I go away for a week and everything goes to shit. The morning links are totally generic, Brett gets too drunk to do afternoon links and punts… The only bright spots were contributions from the Glibertariat, some really fine articles. But the staff links… no. I’m thinking that the Glibs staff really does need adult supervision. Well, dammit, I’m back and I’m not going to wuss on you.
Before diving in, I wanted to mention a fascinating documentary that SP and I watched last night on Netflix, The Man Who Would Be Polka King, the story of Jan Lewan, a polka star who ran a Ponzi scheme (even managing to bribe the Vatican). Much better than Jaws. Three things jumped out at us, which may or may not have been intended. First, as always, the people who got taken were a combination of gullible and greedy. No one ever thought to question why someone offered them 12% (or later, 20%) interest on an investment in a market where 3-5% was the norm. The second thing was the question of why this is even a crime, rather than a civil tort (and as libertarians, our reactions were certainly, “Because government-as-Daddy”). And the third thing was that clearly the people who came across as the most evil and vindictive were the government folks- especially the ADA from Delaware who put a non-violent offender in a maximum security prison, later leading to his throat being slashed. Every time she appeared on screen, my skin crawled.
OK, sorry, this isn’t supposed to be a movie review, but after last week’s debacle, I wanted to plug a film that actually was thought-provoking and had redeeming qualities beyond a hilariously awful rubber fish. And as a hat-tip to Sloopy, I’ll mention that the Orioles, despite looking like it’s going to be a long and sucky season, came into New York and hammered the Evil Empire twice.
On the same theme as my mini-movie review, here’s more creepy government overreach. We can’t possibly have free markets or people might buy and sell things that Daddy doesn’t approve of. Plus extra vindictiveness. Really, the FBI should have been sunset out decades ago, and wiping their asses with the First Amendment is once again a demonstration that lust for power and control will always trump the oath to follow the constitution.
The cut of this guy’s jib, I like it.
” … (H)he chose to take the gun out and put it on the table not knowing if any of us had mental health issues,” said Lori Carter, a schoolteacher from Charlotte, N.C., told the newspaper. “What was to prevent me from leaning across the table to take that gun?”
Go ahead, Lori, give it a try. The consequences would be amusing.
Why do I think that this will not turn out to be quite how the WaPo is positioning it? Am I overly cynical? Hahahahaha… no. In the meantime, the Palestinian version of Emma Gonzalez is working every angle she can. Good luck with that project.
“Bernie beclowns himself” seems to be a consistent theme. Or is he just getting tax tips from Reverend Al? The outrage that resulted is truly the funniest part.
I shouldn’t find this funny. But I do. Schadenfreude is not a pretty emotion, but I’m not a pretty guy.
Before getting to Old Guy Music, I wanted to give a quick thanks to the KC area Glibs who joined me for a really nice evening, a welcome relief from my work tedium. That said, Old Guy Music, this time featuring the delightful Albanie Falletta, accompanied by one of my favorite bass players, Ryan Gould, and the superb J.D. Pendley on lead guitar.
“Bernie beclowns himself” seems to be a consistent theme. Or is he just getting tax tips from Reverend Al? The outrage that resulted is truly the funniest part.
-he should just identify as black
Those pictures are really embarrassing. Especially the one with I think not is Sharpton and Jackson it looks like he is photo bombing them.
Think is with not think not is.
FTA: “So the senator from Vermont — a state where the largest city has but one black barbershop…”
Is this now some sort of requirement for sympathizing with someone’s plight?
1.3% of Vermont’s population is black, according to the 2010 census, which makes about 8,000 people.
Why does there have to be a “black” barbershop? How do they know that bla’pipo and wypipo don’t happily share the same barbershops?
Welcome to the new segregation.
Your dream requires a white barber who knows how to do a good temp fade or line up.
That’s exactly where I stopped reading. Never change, NYT.
I shouldn’t find this funny. But I do. Schadenfreude is not a pretty emotion, but I’m not a pretty guy. – meh i feel no sorrow for journalists. it is not tha
goddamn it i wanted to say it is not that they are partisan hacks they are not even good writers.
The sense of entitlement always cracks me up. Also a theme in the Gaza story.
Norman, who reportedly holds a state-issued concealed-carry gun permit, said he’ll display his gun at future constituent meetings.
“I’m tired of these liberals jumping on the guns themselves as if they are the cause of the problem,” Norman told the Post and Courier. “Guns are not the problem.”
Anecdote –
Out with the wife, in-laws, friend visiting from Seattle, and a bunch of folks from our social circle in Ithaca last night; at the new beer-hall style brewpub in town.
A young hipster looking type was sitting at a table right beside our group with a black t-shirt emblazoned with white, all-caps lettering “FUCK YOUR GUNS”
In the interest of maintaining order and not getting into a brawl with the locals in a liberal college town, I said nothing to this chap … and now I feel somewhat guilty. Was my interest in being polite more of a threat to our rights to self defense, or this very probably commie little dipshit?
Remember the old adage about trying to get a pig to sing?
Of course, you can amuse yourself with the thought that if he could fuck your guns, he’s a needledick.
Guy walks into a room and totally unprovoked says “Fuck you”. There is no way to win engaging with someone like that. You did right. Like my granddaddy was fond of saying “You cant stir the shit without getting some of it on you”.
While we’re at it, let’s give Q a good reason to stay in his bunk all day.
Oh, sorry, I got carried away there.
I’m not saying you should go looking for a fight, but if I overheard someone discussing their love for firearms in a public area I would happily join their side in any brawl that ensues because of it.
Also cars. If people discuss cars within a block of me I find out somehow and join in.
Also cars.
The Caddy CTS4 2nd generation is amazingly fun to drive but looks like it was designed by the same dude who did the Aztec. Discuss.
Would not.
ATS-V? Would. Hard.
Yes. But still ugly. Why can’t Caddy hire a good designer?
I nearly broke my neck watching one in person but I think it’s because I hadn’t seen one before.
Not much of a four door sports car guy. I have a truck to tow my family and track car. If I had to get a four door fun car I’d probably go with a Chevy SS. RWD, V8, manual…tasty…
A friend has a Maserati. Pretty nice sedan, too 😉
Maseratis are for people who have a lot of money but don’t know anything about cars. There is literally nothing about Maseratis that make them worth their price tag. I paced a guy in a brand new Quattroporte sedan with my 300 horsepower shitbox Mustang. He finally had to let me pass and then left after that.
You just described my friend. It’s a beautiful, overpriced status symbol. I appreciate the design if nothing else.
They do look and sound great but I’d rather buy a GT350 (or your preferred competitor) and a couple years worth of track days for the same money.
The GT350 is a screaming good deal. The dealership where I got my truck was fairly desperate to get rid of a couple last time I was there.
If I hadn’t dumped so much into my current one and was willing to take on another car payment I’d be all over one. I can get one at MSRP with a discount right now. White too, which is what I’ve always wanted. Damn financial responsibility.
Because they’re designing for old people?
You mean like this car discussion?
::calls waiter::
“That sort of attire is acceptable?”
::waiter mumbles mealy excuses::
::5 minutes of industrious Sharpy work later::
::Dons brand spanking new “Fuck Off Slaver” t-shirt::
ugh. why am I awake.
its 3 pm ya lazy bastard
Whoah. Guess I should start drinking again then.
You shouldn’t have stopped.
A strong handshake is linked to higher physical attractiveness, greater reproductive success and better dancing ability in men.
So when you shake hands with a woman, squeeze as much as you can so she will reproduce with you
Is that “Frontiers In…”, or “Frontier Sin”?
Please tell me it’s the latter.
+1 coonskin condom (Dan’l Boone brand)
I read the same thing.
Break her delicate bones and she will love you forever!
It would appear that there is no end to the hit pieces against Jordan Peterson, and the NYT seems quite happy to further expand this niche cottage industry.
The hitman is the writer and Canadaland podcast host Jesse Brown, who, if memory serves correct, also used to work at The CBC. The piece starts off, as every article in the US about Canada, as the milquetoast and usual boring rundown of the differences between Canadian and American history and culture, but then the derangement begins –
Mr Brown seems to think that today’s college students are facing the same struggles against the state as black Americans during Jim Crow, and that MLK would have been told by JBP to ‘clean his room’. Mr Brown seems to forget that MLK was a firebrand Christian minister who pushed exactly the same things as Peterson, such as being personally responsible and acting honourably in life; also, MLK was *super* conservative, and regularly railed against drinking, promiscuity, and lack of work ethic amongst the broader African American community.
Also, status quo? Really? Collectivism and identity politics are all the rage today, and drive everything in the mainstream media, the academy, and government. If Peterson was such a peddler of the status quo, idiots like Brown wouldn’t be getting paid to make these amateurish and ahistorical pieces.
I believe 16 year olds should decide how things are run. Peterson is blessed with shitty enemies on the sense they are incapable of a decent criticism. Or leftist writers are in general incapable of quality criticism. I guess it shows the intellectual mettle of the choir they are preaching to
I love how leftists drape themselves with MLK’s name but eschew his actual principles.
MLK would have been better if he was Emma Gonzalez instead. And Emma Gonzalez would be better if she were of a darker complexion.
He was a marxist, and I find marxism to be the most evil thing foisted on humanity. Even when done by a pacifist or today’s cunt of a pope.
“it’s actually an argument for submission to the status quo that would have prevented any number of people, from the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to Emma Gonzales, from ever speaking up.”
Except King had two bachelors (sociology and divinity), had almost completed his doctorate, and was a husband and father, before “speaking up”. Gonzales hasn’t even graduated from high school.
“prevented any number of people, from the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to Emma Gonzales, from ever speaking up.”
This two people are not like one another. King fought for civil rights. The bald chick fights against them.
The appeal to degrees, specifically, smacks of credentialism. It is, however, completely fair to assert that high schoolers do not (generally) have anything like the scope of experience to suggest we should pay any attention to their prescriptions for policy or social change. I recall, in high school, I was convinced of my worldly wisdom, of the urgent tragedy of every disappointment or setback, and that only I truly understood the nature and the importance of the events that touched my orbit. In retrospect, I was full of hormones and bullshit, having just begun to taste the freedom of something like adulthood, without having experienced any of the ensuing responsibilities. I guarantee the same is true for almost every teenager; why should any adult, having lived through it, fail to recall it when these idiot children speak?
We can’t all be perfect.
That said, I was astonished the film Selma touched on King’s adulterous ways.
Some surprising results here. I would have guessed you all were born an average of tenth out of ten, minimum–by which I mean tenth male child born to the same biological mother, because you are all fucking gay.
Both the Buddha and Jesus said pretty much the same thing.
So my new favorite writer of all time is George Fitzhugh. Have any of you ever heard of this guy? I’m prepping a lecture and the textbook mentions this guy as an example of a pro-slavery apologist in the 1850’s. So I go and do a little googling and start reading his stuff.
Way to bury the lede textbook.
So this guy is a socialist. He thinks the best form of socialism is slavery. He advocates slavery for white people too. He argues that the natural end of socialism is slavery and HE’S ALL FOR IT!
some choice Fitzhugh quotes:
“Liberty of the press, liberty of speech, freedom of religion, or rather freedom from religion, and the unlimited right of private judgement have borne no good fruit, and many bad ones.”
“Slavery relieves our slaves of these cares altogether, and slavery is a form, and the very best form, of socialism”
“Liberty is an evil which government is intended to correct. This is the sole object of government. With thinking men, the question can never arise, who ought to be free? Because no one ought to be free. All government is slavery.”
“A mere verbal formula often distinguishes a truism from a paradox. ‘It is the duty of society to protect the weak;’ but protection cannot be efficient without the power of control; therefore, ‘It is the duty of society to enslave the weak’.”
Huh. Sounds like this guy is doing the same mental gymnastics as Mencius Moldbug and the neoreaction crew, as in, the state is dysfunctional and democracy doesn’t work, so let’s all go back to Monarchy with a little Corporate Rule thrown in for good measure.
He is no different from the leftists we have today. They wont come out and say it but that’s what they want. I guess they figured out that slavery for all is a tough sell so they changed their language but the goal remains the same.
He’s very different from the leftists today, namely in that he is honest. This guy doesn’t even want useful idiots and would likely straight up tell today’s leftists that they are cattle and there is no glorious future for them in his world.
Seems like a good loud “fuck off, slaver” is in order.
After a long week of absence, I am back and your kids aren’t safe.
The joke’s on you: I don’t have kids.
As if any kids are safe with herds of guns running wild.
My kids are armed.
Well, with that new Chappaquiddick film coming out (so timely, it’s sure to hurt Ted Kennedy’s career), it’s time to talk about women and Democrats. Oh, and Republicans too. You see, the Dems have totally evolved on women since Ted murdered one. Republicans haven’t. Why, they just ran someone who was accused of sexual misconduct in Alabama! Totally the same thing as proven sexual misconduct and murder.
Since slavery ended democrats have evolved.
Since Jim Crow democrats have evolved.
Since they lost the fight to kill the civil rights act the democrats have evolved.
Bullshit. I keep hearing this argument – the dems did all kinds of awful shit in the past but they are totally not like that now only republicans are. This, from the party of identity politics.
Don’t forget Democrat hero FDR, who ordered the only explicitly race-based internment in modern history. I suppose they’ve “evolved” since that happened, too.
I’ve had people tell me this explicitly, using the internment camps as an anti-Republican piece of rhetoric. It was very confusing.
Their evolution, at least to me, seems like all it was, was to find a way to turn whatever action they stood against and now no longer could, into a weapon to keep the slaves on the plantation. They have a very low opinion of the people they use to push their divide and conquer identity political tactics, and so far the history of how these people have fallen for the schemes and scams, continuously, because they think they are getting free shit,, has worked in the favor of the masters.
Of course they’ve evolved. They now enslave through free shit instead of overt slavery and discrimination. They still own them and the people they own are in full support of the situation. And they continue to try to import more people that they can end up owning.
Hey, it’s ENB’s pal Jill Filipovic, so you known going in that the column will be a piece of shit.
The article is actually labeled a “hot take.”
Before getting to Old Guy Music,
“I would give anything for love
But I won’t give that“
Fuck you and your psychopath husband, you aristocratic moralising cuntwhistle.
aristocratic moralising cuntwhistle.
Totally stealing this.
Just to play devil’s advocate here – a lot of this discussion does ignore that human trafficking does go on and is a serious issue in many places (just generally not the US). Anyone who’s been around SE Asia, Korea, other areas, etc – there are pretty obvious signs – and the DoD training is actually fairly reasonable on the topic – ie. don’t get involved, report it up the chain so that they can place it off limits (no $$$), etc. It’s one thing when you’re talking about free exchange of funds for services, but a little bit different when your parents sold you to a brothel or your boss is holding your passport and makes you sleep 10 to a locked room, etc.
That said, the conflation of ideals in this catch-all legislation – is as always of a general head-desking quality.
Or when you thought you were applying for an overseas service/maid/office job and it turns out the only desk you see is the one you’re bent over on….which still seems to be happening quite frequently – I think the Filipino gov’t has a fairly large dept. just for handling “balikbayan” issues (slavery in the middle east seems to be a common complaint).
Yeah, I have some acquaintances who managed to get out of the industry in those locales. I am on the same side as pretty much everyone else here as far as Backpage is concerned, but human trafficking is no joke in a lot of popular places.
Is there any actual evidence that Backpage was somehow involved in human trafficking? Or is it just, “they allowed ads from hookers on their site, I’ve always been told that no woman chooses to get into the sex business, therefore Backpage was involved with human trafficking simply by allowing those ads”?
Hooking is now defined as sex trafficking. When they arrest a hooker in a sting these days they list the arrest as saving a victim and punishing a human trafficker.
And often it’s the same person.
The onslaught of shitty legislation in the first half of 2018 ain’t helping. Gotta fuck shit up, overcorrect, ruin tons of lives, limit opportunity, THEN reign in the juggernaut a cunt hair a decade or two later.
My guess would be no.
Same here EE. I dont see a lot of explicit information on these stories. Backpage was just electronic paper, right? Some people wrote some stuff on that paper. Are they going after BPM inc. next?
I went and checked Maggie McNeil’s site and she has yet to comment on this issue.
She must be ….. busy
meh go to her twitters. I wonder what she charges. Probably to much for Bucharest rates
I don’t know if she said anything on twitter but assume she did that is
She’s retweeted plenty of other people’c criticisms of this (including ENB) and put out an article on something sorta kinda related (which she probably wrote before backpage was taken down) but nothing specific from her on Backpage yet.
Here is the other article, which is excellent in and of itself – https://maggiemcneill.wordpress.com/2018/04/06/count-the-idiocies-again/
I expect a lambasting of the take down of Backpage any minute now.
Honestly, while she’s not gorgeous… I totally would, just to say I had.
True… kinda old to be honest
The thing is that the internet had significantly reduced street prostitution. Out of sight, out of mind. So the authorities needed to push all this “human trafficking” bullshit to get people to care.
It’s almost like this bill was written and pushed by street pimps who were losing money on Internet prostitution. They couldn’t have gotten a better law passed had they tried.
And it is totally much more effective than simply liberalizing prostitution and focusing on aggressively policing kidnapping and unlawful imprisonment.
Hush, bored losers like Cindy McCain need this project to put their tramp stamp on so they can feel like their lives weren’t meaningless.
In 1588, the daily allowance on board a Royal Navy ship was one pound of biscuits plus one gallon of beer. Later, Samuel Pepys in 1667 first regularized naval victualing with varied and nutritious rations.
Was there a “Royal Navy” worth the name in 1588? It was still an ad hoc collection of mostly shitty boats at that point I believe.
Uhm, 1588 is the year the British defeated the Spanish Armada.
Sort of. That’s the year the weather wrecked the Spanish Armada. That’s also the year that England sacrificed 8 or so fireships to completely wreck the remaining Spanish formation. And the year that ~130 armed merchant boats were pressed into service to fight the Spanish.
I’m not saying that England had no navy at that point, but that to my knowledge there was no Royal Navy worth the name. In the 16th century England relied heavily on privateers and only later became the much dreaded “Royal Navy”.
To me anyway, the Royal Navy name evokes the most powerful naval force of the age of sail. That certainly doesn’t describe them in 1588.
Was the Elizabethan navy as capable as the navy from the Dutch Wars on? No, of course not. But it was absolutely the strongest navy in the world in 1588 – strong enough that the English government was confident in facing down the Hapsburg superpower despite being massively outweighed by all conventional measures. It was also a revolutionary instrument of policy, the first fleet capable of (very imperfectly and partially) projecting power on an oceanic scale, thanks to two decades of technical development and administrative reform. The notion of defeating Spain by a mid-ocean blockade of the treasure route was brilliant, if rather too ambitious, and it was one that wouldn’t even have occurred to someone in the 1560s, because it would have been impossible to execute.
And while the weather *destroyed* the Armada, the English beat it first – the storms hit on the way home, and wrecked ships that were already thoroughly battered. Gravelines was as decisive a battle as one could hope for (even if the English were, in the moment, disappointed.)
Related book suggestion –
The Republic of Pirates
This mighta been before they realized what caused/prevented scurvy as well. Some of the pirate parts are the most disturbing aspects of Stephenson’s “Baroque” trilogy – for the realistic/accurate and disturbing depictions of nautical life.
I’m thinking that the Glibs staff really does need adult supervision.
Adult supervision? Glibertarians don’t need no steenkeen adult supervision.
When the Old Man is away, the kids will play.
First, as always, the people who got taken were a combination of gullible and greedy.
“As my old grandfather Litvak told me, just before they sprung the trap, ‘You can’t cheat an honest man. Never give a sucker an even break, and never smarten up a chump.'”
Study By MIT Economist: U.S. Has Regressed To A Third-World Nation For Most Of Its Citizens
ld worlders
good luck getting a visa to immigrate to Romania you bunch of third worlders
Huh. I’ve been to a bunch of third world nations. This appears to be the nicest of the bunch.
Oh, and did you catch the author’s name? Interesting parents, I’m thinking.
Those ghettos on the outskirts of Paris sure are first world.
“America is the worst country. Except for all the others.”
So now it’s ok?
It’s dizzying how quickly we go to war with Eastasia and make peace with Eurasia.
Liberty is an evil which government is intended to correct.
Full points for honesty.
They have corrected that.
I went inside a rightwing safe space to find out the truth about universities
Anyone who regularly reads a US newspaper knows that universities in this country are in an existential crisis. No, not because of decades of underfunding, – poor underfunded US universities
To find out, I attended an event at my own university, the University of Georgia (UGA), a public university in a deep-red state. Like most of the universities I have taught at in the US, UGA has a fairly apolitical campus, where only a few usual suspects organize small events around issues like LBTQ rights and the occupation of Palestine. Most students come from Republican homes, holding fairly conservative views without necessarily realizing it. For example, Reagan’s statement that “government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem”, revolutionary in 1981, is considered apolitical common sense by many of my students.
A couple of observations: The author describes visiting “flyover country”, which he defined as the area between the coasts. Then picks Georgia. Uh… Georgia is on the Atlantic ocean.
Second, anyone claiming universities in the US are suffering from a lack of funding is delusional. There may be difficulties in obtaining funding for your research, but funding for education and campuses is so plentiful that they are having a hard time spending it all. Easy access to guaranteed loans has inflated tuition to the point of excess.
Third… this guy attends a conservative event that is protested by 50 activists (by his own estimation) and has a half-dozen police to maintain order, finds very few Trump supporters (which he for some reason laments), and his conclusion is that there was no need for the police, when only a quarter of attendees were there specifically to disrupt the event, being held in what is in his words a “deep red state”.
Fourth… he does some world-class fact checking, determining that the speaker was misleading in claiming that Marx’s Communist Manifesto was the most commonly assigned book in American colleges… apparently that is from an old survey only parroted on conservative shill sites…. the truth is that it is the third most commonly assigned book. Yeah.. point made. Those conservatives are a bunch of liars . Delusional liars at that.
Goldberg eviscerates The New Republic and the entire underpinnings of the latest edition of Democrats.
“But here is the first important distinction I’d like to make: Editors or owners should have absolute authority to control what appears in the pages of their magazines. How they exercise that authority, i.e., how much orthodoxy they want to impose or how much free-for-all they want to encourage, is a prudential question (and one I often have strong opinions about).
What editors should not have any control over is what their writers are allowed to think.”
Richest 1% on target to own two-thirds of all wealth by 2030
World leaders urged to act as anger over inequality reaches a ‘tipping point’
The world’s richest 1% are on course to control as much as two-thirds of the world’s wealth by 2030, according to a shocking analysis that has lead to a cross-party call for action. – shocking indeed
in 20150 we will follow Frogstar World B in reaching the shoe event horizon
The reasons are fairly simple. Countries are in a competition to see who can print money the fastest, and regulation and bailouts have replaced creative destruction. This leads to an accumulation of capital at the top.
Sounds like a Bircher holding to me
“Elon Musk on target to have eleventy zillion dollars by 2030.”
“At current rates, 132% of all women will be victims of sexual harassment by 2030.”
“Hillary Clinton on target to publish 342 whiny self-apologetics by 2030.”
I could go on but it’s my birthday so this is cutting into my drinking time.
I took a shit after getting out of bed an hour ago. At current rates, I will have taken 24 shits by this time tomorrow.
Happy birthday! I’ll have a beer
in your honor.Happy birthday!
Happy birthday! Here’s to many more trips around the Sun!
Meh, just a sign that most people continue to live in shithole countries where it is hard to save.
Richest 1% globally is 70-80 million people.
Needs MOAR sharks!
Sausage links frying up. Smelling wonderful.
I thought sausage links were when Jesse posted the links. But clearly OMWC posted this morning. I’m confused…
A young hipster looking type was sitting at a table right beside our group with a black t-shirt emblazoned with white, all-caps lettering “FUCK YOUR GUNS”
Much brave. how struggle.
I’ve found that sometimes adopting a clipped Commonwealth accent and engaging in some loud reminiscing about the fun of slotting floppies in the RLI gets the desired reaction from those hoplophobic types. YMMV.
Too bad we don’t live in a society where you could pull out your handgun, lay it on the table in front of him and say “Go ahead. Fuck my gun. I want to see this.”
I’d like to see him try wearing that shirt in Wyoming or Idaho. Then he’d have a struggle.
You hit the nail Brooks. If gun owners were truly the crazed killers that they are made out to be, no way that that chucklehead would dare wear that.
In reality he knows that most gun owners are law abiding folks who will politely go about their business and not pull out their piece and pistol whip him.
Very similar to the way the left mocks religion. Full on mockery for christianity but silence for islam. One of those groups tends to get a bit feisty when criticized.
Speaking of sex trafficking, will the FBI shut down the NYT “weddings and betrothals” announcements, next?
There’s some serious pimping going on, in there.
Much less honest about the pricing, that section.
Christian, Muslim and Jewish leaders have joined forces to call for a policy limiting benefits to families with more than two children to be scrapped.
The “two-child policy”, introduced a year ago, allows families to claim child tax credits or universal credits only for their first two children unless there are special circumstances.
But religious leaders say the policy will lead to a rise in child poverty and abortions.
“The policy is expected to tip an estimated extra 200,000 children into poverty. It also conveys the regrettable message that some children matter less than others, depending on their place in the sibling birth order,” they say in a letter to the Times.
U.K. implements tax policy designed to incentivise Citizens to limit the amount of children they have while simultaneously importing refugees from a part of the world that is decidedly not british. Seems wise.
I am not fan of policy to either incentivise or disincentivise breeding. But that basically covers much of what the government does
Here in the U.S. breeding in incentivized for our poor people. For people like me, who have to pay for our kids, it’s expensive as hell.
There are some doozies in that NYT article.
“Mr. Sanders faced sharp criticism from some African-Americans who thought he had reduced the nation’s first black president, Barack Obama, to merely being what Mr. Sanders called a “charismatic individual.”
So that’s how it has to be? Obama has to be treated and spoken in a certain way only? That he was the first black president doesn’t shield him from his incompetence, dullard views and general overall arrogance.
“So the senator from Vermont — a state where the largest city has but one black barbershop — ”
We all know what they’re trying to do here with that irrelevant non-sequitur. Have you been to Vermont? They’re lucky they even have one!
“He recently convened a meeting in his office with two black economists who have researched issues of racial and class inequality.”
Black economists. They jump higher than white and Asian and transgender economists. I thought these people were called sociologists?
“The real question is why it happened and it’s no secret: Everybody underestimated the backlash that would come to the first African-American president,” he said.”
Is that a fact? Is he suggesting a ‘white lash’ here?
“If you’re talking to a black audience, you’ve got to say, ‘I was fighting for fair housing in the ’60s,’ ”
Of course. You have to cling to things to muddle progress. You just have to say you were part of ‘la resistance!’ or else….INVALID!
do black barbershops cut hair better?
I believe it does take a slightly different skillset – I know in the service – going from base to base, there were always preferred barbers who many of the black folks would wait for – of course, they were Filipino, Korean, etc – but they had more experience with the hair, etc.
This is true.
“Imani Gandy
did you mention that he was president much less that it was historic?
Because I saw you call him a ‘charismatic individual’—not even leader!
An ‘extraordinary candidate’—not even president!
And ‘brilliant guy’.
Perhaps your office will release a transcript of your remarks. ”
Insufferable nonsense.
He was no leader and he certainly wasn’t brilliant.
“At The Denver Post on Monday, more than two dozen reporters, editors, photographers, videographers, page designers, digital producers and opinion staff will walk out the door. Our marching orders are to cut a full 30 by the start of July,” read the editorial titled, “As Vultures Circle the Denver Post Must be Saved.”
“These heartbreaking instructions raise the question: Does this cut, which follows so many in recent years that our ranks have shriveled from more than 250 to fewer than 100 today, represent the beginning of the end for the Voice of the Rocky Mountain Empire?” the editorial asks.
“What the fuck is wrong with you stupid motherfuckers? It is your sacred duty to fund our masturbatory faux-intellectual playpen. Buy our newspaper, you emptyheaded rubes.”
So that’s how it has to be? Obama has to be treated and spoken in a certain way only?
[insert something about “name taken in vain”]
Fuck Obama. He’s a narcissistic statist asshole.
A teenager who claims she was fat-shamed by a fellow customer while standing in line at a bakery got sweet revenge — spending $54 to buy every cupcake in the store.
Nicely done:)
That will show em!
Sure that is why she bought all those cup cakes.
Coates and Valenti were leading the charge against Williamson. lol.
Diversity of parochialism.
Valenti is a a disingenuous twat.
Williamson’s point, which she intentionally took out of context, is that the legality of abortion is fundamentally a question of “is it murder or not”.
As such, it’s left to the states to decide. Traditionally, the feds have only stepped in when the states defined murder too narrowly. In the case of abortion, the feds stepped in to explicitly define it as NOT murder.
And Coates is an overrated hack.
Kmele Foster > THC
I feel a great disturbance in the Force. It is like every stoner in CO rose up as one and shouted in protest
Is there such a thing as an underrated hack?
None that you’ve heard of. Obviously.
Thinking about getting a dust cover engraved with “Fuck off, slaver.”
That would be a great engraving for a chastity belt, too.
Saw this at TOS – another “protect the guild!” piece wailing about the horrors of the Hulk Hogan Gasket lawsuit that once again blathers on and on about Peter Thiel while ignoring the actual merits of the case.
They always fail to mention that Gawker went far beyond “reporting” in that case. It would be one thing to print that Hogan was banging his buddy’s wife. It’s totally another to publish surreptitiously obtained video of the act. Video that was illegally obtained of two private individuals in a consensual relationship with consent from neither.
Under Reason’s interpretation, Gawker could publish film of me with my wife that was taken by a home invader hiding in my attic with no repercussions.
Meh i am not sure about this one. I dont remember how gawker got the video. If somebody droped it in the mail for them, i see no reason not to publish. Reporting has nothing to do with it. The issues shoild be the people who made or stole the video if illegal
its also another to ignore court orders to take it down for months.
and another to openly challenge the idea that any public-interest concerns should guide publication of material. which (imo) is the real nut of the case, and which Reason writers have endlessly danced around acknowledging.
the Reason POV is a sort of “speech purism” which suggests that there should be zero real liability or oversight of anyone calling themselves a journalist. as long as facts are true, they’re ‘fair game’.
that’s not ever how even the journalism industry has ever seen its own role. the decision to publish should always be based on “why is this important for people to know”? Not, “well it will make me some money”; but what interest OTHER than your own are you futhering by publication?
aka “The public interest test”
These are just a few and very broad ideas; there are others.
but the point is that, lacking any justification at all for intrusion into people’s private lives, you shouldn’t publish. If you do? Welcome to Liability Land.
Reason repeatedly pretends that the subject of professional-ethics for journalists *simply doesn’t exist*. they refer to it like its a fancy philosophical idea related to “right to privacy” – which isn’t at all what it is.
They’re avoid the topic because their argument is so shitty. Its weak.
Whereas I agree a public interest test can, and arguably should, be applied to journalism. It doesn’t apply to publishing in general. Many outlets that publish news also publish plenty of content that could hardly be described as “journalism”, such as celebrity gossip and paparazzi photos.
The name of the site was Gawker. They were in the business of publishing crap for eyeballs.
So I would say the issue is invasion of privacy, not “public interest”.
No, because its a subtle shifting the burden to,
– “why shouldn’t i spy on your sexy-time through a hole in your wall?”
instead of
– “Why should i be completely free from liability for publishing it?”
If there’s some ‘right to privacy’ (there isn’t, and it isn’t necessary to this discussion at all), then the fault would be in their ‘investigating’ the topic in the first place. Wrong.
If there’s not, and instead the burden is applied when the publisher decides to MONETIZE their exposure of some private information?… then they can defend themselves in court under the longstanding role that “journalism in the public interest serves a vital purpose in a democracy… yadda yadda yadda”.
and most of the time they win.
However, when they try and claim this…? and they can’t actually show (or in Gawker’s case, don’t even try) that what they do is “Journalism” at all? then you better have some good fucking lawyers.
This latter point is the whole nut of the Gawker case; the fact is, they COULD have gotten away with it, if they’d simply presented even a half-competent legal case, and made some sincere effort to pretend that, ‘while there were errors made here, it was in good faith’ and blah blah blah.
instead they said, “Fuck you, how dare you question us”.
The case wasn’t some example of any bullshit legal ‘right to privacy’. It was an example of arrogant tabloid idiots and their shitty lawyers not realizing that Juries can be vicious against unlikeable douches.
“If there’s some ‘right to privacy’ (there isn’t, and it isn’t necessary to this discussion at all), then the fault would be in their ‘investigating’ the topic in the first place. Wrong.”
The difference is between taking pictures of Paris Hilton on the street, and hiding a camera in her bathroom. There is no “public interest” in the greater good sense in either. So there is no justification for the latter. It wouldn’t be investigating anything either. Just like adult magazines and commercial websites can’t publish hacked “fappening” photos.
Otoh, if there was private stuff about Paris Hilton that satisfied “journalism in the public interest serves a vital purpose in a democracy…” then publishing it would be justified.
In this case, Gawker published something private that served no such interest, and according to you, their lawyers didn’t try to argue otherwise. If it were pictures of Hulk Hogan doing something in public, then it wouldn’t matter (although the photographers could still claim ownership of their work).
That’s not quite it.
I’m not actually blaming Gawker for what they didn’t do;
they’re to blame for the argument they DID make, which was = we don’t need to meet any “newsworthy” standard at all
Lawyers for the plaintiff asked:
Their argument relied on establishing themselves as “journalists”. When the plaintiffs tried to establish what distinguished journalism, for them, they balked and said, “Whatever we want”.
This is exactly where they fucked up.
what’s really being measured by the jury is not some philosophical argument about “rights to privacy” vs. “free speech” or some abstract logical claims. they are bound to consider arguments solely in the context of what the lawyers present, and previous case law.
if the lawyers can prove claims made at the outset of the trial. each presents what they THINK is at issue, and they try to convince the jury that their original claims are correct.
What gawker tried to convince the jury was NOT that “there is no right to privacy”; and the Hogan lawyers did NOT try to claim “His privacy rights were violated”. It was simply not part of the claims being made.
What gawker argued
their own argument relied on legal protections provided to “journalists reporting on matters of public concern”. IOW, their own claims required them to PROVE that what they were doing met some public interest test.
then they proceeded to argue that those tests were irrelevant, and they were journalists simply because *they said so*.
No juror needed to consider arguments about privacy concerns. they only had to evaluate whether the argument that “gawker was immune from liability because they were ‘journalists'” was true or not.
I understand what you are saying as far how the trial went.
My point is that if it were about a video of HH being a jackass in public, their argument “we don’t need to meet any “newsworthy” standard at all” would have been true. So the only reason it ever got to court in the first place was privacy.
Didn’t they do effectively the same thing News of the World did?
Principals, not principles.
News of the World was supposed to be in italics, not an SFed link.
Civil liability is a totally different thing than freedom of the press.
I turn on the TV thinking I want to see the news. It is on the channel we were watching last night. The Flying Nun is on. The most ridiculous TV show ever made. I cant resist. I forgot how hot young Sally Field was.
I call her frog cause i’d like to jump her.
I think a flying nun is what Avengers are missing.
Hey, they added one to The Last Jedi.
Cut that scene out of The Last Jedi, please!
More ridiculous than My Mother, the Car?
Sally Field in Smokey and the Bandit was the apex of cute hot.
I was going to ask the same question.
Holy fuck, that was a real show! I thought it was just a gag on Arrested Development…
Leaked minutes show Labour at odds over antisemitism claims
Exclusive: Corbyn supporters tried to block action against members facing complaints
I blame the Zionists. And apparently so do they
It’s interesting and telling that this isn’t even being discussed internally by Team Blue.
Few things about “youtube gun channels” topic, which i’ve sort of been following
1) i was wrong about the start-date; its not until April 17th
2) Eric @ IV8888 seems to believe its likely to be applied very *narrowly* to the literal word of the regulations, rather than expansively, which was my assumption (call me cynical)
whoops, posted too soon.
anyway…. i think IV8888 is one of the top ~3 on YT, and if that’s his POV, then i think its likely based on discussions w/ YT themselves. he suggests as much, while also saying, “don’t treat this as legal advice” etc.
his vid where he discusses this
3) on the “assembly” clause… he’s convinced that it will be narrowly applied to anyone trying to ‘demonstrate how to illegally modify firearms’; e.g. home-made suppressors, bump-stocks, or any controlled item. NOT just anyone doing a field strip or showing how to do some basic gun-smithing
4) He thinks reloading-vids are probably a grey area, but again, he thinks that “people making modification to ammo” in a dangerous fashion. He gives the example of his own vids on ‘shotgun cut-shells’.
and more
I thought it was 4/20. Most of what I watch on youtube is gun channels.
i’ve long subbed to gun channels, even tho i’m not really a gun-person . I find the topic interesting
these days its mostly Forgotten Weapons (for the mechanical porn), and occasional Hickock or IV8888 for some demo, or just the soothing, theraputic effect of watching someone shoot. (i think its like the way The Dude listens to pins-falling on his walkman)
From someone who used to live in Bryan, TX, I can confirm that Matt from Demolition Ranch is a perfect archetype of a central Texas redneck. Like you could not get more stereotypical, down to his wife/kids/house.
Oh, and Aggie ring, ‘natch.
Lately I’ve been enjoying SageDynamics, Lucky Gunner Ammo, and Munitions Law Group which gives legal advice for gun owners. Reid Henrichs is good too.
Will the slingshot be banned? I remember the guy weaponises things
The Philistines for Sling Abolition join in your call for banning those terrible weapons!
I meant the slingshot channel on youtube i donno how that comment lost that bit
Eric strikes me as extremely shady after his price sheet with a line item for a “good review” came out.
It would not surprise me if he’s made some sort of deal with Youtube that will let him get away with what people not-giving-kickbacks-to-Alphabet won’t. (I have no evidence that he is giving kickbacks to Alphabet).
don’t know what you’re referring to
It would not surprise me if ALL the biggest channels (over 1m subs) have talked directly to youtube and figured out “What do we need to do to stay alive”
They should, obviously. they make a lot of money from their channels, which many have spent a decade building. and bending a little to comply, and saying ‘nice things’ about youtubes intentions should be expected. I do not expect that same attitude from some piddling channel with nothing to lose.
i don’t think there’s any reason to suspect “kickbacks” (whatever that means). Despite there being a few people who make money on YT via gun channels (Hickock, IV8888, maybe 2 others), its not a huge revenue-source. I doubt YT is playing mafia extortion tactics.
I suspect, from eric’s vid, that YT is fine allowing the most-successful ones stay alive, while policing smaller, less-responsible ones who willfully – with emphasis on “intent” – flout the new-rules. That’s my impression.
IV8888 was (is?) explicitly offering to give good reviews if you paid them enough. Fast forward to 3:45 if you can’t stand YM’s queeny schtick:
Since IV8888 is charging to make YT videos, they could provide Alphabet an incentive to leave them alone. Even if it was just forgoing monetization so that they could get the moola from the review subjects.
That’s not actually what YM claims, or what he shows IV8888 doing.
what IV8888 is doing is exactly the same shit guns & ammo and field & stream and ‘any narrow-interest, niche media with large, captive audience’ have always done. He’s capitalizing on his audience.
He has a limited # of vids he does in a single year. he opens “what gets covered” to people who have $ to promote their products.
this doesn’t guarantee ‘good reviews’, just that he’ll do a vid on that product. and i doubt he’ll do it “just” for the money; he’s got enough demand for his attention that he’ll pick the stuff he WILL give good reviews, (and who pay).
if you think the chicken-feed that helps keep gun-media afloat would be enough to sway the editorial policy at Youtube, i think you’ve got some misconceptions about the incentives involved.
basically, in sum:
1) i don’t think eric and his channel is at all either in the wrong or in any way ethically-compromised simply for taking advantage of the HUGE audience he commands. He has production overhead which ‘basement gun-yakkers’ like YM do not.
and 2) i don’t think the fact that his channel is profitable would give him any particular advantage negotiating w/ YT, who makes 10,000X the $$ from “Let’s Play” gaming channels. they’re not going to carve out exceptions for x ‘gun channel’ because they’re being slipped some beer-money on the side.
IV8888’s price sheet (see Tier 2) mentions that if there is a problem with a gun he has been paid to “review” (hereafter, I’m switching to the term “advertise”) instead of mentioning the fact that the gun broke (as The Honest Outlaw does, regularly), he gives the product back to the advertiser to fix. He warns that this will delay the release of the video beyond the initially promised timeframe. Also, the advertiser gets final review of the advertisement prior to posting it on youtube. You can see this effect on, well, ANY of their advertisements, where obvious flaws in design are glossed over or the improvements of their competitor’s versions are made out to be irrelevant or trivial.
A specific example: Henry rifles. The lack of a loading gate is a major disadvantage, but the most that Eric will say is that some people might find it a bit awkward, but without a loading gate you don’t have to worry about pinching your fingers! Note that this doesn’t mean that I don’t want to buy an All-weather Henry in .45-70. Me want.
I am NOT saying that they are morally wrong (beyond conflating reviews with advertisements) to run ads. I am a capitalist.
I guess the “problem” I have (to the extent I have one) is that there are a few different kinds of youtube monetization schemes:
1. Pure “I make my living from people watching my Youtube vids.” Like Pewdiepie or Simon and Martina.
2. Youtube is a way of marketing my real job, like Patrick Adair Designs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ublt-4GkVoA (to tie back into the gun world via tritium)
3. I get paid by third parties to make youtube videos, like the President of Kekistan (and spokesperson for Glibertarians.com does.)
4. Youtube is an extra income stream to supplement my straight job.
Eric is model #3. He’s Big Man Tyrone with a gun-emphasis and (supposedly (formerly?)) a day job at a gun store. But he pretends to be #4, or perhaps even someone for whom YT$ aren’t a significant source of income.
Not that there’s anything wrong with the other models. Matt From Demo Ranch is obviously trying to increase the fraction of his income stream that he’s getting from YT. But he doesn’t pretend that he’s not out shilling merch.
I hear what you’re saying,… but it still seems you’re changing your original point.
yes, all reviews will generally be “good reviews” when you’re paid to review things. duh.
the claim you and YM seem to make is that he demands people “pay extra'” for good reviews. As tho he demands higher fees for special treatment.
What he does is what everyone does: pay us, and we help promote your product.
That isn’t particularly new or unusual or unethical. If he glosses over flaws in products: so does everyone in the media. So does everyone in every aspect of every industry.
e.g. i’m sure you’re familiar with Wall St stock ratings.? 1- Strong Buy /2 – Buy/ 3 – Hold / 4 – Sell/ 5 – Strong Sell.
often, “buy” means “hold”. why? because in general, no one goes ‘negative’ on stocks until its way too late and its obvious there are problems.
My point is just that YM is whining as tho there’s something unethical going on. When what he’s doing is actually MORE ethical in most cases than what traditional gun media have always done.
You might not like it because he’s not critical when he should be. Well caveat emptor. Educated consumers tend to learn to read between the lines and see that when someone identifies as ‘possible complaint’, they are actually saying, “hey look at this yourself and make your own call”, even if they downplay it.
so, basically 1) i don’t think he’s “shady” or unethical for having this pay-for-coverage, and 2) i certainly don’t think it gives him special leverage w/ youtube. if anything it makes him less reliant on ad-monitization, and so less worried about how ad-revenues fluctuate.
YM is a bit of a troll.
I have watched his channel for years, but i think he has a bit of a victim-complex/ ego-trip thing about being the lone “sort of lefty gun guy”, and is always making these “im more 2nd amendment purist than thou” sort of vids.
but i still like him. i just don’t agree with his takes sometimes. i actually like his comments about the retail gun-industry (e.g. his hate rants about Bud’s Gun Shop) and various product design trends in particular. I’ve always liked his take on the continued relevance of wheel-guns.
I will always live him for his advice on how to get rid of bears: “Ask them if they have a few minutes to talk about Jesus.”
I linked to this yesterday. I’m linking to it again because because.
Long depressing article in the Atlantic nominally about playgrounds and playground design, but mostly about children and childhood. It must really fucking suck to be a kid in the 21st century. No flying cars, no freedom, no escape.
On the bright side maybe soon they will climb trees in VR
“It must really fucking suck to be a kid in the 21st century”
If you aren’t my grandchild, yes. If you are then you get to romp in the woods and shoot guns, play on rope swings, drive boats, etc.
And the the gator gets you
Ok that was a bad joke I take it back
So did the gator.
I plan to follow the Suthenboy model for my soon-to-be child.
Suthen gets it. My boy has great time at home.
My modern kid playing in the yard
Ha! Love that, man.
Meh. My daughter broke her elbow launching herself off a swingset when she was a wee lass. My son used to have airsoft wars in the woods by our house. Both kids dive, explore climb shit and have adventures all the time.
It must suck to be a kid in the 21st century with parents who outsource.
But as a child of the ’70s, this still cracks me up.
I set my Big Wheel on fire and rode it (very briefly).
Admittedly, I was a little bit of a pyromaniac.
Admittedly, I was a little bit of a pyromaniac.
We all were (are?). I got my ass smacked for using a propane torch to melt a plexiglass garage window. Plexiglass, by the way, because I had previously broken the glass with a hockey puck. Dad finally gave up and installed plywood.
I used a torch to burn out bushings in my front control arms not long ago.
Things haven’t changed much.
Why did you burn your arms? :-p
Seemed like a good idea at the time.
Seemed like a good idea at the time.
Man trying to kill insects with flames sets his house on fire
My son (middle kid) was pretty laid back when he was young. He got bossed around by his older sister and younger brother a lot, but there was one line that could not be crossed. No one could ride <a href="https://imgur.com/a/Er5M8"his green big wheel.
Both his siblings knew that touching his ride was going to result in trouble with him.
For a summer he also used to wear a pair of swim goggles when he rode around the neighborhood. Couldn’t find a pic of that cuteness though.
Uffda! Let’s try that link again.
Child of the Sixties/Seventies here as well.
The autumn after my Grandpa died, my cousin and I were out at the farm shooting pheasants. Grandma gave us lunch, and while we were eating, she told us there were “a couple boxes of Grandpa’s stuff still in the barn,” and that we should look through and take any tools or anything else useful.
So we looked, and there wasn’t much – except two old, old sticks of dynamite, so old they were sweating nitro.
My cousin said, “Hey, let’s see if we can set them off by shooting them – I’ve got my .22 in my truck!”
That day we discovered that if you shoot old dynamite with a .22, all you do is poke holes in it. Disappointed, we suddenly had a moment of self-awareness and realized that Grandma would go after both of us with a switch if she knew what we were up to, so we dug a hole and buried the dynamite out in the orchard.
Farm kids have the most fun.
And then you blew up the orchard, right?
I’m surprised they didn’t blow when you shot them. The nitro that sweats out is very unstable.
That is kick-ass! I still remember the day Dad (unexpectedly) put me in the car and drove to the local Coast-to-Coast to buy me a Big Wheel. Damn, I loved that thing.
Feh. I had a Green Machine.
This was my ride.
Nice! I had one of these.
Damn! Check your trike privilege!
Big wheels were how you learned hand brake slides are cool and later did them in your car.
Our old neighbors (from Switzerland) put a mini-trampoline between their swingset and their above ground pool. The kids would climb up the slide ladder jump off onto the tramp and into the pool. Way cool.
We also had a rope swing at our old cabin that got a ton of use.
And we still shoot a ton of squirrels and rabbits in our back yard with a pellet gun.
It’s interesting seeing the differences between cultures. Here in Japan I watch children going to school in relatively orderly groups or careening around the sidewalks playing. There are significant downfalls to the culture here, but I find it strange that a country that is so intent on maintaining military-like order will let its children ride the trains alone while a nation that thrives on the chaos of competition is terrified to let kids be alone in the front yard.
There’s a tv series (Hajimete no Otsukai) where kids go off and do shopping and such on their own. Everyone involved would be arrested here on child welfare charges and the kids sent into state custody (where they would receive far worse treatment).
When I lived in Europe my friends would send their 5 year old daughter with an empty pitcher to the bar to buy us some beer.
OMWC, it was great to break bread with you and the Mojeauxs IRL the other evening… I now understand how children could be enticed to take a ride in your panel van.
Hope to meet your bride the next time you come to town.
In the meantime, I apologize for being a schmuck by offering you a taste of my decadant pulled pork.
Looks yummy. I’m having my favorite pizza today for a belated Easter lunch with the fam. Tommy’s Pizza with a cracker thin crust.
Considering the best KC BBQ is brisket, he could still appreciate the town.
Not when you are vegetarian….
He’s a vegetarian when SP isn’t around? Here I was thinking it was a Big Kauhna Burgersituation
It really works the other way- she’s a vegetarian when *I’m* around.
That looks good. And I’m hungry. And I won’t be eating for another 11 hours.
I’m going to be in KC the first week of June. If there is any Glib-related socializing going on then, please let me know. I’ll be staying in the Westin at Crown Center.
If there is any Glib-related socializing going on then, please let me know.
Now we have an excuse to socialize (not that we need one). Feel free to PM me at libertesian at pm.me to get the ball rolling.
Thanks. I’ll do that as we get closer to June.
Now I have to link to this-
I wanna play cricket on the green
Ride my bike across the street
Cut myself and see my blood
I wanna come home all covered in mud
Cis shitlords!
There is no fraud in the welfare system
Holy moly. That’s some serious system milking.
Wire fraud sounds weird
Note that two pubsec insiders were part of the scam. No mention of their indictment, punishment, etc.
I didn’t catch that. not surprising though
Lach, can you answer me a question? Just as I was leaving Memphis (95 or so) there was supposedly a deal in AR where the govt was paying extra to welfare recipients who had mental issues. They were called “crazy checks” and allegedly parents were telling the kids to act crazy in front of the case worker to get the extra money.
Was that true? Or was it an exageration? Or have you not even heard of it?
I have never heard of that, but it wouldn’t surprise me.
I know that there are extra benefits for welfare recipients with kids with special needs, mental illness probably qualifies as that, for things like special education, in home care, etc. I don’t know if a higher cash payout is included in that.
3) on the “assembly” clause… he’s convinced that it will be narrowly applied to anyone trying to ‘demonstrate how to illegally modify firearms’; e.g. home-made suppressors, bump-stocks, or any controlled item. NOT just anyone doing a field strip or showing how to do some basic gun-smithing
I guess that goofball who does vids showing how to build modern day zip guns is doomed.
*no idea who he is, for some reason some of his stuff got puked up as “suggested content”
Yeah. that sort of thing, insofar as it is a “firearm”.
its possible Jorg the slingshot guy is fucked too, but i don’t know how much ‘instruction’ he does.
If you aren’t my grandchild, yes. If you are then you get to romp in the woods and shoot guns, play on rope swings, drive boats, etc.
There was a little nugget in that article, which I am not going to go hunt for, which could have been lifted straight out of 1984. Distilled, it was a reference to how the proles, not being so completely in thrall to the gods of woke society, still let their kids get away with a certain amount of unsupervised adventure.
Unsupervised Adventure is the most important thing a kid can have. Damn totalitarians are doing their best to squash it.
It’s just another manifestation of utopian thinking.
Kids play outside. They will occasionally break bones and get into trouble. And out of the millions of kids who play outside, some small number will get hit by a car or victimized by a criminal. That’s life; that’s reality. There’s no getting around it. The helicopter parents’ idea of a safe childhood would mean a childhood that is simultaneously joyless and inadequate as preparation for real life.
Some people think we can create a perfect world where nothing bad ever happens (and this is not an exaggeration; Hillary’s stated goal for her campaign was “zero suicides”). This is not only hopeless, but these people are also willing to destroy every ounce of freedom in the process.
What you are describing is a pretty simple concept. I get it. You get it. I get why the statist pukes in charge want to outlaw cgildhood freedom, I don’t get why the majority of regular people would go along with it.
Just out of curiousity, I’m wondering what the average birth order is here at Glibs. My guess is that Yokels would tend towards being older siblings.
I’m #1 of 3 (according to my daddy).
I’m fifth of six. The perfect “don’t touch my shit” position.
1 of 5
Oldest brother, Older brother, older sister, Me, younger brother, younger brother
Dude, your wild streak made me think, “Middle Child”.
I don’t know if that’s what did it or not, but it’s pretty tough being the middle kids.
Did your older brother study medicine like a proper eldest son?
Actually, yes. He was in his 2nd year of med school when, for a variety of reasons, he had to quit. It sucks he spent all that money and isn’t a doctor now.
2 of 2
Same. Folks who meet my sister and I together for the first time always assume she’s the younger one. Lol.
2 of 2 also.
Second son. I watched my elder brother rebel and followed in his wake like a proper shit-lord is wont to do.
1 of 1
1 of 2
1 of 2.
Sorry we didn’t make it out this weekend. Had a ton of work stuff going on. Martinis tonight, though.
No worries dude. Work had me totally fried this week.
Found a nice bar in Tachikawa that makes a mean martini. I went with whiskey rocks, but also drank most of the wife’s.
We went strawberry picking with friends and somehow wound up in Chiba at a lighthouse. We were not pleased. Last thing we wanted was to spend six hours driving on a Saturday to and from a fucking lighthouse.
Strawberries were pretty good though.
Fifth of five. The folks had to keep trying until they got it right.
Not many pictures of you, eh?
Yeah, the Old Man wasn’t really into the whole newfangled “photography” thing.
1 of 2. There are eight years between me and my sister so our family dynamic was a bit different that most families of 4.
2nd of four.
First! of three.
Youngest of four.
1 of 3
4th of 4.
I’m 1 of 2. SP is 7 of 9, fittingly.
1 of 2 for me.
1 of 2 (and the kid sister is lucky to be counted)
Younger brother to a really good guy; my brother my friend.
The baby of the family. Baby of the extended family. I was the oh shit child.
1 of 1
Oldest of four.
another “protect the guild!” piece wailing about the horrors of the Hulk Hogan Gasket lawsuit that once again blathers on and on about Peter Thiel while ignoring the actual merits of the case.
I cannot help wondering what their reaction would have been if “Hogan” had just shown up at Nick Denton’s office and beaten him to a bloody pulp.
Actually, I don’t. They’re on the bus with the rest of the “action without consequences” crusaders.
I had a dream last night that Q read Priest’s An Introduction to Non-Classical Logic and was reviewing it here.
I may be double or even triple gay.
Sometimes I dream that HM softly whispers Toposes, Triples, and Theories to me while playing gently with my balls is that so wrong?
I used to watch The Polka king on the TV with my grandparents as a kid. As a teen I would drive past his shop every week during work. I went inside to get a gift for my polish American grandparents, but the place was full of garbage trinkets similar to what you would see in an airport.
I agree with the way Jan was portrayed in the movie. He was more interested in being liked than greedy. The people that bought into the pyramid scheme were mostly driven by greed as well as somewhat naive.
The role was made for Jack Black, he had the right mix of likability and ambition.
We haven’t seen the fiction version yet, but it’s in our Netflix queue. JB was in one of my favorite movies of the past few years, Bernie.
Too much hoopla over a team most people don’t care about.
Remember, the Irsays moved the Colts to Indianapolis in the middle of the night because the state of Maryland was trying to take the team by eminent domain.
Holy shit! I follow football closely and i never knew that. The move is always portrayed as a cowardly move by a owner trying to fuck over the city. Funny that no one ever mentions that the city was trying to fuck over him and he responded rationally. Kind of changes the narrative.
One of many links from a Google search:
Words are meaningless.
I’m lost.
To be fair june has a fashy look to her. Young white female not woke screams nazi tbh
That must be it.
He internalized racism
Well, he’s probably not Jewish
Why do I think that this will not turn out to be quite how the WaPo is positioning it? Am I overly cynical? Hahahahaha… no.
RIght… media freedom in Gaza… also, I like how the author assumes everyone will know that AFP is a frog news agency. Bonus points for the author’s name and a picture that looks like it was ripped from her high school yearbook.
They’re gonna need common sense van control. Disclaimer: very early report could be an accident.
Ban white vans. Also no more than 30 horsepower.
Self driving vehicles = common sense van control. Someday in the not too distant future, the serfs will no longer be able to drive a vehicle.
Oh, look- another mopey navel-gazer about the intrinsic racism, injustice and violence of American culture.
The tragedy of the Stoneman Douglas High School massacre shooting in Parkland, Florida, in February unleashed a burst of energy that has uniquely altered what has largely been a moribund American debate. Since then, a group of teenage survivors of that shooting have been elevated to leading roles in the discourse, and they have proven preternaturally prepared, both by experience and by talent, to lead that debate. Rallying around them, activists have led the massive March For Our Lives, shaken pro-gun stalwarts like Florida Governor Rick Scott, and challenged the National Rifle Association. They’ve taken gun-control advocacy to new prominence, a remarkable accomplishment in a country where the Second Amendment has often played an accessory role to racial animae that can seem intractable, if not foundational.
Funny- “prepared” can also mean “groomed” or “coached”.
Blah blah blah Amerikkka sucks.
These people really have no idea who they’re messing with. I’d chuckle, but I’m too busy loading magazines.
Yea, except for all those times when Democrats in the 1800s wanted to restrict the second amendment to keep guns out of the hands of uppity negroes. Don’t want them shooting back at the klansmen.
Bingo. Gun control, like the war on drugs, way originally a tool the government used to keep uppity blacks in their place.
The stated motives are different, but the outcomes are the same
Someone who was a little more directly effected by the shooter than the teenage “survivors” is finally speaking out and is saying something a little different than the self-appointed official spokes people for the the students.
That kid’ll get memory-holed. They can’t vilify him like Kashuk without risking major backlash, so the Journolist will just pretend he doesn’t exist.
TL;DR – The gun-control muppet babies are starting to fall off the radar so the Journolist has to raise their profile again.
Show me where they’re engaged in constructive, intellectual debate, and not just in “prepared” ranting.
You mean “The NRA is a terrorist organization with a lust for children’s blood” isn’t constructive or intellectual?
Repeating tripe that anti civil rights activists told them is what is thought of as constructive debate these days.
Owen Benjamin suspended from Twitter:
He was criticizing the gun control uncriticizables recently and that’s likely what did him in (YouTube penalized him too).
People really need to move to Gab.
The current social networks and video aggregators seem intent on destroying themselves, Gab, BitChute, and Minds.com are the future.
I don’t know anything about these new kids on the block, but unless they only operate in a country with reasonable protections for freedom of speech – and maybe not even then given the direction things seem to be going – I don’t see how they’ll last long.
Yeah, if they aren’t based in the US or die Schweiz (I’d imagine there are a couple more I don’t know about) they’re nuts.
The Russia Investigations: On The Hunt For Duffel Bags Full Of Cash
I picture OJ out looking for the real killers.
I find it unlikely that they know anything at this point. They’re fishing for anything to justify the investigation’s continued existence.
My guess is they are trying to find something to charge Trump with. They really can’t justify the investigation otherwise.
Even if Mueller comes out and says he hasn’t found any collusion that won’t stop the Democrats and most of the MSM from saying otherwise.
The narrative will then be about the cover up.
(Likely) stupid question:
Do the Feds have any evidence that Backpage was being used extensively to traffic underage girls? Or is that just the facade they’re using to stage a vice raid?
1. No
2. Yes
14 Dead After Humboldt Broncos Hockey Team Bus Crash In Saskatchewan
Junior team’s bus gets T-boned by a semi. Everyone on the bus dead or injured.
It’s been raining almost non stop for 2 days here. That means that all the scrap we melt in our furnaces is wet when it goes in.
To melt a heat of steel, the crane drops 30 tons of scrap into the furnace. The furnace then arcs on the steel until it’s melted down enough to make room for another 30 tons to be dropped in. When the scrap is wet, like it is today, this is what we call a wet charge.
Wet charges explode when they go in the furnace. The explosion is contained and the worst that happens is some slag blows out of the furnace and the furnace floor gets a shower of molten metal. No big deal.The explosions are loud as hell though and they shake a building that has every square inch of available surfave covered in the maximum amount of dust that said surface can support. It’s kind like a dusty battlefield in here today.
Where I work someone complaind the espresso machine is to lound and the company made sort of a box around it to make it less loud… so yeah…
Anyway you should charge for people to visit the plant in such cases
That’s a novel idea.
I’m allowed to bring in anyone I want and give them a tour. I imagine if I started monetizing that privilege, the company would shut me down pretty quick though.
Set up a museum like the Corning Glass works did.
Cut the company in for half, they won’t say a word…
The Government in Canada uses Dofasco’s electric arc furnace for destroying old and worn out cash.
Every few years or so, the arkansas state police bring in crime guns and drugs for us to melt down. It’s a damn crying shame when that happens.
Start a foundation. Tell the company that it is just a strange coincidence that the people who contribute to the Lachowsky Foundation are also the ones who get to tour the plant.
Also, what you are describing should be the perfect backdrop to some metal band trying to make a video.
I feel like you ripped this idea off of a prominent politician who recently lost a presidential election.
Presumably no safety issues with that sort of dust in that kind of environment? I’ve heard about grain/flour explosions before – used to great effect in one of my Korean period flicks too.
Our dust is made in an enviroment that is over 3000 degrees. By the time it gets into the atmosphere, anything combustible in it has already combusted.
The results from the chemical analysis show that the approximate order of abundance of major elements in EAF dusts is as follows: Fe, Zn, Mn, Ca, Mg, Si, Pb, S, Cr, Cu, Al, C, Ni, Cd, As and Hg.
Interesting to know. Wasn’t sure if it was a general atmosphere mixture/ratio or something unique to the material.
Thanks for these posts Lachowdky. Very interesting and informative.
Korean chicks are sexy, but I’m not really into that other component.
Oooo-kay. Anyhoo, the “Detective K” movies from Korea are great – caught the first one theatrically in Seattle (great having CJ entertainment buy some theaters stateside) but second one I only caught on blu-ray.
Fun sort of weird period genre mashups – Sherlock Holmes meets King Seojung sort of thing. The action / comedy is pretty good too for the most part – and most weirdly, I think it’s the first Asian film I’ve seen that seriously addressed persecution of Christians/crypto-Christians in the pre-modern area (came out 4 or 5 years before “Silence”.
$50/night is $1500 a month. Also, bizarre? Getting a quote from Sandy Berger’s wife (yes, that Sandy Berger). After wading through the muck and misdirection, I’m left with $50/night really isn’t out of line for a room only.
Do the Feds have any evidence that Backpage was being used extensively to traffic underage girls?
Dude, there was that one girl who got raped and murdered that time.
“Anthony Borges, the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High Schooler who was shot five times as he shielded his classmates with his body, thoroughly blasted Broward Sheriff Scott Israel and Broward Schools Superintendent Robert Runcie for their failure to protect students and teachers.”
Countdown to the gun control crowd attacking this kid while declaring their bunch off limits…
“I want to ask you today to end your policy and agreement that you will not arrest people committing crimes in our school,” the attorney said, referencing the Obama-era school discipline policies enacted by the school.
Oof. That’s going to cause some cognitive dissonance.
I wonder how long before other parents start suing regularly over that little gem. It’s going on in most of the big districts across the country.
It will be very interesting to see if De Vos rescinds that order, the whole point of which was the left’s obsession with identity politics rather than, oh, I dunno, school safety.
They must teach the young FBI-lettes something different than what we were taught in bootcamp about the role Congress plays in our country.
In boot camp they beat it into our head that the lowliest congress critter outranked any general (or even the Sgt. Major of the Marine Corps). We ultimately all took our orders from them. When a congressman showed up on base, it was a big deal.
The FBI seems to think it doesn’t need any oversight from Congress. At least that is what I’m getting this story.
Nunes’ committee has asked the FBI for an email that started the whole Russia thing. They know it exists because they got a copy, but it was all redacted. The FBI just refused to turn it over. At this point, Congress should grow a pair and start up giant committee hearings and start firing and jailing FBI and other intelligence agency folks.
Congress cut its own balls off a long time ago. The agencies took notice.
damn. beat me to it.
Self neutered congress has no balls.
It’s pretty obvious that the FBI “investigation” is just a cover to try and oust Trump by any means necessary. If there was anything to find, they would have found it months ago. Congressional Repubs have the power to put an end to this nonsense but it’s clear that they either secretly want him to find something or they’re too scared of being called mean names by Dems to do anything.
At this point, they’re just trying to hold out until midterms and hope the Dems take congress to really drop anything. But the FBI is totally above politics and wouldn’t dare interfere in the properly elected government.
Why can’t Trump or Sessions just order the release of . . . everything? I’m genuinely baffled that they haven’t.
At this point, Congress should grow a pair and start up giant committee hearings and start firing and jailing FBI and other intelligence agency folks.
There is still such a thing as “contempt of Congress” in a legal, and not merely vernacular, sense. Or so I have been told.
The perfect female waist-to-hip ratio is 0.7.
But 60/90 is 66.6
The waistline of the Beast.
“36-24-36, what a winning hand!”
’36-24-36? Only if she’s 5’3″ ‘
One day, man. One day.
They all look like their hips are too wide for their waist.
Some surprising results here. I would have guessed that you were all an average of tenth out of ten, minimum–by which I mean tenth male child born to the same biological mother, because you are all fucking gay.
From the NPR Mueller article linked above:
On Friday, the Treasury Department targeted some of those same oligarchs for a new round of sanctions, along with a number of other Russian government officials and entities — including the state weapons exporter. And here was the description Treasury gave of the conduct of one targeted Russian, gold baron Suleiman Kerimov:
“He is alleged to have brought hundreds of millions of euros into France — transporting as much as 20 million euros at a time in suitcases, in addition to conducting more conventional funds transfers — without reporting the money to French tax authorities.”
We have now taken it upon ourselves to investigate and prosecute tax evasion in France? How noble of us.
world police we be.
Since the FBI has been doing so well in its NCAA rules violations stings, maybe the two could cooperate and go after flopping and hand balls in La Liga.
So brave. Much principle.
Thing is, I don’t even buy her premise that ol’ Ted would’ve gotten charged if it happened today. Ask the ghosts of Seth Rich, Vince Foster, or Ron Brown about what happens to the politically powerful on the left when they run afoul of the law.
Investigators are believed to be looking into whether foreign cash got into the coffers of American political organizations, and if this is how, the implications are huge.
Of course the scope of this investigation is broad and utterly non partisan. They will unhesitatingly seek the truth no matter where it leads, no matter who is implicated.
German police confirm people killed after vehicle plows through crowd in Muenster
The attack happened at an outdoor pub, so maybe it was a militant teetotaler.
His motives will never be known…
There have been five noncombat aviation crashes in 2018, killing nine service members — 37 were killed in aircraft crashes last year, nearly double the number killed in 2016.
An Apache crashed at Fort Campbell last night. 2 dead.
Ships crashing into other ships, aircraft crashing into the ground…what’s going on with the military?
Hard to tell at this point for many if it’s due to legacy airframes or training or something else. Just had retraining myself on navy ordnance handling. Look at the late 60s for a trio of avoidable “accidents” that put 3 aircraft carriers out of commission – improper voltage testing on live weapons, parachute flares improperly stored, etc. Programs started, eventually dropped after no accidents, then brought back when it became evident (thankfully no incidents) that it was necessary to maintain knowledge, situational awareness for personnel, etc.
It wasn’t until after the Forrestal fire that we switched to “Every sailor a fireman” because all the qualified/trained firemen were killed/incapacitated at the beginning and some of the firefighting efforts afterwards made things worse with untrained personnel.
Worth a watch: https://youtu.be/U6NnfRT_OZA
Same as it ever was?
My parents went to the Trump rally in White Sulphur Springs, WV. My dad talked to a Secret Service guy who said that he worked Clinton rallies and Trump rallies and that there were always way more people at the Trump rallies. My mom was sitting a few feet away from Trump when he went off script and tossed the speech in the air.
They’re both all aboard the Trump train. MAGA hats and everything.
Fun fact: the govt’s nuclear bunker is in White Sulphur Springs
Welcome to Capitol Hill, the Day After — except this isn’t Washington. It’s a giant concrete box nestled into a hillside in White Sulphur Springs, W.Va.
Behind 3-foot-thick concrete walls is a space about the size of a WalMart. The air-intake system is so intricate — it was meant to filter out radiation — that it creates a vacuum-like effect when you walk in. Wind howls around you and sucks all the doors shut.
The sleeping quarters includes rows of metal bunkbeds.
“All they had for private items that you could lock up were a small drawer, right underneath the beds, you could put your personal items in here,” Conte says. “For 30 years, every one of these 1,100 beds was assigned to somebody.”
Eisenhower decided the Greenbrier would be a perfect cover for a congressional bunker. In 1958, government workers broke ground on what they called “Project Greek Island.”
It was just about a four-hour drive from Washington. Hotel workers and guests were told that the giant hole in the ground would house a new conference facility. In fact, it would — or at least part of it would.
“In the 30 years, thousands of people walked in and out of a secret bunker not knowing they were in a secret bunker — which was part of the original design,” Conte says in a room used as an “exhibit hall.”
There were a few weird coincidences that Conte noticed before the bunker’s existence was exposed by the Washington Post in 1992. For one, there were many, many, MANY bathrooms. And most of them were for men.
Today, part of the bunker is a tourist attraction. Another part is used as a secure data storage facility. Had it not been exposed in 1992, there’s a good chance this would still be the secret home of the U.S. Congress.
But now that secret home is somewhere else. And, like the last one, just a handful of people know where it is. Post reporter Bill Arkin is one of them, and he’s not saying.
“If you’re a normal member of Congress, my guess is that you know nothing. You really know nothing,” he says.
“But now that secret home is somewhere else. And, like the last one, just a handful of people know where it is.”
I guarangoddamntee the Russians and the Chinese know it’s location.
It’s a fascinating tour. I recommend it.
The CEO of Twitter is pushing this article
“The Great Lesson of California in America’s New Civil War
Why there’s no bipartisan way forward at this juncture in our history — one side must win”
He’s out of his mind, the California one party model would mean civil war inside of a year. The idea of either side having unchecked nationwide political power is just flat out dangerous.
Love the 1st response to Jack’s tweet: Winners
“That ratio”
Love it.
“Progressive” America vs. Deplorable America: shortest fucking civil war in history.
This is so out of touch with reality I’m not sure where to start.
The Democrats made it socially unacceptable to be Republican in the major urban areas, I’ll give them that. Republicans were already a minority in the legislature by the early 00’s. By “compromise”, the Democrats meant “give in completely” on taxation issues.
And California Democrats occupy the moderate to progressive positions? Ask any truly moderate Democrats how they feel about the state of the party in California.
JB posted about this earlier.
“Trump’s Most Influential White Nationalist Troll Is A Middlebury Grad Who Lives In Manhattan
Twitter troll “Ricky Vaughn” had a bigger influence on the 2016 election than NBC News and the Drudge Report. Here’s who he really is.
On Monday, white nationalist Republican candidate Paul Nehlen, who is running against House Speaker Paul Ryan in Wisconsin, grew upset about criticism directed at him ― and seemingly not disavowed by Ricky Vaughn ― as the alt-right fragments under the weight of infighting, lawsuits and anti-fascist opposition. Two main camps have emerged: the real-world extremists who want to continue holding rallies and mixing it up in the streets, and the “optics cucks” who think the best approach to the mainstream is to keep pushing alt-right ideas through better propaganda. Ricky Vaughn is in the latter camp. And he hasn’t been shy about it.
“I’m dividing the movement between effective people and dumb losers,” he wrote on Gab, a social media platform overrun by white supremacists.
Amid all this infighting, an angry Nehlen dropped Ricky Vaughn’s real name”
TW: HuffPo
Anyway, I guess Ricky Vaughn is more racist than I thought. Although I severely doubt he was that big an influencer.
How the fuck do they go about calculating what factors had a big influence on the election? Or, are they just trying to smear a president they don’t like by drawing spurious associations between him and every dipshit white supremacist on the Internet?
“If you’re a normal member of Congress, my guess is that you know nothing. You really know nothing,” he says.
“Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress; but I repeat myself.” – Mark Twain
Okay, which one of you wiseasses is responsible for this?
From that Jack Dorsey twatfeed.
This weekend, Crusader Kings 2 is free on Steam. I recommend it highly – and if you want full Libertarian experience, get Way of Life DLC to seduce all teh bitches, and Patrician to run a plutocratic merchant republic.
But, because we need The Purge, retard decided to retard. Not notable, except it’s Newsweek, not Polygon or Kotaku or another place that should be Pol Potted.
We need more mass shootings, not fewer.
But this was a dog whistle to the alt right. Companies need to learn to refrain from making any comment when faced with dumbass inferences like this. I hear that a lot of alt-righters also like to use “and” and “the” in their conversations…better disavow those too.