And I hope it has been a good Friday afternoon. I am honoring the religion of my fathers by pretending to work. That’s like resting, right?
I’m not saying that you can judge an artist by his art, but I wouldn’t have let my teenage daughter carry on with the guy who wrote Mr. Horse and the Shaving Cream Yak. That was a great show, but also majorly weird. However, the Swedish government seems to be okay with it as long as you marry the girl.
I am skeptical of this.
EPA says “no way” to Obama CAFE. Scott Pruitt may go down as the one libertarian bright spot in this administration
And Noor Salman, wife of the piece of shit who shot up the Pulse nightclub in Orlando was found to have done nothing to knowingly help her husband carry out his plan. Too bad the FBI can’t say the same.
Let’s relax to 90’s stoner-folk-pop.
EPA says “no way” to Obama CAFE. Scott Pruitt may go down as the one libertarian bright spot in this administration
-does this mean VW gets their money back?
No, but I’ll cheer regardless for the future.
That’s great, so now those idiots in Cali and NY (Glibs excluded) can complain about their rent and their vehicle prices. Have fun with that.
I wonder what the full faith and credit clause has to say about this.
What about General Welfare or Commerce Clause?
Commerce clause – rule stating states may not set more stringent standards for emissions than the national standard.
Let’s have the Santa Clause weigh in.
Why a Duck?
Topo Gigio!
-does this mean VW gets their money back?
hehehe… No.
CAFE is largely a joke anyways, since the targets are set with the full faith and consent of the auto companies. It’s part of the deal that comes with being too big to fail – you must agree to go along with the kabuki theater of CAFE, but we’ll let you set the rules.
Curious question for the Glibertarian Overlords regarding this policy:
We’ve all been on several libertarian websites and they always have several regular trolls in addition to a bunch of random people that pop in to make 1 account, just to post something in bad faith or harass the community for the day.
Does see these kind of 1-account making trolls, but their posts get moderated into oblivion before they show up? I just noticed how a we don’t really see any random people pop in just to fuck with us and I wonder (1) if we’re ever targeted or (2) if people just haven’t noticed our little corner of the internet yet.
Nice try, Tulpa.
Damn it!
We’re hunted like prey on the savanna by the raging, aged, true libertarians as well as albino native Americans.
The only that stands between us and chaos is SP with her trusty Pineapple Cannon, and her trusty sidekick, Swiss of the Cat-Butt Brigade.
Do you even gambol, brah?
There’s one Now!
I’m surprised the spam filter doesn’t eat posts with that word.
I’m guessing more (2) than (1). The ad bots are probably taken care of by the spam filtering software, and I do remember a few of the trolls coming over immediately after the glibbening, but I doubt we’re much of a target these days.
Yeah, I remember that. I’m thinking that the mods really don’t need to answer this for me anymore – Scruffy gave a very detailed and (what I’m sure is) an accurate description of how the site is kept safe.
We caught a couple, early on. That seems to have acted a a bit of a deterent. Just the fact you have to register and will get your first post modded also is a deterent. That, and I paid $99.95 on eBay for a troll repelling rock.
Swiss, I’d like to buy your rock…
No chance, I was guaranteed it was magic!
Ah, okay. Cool to know they are just leaving us alone/are scared of your rock.
I thought they just posted Zardoz and his Enforcers by the front door, and had Steve Smith guard the back door.
And by guard the back door, I mean…
***Note to self: Renew eBay account, find more rocks***
Anytime I see one of Obama’s policies overturned, it’s a good day.
It’s a good Friday.
Pruitt and DeVos are probably the best Trump appointments. If anything else, they are actively trying to curb the power of their department which is always a net gain for liberty.
Gorsuch has a sad.
The FBI fucked up spectacularly again. It really needs to be torn apart, defunded, and the ringleaders sent to prison for life. Rule of law doesn’t apply to these assholes at all any longer.
But it can save us from Trump!
My sister in law’s friend from college is an FBI agent and while she is nice, I can’t help but think that she has at the very least abetted in their bullshit. Anyway, she was at my sister in law’s son’s first birthday party and she got on the subject of Trump and his relationship with the FBI and how the agency has low morale. I was wise enough to keep quiet but wanted to really say, “Fuck all y’all.”
“Good!… er I mean, good heavens!” quoting Sgt Snorkel after he was woken with the news that Lt Fuzz was lost in the woods.
Thanks to whomever linked to the law professor lecturer about never talking to cops. Very illuminating.
Sounds like the literal definition of “Damning with Faint Praise”.
A) Found out the squeeze has been carrying on relationships with other women (not just casual sex). The woman that he has been living with was also paying for his phone, which she shut off. Anyhoo, my plan is to never see nor speak to him again. The locks are being changed on MOnday, and his stufff is going into my storage locker this weekend. My neighbor will unlock the storage room for him.
B) ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: I got blocked on Twitter by Himmler lookalike Kurt Eichenwald!
Sorry Kristen.
Question, related: how hard is it to cut a padlock with bolt cutters? I can’t find the key to my storage locker.
It’s easy. The best way to do it is to have the property manager do it. That way they aren’t calling the cops on you when you show up with the bolt cutters.
Just call and explain you lost your key. They’ll have you present your ID to verify you are who you are and then escort you to the locker.
I own my place, the storage locker is in a basement room, so I doubt anyone would see me. Seems like a bit much to call someone.
I see. Then just get a big ass set of bolt cutters from home depot. 😀
I prefer a prybar and a large crescent wrench. Put the bar in the loop of the lock and the crescent wrench around the long sides of the lock, adjusted tightly. Bring them together and snap. Wear gloves as it can be a finger pincher. Cheaper than bolt cutters and the two tools can be used for other things.
Depends on the quality of the padlock. Try and find a kind neighbor with an angle grinder.
Wasn’t there a thing recently that a whole class of keyed padlocks could be opened with a simple shim?
Well, yeah, if KK was near Dallas, LSD could come over with a bump key and get that sucker open in seconds.
Paging DoomCo to the white courtesy phone.
Depends on the size of your bolt cutters, and quality of lock. lots of cheaper locks are fairly susceptible to a good whack with a small sledge.
“Depends on the size of your bolt cutters”
I’ve been lied to all my life!
Also, in a pinch, a hack saw will get through it easier than you think.
I’m sorry.
That’s a bummer, KK. You’re doing the right thing though.
On the Eichenwald front, that’s like beingthrown out of the Nazi party. Well done!
Damn, I’m sorry to hear about the squeeze. :/ People are shitty, so just be like me and never leave the house.
I’m sorry to hear that. He needs a good asskicking.
I’m waiting to get blocked by Preet Bharara. Every time Twitter highlights one of his Tweets in the spam it sends me, I respond with a woodchipper reference.
Guys are pigs! (Takes one to know one, right fellow Glib boars?)
Not all boars are pigs.
Sorry Kristen. That sucks.
Good to know what kind of person he is. You don’t need that shit in your life.
That dirty motherfucker.
Sorry to hear that KK.
Shitty but you’ll over come it.
Good gals always do.
Glad you found out sooner rather than later. Still shitty.
Dang…sorry to hear it. Best to do the Stalin airbrush out of history bit on ‘im.
Sorry, that’s bullshit of the highest order. You are a better person than me, I’d probably burn that shit up and send a picture of whatever was left.
Swiss is right- do your best to move on. This sucks, really sorry.
On the bright side, you could (if you wished) summon the Glibertarian Militia who would gladly exact revenge. We feel strongly about our Commenting brethren (and sistren).
*cracks knuckles, examines combat knife*
*selects the top human hunting attack cats from the basement*
*starts draping M240 ammunition over my shoulders Poncho Villa style*
I probably should be more upset, but I’m kind of…relieved? I guess?
Only thing bothering gme is I don’t know if he knows that this one woman has been contacting the other women he knows. I’m dreading that he doesn’t know, and he’ll just show up here thinking everything is hunky dory.
Although if he doesn’t know, I am curious as to what excuse he’ll give me that he has a new phone # next time he texts me. LOL
Can you get a selfie with the other women? I think casually putting him in a very uncomfortable position could be…cathartic.
I would, but I’m over here tryna live drama-free, and anyone who invites drama into my life gets cut off with extreme prejudice. I didn’t even reply to her.
I hear ya. I recently cut out some big drama (although it occasionally doesn’t get the message) and it feels great.
Good luck!
I am slightly paranoid about my firearm, between now and when my locks get changed. He’s the one who suggested I buy it, which means he probably covets it.
I may give it to my neighbor for safekeeping.
Or secure it on premises…locked up, but able to get to if needed.
Just curious, do items A & B involve the same man?
LOL!!!! If I was presented with a choice of continuing with the squeeze or dating Eichenwald, I’d gladly keep getting cheated on!
Now I’m having a Fat Tire (or 5)
Fat Tire is fine stuff. Sorry that you had to deal with a Proctologist’s Dream.
So what you’re saying is that you’re back on the market? :slicks hair back:
(P.S.: Sorry he’s a shit.)
Sorry, KK. This is why I don’t date… humans.
Sorry to hear about the cheating but it’s good you found out. It’s great you cut him out of your life.
That sucks Kristen. I’m sorry.
if That lady really had no idea her husband was a nut good for her and the justice system. If she had anything to do with it I wouldn’t cry over vigilante justice. Either way she should get out of Orlando.
Scott Pruitt may go down as the one libertarian bright spot in this administration
What? Is Gorsuch chopped liver?
A holding action. Gorsuch prevented the SCOTUS front from collapsing further, Pruitt is retaking ground.
First part got cut off. And now it is behind a paywall. Damn.
Leave the LINKS to the staff here?
Q and Derp have a sad.
But isn’t China already littered with sparkling new ghost cities? What’s one more, I guess.
It will work this time.
Ha, I thought you meant the link.
Wasn’t when I found it. Damn it.
I will not be donating to this gal’s fund.
Let’s relax to 90’s stoner-folk-pop.
Gah, That was even worse than I remember it having been.
Celebrate the Resurrection and the impending end of Lent with smokin’ hot babes.
2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 11, 15, 17, 21(R), 24, 27, 29, 34, 40, 51, 52, 67, 82, 84, 85.
There are many more that could easily make the cut; one of the best groups ever IMO.
#52 and #56 are repeats: #52 is Kiki Passo and #56 is Kassidy Cook.
I’ll stay away from the ladies so as not to get them sick.
Does this Kiki Passo have a newsletter?
I posted her instagram page on the previous thread, and I’ll repost it here because I’m a nice guy.
Well, once I make my first billion, she’s definitely going in the harem.
I’m getting a feeling of deja vu from browsing these links (as though they were very recently published here), but I’m not complaining.
37: Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!
I don’t have time to pick through so I’ll take both of 34 and 38. Oh, and 55
I’d probably have taken more, but…
From the Noor Salman story:
In a blow to the government’s case, the FBI itself found that receipts and cellphone signals showed the couple were nowhere near the Pulse on the day Salman said they were.
Doesn’t the FBI know how to make shit up?
What kind of monster schedules a weekly meeting at 16:30 on Friday afternoons? First week in the actual office I’ll be supporting, so didn’t want to try to just go work from home for the afternoon, and at this point, I think it’s me and another vendor on the entire floor.
There is a special place in hell for people that schedule meetings on a Friday after 3PM.
There is a special place in hell for people that schedule
meetingswork on a Good Friday.I work 7:30-4:30, so I wouldnt be there anyway.
Oh, how I laughed
The controversy began with a tweet on Wednesday, when Ingraham linked to an article from the Daily Wire about how David Hogg, an organizer for March for Our Lives, didn’t get into UC Los Angeles, UC San Diego, UC Santa Barbara, or UC Irvine despite his 4.2 GPA. (Ingraham mistakenly said he had a 4.1 GPA.)
Ha! *I* got accepted to UCLA and I’m yokel from flyover country. I went to Bovine University instead because I got a full scholarship.
I wonder how many hundred points higher on the SAT I scored than him.
Serious grade inflation. I was valedictorian, and I don’t think my GPA would have been a 4.2
My school district tried to counter-act that by making it harder to get As.
94-100 A
84 – 93 B
74 – 83 C
64 – 83 D
63 and lower F
What they didn’t know is that standards were already so low that the change was useless – it was still super easy to get As because my classmates were morons and everything was dumbed down.
It’s like cutting zeroes off your hyperinflated currency.
My (Catholic) high school went even more hard core my last couple of years;
99-100 A
94-98 A-
91-93 B+
86-88 B
81-85 B-
And the +’s and -‘s effected your GPA. A +/- adjusted your GP by .3. My girlfriend didn’t understand when I laughed when she talked about a 10 point band per grade for the public school she went to (91-100 = A; 81-90 = B; etc.).
And the +’s and -‘s effected your GPA. A +/- adjusted your GP by .3.
Actually, ours did too, but I can’t remember by how much. You could get up to 4.5 by getting A+’s on everything. I didn’t put the whole chart up because I’m lazy.
Anyway – your (Catholic) school was pretty hardcore. I think I like it better.
70 was the cut-off between passing and failing at my old Catholic high school. They used a point system to rank students instead of GPA. Your grade translated into a number of points based on the difficulty of the class (getting grade X in a difficult class was worth more points than getting the same grade in a less difficult class). Whoever graduated with the most points was valedictorian.
The local public schools (government schools) used 60 as the cut-off between pass and fail.
My sister was pulled out of the Catholic school and put into the local public school when she was in the 9th grade. She talked about testing out of a bunch of classes, getting credit for a bunch of classes just because of her time in Catholic school, and then coasting through the rest of the classes she had to take. Easy times she said.
I went to Catholic school K-12, and I remember struggling to keep up with my peers in high school. I had the equivalent of a B average. Had I transfered out my last year to the public schools like my parents considered doing thanks to money trouble, I would have had a solid A my last year with much less work.
My (public) school did something similar. IIRC an ‘A’ in an AP class was a 6.0 instead of 4.0 etc.
We had a scale with similar percentages, but the GPA points were like this:
A+ 12
A 11
A- 10
B+ 9
B 8
There was a slight boost (maybe 0.25 points) for AP classes. It was very hard to explain to colleges what a 9.5 GPA meant. I think they went to a traditional 4 point scale after I graduated.
We didn’t have letter grades, so it was all number grades.
And New York had Regents’ Exams.
The state gamed the exams, however. When I took the one in German in 10th grade, there was a writing section had four marks, one for some sort of coherentness, one for appropriateness to the topic, and two for grammar (verb tenses, noun genders, declension and so on) for each sentence you wrote. When I took the one in French senior year, there was only one mark for grammar. I was told you now got one grammar error free.
GPA’s are worthless now, because you get infinite chances to retake test. Can’t scam the ACT/SAT/GRE though.
I graduated 8th in my class because I had 1 B. The other 7 above me were all tied for Valedictorian and had perfect records. Keep in mind this was almost 20 years ago, and I can only imagine it’s gotten worse.
Jeez. I went to a very competitive HS and got salutatorian and I was far from perfect. This was 30 years ago FWIW.
SATs have been recentered and changed over the years. Year to year comparisons are not always accurate.
How the fuck do you fail to get in the UCSB?!?!?
I managed to not get in by not applying.
I took a couple of practice SATs until I got a perfect 800 on the math portion, and then went in and took the actual SAT. Only got a 760 in the math, which pissed me off.
Thankfully, I did well enough on the Verbal portion to test out of Freshman English.
I fell asleep during the math portion when I took the ACT (I had worked late the night before). It’s the only part I didn’t do well on.
I don’t even know what a 4.2 GPA means, 4.0 was the highest the scale went when I went to school.
Places will tack shit on for Honors and AP classes. Some schools around here, you can get a 5.0 if you take enough of them.
We got a modicum of credit for AP, but not that much. I was in all AP classes (except for French) my senior year, and graduated with somewhere between 100 and 101 for the four years.
On top of that, in many schools an A+ is a 4.2. Essentially, the top 1/4-1/3 of the class is over a 4.0 these days.
I did my one and only acid trip the night before my SATs. Still managed to break 1500 out of 1600 possible.
Well done, good sir. I was a straight-laced Boy Scout at the time and only managed 1400.
Meh, Night before my Structures final, went to a classmate’s to study but instead, we split a case of Natty Light and played Madden football, no studying, no sleep. I was the first one to hand in my exam, took 15 minutes tops, got a 95.
How was the trip?
Hint: “my one and only acid trip”
from Lewis Black’s bio:
If you take acid, remember to have your driver’s license on you in case you can’t remember what your name is when you come down.
It wasn’t a bad trip, but it wasn’t anything I enjoyed, either. Just not my thing.
(counts letters to be sure “gay hippy shit” isn’t shorter)
that song is on the short list of – “songs i wish i could have un-made so that all the moments i experienced in the 1990s where it was playing in the background could be re-experienced without the sense of cringing pain and embarrassment for my race it caused me”
the only other things i can recall that fall in that category was, “4 non blondes” and “green day”
I’m going to 100% honest… I never thought that was a “real” song. I thought it was just a parody song to make fun of shitty 90s baja rock, for like a comedy movie or a TV ad.
Green Day doesn’t bug me anywhere near as bad as “What’s Going On.” That shitty song from that shitty band was everywhere for a few months, like a self-replicating nanoplague eating all the joy in life and shitting out misery.
How could you dislike the song that frames the denouement of the classic film Matilda (1996)?
I always thought you were a man of taste and refinement!
Burn it! Burn it all!
Eine Entartete Kunst.
You might need to hear this, then.
I’m sad to admit I bought that album, probably while drunk in Tower Records.
But I didn’t buy this, so I may be redeemable.
You get knocked up, but you go down again?
The antidote.
90’s stoner folk pop makes me want to spread a little hate worldwide.
New Jersey imam starts workshop to train imams not get caught on camera praying for genocide of Jews
His remarks came against the backdrop of several inciting Friday sermons, including from the New Jersey area, published by MEMRI in recent months. Imam Moussa warned that there are “institutions of Islamophobia” with “budgets in the millions, whose only job is [to monitor] us,” and said that “every [Islamic] institution must make sure that anyone speaking on its behalf… is knowledgeable, informed, and responsible.” He suggested that mosques be required to only hire preachers who have been instructed by the Tri-State Islamic Council on what they are allowed and not allowed to say. The Tri-State Islamic Council invited all the imams in the area to a workshop on this issue that was held on February 1. Imam Moussa said that 45 imams attended the successful workshop. He further said that the supplications to Allah to “count [the Jews] one by one, disperse them to the very last one, and not leave a single one of them” – which many preachers recite by heart – are illegal in America and should disappear from the sermons.
Fellas, the jig is up. Have some dignity.
pursuing every detail of the “thousand-year plan” for what everyone will know as The City That Xi Built. He envisages it becoming part of an even grander project
And I immediately thought of Brasilia.
Might as well go with Washington, DC.
New book slams ‘toxic geek masculinity’ in Big Bang Theory
“The dichotomy is false: geek masculinity is not marginalized,” they contend. “It is instead an inevitable evolution of hegemonic masculinity in a culture where dominance and technical mastery are increasingly interwoven.”
Their book traces a number of TV shows and cultural struggles—including #Gamergate—to illustrate just how this toxic geek masculinity operates, citing The Big Bang Theory as but one example.
Referencing an episode called “The Contractual Obligation Implementation,” in which three geeky male scientists visit a local high school to tout STEM careers to teens, the professors claim that the storyline is actually an example of “empty feminism” because the plot does not address gender disparities in STEM fields.
[RELATED: Profs blame ‘masculine ideals’ for lack of women in STEM]
“The characters are deeply lacking in self-awareness regarding their roles in a sexist workplace, and this same lack of understanding is constantly played for humor,” Blodgett and Salter write.
Later in the episode, the male scientists bring two female scientists with them to chat with the high-schoolers, but the professors insist that the feminist ethos of these female scientists is actually “undermined” because they wear makeup and dress “ultra-feminine.”
Ultimately, Blodgett and Salter worry that the “the episode’s message about women geeks ends with their reduction to objects for the masculine gaze.”
[head desk]
Every HR department is filled with toxic femininity.
*cups hands into megaphone*
*shares a knowing glance with Derpetologist*
I wonder if the authors realize “deeply lacking in self-awareness” is kind of the basis for the show?
They don’t seem to get it. But, I don’t watch the show because it is so creepily sexist. Just….gross.
I visited my BIL last week in California and his wife had MJ infused coffee. She said it made her feel like she wanted to flex every muscle, but couldn’t move. I kind of wanted to try it, but she threw it away.
It’s been a while since I’ve seen Humboldt Brown. I thought it was pretty good.
Oh yeah. Had this beer as well. Big fan.
File under: WTF?
Well, cancer patients do tend to lose weight…
“Red Flag” legislation might be coming to NH
New legislation to make it easier for police in New Hampshire to seize firearms from someone who poses a threat could come forward sooner than expected.
Senate Majority Leader Jeb Bradley previously said he was open to discussing so-called “red flag” firearms legislation, but he now says it’s possible that the debate could start next month.
The framework of a bill has already been put together by retired Keene police Officer John Stewart. He said the images of Florida children running for their lives from another school shooting made an impression on him.
“We started having conversations in our house about what we can do and how we can prevent future incidents from happening in New Hampshire,” Stewart said.
Stewart began working on language for what’s known as red-flag legislation, which would allow police to remove firearms from someone who poses a threat. Under current New Hampshire law, that can only be done when the threat is imminent.
So much for the Free Staters…
I’ve been saying from the beginning that they should have picked Wyoming.
It’s our chance to launch the really free state project in Wyoming!
I voted for Wyoming, Montana, and I think Nevada. I can’t remember clearly anymore beyond that I did not vote for New Hampshire.
When and Where was this vote?
Your mom’s house.
Wyoming was the obvious choice.
Now if they could just do something about that high level of Federal government employment.
KK- sorry about the squeeze.
Depending on the lock, you might try this method to get the lock off if you’ve got the tools and/or somebody to give you a hand. I have watched a couple of these in the past, and it looks easier than using a boltcutter.
That’s pretty cool!!
Those have to be crap locks. I had to cut one off when the key snapped off inside (It was frozen) and needed a grinder (bolt cutters didn’t work)
Surprise, surprise: Public school supporters don’t want school choice
April is going to be crunch time for a school choice initiative that began in January 2017, and both sides are bracing for the final lap.
Opponents of SB 193 took center stage at the State House on Thursday as representatives from several stakeholder groups in the public education system urged lawmakers to reject the bill.
Called the “school voucher bill” by critics and “freedom scholarships” by supporters, SB 193 would set up a system to give parents state education grants to send their children to private schools, under certain conditions.
“Government schools”, not “public schools”.
NH again!?! That’s their 2nd fail in this thread… They’re gonna need a border wall if they keep spewing this crap.
Hate speech leads to violence.
Assumes facts not in evidence.
Fixed again
Hate, not Hate.“Right to a platform” is the most insidious, mendacious canard that keeps being brought up. They’re implying that evil wrongthinkers are demanding they be allowed to lecture unwilling goodthinkers. What actually happens is that some group of wrongthinkers/goodthink traitors provide a platform for extra evil wrongthinkers and then goodthinkers use every trick in the book to shut them down. Whether it’s death threats, harassing the administration into rescinding the invitation or good old fashioned shouting down and pulling the fire alarm hooliganism. No one is demanding a platform, they just want people to stop wrecking the platforms they already had.
According to Leftists intellectuals Michael Walzer, Leo Casey, Michael Kazin, James B. Rule, and Ann Snitow, writing in Dissent, one of the responses by the American left to the September 11 attacks was to blame American actions including the Gulf War, Sanctions against Iraq, support for Saudi Arabia, and support for Israel, for provoking the September 11 attack.[5] Walzer later described the left’s response to 9/11 as a “radical failure.”[6]
North Korea: A spokesperson for the North Korean Foreign Ministry in Pyongyang was quoted by the state-run news agency KCNA as saying: “The very regretful and tragic incident reminds it once again of the gravity of terrorism. As a UN member, the DPRK is opposed to all forms of terrorism and whatever support to it… and this stance will remain unchanged.”[28]
Russia: Russian troops were put on alert in response to the attacks. President Vladimir Putin held an emergency meeting of security officials and said he supported a tough response to these “barbaric acts”.[18] He also informed Condoleezza Rice by telephone that any and all pre-existing hostility between the two countries would be put aside while America dealt with the tragedy. In Moscow, women who spoke no English and had never been to America were captured on film sobbing in front of a makeshift tribute on a sidewalk. In addition, television and radio stations went silent to commemorate the dead.[15]
Vietnam: Vietnam’s leaders sympathized with the United States and condemning terrorism in the days following the attacks but also condemned any US “overreaction retaliation” such as the US airstrikes on Kabul, Afghanistan while supporting a resolution to the Afghanistan situation under the auspices of the United Nations. The country together with its neighbors of Laos as well Burma has signing an agreement on combating international terrorism.[40]
Almost all Muslim political and religious leaders condemned the attacks.
The sole exception was Iraq, when the then-president Saddam Hussein, said of the attacks that “the American cowboys are reaping the fruit of their crimes against humanity”.[44] Saddam would later offer sympathy to the Americans killed in the attacks.[45]
Iran: Despite Iran’s rocky relations with the U.S., both Iranian president Mohamed Khatami[50][51][52] and Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei condemned and denounced the attacks and the terrorists who carried them out. Iranians who gathered for a soccer match in Tehran two days after the 9/11 attacks observed a moment of silence. There was also a candlelight vigil.
Pakistan: Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf condemned the attacks. Some Islamic clerics in a few Paskistani mosques also condemned the attacks.[15] However, a 2004 Pew poll found that 65% of Pakistanis viewed Osama Bin Laden favorably.[59]
A group of Palestinians were filmed celebrating in the street in celebration of the local news reports of attacks on the World Trade Center and the deaths of thousands of Americans. Fox News reported that in Ein el-Hilweh, Lebanon’s largest Palestinian refugee camp, revelers fired weapons in the air, with similar celebratory gunfire heard at the Rashidiyeh camp near the southern city of Tyre as well.[49] Yasser Arafat and nearly all the leaders of Palestinian National Authority (PNA) condemned the attacks and attempted to censure and discredit broadcasts and other Palestinian news reports justifying the attacks in America,[49] with many newspapers, magazines, websites and wire services running photographs of Palestinian public celebrations.
Renowned Muslim scholar Yusuf al-Qaradawi denounced the attacks and the unprovoked killings of thousands of American civilians as a “heinous crime” and urged Muslims to donate blood to the victims. He did, however, criticize the United States’ “biased policy towards Israel” and also called on Muslims to “concentrate on facing the occupying enemy directly”, inside the Palestinian territories.[71] The alleged Hezbollah “spiritual mentor” and Lebanese Shia cleric Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah condemned the attacks.
The thing is the attacks were prompted by U.S. foreign policy. Specifically, Osama Bin Laden explained that:
1) He wished to purge Saudi Arabia of crusader occupation
2) He wished to trigger the U.S. to go to open war against Al Queda and to rouse devout moslems to strike back against crusader humiliations.
3) He thought the U.S. military actions would cause it to go bankrupt.
The basic purpose was to end the U.S. Saudi alliance. This wouldn’t actually be a bad thing for us; the Saudis are evil, barbaric savages, and the U.S. military acting as their mercenary army has harmed U.S. interests.
With that having been said, it wasn’t an attack that was actually defensive. It was essentially an attempt to widen a civil war into an international one in hopes that the wider conflict would benefit his side. And yes, the U.S. were patsies; they allied with the Saudis because they wanted access to oil that they otherwise feared would fall under Soviet control. But in the end, the beef Bin Laden had was with the Saudi monarchy and not the U.S.
I guess is that absent any U.S. alliance with the Saudi monachy, Bin Laden would have left us alone.
Eh, bin Laden’s given more than one reason:
c) Under your supervision, consent and orders, the governments of our countries which act as your agents, attack us on a daily basis;
(i) These governments prevent our people from establishing the Islamic Shariah, using violence and lies to do so.
(ii) These governments give us a taste of humiliation, and places us in a large prison of fear and subdual.
(iii) These governments steal our Ummah’s wealth and sell them to you at a paltry price.
(iv) These governments have surrendered to the Jews, and handed them most of Palestine, acknowledging the existence of their state over the dismembered limbs of their own people.
(v) The removal of these governments is an obligation upon us, and a necessary step to free the Ummah, to make the Shariah the supreme law and to regain Palestine. And our fight against these governments is not separate from out fight against you.
(d) You steal our wealth and oil at paltry prices because of you international influence and military threats. This theft is indeed the biggest theft ever witnessed by mankind in the history of the world.
(e) Your forces occupy our countries; you spread your military bases throughout them; you corrupt our lands, and you besiege our sanctities, to protect the security of the Jews and to ensure the continuity of your pillage of our treasures.
(f) You have starved the Muslims of Iraq, where children die every day. It is a wonder that more than 1.5 million Iraqi children have died as a result of your sanctions, and you did not show concern. Yet when 3000 of your people died, the entire world rises and has not yet sat down.
As you say, our support for KSA is part of it. I think bin Laden would have attacked the US sooner or later regardless.
Recommend reading Raymond Ibrahim’s “Al Qaeda Reader”. Really breaks down a LOT of the taqqiyah and varied messages involved.
Too bad this happened in disarmed Jersey.
They just need commonsense fist control.
“It’s a good thing he didn’t have a gun, because the death toll from the incident could have been even higher” /proglogic
“He stood a better chance of accidentally shooting himself during the attack!”
NH Secretary of State to release information about voter fraud in New Hampshire
Now that New Hampshire has been comparing its voter checklists with registration rolls in 30 other states for the past year, Secretary of State Bill Gardner has a new trove of information on voter fraud that he hopes to present to the public at some point this spring or summer.
The state Legislature approved New Hampshire’s participation in the Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck Program in 2016, and Gardner provided data from the 2016 election.
The program, which started in Kansas, has been steadily enlisting other states since 2006, when four Midwestern states began to share voter data.
Gardner said he hopes to have his report on the results of the state’s participation in Crosscheck no later than June 15, the filing deadline for primary election candidates.
2 British IS members say hostage beheadings were a mistake
noted: the link actually puts “mistake” in quotes.
‘in hindsight, maybe the ‘sawing people’s heads off with knives’? was probably not as well-thought-out as we had previously believed’
and why the sudden second-thoughts?
out of curiosity: whose definition of “Fair” are you interested in again? That of Western Judicial jurisprudence? or the “righteous mullahs declaring fatwa against infidel”-type? Because pretty sure we haven’t even begin to run afoul of the latter yet.
I mean, i’d understand if the British authorities also were forcing you to eat pork and shaved your beard against your will… but your Western Civilization-privileges seems to me something they already more or less rejected.
~~~edit fairy~~~
There’s some contrition fer ya’
I wouldn’t mind if they did, though.
The prisons should absolutely serve pork. It’s a fucking prison.
i think technically they’re in Kurdish-run detention center for ISIS prisoners
maybe you should have read the fine print before taking up arms to fight for a foreign terror-organization
And its not like you’re the first person this has ever happened to, you stupid cunt
They’ve been doing it for over a decade
I’m not sure what to do with ISIS guys like this. In general, it’s best to be humane to people who give up so that other will do the same.
I’d give them a choice between exile in another country or lifetime house arrest.
In most other times and places, they would be executed immediately.
Trudeau would be happy to welcome them to Canada!
from the shallow accounting in the AP report, they didn’t “Give up”: they were captured when ISIS strongholds were finally over-run.
In that case, life in prison.
“No way to Obama’s CAFE”
Who’s going out to buy V10 supertruck that gets 5 MPG? Anyone?
Already got one Q, but it’s more like 9 Mpg
+1 coal roller
Speaking of VW
As part of the settlement after it got caught cheating on its emissions tests, Volkswagen has bought back about 350,000 of its U.S. diesel vehicles. The automaker so far has spent more than $7.4 billion on the cars, according to court filings seen by Reuters.
The German automaker has 37 remote storage facilities across the U.S., and they’re not just parking lots. The sites include a former football stadium in the Detroit suburbs, an old paper mill in Minnesota and a giant patch of land in the California desert.
What a gargantuan waste.
Honestly the fraud was no good, but the hurdle that the fraud was meant to bypass was fucking absurd. In the first place.
Overheard earlier today-
2 Air Force guys with matching tattoos- one says Maverick, the other says Goose. You see, there were fighter planes in Top Gun, so they thought the movie was about the Air Force.
[head desk]
You’re shitting me
Nope. Retired Navy CPO told me that one.
Oh, how I laughed.
Because salty, retired sailors are never known to tell tall tales about other branches.
According to her story, she asked them “ah, didn’t you guys notice the aircraft carrier in that movie?”
For what it’s worth there are almost no well known air force movies. The best representation they’ve had since the golden age of war movies is stargate.
” there are almost no well known air force movies.”
There’s a reason for that. It’s not the most macho/cinematic branch.
1 year ago
First time at an AF dfac, I was done and I couldn’t figure out where to take my tray. Some punk airman tried to tell me to leave it on the table, that they have people just come around and pick them up. I was like, I’m not some dumb private, I’ve been in the Army long enough to know when I’m being fucked with. Turns out he was right. It felt very very wrong.
CRO/PJs not macho?
AC-130 angel wing flares not cinematic?
Seems more like the Navy just has better PR and a working relationship with Hollywood
Twelve O’clock High, Gregory Peck and Dean Jagger
Lance Sijan was pretty macho, but they never made a movie about him.
Damn. What guy Lance Sijan was.
Air power is ‘Murica’s ace in the hole. There would be a lot more dead soldiers without it.
By the numbers:
40 million Americans have served in the military
1 million died during wartime
600k combat deaths, 400k deaths from disease, accidents, friendly fire, etc.
The army represents about 89% of the combat deaths and 91% of the overall deaths. That explains the tilt we see in the movies.
Iron Eagle man…thr movie that had to hold it’s release to not compete with Top Gun
The Iron Eagle movies briefly had a chance to be good, but the Air Force did not cooperate at all with the film due to the plot involving a stolen aircraft. So they filmed using Israeli jets, which used paint schemes never used by USAF. Plus, they didn’t get to really look at the cockpits, so they were nothing like F-16s.
That’s wearing a colonel pin on one tab, lieutenant pin on the other tab levels of stupid.
Command Private Major?
My second CPO was actually named Officer. So it was ‘Chief Officer’ every day….weird.
I suppose you didn’t go, “you guys realize that film is all about struggling with homosexuality, right?”
Well in Kelly McGinnis’s case…
Sadly…I wholly believe it.
I spent 5 minutes dressing down an AF 2nd LT for not saluting my lowly SSgt ass.
They really were not the brightest of the bunch…officers that is. Us maintainers were the shit.
Ah, yes, the Air Force. It’s almost like being in the military.
Except for PJs and Combat Controllers, those tickets were typically insane….but for a ground radar tech it was a 6 year Spring Break for me.
I’ve been saying from the beginning that they should have picked Wyoming.
Except the part about how most of Wyoming looks like a giant dirty ashtray.
But it could have been a giant dirty ashtray with guns, drugs, hookers and…what else is on the agenda?
Ass sex and Mexicans
And her.
Would let ride.
I would too if I were well.
You know what? Instead she can me some tea.
Rutting elk?
Let’s hope people keep thinking that. Makes the Medicine Bow a lot less crowded on Fourth of July weekends.
‘in hindsight, maybe the ‘sawing people’s heads off with knives’? was probably not as well-thought-out as we had previously believed’
Oh, come on. Hearts and minds, baby.
Hearts and minds.
This is my fault, isn’t it?
Army mulls tougher basic training for out-of-shape, undisciplined recruits
“The ultimate goal of the military is to strip a civilian of civilian status and to put them in a military mindset,” Mike Volkin, an Iraq war veteran and author of “The Ultimate Basic Training Guidebook,” told Fox News. “So if you were to boil down the goal of basic training to its essence it would be to conform.”
The new BCT will place an added focus on strict discipline and esprit de corps through a greater emphasis on drills and ceremony, inspections and military history. It will also concentrate heavily on crucial battlefield skills such as marksmanship, physical fitness, first aid and communications.
Along with the new BCT regimen, U.S. Army brass is considering a tougher Combat Readiness Test, which would replace the current three-event APFT with a six-event test Army leaders believe better prepares recruits for the physical challenges of the service’s Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills – the key skills soldiers use to help them survive in combat.
But but but how will they find time for the Dept of Hurt Feelings classes?!
I am going to be driving by this tomorrow.
One of these days, I am going to stop.
Ive never quite understood the point (pun intended) of the Washington monument; much less why someone would go, “well lets make one that looks just like it, but smaller” for someone else. because all people will ever think is, “oh, he copied the other guy? how… interesting.”
also, don’t know why, but its a reference to ancient egyptian obelisks. I can see how that would be historically associated as ‘triumph for military victory’ – a la the Romans putting up similar things to mark their conquests – … but not so much for “guy who got his ass whooped in lost cause”.
Not only did the Romans make their own, they yoinked some originals and brought ’em back.
Obelisk ships were ships used to transport obelisks. Today, eight Ancient Egyptian obelisks stand in Rome, though not in their original places. The first of the obelisks, the 263-ton Flaminian obelisk, was transported from Heliopolis – modern-day Cairo – in 10 B.C. while the last, the 500-ton Lateran obelisk, was transported from Karnak.
I believe it was originally going to be a pyramid, which got scaled back for cost reasons.
I’m not sure if that’s any more-helpful in clarifying why, exactly, 1st US president is best remembered by “pointy pile of marble”.
I mean, Jefferson, Lincoln, etc all get Western-style statues housed in romanesque setting. which makes sense, as at least its thematically consistent with the general architectural theme of capitol buildings.
the wikipedia entry really doesn’t help clarify why it was the winning-idea
I don’t see “and Phallic as fuck, too” in there.
The original proposal doesn’t seem to have been a pyramid, but a obelisk+ rotunda sort of thing
Ah I knew there was an issue of something more ridiculous getting pared down to a more modest element.
You Americans should have just built a replica of Mussolini’s Rome and had done with it.
… well, except it predated Mussolini – but I hope you get the point.
a circular colonnaded building 250 feet (76 m) in diameter and 100 feet (30 m) high from which sprang a four sided obelisk 500 feet (150 m) high, for a total elevation of 600 feet (180 m).
I think it would’ve been better with two circular buildings next to each other and the obelisk between and next to them.
America has been “all cock and no balls” for far too long
Navy will require new running test ahead of boot camp
NORFOLK, Va. – The U.S. Navy will soon require a 1.5-mile (2.4-kilometer) running test for recruits to pass before they start boot camp.
The Virginian-Pilot in Norfolk reported Sunday that men will have to complete the run in a little more than 16 minutes. Women will have a little more than 18 minutes.
As many as 70 percent of recruits fail to pass their first physical readiness test during the first week of boot camp. Navy officials say that takes time away from focusing on other critical learning during the eight-week training.
I try really hard to follow the “one team, one fight” ethos, and stuff like this does not make it easier.
C’mon guys. If a decrepit ex-couch potato like me can run 2 miles in 15 minutes, what’s your excuse?
The ships aren’t too big, they don’t have to run very far.
Training is only 8 weeks long? I really shouldn’t say shit about it since I’m not military, but that seems pretty short to me (although it might seem awfully long to the guys going through it, idk).
That’s just basic. Actual job training is after. I think Army basic is about 8 weeks too. Marine Boot Camp was 13 weeks when i did it.
Navy officials say that takes time away from focusing on other critical learning during the eight-week training.
I was a fat body when I shipped to basic. I failed my PT test. It didn’t take time away from any training. It did take away from my personal time and I got extra attention from drill sergeants during the day. WTF are they doing in Navy basic? Their personal time can’t be touched? Instead of lounging on your bunk in the evening, you’re going to go down and get extra PT. How hard is that?
18 minutes to run 1.5 miles?! I’m fat, pushing 50, and I can do that now.
I would totally fail push ups or anything else, but I could do 1.5 miles in less than 18 minutes.
Swiss to the courtesy telephone.
As non-members, why would they do this? Or are they just afraid of a certain country next door getting too powerful again…
The article says that the EU cut off access to Swiss stock markets. It looks like good old fashioned extortion to me.
The U.S. Navy will soon require a 1.5-mile (2.4-kilometer) running test for recruits to pass before they start boot camp.
The Virginian-Pilot in Norfolk reported Sunday that men will have to complete the run in a little more than 16 minutes.
Holy shit. In college, when we showed up for football two-a-days, the first thing we did was the dreaded “12 minute run” on the track, for distance. I, being a lazy bastard, dedicated myself to covering just enough distance to keep the coaches off my ass; I did 6 and a quarter laps every year. I don’t think I could run slowly enough to take 16 minutes, without actually stopping.
No kidding. That’s like a 10 and a half minute mile. You could walk that.
You can in fact walk that with a light jog near the end to make sure you finish on time. Stopping to catch your breath is the usual cause of failure. Sometimes the out of shape newbies push too hard, end up out of breath and take longer than if they’d have just walked the darn thing.
I’m pretty sure straffin does when he misses the last train. Of course, that’s in kilometers, so it’s easier.
OCS…I think I took the PT test at least 6 times (not just the weekly one while I was in holding company after getting sick). But they use USMC Drill Instructors with us, pretty sure the normal navy basic instructors don’t get the same training that Army/Marine DIs get.
Anyone else gonna enter this?
I usually enter the classic firearms contests. I don’t post gun stuff to social media.
On NPRavda today, they were discussing how the expulsion of US diplomats from Russia would hinder intelligence gathering. I never thought I would live to hear NPR hosts expressing concern about that.
Expecting consistency?
Come now, they are very consistent.
Republicans suck?
If Mencken was alive today would he be slobbering over Xi? Or would Xi’s race and non-Germaness be held against him? Also China being liked by too many people that he would hate.
Q: What are the biggest challenges porn stars face when dating?
A: […]while my logical brain believes we shouldn’t have to be sexually exclusive to one person for our whole lives, my heart craves monogamy. My deepest fantasy is that a man will love me so much that he will never let me come in contact with another penis as long as I live, or else he will just explode of jealousy. But of course, my ultimate life dream is to do porn – hence, I will never truly be happy. The end!
Where is ZARDOZ when we need him?
my ultimate life dream is to do porn
I guess McDonald’s was a bit out of reach for her.
I ran across this one and it matches y’all perfectly.
They can’t be gross either. Vagina and not gross.
Speaking of China how do we deal with China? By deal I mean the more philosophical implications of an economically successful authoritarian state that might soon become the world’s biggest economy. And run by supposed TOP MEN unlike the West. Very dangerous to libertarian ideals.
Trade and economic improvement was supposed to lead to democracy but that doesn’t seem to be working. The ChiCom regime has shown itself to be far more resilient than anyone expected. It’s been almost 30 years since Tiananmen Square but rather then being the beginning it seems to have been a fluke. Hong Kong was supposed to also be the beginning of the end but the Chicoms seem to have handled that as well. Internet was supposed to lead to freedom but instead there has been enormous censorship.
Socialist economies cannot calculate.
They have empty cities and a simmering revolt among the peasants in the countryside. They are just as doomed as the U.S. government is now and the Soviet Union was 30 years ago.
Interesting that one of James Mann’s theories as to why China is not democratizing is that the peasants are still the majority so the rich middle and upper-class urbanites who benefit the most from the economic liberalization do not want them to vote.
The Communist Party and the People’s Liberation Army both have one goal; continuing their hegemony. It’s basically a giant kleptocracy. They won’t liberalize politically because they would lose their hold on power. The communists know that the moment they allow other organizations to exist distinctly from their control, it’s game over for them. So they ruthlessly suppress anyone who could threaten them… or coopt them.
There is no democracy because that would not serve their interests.
Soviet planners subscribed tot he Wall Street Journal and used it to set prices. Hilarious.
Tom Woods has an anecdote about a Communist suggesting how they’d get around the calculation problem: Hong Kong would stay capitalist and set prices for them.
My deepest fantasy is that a man will love me so much that he will never let me come in contact with another penis as long as I live, or else he will just explode of jealousy. But of course, my ultimate life dream is to do porn – hence, I will never truly be happy. The end!
It sounds like she wants a army of love slaves. NTTAWWT
Love Instructors? /Gene Roddenberry.
Back of the line, soldier!
In the 20th century, the oceans rose nearly 6 inches. But that was before the heat from burning fossil fuels had much impact on Greenland and Antarctica. Today, seas are rising at more than twice the rate they did in the last century. As warming of the Earth increases and the ice sheets begin to feel the heat, the rate of sea-level rise is likely to increase rapidly.
A 2017 report by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association, the United States’ top climate science agency, says global sea-level rise could range from about 1 foot to more than 8 feet by 2100. Depending on how much we heat up the planet, it will continue rising for centuries after that.
Although there is still some uncertainty about these forecasts, many scientists I’ve talked to now believe that the high-end projections are likely to increase as they get a better understanding of ice dynamics. Temperature-wise, the trend lines are rising: 2016 was the hottest year on record, and as I’m writing this, the Arctic is more than 45 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than normal.
The seas will rise up and swallow us.
TW: HuffPuff
Is this before or after they cooked the books?
+399° F
as I’m writing this, the Arctic is more than 45 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than normal.
What year was the temperature normal there?
David Hines is once again getting grumpy and laying out a simple plan for pro-gun town demonstrations that will probably not be implemented because it requires organizing effort.
Vermont?!?!? Fucking hell.
Their sack-of-shit Republican governor, who campaigned on preserving gun rights, flipped. Hopefully they’re an eccentric enough lefty population to punish the hell out of their reps and governor come election time.
Ah, the “Read My Lips” flip.
Nobody does that these days ….
We’ll get that wall built one day 6.
Are there pro-gun Vermont Dems?
I assume so, prior to this they were rated the best in the US for guns and they’re Dem dominated. Their legislature rushed into this and their governor is a Class A wussy so they might not have thought this through.
Yeah in 2015 Guns and Ammo had them ranked 2nd friendliest state for gun owners.
Gun grabbers have been winning lately. What are you going to do about it?
I’m going to piss and moan on an obscure libertarian website (sorry everybody), so basically nothing.
Buy more guns.
The same thing I do every night, drink 8-12 Strohs.
Had some good friends back in the day whose dad drank a shitload of Strohs. I certainly had my share. We would work on his house all of the time for beer and pizza.
drank a shitload of Strohs
Noone drinks one or two Strohs, If you’re drinking Strohs you ain’t quitting til either you or the 30 pack is gone.
Yeah, that’s pretty much my SOP anyways:) Not 30 anymore though. Christ I’d be comatose for a week. I’d say 15 is a good night, 21 tops.
2 random stories
Guy goes to air assault school and hurts himself on the 12 miles in 3 hrs ruck march. He goes on profile to heal. He takes a PT test, fails, and loses his promotable status . He gets kicked out because he just went past his retention point. Goes to welding school, graduates, but finds that the pain makes it impossible to work. 100% disabled.
Guy goes to Fort Irwin for a live fire exercise. Some dipshit fucks up the mortar and a shell lands yards away from his foxhole. He gets sprayed with shrapnel and gets a medical discharge.
Never tried for Airborne and missed Air Assault because stupid unit weighed me after lunch.
Avoided Airborne like the plague (I was 10th MTN and in an Arty unit, so Airborne was unnecessary but Air Assault was recommended) – but they tried to make me take it for a tour in Japan – which I passed on.
Too many *bad* stories from folks who hurt themselves bad in dummy jumps, etc from a 2 week course – including my S2 Capt. (came to us from infantry).
Yeah. This is what I’m worried about.
Career Ending Airborne Accident
2 more random stories and a video
Radio guy in Afghanistan goes to sleep after long day. When he wakes up, his platoon sgt hands him a combat action badge. Apparently, the guy slept through a mortar attack and everyone in the vicinity of it got a badge. Guy decides that it’s silly to wear a badge for something he slept through so he doesn’t wear it.
My spirit animal: Reuben Henry Tucker III
Major General Reuben Henry Tucker III (January 29, 1911 – 6 January 1970) was a highly decorated senior United States Army officer. He served with distinction during World War II, where he commanded the 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment (504th PIR), leading it in action in Sicily, Italy, The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany, from 1942–1945. He was one of the youngest regimental commanders of the war.
Colonel Tucker was an outstanding combat leader during the war, and had a marked and lasting influence on many members of the 504th PIR through his sterling traits of character, leadership ability, unfailing sense of humor, and understanding. He was affectionately referred to as “The Little Colonel” by the troops, and his presence among them often inspired their will to fight under adverse conditions. While fighting on the Anzio beachhead they became known as the “Devils in Baggy Pants”. The nickname remains with the regiment today.
Colonel James M. Gavin, who originally commanded the 505th PIR, and later commanded the 82nd Airborne Division, stated in his book, “On to Berlin”, “The 504th was commanded by a tough, superb combat leader, Colonel Reuben H. Tucker was probably the best regimental commander of the war.” Interestingly, Gavin would admit that Tucker was famous for screwing up everything that had to do with administration. One story going around was that when Tucker left Italy, he had an orange crate full of official charges against his soldiers and he just threw the whole crate into the ocean. Ridgway and I talked about it and we decided we just couldn’t promote Tucker. (from 9/28/82 interview of Gavin by Clay Blair)
The CIB chaplain
When I went to Jump School in 1980 the Chaplain had a Ranger tab and earned the CIB in Vietnam. His intro to us was simple. “I am here to help you in my role as a chaplain. But if any of nasty legs come to me because this school is too hard I will kick your sorry ass out the door.” Simple time in the Army then. The coolest part of the school was we completed the course around the anniversary of OPN Overlord and some of the Pathfinders from that combat jump pinned on our wings.
On grenade day at basic training, they had the medics talk to us. They said “if you feel nervous, we’ll talk to you, but you still have to throw 2 live grenades. We’re here for trauma, not drama.”
Couple stories for Derp from militarytimes today:
Medal of Honor approved for World War II hero
Medal of Honor recipient Michael Novosel saved more than 5,000 in Vietnam ― including his son
My brother started flying when he was 14 and soloed when he was 16. He’s short like me so he sat on a pillow so he could see over the instruments. Whenever somebody solos, the tradition is they cut the back out of the shirt you were wearing and the instructors sign it and draw on it. That shirt back was pinned up in his room until he left the house. It had a Wile E Coyote flying a desk with a joystick.
He went to flight school and was an instructor pilot after he graduated. The pay sucked. He found out the army would let him fly helicopters if he got Lasik, so he got that. Later, he got tasked to rescue a bunch of guys who were pinned down in we-don’t-go-there-a-stan. It was night and cloudy and the other helicopter pilot didn’t know how to fly by instruments. My brother learned how to fly by instruments as a civilian, so he tells the other guy: just follow me.
They rescue the trapped guys. My brother got an air medal for that. He’s getting out of the army in 3 weeks. Been in since 2006.
At least tomorrow I have Big Jet TV, live from Heathrow, where one of the channel’s members is piloting an American A330 to Philly.
Ever watch this bunch KK? They specialize in old military aircraft which is what turned me onto it and it’s a damn good channel.
I think I’ve seen that channel! Pretty neat! My interest is way more in civil aircraft, except the Blue Angels & Thunderbirds.
Kristen, if you’ve never seen it, you should check out Forged in Fire.
The complete opposite realities between what an AR is and what the media portray it to be drives me crazy.
Continuation from the Glib Reading discussion.
Rank and organization: Commander, U.S. Navy, Commanding U.S.S. Barb. Place and date: Along coast of China, 19 December 1944 to 15 February 1945. Entered service at: Illinois. Born: 5 October 1913, Washington, D.C. Other Navy award: Navy Cross with 3 Gold Stars.
For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty as commanding officer of the U.S.S. Barb during her 11th war patrol along the east coast of China from 19 December 1944 to 15 February 1945. After sinking a large enemy ammunition ship and damaging additional tonnage during a running 2-hour night battle on 8 January, Comdr. Fluckey, in an exceptional feat of brilliant deduction and bold tracking on 25 January, located a concentration of more than 30 enemy ships in the lower reaches of Nankuan Chiang (Mamkwan Harbor). Fully aware that a safe retirement would necessitate an hour’s run at full speed through the uncharted, mined, and rock-obstructed waters, he bravely ordered, “Battle station–torpedoes!” In a daring penetration of the heavy enemy screen, and riding in 5 fathoms of water, he launched the Barb’s last forward torpedoes at 3,000-yard range. Quickly bringing the ship’s stern tubes to bear, he turned loose 4 more torpedoes into the enemy, obtaining 8 direct hits on 6 of the main targets to explode a large ammunition ship and cause inestimable damage by the resultant flying shells and other pyrotechnics. Clearing the treacherous area at high speed, he brought the Barb through to safety and 4 days later sank a large Japanese freighter to complete a record of heroic combat achievement, reflecting the highest credit upon Comdr. Fluckey, his gallant officers and men, and the U.S. Naval Service.
What the citation doesn’t mention was the “Clearing the treacherous area at high speed” was speeding the Barb through an immerse shallow area of rocks on the surface with a Japanese ship following and shooting at them. He made it through the rocks with zig zags at high speed and the enemy vessel piled itself up on the rocks.
Hey at least he wasn’t handcuffed and laying on the ground. Not that it would matter.
What I find interesting about these articles is how Herbert Spencer was complaining about the decline of classical liberalism in the 1880s.
Also this shows how libertarians who want to revive “liberal” have a very high hill to climb since they are trying to bring back terminology from the 1870s!
I once read a ‘Those darned kids today!’ treatise by….uh…Aristotle? History is replete with them.
random story
Female soldier at basic is doing the night land navigation course. It’s too dark to see anyone clearly. She said a bunch of guys tried to touch/grope her, which was a little funny seeing as everyone was wearing helmets and armor.
“Ooh yeah, feel that Kevlar!”
This story is such a curveball that I had to share it
Doctors are finding one way that sugar can benefit your health: it may help heal wounds resistant to antibiotics.
As a child growing up in poverty in the rural Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe, Moses Murandu was used to having salt literally rubbed in his wounds when he fell and cut himself. On lucky days, though, his father had enough money to buy something which stung the boy much less than salt: sugar.
Murandu always noticed that sugar seemed to help heal wounds more quickly than no treatment at all. So he was surprised when, having been recruited to come to work as a nurse for the UK’s National Health System (NHS) in 1997, he found that sugar wasn’t being used in any official capacity. He decided to try to change that.
In some parts of the world, this procedure could be key because people cannot afford antibiotics. But there is interest in the UK, too, since once a wound is infected, it sometimes won’t respond to antibiotics.
To treat a wound with sugar, all you do, Murandu says, is pour the sugar on the wound and apply a bandage on top. The granules soak up any moisture that allows bacteria to thrive. Without the bacteria, the wound heals more quickly.
Been around for a while. The June 1991 LSAT had a question about this, actually. Wonder what took the BBC so long…
Forgotten Weapons has a video on a clock gun used for scaring birds.
Soooo, gonna watch “Brain Damage” via netflix DVD tonight, then catch RP1 and Death of Stalin in the theater downtown tomorrow, then some work on the Marathon Family review video. This should be a fun weekend.