That’s horrible.
That pic in the hospital… I got something in my eye.
In happier, small yellow sportsball news, congrats to Team USA at the Davis Cup.
I’m not a fan of serve and serve tennis, so I’m not the biggest Isner fan.
It is a little ridiculous. But it seems to be working for him.
Really sad.
Does STEVE SMITH have any relatives in the woods north of Prince Albert to send as emissaries to Humboldt?
Haven’t they suffered enough?
Anyone familiar with the levels of wokeness memes? ie. ? I wanna do something similar in my next vid but I need the original images (or some of them).
I scrolled down and enjoyed the “not making memes” one.
Here you go, from “Expanding brain template” search.
Courtesy of meme generator.
I liked the Xanax/PGP meme.
Repost from morning thread, because more people need to know Crusader Kings 2 is free.
This weekend, Crusader Kings 2 is free on Steam. I recommend it highly – and if you want full Libertarian experience, get Way of Life DLC to seduce all teh bitches, and Patrician to run a plutocratic merchant republic, with your bastard children manning your many many trade posts.
But, because we need The Purge, retard decided to retard. Not notable, except it’s Newsweek, not Polygon or Kotaku or another place that should be Pol Potted.
Uh… OK, if you say so.
Well, it is quite a meme, yes – because of the game!!!
And to be fair, you do get racists use it, much like related “remove kebab” meme – but it’s about on the level of “drink milk” and “OK sign”. Slightly below “reading books” in retardedness.
I guess I don’t follow memes. Or the MSM that would explain them to me.
Remove kebab meme, AKA reminder of why I got the fuck out of there.
But Tupac alive in Serbia!
TMI but thanks 🙂
I really can’t follow any of that.
Let’s ignore the fact that you can play Muslim (or Jewish, or Buddhist, or Hindu, or Animist, or Pagan, or Aztec, etc.) empires in the game and take over Europe.
“let’s ignore the fact” seems to be the starting premise of most journalism these days….
Heroic Mulatto Live Feed:
Thus is dumb when viewed in context.
Ack. the “mass shootings” crack is mine, not in the article.
Totally hooked on Stellaris right now but got my free copy.
That’s a great fucking game, especially for people who are history buffs.
Meh, it was better earlier, when you could more easily assassinate your unworthy sons to ensure your genius-born fourth-son would rule.
Here’s a drunken antiwar link. My favorite antiwar song:
Black Sabbath circa 1974.
Meant to put that at the bottom of the thread. Ah, fuck it.
My favorite too.
CK2 is the absolute shit! I found its learning curve slightly steeper than Europa Universalis, much easier than Victoria, probably on par with Hearts of Iron. HoI introduced me to Paradox’s grand strategy games, EU hooked me, but CK2 is the one that taught me how to play them, i.e. don’t try to “win”, just let the sim wash over you and enjoy it. What I love about the game is that you just pick somebody and get by. Once you understand that you’re playing a family, not a country, it all starts to make sense. In my most recent game I’m working on creating Poland, and my current duke is a slow-witted, doughy second son who lucked into inheritance and has just happened to do all the right things and have everything go his way, investing in building up the infrastructure in his lands and trying to do right by his subjects. There’s a role-playing aspect that you don’t get as much in the other games that makes CK really different and fun.
What in the ever loving fuck.
From Buzzfeed’s article on the Backpage takedown
The government is still refusing to say anything about it, or about the indictment, or why they seize the site, or anything.
Dead camel herders here, dead prostitutes there, a couple thousand dead US servicemen all over, dead dogs by the boatload ….
The state piles up dead bodies, that’s what it does.
Right next to the drug OD’s.
4chan should troll this by starting a rumor that hookers are using newpaper classified ads to find johns. They are coding their services in the Apts for rent section.
1BR means BJ only. 2BR is sex and 3BR is anal. You don’t even want to know what a 1/2 bath means.
I’m sure it wouldn’t be hard to convince some local TV news stations that it is real. They love them some moral panics.
The result would be that cops would shut down the classifieds for the last few papers and people actually renting apartments would get some awesome calls.
A 3BR is not necessarily anal. A 3BR is two in the pink one in the stink and it doesn’t count as anal if you stop at the first finger joint. For it to be anal the sizes of the bedroom must be listed with large bedrooms indicating second or third penetration willing which indeed takes it to anal. First knuckle is just foreplay and possibly role playing which is also listed in classifieds as, “a nice patio for entertaining.”
That’s great! I bet it would work too.
Anyone heard of this?
Good for Cabela’sAnyone heard of this?
Err separate but equal?
Is going braless the new tide pod?
Was she embarassed before or after running to the media?
Am I “attacking” a child?
Eating Tide pods is stupid. Showing off your perky breasts, not so much. So no.
Hell. I remember multiple girls at my high school being in trouble for wearing short skirts. They were all wearing white blouses, but that was mandatory.
I’ve seen this Seinfeld episode.
+1 where’s MY Christmas card?
I was thinking +1 candy-bar heiress but yeah that too
Oh yeah, forgot about that one.
Unrelated: sad night last night – Kat died from radiation poisoning.
It better not be. My 17 year old son is already living a golden life. He’s already surrounded by hot teenage girls in yoga pants. If the girls decide that the new edgy look is to go braless in thin shirts, I am going to kill myself out of envy.
Worse, what if the progs get smart and throw Hogg and Buzzcut under the bus and replace them with braless teens in yoga pants. When those spokegals start giggling and saying they don’t like guns, how many of us will be able to resist?
Hmm…will a movement with lots of middle-aged women in it use younger, hotter women to get attention?
Fuck no, the feminist crowd will tear them apart.
Cue Q: Vive la résistance!
Puffy or erasers?
I’ll be in my bunk
No word yet on the driver of the truck involved in the hockey team collision, other than that he’s been ‘released’.
Speaking at the news conference on Saturday, RCMP Saskatchewan Assistant Commissioner Curtis Zablocki revealed new details about the crash and the investigation.
He said the male driver of the semi-trailer was not injured and, although he was detained temporarily after the collision, he has now been released.
Zablocki said it was too early to comment on the cause of the collision, but he confirmed the semi-trailer was travelling westbound on Highway 335 when it collided with the bus travelling northbound on Highway 35.
Who had the stop sign? Damn, what a tragedy.
Fucking outsiders. They just don’t get NoDaks.
Look if these kids had to wait for a girl to be available, they’d all be virgins until they were 30.
Last time they hire STEVE SMITH to teach sex ed.
Uffda. That is the second link I’ve fucked up today. I wish I had an acceptable excuse, but I don’t. Maybe the fact that I’m still sober?
Trying again.
“Rape game” sounds like one or two miscreants. If anyone tried this horseshite when I was a boy they’d have been harmed. And when I say “harmed” mean get the shit kicked out of them.
They need an adult hanging around to tell HS athletes not to sodomize each other in the locker room? W.T.F.
According to the sadly now-defunct, it’s apparently been popular in Japan since about 2001. I guess you get extra points if you’re a middleschooler and you can achieve penetration on your 6’4″ African-American English teacher.
Lot longer than that.
Assuming the above story actually happened…. I wonder what makes this pop up in certain times and places. It most certainly was not a thing in my HS.
Does that make you happy or sad?
Profoundly happy.
Dude. I posted that last night. I think I’m gonna poke you in the butt-hole for not paying attention.
That accident is just horrible. The picture is just heartbreaking.
Our local team is going to the Championship for the first time. They are kids. It’s a ball-kick.
Romania’s got talent – don’t drop the towel
(Not a dig at Pie, just a silly YouTube video)
A Gliberstani traditional dance.
I love my cultural heritage!
So “Bubbles” is not just a Dartmouth phenomenon? :: nods head and cracks another coldy ::
Yeh, the Humboldt Broncos story hit hard. I still remember the Swift Current Broncos tragedy back in the 1980s.
There’s already a Wikipedia page for the Humboldt crash. Not sure what to think about that.
That’s pretty fast.
There was a minor edit war on the “Deaths in 2018” page over whether the dead were prominent enough to merit linking.
I’m just going to leave this here.
Video from Pope Jimbo’s NoDak story?
That happened at Chucky Cheese today.
Interesting, thank God for logless VPNs.
I shared a similar moment with a kid that was around seven. We were at J Mart (Japanese version of K Mart). I was walking around the pet section and saw him staring at the a little monkey. Couldn’t believe they sold monkeys, so I walked over and saw the monkey in his little glass enclosure. Stroking furiously his pecker. I looked down at the kid and he looked back at me and smiled. We shared a moment despite our language barrier.
How much did the monkey cost?
No idea. I wasn’t going to buy it. Didn’t want to lose my deposit. *Rimshot*
You don’t have to be a jerk-off about it.
Those martinis last night destroyed my grammar.
Yeah, it was a little difficult to figure out who exactly was stroking furiously his pecker. I assume it was the monkey?
[racist joke redacted], the primate.
Now you’re just dodging the question (just fucking with you, I know what you meant),
The animatronics is getting a little creepy.
Hey, when you gotta have it, you gotta have it.
We had a good beer review post earlier today, but since it’s National Beer Day, we could always use more: 10 Best US Breweries To Visit
I have visited lots of breweries, but only 1 of these 10 (Anchor in SF)… And you?
None. Beer. Ewwww.
Dinner, be jealous bitches
Also, whoo pig soooie. Pigs beat auburn again to take the series 2-0. Get the brooms out for tomorrow.
My goodness. That is just horrible. Fuck.
True? I don’t know, but Hogg’s supposed Reddit feed is not woke.
That Hogg kid is just pissy that he was beat to the punch by Cruz. If real, some of his rants were truly disturbing (I say this as a former patient, not an “expert’).
From the comments
‘Pol Memes David Hogg is a 21 year old crisis actor… He wasn’t present at the Parkland event! He is a paid for actor by the people who want to destroy the constitution of the USA! If you believe anything that this slime ball David Hogg says, I’m sorry but you are a fool… He needs too be punished for treason and bearing false witness!!! I’d like too have five minutes alone locked in a small room with him myself, and show him what true pain is all about!!! And yes I have no fear of a one on one with this slime ball David Hogg!!! Can you make my wish come true??? I’ll be waiting for a reply???’
From the Humboldt article:
Has ‘tweed’ been verbulated now?
Perhaps he shared an appropriate Belle & Sebastian tune.
Even better – Canadian Lesbian twins! Behold! Critical darlings for some reason or other. can’t quite put my finger in/on it…
Bruh, do you even twee? That’s not twee.
I tried tweeing but my toxic masculinity strangled it in the manger. Watch more of their vids, Twee abounds.
I’ve been bummed all day about the Humboldt crash. Bunch of people in /r/hockey apparently either knew the players or the family and have been talking about it in the sticky thread.
Goddamn shame.
Yep. Another reminder for me to give my daughter a big hug. Devastating for the families.
I heard about it on the drive to work this morning. Huge downer to start a shitty day.
Well this is terrifying.
Well, all the support will be done by canuks who claim their name is Rajid, with an accent the locals can’t understand. So it won’t get very far.
This is even more scary because it is happening in the US.
I guess you can stick the fork in the US. We’re done.
I’m pretty confident that little commie’s bill won’t even pass but if it does I think SCOTUS might have something to say about it.
I guess you have a little more faith in the US judicial system than I do.
I will be hopeful he’s right.
Go fuck yourself Richard Pan you little commie authoritarian dickhead.
Yes, cradle-to-grave Orwellianism is exactly like a system of motorways.
This is the country we’re worried about becoming a superpower?!
water department’s annual painting contest
I’m pleased to learn that potable water is no longer an issue in India.
*No no no! Friend and Benefactor! I don’t run away from you, I run toward you!*
Watching coaches and players from Saskatchewan like Babcock and McLellan react crying was brutal.
Coaches’ Corner was also brutal.
I know. Saw it. Just brutal.
Of course, ‘Wheat Kings’ by The Tragically Hip. Appropriate.
Video with backstory:
I had forgotten it was about David Milgaard. What a travesty of justice that was.
This song is an example why the Hip were such a massive phenomena in Canada. They were a band that spoke and sang about Canadiana like few bands ever did.
David Milgaard story:
For real. You had ONE job: Justice Minister.
And you let this happen?
Huge fan of the first 5-6 albums and then lost interest. My brother is a musician and stated that they weren’t much more than a bar band except for Gordon Downey. I still listen to a few tunes on full rotation. To me, The Hip are the ultimate sitting around the campfire getting quietly pissed on a fishing trip soundtrack.
I vaguely remember hearing them on CFNY in my college years but nothing sticks in my mind.
I think he’s probably right. Which explains why they never really made inroads in the USA. But they did make some memorable songs. ‘Up to Here’ was just pure high energy and I saw them live during that tour back in the 80s. Downey was out of his mind wild. I really enjoyed four or five of their albums, and like you, they ran their course. I think they were the ultimate university band and, as I mentioned, I think people really took their courage of exploring Canadian themes. Canada has had greater bands and singers, but they left as big a mark on the rock landscape as any.
A friend of mine (an American) described them as a poor man’s REM. And he loved Downey.
To Rufus below – They are better than REM.
Classy ladies dressed to the nines.
So does everyone just turn out the lights and head to discord?
A single Chicago cop is accused of framing 51 people
I’m sure you don’t need to click on the article to know that he’s not imprisoned and is still collecting his pension.
Procedures were followed.
Eyes were dotted and tees were crossed, dammit!
You want to win without firing a shot. If it comes to that, let’s see what happens.
“You’ve lost, give us power. Ignore the pile of dead bodies autocratic socialist governments have accumulated.”
Why is it these dipshit progressives, so absolutely self-assured of their invincible intellects, are such terrible, awful writers? It’s as if they’ve only ever written for progressive professors who were willing to accept cockgobbling lefty essays in lieu of articulate, personal thoughts. Well, more than willing. Insistent. They insisted that their beliefs were cockgobbled by their cockgobbling lefty students. That’s how it seems to me, anyway.
I thought the writer was joking. Nope. He really is holding up California as the model state.
Ya, it took me a few paragraphs to figure that out too.
We’re turning this franchise around.
Citation needed.
I fear he is right.
You guys got Trump, we got Trudeau. Next round we’ll get the same fuck-wit and hopefully you have the sense to keep the Dems out of power for another cycle or two to ensure the Supreme Court doesn’t go full-on Maoist.
Maybe it’s the vodka, maybe it’s that I just did our tax return, maybe it’s hearing that a friend’s middle school kid just got suspended for two weeks for saying, “Show me your titties” to a girl on the school bus, but I’m done. Thank god my dad died before he saw this shit. If they want a fight, they’ve got it. I’m a calm, reasonable person, but I have limits. At a certain point, if you threaten me enough I’ll start taking you seriously.
Death of a thousand cuts is worse than a swift beheading. They cut once, we cut back.
Didn’t some popular guy with a posse say something about punching back twice as hard?
Just saw some vid of the crash scene: wonder anyone survived.
Humboldt? Yes, there were survivors. 14 dead out of 29 including the captain and coach.
Witnesses, the first responders, were on scene helping. One guy was on his way to Moose Jaw and held one of the players neck in place until paramedics arrived.
Yeah, too much whiskey; should have read, it’s a wonder anyone survived. The bus was peeled open.
Crazy, but sometimes people survive. 520 people died in that and only 4 survived.
More would have survived if rescue efforts were not delayed.
Of course, none should have died if the bulkhead had been properly repaired.
Trying to get a group of ten Japanese to decide on where to eat dinner takes an hour. Can’t imagine how long it takes them to organize a rescue effort.
Take into account how long it’ll take for them to exchange business cards before the planning starts.
Bow. Receive card with both hands. Bow. Hold up card with both hands. Compliment the paper quality and other small talk. Finally, place card into special case made specifically for biz cards. Bow.
Me? Takes card with one hand and flips it throw the air with a flick of the wrist. “Don’t card me, Bro.” Actually did that once on a dare from my brother. The dude was horrified.