The bill, which passed the committee 7-3, will require families to provide schools with a notarized document explaining how vaccination “would violate, contradict, or otherwise be inconsistent” with their religious beliefs, to show their objection isn’t about “philosophical” or “safety” concerns.
You could solve this problem by getting the government out of schooling and letting schools make their decisions about requiring vaccines. Parents could send their kids to the school of their choice.
I know. Crazy talk.
I hate everyone in that story.
Mom objected to public schools providing vaccinations and sought conscientious objection for both my sister and me. No problem, at least back in the nineties. I don’t mind public schools declining to admit students who haven’t had the right jabs, but only so long as there exist comparable accommodations within a reasonable distance. If not, sorry, you’re stuck with us. Ditto if the alternative declines to admit.
What? No. No one should make you have to get a jab, but no one should be required to make “exist comparable accommodations within a reasonable distance”.
I’m thinking snarkasm now that I have thought about it a minute longer and will submit my self to ritual seppuku or how ever you spell/say that shit.
Given that if you don’t send your kids to school you can be criminally charged I think just such a requirement might be in order. Otherwise I’d agree with you. As long as you got a hefty rebate for what you saved the district by not sending your kid to its schools.
Both Cyprus and Greece are historic foes of Turkey
There’s a Turkish side to Cyprus, and I think they like Turkey.
I don’t think so. There was a Turk and a Turkish Cypriot in grad school and all they did was argue. In a mean way, not a fun way.
My Turkish Cypriot former college roommate loved Turks. I guess mileage will vary.
There wasn’t a distinct Turkish side in Cyprus until the Turks invaded in the 70’s and since the ethnic separation, even less Turkish element in the country of Cyprus.
The Turk vs. Greek Cypriot thing was going on at least as far back as the early 60s when I was in high school. I remember a cartoon from the current events newsletter we got every week in history class. Greek and Turk charicatures were standing on a tiny rock, one shouting “Enosis”, the other yelling “Partition”, one the Greek for integration with Greece, the other for splitting the island into a Greek zone and a Turkish one.
This is not new.
Want to get a Greek all wound up about Turkey? Just mention Smyrna. “Famagusta” will do it also.
I’d rather tell the Greek that Macedonia is Macedonian.
I am skeptical about any distinction between philosophical beliefs, religion, and science being elevated to the level of legal distinction. It is entirely possible to have theistic bases for philosophy, philosophical bases for belief in God or gods, and both can be based in or be the base for a scientific hypothesis. All that said, refusing to vaccinate your kids over crap spewed by some starlet is just stupid.
Well, it’s already in the Constitution.
Does the concept of religion require theism? I don’t see the first amendment as requiring a belief in God to support freedom of conscience.
I don’t think so and that wasn’t at issue. When did the goalposts move to “theism”?
Goalpost move? I am saying from the first post that they are all the same thing. Belief systems= religions= philosophies and science based beliefs are merely a better supported example.
In other words I think all are or should be, protected by the 1st amendment.
The First Amendment disagrees. There’s the distinction.
Heil Sea Smith!
Nicely done.
Technically, shouldn’t it be Meerschmidt?
See and Meer don’t equate exactly to any of the English words. Like See can mean lake or sea, and Meer can mean sea or ocean, etc.
Objects in the meer
Are closer than they appear
It’s pronounced like the English “mare”.
I zee what you did there.
How about Mikeschmidt?
I’m putting together my taxes tonight. I set things up to owe money, but I don’t mail everything in at the last minute because I hate waiting in line at the post office. Go a little bit before the deadline, no lines, no fuss.
I noticed something. I don’t know if this is new or not, but it is the first year I’ve noticed it. For New Hampshire’s income tax, you have to mail the payment and return to different addresses.
Not DEG on tax day:
“If I don’t see it, it’s not illegal”
Thanks RC Dean! I enjoyed the drink post.
At long last I was able to do work at work. 19.5 business days to get credentials…
In celebration, I stopped at a brewery around the corner from the office on my way home.
That looks good.
Second time I’ve been there, and I’ll be stopping back again. They’ve got a decent selection, although the names would probably hurt Swiss (especially the winery they also own called Nauti Vine). Where things get interesting is that the brewery gives you a 10% off coupon for the winery, and vice versa. Considering they’re across the street and both carry the others products, it’s a nice promotion (especially considering happy hour was $4 pours of beer). Today I had a Session IPA called Daisy Duck and a Muckraker Belgian wit.
Florida Girl asked to put bandages over her ‘distracting’ nipples.
Are nipples a protected form of expression?
A projected form in this case.
You look inappropriate… Wiggle around for a minute so I can see how inappropriate you are..
useless without pics
The photographic evidence seems to have been SF’ed.
OK. And with pics.
I love how the Daily Mail puts ARBITRARY words in all-caps.
How did Q miss this?
And… she just wrote her ticket for acceptance at the college of her choice. Well done, grrl!
Hmm. Sounds like they need to keep a couple of binders on hand for those that dare to go unsleashed.
Is that what Mitt meant when he spoke of binders full of women?
Just show her pictures of 50 year olds with saggy tits that never wore bras. She’s be racing for a racerback.
I wonder how they figured out which one to put in jail?
I love that the video ends with them asking you to follow them on Tumblr.
Wouldn’t it be easier to put them all in jail?
Looks like Brazil has figured that out. Lula is headed for jail, finally, for money laundering 800 billion dollars of stolen money for the ‘State’ owned Petrobras. Hey, they told me that no corruption can occur when the all benevolent state is in control. Ooops. Anway, commie fucking bastard is holed up with a bunch of useful idiots from the LP protecting him. However bad this turns out for commie boy, it can’t be bad enough. I still remember you, commie boy ‘All the evil in the world has been created by white people with blue eyes’. Go to hell, you piece of shit, I hope when the federal police show up tomorrow, they put a bullet in your head.
Que bom mesmo. O comunista desgraçado deve apodrecer na cadeia, filho de puta. Infelizmente, provavelmente vai ser uma cadeia de luxo. Ele merece um buraco.
By the way… if any of you degenerates are in the Las Vegas area. The girlfriend and I will be there the weekend of the 21st for Viva, and I would be up for meeting up for a pint (or three).
Cool link, bro.
If you get a chance, check out the Charles Phoenix slideshow. It’s not rock n roll. Kind of gay and very campy. But it is funny, and the slides really do show you a slice of American life from the 50’s/60’s that has been lost to time.
I’ve been trying to go for the past couple of years. It’s been a hard sell to the girlfriend (even with the Cherpumple video!). I finally found a video of one of the previous slide shows and that may have finally sold her.
Getting her to go to another burlesque show though… I don’t think I’m winning that argument. Even though she was even impressed by the girl spinning in the ring.
Nice to see some burlesque that isn’t dominated by “body-positive” tattooed harpies fresh off the the roller rink.
An angry mob of anti-vaccine parents shook their fists and screamed, “You are going to hell!” and “You Democrats destroy America!” at New Jersey lawmakers
Being right for the wrong reasons is not so bad for a mob.
I think this is the Razorfist video that Pan Zagloba was discussing earlier. (but he also has a rant about how Arpaio is actually right and it’s the local media that blows things out of proportion nationally).
I’m not going to watch a two hour video, but…
I despise Arpaio, and have as long as I’ve been aware of him (so twenty years and counting.) That said, the charges against him do kind of look like a political hit job. Procedural fairness matters, and since it matters you should, IMHO, be concerned with it even when you would very much like to see Arpaio rot in a cell for the rest of his life.
Yeah from what I understand, they put the guy on trial for enforcing the law. I am not a fan of his, I would not vote for him if I lived in his county. But I don’t live in his county. He’s been elected six times on this platform, if the people of the county wish their tax dollars to be spent on federal immigration arrests, I don’t see how the feds have any grounds to indict the sheriff for it.
C’mon, enforcing federal immigration laws by a state (or its subdivisions) is illegal. Thwarting and perverting federal immigration laws by a state (or its subdivisions) is totes ok.
Left leaning judges have this funny way of twisting and distorting any past ruling or text to suit their interests. Meanwhile, the few judges who are even remotely libertarian in their outlook tend to shrug their shoulders and follow higher courts while expressing their own personal disagreement.
It’s kind of a problem.
Woodchippers, amirite?
“Yet the AR-15’s present day popularity is not constitutionally material,” Young wrote. “The test is not the AR-15’s present day popularity but whether it is a weapon “most useful in military service.”
I didn’t realize our military issues AR-15s.
Air rifles and .22’s are Army issue so those can be banned as well.
Also, could someone give me a copy of the 2nd Amendment that says anything about a test of usefulness in military service? Mine seems to be missing that part.
I thought under US v. Miller the NFA was ruled Constitutional because a ‘short-barreled shotgun’ was not something the military might use?
Yeah, we seem to have this exactly backwards now. The government s allowed to ban NON-military use weapons under Miller, but weapons in use by the military are protected. Which is the whole point of the 2nd Amendment, the citizenry is supposed to have parity in arms with the basic infantryman…
Oh no the judges reasoning is absolutely correct. See, says so right here.
*points with middle finger at a piece of paper which simply reads “Fuck You, That’s Why”*
You’re not supposed to notice that banning both “military” and “non-military” weapons leads to everything being banned.
They make this shit up as they go along. Logic and consistency are irrelevant. The “intellectual” argument currently being espoused by the anti-gun left is that the Second Amendment (and most state provisions like it) is basically a meaningless piece of text that nobody can even understand and has “always” been understood to have no connection to individual rights. It’s a bald-faced attack, but they have the numbers in enough states to give them cover.
One would think a well regulated militia would require weaponry that was “most useful in military service”.
They’re going with the argument that the National Guard, or even dumber, the State Police, are the “well regulated militia”. It not only defies the current legal definition of the militia, it also defies the plain intent of the people who wrote the Second Amendment, and state provisions like it, in the first place.
Oh yeah, I remember.
A well regulated MilitiaThe National Guard and State Police, being necessary to the security of a free State to overwhelm the rabble, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed except for weapons most useful in military service. And large capacity magazines. And bump stocks. And silencers. And fully semi-automatic weapons.Sufficiently dumbed down enough yet? Nope, appears we have to prog harder.
Duurrrr, I’m a muhmuhlinial, I’m stupid, durrr!!!
“Income seemed to play a role in people’s beliefs as well. Ninety-two percent of adults making over $80,000 believed the Earth is round, compared to only 79 percent of adults making under $40,000.”
The progressive income tax levels the playing field.
Lolwut? Smack me on the ass and call me Pauline, but I would have thought there was a consensus on this one. 72%?
I think the 99% of flat earthers are just trolling. I can’t blame them, watching people get so worked up about something so meaningless to their lives is amusing.
My dad’s always held this nearly-mythical hard-as-nails type presence in my mind… and him ripping the intubation tube out of his own trach on his deathbed while his wrists were restrained pretty much sealed the deal.
His fiance refused to honor his advance directive about life support. Well during a less heavily sedated moment I told him. Guess that shirt didn’t sit right so he squirmed down the bed until his face was near his hands and tore that fucker right the hell out.
He’s still hanging on for now but breathing is labored and sounds like an ocean in his lungs. Nurse just gave him an anti-anxiety drug. Apparently the brain freaks when oxygen is low.
Sorry, man. Godspeed to your dad, you and your family.
That’s a man. Tough stuff to go through for you, too. Hang in there.
Damn, that is indeed hard as nails. Sorry for you and your fam.
So sorry Raston bot
I’m sorry man. I watched my Mom die pretty painfully a little while back. I wish it taught me something wise or comforting to say, but I can’t say it did. It’s a very hard thing. You have my best wishes.
Holy crap, that’s rough. Ts&Ps, man.
Sorry you are dealing with this Raston. I hope the drugs make your father comfortable.
Fuck. I remember my Grandpa doing the same thing. Hard-as-nails, take no shit guy. Used to taunt me for being “soft”. *triggered now, must find safe space*
I’m catching up and just seeing this. Sorry. Hang in there.
If vaccines are so effective, then the only risk from kids whose parents didn’t get vaccinated is other kids whose parents didn’t get them vaccinated. Not seeing the problem here. Darwin must be given his due.
In order for vaccines to work effectively a relatively high percentage of a population needs to get vaccinated.
That’s the thing. It’s historically been a low single digit percentage of parents that hold this point of view. I think it’s misguided, but?
Just a few miles north of here a couple years back we had one of the worst whooping cough outbreaks in the country over the last decades. Marin, proglandia central, also one of the richest counties in the country , was the epicenter of it.
Back home in Rockaway Beach after a long drive from Florida. Just ate a gummi candy with 200mg of THC, I’m about halfway through a delicious 8-Maids-A-Milking and I’m feeling some kinda way. Why does VA have such stupid speeding laws; +15 or >80mph is reckless driving?!? Really? Why don’t the Carolinas participate in the Eisenhower Interstate System? Interstate 95 in NY, NJ, DE, MD, DC, VA, GA, and FL is nice, 6 lane or larger, broad shouldered highway. Interstate 95 through North and South Carolina however, is mostly 4 lane, partially 2 lane state/county road type experience. When did the national fast-food chains so thoroughly supplant the local eatery, or even the hot dog roller, in the highway gas station; everyone seems to have co-branded with Dunkin’, Subway, McDonald’s, DQ?
Are you serious?! That is a fuck ton of THC to eat. Usually ten mg is plenty for me, twenty will knock me out cold in a half hour.
I am currently fully in Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers territory, to be sure.
Heh. I used to own all of those comics and my idiot step-son basically gave them away for some Sega cartridges.
I always thought weed should be sold by the stone.
We definitely are the most draconian speed enforcement state in VA. At least we don’t have the thousand dollar tickets we had 15 or so years ago.
Remember when the shitheads tried to add a 1000 dollar fine for any out of state plates caught speeding. Perfect example of pigs get fed, hogs get slaughtered.
I saw more police cars, particularly more occupying those median hidey-holes, in VA than in all the other states put together. It was a slog. Sigh… my paternal grandmother was a dispatcher for the VA State Police for 40 years in the mid-20th century.
Most states don’t even have wooded medians to hide in. Such bullshit.
Was listening to Owen Benjamin standup earlier. He was recently demonied by the twits. He has a new routine on trans ruining the LGBTQWERTY coalition.
Funny stuff.
On guns he has a great line about gunsplaining what AR stands for. I’m thankful for the Streisand effect bringing him to my attention.
They are wide open targets for any comedian willing to take the shot. 300lb bearded dude in dress insists we all call him ma’am and 90% of comics are, “Yes, there’s nothing humorous about that.”
Is it nighttime music time yet?
I’d wear crop pants and a waiter jacket like Rob & Fab for that chick too. Couldn’t use that cartoon clip in the middle in a music video today.
Been on an Iron Maiden kick lately
If Powerslave isn’t in your top 5 albums all time, I’m not sure we can be friends.
Tis true…. although at this stage in my life I will cop to getting bored in the middle of Rime of the Ancient Mariner and fast-forwarding.
I’m not proud.
Fair cop as long as no one is watching.
I’m not sure Powerslave is in my top 5 maiden albums. Feel free to not send me a card at Christmas.
If it’s not in your top 5 Maiden, then you can fuck right off?
I keed, I keed.. Not really, how can that possibly be?
I’m kind of kidding…. I was prett into Maiden as a kid, and I’m just the right age that to have had Powerslve given to me as a 14th or 15rh birthday present.
I remember listening to it and thinking that it marked a turning point for Maiden, one that I was not crazy about.
I hear you. Piece of Mind and Powerslave were pivotal for me. Similar age.
The very first Iron Maiden song I ever heard was Run To The Hills. They opened with it at the Cow Palace in (IIRC) ’91, we had gone to see the opening act Anthrax but I heard that song and became a fan for life. Steve’n’Seagulls does a fun cover.
Nice! My first ever concert was AC/DC at the Cow Palace in 1988. I probably suffered a five percent hearing loss from that one show. It was awesome tho.
SWEET! Well, not the hearing loss. I was stationed at Ft. Ord for a spell and saw some great shows in the surrounding area. That whole stretch of CA from Big Sur up to Marin was just dynamite and a damn fine place to live as a young single man with no bills.
Cheap Trick and .38 Special, Woot!
Black and Blue at the Ventura County fairgrounds 1981. One of the few perks of being old is witnessing some cool history happen.
Yep- to my mind that’s their best song.
I’m obviously partial to Aces High, but there are 4 or 5 others I could — be persuaded to pick – Number of the Beast, Two Minutes to Midnight, Run to the Hills, Hallowed Be Thy Name.
Ah- I suppose what it comes down to for me is that if I made a short list every song on it would be from an album before Powerslave.
See for me Aces High, Powerslave and Two Minutes to Midnight are right up there.
First concert I ever went to was Iron Maiden on their Powerslave tour at Long Beach Arena on one of the nights where they recorded Live After Death.
Is it wrong to think their first two albums are the best even if Bruce is a far better singer?
WOO PIG SOOOIE. Arkansas bats just gave Casey Mize his first loss of the year. Knight just picked up his 7th straight win
I see the Mossberg Shockwave is now available in 20 gauge. Hmm….
Holy Mackerel! I played with the 12 gauge model at the range the other day and was very tempted to go ahead and get one. A 20 gauge model is irresistible and I must have one.
$369 at Buds.
$334 with military/retiree or LE discount
Damn, after Wednesday morning’s shenanigans, I may NEED this.
I can’t have it 🙁 Illegal in Ohio
100 Easy Ways to Make Women’s Lives More Bearable
This list came from VICE (Vice?) and it’s mostly the same old trite shit most of which has nothing to do with women and which assumes women, like all minority groups even though they are a slight majority, share a hive mind.
But 32 and 33 were the worst shit I’ve ever seen.
Pay for porn?
Treat sex workers like people?
Fuck off, slaver.
“But sanitary pads and tampons and donate them to a homeless shelter”.
I rather enjoyed that, thanks. Funniest shit I’ve read in a while.
Are women’s lives really that much more unbearable than men’s? I mean, life can kind of suck, and if you have the sort of morose temperament I do it can take some effort to recognize that you have it better than all but a small number of everyone else alive or who ever lived, but… are women really so much worse off?
Evidently, there isn’t anything women can do to make their own lives more bearable.
Not with you raping them every time they try to get a word in edge
wise. Shitlord.
They could drug themselves for me. It’s tough to guesstimate body weight.
They could just do us all a favor and forgo the need for drugs. Really, everyone wins except the dealer.
Look, if they didn’t want to be raped, they’d consent.
Btw, I enjoyed that Street Hawk link from you earlier.. I hadn’t thought of that show since 1985. I loved it then as a little kid. Tangerine Dream did the intro song.
Well, it’s been awhile, but back in the 80s, a number of attitudinal surveys of men and women were conducted, and one of the questions was to the effect of “If reincarnation was real, would you rather come back the same sex you are now or as the opposite sex?” Somewhere south of 20% of the men wanted to come back as men, but over 90% of the women (IIRC) were happy to come back as women.
The results of those surveys illuminated a great deal of the generalized dissatisfaction I was noticing amongst my fellow men.
Regarding vaccines and public schools, how about this:
Parents are free to get their kids vaccinated or not, but they have to tell the school whether or not the kid is vaccinated, and if not whether it’s due to some actual medical condition or because mom is a dumbass who thinks Jenny McCarthy is a doctor.
If the percentage of unvaccinated kids at the school gets high enough that it starts to threaten the herd immunity of the rest of the kids, then the kids who are unvaccinated by the parents’ choice are isolated from the rest of the kids at school. Separate classrooms, separate bathrooms, different lunch and recess times, probably different school start and end times as well. Kids unvaccinated due to medical necessity will stay with the rest of the kids.
I don’t think that would be an effective level of quarantine, though it might help. I think you want to -really- segregate the unvaccinated kids pretty thoroughly. When they start dying from diseases we haven’t considered a threat in my lifetime everyone with any sense at all will remember why we developed vaccines in the first place.
I hate to argue for sacrificing some kids just to teach people a lesson, but the alternative is to give the state more power over parenting than I’m comfortable with.
I’m not sure threatening politicians (or actually harming them) is that much of a crime. There’s 325 million others that could fill in. Plenty of replacements.
Mods are asleep, play cute Japanese girls with chirpy voices singing sugary pop music
Pimps don’t sleep, they rest.
Burikko is cancer.
Fuck, now i’m tainted by even replying to this thread.
Needs more tiddies and wtf just happened to my youtube feed.
How about a good game of rape?
Sounds like some good old-fashioned hazing, huh?
What do you have against Japanese culture, you fucking bigot?
Well thank goodness! Those parents who think it only happens “all over the country” will be pleased to learn that it happens all over the world!
I blame evolution.
The Darwin awards should give out a golden finger?
I’m amazed no one was shot by angry father or traumatized teen.
See y’all later. The Delta Force is just starting. Love that synth sound. Cleans out the music above.
Lee Marvin FTW.
Conundrum – what if you found a pod of baby SEA SMITHS washed up on shore? Do you rescue them and get raped or not rescue them and court the danger of the parents finding out and then get raped? Running into the forest is not an option for obvious reasons.
Huh. So I’m the clueless kid that nobody likes. Figures.