic Party.
“the most anti-democratic leader that I have studied in American history.”
Bitch ain’t studied for shit.
“that perception is changing — in part because of President Trump.”
Not because of the banana republic bullshit the left is up to their eyeballs in.
“the most anti-democratic leader that I have studied in American history.”
Not the people desperately trying to overturn a legitimate election.
I bet her nose is ten feet long.
OK, the wife was just watching some Senate vs. Zuckerberg hearing and I caught a bit of it. What is the constitutional reason that the Senate is grilling him about his sales policies? I understand “grandstanding for the voters back home” but what federal laws did Zuckerberg break (or may have broken)?
Zuckerberg is prostituting himself to try and become a regulated utility.
If he manages that, Facebook will be invincible.
He’s an unprincipled punk.
Yeah, it’s assholes all around.
Well I would imagine giving free unrestricted access to a presidential candidate counts as an undocumented campaign contribution…
Nobody cares about that… has he ever banged a porn star?
Zuckerberg is a retard. He made billions and then decided he was going to prog it up and try to save the world.
A sane man would have bought a private island in the South Pacific and stocked it with 1000 of your finest whores.
A sane man would have bought a private island in the South Pacific and stocked it with 1000 of your finest whores.
In other words, John McAfee.
You just gave me a new perspective on McAfee
Hookers weren’t the only thing washing up on his Caribbean beach.
The question is what federal laws will they create that will seriously damage his profit margin.
I am sure a bunch of politicians he has either already given money to, and/or hope to hit him up for money soon, are going to just grill the shit out of him.
Zuckerberg says company working with Mueller probe
Zuckerberg is an unprincipled punk.
Did I mention that?
And he looks like Mr. Burns:
Bringing R C Dean’s comment forward from the dead thread:
I’m trying to think who comes out on top in a situation like that, if anyone. Japan, maybe? If it re-militarizes? Russia? One of the Eastern European states? Canada? One of the few African countries that sorta has it’s shit halfway together? It’s bleak, man.
who comes out on top in a situation like that
Arms manufacturers and dealers. The world will be run by mega-corporations. What’s not to like?
I remember a history professor (a Quaker no less) wondered about that that but differently. She asked which country (based on a criteria she listed – I forget what they were – population, food etc.) which county had the ability to truly challenge American might – or if America fell, who could take over.
I seem to recall Canada coming closest. Russia didn’t figure in because we considered liberty and democracy to be a key factor – wrongly or rightly.
Alas, Canada is just too cucked these days.
China I would imagine after a period of adjustment. Very quickly some type of Bretton woods 2 would be arranged after the collapse of the dollar reserve currency status.
Bretton woods 3, no? I believe the continuation occurred in the 70’s when Nixon closed the gold window for dollars held overseas (FDR closed the gold window on domestic dollars)
What are they gonna do? Hurl chop sticks and boy choy at us?
/things I wished I’d say in a national debate.
Hurling boy choy?
I tend to think they come out even worse than the US. Their 9% growth has been a facade for several years. They have issues with population decline. They have a shit ton of unhappy peasants that are barely able to keep the lid on. If the global economy tanks, and the US stops providing both a market and a source of investment, I’d think they wind up in the soup pretty badly. Maybe the Red Army is enough to keep a lid on, and they can do the old ‘let’s distract the peasants from the society teetering on the precipice by ginning up a good old fashioned war of expansion’. But I’m not sure that would work. Maybe I’m too pessimistic about the situation there or underestimating the ability of the totalitarians to keep things together long enough to benefit.
I think you are right in your assessment of the dire situation but simultaneously are underestimating the ability of totalitarians to cling to power. A war of expansion would do nicely, as they could plunder their neighbors (decreasing material hardship) while stoking patriotism (increasing loyalty). Unless they lost, then things would go tits up, but I think they could ride out a crash as described in this thread.
I dunno. China (or “Gina”, as our POTUS says) might come out worse than anyone. Their Western economy would be in a total shambles and would take years or decades to recover even if the currency problem was sorted out in record time. They might lash out at Taiwan and Japan, but I suspect those would not be short, victorious wars.
They could still come out relatively well from that, but their massive social and demographic problems would come to the fore without a strong economy. I could easily see China reverting to a civil war of its own. Wouldn’t be the first time.
Daaaaamn Gina!
You said that without Trump intonation. Chi-NA.
South Georgia, in the South Atlantic Ocean
I’m trying to think who comes out on top in a situation like that, if anyone.
The New American Empire.
Hail Caesar!
Burning Man founder hospitalized.
Live in the Desert, play by Desert Rules, this is Known
The biggest takeaway from that Facebook hearing was that we have an array of petty tyrants that occupy the US Senate.
And I think it is hard to argue that Dick Durbin does not suffer from some form of mental retardation. I don’t mean that as an insult, as I would never want to insult the mentally handicapped by associating them with Dick Durbin. I mean it more as an observation. The man is incapable of making sense.
I suggest a complete overthrow of the federal government with Rand Paul being granted supreme authority as Lord Protector of these United States.
Now go light a candle at your Ron Paul shrine and say a prayer for our new Lord Protector
*lights Ken Schultz signal*
It won’t work, He went back to TOS to spar with Hihn and those guys
“an array of petty tyrants”
I was talking with someone today who simply couldn’t comprehend why I disliked Cass Sunstein. This person took it for granted that it was acceptable for both government & other entities to get people to do “the right thing.” What troubles me more is that it seems never to have occurred to this person that an intelligent person could disagree with Sunstein’s “nidge” idea.
There are few concepts on Planet Earth than Sunstein’s “nudge”
It’s simultaneously infantilizing, insulting, paternalistic and tyrannical. Quite a combination.
*few concepts I hate more
“infantilizing, insulting, paternalistic and tyrannical”
Which, of course, is why so many academics think it’s a good idea.
I had to read that book in grad school and I got into a severe argument with the professor over the underlying message of the book. “If we want to nudge people in the right direction then who is deciding what is right?” I asked. “Well, the experts are deciding things like don’t eat donuts instead of fruit. This stuff is already common knowledge.” She said. “That may work for some things that are concrete, but what about war, for example. What if the experts determined that war with Iraq was in our own best interest? Would a nudge into war be justified under your argumentation?” I asked.
She got livid and insisted that such things like the War in Iraq would never be endorsed by experts. She was a trust fund totalitarian.
Clearly you’re a bigot.
Yeah, this guy I was talking sort of laughed when I made a point. And, I’m pretty sure he wasn’t laughing AT me (although he may have been inside), – it was that laugh of total lack of comprehension and/or “oh no, one of those nut jobs I’ve been warned about.”
People I interact with professionally have a hard time wrapping theirs heads around my approach to life.
“the experts are deciding things like don’t eat donuts instead of fruit. This stuff is already common knowledge.”
If it’s common knowledge, then the nudging is already done; what they want isn’t nudging, it’s coerced compliance. So yet another academic that is completely full of themselves and completely full of shit. But I repeat myself.
Just like margarine being healthier than butter?
Yeah, those “experts”.
a lot of people genuinely think that the point of Govt is to
a) “actively and endlessly try and improve society“; iow, its a never ending project of social-engineering
b) merely to “protect people from predation by one another”; i.e. secure people’s rights, provide means to enforce contracts, and otherwise strictly avoid any “telling people what to do with their lives”
these assumptions exist on a very low-level. many people may have never even articulated them before. but i think many simply *assume* A without being told.
My Brit coworkers, for instance… when we had discussions about policy x vs policy y, would sometimes express horror when i said, “But govt has no business doing that”. “But why not?” The idea of any inherent limits to government mandate was… strange to many.
Its the difference between a subject and a citizen.
secure people’s rights
Unfortunately, there is a gaping chasm of understanding concerning that phrase with the average American.
One of my old German colleagues nearly stroked out when I told him that all taxation was theft.
He was trying to tell me that the single payer system they had was clearly superior because everyone was covered. I then started him down the path that he is paying a metric shit ton of taxes to have that “‘free” healthcare. At some point I blurted out the bon mot that taxation is theft.
He was absolutely gobsmacked at the idea that people would object to paying taxes. How else could a society survive?
I once heard a German acquaintance describe other Germans as pigeons. When they’re on the ground, they eat out of your hand, but when they’re on high they shit all over you.
Most Germans are ground pigeons these days.
Europe is cancer
I’d be ok with Trump firing Sessions simply because of his WoD stance. I know that wouldn’t be the reason, but it’s a nice bonus.
What troubles me more is that it seems never to have occurred to this person that an intelligent person could disagree with Sunstein’s “nidge” idea.
This is what we’re up against. For generations, American schoolchildren have been taught a bunch of paternalist claptrap about how the government saves them from a Hobbesian dog-eat-dog nightmare of freedom, the chaotic lethality of which is anathema to a civilized society.
The idea that you should be allowed to eat and drink yourself into an early grave is a completely unfathomable proposition. If you told the average person “You’re not free unless you’re free to be wrong” they’d look at you like you’ve got two heads.
If they had two heads they’d be twice as dumb.
The free man owns himself. He can damage himself with either eating or drinking; he can ruin himself with gambling. If he does he is certainly a damn fool, and he might possibly be a damned soul; but if he may not, he is not a free man any more than a dog.”
…G.K. Chesterton
There really aren’t enough derogatory words in the English language for the people who simultaneously call Trump undemocratic (a position they can’t support in anyway besides with vague innuendo comparing how he talks, not the substance of what he says, to past authoritarians) while trying desperately to undermine and cast a cloud over the results of an election.
Hitler wasn’t anti-democratic because he went after the Jews. He was anti-democratic because he ran on a platform of dismantling democracy.
The word itself, democracy, barely even has meaning anymore. I mean, democracy doesn’t have fucking values to begin with. Democracy is a process. But the reactions to Trump and Brexit shouldn’t be surprising. These same condescending pricks who extol the virtues of democracy out of one side of their mouth (when they’re winning) are the first ones to attack the democratic decisions made in less progressive countries. Democracy is just as likely to produce Russia’s laws against gays as it is anything positive at all.
I hope he actually is undemocratic, but fear that he isn’t. Democracy sucks. Look at the most popular movies, the most popular TV shows, the most popular books, the most popular music, the most popular restaurants, the two most popular candidates in the last presidential election.
Now do you want democracy?
You don’t like what everybody else likes?
I might not like what is popular but that doesn’t mean I agree with what OMWC likes either.
We both like your mom, so there’s that.
Give it to me, good and hard.
No… wait…… I misspoke
/commences sexual bump stock
Trump is not anti-democratic, but his opponents are all the while hiding behind the term. Their argument is that democracy is too important to be left up to little people and their elections.
Libertarian anti-democracy often devolves into TOP MEN fellating. Except these TOP MEN will be libertarians who want to leave us alone and are non-ideological objective experts who will do what is right (which is libertarianism obviously) and crooks who know the system is nonsense so they will want bribes but otherwise will leave us alone.
So you want Trump to throw you in jail?
Democracy is just as likely to produce Russia’s laws against gays as it is anything positive at all.
Democracy is a crowd of plebes giving a gladiator the “thumbs down” in the Colosseum.
I think you mean the “thumb up” gesture to kill the fallen gladiator. Thumbs down indicated to drop the sword. The crowd could also wrap the thumb inside the fist for killing the loser.
Hollywood got it backwards.
The crowd could also make a ‘jacking-off’ motion, cuz people are morons.
Then there’s CNN which is still retardedly arguing that Trump lacks the authority to fire Mueller because a federal code says otherwise:
The AG’s power comes from Trump. He answers to Trump. The power vested in a special counsel legitimately comes from Trump. Congress has no power in this area per the fucking Constitution other than impeachment. Impeachment is a political process in reality. There is no law on this matter at this point in time, and a “code” or regulation within the DOJ means nothing when talking about binding the actions of the president of the country.
It’s a fucking clown show. This is what one of America’s primary news sources is pandering.
Rand’s take
Have to say I love that guy. He is the only sane person in the Senate right now.
Californians, does anything in your state NOT come with a prop 65 warning? My new phone does, so I’ll be sure not to eat it.
Pretty much everything, which is why no one pays any attention to those warnings at all.
I’d like to propose that the neighboring states put signs on the border warning that the state of California is known to be cancer.
The turnaround point of one of my regular jogs is in the Port of Long Beach at the end of an access road. There is a Prop 65 warning on the fence regarding the carcinogenic potential of diesel fuel. Almost took a picture of it this morning to post here.
Actually, I just got a good idea for a new Twitter account.
Why do I get the feeling that we all ducked a bullet there?
Spoke too soon
Always bet on Black.
The headline sounds like a Robert Downey film.
Gaming out Trump’s next move, I still think pardoning everyone indicted by Mueller for anything other than arranging in-kind contributions to his campaign from the Russian government, or obstructing an investigation into in-kind contributions to his campaign from the Russian government, makes the most sense. An extra curlicue he could add, just for lulz:
Pardon Hillary, too.
They’ll never get a conviction since the evidence was either destroyed by the FBI or the witnesses were immunized by the FBI and won’t testify, so its a no-lose deal from that perspective. He could wrap it in a message of reconciliation and “moving on”. The ‘sploding heads would be priceless.
I like how you think. Actually pardoning Hilarious would be, uh, hilarious because it would imply that she was guilty of a serious crime or two. BAM!
I don’t care what your opinion of Tucker Carlson is, but the rant that he gave yesterday against war in Syria was brave. At a time when “brave” is overused in political discourse, pushing back against the war chorus is actually brave. The clip is being pushed by the Mises folks. Check it out
Fox is beating the war drums and it’s good to see there’s somebody with the cahones to buck that trend.
He did it again, tonight.
Plus Glenn Greenwald tonight.
Greenwald is a breath of fresh air on the Left.
Does Tucker usually have a warboner?
No, he crushed Hightalker Ralph Peters’ nuts on foreign policy recently too.
“‘the rant that he gave yesterday against war in Syria was brave.””
I haven’t actually seen it, but from the way others have been talking about it…
… from what i hear, the nature of his rant ends up granting-too-much to the argument for intervention than it denies. Because to him, the entire pro/con case for intervention apparently hinges on the validity of ‘chemical attacks’.
For clarity:
– if it is true that Assad used chemical weapons against civilians, it (imo) would not be some de-facto valid casus belli for US intervention.
– if it is false, OR that ‘there’s no proof it was Assad’, the case is made that “Therefore” the US should not.
The whole point being that people are acting as tho US decisions to go to war are somehow contingent on anyone, anywhere ever using WMD’s. As tho we have no say in the matter; and we’re automatically just obligated, because “muh humanitarianism” or something.
I don’t know how accurate this is, but i do think its incredibly stupid that anyone thinks that the US is somehow the world’s “WMD-cops”, prior arguments made by GWB and Obama aside. The “smoking gun” and “Red Lines” talk of the last 20 years seems to have convinced many that actual “US interests” have no place in any foreign policy discussion
Questioning the narrative itself takes courage for a person in his position but I agree with you (I think), even if this is flat out pinned on Assad it still shouldn’t be our role to bomb Syria, even without the Russians there which complicates things immensely.
last i checked, the geneva convention obligates the UN to “respond” if anyone is proven to use WMD’s against civilians;
….however, any/everything agreed on in the UN security-council is a fucking charade, and the ‘international law’ version of ‘Respond’ could mean anything from “censure” to “sanctions” to “collective NATO military response” to … nothing at all.
The US has twice used rhetorical-claims alluding to this Geneva conv. obligation (my point about “smoking gun” and “red lines“) as cover for unilateral action; iow, that the US can just seize the authority granted by Geneva conventions, and use it as a ready-made casus belli
but now i hear your average idiots talking about this as tho these are *actual facts of international law*; that if Assad used chem weapons, *of course* the US would have to attack him.
this is the POV i think Tucker might have accidentally fed into by claiming that the attacks might be hoaxes or staged by someone other than Assad. By pretending that it *matters so much*, he reinforced these false views of ‘what decides US involvement’.
My point was that both of those arguments were just bullshit cover for “The US doing what the US *wants* to do”
On a rewatch he does question the thought of war with Syria even if the claims about who used the chems are true, he does stress the we’re not sure who did it angle though.
Link if interested:
His segment is MUCH better than the responses to it/reactions to what he said i’ve seen from a variety of people.
lots of people in the media are acting like he was 100% sold on some conspiracy theory, and never made any case for ‘there’s no reason to intervene in Syria regardless of whether chem-weapons were used.
if there were any valid strategic case for intervening in Syria, we should have made it and done it in 2012.
The fact that the regime change fans only ever make their case when they get a “chemical attack” should reveal how weak their argument really is. They rely entirely on moral-outrage rather than some cold-blooded assessment of the logic of it.
Yeah, anyone who yammers at me about how we have to intervene is going to get back, at the very top of my lungs: AMERICA, FUCK YEAH!
Fair. But, the chemical attack is being used as a pretext to escalate the conflict. Obviously, the motivation behind escalation is different, however the chemical attack is how it’s being sold to the public.
So is your contention that he should instead focus on the motive for the escalation or that the motives are not incorrect?
no. I’m not suggesting what he “should” say at all.
I’m just saying the critique he did make (or what i’ve heard of it secondhand) ends up granting too-much authority to the question of the chemical-attacks at all.
If i WERE giving advice to him, or what i’d like to hear someone say? (which no one has), i’d ask he say the following:
“If the last 20 years have shown the US anything, it is that trying to impose ‘regime change’ with our miltary has enormous costs, and in the end, little to no improvement of strategic US interests. Syria is not a threat to the US at all; and for that matter, Russia is only a limited one – principally because it is a nuclear power. Even if there were some limited US interest in getting rid of Assad (and i would argue there isn’t), the risks of ‘what comes after being worse’, and the risk of the wider conflict it might provoke in the region – potentially involving Turkey, Russia, the Kurds, the Saudis and Iran – is simply not worth it.
If the UN wants to police Assad’s potential war-crimes, more power to them; but don’t use them as a pretext to drag the US into babysitting another failed state”
rerun from long ago
Name! That! Scandal!
Each of the following was a real scandal:
1. He was convicted on 12 counts of sexual assault, obstruction of justice and solicitation of child pornography. He was later convicted of 12 counts of bank fraud.
2. He was convicted of tax fraud and possession of marijuana. Served 9 months in prsion. Charges of soliciting sex from a 16-year-old boy were dropped after he submitted to counseling.
3. He was convicted of second-degree manslaughter for running a stop sign and killing a motorcyclist. Resigned from the House and given 100 days in the county jail and three years probation.
4. He was arrested in an undercover drug bust while trying to purchase cocaine from an FBI agent. He resigned his position after pleading guilty to three criminal charges. He was sentenced to 30 days in jail, 400 community service hours and fined.
5. He was convicted of possession of cocaine in November 2013. As a first time offender, he was sentenced to one year probation and fined $250. He announced he would take a leave of absence, but did not resign. Later he announced through a spokesperson that he would do so.
6. He accepted $50K saying, “…money talks and bullshit walks.” Sentenced to 3 years and was expelled from the House.
7. He was placed on one-year probation and fined $5,000 for failing to file income tax return. He had not paid taxes for many years prior.
#3: Marion Barry?
That’s #4
your prize
Bitch set me up.
To be fair to Mr. Barry, who among us hasn’t been set up by one or more bitches in their life?
#6 is William J. Jefferson, who preferred to keep his cash cold (in the refrigerator)
I’ll make it easier. To win, you must correctly identify 1 of the scandals given.
I don’t have to google these, for some reason Congressional scandals stick with me. Maybe it’s the visceral hatred I have for your average congresscritter.
I don’t know the others though. I probably should remember #2 though.
I remember #1 as well, Mel Reynolds of the great state of Illinois I believe?
#3 was South Dakota’s Bill Janklow.
Los Angeles painting city streets white in bid to combat climate change
And it only costs $40,000 per mile!
That will hold up great.
Would that effect stopping distances?
You know, you could just attach some sort of paint spraying apparatus to the back of the truck pictured in the article and not need armies of unionized workers working paint rollers… oh, wait, never mind.
Really, you all left it for me?
I am watching the grilling of the mammal with the social media software. I never heard so many ways of saying “you fucked up and helped Trump get elected, what do you have to say for yourself?!?!?!?”
It’s pathetic. Instead of facing up to the truth that Team Blue lost because they ran a shitty candidate who ran a shitty campaign, they’ve concocted an elaborate conspiracy theory where evil core-pore-ray-shuns and RUSSIA (backwards R; dun, dun duuuun! music) thwarted the holy aims of The One True Queen.
Facebook is just a convenient scapegoat. The idea is to pressure Facebook into censoring any content that strays from the Team Blue line.
Go ahead, morons. It won’t work. Team Blue will get creamed in the midterms and Trump’s 2nd term is already in the bag.
Team Blue will get creamed in the midterms
Not if Team Red has anything to say about it!
Trump’s 2nd term is already in the bag
Too early to say. Depends mostly on the economy in the runup to the election.
I fully expect the Republicans to come up with one of their patented bipartisan compromises that basically gives the left everything they desire here. The writing is already on the wall. Going after Backpage? Just a small step to regulating the internet giants who themselves are practically begging for it. Much like the rest of corporate America which, when not directly implementing progressive policy of their own accord, is basically on its knees asking to get slapped in the face with that government dick. They crave it. We all know where the traditional media stands. Then we have the Mueller investigation. American institutions, both public and private, are moving in lock step here.
Already poorly used words like democracy are becoming even more bastardized. It was always a poor proxy for other things. Retarded shorthand when the speaker actually meant liberty and, crazily enough, limited representational government. So we hear have these perverse calls that in order to protect and strengthen democracy, we need to limit freedoms of all kinds.
You think another ass kicking at the ballot box is going to stop this. I think it will just embolden them. Fuck – Mueller’s investigation will just keep going past the midterms. And eventually team blue will be back in power even if Trump manages a second term. That’s if the right doesn’t cave entirely on the subject. If Trump does something rash like just firing Mueller, you can count on it.
Ben Sasse did a good job with Zuckerberg on hate speech. Zuck said AI would help Facebook get rid of hate speech in almost real time but couldn’t define hate speech when Sasse asked.
Ted Cruz scored some points when he got Zuck to admit he couldn’t think of any liberal Facebook accounts that were banned while there were several conservative sites banned.
Zuck also admitted Facebook is responsible for the content which pretty much screws Facebook up as they now can be held liable for said content. Expect Facebook to walk that back pretty quickly.
The Peoples Republic of California Command that the U.S. Submit to our Rule, those that do not will be……Oh Shit, Texas!!!!!!!
Bank of America to stop lending to manufacturers of “military-style” weapons makers.
In the age of Trump, America’s corporations have doubled down completely on their progtardation. It’s like they’re competing with one another.
My favorite asinine example recently was HBO deciding to go review the pay of its talent and voluntarily pay more to close the “wage gap.” Someone at HBO should perhaps ask why they are currently paying men more money if the female talent is bringing in just as many subscribers and eyeballs. Because it seems to me the best business move is actually paying the men less if they aren’t carrying their weight.
Progs paying to have “sins” removed? Medieval indulgence system has returned in force.
Well, great, I have been looking for a reason to move my treasure from their coffers. I guess this is as good a reason as any. I just need to do it in a way that makes it as painful as possible for them. Assholes.
I’m obsessing:
Back in the day, when Patrick Fitzgerald was appointed to go after whoever disclosed Valerie Plame’s super-secret desk job in Virginia, his appointment letter said he had:
Note that it is limited to the actual predicate for an actual crime and any violations related to that crime. Contrast to Mueller’s appointment letter, which authorizes him to investigate any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and the Trump campaign (note, while those could be part of a violation, they are much broader than the actual predicate for a violation of any law).
Not only that, he is authorized to investigate “any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation”.
Leaving aside how a matter can have already arisen (“arose”) from an investigation that hasn’t started yet, note that “may arise” is pretty freakin’ vague, and definitely broader than any matter that actually arises from the investigation. And the “directly” actually is pretty meaningless and doesn’t limit much of anything.
This was drafted as a charter for an unlimited witch hunt. There is almost nothing that is outside of Mueller’s scope, as nearly anything “may” arise from an investigation of “links” between the Russian government and people “associated with” Trump’s campaign.
I’d kinda like to see your pardon idea. But also see Trump appoint a crony and give him or her basically the same mandate only with Mueller/Obama/Clinton as the targets. IF they want to play that game, go for it. If we’re going banana republic let’s go at it bigly, the hugest banana republic you’ve ever seen. If we’re going to do show trials and political prosecutions, give it to Team Blue too. And any nevertTrumper Team Red members. Good old tit for tat.
“The Mueller investigation is a sober and necessary inquiry into serious allegations. The investigation by Trump’s sinister crony is a vindictive witch hunt.”
Manafort is apparently moving to quash the results of the search since the terms of the warrant were general and not specific.
Oh, yeah, that Constitution stuff. Well FYTW.
another rerun
Mix & Match! Match the quote with the speaker!
Answers: Obama, Jean Luc Picard, Worf, General Decker, General Patton, Sgt Hartmann, John Paul Jones, FDR, and Winston Churchill
1. No! The line must be drawn here. This far and no farther!
2. You think you can do whatever you want? Well, you can’t. Because we are human beings, and we have the United States Army, THAT WILL FIGHT YOU TO THE LAST MAN AND WE’LL NEVER SURRENDER!
3. If you were any other man, I would KILL you where you stand.
4. I have not yet begun to fight!
5. Wade into them! Spill their blood! Shoot them in the belly!
7. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender…
8. As Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense, that always will our whole nation remember the character of the onslaught against us.
No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people, in their righteous might, will win through to absolute victory.
9. Lest we get on our high horse, let’s be more honest about where we have allowed ourselves to be misled in the name of religion. I myself worshipped for years in a church that distorted the Gospel of Christ in the name of a racialist message of hatred and intolerance towards my brothers and sisters of other races. It was not until I started campaigning for President that I realized just how misguided Reverent Wright was, and how far he had distorted religion to serve his political purposes.
#1 is Picard, pretty sure that was his Borg rant from the movie
I’m sad I know that
#3 is Worf
I’m such a nerd
#7 Churchill
#8 FDR
#9 Obama
I’m guessing #5 is Patton
#9 must be John Paul Jones
So that leaves #6 As General Decker, what’s that from? Starship Troopers maybe?
#6 Sgt. Hartmann
#4 is John Paul Jones
John Paul Jones is #4.
Should have remembered that.
[deploy knife hand]
[engage drill sgt voice]
Sgt Hartmann is #6 From Full Metal Jacket. My buddies and I loved that movie in H.S. and for drama class basically performed the entire first half of the movie from the top of our heads once, just the 3 of us. Or rather, we tried to. I didn’t get all the way through Sgt. Hartmann’s induction tirade before she stopped us.
JPJ is #4.
Ah yes… how could I have forgotten?
General Decker went down in a blaze of glory:
#5 Patton
In terms of number 9, I can’t imagine anyone else getting away with a quote like that. The asshole shamelessly sat there and listened to that lunatic Wright for years and years. He used his connections to that church to further his political career until it was exposed, and then he turned around and had the chutzpah to condemn Wright and use it to moralize to everyone else about religion.
That was one of the quotes that convinced me the only god Obama cared about was the one he saw in the mirror.
#7 Churchill
#5 Patton
#6 Sgt Hartman the greatest drill sergeant ever.
Senior Drill Instructor GySgt. Hartmann was not a “drill sergeabt
Fucking hell….”sergeant”
But R. Lee Ermey was a real life Marines drill instructor and staff sergeant.
Just some jarhead pedantry: Marines have drill instructors, the Army has drill sergeants, and Hartmann was a gunnery sergeant, not a sergeant. Call a gunnery sergeant “sergeant” and he’ll tear you a new one.
I’ve forgotten a should of important things in my life, but I’ll always be able to tell you my DIs – SDI GySgt Wood, DI Sgt Vargas, DI Sgt Areas.
Well, until I go senile or develop dementia anyway.
Eh. Potato, potato. Blame it on the beer or a general who cares
what *real* libertarians believe…according to Thom Hartmann
He has a picture of the White House behind him when he speaks. I’m convinced.
Saw this on Reason, and had to laugh. The public doesn’t seem all that concerned about Cambridge Analytica. The public also doesn’t seem to have trouble grasping this election outside the bluest of blue enclaves.
Cruz used the data and didn’t win. Just like Hillary grossly out spent Trump and didn’t win. And I really doubt that if Obama was using social media this way in 2008 and 2012 that Hillary wasn’t doing the same thing in 2016. Has anyone bothered to ask that question?
More to the point, what the fuck does any of this have to do with Russia?
More to the point, what the fuck does any of this have to do with Russia?
Nothing whatsoever. This just demonstrates that our masters think we’re all idiots.
On NPRavda, there was much ado about whether Cambridge Analytica stored anything in Russia.
That is straight-up cork board with old newspaper clippings and occult symbols connected with red yarn territory.
Russia impregnated my wife and raped my cat.
This just demonstrates that our masters think we’re all idiots.
And in that, they are more right than wrong. [sigh]
The way that girl carries is pretty clear evidence of female prvilege. If I did that I’d worry about going off half-cocked.
male privilege, by the numbers
Half-cocked is mostly for rifles. I have a cowboy gun that has a half ciock. None of my pistols have exposed hammers, so there’s no chance of them going off half-cocked. If the go it’ll be because I pulled the trigger. IIRC it was a safety feature to keep the hammer from bouncing into the firing pin while bouncing around on a horse.
I didn’t say I’d worry about the _gun_ going off half-cocked.
In case anyone following comicsgate/etc is interested, Diversity and Comics has his new indiegogo project posted – not bad for the first day. Art by John Malin. Should be fun – I’ll probably sign up after my next paycheck (indiegogo charges at the time you sign up vs at the end of the cycle IIRC).
Oh come on, Zach, that has about…
10%1% of the accidental homoeroticism of the first Jawbreakers! Step up your game!For those who never saw it, this is my favorite review, of many.
my favorite scene from a much under-rated fantasy movie, Dragonheart:
It’s a nice self-contained tale: an act of kindness that goes horribly wrong, a disgraced warrior seeking redemption, the last of his kind seeking a noble death
Yes! We have a winner!
Phenomenal. You are a master of your craft
Watching Tucker Carlson tonight…when did he start making so many good points? Do I need to start drinking more or less?
I’m so confused.
He use to be a Ron Paul guy around 2008. I think he still believes in some of the foreign policy message, even if he’s abandoned all the free market aspects. He’s a paleoconservative basically.
He finished on Back Page story where he could have easily been Bill O’Reilly
the only rap song I really like:
although I do like Warren G Regulate as a close second
you can rest easy, because none of those things are really rap songs anyway.
Let me guess….
You think this is the most REAL rap song.
my comment is really more a technical point, and less to do with my personal tastes.
when you sing the verse as well as the chorus (or when you slather so much autotune on your verse that its effectively a keyboard part), its a novelty/pop song w/ ‘some rap in it.’
Someone went to J-school so that they could get a job working for NBC News… and write stories like this:
*re: the “Pulled it” remark.
1) part of me wanted to ask, “you really sat there refreshing Pornhub for hours until it vanished? WTF”
2) another part of me wanted to ask, “How many times did you pull it before they pulled it” but then i decided this was too -stupid to even deserve mocking.
This is the most compelling and revolting evidence of Russian interference produced. And it’s just some asshole from NBC stealing what a guy on Reddit discovered.
“”This is the most compelling and revolting evidence of Russian interference produced””
I refuse to read his story…but i’m skeptical his claims of “250,000 views” reflect “how many people saw it in 2016”.
Im betting he throws that out there intending for people to take that away, but the reality is that almost no one saw it during the actual election. (or fewer than half that #) and even then? No one fucking cared. I vaguely recall hearing that such a thing existed. Why in gods name would anyone even want to see that? Its not political, its HUMOR
Turns out their never was a tape. This is just an elaborate scheme by Collins to cover up the fact that he’s been watching Pornhub from work all day
Good work, if you can get it.
If somebody paid you to rub one out to Hillary, you would?
Even I have my limits.
OVER half a dozen times? Like, six? Or seven? Certainly not more than eight, else it’d have been ALMOST a dozen times.
Question for Mr. Lizard – Sen. Nelson is one of yours, right? Well he needs to get that human suit tailored – hardly is going to fool anyone the way he looks now.
Sorry for the late response. Ya that one is actually all synthetic, no reptilian pilot. We got it (well the frame) following an anti-piracy assault on a cyborg/synth asteroid base. We actually stripped the cover, put a skin suit over the top, and then swapped him out with old Bill. Oh and the original Bill is now an MWR officer on one of our Dreadnoughts. The crew really enjoys kicking him around, but aside from that he setup a kick-ass volleyball tournament
We get to choose between re-electing him and electing Skeletor to the Senate this November.
I’m less than excited about that prospect.
Actual Skeletor would get my vote in a heartbeat. At least with him you know what you are getting (impossibly buff pecs, insane lust for conquest and squeaky voice…wait, is Lindsey Graham Skeletor in a flesh mask?)
As long as it is pre-Christmas Special Skeletor, because otherwise…
Fuck, Christmas ruins everything.
Is there a Libertarian running?
I’ll be here all week. Tip the veal and try the waitress.
My daughter has been sick for a couple of days, so we took her to the doctor and discovered she has……scarlet fever?? I thought that was one of those diseases from The Oregon Trail Game that no one gets anymore.
I thought so too, until I got the exposure notice a few weeks ago.
You might be thinking of dysentery. It’s always that, or sinking a wagon when you’re crossing a river.
Hope it’s a quick recovery for her.
Aren’t there childhood vaccines for it?
As God is her witness, she’ll never go hungry again!
Wait a second, wrong Scarlett.
Miranda Richardson, who played the woman rebel in The Crying Game, and Queen Elizabeth II in Blackadder, is playing a character in the forthcoming Good Omens adaptation.
To anyone reading this who enjoys yelling like a fucking flock of birds at MLB games: I. Fucking. Hate. You. You are ruining baseball on radio/tv. If I had to sit next to you at a game, I would punch you in the fucking mouth before the first inning was over. Stop. It.
That is all.
Hey – two people from North Dakota? A Mat and a Mike? So that’s like most of the state, amirite?
There’s at least one more, in addition to Mike and me. I’d say we damn near have a quorum, anyway!
You still don’t have a minyan.
And we both have super cool avatars
My wife wanted me to beat the crap out of that guy. Fortunately the guy and I were separated by a moat called cable TV.
And a mute button (other than your fist)?
One of the nice things about tennis is that the folks in the stands are expected to be quite during points.
Not quite awake yet are you?
Zuckerberg makes the case against regulatory capture. Then goes on to claim that FB certainly wouldn’t use lobbyists to achieve rc. Lol.
No, of course not. Remember his ridiculous claim he didn’t care if Facebook made money? This just as big a whopper.
Ok. I’m not showing favoritism. You late night glibs are just disadvantaged, and I need to spread the links around. So, no spoilers to those who get it at the regularly scheduled time.
Nicely done
That was funny.
If I were a sale’s person this is where I would guilt you for not having supported the Glibstarter; but I’m just an artist who likes to rub salt in wounds.
As you will learn with the submission I just made for a Very Special Glibs After Dark visit to KinkFest…ain’t no shame in my game, ain’t no guilt in my kilt.
You are literally the greatest American ever born.
Well, I mean, did Michael J Fox ever get american citizenship? If not, then your statement is true.
I mean, seriously. This CPRM guy does some good shit.
Is Lindsey Graham just going to stay lubed up all night in anticipation of the Syria bombing or is he going to get a heads up so he can climax as they drop? Or how does this work?
Like this?
Lindsey’s turn ons include oiled pecs and supporting illegal wars overseas
Hi, I’m Troy McClure. You may remember me from such self-help videos as “Smoke yourself thin” and “Get confident, stupid!”
God, what awesome things Phil Hartman would have done on Futurama :'(
Easy to tell that Zapp Brannigan was made for him to voice.
Fuck Andy Dick with the rustiest of chainsaws.
Andy Dick?
I mean, that sentence is appropriate for every occasion (weddings, funerals, births…) but is there a particular reason?
Andy Dick is the one that gave Brenn (I can’t remember the spelling or be bothered to look it up) Hartman drugs again, that led directly to her downward spiral and Phil’s death. He was sort of the catalyst for the whole tragedy. The fact that he is alive and Hartman isn’t is evidence of a maltheistic universe.
I thought Billy West voiced Zapp Branigan.
He did, but I saw an interview with him where he was talking how he and Hartman loved goofing on that kind of big, over-confident, I think they called it car salesman voice. I’m pretty sure JB is right and that, had he lived, Hartman would have been the voice of Zapp.
If Hartman had lived he would be president now and Chris Farley his VP, and to be real, we’d probably still hate the policies.
I’m sure you’re right. I took your comment above to mean Andy Dick did the voice.
The Glibstarter was last week. Too late.
I’ve been mostly away for the past few weeks due to a pretty bad flare-up of anxiety disorder issues. Keep this shaming up and I’m reporting this place under the ADA.
A small libation in celebration of getting the taxes done and not getting soaked as badly as usual.
North Shore Distillery No 6 Gin, Jack Rudy Small Batch Tonic (thanks, RAHeinlein!), Cocktail Punk Colorado Cherry Bitters (also courtesy RAHeinlein!), a little water, and cherries.
Oh, um. Hopefully you don’t see that in post 63 I scooped the linx for the cartoon show…So how you doin?
I have no problem with that, CPRM. It’s community oriented and volunteerism. 😉
How much is still needed? Or you can email me, if you prefer. Just askin’.
I exceeded my goal. I’m sending my cartoons to go forth and multiply./catholic
You will still accept funds, yes?
*something something Futurama gif*
Um, dose a duck fart? (I mean I think so, so we’ll go with that)
Done, after some trouble. Possibly because I had profanities in my original note?
But seriously, FUCK USA HAT.
Also reminded me I hadn’t thrown any shekels at our hosts in months, so did that too.
Thank you Pan. And just for you, episode two will feature USA Hat. NO REFUNDS!
Speaking as – and for – a fellow artist, I am SURE funds will always be accepted!
I like the Jack Ruby, especially with lighter gins.
It’s really delicious.
I’ve never been a gin drinker, except in Paradise Cocktails in my misspent youth. But, in reality, I’ve just never liked cheap ass gin. Turns out I love the good stuff.
Kinda like I’ve never liked bourbon. Until SugarFree spoiled me with good stuff. (Don’t tell OMWC! 😉 )
RAHeinlein is the best dinner guest. Not only does she bring all these awesome cocktail supplies, she mixes the fabulous drinks and then leaves all the leftover supplies! She rocks.
She sounds like the perfect guest.
You have no idea! AND she brings along her charming spousal unit who adds to the fun of any gathering.
We’re really lucky they frequently are in our neck o’ the woods.
The biggest problem with all the ‘so called’ libertarian women round here is they don’t be single, I mean, WTF?! (audience applause, cheers and whoops)
It’s true. We’re almost all taken. Because quality chicks!
I’m going to have to make my way to Chicagoland. I don’t know how to mix drinks but I do know how to bring copious amounts of booze.
We’d love to meet you!
Booze is always welcome, but not necessary. Wine, of course, is like coals to Newcastle.
And, unless I misremember, you’re veg, too, no?
Your memory is excellent. Yes I am.
As it happens, I plan some group meetings around the country. Looks like Chicago just took the top spot for next spring.
Woohoo! We don’t even need to worry about adjusting menus for you. (Not that we ever do, and nobody misses the meat. Err….I don’t think.)
When you start making plans, email me: sp@ this here domain. I check that email a couple times a week, unless I’m traveling.
Although I might feel (((outnumbered))). 😉
The Jack Ruby grenadine is superb as well. You can make a really nice Mary Pickford, Jack Rose or Pink Lady with it.
We just got our taxes done as well. A bit less sent to the Feds. I’m sure the state of California will end up with it in the end.
Oh, we have some of that grenadine. Delicious! Sadly, we currently lack most of the ingredients needed for more interesting cocktails. Although we have several different bitters left by RAH.
I actually managed to work out a refund from both feds and state. I could make it larger, but I am leery of taking every single little deduction. I want any audit to end up with us getting more money back, not paying.
Those three I mentioned are pretty minimalist. The pink lady is gin, egg white and grenadine shaken and served up with a cherry on tipo.
I own my own biz so I am always pretty conservative about taxes. I also have a daydream of getting audited and finding out that I’m owned money back.
Oh, I thought they needed apple jack. I could do a minimalist version!
/looks speculatively at nearly empty glass
Exactly. Owning my own agency makes me super cautious. I would never try to screw the government or the mob. If they existed. The mob, I mean. The government *certainly* exists.
It’s why I drink.
Casino resorts also exist. I’ve sent you several e-mails on that subject.
I would love to see just one year of everyone getting a tax bill that they had to pay off completely instead of withholding. As much as I love old Milt, that was a big mistake of his. I’d estimate over fifty percent of what I make I pay in taxes.
Indeed, CPRM. There is some…. uncertainty…. around work schedules and travel and dog sitters at the moment. It’s definitely intriguing however. NOT off the table.
Dogs are welcome, just not in the house.
(Not that I have any problems with dogs, but I’m allergic)
I generally think mash up videos are pretty stupid but this one made me laugh.
I’m just surprised one could find such pixelated video in this day and age.
I don’t know where it came from. The first few segments got me because the rhythm of the dancing is completely in sync with the music.
Ok….just saw this this morning: https://twitter.com/Snowden/status/983801604519407616
At one point…backhanded compliment or otherwise….does Facebook become the perfect example of the market doing what government *wants to do* but “better” for cheaper? Or is it just more “You didn’t build that” from the socialists?
There’s a great meme down in the replies
Damn it! I keep hitting “post” before “submit”
Great meme link, second try