By Not Adahn
Hodor! Hodor hodor hodor. Hodor hodor hodor hodor.
Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor.
Hodor, hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor; hodor-hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor.
Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor. Hodor hodor hodor.
So, I shouldn’t undertake any major decisions, or embark on a new relationship?
Not Adahn earns major points for linking to a Cowboy Bebop song. What have the rest of you done for me lately?
My contribution was so good I couldn’t let you remember.
How about this shizznit?
/lugs carboy of stout into the basement.
What have the rest of you done for me lately?
OT: Mrs. Gordilocks wins Glib WAG of the Month.
And we’re just supposed to take your word for it?
Some people get rewarded for their contributions.
What does this do for you?
Makes me pine for a love lost forever.
We could always have a Gals of Glibs commemorative calendar in the merch shop (of course with permission). Just a thought.
Follow that up with a Guys of Glibs or something.
I dunno.
I’m drunk.
Heh… while we’re at it :
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
You know you’re a grammar nerd when you find it interesting to parse that sentence.
I fear that all of these will be HM links.
I don’t get it. What’s a Hodor.
Back door where you sneak the Ho’s in.
But that’s not important right now.
Did you go check out the gun rally yesterday, Riven?
I did not. Thought about it… but then I decided to do “spa morning” while Mr. Riven was checking out a pal’s new Rift set up. End result: my face appreciated the TLC and it sounds like we’re getting a Rift soon.
I see the Billings Libertarian contingent is trying to set up some kind of… dinner/socialization event for next Friday… The 13th. What could possibly go wrong?
The “No TV and no beer make Homer something something.” link lead to a lot of other good links. Feels like I’m wearing nothing at all!!!!
That’s cuz you’re nekkid.
I didn’t need that image.
Sippin on a Fremont Lush IPA. About to spark this joint. Watching shitty films on Amazon Prime. Strummin on this guitar.
Happy Sunday, Glibs!
Happy Sunday Funday to you!
Just switched from Knob Creek 120 proof + coffee to Shiner Farmhouse Rye. We’ll see where things go from there…
How’s the beer?
I really like it. It’s a little on the light side, I guess. Very little hop bitterness, but it has that rye “bite” that I like in rye whisky…and later this afternoon, it will be the “back” to an as-yet undetermined glass of rye.
Cool thanks. I’ll have to look for it.
I have beer waiting for me, a Blood Orange Grissette. However, the girlfriend took her care in to the shop this morning for an oil change and maintenance. What was supposed to be a one hour job has stretched into a 4 hour job. I already had to pass on picking her up (I was just getting the wort ready to boil, and couldn’t leave that unattended), but I’ll need to take her to get her car when it’s ready.
So the crowler sits there… mocking me in the fridge. I also have an imperial stout on tap in my basement I need to check the carbonation level on today.
/taps fingers
Sitting at a computer, staring at trend screens, trying to tune PID loop.
Happy Sunday glibs.
PID Loop?
Proportional, Integral, direvative.
I have a saw that is cutting through a bar of steel. There is a hydramotor that turns the sawblade, and a hydraulic cylinder that pushes the saw blade into the bar.
I have a proportional hydraulic valve that controls how fast the cylinder pushes the sawblade into the steel.
What I’m trying to do is push the blade into the sTeel as fast and smooth as i can without bogging down my blade.
I use a PID loop to control the current sent to my proportional valve to control the speed of my cylinder. What the loop does is look at the process variables I give it. In this case, the hydraulic pressure of the hydramotor, the position of the cylinder, and the current drawn by the hydraulic pump. Based on the gains in the loop that I’m tuning right now, and those variables, it creates the value to be sent to my proportional valve
Oh shit, you’re at work.
I picked up coils from a mill in Eastern Arkansas once. Once the website for the one you work at?
What is ….. fucking thumbs.
I work at gerdau ft. smith mill. It’s in western arkansas, close to the border with oklahoma. We make round bar.
I used to pick up ‘slinkys’ from a Gerdau mill in Whitby, Ontario, and another one (which I think is closed now) in Perth Amboy, NJ.
Gerdau are kinda the kings of mini-mills, no?
I understand they operate a lot of them, both here and abroad. We make engineered steel here. Mostly for use in autos, engines, axles, wheel hubs, etc.
Gerdau lately has sold several of its generic steel mills in the U.S. I’m not 100% sure why
My father was running a concentrator at a gold mine in Mexico. They were producing over 600M worth of gild per year. Upper management ran the stock up and down a few times and then fired everyone and sold the mine. Upper management is often motivated by things people who actually produce stuff dont think about.
The saw I’m trying to get to cut right.
I’m putting down a hardwood floor in our back room. Father in law inbound with beer.
Happy Sunday indeed.
I once made a hardwood floor by cutting up and milling commercial palates that I collected from local businesses for free. It turned out quite nice.
We got ours for free as leftovers from another job my FIL did years ago. 3-1/2 facing, and it looks really good once stained.
You must have had to triage a lot of that wood. Pallets get the shit kicked out of them.
Yes but we also had a fireplace. I was in no hurry. It took over a year to collect enough. The Troybuild dealership was my favorite. Their palates were prisine. Other places…not so much.
Did you dado our the grooves for the bottom of the boards?
I once spied a commercial pallet at work that was oak. It was the type used for sheet steel, so it was 60″ x 120″. Three 4X4’s running the length of it. I grabbed it for my dad and he used it for various projects and gifts. A lot of it went through his wood lathe.
Yeah, there is some incredibly nice wood that gets kinda wasted for use in packaging and other less than glamorous purposes.
Here’s one item he made with some of the wood. A “treasure box” that he gave me for Christmas.
There’s nice looking, Mike. I’ve been looking for a good valet like that to hold my watches, tie bars, etc., for a while now. It’s nice to have someone in the family that can make something like that for you.
Watches? Tie bars? Whatever.
Wow! Dad has some skills.
I love woodworking. I hope someday to devote a ridiculous amount of time to it.
And cars.
And landscaping.
And writing.
Fucking day job…
OT: New Boss as Chief of Defense Staff in the old country.
He has a clear and cunning plan!
Bonus points for the accompanying graphic.
A once proud nation.
*spits on the ground*
A return to rum, sodomy, and the lash, would be better than this.
I think I see part of the problem here.
The minority of non-minority activists speaking on behalf of a fetishized victim group.
I’ve been out of the US army since 2010 but it was almost as bad. Woe be it for a jr enlisted to be caught referring to otherkin by anything less than glowing pc language. I’m so glad I have a DD214.
I’ve been out since 1997, the last time anyway. It sure as hell wasn’t a PC environment in the Reagan years, or the Bush 41 years either.
Right? Not Adahn is phoning it in. Where’s my lotto numbers?
Just for that, next week I will explain the astrological influences through the medium of interpretive dance
I have laughed, long and loud at the Hodorscope. Nicely done!
Just came across this video – obviously things have changed since 1969, but it’s interesting to see how people still make the same mistakes (re: 7th fleet collisions). Worth watching. 74 dead through a wholly preventable collision and they gave out letters of reprimand.