Here at, we have had some good preliminary skirmishes over TEH BEST BURGER – Major combatants in the field so far are; In-N-Out, Whataburger, 5 Guys, Culver’s, Fatburger, and a couple of cursory mentions of the Golden Arches, Wendy’s, and the like. I am here to report that at the Glibs HQ, this has broken out into all out civil burger war. Being Swiss at heart, I have remained neutral. But, next thing I knew, french fries were being dragged into the conflict… a couple of snarks about shakes were seen as well.
As this conflict swells into a new PIZZA WAR sized fight, we can only take advantage of it by having an open post and letting the combat rage! Defend your burger! Denounce your foe’s fries! Establish shake superiority!

Oh, the innocents caught in the line of fire!
Only one rule….we are talking chains here. Regional or National. Because if we went down to the local/one location level – everyone would have to bend the knee to Nick’s, in Lemont, Illinois.
Not a big fan of fast food burgers. And when I go someplace like McDonald’s, I usually get the Filet-o-Fish because I could never eat fish at home growing up. (Dad has a fish allergy.)
Well you’re in the wrong article, then.
The Filet o’ Fish is Awesome!
The BK Big Fish used to be great, but they fucked up the recipe during the last menu refresh.
Cursory mentions of the Golden Arches? There’s seriously someone who thinks MickeyD’s has good burgers?
Hey, people smoke crack even though they were made aware of the risks.
The world is full of mysteries.
I met Ton Loc at the Fat Burger on the strip in Vegas.
Did he order a funky cold medium drink?
I guess since this is the evening thread, now’s the right time to post your regularly scheduled Florida Man/Woman story.
They had diabetes?
Okay, not sure what happened to the link.
The fact she worked at McDonald’s has no bearing on the story. I think the author just has a beef.
Why do you think the author works for Wendy’s?
She’s in a pickle now.
Lettuce all pause here and reflect on whether these puns are a good idea.
I’m waiting for the sesame seed pun.
Oh man, we are doing puns? And I missed all the good ones? Can you guy slow down and start over.
So I can ketchup?
I really relish these pun-fests.
I roux the day people started this.
Hot dog! That’s not a burger pun. That’s a whopper!
I mustard all my resistance to punning here, lest I get grilled for it by The Founders.
This is all pretty cheesy.
I just wanted to shake things up.
Ok, I’m bacon off this.
Only if you keep off the secret sauce.
Mmm… I mentioned “New York Burger” above… the best thing there is they have a do-it-yourself topping “bar”, including a “secret sauce”. I wish more places did that.
Hey . . If she’s got good buns . . .
The photo suggests that she may have been the product of incest herself.
Here’s your Glibbed avatar if you want it.
Nice work.
Yeah, that’s a whole new level of WTF.
Best chain burrito – Freebird’s.
Of the places mentioned in this post, I’ll take Wendy’s frankly. Not a big fan of 5 Guys. Cheeburger Cheeburger is pretty good.
Whataburger was horribly disappointing.
And that burrito will never change.
I heard 5 guys talked up so I went and tried it.
Never. Again.
Yeah, I like Wendys. 5 Guys was decent burger but the sticker shock has prevented me from going back.
I *love* Freebirds, miss them since we left Texas. I was excited to find out that they had several locations in KC, where I travel for work regularly. So my last time down, I was all set for it and… they all had closed.
Dude, agreed about What-a-burger.
I love me some Five Guys, but I’m in their original area so I think I maybe have access to better stores. All the ones near me popped up when they were still only in the DC metro area.
Freebies is awesome.
Why is Nick’s so good?
I–Out, hands down. Expecially if you go off the board. I’m thinking the 4×4. Not GlibFit friendly.
Fucking autocorrect.
The only one mentioned I haven’t had is Whataburger. So my ranking of the ones listed excluding them would be: Fat Burger, In-N-Out, Culver’s, Five Guys, Wendy’s and McDonald’s.
I pity those who cannot have Lot’a Burger on a regular basis.
Only place that I know of that has cherry shakes.
… Hobbit
Somewhat similar to Whataburger, which I like also, but Blake’s is better.
Tim Cook uses the latest headlines to attack the Zuck. Claims privacy is a human right (no…not it fucking isn’t…), and calls for regulations because he knows full well that eventually Apple’s slick pieces of shit won’t be cool anymore and he’ll have to compete with new ideas.
Cook will be the end of Apple.
He has been and continues to be a total and complete fuckup.
I was having this very same discussion with a buddy a few years ago after 5 Guys opened a few joints in town. I said I thought that their beef underseasoned. His Russian wife had independently told him the same thing, so it ain’t just me.
I’m in it for Zips.
I blame squirrels.
On the cheap side, I’m partial to In-N-Out.
Of course, it could have been the extreme hunger from surfing all day that made it taste so effin’ good.
Dammit, now I want Los Dos Pedros
The Double Double is delicious. It is even better than 5 Guys.
We don’t have all those fancy west coast joints in NYC so I’ll go with 5 Guys.
Except there are better mini-chains like Shake Shack and New York Burger (OK, two locations, but it’s the best fast-casual burger I’ve ever had).
The thing I like about 5 guys is they let you put all kinds of different stuff on the burger. That and the portions of fries are insanely large. It is more expensive than I would like though.
The Northeast sucks for Burger chains. There are Five Guys and now Habit Burger which is okay. I think the closest Hardee’s is in Poughkeepsie. Haven’t been to any of the others since I left the West Coast over 2 decades ago.
New Mexico, Chili Capital of the World, has a green chile cheeseburger completion every year. Mrs. Hobbit and I have been taking Sunday Drives all over the state sampling the best wares. So far, Buckhorn Cafe in San Antonio is ahead by a slim margin.
… Hobbit
Sorry about promoting a local place but I get enthusiastic about local flavor.
Sadly, the Bobcat Cafe outside Santa Fe, which had the world’s best green chile cheeseburger, and thus the world’s best burger, closed a few years ago.
Yes. Just about killed me at the time.
Owl Bar and Cafe (San Antonio, New Mexico) for the best green chile cheeseburger, or GTFO. I’ve driven from Alberta to — amongst other things — eat there. Hell, I’m tempted to drive down there again from Vancouver.
Man, now I’m drooling. I blame y’all.
Oh, yes, it is a great green chile cheeseburger at the Owl.
Five guys is ok but the fries kill me. And they charge for water which I think is weird.
I just ask for a water cup. No charge.
The ones I’ve been to didn’t have a machine that dispensed water, or a drug kingpins g fountain.
I’m not a fan of the new universal touch screen soda machines. They are slow.
Good god autocowreck. Drinking
^^^ Best autocorrect EVAH
I’m guessing it dispenses cristal
Touchscreens: Great for phones. Shit for most other things. Physical interface elements or GTFO.
I miss buttons. I also have thumbs that measure an inch across.
Sissy Hankshaw is that you?
DC has a local chain called BTS (Burger, Tap, Shake) that is off the hook.
For national chains, Wendy’s has the best price-performance ratio. I’m not a 5 Guys fan, their burgers are greasy and bland. In-N-Out is good, and I usually have a few when I’m out west.
Yeah, BTS is sick.
Wendy’s isn’t bad for a national chain, but I suspect it’s like a lot of places where it depends on the franchise. A lot of the ones in Annapolis are horrible, but if you head out towards Frederick they start getting surprisingly good. I think the key is to look for places with a lot of earnest-looking suburban teenagers.
Well, I posted my longwinded story in a dead thread, of course. I will repost here and then give the secret to the best burger.
Ed Wuncler’s story about the snotnose rich girl lecturing him on the civil rights movement in the ’60s reminded me of something.
When I was about 16 I told my grandfather that prohibition was a bad idea and a complete failure, that it caused more harm than good. He listened to my screed and then he said
“You don’t know what you are talking about. You weren’t there. You didn’t see it.” He then explained that since the whiskey rebellion it was illegal to make whiskey without paying the tax but everyone did it anyway and to avoid more trouble the government mostly turned a blind eye. By his time every third house on the road anywhere you went had a bar set up in their living room and they made their own hooch along with selling dope which was also ignored. The drunks and the dope heads were everywhere. You couldn’t go anywhere without getting rolled. Crime was rampant. The murder, rape and robbery were out of control.
“You know that place up at French Fork? They’d getcha coming and going there. Hell, it was so bad that when they put the railroad in from Rhinehart to Jonesville they routed around French Fork. That’s why there ain’t nobody up there anymore. That killed the town. Prohibition was bad because the cost was so high, but it was a success. In a lot of ways it saved the country.” People got tired of all of that shit and began to complain. Prohibition was enacted because the government saw that it had enough public support to stop turning a blind eye.
I had to concede that there was a lot more to it than I knew. He was right, I didn’t know what I was talking about and yet 16 yo me was so sure before that. I doubt Ed’s debutante would be that intellectually honest or self aware.
I also didn’t know that the whiskey rebellion was still simmering as a guerrilla war right up into the 20th century.
That’s a great story.
I can’t help but notice the antecedent to your Grandfather’s story is basically Government intervention -> people respond rationally in a way that is bad for society -> Government solution is to turn it up to 11. And “make stuff nominally illegal but don’t prosecute it” is a great way to degrade the rule of law and civil society. Good thing we don’t do *that* any more.
I hate to tell you this, but gramps was full of shit. He knew one bad place and extrapolated it to the whole country.
There was a point to the story…
Oh sure, we all tend to be much wiser as we get older. I enjoy telling younger people that now almost as much as I hated hearing it back when I was young.
The point was in the beginning of the quote
“You weren’t there. You didn’t see it.”
In case you missed Ed’s story – He was in a class and telling stories from the 60’s in Mississippi which his parents, who had seen it first hand, had told him. He said some ‘lilly white girl from the ( I cant remember, Ritzy neighborhood ) in her early twenties got in his face and told him he was wrong that that’s not how it was. This, despite his parents having been there and seen it first hand. She probably read about it in a book.
My grandfather was rather well traveled. He was a civil engineer and surveyor and had jobs all over our state and a few midwest states. His jobs took him mostly to rural areas. I think those are the houses he was referring to. Of course it wasn’t that way in Baton Rouge, Lafayette, etc but in those days the majority of the population lived in rural areas.
Great story but what about the fact prohibition led to the rise of the mafia?
Are you trying to ruin the story?
Related: What do all y’all put in your homemade burger patties?
Nothing inside. Salt & pepper on the outside. I used to load them up with onions and Worcestershire sauce and shit but they cook better without all that crap and taste fine.
Interesting … what’s the fat content of your beef?
80% I pull them off the grill and slide a pat on the patty just like a steak, the butter solids still stay all in a clump and you can taste them.
Yeah, just hit with S&P. Maybe some Lawreys. Bacon and Cheese are as must as is mustard and mayo. I like pickles too. Either raw white onion or carmelized onion with sauted mushrooms. Can take or leave lettuce or tomato, must be cold though. I like jalapenos and hot sauce sometimes as well. I love hamburgers.
On the outside I like bacon, cheese, raw onions, tomato, and A-1 sauce.
1lb 80% lean ground beed
1/4 cup finely chopped sweet onion
1/4 cup finely chopped jalepeno
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon ground cayenne pepper
2 eggs
sometimes a handful of rolled oats as a filler
Mix well and divide into quarters. Form wide thin patties, thicker on the edges than in the middle. Wrap each patty with two strips of thick sliced bacon.
Heat grill to 550F until remnants from last time are completely carbonized then scrape away. Put the patties on directly over the flame and turn to low heat. 8 minutes on each side. Move patties to warmer and top with cheese of choice. While the cheese is melting toast your buns over the flame.
As you are crafting your burger salt and pepper the patty. Mayo, mustard, sliced onion (red is best), pickle of choice, lettuce and tomato.
If they have burgers in heaven they look a lot like that.
That sounds like art.
I go with the medium ground beef for the fat content on the grill. Then again, I don’t wrap mine in bacon.
Sounds good. One thing that I would add. If at all possible, use a fresh garden tomato. There are very few treats as good as a fresh home grown tomato.
Storebought tomatoes are shit.
You are dead right about that. Tomato is the only thing we grow anymore because produce can be bought cheaper than grown but you just cant get a good tomato in the store. So every spring I am doing battle with tomato worms. If you get them early it breaks their cycle and you wont have any trouble all summer.
Fry the hornworms and put them into a taco. They’re not half bad.
give me an address, I will ship them to you.
I use seven dust early and often on my tomatoes and that seems to do a pretty good job of keeping the bugs away.
I also make sure not to water until the end of the day. I have found that watering in the morning or middle of the can blister your tomatoes when it’s especially hot. I’m not sure the mechanism, but I think direct sunlight+water causes the water to get to hot on the tomatoes.
Yes, it does. Unfortunately here it gets so freakin hot that by late july my tomatoes start getting hollow. If there is a way to prevent that I dont know what it is. I think I have tried everything, even shading them but to no avail.
I’ve heard that if you put out a pie plate with a beer in it that will fix the tomato worms. Never tried it, because we don’t seem to get them around here.
They are the larva for the Hawk Moth.
Agreed. Especially if they are warm from the sun.
A big thick slice of fresh tomato between two pieces of white bread with mayonnaise was a common lunch for me when I spent time at my grandparents as a kid.
I still like to make tomato sandwiches.
All those added veggies take it into meatloaf territory.
Switch the garlic powder for garlic and ditch the oatmeal and that recipe makes me think I could make a good southerner, then I remember that you guys eat a lot of water cocktail roaches…..
“Water cockroaches” damn auto cowreckt
egg, diced onion, salt, pepper, Maybe other things if I feel like experimenting, but that’s usually the baseline. I think proper cooking is more important to a good patty than what you put into it.
Some bread and an egg. I’ve been working on an elk for the last couple of years. So much ground meat My wife hates it so it takes even longer to use up.
Depends. For simple and easy, I just do burger, salt, pepper. Maybe some Steak Shake or something like that. Rarely Old Bay or Tony Chachere’s.
When I’m trying to dominate burgerland, I mix 2:1 chuck and bacon and grind it myself. I do not dare season it but for a dash of salt when they go on the grill.
Like Rhywun says, I used to make Eddie Murphy burgers (see Raw and you’ll know what I mean) but I’ve found that I prefer to start with the taste of the meat and then add on top rather than try to make it all taste the same. Plus, I’m a firm believer in the structural integrity of whatever you’re using as a bun, and putting a bunch of wet ingredients in the burger makes it risky. When a burger bun falls apart and I’m left holding a third of a hamburger and assorted toppings in my hand like an idiot, I go homicidal.
Old Bay, so very Baltimore.
Well, my personal preference is J-O because it doesn’t have clove, but I’ve usually got Old Bay to hand.
After cooking, Gray Poupon, of course.
Pardon me?
Salt. The beef is from a half steer I buy from a friend. Grass and corn fed, raised organically until it eats a bullet. Best tasting beef I’ve had. Cooked to medium rare with aged cheddar, homemade pickles and homemade bacon. Anything else is up to you.
That’s the biggest flaw of 5 Guys. You can’t get medium rare.
I like Johnny Rocket’s Route 66.
Oh yeah, Johnny Rockets is pretty good.
It’s by the movie theater I like to go to. Burger and a movie is a pretty economical date night.
The fuck, Swiss? No shoutout for Cheeburger Cheeburger?
Yeah, I’ll put a vote in for the Billy Goat.
I’m sorry Smokey, you were over the line. Mark it 8, Dude
Well fuck those guys.
For national chains, I quite like Carl’s Jr./Hardee’s. Western Bacon and the Jalapeño Five Dollar Burger are pretty good.
Evolution of Fuddruckers, lol@ 0:22
Mike Judge is a genius
They still around? I remember eating there almost 30 years ago and it was a damn fine burger.
There’s one by the mall in town. It’s a little scuzzy lookin’ but the wife and I used to drop in there from time to time. She said they had a surprisingly good turkey burger. As a kid I got taken there like weekly. It still holds up. Not gourmet, but good.
Turkey burger?
We’ve already had the talk that there is no such thing as turkey bacon, but after I while I just look at it as less competition.
I used to cook only turkey bacon.
*hangs head in shame*
But you recovered.
I just had a bacon, cheddar cheese, and egg sandwich for supper.
‘Supper’. Curious, how many glibs are my grandparents age?
Sup, can’t you even sup brah?
Lunch and dinner are the same thing. Supper is at about 6-ish. End of discussion.
It’s dinner for me. My grandparents called it supper. They also referred to the couch as a Davenport.
I usually say “dinner” but I wanted to emphasize it was just a light evening meal. Plus it was always “supper” growing up. “Dinner” was like fancy restaurant eatin’.
Like afternoon tea.
I used to think it was a Midwest thing, but I’ve recently read that it is a Canadian thing that was picked up in the most northern states. Not sure exactly. Maybe this can be the next Glibs war.
Also, it’s a sofa.
I’m from upstate/western which is basically mid-west. Mom from northern PA. German extraction.
And it’s “couch”.
Uh, insert “NY” in there somewhere.
Maybe it has something to do with the Germans?
And yeah, I was just being a contrarian. Sofa is stupid. It is a couch.
Yeah, couple generations removed. I mean we didn’t eat dinner at 1PM or anything like that.
Except for holiday dinner which was, in fact, always early afternoon.
That’s where it’s different over here. Many people have dinner at noon and supper at 6pm.
My dad started saying supper in the late 90s after he married a gal from Kansas. She also says ‘warsh’ instead of wash. So there is that.
Oh man. Warsh. My dad sort of reverts to that sometimes. I just ignore it when he does.
I mock him. It’s more fun that way.
Some areas of Pennsylvania the old timers will say “warsh” and “Warshington”
I wonder, if “warsh” is a German immigrant thing. Some weird linguistic thing that has held on over the years?
I think it’s just lazy. Like southerners adding ‘s’ to words and ‘ebonics’.
“Chesterfield” for the win!
They used to serve a pretty good Ostrich burger.
I went to one in Arizona around 2008. None in northern New England that i have seen.
We called them Pudthumpers when I was in HS
Rudfuckers for us.
The Fuddruckers in Coconut Grove was great circa 1989’ish.
Get the behind me, Devil (aka people that select a place where you can not ask for extra butter on your burger). Culvers all the way. I didn’t grow up with it, but I’m glad my children will.
Until they die early.
The cheese curds are what draw me into Culvers.
^this x1000000.
I have never had cheese curds. Theyes sound like something I would like. That’s mostly a Midwest food no?
Yeah. I suppose we have to give the majority of the credit to Wisconsin. But they are loved far and wide up here.
And by “far and wide” I mean everyone’s waistlines and asses…
You need to try them. They are great fresh. They are sublime when breaded and deep fried.
It’s over 1,000 calories just to type their name.
Fuck, those are soooooo good.
If I was forced to pick like 5 foods to eat for the rest of my (vastly shortened) life, cheese curds would have to be one of them
Deep fried cheese curds.
You’ll have to stop at Carr Valley Cheese Shop in Mauston when you come to visit La Crosse. Their cheese curds are top notch. They have lots of other great and interesting cheeses too.
Oooooh, yes. I also heard good things about the place (whose name I can’t remember) right next to Mars Cheese Castle in Kenosha.
Your recommendation of Tenuta’s continues to destroy our ability to compete in GlibFit.
I’ve turned too many of my friends here onto Tenuta’s, so they all want me to get them stuff when I go back to Kenosha. I’ll need to bring three coolers next time I go back. Still might make a trip the first weekend in April, but otherwise won’t be back down that way for some time. PM me if you guys want to make a trip up my way. Any weekend but April 21st. The weekend of April 14th is a music festival, so gonna be all kinds of great bands of different styles playing all weekend at various venues.
Tenuta’s hell yeah! My grandparents lived in Kenosha and would bring us an entire suitcase of Italian goodies from Tenuta’s when they would visit us in AZ. My wife was skeptical about my families stories about Tenuta’s until she came with me on a TDY trip to Chicago and I brought her along. Tenuta’s was just as glorious as I remembered. After that I had a laundry list to fill every TDY I went to in IL or WI.
If you ever anywhere near Kenosha take time to visit. You won’t be disappointed.
People put butter on burgers?
It’s one of the four components in the Butterburger. 4″ Kaiser Bun, Dill Pickle, Culver’s Ground Beef Patty, Butter.
Looks like the closest one is a six hour drive. Probably why I’ve never heard of putting butter on a burger.
I’ve never heard of this. *takes notes for next time*
My wife does.
I’m pretty sure my life has been significantly shortened just by being near a Culvers. They are delicious, I just wish I could eat there without turning into the Pillsbury Dough Boy.
How come so many of you seem to be on a keto-inspired diet but are worried about burgers in this thread?
Eat burgers to get thin.
Stay away from the fries and minimize the bread.
No bun, replace fries with a side salad.
This is a pretty regional place, but around my area, I have yet to find better burgers.
Grubbs also has the best loaded fries I have have ever had.
By the way Lachowsky, our fish talk the other day got me wanting fish. I fried some tonight. I think I hurt myself. I am full as a tick.
I’m jealous. I’m hoping this weekend to get into some croppie. The lake on my place last weekend was pretty windy and the water was too muddy to have much success. I’m thinking this weekend the fishing should be better. I’ll try your recipe if I catch enough to make a mess.
Late to the party as usual…Lachowsky, I heard the crappie are biting pretty well in the cove areas at Bull Shoals. Catch a couple for me.
I don’t eat burgers, but I pick Culver’s anyway because of the awesome deep fried cheese curds.
Our A&W recently got cheese curds. I am a fan.
Big shoutout to Canadian A&W. Uncle Burger
As for commercial burgers around here the best used to be Copeland’s but they have gone downhill. Now the best is Logan’s Steakhouse.
Everybody goes to Gino’s. ‘Cause Gino’s is the place to go.
That doesn’t sound right but I don’t know enough about stars to dispute it.
I was wondering if someone would mention Gino’s. We had one in the neighborhood I lived in the late 70’s/early 80’s. I tried one of the new ones a few years ago; definitely good, but I thought it was a bit pricey.
If you’re truly old, you’ll remember Ameche’s, which Gino’s bought up in later years. They had carhops and clip-to-the-car-door trays.
No, I’m not that old. My parents probably remember it though, they grew up in east Baltimore in the 50’s and 60’s. Speaking of old burger places, there were still a couple of Little Taverns around until fairly recently.
Shittiest burger award goes to Buffalo Wild Wings
That, on the other hand, does sound right.
Hell, I’d say shittiest wings award goes to Buffalo Wild Wings.
That would be like having fish at McDonald’s.
Their lunch specials are all horrible travesties.
In-N-Out double-double animal style is a good burger that I frequently enjoy.
However, it loses to 5Guys because 5Guys has bacon, along with a multitude of sauces and toppings to choose from. 5Guys can server burgers that In-N-Out just can’t.
Haven’t been to the others, but 4Guys > In-N-Out. Still, In-N-Out is a great place.
And, Yes, I’m high as a kite right now.
Ooooh, good idea. BRB.
Vortex, Atlanta, GA.
Blue-shroom bacon burger.
I am a schizo with burgers so I don’t have a favorite. I crave all the main chains at one time or another. In/out is not around these parts but I do have to get one when I am somewhere they have a location. I also can’t drive through NM without going into a lota burger for a green chili burger. The best burger* I have had was at the Burger Bar in the concourse between the Mandalay Bay and the Luxor.
*I made the best burgers in the history of burger making when I was a burger flipper at the local burger place I worked at when I was a ute. A superb crust on the patties from a slightly too hot grill and a perfectly buttered and toasted bun. Real processed American cheese and not the fake processed cheese by dupont they try to pass off these days. The cheese must top the patty at just the right time to perfectly melt and get grease splattered from nearby patties frying to the point it is glistening like a hardworking stripper. Remove the bottom bun when golden and perfect. Evenly spread a thin layer of mustard and mayo, a small amount of onions, three pickles, and two tomatoes. Spatula up the top bun and place on one cheesy stripper patty. Place this on top of another patty holding the bun in place with your other hand and place the dripping glory on the vegetable laden bottom bun. Wrap and serve. The grease covered cheese that oozes out is always the first thing eaten. Veges on top of the meat is backwards and is what is wrong with America. This must be underneath for proper mouth feel of a well cooked burger with the veges coming in after to bring it all home.
I always make sure the mayo goes next to the underside of the patty so that it heats up and the grease from the patty mingles with the grease from the mayo, then its the first thing to hit the palate. This sounds outstanding, but I can’t agree with you on vegetable placement.
From bottom to top – mayo, lettuce (sometimes dribble a little vidalia onion dressing on the lettuce), patty, cheese, Pickle, onion mustard and top bun. If you put all of the vegetables on one side of the meat it will start to build into a point and then it gets unmanageable when you are eating it. When you bit around the edge the ingredients try to squirt out the other side. The lettuce is the main cause of that so keep it on one side and the other veggies on the opposite side.
This is correct. That is all.
Wrong. The only thing that should go on top of the meat is cheese or something scooped off the grill such as grilled onions or mushrooms. shows the proper way to assemble a burger in their intro. As shown, diced green chilis are also acceptable on top of the meat and makes for a superb burger.
H/T Hobitt and Q who linked to lotaburger.
Spongebob would be proud.
God damn that sounds amazing
My home-made burger-sans-bun is topped with ortega chili, pepper-jack cheese and pico de gallo. With a side of Ranch-style beans.
westernsloper gets it.
Enjoy with special sauce.
All beef patty.
I’m lovin’ it.
Happy meal.×630.jpg
You’re a man with a two track mind.
… Hobbit
If anyone could put tits and burgers together it’s Q. I can’t understand why there aren’t more women on the site.
God Bless America
For big-chain, I’m still partial to In’n’Out – what can I say, I grew up in Calif.
For non/small-chain, Slater’s 50/50. Amazing burgers, onion rings and tap selection – fucking heaven.
Register my vote as Whataburger, with honorable mention to 5 Guys, and I like Smashburger quite a bit just because I can get a fried egg on there, which makes everything better (though their base cheeseburger is nowhere near as good as the two previously mentioned).
There’s a slightly more local chain called Burger Street that I also like quite a bit.
I really, really like cheeseburgers.
Oh, and I completely endorse Sloopy’s antipathy for In-N-Out’s fries. They’re simply awful. My wife says she likes them because they actually taste like potatoes, but I don’t *want* the goddamned things to taste just like potatoes. If I wanted that, I’d just eat a fucking potato.
I must admit, when I’m visiting TX I make a point of hitting Whataburger, simply because it’s orders of magnitude better than any of the ‘normal’ places up my way. We have Shake Shack in NYC, but even that’s a major haul for me to get to.
There’s nothing finer than being drunk as hell at 2 am and getting taquitos from Whataburger.
In terms of chains, Red Robin has a fried egg burger. A fried egg on a bacon cheeseburger is the only way it should be.
Been meaning to check them out and now more so.
I will say I’ve never been disappointed at one.
Those who have never had Burger Street are poorer because of that fact. And, I figured Gojira would be the only other one around here to know it/mention it.
I can not opine as to the “best” burger, because many of these lauded burger chains are outside my areas of operations.
I have eaten at 2 of the mentioned places. I very much enjoyed ‘animal style’ @ In-N-out. but its not something i’d want for every single burger-eating experience.
My favorite, and which i’d recommend should anyone happen to be drinking in the West Village during the work-week (don’t lie: i know many of you secretly like to catch paino cabaret night @ the Duplex)
is Corner Bistro, on Jane st and west 4th
Just as McSorely’s isn’t “the best beer in the world”, but getting drunk there is still a bucket-list worthy experience… the Bistro burger is an institution in NY that should not be overlooked. I first went there in the late 1980s. I was underage, but i recall dropping about $10 and getting a very plump, juicy burger and 2-3 cheap beers.
the burger is now $12. This saddens me. however, they now give you bacon by default, which is nice.
Their technique is to cook the burgers in overturned metal ashtrays. Yes, i’m not kidding. No, the ashtrays aren’t *used* beforehand. they’re just like metal ‘cups’ that cover the burgers on the grill and keep all the juices inside. it has a distinctly more-spherical shape than most patties – like a football that tom brady has managed to deflate slightly.
my view on burgers is very much like beer: i’m not that interested in it “blowing me away” or it being some super-special experience. Its a simple formula and i want it to be the same every time. If they ever changed the pickles or the bun they used i’d break down in tears and renounce god.
Anyway: recommended.
Yeah, Corner Bistro’s are a solid, reliable dish.
As are J.G. Melons’ up on 3rd Ave.
Presumably the amazing power of steam cooking and simultaneously searing the surface.
Very best burgers I’ve ever eaten weren’t so much because of the burger itself; but on deep-sea fishing boats out of San Diego with my old man when we were out tuna fishing. Even before I could wash one down with a beer.
In-N-Out hands down. Five Guys is inconsistent but the fries rock. Best individual fast food burger is a tie between the Bacon Double Cheeseburger at the Jack in the Box in Winnemucca, Nevada and the Double Quarter pounder at the McDonalds in Burns, Oregon. Both nearly caused my death from a food coma driving down the road in the middle of nowhere.
In-N-Out has the most over-rated fries ever.
Oh, and you need to go upthread and tell Suthenboy what he’s doing wrong in his burgers.
Oh, and one more thing, since this is your first post- FUCK OFF, TULPA!
As usual, your reading comprehension sucks. I said FIVE GUYS fries rock. And you have no place in this thread anyways. Vegetarian prig.
Five guys fries make me ill.
Sometimes they’re not cooked enough. They’re sublime if well-done; shit otherwise.
Just remember who taught you everything you know.
And if you go to In-N-Out to get a burger, the fries will let you down, which was my point that flew over your head, Shorty.
Uhhh, have you had a fall recently? Maybe hit your on the side of the tub when your old man body couldn’t stay upright?
The parts of me that need to stay upright do that just fine.
Tulpa is awful lippy tonight isn’t he?
I’ve known OMWC for way too long. His ability to cook and a decent wine cellar is the only thing that got him into my house.
Yeah, I picked up on that a bit later than I should have. I blame the alcohol.
Oh, and fuck you, Tulpa.
C’mon now, dont make insinuations, charge me.
No, no, no. I’m the new guy here and I need to show proper respect.
If I am doing something wrong I would like to know what it is. Proper respect isnt letting me continue to do it wrong.
Not saying it’s wrong. Just saying that two eggs and a handful of oats takes it from the realm of hamburger into the realm of meatloaf. Still delicious, just not a hamburger.
And a fucking vegetarian who gets violently ill from a teaspoon of meat should not be allowed to wield the spoon here…just sayin’.
I have to be very careful of the proportions I use. Just a little too much and it does hop over the line to meatloaf. I have screwed it up a few times and gotten that complaint. If you do it just right it is still a hamburger…a very tasty one.
And dont put ketchup on any burger – that is meatloaf.
I salute you with a glass of Elijah Craig Barrell Proof bourbon.
In Nineteen and fifty-nine we took a little hike
With our Scoutmaster down to Lake Aneekanike
We took a little pizza and we took some sauerkraut
And we marched along together till we heard the Girl Scouts
Oh, we’re the boys from Camp Winnemucca
Our mothers sent us here for to study Nature’s ways
We learn to make sparks by rubbing sticks together
But if we catch the girls then we’ll set the woods ablaze
Winnemucca means one moccasin
“Winnemucca means one moccasin”
That is somehow a very appropriate name.
I like Wendy’s. And Johnny Rockets. Five Guys is good but for some reason leaves me gasping for Gaviscon (I’m pretty sensitive to burgers these days).
No one mentioned A&W I noticed.
Around my place there’s a local guy I like to go to. He makes it really basic and delicious.
Montreal has no shortage of legendary burger places which include Dic Anne’s and Dilallos (home of the Buck burger. My father even worked there for a time in Ville Emard where Mario Lemieux is from).
As for the ‘haute gamme’ burger joints. To numerous to name as there are so many these days. Been to a few I liked.
Make that, my grandfather – who was also a cab driver. And baseball guy. Watched Jackie Robinson play for the Montreal Royals many times.
Shit. ‘Too numerous’.
I’m listening to a radio show as I write these stupid comments so forgive my poor sentence structure.
Dilallo is on the agenda for this year’s visit, based on your recommendation. I’ve already made my own copy of what i saw on their website and I likey.
Every year I say I’m gonna head out to the original spot (opened in 1929) where my mother grew up but never managed to get out there. I live 40 minutes from there. They opened one up closer to the centre of town (not the spot near where you were) but they’re in a spot known to be a mobster hang out. Me and a buddy went one night to pick up for the families and out came from the back one of the ‘heavies’ we grew up with. He hugged us and we had a laugh.
I can’t say which burger is best, but one reason I eat Chili’s burgers a lot is their pickles. I’m not sure what they do to ’em, but crap are they good pickles.
When I lived in Chicago, there was a Burger King a 3 minute walk away. That turned out to be bad for my waistline. The BK double cheeseburger is my top fast food burger. Next to BK was a place called Kuma’s Corner. Fun fact: kuma means cunt in Swahili. Anyway, they served gourmet burgers and beer with a heavy metal theme. I ate there a few times. One time I had a Pig Destroyer burger that I washed down with a bomber of Arctic Panzer Wolf IPA. The cool thing about that place is they stayed open late.
When I made burgers at home, I got bison burgers and pretzel buns from Jewel Osco. Sometimes when I was feeling extra decadent, I’d add bacon and a fried egg to the burger. Sometimes with Sriracha or spicy brown mustard.
When I lived in TX, there was a little diner I went to a lot. They had really good burgers.
These days, I try not to eat beef. I’d rather save my metabolism for booze.
Almost forgot- in San Angelo TX, there’s a place called Twisted Root. Really good burgers including ones from bison, camel, elk, ostrich, and others. Elk burgers are great.
During my incarceration at Goodfellow AFB, that place offered a little rest from the grind.
They have twisted root in Dallas too. Pretty good, although it pales compared to Haystack which is not a chain.
Snuffers is a good local dallas chain, although mostly for their cheese fries.
Snuffer’s Grilled chicken sandwich is the shizz-nite! I like their burgers, too, but would rather get their chicken sandwich, since no one else seems to do it their way.
‘Nuff said.
See comment #9.
… Hobbit
Ok, here’s a good one for this group: Should MLB be liable to fans who are injured by foul balls?
I think there’s viable libertarian / small government arguments that go either way. I would say yes. “We’ve always done it this way!!” is never really a good argument for keeping something recklessly dangerous when a safety fix is as low-cost as netting.
“You could just not come to baseball games” doesn’t sit any better with me than “Why don’t you just move to Somalia” does. I mean, it does because I’m not a baseball fan, but otherwise it doesn’t sit well with me.
I don’t know. When I used to go watch baseball growing up and sat down the 1st and 3rd base lines the common warning was ‘keep your head up’. Be alert. Generally, it was pretty rare. How do you get netting down the lines without messing with the view?
It’s the same in hockey. If you sat behind the net, the adult you were with always made sure your face was facing in the proper direction. That way, you had a fighting chance.
Fun story. Back in the 70s and 80s there was a defensemen for the Habs named Gaston Gingras. The guy had a howler of a shot but was erratic. His shot was so heavy the sound it would make hitting the boards would be almost comical. Anyway. Everyone was aware when Gingras was on the ice; especially on the power play because there was a good chance the puck was heading in your direction behind the net.
No. If you intentionally go to a place where small hard balls are being knocked around you know the risks.
They provide ample warning about foul balls at every game. It’s an assumed risk whenever you go to the ballpark. People have to learn to pay attention.
I vote no liability.
OT: NRA talking sense
Dom Raso: Truth is They Want to Ban Every Gun
Of course they do. Armed populations cant be bullied.
No one in the history of the world wanted to make you defenseless for your own good.
“No one in the history of the world wanted to make you defenseless for your own good.”
Consider that stolen.
Come on – how about these comrades.
And swords!
“If the opposition disarms, all is well and good. If it refuses to disarm, we shall disarm it ourselves.”
Josef Stalin
The Political Report of the Central Committee, The Fifteenth Congress of the C.P.S.U.(B.) (7 December 1927)
Get bent, gun grabbers. I know history.
Armed people will not willingly load themselves into railroad boxcars.
a quote that has been posted here and deserves to be posted again and again
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956
As far as i know, I was the first to post that here. I smile everytime I see it reposted.
Badly OT, I am lighting the glib warning beacons of Gondor… does anyone know of a low or low fee attorney in the Denver metro area that has experience in criminal law and veteran issues (e.g. PTSD)? I got my self into a bit of trouble by being honest with a military health care provider, I know it was stupid but it turns out I actually needed help.
TL;DR: Mandatory reporting combined with an over-eager comnand team equals felony charges.
Not a criminal attorney, but he’s a friend and I trust him. He could probably refer you to someone who can help you.
I will touch base with him. Can I tell him who sent me?
Just a friend referred you.
Mention tits.
Burgerville is my pick for best regional chain. Local beef, Tillamook creamery cheese and icecream, Walla Walla onions for onion rings, Oregon strawberries when in season. Basically they use decent/high quality local ingredients when in season in an Americana themed fast food burger chain. Burgers, fries and milkshakes. Nothing fancy or exotic, just the basic flavors all done well.
Nice! That’s how I like it.
When this post was percolating in the background, I mentioned Burgerville as being an excellent regional contender. I’m surprised it didn’t get mentioned to comment #45.
Burgerville’s quality has slid downhill in the last couple years while their prices have gone up.
Any surprise that Burgerville is on the brink of unionizing? First fast food chain with union workforce if it happens.
I no longer recommend them.
Murderburger or GTFO
Kidding, I’ve never been to NZ, but I would totally get a burger there if I end up going ever.
That looks good. They had an online ordering option, but they would deliver to NW arkansas. damn it. I’m hungry.
I once ordered from Juanitas in Ontario California, flew to Colorado spgs, drove to Canon City and delivered to my buddy Mike in 5 Hours, Fucking fun!
I posted on here a weeks or so ago about the teachers and government employees in Oklahoma threatening a strike. I predicted that Oklahoma taxpayers were about to have to grab their ankles.
Look for burgers you gotta put them in proper categories. It is really unfair to fast food places to compare them to sit down or fast casual joints. So with that in mind…
Best Fast Food Burger
Hardees Frisco Thickburger
Honorable Mention: Wendys Baconator
Best Fast Casual Burger
5 Guys
Honorable Mention: Shake Shack, Fudruckers
Best Sit Down Burger (national chains only)
Red Robin Royale burger
Honorable Mention: TGIF Jack Daniels Burger, Red Robin Banzai Burger
Best Fast Food Fries (not limited to burger places
Tie: Penn Station, 5 Guys (both are made from fresh cut potatos and properly double fried)
Honorable Mention: Chick Fil-A
Haven’t had in 10 years, but that Jack Daniel’s burger was good. For the most part Fridays blows, but the location I frequented cooked tasty burgers.
Somewhat related-
For my birthday a few years, my brother in law got me some wood chips that were from a used jack Daniels wooden barrel. I used them to smoke a brisket. The bourbon flavor from the chips transferred to the brisket quite nicely. It was one of the better briskets I have ever smoked.
Which on of you guys drive a beat up chevy cruze?
That compulsion is something I will never, ever understand.
There does seem to be a very high risk factor with very little potential for reward. It’s highly self destructive behavior to say the least.
Best Grub hub Burgers, TGIF
Best Doordash, Jack in the Box
Uber eats for Mc Ds
/I’m lazy
I’m surprised to see several plugs for TGIF – never been (except one time and nobody came around to serve us so we left) but I’ve always heard the food was mediocre.
The presentation is well done via grub hub ie, delivered… and good Burgers
Most of their food is mediocre at best but they generally do a pretty good burger and the Jack Daniels sauce pairs with it quite well. Combine that with the fact that most people rarely get burgers at national chains so there aren’t too many we could compare to
In-N-Out is the only option.
*Slams magazine into well*
Oh fuck yes. Flying to San Diego in a couple hours and will be getting In N Out as soon as I get off the plane.
and BEER! In and Out is the Final word on Fast Food Burgers, fuxk every one elses opinion
Oh, and a little bit of heresy, Wegmans makes a Southwest black bean veggie patty that is unbelievable. I was skeptical but figured I’d give it a shot. I bought them every week after that when I lived in Boston. They are that good. Don’t expect it to taste like a burger. It isn’t supposed to, it stands on its own.
I love Black beans, I’ll look for them!
You won’t regret it.
The rest of humanity might.
Is there an In-N-Out in LAX by chance? I am going to Cali next week, but it’s a short, very scripted business trip and I have nearly zero free time. But I keep hearing about In-N-Out and want some. LAX will be my only chance to try it if they have one there..?
Within 5 miles I’m certain, lemme look,, YEP dead north one Sepulveda about one mile, Ypipee!
On Sepulveda
Unfortunately I don’t even get to decide where I go and when. The entire two days is scheduled to the minute. If it isn’t literally in the airport, no In-N-Out for me. 🙁
It won’t be. I am not sure that it would fit the business model, but it might.
There’s an In-N-Out right next to LAX, airplanes are landing every minute just yards away from it. But it’s not in one of the terminals, you would need to drive there, ever though it’s very close, I’d guess it’s not a long walk from Terminal 1, but nobody walks around LAX.
You can take one of rental car lot shuttles.
Supuvelda Parking Spot, so parking lot not car rental.
Of the three I’ve had, Whataburger wins by a fair margin. In-n-Out was forgettable, and the last time I went to Five Guys, at a brand new location in a commerce-heavy part of town, I felt like I’d been treated to cafeteria food at Applebee’s prices.
FAG! Whataburger is ghey
If you’re ever roving around New Mexico, check out Lotaburger. My grandfolks knew the guy who started the chain. They’re my favorite chain for burgers and seasoned fries.
I didn’t like the chopped up tomatoes, Wierd, and the Meat wat big, but thin, no Bueno
Bah! You gotta get it with the green chile, obvs.
Recommending food is like trying to talk someone into like a series you love by saying, “You have to give the first four episodes a pass, it gets much better…”
Then call me Kevin Spacey because I’m now living as a Whataburger man….Whataburger >>> Down n’ Out.
Saudi crown prince: Spread of Wahhabism done at West’s request during Cold War
Discussing his reform efforts at home, including giving women the right to drive and have more rights outside the home, Mohammed said he has worked hard to convince conservative religious leaders such restrictions are not part of Islamic doctrine.
“I believe Islam is sensible, Islam is simple, and people are trying to hijack it,” he said. Lengthy discussions with clerics, he said, have been positive and are “why we have more allies in the religious establishment, day by day.”
Asked about the Saudi-funded spread of Wahhabism, the austere faith that is dominant in the kingdom and that some have accused of being a source of global terrorism, Mohammed said that investments in mosques and madrassas overseas were rooted in the Cold War, when allies asked Saudi Arabia to use its resources to prevent inroads in Muslim countries by the Soviet Union.
Successive Saudi governments lost track of the effort, he said, and now “we have to get it all back.” Funding now comes largely from Saudi-based “foundations,” he said, rather than from the government….
Many interesting reforms are taking place in Saudi Arabia. I’m cautiously optimistic.
But do they eat Hamburgers? if so, what kind?
/The More You know……
Ignores that Saudi Arabia gave in to the Wahhabists after the Grand Mosque seizure, shut down movie theaters and various other anti westernizing moves.
But go ahead and blame other countries, particular the West, for their homegrown problem.
From wiki
Fuck you Mohammed.
Rangers are winning against DC and Raonic is leading against Del Potro. It’s like upside-down sports world!
So DC win via an uncalled penalty, and the animals rooting for that smug prick Del Potro hooting and hollering during the play are making this match unwatchable. I fucking hate sports.
The Rags two PPs in the first were uncalled for and they scored on one so call it even. And that 4 minute minor for high sticking in the 2nd? Get outta town.
Meh I’m less disgusted by the Rangers loss because, well, it was kind of expected.
In-N-Out has the best bun-less burgers: “protein style.” Not just the best, the only ones worth eating. I usually combine it with “animal style.”
You know what I love on a burger . . Avocado, it just makes it so much better!
Oh no you di’int.
Fuck off, Tulpa.
Fuck off, Tulpa.
No, YOU fuck off, Tulpa.
STFU Tulpa.
No, You’re a Towel!
Why yes, I would fancy to get high.
Passes a bowl to Rhywun
FUCK OFF! I love Avo on Burgers! You are excused!
No ones Home! crank that Stereo! OLD SchHOOL!
I am Walmart, I can be anything….
wow, it auto corrected Walmart, we are truly Doomed…………
Journalism is dead.
At this point it’s already been reanimated and is consuming brains.
All journos have a bias. Best case is a disclaimer as opposed to masking it.
So KDW has left NRO and gone to work for The Atlantic. I’m a huge fan of his. I don’t know much about The Atlanic except that they’re reliably progressive. But lest that suggest Williamson has betrayed his roots, which would be retarded, considering his roots… he’s been unapologetic in his rejection of transgenderism, and unflinching in calling for the death penalty for abortionists. Williamson is not a closet progressive. He’d never be accepted by progs even if he renounced his earlier work, which he doesn’t.
I wish all our journalists had the integrity and tenacity of this much maligned writer. We’d know where they stand. Instead, progressive journalists will march under whatever banner suits the fancy of the most up-to-date activists they celebrate, and emulate. Good on the Atlantic for giving column space to an unapologetic conservative.
He’ll be jailed for hate speech.
I felt the same way but someone mentioned the other day that The Atlantic was good for printing multiple angles. I was kind of dubious but maybe they’re right – they’re so TL;DR I usually lose interest. Anyway I find KDW sometimes infuriating but in a good way.
Atlantic used to be different say 15 years ago and before, when their offices were in Boston. They went pretty proggie since and I stopped reading them about 5-10 years ago. Used to read the New Yorker until that became completely insufferable.
Editor-in-Chief’s memo to staff about giving KDW a second chance tells me that editor ain’t never read Kevin.
I predict KDW will mag dump all over their readership right out the gate. Gonna be epic and I am giddy with expectation.
I’ll report back once I finally get to Hot’ Horse in Ljubljana. Also Sweden’s indigenous MaxBurger is solid.
1994’s Barcelona has a running plot where Europeans think Americans are nuts for liking hamburger’s so much. The Americans in the film finally have one and are horrified and the film ends with them grilling some up for pretty European girls and them being pleasantly surprised that they aren’t just meat-like cardboard.
Places here just sell burger patties as a meal but it’s called “hamburg steak”. It’s just a cooked burger patty and nothing else. Strange place this is…
Is that similar to the TV Dinner classic “Salisbury Steak”?
Also, whereabouts are you again?
Japan, which is the only reason it was funny to me.
I used to go to a Japanese-style burger joint in Korea… It was where I got hooked on the fried egg on top.
They put an egg on everything in Korea. We went to an Italian place there and it had an egg on the risotto. It all tastes good, of course.
We have a quirky Japanese/American fusion burger place here that also does the egg on a burger thing. I’d been told it was “Belgian style” by a Canadian coworker in Korea, but I just know it’s delicious.
Salisbury Steak is a whole ‘nother creature. I’m not exactly sure what makes it taste… that way.
Alot of diners around here have that. It usually topped with brown gravy.
in 1992 i toured through 8 or so european countries for 2 months
in none of them could i find anything remotely resembling a burger. even in “tourist bars designed for americans”, in some cases.
quite literally the only option was a mickey D’s chain somewhere in the tourist center of town. and even then, it was overpriced and… still McD.
They have no frame of reference. they’re like a child wandering into the middle of a ….
Shut the fuck up Donnie.
I had a slice of “pizza” in Paris once. It was… interesting.
Worst “pizza” of my life was in a bistro in Reims. No idea what it actually was, but it sure wasn’t pizza.
i still think there’s some huge gulf of misunderstanding about basic-shit, foodwise, with europeans
if they can’t ()@#*&$()# figure out things as simple as “a slice of pizza” or “a deli sandwich” or “a burger”..
…then they’re mentally crippled in some way. I’m sure they imagine the same problem exists in reverse in some aspect. its just i find it hard to worry about what that is.
A cucumber sandwich says it all about Euro’s and their sandwich making skills. They are a lost cause.
Meers near the Wichita Mountains in Oklahoma is supposed to have really good burgers. I never ate there.
The Slabs 4/7
Chuck wants to build a Cymbal of Peace, We have some broken Cymbals and an old School Money changer,
I will build the light of Truth, and the next day it will all be torn down, and I will achieve Fame! for 4 minutes………….
For people who liked the Vulfpeck side project, “The Fearless Flyers”… there is a good track #2 available
as far as i can tell, this is an EP type thing; they seem to be marketing it as tho it might become an LP, but so far 6 tracks, 4 of which are either cover-tunes or simply ‘backup playing for others’ isn’t really to me a coherent package.
Thank you sir!
How can this woman think that Swinestein is a decent person?
Thanks to a Glib benefactor, I have a new mic.
Outstanding! I’ll email ya about the other stuff.
Ugh. We are making high sulfur content seteel tonight. One of our melt shop cranes just had a failure. I went up there to troubleshoot and got a pretty heavy dose of sulfer. Now I have a sulfer taste in my mouth that won’t go away. The shit we do for money.
The taste of dried peaches and cheap wine!
But enough about my breakfast…
I have never thought of it that way, but you’re pretty close.
I love dried apricots but hate the persistent sulfur taste afterward. Trader Joes does unsulfured ones, but they’re like chewing through shoe leather. It’s deeply unwinnable.
Rotten egg smell sulfur?
SP, I sent you an e-mail on your Glib account last weekend about my ‘secret project’; any word on that?
I pinged her about it privately. She’s seen it, but HM came out to visit right when she got back from her MiL’s and she wants to give it a proper rather than split-attention response.
The Half-Black man, always standing in my way!
Sorry, just crazy busy in FL and also back here the second I walked in the door on Sunday. I’ll check up on it. Since I’m not a “power player” I don’t get a vote.
This is high art.
You’ve been following him ever since I linked his songs, haven’t you. That’s dedication.
Damn straight.
For those who missed it a few months ago, this is the song that got Q to follow him.
“I’d also like to do Reba from behind but we’ll talk about that later.”
Oh my God.
I think you might be cisphobic.
But… I’m cis 🙁
Better for you… I’m just sic.
I could never get into Slipknot because they were so gimmicky, but Stone Sour was Slipknot for adults.
Easter Cookies
Does ‘Catholic Sign of the Cross’, um actually Jesus would have been pierced through the wrists where the forearm bones meet, a point that could carry the weight, not through the hands, as there is no skeletal structure there to support the weight. *does 5 hail Mary’s and 10 Our Father’s and lashes self*
That is true. However, most of the religious iconography in have been exposed to shows the crucified jesus with nils through his hands. I expect the Romans had enough experience crucifying people to know that wouldn’t work.
I’ve also seen it hypothesized that the nails may have been driven through the hands, but only for the pain, and the weight may have been supported by rope around the wrist. But it’s hard to tell which findings are factual, and which are crazy bible people pretending to be scholars.
Thru’ the hands is to hold the hands in place by destroying the median nerve.
The angle of the arms and the resulting hang of the torso, especially if the legs were broken to make sure the victim couldn’t support their body weight. Feet nailed onto the upright to bend the knees at 45 degrees, again, making the support of the torso impossible.
Body weight would then dislocate the shoulders, then wrists, leading to the body slouching forward, making breathing very hard.
Victim is a state of near suffocation.
Bleeding from dislocation etc fills the lungs with blood, compressing the heart and reducing oxygen transfer
Assuming the victim could handle that, sepsis starts up, pleurisy sets in and eventually, suffocation.
Someone watched the P&T on Crucifixion.
Sounds delightful.
Just Say’n needs to come back.
Did he go somewhere?
He was at TOS earlier today… I heard from a friend.
He and Swiss had a dustup over religion and he said he was leaving permanently.
Swiss got in the shit? Wow. Damn work, making me miss all the drama!
Yeah, Switzy doesn’t take kindly to razzing Methodists.
Note to self, Hat and Hair Super Funtime Cartoon Show must make fun of methodists. (I don’t know anything about them, so I’ll just make it up)
They sing all the verses.
If there is one thing that we can agree upon it’s got to be burgers. Sorry to the (((observant))) but it generally should have cheese, which in its best form is usually cheddar or American, unless you go fancy pants. Ground beef is a given, unless you are mixing in some pork or an exotic meat such as bison or whatnot. It should have at least 15% fat content. The bun or thick sliced sour roll should be fresh. Then you have the options. I like mayo, ketchup, mustard, beet, pickle, red onion or grilled white onion, and shredded lettuce. Yours may differ slightly. The science is mostly settled.
Well, American isn’t dairy so (((they))) should be able to do that.
Seriously? What’s it made from?
Well, the cheap varieties are made from oil, may contain some ‘milk product’; Kraft says they actually use milk, but who knows what that means anymore, when unpasteurized milk can’t be labeled as milk.
There are only a few songs where I remember exactly the first time I heard them, Rapture by Hurt was one of those moments. Kind of like Tool, but yet different.
Hey, if you can’t have fun with metal, what’s the point?
Really sounds like every album after their first one.
That was pretty funny.
I thought you were going to something by Steel Panther.
I actually know absolutely zero about Steel Panther. I do like Disturbed a bit; that just reminded me a bit of a proper Eddie Vedder takedown
Rock Vocal Power!
I wasn’t sure what to expect on that. It didn’t help that I didn’t have any idea who the artist is, but that’s a great “commercial”.
Speaking of vocal power…
I’ve posted this once before, but it bears a repeat.
This is the song that follows it.
i find myself watching “chris hitchens vs john stewart” as a comparison to ‘sam harris vs. ezra klein’
what i’m looking for is ‘method’: how do they try to make positive points, how do they try to undermine one another
whats notable is that hitch (of course) makes the smarter argument for *a bad idea*; stewart relies on misconstruing history and ignoring facts to make the superior, “moral” case.
its possible that reviewing Jon Stewart video that i’d accidentally stumble on the moment at which america stopped caring about reasonable argument. if anywhere, its there.
That sounds incredibly depressing, so I won’t even watch the video.
after the first, interesting 1/2 it turns into gibberish like like “Bill mahr vs. bill o’reilly” which is like political Dumb vs. Dumber
Christopher Hitchens Vs John Stuart.
That was weird.
I’m not sure why I find this argument unconvincing, but I think it’s relevant. I think it’s that the line “Let’s have a reasonable debate/conversation” is so often bullshit nowadays, regardless of who’s saying it. Chomsky’s politics are obscene (to be sure (but really, fuck him)) but I don’t think his unwillingness to ‘debate’ certain people is comparable to the censorious and irrational modern left. He responds to most emails, from anyone, and he’s debated many of diametrically-opposed mind.
Fantano is just an idiot.
The broader point is valid, but I don’t think Chomsky is a good example. He’s also old as fuck. You want him to debate your average Youtuber who’s as disingenuous and motivated to entertaining– and not informative– as, say, O’Reilly or Maher?
youtube considers this video so heinous that adults only are allowed to view it.
Gee, I wonder why.
Because of this?
Only had a chance to try In ‘n out once during my SoCal sojourn last month – not a fan. 5 guys is a little pricier but very tasty and if you don’t like the burgers, you can always get some bacon dogs. Still can’t beat those fries anywhere else. Haven’t had Whataburger in years, but I like it when I’m in TX.
My weekly review is finally back on track – – cash prize if you can figure out where to buy the DVD or watch the flick legally – highly recommended though.
Next week should be Marathon Family – hopefully I can stay on track…after that, a fun double feature and then, the themed months.
Chain burgers? pish! I never eat at a chain even when I travel I search out the local joints. I also don’t even own a TV, and my phone flips open.
I’m partial to Whaddafurr Burger.
5 Guys doesn’t belong on the list. It’s not a fast food burger.
Culver’s and Braum’s are similar, but I’ve never thought of either as knocking my socks off. Never heard of Fatburger.
In-n-out is a good clean burger. If you want to feel good after eating the burger, that’s the one to eat. Not a lot of extra/unexpected flavors or textures, just good old fashioned meat, vegetables, and bun. It’s the ideal of what I would make if I cooked burgers on the stovetop. Their fries, however, are disgusting. They single fry them, which everybody knows fucks up the texture.
Whataburger is the opposite. It’s messy and greasy and has a very complex flavor. But it’s complex like a symphony, not complex like a bag of cats going through a garbage disposal. Everything at Whataburger tastes good from their breakfast to their root beer shake, but they tend to be run like a regular fast food restaurant, which means that quality control and customer service can be iffy when the B team is in.
For me, Whataburger wins 98 times out of 100.
Good call. Might give In N Out one more shot if I’m ever near one, but not going out of my way again.
True story. We had a “Sambo’s” restaurant open up and close when I was a teen. It’s a Pentecostal Church of some sort now. Right down the road! We have a myriad variation of re-purposed buildings put to better use by the fire-breathing sorts up at this end of town. Just like the old Gypsy woman said…
I remember as a kid Sambo’s being my absolute favorite place to eat. It’s been a long time, but as I remember, that place was very unwoke.
There was a knock-off joint across town called “Mambo’s” that catered to the drunken teen-aged crowd. It’s a Pad-Thai place now.
Chain-Steak N Shake
Slower-Red Robin
Local- this crappy hotel restaurant called Hooligan’s (not the chain) they do what they call a deluxe cheeseburger that has a great burger, sharp white cheddar thick cut bacn and mushroom. Amazing.
Interesting– The Gator Pucker at Fuddpuckers on the FLA coast. Gator and pork. Wow.