The fun part about the internet is the ability to review products before you buy. Which can be nice, but it resulted in a lot of blogs specializing in certain things, like say, hair products. Then marketing departments start to notice the number of clicks they get and the blogger figures out what their price is. Then what happens?
“These all suck, buy brand X hair spooge.” All of them do it on some level; never saying a negative word about any one of them willing to toss a few bucks their way. I guess you might say it’s pretty good work to get paid to play with other people’s stuff, then write up something and post something online. Why mess that up by writing something negative?
I’m not getting paid, and let’s face it there’s like 80 of you, so I don’t need to worry about that.
This is my review of Samichlaus Classic Bier.
If you’ve never heard of it, it’s probably because it’s hard to find due to a small batch of it being brewed once a year. Officially, it is Austrian in origin but in recent years moved its brewing to Switzerland. This is a 14% abv beast, that might be the worst beer I’ve ever had. That might be interpreted as hyperbole but I had to think this one over for a bit. Could it really be that bad? Let’s compare:
Stone Stocasticity Project.
Take everything that Stone has ever made. Maybe you had no idea why everyone was throwing a chip at the dealer and said, “C & E” but you followed suit and came back with 15x your bet and bought the entire product line. Whatever the reason you bought everything Stone makes and put it in a blender. That is what this tastes like. The only redeeming quality its it’s healthy 7% ABV which quite frankly is a given. Stone Stocasticity Project: 1.8/5
Crush Cucumber Sour
This one. This is a sick joke played on Mexican Hipsters. Yes, they do exist. Crush Cucumber Sour. 1.5/5
At this point you must be wondering what was wrong with Samichlaus. First, it took me forever to figure out how to pronounce it due to the font. It makes me think they are trying to hide something. At one time they identified it on the bottle as the world’s strongest beer, which might have been true at one point but now is not even close. It was lighter than I anticipated given its ABV. It is a reddish-brown color. It smells like something I can only describe as spiked almond milk. It is sickeningly sweet, like chocolate covered malt balls. If it was ever hopped, I can’t tell.
Maybe I got a dud, because people apparently like this. Samichlaus Classic Bier 1.5/5.
It was brought to my attention the information in the article is incorrect. H/T DEG:
Samichlaus kommt aus dem Schweiz! Schloß Eggenberg in Austria purchased the recipe from Feldschlösschen-Hürlimann-Holding. Samichlaus is still listed on the Schloß Eggenberg brewery’s webpage. I did some digging, your source has things backwards.
The beer is still made in Austria.
“Crush Cucumber Sour”
For that abomination alone your entire species should be eradicated
Mexican Gose?
that would be Otro Vez by Sierra Nevada, Cactus Beer!
We deserve it.
Yes but you also managed to create Jai Alai which I have made quite a decent profit on smuggling it outsystem.
… go on.
Sour yes, Cucumber beer? no and Fuck NO!
“Do you know what else is from Austria?”
I see no pictures of Sachertorte or Linzertorte. I hope the music in the sheet on the teaser picture is something from the Strauß clan. Nita Strauss, who plays guitar with Alice Cooper’s band, is a descendant of Johann Strauss II.
Time to read the article.
Glock Perfection?
I’m embarrassed to admit this here, but it is the first step to fixing a problem.
I’ve never fired a Glock.
Some people like ’em. Some people don’t. Pull the little mov-y thing shaped like a hook and it goes bang.
I’m not a fan of the ergonomics, but they work straight out the box.
Count me as not a Glock fan. I may be a loser, but I like real safety’s. Too much going on under the trigger finger for my taste.
I generally don’t rely on mechanical safeties (I rely on keeping my finger off the trigger until I’m ready to shoot); however, it is nice knowing a back-up is there.
In the case of Glock, you have to pull the trigger to take them down too.
This is one of the reasons that every year, a number of cops (among others) end up having to take some sick leave for giving themselves perforated hands.
I generally don’t rely on mechanical safeties (I rely on keeping my finger off the trigger until I’m ready to shoot) That is what every Glock carrying cop who shot himself in the knee said.
Be fair though, cops are capable of ND-ing just about any firearm into their femoral artery.
This is one of the reasons that every year, a number of cops (among others) end up having to take some sick leave for giving themselves perforated hands.
No, it’s because they fail to clear the chamber prior to pulling the trigger. It’s not that hard folks!
“cops are capable of ND-ing just about any firearm into their femoral artery”
If only it were only their own arteries they were discharging into.
(that’s what she said)
No, it’s because they fail to clear the chamber prior to pulling the trigger. It’s not that hard folks!
I’m quite religious about clearing the chamber before pulling the trigger unless I want to shoot the gun.
Well, the issue of pulling the trigger for takedown isn’t likely to be a problem for experienced, careful handlers of guns, but it’s an unusual feature and has been known to catch people out – often people who rarely use or practice with the guns they have to carry every day.
I don’t like safeties either since there is no industry standard on which direction is ‘safe’. Don’t like the feel of striker fire and feel like there is too much ‘under the hood’ to worry about. I prefer a DA/SA without a safety so have have to really want to have to pull the trigger to make it go bang. So the motion is very similar for my Wilson-Beretta Compact 9 and the LCR wheelgun I carry, as well.
I don’t mind them. My first sidearm love will always be big-bore wheelguns, but I have two Glocks, a 21 and a 36, and the 36 is on my belt whenever I leave the house. They shoot better than I expected and digest any ammo I’ve tried with aplomb.
They are ugly, but I am not in any position to criticize them on that account. As for mechanical safeties, the only safety I trust is the one between my ears.
Get yourself to a GSSF match. Actually, I would encourage everyone to go. Lots of prizes, including pistols, both by drawing or placing. Everyone I’ve been to has had friendly folks and a supportive atmosphere. Only competition is really against yourself.
Thanks! None in New Hampshire… but one of the ones in Pennsylvania is not far from where I grew up, so that’s an option when I’m visiting.
I am a card carrying member of the Not Glock Club. They’re reliable, well-built, and the striker system is proven since nearly everyone uses it these days.
I might just be a dinosaur that would rather have a hammer.
TRUE DOMINEERING SPECIES SHOOT HK…despite their utter lack of after-market parts support for the USP
Meh. I have a Glock 17 and I like it, but it’s not the end-all be-all of semi-automatic pistols. S&W’s M&P line compares favorably, if you can live with or swap out the godawful trigger safety they use. Give me a larger budget and I’d just buy Sigs all day.
Just say “no” to spongy triggers, shoot a 1911.
Actually, that’s not unique to Glock, I just don’t like the feel of trigger safetys.
Manner wafer bars?
Those are delicious.
Officially, it is Austrian in origin but in recent years moved its brewing to Switzerland.
Samichlaus kommt aus dem Schweiz! Schloß Eggenberg in Austria purchased the recipe from Feldschlösschen-Hürlimann-Holding. Samichlaus is still listed on the Schloß Eggenberg brewery’s webpage. I did some digging, your source has things backwards.
Thank you. I stand corrected.
You’re welcome!
I like your reviews.
Maybe I got a dud, because people apparently like this. Samichlaus Classic Bier 1.5/5.
Possibly. Count me as one of the ones that like it.
The hops are a bit on the light side, and it is a sweet tasting beer. They also improve with age. What vintage did you have? The vintage should be shown on the label. I note that after a year or two the beer starts changing. Aged enough, it starts to remind me of brandy.
Make me dig up my Photobucket account on my phone will you…….
…..2012. It was about a year old by the time I found it at BevMo.
The hop related compounds in beer break down over time, so that’s probably why you didn’t taste any. Try a newer vintage, you should pick up some hop flavor. They’re not strong at all, but they are noticeable in the newer vintages.
True. Ultimately what killed it for me was it should’ve been better.
Malt beverage.
Bottoms up.
Breakfast of champions.
I’ve had beer for breakfast.
He was referring to beer? I gotta pay better attention.
That looks delicious.
Beer bath. No information on whether or not the woman comes with the bath.
Oh my god I remember her from the last time you posted. She’s my all-time fave, I think in part because you can tell that’s not the first beer she’s had in the past hour.
Thats not a beer. This is a beer!
/Aussie accent
Uffda. I feel like Q now, posting multiple NSFW links: A really big beer.
Excellent landing strip.
I also like how no one around her seems to be paying her any attention.
Those do sound horrible. Thanks for taking one for the team MS. I had two of these for breakfast because oatmeal. They were meh, but it might be because I only crave stouts when it is snowing and or cold and in spite of the damn farmers burning ditches the smoke of which hazes the sun, it is a beautiful day. Since they were meh beers I switched to Trailer Park Mimosas for the days cooking.
Still snowing up there? Not necessarily a bad thing. The year I left CO, Telluride was still open on Memorial Day.
Not much snow on this side of the Mtns. Telluride had a horrible year. I only had to shovel/plow snow twice all winter so it was a great winter imho. Today we are looking at 70. This afternoon I will sit on my deck with a cool beverage and look at the snow covered mountains and praise Allah for global warming and what little snow we had was up there.
What, pray tell, is a Trailer Park Mimosa?
And did I miss what you’re cooking?
Even an immigrant knows it’s a PBR with orange juice
Ah. I don’t drink beer.
Wait. Not exactly true. OMWC and I had dinner at a German restaurant with HM Thursday night. OMWC had a Spiteful Brewing God Damn Pigeon Porter, HM had some German Pilsner- I didn’t catch the name, I ordered a Dovetail Rauchbier because I’d had that style once in France -provided by two charming German brothers who are friends of OMWC- and I’d liked it. This Dovetail version was not delicious. I switched to cocktails after 2 sips.
So, in short …
I drank a beer – AND I DIDN’T LIKE IT!
Trailer Park Mimosa = Cheap box wine, Mango juice out of a carton and soda for some fizz. Served on the rocks in as big of a glass as you want as there are no rules in the trailer park. Extra points if it is a recycled slurpy cup from the Git n Go.
As to cooking, I have a pikinik roast in the sous vide water bath and westernsloper sauce on the stove. Unfortunately I have no bourbon or rye for your sauce which is awesome. I set the alarm this morning to get it all going in time to finish today but a couple Oatmeal Stouts for breakfast gave me a late start so I might have to put the finish smoke on the pork manyana.
I’d drink that. And eat that.
Do we have your sauce recipe? I don’t recall it hitting my inbox from the Recipe Submission form, but I haven’t sorted all 4 of them out yet.
/looks pointedly at the Glib cooks
My electricity just blinked off and shut me down and I don’t recall what genius I had typed. Assholes I paid my bill this month. Sorry about not submitting recipes. I am altering my usual sauce today and if it is palatable I will submit it. I even wrote an article and didn’t notice Riven had responded to me for a week. Sorry, some of us suck out here but we do appreciate the effort you all put into this place so we can snark at each other.
Yes, it is.
KBS is now available outside of Michigan. My sister found some in Pennsylvania.
I drank Asahi all night and almost got in two fights. And I don’t even like Asahi.
Based on the stories you tell here, I definitely want to go out drinking with you sometime.
Tonight was not good. First, I got into with a drunk butcher. Then I got I into it with a 50 year back up singer for a hip hop band. Crazy. I’m actually a nice guy.
*types Straffin into FloridaMan passport generator*
Where should I send it?
I would enjoy guzzling with you, and I could keep you out of fights…I used to bounce at an Irish (sorta) place on the NW side of Chicagoland….I know when people are about to throw down….
Drinking Asahi all night is good. Almost getting into fights is not good.
You like Asahi? It’s not bad, but I prefer Sapporo or Premium Malts. Jap beer is the best beer in Asia. That crap I drank in China makes me wanna puke even years later.
I have. It’s OK. I like Sapporo better. Neither are my favorite, but they are good beers.
I like Premium Malts. It seems to be about the only brand that isn’t imported (or increasingly, brewed) here.
Sapporros is pretty good. Their black label is better.
I like that you added the Spanish trill to it.
Stupid phone….
Drops OB branded gloves and glowers at Straffin the colonialist
Blue Girl Beer for the loss. Tsingtao is supposed to be good when fresh and on tap.
@#$%ing Austrians….
And I don’t even like Asahi.
Put you in a fighting mood huh?
I love Japanese beer. Pretty much my fave outside Czech & Belgian. Prefer it w food vs others
I was about to cowbutt you….until I saw “Prefer it w food vs others”… concur.
MS, That knife you mentioned in a post a few weeks ago? I finally got it. That knife is neat. I like it.
I also picked up my Tavor today. I won’t get to shoot it today, maybe tomorrow. I have a lot to get as I’ve finally kicked whatever illness I had.
“I also picked up my Tavor today”
Fuck yeah. Did you get the X95?
Yes. 18.5″ barrel. Right handed. Black.
I adore mine. The *only* drawback is the chamber is right under your nose so if you do any rapid firing, you tend to inhale a lot of crap. But who cares, we’re not gonna live forever right?
I hate you guys.
There is a group of us in New Hampshire and eastern Massachusetts from the H&R days that have occasional meet-ups. One was a shooting meet-up in southern New Hampshire. We’re talking about another meet-up, possibly a shooting meet-up. I don’t think folks would mind if you joined us.
That would be nice, but I’m not sure the envy would ever subside.
#6 consider Casper, Wyoming. Gotta get out of BosWash.
#6.2 has his eyes on Wyoming. He’d probably fit right in there.
Me? These old bones are a-movin’ southbound.
Amen to moving southbound. People should not live north or south of 30 deg lat.
My X-95 has become my absolute favorite 5.56 and the size and weight makes it great for the GF to shoot and even with a suppressor it’s not too long for close in work.
Still have a chubby for their shotgun. Depressingly low on ready cash at the moment. When they release the Flat Dark Earth version I’ll probably not be able to help myself, funding be damned.
I hear you about cash. I dipped into my savings (AKA I lost my job fund) for some of my recent acquisitions. Monday I pick up and pay for my Amoskeag Auction winnings, and there is an antique Mauser on GunBroker I’m tempted to bid on. After that, I need to hold off for a while to rebuild my savings.
If I’d actually ordered a Randall made knife all those years ago, I’d finally have one. I see the wait time is now out to 5 years.
Maybe I’ll order an Ek instead. Always wanted one of those too.
Nice. I actually sent it to a buddy of mine. Outdoorsmen and he’ll actually use it as intended. Too big for my messenger bag. Splitting wood with it was absurdly easy.
I got an uncoated Esse 4 from to fill the void. I’m going to find some wood to carve for scales and force a patina on it.
Do you know what else is from Austria?
Barbara Schett?
Seiler und Speer?
As your resident trucker, one of a handful of Canadianz, and one who hauled things around for the Canadian military on occasion, these Austrians made some pretty neat-o trucks. Except for the transmissions, which were apparently garbage, and kept me busy hauling them to some joint in Calgary to get them fixed all the time.
Also, the midwife and her crew were just at my house to get the baby inside Mrs Gordilocks turned around. He/she has been standing up straight, just like Jordan Peterson says to do, but we need the baby facing the exit, and the midwives just massaged it around in anticipation of delivery at the end of April. In keeping with the theme of the post, I had a couple of beers while all of this was going on.
It must feel odd to have so many strangers staring at/being concerned about your wife’s vagina.
Also, I’ve determined that you should move to Yellowknife.
For the children.
My wife remains unconvinced about life in the north, at least until our kid/kids get older and establish relations with grandparents and uncles. I already dragged her to Australia for a year and a half, the North will have to wait.
Also, my wife is used to admiration of her anatomy. She has a great rack, and yes, one day soon, Mr Q, I will get you a photo.
But not today. 😉
Liked the Podcast, Gordi. Do another one.
It was good. Gordi sounds like half the Canadians I know. “Ya, American chics are easy.” All the easy girls go for Canadians.
There are efficiency advantages to knowing the score early.
Best wishes for an easy and healthy delivery for all concerned.
Thanks SP!
I second SP’s sentiments.
The beer guy showed up at my favorite bar last night with a bottle of some kind of hemp beer for the owner to try. I did not taste (not interested), but when he opened the bottle, it smelled like moldy hay. Not a good sign.
It’s a gimmick, and a stupid one.
Even here you can’t have THC and alcohol in the same product, so the actual beers are all just hemp flavored (who likes that taste?), and there is a non-alcoholic near-beer coming out that does have THC in it (just smoke it you failures!).
Oh well, if there’s a market someone will fill it.
I think if we want to push for Libertopia, this is the best way.
Maybe it wasn’t the beer that made it smell moldy? Maybe he used a dirty opener and that caused everything to smell? (again NSFW or Lunch)
10 Hail Mary’s for that one, Father.
The Wine & Spirits company my wife does sales for now has both a hemp-infused organic vodka and hemp-infused organic rum, both created in, where else, Humboldt County, CA. No THC content though, as you say, so it’s completely legal everywhere.
Pretty much seems like a gimmick, as you say. At least the company does make some non-hemp liquors, so perhaps they’ll have a shot.
For the GlibFit minded.
Legitimately delicious, non-watery low calorie beer. Unfortunately not available outside CO.
I have seen that around. I have never bought it because If I am going premium bucks for beer I am going to try some small brewer. I will give it a try. My go to low carb beer at the moment is Miller Lite. It is cheap, hate me if you must.
I don’t know how they managed it, but it tastes like a real beer while only being 99 cal and 5g carb. Reminds me a little bit of Fat Tire. 4.1 ABV.
Miller Lite is a fine, end the night/lawnmower beer.
I’ve got yer back if it turns into a fight.
Your lawnmower runs on beer?
Mine did, until I got a riding mower 😉
In the case of Glock, you have to pull the trigger to take them down too.
I really really don’t like that. I don’t own a Glock, but I inherited a S&W copy (so good Glock sued them over it- Sigma, I believe). I have never fired a round through it. I’m a 1911 guy.
*everybody rolls their eyes*
My car gun is a Kimber Pro Carry II.
People would definitely roll their eyes at putting a 900 dollar gun in your car, but I love .45’s stopping power, the manual safety and the ergonomics.
You and me against the world.
And I’m not a fan of Glock either.
You ain’t an American if you don’t own a 1911.
You ain’t an American if you don’t own a 1911.
Quoted for truth.
If you sell yours, is that like renouncing citizenship then? I sold my Kimber something or other (early 2000’s officer model copy- Ultra Carry? CDP? Something like that. Looked nice but wasn’t a reliable gun.
That’s a problem for me too, but I could live with it.
Up here, the gun you carry is the gun the cops will fuck with you over, so if I did carry, it’d be something cheap-ish but from a good brand. Sig P320, Glock 43, CZ P07 – something like that, but my constant beef with polymer guns if this ridiculous contouring of the front grip for fingers. They never freakin’ line up.
If I was a rich bastard, wanted to carry, and was prepared to practice more with a single action, it’d be a BHP all the way.
My carry piece is a Ruger LCR in .327.
That $669 MSRP is absurd; you shouldn’t pay more than 400 for it. I like revolvers for carry because they’re (mostly) idiot proof. No need to worry about safeties, or jamming or what condition it’s in. You load the cylinder, holster it and if SHTF, you just start pulling the trigger. Major downside is only 6 rounds, but I subscribe to the school of thought that says if you need more than that you’re fucked either way.
I have the hammerless 38, which is an alternative, although I’m more a semi-auto guy.
I have a 32 H&R mag. It is a pretty zippy cartridge. I have been thinking about getting a 327. What is your opinion of it? The 32 mag already makes one hell of a crack when I shoot it, like a nail in my ear. I can imagine the 327 is even worse, plus out of short barrel it must make a blinding fireball in the dark.
Thumbs up or down?
Thumbs up. You’re right that the little bugger kicks like a mule and is loud, but as long as you use the 85 grain instead of the 100 grain, you’ll be ok.
thank you
I’ve love to own a L9A1 with a lanyard ring.
I could fit one on mine, but it would be a bit incongruous
This isn’t me, but this is the model I have,
Which reminds me, I have to get around to changing that hammer.
1911 story.
I’m maybe 12 hanging out with my friend at his uncle’s house cleaning our .22s. When were done his uncle says “C’mon boys and I’ll show you how to shoot a real gun.” We pile into his Willys station wagon and drive out past the dump to this long, 10′-high berm. The uncle, who was a LT in WWI and still had his sidearm, pulls out the 1911. He shows us how to take it down and handle it and we dry fire a few times. He then loads up the mag. Damn. After .22LRs the .45 rounds looked the size of big toes. I offer to rustles up some bottles for targets but he says “Nah, we’ll just watch the dirt jump. That’ll do fine.” I was skeptical, but I wasn’t about to argue. He fired off a few rounds and made a close grouping of dirt puffs.
He gives the gun to my friend who fires and – nothing. He’d missed the berm. Three more tries and still nothing. My turn was no different. The uncle just chuckled. The kick was just too much for a couple of 12 yr olds. We’d almost literally couldn’t hit the side of a barn with it. I was impressed.
I love my 1911s. But I’m not going to throw one in the car. That’s where the Springfield XDM comes in. M&P Shield for CC.
Also this:
Probably the only IPA I’ve ever liked.
I had that one. Not bad. Smells like the woods.
I made a Spruce Ale once. It reminded me of Coca-cola.
Probably better than the neighbours.
I’ve had a few of these, and they are *not* worth freezing for.
Random factoid about spruce – spruce bark contains vitamin C.
During the Klondike Gold Rush, after the supplies started running out in early winter, and all that was left to eat were the 3 B’s (Bacon, Beans, and Bread), “the men who moiled for gold” usually came down with scurvy. A little ways downstream from Dawson City was a native village, where they didn’t seem to have that problem …. because they made a drink using spruce bark.
Live by racism and fear of the other …. die by racism and fear of the other.
Spruce Ale? Sounds like the retsina of beers.
Do you know what else is from Austria?
Franz Klammer!
That did the Winter Olympics for me…after 1976, what else is there?
Do you know what else is from Austria?
Franz und Hans!
Speaking of guns I’d like to own for no good reason… the Colt Diamondback. Just for laughs, I looked at gunbroker a while back. They are insanely expensive.
All the snakes are. The Diamondback was, by all accounts, the least popular at the time.
And unreliable. and dont point well. And have not very good sights (they are thick and course, hard to take a fine bead)
I used to be fairly good at aerial targets but I could never hit shit with that thing.
If you want to be an artist this is your brush –
The Diamondback was, by all accounts, the least popular at the time.
I just took a look. It seems like the .38s are a little cheaper than the .22s. No idea why. Two grand or more for a .22 revolver seems like an unjustifiable extravagance.
I have a diamondback. I havent fired it in decades. SW K-22 best 22 revolver ever made. I have half a dozen 22 pistols and the diamondback is my least favorite.
I have a Python also. A dozen .38 cal pistols and it is my least favorite. I never got the appeal of the colt double actions.
Hang onto all your snakes. When Colt finally craters, you won’t believe what people will pay to take them off your hands.
Maybe he used a dirty opener and that caused everything to smell? (again NSFW or Lunch)
I hate you.
You may hate me, but there will be a bunch of Packer Backers who love me (and will pester me to see if I know her number).
*projectile vomits, falls over*
eye bleach
today’s award winning parents
Alabama man directs girlfriend to rape his 11-year-old autistic son he believed was gay
Well, I mean…was he gay?
He wasn’t a gold-star anymore, that’s for sure.
I have a hard time faulting the police on this one.
Florida college student to be deported after skipping class, buying ‘sniper rifle’ and dyeing hair: report
Moar common-sense henna control.
I like that gun case
For the love of God, please don’t read the comments. I did and now I have brain cancer.
You must build up your tolerance to derp gradually. It’s like that guy who spent years injecting himself with snake venom to gain immunity.
Over the past few decades, Ludwin has alternated between daily doses of poisonous venom and just one injection every few months. He led this sole endeavor on his belief that injections would not only lead to immunity, but improve his health and make him feel younger — despite no evidence in scientific literature to support his theory.
“People are like — you don’t seem like you’re almost 50,” he said. “I really do believe that I’ve stumbled upon something.”
But experts in the field disagree, citing a lack of research. Not to mention the fact that it is extremely dangerous.
“I’m fairly unconvinced,” explained Wolfgang Wüster, a senior lecturer in zoology at Bangor University in Wales. “He says he’s looking really young and everything, but of course, he’s a sample size of one.”
If I carried, this is what I’d prefer: Seecamp LWS 32
less is more
Just got back from range. Buddy of mine just bought the Sig P365 so I got to shoot. It is all that. I will definitely be buying one. First shot was bullseye which is a good sales pitch:) very nice grouping.
10 + 1 of 9mm in a true pocket pistol. Same size as his P238 380 with none of the edges. Great front night sight right out of box. Plus its a Sig. Can’t wait to get mine.
You can also get a 12 round mag.
I can’t 🙁
That is so sad.
Dammit. Thanks everyone. Now I have to stop by LGS while grocery shopping today. Must not buy… must not buy… must not buy…
Buy it!
Pocket pistol
Pretty cool. It’s actually guns like that that got me interested in them as a yute.
Vest pocket pistol, for the poker enthusiast
Really should be a .45, though.
Here ya go.
You’d have to dress like a river boat gambler, if you carried a derringer.
A man who carries a derringer
UNLV isn’t in the final for, so what do I care. But I have to listen to it for work. Maybe I should cheer for that nun? (That’s the only thing I know about any of the teams)
You could root for Michigan and piss off Sloopy.
Meh. That is more football. The Michigan coach in Basketball is not a weirdo like the football coach. And for some reason, in the B1G, football means a lot more than basketball (unless it is Indiana-Purdue … I think they would go to trial by combat if allowed).
I like these snake killer type guns:
Most defensive gun uses merely involve brandishing. In that case, it’s best to pick something small that’s comfortable to carry concealed. At least that’s the way I see it. Others prefer the Wyatt Earp thing.
I think knives and collapsible batons are underrated for personal defense. They’re way easier to get and carry and at close ranges, the benefit of a gun is reduced.
I shot an M9 today. Very nice and I shot well too. My buddies told me when they got trained on it, they had to shoot from the prone. I don’t see the point in that, especially for a gate guard.
Best M9 qual I did was one at Ft Lewis which involved walking through the range and firing at popups. Much better than stationary shooting.
I have a Beretta px4 storm compact 9mm which I had at the range today. Only 2nd time I’ve shot it. Was doing pretty well with it. Took that and my .45 Uzi which I love. Shoot my buddys 365 and Shield.
For most of the military, the only time you need a sidearm is when shit got serious. You’re sprawling on the ground, alongside a capsized HMMWV, somewhat concussed, and some guy’s coming towards you at about 10 yards with an AK. That gun needs to work upside down, in the mud, with you barely able to remember what your name is, let alone how the manual of arms works for an M9.
You’d better believe you need to be able to fire prone. Gate guards get sent into theater too.
Others prefer the Wyatt Earp thing.
Ned Buntline says, “Howdy”
For something that long, you might as well get a Mare’s Leg.
I have one. Never got the hang of the spin cock thing though.
Never got the hang of the spin cock thing though.
shoot your eye outblow your arm off, Kid.”I used snap caps; I’m not an idiot.
This guy gets it:
I like that the guy does his demo in his kitchen.
this picture gave me a good laugh
Politics aside, Romney is a decent man. No adultery, no addiction, no shady deals. Squeaky clean. Supposedly, he didn’t get wish to be Secretary of State because talked shit about Russia.
That picture will always be entertaining.
Such a decent man that he was willing to degrade himself and kiss Trump’s ass for a little bit of power…
And what, exactly, would have been his lofty goals as Secretary of State?
That and he was a carpetbagging RINO before his kissed Trump’s ass.
As I said, aside from politics. Like all politicians, he’s in it for the ego boost. In Romney’s case, I suspect he wanted to succeed where his dad failed.,_1968
This sounds like the conspiracy I made up for Harvey Weinstein.
Speaking of my Harvey story:
France: Man screaming “I’m a terrorist” drives his car into crowd at music festival
At least he’s honest.
The 34-year-old man was probably under the influence of alcohol when he stormed the audience of the electronic music festival. There were no casualties in the crowd, but two police officers were slightly injured during his arrest.
There was panic late Friday night on the campus of the Doua, Villeurbanne, in the suburbs of Lyon, where the electronic music festival Reperkusound was being held. Around midnight, “a man tried to rush into the crowd driving his car,” reports our colleague “The Progress.” After passing a security fence, he suddenly accelerated and rushed at the crowd, “creating a panic movement.” When the anti-crime squad stopped his run, he got out of his car shouting “I’m a terrorist.” The witnesses say that the man was very excited and probably under the influence of alcohol.
According to our colleagues from France Info, two policemen were injured at the time of the arrest: “one was hit on the cheekbone, the other has a few scratches.”
The man, 34, was not known to the police. He was placed in custody.
Who hasn’t seen a drunk guy yell “I’m a terrorist” and try to run people over? Ban alcohol!
His motives are still unclear.
But in all seriousness, there may be value in downplaying the terrorist-y aspect of these sorts of things and hiding the identity. I don’t think that’s why they do it, but it’s like with the mass shooter thing. You have some deranged lunatic who wants attention. He wants to be noticed. Plastering his mug everywhere encourages future lunatics. The same is true with the Muslims.
There is a reason hangings used to be public
Different time and completely different culture. A public hanging is a positive to a martyr. And no one is doing hangings here. Not even Bush electrocuted a terrorist. Maybe if we did, these fucks would have a different outlook. But otherwise, they just become martyrs and get the attention they seek. Maybe focus more on the suckitude of the punishment and less on the individuals and their motives (or means of attack). But that isn’t happening anytime soon.
So, just ignoring the terror aspect and snubbing out the publicity may be the best law enforcement approach.
Obviously, just trying to reach the snackbar.
If you had told me 20 years ago that europe was going to deliberately import the very savages that have spent the last 1400 years mounting invasion after invasion and even today proclaim a desire to conquer the continent I would have asked you what you were smoking.
Control the language, control the reality:
Good catch. Shame on them.
That “new” definition seems familiar. I don’t think they made it up, but instead copied it from somewhere.
Also, all else being equal, the old definition was crap, too.
lol, I enjoy that Cucumber Crush beer. But I’m also a homosexual, vegetarian, soyboy millennial, who enjoys deep dish pizza* and avocados and thinks the Pixies were better than the Rolling Stones; so make of that what you will.
(*Fuck pineapple on pizza, though.)
I only understood the last thing.
can you dab?
Is that a dance?
Wow just wow. ^ This guy. SMDH
It’s this one weird trick.
But you can’t even. Cultural appropriation.
We can dab if we want to,
We can leave your friends behind
‘Cause if your friends don’t dab and if they don’t dab
Well they’re no friends of mine.
random language thought
consider the sentence: They’re not gonna send you to the electric chair for smoking a joint.
An English learner would have a lot of trouble with this. There’s a contraction, a non-standard pronunciation, a cultural reference, and a slang term, all in the same sentence.
A student with an intermediate knowledge of English would probably understand up to “they are not going to send you” but then miss the rest.
It is just about impossible to learn another language without extensive interaction with native speakers. There are a lot of professional translators who would struggle to have a simple conversation in their target language.
Even worse would be “they’re not gonna give you the chair for getting high“. That would sound like almost complete nonsense to someone without many, many years of English language experience.
EDIT: My dad told me that one of his colleagues from Japan was utterly baffled by the phrase “let’s kill some time before the meeting“.
There is a word in Japanese: mokusatsu. It literally means “kill [with] silence”, but it basically means “no comment”. It can also mean “that is so dumb that I am speechless”.
I know this word because it is what the prime minister of Japan said when asked what he thought about Truman’s threat of the atomic bomb.
Guess which translation Truman got? And that’s why we dropped 2.
Zlatan had an OK debut for Galaxy
Oh, another over the hill European playing in the joke league.
Well, well, well. With all this gun related talk, I ended up idly browsing the Bud’s Guns catalog on line, and what to my wondering eye should appear but the GSG “Firefly” .22 semi-auto pistol. “Harrumph,” sez I. “That looks eerily similar to my Sig Sauer Mosquito (the one with the cracked slide which has rendered it nothing more than a paperweight).” Guess what- it’s a mosquito “clone”. I believe this, because rumor has it that Sig had the Mosquito made for them by (probably) GSG and just slapped their logo on it.
Now I’ll have to see if I can find more info, like whether I can order a slide. The sad part of the story is I really liked that gun, but when I called Sig about it, they wouldn’t warranty it because I did not buy it new. Dick move, Sig. Dick move. They offered to “let me” ship the gun to them so they could put a new slide on it for more than I paid for the fucking thing originally, with no assurance the new slides are any stronger than the old ones. It’s been gathering dust in a box for four or five years.
To be honest, for 270 bucks, I’m tempted to just buy another one from GSG. Because why not.
Well, it’s no secret that SiG never built the Mosquito themselves. But here’s one weird trick. Buy yourself a GSG Firefly and see if it F2Fs in exactly the same way as your Mosquito.
I’d lay money on the capstan head that says it will.
Do you know what else is from Austria?
My first born child.
Ah, Col Hackworth. I love that guy
But the individual GI still packed the modified M16 rifle that, as in Vietnam, jams excessively and gets so hot after firing two magazines that the gunner needs gloves. He used the M60 machine gun that I took into Berlin almost 30 years ago. His radio, uniform, load-bearing equipment and jungle boots haven’t changed much since Vietnam. He still doesn’t have an effective anti-tank weapon. He still totes his grenades in an old canteen cover or discarded gas mask container because he doesn’t have a grenade pouch. And for our soldiers stationed in a colder clime like South Korea, there still isn’t a decent winter glove or winter boot in the inventory.
If you compared a photo of today’s infantry warrior all suited up for battle with his father’s photo from Vietnam 25 years ago, you would see little difference, except for the new Wehrmacht-style helmet and the camouflage war paint that is applied with the same care as a Vogue model’s mascara.
But another, more important thing remains unchanged: Our infantrymen still are not trained hard enough. During the Vietnam War, at least 70,000 Americans were killed or wounded by our own firepower — a tragedy I attribute in large measure to poor training. We didn’t learn. Except for our top-notch Ranger battalions and a few infantry units with determined commanders, today’s groundpounder doesn’t fire his individual or crew-served weapon enough and he isn’t trained to live and fight in a realistic and risky armed environment. This criminal shortcoming is exacerbated by two deliberate policy decision.
One is to save ammuniton and hence money by curtailing “live fire training” — even though each warrior’s life depends upon his ability to shoot. The money that it costs for one fuel-guzzling Abrams tank would provide enough bullets and shells to supply each combat infantry division for a year or more. Instead, the shortage of training ammo will get worse as the defense dollar shrinks. This has happened after every war since World War II, and the doughfoot has always paid the price in blood because he has not been ready for the real thing. The battlefield is the last place to train infantryman.
The clothing/equipment issues have mostly been solved, but his point on live-fire training remains.
Hackworth was great, but he went nuts in his later years. My favorite was him ranting on FNC about opposition to the Iraq War (before it kicked off) as traitors, ignoring that he himself spoke out against an earlier war (while rounds were being fired).
Ten years after he wrote that, things looked quite a bit different, though you can never enough quality training.
One of the worst beers you’ve ever had, huh?
Try this one for a slice of pure terrible.
Pabst Genuine Draft is the worst I’ve ever had.
And for our soldiers stationed in a colder clime like South Korea, there still isn’t a decent winter glove or winter boot in the inventory.
The letter is from 1990. There are plenty of decent gloves and boots now.
But do you have 5 button wool sweaters?
Those are optional with class B. I do like those British army sweaters. Hits the sweet spot of fashion and utility.
The fleece jackets being issued are nice and warm. Too bad we never got to wear them at basic.
I was never allowed to wear any of the winter gear. Basic or not.
The Kempton crewneck sweaters are probable the single best piece of issued equipment a swabbie ever sees. I have 2 that barely fit nowadays, but those suckers are indestructable.
Don’t mean the black Class B sweater.
These guys
I still have my stuff from Afghanistan 2004-2005 and it is just dandy.
Dennis Rodman, bringer of world peace:
Savage. Rekt. Epic. Literally DESTROYED.
Currently at a fancy pants italian restaurant and decided to try a negroni (pretty much only a beer drinker) It’s pretty good. Thanks for the suggestion and write up Negroni please
They’re pretty tasty.
I also like Boulevardiers, which is the same thing but with whiskey (ideally rye) instead of gin.
You’ll always remember your first time.
There are plenty of decent gloves and boots now.
Ah. Thanks.
Gore-tex everywhere.
Buy yourself a GSG Firefly and see if it F2Fs in exactly the same way as your Mosquito.
I polished and radiused the ramp on the Mosquito, and it pretty much quit doing that.
A little more poking around, and I can pick one up at Sportsman’s Whorehouse for $220. I’d rather just get a slide and do it myself.
Get your slice on.
Might want to check the date.
Just Sayin’.
I has one of these next to my bed
General, now Secretary Mattis, as portrayed in Generation Kill:
That mindset is a large part of what led to Iraq to becoming a shit show.
The conventional phase of the 2003 war was a great success. After that, not so much.
History shows the winning approach to counterinsurgency is to do what the British did against the Boers and what the US did against the Moros.
It was bloody and required massive numbers of troops and herding civilians into camps, but it led to victory in 3 years. Things didn’t quiet down in Iraq until the surge in 2007.
The Sri Lankan approach was a little different as the Tamil Tigers controlled more territory and had a front line.
The 2003 invasion was a great success only if you don’t consider what came after and how it could have been prevented. We weren’t fighting the right kind of war from the start. So while American officers were getting their chubby on obsessed over speed, we left most of the country unsecured and let it fall to shit. Even when we hit Baghdad, we had a piss poor plan as to what to do after.
Iraq was not a war of maneuver. It was never about a race to the capital. So no matter how spectacularly the plan was executed, it was still a piss poor plan.
Or to put it more bluntly – Tommy Franks will never be put up in the echelon with the likes of Lee, Patton, or even Grant. Or Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Gustavus Adolphus etc.
This book thought the brits in malaya were the best example relevant to the then-current conflict in iraq/afghanistan
An excellent addition to the Glibs Reading lists, along with this.