SP’s note: The tardiness of this post is completely the fault of the site editors/schedulers. TrshMnstr had it pending in the queue and everyone thought everyone else was scheduling it. The Management Apologizes!

With only two weeks to go, it’s time to decide. Are you going to finish out by killing it, or are you done with it? For me, I’ve been stagnating since the beginning of March, so I’m looking to revitalize my motivation and get a good head of steam built up for late spring.

In 2 weeks, we celebrate, whether you sprint or limp across the finish line. How you finish is only a matter of personal pride!

Now’s the time to have a logistical conversation. Is GlibFit something we want to keep doing on a regular basis? What sort of regularity should we go for? I’m thinking that 2x per year is about right. One as winter starts to drag on, and one starting in the dog days of summer. Do we want to rotate article duty across a few people? I’m happy to do it all like this first one, but sometimes I don’t get around to writing the article until the morning of, so the quality suffers those weeks. Further, if we rotate, folks may be able to do some more in-depth articles about techniques and regimens and the like. Mrs. trshmnstr may even be willing to do up an article (she’s a trainer at OrangeTheory).

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