Sometimes humans have an unhealthy infatuation with things that are simply not normal.  This has been going on since we realized that people with odd deformities are not the result of demons residing in their bodies.  Nope, these people were just freaks.

This is my review of Green Flash Le Freak Belgian Style IPA

This was the first beer I picked up following my annual medieval self-punishment.  It’s fairly inexpensive, available in my area, and a hoppy Saison sounds compelling in a, “that simply isn’t natural” sort of way.  Why did I get it?

As I said, freaks have been a draw for a long time.  The earliest of nature’s curiosities are believed to gain popularity during the 1600s.  Later on, travelling shows featuring such people began.  One example were the conjoined twins Lazarus Colleredo and John Baptista, who travelled Europe with, “female about four feet high in every part like a woman excepting her head which nearly resembles the ape.”

One person many associate with freak shows is PT Barnum.  Who is credited with the infamous quote, “There is a sucker is born every minute.”

Turns out this is misattributed to him. Barnum however, was the type of person that would embellish the truth and even engage in activities of questionable ethics in order to turn a profit:

The nature of this exhibition showcases Barnum’s willingness to skirt controversy and behave in potentially unethical or immoral ways. What he purchased was a nearly paralyzed woman named Joice Heth. This woman, who was nearly 80 years old, was displayed as a 161-year-old ex-nurse of George Washington.

Barnum was well aware that buying slavers was illegal in New York at the time. However, he used a slavery loophole that allowed him to lease her for a year. During this time, he would display this frail woman for up to 12 hours a day. As a result, Heth passed away a year later and left Barnum with no source of income. Thinking on his feet, he scheduled a live autopsy of her body and charged 50 cents (a hefty sum at the time) for people to watch.

He was even credited with creating hoaxes.

The Cardiff Giant – This infamous case was a hoax based on a hoax. In 1869, a large statue was dug up in New York, which the discoverer claimed to be the body of a 10-foot ancient man. It was claimed that this was one of the giants mentioned in the Bible. The creator of this hoax charged people 25 cents to view it, and people showed up in droves. After it was sold for $23,000 to another showman, Barnum built a giant and claimed that his giant was the real one. When the owner of the original statue tried to sue Barnum, the case was thrown out of court. This event was the origination of the “There’s a sucker born every minute” line, a quip that was spoken by the plaintiff in this case, not by Barnum.

The world’s earliest known photo STEVE SMITH?

More info on PT Barnum and his antics during the age of toxic capitalism gone wild, can be found here.

Is this beer worthy of it’s moniker?  It has good body like nearly every Saison out there with a strong citrus flavor.  It uses copious amounts of Amarillo hops which aren’t as bitter, which seem to compliment rather than balance.  It’s definitely different, but freak might be going too far.  Green Flash Le freak Belgian IPA:  3.5/5