Yay, its Wednesday!!! That means…shit, that means nothing. Its just another day. Well, today anyway, not historically. This date was a historical nightmare for the Europeans, seeing as it was the day the Reichstag gave Hitler absolute power and was also the day Franco captured Madrid to end the Spanish Civil War. Not to mention it was the birthday for hipsters’ favorite brewer, Frederick Pabst, Simpson’s theme-writer Alf Clausen, underhand-freethrow-shooter Rick Barry, Filipino strongman Rodrigo Duterte, Salt (of Salt-n-Pepa), noted libertarian Vince Vaughn, and post-deserting piece of shit Bowe Bergdahl.
Oh yeah, some sporting stuff happened yesterday. In International tune ups, the Frogs went through Russia better than Napoleon did. The Suisse split Panama in two. Brazil got a little revenge over the Krauts (although its little solace after the blitzkrieg the Germans put on them at home 4 years ago). The Limeys drew the Cops. And the Spanish ran roughshod over Argentina in what has to feel worse for the South Americans than the Peron years.
On the ice, the Devils, Islanders, Dead Wings, Blues, J-E-T-S, Blue Jackets, Canucks, Stars and Predators (over the MINNESOOOOODA WIIIIIILD) were your winners as the playoffs inch ever closer. In those races, the Panthers, Devils and Flyers are fighting for the two spots in the Wales Conference. While the Campbell is pretty much a four team scramble between the Kings, Blues, Ducks and Avalanche for the final 3 spots (with a little goofiness thrown in depending on divisional placement). Only 5-7 games to go, guys! Then the real fun begins.
Did you get all that? I hope so, because I’m already moving on to…the links!

Bring it on, vegans!
Toronto restauranteur doing God’s work. Not only is he helping cull the population of hate birds, the birds that hate, but he’s riling up the militant vegan dickbags who are trying to shut him down. Looks like he’s figured out that all you have to do is get their heart rate above 120 for five minutes and they’ll be forced to retire from lack of energy.
Facebook stock continues its rapid slide as Zuckerberg “agrees” to testify before Congress. I, for one, hope it continues to drop as their self-righteous bullshit is finally exposed for what it is: a scheme to mine personal data for profit. And to be clear, I’m all for what they’re doing in that respect. But they’re passing themselves off as some wholesome guardian of liberty (they’re selective in who they block) and a check against tyranny (ask some Chinese FB users if that’s true) rather than the naked capitalists they are (and should be proud of). And that’s some pretty weak shit.

Ain’t that some shit?
I haven’t seen such shit come out of the Dodgers dugout since the first two innings of game 7 of last year’s World Series. Yeah, I said it. Whatchagonna do? THE ASTROS ARE WORLD CHAMPS and I compared a sewage leak to the Dodgers WS finale performance.
Way to go, Stanford!!!!! No, seriously. This is about the best news imaginable.

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, Senator.
There’s a pair of interesting twists to this story of a (D) Massachusetts politician getting blitzed and driving (most of the way) home.. 1: He actually got a ticket even after he told the cop he was one of the King’s men. and 2: he isn’t related to the Kennedy clan. Which, now that I think about it, if he was a Kennedy, then 1 never would have happened. Not even if he had literally drove off a bridge and left a dead chick in his car.
Good! A man has a right to defend his property. I hope this is the last we hear of this episode.
The video this person made makes no fucking sense whatsoever!!!!! But the song is still awesome.
Have a great day out there.
Toronto restauranteur doing God’s work. – I read that earlier and was going to link to it in the comments. Not fair
That dude is a hero.
Nothing heroic about taunting. Plus he totally murdered that deer.
Eating delicious animal flesh in front of screaming vegans is absolutely heroism. Bonus points for triggering them into going catatonic and becoming a vegetable.
The only response to these screaming hysterics is openly mocking them. There should be no other response.
I wish more business owners would taunt the self-righteous douchebags that seems to be holding everyone hostage right now.
Your mother is a is a cow and your father smells of hamster berries! Now go away before I must mock you a 2nd time!
“Your mother is a is a cow”
No, your mother is a is a cow!
Silly vegetarian ka-nig-itt!
As always don’t delve into the comments – The diners are the entitled ones. They are literally eating SOMEONE’S body! DURRR!
SP, I took your quiz. I am a 5w6 and I have to say, it was spot-on.
No it was not!
I also read the links. That cancer “vaccine” sounds pretty great, although this line had me confused: “Getting the immune system to fight cancer is one of the most recent developments in cancer,”
Uh, isn’t that what the immune system is basically for? I guess that just seems like an obvious answer to me, but I’m not a scientician.
The problem with Cancer is that the Immune system doesn’t attack it because it is your own cells.
Yeah, I get that, but I guess I just thought that if something was going wrong the first thing I’d look at bolstering is one of the things that’s supposed to protect you in the first place.
Easier said than done.
Wait until they get it to also attack the non cancerous cells! Then we can truly get on that road to progtopia..
It goes back to most researchers looking to find a “cure” for something rather than “healing”, if that makes any sense. This research looks like it’s trying to help the body heal itself rather than looking for a cure for a disease whose vector is typically an outside agent.
This must be one of those things where I’m too dumb to understand why this is a breakthrough. I guess I had assumed people would try to use the body’s own healing mechanisms first and go from there…kind of like trying the reset button first. I don’t know anything about the subject beyond “me sick. Immune system help. Maybe try work that better.”
I may be talking out my ass, but it won’t stop me from doing it anyway.
Cancer isn’t seen as an illness the same way the flu or ebola. Cancer is propagated by your body’s natural growth and replenishment systems.
Id imagine using your immune system to fight cancer is just as counter intuitive as pushing the pedal to the metal in an attempt to fix a misfire.
Basically this^^
The breakthroughs are in getting the body’s immune system to start targeting cancer.
The new drugs act to paint the cancer cells as enemies.
The risk with these is that the immune response can also end up attacking healthy cells.
Most previous cancer treatments were designed to poison the cancer cells and hopefully not kill the healthy cells.
The risk with these is that the immune response can also end up attacking healthy cells.
Or everyone becomes violent zombie vampires like that I Am Legend documentary.
Most previous cancer treatments were designed to poison the cancer cells
and hopefully not kill thebefore killing too many healthy cells for the patient to survive.I don’t know a god damned thing about medicine, but it strikes me that the most efficient treatments for diseases and conditions basically just enhance the body’s inherent ability to fix itself.
Antibiotics and surgery being the huge and civilization changing exception.
Often that takes the form of removing or neutralizing that which the system is unable to handle on it’s own.
I think this might be the only profession we’re missing here. We need a doctor Glib to help us with these questions.
Exactly that. The modern medical system in the USA is hardly changed at all in the last 100 years. We detect and treat diseases. The only upgrade that has made much difference at all is that we have better methods, through technology to detect more problems, that we can then treat. Notice I don’t mention cure here. There is no money in cure. Treating symptoms is where the money is.
What we should be focusing on, instead, is treating aging, which causes almost all diseases.
Best advice for now is take good care of yourself, because all doctors really want to do is detect some condition in you that they can treat the symptoms of.
@Brett L: True, but antibiotics and surgery are the exceptions that prove the rule I think, because while they are vital in terms of treatment they’re also relatively high-cost and in some cases high-risk. I’m thinking primarily of how antibiotics kill off good and bad bacteria indiscriminately, and obviously the risk of complications from surgery. Those are obviously life-saving developments, but I think the way they’ll be improved is to move them closer to a “help the body do it’s thing” type of model, rather than direct intervention.
I should clarify that when I say high-cost I’m not talking about money, I’m talking about negative side-effects.
“Antibiotics and surgery being the huge and civilization changing exception.”
Yes, on that. Patching you up is what doctors are really good for. Otherwise than that, they are basically salesmen for pharm companies, not much else.
TK: There was Groovus, but he hasn’t been around for a while…
Neph: I haven’t seen him in a long, long time. We need to break out the ol’ help wanted sign.
*dons Grouch Marx glasses and mustache*
Dr. Scruffy here, what seems to be the problem?
Yeah, if we could only undo that aging problem. I guess there is a natural solution to that though.
Ok…? I’ll tell that to my dad next time he hooks up to his overnight dialysis machine.
There’s nothing wrong with anyone’s body that a good back adjustment can’t cure. If you die of cancer, remember, it’s your own fault.
The trick, Riven, is to stop reading after he said “I don’t know a god damned thing about medicine.”
I’m a doctor.
Where’s the horse?
@Los Doyers Ah, it’s so simple now! Why didn’t I think of that?
You’ve got a few of us, but speaking for myself I end up lurking a lot. Especially on days I work I’m usually way too busy to spend my day commenting.
I’m an ER doc, not an oncologist though. I do end up seeing a fair bit of complications of cancer therapy and many of them are pretty rough.
The big problem with cancer is that because it is your body’s own cells run amok, your immune system doesn’t see it as a threat like it would a bacteria or virus. Immunotherapy aims to change that. Once cancer cells are “tagged” as foreign to the body, the immune system kills them, all of them, no matter where they are hiding. At least that’s the idea. The devil is in the details as always.
I’m not saying don’t bother with bandages or chemo, I’m saying that improvements on treatments tend towards enhancing physical processes rather than replacing them where possible. Sheesh, you people.
Your immune system is important in preventing cancer. That’s why immunosuppressed patients like transplant recipients are at a higher risk for developing cancer
2 for me, which is also spot on.
5, no wings, for me, which also is spot on. I think I scored above 13 in cat 5, which is higher than I have seen posted by anyone else. I assume higher number is more extreme version of it.
9w1 for me, which is about right. The description of 9 even explained why the quiz showed me strong in 5 as well.
is this one of those engram quizzes?
Did someone post one here?
See Yesterday’s post “What’s your Number”
Don’t do it! It’s a trap..
After I posted my numbers Riven tried to set me up with Jesse…
Our Glib masters are using us like the aliens from that Twilight Zone episode about the book being a cookbook, except we are their bishes!
3w2! The less pessimistic description seemed to fit pretty well, and the one from the test Web Dominatrix put up was like word-for-word me.
4w5. Basically accurate.
The test linked could not figure out what bin to assign me to. The ones it was confused between all fail to describe me and attribute motives that are not there.
Perhaps it’s because a handful of ambiguously worded questions mapped to a five sentence blurb doesn’t actually describe people and they pick out things from the blurb that ‘feel right’.
5w6 here too.
Scored equally on 1 and 8.
Confirmed asshole.
I’m a 9w8 — we should probably fight!
3d6. And I rolled an 18 on INT, so…
After how many rerolls?
Keep your bonus languages, you can scream in multiple dialects as my 18/96 damage bonus quashes your meager hit points.
9w1 here. Seems pretty close.
Ok in the past when I have taken these I always came up either 5 or 5w4 (this was most common) however for whatever reason this time I came up with a 9 by a significant margin which is weird because it does not fit me at all
I’ve always thought that my personality was other people’s problem to deal with. I ain’t studyin’ for no damned test.
I’m allegedly a 1W2 – it’s about as accurate as a daily horoscope. Some stuff yes, some not so much.
This reminds me of the Myers Briggs stuff – in which I have a 4 letter category, ignoring that fact that 3 of my letters were pretty close to center. So apparently there are 12 descriptions out there that are accurate to some degree or another.
I got a 8w9.
The descriptions seemed to match a bit. I wouldn’t say spot on.
For someone who is about sports in the morning lynx, you somehow always miss the important ones.
LiAngelo Ball declaring for NBA draft
I heard the Cleveland Browns will draft him although some suspect he will only go in the second round.
He’ll be ::dons sunglasses:: a steal for somebody.
*narrows gaze*
Stop calling women who attend a woman’s school a woman. Or something like that. I can’t keep track anymore.
But I can still call them attention-seeking asshats, can’t I?
How about sugar-tits?
Many of them identify as a ficus.
::Harvey Weinstein develops a tumescence::
Dropped without comment
And you expect us to click on it? Youtube links could be anything, and from the Glibertariat, often ill-advised for those at work.
Have I ever disappointed you?
You’re missing out. It was pretty damn funny.
I almost posted a Boston.com story about how mean stuff like that is to these poor, innocent child victims.
I shared that with a liberal friend, and he LOL’d. I also want to trick one of these kids into singing this
He strikes me as more of a Mussolini type.
Nothing about this story makes sense… unless you figure the FBI was attempting one of their “sting” operations.
Agreed. That story makes zero sense.
A reminder that sometimes things get better. Damn shame that so many millions of people had to die before they could finally throw off the yoke. Of course, then they turn around and vote another asshole into office.
At least people had jobs back then / 40% of Romanians
A job where they pretend to pay me is no job at all.
The pay you plenty just theres nothing to buy with the money. Do you know how many idiots say we had money back then but nothing to buy?
Tell them they may voluntarily stop buying a variety of products.
huh? The problem now is they don’t have money to buy what they want. How would that help?
Relive the glories of Communism. One choice, comrade.
The problem is that communism in their memory is no longer what it was. They were young and ehalthy and everyone else was equally poor. Now they may have more then they had back then, but others have more then them, that is bad…
In the Carboniferous Epoch we were promised abundance for all,
By robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul;
But, though we had plenty of money, there was nothing our money could buy,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “If you don’t work you die.”
Man, the chick in that first picture has done some serious breastfeeding.
Also, yeah that had to be a shitty, terrifying time for those people.
And to think, she could have been the First Lady of the United States if someone had given her a Genius visa…
They may be poor and nearly starving, but there is very little income inequality so its obviously better than here and now.
Way to go, Stanford!!!!! No, seriously. This is about the best news imaginable – we should worry about the effect on overpopulation and global warming though. But sounds good otherwise.
*Paul Ehrlich nods vigorously*
There’s no such thing as absolute carrying capacity. Carrying capacity of the planet is determined mainly by the amount of energy available for producing food and purifying water. Since said food production provides for air reprocessing, you have the basic needs within those parameters. Traditionally this energy has been the passive collection of solar power by plants (which then would feed either combustion or animal power for the rest of the process). Hydroponic farming couple to say, fusion power, would drastically increase the carrying capacity of the planet. (plus the other processes that can be provided for directly from that energy source with fewer energy transfers).
When are you going to get to the part of the explanation where you tell me how I turn this information into a lever of massive control over the lives of my fellows?
It does not provide that utility.
I agree with you. If the Dodgers had played as well as they should have, no way the Astros could have won.
I’m not gonna swing at that wild pitch.
Unlike Cody Bellinger.
You hit a home run with that comment.
Womens only space investigated for discrimination. TW you can see the site cause I just put links and don’t do nothing fancy
“Should these laws be applied in the first place? And is The Wing an appropriate target for their enforcement?”
Live by forced association, die by forced association.
(To ensure my non hypocrisy, I’m amused by their hypocrisy. I’m fine with this company and think it’s dumb that they are being harassed. I still can get amusement out of their surprise that the ‘law applies to us?!?!,but that’s only supposed to hurt the evil white man)
I’m not seeing a women’s only space as a bad thing. You get a bunch of them together and it’s nothing but a clucking hen coup. You really do not want to be there. And then one of them shows up with a baby and then all hell on earth has been released.
Is it a baby boy?
Women who coo and awe when one is carting into a room or mothers who do nothing but talk about them are the equivalent of the crazy cat lady who won’t shut up about their pet to me. It’s a fucking baby. It drools, shits itself and screams incessantly. It’s not interesting or unique. Keep it the fuck away from me.
It’s a fucking baby. It drools, shits itself and screams incessantly. It’s not interesting or unique. Keep it the fuck away from me.
Frankly, I find your type of reaction much more offputting than the one the ladies exhibit.
In my experience, most people who can’t stand babies are either on the spectrum or are extremely emotionally immature/narcissistic. At least the oohing and awwing has some sort of reproductive basis. The hatred of babies has a tinge of masanthropy and God complex.
“No I don’t want to hold the baby”
“Why not?”
“I’ll end up dropping it, and you’ll have a drooling, diaper wearing vegetable for the rest of its life.”
/my typical response (unvoiced)
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a baby loving person. The only baby I’ve spent more time than necessary with is my own. I’m uncomfortable holding somebody elses baby. It’s like driving their car with them in the passenger seat. However, I don’t dislike babies.
I dislike babies. I’ve never held one and I don’t want to.
I also roll my eyes at the women who devolve into that grating “baby-talk” anytime there’s one around.
It’s fine with me if you want to think I have a God complex/am on the spectrum/am emotionally immature.
I like babies well enough. But they really like me. They are just fascinated. I am the baby whisperer.
Ditto. I’ll take a baby crying on an airplane over an adult bitching about a child doing child things any day of the week.
Like any real man who is a man, I suffer in silence with dignity intact.
Attacking me isn’t going to make children anymore interesting. Lie to yourselves all you want.
My kid got interesting when he could beat me at chess.
Clobbered you with the board?
Technically, still a win.
“Clobbered you with the board?”
‘Vivian, you ruined the game!’
‘I was bored!’
Attacking me isn’t going to make children anymore interesting.
If you’re expecting small children to entertain you, I think I’ve found the problem. If you can’t recognize that children form the basis of commonality in a maternal clique, I can’t help you. It’s like hating the bill of rights because it’s all them damned bitter clingers talk about.
Sorry, but I agree with Brochettaward. They are only interesting to the parents and other women. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate babies or anything, I have grandchildren now. I love them, but after a brief time, please keep them away from me. Yapping ankle biters are cute too, but they’re only interesting to their owners, keep them away from me.
Damnit, I almost forgot. Get off my lawn!
I agree with Brochettaward as well. Kids who run around screaming in restaurants or airplanes or anywhere that isn’t their own home or a playground are incredibly obnoxious. Their parents need to be taken out behind the woodshed, preferably by Warty.
Kids who run around screaming in restaurants or airplanes or anywhere that isn’t their own home or a playground are incredibly obnoxious.
Of course! Same with adults who make a scene in the same situation. The difference is that people don’t bitch about Boomers when some silver fox is berating the waitress, they rightly think “that guy is an asshole.”
There’s a huge chasm between “I don’t find your baby half as cute as you do” and “keep it the fuck away from me”.
All I’m suggesting is that when you react to the baby the same way I’d react to a dog who just got skunked, maybe the problem isn’t with the baby.
Q: Do you know what you should always put a baby into the blender feet first?
A: So you can watch its expression.
The worst part of them today, is that they won’t have changed much at the age of 40 years.
Event organizer Marni Jill Ugar wrote later that night on Facebook that she felt Hunter had been “taunting” the group by cutting up a deer leg right in front of them.
Why do protestors feel entitled to people not counter-protesting?
It’s as if we just have to shut up and take it. ‘Our right to protest begins and ends here! If you dare challenge us, you’re taunting. If you’re taunting, it’s a micro aggression. And you’re an alt-right, misogynistic racist!”
What’s next for these idiots? The Keg?
What’s the end goal? To prevent all people from eating meat? To be like them?
Yes, yes and yes.
That’s only three yeses! There are five questions!
The Keg, prevent people from eating meat and to be like them.
Maybe he counts like King Arthur?
“Thou shalt not proceed to four, and five is right out!”
Not me…I want him to get a certificate of appreciation from the mayor.
‘Extreme’ fossil fuel investments have surged under Donald Trump, report reveals
Sharp rise globally in the dirtiest fossil fuel investments reverses progress made after the Paris agreement, with tar sands holdings more than doubling in Trump’s first year in office
So at least one positive of the Hat and Hair occupying the Oval Office.
“reverses progress made after the Paris agreement”
What progress? Progress towards what? Muh feelz good?
Returning the Serfs to the Middle Ages.
We even have children in the streets now calling for that. *peers into future* – *group of armed men approaching barefoot child wearing dirty rags in the woods*. ‘Hark there, boy! Where’d you get that primitive weapon!? Are you trying to hunt the king’s game!?’. ‘But, but, sirs, we haven’t any food, we haven’t eaten for a week…’. ‘Illegal weapon! We told you all to eat cake! Off to the dungeon with him!’.
“Fuck that. Paperwork is too much work.”
*runs through boy with spear*
Nothing else happens.
Exactly. Now we know for sure they lie.
The Paris Accord is a piece of paper of empty promises and did sweet fuck all.
Another reminder that the universe is trying to kill us.
We have to tax free roaming stars, it’s the only way. Maybe we can tax the air… oh, yeah, already been done.
Actual cause of climate change.
Chaotic Era!
A Very Special SJWednesday: Libertarian Edition
“autistic” person talking about feelings? And wanting/needing other people to accept them? riiiiiiight
I have a hard time believing she’s formally diagnosed with autism beyond whatever she found on WebMD.
Apparently autists should never be allowed as part of the hiring process.
My favorite suggestion:
Why does their “advice” always involve putting people into positions they are ill-suited for? Real austists can be a great boon – in the roles that complement their proclivities. Management and Leadership is ALL about dealing with People – the very worst role for the autistic to fill.
This is similar to the gender non-binary stuff. People who are not truly autistic are using the term to advance themselves. When People talk about the ‘gender they were assigned at birth’, that used to have a very real meaning. These progressives have decided that the easiest way to get attention and power are to co-opt these real people’s, real problems and make the focus about themselves.
Because the diversity and equality horseshit is about creating a dysfunctional society. Destroying competent institutions.
Are you saying that we should hire the best people for the job? *gasp*
I know a guy who works for one of my clients, who everyone is pretty much 100% sure he is autistic, just because he has all the classic behavior patterns. Does his work, never causes any problems, never complains about anything, doesn’t talk too much at all, but hey, software engineers are weird and stuff anyway, so he fits in pretty well.
Yeah, I highly doubt the person doing the whining here is autistic. Attention whore, yes, 100% sure.
“I have social awkwardness! It must be a disease! There’s no way I’m just a huge dork!”
Why did you put quotes around that?
I don’t understand what you mean.
maybe quoting yourself is a symptom on the spectrum?
Sure, I know plenty of people like that, I work in the IT industry. Not quite the same thing as autism.
Judging by the number of commenters that came out of the spectrum closet a few months ago in that “libertarians and autism” article, half the people here are either unemployed or work in IT.
I don’t think there are many unemployed people here, as far as I know. But, yes, I think about half of us are in IT. I mean, what are we supposed to do, it’s not like anyone else wants to talk to us!
That sounds like something an autistic person would say…GET HIM
I’m uh special! I demand respect and empathy! What, you want me to do actual work? Unfair! Look at me, pay attention to me, love me!
Attention whore be attention whore.
“I am a poem”
The back of the sweater says: “I have terrible handwriting.”
That looks worse that the cake I iced for Libby’s birthday that everyone (rightfully) made fun of.
I’ll find it. Hold on…
Now, to be fair, I was working with a prepackaged frosting that was far from easy to work with, and I had no pastry bag or tips. I was resigned to a ziploc bag and a pair of scissors. And I cut the hole too big. And then it all went to shit as the hole kept expanding. And I was running out of icing. And … aw, fuck it. I suck at baking. I’ll admit it. The whole episode was humiliating. But it made a four-year old happy as shit that her dad baked her cake.
You are an artiste!
It’s spelled autiste.
Literal LOL. Good job.
If Libby approved, I’d say it’s perfect.
I mean, it’s pink and it tastes like cake. Mission accomplished.
Now that really has me laughing. It reminded me of this:
Hey, if it made a four year old happy then it gets a big thumbs up from me.
*tries to stifle laughter
Definitely an autistic cake.
The knife was, erm, a nice touch.
Like, he can’t even CUT the cake properly.
*makes exaggerated Awwwwwwwww sound in the direction of the baby-haters*
splurge on Brandname Ziplocs. “I cut the hole too big”, again, quit being so cheap, get another bag and try again.
They’re 4 now and it was good enough, but when I send Libby this bookmark in 10years, what then?
Our Dollar Store has cake decorating kits. For a dollar.
I think that was done by Mr. Hanky
The horror, the horror …
This is the article’s author, in case anyone missed that.
I wonder what she’s hiding under those horrible, horrible bangs.
A sixhead? Look at the height of that hair.
I’m, I’m from France! Yes, France. Now let us consume mass quantities!
I just noticed the pimp cane. Must be for keeping all the Disney princes away.
What is her … his … uh… xe’s relationship to Steve Smith?
Those teeth. Makes me afraid of a beej.
I bet she could gnaw down trees for a dam lickety-split.
Eat an apple thru a picket fence?
“I am a Poem…by Edgar Allan Poe”
If only she aspired to be more like Emily Dickinson in her later years.
That’s cold.
I like it.
Still, would.
Yeh, I’m going to have to go ahead and call bull shit.
“Alaina Leary is an Everyday Feminism Reporting Fellow. She is a Bostonian currently studying for her MA in publishing at Emerson College. She’s a disabled, queer activist and is on the social media team at We Need Diverse Books.”
She just added another notch to that social victim belt. Autism.
Maybe Peterson is onto something here with the left being narcissists. They’re obsessed with wanting to be biologically and genetically something they’re not it seems. From to Dolezal to Warren – they seem to be running from themselves. It’s one thing to deal with this on a personal level but now they’ve taken their behaviours into the the public sphere and demanding we accept it. And succeeding in some cases (ie Bill C-16), transgender bathrooms, whatever they get on campuses etc.).
Weird stuff.
“She’s a disabled, queer activist”
Sorry, hon, the gender queer Muslims have called your victim card. Now get to the back of the line and shut up!
We Need Diverse Books
Bravely fighting a battle won decades ago…
Next, she can go do something about those damn Barbary Pirates.
Bravely fighting a battle won decades ago…
There can never be enough books-nobody-wants-to-read.
You know who else wrote a book that nobody wants to read?
Does she know how many fucking books there are in the world?
A lot less when they are done burning the “bad” ones.
Between ableist microaggressions, inaccessibility, and harmful myths about autistic people, it’s not surprising that only 14% of autistic adults held paid jobs in their communities, according to 2017 research from Drexel University’s Autism Institute.
This is blatantly dishonest. High Functioning Autism and Asperger’s may be able to hold down jobs but they are just one part of the autism spectrum. Go visit a state institution sometime or a home where a parent has to stay home-full time for care of their adult child. This woman has no idea about autism.
No fucking clue.
That’s why it’s an outright misrepresentation if not a lie.
About 85% of autistic college graduates are unemployed
Disabled Studies majors?
autistic college graduates
This in and of itself is a heck of an achievement. My brother would have never dreamed of going to college, must less graduating. He works at the local Wal Mart, which itself is a blessing that they hire autistics/on the spectrum people.
Here I thought avoiding eye contact and rushing out of meetings is just to avoid really boring conversations with people I barely know. I didn’t realize I’m secretly autistic. I must be part of that lucky 15%.
I’m no expert on autism, buuuuuut 3 of my nephews are on the spectrum, so I kind of learned a thing or two about that.
”But she’s autistic right? That’s why she’s like that.”
Autistic person while looking at the table and nodding :”Yes, yes, she is like that. Can we move on and talk about stuff?”
Attention seeking queer disabled whatever : Doesn’t say anything (here’s your first hint, autistic people aren’t shy to speak their minds), writes an article about how it hurts her feelings and that we should put people with autism in management position where they have to deal with people as their jobs!? Wow, she must really hate autistic people to want to impose them that!
That’s not autism, that’s retardation. It’s as if they’re trying to appropriate all of human suffering on earth to themselves, robbing it from the people who actually have to live with it along the way. Disgusting.
“Toronto restauranteur doing God’s work.”
Fuck these idiots. ‘Plants are people too! Plants don’t want to die!’. That’s going to be my grassroots custom made sign outside the nearest vegan restaurant.
I think theres already a religion about that
That’s an old joke. “I’m not vegetarian because I love animals. I’m a vegetarian because I fucking hate plants”
Well, Ivy certainly thinks so.
GRASSROOTS activism? THAT’S how you’re going to help the Plants? Might as well timetravel to the civil rights movement to apply some “negrofeet activism”.
Federal lawmakers have been talking about reforming the occupational-licensing regime for years. And despite widespread agreement on the right and left that licensing requirements are often unnecessary and burdensome — serving mainly to limit job opportunities and impede economic growth — attempts at reform at the national level have been rare, and those reforms that have been proposed have had little impact.
Never go back on a regulation
Louisiana’s Horticulture Commission administers an exam for aspiring florists that originally included a hands-on practical portion in which they created flower arrangements that were graded by already-licensed florists. – this bit amused me
Not every coonass is capable of designing their own float. Only licensed, qualified coonasses should be working on it.
I’m making the assumption that the florist licensing scheme is to ensure work for connected florists, and since Mardi Gras probably denotes 80% of the work a year, that’s why I singled out the floats.
Also, if anyone wonders if coonass is racist, I assure you it’s not.
Coonass, or Coon-ass is used in reference to a person of Cajun ethnicity. Some consider the term an ethnic insult, even though many Cajuns use the word in regard to themselve – you learn something new every day, I always say. Excepting the days you don’t
A hundred years ago there was tension between the Cajuns and ‘Americans’. I have a buddy who is in his 60’s who didn’t learn to speak English until he was 14. His parents always told him to stay away from Americans, that nothing good ever comes of it. Coonass was meant as a racial slur – A lot of cajuns have dark circles around their eyes and the saying meant that their eyes looked like a coon’s asshole.
After people started having more and more contact with the Cajun community they began to realize the Cajuns are really good people. Excellent family values, love to have fun, good food, very good work ethic, very friendly, etc. Justin Wilson was no small part of getting people to realize that. Now coonass is almost a term of affection.
Maybe the Redskins can change their team name once that issue finally comes to a head.
A lot of cajuns have dark circles around their eyes and the saying meant that their eyes looked like a coon’s asshole.
Raccoons have dark circles around their eyes.
Cajuns have dark circles around their eyes.
Therefore Cajuns ressemble a raccoon’s asshole.
The math checks out, solid racism.
This caught me by surprise too. I was like “oh, so their eyes look like a raccoon’s eyes”
Nope. Raccoon’s asshole. Okay then.
It would make more sense if “coonass” stemmed from “coon-eyes” with a deep southern accent (try it, it sounds the same) – it would have morphed into coonass because it sounds funnier. Just a thought; mostly because assholes all look pretty similar, Raccoon’s assholes aren’t particularly special.
To be sure.
*I am still laughing about the cake.
Today’s comments section convinced me we need occupational licensing for baking cakes, at the very least.
Now that they’ve made it extremely difficult for pain patients to get opioids, looks like they’re pivoting to benzodiazepines. As stupid and as panicky as it is, it’ll work.
Benzodiazepines, America’s next dumbass “public health crisis.”
Our “betters”: BAN EVERYTHING!
Except for them, of course.
Those are not really very effective against pain. Against anxiety, yes, but pain, no. Here grandma, just take this aspirin and go suffer. Also, benzos are extremely addictive. I have the cure, seriously. Just let everyone suffer, at least they won’t get addicted, because you know, everyone who ever even so much as smells an opiate will get instantly addicted. Then just set up an easy in house store for congress critters so they can get their hands on whatever they want right on demand. Problem solved.
“I have the cure, seriously. Just let everyone suffer”
This goes back a century (possibly longer). Bureaucratic war against pleasure; I have never understood it other than as an act of pure sadism. Anything that feels good or makes people happy must be considered, at best, suspect and usually it’s sinister and must be regulated/banned.
That and misery loves company. Look at today’s progs. They’re in a war on everything pleasurable. They’re even attacking sex. ‘We’re miserable, so you have to be also, it’s only fair!’.
I wouldn’t piss on any of these people to put them out if they were on fire.
“…an act of pure sadism.”
When I was a kid it was considered sinful to listen to music while you worked. Suffering would get you to heaven. Fucking puritans. You hit the nail on the head.
High quality sideboob comin’ right up!
2 is so nice, she’s in there twice. I dig 1’s smile.
#13 looks like she might be a libertarian. Look for her at the next LP convention??
Wednesdays aren’t that bad and Franco, who kept the emerging Stalinists out of power and kept the Spanish out of WWII, wasn’t that bad either (OK, he was but these things are relative).
You can be an authoritarian dictator while simultaneously lifting your country (Spain) up out of third world poverty. See Pinochet, for example.
Hire people with long periods of unemployment or underemployment.
Well, you’ll need to provide them with housing, and you’ll need to feed them, and you’ll want to provide the sort of caring psychological guidance which will offer them structure and discipline to perform these jobs in a timely and orderly manner. You could do it all in one location, and call it something friendly and non-intimidating, like a “work camp”. Just make sure they know it’s for their own good.
Don’t forget a motivational slogan over the gate. Something like “Work will set you free.”
Are you saying we need to concentrate our efforts in this camp? And if they work well enough, they can be free?
It doesn’t happen in my sector. One of the first things they will look for is long periods of unemployment. Main reason being skills maybe out of date and then maybe not very dependable.
There’s only one solution. Just force employers to hire anyone who walks through the door. Disallow even asking them about their skills related to the job. Then we have to setup a scale for priority hiring.
It will go something like this. Near the top will be ‘transvestite gender queer Muslim’ – HIRE NOW! White male – GET OUTA HERE!
Turnabout is fair play wouldn’t you say?
And they’re a heckuva lot closer to being Nazis than the typical target of such invective from the Left.
Gee, who’d think a skinhead would have Naziish tendencies.
See my comment about a Minnesoda pol who dared to compare them to Nazis just below here. Yeah, they hit a nerve when they called the kidz nazis.
I think the handlers know that if people realize it is OK to laugh and mock these kidz, the gig is up for gun control.
Don’t like being called a duck? Stop quacking.
OT: I’m not sure you can morally justify a government without a Second Amendment.
A moral government is an institution that exists by the consent of the governed to secure their rights. Government can operate outside the consent of the governed. But, then we say something ch a government is a tyranny. Likewise, they can refuse to protect the rights of some or all of the governed. But, then we say it’s acting immorally.
When we say this, though, we’re saying the government is acting as the agent of the governed with the mission of securing their rights. But, an agent can’t have powers that the principal didn’t have in the first place. The principal has to assign the agent it’s right to act. Moreover, the principal doesn’t surrender his rights in such a relationship. When I say you can act on my behalf I implicitly reserve the right to act, as well.
So, what right is it we assign to the government? Most clearly, it is the right to self-defense. We say the government has the authority to use force to protect our rights because we as individuals have the right to use force to protect our rights. If we don’t have that right, there’s no way to assign that authority to the government.
But, if we have right to self-defense, surely it stands to reason that we have the right to avail ourselves of the means to that right. You can’t say you have freedom of the press if the state controls the means of mass communication. You can’t say you have freedom of religion if people are forbidden from attending the services of their faith.
The Second Amendment simply recognizes our right to avail ourselves of our right to self-defense and, as such, is simply a logical reflection of these principles.
welcome to the ancap rabbit hole! If government powers derive from individual rights then the government can’t do anything you can’t do. If you follow this to its conclusion then you can’t justify taxation, prisons, or whole bunch of other stuff too.
Would that we could get back to those days…
“Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.” -Mao Zedong
The argument over guns is an argument over who should rule. If the people should rule, the people should be armed. If an aristocracy is to rule, then the people should be disarmed. It’s not about safety, it’s about power. Simple as that.
A local Minnesoda pol Godwins the Children Crusade in a tweet and a local rag freaks the fuck out.
It is funny how mad that tweet made the progs. There is also this gem:
If there’s an alliance of wealthy private industry and government officials — bribed, bullied, or both — plotting the unending reign of a culture of violent death …
Wait, an alliance of rich businesses and govt are trying to shut down the Chicago one-party monopoly?
Department of Education “Free money” grants finally have consequences?
Outlier situations where the servicer is really at fault and derelict aside, tough shit.
Idea: stop giving put these stupid chump change grants. Idea 2: Teachers are supposed to have the enough brains to read and scrutinise a contract. Maybe ABET should require teachers to take a course on contract theory and accountability in order to keep their accreditation.
TW: Scumbag MA Attorney General Maura Healy featured
So all they had to do was write one letter a year, and follow some simple instructions. Money shot.
She claims she mailed the form on time and that the company claims they never received it. With something that important I would have sent it certified with return receipt.
Another person interviewed said that the form was too complex. And that guy is a college graduate and supposed to be a competent and responsible adult.
With something that important I would have sent it certified with return receipt.
Yup. How much you wanna bet that she’s never even heard of those options.
Bureacracy’s a bitch …
Play with fire…
Sleep with the fire, die by the frying pan.
Lived experience?
We seem to specialize in especially awful DAs & AGs; see also: Coakley, Martha
This whole gun debate as well as former Justice Stevens’ comments yesterday serve as a reminder to me why I voted for Trump and why I do not regret it (in spite of how shitty he has been in Year 2): at the time of the election, there was a vacancy on the Supreme Court, and that spot was previously held by a solid conservative jurist. If Hillary had been elected, you could kiss the Supreme Court goodbye, and in the new Woke Era, that almost certainly would mean no more guns, and other infringements on our rights in the name of “progress”….. No more guns, “hate speech is not free speech”, internet censorship, cracking down on wrongthink, media censorship in the name of fighting “fake news”… the possibilities are endless with a fully prog Supreme Court. It’s terrifying.
Doesn’t matter how shitty Trump has been in Year 2. Ever since progs have decided that justices can legislate from the bench, the Supreme Court has become the most important branch of government.
Yeah, it does help a bit to remind yourself that this could’ve been Hillary who would’ve done nothing good. Still, with how Trump’s second year has been going so far, I don’t feel bad having not voted for him.
Nice avatar. Well-played.
Yeah, thought you might like it. I doubt I’ll keep it for very long.
It’s missing its top hat and monocle
That’s Top Shelf!
If Hillary had been elected, you could kiss the Supreme Court goodbye, and in the new Woke Era, that almost certainly would mean no more guns, and other infringements on our rights in the name of “progress”….. No more guns, “hate speech is not free speech”, internet censorship, cracking down on wrongthink, media censorship in the name of fighting “fake news”… the possibilities are endless with a fully prog Supreme Court. It’s terrifying.
Here’s a question I’ve been tossing around for a while. Is it better to toss the frog into boiling water so that he at least gets a chance to fight back, or is it better to slowly turn up the flame on the frog?
At least if Hillary went nutzo on the 1st and 2nd amendments, it would have resulted in a revolt. This creeping incrementalism is infuriating because everybody is relieved that a nutzo isn’t gutting the bill of rights, so the slow March continues unabated.
I’ve thought about this some, your frog analogy is pretty accurate. I said several times in 2016 that maybe the best candidate for liberty was Hillary, certainly not her or her policies but the potential generation long backlash to everything she represents in the wake of the inevitable abuses, corruption and scandals that would have ensued. She is so repugnant that even the MSM would have had a hard time carrying water for her and with her ascending to ultimate power the mask may have slipped entirely. The backlash may have been a net win for liberty (but really who knows). My first reaction to Trumps win was a Nelson Munce “ha-ha” but quickly after I had a disturbing thought creep in that it’s going to be REALLY bad when the pendulum swings back the other way.
You have much more faith in the MSM than I do. The mask has fallen. I have no illusions they would call out team prog up to the point the MSM themselves were lined up against the wall.
Not that they’d call them out just that Hillary would be so corrupt and tone deaf that nobody could/would believe it. It’s putting far to much faith in the ignorant masses but one can hope…..
I don’t know. We used to joke about how Hilary could have killed a puppy on tv before the election and it wouldn’t have mattered for her base. After watching what’s happened over the past several years, I’m now of the belief that Hilary or Obama could line up several Deplorable children, execute them live on camera, and the prog vote would remain unchanged.
Yes, the True Believers would cheer it, no question. I’m talking about your average a-political, non-ideological American who is voter that swings elections. It’s not a theory I’m sold on, just a thought. I’m certainly not arguing that the media isn’t in firmly in the prog’s camp.
and the prog vote would remain unchanged.
Those dead children wouldn’t be voting Hilldawg?
I would agree with you. Not withstanding a dumbass comment here and there, I think the problem lies much more with the establishment GOP than Trump.
Trump’s whatever. He would have signed an Obamacare repeal bill. I have no doubt he would sign as robust pro-gun legislation as we could think of. Tying vouchers to students directly instead of financing public schools. Etc. He’ll also sign bad shit. He’s not principled. But that doesn’t matter if we had a congress that would put bills on his desk that actually advance liberty.
The Dems are opposite. A prog president would be principled and only sign bills that destroy liberty and advance the power of gov. It wouldn’t matter what bill a pro-liberty Congress advanced, they wouldn’t get signed.
That’s my thought too.
Whatever Trump is, he’s only got 8 years max. Congress is a bureaucracy where the mob mentality overrules principles. I wanted to say the country is too damn big, but then I think of Illinois where the same thing happens – the mob has coalesced around Mike Madigan and it doesn’t even matter if it was by accident or by design. You could argue some of the states are too damn big, but the mob coalesces at the federal level and making the states smaller would make them even more subservient to the federal mob than they are now.
Doesn’t matter how shitty Trump has been in Year 2.
Yea, I don’t regret my vote either. There has been some good and the bad largely seems like status quo, so I’m numb to that. We definitely dodged a bullet with Her Shrillness. Putting preferable people on scotus is important. More impt than it should or has to be, but that’s the system we are working within. Plus there is never ending entertainment in this admin. So that’s something.
Smith and Warner banned for a year by Cricket Australia for ball tampering
So do men tamper with balls in you american baseball?
Yes. Lard, spit, snot, sweat, butter, Vagasil, various forms of sexual lubricants, Icy Hot, hand lotion and just a lot of self-fondling on the field, honestly.
If it is slippery, someone has tried smearing it on a baseball at some point.
You put snot on the ball?
-Ricky Vaughn
Great sports movie or greatest sports movie?
Greatest baseball movie
Damn, guys. This is a toughie:
Bad News Bears
Major League
Bull Durham
I’ll accept those three in any order, although I placed them in the order I think they belong.
Ask yourself… “Which movie has Jobu?” and the answer becomes clear.
“Listen up, Meat. Today we’re going to talk interviews….”
One of the most precise skewering of interview talk in the world. And also great life advice.
“I play them one game at a time, I’m just happy to be here, and I’m happy to help the team”
Sand Lot, the answer is Sand Lot.
Bardol….Crisco….Vagisil. Any one o’ them’ll give you another 2 to 3 inches drop on your curveball.
What about putting a texture on the ball?
You might have already seen this but here you go:
Ozzy Man on this
Yes. Sometimes with hilarious results.
Funny. I love that it is part of the game. I don’t really care what Gaylord Perry put on baseballs.
Relevant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pdjgdb-OxY8
That’s what I get for not refreshing before commenting – Sloopy steals my thunder.
Why on earth in the age of ubiquitous HD coverage would you attempt something so obvious? Serious question, I have no idea what he meant to accomplish or what advantage it’s supposed to give him, but he’s not exactly fidgeting.
Uffda. It appears that there is at least one group of business people that it is acceptable to have profit.
Of course, that group is the ultra-govt teat sucking farmers. A local story bemoaning the fact that farmers have had a 5th straight year of “ultra-thin” profits.
I’d love to dig further into that number. I know when I was growing up in the midst of the “Farm Aid” crisis, all the farm kids drove the newest pickup trucks at school because they were “farm assets” or something.
No mention that fat profits for farmers means high food prices for both us and the world.
Let’s not forget about the subsidy available to these guys.
First rule of Renewable Energy Club is to never mention subsidies.
Just talk about how many people are installing solar or wind turbines. That is the metric of success.
Oops sorry, my brain was still thinking about the nuclear power story below.
But works here too. Never, ever mention to a farmer that he receives all sorts of welfare. They do not like that and will not let you hunt on their land.
But yes, the entire way milk is priced is an abomination that serves only to artificially prop up the price of milk.
Where did you pull that from?
This is especially important when the OP mentioned “Farm Aid” and you realize how many times the “Mellencamp” name shows up in the list of ag subsidy recipients.
This link may help.
My former employer will be purchasing solar panels for the roof and will generate 50% of electricity needs. Subsidies have reduced the roi from 15 years (never would have invested in them) to 7 years (now makes it feasible). Thanks taxpayers.
So what should be the profit margin on a grain of wheat or a gallon of milk?
Capitalist – as much as the market will bear.
Communist – The Farmer should work for the joy of providing food for the people.
Eurocrat – What
countrysatrapy is the farmer in?Prog – Are we talking artisinal, organic product or eeeevul corporate GMOs?
People forget that farmers are the original welfare queens.
I’m also enjoying the fact that the farmer subsidy topic comes up right after a baseball thread. Reminds me of all the ag subsidies former Royals pitcher Kevin Appier gets.
In Massachusetts there has been a bit of a cop versus politician fued going on for the past year. A junior State cop complained and eventually sued his superiors for trying to bury a DUI bust he made on a connected hack.
Made me laugh that he was caught drunk-driving a Chevy Sonic. Does that even count as a car. That’s like drunk-driving a moped.
As a single data point, I meant an active Municipal Police Officer from Massachusetts at the Sig Sauer Pro Shop in New Hampshire. He thought the Commonwealth’s firearm laws are ridiculous. If I ever have a police encounter in Massachusetts, I hope I get that guy.
When I was in the National Guard, I knew several NJ and PA cops who were very pro-2nd Amendment. One even quit the State Police pistol team in protest – he was one of the two best shooters I’ve ever met.
The other day Sloopy was commenting on how it seemed odd that all the kids in The Breakfast Club were dropped off at school for detention. I suspect that the reason for this was to keep production costs down. Hughes shot the film on an extremely limited budget. Showing the kids and families at home would have meant an additional interior set for each kid. Dropping the kids off allowed him to do the background exposition for everyone using one exterior location.
I’ve already moved on to bitching about the overuse of dialogue in The Godfather.
Next thing we know you’ll be criticizing the cinematography in Citizen Kane.
Just movies people have seen. Except for the Godfather. Halfway through life without seeing it, almost there!
I was going to make same point myself
i (somewhat to my embarrassment) have taken a few screenwriting classes. every script you write is eyeballed by producers for potential cost-implications before they even bother to read wtf the story is ‘about’. i.e. “how many sets”, “how many speaking parts”, “how many expensive establishing-shots” etc.
(just try writing a script that involves boats. for many decades, there was a special dumpster into which all ‘boat movies’ were pre-emptively tossed.)
when you can slash production costs while making narrative speedier and more-efficient, *you do so, every time*, and you will be admired and rewarded by producers for your grace and ingenuity for doing so.
Being able to do stuff like that ‘all the kids getting dropped off’ scene, and make it work in the film? is brilliant, not an ‘error’ or oversight.
I do something similar whenever someone submits a “software enhancement” request. Usually the request is just 1 page long, but I start to calculate how many subroutines are effected, how many new user interfaces are added, etc. And that’s before even judging the merits of the request assuming time and labor don’t matter.
And usually people want an estimate “right away” yet give me scant details. So I estimate worst-case scenario and give them the numbers and they always seem shocked. “Are you sure about these numbers?” “I realize I might be a little low but there wasn’t a lot of detail.” “Whaddaya mean LOW???”
You should feel no embarrassment about taking a screenwriting class – we would all be better educated if we took a fraction of the effort to learn things that we want to learn that we do the things that we “need”.
To your point, this is why director’s early movies are often so much better than their later ones – budget and time constraints more often than not clean up the narrative and leave room for true cinematic moments to shine. Once the limits are removed, well.. that’s how you get Waterworld.
NFL owners finalize $90M social-justice deal without resolving anthem protests
What did the fans do to make the owners hate them so much?
Why do they hate themselves so much? Next season is going to be brutal on the NFL. Foozball is dead to me.
I’m not even protesting/boycotting. I’m just BORED by it.
Is it really right to call it a “deal” if only one side is giving anything up? I”ve never been much of a sportsball fan, but it strikes me that Goodell is going to go down as a disaster. Yes, I know he’s made a lot of moves to boost team owner profits. But, they largely strike me as shot-term in nature and the damage he’s doing is going to be much longer term.
I forget who said it (maybe OMWC?), but watching sports is a habit. Once you break that habit, you wonder why you ever watched in the first place. Goodell is causing many people to realize that Sunday afternoons are great for hanging out with family and friends.
You’re absolutely right. But, I think it goes beyond reduced viewership. It starts with reduced viewership. Then throw on less public support for publicly subsidized arenas. Then add on deteriorating merchandising revenues. Then add on reduced advertising revenues. Then add on executives shying away from skyboxes because it’s seen as too political.
All the while Goodell is sitting there demanding the team owners drop ever-increasing pay packages on him.
It’s the worst run sports league bar none. The growth has been based on inertia, but they sit there and give credit to Goodell for TV deals that were always going to go up in value.
The history of mismanagement in American motorsports might be worse. US Supebike racing had some especially nasty issues including losing TV coverage of one of the biggest races at Laguna Seca. NASCAR was doing some weird business with awarding points for position during segments instead of just the final finish line cross.
To some degree. I broke the habit with everything but college football and I don’t really miss the NFL or other sports. But goddamn do I get anxious for September. By the end of summer, college football is pretty much always on my mind and reading about training camps, suspensions, and injuries is my first stop while drinking my morning coffee.
I still enjoy random sportsball games over beers with others, but don’t seek them out. But I will happily sit in a dark hole and watch hours and hours of NCAA football.
Even though my shitty team is shitty.
At least we’re not Aggies.
Collectivism is evil. Except sports collectivism. Aggies and Sooners are not people!
I’ve been going the same direction for a few years. I find it hard to stay interested in a game my team is playing. Two random teams? No interest at all.
College football is much better, so I’m sure they’ll find a way to screw that up next.
I don’t get the fascination with minor league football. Gambling, I get. But what else? Jingoism? Nostalgia? It can’t be “love of the game” because you’d watch pro football or small school football for that.
Enthusiasm and variety.
I find more variety watching smaller schools than the power schools.
Other people’s enthusiasm doesn’t interest me. Sounds like mob mentality or the kind of stuff that makes young people want to be socialists.
Tuesday night MACtion in mid-October can pretty entertaining.
(hint: no defense)
Game is already dead. And they just keep beating its corpse. They quietly added a rule where any player who strikes with the helmet can be ejected (plus the 15 yard penalty). So now, any single football play can have a 15 yard penalty thrown. This is a game with awful officiating already and they just continue to increase the number of “judgement” calls that can swing things entirely. You have the league office reinterpreting its own catch rule on the fly mid-season and in the playoffs. Which it doesn’t have the authority to do (note that if they actually were following the language of their own rulebook on the issue, they wouldn’t have had a problem to begin with).
So, the owners flushing some money down the toilet for bullshit causes doesn’t really matter to me. The above does.
This story is fantastic.
What makes this such a great story is that we have been bombarded locally with stories about how great solar and wind power are. Every other story is about how Minnesoda is so awesome because we are using renewable energy instead of gross coal. Now it pops out that the reason we can play with wind and solar is because nuclear power is providing the bulk of its carbon-free energy.
And yet Mumbles and his ilk want to shut them down. And they want their neighboring states to have to pay higher electricity prices so Minnesoda can play with wind and sun
I agree with Gov. Mumbles. I want you NoDaks and SoDaks to pay more too. I WANT MY SUBSIDY!
Don’t forget those slackers in Iowa and Wisconsin!
The cheapest power in Virginia comes from Surry nuclear power plant.
The power market works similar to a reverse auction. Each generating facility provides a daily bid on a unit of power (MW-hour I think). The distribution company takes all of the lowest bids until it reaches the necessary capacity for the day. The highest winning bid sets the price for everyone else. Surry bids $0.00 every day, because they know they can turn a profit at whatever the highest winning bid is.
Someday when I have nothing better to do, I’ll have to dive deep into the financials of a nuclear power plant. I have a hard time believing they aren’t running with an operating profit – at least before taxes and compliance. The plants themselves are usually fully depreciated, the fuel cost is minuscule compared to fossil fuels, the output is huge and steady. I would be interested to see if maintenance costs were really so high they aren’t profitable with all those advantages.
One of the big issues is the (mandated? I assume so) requirement that they have to set aside and maintain the assets for a decommissioning program. Now, when I was a bit more involved in the asset management side of some former employers, we had some energy companies as clients and the disparity in the size of the accounts we were managing.
I guess like company defined benefit pension plans, the funding is somewhat based on actuarial calculation, and somewhat upon economic realities, hence, a well-run energy company will have realistically-funded decommissioning set-asides, and the less-well run might be tempted to bolster today’s profitability by short-changing the decommissioning funds.
My old man was a nuclear research technician at government reactors. Compliance is about 90% of the cost. Safety was about 50% of the cost and – in the 1960’s – he warned his employers that it wasn’t enough; even refused to work and got a labor lawyer involved because they kept trying to shortcut safety on the experiments. He pretty much killed his career by doing that – kept his job but never got promoted (had six mouths to feed and couldn’t afford to quit). Then Three Mile Island happened. And his bosses hated him even more after that.
So what should be the profit margin on a grain of wheat or a gallon of milk?
Pedo attack on Feldman? So he claims:
I feel bad for Feldman. I believe some evil shit was done to him as a kid, and now his resulting mental problems make him unbelievable and an untrustworthy narrator.
Yep, the poor guy is damaged.
Looking for a place in new Hampshire. Fucking commies.
Maybe you and Styxhexenhammer can be roomies.
I’d probably go nuts within maybe a week.
Well, more nuts.
So is Century gonna bail and leave the state?
They were exempted in the bill which shows you how dangerous they really think high cap mags are.
I’d hope so but I think they exempted manufacturing. And the shooting competitions. Cause FYTW
Isn’t that the live free or die state? They left out the part about or become slave.
New Hampshire, it’s level-headed neighbor.
Vermont’s is Freedom and UNITY.
Software upgrade broke my billing. I know what I’m doing for the next couple of days.
Swearing a lot?
Breaking the fingers of every coder you can lay hands on?
Furious masturbation?
I’m having a “discussion” with my progressive cousin about gun control and he’s using this article to suggest guns don’t inhibit crimes but make them more frequent: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/more-guns-do-not-stop-more-crimes-evidence-shows/
My initial reply was to ask how one goes about measuring things that don’t occur(inhibited or deterred crime) and his reply to this was: well regarded statisticians and science!
So damn tiresome and tedious
My first reply would’ve been for him to provide a more trustworthy source. SA is hardly worthy of outhouse duty.
Send him to FBI.gov. The number of crimes of all types have all gone down significantly in the last 30 years. That’s during the assault weapon ban, and after it expired. Because guns are not like disposable like TV’s, meaning that you don’t throw an old one away when you get a new one, it’s safe to say we have more guns in the US than ever before. So putting those things together, there is no positive correlation between the number of guns and crime – more guns do not make crime more frequent.
Does this mean more guns means less crime? Maybe. Or the drop in crime might be caused by something else.
I doubt the proliferation of guns has added up to less crime (maybe a contributing factor but not the only factor) as the trends in other Western nations look a lot like ours. It does refute the premise that more guns means more crime though.
Exactly. Which is why gov’t has to keep making up more crimes.
Just go back to the FBI figures. We should assume he trusts the government.
Just compare data for gun ownership, population and crime for 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2010. The trend is reasonably obvious. Correlation and causation caveats apply, but it demonstrates that higher gun ownership hasn’t elevated net violent crime one bit.
Leaven in the estimate of how many violent crimes are estimated to have been avoided merely by displaying a defensive firearm and the benefits of a personal firearm become more clear.
This is sort of the point I was trying to make to him. This isn’t something that can be measured statistically. How do you count the times a crime wasn’t committed because the perpetrator considered the risk too high?
Around where I live, displaying a firearm gets one arrested if it is a road-rage type incident. Guy cuts you off, and when you honk he stops and gets out of his car with a tire iron: hold up a pistol and he calls 9-1-1 and you get arrested. I guess, though, if you were a cop, you could claim he made a furtive move and you were perfectly justified in shooting him.
Make sure he holds the tire iron over his head, and it’s Mozambique Drill time.
Hard for him to call 9-1-1 then.
We have something similar in VA, but only if you contribute to the incident. By honking, you are now a blamable party for escalating a situation and lose your right to stand your ground. You must seek any possible avenue of escape before engaging with your firearm.
Republicans pushed through several changes to Iowa’s gun laws in the last couple of years. One of the changes was to remove the law against “brandishing”. Before, you could shoot someone (assuming you could prove self-defense), but you couldn’t show a gun in an effort to avoid shooting someone.
The FBI was staffed by angels sent from on high to check the sins of a country in thrall to the antichrist, right up until their internal investigators recommended firing McCabe. Now they’re nothing but Mephistophelean agents of sin sent to torment good, righteous Americans.
The whiplash must be hell on the neck.
Here’s what you call a “tell”. What does “easy to own and keep” mean? Does she really believe that guns are animate and tend to wander off, but stay within a fenced area because of laws? Or is she actually talking about buying guns, which any gun owner, especially in some states, can tell you is not really the case. Regardless, she’s already tipped her hand: guns are too easy to own and keep.
Again, “careful” is an expression of opinion that doesn’t tell us anything useful about the studies’ accuracy or relevance. That’s born out by the rest of the paragraph, where she moves the goal posts. Nobody is arguing that guns aren’t used in crimes. Oh, and incidentally, “more guns are linked to more crimes” than what? What’s the comparison? And saying that there’s less research showing that guns help prevent or deter crime just tells us that less research has been conducted to test those claims. Perhaps because, as you say, you can’t prove a negative.
Then this gem:
Translation: Gun-toting rednecks from flyover country say they don’t really think guns keep them as safe as those insidious NRA fatcat lobbyists say. My favorite part about this bit is that there’s no evidence for this in her article at all. This is actually her restating the title, which is her premise. But I didn’t see any surveys that indicated anything of the sort. What I did see was the author reference her being from Georgia originally and then going on to make fun of southern culture (even down to the accent) with all the zeal of someone who desperately needs to prove that she is not like those people, she’s one of the good ones.
tl;dr: If I decide that my neighbor is an asshole and should be forced to move, I can have fourteen peer-reviewed surveys and studies demonstrating that he’s a shitty neighbor and nobody really wants him around. Doesn’t make it right, and it doesn’t make it true.
Being busy and generally lazy(not a good combo) I’d like to cite some of your reply if you don’t mind.
Here’s a reasonable set of summarized data from probably the most reliable source I can think of.
Note the falling rates across all categories. Firearms aren’t included in there, but it’s a good baseline doc that shows just how much safer the public are over the last 25 years.
As far as I know, there’s been no significant change in the sampling criteria used.
They did change the definition of rape, but they kept “legacy rape” around for apples to apples comparison.
I don’t know what the new definition is, but I bet it is wrong.
I’m not so concerned about what people do to their Subarus, but I think all the other trending data is pretty convincing.
Sorry, late to the reply. Please, have at it!
I dislike articles that mention studies without linking methodology and such
In a 2015 study using data from the FBI and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for example, researchers at Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard University reported that firearm assaults were 6.8 times more common in the states with the most guns versus those with the least. – what about other crimes? why are they not mentioned?
For clues on how guns affect violence, Kennesaw is an obvious place to start. – a town which always had low crime and still has it shows nothing they would want to show so why mention it?
New England Journal of Medicine and funded by the CDC, he and his colleagues identified 444 people who had been killed between 1987 and 1992 at home in three U.S. regions—Shelby County, Tennessee, King County, Washington State, and Cuyahoga County, Ohio—and then collected details about them and their deaths from local police, medical examiners and people who had been close to the victims. They found that a gun in the home was associated with a nearly threefold increase in the odds that someone would be killed at home by a family member or intimate acquaintance. – laughably small sample
Thing is it is a really long article and after going to part of it I see no reason to finish. Lots of claims little data, and what data is seems anecdotal and meaningless. This is a problem I have with many such things. While libertarians may disagree anyway, there must be a better way to argue these things. This only convinces people who have no ideea how to separate claims from evidence. I always disliked these long vague articles, whatever the subject. Does writing so long with so many meaningless paragraphs make these people feel intelectual or what? It looks more like crafting a narrative than presenting hard data, which the article claims it does. I am always suspicious of these things because I think you have good arguments present them briefly and well clearly.
That’s some nice cherry picking as well. Cuyahoga county includes Cleveland and some other high crime urban areas, King county includes Seattle, and Shelby county includes Memphis (where I was warned last week that there were areas I shouldn’t go to).
“firearm assaults were 6.8 times more common in the states with the most guns versus those with the least. ”
That is just horseshit. A bald faced lie. Firearm assaults are exponentially higher in communities with dysfunctional culture.
I live in one of the top five most heavily armed parishes/counties in the US. We had a murder three years ago. The weapon used was a knife and it occurred in the one small dysfunctional community we have. The last time a policeman was shot here was 1925 or so. The crime here is very low. All of it seems to be connected to dope, either possession or burglary for dope money.
Want to see crime? Look at our inner city communities. That is where all of it is. The same is true country-wide. State’s gun laws have less to do with crime than the presence or absence of civil society. I do believe that restrictive gun laws contribute to dysfunctional culture as they remove a deterrent for crimes against people.
Yes, when a person wants to commit murder, they will use whatever weapon is available. Did this dipshit study the connection between knife ownership and stabbing as well?
Travel back in time and beat him when he was a child.
Fucking Scientific American? That gives me a laugh. The people who read SciAm today wouldn’t be able to understand a single sentence from SciAm published 30 years ago. Today it’s just a rotting skin suit.
Scott Alexander takes a look at the data and underlying studies that Vox and your Scientific American link use. That SciAm link has way too much editorializing disguised as contextualizing.
So, is this part of a campaign to get people to watch the Roseanne reboot? Because so much of that twitter thread is trashing on it with “we don’t want to watch a show about Trump supporters!”
I bet that guy is fun at parties….
I am now inclined to watch Roseanne just to spite him.
“we don’t want to watch a show about Trump supporters!”
Yea. They should be forced to watch the incessant smug condescension levied at them from everyone else in entertainment. What an ass.
he’s using this article
“Scientific” “American” is less trustworthy (on any imagineable topic) than the The Ladies Home Journal, at this point.
Subscription popup-
“Science for the Modern World”
I’d prefer the old-fashion kind of science. You know, the kind based on objective reality.
Bigot! Shit lord!
The naturopath whistleblower: ‘It is surprisingly easy to sell snake oil – Squeezing the oil out of snakes is more difficulta
Naturopathy, Hermes explains, encompasses a wide variety of complementary therapies – homeopathy, herbal supplements, dietary restrictions, acupuncture and faith healing would all be included – and promotes an overarching philosophy of “nature knows best”. – nature is an evil bitch
After obtaining her undergraduate degree in psychology from San Diego State University in 2006, Hermes applied to a four-year post graduate programme in naturopathic medicine at Bastyr University, near Seattle. “It’s set up to look as much like medical school as possible. The school claims they teach basic science courses at a medical level for the first two years,” she says. “Except there’s no entrance exams required.” – sounds legit to me …
I find it fairly easy to squeeze oil out of my snake. Practice helps.
Looking at that picture would you say she would have any success ?
Yes, she would be successful in helping me get oil out of my snake.
She definitely looks like she prides herself in her snake milking abilities. Would, without qualifiers.
I have a friend from high school whose wife (also from our HS) is a doctor of naturopathy in Folsom, CA. It appears to be a license to print money.
Of course it’s California? They put on airs but they’re nothing but pretentious rubes. Real Americans know what real medicine is: oxycodone and fentanyl.
You misspelled whiskey.
In fairness to my friends, they mostly push a healthful diet of mostly plants, regular exercise, and massage therapy. I’m sure any number of not-really-healthy people with no systemic illness respond very well to it.
An ideal experiment would be an interventional study in which scientists would track what happened for several years after guns were given to gun-free communities and everything else was kept the same. But alas, there are no gun-free U.S. communities, and the ethics of doing such a study are dubious.
That would be immoral and unethical, unlike intentionally infecting people with venereal diseases and studying the untreated progress of the disease.
Alas, indeed, no gun-free communities. Perhaps we should look to the example of Venezuela, blissfully gun-free Venezuela. Or Cuba. Really, much of Latin America leads the way towards the Progressive Utopia this motherfucker so desperately needs.
The fact that the situation in Venezuela exists at the exact same time in history as the “March for our Lives” in America and that so few people see the irony is incredibly sad.
In Venezuela, hungry child gangs use machetes to fight for ‘quality’ garbage
Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/americas/venezuela/article206950449.html#storylink=cpy
Dunno what to say about articles like this. In the last years of communism, the situation was bad in Romania. And still there were not many child gangs fighting over garbage … How bad can it be in Venezuela though? I mean it is obviously not collapsed completely yet…
Then again lots of kids were locked ion hellish orphanages
I think that’s where Maduro failed – he let the collapse happen too fast and didn’t get the proper prison infrastructure built.
Venezuela seems like it should be a fairly fertile place. Why aren’t these kids put into “camps” to grow food and receive a proper “education”?
He’s supposed following the little red book, not the tinpot dictator book.
That dammed capitalist book salesman sold him the wrong book!
If he were smart, he’d just draft the military and mercenary thugs into death squads and start cleansing the favelas of all life.
Maduro isn’t smart, he was just the last man standing. He probably survived by not being a threat to Chavez.
You’d need to know about the demographics. Venezuela is far from a unified society. All those Venezuelan Miss World competitors aren’t typical. Venezuelan blacks, indiginous and mestizo population are pretty badly treated, but of course, that’s hardly rare in Central- and South- America.
Pretty rare in Uruguay. I mean granted they killed all the v indigenous people in the 19th century. And are whiter than most European Nations. But they know that the United States is a Haven for racism.
Same with Argentina.
Was it Paraguay that had the dictator that forced the elites to marry with natives and etc so that the whole country is mixed race?
Almost all of the southern parts of South America are as white as the whitest parts of Europe. But don’t tell progs this, it will harsh their buzz.
You mean not every woman in Venezuela is super hot, T H I C C, seductive and sexually insatiable? I can’t believe it. I WON’T believe it.
It’s an either or thing. You either get that, or you get muffin tops with the face of a bulldog.
Lies. All lies. White Americans invented racism in the 1950s. To the extent other countries followed White America’s example, it’s only white malefactors in those countries attempting to popularize American racism. Slavery didn’t exist until Thomas Jefferson invented it in 1776, and racism didn’t exist until the 50s.
No, no, no… White supremacy has always existed. Even before America, even before Europe. White people have been keeping everyone down since before they even existed.
Except in Wakkanda
Wakanda could have made all of Africa a paradise if they didn’t have to hide from colonizers.
And Hutus.
And Xhosa.
And Ibo.
Exactly, rascism peaked when Jefferson and the other Republicans tried to secede from the Union in order to keep their slaves. Luckily Democrats like Abraham Lincoln were around to stop them.
LOL-worthy, but sadly if you told this to the average college-educated American they would believe it.
Here here! This man knows his history and is totally woke. Have you applied for a faculty position at Hahvad yet?
So, you’re saying they need common sense machete control?
I’m about to finish this book and I agree for the most part with this review.
Attempts to smear this book as political hackery, or facile truisms masquerading as profundity, or paternal condescension or any of 1000 other hatchet jobs are all wrong. This book really is profound, it really speaks truth and it really could have a hugely positive effect on many people’s lives. The fact that many of the things in it seem intuitive to people on this board should not be interpreted that it’s simple-minded; people on this board think a lot more deeply about right and wrong, principle and how to live than the genpop. Even at that, there is a ton of great stuff in here. It’s the best cultural criticism I’ve read since Sexual Personae, the best modern philosophy since The True Believer and the best modern political theory since We the Living.
Read it.
The problem I have with this review is that he intimates that Peterson beats readers over the head with religion.
I didn’t get that at all. He uses religious stories as metaphors for the human condition and speaks of the benefit he’s found from religion in his own life. Nowhere, that I can see, does he prescribe religion as the key to meaning and a good life.
I only read 4 chapters or so but I remember while mostly he does not beat readers over the head with religion., for a non religions individual it did feel a bit much
If you ain’t condemning it you’re endorsing it. See alt-right.
This Peterson dude really is the dark emperor of the patriarchy and living example of all that is wrong in the world, is he not? That would be bad enough, but on top of that, he’s… CANADIAN! GET HIM!
I absolutely disagree. I don’t think deeply about nothin’.
OT: Vince Vaughn for Prez.
I think that what you come, as you get older, you just get less trust in the government running anything. And that you start to realize when you really go back and look at the Constitution and the principles of liberty, the real purpose of government is to protect the individual’s right to, you know, sort of think and pursue what they have interest in. And that when you start drawing the lines of saying, as a society, we think this is inappropriate, we’re going to pass laws to protect them from themselves and or take things away to protect themselves or move money from here to there, that you realize that you wake up with corruption and without the unintended consequences you’ll wake up with a lot of problems that didn’t exist prior.
Among other thing.
Rowe/Vaughn ticket!
Two white cis shitlords? RACIST BIGOT.
Put some lipstick and a wig on them and let’s go!
Rufus’ real agenda all along?
Well, this dude is a real shitlord. Signal the tweeter mobz!
Thing is it is a really long article and after going to part of it I see no reason to finish. Lots of claims little data, and what data is seems anecdotal and meaningless. This is a problem I have with many such things. While libertarians may disagree anyway, there must be a better way to argue these things. This only convinces people who have no ideea how to separate claims from evidence.
I did not get very far.
As far as “claims vs evidence” goes, the gungrabbers’ more guns = more crime assertion is so egregiously wrong that nothing else they say should be taken seriously.
Policymakers and the Elite don’t give a shit about data and evidence; the footsoldiers only care about FEELZ and the puppeteers only care about what can get them more power. Truth is irrelevant.
It is not gun grabber though. It is a whole litany of leftist issues. I keep trying to think about how to bring some of these people to the dark side (besides free Pie) and am often stumped. If someone is driven by values / emotions and no reason, there is nothing one can do. And people who like those sorts of articles are exactly like this. Otherwise they would realize little of substance in way to many words does not make a good argument. Except maybe it does, for people like them. And that is the target of those articles. It will not convince a pro gun person. So it is just a bit of preaching to the quire. Which means most what they do is virtue signaling, pardon the phrase, not attempt to actually engage ideas
Unfortunately, I agree with this ruling.
From what I can see, the judge admitted that YouTube is censoring people, but said that it’s not a state actor and has the right to do so (if only such rights were extended to wedding cake bakers). In any case, the only way around this is to create/find alternative platforms. Not every single software engineer in the Valley is a mouth-foaming Prog; surely there are a few out there that can see the opportunity for massive profit by picking up the content that’s being unpersoned by YouTube. How ’bout it Glibs? Wanna get started?
I don’t have much capital left (thanks for nothing expansion!), but I would kick in something out of principle and on the notion even a small piece can render a large return!
You could call it ((()))-tube
I disagree for different reasons, Google’s formal claims of impartiality towards content classification which are blatant bullshit amount to a breach of contract in my book. Update the TOS to remove ambiguity and I’d agree.
Seriously. How are people supposed to know my opinion runs afoul of whatever bull shit SJW cause they latch onto?
Yes. Google violating their own TOS is fraud.
Yeah, but between the lawyers and the english-major equivocations in the texts of those ‘formal agreements’, they amount to nothing.
I agree 100%, there needs to be a conservative / libertarian alternative to Youtube, Google, etc. I And by conservative / libertarian alternative, I don’t mean one that censors progtards, I mean one that doesn’t censor anyone. But I think we’ll need a few billionaires, like Thiel onboard to get things kicked off.
I also agree with the ruling.
the thing that drives me fucking nuts is how the news media (and Google, but who can tell the difference anymore?) try to “have their cake and eat it too” by endlessly posturing like they’re neutral arbiters who have great respect for free political discourse and the 1st amendment and blah blah blah, but in the background write aggressive algorthims for shaping the content that people see, and carefully massage the headlines to make claims which appear to contradict the facts of the stories
e.g. the headline manages to imply that not just the lawsuit was dismissed… but the claim was too; not “Judge finds google in its rights to police content” – but suggesting that the claim of censorship was rejected as baseless
i don’t care if google or YT want to censor content they don’t like: just don’t piss on my back and tell me its raining.
Be honest and open about it. Don’t say you’re one thing (yah for the 1A and free speech!) and then turn around and censor people’s opinions. It’s not like Youtube byway of their Tweets and Facebook haven’t made their political leanings clear so by trying to pass themselves as great arbiters of democracy (or whatever empty bs they spew) is not only laughable, it’s dishonourable.
And people, I like to think, see through it.
Al Sharpton’s Half-Brother Charged With Murder In Shooting One Day After Participating In Gun March
Proving that guns are bad?
Step Brothers the sequel?
‘The passenger of the car Jamie Townes, 26, was also arrested and is reportedly the alleged shooter,’
Take hotheads for a ride in your car. Let them shoot at people. You’re an accomplice. A “civil rights activist” and ex-con aged 52 ought to have a better idea of state law.
(((Bitch))) set me up!
Man, I bet that was a racist gun and it jumped into his hands and then misfired. He wasn’t doin nuthin!
California seems to be sinking under the weight of their own stupid decisions.
Now if we can just get it to literally sink into the Pacific we’d be getting somewhere (after evacuating Caliglibs of course).
Are they still going with that secession idea?
I remember some “progressive” family members talking about that (after Trump’s election) as though California seceding is some kind of in-your-face move that would piss off non-Democrats. I don’t think they’re aware that many non-Democrats, particularly gun owners, have long wished for California to just be its own country.
Between losing the military contracts in the tech/aerospace industries, the bases themselves, and then having to renegotiate water rights contracts, they’d be totally fucked.
Conservatives just want the poor to die.
I know, right! They’re so devious. First they forced California dems to enact insane land management rules which drove real estate prices through into outer space. Then they padded their homeless numbers by becoming sanctuary cities and allowing poor migrants to come to somewhere they cannot afford. Then, them evul conservotards took the homeless and put them in people’s backyards and are blaming it on the all benevolent dems who totally have no power in Cali! There’s no limit to their evul!
I find it difficult to have sympathy for these people.
And here we have an activist judge legislating from the bench.
Don’t read the comments. Too many comments like this:
And they just passed tax cuts for the super rich!
Yeah, that’s totally what caused this. /retard
There was an ad that come on during my commute to work. No party affiliation, no one saying who the ad was for, but the message was:
Republicans just passed a tax cut for the wealthy, the middle class are losing deductions and will need to pay more in taxes.
So, basically what they are saying is that if I have 6 kids and so I am claiming 8 deductions (one for each rug rat, one for head of household, and one for the special child credit), that constitutes everyone in the middle class. Not only that, but I deserve the same break, even though I am already getting a huge one, as people who don’t have all those deductions. IOW, other people should sponsor my baby factory with their hard earned income.
I live in a state with with sky high taxes and I have a million dollar house.
My view is, if you can afford 6 kids, or you can afford a million dollar house in a high cost of living area, shut the fuck up.
Oh, and don’t forget to not report at all on the millions of us who received a really nice break in extra income from these cuts. Evil people will continue to be evil.
From what I can see, the judge admitted that YouTube is censoring people, but said that it’s not a state actor and has the right to do so (if only such rights were extended to wedding cake bakers).
Exactly. If youtube had been censoring content providers presenting Talmudic scholars teaching about the principles of the Jewish faith, for instance, would the ruling have been the same?
Fuckin’ NIMBYs, screwing everything up!
(My TLPB’ed response to 49)
So… week 3 at the new job, and I’m still waiting on credentials to log into the client network and systems. It took until week 2 to get me on the correct distribution lists and remove me from the incorrect ones from my company.
It takes four weeks just to get a badge to get into the building here.
Oh, I still haven’t gotten my permanent badge. But the office I’m working out of issued me a temporary one that I can use to get around the building until the real badge gets issued.
That is stupid. Part of day 1 orientation for me was going to the badge center and getting the permanent one.
I have this ingrained reflex to argue with you, but really we’re on the same side of this one.
It’s really annoying to have to go to the security desk every day for weeks re-verify that you are where you’re supposed to be, get a one-day temporary badge and go in.
Are you in the payroll system?
Yes I am. I’ve gotten paid for my first week of work (which paired nicely with my paycheck for my last week of work and PTO from the old company).
When I went to work at the state prison, it took two months for them to get me all of the necessary computer accounts (I know of a psychiatrist there who had been waiting on an email account for a full year and still hadn’t gotten it when I left).
When I left there to work in the logistics department of a major automaker, it took two weeks to get everything.
When I came to my current job, they had everything already set up when I showed up for my first day.
And people who like those sorts of articles are exactly like this. Otherwise they would realize little of substance in way to many words does not make a good argument. Except maybe it does, for people like them.
Confirmation bias, I believe.
“Ah-ha! This confirms my original assumptions, and validates my emotional responses to this complex set of circumstances. Therefore, I deem it true. There’s no need to pull back the curtain any farther.”
I do still believe reading overlong unclear shit makes them feel smart, but this is something I normally associate with high school kids. After a while you should realize that short and clear is better. Unless you go to work in a corporation and the bullshit starts flying again.
“Unless you go to work in a corporation”
My co-worker showed me client email that her boss “re-worked for her”. Completely unintelligible, we joke, but I really think he’s ok cocaine.
One of my classes is like that. I have to turn everything into unreadable jargon (e.g., “used” become “utilized” and add lots of meaningless tripe buzzwords like “combined synergies”, “realization of potential”, etc.). It’s all complete fabricated nonsense.
“Facebook stock continues its rapid slide as Zuckerberg “agrees” to testify before Congress. I, for one, hope it continues to drop as their self-righteous bullshit is finally exposed for what it is: a scheme to mine personal data for profit. And to be clear, I’m all for what they’re doing in that respect. But they’re passing themselves off as some wholesome guardian of liberty (they’re selective in who they block) and a check against tyranny (ask some Chinese FB users if that’s true) rather than the naked capitalists they are (and should be proud of). And that’s some pretty weak shit.”
Funny how these guardians of social justice, the Obama reformed American way, and big government, always tend to be supporters of tyranny while they milk that crony capitalist system for all it is worth. Facebook is just Michael Moore without the Team America movie to make fun of their stupidity yet.
Yup. This is the American version of lining people up against the wall. Support these policies all you want, one day you will be in the wrong side of the barrel.
^^^This. Funny how progs never learn that. That’s what I find so darkly amusing about the MSM; they either don’t know or don’t care that if their preferred utopia ever actually came to fruition they would have a one-way ticket to a mass grave.
In a similar vein, I far preferred the Bill Gates who laughed in the FBI’s face during Microsoft’s antitrust trial than the Bill Gates who goes around talking about how to make the world “a better place”.
DOJ not FBI but same point.
Toronto restauranteur doing God’s work.
Comments on that article are garbage worthy of a vegan menu. I’d add peking duck to the menu and get the window strewn with carcasses 24/7.
The Effort Paradox: Effort Is Both Costly and Valued
Prominent models in the cognitive sciences indicate that mental and physical effort is costly, and that we avoid it. Here, we suggest that this is only half of the story.
Humans and non-human animals alike tend to associate effort with reward and will sometimes select objects or activities precisely because they require effort (e.g., mountain climbing, ultra-marathons).
Effort adds value to the products of effort, but effort itself also has value.
Effort’s value can not only be accessed concurrently with or immediately following effort exertion, but also in anticipation of such expenditure, suggesting that we already have an intuitive understanding of effort’s potential positive value.
If effort is consistently rewarded, people might learn that effort is valuable and become more willing to exert it in general.
According to prominent models in cognitive psychology, neuroscience, and economics, effort (be it physical or mental) is costly: when given a choice, humans and non-human animals alike tend to avoid effort. Here, we suggest that the opposite is also true and review extensive evidence that effort can also add value. Not only can the same outcomes be more rewarding if we apply more (not less) effort, sometimes we select options precisely because they require effort.
I see this as related to “the engagement ring effect”; a cross species behavior. Women value diamonds specifically *because* they’re expensive and useless. It shows that the giver has surplus resources and said giver is willing to spend those resources on her.
In this case, the individual performing these actions value them because they ultimately expend massive amounts of effort and accomplish nothing. It shows they have a surplus of energy and effort to be expended on useless activities. It’s a status thing.
As a young soldier I learned;
Why run when you can walk,
Why walk when you can stand still,
Why stand when you can sit,
Why sit when you can lie down,
Why remain awake when you can sleep.
The need for effort will find you, and you will wish you had followed that creed.
That lesson led to me being a procrastinating fat bastard.
I resemble that remark.
lazy people often are the best workers because they are always looking for a better, faster, easier way to get the job done
I like the Texas proverb version:
A young bull and an old bull were standing atop a hill and spied a herd of cows. The young bull said, “I’m gonna run down there and fuck some of those cows!” The old bull replied, “I’m gonna walk down there and fuck all of those cows.”
English version
“Effort adds value to the products of effort, but effort itself also has value.”
So labor theory of value?
Today in woke studies:
FFS, just start advocating for segregation and get it over with.
They already do.
Let’s start advocating for overturning Brown vs. BOE. That would be woke right?
Meh, I don’t care, I also don’t think those classes are worthwhile, so…
Though by their own logic, only white men should teach science, as it is a white supremacists insitution.
No man should be able to teach a women’s studies – since women’s studies courses should not exist, I agree
Women’s “Studies” is nothing but taxpayer-funded lefty propaganda.
It it racist/sexist to suggest that, “Sure! Fine: and no one with half-a-brain should be in either course to begin with”
My interest is for them to be more-productive contributors to our economy; is that so wrong?
I be totally proud that elite whiteys done conned me into payin for this worthless shit.
Well, ok then.
I don’t even care if they’re “woke”
What if they are just educated well in the subject matter? Oh right, racists like you only care about skin pigment.
The Asians are becoming self-aware. We’re fucked.
Asians have a strong sense of family and that’s why you will rarely see a down and out Asian. – didn’t China have to pass a law to force children to hep their parents?
Obama’s program of promoting racial antagonism has been a far greater success than anyone could have hoped.
Jesus, what claptrap. From the Cultural Revolution to the Killing Fields to Unit 731 to the personal murder state of the Kim family, somehow all of this Asian family-centric compassion never seems to stand in the way of atrocity.
Teslas in the News
And people who like those sorts of articles are exactly like this. Otherwise they would realize little of substance in way to many words does not make a good argument. Except maybe it does, for people like them.
The U.S. National Transportation Safety Board said Tuesday it was sending investigators to examine issues raised by the Tesla crash, in which the Model X struck a highway barrier on March 23 near Mountain View, Calif. The safety board will examine the post-crash fire and steps needed to make the vehicle safe to remove from the scene, according to a tweet.
Look at the photo accompanying the story. They might also want to find out why the fucking car broke in half. Holy shit, did Tesla get an exemption from crash testing their vehicles?
*disclaimer- government mandates are unnecessary, but if I were anybody who competes with Tesla in the market for SUVs (BMW, Mercedes, Range Rover, et c), I’d have that photo blown up on the wall in my dealerships.
“Holy shit, did Tesla get an exemption from crash testing their vehicles?”
Considering that Muskie has been fleecing taxpayers for billions, this is small potatoes.
Well, that looks like the car after the responders used tools to remove the front end. If the “engine compartment” had burned up that badly, I wouldn’t have expected that ‘loose’ wheel to have looked as fresh and intact as that.
Based on the Model 3 build numbers, they should have the first year’s worth of cars built in about six or seven years.
That does not look like a SUV.
Crossover SUV == station wagon.
This is driven by federal gas mileage requirements. For any given size of vehicle (square inches of footprint), a truck has a more lenient target than a car. So station wagons (cars) are penalized versus SUVs (trucks). So the “cross over” SUV exists to provide station wagons masquerading as trucks.
Is there a similar reason for the disappearance of compact pick-ups in the U.S.?
If it doesn’t have the utility part, you know higher surface clearance, heavier duty suspension, lots of storage room in the back, to me, it’s worthless. You’re basically right, glorified station wagon with worse gas mileage than your typical sedan.
Whoopsie. Fucked up my quote from the Tesla story; first part should be:
Tesla Inc. shares dropped for a second day as questions swirl about what caused a crash involving a Model X crossover in California on Friday that killed the driver and intensified the pressure mounting on Elon Musk’s electric-car maker.
The company hasn’t been able to retrieve the vehicle’s logs and is working with authorities to do so, according to a blog post. Tesla preemptively defended the record of the Autopilot safety features that it has said eventually will enable autonomous driving, without disclosing whether the driver involved in the fatal crash had engaged the system.
Gosh damn that looks bad.
Tesla should have spent a little less time fretting about those butterfly-wing doors and more time working on structural rigidity. Or would that be patriarchal misogynism?
I am just interested in the fact that every carmaker had someone die in one of their vehicles last week, and yet we obsess over just Teslas.
I don’t know, Ubers was pretty obsessed over, (being my opinion that this accident would have happened with or without autopilot).
I think on this case it was the difficulty of putting out the fire that has got fire officials worried.
Well, Tesla says they shipped 30,000 cars worldwide in one quarter. Toyota sells 30,000 Camries domestically in one month. Even if there was a death in a Toyota Camry in the U.S. twice as often as a death in any Tesla model worldwide, Toyota would still have the better record.
I double-checked the Toyota Camry numbers because they seemed high but if anything 30k is an underestimate. They’ve sold more than 40k Camries some months.
The Masshole got arrested, not a ticket. So, it’s even better!
Well, that looks like the car after the responders used tools to remove the front end.
I’m pretty sure the firemen aren’t equipped with a saw big enough to just whack the car in two at the base of the windshield.
yet we obsess over just Teslas.
After looking at that photograph, I think there is something seriously, disastrously wrong with that car structurally.
Elon is an attention whore, if not a charlatan. He has incessantly worked to keep himself and his products in the limelight.
So station wagons (cars) are penalized versus SUVs (trucks). So the “cross over” SUV exists to provide station wagons masquerading as trucks.
Also the origin of the minivan, as I recall.
NASA’s new landmark telescope is named after old white guy, and that’s problematic.
Just kidding, it’s an article about building the James Webb telescope. Lots of photos
“…will photograph the most distant stars and galaxies in the universe.”
One early summer I had spent a lot of time working in the woods. I went to visit the adjacent landowner just because. He keeps an eye on our timber so I try to treat the guy well. On this occasion he asked me “Well Suthen, are there many snakes this year?”. I answered “No. There aren’t any at all this year.”
He seemed puzzled for a few seconds then he asked “None at all? How do you know?”
“I haven’t seen any.”
I went to The Google creep map and holy shit!
Literally every road trip, every place I’ve ever lived, restaurants I’ve eaten at, hotels I’ve stayed at, everything. That one time I had a connecting flight through Atlanta in 2013? Yup. That restaurant I stopped at between Charlotte and Asheville 4 years ago? It’s there.
I have no history. Apparently I turned that feature off a long time ago. No data on me. I have no idea what I did but yay for me.
Does it only work if you have a Google phone? Mine, thankfully, is empty.
Yep, it’s collected from all Android phones with location enabled. Most of the places were probably destinations of map routes, but there are quite a few (like connecting airports) where I didn’t run the map app for directions.
That’s creepy as hell. And one reason I almost never have my GPS turned on. Although I’m one of the few with a Windows phone. I’m not sure what they do with location data.
It logged every place I’ve ever gone, every day since mid-2013. I knew this was happening, but its just crazy to see it all mapped out. Kind of cool, kind of scary as hell.
I lol’d at the Toronto guy. “He’s taunting us!!!”. Ya think?
Raw sewage flowing into Dodger stadium is known as karma.