Help! Earth creature attacking!

What the #%^& was that…thing?!
Why aren’t woodpeckers extinct?
Yeah, you’d think with the advent of latex there would be no need for wood anymore.
*staggers over, narrows gaze*
Because of all those beavers out there that crave them?
*Double-extra narrowed gaze*
Also, well done!
Hangover cure.
^ This. Looks. Awesome.
I’m not sure if that would cure me or make me hurl.
Not to piss on Q’s tree….but the Daily Fail link did lead me to something interesting.
Very Thicc. Much interest.
Let’s tLady Drinks Champaign. ry that again.
I hate all these women because of the complete and utter clowns they hang out with.
just a bit too thick, maybe if she was Hawt,
just a bit too thick
Are you trying to fit her through a basketball hoop?
That is a weird fetish, but Rule 34.
I was thinking about what it was that bugged me about the implementation of proportional representation.
Then I remembered. It benefits the parties over the voters. The parties choose the lists and the order they pick up seats, and the voters don’t get much of a say in that, so displacing a party favorite becomes next to impossible. The example that came to mind was Eric Cantor. If not for the primary process, he’d have been the party-designated successor to Boehner. There is a large voting bloc who will not shift party affiliation over a disfavored candidate on the ticket, but will happily vote for another in a primary, because the other contender in the primary is still of the tribe, and thus it’s okay to vote for them.
The only upside is that smaller parties have a shot at getting in.
Yeah. It’s a line between, proportional rep may help increase alternative party power, but it keeps politicians even less accountable.
The alternative party goes from zero seats and ignored to maybe one seat and still ignored.
Hell, they can get 30% of the legislature and still be ignored *looks at AfD*
By giving even more of the selection process to the party apparatuses, you further weaken the average voter.
Finland has an open-list system. You select one candidate, and the candidate in each party with the most individual votes is the first one seated.
Single transferrable vote.
You don’t vote for a party, you vote for a list of individuals in order of preference.
So you can pick the guy that is #40 on your party list as #1. If he doesn’t all his votes (for either reason). then the waste proportion of your vote get transferred to the #2 guy.
Like with any system, Arrow still says it sucks, but it sucks less than straight proportional representation by party.
insert “need” as needed above.
Morning Glibs, I have had just enough coffee to pass for human. I always figured that Stem Cells will be a boon for medicine. That combined with 3D printing of organs will have a major impact on medicine.
It’s an even bigger boon now that they figured out how to make them from the person needing treatment, thus cutting out the morally repugnant previous sources and reducing/eliminating the potential for rejection.
When did that discovery happen? You’re right about the previous sources being morally dubious, at best.
Aw crap, I don’t have the exact citation, but they’ve managed to coax everything from skin to fat cells to convert back into stem cells over the past decade or so. Every so often a new one pops up in the news and I go “neat!” but I don’t copy down the link.
I just want my own clones from which I can harvest organs.
+1 Peter Graves
I prefer rodeo clones, because circus clones are scary.
I’m catching up on some of Joe Rogan’s podcasts. I recently listened to the one with Mel Gibson, and the doctor who helped both Gibson and his dad, with stem cell treatment. Pretty amazing stuff.
In sports links Lakers swept the regular season series with the Spurs for the first time in like 20 years, not that it helps them any. But that Kuzma guy has spirit, bravado a touch of derring do. Which I don’t understand why so many nba players don’t have, especially the potential pay day they can get
In a sports preview: The Twins vs Seattle may turn out to be Donner Party 2: Electric Boogaloo.
Motherfuckers are gonna hit us up for a roof. Just watch.
Because the Twins can’t compete with other teams unless we build that roof. Sure they haven’t spent any of that extra revenue from their new stadium on any stars, but this time for sure they will.
Oh and our free agents that we do sign, immediately start bitching about playing outside.
I’m also sure that Mike Opat (the weasel who got the Twins their last stadium) will come out with some roof deal right after this next election.
Christ, what an asshole. I can give him 5.5 million reasons for playing in the cold.
And the cocksucker is only a DH! He’s outside in the cold for a total of 8 fucking minutes! The rest of the time he can sit by the heater on the bench or sneak back into the clubhouse.
He’s a little bitch. Some guys just go about their business.
Much as I hate the waste public funds that went into making the retractable roof, it is fun to be part of 40,000 (OK, fine 18,000) people chanting “Roof, Roof, Roof” like some sort of weird primitive tribe when the rain starts.
As a fan of the team with the first retractable roof, I assure you, the novelty wears off.
Damn. I don’t remember the Indians complaining in years past. Speaking of… I’m wondering if there’s an opportunity reselling Chief Wahoo gear, as they are still selling it here in North East Ohio.
I’m sure Chumlee or Big Hoss can work out a deal for you the next time your in Vegas.
I remember Twins and Vikings games at Met Stadium. It could be damn cold.
It doesn’t matter. In REAL sports, the Orioles are sucking even harder than predicted.
I really don’t understand how you people like baseball but not basketball. It must be a cultural thing lost to me.
I don’t prefer to watch a bunch of big sweaty black men chase each other’s balls, trying to score. If I wanted to I’d watch gay porn, at least I know how it ends.
I forgot the parentheses
I prefer neither.
I like collision sports. Rugby, hockey, football.
Demolition Derby.
I like basketball but have to admit the NBA got soft as shit
I’m with you Pie. But I think the days where you could have a team like the Piston’s Bad Boys exist is long gone.
My son thinks there are already too many “dirty” players and I watch and think that in the old days a lot of those easy layups that they get now would have ended up in hard fouls.
I showed the kid the clip of McHale clotheslining Rambis in the finals and he was stunned that there were no suspensions.
I think it also sucks that all the stars are now buddies and have no issues joining some other team in free agency. If Bird or Magic had ever become a free agent, do you think they would have ever joined the other team for any amount of money?
Looks like Duncan Keith might have daggered bacon’s favorite team.
I can watch and appreciate baseball, sure there are some bad calls, but everyone argues about those. In basketball on the other hand, if you’re a star player, you can get away with nearly murder before anything gets called on you. Not to mention the fact that in the NBA, I’m not even sure they still have rules against traveling anymore.
One reason I stopped watching. All rules regarding traveling and dribbling are gone.
My commentary during the 3 minutes of NBA I watch a year: “Travel, double dribble, turning over, offensive foul, travel, travel, turning over…”
Yep. It’s pathetic. Allowing that takes away a key skill to playing the game.
I think they ran into a bunch of bad luck in Houston. Machado will get going again and his counterpart at 2B went 3-4 yesterday. I think they’ll suck less in May and June than now. Not every team gets their 5th best hitter to deliver 2HR and 6RBI one day and go 2-3 with a key RBI the next day. You’ll get to play the Rays a lot, too.
The back of the O’s rotation now has to face the Yankees. You can’t win a division in April, but you can lose one.
“Pippa’s father-in-law was arrested at a Paris airport last week over allegations he had raped a 15-year-old girl in the late 90’s. The first alleged assault is said to have taken place on the Caribbean island of St Bart’s in 1998 and the second in Paris a year later.
His alleged victim, now aged 34, lives in the UK but is understood to have come forward to police in the French capital last year.
Her mother is said to be ‘helping her with the case’. A source close to the enquiry said: ‘The victim was just 15 at the time of the first attack, and the attacks continued.’
The source added: ‘These are the attacks investigators are focusing on. A formal complaint was made to police in 2017.'”
So he was arrested over 19-year-old allegations. Then what? After all this time how could anyone prove anything one way or the other?
Believe the victim i suppose, although not much for the Justice system to do unless there is somehow some hard evidence.
Demanding actual evidence is misogyny, you damn shitlord!!
It’s difficult if not impossible, but saying so, means you hate women and love rape!
The French have no qualms about hosting child rapist Roman Polanski.
Again, it wasn’t “rape-rape”
That little bitch had it coming?
Multimillionaire David Matthews…
That should clarify the situation.
I read that an immediately thought of the rock musician. He’s 74 now!? Heh.
thing is if St Barts is governed under French Law then there is no presumption of innocence so he isn’t exactly safe here
Some early morning derp
Of course, some animals are more equal than others.
Or the you could teach the kids to plan ahead and bring their own damn box.
Everything is about other people providing free shit with these people.
Responsibility is a four letter word. Because some people are carless, we must save them from themselves.
I love that “standing on boxes” meme. Some people are just inherently inferior, so we have to provide them with advantages to counter their innate failings. The alt-right nods eagerly. Who are the racists, exactly?
aw, they changed the picture. When I first saw the meme awhile back, it was funny because the first pic of the meme was actually better– in the ‘second picture all the watchers had to look through the chain-link fence/netting. They were all of the same height, but the view had been made worse for everyone. It was unintentionally accurate. I guess someone figured it out and changed it, bummer
also, lol at EF still begging for money. But I guess it proves it’s not an extended parody site.
Wait, there was another point that should be made – these people are not paying customers they are trying to watch a ball game for free and insisting people help them do so.
Or we could have an agency to ensure that nobody ever exceeds the capabilities of anybody else, like a bureau of handicapping, if you will.
You have to wonder if Vonnegut was alive today if he would recognize that his opponents were actually right and the world of Harrison Bergeron was not some ridiculous slippery slope but the inevitable end game of all pushes for equality
Listen to a story bought a man named Harrison…
Those people are 5 years old. Seriously. She links to a quiz about your learning style, I took it for fun (I like quizes) It’s telling :
How about the girl I danced with’s ass?
How about grow up and move on? Not a choice! No you have to act it out, do a tantrum, common, you’re 2 for life!!
God do we need a Jordan Peterson now more than ever.
I’m done. Not reading past that. Kudos to the people who can go thru that derp, I can’t. It’s bad for my mental health.
Why do you go there?
The TL:DR version…
Equality of opportunity is not equality, only equality of outcome matters
When you play oppression bingo, everyone loses https://everydayfeminism.com/2018/04/orgs-arent-supporting-qtpoc/
I hate society
Look, if you can’t make up words to justify you fake oppression, then whats the point of making up words?
BIPOC? Does everyone need a separate designation?
Of course! How else can we put everyone into groups, where we can generalize about them.
That bit about macular degeneration is great news. I have an uncle who has that and it is pretty depressing to watch a guy slowly go blind.
Dog fights and sex parties: the man who photographs Istanbul after dark
Çağdaş Erdoğan captures the explosion of underground rebellion in parts of Istanbul. ‘People have been pushed into the night,’ says the photographer who is now facing jail
Damn Commies, polluting our precious airways with their spy equipment
But of course it would.
I noted that. Weird how they can know but not find, the machines must run on greenbacks, or something.
I love how those things look like relics from the 60s, even down to the cheesy logo.
potato po-tah-to
As much as it might suck to have his orange majesty in the oval office, the thought of an alternative history of President Hillary is a good reminder of what would have been.
TPP would have been passed, giving international courts more ability to put limits on inmternet communication in the name of digital rights management.
Clarence Thomas would be impeached, opening more spots for Clinton to fill on the court, locking us into a nightmare for two generations to clean up after.
In the name of cracking down on “fake news”, it’s easy to imagine legislation (rubber stamped by her court) pushed through to take care of sites like this one that practice no good double-think.
Higher taxes, and a much more limited recovery than we’re now seeing.
Expansion of war, even faster than what we have now.
I could go on. Yeah, let’s not think of President Clinton. Too early in the morning, and it’s a few hours before I can begin drinking in earnest.
Clarence Thomas would be impeached
Totally not racism.
A wise Latina would agree.
Sexism is OK, though.
“…a few hours before I can begin drinking in earnest.”
Does not compute
The town of Earnest has terrible liquor laws.
Your logic, it isn’t working.
you don’t fool me, I know You Drink FOR A LIVING!
/Demon Rum!
Well….that’s just work drinking. No more than four or five drinks over ten hours. It’s a “I can still climb ladders” kind of drinking…as opposed to “beer before ladders, never sadder” kind of drinking.
no way, man. every morning i wake up thanking my lucky stars her and her policies are not in place. it is never to early to contemplate how fortunate we are.
Is it really a rescue when STEVE SMITH shows up?
Only if you were holding your anal virginity hostage.
More Americans going without doctor visits. If only there was a political view that actually worried about unintended consequences.
Eternally fuck the elephants for not repealing Zero-care when they had the chance.
Damn Rand Paul.
Thank you Senator Brain Cancer.
I haven’t visited an MD of my own free will in over 20 years and I really don’t feel like I’m missing anything.
Don’t know if you “of a certain age”, but I know 2 middle aged men who’s annual physical saved them from a particularly aggressive form of ass cancer and one guy like you who died from being proud of his no-doctor visit 25 year streak – by the time he went in, he was stage 4.
My BiL died in 10 days.
His Kidneys were shut down from the Big C riddling everything when he went in. 62, I think.
My Dermatologist removed a funny looking mole that turned out to be cancer. Had have a surgeon dig out the roots – luckily it hadn’t made it to my lymph nodes.
I’m not saying it won’t bite me in the ass at some point.
I can say with a fair amount of certainty that I will not have health insurance next year. It simply does not make financial sense anymore.
See if your state has catastrophic plans. They are like what insurance should be, and since the penaltax was repealed you won’t get hit by the IRS for having “insurance” that is really insurance (at about a third the cost).
What Happens When a Blind Person Takes LSD?
Yawn. In my roadie days I knew a blind dude initialed L.S.D. who would take large quantities of BP. Used to suck the stuff right out the pump. This guy here is a lame faggot.
No one should be ingesting British Petroleum.
“One thing BP says he never experienced were visual hallucinations. Notably, he was born blind, and had never experienced sight in his life.
Dell’Erba say that this is the first qualitative account of LSD experiences in a congenitally blind individual. The lack of visual hallucinations in such cases has, however, been reported previously.”
Don’t eat the brown stuff.
I started reading this story (Minnehaha Academy neighbors angry they didn’t have involvement in plans for new school)with rising blood pressure because I thought it was going to be another fine example of Mpls progs demanding to tell other people how they can use their property.
Then I realized that the neighbors actually are just bitching about how the traffic -which was already bad- was going to get worse. And that the reason it was going to get worse was because the city made the school shrink their parking lot, pushing more student cars out into the neighborhood.
Some pretty good quotes from people who live around the school.
Those are legitimate gripes. The there’s this:
I hope someone told her to fuck off.
Well you are never going to be completely derp free in south Minneapolis prog land. But the gripes in there were so much better than I thought they would be.
“parking maximums” – what fucking urban prog asshole invented that idea? We’re all supposed to take a cho cho around then walk from the station when it’s 25 below.
It is like a Bizzaro world version of Zardoz: “The train is good! The car is evil”
Both parking maximums and parking minimums are stupid.
Let property owners decide for themselves if they want to build parking spaces and how much.
Let people choose how to use their own property? I never thought you’d come around.
I have never opposed that, I have been very clear on my issue’s with land ownership. But just like George, I think absolute property rights are the utilitarian way to go, even if they have no natural law basis.
You just dont “deserve” the rents.
And you’re back to these mythical rents that magically appear from owning land.
They arent mythical. Ask any economist. This isn’t even some sort of partisan economic concept. Literally every economist can explain it to you.
There is value to owning unimproved land. That is the economic rent.
That sounds a lot like “Educate yourself”, which has never held up as a sufficient argument.
What is the ‘rent’ extracted from holding your property?
I posted that in reply to your 9:35 post, but it works for the 9:44 one also.
It works for neither.
How do you figure.
It literally answers the question:
Especially since you assert that this rent is generated for any and all land, even land left fallow, or simply used as a place to live, and thus can be taxed gleefully to penalize people for not making use of their property to a level to which you believe it should be to cover these costs imposed on the ‘rent’ that pretty much goes unrealized in most real cases.
I was offering you a chance to make an argument. You declined. My previous serches turned up answers not unviersally applicable, and certainly not applicable to owning undeveloped land.
So unless you clarify, I’m going to stick with “upon educating myself, I determined that your assertion is bunk”
Your “land rent” assertion would also apply to owning a piece of machinery or other capital, movable or not, and leaving it idle produces nothing in terms of rents. It is no different with land.
The 2nd sentence from the wikipedia link is:
I don’t see how that is even remotely “mythical”.
How, pray tell does that apply to land left fallow, or indeed land used for, say, living on?
“My mill has an advantage because there is a stream driving the water wheel” has a value of location that produces economic returns, but “my house on the stream” does not.
Or are you actively advocating penalizing someone who wants to build a house on a stream because they could put it to “better” use in your opinion of what should be done with their property?
Oooh! LVT nerdery! My favorite Glibs topic!
I advocate being neutral to the use of the land. The economic rent is the same whether left fallow, or farmed, or a house is built on it, or a mill. The SLT would be the same.
Yes, this would generally encourage the property being moved from lower to higher use. But that is a side-effect. You could still choose to do whatever you want with the land.
You would probably not want to build a single family home in the heart of manhattan, as the tax amount would be outrageous, but that is your call. You would pay the same amount as the Empire State Building next door (assuming same lot size).
I actually oppose LVTs.
I do support an SLT.
I am not familiar with the terminology. Is a SLT just an LVT except you are specifying that you consider it so superior that you want to get all your revenue from it, not just some? All LVT proponents I’ve ever heard of feel the same way, so that is probably not it.
There’s where we differ.
Unrealized rent is as mythical as an objective undeveloped value, or a ‘supply’ that is not related to the amount being offered up on an open market at a given unit price be it by number of widgets or per square foot.
Taxing an unrealized rent is as immoral as taxing failure to buy insurance.
LVT is Land Value Tax.
SLT is Single Land Tax. It is an LVT but replaces all other taxation methods.
Many people propose replacing current property taxes with an LVT instead. The SLT goes back to Henry George.
Although I guess I could support an SLP&CT, but I would prefer just getting rid of patents and copyrights.
It is not unrealized. You get the benefit whether you monetize or not.
Not all economic rents are monetary.
And yeah, the tax is monetary, but its hard to send 3% of beauty to the state.
Clearly that beauty has no value, since covering a monetary tax encourages uber high density urban concentrations of misery, so the property owner should be able to send a check for $0.
Don’t all LVT proponents who only push the replacement of some taxation with LVT only do so as a sort of compromise to political pragmatism? (In its most clear examples, the handful of quasi-Georgist communities in the U.S., which can only take the very modest measure of replacing local property taxes with the LVT–Georgism is an inherently political economic philosophy and is a very poor fit for local Utopianism.) LVT fans certainly seem to be quite zealous as to its moral and practical superiority over all other taxes–a sentiment that, as you point out, goes back to George himself.
Also, you know I don’t know George’s position on IP. I bet he was anti, but I’d be curious. (I myself am an extreme dove on my most hawkish days, and an abolitionist on the rest.)
There is value to owning unimproved land. That is the economic rent.
As long as its unrealized, its not, well, real, and should not be taxed.
Current property tax valuation sometimes values land at its “highest and best use”, not its actual current use. IOW, if you own a vacant parcel that does not actually have an apartment building on it, but that is deemed to be the highest and best use, you can be taxed on that value anyway.
Needless to say, this is often done as a way to force the current owner to sell it, either directly to a developer or indirectly to a developer through the auction of the land to collect delinquent taxes.
One analogy would be imposing a capital gains tax on stock that you did not sell, even though it had appreciated. Its a great way to force people to sell when they otherwise wouldn’t, and is profoundly distorting for that reason.
In classical economics, economic rent is any payment made (including imputed value) or benefit received for non-produced inputs such as location (land)
Imputed value is fictional, as is the deemed “benefit” for merely owning land. I find it amusing that “non-produced” inputs are called out. Land is bought. Is any “input” that I buy rather than make myself a “non-produced input”? Does that mean that the supplies that I buy, the labor that I buy, to produce my goods and services are “non-produced inputs” that, rather than being an expense of mine, are somehow taxable to me?
Have we covered this yet?
Of course. How obvious. Strange no one tried it before.
That’s awesome. Witness the results of turning economically stable countries over to communists one more time.
This is not an endorsement of the previous government.
Hihn News?!!
Good luck with that.
“Bruce ‘U’ Bingliban – March 4th, 2018 at 8:47 pm
I really think this will work, it is what we need is money and without money we stay poor i cannot wait for this to come to frooishin and take us out of poverty! White man will mock us no more.”
I’m hoping….sarc.
““South Africans continuing to be poor when we can print more money to ensure that everybody has it. Our people are poor because there is a shortage of money in the country. It’s not the shortage of jobs that makes people poor, it is the shortage of money. We have paper and ink, so we will print more money and give it to the poor, and make all of them billionaires if that is possible.” Nene said.”
Maybe they could use that paper and ink to print books on economics.
That’s got to be a parody.
“It’s not the shortage of jobs that makes people poor, it is the shortage of money.”
/Raises hand. Gestures to say something. Puts it down. Raises it again. Rethinking gesture. Puts it down again.
Inflation is a white man’s idea anyway.
Look, all they need to do is mint a $20 Trillion coin and they will be the wealthiest nation on earth.
They really do want to be just like Zimbabwe.
Mike Stoklasa voice/ Oh Fuck Off
“The first year of Trump’s presidency saw an increase in hate crimes and racist violence”
Citation needed.
Well, the left did lash out with great violence and hate, but that’s probably not what they mean.
Nobody knows more about black holes than STEVE SMITH.
What about Morgan Freeman?
Jewish communities in pre-industrial European societies were more likely to be vulnerable to persecutions during periods of economic hardship. That is the central finding of research by Robert Warren Anderson, Noel D. Johnson and Mark Koyama, published in the June 2017 issue of the Economic Journal.
Their study finds that colder springs and summers, which led to reduced food supply, were associated with a higher probability of Jewish persecutions. What’s more, the effect of colder weather on the probability of Jewish persecutions was larger in cities with poor quality soil and in states that were weaker.
Can’t be true; everyone knows that (((we))) control the weather.
Pogroms were a way of scapegoating Jews for (insert perceived or real problem here).
We document substantial increases in agricultural productivity, industrial output, and peasants’ nutrition in Imperial Russia as a result of the abolition of serfdom in 1861. Before the emancipation, provinces where serfs constituted the majority of agricultural laborers lagged behind provinces that primarily relied on free labor. The emancipation led to a significant but partial catch up. Better incentives of peasants resulting from the cessation of ratchet effect were a likely mechanism behind a relatively fast positive effect of reform on agricultural productivity. The land reform, which instituted communal land tenure after the emancipation, diminished growth in productivity in repartition communes.
How is the anti-Semitism in Romania, and in Eastern Europe in general these days if you know about it? I know Ceaucescu was the only pro-Israel guy in the W Pact; does that have any bearing one way or the other?
In Romania I would say it is mostly not a problem, then again I am not Jewish. We have off course the blame the Jews for everything types, but most society has no issues and there were no acts of violence and the like. Also Romania still has close ties to Israel. Israeli military even comes here occasionally for joint exercises and stuff.
Israeli General (face palm): No, no…you shoot the enemy not each other stupid Romarians!
Romanian soldier: Ho-kay boss, yeah?!
Other Romanian Soldier: You see, they are the enemy.
So global warming really is a zionist plot?
“Stormy Daniels has detailed personal information about President Trump that she shared with ’60 Minutes’ yet the program declined to air in its bombshell interview broadcast, her lawyer said Wednesday.
Michael Avenatti, who has been leading Daniels’ aggressive new legal strategy to try to get her non-disclosure agreement tossed, told host Megyn Kelly on the ‘Today Show’ that the storied CBS program held back one of her most startling claims.
’60 Minutes and CBS, you know, they are a conservative network. I mean there is a lot of information that was said during that interview that didn’t make it into the final 60 Minutes,’ he told Kelly.
Pressed by what he meant, Avenatti said: ‘They play it very close to the vest. For instance, she can describe the President’s genitalia in great detail. That did not make it.’ ”
Conservative is now defined by an unwillingness to discuss on air the physical attributes of the leader of the free world’s genitalia.
Though I think you can lump in most of broadcast media in with print in this case.
If the FBI serves a warrant on Trump’s dick based on Stormy’s description, will we get the Live from Mar-A-Lago statement our era deserves?
The fact that the lamestream media is interviewing porn stars as national news proves this is the best timelinme
So he’s trying to get her to breach her contract. Tortious interference is a thing. Maybe CBS’s lawyers actually had a talk with the talent?
Uffda. Great news, Title IX comes to high schools
High school kid goes to school dance drunk, dances with freshman gal. Freshman gal’s friend complains to dean that the guy danced inappropriately. Dean and cops grab the kid and hilarity ensues.
Now kids mom wants to overturn discipline because her kid is mixed race. (I don’t know why this matters either). Also some claim that Title IX regulations were violated.
For those not in the loop, Blake is a very progressive, very posh private school so this is definitely a case of them eating their own.
We should just call the progressives the donner party, cause they are always eating their own.
No one can ever be pure enough.
Females proudly displaying their well-proportioned fleshy bits.
2, 5, 7, 14, 19, 25 (becuz obvi), 32, 41, 42, 56, 67, 76.
54 wins though.
78, 81.
I don’t think 76 has actually ever eaten a hamburger.
Oh, she has. She just barfs it up afterwards.
Another home run! Only a few mehs in the whole set.
Proof that God wants us to lust after sexy women, because He made so many of them!
High school kid goes to school dance drunk
This is why we need to breathalyzer test every student at the door.
I think they already do that.
That would have completely depopulated every school dance when I was growing up.
Fun fact: The Stanford Tree gets breathalyzed before every game, because of this she-tree.
Since a bunch of people are going back and watching DS9:
Chase Masterson = A-OK.
Leeta was hot, Isri Dax,
Tres Cool greeted you on HM’s thread last night.
That show really is the best of the Treks, despite half the cast being terrible actors.
Mueller’s team doesn’t have much evidence, but they do have a lot of hunches and limitless power and resources to pursue them:
And the money shot of CNN’s story:
Not like when they, you know, wipe their email servers.
And destroy their phones with hammers.
As time goes on, this becomes more and more of a circus.
Why didn’t they just turn off the verification on the website? Would’ve been a lot easier than this.
In what universe is this a winning issue?
Elect us so we can take your money!
in every universe with large numbers of left voters this included
Nancy does represent one of the few districts where the people are liable to pay more after the changes.
First, she’s insane. But it was amazing to see the Dems line up to decry how bad the tax cut was.
And many decried the tax cut based on the impact on future generations. As if any of them have ever given a shit about the federal government taking on debt.
I could almost make an argument for running on raising taxes because we obviously aren’t going to cut spending. If you want all those goodies from the govt, then you should raise taxes to pay for them.
Like everyone here, I would much prefer to just cut fucking spending, but obviously that will never happen.
She has to know the average American is getting a tax cut. If she does know, she’s an evil twat. If she doesn’t know, she’s an ignorant, misinformed evil twat. Inexcusable.
I think, at this point, a middle-class blue collar worker can show her their pay check with a tax cut savings and she’ll still deny it calling it a tax for the rich. It’s not possible she can be this disconnected and retarded.
It’s not possible she can be this disconnected and retarded.
There is about 30 years of evidence contradicting that statement.
Our local Dem candidate for Congress is saying the same thing, except she dangles out a new tax plan that will punish the “rich” to give an even bigger tax cut to the middle class. So I doubt the Dems are really running on a plan to repeal the tax cut and increase taxes on everyone.
Oh… they’re campaigning on it. I finally managed to track down one of the sites doing the “Republicans cut taxes for the wealthy” ads on Pandora. The ad went to this site. I still haven’t managed to see where the Pandora ad that talks about how Progressives want to save the US by spending one trillion dollars on roads, rail, and ports.
Last week, every dutiful news outlet in the country ran a story to the tune of, “Under GOP Tax Cut, Rich Get an Average of $1 zillion, Poor Get $40”.
But don’t forget, Sinclair Broadcasting is the real puppetmaster.
How does she plan to get Trump to sign the new tax bill she would write up?
Oh that’s right, he’ll be impeached.
How does she plan to get President Pence to sign the new tax bill she would write up?
You mean President Hillary, right?
Didn’t somebody write up a scenario where a number of politicians would basically pass the Presidency around like a cheap hooker at a frat party until it finally devolved to Hillary?
Ah. The “Soggy Cracker” gambit! Ingenious!
“It’s Time for Historians of Slavery to Listen to Economists” by Dr. Keri Leigh Merritt
By simply acknowledging that whites have not always aligned in solidarity against black Americans, several persistent falsities regarding Southern history are revealed. Perhaps the most important myth to dismantle, however, is the myth of white unity over slavery. Poor whites consistently supported slaveholder policies, and even fought for the Confederacy, the argument goes, because they greatly admired the slaveholders and aspired to own slaves themselves. To be sure, there was certainly near-universal consensus among Southern whites regarding racism, but support for slavery varied significantly, especially among members of lower economic classes. Instead, the vast majority of poor whites recognized the near-impossibility of eventually owning slaves.
“Poor whites consistently supported slaveholder policies, and even fought for the Confederacy, the argument goes, because they greatly admired the slaveholders”
No shit. It was the established ECONOMIC SYSTEM.
These people are not fit to ponder how Jell-O turns into jelly let alone history.
Their masthead:
“HAS Definition of Slavery
Our agreed-upon definition of slavery is when people are forced to work against their will for the profit of others.”
“Our Motto
Using History to Make Slavery History”
Slavery is under the bed?
I don’t get their purpose.
Poor whites consistently supported slaveholder policies, and even fought for the Confederacy, the argument goes, because they greatly admired the slaveholders and aspired to own slaves themselves.
I would love to see the evidence for this “argument”. Actual documented history shows that poor whites mostly tried to stay out of the civil war as best they could, because they correctly recognized it as rich plantation owners trying to maintain their status and position. The secession vote in Alabama was a lot closer and more heated than most people would guess.
It sounds more like someone is trying to project the “rubes support Trump against their own interests” nonsense backwards in time.
“because they greatly admired the slaveholders and aspired to own slaves themselves.”
Yeah, who the fuck argues this. The more common argument is that the large plantation owners, practiced a form of noblesse oblige to poorer whites in the neighborhood.
I’ve found that in my own family history. My grandmother came from a long line of poor southern farmers. Almost none of them owned slaves that I’ve been able to find evidence of. While many of them did fight for the Confederacy, all but a few of them entered service in 1864-65, most likely by conscription.
While many of them did fight for the Confederacy, all but a few of them entered service in 1864-65, most likely by conscription.
Also consider that late ’64 was Sherman’s March to the Sea, which may have galvanized poor Southern support for the Confederacy since the North was practicing total war in their backyard.
History is complicated.
It’s tricky when you get into the ethics of fighting off a foreign invasion when you live under a regime that is doing some bad things. I think a lot of soldiers (if they’re not conscripted) were just trying to defend their homeland from invasion and avoid the looting, destruction, and rape that frequently occurs when invading armies march into town.
Saying that poor whites supported slavery because they fought for the Confederacy is like saying Russians supported communism because they fought against the Nazis. I don’t doubt that some of the poor whites supported slavery and wanted some of their own, but there surely were many others who didn’t like the cheap competition for labor.
Portland Anarchists* fill potholes. City tells them they may be personally liable if they cause damage or injury.
*From the sub-hed they would appear to be the “anti-capitalist” variety — but the direct quotations are more of the “pure” anti-state type, with no reference to anti-corporatism or anti-capitalism
I like these masked left-anarchist fellows. They are being constructive not destructive. I would don a balaclava and join them anyday if I lived in Portland. I imagine they’re one of the least bad things about the place these days.
Anarcho-communists, i.e. the ones that are trying to starve everyone equally.
There it is. I skimmed it 3 times because I was sure they were anti-cap and couldn’t find the money quote.
Here is where I recommend once again this excellent overview of the left-libertarian landscape by Roderick Long, by far the best of the C4SS guys. (He is an Austrian and a senior fellow at Mises so don’t start.) I was very curious about these odd fellows, and it answered a lot of my questions.
So close.. So close…
D’awwwwwww, fuck.
“City tells them they may be personally liable”
But the city ain’t liable if your car gets damaged or you get hurt.
“You drive on this road at your own risk – unless someone other than the proper vassal repaired it”
Oh? Here in Cleveland, you can file a claim. Of course, you’re not likely to actually have the city reimburse you.
In KY you can file a claim, a woman who worked for managed to get reimbursed for two tires and rims, but it took about 9 months of back and forth with the state before she saw dime one.
When I lived in SC the county would reimburse you for tires if they were damaged due to the number of potholes. They found this more cost effective than repairing the roads.
How can you be allergic to your own body fluid?
This shit sure ain’t fun, I can guess for damn sure.
Too bad there are no libertarian women. I think there’s a market for sex cults in today’s world. Glibs should totally start one to help pay server costs.
We already have STEVE SMITH, after all.
I’m on it.
“that the shooter had to be trans. because women aren’t bad.”
“They say the shooter is female. Women would never do such a thing. You can guarantee they are not actually female and are just another TIM.”
Do anti-trans radfems get camel toe or do they just get TERF toe?
El oh El.
The Root needs to stick more strictly to its intellectual wheelhouse like the currently sidebarred “MIchael Rapaport is the Worst Kind of White Man.”
I considered posting that instead, but it looked too ridiculous.
Speaking of which–rather off topic–Rapaport’s biggest project (apart from that semipro basketball league he owns) of his dad years was that middle-lived sitcom The War At Home where his fat straightfag loser nerd son was the secret Jew fap fantasy of the bulgy-eyed gay Arab kid next door. That Arab kid (irl a non-Arab Egyptian) is now the star of the I, Robot TV show with Christian Slater as his Dad for some reason. How good is that show? I hear mixed things about it.
To be frank, the vast majority of employers don’t give one shit about your skin color. They care whether or not you will show up to work on time, whether or not you can communicate sufficiently to do the job, whether or not you have enough education or demonstrated willingness to learn to do the job, whether or not you will attempt to work the system against your employer, whether or not you present a positive image of yourself to the customer, etc….
The only cage I see around young black people is the one that they build around themselves. The one that shows up when a black child “tries to be white”. The one that tells them that they need to work the system to get what was stolen from them before they were born.
And there are those of us who don’t think drug dealing is the same as robbing and stealing, nor should anyone be imprisoned for it.
Your point is well taken. Employers are horrible racists who won’t hire blacks but they hire Mexicans by the bushel? I know the usual explanation for that is that Mexicans work for less, and while there’s undoubtedly truth to that, the main reason Mexicans (whether legal or illegal) have no trouble finding work is that they work their asses off. When I worked in construction equipment rental years ago, I had a foreman tell me that point-blank: his personal preference was to hire native-born locals on his huge multi-million dollar condo jobs, but it was damned hard to find reliable, hardworking American workers, whether they be white or black or whatever. For every one of them, he’d end up with two lazy shits who were habitually late, loafed when they did show up, claimed injuries constantly, and were frequently drunk or high on the job. He was the furthest thing from an open borders kind of guy, but he hired primarily Mexican workers because he could rely on them to get the job done on time.
This is true.
True. Cultural factors can affect the success of a group. It’s perfectly fine to say that East Asians and Jews are highly successful on average because of their cultural emphasis on hard work, education, and other things that tend to make people successful in life, but it would be written off as extreme racism if you suggested that inner-city blacks might be in their situation because of a “bucket of crabs” culture promoted by the various poverty pimps (that, and economy-killing policies that predominate in impoverished inner cities).
Martin Luther King: ‘We Can’t Keep On Blaming the White Man’
“Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.”
― Eric Hoffer
That is a fine quote.
I am a Memphis State alum and lived there for years. I love the city.
I never ever felt that it blamed itself for MLK’s assassination. The only tangible thing from that shitty event is that we had trash pickup twice a week and the city trash collectors were paid very very well. After all anytime you have to negotiate with the trash union, they bring up the fact that MLK was killed helping them and you cave.
The only other thing I would bring up about this story is that it isn’t just black folk who are poor in Memphis. Most of the white folks are pretty poor too. There just aren’t that many well paying jobs in Memphis to be had. Memphis exists as a central spot to store and ship goods. It is a shit ton of warehouses. You don’t need to overpay a bunch of people to manage warehouses.
I really did like living there. My wife and I will probably end up being snow birds there in a few years after my youngest moves out of the house.
It might help Memphis if they would stop building pyramids for Bass Pro Shop.
The Yum Center in Louisville might actually be a worse stadium deal than what Memphis did, which is impressive.
Yeah, the Pyramid was a crazy bad deal.
That went up while I was at Memphis State and they moved Tiger hoops from the local Coliseum to the pyramid (which is way downtown). That sucked. A lot of good times were had at the Coliseum parking lot.
You would think that at some point it would be impossible to sell a downtown stadium on the idea that it will “revitalize” downtown. Has it ever worked?
I’m sure that the city fathers would tell you that the Twins and Vikes stadiums did, but they just built by rapidly growing areas that were booming regardless of the stadium.
Moving the Cavs from Richfield to downtown Cleveland helped. But LeBron probably helped a ton more.
I hear their barbecue scene, while excellent, is seriously overrated and that KC’s is better.
Maybe, but then you have to go to Kansas City to eat it.
Mmm. Point taken. We are talking barbecue here though. If you heard the best stuff was made by ISIS, wouldn’t you at least be a little bit tempted?
It would have to be brisket though. No pulled pork in Raqqa!
I actually have never been to Kansas City. I’ve only heard that it’s a horrible place.
It’s really not as violent and horrible as it’s made out to be. Just stay clear of certain areas at certain times of the day and most of the city is rather nice. Lots of boulevards and fountains, affordable housing, good food, fairly spread out so you don’t get that claustrophobic feeling of having everything bunched together. Granted, the public school system here is a never ending shitshow but overall you could do worse.
Weather’s rough too, isn’t it?
Aside from the occasional twister here or there it’s no worse than, say, NYC. Cold as all get all get out during the Winter but not Minnesoda cold, very hot during the Summer but not Mississippi Delta hot.
I like KC.
It would be impossible for ISIS to make the best barbecue, because they would leave out the pork. The holy trinity of barbecue is pork, chicken, and beef. You need all three.
What? How so? Can’t you just specialize in one? I would go to Texas for brisket but elsewhere for pork. Plus I understand in Kentucky they use lamb, which I absolutely have to fucking try at least once. (Just like that mid-SC mustard sauce stuff. I have absolutely no curiosity about visiting the vinegar-and-pepper regions.)
If you specialize you deprive yourself greatly and forfeit the mantle of ‘best’ because you won’t even be in the running with two out of three meats.
NC style vinegary BBQ is awesome. We’re doing a pig picking at my daughter’s Y Princesses camping trip next week. Can’t wait.
If you specialize, you may not have the best barbecue, but you could have the best pork barbecue, or the best brisket barbecue. And if you haven’t done a mustard sauce for pork, you’re missing out. Here’s a good recipe if you want to make your own.
The only style of sauce I have no interest in trying is white barbecue sauce. That just makes my stomach do slow rolls anytime I think of it.
Moonlight in Owensboro is the epicenter of Mutton BBQ.
I rate it a strong meh.
My wife loves it.
robc: Thanks!
Neph: Is that mayo-based shit really a thing? I remember seeing it a few years ago on that Food Network show with the dude from Double Dare, and they made it seem like it was just some sort of weird eccentric house special of one particular place. Don’t even remember where it was geographically.
It’s a real thing in Alabama and it’s Satan’s Jizz*
*I don’t care for mayo
If it’s not real, it’s a conspiracy bigger then the Moon Landing and the Kennedy assassination! From the same site as before. It’s an Alabama thing, and used only for chicken.
Memphis bbq is excellent, just avoid the places you have heard of.
Central Ave. for the win.
I’m partial to Germantown Comissary
I refuse to wrestle with a pig and will not dignify your response.
I would link to the appropriate KC joke from Blazing Saddles but I’m at work.
Love going to Memphis. Beale St. Music Festival is like Christmas in May, and that’s from someone who hates crowds.
After all anytime you have to negotiate with the trash union, they bring up the fact that MLK was killed helping them and you cave.
I’m pretty confident there is not a single member of that union who was a member when MLK was killed 50 years ago, and I would bet that a majority of the union members weren’t even born then.
Shame the spineless fucks at City Hall don’t laugh in their faces when they bring this up.
Experts say, be afraid. Be very afraid.
Tuesday’s shooting at YouTube headquarters has highlighted the vulnerabilities in workplace security — especially in the open campus model often favored by Silicon Valley tech companies.
“The problem is, from a security perspective, the more open, the more that an individual can move around and come into contact with other people, the easier it is for an attacker to operate in that environment, as well,” Cohen said.
With open work spaces, employees “aren’t in self-contained offices with doors that can lock — they’re instead in these huge rooms. There may be controlled access to get into that work space,” Cohen said, but “that controlled access can be bypassed by someone who is really committed to do it.” And once you get inside the open space, there is “tremendous accessibility,” he added.
We should all hunker down in panic rooms, 24 hours a day. Better miserable than slaughtered in one of the dozens of random spree killings happening all around us on an hourly basis.
50 million Americans are killed in mass shootings every year.
I *kinda* get one part in all this. Apparently, she was demonetized. Leaving her aside….
Youtube has been doing this to channels and it’s flat out wrong. Imagine doing that to someone who spent years working on building a channel to the point of getting enough subscribers to earn good income from it only to have it taken away without reason?
That’s evil shit right there and youtube are a bunch of punks for doing that.
At the very least they deserve a good Sopranos beating to knock sense back into them.
Our building has a security desk where people are required to scan their badges to walk through a waist-high… badge scanner. If you don’t have your badge? The scanner will beep and turn red. That’s it. Oh… and the camera takes your picture. That’s it.
The security guards are armed with radios.
So I guess our building’s idea of security is that if you hear a loud “bang,” you have about 20 seconds to exit the building… cause those security guards wouldn’t stand a chance.
None of this bothers me, I feel perfectly safe… its just kind of silly to think about. Our security is essentially just a meat shield that buys the employees a few extra seconds to get out of the building.
We at least have turnstyles, and the security guards act as a reception desk to tell people their guests are here.
Elect us so we can take your money!
No, no, no, you’ve got it all wrong. They won’t take *my* money. They’ll take *your* money, and buy me nice things with it.
How can I say no?
I could almost make an argument for running on raising taxes because we obviously aren’t going to cut spending. If you want all those goodies from the govt, then you should raise taxes to pay for them.
One could (and should, really) make a reasonable and rational argument that we are going to have to pay off our astronomical credit card debt one of these days, because we have put all this fancy government largesse on account for decades. We have pushed back those tax receipts about as far as we can get away with it, unless we really are going to default. What we need is both higher taxes and austerity.
I don’t see that being a winning platform.
We’re eventually going to get higher taxes, but we won’t get austerity until it’s far, far too late.
We don’t necessarily need higher taxes, just need to cut spending so we are running a surplus each year. Taxes are what? Maybe 18% of GDP? Cut spending to 15% of GDP (which is still too high, IMO, but I will accept it) without lowering taxes and the debt will start dropping dramatically.
^yes. I think raising taxes by any amount will just kick the can further down the road. The longer this is drawn out, the more painful it will be when the day of financial reckoning arrives.
Cut taxes, cut them to the bone and then some more. The spending side will work itself out one way or another.
” unless we really are going to default.”
Inflation IS default. The only thing that softens the blow is productivity increases.
That’s why Venezuela is a basket case. They not only did the stealth-default thing by printing money, but the price controls killed productivity at every level of the economy.
Local lefty site rightly calls out the GOP for the hypocrisy of proposing a balanced budget act after adding trillions to the national debt.
I agree with them completely that the GOP are a bunch of asswipes for throwing fiscal responsibility out the window. I do giggle though at the reason that they think those trillions were added to the debt:
Yup. It is that evil tax cut plan they passed. Not the monstrous budget that they passed afterward.
Though its backers argued the bill would spur economic growth and boost federal revenue, the Congressional Budget Office found it would grow the federal debt by $1.4 trillion over 10 years.
I love the implied refutation of “spur economic growth” with “grow the federal debt by $1.4 trillion over 10 years.”
Aside from the fact that its a category error, remember when big deficits x the multiplier effect = MOAR GROWTHINESS? Whatever happened to that?
Team Blue is out of the majority.
I love me a good old red
SEA SMITH on the loose?
Scientists observe male orca kill calf in first-of-its-kind discovery
Shortly after, a male orca was seen with the baby “hanging out of its mouth,” in what Towers described as a ‘first of its kind’ kind of observation.”
The male orca proceeded to drown the calf, as its mother tried frantically to save it. At one point, the mother rammed the other orca with such force, “blood and water” splashed into the air.
The discovery indicates killer whales also engage in infanticide, a behavior found in primates, rodents and in some cases dolphins, the report stated.
Infanticide is frequently a “behavior that leads to sexual behavior,” which is what Towers said he believes to be the case for the male orca drowning the baby. The male, he theorized, attempt to mate with the mother.
The mother of the older male whale also got involved in the skirmish, trying to protect her son. And after about 20 minutes, the chaotic scene came to a close.
It’s unclear whether any mating occurred between the male and the mother afterward, but Towers said they would be able to tell if she has another baby soon that matches the male orca’s genetic material.
“Looking at the behavior we’ve observed, we’re now beginning to think that it’s quite possible that females don’t have a lot of choice when it comes to breeding,” Towers told Canadian Broadcasting Corp. News.
Fun Fact Of all the life forms of any kind known on Earth, here are the ones which (in all cases, only the female) stops being able to reproduce after a certain time in its life:
orca (dolphin)
short-finned pilot whale (dolphin)
human (great ape)
Now *that’s* interesting.
Guinea pigs and humans are the only mammals that must eat vitamin C. That’s why guinea pigs are preferred for medical research. Their metabolism is almost identical to ours.
Actually Derpy, plenty of species can’t synthesize vitamin C, including the other great apes:
Source, if you’re interested in the genetics of vision C synthesis.
Chalk another point up for the water monkey theory.
cool blue text you have there.
What about those salmon that swim upstream, crap out their eggs, then die of exhaustion?
Or those spiders that die after producing their egg sack?
They remain capable of reproduction from fertility to death.
Well, for that matter, every life form (except those that can live forever if unmolested) stops reproducing at some point! I am talking about those who do so but go on living!
California’s Bad ‘Cup of Joe’
Prop 65 madness!
My understanding is that label mania is so utterly out of control, with labels on utterly everything everywhere, that at this point they are simply a nuisance and even the lunatic hypochondriacs we call Californians completely ignore all that shit at this point, like those cancer warnings on Sweet & Low back in the day.
The only time I noticed was when I bought an unfamiliar over the counter medication and was trying to pick through the warning labels for the dosage information. The one piece of data that was relevent was buried amidst the other fraction of a percent potentiality warnings.
They put the fucking things on car windows now. It’s beyond retarded.
The coffee thing, though, is a clear shakedown. The irony of Starbucks being assfucked by out of control proggie judges is delicious.
I remember when I was in California for my freshman year of college and the dorm had a sticker on the window telling me that the building contains substances known to the state of California to cause cancer. Even at age 17 I realized how ludicrous this was.
There was a dispenser on the check-in desk of the Hilton near SFO that had Prop 65 warning brochures for the hotel.
Found it
If I owned a coffee shop I would label the cups accordingly: “Some statist morons think this stuff is bad for you”
The law mandates a phrasing.
You could put that as a border around the notice, but you have to include the legislation’s magic words.
From the stem cell link:
Can I get a fuggin’ white male over here?
Top stem cellol.
“Walmart has just filed a patent for autonomous, robot bees. Yes, that Walmart — and no, you didn’t slip into another, stranger dimension. The mega-corporation’s patent specifically covers “pollination drones.” These tiny robots could act just like bees, pollinating crops autonomously.
The robot bees would operate using sensors and cameras to help them navigate to crops. Flying around autonomously, these drones could potentially pollinate as effectively as the real thing.”
The only problem is the robot honey tastes like motor oil.
Not a moment too soon! We’ll be needing them to pollinate all the artificial trees that we’ve been hearing about for carbon capture.
Don’t natural trees do that just fine? Don’t lumber companies already plant shitloads of trees? Shouldn’t we be using more wood and paper products if we want to encourage capturing carbon dioxide?
The idea is that the artificial trees will be orders of magnitude better at carbon capture than the natural trees. That’s the goal. An artificial tree that just did the work of one real tree would of course be a colossal waste of resources–and, presumably, therefore out of the question unless it’s made by an Obama crony.
How can you get more efficient than “literally builds itself out of atmospheric carbon*”? You just need to plant them and walk away, plus they fit 100% with the local ecosystem. There is no sane rationale for building a machine to do the same job. Want more captured? plant more acreage.
*and other elements from other sources
They obviously haven’t seen Black Mirror.
Wait… if the robots are only as good at pollinating as bees, would it not still be more economical to maintain hneybee hives? Since they both pollinate and produce other salable products with lower maintenence costs for the beekeeper? The robots will suffer mechanical wear and have a failure rate requiring outlay to replenish, while the bees will laregly be able to get their own numbers back up after losses.
Whenever someone posts on derpbook about the declining honeybee population in North America, I like to point out that they are an invasive species introduced to North America in the 1600s by Europeans.
They’re still posting that false statistic?
Sometimes, yup.
I’m assuming the robotic bees are to be used in the outdoor sections of their stores. That way you get the positive aspects of bees without the negative aspect (stinging your customers). Using robotic bees in the wild would be stupid.
If that’s the extent of it, my reaction drops down to “I think that’s silly, but if they believe there’s a need to pollinate the potted plants before sale, I’m not going to argue.”
We don’t necessarily need higher taxes, just need to cut spending so we are running a surplus each year.
That’s nice, in theory, but the Fed can’t keep the interest rate genie in the bottle forever. That’s an expense which is going to go up, like it or not.
“I can no longer tell the difference between genuine UK police accounts and parodies.”
If I had Twitter that account would be worth following for its name alone. Bonus points if Ice-T, one of my longstanding idols, really did reply to him.
today’s word salad brought to your by Amanda Marcotte
the stereotypes about gun nuts are based in reality. As Jeremy Adam Smith wrote recently in Scientific American, the most avid gun consumers “are men who are anxious about their ability to protect their families, insecure about their place in the job market, and beset by racial fears.”
Tellingly, the woman-centric messaging from the NRA is careful to present a traditional vision of femininity and eschew even the slightest hint of feminism. After all, the actual customer base for the gun industry, conservative men, are known for panicking and freaking out, snowflake-style, at the slightest hint of genuine autonomy for women.
It might sound silly to say that guns are basically phallic symbols, but it is the dead, unavoidable truth that the gun issue is very much about gender. Guns may or may not serve as direct symbols of the penis, but they definitely symbolize many men’s belief that masculinity and maleness are about dominance and control.
Pro-gun ideology in America is inseparable from anti-feminism and the fight to preserve male dominance over women. A few half-baked attempts at a “pro-woman” message from the NRA can’t hide that grotesque reality.
I could eat alphabet soup and shit something that makes more sense.
Good thing she went out did some investigative journalism and asked people about their guns and why they have them.
look, if every woman was armed, then there’d be less women victims of sexual assault. and batshit people like Marcotte can’t have that.
this messaging is absolutely schizo. gun control does not reconcile with the rape culture/patriarchy and Trump-as-Dictator.
Yeah, for real. Is Amanda saying that she won’t rest until only the people who work for the government headed by Donald Trump and the patriarchy are the only ones with guns?
I saw a movie once where only the police and the military had guns. I think it was called Schindler’s List.
Feel free to copy that into a facederp post. It works nicely to clear out a prog infestation.
No no, Derpy, that’s incorrect. Everyone knows that gun control can’t be a factor in the rise of Nazism because the Nazis only confiscated guns from people they wanted to kill. See? Gun control is nothing to worry about.
Ah yes, the old “guns are dicks” argument.
Basically, when you use a made-up word like “mansplain” you’re signalling that you’d be better off using your brain as a paperweight for all the good it’s doing you. Also, of course men who are anxious about their ability to protect their families would buy more guns. That’s like saying, “the most avid car consumers are people who are anxious about their ability to commute long distances for work.” And I think it’s telling that “Scientific” American is taking two fairly innocuous but not necessarily related groups and joining them with a third: racists. So, the totally unbiased message is that racist men who are afraid of everything are the people who buy guns. Sounds legit.
My wife is a dues-paying member of the Well-Armed Women. Last night, several of the ladies brought in the AR-15s for show-and-tell. As far as I know, none of the women in the local chapter has a penis.
Late to the party … I was going to start reading that Marcotte story but had a sudden and abiding urge to take a shit in the middle of the day. I’m usually as regular as clockwork, too. Curiouser and curiouser.
That’s why guinea pigs are preferred for medical research.
Why do you think we call them guinea pigs?
I always figured it was because some 19th-century Irish New York City street kid turned zoologist thought its face reminded him of a fat Italian cop he remembered from back in the day.
The Irish arrived before the Italians. If I recall correctly, the NYPD was an Irish gang.
Yeah; that’s why he would take note that this particular cop was an Italian. Irish cop he’d just call “pig,” nothing special to note.
Fun fact: The Irish ran Church and State back in old school NYC. That’s why we’re home to the only Italian Episcopalian community in the world. (La Guardia’s dad was one.) A lot of Italians defected in protest.
One of the few good lines in NYPD Blue — when the drunk finds out they’re getting a black LT: “Oh great, now he’s gonna bring all HIS people in.” His partner fires back, “Hey, Andy, why do they call it ‘Irish welfare’?”
My father, who was fairly bright but very uneducated and anti intellectual was convinced that Guinea Pigs were not natural but instead had been genetically engineered by NASA and were currently being used by the CIA to conduct spy operations.
He also believed that China had a bigger more powerful Navy than the US.
China’s navy will soon surpass the US navy in size:
I say let Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, and the Philippines worry about it.
Of course raw numbers doesn’t mean combat effectiveness. What good are numbers if a single carrier group can blow them out of the water?
Yeah. I’m pretty sure you can put an anti-ship missile on a drone.
The navy is working on drone submarines:
China’s navy will soon surpass the US Navy in size, it will not be a credible threat to the US Navy outside of China’s territorial waters for another 25 years at a minimum. My father was convinced that China had a larger Navy in 2008
Whoa. I know there is some weird urban-legend conspiracy derp out there that is quite widespread among otherwise reasonable people. But to think that guinea pigs are spying on him?
I think your dad was probably a more generally interesting fellow to be around than you are letting on. Do spill some tea.
Oh he wasn’t a conspiracy theorist in the traditional sense.
More like he had a bit of Trump in him in that he would come up with an idea out of the blue and completely believe it was factual even in the presence of evidence proving it false. He definitely suffered from multiple forms of mental illness.
Interestingly even though he was both a populist and conservative he was not a terribly big fan of Trump, he was much more a McCain/Rubio guy
Care for some Vox idiocy?
VoxVerified account @voxdotcom
Restricting demand for fossil fuels means costs to consumers. It’s time to consider restricting supply.
4:15 AM – 5 Apr 2018
Because restricting the supply will in no way cost consumers!
the comments are what i would consider a pillory
Stephen Fotos
2h2 hours ago
Replying to @voxdotcom
You go ahead and do it. People survived for millennia before fossil fuels. Usually as late as their 40’s. So, please yes, be my guest.
How does one “restrict” demand besides raising prices or offering a more valuable alternative?
For demand, it’s called rationing, taxation and intimidation.
For supply, it’s quotas, enforced by threat of robbery, violence and rapcages.
Happy 100th birthday RAF!
Samizdata had a blurb about Alan Pollock’s infamous Tower of London flyby. He was pissed at the politicians, so went for a little cruise down the Thames.
The whole story.
What a stud.
+1 full pattern
This is happening in DC
Fantastic! Are you gonna go? I would love to get up close and personal with some of those planes.
I’m not that into military aircraft (except the demo teams), so probably not. But my aviation peeps may push me to go to get pics & video.
I love warplanes. Spitfires are dead sexy. The T-6 Texan is a cool plane, too – they used it to train fighter pilots. i was lucky enough to fly in one a few years ago. So amazingly basic. Stick, rudder, throttle and a few gauges. Sliding canopy so it was like a flying convertible. I’ll never forget it.
I wish we could park airside there. Instead we have to park at Signature or Jet and use their van. I’m going to see if my friend from NH wants to go, might be able to get some other Mooney interest.
Last time I landed at Leesburg since my friends had driven down.
Bozeman’s war on affordable housing
A California developer has filed plans with Bozeman to swap a trailer park off North Wilson Avenue with a series of duplexes.
William Homes, LLC, a Santa Clarita-based company, filed the informal concept review to convert the less than two-acre property the company hopes to buy at North Wilson Avenue and Short Street.
The current plan is to replace the longtime trailer park on the land with 16 three-story duplexes. Each 1,800-square-foot home is designed to include three bedrooms and come with a small apartment above a garage that future owners can rent out.
If the idea makes it through city planning, building could start as soon as this summer. If that’s the case, the residential trailers will be removed from the site and the several existing rentals will be demolished, according to the plans.
It seems unlikely there will be any meaningful objections. Oddly, the article doesn’t mention how many people currently live there. Get rid of icky trailers and the trash who live in them. Make Bozeman liveable for decent folk.
Has Bozeman been making itself trailer park unfriendly?
Incremental improvement of property is a good thing. The problem is that the owner even has to ask permission.
They’re not the owners.
Once they purchased it, they would be.
Of course, and bob’s your uncle.
But they’re not the owners now, and so these negotiations are not about permission to dispose of their property (it’s not theirs), but about what they can get from the city (like water and sewer).
Apparently I misunderstood the meaning of that idiom. Oh well.
Yeah, the city’s involvement is an issue. But consider they have to grovel for permission, that they are doing it before they buy the land seems okay to me.
Peak Oil!
Peak Oi!
I’m listening to a webcast on my agency’s re-org. The acronym soup is giving me a headache.
How much of it do you need to know to do your job?
Zero – our bureau isn’t changing
we used to count the number of times the CEO would say the latest buzzwords.
“going forward” was always a high scorer.
Synergistically pursuing synergistic synergies or GTFO
Around here the big word is “catalyzing”.
I fucking hate that word now.
Only a tard would say “going forward”.
“On a go-forward basis” signals your intelligence in meetings.
A friend sent me the phrase “drive scale and best practice” during one of his meetings the other day.
I feel kind of left out sometimes, working in a tiny company. Reading these makes me thankful.
Whenever someone starts talking about “silos”, I want to jam an ice pick into my ears.
Yes – unless it’s a grain farmer.
Has Bozeman been making itself trailer park unfriendly?
I would say they have eliminated hundreds, if not thousands, of trailers in the last ten years. Multiple large trailer parks have been eradicated.
Are they prevented from reforming on the edge?
The historic process of incremental growth that most cities went thru would slowly push that kind of housing further and further out from the core. That is evolution. But I figure Bozeman is probably preventing them from moving via zoning regs.
Incremental improvement of property is a good thing. The problem is that the owner even has to ask permission.
Absolutely true. I just find it fascinating that there is an unending drumbeat of “concern” about “affordable housing” as the most affordable housing you can find is being systematically wiped out. I am not saying those land owners should be prevented from making the best economic use of their property, but I find it suspicious that none of the parks which have been done away with have been replaced by newer, nicer ones.
*such a thing as a nice mobile home park does, in fact, exist. And they are a hell of a lot more affordable than newly constructed apartment complexes.
I saw some special on world’s most luxe trailer parks about ten years ago. Wish I remembered where.
My grandparents lived in a double-wide in Florida and single one in PA for awhile before they moved full time to Florida into a house.
The double-wide was really nice.
With polyester curtains and a redwood deck?
If your richest relative buys a new house and you have go help him take the wheels off, you may be a redneck…
When we look at houses, one of the nicest turned out to be a double-wide. The owners sunk it a bit into the ground and landscaped all around with bushes to mask the profile. It was nice inside with things like granite counter tops, new stainless steel appliances, whirlpool tub.
It was on 10 acres that included an orchard, shooting range, and stocked fish pond. Even had a deer feeder hidden from the road by a 10′ cinderblock wall so you could hunt off your back porch.
We ended up passing but that was a nice little property.
Put a double wide on a foundation and it becomes a nice, cheap home. It loses the “mobility” aspect, but so what.
My grandmother lived here in Imperial Sands Mobile Home Park for about 25 years when she and my grandfather split. It was a gorgeous community, and they had a great rec center, and a pool that I remember playing with my floating LEGO boat in as a kid.
Chris Hedges has things to say
The oligarchs do not propose structural change. They do not want businesses and the marketplace regulated. They do not support labor unions. They will not pay a living wage to their bonded labor in the developing world or the American workers in their warehouses and shipping centers or driving their delivery vehicles. They have no intention of establishing free college education, universal government health or adequate pensions. They seek, rather, a mechanism to continue to exploit desperate workers earning subsistence wages and whom they can hire and fire at will. The hellish factories and sweatshops in China and the developing world where workers earn less than a dollar an hour will continue to churn out the oligarchs’ products and swell their obscene wealth. America will continue to be transformed into a deindustrialized wasteland. The architects of our neofeudalism call on the government to pay a guaranteed basic income so they can continue to feed upon us like swarms of longnose lancetfish, which devour others in their own species.
Who the fuck is Chris Hedges?
Imagine what Nathan J Robinson will be like in 40 years. That’s Chris Hedges. His public speaking is a great way to test your psychological endurance.
c’mon! he penned such classics as The Gig Economy is the New Serfdom.
that man is going places!
Yet people flock to these “hellish factories” for work. Places where college is tuition free have much stricter admissions standards because they recognize it’s not for all. Lets not get into the qaitline rationing from universal failure to care.
My derp tolerance ran out.
Most large businesses like regulation because it stifles the competition. They don’t like the burden of regulatory compliance falling on their heads, of course, but they’ll take a high fixed cost if it also means a higher fixed revenue.
There is nothing stopping a private pension scheme except its own fiscal infeasibility. There is a reason it is crushing the Postal Service, although they would be in less bad shape if they could set their own rates and terms of business.
“Living wage” is a meaningless concept. Set a floor on wages, and there are jobs that won’t even exist, jobs that will be in shorter supply, and jobs that will demand more of the employee than at the lower rate. Those are all lost opportunities that keep people poor.
College education should not be free. It should also not be mandatory for the vast majority of jobs. But then you’d have to accept a job market where qualifications are assessed in ways that may have a “racially disparate impact” (not that college degrees don’t, but hey look at that shiny thing over there).
We already have (nearly) universal government healthcare. If you’re under 65 (or over 65 and destitute), it’s called Medicaid. If you’re over 65 and have some money, it’s called Medicare. And the military has its own government healthcare for service members, dependents, retirees, and anyone disabled as a result of their service. And some states have their own supplementary programs.
Hiring and firing at will goes both ways. You can also quit at any time, at least in the U.S. Of course that freedom also entails some insecurity. If you want a more stable employment situation, then you’d have to be willing to accept work under contract with consequences for failure to perform.
I’ve tried explaining this over and over to “progressives” to no avail. Giant corporations have multi-million dollar legal teams that can navigate them through the regulatory environment as easily as possible. Small business don’t have that luxury.
I try to point out that if big businesses truly wanted less regulation, they’d support the Libertarian Party (not that they’re perfect on deregulation issues) but instead, they support either Republicans or Democrats.
Laissez-faire is a double-edged sword – it means fewer restrictions, but it also means no more special favors. Lefties don’t understand this; they think a free market inevitably results in one monopolist controlling the entire industry and price-gouging everyone (how this monopolist prevents competition is left unexplained).
Secret Capitalist Death Squads.
The same factories that are often paying two to three times the average wage of those countries? If these factories are so horrible, why did people take the jobs when they became available, and why do they stay there? Could it be that *gasp* working in a factory is better than prostitution, crime, or garbage picking?
the stereotypes about gun nuts are based in reality. As Jeremy Adam Smith wrote recently in Scientific American, the most avid gun consumers “are men who are anxious about their ability to protect their families, insecure about their place in the job market, and beset by racial fears.”
Why am I not surprised Amanda Marcotte would seize upon that nonsensical excretion and treat it as incontrovertible truth?
the stereotypes about gun nuts are based in reality
Since when does that matter, even if it were true?
Just ask James Damore…
Wanting to protect your family is so absurd.
“the stereotypes about gun nuts are based in reality”
Then of course she has to fall back on the “gun owners are overcompensating for their tiny genitulz!” trope. If she wants to test that stereotype, my offer to refute still stands (maybe not to her though… yuck).
Angry Venezuelans tell Maduro they’d rather clean America’s toilets than stay in their country
CARACAS, Venezuela — During a speech on Tuesday, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro mocked the many Venezuelans who have fled the country over the past several years. Migrants abroad, he said, “regret” leaving and supposedly have ended up “cleaning toilets in Miami.”
The comment sparked outrage in Venezuela, and plenty of his countrymen had no hesitation in firing back.
“Maduro doesn’t need to go clean a toilet abroad because he transformed Venezuela into his own toilet,” said Twitter user @chelodiaz1 in a typical insult.
If God allowed me to miraculously save the life of one stranger who died in my lifetime, for the sake of the world and its future, who would it be? Mother Theresa? Nah, her legacy lives on.
It would be Chávez. Not one second of hesitation.
so this self-inflicted humanitarian disaster could be his legacy instead of Maduro’s?
Mother Theresa was kind of a dick anyway.
Not sarc.
I never know what to make of it. I think her critics (primarily Hitchens and that one native Calcuttan guy, who loathed each other by the way) were way too zealous in their obviously ideologically motivated and often petty criticisms. But they have convinced me, tentatively, that she did not run an efficient or sufficiently “client-centered,” “results-driven” charitable organization. It is not something I would donate to.
The hellish factories and sweatshops in China and the developing world
You mean those factories to which the “peasants” flock because they offer a better living than scratching in the dirt for subsistence?
It’s just crumbs they’re getting.
People don’t seem to understand that countries go through stages of development and wealth creation. They have to become wealthy enough to afford things like workplace safety measures, vacation time, maternity leave, etc. And during these developmental stages, people have to work in conditions that we cozy first-worlders would consider unacceptable.
Sweatshops are a stage in the improvement of a society. You can’t just skip from third-world to Silicon Valley by implementing Leftist economic policies. It’s the same thought error that leads people to believe that the late 19th century was a terrible period where people were forced into dreadful slave labor in dangerous factories run by evil capitalists who look like the Monopoly guy.
America will continue to be transformed into a deindustrialized wasteland.
He seems to be complaining about both industrialization and deindustrialization. Maybe he’s the lefty version of White Indian. We could all be so free, if only we could gambol about the plain.
Since Tundrito is heading to CSM, if you so desire, the admins can give you my email and I can shoot you some info about the area and/or meetup.
Thanks. I’ll be in touch.
Tundrito is heading to CSM</em.
Is that a final decision? Good on 'im.
Yep. He’s excited. Hell, I’m excited for him. I love it out there.
Awesome! Congrats, pops!
Costs, vs benefits? Unpossible.
Over and over in their decades-long war on smog, Southern California regulators have failed to use a powerful tool against ports, warehouses and other freight and logistics hubs that are magnets for air pollution.
Now, the South Coast Air Quality Management District is considering a proposal to regulate warehouses, rail yards and large development projects as indirect sources of pollution due to the droves of diesel trucks, locomotives and construction equipment they attract.
But the district’s governing board again appears poised to reject much of its staff’s proposal at a public meeting Friday.
Key appointees have voiced reluctance to crack down on an industry that is both the lifeblood of the Southern California economy and responsible for much of the region’s harmful emissions. Business groups and the city-owned ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach oppose such rules, saying they will hinder growth in a sector that employs hundreds of thousands of people across the region.
I guess not everybody in California has gone insane.
An interesting little nugget appears:
But in Southern California, efforts to control indirect sources of pollution proved unpopular even a generation ago when smog was dramatically worse.
It’s dramatically better, but the environmental activists have to justify their continued
existencefund raising.Aaaand, the punchline.
Trade and logistics growth has complicated the equation. In the last five years more than 100 million square feet of new industrial construction has gone up in Southern California, most of it warehouses and distribution centers in the Inland Empire, according to research by Los Angeles-based real estate services firm CBRE Group Inc.
Responding to residents urging rules at a meeting last month, Nichols said the proliferation of warehouses has “not gone unnoticed. It’s a really serious problem,” and the Air Resources Board was watching the South Coast district very closely and “hoping that they will do the right thing.”
“And if some reason they don’t,” Nichols said, “then we will have to take action.”
“If you won’t kill that goose, we will.”
We have a lot of Empty Warehouses, yet they still build more,
/I.E. Guy
“That warehouse? You didn’t build it. Because we stopped you.”
No, they are building like crazy out here, as much as ever…. it’s pretty sucky for the traffic, too many trucks
And, back to this-The current plan is to replace the longtime trailer park on the land with 16 three-story duplexes. Each 1,800-square-foot home is designed to include three bedrooms and come with a small apartment above a garage that future owners can rent out.
It’s not that the proposal is particularly objectionable, on its face. Bozeman needs density, despite the multitude of NIMBY whiners, and that part of town (I don’t have a specific picture in my head of that specific place) is more dense than the newer developments farther from the original footprint of the town. It’s just my expectation that the plans will fly through the approval process, because it will eliminate the “blight” of a trailer park, and make the town a better place.
Wait, trailer parks are not “blight” in any sense I have ever heard the term used academically. “Blight” is not some catchall word for “I’d rather not look at these,” or “Poor people live here.” It has an actual meaning. Are people actually using that term in your municipal politics.
This sounds like “Cash for Clunkers” logic applied to the housing market.
With results like these, how could we refuse to invest even more money?
You know what the problem here is, of course. No, it’s not the teacher’s unions, silly. It’s not a system larded up with progressive mandates and benchmarks. It’s not the aversion to disciplining students. It’s not the cultural resistance to “whiteness.”
It’s because somewhere in San Francisco there’s a Republican city counselor, or a conservative sitting on the school board, some old white dude who hates black and brown children, and he’s to blame.
San Francisco just boggles my mind. What everyone seems to say is that it is evermore, decade upon decade, a hypergentrified playground for the rich and hip; and yet remains some sort of filthy, crime-ridden dystopia with no end in sight. And it’s fucking tiny; it’s not like we’re talking about opposite ends of Houston or some shit. I am dying to see this place.
“I am dying to see this place”
It’s definitely pretty; you can see why people would want to live there. That is, of course, if you can tolerate the expense and hordes of homeless people.
Expense, people, homeless people, and people telling me what I can do with my property are all things that don’t sit well with me, but the most eggregious problem would be the shit on the sidewalk. I just can’t stand that.
“people telling me what I can do with my property”
Even if I had the money and loved the scenery, this is what makes living there a non-starter for me. Fortunately, if you’re just there on vacation, you don’t have to worry about this. There are still many other places I’d go to on vacation before SF though.
Whenever I talk to people from big cities, they exclaim how boring it must be to live in a small-medium size town in Ohio (pop: ~27,000). I just tell them that I enjoy home ownership (as a non-rich person), practically non-existent crime, relative freedom from statist bullshit, and never having to search for a parking spot wherever I go.
+a zillion
I was reading recently about a school district somewhere, I can’t remember where but it might have been St. Louis, in which there were several schools where there were ZERO kids that were rated proficient by state standards in math. ZERO. Not a single one in the whole school. And there was more than one school that had this problem.
Indoctrination factories/state funded daycare indeed.
In their defense, there were probably one or two but the math teachers and principals could not count that high.
And all you ever hear is “more funding”. Well, school funding has exploded since the 1970s, but all measures of actual student performance have stagnated or declined, and that’s not even adjusting for the fact that the curricula have probably been dumbed down in an effort to paper over this embarrassingly bad performance.
If dumping money down the toilet didn’t fix the problem, I’m not convinced that the solution is to dump more money down the same toilet.
“If dumping money down the toilet didn’t fix the problem, I’m not convinced that the solution is to dump more money down the same toilet”
Since government is, by nature, a stagnant, non-innovative institution, this is all they’ve got. It’s a toaster making toast because that’s all it’s wired to do. Even setting aside the corrupt and venal motives of the teacher’s unions, government schools would still be incapable of competing against private schools because there’s no incentive to do so. It’s no wonder the D’s find school choice so intimidating; if offered a choice, no one would go to government schools and their teacher union gravy train would end.
Just shows how bad the government schools in these areas really are. They’re having trouble keeping people in them and they’re giving their product away for free. When you literally can’t give your services away you have issues.
What pisses me off the most is that these “progressives” pretend to be sooooo concerned about the poor inner city kids who lack educational opportunities, yet they freak the fuck out at the fact that Betsy DeVos might make it easier for the parents to send their kids to superior private schools like rich parents do. If they are so compassionate about these kids, why are they so averse to trying a different approach when theirs has undeniably failed?
It’s just the teacher’s union greed dressed up as tearful, doe-eyed compassion that makes my blood boil.
The left rails against corporations for having some tiny fraction of dissatisfied customers, customers who can always take their business to a competitor. No slight is too slight to take issue when it comes to private businesses. And these are almost always places that bend over backwards to appease progressive activists. But when it comes to the institutions tasked with educating children, having dumbed down curriculums and tossed out anything remotely offensive to progressives, and they still post numbers like this, it’s the placid chirrups of crickets from the left. It’s institutional racism when a company hires a disproportionate share of whites, emblematic of the oppressive system in which we live, but the wholesale failure to educate black and brown students is a peculiar slip-up at this one school and in no way an indictment of the incentive structure prevailing in public education.
Bah, fuck ’em. You assholes made your bed, lie in it.
If any private industry had the kind of price increases with no change in product quality like the school system has had, Lefties would be screaming for the government to nationalize it and throw the CEOs in jail.
“wholesale failure to educate black and brown students”
Feature, not bug. Poor people vote Democrat, so it’s in the Dems best interest to have as many poor people as possible. It’s easier to keep poor people poor than to make rich people poor. Since black and brown people are disproportionately poor, it incentivizes the Dems to pull upward mobility out from under those folks. The Democrat party really is evil.
Who was the first to use the stupid party evil party terminology?
Not sure, but it proves itself true on a daily basis.
The correct answer is “The Stupid but Evil Party” vs. “The Evil but Stupid Party”
The Gork and Mork of modern political discourse.
Booker T. Washington staffers said the boy held a job at the time, and had to look after several younger siblings.
i blame TrumpCapitalism.
Virginia GOP running a “libertarian Republican” against Kaine this year. dude sponsored a solid reform of VA’s asset forfeiture. it passed out of the House 81-18. was looking good but then died in the Senate Finance committee 8-8. but hey it was a bipartisan death so fuck both teams.
HB 900 Forfeiture of property used in connection with commission of crimes; finding of guilt required.
02/21/18 Senate: Failed to report (defeated) in Finance (8-Y 8-N)
YEAS–Newman, Wagner, McDougle, Vogel, Obenshain, Barker, Dunnavant, Stuart–8.
NAYS–Norment, Hanger, Howell, Saslaw, Lucas, Ruff, Carrico, Dance–8.
I never get what is going on when the houses have radically different opinions on things–and it isn’t a matter of differing partisan control or anything. (Maybe their discipline is just very tight and the bosses of each house have radically different favored interests or something.)
“and it isn’t a matter of differing partisan control or anything”
At the state level, the GOP has (maybe) one testicle so things are much more polarized. In CO, the State Senate is R and the State House is D so you have drastically different things coming out of both and nothing ever gets done (fine by me). But it is an odd dichotomy in which the Senate passes Constitutional Carry and the House passes “assault weapons” bans both of which die in the opposite assembly.
Oh, the opposite control–even long term–I can somewhat understand. Here in New York, the Assembly has been Democratic and the Senate Republican for decades upon decades; the Republicans have even made a bit of progress in the Senate in recent years. It’s incumbency advantage, mostly, which no one particularly cares to disturb. This has become a deep, deep blue state however, and we have been seeing the rapid nationalization and ideologization of party politics; so I fear that, like the state legislatures in the South a decade ago and gun control in Vermont today, this particular historical curiosity’s days are numbered. Perhaps soon. I’m dreading it far more than the loss of the House in DC, because New York Republicans (whom I fucking hate; don’t get me wrong) have been blocking all kinds of horrifying shit in the Senate.
Freitas is pretty good, particularly by the dismal standards of the VA GOP. Carrico is a cunt – former cop, so you know what he’s all about.
The guy interviewing him is a touch annoying, but I appreciate two people engaging in an actual debate.
I prefer it when they confine themselves to the most critical issues.
equality does not always elicit true fairness
These people are slavers.
Life Isn’t Fair, Brooks Lite.
It was bad enough that I was late to the party. Then I Brooksed it up.