So last night we had dinner guests. Heroic Mulatto and Swiss joined OMWC, Webdominatrix, and me in a falafel fest. Conversation was fueled by the excellent Woodford Reserve bourbon sent along by SugarFree. We also opened a bottle of the Recas recommended to us by Pie in the Sky. Swiss brought along some La Trappe Witte Trappist, in which I did not indulge, not being fond of beer. (Don’t worry, I made up for it in bourbon intake.)
After dinner, we started talking about personality tests. True, many of them are outright BS. However, I’m a fan of the Enneagram. (YMMV)
The Enneagram divides everyone into one of nine interconnected types. Over the years I’ve found that it can be a helpful tool to attain a little insight into my worldview and that of others. I am very typical of people who fall into my personality style number. OMWC is very much what one would expect based on his number. So are my kids.
Curious? Go ahead and take a test.
A very accessible basic book is The Enneagram Made Easy. I usually have a couple copies because I frequently give it away after a discussion such as last evening’s.
The party broke up rather early as it was a school night. And one of the guests did indeed leave with a book.
Thanks for coming over, HM and Swiss! I am feeling very lucky that I know such interesting and delightful people.
That was a lot of fun – the company, food and booze were top notch.
I have now met, and talked with, both SF and HM…and I am fine!
*facial tic starts up*
But how are they after being *narrow gazed* in person?
HM probably takes a narrow gaze better than narrow hips.
Yeah, he is impervious.
I am unsure of what, in this world at least, could discomfit SF…
Living next door to a family of serious Mormons?
I’m OK with Mormons. I too read a lot of science fiction.
Jehova’s Witnesses?
When you narrow gaze into the abyss, the abyss also narrow gazes into you.
This is nonsens
You are most likely a type 5.
Taking wings into account, you seem to be a 5w6
What the hell does that even mean?
Also try a different feteasca from the Recas ine
Second test gave me
You are most likely a type 5 (the Investigator) with 5w6 wing
So at least they seem consistent
It also says my flaw is avarice. Not remotly true.
And you call yourself a libertarian?!!
We haven’t noticed any flaws, Pie. 😉
I got the same results. Type 5/5w6.
The description in my case was pretty accurate. Not 100% spot on but pretty damn close.
I will be sure to drop in and grab something different this Good Friday. I can share with my mother-in-law on Easter.
5w6 for me too.
I’ve got bad news, Pie: you’re the same type as I am.
Is there a number corresponding to “misanthropic loner”?
My Army service number?
Yeah, 4. 🙂
“[Threes’] need to be validated for their image often hides a deep sense of shame about who they really are, a shame they unconsciously fear will be unmasked if another gets too close.”
Taking the other test, I’m 2w3 with the Sexual Instinctual Variant.
Taking into account both tests I guess I’m halfway between a 2 and a 3.
So I’m an image obsessed, over-helping, self-sacrificing, narcissistic sex fiend.
Sexual Instinctual Variant:
“People of the sexual variant are very much interested in one to one contacts. They are looking for intimacy and this may show in sexuality, though not necessarily. Being in a relationship is very important to them. They are the most passionate of the subtypes, being temperamental and having more energy. They have less of a problem with getting into a fight and care less about rules and responsibility.”
I was a 3w2 as well.
*squints suspiciously*
We’re both apparently narcissists living behind a façade to hide the inner, approval-seeking shame we feel inside. At least that’s what I gathered from the Type 3 description.
Eh…I do help a lot of people, and sometimes wish I got a bit more of a thank you. But I am not supposed to be a Pharisee or a hypocrite, so I generally can keep that crap down to dull background grumbling in my mind. You know, when you read a story about a fireman dying while clearing bums out of a burning building or I hear about another soldier I know getting killed – then you get your perspective back about it.
Thanks for helping maintain the site Swiss!
I am trying to make it Swiss….oh, wait…
Q, you, and I should start up a club about being ambitious and charming, and then not let anyone else in.
La Trappe makes good beer.
Those Belgie Trappist monk dudes sure beerify good.
La Trappe is Dutch.
Have another beer.
Feh. “In 1969, the abbey licensed the brewing operations to the Artois Brewery”
I forgot the Belgies gave it back.
I forgot they brewed it too… I just knew that it’s currently brewed in The Netherlands.
Ooh, I got Type 3 sp, with Type 8 sx a little behind that and Type 1 sx about the same distance behind that. Type 3 with 3w2 wing, if that means anything.
3w2 brothers! *high five*
I was frankly a little insulted by the 3 description, although I have been accused of being a narcissist in the past. But only by inconsequential peons too jealous to be realistic about how much better than them I am.
And now that I think about it, I do get angry when I think people are doing things wrong on purpose or because they’re lazy. And by “doing things wrong”, yes, I usually mean doing things the way I do them. Look, I know what I’m good at and I’m a very conscientious person! Validate me!!
Reading the descriptions, I think the Type 8 sx bit is probably more accurate.
Apparently I’m most likely a type 5 – though “taking wings into account” it says 8w9 or 9w8. Not really sure what that means (and why my highest scoring category didn’t show up in the “wings”).
The second test put me type 8, with 5 as the second place.
You are most likely a type 5.
Taking wings into account, you seem to be a 5w6
Type 5 – The Investigator
Thinkers who tend to withdraw and observe
Fives essentially fear that they don’t have enough inner strength to face life, so they tend to withdraw, to retreat into the safety and security of the mind where they can mentally prepare for their emergence into the world.
Type 6 – The Loyalist
Conflicted between trust and distrust
Sixes essentially feel insecure, as though there is nothing quite steady enough to hold onto. At the core of the type Six personality is a kind of fear or anxiety. Sixes don’t trust easily; they are often ambivalent about others, until the person has absolutely proven herself, at which point they are likely to respond with steadfast loyalty.
Well, this is horseshit. Yes, I am a hard core introvert. Yes, I am old enough and cynical enough to know that the vast majority of people can’t be trusted to follow through on rudimentary commitments. That does not mean weak and insecure.
A lot of us seem to be landing there.
I think the test is mistaking lack of engagement with some people to reluctance or “investigating” – when in fact it is not giving a fuck.
Ditto me as well.
I’m the reverse.
8w7, that’s #6
Holy crap … “The Maverick”
No, Libertarian Student Daughter is NOT named Meagan.
1w2 for me, apparently.
Mine said type 1, and then I read the description and I thought, well sorta, maybe a little, but really this seems to describe someone else.
Looking for perfection, eh?
Here’s an example: “Ones are serious people; they tend to be highly principled, competent and uncompromising. They follow the rules and expect others to do so as well.” I read that and think, “yes, yes, yes, laughably incorrect.”
Agreed right there Mad Scientist. Same for me…
Although, I might agree with “they don’t follow rules but do expect others to follow their rules”. 🙂
High five to the type 1’s. Obviously, they put it at the top of the list because it’s the best type.
Welcome to the club!
I scored the same for both 1 and 5. I think I broke your test.
I got same score for 1 and 5 and 5w4 on the second test.
5w6, isn’t that an oil viscosity?
I had a manager at the cheap-o steakhouse I worked at as a high schooler describe the salad bar grated “cheese” as 10WCheddar.
Multi-viscous, thank you very much… We be complex when the weather changes.
On the first test, I got this:
It is not clear from these test results which Enneagram type and wing you are.
To determine your true type, you might want to start by considering the types with the highest scores on the lists below. Also, there are many fine books and other websites that contain detailed descriptions of the types. Consulting these might give you the information you need to determine your true type. As knowing your Enneagram type involves self-knowledge, you might want to observe and analyze your behavior and motivations. You might also benefit from taking the test again later.
(Note that your lowest scores may be omitted.)
Type 5 – 8.4
Type 1 – 7.7
Type 9 – 6.7
Type 8 – 5
Type 7 – 4.7
Type 2 – 4.4
Type 3 – 4.4
What can I say? I’m a riddle wrapped in an enigma.
To yourself?
I like the type descriptions here.
That’s quite a bit less insulting than the other description…
as long as it makes me look good to other people.
The book I linked to above has a MUCH more positive outlook on the types. It has sections for each type like “how to get along with me” or “5’s as children” etc.
These make more sense
These are the ones linked in the post under the types link.
You are most likely a type 6.
Taking wings into account, you seem to be a 6w5
Whatever that means
I take issue with a fair bit of the description but this is fairly on the mark:
Yep, definitely have had misplaced loyalty in the past, despite the fact that I am loyal/trust very few people. I would not say I’m the sharpest at sizing people up…..which is why I’ve learned to default on “trust no one”.
reading the bit about 5s since I’m a 5 “wing”, that actually sounds more like me. But then, according to the description….
Apparently 5s mistype themselves as 4s.
5w4 on both test variants.
Fun fact: a long time ago, in the Before Time, I tried to sign up for E-Harmony while I was in college. It gave this long-ass personality quiz, and at the end of it, just said, “We’re sorry, but we are not able to classify your personality. If you have already made an initial payment, it will be refunded.”
You’ve gotta be kidding.
Maybe it’s not calibrated for city-destroying thunder lizards?
Maybe their test isn’t calibrated for a 10-story, radioactive lizard?
That happened to a friend of mine.
I tried e-harmony, ended up dating one girl for a while, but it didnt work out and I didnt like the process.
“I didnt like the process”
Didn’t you pay attention in junior high health class?
I thought he was talking about her hair.
They said the same thing to me. So I said fuck ’em and went to OKC, which was free and led me to Mr. Riven.
Glad you moved while OKC was still free. They started charging a moving fee after the Thunder relocated there.
God dammit. You know I had to google this to get it, right? 😉
Around here, anytime someone says, “OKC”, they’re talking about the city. Tis but a mere 3 hrs north of here, so there’s a great deal of traffic back & forth.
You people* and your sportsball.
*Yes, you people.
5w4 also, Gojira. The description fits pretty well. I knew my two best friends since high school (further back than I care to remember) and the info fits all three of us.
A cursory glance through the comments seems to indicate a large number of 5s.
Well everyone here is an Aspie so…
Aspies struggle with being able to read the emotions of others, right? If that’s the case, I’m the exact opposite in my dealings with other people – I’m hypersensitive to the reactions and emotions of other people, to the point that I’m reading way too much into them. That’s a common characteristic of social phobia, which I’ve had with varying degrees of intensity my entire life – you tend to be attempting to read people’s minds based off of very little.
Since we are all Tulpa…
Exactly. We just took the test once, and then reported the results 12 times.
That’s because we are rife with INTPs 😉
Bunch of heretics, more like it. /INTJ
I have said it before, INTJ’s will be the first against the wall.
You sure you scored a ‘P’? That sounds awfully ‘J’udgmental.
Sometimes you have to strike first.
I’ll stand with you, CL.
5w4 INTJ reporting for duty.
Dude, you too?! We’re like personality brothers!
Well like CA said above, we’re both Tulpa.
I don’t know what INTP means.
That’s when you don’t care whether the TP is top or bottom.
You mean whether it’s on the roll over-handed or under-handed?
That’s a Simpsons joke for Playa, if he’s reading this.
This 5w6 is also ISTJ… My guess is that the I and T are typical, but there is more N/S and P/J variability. Or, both tests could be BS.
I concur. 5s strongly correlate to an INT types with minor variations.
I’m an LSMFT.
I expected that from Q.
I’m an 8 with wings an 8w7 which means I am taking charge, because I don’t want to be controlled, with a side of planning, pleasure seeking, and searching for distraction.
Hey! Same club.
Let’s load up a car with liquor and drugs and go find us some Thai hookers.
That sounds like a good time to me. As long as we drive fast.
5 with no wings on the first.
I got bored on the second one and didnt finish.
Before taking the test, I guess I’m a 5 or 6 based on the descriptions in your link:
Now to take the test and see how accurate it is…
I’m slow…I didn’t see any “overthinks things” in the personality descriptions, but maybe they should add one. Also maybe add a button for “coworker comes by to talk about something not work related, distracting you from something else not work related”. It’s a slow day all around.
I was just being tongue-in-cheek. I’m bored today.
Bored and horny.
Well, I can’t help you there. Maybe you can take out your pent up energy on a nearby city? A little stomping around and fire-breathing might take the edge off.
So what do you wanna do? Play chess? Screw?
Survey says…I was right, or close to it:
So I’d say that’s a decent test.
Ima make a Fiver union on this website.
I will subscribe to your newsletter, but I’m not going to tell anyone about it and I will read it skeptically.
Perhaps I should proofread *before* hitting submit.
I’m an 8w9.
I like the 9 Types test. It’s the test I prefer even though the site sucks.
I would have thought there would be more of us 8s here. Esp. given the 8s desire to not be controlled.
There are similar aspects to others. For example:
Makes sense. I didn’t really read the descriptions of the others that closely beyond what people were posting here.
Man I’m ruled simultaneously by the need to be admired and the need to be loved. I must be one needy sunnuvabitch.
Well, you continuously provide a service posting…entertaining…pictures every day, so I’d say your “need to be admired and the need to be loved” is manifesting itself in a productive manner.
“I do everything the right way,” therefore, “I am at peace.”
Wow. I scored slightly higher as a one than a three, but the three description is like word-for-word accurate.
I am a three also, apparently.
Do you know your Myers-Briggs type?
1w9 on both tests, sexual variant on the instinctual side *waggly brows *
Where do you find sex variant?
Sorry for the delay! It’s in the second quiz listed
Thanks. I got social, which is odd since I consider myself anti-social.
Took the second one and got the reverse of the first one, 5w6. I apparently have a self-preservation variant, which means:
People of the self-preservation variant are generally trying to be comfortable and independent. Their well-being is very important to them, so they pay much attention to their health, house and financial position. They are less interested in interpersonal contact, and are typically less spontaneous and don’t show as much emotion as people of the other two subtypes of their enneagram type.
Sounds about right.
I got exactly the same thing from the second test (investigator type 5 w/ self preservation). the first test said I was type 2 – the helper, which seems to be just about the exact oppostite.
You know, I’m beginning to think these tests may not have been validated.
I didn’t see a personality prediction for Enneagrams that maps to destroyer of worlds (which I am)…
WTF is an 8w9? I get the possible personality type being a 1 (I am hard to pin down).
Paging Jesse. Jesse. Jesse to the white courtesy phone.
There’s a reason I didn’t post the nickname on that one…
Well hello there, Alex. How are you doing?
Please don’t take this the wrong way Jesse, but I am a lesbian trapped in a man’s body bro..
I didn’t know Jesse was an Alabama fan.
I read the types before I took the test. Figured I was a 5. I am.
You are most likely a type 8.
Taking wings into account, you seem to be a 8w9
8 The Challenger.
apparently i’m a real a-hole. huh go figure.
I’d welcome you, but then that might open me up to emotional vulnerability and allow you to control me. So a simple nod of acknowledgement will have to do.
::high-fives Raston Bot::
2w3 or 6w7
The test can’t decide.
Probably because you started telling it Hat and Hair stories?
The curse of an accomplished author is that they start thinking like the characters. That the characters are DOOMCOCK, The Hat, The Hair and The Donald is an unfortunate fact.
I think I choose too many “Partly”s. I’m not very black and white on much beyond Oreos.
Great, now I want a Double Stuff Oreo.
The ultimate cucking video…
That is barely even a euphemism.
I got “2hot2handle“
Taking both test gives the same result (9w1, i.e. introvert aspie twat) and does not give result that I’d expect but is fair enough, so it passes the smell test. And very entertaining, thanks for the link!
Now I have an explanation for why I gravitate to healer/support roles in games.
(introvert aspie twat)
Also a 9w1. “Emotionally constipated fantasist” was my takeaway.
Another 9w1. And on the Jung, I’m a n INTJ
I am an ENTJ bro…
I gravitate towards knights/paladins/charismatic fighters in classy armor. Because I can’t be bothered with all that magic business, especially when I can lead with charm and follow through with a good clobbering if need be.
I used to lean ‘Point or tailguard Ranger/Elf/Half-Elf’. None of that standing in a huddle being targeted by the guy firing fireballs or mangonel bolts.
I used to play wizards and other magic users in sword and sorcery type games (D&D, Rolemaster). Now the rare times I play I’ve gravitated towards fighter types.
Tank/DPS/Healer would make a good personality test.
I tend towards tanks, myself.
Also 9w1 for what it’s worth.
9’s are worthless.
Hate to break it to you, but i’m an 8w7, so THE HELL WITH YOU!
Enneagram Type 1 – The Reformer
Perfectionists, responsible, fixated on improvement
People of this personality type are essentially looking to make things better, as they think nothing is ever quite good enough.
Ones have a fine eye for detail. They are always aware of the flaws in themselves, others and the situations in which they find themselves.
Anger is therefore vigorously repressed from consciousness, bursting forth in occasional fits of temper, but usually manifesting in one of its many less obvious permutations – impatience, frustration, annoyance and judgmental criticality.
Ones are serious people; they tend to be highly principled, competent and uncompromising.
Ones are often driven and ambitious, and are sometimes workaholics. But whatever their professional involvement, they are definitely active, practical people who get things done. They are natural born organizers, listmakers who finish everything on the list, the last one to leave the office, the first one to return, industrious, reliable, honest and dutiful.
Ones are often intelligent and independent and can easily mistake themselves for Fives, but unlike Fives, Ones are primarily people of action, not thought.
I’d say most of that sounds right, although given the way the test operates I would expect it to come out close to my self-perception. I have a little more confidence in tests that ask you questions that you can’t easily relate to any given type. Still, that was fun thanks! I’ll probably share with Mrs Hilter just for conversation fodder — we like taking these tests and answering for each other, helps remove the self-perception bias. 🙂
That is really interesting. When you do that sort of thing, do you find that the resulting type is different than when you had taken it on your own?
Not usually, no. I think we’re both old enough and grounded enough to have fairly realistic self-images.
However, it does add an exciting element of risk in a “do these jeans make me look fat” sort of way.
I’m always afraid to take these tests. My fear is the results page will say something like this:
You are a sociopath. How did we do? Tell us by taking this brief survey!
Clue #3 will shock you!
Now thats funny.
*If you are a sociopath you wouldn’t care about that. Hope that puts your fear to rest. A sociopath is not someone who is stoic or cool nerved. In a nutshell a sociopath is someone who thinks they are the only real human and all the other things walking around are things to be used or discarded as the need arises.
I know, my sister works in the mental health field. She’s type casted myself and others in my family many times.
Which is why most politicians are sociopaths.
I am a type 1 Whiskey 2
Better than being a whiskey delta
…and registering with your local PD.
Hey now, I came dangerously close to becoming a cop.
8w7, with some 3,
14 pages isn’t Brief
::High fives Yusuf::
Road trip, buddy. Probably best if we’re not armed though.
Back to the Slabs in ten days! gonna rock the Range, C’mon out!
Did someone say briefs?
This indicates to me you’re probably assertive, competitive, concerned with fairness, extroverted, and you probably hate being bored more than the average person.
I slogged through despite being very suspicious of personality types. They are like political labels only worse. Everyone means something different when they use them. many of those test questions were too generalized…I kept thinking ‘I dont this is going to mean what they think it means’. Also, most of them have in common lots of questions that start with ‘compared to other people I am more/less something. I bought my son a t-shirt once. The front said “I am special and unique” and the back said “Just like everyone else”. My son knew exactly what it meant.
Suthen, I’d love to find a shirt like that. Suits my philosophy down to the ground.
The beauty of entertainment is (or at least used to be) that for all I know, Bella and/or Jasmine and/or Ariel or any of them might have been pro-choice, except their political views had nothing to do with the movie.
I’m only entertained when my mary sue character lectures at people on things I agree with
Princess Stormy would meet a bunch of those objectives. I’m sure she has a Latinx friend.
As might Princess Asawin, really.
Seems like everyone is a Disney Princess these days.
“Mommy, this Disney Princess scares me. Why does she have stubble, and why is she trying to get me to sign this union-card?”
oh, boo
the intended image
Goddamn. They just cant leave anyone or anything alone. They have to fuck with everything and turn it to shit. They never quit.
I wonder what the prog personality is. Some kind of OCD disorder I am sure.
I started to link to Tommy Tutone, but upon further reflection that feels like a bannable offense.
Oh, you know Jenny too?
Who do you think wrote that number on the wall?
My profile tells me I’m gullible and easily persuaded, which I guess sounds right.
Check’s in the mail, man.
5 or 5w6. Basically I’m a lurker here and in meatspace
Type 7 – Seems Atypical for a libertarian?
Old Man With Candy is a 7.
Well, now it all makes sense.
I got NaN.
I guess at least YOU are a free man then.
I’m so bummed I missed this while it was active. My wife is obsessed with the enneagram.
I am a 5
Coming late to this. But. this first test results:
You are most likely a type 1.
Taking wings into account, you seem to be a 1w2
Second test results:
I came in at 3w2 also.
Yeah I missed the active window on this post too, but for the archives:
I’m well past the sell by date on this one, but it’s a 5w6 for me as well.
Second test says I’m 5 with the self preservation variant.
Hmmmm. According to the test, I’m “Type 9 ‘so’ (social).”
This maps imperfectly to my experience. {shrug}
Whoops. Forgot: “9w1.”
I’m late to the party, but I am a 4w5. I think it’s wrong, I think I am more of a 5, but oh well.
Oh God, I’m some variation of a 6. i just knew something was going to go wrong and here we are. Get your hand offa me! If I wanted your help I’d ask for it!
On the first one I got 5 or 9 with 9w1
On the second one I got 9w1 with self-preservation variant.
I’d say that the 9 description just about nails me.
5 w6
Type 9 sp
Very interesting. Both tests 7w6. Apparently I want to experience all life has to offer so get scatter brained and when circumstances don’t allow me to go the direction I want I turn into a self destructive drunk asshole. Well I never………..ok, that is actually pretty spot on.
Closely followed by 8. So Achiever and Challenger mix. No wonder I’m such a pain in the ass. 🙂
I am also a Myers-Briggs ENTJ.
checking in to a long dead thread. 8w7.
Come at me bro.
Just for the record – since you were all too polite to ask – I’m a 9 with a huge 1 wing. So I only hold myself to impossible standards.
If you delve a little deeper into the Enneagram, you will start to learn how the different types behave much like certain other types situationally. So, when I’m in a good place with work stuff, I “go to my 3” and become super effective and productive. When I’m in a very uncertain space, I manifest 6 behaviors.
This is clearly shown for each number in the Enneagram diagram. So it helps to learn a bit about other types.