I survived the first night of Passover, despite the mandatory four glasses minimum of wine. We opened the door for Elijah, but made sure to lock it afterward, given that the countryside is fraught with marauders. And I’m prepared for the usual weekend ritual of chasing off Catholics, Jehovah’s Bystanders, and assorted Evangelicals who come to the door to try to lead me astray from the vicious arms of Yahweh. And a week of eating matzo brei, which I’d probably hate if I weren’t raised on it. But I was, so I crave it.
OK, what’s relevant in the news? In my ancestral land, the Arabs continue their quest for this year’s Darwin Award. And in its usual way, the UN re-enacts the “two wolves and a sheep vote on what’s for dinner.”
Related: Jordan goes ape-shit because Jews have the temerity to celebrate Passover at the site of their ancient Temple. This of course is a total affront to Muslim sensibilities.
I can’t help but say it: you goyim are fucking nuts. My idea of celebration is drinking, eating, music, sex. Goyim have a somewhat different approach.
Speaking of fucking nuts, the only really good news of the week was the faint possibility that the US might get out of Syria, one of 23 countries where we have troops and one of seven countries where Nobel Peace Prize winner Obama waged shooting wars despite the total absence of a defense need. So of course, CNN has decided that this would be a horrible thing because Trump. (Not that I think it will actually happen until I see it)
Old Guy Music! I saw there was a discussion last night about urinal etiquette and it reminded me of something that happened in the late 1970s. I was at a small jazz club in Baltimore (it was a vanity business run at a huge loss by local Chevy dealer Harry Gladding bringing in top jazz talent) seeing Richie Cole. Now, for those of you unfamiliar, Cole is from the West Coast Phil Woods school of bop alto players, with a HUGE sound and insane energy; even ballads are the musical equivalent of Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride. After the first set, I was exhausted just listening- and desperately in the need to drain my lizard. I made my way over to the bathroom, stepped up the the urinal, unzipped, and let fly. As I irrigated the porcelain, I noticed that Cole was unloading at the next pisser. In my best Chris Farley manner, I said, “Wow, great show!” In a cool hipster tone, he responded, “Thanks, man. Anything you want to hear?” I thought for a second and said, “Harold’s House of Jazz?” “Sure, man, but instrumental, none of us can sing.”
And when he came out, he said to the pickup band (which featured Steve Novosel), “Same chords as Cherokee,” and unleashed the torrent. This is the studio version with the brilliant scat singer, Eddie Jefferson, and Cole’s 20,000 volt solo starts at around 2:30 or so.
Letters to the Local Rag: Parents Just Don’t Understand Edition
Do they even have any idea how many bombardment cannons are pointed at them? I mean the commentariat is allowed to tell your fellow mammals about Your Future Reptilian Overlords. It’s not like I made you assholes sign a non-disclosure or anything
I keep my mouth shut because I want to enjoy the stupid look on their face when a phased plasma canon melts their impotent capitol.
Behold the power of the Word of the Fourth State of Matter!
Actually we will likely keep most of the leadership housing. Just install a few heat lamps.
However we do intend to rule your world from the original Jersey Shore house…
Lulz. Do it.
Seriously, I though Mecca would’ve been more to your taste, and twice as funny.
I’m think it could be the lizard overlords new vacation destination.
Nice big rock to lounge on.
[Reply censored in accordance with Reptilian-Muppet alliance NDA]
That’s it.
Penaltax for any person who does not own one rifle and one sidearm and train with them on a monthly basis. Our militia needs to be properly drilled in the use of their armaments, dammit.
That would be some brilliant trolling. Some legislator should propose that every adult needs to report in for militia training at least once a month. They need to bring a firearm and do a few hours of drilling. After all the 2nd amendment says “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State”. That means the govt can require you to train.
This is actually how you render the anti-2A argument moot.
Good. Then I can order a full auto whatever without a stamp, background check or registration, right?
Plus, it would be fun to watch “progressives” twist themselves into a pretzel trying to explain why this particular penaltax is a violation of consumer freedom but a certain other penaltax is the best policy ever.
nor do traffic laws prevent all traffic accidents, but we don’t throw them out the window.
Actually, they do.
Sure that works in Germany, but try that in Latin America and see how it goes.
They’re not going to follow the rules anyway if you put up road signs, so why bother.
The standard response of “fuck off slaver” applies.
“Many older people cannot understand the reality of the world today’s youth face.”
That’s right. It’s the old people who have actual real world experience who don’t understand. The youngsters that have yet to step foot outside of a classroom are the ones who totally understand what kind of world they’re going into.
It amazes me that this argument is working.
I know a lot less now than I did at 18.
At 18 years of age I guess I just didn’t understand either? My friends do call me an old soul, I guess it all makes sense now!
Do they still have to get under their desks and pretend to stay safe in case of an atomic bomb attack?
“Many older people cannot understand the reality of the world today’s youth face.”
From a purely statistical perspective, the world of my youth was far more violent than the world of the typical American youth of today. So I’m going to go with a resounding: Blow It Out Your Ass, Kid.
“We know these laws don’t work, but we want to pass them anyway because we think gun owners are bad people.”
Alright, you know what? We try reason and logic and it goes in one ear and out the other. We bend and compromise and the grabbers just push further. We “take the high road” and stay above the fray and they insult us every way they can. Enough. These are people who don’t believe in individual liberty, any meaningful definition of human or natural rights, logic, reason, or anything other than unthinking, emotional responses and tribal warfare. Well, fuck off. No more compromise, no more debate. When the person you’re arguing with isn’t acting in good faith, you don’t have an argument, you have a fight. And we’ve got the guns.
I think “molon labe” is going to become my “fuck you, cut spending”.
I dont call them naive. I call them liars.
Bad time to be a clown. Unless you’re a clown in Washington. Those bozos are doing pretty well for themselves.
Hey, don’t blame all of us because some Fillipinos are crazy
“If one of my family members gets sick, this is what we do,” said Norman Lapuot, 25, as he flogged himself with a bamboo-tipped whip. “I do this for my relatives.”
‘I felt the pain’
Lapuot, who said it was his fourth time taking part in the ceremony, added that he believed the ritual bloodletting had helped his grandfather recover from a stroke.’
In related news: I hit myself in the foot with a shovel for my sister’s mortgage…but she’s still paying it off.
Next time I get sick, I’m going to find a Filipino to whip. What do I have to lose?
There are certain doors you shouldn’t open.
Hellraiser comes to mind…
Try a Filipina instead.
I’ll try both. Maybe I can get a BOGO.
This is the “Jungle Asia” HM talked about.
You could drop “some” from that last sentence and it would still be true.
It’s more than just nutty Flips.
I haven’t forgotten about the oversize kitbash article project.
I’ve just been procrastinating. I have five things left to paint and some chains to make and I will have finished it… so why do I procrastinate??!?!!
Yet, somehow I found the time to Paint this guy
Is he giving a peace sign? Odd thing to do while carry I war axe.
He’s also surfing on the back of that scarab.
I guess he’s a Hippie Cryptek
Letters to the Local Rag: Only Qualified Protestors Need Apply Edition
A smart administrator would have made a list and added them to the presumptive rejection pile.
Was this the march that was 88% professional protestors who didn’t know what they were even there for and was also 90% adult with an average age of 49?
Yup, that one. The one that likely didn’t even have 1000 under 18s in it.
I’m over this crap because my wife and her sister are extra invested because it was their HS. Keeping my mouth shut has become more difficult, but I know no amount of counter facts will change their opinion.
It’s feelz over realz, man. People will get out in the sunshine and walk around at a social event and call it a march so they can claim some moral high ground for walking around outside meeting new people. Then they’ll latch on to the next outrage and have a picnic somewhere else. No sense ruining their parade looking for sense.
Shit, later on today I’m gonna go attend a sit-in on my boy’s porch in support of gun rights and local brewers. I might make a sign.
Make sure to post it to instant grams and my face.
#grabmeanotheronyourwaybackfromtheheadplease #brownalesmatter #yourneighborshateusandfearus
Lol, delusion is a motherfucker
No these kids did all this planning themselves. No way it was paid for by and organized by Bloomberg.
I posted this story about the shadowy innards of anti-gun groups below but didn’t want you to have to grub around for it.
I saw a Twit yesterday. Maybe a retwit from Ben Shapiro? I can’t find it now. It was a twit from a person reading resumes for an internship and some girl sent in her resume with screenshots of mean tweets she had sent to POTUS. It made me chuckle.
That’s OK it was probably an internship where they were so unwoke that they would fire you for challenging the dress code.
“I saw college admissions officers figuring out how to compete for these young people.”
Not Mr. Hogg, apparently.
Many older people cannot understand the reality of the world today’s youth face.
They all want cake. That’s as much as I need to know.
Playing with your food.
I just want to know what they used for eyes.
I’m a fan of this one:
I’d guess black olives
The local-ish art museum of which I am a member has an annual Peeps art exhibit.
I am sad the WaPo stopped the annual peeps dioramas. Those were great.
I saw future school board members, college presidents, mayors, governors, Congress members and perhaps a president, as well as CEOs, generals, admirals and ambassadors.
I saw real change coming.
I have seen the future, and it is bleak.
I would wager there are not too many generals, admirals or CEOs in that rabble. Politicians…probably.
My thoughts but more concise.
At this stage, the minimum that America should be doing is deploying a smart, well-planned, diplomatic offensive to help shape a stable Middle East in the aftermath of the Syrian war. But under Trump, American diplomacy is in shambles. The State Department has shriveled, and those working in the administration are busy protecting their careers.
If Trump’s Syria policy has seemed inconsistent until now, it is likely to take yet another turn with his new choices for secretary of state and national security adviser, Mike Pompeo and John Bolton, respectively. They are both hawkish on Iran and Russia and may well disagree with Trump’s apparent willingness to relinquish US influence to Tehran and Moscow. But Trump, of course, is the President.
Trump was right that Obama failed on Syria. But, so far, this new sheriff has proven much worse than the old one.
That’s she weird. She forgot to tell us what that smart, well-planned, diplomatic offensive might actually entail. Or what her ideal Middle East peace would look like. I guess she just hit her word limit. She’ll tell us next time.
I’ll be honest, I don’t have an answer to the Middle East and I haven’t heard a compelling answer, so I vote stay out of it.
The Middle East strikes me much like coming across a domestic spat. Don’t get involved, because you can’t fix it, you can only become a convenient target.
Exactly. Nothing we’ve done has made it any more stable or peaceful, so we should at least stop putting our fucking fingerprints on it.
Seal it all off, shut down the bases, and conduct freighter ship diplomacy. That’s the answer.
I would vote to have the Turks and Russians take over our role of dumping in tons of money and men with no discernible effect. We’ll take a break for a while.
Well that’s easy. Meetings. Lots of them. In major metropolitan area with lots of expensive five-star motels and restaurants. Plenty of photo-ops.
Just don’t ask for anything beyond that. Real progress, forget about it. If your lucky you might get an agreement to meet again. In other major metropolitan areas with expensive five star motels and restaurants.
The Aspen Center is the only place these things can be discussed. It is known that is the go to place for the top men to spend our money to solve unsolvable problems.
That place just radiates insufferable smugness.
I think the problems are solvable. It is just that most of the people “trying” to solve really aren’t. They might lose power and all the opportunities for corruption that entails. Plus the people they “represent” might actually hold them responsible for the state of the people.
That can’t happen.
I don’t think religious hatred is solvable in any sort of time frame the top men think in. Society will eventually give it up I have no doubt, but we will be into the third term of President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho. NPR’s take on Hamas sending kids to harass and get shot by IDF troops this morning is something like, ‘There is a day of mourning across Palestine today after Israeli troops fired on protesters at a planned protest.’
I’m curious about the concept of a five-star motel. Motel 6 probably not five-star, so would it be Ramada? Holiday Inn? Howard Johnson’s? I’m guessing five-star motels would still have a hard time competing with five-star hotels, though, but probably good enough for them foreigners.
I was thinking like this or this.
“…this new sheriff has proven much worse than the old one.”
That depends on what your goals are.
Trump worse than Obama on Syria? Smart? Define it honey because I’ve only been reading about this running story for over 35 years now.
Obama made such a mess of things in the Mid-East and one can say Trump ‘inherited’ Obama’s shit.
And apparently Trump is worse because he can’t overcome Obama’s incoherent and failed foreign policy legacy.
Is Libya still literally a wasteland with cannibal rape gangs? I think it is. How are things going in Iraq? It was mostly under control when Obama took office. The only way that he could fuck things up as badly as he did was if he did it on purpose.
Don’t attribute to malice when incompetence is so much more of a low hanging fruit.
I don’t think Obama is a stupid person. I think he’s a very intelligent, cunning, and charismatic person who has a unique skill for making people literally fall in love with him and suspend all judgement.
Think about all the shit he did that would make the Left apoplectic if a Republican had done it, and consider that almost all of them would enthusiastically say that he was the best president in history. That’s a scary thing.
Coming home from work at 1:30 this morning I stepped on some ice which broke away to reveal 6inch deep hole under it. My foot twisted all sorts of the wrong way while my knee smashed into the ice. I’m ready for winter to fucking end.
Ouch! Sorry.
I feel like the Pope declaring that there’s no hell should be a bigger story. I need a Catholic’s take on this. Does anyone track Eddy so we can get his thoughts on this? Is he having a breakdown?
I asked my wife and she said the pope said he never said that and there is no proof.
The truth is he knows there is a Hell.
It’s in the Russian Subway. See?
I kind of want to visit Russia, but am afraid I won’t make it back.
Best. Cosplay. Ever.
Well, he didn’t declare it, he gave personal thoughts in a private conversation…and that’s the best defense, we need to elect an anti-pope.
Or just choose the right Pope. Just throwing it out there….
I’ve got a couple of inches of fresh snow outside the window. I’m pretty much over it.
Holy crap. It was in the 70s yesterday. 50 today, and I’m ready for it.
Snowed here this morning as well, ontop of the ice I injured myself on coming home from work. I dread trying to make it out to the car to back to work today.
Was this injury on your property, or someone elses?
I could use a good ass kicking…
Morning all.
I’ve been working on my old HiFi referb for the last couple of nights, so I haven’t been keeping up with the Glibs.
I have been documenting the referb with photos and notes to eventually create an article for the site. I’ll have to edit it quite a bit to keep it from being too long. Is there a size limit I need to be concerned about and can I include video/sound files?
What sort of hih-fi?
American Hi-Fi?
The admins are pretty open. You can split it or submit all.
What pieces are you refurbishing? I have some small experience in this and may have a suggestion or two.
It’’s a Webcore Ravinia from the late 50’s. It has great mahogany wood furniture with a turntable, radio, remote control slot for a reel to reel, and Aux inputs.
Here is a pic of the unit.
I’m recapping the power chassis right now. The high level plan is to get the electronics working well, get the pots cleaned up, get the turntable cleaned and lubed, then finally recondition the wood.
Delightful! Pro tips: Use 105 degree rated caps. Replace the pots, you’ll never get them clean enough. What’s the tube lineup?
12AB5 ‘s in the power supply.
12AX7’s in the pre amp
and a variety in the tuner.
JJ is a great and inexpensive 12AX7/ECC83. They look a bit odd, but the performance is superb.
12AB5 is a fun tube, but not always easy to get.
I was able to get the unit working prior to replacing any components, not bad for a $20 Craig’s list find.
Here are my actual pics and progress so far. I’m not interested in keeping the chassis stock. https://imgur.com/gallery/B9Sly
That’s going to be gorgeous!
Thanks for the insight and encouragement.
Christian symbolism or interspecies erotica?
She’s really pointless aside from her excellent singing voice. Neither edgy nor erotic.
She seems nuts to me. I would do shots with her.
Wow, I don’t know, I thought those were pretty enticing. But I know, all you guys are into “thicc” so lean and toned is not supposed to be attractive any more.
I guess I’ll have to be one of the rare throwback types to think she’s OK, as it appears Thor’s brother does as well, if you scroll down the page.
“She’s not like a regular mom!”
I think she’s the one the term MILF was invented for. If she isn’t, she should be.
And now for some (again, probable) shiksa goddesses to lead you astray.
24 is a repeat, but might just be worth disapproval from bubbe for going after.
Is 3 crying? Good. One less thing for me to check off the list.
I’ll take 47. Seems fun.
Couldn’t go through all of the admittedly fine list, but I’ll tell you this. $500 says #6 is a freeeeeeeeeak. In fact, I’ll go so far as to say that while she’s not the most physically attractive of the bunch, I’m gonna take her, a weekend in a hotel somewhere in the middle of nowhere, and a pound of Yohimbe.
I’ll be honest, I don’t have an answer to the Middle East and I haven’t heard a compelling answer, so I vote stay out of it.
Exactly. I’m really tired of people who say, “You’re fucking it up!” without ever even pretending to offer any sort of specific alternative.
Even “Kill ’em all, and let Kali sort ’em out,” would be better than nothing.
I have never made urinal chat with a famous musician, but there is this one time I was drinking bad margaritas in Buffetts Margaritaville in Key West shortly after it opened in the early 90’s and these guys walked in. My buddy stood up, threw his arms over his head and yelled, “BLACK CROWES” and they all threw their arms over their heads and yelled, “Yaaaaa” and then we all got drunk at separate tables and undoubtedly pissed in the same pissers.
I got drunk at a table next to John Lee Hooker, at least when he wasn’t boogeying on the dance floor with hot white chicks 1/3 his age.
I said ‘hello’ to Dave Matthews at a urinal in Whistler, and he said “hey mate” back to me.
My wife and her friend actually made me run into the men’s room when they saw him going in.
Christ, CNN has become worse than Soviet era Pravda. I see last night that they have been functioning as state media for Ergodan in Turkey. When Ergodan was staging the fake coup CNN Turkey didn’t run any stories on it. In fact while it was going on they ran a documentary on penguins. They aren’t any better here. The story yesterday on increased gun sales and NRA donations was just a jaw-dropper. They deserve all of the contempt that can be heaped on them.
What exactly did they do?
With regards to which? For years they have been letting Ergodan write propaganda for them. The gun story they claimed that school shootings were provoking gun sales and NRA donations. I am not sure how that works and they didn’t say. There was no mention of gun grabbers working themselves into a frenzy prompting sales.
Yesterday CNN Turkey said they would stop being Ergodan’s bitch. I for one believe them.
I was thinking about the latter. I figured you had a link. (Not that anybody reads the links, of course.)
I saw a report on TV last night. I haven’t looked online. I just shook my head and took note
While their reasoning is dishonest the outcome they are referring to is quite accurate
matzo brei
It has what OMWC craves!
Prepubescent girls? Jews eat weird stuff.
Huh? When you sit down to eat, aren’t you grossed out when you find a big hair in your food? Exactly. Now you know how OMWC feels.
“An impartial and transparent investigation must be conducted into the deaths and injuries of Palestinian protesters after deadly skirmishes erupted on the Gaza border Friday, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said in a statement. ”
I am sure it will be.
You know kids. Always rushing hostile borders for kicks.
Rioting is not protesting.
Judge apologizes for stealing neighbor’s underwear. When you see his picture, you won’t be surprised.
Meh, I’m ok with it
What about the neighbor’s picture?
(The videos don’t play on my Linux box.)
He did that shit. And that wasn’t the first time, I’ll bet.
Dismantling the Ascended One’s laegacy, ch 792
Just days after Donald Trump was elected president, the auto industry asked him to relax greenhouse-gas and fuel-economy standards for passenger cars and trucks. A year later, the Trump administration is reportedly about to grant that request, an action that, rather than helping the industry, will hurt its long-term competitiveness and stability.
The standards in question, put in place by the Obama administration, make cars cleaner to drive and cheaper to own. By 2025, they would nearly double fuel economy to 51.4 miles per gallon, as measured in a laboratory, which is equivalent to a real-world average of 36 m.p.g. Compared with the real-world average of 26 m.p.g. for compact and midsize cars in 2016, the standards call for an improvement of about one mile per gallon per year over the next nine years.
“I plugged some numbers into a spreadsheet, and saved the world. Now, some idiot wants to ruin my beautiful dream.”
And, of course, by imposing a bunch of artificial constraints on the market, we’ll magically inspire technological innovation. I love that one.
The standards in question, put in place by the Obama administration, make cars cleaner to drive and cheaper to own.
Not cheaper to buy.
Yeah, funny how they left that one out, cause the ‘benefits’ don’t displace the added investment. But really if we were like the Third World where only the rich could afford cars, that would be better.
Cheaper to own? I thought we were supposed to be paying our sin tax for befouling Gaia?
Unlike Clinton and Obama before her, some people on the left aren’t openly dumb enough to tell their voters that they want to financially ravage them. They lie, instead.
Cheaper to own, my ass. The emissions equipment is notoriously expensive to fix and makes the engines far more finicky and less reliable.
Those dumbass car companies could never figure out how to make their products better until the government stepped in and showed them how.
Also, this is what legislation by pen and phone looks like. From this to Trump’s “tariff”, laws decided on the whim of the executive is not how this country was set up.
OK, what’s relevant in the news? In my ancestral land, the Arabs continue their quest for this year’s Darwin Award.
Suggest that the Sudeten Germans have a right of return, and everybody would think you’re crazy.
That article is full of nonsensical whining.
Not all automakers want to weaken standards. Bill Ford, the executive chairman of Ford, and Jim Hackett, the company’s president and chief executive, said in a statement this week, “We support increasing clean car standards through 2025 and are not asking for a rollback.” They called for “one set of standards nationally,” but also “flexibility” in meeting them.
They added that “we believe we must deliver” on reductions in carbon dioxide emissions that are “consistent with the Paris climate accord.”
As far as I am aware, there will be no minimum pollution standards established by law. Go ahead and build those cars, and put them on the lot. People who want them will buy them. People who don’t…
Meanwhile at the evil Dodge lair…
What’s the matter boys? You have glue on the bottoms of your shoes? Get to it.
“I decree that all vehicles must be simultaneously zero emission, superlight, not compress and kill you in a major collision, get 99 miles per gallon, and generally defy the laws of physics.
You know, Ford Motor Company, pioneer of electric vehicles!
They called for “one set of standards nationally,” but also “flexibility” in meeting them.
What they didn’t say is that they’ve got a cozy relationship with the regulators which means they expect this to impact their competitors, especially foreign ones, more than them.
Note to Ted S-
I watched Whistle Stop (George Raft and Ava Gardner) the other night. I thought it was pretty good.
Have you seen George Raft in Red Light?
Perry Mason (er, Raymond Burr) is in prison for embezzling from Raft’s trucking company, and gets soon-to-be-released Col. Potter (er, Harry Morgan) to kill Raft’s kid brother once he’s released. And of course Perry has the perfect alibi, that he’s still in prison.
Your blurb reminded me of the thought I had when they made a Perry Mason movie shortly after Raymond Burr died with the same cast and a visiting lawyer (who made no claims to the name) and the only thought was that they missed the perfect opportunity to do “The Murder of Perry Mason”. It’s not like the series as it had been would be coming back with Burr dead, and a character from a series like that has a lot of other characters with motive to do them in, some of whom are very clever.
But the mushheads in hollywood decided to take a stck standard Mason script, scoop out the title character’s parts and write in a bad texas charicature to fill in.
Even if they were trying to run it as a backdoor pilot to their replacement lawyer show now that their star was gone, which would draw more viewers – the run of the mill script with the serial numbers changed, or the murder of the title character who cannot come back to the screen (barring the inevitable reboot a few decades down the line)
I notice a new angle on how the left attacks Peterson is with how he speaks. He’s too ‘methodical’, he ‘doesn’t smile enough’, ‘he’s calculating and cold’.
Wel, he IS fighting a massive tsunami of retardation so he has to be calm, cool and collected.
Basically, they’re saying he has no emotions and people with no emotion are evil so you know, accept whatever nonsensical, pseudo-scientific bull shit on things like gender they scream and spew.
At least they’re being honest. The only real counterargument they can muster that holds any water is that he has an utter disregard for their feelings. Which I’m fine with, frankly. Sometimes you have to say uncomfortable things that are true to heroin addicts, for example, to get them into rehab.
When you have no argument…
And if he showed emotion they’d criticize him for that.
Just think how they would shit their pants if he were a she or xi. That is patently sexist alt-right dog whistling!
Now it would be funny if you could deliver one of his lectures while channeling Sam Kinnison.
the fact they spend so much time/energy trying to denounce and disparage the guy basically accomplishes nothing except raise his profile.
he’s basically some ‘slightly-better-than-average academic’ who’d otherwise be undistinguished outside his professional circles, *but for the outrage the left heaps on him*
if they just fucking ignored him, like the way most people in the real world ignore things that don’t affect them directly, he’d maybe have remained some hardly-known figure who happened to appear in a few youtube videos.
instead, he’s had profiles done in every single “mainstream-left” newspaper suggesting, “This fake academic is fake and has bad ideas and you should hate him”. Which is roughly the equivilent of giving him a 5-star reviews in conservative-circles.
its all so dumb. 90% of the people moaning about him have never and will never read a word that he’s written, and even if they did, they’d be doing so only for the intention of trying to find some out-of-context phrase which they think confirms their judgment of him as some batshit crypto-nazi
Shit, later on today I’m gonna go attend a sit-in on my boy’s porch in support of gun rights and local brewers. I might make a sign.
You’d think so, but I think that he means that when he said he intends to make a sign, he is thinking along the lines of deer sign, not some political messaging.
If I was his kid, I might not be so excited to see him if he is leaving his “sign” all over my porch.
Have you seen George Raft in Red Light?
I don’t remember it. I’ll have to see if it’s on Amazon Prime.
Just wrapped up the workout that got delayed by events I’ve already spoken too much about. Once again I am left wondering – what is the actualy bio-mechanism that causes the same weight to feel lighter during the middle of a workout than at the beginning? I know why it feels heavy at the end – you’ve burned up the available energy. It’s that “easy middle set” phenomenon I’m wondering about.
I’ve noticed that too. Maybe it’s vascular? Blood vessels enlarged, more oxygen available? Neurological? Psychological even, like you’re just “in the zone” so you’re expending more effort without it feeling like more effort?
I know very, very little of biology compared to more reliable sciences that study cold dead things. But my understanding is that, yeah, its basically a “all of the above.” Hormones. Blood. Psychology. Warmed up joints. Anything any everything in your body that can help will help when you try to outrun an aurach and beat its head in with a rock when it falls down exhausted. Or when you try to outrun a tiger. Or when you try to outrun another human that is also running away from the tiger.
That doesn’t exist. You must have AIDS.
There’s a reason most people tell you to warm up before hitting the heaviest exercises.
I think the first set gets a lot of blood flowing to that area, allowing for greater recruitment of muscle fibers when you do the second set. But on the third set, your muscles may be exhausted, so it goes back to being difficult.
Basically, they’re saying he has no emotions and people with no emotion are evil so you know, accept whatever nonsensical, pseudo-scientific bull shit on things like gender they scream and spew.
That reminds me of some stupid “How to know if you’re dating a sociopath” article I saw. It wasn’t Teen Vogue, but it was that level of journalistic prowess.
Anyway, the big tipoff is if he remains preternaturally calm and levelheaded in stressful situations. Because that’s bad, I guess.
Funny how that disposition is supposed to simultaneously be sociopathy and that of the ideal “first responder.”
I am a total sociopath, then.
“We operate on emotions. He doesnt. ”
Something to consider but it doesnt mean what they think it does.
Donations Pour in for Rifle Team After School District Rejects NRA’s ‘Dirty Money’
According to an AP analysis, about 500 U.S. schools received more than $7.3 million from the NRA from 2010 through 2016 to promote the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corp, rifle teams and hunting safety courses.
In the wake of the Parkland, Florida, high school massacre last month, some companies responded by cutting ties with the NRA, triggering a backlash from conservatives.
Μολών λαβέ
Remind me how this is not zealotry again?
Punish everyone!
I think I’ve mentioned this before, but I went through gun safety training (from the NRA) in sixth grade. I grew up in a rural area where lots of people hunt. So every fall, shortly before hunting season started, gun safety training was offered. Most kids did it. It was held in the elementary school gym, because it was usually too cold outside (northern Minnesota) and that was a large enough place. It was a very small town and I can’t think of anywhere else than the school that would have the space. Now that schools are gun free zones I wonder where they hold it. I think kids there are now less safe if they can’t have gun safety training.
Before I was born my Dad briefly held the NM state record for open sight, 1000 yard shooting. It’s safe to say that I had shooting in my blood and I first handled a rifle when I was about 8.
It makes me sad that many kids will not only not have that experience today, but will be indoctrinated into thinking an inanimate object has some kind of malevolent power.
The last thing “progressives” want is gun safety training. They don’t want to legitimize the idea that many people own guns legally and use them safely.
In 9th grade physics, our teacher asked us to find the velocity of of a BB in school using a ballistic pendulum. BB guns, in school and on the bus! I mean we also shot out the gym lights, but nobody lost an eye or anything. I also carried a pocket knife every day but never stabbed anyone. Try doing either of those today and you’ll get expelled.
High school to offer ‘Africentric’ math class
In an effort to get more black students interested in STEM subjects, a high school in Nova Scotia, Canada is offering a class in “Africentric” mathematics.
According to CBC News, teachers at Auburn Drive High School incorporate “discussions about the students’ cultural backgrounds, history and their lived experiences,” all the while teaching them math and associated concepts “through an Africentric lens.”
Kevin Hewitt, a physics professor at Dalhousie University and an immigrant from the island of St. Vincent, applauds the class. He says during his school years white teachers would steer him towards “non-academic” math courses as they did not “value” his Caribbean education.
“Throughout my time in Toronto, at junior high and high school, there was always an effort to stream African-Canadian kids into sort of the remedial math or remedial science subjects that wouldn’t allow the student to go on to STEM fields,” he said.
Wait – Isn’t the big story that they found any black people in Nova Scotia?
The hockey puck shortage is OVER!!!!
* racist joke from my youth was Q: Why are there no black people in Canada? A: They melt them into hockey pucks
I demand a course in remedial Leuconomics!
“African-Canadian kids into sort of the remedial math or remedial science subjects that wouldn’t allow the student to go on to STEM fields,” he said.”
But this course will do just fine for STEM? I’ll Grant that I haven’t seen the curriculum, but math can be difficult and taking valuable time away from teaching it, doesn’t seem like the best use of time for someone who is going to be designing societies bridges. Won’t someone think of society?
(My attempt at a prog style response, maybe they will respond better)
remedial math or remedial science subjects that wouldn’t allow the student to go on to STEM fields
Once you take those, you’re branded for life? You only have one bit at the apple and can’t take any more sequence classes after successfully completing the remedial ones? What a fucking idiot. So much better to take a phony ass class that won’t prepare you for taking future classes.
The blacks around here are AMERICANS. They wouldn’t know Africa if it bit them in the ass. They are native borns sons of the United States.
Put one in Africa and in five minutes they would be begging to come home. They are African American like I am Irish American. What a bunch of bullshit.
In an effort to get more black students interested in STEM subjects, a high school in Nova Scotia, Canada is offering a class in “Africentric” mathematics.
2 + 2 = GIMME
this is a bit of a stretch
How Easter became a #MeToo moment
“But they did not believe the women, because their words seemed to them like nonsense.”
— Luke 24:11
The men refused to listen to her story. She was publicly smeared as a whore. And when she emerged as a celebrated advocate, powerful men tried to silence her because she threatened their status.
Nevertheless she persisted.
The woman we’re talking about, though, is not a leader in the #MeToo movement — the viral campaign raising awareness about sexual assault and harassment against women. She is Mary Magdalene, the first person Jesus appeared to after his resurrection, according to the New Testament, and the first person to preach the good news that he had been raised from the dead.
For billions of Christians around the world, Easter Sunday is a celebration of a risen savior. Yet what happened to Mary Magdalene shows that Easter can also be seen as something else — a #MeToo moment, some pastors and biblical scholars say.
“The men refused to listen to her story. She was publicly smeared as a whore”
Quick question, isn’t their ample evidence that this is a different Mary?
Yeah, I always believe people when they tell me people have risen from the dead.
That’s just basic zombie preparedness.
I pissed next to Pinetop Perkins during a break at a benefit he was part of, I said “I really liked your show.” he asked why a young kid like me (mid-20s at the time) was listening to his tired old music.
Norway becoming unwoke?
The men refused to listen to her story. She was publicly smeared as a whore. And when she emerged as a celebrated advocate, powerful men tried to silence her because she threatened their status.
Nevertheless she persisted.
Yeah, okay. Whatever.
Ah, derp. Glorious derp!
The Case Against High-School Sports
The United States routinely spends more tax dollars per high-school athlete than per high-school math student—unlike most countries worldwide. And we wonder why we lag in international education rankings?
American principals, unlike the vast majority of principals around the world, make many hiring decisions with their sports teams in mind—a calculus that does not always end well for students. “Every school in the entire country has done this,” Marcia Gregorio, a veteran teacher in rural Pennsylvania, told me. “You hire a teacher, and you sometimes lower the standards because you need a coach.”
But here’s the thing: most American principals I spoke with expressed no outrage over the primacy of sports in school. In fact, they fiercely defended it. “If I could wave a magic wand, I’d have more athletic opportunities for students, not less,” Bigham, the former Tennessee principal, told me. His argument is a familiar one: sports can be bait for students who otherwise might not care about school. “I’ve seen truancy issues completely turned around once students begin playing sports,” he says. “When students have a sense of belonging, when they feel tied to the school, they feel more part of the process.”
I think this presents an exhibition in the demicratic policy thought process. We are one dimensional lazy thinkers. We don’t want to think about a solution long enough to see the multi-facets. We latch in to the good/bad and then rush to pols/ballots to get it changed.
One of my coach-teachers (teaching government and civics) had a cop come in and tell us all the rights we had when interacting with cops and how to protect ourselves while also complying with the law.
While playing sports never motivated me more than academics, I also never felt like academics was getting the shaft. So much money is spent on schools now that bitching about funding “priorities” like this are meaningless. We already spending well above what is necessary, anything more is just gravy.
Uffda. I need a score card to follow this story. The author does make a great point about difficulty in figuring out who is behind most of the anti-gun groups.
It appears that everyone involved in running the recent protests over Parkland is not from Florida.
Why I am positively shocked you would denigrate the work of these children like that! Now is the time to find solutions, not mudsling at children /fuckface
“Feminists used to reject magazines like Cosmo, now we’re told to celebrate them as empowering
On Tuesday, Walmart announced that it would be removing Cosmopolitan magazine from its checkout lines (though it will still be available on magazine racks). While the reasoning behind this decision is a little too “protect families” for my taste, and was accomplished by an organization that, while anti-pornography, is also headed by a man who is pro-life, I’m not going to cry for Cosmo.
Apparently, I’m in a minority.
In response to the National Center on Sexual Exploitation’s (NCOSE) claim that “Cosmo targets young girls by placing former Disney stars on its covers, despite the enclosed sexually erotic articles which describe risky sexual acts like public, intoxicated, or anal sex in detail,” liberals leapt to the defense of the longstanding women’s magazine.
For decades, the magazine has sold copies through the use of sexualized women on its covers. It might seem odd to talk about objectification in the context of women’s magazines, because in general we understand sexual objectification as something that appeals to the male gaze. But what is insidious about all this is that it isn’t only men who objectify women. Indeed, we, as women, learn to self-objectify — to see ourselves through a male lens. We learn to want to be sexualized, and we learn that our value lies in our ability to accomplish this. That pornographic lens that says women’s body parts exist to turn men on or to be fucked becomes a turn on for many women, as, offered no other options, they connect objectification to sex.
While I can’t presume to know the motives of NCOSE in connecting #MeToo to this action, the liberal push back against their doing so is misguided (but predictable). Liberal feminism has consistently worked to compartmentalize sexual violence, pornography, prostitution, and objectification. But refusing to connect the #MeToo movement to the sex industry and to the sexual objectification of women, more broadly, ensures feminism’s failure. Sexual assault, harassment, and male violence against women is directly connected to objectification. Indeed, the sex industry is a place where these things are not only condoned, but eroticized.”
Not every woman can become a physicist or lobby to stop a foundry from dumping dangerous metals into the creek her children swim in,” Klein said. “Although these actions are incredible, they marginalize the majority of women who are unable to, or just don’t particularly care to, achieve such things. Fortunately for the less impressive among us, a new strain of feminism has emerged in which mundane activities are championed as proud, bold assertions of independence from oppressive patriarchal hegemony.”
TL;DR – Not everyone is exceptional and IT’S NOT FAIR!
I mean I give her credit for standing in principle, but “We learn to want to be sexualized”, If you are talking about beauty and being ‘sexy’ I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but that road goes both ways. What? You’ve never thought about the 90lbd skinny guy? People want to look good, and you can’t blame it all on the patriarchy.
Then again, it could just be that people are titillated by sex and it sells magazines…
but no, it’s the patriarchy. That’s the simplest explanation.
“Confusing. Walmart is going to remove @Cosmopolitan Magazine from its checkout lines, in part as a response to the #MeToo movement, says @USAToday . But Me Too is about harassment, not sex, and certainly not women enjoying sex. Everything is being thrown into the panic blender.”
Walmart recognizes that they cannot be satisfied. Best to just avoid it altogether.
I don’t know about that. Old-school Walmart’s attitude was “if it sells, we’ll stock it”. The current Walmart management, since ca. 2010 or so, has been trying to court specific market segments, rather than just selling whatever they can. That has included some social signaling and questionable business decisions.
More fun with numbers
Tesla Autopilot does not prevent all accidents – such a standard would be impossible – but it makes them much less likely to occur. It unequivocally makes the world safer for the vehicle occupants, pedestrians and cyclists.
No one knows about the accidents that didn’t happen, only the ones that did. The consequences of the public not using Autopilot, because of an inaccurate belief that it is less safe, would be extremely severe. There are about 1.25 million automotive deaths worldwide. If the current safety level of a Tesla vehicle were to be applied, it would mean about 900,000 lives saved per year. We expect the safety level of autonomous cars to be 10 times safer than non-autonomous cars.
The reason this crash was so severe is because the crash attenuator, a highway safety barrier which is designed to reduce the impact into a concrete lane divider, had been crushed in a prior accident without being replaced. We have never seen this level of damage to a Model X in any other crash.
No kidding. That car was fucking *demolished*. I’d be more worried about that than the fucking autopilot. I wonder if Tesla will offer to buy those cars back.
Exactly, it’s not the Auto-pilot that I’m afraid of, it’s the demolished car and the fact that the fire seemed difficult to put out.
Well… they are.
While I can believe it, and I get why an administrator is going anonymous about it, this is about as verifiable as “insiders in the admin say…”
+ 1 anonymous official
Those students should come out and call Hogg & Co. the bullies that they are.
Roseanne saves the world!
“After being handed the “Freedom Award” by an organization whose mission is to “Defeat Trump and the Right Wing in 2018,” Parker and Stone took to the stage and declared, twice: “We’re Republicans . . . no, seriously, we’re Republicans.” This just goes to show that true masters of the comedic art are funny no matter what their politics are and, moreover, their politics are not evident in their art. There is no way People for the American Way would have awarded those guys a “Freedom Award” had they known their political leanings, but that there was sufficient ambiguity about their leanings to garner them this award is instructive.”
I haven’t seen the reboot. Probably won’t see it. You would think that the big money returns might promote more ideological diversity in (((Hollywood))). What’s more important OMWC, money or destroying America? We appreciate your insider info.
I saw it. A little too many in-jokes about the prior run, but not bad.
“So, naturally, Democrats are talking about immigration. Not long before Schumer’s trip to Kentucky, the Democrats briefly shut down the government over the DACA program. Last week, when Trump reluctantly signed the massive omnibus bill, Nancy Pelosi crowed about Democrats restricting funding for Trump’s southern border wall and limiting resources available to border patrol and ICE. In recent days Democrats have been up in arms over the Trump administration’s announcement that it will re-instate a question on citizenship in the 2020 census. “Undocumented immigrants might be afraid to respond, even though courts have ruled that citizens and non-citizens must be counted,” wrote Crooked Media’s Priyanka Aribindi. “If immigrants are undercounted, many communities won’t get the funding or representation in Congress that they deserve.”
Well, yeah. That’s kind of the point.”
The Democrats are ripping the mask off in regards to what immigration policy is really about for them.
The Supreme Court is so full of shit on the issue of voting that they long ago lost track of all their made-up mandates. They say “one man, one vote” and strip 49 states of the sovereignty to constitutionally decide how their own legislatures should be formed, but then they turn around and say non-voters must be counted in representation, which gives some people’s votes more weight than others.
I’m fine with non-voting citizens being counted. Maybe even permanent legal residents.
“You can’t start a database on where illegal immigrants are living because some day that could be used to round them up.”
“You are so paranoid to think that a database of gun ownership would ever be used to confiscate guns.”
Am I the only one getting tired of people who don’t ever think through their positions and are living in a state of cognitive dissonance where they are able to hold conflicting views without any difficulties?
(I am starting to lean towards Suthen’s contention that it isn’t ignorance it is straight up duplicity.)
It’s a continuum that ranges from duplicity at the top to ignorance at the bottom.
It seems President Trump has declared April to be Sexual Assault month.
Get out there and grab a pussy for America.
We really can’t be sure how he meant that.
I think we can take it upon ourselves to define what it means.
“I had to take sexual assault training at work today and it was useless! They didn’t teach me anything about how to harass women!”
Here’s a peppy little number for your Saturday morning.
But what is insidious about all this is that it isn’t only men who objectify women. Indeed, we, as women, learn to self-objectify — to see ourselves through a male lens. We learn to want to be sexualized, and we learn that our value lies in our ability to accomplish this. That pornographic lens that says women’s body parts exist to turn men on or to be fucked becomes a turn on for many women, as, offered no other options, they connect objectification to sex.
“Sexuality is learned behavior.”
Once again, we have feminist word salad which implies that women are merely empty vessels into which ideas must be poured.
Am I supposed to believe women are innately asexual? Because experience leads me to believe otherwise.
“Sexuality is learned behavior.”
I suppose that’s true in that hundreds of millions of years ago the first sexually reproducing organisms had to learn that if they wanted to propagate, they needed to have sex.
They are, except when they aren’t. Only a shitlord can’t tell when that is.
And/or, they’re so weak they are compelled to act as men want them to.
“Sexuality is learned behavior.”
No, it’s not. It’s innate. At our basest, perpetuating the human species is the single most important thing we do on the planet.
That’s why I find anti-natalists so ridiculous.
We exist to perpetuate ourselves, as does every other species of life.
But how we present ourselves as sexual is learned.
Maybe, but your turn-ons and turn-offs are what they are. Women don’t have to gratify men, any more than men have to gratify women, or the appropriate versions for same-sex couples, but if you want to be sexually attractive, you have to aim to hit what the people you want to be sexually attractive to want. That is something that is biological even if the exact things are taken from culture and learning.
Women objectify men, too.
“We Have Noted Your Absence From The Effort To Get Kevin Williamson Fired”
“Why Would the Atlantic Hire Kevin Williamson?
In a memo to staff, editor Jeffrey Goldberg cites an affinity for “second chances” and ideological diversity in hiring the conservative troll. Both justifications ring hollow.”
Shorter Slate:
Stop fucking up our echo chamber!
What makes Williamson a troll other than that he writes things they don’t like?
Is everybody who disagrees with you a troll now?
Williamson is way better with the snark – that is his true crime.
I’m thinking Ted won’t be apologizing like Laura Ingraham.
You’re right, I won’t.
Who the fuck is Kevin Williamson, and why should I care?
“The case against you, as best as I can tell, rests on three charges. You think abortion is murder and tweeted — appallingly in my view — that doctors and women should perhaps be hanged for it. You believe “sex is a biological reality” and that gender should not be a choice. And you once boorishly described an African-American boy in East St. Louis, Ill., “raising his palms to his clavicles, elbows akimbo, in the universal gesture of primate territorial challenge.””
“Kevin Williamson is dreadful, and The Atlantic should feel bad for hiring him
Williamson has a history of making misogynistic, extreme, and outrageous claims on a number of issues”
“Also new to The Atlantic is Kevin D. Williamson, who joins the masthead after a decade at National Review and several years as a theater critic for The New Criterion. At National Review, he wrote on many of the most contentious and urgent topics in America—from the opioid crisis to poverty and pornography. His writing on American politics and on the rise and meaning of Donald Trump gained him an international following. Earlier in his career, he worked for the Indian Express newspaper group, and for newspapers in Texas, Pennsylvania, and Colorado. He is the author of The End Is Near and It’s Going To Be Awesome. Williamson will bring his prolific writing to both TheAtlantic.com’s ideas section and to the magazine.”
This is a coconut:
I shouldn’t have read the comments; most of them were just slagging each other, but there was this gem on why Hogg wasn’t getting into universities:
“Curtis Carr
Mar 30
Replying to @CNN
Those Universities receive endowments from NRA members and see him as a threat in the future. He’s old enough to vote, well educated and well sooken. Future Congressman and President of the United States when he’s eligible.”
Of all the dumb shit that’s been said, the idea that the entire University of California system is in the pocket of the NRA has to rank pretty high up there.
A lot of “progressives” are accustomed to seeing themselves as the victims. They really do live in a bizarro world where universities are right-wing indoctrination camps and the entire media is biased against Obama and Hillary.
Gah! After reading this story about woke Minnesoda students demanding affirmative consent teaching in high school I just realized that Hogg is going to end up being a sex teacher.
That story is pretty stupid (don’t these kids realize that all the woke folk have moved on from sex to guns?) except that if you pay attention you see that all these THE U of M grads are now teaching sex ed to middle schoolers. It is like their education didn’t provide them with any real tools to get a good job. It is also a good illustration of how the govt gives money to groups who then petition for new laws/requirements that grow govt.
So when this gun hysteria dies out, Hogg is going to have to find a new gig. I’m sure he can teach sex ed to teens like the rest of the progs. I would think he is already an expert on how to fist/be fisted.
Alison Camerota- probably would, and repent at leisure.
Richie Cole & Eddie Jefferson – Harold’s House of Jazz. More of this, OMWC!
Apparently, this Williamson guy is a notorious race traitor who done r-u-n-n-o-f-t from the plantation.
I wondered, because there were a couple of things at the NYT about him which I did not read.
i have discovered a whole new dimension of porn
Nice, I like ballerinas. The kangaroos are a bit outside my comfort zone though.
Do you call the offspring from one of (((them))) fucking a kangaroo a Jewey?
No, but at the bar you can’t call BS when they claim they forgot their wallet because their pockets are so big you can’t see it.
Well. After reading that Slate piece about him, this Williamson character sounds like an okay guy.
Kurt Eichenwald, ladies and gentlemen.
But how we present ourselves as sexual is learned.
To be honest, I suspect that “learned behavior” is more a case of reinforcement of predispositions.
Who the fuck is Kurt Eichenwald?
Some idiot who, when posting a screenshot of his browser in a totally unrelated post, had a tab of hardcore Japanese tentacle porn open. This would not have defined any normal man, but Eichenwald decided to say he was looking at it because he was doing research. For his kids. To show to his wife.
Needless to say, he has not been able to live it down since. Although Google has dutifully scrubbed all the revealing autocompletes from searches for his name.
Noted hentai scholar
[golf claps]
“Statistically, at Least 2 Disney Princesses Have Had Abortions
We need many kinds of Disney princesses, according to an extremely fun meme whooshing across the ‘net. We need a Disney princess who juuls; we need a Disney princess who is falling asleep/calling a cab/having a smoke/taking a drag; we need a Disney princess with chronic UTIs. We also, according to one Planned Parenthood affiliate who tweeted and then deleted, need a Disney princess who has gotten an abortion. Statistically, like two and a half already have.
According to the Guttmacher Institute, 23.7 percent of women in the United States will have had an abortion by age 45. According to the “official” Disney princess website, there are 11 “official” Disney princesses: Belle, Rapunzel, Ariel, Tiana, Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora, Merida, Pocahontas, Jasmine, and Mulan. That means statistically around two and a half of these strong women have gotten abortions and aren’t telling you about it because of a national culture of shame and misogyny!!!”
TW: Jezebel
an extremely fun meme whooshing across the ‘net
So now, let us suck all the fun and joy out of it. I know, let’s make it about abortion! And misogyny!
How many Disney princesses have been aborted?
Best post
“Still, this is a bad look for a reproductive rights organization that has long had to defend itself against bogus claims that it encourages little girls to have promiscuous sex and get abortions! ”
So I visited the Guttmacher Institute to see what they have to say and I came across this little gem of statistical contortion.
If whites are approximately 70% of the population, blacks 13%, Hispanics 16%, and Asians/Pacific Islanders 5%, it would indicate that the rate of abortion differs highly between the races, almost by a factor of four.
Racist shitlord! It just means whites aren’t doing their part!
The racial breakdown is White 72%, Black 13%, Asian 5%, Other 6%, Mixed 3%.
Hispanic is in a different category, 16% of people in any of the above categories are Hispanic, 84% are not.
“Statistically”, as though nothing but their gender is a factor. 23.7% of doctors, cafeteria workers, porn stars, accountants, business executives, college professors, financiers, grocery store cashiers, fast food workers – the percentage is flat across the board, right?
Gregg Easterbrook used to make this kind of argument, probably still does: Teams should go for it on 4th and one more often because the average NFL play gains 3-point-something yards. *head desk*
Yesterday it was 55 out and i was working outside in a t-shirt on the deck I started last fall. Right now it’s 17 with a dusting of snow and more forecast.
It’s Montana though so the town Easter egg hunt goes on.
Right now it’s 17 with a dusting of snow and more forecast.
When I looked earlier, it was 12. There’s about 5″ out there, now and it’s still coming down. Happy Fucking Easter.
*weather forecast says, “Possible accumulation less than 1”. Thanks, Mister Weatherman.
We have a couple inches in Sunny Minnesoda this morning. My wife hates winter and has been bitching all morning.
Here in the banana belt we are looking at a high in the 70’s.
Looking at that picture of David Hogg with his fist upraised, the other day, I finally figured out what he reminded me of. He looks like one of those really crappy marionettes from that Thunderbirds teevee show.
… but even more wooden.
Not Freddy Mercury after the gay conversion therapy?
I find it interesting that this Hogg fellow is getting far more attention than the guy who chased down and killed the guy who shot up that church in TX last year.
Texas church shooting hero doesn’t want the praise
He has been hailed as a hero for shooting the Texas mass killer outside the First Baptist Church and then chasing him down – but Stephen Willeford has mostly shunned the limelight since the massacre.
The 55-year-old plumber was at home when he heard the rapid staccato of gunfire coming from the church. He grabbed his rife and rushed outside – barefoot – to see what was happening.
He ran into Devin Kelley, who had just unleashed a terrifying attack inside the church, leaving 26 dead and 20 wounded amid the blood-soaked pews.
Willeford fired twice, hitting Kelley twice before the gunman jumped inside his Ford Explorer and took off. Willeford hitched a ride with Johnnie Langendorff and gave chase at speeds hitting 95 mph.
The wounded Kelley lost control 10 miles later, ditched his vehicle and blew himself away.
The accolades – and requests for interviews – began to pour in. Vice President Mike Pence appeared with him during his visit to grief-stricken Sutherland Springs on Wednesday.
Willeford was described as a “hero” – but he has rejected the label, referring to himself as a victim who suffered the loss of many friends in the tightly knit community, the San Antonio Express-News reported.
“The people of that church, they’re friends of mine, they’re family. And every time I heard a shot I knew that probably represented a life,” Willeford told the 40/29 News of Arkansas, a Hearst TV affiliate.
He has only granted interviews to that TV station and to the National Rifle Association.
His friends say that the reluctant hero doesn’t like the attention.
Yeah, the local rag ran that picture and found time, in the last week, to run several articles and an editorial and two pro-march letters about Hogg and his friends. Of course, they didn’t run word one about any skeptical folks. I know, because I submitted a letter that wasn’t even full-bore 2nd A. Oh, and when the Tea Party once had a rally at the courthouse, there were “hundreds” there, according to the rag. When the kids assembled last week it was “a thousand”, yet the photo they ran showed far fewer than for the Tea Party rally.
I don’t have much to say about NJR’s new piece, as it is the usual drivel, but I did notice that he is no longer dressing as a 19th century Southern dandy.
It’s an honor to speak here, speakers are granted a certain degree of credibility and legitimacy by virtue of their invitation to come here. I am not coming here as a random person, I am coming here because you’ve decided, correctly or not, that I have something to say that is worth hearing, and afterwards I will get to put on my CV that I spoke here, and people will respect me for it.
[head desk]
No, they put the value of forcing others to be “good” over the value of being free.
But men, white people, and especially non-leftists of any type, those are fair game.
A helpful chart to help understand SWAT hand signals:
lol……I am no fan of SWAT but come on, most chihuahuas really should be shot.
And if they’re asked to choose between those two values, most of them put inclusion slightly higher, which makes sense: they place the value of being good above the value of being free, even though they care about both.
“Scholar says Jesus was a woman dressed as a man
A professor at a Jesuit-run college in Massachusetts has faced criticism for his ‘radical’ reading of the New Testament, in which he suggests that Jesus was neither male nor female, and may have been a drag king.”
I wonder if she’ll be banned from England.
I’d say go to hell, but I guess Jesuits don’t believe in hell.
Not a banana republic
Walmart has agreed to pay Washington, D.C. $1.3 million over canceling plans to open a store in Southeast D.C.
The retailer pulled out of an agreement to open a store in the Skyland Town Center shopping center, angering local politicians.
“When Walmart terminated its lease at Skyland, an underserved part of our community was deprived of jobs and retail options it had been promised,” said Attorney General Karl Racine said in a statement. “District residents expect corporations and developers to honor their commitments.”
When he was mayor, now-Councilmember Vincent Gray struck a deal with Walmart: The retailer would open a store in Skyland as a condition for building stores in other parts of D.C.
“Nice little business youse gots here. It’d be a shame if sumpthin wuz ta happen to it.”
Walmart wins. If they’d been forced to actually open the store and meet their “contractual” commitment to open a store that wasn’t economically viable, it would have been a constant weeping sore on their balance sheet.
If they’d been forced to actually open the store and meet their “contractual” commitment to open a store that wasn’t economically viable, it would have been a constant weeping sore on their balance sheet.
$1.3 million was probably a bargain, in the greater scheme of things.