Damn, I soooooo wanted to write “Friday” there. This week has been brutal long for no apparent reason whatsoever. Bah, I better stop complaining and just suck it up. I can think of one Guy that historically had a much harder Easter week than me. And he didn’t complain.
But you know who had a legitimate complaint? Baseball fans. They had months to ponder the previous season and lament the results. Well, most of them did anyway (except Houstonians). But that all ends today as the MLB season gets underway. A nice slate of games to get us started, the results of which I will have ready for you tomorrow.
But you know who did play yesterday in games that matter? The NHL, that’s who. And the results of those games were: Toronto over Florida. The Capitals over the Rangers. The Coyotes over Army/Vegas. And Philly kicked Colorado in the balls in a crucial game with serious playoff implications. We’re down to the nub now. Let’s see who rises to the occasion and who chokes.
No more sports, but that’s ok. Some cool things of note happened on this date: Beethoven gave his debut performance. Beethoven’s funeral was also held many years later. The Republic of Switzerland was formed. The Albert Hall was opened. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg are sentenced to death. Pitcher Cy Young was born. As was asshole Eugene McCarthy, businessman Sam Walton, cager Walt “Clyde” Frazier, “actor” Christopher Lambert, hottie Elle MacPherson and Warrior Princess Lucy Lawless.

Grrrrrrrrrl power!
How’s that for useless knowledge? I hope its enough, because now I’m gonna do…the links!
Tesla stock continues to take a beating as their cars become involved in accidents and ratings agencies take a hard look and downgrade their bond rating. This is the beginning of the collapse of that house of cards. They’ve never hit a single production goal, their cars are routinely panned in reviews, they have mismanaged every cash infusion they’ve received, and the government tap has been shut off. My take on it all: #fuckem.

Hogg wild!
David Hogg calls for boycott of Laura Ingraham after she knocks him for being a bitch about not getting accepted to any of the colleges he applied to and whining about it publicly. Oh, shit. I hope he doesn’t call for a boycott of my links because I called him a whiner too. If he did that, I’m afraid we’d have to increase our server capacity about tenfold just to accommodate the additional traffic his tantrum precipitated.
LOL, Jesus Christ. Don’t whine in public if you can’t handle a little criticism. Just call the Tides Foundation, Everytown or George Clooney and ask them to help you get in somewhere. You know they’re all on speed dial, punk.
Its time for states and municipalities to face some cold, hard truths. This is the price you pay for free money to start programs that require large outlays in the future, dumbasses.
Businessman gives himself (sort of) an 800% raise and the left is apoplectic. They want to sue him to keep him from “getting away with it”. Because, you know, they can’t just divest and sell the stock to someone else. Hell no! They have to punish him rather than just take their money elsewhere. Huh, and I thought they were all about boycotts.

A sad necessity in the Windy City
I’m sure this number will come as a shock to many of you. It certainly did for me. I expected it to be a lot higher.
The AARP gets a dose of their own medicine. Well of course they use the hard sell. How else are they gonna attract members so they can warn them about…the hard sell?
Unless you have urgent business there, I’d recommend staying away from Sacramento today. Well, any day for that matter. But today is gonna be especially messy as the race-hustlers descend to stand on the body of Stephon Clark and grandstand. I hope his family gets some peace and justice. I do not see it starting with Al Sharpton et al coming to town for their own glory.
Enjoy the video. Note: Parts of this video may be unsuitable for Kurt Eichenwald. It is in no way directed at him, so please don’t send the FBI my way. kthxbai
Have a great day.
Nut punch Thursday
As a parent of a two-year-old let me give you a highly ironic thanks for this nut punch. When people pass by my desk and wonder why I’m sobbing and breaking my monitors in half I’ll send them your way.
Jesus, what the hell is wrong with some people? If you can possibly imagine a situation where you’d feel justified in beating your child, fucking don’t have children. Or give them up for adoption. There are plenty of people who’d be ecstatic to take a child into their home for the purposes of not beating them to death.
“If you can possibly imagine a situation where you’d feel justified in beating your child, fucking don’t have children.”
Please define “beating”. I was a horrible kid, and I deserved every beatdown I got (and quite a few I didn’t). I even today wonder how bad my life would would have been had I not been disciplined, because I was out of control. This timeout shit I have seen everyone preach these days would only have encouraged me to become a hardcore criminal. I do have to admit that my mom – she was the one to resort to corporal punishment whenever her three boys went bananas, as my dad was able to intimidate simply with his presence – never came close to leaving me needing medical attention, let alone end up dead. I only once had to spank my own child, but that was because the kid was just always too mature and responsible for anyone that young.
Please define “beating”.
Kicking a two year old in the stomache
Yeah, that is not a a beating, that is assault..
I’d say beating to death qualifies.
You should never ever strike your child in anger. But physical punishment is a very effective deterrent of specific negative behavior.
Corporal punishment should not be done in passion. And it should be directed toward specific, clearly defined behavior.
Grandpa sending me and my brother out to get our own willow switches for fighting makes the anticipation worse and gave Grandpa time to cool down.
If you can’t follow those rules you may not be mature enough to conduct effective corporal punishment.
Well put, and I agree, although we’re not a corporal punishment family ourselves.
Parenting is already stressful, and it’s too easy to lash out in anger. It’s important to make sure that if you’re using corporal punishment you’re doing it thoughtfully and dispassionately, not as cover to take out your frustrations. The “get your switch” move is genius.
We’ve decided that corporal punishment is for threats to life and limb (running out into the street, for example) and for open defiance. Everything else can be mitigated in other ways.
I’m not big on the timeout phenomenon that was huge when I was a kid. I’m more of an “align the incentives” type. I can ramp up the consequences faster than you can spiral out of control.
Thankfully, we’re not to that stage yet. We’re only at the “please don’t empty out the cabinets while playing with the doors” stage.
My wife was the big timeout proponent and I’ll admit it works pretty well for us, but my preference is closer to what you’re talking about re: incentives. I think I was pretty successful in introducing my daughter to the idea of trading and incentives pretty early. It seems to work pretty well, but the key is to a.) follow through, and b.) not use it as bribery. So, less “Do this thing and I’ll give you stuff” and more “Hey, do this thing so that we can do stuff you want to do”. It doesn’t preclude “Fix this situation because you made it stop working” or “Just listen to me because I’m your dad and I’ll explain later”.
“We’ve decided that corporal punishment is for threats to life and limb (running out into the street, for example) and for open defiance. Everything else can be mitigated in other ways.”
Pretty good strategy.
Intending to cause harm to your child as retribution for being “defiant” or hurting your pride. Especially if it’s a scenario where if it were a 28-year-old Pro Bowl tackle doing it you’d be quiet as a mouse.
I am not sure I have ever seen someone make the claim their 2 year old gave them tude…
I mean, my girl gives me the business all the time. She’s a smart, strong-willed two-year-old and she’s the daughter of my wife and I, so I’d be worried if she didn’t. But mostly it’s when she’s tired and cranky, and she’s gotten to the point where she’ll usually apologize on her own if we mention it.
A week in The Cooler usually sufficed for mine. It had the effect of making them far better at T-Ball too.
What we haaaave heeeere is a failuuure to communicate.
Absolute human garbage. Guess what Lady, at 2 years old the kid is more a reflection of your shortcomings than anything else. Congrats, you beat your 2 year old to death in a flaccid attempt to exorcize your own demons.
The AARP gets a dose of their own medicine. Well of course they use the hard sell. How else are they gonna attract members so they can warn them about…the hard sell?
They DO send a lot of mail. I can’t remember where I put it.
The AARP is explicitly socialist. They can kiss my ass.
I think they ware worse than just socialist…
Very well played, sir.
Send the pre-paid postage envelopes back, empty.
and he owns 55% of the the company.
I’m not sure why the minority shareholders think they can really do anything. While 55% might not be enough to move unilaterally (depending on the terms of incorporation) it’s certainly enough that no shareholder action will succeed without him signing off.
Nuh Uh! Hollywood has taught me that literally every company is at risk of a hostile takeover at all times. Own more than 50% of the stock? No problem. Sole proprietorship? No problem. Have sole ownership of all of the company’s IP? No problem.
With enough clever machinations anything is possible!
Publicly traded companies are now required to report the ratio of CEO-to-median-employee-pay-ratio.
Whoa. When did that happen?
That is some scary shit
Yeah it is. What is a ratio of a ratio?
Basically, there are rules (under Regulation S-K) about how you report your CEO (and the rest of your C-suite) pay, which takes into account everything. Salary, fair market value of any option grants/stock grants, benefits, etc. Then you have to find your “median” (not mean, median) employee, or a representative sample thereof, and calculate their pay the same way. Then you have to report on your Proxy Statement that “Our CEO made $1 million, our median employee made $50,000, therefore our ratio of CEO pay to our median employee’s is 20 to 1”.
yes but what is the “RATIO of CEO-to-median-employee-pay-RATIO”?
The marginal rate of CEO pay?
That is pointless, and does not have bearing on anything. The “Fairest” companies will end up being places like financial management services where any unskilled services are contracted out to other companies. Your “unfairest” will be places like Walmart where they have tends of thousands of people with few marketable skills working their stores. In agregate, the latter type provides more help to the poor, so even from a “justice” standpoint the metric doesn’t do any good.
But the company did $1bb in sales! They are hoarding all the monee
It’s not meant to do any good. It’s meant as a cudgel to bash enemies over the head with.
Pomp: I hate it when people reference sales as a metric for how well a company did. I hear it all the time – “but they do $100bn in sales every year!” … well if their net profit on that is only $20 million, then they don’t have a ton of wiggle room to raise 500,000 employee wages, do they? That’s not even getting into the more important cash flow metrics.
This year. Well, it happened in 2016, but this is the first year that publicly traded corporations (with market cap over $75 million) have to comply (the rest have to comply next year).
More reasons to never go public.
I guess that he will be Hogging all the attention at the community college.
Why is a Florida boy applying to all California state schools anyway? Maybe he should move to Hazard county and go after the next generation of Duke boys
Because he’s a prog puppet. He can’t wait to be falsely accused of rape for looking at someone wrong.
He is the Cindy Sheehan of 2018.
Pullleaze! He should actually go to Duke. Is anyone doubting that he would fit in perfectly there?
Smug, condescending, entitled, whiny. He is Duke.
Hazzard County Jimbo – as in replace the previous Boss Hogg in the white suit.
If you have to explain your joke, it wasn’t funny.
…unless Negroni tells it, then it’s hilarious!
*slinks away*
Was Jimbo Joking?
I don’t think so. It’s so hard to tell with him.
I got the Dukes of Hazzard reference. I’m not brain damaged!
Your a moron.
Also, see my comment below. #24
Who the fuck is Hazard County Jimbo? Surely you aren’t comparing me – Pope Jimbo – with some redneck cracker!
I’m doubling your tithe this month UCS.
From $0 to $0… Okay I can live with that.
A smart mouth like that will get you another doubling of your tithe. Do you want that UCS? Go ahead and try me.
Quiet, UCS! Or I will bust you down to sergeant so fast it will make your head spin!
He doesn’t have the grades for UCSB, then no way is Duke letting him in. He’ll wind up at Oberlin I’m sure.
I predict Evergreen.
God yes. The fast track to obscurity.
Hell, he could be a guest lecturer.
When I saw that the kid had been wait-listed by the University of Central Florida (the safety school for kids who aren’t UF or even FSU material), that’s what I thought. Oberlin could use a “man” like Davey Hogg.
I think UCF might be harder to get into than FSU at this point.
Does FSU still have the clown college?
I mean, other than the whole thing?
UCF is still easier. USF is more difficult. At least as far as I’ve heard.
In the mid 90s USF was my safety school.
I think Ringling Brothers might still do something, but I think it has been scaled way back. They do still have a circus made up of students.
Smug, condescending, entitled, whiny.
School? Just award him a Constitutional Law professor position at Harvard.
I think the Hoggs used to live in California.
You say “Survivor”, I say “creepy little fuck who saw the opportunity to cash in and is working the shit out of it”.
Who responds to an event like that by thinking “shit, I gotta go grab my camera and start doing some interviews!”
But you know who had a legitimate complaint? Baseball fans.
Especially Royals fans
Hurt himself hauling luggage. I always wonder how true these self reported injuries are.
Remember when Sammy Sosa hurt himself sneezing? Of course, with all the ‘roids he did, his tendons were all on borrowed time anyway…
Or when DJ hurt himself in a stairway at his rental house in Augusta last year?
Methinks he may have been chasing a little white line.
Glenallen Hill’s arachnophobia injury almost has to be true.
And Smoltz burning himself ironing a shirt while wearing it.
Most of the time, it means “injured while blind drunk”
“Publicly traded companies are now required to report the ratio of CEO-to-median-employee-pay-ratio.”
While insane congress critters crow about a maximum wage. What is the definition of fascism again? What happened the last time we had price and wage controls?
Yep. That line jumped out a me, too. Back to Kulaks and wreckers.
The CEO pay ratio disclosure is a huge pain in the ass. Not reporting the number itself, but dealing with how you find the number for your “median” employee when you have several thousand employees across different countries.
Especially as if you are large enough, the number of employees has to ebb and flow.
Do you pick a day and take a snapshot?
I have to agree with that little shit Hogg on Laura Ingraham. Again. Criticize the kids on their dumbass ideas, because anything else (rightfully) makes you look like a petty asshole.
But being a petty asshole is how you get ratings….
It’s how I get my jollies.
Petty asshole vs POS Liar kid that is rallying people to take away your right to self defense. It’s the same tactic used by thug dictators and their “human shields”
He’s gone on interviews and complained about his rejections being because of his anti-gun stance. He’s brought it up, so it’s fair game to point out that he’s a stupid little fuckhead who now runs to the media to pressure people who don’t give him what he wants.
Ingraham is dead-on in her assessment of him. And I hope she, and others, keep needling him so his inner fascist comes further out of its shell until someone chops its fucking head off and he disappears forever up his own asshole.
^This. Sloopy fucking nailed it. Keep messing with the kid and he will go even further off the rails.
The way I interpreted Hogg’s tweets: “Look, all of these colleges are rejecting me because I’m such a groundbreaking activist! Everyone please shame them!”
Fuck off, your transcript wasn’t good enough to get in – you shouldn’t get special help from the media and the twitter mob to guilt schools into accepting you – which I think was the real goal of his public whining.
So, universities which love the bill of rights so much that they normally don’t allow any guns on them at all and have designated “free-speech zones”…they are punishing him for his anti-gun stance? Progtopia hates him because he wants to repeal the 2nd amendment?
Doesn’t pass the smell test.
I feel no pity whatsoever – jump in the arena, can’t complain someone throws a trident at you.
If he was Mexican, would you throw Chiclets at him?
*narrows gaze*
Save that for the Eclipse.
That was Extra awful for a pun.
I’m gonna take a fucking bazooka to this whole subthread.
You have a bazooka? Were you in the Big Red one?
Those specific bazooka had a design flaw. The trigger was a little Wrigley.
You should Take 5 to realize that would knock us all out of Orbit.
damn, I was going to use orbit. Now I’m Tic-Tacked off
That wasn’t quite Big League material.
Tic-tacked off? Even a smartie like you should know that this spree of puns is not worth getting upset about.
::shakes head::
I can’t keep up with this Wonka-esque nonsense.
Four out of five dentists agree that you guys are frickin monsters.
That’s a cruel slur. We’re just regular peeps.
This has been everlasting, God stop her.
Yup. I have no affection for Laura Ingraham but if you’re going to whine about not being admitted to schools in order to claim “My activism has cost me dearly” then you have a big pile of mockery headed your way. As if college admissions departments would be put off by anti-gun agitation.
It’s like Dems complaining about biased media coverage when a crime or indiscretion is occasionally reported accurately. Poor baby, did the mean ol’ journalist do his job for once?
Yeah Brick, you better lay low for awhile.
Why? He’s making things public so she’s mocking him. No one likes a whiner.
Go for it.
He called millions of NRA members murderers, fuck that little fascist cunt.
One would suppose that if he was correct in his claim that he would be long dead. The fact that he feels completely comfortable making his claims in large public ways basically proves that he knows they are full of it.
I hear what you’re saying, but if his claim is that he’s not getting admitted to schools in California (!?) because of his anti-gun stance (!?!?!?!) he’s making a claim predicated on assuming bad things about people he disagrees with, including Laura Ingraham, who I believe is a gun owner and I believe is an NRA member. In that case, he’d better have a 4.0, because otherwise he’s blaming the past several years of poor academic performance on his recent tapdancing on the corpses of his classmates and deserves to be publicly lambasted.
According to reporting I have seen, he claims a 4.2 GPA
4.2? Out of what? 5?
I’ve never been to a school where it was possible to get above 100% aka, 4.0
My HS was on a 12 point scale. They gave us all sheets that explained how to convert to a standard 4 point. These days, A+ is a 4.2 at most schools, and some give extra credit for AP and IB classes. Top 25% is all above 4.0.
The only credit you got for AP classes was the ability to pay to take the AP test and maybe your university would accept them for credit towards your degree.
It was not factored into your grade beyond being a grade in the report.
It’s all about incentives. When colleges set minimum GPA targets, grade inflation means a higher percentage of students getting into college.
They were just starting to do that when I was in school. You’d have a weighted and unweighted GPA, but when I was applying to colleges nobody gave two shits about your weighted GPA.
Not seeing why he needs to go to college at this point, can’t he just move straight to Senior Contributing Editor at vox?
Something something JOURNALISM SCHOOL AT COLUMBIA something something (Yes I know that wasn’t Vox)
Wait, Columbia Journalism School is an actual school? I thought it was just an expression, like “school of hard knocks”.
The funny thing is that I can’t think of any simile that is less apt than comparing the CSoJ with “school of hard knocks”.
Which of you Glibs is this?
Nope. To get the clap, you actually need a (real) partner. Everyone knows that us Glibs lack the social skills to pull that off.
something something the sound of one hand clapping…
One hand clapping is easy, just close your fingers against the palm rally quickly. It’s a sound halfway between a snap and a clap, but quieter than either.
That always bugged me as a kid. What a dumb koan.
What is the sound of one hand holding up a poster of Lindy West?
The infection is spread by unprotected vaginal, oral and anal sex.
Does the order matter?
Never go ass to mouth man…
“You sound like my mom.”
Et tu Sloopy?
Never go to Winston’s Mom.
::Hangs head in shame, notes continued burning sensation::
This story about Minnesoda daycare makes me sad.
The story is basically a bunch of rural daycare providers begging the regulators to spare them the whip. Instead of calling out Gov. Mumbles for interfering too much, they lick the boot. (Gov. Mumbles tried to force daycare to unionize as a payback for union support for his campaign.)
Fuck that noise. You don’t need to be educated about the proper place to store a plunger (not in the bathroom), you need to tell the regulators to shut the fuck up.
It would be interesting to throw all the regulators into a time machine back to 19th and early 20th century rural America for about a week.
Unionizing daycare workers and requiring certification is going to cause the price of daycare to shoot through the roof. Households that have to have two working parents to make ends meet wont be able to afford it. That is, the people who need the service most.
Uffda Suthen. Do you even government?
Once daycare is unionized and working parents can’t afford it, government will have to step in and create a new program to subsidize daycare.
When you are finished you have a) union workers, b) working parents and c) a new department responsible for managing the subisdy all beholding to you.
d)worse day care options
You’re right.
Subsidized daycare was *supposed* be make it affordable for the working class/poor and free up spots for them. One problem. Since it’s taxpayer based everyone is entitled to it including the wealthy; who tend to use daycare as a babysitting service while some head out to the spa or gym.
That’s one problem among many.
Another is, as you point out, the smoke and mirrors it creates. It completely distorts pricing and wages. I can’t get into here but suffice to say it’s all bull shit.
$8 dollar a day daycare costs the government roughly $100 a day to operate. A private operator like me is able to do it at around $33-$38 (within the context and standard set by the government I have no control over – ie what a wage for a “qualified worker” would be. Where I feel it’s, say, $14 the government says it’s $19 – which is really $22 because of pay roll taxes). The only solution is either we cut in places we don’t want to cut (ie food) or we raise our fees but because the government has conditioned people on $8 and set up the tax system the way they did, it makes it hard for us to bring them up. I should be around $50. Instead I was frozen at $40 for seven years and only brought them up this year —– by $1. I have to get it to $45.
It’s ridiculous. And never mind the shenanigans, corruption and waste that comes with politicizing things. It’s chaos and retarded.
America should stay away from that shit.
Trust Rufus.
It really is an interesting topic despite the industry.
I would have to somehow tie into how Justin is an idiot.
I would have to somehow tie into how Justin is an idiot.
Easy. All you have to do is include a picture of him in the article, without comment. Use Trigger Hippie’s avatar if you want maximum derpiness, but your PM has no end of goofy/smug pictures.
I am sure Justin went to daycare, and look how he turned out…
Ok you convinced me. I was all for government intervention before, but now I see the light!
I hear that Canadian kids are not like real kids. They’re really just ham. Confirm/Deny?
So Canucklets don’t have to worry about being eaten by (((witches))) or muslim witches?
Yep, wouldn’t be kosher.
Every time that some slime talks about “universal public Pre-K” it is only one step away from this. The State from cradle to legal adulthood. Authoritarian regimes throughout history nod in approval.
France has made it mandatory to send three year-olds to school to get a ‘head start’.
Which is miraculously and infinitely stupid as it is ignorant because a) kids need to be kids – ie learning to grow and socialize through play not education and b) whatever ‘head start’ you get immediately evaporates once they hit kindergarten.
But let’s be more like Europe.
As far as where daycare/child education and philosophy goes, Italy is far more progressive.
By progressive I mean in the literal term. Not in the political/ideological sense where the retards live.
That is, my sister does all the reading about new ideas. Most of the best (or at least intriguing) literature comes from the USA, Holland and Italy.
This is like the county school system-run summer day camps here. They are very cheap and fill up very quickly….with middle class to wealthy kids rather than the poor kids who the program was intended for.
My friend once said, ‘we’re lucky to have subsidized daycare’. Him and his wife earn over 300k a year.
I chewed him out and gave him an earful.
See, in our county you have to sign up in person – there’s no online process for the summer camps. So guess who has plenty of time to show up at the county offices the morning registration opens? Right, rich, bored housewives who have nothing but time on their hands. The single moms are at work and thus miss out. First come, first serve, and they only have space for maybe 50 kids per location.
My wife works for the county parks & rec department, so we have an inside advantage. I make no apologies for using what leverage we have – summer camp is fucking expensive! The county camp only goes for 6 weeks, so we have to pay for the much more expensive Y camp the rest of the summer.
Similar crap up here.
Yea, but if those are canadian dollars, I can see the problem. Their daycare might require payment in real currency.
No, Swiss francs are completely optional.
…so where should I tell people to store plungers, if they happen to have them? I just want to see if you know, too…
Plunger safe.
Plunger safe.
I.E. the cabinet under the bathroom sink, with a childproof lock.
Instant Clue win.
Minnesota really does need more daycare centers, their unemployment rate is pretty low compared to the national average (last time I checked anyway) which has caused some issues finding childcare. A lot of my customers in Minnesota actually run daycare centers for their employees now just because the existing centers are always overbooked.
It’s a business opportunity and the market is filling the void – its just going to take a little bit of time.
13 year old boy running for governor because guns are scary
Chortle. Please win the D primary.
I call on /pol/ to help meme this kid to a primary win.
MaYbE tHeY cAn UsE rUsSiAn BoTs 2~~~
Or one neat trick…
Shocking: I can think of five reasons why this kid should get the nomination. Number 4 will surprise you!
If ever there was a need for meme magic, this would be it. The Ds nominating a kid would just be too perfect.
Headline in the short future:
Cleveland Browns hire 14 year-old transgender autistic black woman.
Not just because. Because a 14 year-old transgender autistic black woman is likely a better QB than whatever shitshow they wasted their first round draft pick on that year
See what happens when corporal punishment is forbidden?
I’ll bet this kid’s parents are a real laugh riot. I’d probably love to have them as neighbors.
They live very close to me.
What does it really say about the left, as a loose political entity, that they let their entire platform get hijacked by the Children of the Corn?
The bigger surprise than the fact that Vermont has no minimum age for governor is that Vermont still uses minor pages. Congress had to cut that out due to repeated improprieties.
Oh, FFS.
We’re barely into 2018 and the ridiculousness keeps escalating. Most of what we’re seeing in the news would be too silly for fiction. I’m not sure my liver is up to the abuse I’m going to subject it to.
The current legislation being debated in the state’s capital would raise the minimum age to buy a gun from 18 to 21, limit the capacity of gun magazines, strengthen background checks and ban bump stocks.
HIS legislation. Right…And of course this is all the same nonsense wanted by others elsewhere and none of it would stop any shootings, let alone mass-shootings. And I am pretty sure raising the age to purchase is patently unconstitutional if the age of majority is 18. Limiting capacity will do jack shit bc you can change a mag in a couple seconds (and I think the Parkland a-hole used ten round mags anyway???). Bumpstocks are mechanically simple and anyone who wants one can make one. Firearms more generally are mechanically simple and anyone who wants to modify one will and anyone who wants to acquire one will even if they have to make it.
I’d like to see him in a debate.
Travel Note: I’m in KC next week. I remember that Mojeaux was there but there were a couple other Glibs which I’ve forgotten. If any of them see this, up for a get-together involving alcohol and/or food?
…maybe. Life is kind of hectic right now.
OK, drop me a line at omwc at this domain if you could get free on Tuesday or Wed evening.
Will do.
I’d be interested in meeting the locals. Wed works best for me.
Ditto, drop me an email with contact info and I’ll rope everyone in.
Why is George Soros still alive?
Strange Things Happen to European Countries Resisting George Soros” Assault
Only the good die young.
You’ll need to ask Satan that question.
Soros himself?
The one constant through all the years, Ray, has been baseball. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It has been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt and erased again. But baseball has marked the time. This field, this game: it’s a part of our past, Ray. It reminds us of all that once was good and that could be again.
And my Cubbies open the season as one of the Big Four (or Five) of whom greatness is expected. Three straight trips to the NLCS and one WS title. We’re good and we know it. Should be a helluva season. Can’t wait to see Kyle Hendricks and Javy Baez (and the rest of the gang) back in meaningful action.
Play ball.
All is right in the universe again – the Yankees are beastly, as God intended.
Cincy rained out 24-hours in advance.
That statement always struck me as odd given that the sport had been only been popular for a century when Darth Vader said it.
Uffda. The old “we’ll spend money on all the non-essential things and then whine for more money when the essential things break” trick.
Hmmmm. If I was the commissioner in charge of the parks, I would be ashamed and quiet while furiously looking at my budget to figure out what can be done. I wouldn’t be holding a press conference outside a shining example of how badly I am running my department.
See also: every discussion of road funding in Michigan (and most other states I assume). “Really, it all just comes down to WHICH taxes you want to raise.”
Also, about that fucking Hogg kid. God, he’s so creepy. The Hogg/Nazi vid that made the rounds really did highlight it. It was the visual version of “replace the word ‘libertarians’ with ‘blacks’ or (((Jews)))'” game.
That fucking fist? How can they not see how fucking unnerving that is for everyone else. I guess the simple answer is “Prog Gonna Prog” but goddamn people. Have SOME sense of propriety. Yes, yes, yes, I know. If they did they wouldn’t prog.
It looks like his arm is rising out of his lower rib cage in all those pictures.
It’s because he’s wearing a suit jacket that doesn’t fit. He has no shoulders and it’s being held up by the jacket’s shoulder pads.
Oh, and I thought it was to manipulate the strings better. Thanks.
Funny, I’d always heard Hugo Boss was a stickler for a close fitting jacket.
That was the joke. Nice.
/offers genteel nod, raises martini in salute
Leftists are the same always and everywhere. It is a certain personality type. That’s why he is so creepy and was so easy to do the Hitler comparison. They are the same kind of people from Hogg to the brainless crowd being emotionally manipulated.
I’m surprised I haven’t seen a pic yet with a Hitler mustache on him, it must exist. But wow what a creepy photo without any modification.
There’s this: https://twitter.com/chfortrump/status/978633217807933440
Now I want a Steak & Shake double with a pile of those really skinny fries.
I haven’t decided what I’m gonna do for lunch today. I might go to In N Out for a burger after I stop at a McDonalds to get a large order of fries.
Of course, I’ll have to go to Whataburger afterward (for a second day in a row) to get a fried apple pie.
Or I could just hit up a chain sub shop. Now let’s see…which one is the best? Jimmy John’s? Which Wich? Firehouse? Jersey Mike’s? Hmmmm. What shall I do?
DiBella’s but they don’t have Texas locations, sorry.
Dude – nailed it on the first reply. Medium Godfather, everything bread, grilled.
Thin crust pizza. Sausage, pepperoni, mushroom. Beer.
Of course this is the correct answer.
Why a chain sub shop. Can’t you fine a local that is better than any of them?
And probably cheaper too.
Areound here the local shops have been coasting on only having to beat Subway, which is pure distilled disappointment. They were blindsided when DiBella’s came along, but don’t appear to have made an effort to compete.
I was just trying to stir up some shit. I’ll probably hit up Mr Hoagies (local sub shop with great bread run by a mouthy Japanese dude). Unless I have to go get my truck around lunchtime. If so, there’s both a Jimmy John’s and a Jason’s Deli close by. So I’ll have a dilemma.
Jason’s Deli is much better than Jimmy John’s. JJ’s only upside is speed – their sandwiches are edible and consistent store to store, but almost every sandwich place has better sandwiches.
I prefer Jimmy Johns then Jersey Mikes. People who like to “build their own” probably don’t like JJ’s.
I like Jimmy John’s, but the local one is staffed with sloppy potheads, so it’s awful. They miss ingredients, they dont bother to put the sandwich together well, and I doubt they wash their hands after they use the shitter.
If I’m getting a sandwich, I bite the bullet and drive to potbelly.
Potbelly is my go-to as well.
Are they regional? I’ve never heard of them.
I’m not sure where their operating region is. They were in Indianapolis, in Dallas, and here in NoVa.
I don’t know if they’re regional in the U.S., but their overall chain is went international in 2011.
Trshmnstr – you live in NoVA too? Cool (as cool as being in NoVA can be, anyway). One of these days I’m going to organize a D.C. Glibs meet-up.
Damn my anti-social tendencies.
Looks like everywhere but CA and the deep south.
Yep, moved out here a year ago January. I live in a tiny town of 300 about 15 minutes from manassas.
We had a Potbelly for years in the Annapolis Harbor Center (ironically, not in Annapolis’ city limits and nowhere near the harbor) but I think it closed a while back. They did do a good sandwich.
Ah, yeah I’m near Dulles – so you’re probably within an hour drive from me. Pretty cool!
I work in Reston, so I’m over your direction every day. We should do happy hour some evening. Email me at zr9jcra46wey@opayq.com
Oh cool, yeah I’ll shoot you an email later today.
I’m a fan, but sometimes I don’t want my sub toasted. Which also puts Which Wich on my iffy list for today.
You can tell them not to toast it.
Firehouse is poo. Who the fuck likes soggy bread? I say Jimmy John’s. It’s no Quiznos, but it’s alright.
Also, about that fucking Hogg kid. God, he’s so creepy.
You’d have a look on your face like that, too, if Michael Bloomberg had his fist rammed up your ass all the way to your sternum.
An insane amount of new money is pouring into the NRA coffers after the screeching from him and the buzzcut girl.
Those kids are as good at recruiting for the NRA as Obama was at selling guns.
Christ, what an asshole.
The best orgasm he ever had was the first dog he shot; he spent the rest of his career trying to re-experience that pure euphoria.
Stop. Stop! STOP! STOP!!!
Hehehe. Just watched that episode on Monday. We’re finally in season 7 of TNG. Next up is DS9. God help us.
“Come on, man. At least I kept it to one a year.”
Speaking of budget issues….
Some of those evil tobacco companies have stopped paying the grift.
It appears that ITG Brands, LLC bought out R.J. Reynolds and had decided that for some reason that they aren’t responsible for paying the tobacco settlement money any more. I have no idea why they think that (thanks Mr. Professional Journalist!) but I do think it would be great if Minnesoda lost out on that money. No more having to suffer through those awful Truth.com ads.
IIRC, that entire gravy train is coming to and this year. At least in NoDak it is; we recently voted to abolish out smoking Nazi group “BreatheND” because the free money was drying up.
That story said the money was supposed to be paid forever. But it was a horrible story that didn’t cover any of the basic facts, so who knows.
But that raises an interesting thought experiment. What if they came up with a cure for lung cancer that was super cheap. Basically you could smoke as much as you wanted and there would be no ill effects. Would that let the tobacco companies off the hook? Would we drop sin taxes on smokes?
OK. We know the answers to that. The real question is what would the rationale be that the progs trotted out to justify their robbery?
It’s icky. Also, FYTW.
Sin taxes infuriate me. And some of the people who vote for them infuriate me. I have friends who agree with me on practically everything. But they think sin taxes are OK. Drives me insane.
What is irritating is shit like the tobacco settlement.
First collect sin taxes on the front end to “pay for the costs that these deviants will impose on society in the future.” Then sue the companies who make the smokes “because of the costs of treating these people”. Which is it? Did you collect on the front end or the back end?
PS: we spent the money on international conference & sight-seeing boondoggles, we’re gonna need to raise taxes to actually pay for treatment.
an appropriate answer in every situation involving the government.
Second only to the moon landing, yoga pants are mankind’s greatest achievement.
Box up 3; I’ll take her to go.
Snug buns. Better than Cinnabons and twice as frosted.
I’ll stick with 1. She’s local and has a nice figure.
Parkland suspect Nikolas Cruz showered with fan mail, donations: report
Lovestruck groupies from around the country are showering the Parkland, Fla., gunman Nikolas Cruz with fan mail, including sexually provocative photos and donations, according to a Wednesday report.
One 18-year-old from Texas purportedly professed her love to Cruz in a March 15 letter adorned with smiley faces and hand-drawn hearts, South Florida’s Sun-Sentinel reported.
“When I saw your picture on the television, something attracted me to you,” the letter said. “Your eyes are beautiful and the freckles on your face make you so handsome.” The missive flatly concludes: “I’m really skinny and have 34C sized breasts.” …
As a matter of policy, authorities seize letters that contain obscene material, privileged communications, or threats to public safety.
“We read a few religious ones to him that extended wishes for his soul and to come to God,” Broward County Public Defender Howard Finkelstein told the Sun-Sentinel, “but we have not and will not read him the fan letters or share the photos of scantily-clad teenage girls.
Oh, those I’m sure you keep for yourself. Anyway, this is mighty damned peculiar.
Too soon?
You’ve never heard of mass murderer fangirling? It’s a huge thing.
I have known it exists.
I don’t get it.
What is there to get? Some women are even crazy than all the other ones and into people that kill unarmed idiots in a gun free zone to get their 15 minutes of fame..
I was watching a documentary about Jeffrey Dahmer and I thought he was attractive, even though he was gay.
DIE CIS SCUM! Oh, wait, she’s into that.
Oh yeah. I knew a girl in college who was completely obsessed with serial killers. Had several infamous pen pals. She was cute but completely nuts.
Don’t stick crazy in it.
I suppose it falls into the “he’s dangerous, therefor hot” category or something.
Hell, GQ dedicated an entire cover to gushing over a
FBI op gone sidewaysterrorist killer.It’s not just teenage girls who are in love with psychos.
The chicks-falling-in-love-with-serial-killers is totally a real thing and it’s fuckin’ weird.
Ted Bundy got married (during his trial!) and tons of girls were throwing themselves at Richard fucking Ramirez. There’s some very odd psychology going on there. Probably along the biological lines of “Tuk Tuk big man and scary. Tuk Tuk protect Gronk Gronk. Me want Tuk Tuk.
Wait, wouldn’t Rob Gronkowski win out in that scenario?
There’s some very odd psychology going on there. Probably along the biological lines of “Tuk Tuk big man and scary. Tuk Tuk protect Gronk Gronk. Me want Tuk Tuk.
Probably. Evolution selects for the ability to survive and procreate, not for good morals, so if there is any heritable component to this predilection it is not being weeded out anytime soon. The past was a violent place, and the women who were willing to put out for violent men were much more likely to contribute to the gene pool than those who didn’t. Not to mention that violent men were much more likely to contribute to the gene pool than the peaceful (see the number of Genghis Khan’s descendants, for one).
“I’m really skinny and have 34C sized breasts.”
Also…bunny boiler
I love that that’s a pull quote.
Dat euphemism doh…
Although I’m amused by the nuttiness of psychopath groupies, this stuck out to me:
Does Fox not have editors? Or spellcheck?
Some things are so weird they’re bizzare.
Did they come from the discount word Bazaar?
… probably just a bunch of bitter harpies.
This is why media companies shouldn’t show the names or faces of these assholes – it simply inspires the next one. And why wouldn’t it? With a few exceptions, most of these guys are misfit outcasts that are either ignored, bullied or abused (if they aren’t psychopaths or easily mislead autists) – now they can suddenly they can get recognition and adoring fans by committing 15 minutes of mass murder – and the media is gleefully letting all the future fuckers know.
I’m not saying anything should be censored, but since the media heads get together to push the same narrative anyway, they ought to agree to stop showing the names and faces of these assholes. Oh wait, I forgot, they love mass shootings – they boost ratings and anti-gun sentiment.
they boost ratings and anti-gun sentiment
Bingo. A dozen dead teens is a small price to pay for weeks of hysterical activism masquerading as coverage. They’ll instantly indict tens of millions of Americans whose only connection with the killer is owning firearms. That’s not the sort of lazy, motivated reasoning we would accept in a heinous drunk driving case, but when it comes to the political bogeyman, they’re all in. All while celebrating the actual murderer and patting themselves on the back. It’s a good thing they’ve got Hogg out there finally putting the lie to their claims about gun control: they always intended to strip the right away, they were always angling toward confiscation. It makes it much easier to tell them No, we are not ceding any ground, you people are lunatics and the concessions would never end.
“This week has been brutal…”
I blame Zardoz.
Zardoz. Stand up guy. Putting his neck out and taking responsibility. Good on ya’.
Oh, right, I meant to share – Apparently humans have not one, not two, but three complicated sets of fluid pathways inside their bodies. The old classic Circulatory, the lesser known Lyphatic, and now This unnamed one recently found. Talk about overdesigned.
I have a fluid pathway in my body that carries only bourbon.
I have some blood in my bourbon fluid pathways as well..
You should probably see a bartender for that.
That’s where the midichlorians are.
Twin Cities Glibs: Short notice, but I will be in MSP for business on Tuesday. Would love to have a few beers if anyone wants to. I’m staying at one of the hotels by the MOA. I could take the light rail into downtown or something if that worked. I find perverse delight in talking public transportation to meet people who hate government money being spent on public transportation.
Uffda Mike. If it was any other day, I’d meet up with you. But I am booked next Tuesday.
Speaking of which, do us Minnesodans want to try to send Hayek Explosives off in style? I think she said that she might be available this weekend.
I knew it being short notice as well as a school night would make the probability slim, but hopefully somebody is available. Especially ‘splosivs. Do you have her email Jimbo? I lost it. Email it to me if you do.
“as well as a school night”
Mom lets me stay out as late as I want.
Well, aren’t you special?!
Mom lets me stay out as late as I want.Mom encourages me to get out more.Mom locks the door behind me any time I go out.
Sent you and Tundra an email. I don’t have her contact info, but I think he does.
I was just thinking, haven’t seen him on here lately and he was talking about having a vacation around this time. Hawaii I think? Maybe he is sunning himself on the beach.
I’m going to be out of town then. Maybe next time.
About that “CEO pay” bullshit. I believe a significant contributor to the inequality epidemic is simply the scaling up of business enterprises.I shall now pull some ridiculously imaginary numbers out of my ass to illustrate my point.
If you own a hardware store in a one horse town, and you have ten employees whose revenue per employee averages out to a marginal contribution to your ownership earnings of $1000 each, you make $10,000. If you go down the road to the next stage stop and open another store with the same returns, your earnings double, while each individual employee’s remains the same. Repeat as necessary. By the time you get to be Sam Walton, your aggregated share of the proceeds is a whole lot more than any of those floor sweepers or key cutters.
I think a significant portion of it comes from the Fed holding down interest rates and driving up the money supply. It provides perverse incentives to publicly traded corporations.
This raises my respect level for Coates from 0 to 0.0001.
A smart intellectual magazine is a difficult thing to run because of the need to manage conflicting personalities and opinionated writers who clash constantly
Granted, I’m not an editor, but it seems as though conflicting personalities and opinionated writers would make for an easier time running a smart, intellectual magazine, assuming it is in fact as smart and intellectual and diverse as you hope. Unless you’re hewing to a strict political standard, differing opinions should be a point of prestige for your publication. It’s not as if your personalities are conflicting in person. They’ll take it to their bylines and duke it out in the columns.
I am sorry to see KDW leave NRO. I hope he and Charlie won’t quit their podcast together. But it will be interesting to see whether the effete lefty world of mawkish political sentiments can handle a man as abrasive and unyielding as Williamson. I don’t imagine they’ll run any piece he writes about transgenderism, or black crime.
While that would make sense from a rational “competition of ideas” standpoint, it’s really down to the appetites of the subscribers.
So, from what we currently seem to know of The Atlantic‘s Readership, no. It won’t succeed.
I’m all in for anything that tarnishes longstanding lefty institutions as being just as parochial and intolerant as they accuse the right of being.
Good analysis.
Anything that takes shots at Krugnuts is fine with me.
The country has to live in the real world. The world of academia has been flooded with government money for decades and working there means that no matter how bad your ideas are you dont lose your job. Of course they moved left and the country did not. It isnt going to end well for them.
Did professors move left, or did the meaning of conservatism in America change in a way that drove scholars away?
Let’s see, you have students on campuses militating against essential liberties which a decade ago would only seem debatable among a very small core of Marxist professors. There now exist dogmas on climate science and biology which contravene every tenet of science but are treated as shibboleths, the questioning of which is a fireable offense. Feminism has become a religion and apostasy is social suicide. Racialists are openly calling for segregation and apartheid. Communism is openly lauded. Meanwhile, what conservative positions have changed fundamentally, or even resisted the implacable leftward shift?
imo, it’s worse for Krugnuts than Abrams describes, because it’s not just the leftward lurch he needs to worry about. It’s the Maoist radicalism it incites: Krugman may enjoy prestige among a diminishing group of old-school leftists, and he can try clawing back some credibility among the ascendent progressive Marxists, but inevitably even he will be swallowed whole by the monster he helped create. Campus illiberalism is thrashing the old liberal left.
Yep, people like Krugnuts get the bullet too, but only after they lose their platform, fanbase, savings and self-regard.
You cannot bring feminists onto campus if they hold moderate views on anything without instigating riots and shout-down campaigns in some of the most hallowed bastions of the left. You cannot bring an ex-Muslim woman to speak about iniquities under Muslim culture. These people will throw a shit-fit and burn down buildings if you present to them anything other than the orthodox opinions spoonfed them by their Tumblr professors. And this jamoke wants to argue that academia hasn’t sprinted to the left?
“Actor” Christopher Lambert? Tough room.
He did a pretty good job in Highlander pretending to know how to speak English.
Dere cahn be unly wuun.
Man has ‘world’s worst’ super-gonorrhoea
“He had a regular partner in the UK, but picked up the superbug after a sexual encounter with a woman in South East Asia.”
It always starts in Asia.
“sexual encounter with a woman”
Read: prostitute.
“woman” needs extra quotes
Probably was one of those lady boys those European tourists all go out there for..
It’s all the same
in the darkfrom behind.If you say so I guess..
Not trying it though.
World’s worst superhero
Faster than a magic bullet!
More powerful than mercury up the pee-hole!
Able to leap azithromycin in a single bound!
“I usually use protection but I figured, when am I going to get back to Haiti?”
A lot of countries will get your ass for shenanigans like that. Get some girl pregnant and leave? You are liable to find yourself revisiting soon and in handcuffs.
It’s the old Bad Idea Jeans sketch from SNL in the early ’90s
And he had the privilege of paying for it too, no doubt.
Enjoy your free healthcare.
I disagree, the spectacle of people with exploding genitalia does wonders for sexual propriety.
I have a radical idea. Instead of charging the whole country for a patient’s services used, why not bill the patient directly when they utilize services. It’ll cut out a lot of overhead, and not only will it tell you what needs funding, but fund it at the time it’s needed.
Next you’ll be blaming this guy’s flaming John Thomas on his risky behavior! As if proles can be responsible for the consequences of their actions.
What’s this about dramatic cuts?! I have been repeatedly assured that the US is the only 3rd-world country that doesn’t provide unlimited free healthcare to its citizens. I sure don’t remember anyone saying anything about dramatic cuts.
I think a significant portion of it comes from the Fed holding down interest rates and driving up the money supply. It provides perverse incentives to publicly traded corporations.
That’s unquestionably true. Borrowing money to buy back stock doesn’t make sense if interest rates aren’t artificially low.
As a more or less random point of interest, I think consolidation in various industries over time (much of it driven by government policies and incentives) has inevitably, through the magic of arithmetic, pushed ever-larger sums of money to the top of the organizational pyramid.
When there’s no real creative destruction, the system gets very top heavy.
Let’s see if this upload works>. Cherry blossom drinking day.

Nope. Gimme a minute.
Well? We’re waiting.
Somebody hold his beer.
Seriously. Loong day.
Fail. And I want to see this.
sloshed sakura straffinrun
Alright. Maybe this will work. Probably be disappointed, but it was a great day with the in laws.
Beautiful! The cherry blossoms around here won’t peak for another 2 or 3 weeks.
*HT UnCiv.
The cherry blossom parties are a blast here. Excuse to drink from early afternoon until night. The mother of the three kids sitting on the tarp next to us under our tree was wearing a cardigan and had a tee shirt underneath that said in big letters “Virgin”. I’m dying laughing and the mother in law wonders what is so funny. I explain as tactfully as I can. Then the wind blew the cardigan a little wider open and I could see that the “ia” at the end of “Virgin” was obscured by the cardigan. I was ready to make a shrine to her.
A part-timer at my old school had one of them Abercrombie novelty shirts on. It was just a white outline of the state of Virginia.
Caption: Vagina Is For Lovers.
Completely oblivious. I was cackling all day long.
T shirt English in Asia is a constant source of enjoyment, isn’t it. Then again, there’s an NBA player with the Kanji for patient (as in hospital patient) as a tattoo.
I am trying to figure out if the translation of the “Random Japanese Characters” t-shirt actually says “Random Japanese Characters”
*looks for image*
Dammit, they stopped selling it.
The Sudafed is starting to kick in (along with the coffee).
I should be able to leap tall buildings momentarily.
Wait, you mean early superman was just on Meth?
You’ll notice that he never smiled much in the early comics.
His teeth were bad?
Sin taxes infuriate me. And some of the people who vote for them infuriate me. I have friends who agree with me on practically everything. But they think sin taxes are OK. Drives me insane.
“Raising the minimum wage won’t cost jobs. That’s just silly.”
Speaking of grrrrl power, I used to love Xena when I was growing up. ///firstcrush
I wonder if it is on Netflix…
I got almost all the way through the first sentence of that Daily Fail article about Hogg.
He’s somebody who also happened to be in the vicinity.
There is something about that guy that simultaneously stinks like hell and creeps me out.
His original story was complete bullshit.
I dont know what his original story was. The first one I heard was that he was in another building, waited until the shooting stopped and ran over to join the kids that had dodged the bullets and as soon as the news crews showed up he shouldered his way in front of the cameras.
Something about leaving to get a camera, then return to film stuff.
I’ll accept someone who was under direct fire (as in was a target of the shooter or at the very least in cover with bullets whizzing nearby) as a survivor, but that’s about it. Being in the general area does not make you a survivor.
Right. If he wasn’t dodging bullets and shitting his pants then I am just as much a survivor of that shooting as he is.
One of the schools where the “Beltway Sniper” shot people was 1/4 mile away from me at the time, so I guess I’m a survivor by their metrics. In which case I’d like to go on record and say that I felt a damn sight safer in a townhouse full of armed 20-somethings.
Fuck shit fuck fuckity fucking shit fuck.
So yesterday I came home to find out that my wife got into a little fender bender at the end of our block. She was turning into the alley when a woman pulled out of a parking spot on the street without looking and clipped the passenger side of our car. There’s no major damage, but the fender is crumpled and will have to be pulled off to either repair or replace. Not a big deal, right? The woman’s insurance should take care of it. My wife got out to exchange information only to find out the woman has no insurance. In fact, the woman’s husband had to come out of their house to intervene, because this woman no habla fucking Inglés. I’m now left wondering if she even has a valid driver’s license. My wife exchanged contact information with them, but I sincerely doubt we’ll see any compensation. How can someone pay for repairs to a damaged fender if they can’t even scrape together the fifty bucks or whatever for basic liability coverage each month? I’m now left with a twelve-year-old car that was in great shape until this fucking dingbat clobbered it. I don’t want to file a claim with our insurance because having our rates potentially increase over a car this old seems kinda stupid. I guess I’m left with no viable option other than to drive a crumpled piece of shit around now.
My wife was hit by an uninsured driver in Phoenix when we lived there. Our insurance covered the damage. They eventually got compensation from the uninsured driver and refunded our deductible.
Let your insurance company do their job.
Been there. So has Mrs. Suthenboy. It seems that having poor judgement leads to both poverty and bad driving skills.
You will have to measure the deductible vs what you can recover – it also might be better to have your insurance company chase them for damages, that won’t hurt your experience rating, if you are not at fault.
Should my wife have filed a police report? My guess is yes, but it seems a little late now that it’s a day after the fact.
Depends on your state laws.
Here in Iowa, a fender-bender with no injuries does not require a police report.
Here in New York it’s $1000 in damage as a baseline.
I’m not sure if it’s required here in Illinois (I’d guess no), but I’ll talk to our insurance today to confirm. I saw this woman’s van on my way into work this morning, and it pissed me off even more. The thing is covered in dents leading me to believe that she crashes into shit all the time.
In general the insurance company will want one in most states because it makes their job of going after the perps for money easier…
Of course she does. See my comment above. Idiots like that are a menace.
We just bought a new car for the wife. Three days after we got it I went to buy cigarettes at a local store with a drive-thru window. There was a truck at the window already so I got in line behind it. ten seconds later I see the reverse lights come on. As quick as I could I put in reverse and began backing up in a panic. The bastard missed me by an inch and never knew I was there.
Who the fuck backs up a vehicle without looking? That is something that is never ever ever ever done. You just dont do that. He was at a drive through window for fuck’s sake and he backed up without looking? Jesus Christ. Needless to say I was a little hot, but I kept it under control.
The girl at the window said everyone in the store saw it and was yelling but the driver didn’t hear them. Apparently he was angry because the girl would not abandon the register and shop around the store on his behalf for his list of junk. They only window things from behind the counter.
Christ, what an asshole.
Oh, his shit-rig was dented up as well.
When my parked car was totaled (IL) by a hit and run (I was in the house) I called my insurance co immediately and they told me to get a police report.
The guy’s license plate fell off so the cops tracked him down easily but the insurance ordeal with my own insurance company was two weeks of bullshit.
Yep – tell your insurance and the local cops just to cover your ass.
My wife was in a big Route 80 pile-up a few years ago. The illegal driving the car in front of her was uninsured – so they tried to sue us. Luckily in NJ you aren’t allowed to sue if you are uninsured, so a passenger made up an injury and I think our insurance company eventually paid him to go away.
Dude, I feel you.
Just last week I was in the back seat of my friend’s 1999 Nissan Sentra and some guy (maybe 17 or 18 years old) rammed the back of it while pulling out of a shopping center. A cop was nearby so he stopped to make sure everyone exchanged info and all that – the dude that hit her couldn’t speak English, didn’t have insurance and was driving without a license. I’m pretty sure he’s going to jail – the cop said they’re at least issuing him a ticket and taking the car.
My friend said she feels really bad about that. Maybe I’m an asshole but I don’t feel bad – if you’re driving a dangerous 2 ton machine and you aren’t capable of paying for the damage you cause with it, then you shouldn’t be driving.
Now my friend has to pay for the damage through her own insurance, which will likely cause some sort of hike in her premium.
Maybe ask her how bad she feels about the kid losing his wheels AFTER she gets her next insurance bill.
She may have to pay the deductible but a police report with the other driver clearly at fault means no hit on her insurance (other than the price we all pay to cover uninsured assholes).
The police said there wasn’t enough visible damage to create a report, but gave my friend their number in case she had any trouble getting ahold of the party at fault.
We were concerned about her axle – because the collision left a very large mark on the back left wheel.
Your uninsured motorist coverage will pay less the deductible. And your insurance company will go after the driver for compensation.
You should call the police and report the accident. Even a day late might be ok. They’ll charge her being at fault and for not having insurance and that will assist your insurance company’s claim against her.
Banjos got hit by two different uninsured motorists last year and the insurance company will definitely go after them.
Shit like this has led to the utterly insane add-on of “uninsured motorist coverage” which is basically mandatory in Colorado these days (have to sign a written waiver to not carry it).
Speaking of David Hogg
Idk if it was someone here that posted this yesterday or not. But it warrants being posted again anyway.
I cant believe youtube hasn’t removed that video.
I think the demonetized it (hence the trigger warning click through), but it’s clearly fair use, since it’s a parody of a copyright work.
the slick hair and open-collared Miami Vice suit on a skinny white beta is a really funny look to be making that Black Power fist in the air.
There is nothing about the guy that I dont find creepy.
He kinda strikes me as someone that has a small pile of wingless fly corpses on his nightstand.
It’s not a Black Power fist: the raised fist as a symbol of resistance has its roots in communist iconography. It is utterly appropriate as a symbol for this movement, as what other system wants its subjects as helpless and dominated as communism?
If you listen carefully, you can hear some Scottish guy egging him on.
They had comments on yesterday. Time to play ancient Ferengi game: wack-a-mole
I think there’s a lot of amazing people that don’t get to college not only that do things like I do, but because their voices just aren’t heard in the tsunami of people that apply every year for college in such an economic impacted school system which we have here in America where people have to go into massive amounts of debt just to go to college and get an education.’
Maybe there’s a slot available at Patrice Lumumba University.
“…economic impacted school system which we have here in America where people have to go into massive amounts of debt just to go to college and get an education.”
That is so loaded I dont even know where to go with it. Did he happen to mention what he plans on majoring in? Performing Arts? Failed Painter? Journalism? PoliSci? Grievance Studies? I know it aint Chemistry.
Ahh, I see. It’s literally everyone else’s fault. I felt much the same…wait, no, I just owned the fact that I fucked around in high school too much and went to community college for two years, then transferred.
Yesterday Hudson wrote: After looking at Google’s horde of information they have on me…
Where does one go to find that out?
There’s a Google tool (or was) called “Google Takeout”
There are also a few visualization tools that you can look at individually, such as the Google map timeline (search for it and you should be able to find it)
LOL @ Hogg
I applied to one college and got accepted, with a scholarship.
People that get hit by the reality that their not cutting the mustard often feel compelled to blame others for their fortunes. I got accepted to every college I applied to, but that was because of my grades and the fact I worked my ass off. These days you have a bunch of people like this moron that think they should automatically be accepted even when they don’t make it.
I wonder if anyone has pointed out to him that he was likely turned down applying to those wok Cali schools because he was not one of the special snowflake categories that gets preferences?
I’m still schocked that I got accepted by every college I applied to.
I made the mistake of only filing one application.
My essay was hand written and when it got mailed the sheet had ended up crumpled and had a bootprint on it. I suspect they were letting first-year attrition do the screening for the admissions office.
Back when I dealt with college applications they cared about two things (three in my case): your grades & your SAT score (and because I was doing AE/EE they also looked at my ACT scores). All that other shit was irrelevant for the admission process. You met their threshold and were in, or you were told you didn’t make it.
I was a C student in High school (Teachers directly told me to stop getting involved in class, so I tended to coast in terms of work), only a 1350/1600 SAT* but a 35 ACT
*I hate that there was a time when they went to 2400 max and I have to specify
You sound like my age.
When I was applying SATs were generally weighted as more important than grades. This is simply because grades can very depending on the school, and SATs are a standardization.
Things like extracurriculars were used to distinguish between candidates with identical scores and grades.
I’m trying to remember if I was actually a C student or if I was a B student. Where were the numerical boundaries?
Heh heh, with you on that stupid 2400 SAT score thing. Maxed my SAT math and ACT scores (Math & Science). Applied to MIT and Cal Tech just to see if I could make it even though I knew I was going to make Uncle Sam pay for my education. I don’t think I even bothered with any kind of the other bullshit these colleges would usually recommend people also submit to enhance their chances other than to tell them I was fluent in 7 languages (because I had lived in so many different countries and had a father that told me going to school with the other American kids wouldn’t challenge me, so I was just going to school with the lcoals).
That was how GT dealt with admissions back in my day. Zero essays.
My SAT score made up for my mediocre GPA and got me in. I am not sure I would get accepted today.
Back in the 80s they went for the high (but not too high) acceptance standards but then weed out 1/3 of the freshman class.
Grades had been so inflated by the time I was applying to college that they cared more about your class rank then your GPA. I was an A-/B+ student right at top 25% in a class of 700, so my GPA didn’t really do the heavy lifting. The 1490 SAT got me a full ride to Purdue and I didn’t really care about the other schools. Indiana lowballed me because my application was so engineering focused.
I was in that weird time when they made us do a writing section of the SAT, but explicitly told everybody not to rely on the writing score because they hadn’t collected enough data on it yet. As a result, I got 2 SAT scores for the one test, but I never used the 2400 base one.
This – he’s just another lil white boy for them to reject, no matter how much prog signaling he did in his essay.
Applying for a UC school being white is probably a plus. Asians are the majority.
UC schools have much higher standards for out of state, though.
Not getting into his Florida backup, however, is a bad sign. He may not be too bright … this one.
School admission in the United States is mainly IQ based anyway. Doubt they even looked at the name. Saw the SATs were below the cut off and threw him in the rejection stack.
You mean to say they don’t actually consider all that extracurricular twatwaffly garbage the guidance counselors peddle?
::shocked face::
“Not getting into his Florida backup, however, is a bad sign. He may not be too bright … this one.”
I would put money on that..
Cleans up nice for the camera though.
Until they don’t need him any more. Where is Cindy Sheehan these days?
She never looked as good in a feldgrau uniform, so she’s probably still camped out on the highway in Midland, TX.
I’m pretty sure his application was in the pipeline and on the reject/waitlist/accept list long before the shooting. So, he’s just a loser.
But he was being hardcore woke so they should let him in…
I love it when reality hits assholes like this douchebag that feed the fucking PC crocodile in the hope it eats them last.
A Bozeman cohort that aims to connect people to their neighbors and city officials said it wants to expand its reach within the next year.
Tanya Andreasen, coordinator for Bozeman’s InterNeighborhood Council, said as the city grows, the council wants to impact how that happens, from supporting sustainability to increasing transportation and pedestrian connectivity.
Andreasen told the City Commission on Monday night the organization represents roughly one-third of Bozeman residents.
“So there’s a lot of room to grow,” she said during the group’s annual State of the Neighborhoods address.
The InterNeighborhood Council tries to put residents’ concerns on the city’s radar. Andreasen said she hopes more people find the council as a place to respond to what’s unfolding outside their homes.
What Bozeman really needs is a more engaged citizenry, to help the preservationists obstruct change. And then they’ll all scratch their heads and wonder why all that formerly “open space” out in Gallatin County they love so well is full of housing developments.
I am guessing she is a transplant. I see nothing in the story about that. So the pinko termites have finished ruining California and now they are working on Colorado and Montana and Texas.
Enough is enough NFL. Remember back in the 70s where we had high inflation, a major gas crisis and Carter in the white house? At least we could get a poster of the Dallas Cowgirl cheerleaders to hang above our beds, right next to that Farrah Fawcett poster?
I want one day a week where I can drink beer, lay on a couch, catch a god game and have some eye candy.
You would think the NFL knew its customer base a little better.
I want to be more aware of breast cancer. Especially when I’m dying of prostate cancer.
+1 Brown Ribbon.
Its largest source of revenue is government providing all the free stadia.
Ya’ know, NFL dudes, if you want to quit working all you have to do is retire. It isnt necessary to destroy the NFL just so you can go fishing.
A cult with hot sex slave actresses will alway catch my attention. Much better than a bunch of IT nerds in track suits acting all asexual while waiting for a comet.
“Warriors of Gor” LARPers.
I saw where the uber-pixie Kristin Kreuk was in that cult.
Life ain’t fair man.
She’s 35 now? Wow. How old am I.
Anyway, how can I join this cult?
1. Be Attractive
2. Don’t be unattractive
0 for 2.
50 Shades Creepier
Actresses are insecure and don’t seem to be too bright on average. Ripe for being preyed upon by a charismatic cult leader.
Well, look at the hiring process for actresses.
Well, that and – topically enough – the ‘casting couch’ is a real thing. Combining some charisma, and trading some fake affection for acceptance is often a ‘good’ trade.
And that’s the underlying hypocrisy of #MeToo. It’s just a bunch of women changing the rules that they were somewhat prepared to live by in the past.
It’s why when people learn a bit about my history, and ask me about it, I can honestly say that the porn business is just like the movie business, but more honest (in front of the cameras anyway)
Evil right wingers often slandered those they disagreed with as being communist spies. I often wonder if the whole Russian crap today is just a big old bag of projection.
1938 on the phone for you, Gbob!
Some guy calling himself HUGH AC?
Of course it is. Everything they accuse their opponents of is what they themselves are doing. You can count on it like the sunrise. Clinton was in league with the Russians bigger than shit. It is a matter of record yet no one is talking about it much. She gets a pass.
As for the rest of the leftist agitators here being accused of being pinkos, it’s kind hard to miss. Their speakers apologize for the Soviets, wear marxist t-shirts, openly endorse communism, carry Marx Engles readers around with them. It isnt exactly crazy to call them commie shitweasels.
Except for the fact that once the USSR finally imploded and we got a look at their secret papers, it turned out that practically every one of the people accused of being Soviet shills or spies were Soviet shills or spies…
McCarthy’s accuracy was 95%. And the other 5% were considered as potential agents by the KGB, but rejected.
And the usual suspects have been working real hard to keep that fact from the masses, because it exposed them for what they really are. I tell you, the left is pissed that the wrong side won the Cold War and have forever been trying to fix that.
Just imagine if your dream to be a Grievance Studies major at UCLA and hang out on street corners in West Hollywood were cruelly snatched from your grasp. You’d lash out, too.
This cracked me up
When his 15 minutes are up, he’ll be in porn. Mark my words.
As the bottom.
He has a twinky Peter North look about him. He should do quite well if he’s prepared to go gay if he does a bit of lifting.
“A bit” of lifting? My wife has a more developed upper body.
I’m sure there is a niche for him, because rule 34, but no way he does ‘quite well’.
You’d need to ask a Glib with a tortilla, but twinks are valued by some in that community.
That, or he ends up another Brett Kimberlin after his agitation results in nothing and CNN unceremoniously drops him on his ass.
The Parkland Kids Have A Lot In Common With Pentecostal Child Preachers
That was excellent and the comparison to child-preachers is spot on. I can only hope these kids just fade away. With as dumbed-down as our culture has become however, I also wonder if we are going to see a 22-year old David Hogg or Emma Gonzalez running for public office, and winning, ……..because feelings.
Maybe they could get some advice from Sandra Fluke.
On birth control?
Because we don’t want any of them reproducing.
Chelsea/Hogg 20(whatever year he is eligible)!
2036 I think.
Shit, I’ll probably still be alive. If they haven’t lined us up against the wall before then, of course.
Maybe AR handling can replace snake handling.
If the gun doesn’t shoot you, it means you have sufficient faith.
(My family, in previous generations, was into the hillbilly Pentecostal scene.)
I’m willing to bet Cruz has more fangirls who’d let him fuck ’em than this mush-headed moron.
All you have to do to be a hit with the ladies is become a mass murderer.
It is also a route to becoming King.
it can be an effective way of staying king, as well.
Why gripe about college rejection? This kind of moxie could land him a gig as the leader of a firing squad in just about any Central American banana republic.
How many of those 600,000 are real people and how many are Soros/Bloomberg sockpuppets?
Judging from Hillary’s account at least 60%
Russian Bots, Q. Russian Bots.
Thankfully, Hogg is still too young to enter a Beer Hall for purpose of staging a putsch.
Netflix has reached the “We’re not sure where to take this next” stage
Now at least she’ll be able to legitimately blame Youtube videos for her failure.
This is a good excuse to cancel my membership. I only had it to binge on House of Cards, but then that got boring, so no need for it now.
History lesson
[The Black Panthers] also organized a march to the Capitol to draw attention to their cause of fighting against a government that sought to infringe on their right to bear arms. On May 2, 1967, 30 fully-armed Black Panthers occupied the California state Capitol. The demonstration was motivated by Republican Assemblyman Don Mulford’s bill to repeal the law allowing Californians to openly carry weapons, a direct response to the Black Panthers’ “police patrols.”
Before entering the building, Bobby Seale read a written statement on the Capitol steps in front of Governor Ronald Reagan: “The American people in general and the black people in particular,” Seale declared, must “take careful note of the racist California legislature aimed at keeping the black people disarmed and powerless.”
The group of activists occupying the Capitol with fully loaded weapons on full display was an unforgettable sight. However, their demonstration backfired and the bill passed both the state Assembly and Senate, with the full support of the NRA. In addition to repealing open carry gun laws in California, Mulford made it illegal to take firearms into the Capitol. On July 28 it was signed into law by Governor Reagan, who later commented that he saw “no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons.”
Those crazy niggers, exercising their rights like they were just as good as anybody.
I always thought that was a stupid move. What did they think was going to happen?
Agreed. Don’t pull that shit unless you have thousands of followers and you’re willing to back up your words with force.
I know it backfired, but how in the hell is OC illegal anywhere?
And of course it passed with the full support of the NRA.
(as an OC’er, I’m a bit biased.)
It isnt illegal anywhere in the US but if but when you pull shit like that you scare people and lose public support . Then the govt senses that they can get away with illegal shit so people can feel safe and that’s what happened. Same thing with the FFA 1934. Gangsters running around shooting everything up with machine guns and leaving bodies all over the place. Of course it was going to mean gun control.
And the ‘scaring people’ gets conflated into a ‘public order’ offense.
Ridiculous, but the problem is many of our cohabitees here in the US are irredeemably weak-kneed pansies.
Open carry is specifically illegal in the city and county of Denver overriding state law because FYTW.
It was pretty cringey when Adam Kokesh did this kind of thing a few years back, too.
It was also cringey when TOS spent some time embracing Kokesh for a while several years ago when it should have already been apparent that Kokesh was nothing more than a shock artist using civil liberty as a prop.
I won’t comment on TOS embracing him, but I really don’t think he was using liberty as a prop – I think he is a firm believer in liberty, just really cringey in the way he went about his activism. His activism often took the form of “shock,” like you said, but I don’t think he was some statist just pretending to love liberty.
TOS reminds me of the soft headed, insecure people who seek to be anything but normal. One week they are a flower child, the next a yogi, the next a vegan etc. always spouting the jargon of whatever costume they are wearing that day and claiming to have changed their life.
They are pretty solid on freedom of speech but on most everything else, weak. Frankly the open borders at any cost business confuses me. I wonder if they wouldn’t cave on the 1st in favor of open borders. It makes no sense to me.
Oh wait, a vegan? That does sound familiar.
Every time I think of the Johnson/Weld fiasco I get a little angry. Everything about his campaign screamed ‘I’m faking it ! I have no intention of winning this!’ from day one.
I have no intention of winning this!
In fairness, campaigning for the Libertarian Party ticket is pretty much an open avowal of unseriousness.
What did he do that was so bad?
I remember he had a shotgun in DC(the horror!)
Definitely not something you should go to jail for.
I didn’t say he did anything bad, just that he did things that made me cringe. It’s not the having of a shotgun that was cringey – it was the whole on-the-street interview he did while holding it, ended by cocking the shotgun. It was stupid and confirmed a lot of people’s caricatures of law-abiding gun owners.
Fair enough, part of me wishes I was brave(stupid) enough to do things like that.
My biggest protest move is OC’ing, which most people don’t even notice.
But is is cool when I get asked and I get to give my patented “I don’t have a permit because I refuse to ask permission” speech.
You need to move to CT, if not being noticed irks you.
And your speech? The cops will LOVE to hear that one!
OC, open carry
Not being noticed doesn’t irk me, I prefer to be left alone. Especially by the cops.
VA has it’s issues, but OC is pretty well accepted, at least in the Hampton Roads area.
Oh, okay. I live in VA too, one of my former bosses does OC and his kids are always complaining about it. I’m also way too shy of attention to want to protest openly (plus I’m fairly certain I could lose my job if I did anything stupid and embarrassed the company).
I’m actually thinking about purchasing my first handgun because of all the news lately. I’m happy to live in a fairly gun-friendly state, but I really don’t know where to start when legally obtaining one.
Best idea? Find a gun store – ideally one that someone you trust recommends.
They’ll usually go over all the details. You’ll benefit from their experience in other ways too.
Okay, I’ll give that a shot *ducks*. I only have 2 friends that own guns, but one of them is an enthusiast so I’m sure he knows where to go and what I should do.
Well, sure, leverage their experience, get their anecdotes about the process, because it differs state to state, and often county to county – up here at least.
Pistols are something you’ll definitely want to test drive so look at finding a range that lets you rent lots of different ones to get a feel for how they handle, the recoil and if what feels natural is actually a high grip leading to nasty bites.
I’d still get ‘friendly’ with a dealer. No disrespect to your friends, but it’s real easy to succumb to fanboyism and ‘push’ what you shoot as the *perfect* gun to a friend. Ergonomics on guns is quite important and not everything works for everyone.
Worst case would be if one of your buddies is a 1911 fanboy, and the other is a Glock fanboy.
I joined a range, then rented more than a dozen pistols.
What matters is how the pistol feels in YOUR hand and how it affects the way YOU pull the trigger.
Spot on. There’s no perfect gun for everyone, just the same as there’s no perfect car for everyone.
The best gun is the one that YOU can shoot accurately and competently.
If you’re in NoVA, Sharpshooters in Springfield has a variety of rental firearms for their range.
Okay, thanks for the input everyone. Both of my gun owning friends live in VA but one is in a different county. I’ll have to find a place that will let me try out a few so I can get a feel for them.
Also thanks for the suggestion Kristen, Springfield is only about 35 mins away from me.
I hate to admit it, but there’s a lot of well-meaning bad advice that goes around in the gun world. You have to keep your bullshit filter tuned up.
If you do go by Sharpshooters, tell Tim that Sheldon says hi.
Mulford had effectively played on white America’s fear of African-Americans during the 1960s, stripping away the power the Black Panthers found in brandishing their guns. While the bill was effective in disarming the Black Panthers, it didn’t have much effect in reducing criminal violence, Winkler notes.
If “more gunz = more crimez” then “less gunz = less crimez”, right?
The problem with intersection is that sometimes the narratives collide.
Sean Penn wrote a book, sorta.
The excerpts are cringe-worthy to but it mildly. But I can’t look away.
Can’t even blame the phone on that goof.
I never thought I would enjoy a HuffPo article so much. Had me laughing almost uncontrollably.
It’s gotta be bad when you’re a darling of the readership, but the editorial staff can’t resist skewering you
It really is horrible. But maybe like a Syfy channel original movie horrible. So bad it’s good….Nah, those are made with a tongue in cheek attitude. Mr. Penn was dead serious when he wrote this crap, which just makes even sadder.
These people are simply talented puppets whose primary ability is to repeat what people tell them to say in a relatively convincing manner.
Nobody should be giving their brain-droppings any kind of legitimacy.
That really made tears come to my eyes, I don’t know that a more perfect book can be written.
Quoting it won’t do it justice, people would think it was made up.
You mean … like fiction?
I meant the quotes… people wouldn’t believe they were really from the book…
He’s talking about Hillary, isn’t he?
Please tell me he’s talking about Hillary …
Too derivative. SF did it better
Derivative was the kindest description of the book that the reviewer could muster.
We might also call it needlessly cynical to promote such a garbage novel as the second coming of The Crying of Lot 49 just because it was written by a craggy white man with an unearned sense of intellectual superiority and a well-thumbed thesaurus.
Really can’t help but slip into bigotry when they’re reaching for a bit of sanctimonious primping, can they. Sean Penn’s obviously no Coates, what with the latter’s laborious, tortuous prose.
Don’t make perfect the enemy of good.
I’m more worried about making good enough the enemy of why bother.
I mean, even the title is ludicrous. “Bob Honey Who Just Do Stuff”??
The excerpts make my shitty teen-angst poetry from high school look like fuckin’ Yeats in comparison.
“Viagratic assault on virtual vaginas”
That’s poetry.
It’s like he randomly picked words from a thesaurus.
Aside from player birthdays I know there’s an embargo on NBA news in the sports update (at least until the playoffs?) but there are a few recent happenings worth mentioning. Last night LeBron James just tied Michael Jordan’s record of 866 consecutive games scoring in double figures and Karl-Anthony Towns set a Timberwolves team record by scoring 56 points in a game. On the flip side, earlier this week Towns’ teammate Jamal Crawford broke Johnny Newman’s record for “Most games lost – career” when he played in his 665th loss. And from a team standpoint, the Rockets are on a 27-1 streak and have a magic number of 1 to clinch the top seed in the west. (Last sentence shamelessly added to flatter the wonderful Houstonians here.)
Aw man, Johnny Newman held a record for most losses? My dad used to take me to UR games when I was a kid – loved watching Johnny Newman play back then.
Saw this video the other day during my wanderings. Puts LeBron and Jordan into perspective.
He was really something.
Wilt would have been a superstar in any era. Basically a faster version of Shaq / stronger version of David Robinson, plus Dwight Howard’s vertical leap but at 2-3 inches taller.
In addition to his accomplishments on the court, Wilt also authored four books. None of the others created nearly the stir and controversy as his 1991 book, A View From Above.
In it, Wilt claimed to have slept with 20,000 different women in his life.
Truly a megastar.
Well, icosokilostar anyway.
Thanks for the update – nice to see another NBA fan in here.
Totally-not-antisemitic Corbynista: powerful jooooooz are to blame for accusations of antisemitism among Corbynistas.
They could at least try to hide it. But nope.
Speaking of lefty antisemites, Middle Eastern studies programs imperiled by arrest and punishment of long-time
propagandistphilanthropist Alwaleed bin Talal, from whose deep pockets sprung tens of millions of dollars in investments at Western universities to teach Islamic studies with a Wahabist bent.With exceptions, academics are unprincipled whores that will sell their intellect and principles to the highest bidder. That’s at least part of why so many of them are government bootlickers, most of their funding comes from the government.
He should do quite well if he’s prepared to go gay if he does a bit of lifting.
Haha, good one, Bro.
If someone was to send him my email, I could probably get him an audition, actually.
“”I’m sure this number will come as a shock to many of you. It certainly did for me. I expected it to be a lot higher.””
Speaking of which…
Nicholas Christakis expresses outrage, disgust, at perceived-high polling of antisemitic sentiment in selected (why these? donno) Eastern European countries
This tweet irritates me on like a half-dozen levels. “citing (weak) stats and claiming they mean something they obviously dont” is like the expressway to my indignantly-angry place.
I can anecdotally say without the slightest reservation: yes, there is likely more antisemitism in Eastern Europe than their is in, say, the US, or Asia. Saying so is neither controversial or interesting.
Even if i had data showing all that, it would mean very little because there is very little history of religious conflict in the US or Asia; by contrast, many of these countries in the EE/Balkans etc. have centuries of conflict with a group that the majority of people in other places have zero experience with.
e.g. If you surveyed the levels of antisemitism across nations of Africa: what would you *really* learn? you’d discover that people harbor bizarre suspicions of people they have no actual experience with. It would be utterly incomparable to data from Russia or Poland. Even if the numbers were similar, they would mean something *entirely different* in character.
basically, poll-data like what is quoted says nothing about what they think it says.
it doesn’t demonstrate ‘high’ levels of antisemitism, because we’re not given any examples of what “Low” countries look like. It doesn’t demonstrate “rising” antisemitism because we don’t see how any of the same regions compare over time. It doesn’t even say what “Antisemitism” means because it doesn’t compare these opinions about ‘jews’ to opinions about other groups that might have comparable social stigma. The list of what the data DO NOT say is potentially endless.
What does the data say? Almost nothing. If anything – and it would require far more of the cross tabbed info on things like ‘response rates’ and identity of those responding – it might indicate the willingness of people to respond negatively to obviously-loaded questions about antisemitism. If a psychologist were studying the question, the “speed of response” might be far more interesting than the response itself.
anyway, what drives me nuts about the tweet (and the subsequent response from journalists and editors @ well-known publications) is their echoing of a “conclusion” that does not follow = ‘antisemitism is rising!’ – from data that says nothing at all about the change in sentiment over time.
Its this conceptual leap from “x data” to “y, completely unrelated conclusion” which is so unremarked upon, but which people do every single day in the press.
Oh, Gilmore, you ignorant little peon. Don’t you see that he’s a professor at Yale?
you’d discover that people harbor bizarre suspicions of people they have no actual experience with.
I’ve always found statisticians to be a shady, disreputable lot.
78% of statistics are made up on the spot… 84% of all people know that.
I had to take 3 statistics courses for my econ degree and I remember thinking that statistics is way harder than I thought it would be. I did well, but it took way more effort than I thought it would simply because its unintuitive. There are so many traps you can fall into when interpreting data that I hardly ever take journalists seriously when they make an attempt. I feel like journalists are somehow treated like they understand every subject the write about, but in reality – I think they are less than journeymen in everything and certainly masters of absolutely nothing.
They are specialized actors, that’s all. They are masters of what they report on like TV doctors are masters of the medical arts.
“” There are so many traps you can fall into when interpreting data”‘
yes. this is basically the root of my gripe.
if there’s anything journalists should be, its skeptical of claims; but you show them 1 or 2 charts/tables, and they throw up their hand and pretend some point has been “proved”. its their utter illiteracy when looking at ‘some random set of numbers’ that kills me. They don’t even know what questions to ask.
As someone who is taking an intro statistics course right now, you get an amen from me
5 seconds later…
… a similar, parallel issue:
Claiming ‘no good data exists’ in the course of asserting a point; what they mean is, ‘we don’t want you to look at any, just be swayed by my right-now rhetoric’
Yeah, that’s pretty much the polar opposite of academic rigor. Instead of examining facts from which to draw a conclusion, they ascertain their conclusion and then go about collecting whatever facts they think will support it. Don’t you just fucking love science?
And this was meant to go below your original post. What can I say? I’m a clod.
Yes. And in the example given: *assert that no obviously-contradictory and readily available data exists*
they start w/ the conclusion, then go, “all the evidence against this conclusion is problematic” (handwave) “let’s go hunting for some that possibly supports it”
the example above is particularly egregious because the topic is “second-amendment related”(guns); few topics have MORE data or opinion-polling. There’s so much of it that it wouldn’t be hard to misuse some to make the same point the author wants to make. But they’re so bloody lazy they won’t even take data and spin it; no, they claim *it simply doesn’t exist*, because what’s rhetorically necessary is to treat the subject like a blank slate, starting today, and pretend that no one has ever considered the issue before.
Whatever you might think of Trump and his kids, this was high quality trolling.
Mainly because Jeb Bush is such a cunt.
OH SNAP! “Dr. Bush, please report to the burn unit!”
he learned enough about politics in a few weeks to dismantle you piece by piece despite it being your life’s work
Wut? I have it on goos authority that Trumplestiltskin is a drooling moron who is completely incurious and incapable of learning.
He’s not drooling, anyway.
Would then, still would.
Relevant? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49VEhCMHNKM
“goos authority”
Like “good” only gooier.
OT: I think I got some weird 24-hour flu…
I was feeling a bit weird all day yesterday. I couldn’t get comfortable no matter how I sat, my clothes seemed to be chafing my skin, and I was a bit cold even though the room was 71. I had two brief episodes where I was shivering, shuddering, and breathing heavily, but these both subsided within two or three minutes. I remember waking up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat. But I just got up now and I feel perfectly fine.
Any idea what that might have been?
Glibertaritis. It’s from being in contact with assholes for too long.
My prescription is more cowbell.
More seriously? Have you considered dehydration?
I don’t think so… I have a 72-oz water bottle at work, and I go through about four of them within the time I’m there, plus I’m always drinking water at home.
OK, ‘cos that breaking out in a sweat for no good reason and then stopping is a common symptom for dehydration
Come to think of it, that may have been the case… I first noticed that feeling after I went jogging (and it was warmer yesterday, so maybe I sweated way more than usual). And I did wake up very thirsty this morning.
Possibly a mild case of food poisoning. What did you eat recently before you got sick?
All I had eaten the day before yesterday was leftover stuff that I had reheated, so all the meats were thoroughly cooked.
The only thing I could think of was a plate of steak and pea pod stir-fry that I had yesterday for breakfast, but I was already feeling a bit sick when I ate that.
Low blood sugar?
What does the data say? Almost nothing.
In other words, the best kind of data. Malleable.
Eventually they aren’t going to be able to resist trying repeal. I cant wait for “But I dont know anyone that voted against repeal! How can this be?”
If the data isn’t saying much, you just need to torture it more.
Any idea what that might have been?
Sounds like heroin withdrawal.
I think its odd that the “shareholder complaints” are highlighted, while the stock price is not.
The greatest shareholder complaint is to “sell this piece of shit stock that is enriching management at detriment to shareholders”
if shareholders DONT sell, it means they don’t care. *and i particularly mean ‘institutional shareholders’, who tend to own largest swaths of any given issue. if they think Owner/CEO is perfectly fine reaching into the till in this very-public way, then i think the question turns to “who is the asset-manager who thinks owning companies like this is in the benefit of investors?”
But Lefties care, and in their worldview, they are qualified to speak for all of the human race regarding what is oppressive, exploitative, or offensive. The opinions of the actual people don’t matter at all.
Donations to the NRA tripled after the Parkland shooting
Who would have seen that coming?
Broke: Russians hacked the election.
Woke: The NRA bought Trump’s victory!!!
The one thing they do know is that it was caused by some kind of external manipulation of their poor gun-loving redneck brains, definitely NOT some kind of big middle-finger to the gun-grabbers. Also, Russian hackbots were probably involved.
Here’s what’s funny to me: A standard claim of the Left is that all of the support for non-Democrats is either 1) at the behest of giant corporations, or 2) the result of large-scale opinion manipulation by sinister outside forces. They refuse to ever believe that large numbers of people would willingly support non-Democrat causes.
But all the downright criminal stuff that Democrats do to get money is perfectly fine:
– Giving government grants to Planned Parenthood, which in turn donates it to the Democrat Party
– The cases where the Obama administration was ordering companies to make huge donations to “charities”, which again, donated it straight back to the Democrats or engaged in Democrat voter engagement initiatives
– Taking colossal donations from government sector unions who benefit immensely from the “more government” policies that Democrats push
I think there’s some guilty conscience at play…
A guilty conscience? Look at this guy. You are in the wrong line of work. You should be in stand-up. The field is wide open right now.
Have I mentioned before that gun grabbers lie? That is one big lie piled on top of another. That much mendacity in so few words is just breathtaking.
Interest in guns, gun sales, and NRA donations have increased because of mass shootings, not because of gun grabbers attempts to take them away. Who can even say that with a straight face.
This quote might make an interesting sociological study.
OMFG that dirty cooch Chelsea Handler goes full-on Marie Antoinette in this hilarious Tweet.
Jesus, that’s clueless.
She getting beat up pretty good for it. There’s some good comedy in the replies.
I don’t see one single reply that’s on her side.
It’s seriously elitist. It’s like saying “My butler isn’t killing children” or “My Lamborghini Huracan isn’t killing children” or “My Hermes Birkenbag isn’t killing children”
How much do you want to bet they do have semiautomatic weapons – unless she made sure they were only carrying revolvers for some reason.
She trusts her armed guards to be protect her, but they have inferior weapons to the people who might attack her.
Smart lady, this Handlers woman.
She was so unknown to me that when the name came up in a headline during the 2016 election season, I thought she was a clinton staffer shoe job it was to keep the daughter out of messes.
A shoe job sounds like something Bill would be into.
Well, neither are 99.99999999999% of gun owners, you dumb bitch.
Well, maybe 99.9999% of gun owners,
99.99999999999% of legal gun owners.
We know we do have semi automatic weapons. so there is that.
Chelsea Handler’s security detail
The Tom Cruise version of that scene is better (worse movie).
After seeing that video, every time I see her face I picture somebody pissing on it.
Chelsea, to her security guard: “All these dumb fucks on Twitter are saying you carry a semi-auto. Is that true?”
Security guard: “Yes, of course it’s true.”
Chelsea: “OMG you have to get rid of that ASAP!”
Guard: “I quit”
Don’t remember who authored it but there was an excellent article in NRO a few weeks ago in response to all the gun-grabbers trying to spin their ignorance of terms like “semi-automatic” as subtle nuances that only *gun nuts* understand.
One of the several excellent points in that article was that YOU (the gun-grabbers) are the ones who stupidly throw out terms that you don’t understand as a purposeful attempt to try to try to make everything sound as scary as possible. It’s not ONLY flat-out ignorance, it’s flat-out ignorance in an effort to mislead. And then they get all pissy and hand-wavey when someone calls them out on their bullshit which, thankfully, is almost every time.
There was an internal strategy paper, I think from CSGV, that made the rounds a few years ago. In it, the anti-gunners carefully explained how they could engender confusion between semi-automatic and fully automatic firearms, with the end goal of getting people to associate ‘assault weapons’ with machine guns.
The line soldiers might just be ignorant. The shot callers goddamn well know the difference. They’re deliberately lying to the public.