Sorry for the rushjob this week. We just moved into a new office with zero privacy, so I don’t have the luxury of polishing this off during downtime at work. I’m trying to get this written up before I leave for work.

As we approach the end of the first GlibFit challenge, I hope your goal is close to being attained. For me, I’m a creature of habit. If I can establish a habit, things will go really well. If not, I’m going to constantly struggle. I don’t know whether that’s a universal human thing or only for certain personality types.

I’ve had a really hard time adjusting to the zillion schedule changes that have happened during this challenge. I started out in a temporary office in a decent routine, but when we moved out of that office, things went to shit. One week Two weeks Three weeks Three and a half weeks of work from home later, the new office was finally opened yesterday. Of course, this new office was originally slated to be ready when I started this job over a year ago, but let’s ignore that.

To some extent, this is just an excuse. It doesn’t truly matter what your schedule is, you can eat a healthy diet and find an hour to pound out a couple miles on a treadmill. However, establishment of habits requires a bit of stability. The purpose of this challenge isn’t to be healthy for 10 weeks, it’s to give us a bite sized goal that is long enough in duration to cement healthy habits into place permanently.

Anyway, I’m gonna try to close out this last week on a positive note, and I encourage those of you who have also had trouble establishing the habit to end the challenge with a bang so that you’re in a good place to cement your habits into place when challenge #2 starts up in a few weeks. (Additional details to follow)

Hopefully not you…