The boy child is home sick watching Fireman Sam, which, in the pantheon of annoying kids shows is closer to Daniel Tiger than Caillou. Although the mythical town of Ponti Pandi appears to have one of each type of Anglophone, including “Southern bachelor” — you know, like Ray Gillette from Archer, but a bit more — queenish. Plus the Aussie and the Canukistani dudes hang out exclusively with each other. That has nothing to do with the links or the afternoon. Just what was at the front of my mind. In SPORTZBALL stuff, the Astros really need more practice winning stuff, as their World Series banner unveiling went… poorly. Thank goodness for men with lawn equipment and a purpose.

Well if Carter, Clinton, and GWB are for it, I’m agin it! Or let’s just say I am the cynic who both agrees that vote fraud is likely a problem in some elections (mostly local) and disagrees that photo IDs to vote will fix the problem.

I might be a fan of Spotify now, as they appear to have made a killing screwing the traditional banksters out of their 35% share of the IPO. The high-level view is instead of the listing banks buying some huge amount of the stock at the reference price and selling at market (almost always higher), Spotify sold directly to the market.

The US Federal Reserve picks most hawkish dove for Presidency. At least this guy is willing to argue that interest rates should go up until inflation materializes. SLD, there shouldn’t be a Fed, but if there is, it would be nice if the leadership would acknowledge that interest rates should be increasing in a period of prosperity, lest they have another easy money collapse and no tools to affect the economy with. Better still if they acknowledged that they don’t actually steer the boat, but hey. Baby steps.

The Zombie (Raccoon) Apocalypse hits Ohio.

I never realized how much this song just straight up rips off “Start Me Up.” The 80s are like a different planet, now.


“These kids are just pathetic. P-A-T-H-T-E-T-K. Low-energy losers. I could go out right now and find all the eggs. All the eggs. Like in a minute. MIN-IT! Also, what’s the matter with this fucking bunny? Is he near-sighted or what? Or WHAT? Far-sighted, whatever, I dunno. Can’t he afford LASIK? Loser. Hey, kids, here’s something fake news CNN and fake NBC won’t tell you: There is no Easter Bunny. No Easter Bunny. This is just Jared in a suit! You OK in there, Jared? You OK? By the way, folks, this is Jared’s suit. We didn’t buy this for this, what? what do you call it? Eggroll? Like a Chinese restaurant? Eggroll, really? Dumb name. Just a dumb name. Anyway, Jared already had this. Whoa! Who knows what’s going on at Ivanka’s house. I mean, I got three grandkids–right? three?–so I guess it works out, but, geez, I tell you folks, this pretty messed up. I’m going inside. Yuge disappointment. YUGE!”