See first?
Sea first??
Residents living in the Warwickshire town of Royal Leamington Spa have reported a ‘ten-fold’ increase in the number of homeless people begging on the streets.
Have they had to hose the fecal matter off the streets yet?
The local homeless shelter has said that all the corner beggars here have housing and are know to them by name.
That doesn’t stop them from shitting and pissing in the streets, but on the other hand, maybe I should have ready the whole article instead of trying and failing to be first.
I loved my visit to San Fran a couple of years ago. Nothing says 1st world like streets smelling like urine.
In SF that is considered local character.
Not only urine: http://mochimachine.org/wasteland
Yet even the creator of that site seems to imply that the people pooping on the streets of San Francisco are only doing it because of “poverty”. San Francisco currently budgets $280 million per year for homeless services and housing. Not one of those people in tents would need to be on the streets if they chose not to, and the post above is correct that many of the beggars actually have places to live (and do quite a take in their begging). Sadly, the only way to end this is to force people to live in housing, because a huge percentage of these guys refuse all offers. Every housing comes with rules, you see — no booze inside, no shooting up, no fires, no dogs, and you have to clean up after yourself — fuck all that! Add that to the people whose mental condition makes them fear being indoors, and some others who are hiding out and don’t want to be identified, and you have your tent cities. And since SF is so ‘accommodating’, many other cities practice ‘greyhound therapy’ and give their troubled souls one-way bus tickets to California.
Yet there’s also no shortage of locals here who insist that the tent cities are solely the result of the high-priced local housing market, and if only we built more affordable, low-income apartments it would solve everything. Oh, and communism, too.
Yup it’s the same in NYC minus the tent cities and the gutter punks that infest SF. The homeless on the streets are almost universally there by choice. In the bad old days we hospitalized them “for their own good” but that’s not acceptable anymore so I don’t know what the answer is.
*Put’s on Catherine cap* So what you’re saying is that hobos taking a dump in your driveway is a sign of the patriarchy denying basic human rights to indigent people?
I got to explain to my girlfriend that the aroma she was trying to identify was urine and weed on our one trip to San Francisco. Of course, she decided to get a hotel close to breweries, since she knew I like beer. She didn’t realize that breweries in cities generally gravitate towards the low rent areas. Our hotel was a block south of the Tenderloin.
Don’t give money to people who flock to British towns. Says the government without any irony.
He also added in an update that the 70-year-old “Terminator” actor was awake and his first words were, “I’m back.”
Arnold did say he’d be back.
Elysian Space Dust IPA 8.2% Cloudy and Golden
I had their Peppercorn Saison a while back. It was good.
It’s not over hopped, it drinks about how it looks, light , fresh, no citrus notes at all
No, but they are part of the AB-InBev borg.
The thing is that it works with any background music.
That doesn’t look like rape though.
How dare you? I mean the GIF is Hunky Dory, but it doesn’t in a new tab? Fucking, not cool Dude, not cool!
I clicked that in the middle of typing a comment. After I washed my eyes out with bleach I hit the back button and thankfully my comment was still there.
This is why I right-click and do “open in new tab”.
Yeah, but I’ve noticed that most links here (and every link I post) open in a new tab by default. I suspect it’s a WordPress thing that the Overlords have some sort of power to contravene when they feel like fucking with us.
I just expect them to fuck with us all the time.
Or were just lazy.
It’s a conspiracy!
I’m new around here, but it appears that links staying within the site open in the same tab, and external links open in a new tab.
Fuck You! You’re a Towel!
Ah… you may have something there.
doesn’t open in a new tab, Doesn’t open,,,
I should have expected that.
Looks consensual.
False sighting.
Tell that to the Title IX officer.
STEVE SMITH had just as many drinks as she did!
I pictured STEVE SMITH to be taller.
Arnie went full Kennedy. You never go full Kennedy.
Trump wants the US out of Syria? Thank God, the ‘stache might just talk him out of that though.
He could just say “Syria later!”
i feel like this is going to confuse a lot of the people still penning the “hiring john bolton means we are guaranteed to have an Iraq 3.0” sort of thinkpieces.
i agree: the right approach is always “ignore what he says, judge what he does”; but this is an odd one compared to other things. I don’t know, really. I suppose the idea is that we’ve mostly smashed that particular franchise of ISIS so badly that there’s not much to do, and staying on in the region inevitably puts us on course to end up shooting at Turks or Russians (as if we haven’t already).
I don’t think there is any point pretending that we can decisively influence the end result of the Syrian civil war, and lurking around the war zone and playing fake-referee has too many costs and little/no reward. Better let competing interests there to sort themselves out. which should have been the plan from the start, really.
”The caliphate in Syria & Iraq is gone, but #ISIS’s terrorist activities will continue and #Iran is becoming a bigger player in the region,” Bolton tweeted last Oct. 20 when he was a national security analyst.
Bemoans Iranian influence. Christ, What an Asshole!
One of the things he did was to hire John Bolton, of course.
I don’t think we can decisively influence the result of the Syrian civil war either, but I do think we will be in a war with Iran in the next ten to fifteen years regardless. I think Obama saw to that and it will be his lasting legacy.
Ya think?
Speaking of frying…
Anyone have any tips to season a stainless-steel pan? I tried a Youtube video and wound up with a thick scum covering only 1/3 of the bottom of the pan and having the exact consistency and feel of the adhesive that won’t off when you try to remove a price tag. I’m preparing to start over and/or trying to decide whether I’m going to go out and buy a non-stick tomorrow morning.
Never seasoned stainless – just cast iron. Didn’t even cross my mind – am I missing out on something (other than the mess you made – I’m happy to miss out on that).
Playa would insist you get a cast-iron skillet.
I would insist that he get cast iron if he had an application that required it. I have an entire set of All-Clad that I use all the time.
But if I’m searing a steak, yeah, cast iron.
Haven’t seen any cast-iron in stores, though I haven’t looked hard. But yeah, the seasoning is supposed to work similarly but I’m feeling a little skeptical. Otherwise, how the fuck are you supposed to cook with it?! I made a mess of breakfast this morning following some other tips I read. It was like cooking on a bed of super-glue. Anyway I’m not a kitchen whiz so I’m getting very close to giving up.
Harbor Freight has a set
Frying in stainless steel has always been a mixed bag for me. Sauteing onions and other vegetables works just fine, but frying fish or eggs over easy? Fuggeddaboutit.
They have Lodge cast iron skillets on Amazon; they’re good quality and they’ll last a lifetime.
I don’t think you can season stainless, just cast iron. Stainless is one you should treat well, but you’ll need to use enough oil in the pan to keep anything you’re cooking in it to keep from sticking. I’ve never heard of stainless working like cast iron or a non-stick pan.
You don’t need to season it.
Keep it clean with soap and water. If it gets really funky, use Barkeepers Friend.
When I was in junior high, boys took shop and girls took home economics.
I understand that shortly after that, they started having boys and girls take both classes together.
I’m guessing you all are younger than I am, and really took a shine to those home ec classes.
Yup, I had both classes in the early 80s.
Or were raised by a chef, in my case.
If you really want stainless, Cuisinart. Order a tub of Barkeeper’s Friend while you’re at it.
All-Clad or GTFO
This is why we’re friends.
I wouldn’t even think about letting a stainless pan develop any seasoning.
As noted elsewhere, that kind of deal is for cast iron pans, woks an sheit. For Stainless, scrub the bugger out with barkeeper’s friend when you’re done.
I don’t mind the cleaning out afterwards but how do I prevent half my food from gluing itself to the surface while I cook?
A touch of oil or butter usually does the trick. If you’re doing fish or something, you can find a neutral oil that won’t affect the flavor.
Also, let your food come up to temperature a little bit before cooking it. Sometimes going directly from fridge to frying pan causes molecular bonds to form between the food and the pan.
I’ll be frying some potatoes tomorrow that I’ve par-nuked (and rinsed the scum off) beforehand so that shouldn’t be a problem. “Touch of oil” huh. We’ll see.
Latkes are for Chanukah.
Feh, not latkes. More German style.
You are probably making one of two errors, not getting the pan hot enough and/or not letting your food sit long enough before fucking with it. You want droplets of water to dance across the surface of your pan before you add the oil and food and then you have to let the food sear, it will release. Non-stick cookware has made us lazy and incompetent as cooks, It’s why “chefs” think using bacon and cream in a Carbonara is okay, or that a breaded ‘pork tenderloin’ plus mushrooms and any old red wine actually counts as Pork Marsala.
A distinction without a difference, actually. “Latke” is just Yiddish (by way of Russian) for “Kartoffelpuffer”. Latkes are a relatively late addition to Jewish cuisine.
Add the oil after the pan is hot if you don’t want stuff to stick. I use stainless for most things and that is key. Sometimes I don’t care if stuff sticks like caramelizing onions or such because it will be deglazed anyhoo.
Did that
That might be my mistake!
But I’m not making grated potato pancakes. I’m making fried chunks of potatoes. Different beast.
Ah. Carry on.
Add white wine or chicken stock and scrape off the stuck bits. It’s all good.
Stainless doesn’t need seasoning. Heat the pan and add whatever lube you’re using just before you add food.
Evidently, the Pope has said that hell doesn’t exist and that unsaved souls just disappear. Thoughts?
Great news: Hell is back!
Hell swallowed my link: https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/03/30/598293419/pope-to-world-hell-does-exist
Shit. And I went out an coveted my neighbor’s wife yesterday. I’m not listening to him anymore.
“coveted” = “stole her used tampons and masturbated on them”?
Man, I just got up. Between you and HM, this place is becoming a bloody mess.
You only got up at 9:30?
Yes. Its Saturday.
I think he meant to say “covfefe”.
Yesterday only?
There wasn’t a hell yesterday.
Open for business!
Obligatory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEf00GC1rlQ
Ewww, Flat Megatar?
It looks like someone shoved the top of her face back a half inch……
I have a feeling the walkback isn’t sincere and that old atheist got the real scoop.
Better than burning for all eternity. Also, the commie Pope sucks.
yes to the first, no such animal to the second.
I say Commie Pope is one step away from wearing a Che t-shirt in public.
As a former altar boy (not one of the cute ones, apparently. Priests must not have found me sexy) I’m a little curious and slightly disturbed by one knucklehead in a hat kicking to the curb centuries of belief.
That said, I never quite got the notion of a god who would create people who would believe different, the vast majority in fact, and torture them for all eternity.
Today I learned that Sierra Nevada switched Bigfoot back into a six pack instead of a four pack. I approve of this return to the old standards.
And I have no idea why this post ended up here. I blame the beer, and the long commute.
RE: Arnold.
Steroids are a helluva drug.
Some might call it first degree murder.
Where are my Passover tit pics?
Well done.
Excellent choice.
That wins for Best Site Name.
LOL I didn’t notice that. Excellent
Seems I am a fan of Passover now.
Tags: Jewish Pussy.
I didn’t know that was a thing.
Q: What’s Jewish Foreplay?
A: 3 hours of begging.
Hooray for the Trump tariffs. Ordered steel today and it is up 25% from a couple weeks ago. Good thing I haven’t sent out a bunch of quotes to customers yet.
Yeah, but think about Lachowsky getting Laid off otherw… Oh
We were running at 100 percent capacity before the fucking tariffs. I did buy metal to redo my roof a few weeks ago. I got my order in before the prices went up I guess.
Also, I can see the tariffs creating demand for more mills in the U.S. I can see the U.S. adding capacity for sell manufacturing for a few years and then the tariff being dropped, then causing there to be over capacity in the U.S. market.
Last time there was over capacity, my plant was hurt by plants who normally don’t make the kind of steel we do entering the market. We were able to ride out the down turn fairly well until the market came back up. If there is more capacity added from where we are now due to tariffs, the next market drop sans tariffs may sink us. Thanks Trump, you economic retard.
Three cheers for Glibertarian commenters’ number one pick for domestic and foreign policy!
How many voted and what were the alternatives?
I don’t know how many voted, but it was a poll ranking all U.S. presidents. Maybe somebody non-lazy will link to the comments where the results were announced.
Really? Damn.
I didn’t see that post. Gorsuch and the tax cut are positive, but the best I can say about Trump is that he’s not Hillary.
Well most US presidents presided over slavery or segregation and prohibtion so very faint praise…
But many prominent Leftists have assured me that Drumpf is going to bring these things back in full force, so your argument is invalid.
Well he is segregating us from more affordable Asian goods!
Indicative of how shitty the competitors were.
Hobart and Stoody sent me price increase letters. I’m planning on building a new equipment trailer this summer as well and not looking forward to trump’s price increase.
Gonorrhea is minor league, wait until Syphilis becomes panresistant.
On the plus side, we’ll get more insane, Syph-driven art like the good old days.
Ugh Poetry. Not the best form of art for the ADD.
Taxes done. Vacation time.
Vacation? I’m just getting started,
I did mine last week. I make less than $15/he, and I still owed.
$15/hr, of course. Damn auto-correct.
Don’t be bashful. You can tell us if you accept less than $15 per he.
$15 per helium, of course..
Where ya going?
Don’t give in you wussy Republican pricks:
“Red-State Teacher Unrest Just Keeps Spreading”
The pay-raise bill signed by Governor Mary Fallin yesterday brought in $447 million in new revenues from higher taxes on cigarettes and oil-production facilities.
Teaching syntax with a sin tax.
Good one…
My partner here at work has already been notified that school will be out Monday due to the teachers walkout. He lives in Oklahoma.
Wussy Republican pricks not giving in? What world do you live in?
Fantasyland, two streets down from The Magic Kingdom.
That entire article is a pack of lies and misdirection, it’s amazing. “Gosh, if only those stupid yokels would raise spending to CA and NY levels and ignore the fact that it has ZERO impact on student performance.”
Of course if this were men getting handies at an Asian masseuse it would be creepy and gross as opposed to empowering.
Submitted without comment.
So he grabbed her by the pussy? But with new age background music?
Who wants to reenact the Crucifixion with Rufus?
Seeing that none of you seem to….WORK.
6pm Friday? I’m already buzzed, but I will play the Role of Judas of you you’re still looking
The power of Christ compelled me to not work this afternoon. Actually it compelled my boss to give everybody the afternoon off.
JESUS, What a nice Guy
As long as I can be the centurion and not Jesus I’m all up for it.
11 more apostles and we are on our way to the passion!
11? Judas counts too (and he did all the required work).
I’m judas, who are you gonna be?
The snake under the table with the apple.
Yeh well I don’t see a Paul among the lot of youz.
Oh Jesus please Stop!
Yeh well I don’t see a Paul among the lot of youz.
Can I be Ringo?
Only if you bring John
Paul’s been dead since ’67.
’69, learn to conspiracy brah!
We both fucked up…
I’m Paul. I wrastled with some angels before but when I sobered up it turned out I was mistaken. Or I may be getting my bible stories wrong? Who wrastled the angels?
IIRC it was Jesse Ventura.
Happy Easter Jesus, thanks for this song and the T&A. God bless the ’70s:
https://www.youtube.comhee haw /watch?v=jHwjR8JAoSA
Roy Clark is a badass player.
And thread fail.
For Pesach.
Hot ladies of the IDF.
I just said “OH JESUS CHRIST!” What a group, Nice work Q!
Do they take American men easing into a reasonably healthy 40? Asking for a friend. May be willing to convert.
Now is your chance to find out.
This is what I was looking for upthread… but you let HM jump in the way.
And some (probably) Goyim.
Also nice
I need to hire some bodyguards.
Wrong spot. Dammit. Meant for the Ladies of the IDF.
The Sumerians believed that Dagon the fish god taught the first men how to fish. I’m pretty sure it was really SEA SMITH.
I forgot to buy passover coke this week. I’m going to stock up right now.
Coke floats for desert tonight.
That’s the one with less horse tranquilizer in it, right?
My first thought….
It’s cut with Kosher baby laxative.
Read my mind.
Ivory Soap floats for us.
Uh huh
As to why trade and prosperity did not bring democracy:
Wow. That’s some world-class useful idiotry there. That guy actually thinks the Chinese “Constitution” means… anything?!
Largest circulating paper in one of the highest ranked countries in freedom baby…
Nah. They have a financial interest in making sure they keep good relations with the dictator. Not sure why the paper would publish it though.
Wow. I didn’t click the link but I did feel that it reads exactly like someone who has a stake in the current “arrangement” and wants to pretend that the masses of peasants don’t exist. Fucking snakes.
What does Taiwan have to do with anything? The Taiwanese aren’t under the control of the PRC in any way, shape, or form.
The Chicoms would love to change that..
Nominally both PRC and ROC subscribe to a One China policy. They just disagree about which China should be, or is, in charge. Taiwanese (and note Taiwanese not “Chinese” on Taiwan) de jure independence throws that fiction away.
The KMT and the Chicoms aren’t really that different. They share much of the same heroes and early leaders, and the KMT was just as ruthless as the Chicoms to suppress native Taiwanese and other threats to their rule over the years.
Except the KMT aren’t in charge right now. And Taiwan is used as an example how trade should have democratized China.
And the KMT lately have been more conciliatory to the PRC.
Well yes. See above, KMT is almost afraid of Taiwanese de jure independence as PRC is and they aren’t all that different. Yes, they’re not in charge now but they’re probably most closely tied to the One China policy.
Getting back to why things haven’t changed in China, I think the Chicoms can watch the news or read a history book like anyone else and have been actively doing things differently, rather than walking into more freedom like man bumbling through a yard full of rakes.
The ‘He did some good things’ argument.
A classic.
Christ, what a week. I feel like I got nailed to a cross. Super busy with jobs. I spent eight hours of the week in a lock down psych ward of the local hospital. No, not for me. I was installing anti ligature hardware on doors so that the patients couldn’t hang themselves. My wife was a bit nervous as the loonies are freely roaming around in there. I spend a great deal of the time in Soma and the Tenderloin working, so it was actually an improvement. At least the nutters in the ward were mostly sedated. I did get asked to participate in a ménage a tois and got a singing and dancing version of “Don’t you wish your girlfriend was hot like me.”
Sounds like fun, actually. Did you whisper in their ears, “They’re going to try to kill you in your sleep tonight”?
*narrows gaze*
So You want to play Jesus in the Glib Passion? i thought Rufus wanted the Role
It paid well. SF has just become such an open air asylum that it didn’t really feel that much different. Actually it smelt a whole lot cleaner.
Oh, I think there is a VERY more Catholic individual that would fit the role quite handily.
I had a shitty week too. This was the week I decided I really hate my job. It would have been better if someone did a singing dancing version of “Don’t you wish your girlfriend was hot like me.” That is gold there.
I was highly tempted to bust out my phone and record it, but it would have been frowned upon.
My favorite memory was the elderly, naked lady running up and down the corridors screaming about “THEY STOLES MY BAYBEEEEEEEZ!” Fun fact, we had a smoking lounge and the spastic shock machine was just outside the door of the men’s shower.
I graduated high school in 1993 and we still had a smoking lounge for the seniors. My how things have changed.
Oh, and wall lighters for your cigarettes. Ah, Youth…*wistfully fashions complex noose*
“Christ, what a week.”
That’s what he said!
Imagine his!
Initiate Nail Removal Immediately
I went to Catholic school for 11years. We had a version of that.
Thanks to new Joint Commission requirements, you may have a lot of this work available very soon. They’re hitting every hospital in the country with this.
Yeah, they had someone “from New York” come and tell them that their current anti ligature hardware wasn’t sufficient. I couldn’t believe that you could hang yourself on it, but evidently they demonstrated how it could be done.
I had visitors and we made sport of the fact that in the recreation room there was a dangling length of rope. Sure enough the next day one of the crazies tried to off himself with it. He got transferred to a more “secure” facility lickity-split. What dark, devious little minds my friends and I had.
Jacobin says something sane for once. Well, more sane than usual.
It should be obvious: affluent parents have far greater ability to provide opportunities for extracurricular (and frequently out-of-school) activities than less affluent parents do.
The student who is captain of the sailing team, president of the robotics club, and who spent a summer building houses in the Global South will likely look more “holistically” valuable than a poorer student who has not had the resources to do similar activities. Who is more likely to be a star violin player or to have completed a summer internship at a fancy magazine: a poor student or an affluent one? College essays are more easily improved through coaching than test scores, and teachers at expensive private schools likely feel more pressure to write effusive letters of recommendation than their peers in public schools.
Favoring the “soft” aspects of a college application is straightforwardly beneficial to the more privileged at the expense of the less.
Unlike their rich peers, students who labor under racial and economic disadvantage have very few ways to distinguish themselves from the rest of the pack. A stellar SAT score is potentially one of the most powerful. We should take care not to rob them of that tool in a misguided push for equality.
To borrow a quote from someone… “too much to unpack”.
The SAT is not racist.
The “socioeconomic inequalities” stuff is blather.
Most colleges should ignore all the extracurricular horseshit.
Snobby colleges will continue to place great importance on it, though and who cares.
Fuck this shit! I was fast tracked through every program imaginable and still wound up holding the dirty end of the stick (quite literally). I had no moral compass growing up, no basis to ground my thoughts and actions upon. I’m doing okay but it should have turned out much, much worse.
I am utterly disinterested in the debate about the degree to which genetic differences between populations matter…
… but i do think there is a more-important point in this piece: namely, that Ezra Klein is a fucking idiot
*disclosure: i am still bitter from having read the entire email exchange between Harris + Klein earlier this week.
What i learned there was (if you want to skip the 3/28 post-script at the very end, you see Harris’ summary) =
…., ‘as long as you layer your shitty insinuations of racism in lots of nice-sounding, ‘generous’, vague, passive-aggressive rhetoric, the general public will think you are winning the debate, and the other person actually making rational points is actually wrong. Because the rational points are too-direct and confrontational.
Lefties carrying ‘no eugenics’ signs is priceless.
The lack of self-awareness is astonishing.
It’s a good thing that they have mostly given up on “liberal” and have jumped totally onto the “progressive” moniker. I think it works well. It ties them back to the originals, of whom they share a great deal in common including eugenics and Prohibition.
I couldn’t care less either. The future is Mischung anyway.
Dreaming of Obama
The Illinois senator has had Democrats fantasizing about retaking the White House, but now it’s time to wake up to reality.
October 08, 2006|Ezra Klein
The latest name rippling through the Democratic ranks is Barack Obama. The half-Kenyan, Harvard-educated, hyper-charismatic senator from Illinois burst onto the national scene in 2004 when, still a state senator with higher-office hopes, he stole the Democratic convention with a soaring, heart-quickening keynote address. Since then, he’s been a rare, hyper-eloquent spot of hope in a party desperately searching for cheer.
And although he routinely reminds that he’s but a junior senator, his attributes only loom larger when transposed onto the 2008 race. In a crowd of old faces, Obama offers movie star good looks and a dazzling smile. Among a crew of (mostly) stale speakers, his rhetoric soars and excites. And in a particularly polarizing moment, he is preternaturally skilled at swelling the soul with calls for unity and national purpose. Noam Scheiber, a senior editor at the New Republic, gushes that “Obama is easily more intelligent, sophisticated and charismatic than 99% of the politicians I’ve come across,” and, just for good measure, notes that “Bill Clinton is the only one I can think of who combines all three talents in similar proportions.” Adding to the Obama mystique, Oprah Winfrey advised those seeking to draft her into the race to “take [that] energy and put it in Barack Obama.”
[head desk]
Older Gent *shingles*
Disinterested? Or uninterested? Or both?
That’s about the pithiest description of this sort of “journalism” that seems to be eminently common, esp. on the internet. And the people getting libeled keep falling for it—how can they not? If you’re a decent person, you can’t just shrug off these attacks, knowing they’re so obscenely wrong, but falling for the taunts is even more personally detrimental. And then the audiences are too stupid to understand the manipulation going on, and play right into the attackers hands. (‘They want me to do a podcast with this disingenuous asshole. Guess I have to.’)
You see this happening a lot lately with Jordan Peterson, and I’m amazed at how well he generally keeps his cool. I couldn’t do it. I’d get far more hotheaded than even Sam Harris gets, and that itself is detrimental, as the audience’s reaction to this exchange proves.
It really pisses me off that this sort of Gawker journalism is so successful. But that makes me the bad guy, right? Just the mere fact that I’m incensed.
Sullivan’s mistake is assuming that the Kleins of the world actually have any desire for liberalism (as ‘equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome’). I doubt that that appeal will work very well nowadays.
Speaking of “nailed to a cross,” an atheist buddy once remarked that she didn’t see what was so heroic about Christ’s crucifixion. After all, plenty of soldiers sacrificed their lives by jumping on a grenade or died trying to pull a wounded comrade to safety. And they sacrificed themselves knowing they would die. Christ, the son of God, knew he would be resurrected from death so why was his sacrifice so much more important that a MOH winning soldier? What kind of derring-do, assassinations, etc. would you do if you knew in three days you’d be back?
God had to sacrifice himself to himself to change a rule that he made.
Yeah, I don’t get it.
To be fair, I’m part of the same Tribe, and it hasn’t made sense for us for about 1,985 years.
That and the whole cannibalism thing. Have you ever considered that he was just ticked off that Judas found the afikoman so quickly and just found a creative way to tell the gang to “eat my shorts”?
Maybe someone with more background in the theology can step in here, but this is my understanding:
So, God is everything and the creator of everything. Adam and Eve eat from the Tree of Knowledge, and in so doing separate themselves and their descendants from God, maybe by trying to acquire God’s…Godness…which would obviously not work. So they and their descendants separated themselves from God and doom themselves to eternity apart from Him. In order to rejoin with God, God (who is the only entity capable of doing this, being God) becomes a man in order to live a human life and die. He can’t just kind of get married, have kids, go down the pub, and die of old age, because he would die in sin, being human. So, he allows himself to be crucified and die in order to atone for the sins of humanity. By living a perfect life, which regular humans can’t do, he is a perfect sacrifice, and thus atones for Original Sin, which was in effect the creation of sin. Remember, God is everything, but Jesus is God in a mortal perspective, so that part of God can experience human life first-hand, die, and still be God. So, Jesus (who is God) is sacrificed (to God) to kind of act as a constant sacrifice so that humans who can’t pull that off can still get the benefit as long as they take Jesus into themselves spiritually. I think that’s where the Eucharist comes in, symbolically taking parts of Jesus into your body to take part in the crucifixion and resurrection.
Or something like that. I don’t really know.
Whoa, heavy man….
I don’t know, shoot. I spent a lot of my teens and twenties trying to figure that shit out before I just said, “Whatever, man, I’ll figure it out when I croak.” I don’t need things to make sense, but I need them to be internally coherent. The official version might just be, “Look, right, you just be glad Jesus died for your sins and don’t you worry about it, ok?”
A buddy can be a she?
Fuck Buddies, this is known, Jesus, do i need to spell it out?, Jesus?
We prefer the term “Practice Husband”! *storms off in a huff*
Nah, Wifey and i are coming up on 30 years, and we are still FBs, no practice required 😉
No probs. Wifey is my only real friend nowadays. All the shit that I post here has probably been filtered through her (before and after). What I meant was that growing up, I had many girls that I was extremely close to but never did the deed with. Hours on the phone, long walks, listening to music and smoking doobs. Seeing that I ended up in relationships later in life with three of them just goes to show that someone hit my teen-aged self with a “dummy” stick. The signs were all there but I had my own ideas about friendship and longing and the “One True Love”. I was pretty hard-core ethical when I was a kid. Then of course I grew up and became less wistful and apparently much more fuckable.
The thing that struck me as being odd about the crucifixion story was the idea that one person can simply step in and take the punishment for someone else.
If someone murdered my family, I would want that person to be punished. If the criminal’s brother stepped in and attempted to be punished in his stead, I would consider that to be a total perversion of justice.
I got conned into attending a “puppet show” when I was about 4-5. It was a recruitment drive for some fundamentalist church. When we got home we were very disappointed about the lack of puppetry. My Mom just looked at us and lit a smoke.
LOL my childhood, encapsulated
Oh yea, I got invited to a lot of church functions from my religious friends.
You hold some function with food and games, kids are going to show up. I vaguely remember my mom being really pissed because some church apparently baptised me without her permission.
They got my elder brother that way. I thought Mom’s head would explode! Not in the usual “Go out to the willow and choose a branch” type anger either. I should have seen then what she would become but what the fuck did I know? I was only a little kid.
I’ve been invited to church 3 times in the past month. Here’s what happened last time:
Him: God loves you.
Me: That’s good to know.
Him: Want to come to church?
Me: No, I gotta work out.
Him: Do you believe in god?
Me: Not really, no.
Him. Oh. Have a good night.
Me: You as well.
The thing is, even if I believed it, I still wouldn’t want to go to church. I have no desire to sit in a chair and listen to someone talk about stuff I either know already or can learn about on my own. Been there, done that.
I believe in God as the Universe Creator, pick a name, or mysticism, it’s still the Universal Creator that you Worship, IMHO
I have family who are very devout, and I’m still not really sure what they get out of church besides the social aspect. That might be the point, though. There was a death in the family and you couldn’t keep the door closed for parishioners coming in with food and so forth. For that matter, my grandmother’s primary social outlet for years was her church’s choir group.
I think it’s structure and a common bond with people who believe more or less the same things as you do, but more importantly people you might not have other ties to. In the balance I think it’s a good thing, generally, although I can think of a billion other things I’d rather do on a Sunday than sit in a pew, hum “A Mighty Fortress is our Lord”, and shake hands with everyone around me on cue. Then again, the joke about Episcopal services is that you basically go there to find a foursome.
That’s a golf term, before anyone gets too excited.
That’s been my take. What a lot of people like is not the religion necessarily, but “going to Church”. It’s a comforting, bonding ritual ritual with an attachment to something greater than oneself.
I’ve never been religious, but some of my fondest memories were going to Sunday services when I’d stay with my grandparents in their small (250 pop) Utah town. The feeling of a close, small community was strong and this big city kid appreciated that.
It didn’t hurt that after the services there was a picnic in the park behind the church and I got to hang out with all the girls in town who were dressed up nice and pretty.
BTW I couldn’t tell the difference between the LDS services and those of several mainline Protestant ones. Not that I paid that much attention – they sure felt the same.
Years ago, my mom tried to get me to come to the youth group at the Episcopal church. This was a year or 2 after she left the Mormon church.
One night, the activity was pizza and Spiderman 2. The Episcopal church is the US version of the Church of England, which was set-up by Henry VIII because the Pope wouldn’t let him divorce one of his wives.
That’s all very interesting and I wondered what it had to do with Spiderman 2.
She left the Episcopal church for the Catholic church because the Episcopal church approves of gay marriage. The Catholic church she goes to is quasi-independent. They are not fans of the current pope.
I think it gets into the sacrificial thing of olden times. That is my hazy recollection. Which leads one to wonder about sacrifices of a lamb/whatever in the first place. It has been supposed that started due to them needing an excuse to have a BBQ prior to the invention of BBQ’s. Which leads to the wondering if tailgating isn’t really just another religious experience with different gods.
I read that somewhere myself. Basically, sheep and so forth don’t exactly grow on trees, and a quasi-nomadic band of subsistence farmers aren’t exactly rolling in it, so if you want to keep the ol’ protein comin’ you’ve got to make sure you ration that shit thoughtfully. So, Ezekiel says, “Look, here’s the thing. We’re all really happy that God has kept us from bursting into flame or being attacked by the Shabonites or what-have-you, so let’s thank him by sacrificing a few sheep. Thing is, he is mostly concerned with the sheep’s spiritual essence, so he’d probably want us to eat the parts that have been marinating since last night.”
Beer, BBQ and Men Fighting, sounds religious to me….
Herbert Spencer wrote many chapters about practices like this in Principles of Sociology. Basically, he theorized that primitive humans almost always develop a belief in a spiritual double that can leave the body, and death is the state where that spirit has left the body for good and gone somewhere else. This is why there are many cultural practices that appear to have the goal of providing the spirit with things it may need wherever it has gone: dressing the corpse in nice clothing, putting currency and other valuables in the grave… Some Native American tribes were observed to burn a fire for four days over the burial site under the belief that it took four days for the spirit to make the journey to the other world and they would need a source of illumination. Even non-religious people in the 21st century feel the need to dress their deceased loved ones in nice clothing before putting them in the ground.
Burning animals probably stems from a literal belief that spirits in the afterlife get some sustenance or enjoyment out of the smoke of animal flesh.
Leviticus 1:9 says, “The priest is to burn all of it on the altar. It is a burnt offering, a food offering, an aroma pleasing to the LORD.”
Exactly. The lord likes BBQ!
And people say there is no God.
OT: Is the “no chit-chat over the urinal wall” just a Western world thing?
While we do have plenty of offenders among the native-born, my own admittedly limited experience leads me to believe that people from other parts of the world have less of an aversion to trying to make small talk while we’re both holding our dicks.
Not in America, keep your eyes, mouth and dick to yourself thank you, (consensual gay sex encounters not withstanding)
Yeah, totally. Exceptions can be made if you’ve been drinking and the conversator has something important to say and is well known to you.
Worst urinal etiquette story:
My friend and I had just driven about an hour and a half to get to Jungle Jim’s International Market in Fairfield, OH, and we both had to whiz like Russian racehorses, so we hoofed it to the restroom. In case you don’t know, Jungle Jim’s literally won an award for the best bathrooms in America. Over the urinals are mounted plaques with newspaper articles describing this event.
So there are about nine urinals, and I go to the first one, my friend goes in the third, leaving the proper buffer zone. In walks some fucking dude who goes in the urinal right between us. But it doesn’t end there – he looks at both of us and says, “best bathrooms in America, huh?” as he unzips.
The best bathroom I’ve ever seen were at Twisted Root in San Angelo, TX. The walls and stalls were blackboards and were covered in Chuck Norris jokes.
Oh man, I am so sorry. I didn’t realize I’d breached etiquette.
No idea. It’s never happened to me abroad. I think it’s more an extrovert thing. The guys that pull that on me here are always the loud, boisterous types.
One time, I told the “I hear this was where all the dicks hang out” joke while pissing next to a guy. It was in basic training and he looked like he needed a good laugh. It worked.
My go to chit chat over the urinal wall: “kind of a weak stream there, want I should check your prostate?”
Come on, that said in a Russian accent is good urinal conversation there.
In Soviet Russia, weak Czechs get made prostrate in streams.
No. I hate when guys set their phones atop the urinal and watch something while taking a piss. A 20 something at a bar did that next to me and splattered piss on my shoes. I called him an asshole in Japanese and he shoved me. I left the bathroom and he followed, still shoving me in the back. Once we got in the stairwell out of everyone’s sight, I turned around and choke slammed the little prick.
Another way Fancy Asia is different from Jungle Asia. Instead of that passive-aggressive shit, in Thailand, it would have gone like this:
*all Thais in area, regardless if they know the guy or not, swarm around the farang and one pulls out a knife and stabs you in between the ribs*
I’ve heard Turks and Mexicans do the same.
I wouldn’t be surprised.
Exactly that happened to my buddy and me in Denver. Taco Bell. He told a couple of Mexican kids to stop talking so loudly. I’m shaking my head. He’s a New Yawker, so he’s a badass. Except his a puss. We got encircled by about a dozen Mexican teens in under 5 minutes. We made a dash for our car and sped out as rocks pelted my car.
Yeah, I wouldn’t mess with Thais, especially in their own country. Heck, I wouldn’t have slammed this kid, but he was a foot shorter, 30 kilos lighter and drunk. I’m no tough guy.
“Fancy Asia” vs “Jungle Asia”.
I’m remembering this – not sure though when I’d get to use it.
^^things you don’t read about on the official Japanese tourist website.
+1 Black Rain
Muscle memory. Nice one, Straff!
Canadian here, too much cameraderie at the funny-sink will gain you a busted nose. If there is space then you leave space. It is known.
My my what a difference a few years make.
More on Rothbard’s love of student revolutionaries:
Let’s see what Danny the Red has been up to lately:
NPR has been on this all day. I guess they fact check claims they don’t like, but don’t fact check the politicians they interview. Listen to any Adam Schiff interview.
“Fact check” segments are useless. Those words are just a veneer of nonpartisanship tossed over an obviously partisan article.
Reply, without comment – https://youtu.be/mAUY1J8KizU
Here ya go, live cricket from New Zealand: http://www.espncricinfo.com/
Tomorrow I become a Califonian.
May God have mercy on my immortal soul.
Or Californian. I’ve heard it both ways 😉
Hey, I’m giving a speech at a medical conference next month in Carlsbad, just down the road a bit from your new digs in Escondido. I may have to come over to Escondido while I’m down there, as we staff several departments of the local hospital. Perhaps we can see about a Glibs meetup of some of the local posters. I do think you’ll appreciate the Stone Brewery in your new hometown, could be a great meetup site.
I’m up for it if the timing works.
Call me, and yes I’m married, we need to hook up though
I dunno what to say.
Good luck, I guess.
Abandon all hope ye who enter.
Dante was an asshole. What’s wrong with false hope? And good luck, Hayek.
I kind of want to make a T-Shirt that says “Dante was an asshole.”
If I were Catholic, I’d be wearing “Benedict is MY pope #RESIST”
That’s probably a pretty good summary. Somewhere in the western united states, my 2000 burgandy Ford Expedition ( beautiful and with only 116 k miles) is making its way to San Diego to meet me. I’ve been told that the V8 5.5 liter engine will be tough to insure. What a bunch of pussies.
Nah, i run a V10 for work, it’s no big deal, and don’t let the Cali digs get to you, they are all jealous of our Beautiful State, and Legal WEED!
It’s the same here. Everyone picks and digs at BC but we know deep down we hold the best cards. Pretty wintery but OMG spectacular scenery.
I’ve been to Vancouver twice. It’s a beautiful city.
HS it isn’t the insurance that will get you. It’s our gas prices. If you don’t have a Costco membership then now isca good time to get one.
Our new state motto.
Good luck! I hope it’s everything good you dream of!
^^^What she said. Best wishes and fuck the naysayers! We get one chance so you may as well go down swinging!