I have long made grumblings of writing an article here, I just moved to a new house and started a new job so I decided to get to it while I still had some free time. The idea to do a review of this came when I was checking for nearby theaters on my movie pass app and the nearest theater happened to be an art house theater a couple of miles from my house. Living away from relatives we didn’t have any plans for Easter so my wife and I decided to check it out and leave our neighborhood of swap meets and men wearing bow ties selling bean pies in front of burger king to go see a movie in the local historic district where the locals continue the colonial tradition of brunch. The theater was a single screen theater with an old-style marquee with Karl Marx in big letters. The box office was staffed by a hipster male with a hairstyle typically reserved for male figure skaters and Final Fantasy characters. In order to buy popcorn and a soda I had to interrupt a conversation about Armie Hammer between a chubby woman wearing horn rimmed glasses and a skinny woman wearing horn rimmed glasses. The chubby woman took our order and despite appearing to work there I am still unsure what job the skinny woman could possibly have been doing. There were only about 6 other people at the movie mostly what appeared to be upper middle-class couples over 50.
The film started with a scene like the human hunting scene in Planet of the Apes. People dressed in rags and covered in mud search the ground for sticks and the they hear a noise; the French police arrive on horseback and begin rounding them up and beating them with sticks. The next scene is the introduction of Engels and his wife. His wife is leading an argument between the workers and her boss Engels father. She and her sister end up quitting and Engles then tracks them down looking for an interview with the proletariat of Manchester. He finds them in an Irish bar, he approaches them about getting an interview and he is punched. He takes one punch and he drops like a chloroformed child, when he wakes up he is being nursed by a beautiful red headed Irish woman who later becomes his wife. Marx introduction sets the pattern for much of his actions through out the film. He is at a meeting of a socialist organization where he sits around tables, eats, drinks, smokes, complains about not having money and insulting his allies berating them for not being radical enough. He is writing for a publication in Germany and they are all about to be arrested and they are having an argument of what to do next while the police are breaking down the doors, he ends up writing for a man named Arnold Ruge. The film then skips to Marx in his kitchen eating and talking with his wife about their future and her past. Marx’s wife is as ridiculously French as Engels wife is Irish and both are played by actresses’ way out of the actors league. His wife had given up a life of luxury as an heiress in order to be with Marx but she is in love and is a true believer. This scene also features the first of several mentions of Marx being one of (((them))). His wife is threatening to go back to visit her family and ask for money because they have a newborn daughter, she pressures him to instead hit up Ruge for money and to pressure Ruge to sell some of his railroad stock. The film then shows Marx and his wife attending a rally for a politician named Proudhon. Proudhon is giving a speech where he declares that property is theft. Marx decides to speak to him after this and in this meeting, he impresses Proudhon and begins his rivalry with several of Proudhon’s acolytes. The film also begins another reoccurring thing where legitimate criticisms of Marx and socialism/communism in general are brought up and breezed past never to be addressed again. Marx questions how if property is theft, how can there be theft without property, the film purposes that the flaw with Proudhon’s statement is it is all philosophical with no real world application and that there must be a way to implement this idea for it to be worth anything. The rest of the film is about Marx’s journey towards fulfilling that goal but in the moment they all just kind of laugh it off get complimented on their French and move on to the next scene.
In this scene, Marx is now visiting Ruge asking for money and makes reference to his railroad stock but he is unsuccessful, the meeting however is still fruitful it is there that he meets Engels.
The meeting with Engles starts of hostile, he claims not to know him but soon he begins to insult him for being rich and out of touch based on his writings and their previous meeting, things are not going well but then Ruge is called away and they are left alone in the room and the fellating of each other’s egos then begins. Moments after Ruge leaves the room right after Marx has given him a through dressing down Engles calls Marx a genius, Marx returns the compliment and says that his report on the workers of Manchester which he had just insulted was a colossal work addressing something no one else has touched. The film then cuts to them out side having left Ruge without a word. They are now smoking cigars, grinning ear to ear and walking with an extra spring in their step. The homo erotic tension is so palpable you could cut it with a hammer and sickle. They decide to author a book together but then their plans are interrupted by the French police asking people for their papers, which seem to have fallen out of Engles coat at some point. They make a run for it and the only chase scene of the film commences. There are several staples of the chase sequence, chickens, construction sites and people yelling at them as they walk through their homes. They escape and meet up at a bar where they drink and talk about the loves of their life Marx talks about how great his wife is and Engels who has yet to marry the Irish girl because he is still afraid of his father says, “it’s complicated”. He and Marx then make a toast and kiss. I swear I watched this movie, I’m not making this up. The next several scenes are about Engels meeting and befriending Marx’s wife, and the beginning of the writing collaboration between Marx and Engels. They start by writing a defense of Proudhon against a journal called the Critical Critique, their reply is initially called Critique of Critical Critique something the film things is so clever it is played for laughs several times. Not long after it’s publication the good times then come to an end and Marx and his wife are told they have 24 hours to leave France.
The film enters the low point of Marx’s life so far, he is in Brussels in exile from France where he was in exile from Germany. He has a second child on the way and he is now at the post office facing his dark night of the soul, his Jesus in the desert moment. He is at this post office in search of a job. He is quickly rejected from the position he applied for after promising to not engage in politics and providing an unsatisfactory handwriting sample. He then lowers himself even further and considers a non-white collar job offering to do anything. The film then cuts back to Marx’s house where his wife and her servant are being hassled by bill collectors only for Marx to walk in with a big grin on his face and an arm full of groceries and proceeds to pay the bill collectors from a full coin purse. He then tells him Engles had wired them some money and pulls out a lobster for dinner over which Marx, his wife and his servant discuss an offer that Engles has set up in England. Marx is hesitant to leave behind his currently unattended children but his true believer wife talks him into it and so he heads of alone to join the League of the Just.
When he gets to England it turns out that their membership in the league of the just is not a done deal and Marx secures it by claiming that he was close personal friends with Proudhon and he can connect their organizations which is a large over statement. He is at best a friend but more accurately an acquaintance of his at this point. They then travel to meet with Proudhon who isn’t interested in being the contact, he tells them that he is far too busy and lazy to take on the additional work but is interested in working something out. Proudhon then gives them a copy of his new book The Philosophy of Poverty a training montage the commences where they are furiously reading his book, writing notes in the margins and writing a response. Their response The Poverty of Philosophy again follows Marx’s favorite themes of not radical enough and we need a game plan not more musings, again turning on a former ally. Shortly after this at a meeting with some members of the Justice League Marx does a through critique and take down of Kietling who at this point has only been nice to them and is a charismatic and outgoing, workhorse and useful idiot. They are later called to an official meeting with the league and considering everything they have done are expecting to be expelled but instead they are given carte blanche to plan the new direction of the organization. Marx has apparently nurtured Kietling who they mention several times throughout the rest of the film has given up. They finally go to a big meeting for the Justice League and they take it over. Engels forces a vote naming him as the speaking delegate and then proceeds to make a speech calling for violent overthrow of the current system, he then proceeds to rename the organization the communist party and replace its banner, a white banner with a shinning sun and shaking hands with the slogan “all men are brothers”, with a deep red banner with the slogan “workers of the world unite”. After this coup they must be tired because they are next seen at a trip to the beach where Marx is complaining about being tired of all the hard work and never getting to write what he wants to write so they argue and decide to write what he has always wanted to write a plan for a new system the Communist Manifesto. While Engels and Marx discuss this their wives have a weird conversation about families Marx had 2 kids and Engels’ wife refuses to have kids with him unless he gives up his money but is chill with her 16-year-old younger sister giving him some kids. They then proceed to write the manifesto in another writing montage and the film ends with the four of them putting the finishing touches on the first draft while Marx’s servant brings them drinks. And the credits play out to a Bob Dylan song. I think it was The Times are a Changin’.
So far I haven’t talked much about Engels solo scenes. The reason is I can not place them on a timeline they are all the same. Engels has major daddy issues and his two central struggles in the film are seeking his factory owning papa’s approval while still hanging out with his cool commie friends. The other issue is he struggles with the fact that he is wealthy and a successful part of his father’s company. Engels in the film somehow makes an overweight man who between mouthfuls of food and drink, and puffs on a cigar talks about communism and complains about being unable to feed his family by not having a job the more likable character. Engels is also played by easily the worst actor of the film, for the most part the actors range between serviceable and good but Engels whenever tasks with anything in the nonverbal realm breaks out into faces that express a wide variety of ailments. The production value is surprisingly good, the film is well lit and the locations and costumes all are convincing. Where the film really falls apart in the editing and the script. The dialogue to their credit is cringe worthy not because it is unbelievable or unnatural but because it sounds like the things awful pretentious people would say. The overall structure and tone of the film is that of a Wikipedia article, its choppy and is the opposite of the old adage “show don’t tell”. My wife and I discussed politics afterwards and it didn’t go well, so unless you are politically aligned and looking for a hatewatch I would not recommend this for a date night.
I won’t watch it in theaters, but the girlfriend would probably enjoy ripping it apart with me when it’s available on video.
This could be a potentially wonderful hatewatch for Mr. Riven and I. We have two lists of date night movies, 1) well-reviewed spooky movies, or 2) hilariously bad movies meant to be watched after the third (ish) drink of the night.
Are you a fan of The Room?
We have not watched that one yet. It is definitely on the second list, though.
+1 You’re tearing me apart, Lisa!
One word: Dondi.
Vintage garbage! I like it!
The world would be a significantly better place if Marx had never been born. I’d be hard pressed to think of a specific individual whose ideas have caused as much misery, suffering and destruction as his.
If Marx had only faced the same fate as the kid he refused to pay for with his housemaid.
Genghis Khan? Jesus? Mohammed? Alexander the Great?
I’ll restate as misery, suffering and destruction in modern times.
By that measure, Mohammed is in the same league, but I still don’t think he’s racked up the death toll Marx has.
They have a long way to go to rack up over 120 million corpses and some 3 plus billion living under the tyrannical yoke of marxist evil.
Khan’s only idea was – submit or die. But he had a limited reach and means to impose it.
Jesus – “Love God, Love your Neighbor”, yeah, cause of unparalleled misery.
Mohammed – has a while to catch up, with the slavery and convert by sword thingie.
Alexander the Great – didn’t even get close to Khan, much less Marx.
“Jesus – “Love God, Love your Neighbor”, yeah, cause of unparalleled misery.”
We can argue that it’s not Jesus himself, but deeds and actions in his name have caused the misery, et al.
If you take 100mm as the butcher’s bill for Marx, then I don’t even know if there were that many people on the planet when those guys were around.
Top 5 list complete.
Higher estimates put Khan’s army at killing 40 million people, or about 10% of the estimated goal population at the time. Communism has a higher body count, but Khan probably has the edge in terms of proportionality. Alexander was a piker in comparison. Quantifying the death tolls of Christianity and Islam are a bit harder. For example, while the crusades were justified by religion, they also had significant political justifications as well that used religion as a cover. I’m certain there were plenty of true believers fighting for their faith amongst the armies on both sides, but many were not. I don’t have any good way of breaking those casualties down based on the motivating ideologies of the killer.
Alexander the Great was a relatively benign conqueror. Sure, he occasionally let his men loose to rape and pillage to blow off steam, but that was the standard of the day. Most of the time he left things as he found them, just with assholes answering to him. Everyone was equal…beneath him.
Except for renaming cities after himself or his horse, pretty much.
+1 Alexandria
I put the whole concept of Empire at his feet.
The Persians laugh. And the Hittites, Egyptians, Assyrians…
Chinese as well
Cain killed 25% of the humans on earth at the time.
20%, if you include Lilith in your calculations. There’s also the issue of the following:
So there would have to be some other woman, bringing Cain’s proportion to roughly 16%. The bible’s also a tad unclear on the total number of Adam and Eve’s offspring. Presumably they had at least two daughters, one for Cain and one for Seth, though it never gets specific. While Seth was born after the murder of Able, we don’t know the order of the other children or their number. It is very possible that even with a literal interpretation of genesis as historical fact, that Khan could have him bested on proportionality.
Jesus? I’m pretty hardcore agnostic, but seriously what did Jesus advocate that has anything to do with mass killings? I’d even give you a pass if you had said Martin Luther, and blamed him for the 30 years war, but not sure you can hang that on Jesus.
Its a fair cop. I should have picked Gregory VII
If you look at post #8, I think we found him.
[scrolls down to post #8 to see if Hihn has started posting here]
Screams out for the MST3K or RiffTrax treatment.
Fuck Marx, Fuck Socialists, and thanks Mr Insurance, for saving me the trip.
OT, everyone’s favorite plier of the oldest business in the world, the business older than capitalism itself, has unleashed a great tirade against the takedown of backpage.
Always good to read her words.
If Ms McNeil is as sharp with her clients as with her keyboard …. that hourly rate doesn’t seem so high anymore.
No accounting for taste, but personally if I wanted to bang a matronly ….six? seven?, I can do that by going to a cougar bar and not by paying hundreds of dollars. If I was single anyway.
Some people pay big money to indulge in Mom fantasies.
I wonder whose data center Red Umbrella are renting from, and whether Red Umbrella want non-sex-worker clients?
Why, it’s almost as if they have to go after trivial, uncontroversial, red meat issues to distract from their complete disinterest in dealing with actual crises (entitlement reform, debt, foreign wars, immigration, etc.)!
Fuck the WoD.
Fuck criminalization of prostitution.
Fuck legislating morality.
I’ll take this opportunity to post the newest, shiniest version of the Labor Theory of Value, wherein shitposting on Facebook is exploitative labor.
TW : Molyneux (broken clocks etc)
This is probably one of the best of Moly’s “Truth About” series, and is probably more informative about Marx than this film.
Every socialist’s wet dream is to have a big hunky rich man who will give them money for doing nothing.
Wet Dream?
It’s the whole business model.
Does big daddy government fill that role as well?
socialist’stwinks wet dream is to have a big hunky rich man who will give them money for doing nothing.Well, not for doing absolutely nothing, exactly.
What a couple of assholes.
My kid and I watched Ready Player One last week in the theater and I realized that I hate fucking watching movies in theaters.
I can’t sit through an entire movie. I get bored and if I can’t pause the movie, I am fucked. I also miss watching movies in Memphis where talking during a movie isn’t viewed with scorn and horror like it is in Minnesoda. I have been to movies in Memphis where the crowd yelling shit (at the movie and each other) was far funnier than anything on the screen.
The only thing I liked (and the movie wasn’t bad) was the popcorn. I like movie popcorn.
Your ideas are bad and you should feel bad.
We only go to a theater now where they serve beer and food with the movie. The seats are all recliners, the beer is excellent, and food is good bar food.
I also miss watching movies in Memphis where talking during a movie isn’t viewed with scorn and horror
I don’t pay for movie tickets to listen to mouth-breathers and arrested development cases* yak on their cell phones, gossip with each other, and share “witticisms”.
*in the audience, that is
My youngest son is a talker. When he was small, he and I always got in trouble because he would keep up a non-stop commentary on Shrek and I didn’t think there was anything wrong with that. But there were sure a lot of parents around us who thought we should have sat in the dark absolutely quiet and still.
You and your kid are the reason no one wants to go to the movies anymore.
So…when do you make the switch from “Pope” Jimbo to “Worse Than Hitler” Jimbo”?
Watch that one in 3D, preferably stoned. It’s a nice visual spectacle, and that’s about it.
My kid wanted to watch it because he read the book over spring break. It was one of the first times he had watched a movie based on a book he had read. Was funny watching his reaction to how movies mangle books.
And yes, we did talk during the movie about how different the keys were than the book (for all you uptight h8ers). But we did it quietly and there weren’t many people in the theater.
Do you take a boom box to a concert and play your own thing when the band comes on?
Seriously, talking during movies may be Libertopia’s only capital offense. People are not uptight haters. You are being rude,
So ruod.
This is in the list of “Pros” about Minnesoda
Greetings from Memphis. On every topic here, there are two sorts of people:
a) folk who wear tee shirts and jeans and yell their every thought on the golf course or the rest of us
b) folk who need to characterize everything in terms of race or the rest of us
c) folk who bitch about everything in town but who won’t stay in their little suburb or the rest of us
d) folk who think FedEx is forever and is everything or the rest of us
e) folk who think Corky’s and the Rendezvous are excellent or the rest of us
f) folk who put sugar in their whiskey and tea or the rest of us
g) folk who have never met a useful Ole Miss alum out in the real world in a gainful situation or….oops: there is no tails on this particular coin….so there is ONE thing on which we all can agree.
Here’s to straw hats, suede shoes, and exit visas for anyone I can hear in a theater or on the golf course.
If you want a loud black person to watch movies with you, why haven’t you invited me over, jerk?
Umm…. I think HE might be black.
The only thing I liked (and the movie wasn’t bad) was the popcorn. I like movie popcorn.
And the thing that finally drove me completely OUT of the movie theater is listening to assholes chomping their popcorn with their goddam mouths open. I’m in a homicidal state before the previews are even done.
Not to say that you personally did that but given your position on talking during the movies, I ain’t ruling it out either.
I just moved to a new house and started a new job so I decided to get to it while I still had some free time.
Having done this several times, I have never found that it creates more free time.
this review seems mostly a plot summary. How was the cinematography? The acting? Any tits in it?
No tits, the cinematography was surprisingly good and other than Eagles the acting was decent to good.
You should have given a Joe Bob Briggs type summary. No breasts, 10s of millions dead, torture, no zombies. Two thumbs up.
“The homo erotic tension is so palpable you could cut it with a hammer and sickle.”
Well put.
I don’t think I could go watch this movie. Marx ideology is responsible for the deaths of millions of people and I don’t want to see a piece of apologia about him.
Indeed. Nicely done sir.
Hey Lachowsky, if you haven’t seen it yet, you should watch that Molyneux video about him.
Very informative.
I’ll check it out. I’ll probably listen to it on my drive to work tomorrow morning.
Interesting that they still make you pay to go see it…
So, this was the crime so heinous, so egregious, that the attorney-client privilege simply had to be violated:
This is a crime because why, again? I read Ken White’s piece at TOS and he was very insistent that there really had to be something truly big at the bottom of this because of all the people who would have to sign off on it, and how it couldn’t be just some conjured-up bullshit. OK, I respect the hell out of Ken and I know he knows plenty about being a federal prosecutor, so I take him at face value. And then…..this is it?
I’m still waiting for somebody to tell me what federal crime was being investigated. Never mind how it ties back to Russian interference in the election, what crime do they think was committed when hookers get paid to keep their yaps shut by anybody, for any reason?
Exactly. Paying someone hush money is only a crime if the payee is extorting it. If it’s offered by the payer simply to keep someone quiet, I’m no law-talkin’ guy but I’m unaware of any law outlawing such a thing.
Every single settlement agreement in the history of ever has a confidentiality clause that prevents the plaintiff from talking about the agreement, other than to acknowledge it exists. If the rule is that you can’t pay for silence, every settlement agreement breaks that rule.
As do the vast numbers of employment agreements and other agreements that have confidentiality clauses.
If it’s hookers that are being paid, then maybe they are going after Trump for the crime of paying for sex. Pretty thin gruel, if you ask me. It would be pretty funny to have Trump be our first registered sex offender president if he’s on the hook for a prostitution charge.
So, they let you grab ’em by the pussy when you pay them?
My guess is that a rich and famous dude gets to grab em by they pussy because they can expect to be paid for it somehow in the future.
But this isn’t a payment for sex. This is payment for silence.
Either way, it’s pretty thin.
It would set an interesting precedent if actually used to take the man down.
If U.S. politicians can be taken down on charges this minor, then there are a lot of elected officials in Washington that need to be watching their backs.
Nah, they’re good. They’re palsies with the Deep State.
And as long as they stay that way, they’ll be fine. *cracks knuckles*
Members of the political machine don’t merit such extraordinary measures, so only future wild cards like Trump would have to worry about it. Shit, Hillary wasn’t even indicted.
“Hillary wasn’t even indicted.”
Exactly. What she did was egregious beyond belief and almost certainly has resulted in the deaths of US operatives and informants overseas.
There’s a reason that the stuff she was fucking around with is classified at such a high level.
But, Trump fucks a porn star and it’s “ZOMG!!!1!!!111!! HE’S RECKING OUR DUHMOCKRASEE!!!!! ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
I have heard that the crime was bank fraud. Supposedly the lawyer took out a loan to make the payment using his house as collateral, and there is speculation that he told the bank he needed to loan to add a new room to his house. When he used it for something else, it became criminal or something. Has abso-fucking-lutely nothing to do with the whole made up Russia narrative, but then again, this is not about any actual crime other than Trump daring to win an election that the dnc crime syndicate thought it had already rigged for Hillary.
Donald Trump’s lawyer needs to take out a HELOC for a measly $150k to fund a hush-money payment?
Sorry – hard to believe.
Like I said.. this is what the rumors say happened considering the indictment is coming from the same state as the bank the loan was taken from. Me I think this is bullshit intimidation by the people that just want to prevent us from focusing on the real criminal activity of the Obama admin they were all part of, and have no doubt Mueller was part of that cabal.
Supposedly the lawyer took out a loan to make the payment using his house as collateral, and there is speculation that he told the bank he needed to loan to add a new room to his house.
Assuming he paid the loan back, would that even be fraud?
Even if the bank loaned him the money based on the value of his house after the room was added (which I don’t think is the way HELOCs work – I think they go off the current value of your house), I’m not seeing any damages to the bank at all here. And, again, even if it was fraud, was it criminal or civil?
It’s about breaking the lawyer and making him roll on Trump. Keep in mind that the agenda here is to replace Trump with someone that will not go after the Obama administration (a crime syndicate if anything ever was according to what we now know) and the Clinton crime syndicate that thought they had a rigged election that would allow her to replace the Obama one with her own.
Reminds me of what they did to Lori Drew.
The Stormy Daniels one COULD be argued as an illegal campaign contribution because it occurred so close to the election. COULD.
They can’t really make the same argument about the McDougal payoff. And it CERTAINLY isn’t a public corruption issue.
I’m still looking for a little tighter nexus for an “in-kind contribution” than “somebody did something that helped the campaign”.
The only thing that I can think of that would be illegal is of the women were paid out of his campaign funds. If that’s the case, I don’t think that’s felony level stuff. I *think* that in the past when politicians have been found to do things like this they just end up having to pay the money back.
That’s what Dershowitz said – if it’s a campaign finance violation, it’s a civil case not a criminal case.
And, in any case, it’s patently absurd that this trifling matter called for a blatant violation of the attorney-client privilege.
If you were even considering ever donating to the ACLU, remember that they kept complete silence on this raid.
There are oh so many reason not to donate to the ACLU. My primary reason is that they’ve reversed positions on freedom of assembly (at least when it concerns pro-life demonstrators), freedom of speech (if the protesters are armed), and religious liberty (which, like Gary Johnson, they dropped as soon as the Leftist decided such rights were ‘gross’). They’re just a left-wing advocacy group now
There was also that open letter where gobs of them didn’t think it was right to defend “hate speech”.
Oh yeah, forgot about that, about half of the ACLU’s staff signing on for “hate speech is not free speech”.
The gay cake affair already took care of any potential desire to give them money.
And, in any case, it’s patently absurd that this trifling matter called for a blatant violation of the attorney-client privilege.
I agree. But, if you notice, very few people are up in arms. Hell, a wide swath of the public is downright gleeful about this.
At this point, I find myself growing skeptical of the future of republican government and individual liberty in the United States. You have executives in the tech sector openly pining for one party rule. You have young people openly hostile to the concept of freedom of speech or freedom of religion. You have much of the public that sees due process as, at best, an inconvenience. I don’t see how republics survive in that environment. Maybe the best that one can hope for is that the eventual Caesar is one willing to give the totalitarians a taste of what they’ve been asking for before turning on the rest of us.
Maybe the best that one can hope for is that the eventual Caesar is one willing to give the totalitarians a taste of what they’ve been asking for before turning on the rest of us.
Sure. I mean, von Papen was sure that he could control Hitler in 1933.
But, if you notice, very few people are up in arms.
I keep seeing chin-strokers in the media saying “Boy, they better have been after something really serious or there will be hell to pay.”
And my thought is “No, I don’t there will.” Even if it turns out that the application was paper-thin, the judge was a big-time Hillary supporter with a record of saying Trump should be impeached, and they didn’t find shit on Trump or his campaign, I think the blowback will be pretty much zero.
Blowback by who? The media? Hah! Congress? Don’t make me laugh. Sessions? Stop it, you’re killing me.
The only person who might take action on this is Trump, and I think this is mostly a trap to try and provoke him to do something.
We’re fucked. Its banana republic time. This is the Deep State letting everyone know that they can do anything they want to anybody, even the President’s personal attorney, and there’s not a goddam thing anyone can do about it, elections be damned.
The blowback will come from Trump supporters in whose eyes the legitimacy of the federal government will be practically nil. The authority of governments that are not explicitly and blatantly authoritarian rests entirely on the average guy on the street acceding to its legitimacy. What happens when a large chunk of the American public actively rejects that authority as illegitimate? Not passively, in the sense of grumbling “bah, the government is all crooks”, but actively believing that the authority of the government is illegitimate and citizens are thus not bound to comply with it.
It just gives them an excuse to fill up the prisons even more. We spend a lot of time talking about GULAGs and such on here, but has it occurred to anyone that we already have GULAGs? The US already imprisons more people per capita than any other country; and for increasingly ridiculous reasons. The way I see it, we just need to explicitly start imprisoning people for wrongthink and we’re right there with Soviet Russia. It’ll be more sanitized for the outside world than filling burn pits with thousands of bodies but the same will have the same effect. What’s the difference between executing someone for a political crime or locking them up for life for the same thing?
The blowback will come from Trump supporters in whose eyes the legitimacy of the federal government will be practically nil.
Sorry, Chip, just not seeing it. I really don’t see mass demonstrations by Trump supporters over this. I don’t see them taking any real action at all, in fact, because of this. I think it will be more grumbling, maybe a futile effort to work within the system with contributions and votes, and that’s it.
The stakes just keep getting raised. The unknown in this is whether the DOJ IG and the Utah prosecutor are going to break cover with indictments of the conspirators in the DOJ and FBI. I don’t see anything else that might set the Deep State back, even an inch.
“Irish Democracy” RC.
Supposedly, though, Daniels was paid with Ukrainian money laundered through Cohen (note: this is speculation). I don’t see any nexus to campaign finance if that’s what happened.
As I understand it, the reason the NYC AUSA ran the raid is because it was not in any way connected with Mueller’s perview — foreign interference in the 2016 election.
So, again, this is just fluffy, manufactured bullshit. And for this penny-ante bullshit, one of the sacred principles of our legal system was casually thrown in the trash…..but it’s OK because ZOMG, Drumpf y’all!!!1!
Technically, assuming his charter is valid, there is really nothing that is beyond Mueller’s purview. Which is actually why his charter is invalid.
His charter has three items:
(1) Russian collusion with the Trump campaign
(2) Anything else he runs across while investigating (1)
(3) Obstruction of his investigation into (1) and (2)
Leaving aside the question of whether (1) is sufficiently specific to be valid (hint: probably not), (2) is clearly invalid under the regs for special counsel. (3) is pretty anodyne, as long as the main charter is fine.
Mueller could have kept this under his charter as written. My speculation as to why he didn’t is above.
“the question of whether (1) is sufficiently specific to be valid (hint: probably not)”
That’s being generous. What the hell does “collusion” mean in the context of what is being said? Do they mean that Russians hacked into Diebold machines and changed people’s votes? Or do they mean that a few programmers got money from the Russian government to set up Facebook bots?
As far as point 2, it’s insane. So Mueller wakes up in the middle of the night hears some crackpot mention on Coast to Coast AM that Trump’s Russian contacts were involved with the JFK assassination. Does that mean he can start investigating the grassy knoll.
This so transparent a partisan hit job/witch hunt that it would be funny if it weren’t so depressing and dangerous.
The actual language is “Any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump”.
Just to start with most obviously overbroad part of this “links . . . between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign” contains two hopelessly broad and thus impermissibly vague terms – “links” and “associated”. If the caterer for a Trump campaign event had also catered an event for the Russian embassy 10 years ago, I think Mueller would be chartered to investigate that, even though there is no conceivable connection to any federal crime whatsoever.
“Coordination” – what the hell does that mean? If the Trump campaign wanted to set up a totally legal phone call with the Russian government to discuss, say, the official Russian position on, well, anything, I don’t see anything illegal there, but there is certainly “coordination” with the Russian government – you try setting up an international teleconference without coordinating with the other side.
I’m going to go out on a limb here:
His charter isn’t valid.
They better have something solid on the warrant or they just violated the AC privilege of a sitting President on a fishing expedition.
This is going to get really ugly before it’s over.
Donations from this guy? Who gave the Clintons $13M?
They’ll fall back on the prosecutorial catch-all: obstruction of justice.
They’re going to have to connect the use of campaign funds to this or there is absolutely nothing to it. Even if they can, it’s not much.
Nevermind that this is so far outside of Mueller’s mandate that it makes Ken Starr look discriminating.
I seriously had better never, ever hear a Dem complain about Ken Starr ever again or someone’s gonna be spittin’ chiclets
The payments likely violated campaign finance laws. Whether or not such laws should exist (which they shouldn’t), it is the law and the law should be enforced equally (I know that that is never true, as we’ve seen with the Clinton case).
But, this was all about Russia fever dreams, remember. We are going to end up with a report about campaign finance law violations by the Trump campaign and all our betters are going to pretend like this was never about Russia fever dreams.
Putin gave him the money to pay off the women. See it all fits.
“I want to believe”
The payments likely violated campaign finance laws.
I’m no expert on those laws. Got a link to an analysis of how these payments might be a violation?
There are a lot of “ifs” left out there. I don’t have faith, though, that Trump wouldn’t have done something like what is being alleged. Again, though, this has transformed from an investigation about “Russian collusion” to an investigation of “Trump”. If a federal prosecutor is allowed to just investigate any individual, without any limits and no specific crime being shown to have been committed then they are going to find something to bust you on. A federal prosecutor could nail anyone with that kind of mandate.
My prediction: Mueller finds that Trump violated campaign finance laws and was involved in a cover-up to hide this fact. The media focuses on this and ignores the fact that not an iota of evidence has been found to corroborate the original assertion of Russia collusion. Democrats retake the House and begin articles of impeachment. Half of the country has a sour taste in their mouth about an endless effort by rich white liberals to invalidate the results of the 2016 election. Bad things follow.
If people think the Trump is the worst of the backlash, they are sadly mistaken.
I’m with you that things will get a lot worse before they get better (if they ever do).
We are arguably already in a Cold Civil War and 2 or 3 steps away from a hot one. If you told me 15 years ago that such a thing were a possibility, I would have laughed and thought you were crazy.
If you told me 15 years ago that such a thing were a possibility, I would have laughed and thought you were crazy.
I like to remind people when this topic comes up that it took only 12 years for the 13 Colonies to go from loyal subjects to full fledged revolt. A lot can change in a relatively short period of time.
15 years took Germany from the armistice to Hitler’s election. A decade and a half is plenty of time for the world to completely unbalance.
I used to roll my eyes at the people predicting civil insurrection, but I’m not so sure that it won’t happen anymore.
3 felonies a day.
“Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime”
The nut of it seems to be that paying off Daniels during a campaign could have potentially been an in-kind campaign contribution.
Of course, this wasn’t a contribution to the campaign proper, or to support any kind of activity or expenditure by the campaign proper. We need to cast a wider net to say that paying off someone to keep their mouth shut during a campaign is a campaign contribution.
To the law, then! Which turns out to be utterly unhelpful:
What we have here is an expenditure which does not easily fit within the language of the regulations. Let’s say the Trump campaign knew about the expenditure, and knew it would benefit the campaign. Does everything that anyone does that a campaign knows about and would benefit the campaign become an in-kind contribution? Really? So the Clinton campaign got in-kind contributions (which they did not report) when they were given debate and interview questions in advance? If a restaurant stays open late so that a candidate running behind can grab a bite, is that an in-kind contribution?
I’m struggling with a definition of in-kind contribution that catches this payoff which isn’t absurdly broad.
You are looking at this too rationally. Laws don’t matter. If the entirety of the 21st Century has shown us anything so far it is that rules don’t apply to everyone.
Trump and his supporters are not part of the “in crowd” and therefore rules will be selectively applied against him and them. That is the reality.
Oh, I get it. My gripe is that this isn’t even applying the rules against him. This is just making shit up against him, as far as I can tell.
It is about getting the application of the law to conform with the narrative. Above all else- the narrative must be preserved.
“as we’ve seen with the Clinton case”
Which one(s)?
I keep going back to the fact that the DOJ under Obama refused on multiple occasions to even investigate the Clinton Foundation. They literally refused to even open one and snuffed out any attempt at the FBI to get the ball rolling.
What is Mueller looking for? Well, beyond the Stormy payments, they are also leaking crap about Trump getting paid for a speech by a “pro-Putin” Ukrainian. A Ukrainian who also happened to have paid Bill Clinton for speeches, and who donated $13 million to the Clinton Foundation over the years (compared to $150k to Trump for the speech). They have no evidence of quid pro quo. No evidence it was a campaign donation of any kind. But the speech was only 20 minutes and Mueller’s team thinks that fishy.
Newsflash – it is. But the notion that there weren’t a litany of far more grievous crimes that Clinton’s could have been charged with is ludicrous. And we haven’t even gotten to how this entire investigation takes the opposite approach of the email investigation. Mueller’s team is bringing up trumped up charges left and right to turn people whereas Comey and the DOJ gave out immunity deals like candy to Clinton people.
I wonder how they see the ending of this playing out. Do they think Trump supporters/voters are just going to shrug their shoulders at the obvious double standards because the powers that be tell them to?
This has been a media investigation from the beginning. They never applied pressure on the Obama administration to ever investigate anything that would harm them (even after the administration threw a guy in jail over a video, rather than admitting that a terrorist attack had occurred in Libya). On the contrary, the media provided the Obama administration with excuses
What is Mueller looking for? Well, beyond the Stormy payments, they are also leaking crap about Trump getting paid for a speech by a “pro-Putin” Ukrainian.
Not a Russian? Huh.
Comey and the DOJ gave out immunity deals like candy to Clinton people.
Another massive scandal that is utterly overlooked. Typically, you don’t get an immunity deal unless you cough up info that is material to an indictment. The immunity deals were shams, and thus part of a coverup of absolutely astonishing scope. I wonder if they could be overturned.
Certainly you don’t mean to suggest that preemptively immunizing witnesses isn’t in the best interest of the investigation. Next you’ll suggest they were more concerned with what might come out than what they’d miss.
“Marx’s wife is as ridiculously French”
From my understanding, Marx’s wife was of Prussian or some Germanic minor aristocratic family. She was Marx’s neighbor, as Marx’s father was a successful and well to do attorney.
Also, it’s an utter disgrace that there is a film about Marx’s life rather than one about Bukunin, whose attacks on Marx’s ‘scientific socialism’ is brutal in “God and the State” (the only published work by Bukunin as he was a professional revolutionary- of course of Russian aristocratic blood).
Wikipedia’s take on Marx’s wife: “Jenny von Westphalen, an educated baroness of the Prussian ruling class”
One point, me
Well, the name ‘von’ and the ‘Westphalen’ were the primary clues, after all.
She was Marx’s neighbor, as Marx’s father was a successful and well to do attorney.
That’s the thing I’ve noticed about communist revolutionaries. They just about never come from the laboring classes they claim to champion. They’re just about always from the class one or two removed from the top. The working classes are nothing more to the communist than useful cannon fodder to be used in their quest for power.
Why do they appropriate other people’s downtrodden lived existence?
Thaddeus Russel interviewed Moshe Kasher for his podcast late last year. They’d both grown up in the Bay area and talked at length about trying to embrace the “authenticity” they felt they lacked in their home lives… by hiding anything remotely bourgeois about their white middle-class upbringings and attempting to imitate downtrodden black youth.
White liberal guilt is a helluva drug.
Rick James is that you brah?
Thankfully, no. I like being alive and plan to stay that way for a long time.
“That’s the thing I’ve noticed about communist revolutionaries. They just about never come from the laboring classes they claim to champion. ”
That’s because their revolutionary fervor isn’t about helping the masses at all, but using those fools to overthrow the current centers of power they never would have access to because they are morons, so they can take power to themselves. That’s communism in a nutshell, but don’t let the fact that it is a bunch of profiteers banking on the basest of human emotions – envy and jealousy – to garner support for the overthrow of the ruling class, and replacing them with themselves, get in the way of the fables about it being about the plebes.
Except for Bernie. He worked his ass off at the ki….
Well. Thanks for the review. How much heroin did you shoot after that?
“Engles” [sp]
Pffft….he doesn’t merit bothering to spell his name correctly!
“He who shall not be named”
I kept wanting to say, “Man, I hate the fucking Engles“
You don’t like my music, get your own fuckin’ cab!
Sorry about that
He’s the one who should be sorry.
My wife and I discussed politics afterwards and it didn’t go well, so unless you are politically aligned and looking for a hatewatch I would not recommend this for a date night.
You are a brave man. Thanks for the review!
And we haven’t even gotten to how this entire investigation takes the opposite approach of the email investigation. Mueller’s team is bringing up trumped up charges left and right to turn people whereas Comey and the DOJ gave out immunity deals like candy to Clinton people.
An excellent (and infuriating) point.
I used to roll my eyes at the people predicting civil insurrection, but I’m not so sure that it won’t happen anymore.
If the traditional First Amendment avenues (petition for redress of grievances) continue to be blocked off, and the electoral process continues to be corrupted (and no, I am not referring to teh Roooskeez), I think there may emerge a real danger of insurrection.
It’s what the Left wants after all. They’ve been LARPing the revolution for long enough that they want a taste of the real thing.
People who are utterly ignorant of history are always pining for civil war because they have no conception of how relentlessly awful such wars are.
I suspect they wont like it very much. This isnt Russia at the turn of the last century.
It is what they think they want. I doubt most of them even have the vocabulary or concepts to start thinking about what a 4GW insurrection would look like here in the US where you have armed, experienced cadres who could quickly join up with inexperienced but armed and willing insurgents. Look at how the DC snipers (remember those two clowns?) tied up Law Enforcement for weeks. Or the Dorner (sp?) guy in California. Now imagine if even .1% of the population decides it’s night of the long knives time. It would be ugly, ugly, ugly, and I don’t think either side would like the end results. Even if you had some idealists who were dedicated to liberty trying to keep things relatively calm, they aren’t likely to be the group that comes out on top. Arab spring comes to mind.
Liberty would be the ultimate loser in ANY civil conflict in this country. There is no violation of rights too egregious during a war. Just look at Ex parte Merryman – the Supreme Court said that Lincoln had no right to suspend habeas corpus, and Lincoln basically laughed in their faces and did whatever the hell he wanted. Why? Well, dammit, there was a war to win!
Exactly. The American Revolution is pretty special in that it was an armed rebellion that was effectively a civil war where the end result was a net benefit to liberty. And even then, during the war, I imagine there were all sorts of anti-liberty things going on. I’m not a good enough of a historian to know for sure what sorts of atrocities happened. But the Civil War part 1 certainly doesn’t bode well for a redux.
Baron’s revolt against John
Swiss Revolution against the Habsburgs
American Revolution
Pretty much the list of civil wars that increased liberty. The counter example list is too long to post
Finnish Civil War? Whites beat Reds in that one.
Fair enough, and there may be a few others but it is not the way to bet.
so four. Four times in recorded human history. Yeah, not odds I want to take.
in Civil War 2: Civil Harder, will blacks and cops be on the same side?
My guess is that it degenerates into a multi-way war with shifting alliances and the end result is a half-dozen or more different states that emerge from the chaos. Maybe. It could kick off a sort of global meltdown. I’d expect a domino effect of SE Asia going up in flames and who knows what else. The experience in the US would be a horror show, but can you imagine the impact to the global economy if the US just says, ‘Fuck it, let’s kill each other by the bucket load’?
It could kick off a sort of global meltdown.
Absolutely. Even before you get to the part where the US GDP crashes and our foreign trade tanks, taking every other non-subsistence economy down with it, the eradication of the US Dollar as the reserve currency would wreck the global economy.
Honestly, as I think about it, a no-kidding US Civil War would probably set off wars across the globe. The removal of Pax Americana and economic collapse would just about guarantee it.
Holy. Shit. The truly explosive truth is coming out now! The feds were after Michael Cohen’s…….taxi medallions:
for reference: medallion license values have ranged from $500k to like $1m in the last 10 years
its a bizarre thing to treat like an asset class, but its the sort of thing slimy lawyers might have tucked away in a safe, knowing it is like a tax-free bearer bond type of thing: a way to instantly raise bail-money
They might as well be looking at stock or real estate holdings.
Only thing I can figure is that the medallions were gifted to him and he didn’t properly value them for tax purposes.
Oh, I knew that. Just once again wondering what the fuck this has to do with Trump or the 2016 election.
It’s the byproduct of a fishing expedition. That’s why the US Attorney in that district has it.
Mueller is just being nice here – any byproduct of his fishing expedition is still within his appointment as written.
When I think of nice and pleasant, the first thing I think of is the US Attorney of the Southern NY District.
Do these people have any conception of how bad this is? Their TDS is so extreme that they’re willing to burn the country to the ground to get after him. I don’t think calling this a coup attempt is conspiracy mongering.
For those of us that have chosen a life of driving themselves…. WTF is a Taxi medallion?
Never mind, I see it above. Should’ve refreshed.
Government cronyism in action.
“”eats, drinks, smokes, complains about not having money and insulting his allies berating them for not being radical enough””
Setting the template for every future Marxist under the age of 30 for the next 150 years
I got about halfway through this review. I felt myself wanting to see a version of the film where its just a ‘supercut’ of
– “19th century intellectual-radicals having a meeting in a salon which is repeatedly interrupted by French Police who arrive and beat them with sticks”
Hopefully with some good, 19th century musical version of “Yakitty Sax”.
Wait, are we supposed to empathize with the police or the deadbeats?
Neither – just enjoy the spectacle!
“Excuse me, Officer, why do you keep calling these people ‘beatniks’?”
“Well, first we beat them, and then we nick them.”
::lights cigarette, puts on fake soul patch, sunglasses, black and white horizontal striped sweater, and black beret; snaps in applause::
OT: Related to Gordy’s link above.
But who cares about them anyway? They’re just a bunch of dirty whores who should go find a real job. Or they’re pitiful victims who were duped into becoming prostitutes and this will save them. I can never remember which.
“federal authorities seized Backpage.com, releasing an indictment this week accusing its founders of[…]’facilitating prostitution'”
Does that mean we need to indict FTD florists, Zales and all the fancy restaurants offering date night deals for facilitating prostitution also?
IF they shutdown Backpage, where can I sell guns to children?
It’s both. Usually in the same sentence from the same person.
People who are utterly ignorant of history are always pining for civil war because they have no conception of how relentlessly awful such wars are.
Like some people who have never actually taken a punch or had their asses kicked think they can bluff their way through a primate tuffgai display.
O.T. – Kansas SWATting suspect gained access to the Internet and posted to Twitter while in custody:
I don’t know about you, but it seems very odd to me that his Twitter account wouldn’t be locked down and preserved as evidence. It’s also somewhat infuriating knowing that this happened on the very same platform that regularly locks people out of their accounts for posting things that they arbitrarily and without explanation deem to be offensive. There’s a part of me that is now very eager to witness a swift and humiliating downfall of their CEO. It really couldn’t happen to a nicer guy at this point.
This is your periodic reminder that whatever that asshole did (and fuck him, he deserves to rot), the cop involved just pre-emptively shot an unarmed man for doing nothing but come out the door of his own house to see what was going on, and that absolutely nothing has happened to or will happen to the cop.
The bulk of the public face of libertarianism is controlled opposition. These people aren’t radicals. They are milquetoast neoliberals.
to be fair, that seems to be their description:
have they abandoned the term ‘libertarian’ entirely by now? i’d hope so
in the past they used it in their self-description, but heavily qualified.
I didn’t realize they dropped the term “libertarian”. Well, I guess I’ll count that as a positive development then.
this is worth a read. its their new “about us” and mission-statement
When Niskanen opened in 2015, they explicitly described themselves as a libertarian outfit
Now, their description only mentions libertarians… as an example *what they are NOT*, because libertarians are ‘skeptical of govt solutions’.
Its also informative to remind yourself about what their entire reason-for-being was at the time of its formation:
They’re basically policy-hacks in search of donors, and they think “selling Big Govt Do-Gooder-Shit” to the GOP is an under-served niche market.
We are globalists who share progressives’ desire to robustly address economic and social inequality
I’m out. Even before they get to the bit about being unprincipled, rejecting free markets, and embracing Big Brother.
Here was their 2015 “About us”
So they basically did a 180, going from trying to incrementally push libertarian ideas on the current policymakers (a legit mission) to being anti-free market, pro-redistribution, and pro-big government.
again: they’re just hacks looking for funding
they don’t give a shit what the underlying principles are supposed to be; they just want to be buried into DC like ticks and be able to rent themselves out to whomever will write checks
their job is to sell “Big Policy Ideas”. With emphasis on “Big”, as in: it will involve lots of federal spending in areas that Donors want that spending to go to.
That whole article is a load of shit.
Concerned about the rule of law? Bullshit.
Anyone who thinks the current investigations into Trump are anything more than political payback is an idiot. Niskanen is not filled with idiots, therefore… bullshit.
Watching the Facebook hearing on Twitch with Twitch chat is a laugh and a half. A+ would watch again.
A quick perusal of that Niskanen twatter feed inspires me to offer up a hearty, “FUCK OFF, SLAVER.”
They are about as libertarian as Ron Wyden who had this to say about Facebook and this manufactured scandal: Over the weekend, Sen. Ron Wyden (D–Ore.) casually threatened forcible corporate dismemberment. “There are going to be people who are going to say Facebook ought to be broken up.” he observed. “There have been a number of proposals and ideas for doing it and I think unless [Zuckerberg] finds a way to honor the promise he made several years ago, he’s gonna have a law on his hands.” Wyden said he would support such a law.
If anyone ever tries to play the game “hey, Wyden is totes libertarian-y” again I’m going to pull my hair out. He is better than your average senator on surveillance. That’s it. He is still shitty on surveillance and not nearly as good as Rand Paul or even Mike Lee, to an extent. But better than average.
Nothing screams “LIBERTARIAN” like re-tweeting Bill Kristol.
It’s the Cathy Young school of libertarianism.
“Tariffs are bad, unless they are trade sanctions against Russia or something, because reasons”
Chuck Grassley looks like a corpse, but still more human than Zuckerberg.
Scott Adams’ hot take on the offices of Trump’s personal lawyer being raided.
20 minutes?
can you summarize?
“I’m Scott Adams. I made a cartoon once. TRUMP #MAGA”
Hey, I had to watch it, so do you.
Pro tip: only the first 5 mins. or so really matter.
I watched the first 10 seconds on mute and gave up.
It’s going to happen, this time
Polarization has been a boon in red states, where guns everywhere for anyone became the default. But it’s a powerful liability in more populous blue states, and it is likely to have severe consequences for the gun lobby when Democrats next gain unified control of Washington. Underscoring the point, Conor Lamb, the Democrat who just won a special House election in a conservative Pennsylvania district, openly campaigned on his support for universal background checks.
Beyond politics, Sandy Hook exposed a gun culture in the throes of moral bankruptcy. A gun-toting mother had actively encouraged her demented son’s affection for firearms — with apparently little consideration of her responsibilities to her community or society at large. The response to the ensuing calamity illustrated the gun movement’s social compact: Our unrestricted gun rights — indeed our mere convenience as consumers — are worth the sacrifice of your children.
Another vote for civil war.
Any day now, they’ll have “unified control of Washington” and it’ll be curtains for us murderous hicks in the hinterlands.
i thought Sandy Hook exposed gun-free zones for the murder-rich environments they are.
They’re not really voting for civil war. They just want a few public figures getting assassinated so they get more attention for their grievances.
It’s like Venezuela is further from reality than Brigadoon.
Not so much a vote for a civil war as a vote for a pogrom.
And of course the alternative of secession is a mortal sin, a spear to pierce the rib of the Blessed Union. The only goal here is submission.
“Beyond politics, Sandy Hook exposed a gun culture in the throes of moral bankruptcy. A gun-toting mother had actively encouraged her demented son’s affection for firearms ”
What does that have to do with anything?
Oh goody. Now they’re talking about controlling hate speech during the Facebook hearing.
Rule of law, my ass
We have no idea how Republicans in Congress would react if Trump attempts a new massacre. But we should be very clear about what exactly Republicans in Congress would be protecting if Trump acted and they allowed Trump to get his way. He wouldn’t just be firing one prosecutor; he would presumably be ending the investigation as something independent from his immediate control — perhaps dropping the charges Mueller has filed, and even suppressing the evidence Mueller’s office and others have gathered. The truth is that merely firing Mueller and allowing the attorney general to hire a real replacement, while troubling, would almost certainly do Trump very little good. Unless, that is, the fix was in to hire someone who had no intention of moving things forward based on whatever evidence has been uncovered.
The question isn’t whether this or that person is the right one for the job. If Trump acts, the question will be — as it was in 1973 — whether the president is above the law.
That is precisely why the massacre blew up in Nixon’s face. Republicans didn’t care about Cox or the attorney general, Elliot Richardson, who was purged because he refused to fire Cox. When push came to shove, however, it turned out that many of them and many of their supporters did care about the rule of law.
All those words, and nothing about the specific crime allegedly committed by Trump. Meanwhile, Mueller and his various abettors and cheerleaders sling po’faced innuendo in every direction with impunity. If Trump committed a CRIME, specify.
Ha ha ha, a leftist concerned with the rule of law. I’ll bet anything that Jonathan Bernstein was a huge fan of Mr. Pen and Phone. Where was the fretting about the rule of law then? Or when all of the slime oozing out of the Hillary campaign was handwaved away by the Obama DOJ? No angst about the rule of law then?
From that Scott Adams twatter thing-
For a Federal Judge to issue a search warrant for privileged Atty-Client communication, he must be convinced a crime was committed by the attorney and the client. Thanks for playing, though. Hoped this helped educate you on the law and how Federal warrants work.
1 reply 0 retweets 2 likes
“Listen, you mug. Those law enforcement professionals wouldn’t bother investigating an innocent man. They know he’s guilty, and so should you.”
moderate, nonpartisan think tank that works to promote an open society and change public policy through direct engagement in the policymaking process
A lobbyist by any other name…
“In the election after Watergate, we saw a movement aimed at rebuilding trust in public institutions”
Rebuilding trust? They’re in the process of pissing on trust’s corpse. If young people turn out and vote overwhelmingly in favor of Dems, all it proves is how effective the education system’s brainwashing is.
I thought Teh Yutes were libertarians?
This just in: Bill Nelson is a lying cunt
TW: Twitchy
These clowns never cease to amaze me.
Land of lunatics.
Bull. Shit.
o/u on how much Eric Garcetti has invested in GuardTop?
It’s a dead certainty. Anyone who accepts a seven year life of a road coating is on the take.
I’m in an HOA with its own roads. We just coated them. Its a small HOA; at a guess, it has a mile or so of roads. I think we spent $12K(?) and got a useful life of 10 years warrantied. Its a new product, top -o-the-line; the guy said we could well get 15 years out of it.
This was an upgrade from the previous topcoat, which had a useful life of about 5-7 years.
Caveat: this is Tucson. The heat and the sun could be harder on these coatings that in less salubrious climes. Additional caveat: the traffic on our roads is very light.
I can’t possibly see how glare off that stuff from the SoCal sun would be blinding and dangerous!
I lived in Phoenix for 7 years. Heat islands are a real thing. This could be a useful idea. It could also be a boondoggle intended to line some favored businessman’s pockets.
Associated it with AGW is bullshit.
What is the carbon footprint of manufacturing all of that paint?
None, it’s all sugar of lead…
In a statement accompanying the poll, Della Volpe added, “Millennials and post-Millennials are on the verge of transforming the culture of politics today and setting the tone for the future.”
I feel queasy after reading that.
This episode of Black Mirror is brought to you by Facebook.
FB is for parents to share pics of their kids with old high school and college friends they don’t really give enough of a shit about to pick up a fucking phone and call.
Russian collusion. Is there a statute that this would violate? I am asking if it is a crime to collude with furriners, or is this just implied by all of the hysterical screeching?
Foreign nationals are prohibited from making cash or in-kind contributions to American political campaigns. There is zip, zero, nada evidence of cash contributions by the Russian government to the Trump campaign, so the question was whether the Russian government made in-kind contributions to the Trump campaign. For which there is, to date, zip, zero, nada evidence as far as I know.
The difficulty here is that “in-kind contributions” are one of those things that you know when you see it. Naturally, Mueller and Co. would have a, shall we say, expansive definition of that term when applied to Trump.
The 1996 LP convention management was ordered by the FEC to return $159 to a Canadian libertarian who wanted to attend the presidential convention and banquet. Pretty sure he was able to circumvent it by giving the refund to a buddy in Buffalo who then bought an extra convention package. Guess it is a bit too late for the FBI to be raiding the LP’s office over this twenty + year old event.
Spoiler: Liverpool gets the away goal!!
Suck it, Pep.