!["Treat" WTF?!](https://glibertarians.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/All-Generic-300x200.jpg)
“One can of links, please. Oh, and a box of off topic comments.”
Links. Generic Links. You get them, on special today, because it is Friday…and frankly, the “use by” date is getting close.
Baseball? Baseball happened – I really don’t want to talk about it (#@$% White Sox bullpen). Golf – Masters underway, Spieth leading. NHL – Yeah, playoffs. Soon…for most of you.
Raphael Sanzio (1483), Anthony Fokker (1890), Lowell Thomas (1892), James Watson (1928), Billy Dee Williams (1937), Merle Haggard (1937), Zamfir (1941 – shout out to Pie), Udo Dirkshneider (1952), Janet Lynn (1953), Keith Hunter Jesperson (1955 – “Canadian-born serial killer”), Oliver Miller (1970),
- This guy is lucky he didn’t end up full of bullets, and instead gets a long prison stretch.
- If you read why this camel may have escaped, I can believe it. I used to get the stink eye from a camel our local Kuchi representative would bring to our base in NE Afghanistan. One day I gave it a Strawberry Nutri-Grain bar, and I had a friend for life. Thing was like an eager puppy when it saw me walking up.
- Test flight. I hope every swingin’ one of these new rockets, spacecraft, hypersonic planes, whatnot… work, and work well. We might at least get some private sector competition in space…if we cannot get enough of it down here on terra firma.
- Somehow I missed this story. Bombing…Sam’s Club? I mean, did they run out of the 5 gallon jars of dill pickle slices or something? At least nobody got hurt.
OK, that’s all folks. On to commenting.
You stole my reaction.
Doesn’t sound like much of a bomb.
My Glibstarter was a success! Thank you to those who donated. Now I can start working on getting you guys some content!
Uh oh…I mean, yea!
What animation software did you get?
Crazy Talk Animator, simple to use cause I ain’t got many animation skills.
Good to hear. ?
I didn’t help because I am Charley Bucket’s lamer Grandpa but I hope you go forth and prosper!
“Somehow I missed this story. Bombing…Sam’s Club? I mean, did they run out of the 5 gallon jars of dill pickle slices or something? At least nobody got hurt.”
Death to capitalism!
Is that like ‘Shop til you drop’?
/clueless 90’s stereotype
“You just don’t know where you’re safe or your children are safe,” Jared Gonzalez, who was shopping at the store, told CBS Los Angeles. “It’s scary to leave the house, just to do a regular grocery store run.”
There’s this magic place called Amazon, Jared. Check it out.
But doesn’t Brazil have one of the highest murder rates in the world?
/deliberately missing the point.
But doesn’t Brazil have one of the highest murder rates in the world?
Unpossible! They have strict gun control in Brazil!!
Does California even have bomb control? I hear getting a bomb is easier than finding a homeless person in SF.
Eventually nobody will be able to pop their sperm without a political purity test.
Well, they are trying to create the New Soviet Man. Maybe there’s a gene for subservience to the collective.
You joke about this, but that is precisely what this new purity test seems to imply is the criteria for acceptance…
Who says I’m joking?
Seeing that everything is devolving to outward appearance and science has been left behind like that one kid that nobody liked anyway this seems like a fine plan, Cap’n! Lead on!
Chinese Lysenkoism?
I’ve heard that camels are basically like cynical, sarcastic horses. Like if they could roll their eyes they’d do it all the time.
I heard they were turned into these angry beasts because over there, when sex ed and drivers ed classes fall on the same day, the poor camels are overworked…
They spit on you. Huge gobs of spit.
They might try to take a bite out of ya too, given the opportunity.
We have to make your camel the mascot animal of glibertarians.com!
(it might teach me to scan threads first, for example)
I’d make little bikini flip flops for my feet if I was one.
Swiss and the Camel
I love dogs, but can we make Swiss’s camel the mascot animal of glibertarians.com ?
We made it an ID, since it came on base so much…
That’s effin’ hilarious!
They do have sexy toes though.
Yeah, they remind me of something…
A “box”of off-topic comments”?
You misspelled “pallet”.
So- was yesterday auction day? Or did I misinterpret what I saw? Fingers crossed, anyway.
It was. STEVE SMITH rescued sloopy just in time for him to make the big sales day.
I wanna know what became of the “Throne”. I think it would be awesome if the Glibs started sending it to each other like a Christmas fruitcake, COD!
It could be like those memes wherein someone steals the garden gnome and then sends back photos from his travels.
Bombing…Sam’s Club?
Race to the bottom!
No no, you loot the Sam’s Club and bomb the Wal-Mart. Get it together criminals!
Terry Pratchett’s books have made me believe that camels exist in a low baseline of frustration and irritation, so escaping to look for crackers makes perfect sense to me.
And they’re capable of solving incredibly complex equations on the fly.
Which is why they’re so accurate when they spit at you.
I say we call these fucks out on this. I am a huge proponent of free trade, but China is a fucking criminal enterprise pretending to be something else. Their efforts to steal intellectual property alone, especially the high end commercial and military stuff, has had a devastating effect on everyone around them. Nobody has fought back because they were more interested in having China finance our out of control spending. The problem China has now is that their economic reports have been pure fiction for over a decade now – things for them are real bad and going to worse because of the corruption and mismanagement inherent in a totalitarian system – and, like the old saying about you being in trouble when you owe the small bank $5K, while the small bank is the one in trouble when you owe them $5 million, China is between a rock and a hard place if they decide to play hardball because of the debt load they carry from us. The US defaulting and not paying them a few hundred billion would not really be a big crisis, but when the default is heading towards the loss of $10 trillion, that makes for some scary numbers. Anyway, it is high time everyone decided China had to be stopped from bullying its way to whatever world dominating entity the new president for life over there feels is their manifest destiny, or we will all rue the day.
Unlike China, those straight-shooters
TrumpRoosevelt threat “raises the possibility of an alarming escalation in thetradeconflict between the world’s two biggesteconomiesmilitaries.They really bend over backwards to paint Trump as the initiator of all conflict, completely ignoring the behavior of actors such as China and the Norks.
Oops, forgot to close italics. Edit Faery helpz?
Ooh, Edit Fairy likes coffee, too!
Shit, remember when they couldn’t stop sucking Obama’s dick for bombing every country with brown people in it?
That was different, because Smart Diplomacy!
China is a paper tiger. The USA doesn’t realize how much leverage it has over it.
I’ve been saying this for years.
Plus I use a simple rule of thumb: Japan was supposed to take over America according to America haters.
Now they beat the China drum.
They’re wrong.
Call the bluff I say.
China is counting on help from the Democrats and their media allies.
“Plus I use a simple rule of thumb: Japan was supposed to take over America according to America haters.
Now they beat the China drum.”
So much this Rufus. China has gotten away with murder because we have had a bunch of cunts in charge that went along with some horrible abuse by the Chinese since some of them and their friends were making money off all that noise. In reality China’s economy – because of the corruption inherent to the system and the marxist top down ideology trying to define reality – is not even close to what they have been telling everyone. People forget that there are about 300 million people in a country of over 1.2 billion that have a semi-decent standard of living, and these people along with those left behind are starting to demand things get better for them. China’s totalitarian leadership is siting on a massive demographic and economic ticking bomb, and that thing is going to go off soon. Why do you think we are seeing all this nationalistic and confrontational behavior from China? The top men are hoping to bank on the same old principle of nationalism and jingoism others have gone to when bad times are coming to keep people distracted from that fact. My prediction is that this shit will work just as well as it did for the Argentinian junta that decided to invade some shit islands worth nothing in order to distract the angry populous being ass fucked.
You would think its human rights abuses and terrible environmental record would raise the ire of progressives.
Then again, they have no principles or balls when it matters most.
Instead, they focus on how ‘China can destroy America by calling in its debts’. Yeh, good luck with that. No such thing will happen and if they do that, they will be hurt. It will be a hiccup for the most dynamic, innovative and transparent economy on the planet.
Americans can sometimes be so annoying. I feel like Don Corleone wanting to shake America telling them, ‘you can act like a man!’
“You would think its human rights abuses and terrible environmental record would raise the ire of progressives.”
Usually what I hear from them is how much they wish their leaders could follow the totalitarian behavior of those dreamy totalitarian assholes in China. Top down marxist mandates backed by violence if resisted always gives these fucks boners.
China is also an environmental disaster. It’s difficult for companies with massive regulatory burdens to compete against companies that can get away almost anything.
The only thing is that eventually the people will end up paying the price. I don’t think the top men – like our own top men – give a fuck about the plebes, and when you have 1.2 billion serfs losing a couple of hundred million isn’t that big of a deal for these types if you go by people like Mao, Stalin, Lenin, the Kim and Castro dynasty, and these days all the various shitholes that went with marxism of one form or another.
China is to manufacturing what India is to software development.
So many people look at it as a giant pool of dirt cheap labor that can build their new gizmos for so much less than they can here. Companies decide they are going to move all their manufacturing to China and rake the money in.
Then they discover that you have to constantly monitor the manufacturing process. You end up sending your people over there a LOT to keep an eye on things. You have to pay a lot of bribes. And finally, you discover that mysteriously some Chinese company becomes your competitor selling a gizmo that is 99.999999% the same as yours (it would be 100% but they will cut a few quality corners).
I have had several clients demand that the firmware/software for IoT devices be loaded here in the states because they are tired of having their shit ripped off in China.
My dad did some business in China for his manufacturing company. This was in the mid-aughts when everybody was tripping over themselves to move operations there to remain competitive. He quickly found out that the tours they’d give to execs of smaller Western firms of their state-of-the-art plants were all smoke and mirrors, and manufacturing would regularly be sent to some shithole facility staffed by what was basically slave labor as soon as the Westerners were boarding their flights home. In the end my dad’s company decided it wasn’t worth the trouble because without policing their Chinese “partners” constantly they’d be risking ISO 9002 compliance.
Not to mention the intellectual theft that results in a competing Chinese entity, set up by the state, which then finds all sorts of nifty ways to undermine your enterprise to favor theirs, that pops up a while after….
That is related to a question I’ve had about free trade. The normal spiel about how free trade works when somebody is cheating is eventually the market will correct itself when the person/company can no longer cheat (whether they run out of money or run afoul of some authority). But what happens if the cheater never runs out of money or afoul of some authority? China is the perfect example. The rules only matter when they benefit China. China steals IP, very little if anything happens. Environmental and safety rules, same thing. Lose money, the Chinese government will bail you out.
How does free trade handle a situation like that?
U.S. companies wizen up and quit sending their tech to China to be stolen and U.S. consumers continue to reap the benefits of the Chinese governments screwing their citizens.
Unfortunately, for the longest time they didn’t do shit, and we even had a president that sold them military rocket tech for campaign money only to watch them improve the capabilities of the ICBMs they pointed at us, to name but one example. And when people realized that their intellectual property was being stolen and their businesses where basically now competing against state sponsored industries undercutting them and moved things back, what happened was that the Chinese used tech to hack and keep stealing shit.
China, especially in the industrial, high tech, and military sectors, was able to leapfrog 5 or more decades of R&D time, and trillions of dollars in costs doing this shit on their own, and we let them, all so our political class could keep borrowing money to peddle to the people that vote for a living. The only thing playing in our favor is the fact that we now owe them so much money that if we default even they with their record of horrific cheating & lying about their economic situation, can’t survive the hit.
The United States was built on IP theft from Great Britain during the 18th and 19th centuries.
It was part of the job as an American Abroad to steal trade secrets and bring em Home
You mean because the people left GB and came here to do their thing?
TOS can’t shit themselves enough over this issue. The other day one them was arguing that we shouldn’t try because they don’t have elections – so we just endure whatever shit a dictatorship throws our way.
Proggies love dictators and dictatorial behavior..
Remember how they wished Obama could do what his counterpart in China could do?
After a two-day trial, Thomas Gamelin, 38, was convicted of stealing $5,228 worth of electronics and tobacco products from a Houston Walmart on Aug.
Super shitty thing the guy did. 20 years, though?
Yeah… Seems really excessive.
Making an example type punishment and he was on probation already. The “making an example” type of punishment is flat out immoral. The punishment should fit the crime.
In a sense, it’s a form of human sacrifice. Being sacrificed as an example at the alter of the collective.
Jean ValJean DID steal that loaf of bread, to be sure.
Amonate, Virginia?
I am
A stroke of the cane for every 50 dollars worth of stolen property, and then a day in the pillory.
The taxpayer is going to spend 5000 dollars on this guy his first week serving his sentence. They’ve already spent 5000 processing him through the system.
Prison is just one more big government boondoggle employment scheme and crony enrichment program.
Whip thieves, place them in the stocks, and brand them on the third offense.
If it was applied evenly across the board, I’d be okay with very harsh penalties for theft. The ability to own private property is the cornerstone of a free society.
This particular incident seems overly harsh, however, if all thieves got 20 years I’d be okay with that.
I’d let the victim have the option of accepting restitution instead of requiring imprisonment, and leave the choice to the person wronged once a conviction is garnered.
I wish that 20 year sentence for thievery was applied to all the members of our vaunted political class…
I almost added this.
This is where my right/left brain get all twitter-pated. As an example, I was working in a remote area and living in a motor home. They started stealing everything not bolted down so I started escalating my security measures. Have you ever seen that Bugs Bunny cartoon wherein he and Elmer Fudd start chasing one another with larger and larger weapons (Rabbit of Seville!)? I finally got to the point that I kept nothing out of my sight and had to haul every bit of kit around with me. Aside from cutting some thieving fucker’s hand off with a machete I had no other option because I wasn’t quite ready to go there and they would have murdered me in revenge and taken my shit, anyway. Yikes, sounds a little like South Africa!
Twitterpated. What a fantastic word. My brother had that in a Sporcle quiz the other day, about Disney movies, and phrases from them. Take a guess which one used Twitterpated.
Looting can easily result in being shot on sight. This is pour encourager les autres.
To be honest, I wouldn’t have a problem with shooting looters.
+1 Korean rooftop gunner.
I want to agree with you, but I think civility requires recognizing the difference between looting a grocery store in an emergency situation versus using said emergency situation to stock up on luxury goods.
If you don’t start handing down the maximum when they loot during the largest natural disaster in recent history, they start looting at Championship parades, and there’s decent odds that there will be another one of those this year, maybe two, in Houston.
“You just don’t know where you’re safe or your children are safe,” Jared Gonzalez, who was shopping at the store, told CBS Los Angeles. “It’s scary to leave the house, just to do a regular grocery store run.”
The terrorists are winning. Soon, Amazon will supply your every need, directly to your safe place beneath your bed.
Hey, wait a minnit…
One of my favorite reviews of Sean Penn’s new book;
All about alliteration?
Why wouldn’t we?
really regretting reading
Camels, Llamas, Alpacas can’t be trusted. I went up to an alpaca one time and started petting him and the fucker bit my finger! Fuck all camelids and toss in some sheep and goats too because what’s a party if everyone isn’t invited?
The closes I ever came to a camel.
I did not fornicate with them.
According to this Saudi guy I once new, they were more fun to “ride” than your average goat or sheep..
And ride is in quotations there, because they were not using them as transportation vehicles but as.. ah… never mind.
Don’t throw too many stones. There is a reason that sheep are known as “Montana blondes” here in the US.
Jimbo, in my part of the country – the N.E. blue states – that honor goes to the productive workers, whom get, erm, “serviced” by the high taxation element…
So you told the guy to hold the “special sauce”?
Like horses don’t bite.
As a kid our neighbors had a horse that was plain old mean. I got bit by that fucker several times.
My old room mate in the Marines was a real life cowboy and he had an awesome scar from where a horse had bit his pectoral muscle and shook him so hard it tore loose (while he was out in the back country).
I had my back to a barb wire fence talking to my dad when I was 11 or so. While I was talking to him, a mule stuck his head through the fence and bit my tricep. It hurt like hell and turned my whole upper arm a nasty shade of black and yellow. I learned to not turn by back on ungulates.
Well now that Trump is president, you shouldn’t have to worry about that anymore. He’ll keep those filthy bastards back in ungulatistan where they belong.
Colorado Democratic politician sits when he pees. He’s a dem. He should have just used the excuse that he identifies as non binary or something.
“”I confronted him in the bathroom itself and said, ‘What are you doing in here?'” Martinez Humenik told KUNC, a public radio station. “Then, as we were walking out, I said, ‘It’s not OK for you to be here. I don’t want to see you here again.'””
Seems unwoke
Finally, a real world example of what critics have been claiming all along, that once you start letting some men in then you have to start letting all men in. Bonus that it was an elected representative of the party of modernity making the complaint.
I sometimes sit when I pee. Why?
Have you seen the pool of misguided urine under almost every urinal?
Having paid attention I’ve discovered that a lot of urinals are not well designed, and splashback occurs for more or less every possible target, so even with people who don’t miss, you end up with a puddle under a heavily used urinal. It’s a flaw in the system, not the users.
Work in a government building like UCS and I do and you are going to see a lot of piss puddles. I don’t think toilet design is the biggest problem. Of course, I have seen instances here where people smear shit on the mirror in order to get a promotion. I swear that’s a true story.
Who would give such a person a promotion?
Someone who knows it’s tougher to fire a government employee but still wants that person out of their hair.
“Congratulations! You’re moving up!” under one’s breath “and to a totally different department, fuckhead.”
The manager who’d be able to sign off on such a move would be the one in the new unit. Current management can’t “pawn upwards” a problem employee.
I guess this is the difference between State and Federal Government. Failing upwards is huge in the federal sphere. You wouldn’t believe how stupid the upper management tends to be. None of the young staffers I know that are competent want to go into management; they just want to write code and develop systems. All the fuck-tards go into management, and the worst ones move up the chain fastest.
Public bathrooms at larger organizations can be such rich tapestries of mental illness.
*Janitor nods solemnly* This is Known.
When I see the mess that some people leave in the bathroom it’s hard to believe that I’m working with adults.
That water is cold.
The German term “sitzpinkler” applies.
Which one of you was this,/a>?
Let’s try that again..
Which one of you was this?
The1970’s claim another victim.
Polyester anything is a big no-no where I work.
Gotta be fashionable!
Umm, what’s a “Spanish Fork Man”?
A spokesperson for Iberian Tableware.
The cousin of this guy?
Hey my sister-in law is from there! Not her husband tho.
He’s from American Fork?
Visiforks and Ostroforks. I can’t tell them apart.
Other side of the wall for that cutlery, it has to go back
Spanish Fork Man
He was burned over half his body, a third of which were third-degree. Not sure if “He did not suffer” is entirely accurate.
Now he knows why welders wear all natural fiber clothing
Cause we banned asbestos?
Hey! Asbestos is a natural (mineral) fiber
And it’s gluten free!
And it protects you asbestos it can.
“One day I gave it a Strawberry Nutri-Grain bar, and I had a friend for life. Thing was like an eager puppy when it saw me walking up.”
Owen Benjamin banned by Twitter for good.
Who is Owen Benjamin?
A piano player.
A giant pianist. He’s 6 foot 7 (?). *His joke*
Unwoke comedian
Did an interview with Tom Woods yesterday. Nice guy.
That’s the troubling aspect of this all.
If he gets banned, no one is safe.
This is Owen Benjamin (and friends) and why he is not liked by the Twattersphere.
Wasn’t that for insulting your PM?
Wish for white genocide, and nobody bats an eye. At this point Twitter is a prog echo chamber.
What do you mean “at this point”?
Twitter, YouTube and Facebook are just begging to be regulated as public utilities.
We don’t do it enough.
What a bunch of smug pricks the liberal party of Canada really are.
Menendez brothers reunited in Otay Mesa prison unit
Am I the only one the gets a incestual vibe from these two. Maybe it’s the way the media portrays them.
never change, alternet
In January, at the tail end of a storm of accusations of sexual misconduct by powerful men in Hollywood, Babe.net published an account by “Grace,” a woman who went on a date with actor and comedian Aziz Ansari and later described it as the “worst date of her life.” Many critics of the article derided one detail in the article that must have seemed important enough to the writer to include: “After arriving at his apartment in Manhattan on Monday evening, they exchanged small talk and drank wine. ‘It was white,’ she said. ‘I didn’t get to choose and I prefer red, but it was white wine.’”
To suggest that Grace’s lack of control over the wine they drank foreshadowed Ansari’s later abusive behavior indeed seems a bit trivial. But on closer inspection, and amidst #MeToo conversations about how so many men get away with exercising control over women, maybe this detail deserves more serious examination.
Never in the history of mankind has a woman bought a man clothes without asking his permission.
‘It was white,’ she said. ‘I didn’t get to choose and I prefer red, but it was white wine.’”
Ohh fuck off! Talk about people living in a bubble. If that’s something you have to drum up to tell a bad date story, you need some perspective.
She didn’t get to choose her wine then, so we’ll join her in a good whine now.
The bigger crime was that it was wine.
If she was that desperate for red, she should have brought her own and skipped his offer of white, thus showing she was in control.
Did she even speak up and ask if there was anything else available? The account summary provided makes it sound like she just passively accepted the glass and expected him to be a mindreader.
This is the same woman who said Ansari “assaulted” her because he “ignored all of [my] cues”. I remember her original narrative, and at no point did she do what any normal woman would do – get up and leave.
She ended up gobbling his meat. I don’t know, but if I was a chick and I didn’t want to gobble meat, I am not doing any of that…
In my experience a lot of these hyper-feminist women feel a man should not only cater to their every whim, but read their minds to do it. They then get bored and go hang with the bad boys which they complain about, especially after the fact, when the bad boy dumps them and moves on. Jaded they then get pissed even at beta males like Aziz and basically accuse them of being misogynists or rapists because of a date that was sub par in their estimation.
Babe.net is a raging dumpster fire.
Jesus Christ. When I was a walking erection I’d have stomped the grapes myself and decantered the product all whilst performing hand-springs of surpassing agility AND yodeling the Mauritanian National Anthem just to get a sniff! Fucking amateurs…
lucky he didn’t end up full of bullets, and instead gets a long prison stretch
20 years does seem a bit excessive though.
Bet he’d rather have his hand cut off.
It would definitely limit the size of the TV he could loot next time there is a disaster.
Looting is a shoot on sight offense. 20 years beats dyin’.
Epic speech from a Greensboro citizen about gun control
“Any body that would go into combat with an AR 15 is a fool!”
I got chills.
Does he mean fighting using or up against?
You should work for justice Roberts. That’s quite the possible interpretation.
I was hoping for a seat on the court. Maybe when Ginsberg finally crumbles to dust.
Someone has to find her phylactery first.
It should be like “Highlander”.
Any one who would go into combat is a fool, but fools aren’t allowed to serve /catch-22
That was good, but even he still betrays the fact that the point of 2A is to have “military weapons” in the hands of the citizenry.
That was fucking dope.
I got chills. The good kind.
It’s fun to listen to righteous outrage, but some of the things he said were kind of silly.
Let me add, though, that I’m glad he said it. The good greatly outweighed the silly.
And it’s always good when ethnic minorities take a bold stand against “progressive” principles. It chips away at this illusion that all non-wypipo are the property of the Democrat Party.
that was a smackdown
Bad ass!
Interesting to note the speech to text is cut out as soon as he gets into disagreeing with the legislators.
Escaped camel found wandering Louisiana streets
What’s Chuck Schumer doing in Louisiana?
Because this thread popped up in my timeline after having discussed it yesterday: TERF war.
I’m seeing lots of crazy there, but nothing about transsexuals or radical feminism.
TERF = transexclusionary radical feminist, which is an “evil thing to be.”. The whole thread with screenshots is about a 13yo being called a transphobic bigot because she’s a lesbian who doesn’t want to have sex with a person with a penis. In this alternate universe, being attracted to women is lesbianism and being not attracted to penis is genital fetishization, which is a kink, not an orientation, and therefore the girl is being bullied.
Maybe you posted the wrong link? Unless it’s way at the bottom of the thread, I’m not seeing screenshots of anything like that.
“If you are a MAGA or a 2A enthusiast, I legitimately do not care about your life/well-being or the lives/well-being of your family. I don’t care if you can’t defend yourselves against intruders or whatever. I just don’t care if you live or die.”
My bad. I did post the wrong link. Totally SF’d that.
Never mind. The moment has passed.
I would ask you to repeat that in English but I really don’t think that would help.
Yeah I couldn’t follow it either.
I posted the wrong link.
Not a fishing expedition
Special counsel Robert Mueller’s prosecutors revealed Thursday night that they’re using information related to the searches of Paul Manafort’s belongings for their ongoing investigation, according to documents they filed with the court in his case.
The office even used a warrant from March 9 to get information related to five AT&T phone numbers — and that search involves information related to “ongoing investigations that are not the subject of either of the current prosecutions involving Manafort,” according to the new special counsel filings.
Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chairman, faces criminal indictments in Virginia and DC federal courts related to his foreign lobbying business from before the campaign. He’s pleaded not guilty in both.
But that may not be the extent of the legal trouble for Manafort — and potentially those around him. His lawyer has suggested in court that prosecutors may be continuing to investigate him. The special counsel’s office said earlier this week that the Justice Department has allowed for an investigation into Manafort allegedly colluding with Russians to interfere in the 2016 election, alongside several other unconfirmed investigations.
How in the fuck can this go on? Don’t just fire the guy, bring criminal charges against him. You could start with gross misuse of resources, and move on to malicious prosecution and extortion.
Manafort allegedly colluding with Russians to interfere in the 2016 election
What criminal statute prohibits seeking aid from foreign entities to help win an election? Is there one, or is this all just made-up bullshit?
I think it’s illegal to accept donations to your campaign from foreign governments.
But if it’s donations to your ‘charitable’ foundation that’s merely paying everybody on your campaign staff, that’s allright.
Unless you launder it through the Clinton foundation?
I suppose. It seems to have worked out just fine for her.
Unless you turn off the verification like Obama did?
I was just about to say that. God only knows how much foreign money Chocolate Nixon took in, but that doesn’t matter because shut up.
It’s seems very unusual that criminal investigation can’t announce what crime they are investigating. I’m no lawyer, but shouldn’t it at least start with some predicate?
“and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”
Seems relevant.
Superceded by the FYTW clause.
This is the Santa Clause investigation. “He sees you when you’re sleeping, He knows when you’re awake!”
It’s seems very unusual that criminal investigation can’t announce what crime they are investigating.
The crime of defeating The Most Qualified Presidential Candidate Ever, of course.
from before the campaign
We aren’t in Kansas anymore. Keep digging. I’m sure put a booger on his desk in grade-school or something. The truth will come out.
I just got back from taking that group of elementary kids to the VEX robotics national championships in Council Bluffs Iowa. I can report that you future is in better hands than you might have expected.
They were a great group of kids – very polite, friendly and quite smart and creative. There were a couple of thousand kids from all around the country (and a few from around the world). A great time was had by all. Our team finished in the top 20 in all categories, so we were pretty happy. Our girl who did the autonomous programming finished 9th… but since 6 of the teams ahead of her were from China, I’m counting that as 3rd. You can’t compete for the US national championship if you are from China.
Omaha is a really nice city. Wow, do they have a lot of money for a city that size. As was recommended by several here, the zoo was amazing. We only had time to get through half of it (in the freezing weather), but it was pretty great. We had dinner at the Spaghetti Works, which was a nicely themed restaurant with mediocre but passable food. Kids ate free on Tuesday, and since we had mostly kids, we were happy. And the pasta is “all you care to eat” and drinks were relatively cheap at the bar, so the adults were happy.
So to sum up… kids are still great, and Omaha Nebraska is a surprisingly good destination for a convention, even if the wind chill did dip into the single digits.
It’s nice to hear good news. Congratulations to your programmer.
That sounds like fun. I’m hoping to make a trip to Omaha this June.
I agree with you. I’ve volunteered for our HS robotics team the last few years. The kids are astonishingly talented and motivated.
I’ve heard from co-workers who’ve gone there for conferences that Omaha is surprisingly nice. Surprising to people who’ve never left the coasts, I should say.
For a moment I thought I was going to be headed to Omaha, but then I found out that the conference was exclusively for women. Sounds like I missed out on a great city.
Omaha is a really nice city. Wow, do they have a lot of money for a city that size.
Probably because they are the headquarters of several large companies: Berkshire Hathaway, Kiewit Corporation, Mutual of Omaha, and the Union Pacific Railroad. When you are home to millionaires and billionaires, your town is going to have nice things.
For you hockey people….#22 Daniel Sedin scored his 22nd on an assist from his twin brother #33 Henrik 33 seconds into the second period in their last game in Vancouver.
Do you believe in ghosts?
I’m just glad to see the last of those fuckers.
Were they Wild killers or something?
Big time.
*shakes fist toward Vancouver*
Oh come on. The dudes have been nothing less than stellar citizens, even donating millions of dollars and countless hours to the Childrens hospital! And then there is THIS! https://youtu.be/Z6tBr6PMkBY
Somehow I missed this story.
I have Identified the reason: Hugo Gonzalez, 49, was identified by a witness as Thursday’s suspected bomber, Ontario police said.
After a two-day trial, Thomas Gamelin, 38, was convicted of stealing $5,228 worth of electronics and tobacco products from a Houston Walmart on Aug.
During Katrina, my ultra-liberal uncle was making the case for looting. Because those looters were only taking Pampers and and bottled water, and that milk and ice cream was just going to spoil anyway with no power. All they were doing was trying to care for their little babies and their most basic humanitarian needs. Yeah. That’s it.
Looters rarely go after perishables. The bulk of them are after high-value goods that are undefended during the emergency.
If I was looting a Sam’s club, I’d be out of there with all the frozen beef I could get.
If he had tried it himself, I might have shot him.
/National Guard
I can report that you future is in better hands than you might have expected.
My expectations are pretty fucking low.
How to screw up a kids life in one easy step.
And now I’m checking out of this world.
That poor child,
IT never had a chance.
This sort of behaviour is child abuse.
By the way, how is this NOT child abuse?
How far up your own ass can you get?
The current record is the triple oroboros, where they have reached their own tail three times over.
It’s like a salchow but you have to suck your own dick.
Wouldn’t it be ironic the government puts its foot down and considers this to be child abuse at some point? I say ironic because these are the sort of people who always go the legislation route to cram their hideous and deranged ideas on the rest of a healthy and normal (relatively, ahem, speaking) society.
It would come full circle.
/make air circle with finger tips. Touches heart.
“Then, just a few days later, an article showed up in McCullough’s Facebook feed about a Canadian baby who had been issued a health card without a gender designation — perhaps the first instance in the world of a government entity not assigning a gender at birth.”
No, governments do not assign gender. What birth certificates do is recognize sex.
No shit. Trudeau is opening the door to this madness being the little shnott head he is.
I’m going to look forward to the unintended consequences of this insanity.
I’ve noticed a bunch of admins and advisors here are starting to include pronouns underneath their e-mail signature lines. So far most of them are orthodox i.e. women have she|her| etc. But at least one person I work wants to be referred to as they|them|theirs.
Now, if you’re born one gender and want to identify as another or as xe or whatever, fine. But if you’re one person, you can’t have a plural pronoun.
We disagree.
I want to be refereed to as your ultra-powerful dragonbeast!
Unless you’re Queen Victoria
Wait I thought the queens had picked she/her as their pronouns?
Not Freddy! Never Freddy!
I’ve run into one of these “they/them” people and she asked me to refer to her like this. I just stopped talking to her altogether – too much of a hassle trying to adjust the instinct to refer to women as “she/her”.
Yeah, I tend to call this person by their name. My objection is based on grammar not gender.
I have a problem with anyone that demands that the world shift around them and their needs. In fact, I don’t like people that think they are special or deserve special treatment. Demanding people change such an integral part of their speech patterns just to make sure that a very rare subset of the population doesn’t get their feelz hurt? Yeah, no I’m not doing that – and I’ll not do it specifically to piss that person off. That makes me an asshole, I know, I just don’t care.
If I’m at work I’ll modify my behavior so I don’t piss off my employer, since its their house, their rules.
Really?! Where do you work, a university?
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Why not? It’s the most effective way to cover all of their distinct personalities.
“Medically assigned“? God assigns sex, or Mother Gaia, or whatever you choose to believe in. The doctor merely recognizes it.
This is what happens when no one need fear starvation – human beings come up with ridiculous things to concern themselves with.
“We wouldn’t tell somebody else how they should identify or who they should be or what they are,”
I’m inspired. I’m going to go make some AA missiles out of cardboard, strap them to my arms and run around the house making woosh sounds because I now identify as an F-15 Eagle. If you say that I am not a fighter plane and/or the fighter pane of my choosing then you are a bigot.
“Storm, who is now 7, identifies as a girl.”
Considering how rare transsexuals are, the odds that their “theyby” turned out to be trans — at age seven — are astronomical.
It can argued that it’s not a libertarian position, but this one reason why medically transitioning children should not be legal.
I think you have to stretch libertarian principles quite a bit to argue that a child under 7 has any significant autonomy. Any person who has responsibility for a child, and abuses that responsibility to deliberately warp the kid into suffering a crippling mental disease, all to virtue signal their ‘wokeness’, can burn in hell as far as I am concerned.
But their parents have autonomy, same as any other medical intervention.
True, and I guess I missed your point, which is valid. But the parents can still burn in hell.
Right along with naming your kids after weather events.
Sweet fancy Moses, that is utterly psychotic. If that kid’s lucky, it’ll grow up to just hate those idiot parents and be otherwise broadly undamaged. The unlucky possibility involves skinsuits and a crawlspace full of corpses.
I identify as Tom Brady, but the Patriots still won’t let me on the field, and Gisele won’t let me in her bed. BIGOTS!
Can you kiss his son on the mouth?
But did they agree to direct deposit those game checks to your account?
If they did that, I’m pretty sure Gisele will soon come to see you as the real Tom Brady. (please stand up)
I like it. Not enough people realize the opportunity that you have as a parent to truly create whatever sort of weirdo you want in a kid. Everyone is too worried that their kid isn’t learning how to cope with the world.
NO. The world needs to learn how to cope with your snowflake! Don’t give in.
*I figure if all the kids are fucked up, my kids will become billionaires and support me in my dotage.
I figure mine will tell me when I’m 76 the same thing I’m gonna tell them when they’re 16: “Get a job”
If this is your kid’s competition, life will be easy.
This has to be the result of self-loathing. This kid wasn’t a test-tube baby. He was born from a mother with a vagina and father with a penis. And they pounded them together until she got good and pregnant. Yet somehow, they think it awful if their kids grow up and eventually do the same thing.
This is for the Glib techies
The first call from a cellphone that would change our lives forever
What a cool story! I have fond memories of my first couple cell phones. Anyone ever have the Motorola MicroTac or StarTac? Awesome phones.
Yes, I had a Microtac from work. Later I had a bag phone in a car (but long after those were obsolete). I’ve tossed out Dynatacs that were in the junk electronics box.
I guess using teenagers to push a political agenda is the new rage.
“I have something to say as a student,” Gregory told the lawmakers at the capitol.
As she held back tears, Gregory delivered a speech to Oklahoma Senator Mark Allen.
“We are the future of Oklahoma,” Gregory said. “Don’t you care?”
“Don’t you care?”
Not really. I’m the one being held at gunpoint to fund the education of brats that are not mine. So I ask, don’t YOU care?
Take up the funding issue with the bloated school administration.
“Don’t you care?”
“I guess using teenagers to push a political agenda is the new rage.”
Since an appeal to emotion is all they’ve got, might as well turn it up to 11.
No, that’s been going on forever.
I got detention in 8th grade, and the Vice Principal let us go home early, but only after, from his office, we called our state representative and senator and made a statement about not cutting school funding.
You’re probably right. I find it very off putting for adults to get children to parrot their talking points in order to try and gain the moral high ground. None of these kids have any clue what they are talking about.
That is fucking disgusting. How do people like that even sleep at night?
“Yes, I’m holding you hostage until you make a political statement I approve of.”
Damn. If I had been asked to do that after getting in trouble, I would have refused, just to be a shit, even though I liked most of my principals and Vice Principals throughout my K12.
I just wanted to go home, so I didn’t care.
Plus I was pretty liberal as a kid anyways (ended up doing the teen rebellion thing against my parents by becoming a super socon Rush Limbaugh listener in High School, before becoming the shithead libertarian I am today).
I ask, sir, who are the militia?
Imagine that the 2nd Amendment is about something other than firearms. Suppose the amendment said, “A well-educated electorate being necessary for the functioning of a free republic, the right of the people to read and write books shall not be infringed.”
Does that mean only registered voters may read books? Of course not. The right is guaranteed not to voters, but to people, from whom the electorate is drawn. Does this imaginary amendment mean that only trained librarians may read books? Does it mean that only college graduates may write books? Does it mean that the government gets to decide who may read books, and which books they may read? Of course not. Does it mean that one can read but not write books? Nope. Both are guaranteed activities.
Most important of all, notice that the right to read and write is not dependent on the well educated electorate. The reverse is true: the educated electorate depends on the right. The origin and reason for the right are not mentioned at all. It exists independent of the electorate. The introductory phrase, which does not limit the right, is simply the reason why the right “shall not be infringed.”
It’s almost like the rules of the English language matter when determining what clauses in the Constitution mean.
The ACLU, for example, in its hallucinatory interpretation, claims that “the people” in the amendment refers not to persons, but to state governments and their power to establish militias. The left-wingers there do not explain how a description of state powers ended up in a list of things called the “Bill of Rights.”
The sort-of-simple problem to fixing the 2A issues is just for states to establish militias and enroll gun owners.
I’d rather have a solution which made the blue shitholes respect the rights of the citizenry instead of relying on their largesse and leave.
The militia is already established and defined by federal law. It consists of the organized militia (National Guard) and the organized militia (males of military age).
I keep waiting for somebody to point out that the current definition of unorganized militia is discriminatory, and needs to be expanded to all adults.
Tank Cleaning Releases Deadly Poison Sickening Family, Dogs
2 things I remember from snorkeling over a reef. Don’t touch the coral and if you see the guide swimming back to the boat haul ass there’s sharks nearby.
I would think one would clean one’s tank with a pressure washer. In my experience, getting all the crap out of the tracks and guide wheels is the hardest part.
Teen Vogue brings you the narcissistic exhibitionism you crave
She and I continued to hang out and began sending good morning texts. Then we made dinner and watched Orange Is the New Black. Then we vented and supported each other. Then cuddled. Then kissed and kissed some more. OK, we were in a relationship. I fell in love with a woman.
“I fell in love with a woman, and you should, too. Grab you some otherkin. Give the patriarchy a poke in the eye.”
“Then cuddled. Then kissed and kissed some more.”
Keep going, don’t cut it off right when things are getting good!
Video or GTFO.
“Then her stepdad came in from the pool, water dripping off his chiseled shoulders. ‘You don’t want your mom to find out about this, do you,’ he asked, a sly grin spreading across his face.'”
*Paging MLW, MLW to the red courtesy phone please*
They are going to put MLW out of business. How do you parody this level of derp?
I can’t help but notice how the media types go on and on about how brave this behavior is, and how time and again people involved state they were told not to do it. It would hurt their careers. That ABC guy who made a big to do about announcing he was gay stated that his colleagues warned him not to along those lines. Then we have the whole “me too” thing.
It’s enough to make you wonder if all the hatred of America’s supposed bigotry, misogyny and homophobia isn’t just the result of projection by the self-anointed urban elites. They don’t know dick about actual Americans. But they know themselves, and they know how they react. If they’re the enlightened rulers, how could the rubes in middle America not be far worse?
The only way to get actual attention from normal people here is to make it something they want to masturbate to. And she didn’t even give enough details for that.
I honor of Rockies opening day, I give you hot babes in ball caps.
One of the best days of the year for gawking at eye-candy downtown.
Of course the tickets are 200 dollars and it’s supposed to snow, so I shan’t be going.
I’m going to have to call the fashion police on #27.
And now it’s pounding snow in Denver. Just so long as the folks on either coasts find out that the Rockies game snowed out and continue to assume that it snows nonstop in Denver for 10 months out of the year.
“I’ve definitely had thoughts like, Why isn’t everybody doing this?”
Probably because they’re not insane. Unlike you.
When flipping burgers in Argentina is preferable to being a doctor in Venezuela, you know socialism is working.
The most entertaining thing about this article is looking at the links to other articles about Venezuela. They are mostly old articles by leftists talking about how all the doom and gloom about Venezuela’s economy is fake news. Hilarious.
“One can of links, please. Oh, and a box of off topic comments.”
Joke’s on you, I get my OT comments from the rejects bin for cheap.
It can argued that it’s not a libertarian position, but this one reason why medically transitioning children should not be legal.
In the world as it exists, you can be arrested for letting your younger-than-18 son ride on the back of your motorcycle without a helmet. Chopping his balls off seems to me to qualify as a heinous crime.
Hell, you can be arrested for letting your child walk down the street alone.
“Anthony Fokker (1890)”
There’s an old apocryphal (and therefore probably bullshit) story about an old British fighter pilot giving a talk to a bunch of schoolkids. He’s describing one air battle, and says “…and I couldn’t get that Fokker off my tail.”
The teacher, cringing at the homonym, hurriedly explains “The Fokker was a type of German airplane.”
The old pilot goes on, “Yes, but this fokker was flying a Messerschmidt.”
My grandpa told me that joke when I was a wee lad. I like it.
The Atlantic is a true thought leader.
Only the Smart Set can truly appreciate the depth of their analyses.
This is still my favorite:
“Do cats control my mind?”
Yours, Atlantic writer? Yeah, probably. It’s not exactly a precision instrument.
Ah yes, the racist eclipse. That was a classic.
Video of Williamson finding out he was fired.
If Sloopy had posted sportsball links, I’m sure he would have talked this item up big time.
Baseball is cool if you allow the home team to attack the visiting pitchers with eagles (only effeminite north easterners would use a hawk).
I’m sure Brian Dozier will complain soon about the opposing pitcher trying to get away.
That dude took it calmly. Another sports item missed is Connor McGregor being arrested. Insane story.
He’s still upset about getting embarrassed by Mayweather.
He’s just a douche bag that lost touch with reality. In retrospect, I’m glad both Mayweather and Diaz kicked his ass.
Delivery room. Nurse examines baby.
Doctor: So?
Nurse: It has a penis.
Doctor: So, boy?
Nurse examines baby unsure. Gives frustrating look.
Doctor (writes in Red Commie Book): Unsure.
Parent barges in.
Doctor: What?
Parent: THIS here is an Urgobubabo. UNDERSTAND? I can’t take this. I’m calling the Human Rights Tribunal. They’ll show you.
Leaves room angrily.
Returns sticks head through door way.
Which way to the cafeteria?
Doctor: To your….right.
Woman leaves quietly backwards makes ‘watching gesture’ with her fingers to her eyes.
If Republicans had even half of one testicle, they could crucify the Dems for this gender nonsense.
They’re hoping to finally exchange all those woke tokens they won playing by the left’s rules. They’re going to buy the eraser shaped like an airplane.
I would bet a lot of jurisdictions would take your kids if you were raising them as a Nazi. We know they have taken kids because they were being raised as religious fundamentalists. No indication of physical or emotional abuse necessary.
If that’s child abuse, then I fail to see how raising a male to be a woman isn’t child abuse.
China is to manufacturing what India is to software development.
So many people look at it as a giant pool of dirt cheap labor that can build their new gizmos for so much less than they can here. Companies decide they are going to move all their manufacturing to China and rake the money in.
Then they discover that you have to constantly monitor the manufacturing process. You end up sending your people over there a LOT to keep an eye on things. You have to pay a lot of bribes. And finally, you discover that mysteriously some Chinese company becomes your competitor selling a gizmo that is 99.999999% the same as yours (it would be 100% but they will cut a few quality corners).
There were stories thirty years ago about how Chinese contract manufacturers would fill their production orders and keep right on churning product out, to be re-branded and sold as their own.
Yeah, it has been known for a long time that the Chicoms were doing this. Apparel was the granddaddy of them all. Most of the “counterfeit” clothing you see out there is the exact same stuff. It just has a different label.
One of the reasons I can’t ever figure out why people pay so much for certain brands of clothing. If you know someone in the industry you can get the same stuff for half the price. And you don’t have to give money to that asshole ceo from Patagonia.
Some people got tired of getting punched in the arm for wearing Toughskins pants. That’s why you pay for the label.
Super deal.
Better than a Glock IMO.
Some kids at Carleton read about Gandhi, realized he wasn’t perfect in every way, and now want his statue removed from campus.
Ghandi was an asshole.
Pablo Picasso was never called an asshole
I love that song, but I am 100% sure that it is 100% incorrect.
Of course it is! I always thought that made the song amusing.
Hey now….did girls ever turn the color of the avocado, when YOU drove down their street in your El Dorado?
Sure – so is every Carleton grad I’ve ever met.
Well, they shouldn’t have statues either!
He liked to just sleep in beds with those girls.
The trick is whiskey dick.
Danger, Wilhelmina Robinson!
Artificial intelligence isn’t necessarily good for women, but we can make it better.
Because we build and train AI, it reflects our biases and assumptions — and our racism and sexism. That’s problematic as AI can be used everywhere: it controls driverless cars and powers voice assistants such as Siri and Alexa, but also helps HR departments sift through resumes, decides who gets parole, and examines medical images. As its uses get more widespread and important, AI missteps and abuses become more dangerous.
If we don’t get it right, sexism, racism, and other biases will be literally encoded into our lives, trained on incorrect data that continues to leave women and people of color out of decision making. “We’re ending up coding into our society even more bias, and more misogyny and less opportunity for women,” says Tabitha Goldstaub, cofounder of AI startup CognitionX. “We could get transported back to the dark ages, pre-women’s lib, if we don’t get this right.”
The world is a scary, scary place.
Translation: AI systems don’t give a shit about race or gender, and that produces a Disparate Impact™, therefore, this totally race- and gender-blind system is totally racist and sexist.
“Kristen Stewart and girlfriend Stella Maxwell dress down for sushi date ahead of her 28th birthday”
Kristen: How Not To Dress Like A Hobo
There’s one obvious way to encourage better systems, says Richardson: “we need more women in robots and AI.”
Right now that’s not happening. According to the AAUW, only 26% of computing professionals in the U.S. are women — and there used to be more. Back in the 1990s, more than a third of those working in tech were female. According to Google’s own diversity figures in 2017, 31 percent of its workforce is women, but only 20 percent of its technical roles are filled by women. And, only 1 percent of all their tech employees (of any gender) are black; 3 percent are hispanic. For AI in particular, Goldstaub suggests about 13 percent of those working in AI are women.
“I believe as a feminist the more women we can get into roles, the more diverse the output will be — and fewer shockers will get through,” Goldstaub says.
I wonder if AI bots can distinguish between correlation and causation any more efficiently than the average Teen Vogue “reporter”.
Back in the 1990s, more than a third of those working in tech were female.
If you were to run these number looking only at native-born computing professionals, I wonder what they would look like. Put another way, there are a significant number of immigrants working in tech, and my anecdotal impression is that they are overwhelmingly male.
If it turns out that it is our relatively open border for tech professionals that is exacerbating the “gender gap”, what will the proggies do?
If you removed the sales and marketing people, reception and administrative assistants, and HR positions from the tech firms, the percentage would drop like a rock.
Why did they pick out those two races? Isn’t there a huge percentage (maybe even a majority) of Indians and East Asians in the IT field?
Because those races fit the narrative.
The fact that half the people in any given meeting here are citizens of the subcontinent and white people are the minority doesn’t mean the race-baiters want to admit it.
Indians are a kind of white anyway. Which goes to show you that this is all really about culture.
They’re all darker than any of the hispanics.
Not all of them. My boss is a northern Injun – pale, pale, pale. And Hispanic isn’t a race either.
By all, I was referncing the population set around me.
As for the ‘hispanic’ census designation, it’s funny to watch the confusion in some circles as more and more ‘identify as’ white on the official records.
It’s going to be a lovely weekend here in arkansas.
Strong storms today with a risk of hail and tornadoes, Cold front blows in tonight with a chance of snow and ice, back up to the mid eighties mid week.
This Caiden kid sounds like a good egg.
“he still has an obsession of touching my breasts”
Welcome to the rest of your life kid.
Speaking of kids and eggs, I saw Kinder Eggs at the grocery store last week. “Surprise toy in every one!” or somesuch. I guess after the tide pods debacle, who cares?
They have TV commercials now, too! I’m tempted to try one, but I’m not into that sickly sweet Creme Egg stuff.
The Cadbury caramel eggs are superior, IMO. And that means, they are (still) freakin’ awesome.
The decline in quality of the included toy is the downfall of the Kinder experience. Those things used to be pretty neat and interesting to put together. Now, total lameness.
Mark Steyn got a lot of mileage from his kids getting their Kinder Eggs confiscated at the border some years ago.
And yes, they fell afoul of “you can’t put toys into food” regulation, despite it being nigh-impossible to swallow on purpose.
“I Was Sexually Harrassed By My Toddler!” #metoo
“He’ll never work in the toddler industry again!” vows Boob Lives Matter founder.
“Gropey Baby Put On Blast At Oscars”
“Male Assigned At Birth Toddler molests Female Assigned By Birth Mother, refuses hormone shots to correct behavior”
Boob Lives Matter is going in the merch store, stat!
Put me down for a dozen.
It’s like Where’s Waldo?
TW: Autoplay.
Macron going full Putin?
Putin and Macron get together?
Wow, that is scary stuff going on in France.
Totally shocked that Reporters Without Borders is full of it!
OK, no I’m not.
When do US sanctions or tariffs begin?
Simply having women in the room isn’t enough; they need to be heard — and often enough, that means we need to stand up and make people listen. “You have to be brave and courageous to come in and challenge people with authority and power,” Richardson says.
Yup. That’ll help. And then, while you’re on unemployment, waiting for the sex-discrimination lawsuit to pay off, you can write “think pieces” about why women have such a hard time getting their foot in the door.
Finding the line between “brave, empowered woman taking a stand” and “that shrill new hire who can’t code for shit but has to say something at every meeting” is bound to be fraught.
“Home deliveries of knives bought online to be banned in UK
Buyers will have to collect in person and retailers must verify they are over 18, in one of series of anti-knife crime measures”
Remember when we used to joke about “common sense knife control”?
Some of us saw shit like this coming..
Next up? Big cars…
Can we just seal the UK in bubble wrap and call it a day?
“Airshit One”
The UK has just become a goddamn parody. They’ve lost their minds over there. If the package requires age verification and the delivery service doesn’t verify it, that’s not a problem with the seller!
So of course their solution is to ban the home delivery of anything pointy over the internet. Brilliant move. This is why I couldn’t find a single sharp sgian dubh anywhere in Scotland.
Sounds like a toothless society.
When is Britain going to enact common sense 16 ton weight control?
Off Duty French Soldiers Arrested After Defending Woman From Robbery
Ah. The old ‘youth’ description.
This is just profoundly contradictory not only to what I believe is innate human nature, it is contradictory to millenia of social and cultural norms and development. I cannot believe that a society that far out of line with human realities is going to survive long. If they don’t ashcan the governments trying to re-engineer them into New
SovietWoke Man, and pronto, then I believe these societies will vanish from the face of the Earth.Vanishing Western society from the face of the earth is the ultimate goal of the left.
Can’t tell people this time they will make totalitarian marxism or fascism work if there is any competition or history to prove otherwise…
More sportsball, an update on my new favorite sports team, Fort William FC who play in the Scottish Highland League (Tier 5 for those interested). Updating their season record:
Played 27, won 0, drawn 2, goals for 22, goals against 148 (-126 GD). On March 31, they suffered their 24th loss of the season which was noteworthy for two reasons. First, it was their biggest loss so far, losing 12-2 at home. But, second, they were averaging less than a goal a game prior to that game but scored two.
On the plus side, the setting for their “Stadium” is nice: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_William_F.C.#/media/File:Clagganpark.jpg
Mesothelioma is a rare cancer linked to asbestos exposure.
Exposure to asbestos in the Navy, shipyards, mills, heating, construction or the automotive industries may put you at risk.
Please don’t wait, call 1-800-99 LAW USA today for a free legal consultation and financial information packet.
Mesothelioma patients call now!
1-800-99 LAW USA
Wow. I figured those spots are like Publisher’s Clearinghouse letters.
Re: mesothelioma. They have been running those ads on TV since I was a kid and asbestos hasn’t been used in construction since the 70s?
That must be one hell of a racket for it to be worth still trying to find people.
Latency period for meso is 10-150 years.
It is quite a lucrative field. I used to do defense work for a small manufacturer….they were under constant attack, not because their products were dangerous or widespread…but because they were solvent and had insurance.
Same thing with lead paint. I have to assert every year to my landlord that I don’t have small children eating paint in my home. Lead paint has been banned for how many decades now and apparently it’s still found in some public housing projects because the billions of dollars the city spends on that shit every year just isn’t enough.
They found me 20 years ago, but through my Employer, not TV, the Johns Manville class action to be precise, I get 250,000$ in med bills paid when i get lung Cancer
That’s like 5 lifetime’s supply of Kia’s!
I am now making a good salary online from home as last month I have received $25346 by doing simple and easy work online from home.. I am now making great income every month from home. This job is just awesome and its earnings are massive. .Any Body can now get this job and start earning online easily by just follow this look here more
I like the ones on TOS where when you divided the money by the hours work, it was a crappy wage.
I actually pulled this one from TOS just now (I took the link out), but I remember the ones you’re talking about. Good shit
You could not believe the cheque, earning $12,107 since being unemployed and work on laptop from home 4 months ago? Now you drive new Miata.
**Now I work in home make $3,871,380,547,727 in one day***
“Any Body”
Does the separation of these two words imply that prostitution is the simple and easy work?
simple and easy work?
Not if you’re hoping for repeat customers.
“Reading books is now alt-right.”
Also, love the list of “alt-right” books.
Without looking, I’m guessing
Atlas shrugged
The road to serfdom
economics is one lesson
a concise history of th russian revolution
the law
Even worse. Fahrenheit 451, Brave New World, and 12 Rules for Life.
Well F-451 is critical of abortion.
The Left doesn’t want anyone stepping on their toes while they’re busy trying to burn books.
Anything by Rothbard.
Anything by that Sad Puppies guy.
Infinite Jest, if you can slog your way through it, is one of the most vicious takedowns of postmodernism I can think of.
It’s probably alt-right.
Still listening to the audiobook.
“What’s up PewdiePie? The troubling content of YouTube’s biggest star
Childish, offensive and immensely popular, the YouTube star – whose real name is Felix Kjellberg – continues to command a huge audience. But what is he really saying?
PewdiePie has started a book club. Once a month, the YouTuber sits in his box room studio, bathed in soft pink light, and critiques a set of texts for his audience. The choices so far have tended towards sci-fi – I Am Legend, Brave New World – but also included The Picture of Dorian Gray and American Psycho. “For me to discover how much joy you can get through reading”, the 28-year-old Swede said, “It’s been so much fun.” This month, he wants his viewers to join him in ploughing through Moby Dick.
Felix “PewdiePie” Kjellberg is funny, intelligent, innovative and highly charismatic. He also has one of the world’s biggest public platforms and a remit restricted only by YouTube’s terms of service. To call him an alt-right agitator would perhaps be unfair as he has never publicly identified with the proto-fascist movement. But he shares much of their culture and amplifies it across the world. People should pay PewdiePie more attention.”
That’s such an underhanded and sneaky way to smear him. “I’m not saying the Guardian is staffed by Nazi. It would be perhaps unfair to call them Nazis, seeing as how they’ve never publically identified themselves as Nazis. But the Guardian’s staff do share much of Nazi culture and amplify Nazi culture across the world. People should pay more attention to the not-totally-confirmed-Nazis-but-might-totally-be-Nazis at the Guardian.”
Keep digging yourself that hole, Guardian, you aren’t getting any more popular with the kids that watch PewDiePie. Gasps of a dying publication.
Keep digging yourself that hole, Guardian, you aren’t getting any more popular with the kids that watch PewDiePie. Gasps of a dying publication.
They don’t care about those kids. What they want is YouTube to take PDP down. Because he brings the kids to YouTube, he’s the enemy of traditional media.
End game, of course, is to kill YouTube (optimally) or reform it to be a distributor of approved content for traditional media structures (acceptable).
Sargon made a series of videos a year ago on the subject, when the hue and cry started. This one probably serves as an intro.
As for Guardian dying, that will happen about thirty minutes after Her/His Majesty’s Government is overthrown and replaced with something else. Until then, the state will keep it alive by means direct and indirect.
I see what you’re saying, but I think that will just cement the MSM as being full of lies and propaganda to the younger generation. We already hate establishment media as it is. We don’t buy broadcast television or subscribe to pay wall news sites – and the MSM just adds more evidence that it shouldn’t be trusted. When the WSJ or The Guardian does these hit pieces, its not just PDP’s members that hear about it – the entire YouTube news community reports it and the tens of millions of teenagers and young adults remember the smear campaigns and the outright lies.
This is a losing battle for The Guardian and the MSM as a whole – even if they one day succeed at getting PDP off of YouTube, he doesn’t go away – and there are thousands of others that will take his place.
But he shares much of their culture and amplifies it across the world.
Perhaps the problem isn’t with PewdiePie or the “culture” he projects, it’s with the canard perpetuated by lefty outfits like The Guardian that makes memelord edgetards the moral and political equivalents of Richard Spencer. They have some crossover appeal in the “lulzy edginess” portion of their Venn diagram because it pisses off joyless SJWs. And… what else?
“But he shares much of their culture and amplifies it across the world.”
Reading books is alt-right culture? The Left are the “smart ones”.
Western Civilization is alt-right. The progs and SJWs want to eradicate Western Civilization. Ergo, a discussion of any text that is part of the Western canon is alt-right, and anyone engaging in this discussion must be cast out of society.
Neato. I reread or read for the first time all the books he mentioned within the past month and a half.
List of Approved books:
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
I know HM wrote his undergrad thesis (?) on it, but I just finished Zamyatin’s We. I’d love to hear people’s thoughts on it in relation to other dystopian novels. Considering it came out before many of the others, I tend to give it a lot of leeway despite how weird it is.
I liked it. As you said, it came out before the others so I give it credit for being pioneering. The themes of lack of privacy, lack of familial relationships and lack of free choice all align pretty well with totalitarian regimes. It’s definitely more on the Sci-Fi side of dystopian novels but it gets the points across.
It’s sooo far into the future that it makes it hard to connect the dots.
“Weird” covers it. I didn’t actually finish it. I found it very difficult to follow WTF was going on.
Is this the one with glass apartment/cellblock walls?
And the creepiest rape scene I’ve ever read.
Just for the mug shot
Worst Harley Quinn cosplay ever.
(who is going to be the first to say “would”?)
It’s a sting boys. KK is trying to get us busted for a plot to blow up a seven eleven.
Oof. Not I.
Are those tattoos ore merely face paint?
looks like a mix of tats and open sores
Why are they assuming xir gender?
Cops confiscate guys phone & accidentally record themselves debating the best way to frame him
That’s pretty infuriating, but is common. When there are laws against everything, everyone is guilty of something.
Shiw me the man and I’ll show you the crime- laventri Beria
Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime –
laventri BeriaRobert MuellerIn this case he intends to keep collecting a pay check for as long as possible, and if he has to manufacture a crime to keep doing that, he will..
I don’t think its the paycheck. I think Mueller realizes that the FBI and DOJ are basically in a fight to the death with the President. Given the utterly astonishing and appalling (and illegal) misconduct of those agencies, up to and including his investigation, its Trump or them at this point. If they don’t take him down, I think Trump will purge the leadership (including the civil service types) of both agencies.
This is a no-kidding coup attempt, IMO. The Praetorian Guard has decided they want Caeser deposed. They are in a race with the IG and possible criminal referrals from his investigation. Their disadvantage is that he has a lot on them, and they have very little on their enemies in the Trump camp.
Their disadvantage is that he has a lot on them, and they have very little on their enemies in the Trump camp.
But their advantage is that they have the support of the Democrats and the Media, while the Republicans are feeble and worthless at fighting back.
“Was that wrong? Should we not have done that? I tell ya, I gotta plead ignorance on this one because if anyone had said anything to me when I started here that this sort of thing was frowned upon….y’know, cause I’ve worked in a lot of police departments and I tell ya, people do that all the time”
* Sheriff George Costanza
Police are like a box of chocolates
Didn’t see it coming.
Hah! Excellent.
Maybe covered, but…Town Bypasses Constitution, US Citizens Given 60 Days to Turn in Guns Or Become Criminals
Pushback has already begun.
Good on them. We need a Churchill figure to step up. “We will fight them (the gun grabbers) on the beaches…”
Deerfield, AKA the civil suit pinata of Illinois.
Rich and proggy.
Sounds highly illegal, constitutionally speaking.
The constitution
Nice. Forgot about that show.
If I was a single man and had no familial duties, I would be strongly tempted to take out an ad in the paper – a picture of me with my M1A in scary flat dark earth furniture, 20 round mag inserted. It would include a simple message: “Come and Take It“.
Taxes, millions of nitpicky laws, whatev. I think gun confiscation is where I would draw the line.
“Taxes, millions of nitpicky laws, whatev. I think gun confiscation is where I would draw the line.”
As long as we’re armed, there’s a chance at reversing things through peaceful action, education, the political process, etc. Not a good chance, but still a chance.
If they try to disarm us, that’s the prelude to camps and mass graves, and it’s best to nip that shit in the bud while you actually have the tools to do the nipping.
SAF is one of the good gun orgs that actually does shit with its donor $$. Rather than hoarding it and paying its executives a shitton, and not standing by actual gun owners.
BS. They run the fundraiser racket like everyone else and Alan Gottlieb is a POS past common sense gun control supporter. Fuck him and SAF. I still think Heller was an attempt to bury the 2A once and for all that ended up with abbot as expected result.
“TIL that Tic Tacs are allowed to say they contain zero sugar even though they’re almost entirely pure sugar — because a single Tic Tac is 0.49 g and technically if a serving of a food contains < 0.5 g sugar you are allowed to round down to zero"
And finally, monsieur, a wafer-thin mint.
I love his tagline:
“Husband, father, social scientist, writer, Madisonian. Or maybe right-wing ideologue, pseudoscientist, evil. Opinions differ.”
Depends on which end of the bell curve you’re on.
Well, this is nuts
tl;dr: When the Portland (Oregon) jails get too full, they use a computer algorithm to decide who to release to make room. The computer keeps telling them to release people arrested for violent crimes, and to keep people arrested for bullshit non-violent low level offenses in jail. And the computer isn’t being overruled.
That makes no sense, unless they also replaced all the CO’s with robots.
Geez, who could have guessed it?
That computer makes perfect sense. What are the odds that a violent offender would do it again?
Public sector coders suck; as evidenced by Zero-care’s website rollout.
Wasn’t that done by an outside crony contractor?
Probably. They suck too. I suck. Everybody sucks.
Several years ago my little brother was in jail sitting out a fine he refused to pay on a bullshit charge. He had to sit 21 days in lieu of paying the fine. About day 12, the Wakarusa music festival came to town. About 20000 hippies were camped out on the mountain north of town. Naturally, the began to quickly fill up the jail. When my brother was asked to leave in order to make room for the hippies, he refused until he was put before a judge that waived his remaining fines.
Damn, that’s standing up to the Man.
My theory is that if everybody would fight tooth and nail against the bullshit fines and tickets, and if they lost refused to pay and sat in jail instead, then the financial incentives for the police would quickly change and they would be forced to quit.
Let it be known that my brothers and I are doing our part.
So how long you been in jail?
When I was in school in LA, I had a friend who piled up parking and traffic tickets he had no ability (or willingness to pay). So he surrendered himself to the court on a Friday to do jail time over the weekend. By late Friday evening actual criminals were arriving and the cops sent him home.
There’s no way to override the list? They can’t just say “No, we’re not letting the rapist out and keeping the shoplifter in”?
Actual lowlife criminals are less likely to post bail and / or pay fines.
Of course it makes sense. Getting all those violent people out of jail will make it safer for the remaining nonviolent inmates.
That’s it, right there. The list is created in order to make the jail easier to run and have better stats. Fuck the public, we have jobs we don’t want to put any effort into doing, and we don’t to look bad for being fat, lazy, stupid fucks.
There’s no way to override the lists,
Bullshit. What a pathetic excuse for a board member and human being this is.
Lemme guess, the algorithm ensures that they keep the right amount of diversity in prison.
You may not be far off. I could see how minorities might make up more of the violent offenders and fewer of the non-violent offenders, so letting out the non-violent offenders would result in a “racist” disparity.
It’s a Multnomah County jail, not a municipal one.
Missing from the story is that the County built another jail 15 years ago that has never been opened due to ‘budget reasons’. Something like $60M of taxpayer money wasted on that thing but because it’s capital money, it came out of a different bucket.
“Virginia woman arrested for allegedly threatening to blow up a 7-Eleven”
Florida needs to step up their game.
woops! See #62
This potato has no eyes. Upthread, friend.
You know who else was behind the curve…
Pedro Cerrano?
James Dean?
The Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy?
Crystal Mostek, 33, walked into the store in Virginia Beach and allegedly placed a device on the counter and told a store employee it was a bomb, WAVY reported.
With a mug like that, definitely a grenade
As the state promises gun rights activists they’re not coming for their guns, behind the scences they’re pleading for it to happen. And now the feared gun grab is occurring. Residents in Deerfield, Illinois have 60 days to surrender their “assault weapons” or face fines of $1000 per day per gun.
I can’t remember if it’s in the state constitution, or a statute, but Montana specifically forbids local governments from imposing laws more strict than state law. Gun rights are explicit in the state constitution.
Missoula got slapped down a few years ago for trying to restrict guns and ammo.
Colorado has the same law; of course Denver weaseled its way out of it somehow. Some bullshit about being a “home rule municipality” or some such nonsense.
The state can override the city’s wishes and that is oppressive. The Feds can override the state and that’s progress. This is so confusing.
Depends on what the state/locality is doing. Local government promoting lefty agenda? Federalism is working! Local government promoting conservative or libertarian agenda? OMG, we need the feds to DO SOMETHING!
Local government
promoting lefty agendaviolating Constitutional rights? Federalism is working! Local governmentpromoting conservative or libertarian agendaprotecting Constitutional rights? OMG, we need the feds to DO SOMETHING!Can’t disagree with that re-wording.
“There’s no way to override the lists,” says Matt Ingram, a board member of the Multnomah County Corrections Deputy Association.
Hands were tied.
They were handcuffed by the computer.
So it’s apparently supposed to snow in the VA Richmond metro area tomorrow evening/night. VA weather is consistently inconsistent, but come on. It’s April. Global Warming is weird.
Uh, warmer temperatures ==> more moisture in the air ==> more extreme weather events ==> any weather anomaly proves global warming ==> warmer temperatures . . . . . . . . .
Get with the program dude.
Weather is not climate (except when it is).
Weather is climate when I say it is.
/Climate scientist (which probably means a biology degree)
Twins have a game tomorrow. First pitch temp is projected at 12 degrees.
We’re getting snow tomorrow night? For crying out loud…..it was 60s-70s for weeks in Jan and Feb, now we’re going to get snow on April 7?
I’m a couple hours north of you and we’ve got a few inches supposedly tomorrow and possibly Monday. I don’t remember getting snow this late before, but it’s been a funky winter.
It may also be illegal. Fire codes aside, squatters benefit from free utilities, cable TV and internet access, and cleaning services. This may violate congressional ethics rules, which prohibit members from using official resources for anything other than incidental personal needs. At the least, lodging on government premises should be treated as a taxable fringe benefit — in the same way that congressional parking spaces are.
Aside from the legal considerations, there are other issues. The risk of elected representatives appearing in various states of undress is more than awkward — it is unacceptable, especially given revelations about the prevalence of sexual harassment in the Capitol. Aides are often obliged to clean up their bosses’ living quarters, which only adds to the dysfunction and abuse that characterizes office environments on the Hill.
Put them in FEMA trailers on the Mall.
Send them to the Slabs for the Summer
The impression i get from this … is that the objections being mounted to it have nothing to do with the reasons given.
Democrats are making a stink about it a) because they think it makes good press, and b) i suspect they think that if they can get congresspeople to leave town more often, they’ll be better able to control votes.
Me, right now
You need this.
or this,
Semi-relevant and hilarious.
that bartender is definitely crapping his diaper.
20 years for petty-larceny?
Who was his lawyer: John?
Looting during a disaster. I’m down with draconian sentences for that. Looting is the first stage of a total breakdown in social order, and as such needs to be slapped down very hard indeed, IMO. Its a form of rioting, and similar to arson (often associated with looting), which carries outsize penalties for a property crime because of the extreme risk of death or serious injury to innocents.
Looting is certainly worse than your run of the mill theft for exactly the reasons you mention. The guy was on probation, too, so that must’ve enhanced the sentence. All that being said, it seems excessive. How many years does it take to punish the guy? Make the sentence double what normally would be the penalty and I’m fine with that. Even triple, maybe. 20 years means the dude’s life is basically forfeit if he’s, say, 35 or older.
Strictly speaking, the specific law has to exist first.
From what i can see in the story, he was simply charged with burglary, and the principal reason for the aggravated sentencing was because he was on probation for another crime (drug related), not because of some clause in the law that says, “crime x when committed under conditions Y = 10X the normal penalty”
the post-facto rationalization of an extreme and unusual penalty as “fitting” because it appeals to popular feeling is bullshit. Whether it feels appropriate or not is besides the point: courts simply shouldn’t have that sort of discretion unless they’ve been gives specific statutes allowing it.
and perhaps they do – its just not clear from the story that is the case.
Fair points, G. Although I have no doubt this sentence is allowed by statute, I think that what allows it is probably his criminal history, not his looting during a disaster. He shouldn’t get 20 years for being a repeat offender, but 20 years for looting is at least defensible. Unfortunately, I don’t think there is a separate statute or sentence for looting during a disaster.
Whether they hammered him because of popular feeling, I have no idea. Its possible there wasn’t much popular feeling on this, and the judge just agrees with me that looting deserves a harsh penalty, one that he was statutorily authorized to mete out (although not for the reason it was justified in this case).
As far as judicial discretion goes, mandatory sentencing stripped much of that discretion away, and has resulted in untold injustices.
“”a repeat offender”
my objection to the ‘repeat offender’ clauses in sentencing is that, because of the drug war and the criminalization of almost everything related to drugs (possession, transport, etc), almost everyone who is ever charged with drug crimes becomes a ‘repeat offender’ overnight, and – if they’re also a drug user – it tends to be a black hole of endlessly increasing penalties for the same otherwise-non-crimes
and then you throw a single felony burglary into the mix, and they get 20 years. it effectively turns drug-defendants into a specially-persecuted class who never get anything remotely like equal treatment under the law.
Send them to the Slabs for the Summer
And to Frostbite Falls in the winter.
Leave them in DC and rip out the HVAC systems, then see hoe much law makin’ gets done come Summer
And have them read WaPo’s annual column explaining why you don’t actually need air conditioning.
I’m actually very proud of myself (for purely financial reasons) for going all of last summer without using the central air conditioning. I usually lounged around the house in Thai fisherman pants and a wifebeater, and I’d spray myself with water while sitting in front of a fan to stay cool. If it got absolutely unbearable, I’d go take a cold shower.
I did have a window unit in the bedroom that I would turn on one hour before going to bed, however. My house has no attic, so my bedroom ceiling IS the roof, and it gets horribly hot up there without A/C.
To be fair to WaPo, in the DC area you can get by in the summer with open windows if you’ve got good ventilation and coat yourself in DEET. The humidity’s a bitch, but you can acclimate. That said, the first summer my east Texas in-laws came to visit they went out and bought a massive window unit for us within an hour of being here.
Growing up, my dad absolutely hated runnin’ the AC, so we’d be a windows-only house until like maybe mid-August. Wasn’t too bad, but we had a brick rancher with lots of windows and a finished basement to hang out in when it got really hot, so that made a difference.
They build homes now to be ventilated thru the ventilation system. Old homes in hot climates were built to breath (big windows, shutters, etc)
You turn off your AC in your double paned, small windowed, heavily insulated new home and pretty soon you are fucking miserable.
But running AC in that old home will make you go broke for the same reason.
Our place is a Cape Cod, an old Sears kit house built in the 30s. We’ve got a floor furnace and window units, and that’s it. It’s definitely more like being outside than not. It’s barely insulated, there are drafts everywhere, the crawlspace is a nightmare and there are so many little gaps in the floor where someone ran a cord or a pipe used to come up, etc., that you’re basically outside with a roof.
And you’re right; our electric bill is like $350-$400 for two adults and a toddler in a 1100 sq.ft. house. It’s bonkers. We’re talking about replacing our current “system” with a ductless mini-split but I’m half-tempted to spend that money on new windows instead, to try to improve the insulation.
Hobgoblins, off the port bow!
When coffee beans are roasted, a chemical reaction occurs, producing a chemical, called acrylamide, which California has long listed as causing cancer. Acrylamide dissolves in water, which means that it can be found in brewed coffee.
With these simple facts in mind, the Council for Education and Research on Toxics brought suit against a large number of companies, including Starbucks, arguing that they were obliged to give the appropriate warning to their customers.
But let’s step back a bit. There are good reasons to object to cancer warnings for coffee.
For one thing, such warnings would mislead and frighten a lot of people. When we see a cancer warning, many of us greatly exaggerate the size of the risk. It’s not in the public interest to produce unjustified fear.
It’s not in the public interest to produce unjustified fear.
Haha, good one, Sunstein.
NOW you tell me!
Oh, allofasudden Cass “Nudge” Sunstein sees a downside to his pervasive nanny state.
Fuck you. You’ve been cheerleading for exactly this all along. You have exactly zero principled ground left to stand on to oppose this.
Cass Sunstein and Sam Power are possibly my most-loathed personalities on earth.
I’m dead serious when i say i think they’re worse than Vlad Putin or Kin Jong Un. They’re exactly the sort of “Benevolent tyrants” that CS Lewis described.
The worst people on earth are never more dangerous than when they’re convinced they have YOUR interests in mind better than you do. i’d vastly prefer some self-interested monster who raped the planet to serve their own ends than the fucking Do-Gooder slavers like Cass and Sam.
Sam Power is quite literally responsible for billions in US arms helping to exacerbate the Syrian civil war, and directly responsible for aiding Saudi bombers to attack refugee camps. And almost no one on the left – tho there are a few – even bothers to note the hypocrisy. they still take her at her Do-gooding face-value and ignore the misery and death she’s been directly responsible for.
Power is also responsible for the debacle in Libya – “responsibility to protect” being a shibboleth for killing people for feelz, not to protect our national interests. And look how that turned out.
A few MMA fans here, right? What a motherf**king week. All this happens within a week of the big event on Saturday. Starts out with the super fight between Ferguson and Khabib being cancelled when Ferguson blows his knee out in a PR event. Then we have Connor McGregor and a couple dozen of his thug Irish entourage busting up the bus and knocking two more fighters out, cancelling two more fights. They replace Ferguson with Max Halloway on just six days notice. Now, unbelievably, the day before the fight, Max is deemed medically unfit to fight. Dana White must be on suicide watch.
Or maybe there aren’t any MMA fans out here because Max getting yanked would’ve freaked them out. Go back to talking about pizzas. *Mutters and walks away*
I used to love hosting fights with a bunch of friends. We’d split the PPV and I’d fire up the grill. But the group kind of evaporated – a lot of people moved away and lost touch. Now trying to justify $65 for what adds up to maybe an hour of entertainment (not counting the fluff between fights) is pretty hard to do. So I’ve drifted away from UFC. Still catch some of the free prelims though.
The skill level in the UFC is much, much higher than it was just ten years ago. I don’t go for the PPV, either. Just wait for it to come out on the net. The heavy weight champ today, Stipe Miocic, is a beast that is fun to watch because he has all aspects of the game covered and is a cool dude to boot.
Agreed. I remember when the muay thai/BJJ combo seemed unstoppable. One-trick fighters were quickly overcome when a well rounded fighter found the shortcomings of their opponent. Now it seems like everybody gets well rounded training and a fighter that excels at striking will at least have decent takedown/ground defense.
I just thought this was more of that “strutting” and “smack talk” that supposedly makes the sport popular.
Not at all. This is more like the Pacers climbing into the stands and beating the hell out of fans. Nobody wanted this.
Yeah, I didn’t really read the details – it was just my immediate thought when I skimmed the headline somewhere.
Dude threw a dolly through a bus window…
Fuck you. You’ve been cheerleading for exactly this all along. You have exactly zero principled ground left to stand on to oppose this.
I suspect Cass is a coffee drinker.
This reminds me of something i saw a long, long time ago. Johnny Carson was interviewing Tony Randall (early anti-smoking fanatic). Carson asks him, “Well what about alcohol? Alcohol is bad for you, right?”
Randall (who probably had three or four fingers of scotch in his coffee mug), says, unabashedly, “But I like to drink.”
Didn’t know that. No wonder he was such an asshole to Oscar.
the post-facto rationalization of an extreme and unusual penalty as “fitting” because it appeals to popular feeling is bullshit.
see, also: onerous restrictions and conditions imposed on sex offenders post-release.
If they are still a danger to society, keep them locked up. If they have served their time, let them attempt to get on with their lives.
It can’t be good for recidivism rates to put so many restrictions on them that they have nothing to live for.
I don’t know who this Morrissey guy is, but he hates The Independent and has thoughts on British society as a whole
A man who once fantasized about chopping off Thatcher’s head is a Brexit supporter and the MSM haz a confuse.