The Annihilation Barge was an annoying build, and may be even more annoying to paint.
Ok, who’s gonna post the London stabbings story again?
Aside from the count so far being 31, nope.
The thing is that London’s been flirting with coming first for some time. This shouldn’t be a surprise.
As long as we’re done talking about Jaws.
At least we still have Lou Reed.
He was in Jaws?
Normally I’m the one who complains about the same story being posted a dozen times. 🙂
A little bit of the old ultraviolence? Deliver a horrorshow tolchok with your cutthroat brittva and watch the red, red kroovy flow?
Like clockwork
*opera applause*
Instead of Jaws, we can talk about A Clockwork Orange: did it leave anybody else cold?
I watch it as a series of sometimes quotable vignettes. It’s not what I think of as a normal movie, with say, a coherent plot or one or two likable characters.
I actually read the book last year. Really the whole state rehab part was the most interesting and relevant. Can’t say I recommend though.
I watched A Clockwork Orange maybe fifteen years ago because I had never seen it. It not only left me cold, it left me wondering what the hell did I just watch disheveled, and questioning my judgement for watching it. That is all I remember.
Do they tell people that Trump had been impeached as they stab their victims?
And now to unwind, unzip and….
Put that back on!
What’s with the blockquote? Dialing that in from an easter egg hunt somewhere?
Is it bestiality if you fuck a Tamagotchi?
That’s a question for HM, right?
She’s got eggs,
She knows how to use them
Paging Q, Paging Q, there’s a new category over at The Chive.
I know what’s next!
Feminist Economics 101
They need to read Bourgeois Virtues by Dierdre McCloskey. Capitalism actually fosters all those things they claim to care about.
Alternatively, they could open their fucking eyes.
They could look at their fees and figure out how and by what means their tuition was funded.
What a Hogg!
Christ, what an asshole.
Jesus, the kid needs to lift. Pencil arms. And Christ, what an asshole.
Do any of you math nerds wanna check to see if his math checks out?
Truthy, if not true.
One area that wasn’t looked at was the impact of a change in battery technology. If we take a best-case scenario and discover a new, inexpensive battery technology tomorrow that has appropriate energy density, you might find that $1000 amortized for replacement will disappear, but I wouldn’t bet my portfolio on it, and even then, EVs are simply competitive cost-wise with gas at current prices, vs electricity being given away for virtually nothing.
If you only charge your car at the mall where they have free Tesla charging stations the math doesn’t work out. Someone’s paying for it but not the car owner. I think they hiked the price of frozen yogurt to cover the cost.
Open post? I prefer a more structured posting environment. One with rules. What are we supposed to comment about? Let’s check twitter. Contrast that to the morning Walter Williams link. Unapologetic thieves indeed.
How can we not read the links if there are no links?!
Comments are refreshing. Although I’m sure if she wanted to spend a trillion on cops or the military most of the detractors would be fuck yeah. Clowns to the left of me jokers to the right.
Ya, that is the thing with most people. Spend on what I want. I would say though, the military is an enumerated function of Gov in our constitution. What the good Senator is bitching about is not. I think the military could probably be half or less than what it is now and do its main function of protecting us, but still.
God help me. I’m sharing a hotel room with my three kids for the next two nights. If you read about me in the papers, I swear the murders were justified.
All I never wanted
So to speak. Smithsonian visits.
Lights out for me. Seven year old will never quiet down unless it’s completely dark.
Have you tried duct tape?
You’re the one who chose it.
What’s your 20? Maybe there’s a nearby Glib who can help you out, Ted S notwithstanding.
That’s a lot if holes to dig.
Do they have a Pool? Real easy to slip and….
Wife chucked ya huh? Been there.
RazorFist, Ranting, always a kick,
That was really good.
Thanks, I forget to check his feed and it is always worth a watch. ‘The people at Fleshlight could not have manufactured a bigger pussy than me’…. Ha
I posted on a dead thread! ::kicks pebble but pebble is actually subterranean boulder, limps away looking for a different pebble to kick::
Working on Marathon Family review (thanks to Pan Zagloba notes). Aside – just saw that “Who’s that Singing Now” was back in stock at Small Serbian Shop so I ordered it as well. Still waiting for Marathon Family to get back in stock for recommendations.
BTW Pan – looks like “Underground” actually has a good release now: (also a BFI UK Region B Blu-Ray, but this one has more extras). Looks like something else to order.
Thanks Ken TL:DR
7/10 on the HERCULE scale and seems to imply we would all be happier gamboling about the country.
How about the AgriCULTural city-STATE?
Yeah, corporate personhood. That’s only what it was, not that the government can’t fuck over groups of people because they’re a group and not individual persons.
These dumbass Roperites are laying the foundation to take the 1A away from the NYT and CNN. Really it should be taken away from both because the 1A speaks to only freedom of the press, which clearly does not apply to modern high speed computer controlled printing devices that the founders could never have imagined. Or to tv or radio.
I’ve gotten so fucking sick of trying to explain to people that the point of the Citizens United vs FEC case was NOT some absurd assertion that corporations are literally human beings.
Come to think of it, this is just another instance of Leftists “reframing” something to make it appear unacceptable, just like that dumbass who kept asking Jordan Peterson, “so what you’re saying is” followed by some total distortion of what he said.
This was published by the Future of Freedom Foundation.
The two most common ‘arguments’ against Citizens United are “corporations are not people” and “money is not speech”. Both are obviously fallacious.
“Corporations are not people!” — Correct, they’re groups of people, who don’t relinquish rights just because there’s more than one person.
“Money is not speech!” — Correct, but money facilitates speech, and therefore limiting money amounts to a limitation on speech. Don’t believe me? Pick an opinion and try to spread it around to a group of people in an efficient manner. However, you’re not allowed to spend any of your own money, nor can you spend anyone else’s directly or indirectly. You can’t print out leaflets because you need paper, ink, printer, etc. Can’t go on radio or TV because air time costs money. You can’t travel around to talk to other people except on foot. And you can’t accept free ‘gifts’ of air time or supplies or transportation, because that’s just other people spending money on your behalf.
I’m onboard. Constitutional amendment that free speech can only be expressed via telepathy and hand gestures. Mimes will rule the world.
I like to explain that a corporation is a group of people exercising the right of peaceable assembly mentioned in the 1A.
“The concept of the law treating corporate entities as if they were persons dates back to Ancient Rome”
Corporate personhood is what lets you sue a corporation. Doubt progs want to drop that. Imagine if you could incorporate and be shielded from all criminal, tort, and contract obligations.
Or since due process doesn’t apply to corporations, the local government can seize all of the common area from your HOA without any notice and nothing can be done, nor will any restitution be paid.
I knew it all along.
These Latinas are ready for Easter like the good Catholic girls they are.
#8 gives me a Resurrection.
D. Amn.
Ok Q, you can get down off the cross now. You’ve made up for this morning’s “babes”.
Happy Easter Glibs I had all the nieces and nephews at my place today. It was a good day. Eggs were hidden. Ham was consumed. Beer has been drank. I’m fat as a ticky at the moment.
Happy Pagan Fertility Ritual Day!
/He is Risen
I actually did get off the couch long enough to clean my Uzi.
I like the reuse of the Halloween bucket for Easter.
we’re nothing if not utilitarian around here.
“Utilitarian” being a euphemism for “cheap”. :-p
(We weren’t very well-to-do growing up, so a lot of stuff got reused.)
Indeed points for the Halloween bucket it shows class. I gave my kid a walmart bag when he was that age. He doesn’t talk to me anymore.
Happy Spring Spheres, Lach, you shitlord.
Happy Easter! Sounds like a good day.
Heard on a musician forum, regarding lyrical construction,
“Dude, Every line has to have the same amount of Syllables”
I thought it was the same number of swear words.
either way, pretty fucking stupid thing to say, ART has no boundaries, and Art is my Middle name……
Did you se the necron image I eventually posted yesterday?
Awesome! Those bug things look creepy,i wouldn’t put my Easy Co. guys Against them
Thanks for posting Them
Thanks and you’re welcome. I’m trying to see how fact I can get a force painted up., because there are so few colors involved in this faction.
I did and I liked it. Sorry the barge thingy is a PITA. Are the Space Mummies fun to play?
I don’t know, I just bought them this week, and haven’t finished painting a large enough force.
As long as it scans reasonably well.
Toto’s “Africa” is monstrous for its terrible scansion
I didn’t think it possible. (Song ends at 4:00 mark, then goes into promo for other performers’ channels)
There once was a man from Japan
Whose limericks never would scan
When asked why this was,
He said, “it’s because
I always try to fit as many syllables into the last line as I can”
2 Steve Smith articles in a row, in one night? STEVE SMITH GET TOO BIG FOR BRITCHES AND BY TOO BIG FOR BRITCHES MEAN…
My gf and I exchanged big baskets of sugar free candy today. We don’t even eat a lot of candy anymore… Seems like a bit of a miscalculation on our part.
I got some Dove Dark Chocolate covered Blueberries, Yum!
Chocolate covered coffee beans FTW.
Dark chocolate covered espresso beans. Awesome.
Some cunt on the day shift where I work sucks the chocolate off and then spits them on the floor. Another one dumps a half-finished coffee into her garbage damn near every fucking day. The night people treat me with nothing but respect but those Day-walkers…
My grandma was diabetic. So she’d buy chocolate covered peanuts, my grandpa would would suck off the chocolate and then my grandma would eat the nuts. Either that’s true love, or the problems of dementia. Either way it is sweet.
Sugar free candy? What’s the point? Unless you mean it was a hat and hair, or maybe a warty hugeman doomcock gift basket. Then that is awesome.
Sue and be sued. Interesting.
oh, hell yes.
the fact that absolutely no one in the Greenpeace/Sierra club/ Earth First cabal etc. people bothered to take any interest in the Navajo nation suit against the EPA?
…shows how little the fucking “Environmentalists” care about REAL damages done to REAL people, and is far more concerned with theoretical and imagined crimes committed by Big Evul Corpashuns (which is far easier to convince the lefty rubes of) because the latter also translates into donations and convenient public-spectacle, easily staged managed by a cooperative lefty-press.
That’s because the damage was done by big daddy government, and that doesn’t play into the watermelon narrative.
Steven Bochco, 1943-2018
Cop Rock
So sorry to hear that. Hill Street Blues was always good in the Bochco days. Never missed an episode.
I’ve liked LA Law in reruns. The first season of Murder in the First was good, but I might be a little biased by Kathleen Robertson.
There are only a handful of Hollywood babes that I actually think were babes, and Kathleen Robertson is one of them. I first became distracted by her in the TV series “Maniac Mansion” back in the 90s.
I’ll be in my bunk.
That’s a shame. I loved Hill Street Blues way back when.
Finally made it to seder in Miami Beach. Drive was miserable. In the past it has been about 26-29 hours of non-stop driving but at 46, I don’t have the energy for that so we were going to split it and stop at the 13 hour mark, which should have been in lower North Carolina. Evil rain and holiday traffic saw us drive for 14 hours and only make it from NYC to Richmond, VA. We stopped and stayed at the dingiest motel I’ve ever seen in CONUS but it was cheap and they had an AMAZING Mexican restaurant. Florida’s East coast is just as rotten and lousy as it was when I fled it in the late 1970s.
It must be due to increased PersoniCanes, triggered by Global something this week, Just Say’n
A couple years back I stayed at a place where the shower handle came off when I tried to turn on the shower. And the cable TV was still a CRT with horrendous picture quality.
I like turtles.
Our room’s set was a small LCD screen but only provided very static filled, ghost-pictured OTA broadcast television. Luckily, we brought a ROKU dongle and tethered them to our phone’s wifi. The Plex service then enables access to our home media collection of 24tb of film and television.
You fled FL in the 70’s to go to NYC? I think you got that one backward. The 70/80’s was the NY exodus to FL, and it goes on to this day. Eat a Cuban sandwich for me. I love FL.
No, fled Florida’s East coast for Florida’s far superior West coast. I only moved to NYC in 2005 (from New Orleans) because Katrina was a bridge too far for my wife (who is a Lawnguy Land native). Wifey retires in 13 years and we are back to Florida for good.
Aaaah, yes I agree. The last time I left FL it was from the west coast. Although I have lived from Stewart to Key West on the East coast. I am a former Bonita Springs resident and worked at a marina in Naples the last time I lived there. Some choices have regret attached.
Boca Grande, Port Charlotte, Englewood, Venice, Sarasota – that will always be home for me despite being born in Miami.
IP article with sports metaphors.
IP is one of the things my former conservative middle aged mind struggles with. Where is trash when you need him. I think the subsidizing of industries is a bigger thing than IP theft if you want to go all protectionist, but then again a tariff is a subsidy from where I am sitting.
Because they gave that power up as it pertains to tariffs because they suck donkey balls.
It’s not easy being green.
“Try and reduce it”? Maybe the strategy of the Victim Olympics is, by being the most vocal and obnoxious about how oppressed a given individual is, they’ll be able to harangue people into giving the ‘oppressed’ what they themselves have surely concluded they’re unable to earn on their own. And, at least in leftist circles, it seems to work insofar as being able to get leftists on their side to force government to take from makers and give to takers.
Here, have more frog.
Happy zombie Jesus day! Stuck in the middle of nowhere southwest Kansas. Crazy weather todays high was 36 tomorrow’s is 84. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a swing that big.
Spend some time in Arkansas. It was 70 this morning. It’s going to sleet tonight, and then be back in the 70s tomorrow.
Dare I say the women’s b-ball tournament has probably been more exciting than the mens?
Lots of last-second winners and such.
And Connecticut didn’t win.
Here’s some Easter music
Waitin’ For The Bus – Jesus Just Left Chicago
Have mercy!
Here’s some Easter music.
And to offend another religion, here is some more music.
Easter appropriate music.
Jesus Built My Hotrod
Rothbard on the LP in 1971
Almost 50 years on the possibility of the LP electing 10 people is very far off. And i would very surprised if they can elect 10 people who would consistently oppose spending bills.
Fuck. We can’t even find 10 people who will argue against forcing people to bake a gay wedding cake.
Oops 1972.
Anyway for all the shit I give Rothbard I like what he says here:
And this sums up the big problem with the cosmos and cocktail partyites
Winston is Michael Hihn, isn’t he?
Pope Jimbo: Thanks for mentioning/rec’ing the ‘In the Dark’ podcast a few times here. I spent my evening last night listening to all of it, it was so compelling.
Just a general problem. Several years ago, I had to buy a new stove. When I did, I bought a flat top electric to replace my traditional electric burner stove. My thought at the time was that a flat top would be very easy to clean.
2 years in, and I hate that damn thing. It impossible to clean
I’d be worried about breaking the surface of that thing, which is probably quite expensive to repair and probably not even something you can do yourself. On my old-style electric range, replacing the burners is an extraordinarily simple matter. I’ve even changed out both of the coils in the oven.
One of the things I worry about is manufacturers phasing out simple, easy-to-repair stuff with fancy-schmancy (and pointless) electronic shit that requires complex, expensive repairs. Is some whizbang oven with a goddamn computer going to be better than my current oven with regular knobs and buttons? No, it isn’t. Turning knobs doesn’t leave me thinking, “oh woe is me, why can’t all our technology spare me the horrible burden of this labor??”
PS: Get off my lawn.
You don’t think they are doing that on purpose? The appliance industrial complex is keeping us down and wants to control our lives. Want to operate your oven? download this app. I have said it before and I will say it again, there is a market for shit with simple knobs and replaceable parts.
Electric?! Gas or GTFO. Might as well use a microwave for all your cooking needs.
1/3 the cost, and better Heat control, you win a Prize!
Johnny, tell him what he’s Won!
Yusef, I am here!
(attributed to Charles Stanton)
I arrived in San Diego yesterday and am starting the new job tomorrow. And driving a Kia, as luck would have it.
I don’t own a microwave and I do all my cooking via electric or charcoal/wood and or the gas grill. I wish I had a nice gas range but I avoided the cost. Hell, I avoided the cost of an electric range and have one of those electric magnetic cooking things that don’t work with an aluminum pan. My house smells of smoked pork, tequila and lime right now and a gas range was not involved.
I dislike electric heat for cooking because it takes so long to reach temperature compared to the alternatives.
Induction electric stove tops get hot as fast as gas. That is what I was talking about above.
But then you run into the issue where induction heating only works with certain types of pans. Gas flame is easy to understand, and if all else fails, you can stick the food on the end of a stick and heat it over the burner…
I also have a gas camping stove, an electric coil cooking plate and the grill has a burner if I want to use my aluminum. I also have a propane torch and an oxy acetylene rig if I want to really torch some food. I sometimes use the wood fired pizza oven and or one of the four grills/smokers. I would like to have a gas range but I get by.
Note to aspies:
Yes, gas is better, but it’s not available everywhere.
It is available many places though
I’ve never had a good home cooked meal on a gas stove. Many good ones cooked on electric. QED, fuck off with your more efficient heating!
Wha??? I have a glass top electric range. I’d never go back to exposed conventional electric burners again.
Use a glass top cleaner (Like Ceramabryte) and 2 paper towels to clean up after cooking when the surface is cold. One towel to wipe/scrub any debris and the other to polish away the cleaner.
If you have burnt on spots, use a single edge razor blade with the blade at a 45 degree angle.
Works for me – just disappointed that I had to buy a new set of pots and pans to avoid scratching the stovetop in my rental place.
What good would it do the gun grabbers to get Ingraham booted off Fox? How will this play out? They get Laura’s scalp, the right will try to get someone on the the left’s scalp. All the advertisers will have a political label applied to them as each side boycotts go nuclear. The advertisers that pulled their ads from Ingraham’s show thought that the gun grabbers will win the public opinion wars, and so jumped on the wagon early. Maybe, but those advertisers fucked everybody over. Good job.
Verboten to attack Hogg and co.?
The ultimate human shields.
It’s not surprising that mainstream corporate advertisers would flee. Look at how many dropped NRA discounts. Discounts that had been around for years.
This is about gun grabbers marginalizing any sort of opposition with whatever means necessary. Unfortunately it’s really showing how deeply embedded leftist thought is in Corporate America. Between thIs and the SJW control of Google (which is hardly the only one), years of indoctrination in schools has succeeded.
The right will never get a scalp as far as tv personalities go. They don’t operate that way and most people who lean right don’t care.
There was a beautiful woman in a green dress at the pub tonight. She was elegant, poised, coiffed, made up, obviously there to meet someone. She ordered from the bar, perched on the edge of the chair, glancing sidelong about the room because the room was looking back. Her bottom was like a pear. I ogled for a moment before distracting myself wondering who’d show up to meet this lady. She was incredible, wholly out of place, dressed to the nines and clearly feeling every inch of it. She was oozing that coquettishness that’s so confident it’s not even confidence, it’s anticipation. This woman knew what she was about. Which made the curiosity even greater: who was it who’d show up to meet this woman, this woman, here, like this? It’s not a dive, but it’s not a romantic bit of real estate, and she’d shown herself in, clearly anticipating someone, swallowing every cubic inch of oxygen the room had to yield. Who makes this woman wait for anyone, dressed like this? Who is it who shows up after her entrance, who slithers in afterward, what scaly serpent is it that doesn’t show this woman in on his arm, what devil merely arranges to meet up with this woman, this woman, in this place, after she’s graced the room with her presence, and ordered her drink, and glanced about at the dismal tableau around her, stunned in our wretched fixation?
Nobody, apparently. She took her drink out to the patio, sat coquettishly on her patio chair, returned to the bar for another drink, and then, as I was paying, strode out–strode, mind you, in those heels, like a Valkyrie, every step a punctuation mark, like she was walking on ellipses–strode out, and I rushed out to the parking lot to see whether she flitted away into the evening on wings, or stepped into the Mercedes of some other eternal–but she was gone.
I could go back, interrogate the other patrons, ask whether I’d imagined the thing, but I’m certain they’d be struck dumb, as I feel now, we all ensnared by our mutual sense of wretchedness, our unbelonging, having witnessed this visitation, not a blessing, but a reminder of our normality, our inadequacy, our joyless mortality. I fear what it means that we were visited at all, that a goddess walks among the unliving.
That was very good. I’d read the rest.
I happened to wear a green dress to the local restaurant tonight, one that laces up the front in what I would consider a peasant style, with bell sleeves. The restaurant greeter complimented my on the “beautiful Celtic look” (it was a Mexican restaurant). Maybe the red hair and chainmaille necklace contributed.
But technically I am (in order of percentage) British (they can’t yet tell English from Scot from Welsh), Irish, Scandahoovian, and Russian. I’ll settle for rocking the Celtic look.
I was going for Neil Gaiman by way of Lovecraft, but I am genuinely curious. Maybe she was there for herself. I guess it’s sexist of me to think she’s there for anyone but herself, but she was like a beam of moonlight the entire time she was inside, like the vial Galadrial gives Frodo, warding off anything even remotely untoward. And she walked like Michael Flatley in heels. And as dense as I am, I could tell she was there to meet someone. Christ, the crane of her neck… that’s a thing a woman does when she’s deliberately glancing about, her spine erect… she was there to look good and be looked at, but there was someone she was expecting. And nobody showed up. I really did rush out to the parking lot to see her off, but she was gone. Probably better that way, a good mystery.
If you had a hundred dollar bill, I could solve this mystery for you.
That’d be one of thirteen I had this morning, and nine I have, having paid rent.
Your rent is 4 hundred bucks?
Yes. I rent a room.
A room that has 4 other rooms in it?/ lives in a low cost of living area.
Good on you for that. My daughter is all, “Papa, why don’t you buy a palace? I wanna live in one.” Working my ass off to pay off this fucking condo and they always want more. Old man grumble.
Tell your daughter to get a rich husband.
Not that I believe in this shit, but I did see that tonight the Sun meets the Moon in Aries, so sparks are supposed to be flying everywhere.
2:1 she had a penis.
lol…….this here is why I waste so much time here. God I need a life. And a green dress.
My Wife Showed of Her new Green Dress at Gdaughters birthday on Saturday,Women in Green, Stunning…
But not a real green dress; that’s cruel.
Lady was self-servicing. Sometimes a beautiful creature just wants to throw the shackles and just be a pretty thing. I remember being a young athlete and just bursting into a sprint for no reason at all.
I was looking for the Pina Colada song reveal at the end.
I think you mean Pinacoladaburg.
Man… staying buzzed all day really sucks the energy out of you….
It takes practice.
It does. I could have gotten shitfaced. But… I had too many obligations. Staying slightly buzzed takes a lot of practice.
Yeah, considering my new job starts tomorrow, I am having one more glass of wine tonight and calling it.
I’m off. A week in the desert starting tomorrow.
Now that you’re in San Diego, warm weather is only 2 hours away:
Schneikies! I am ok with the moderate cool/warm of San Diego, thanks.
Takes about two years before you notice the effects. I’m noticing the effects.
Hayeksplosives Drives a Kia!
At least for now…They rented me a Kia Soul here in San Diego while I await the delivery of my monster Ford Expedition. New digs are nice, went shopping for essentials today and loved being able to buy wine and hard liquor right in the grocery store!!! Crazy fun.
Did not like having to pay for plastic bags. Boo.
Congratulation on your real migration.
You mean I’m not just a Dreamer?
You’re not the only one….
Just buy ten and keep em for shopping only, the small stores still give out the smaller black bags, which are helpful.
Black market idea! I meet you guys at the border and you can have all the plastic grocery bags that you ever dreamed of, free of charge! Not a money-making venture, just a Churchill salute to the butt-plugs.
I’ll trade for good Weed!
/Not endorsing interstate commerce violations……………
My Easter music contribution. Marc Martel covers “Is He Worthy?”
If you want to know what Freddy Mercury would have sounded as a Christian instead of Zoroastrian, here you go. If you don’t have patience for the whole thing looking for the Freddy transformation, go to 2:50m. Otherwise, I recommend all 4:30 min.
Kind of ,but no ,That’s no Freddy Clone, is there a better example?
/Freddy Fanatic
His original audition to “be” Freddy in Queen Extravaganza.
His very interesting explanation/demonstration of Mercury’s style and how it changed over the years.
Hmmm, sounds almost like…. Me, but a bit gravelly and uneven in volume, that’s just Youth and inexperience, I’m sure he will succeed in what ever He does, He has plenty of time.
That audition was a few years ago. He’s pretty polished now. But when he does his orginal stuff, he is just himself and not Mercury.
Here is one of “my faves, Paradise, about an unhealthy but addictive love affair.
I can relate.
Also just google Marc Martel Queen and you’ll find plenty.
I spent Easter Fools Day utterly and entirely alone.
When you’re a Glib you’re never alone! The FBI is always watching.
I’m fucking jealous.
i saved you some egg salad
I’ll be over in bit. Stupid me got into a “Oh yeah, well I do this around the house!” fight with the wife. That’s not winnable.
Dude, give in, then go about what you were doing anyway, then thank HER for fixing it, instant Pussy
My brain agrees. My inner animal doesn’t. That’s when I just go out for a walk.
Need more Beer
20K walk again, Gaijin?
In the good old days the old man would go out for a pack of smokes, come back four days later and be fine for a couple months.
Do you have a soiled panties hunt over there?
Yeah, but it’s on gash Wednesday.
*Throws flag
Religious holiday distufication
Usually I like it but not this time. Health concerns are kicking my ass lately. “I’m not afraid of dying! Why would I be? We’ve all got to go sometime…”
But you have FREE healthcare, that means you’ll live forever, that’s what progs tell us.
Until you are no longer “useful to society” i.e., taxable. Then you get on Carousel. Or that ST:NG where you get smoked at age 60 for the good of society.
That’s why I like the Aussie Men’s Sheds idea. Now feminists are trying to force their way into those, too. Take care, Festie.
Gah, I’m only 53. Maybe I’m at a low ebb lately. I want “sprinty gamboling gazelle” Festus back, not this shambling monster that he’s become. Stand up, back creaks, drop book, kneel down and two gun-shots go off, help yourself up with the aid of the Lay-Z-Boy and frighten the pets with a burst of flatulence that would conquer the Eastern Front circa 1944.
Hell, I’m only 48 and I’d love to hang out in shack making ingots all day.
Then you and I shall become friends, Friend. I’d like nothing better than to play golf or fish but I found that it’s more physically taxing now. Too lazy to launch the boat, nowadays. I never thought this would be me.
Bloody kids today ….
If I told you my story, you’d cry tears of joy. Things can always be worse.
No way, CP. All white males live on Yachts and are immortal.
Why do you assume I’m white just cuz I’m from Wisconsin, shitlord!? (I am white though)
Peel these grapes and I shall tell you a tale…
We are playing the Range at Slab City Saturday night, here’s the list we are using
Dead flowers
That’s right (original)
Life by the Drop
Closing time
Should be good, maybe some video from the stage, but we worked on the tune a bit today and we should sound fine
Closing time is about childbirth; true story.
We do it because I nail the vocals, the crowd trips, true story…
I got applause from drunks in a bar once when I did What If by Creed. They were drunks.
I shared Trip With Jesus earlier in the day; but I think maybe late night Glibs will appreciate it more than the midday Glibs.
Derivative, but fun vocal engineering, sounds Tough, like i like
Sometimes the late night glibs were also mid day glibs. I am not a big fan of that. No offense. It did somehow lead me to this though.
Well, your link reminded me of this: Same but different
A better Hogg:
The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner: Written by Himself: With a detail of curious traditionary facts and other evidence by the editor
Those things don’t quite add up.
Even this is a better Hogg. Aside from Catherine Bach in daisy dukes the was pure-D shit. –