Man, I wish I hadn’t have been unexpectedly tied up yesterday.

Now that’s what I call an accommodation! (Also, this is my daughter, so tread lightly in the comments)
I could have shared my glee at Duke getting bounced by Kansas. Alas, I had work to do to get ready for an auction next Thursday where I’ll be selling nearly 5000 cubicles and offices. Yeah, 5000 of them. Oh yeah, and a chair custom built for an enormously fat person. Seriously. It has 8 legs and casters and is big enough for the three-headed knight from Monty Python to sit on for his tea and biscuits. Have a look:
Anyway, if you need any cubicles, office sets, conference rooms, training center setups or the like, let me know. Its safe to say I have plenty of them. Ooh, and the proceeds, less my cut, are going to Habitat For Humanity. Which is pretty nice of the good people at TD Ameritrade, I have to say.
Nine games on the ice yesterday. The Sabres dumped the Leafs. The Panthers blanked the Islanders. The Hurricanes beat the Senators. The Caps doubled up the Rangers. The Dead Wings lost (again) to Les Canadiens. The feeble Coyotes actually beat thew Lightning. Army/Vegas pounded the Avalanche. The Kings blanked the Flames. And the Blackhawks continued their losing ways, this time falling in OT to the Sharks. Sorry Swissy.
Oh yeah, and speaking of ice, the Frozen 4 is headed to the Twin Cities next weekend. Or is it the Big Ten Tournament 2: Electric Boogaloo? Meh, pretty much the same thing. The Buckeyes will face Minnesoooooda-Duluth in one semifinal and the winner will play the winner of the Michigan-Notre Dame game for all the marbles. Well done, boys.
In soccer friendlies, the Checks beat the Chinks. And the Dutch drilled Portugal. But the big games are today, as the Limeys and the Cops face off and the Krauts try to wax the Brazilians, among other matchups.

Donald Trump must have been in the front row with a shower cap on
That’s all I’ve got for sports. I’d like to make note that today is the birthday of race-car driver Cale Yarborough, violent-filmmaker Quentin Tarantino and pants-pisser Fergie. And now I can move on to…the links!
Some son of a bitch is running for student government president at the University of Michigan. LOL, a fucking therapy dog. Jesus, when we needed therapy for our stress, we found a 12 pack of Natty Light or a friend to shoot the shit with.
Hey, where was this asshole when the last census (under Obama) asked all kinds of invasive questions and even threatened to have people jailed for not answering them? Meh, I’d be fine with a compromise that had a census form with one simple question: how many citizens and permanent resident aliens reside at this address? Sorry, but I don’t think people here illegally, visiting temporarily, foreign students or vacationers should be counted for representation.

^^Wishes it was a Whataburger^^
A restraining order seems over the top. Just sue the asshole for lost revenue and have him charged for assaulting a customer and trespassing.
Anybody know who some dude named “Chance The Rapper” is? My son said he’s pretty popular. I’ve never heard of him until he recently decided to stick his head up his own asshole.

Cults are so 90s. And so are those glasses.
Damn, dude. there’s gotta be an easier way to get and keep chicks than this. Although its probably safe to say those days are over for Mr Raniere.
Perhaps we should shelve the tech for car batteries for a while. Its time we invest in better body cam battery technology or just abandon the pretense that they’re there to make sure the truth comes out. Because the excuses are getting ridiculous.
That’s all I’ve got. Except for this bit of genius.
Now go have a great day!
As a Fat person, I would like to say – I have never been so wide as to need custom furnature.
That is all.
Not necessarily custom built. There exists a whole industry selling chairs for big and tall people. Huskyoffice dot com. One of my people kept breaking the expensive Herman Miller chairs and I had to have a talk with office furniture ordering person.
Day-um. So it was someone roomy….big through the hips?
I’ve thought about getting one of those before, actually. I’m about 230, and I’ve broken many a chair, even a very nice leather one with a wood and metal bottom.
230 what? Kilos?
Almost all office furniture is built out for 300 lbs. Unless you’re pretending to be Tom Cruise in Love, y’all shouldn’t be breaking chairs.
Only 230? What part broke?
The five-legged thingy on the bottom with the wheels on it. One of the “legs” always breaks off.
That tells me that more of the purchase price went into aesthetics than construction quality. I use a standard office chair at home. The first piece to fail out was the side of the joint connecting one of the castors because I rolled into something, and it was cheap plastic. The legs themselves never broke (despite being the same cheap plastic). The first piece that wore out was the pneumatic piston. I replaced it alongside the legs when I moved to my house and got wheels better suited to laminate flooring (instead of carpet)
On a different chair, the legs did ‘break’ but only insofar as the wooden cover popped off, exposing the metal. The chair’s functionality was unimpaired. I suspect it was because of me kicking it, as it was not a load-bearing part.
I’m about 230, and I’ve broken many a chair, even a very nice leather one with a wood and metal bottom.
Even back when I was north of three hundo (307 was my max), I never broke a chair. I’m thinking your chairs broke for a reason other than your weight.
If this chair is rockin’, don’t come a knockin!
Franz Ferdinand II
*scans for context*
*scratches head*
Nicolas I?
Pol Pot
You grabbed the first comment, I settled for the second. I’m settling for the lesser of two Franz’s…not even worthy of a WW.
Accommodation Girl: Would
That’s my daughter.
And Trigger Hippie was never heard from again
TBF, Sloop should’ve seen it coming.
::raises index finger::
::lowers hand and walks away knowing straff is right::
The walking boot gave the picture a sort of Edith Ann quality.
With this crowd….probably.
This guy gets it.
He was referring to actual accommodation girl, not the one just modeling the chair.
I know, I read the caption. What can I say, being an insensitive asshole is one of my many hobbies*
*braces for a cat-ass
At my signal, unleash hell. And by hell, I mean a blizzard of cat butt.
Someone didn’t read the text before the link.
Here’s the question. Which would upset Sloopy more. A “would” comment like yours? Or the one I’m going to make? Pass. Too pale and too skinny.
You just have bad tastes.
A massive compliment coming from the man with bland taste.
That was Bacon Slander.
Bacon – magic.
Not sure. But the important thing is the attempt to upset one of the founders. We have a reputation to uphold.
Now we just need to bring down the wrath of Preet.
*glares balefully*
Errr…sometimes, lighter is better?
Darker is always better with women. There can be attractive pale white girls, but they’d always look better with a tan, or if they were black.
You have that backwards. The ginger incapable of tanning is the most attractive. A tan ruins the complexion.
Pass. Too pale and too skinny.
As a prize for making this comment, you get an all expenses paid evening with the original occupant of this chair.
Thanks for the warning.
It came too late for me.
*Passes the eye bleach to UCS* Same here.
As punishment for not following orders, women were forced to attend classes where they were “forced to wear fake cow udders over their breasts while people called them derogatory names,”
Like “Kaitlyn”?
If the internet is to be believed, there are people who’d pay to recieve such treatment.
Pay by the quarter?
*Or quart. Meh.
Meh or meth?
A quart of meth?! What is that…a Florida Family Pack?
“I will personally see to it that our investigation is conducted fairly, thoroughly and expeditiously.”
One out three ain’t bad.
Would. Teacher blows 13 year old
There’s a difference between “In Class” as the link implies and “In the Classroom” which could be empty at the time.
Tough crowd! Next time I’ll provide a link of a classroom full of 8 year Olds running a train on a teacher.
Would that make her a pederast?
What’s a pederast, Walther?
The texts were discovered because the boy’s parents had installed an app to monitor his phone, police said.
Any 13 year old that is out teched by his parents doesn’t deserve a BJ.
I like the open mouth candid photo. Apropos.
Cute but I don’t understand what these teachers are thinking.
Also shows a lot of teeth in one picture hope her technique is good
Pie, I did my part to help the Romanian wine industry last night. I hope the nearest Romanian Consulate will send me a thank you letter.
We thank your liver for it’s sacrifice
It was good! Will drink again.
well what was it Mysterio?
Donno, it was in this unlabelled plastic jug from a roadside vendor.
We forced Swiss and Heroic Mulatto to drink the Feteasca Neagra. This after much bourbon, beer, and sparkling Loire. I figure it was a matter of pre-conditioning them.
They’ve lived in cademia their whole lives (because you totally need a master’s degree to teach middle school level material) so their emotional development is still at an adolescent level. They weren’t thinking. Not one jot.
Yep, and education departments at most schools are the most shining example of what is wrong with college. 2 years of material expanded into a 6 year master’s track. Most of the to-be teachers I knew spent more time sucking dick in frat houses than anything related to their major.
What did the lady-students spend their time doing?
Doesn’t want pubic hair stuck in her teeth?
The teacher’s husband offered to fight the 13-year-old’s dad to “settle this.” For real dude? Your wife got fucked by a 13-year-old. It’s settled.
Oh, she loved the kids all right.
Gotta suck (see what I did there?) when your wife is cheating on you with someone who probably still wears Star Wars underoos.
Michigan government president: When love for Li’l Sebastian is taken to its logical conclusion.
I never heard of chance the rapper til I found myself watching the iheart music awards in horror. I could not believe what weenies millenials are. Even the rappers were skinny jean wearing pussies.
Well, they’re the only ones not gunned down in pointless ‘beefs’.
There’s an idea. Did the 90s do to black urban culture what the back-to-back world wars did to the male population of Britain?
tangential question: The pants-below-the-ass thing has been going on for in excess of 25 years. How much more staying power does it have?
Until the wearers have no more MAC-10’s and Hi Points to hide in the voluminous space between the pants gusset and their crotch.
Hey, where was this asshole when the last census (under Obama) asked all kinds of invasive questions and even threatened to have people jailed for not answering them? – How is this census done? Randomly knocking on doors? Or do you know in advance when they come?
Mostly it’s via the mail. In-person visits only cover a small percentage of households.
Yeah, I got the invasive question version and tossed it in the garbage. A while later I got another one with a letter explaining that I was required to fill it out and return it because it was the law. I tossed that in the garbage too and that was the last I heard of it.
‘I tossed that in the garbage too and that was the last I heard of it.’
The story of my last two census surveys.
We had a lady keep showing up to tell us we had to fill it out. I kept telling her to get lost. She said that it was the law and I told her I didn’t care. Go ahead it was a $200 fine. And no one has been prosecuted since 1970.
She finally stopped showing up, but I think it might have been because my wife filled it out while I was on a business trip. She was totally freaked out by the fact that we were breaking the law.
The one that showed up at my house must have been better trained. I just said “sorry, I decline to answer those” and she said “ok” and went on. And nothing else happened.
Actually the fine is up to $5k and a year in prison.
In 2000, I got the long version. I answered 3 or 4 questions (the basic ones) and left the rest blank. A few weeks later a census taker shows up in person to fill out the rest. I refused to answer the questions and when he marked down “white” for my race, I slammed the door (it was outer door of condo building, not my door, I didnt let him even into the building).
Never heard anything else.
Ditto us.
I got an in-person visit during the 2000 and 2010 censuses. I told both people “One person lives here.” They wanted to ask more questions. I said, “One person lives here, and I’m not answering anything else. You don’t need to know anything else.”
For the 2010 census, the census workers eventually talked to one of my neighbors about me. I know because my neighbor told me about the visit. She told me she told the census worker, “I know he lives alone, and he sometimes works from home, but I really can’t answer any of your questions because I don’t know.” I thanked my neighbor and said, “They only need to know that one person lives here. They don’t need to know anything else.”
95% or so by mail. A lucky few get a personal interview from someone with a series of invasive questions.
And some who don’t return the form will get harassed by assholes with a God complex to give them answers in person because they’ve become temporary government officials, which makes them think they’re Judge fucking Dredd or something.
I was one of the lucky ones that got this full service treatment.
“Fuck off, come back with a warrant.”
I had to throw the bitch out of my house. We were yelling at each other by the time she finally walked out. It was surreal. All over a fucking survey.
I got the similar treatment except it was through a door that was opened but chained. She had her foot in the door preventing me from closing it while yelling at me that she could have me thrown in jail for not answering. I replied that she’d “have to limp to the police station to file the complaint after I turned her foot into hamburger with a sledgehammer”. And then I showed her the sledgehammer.
I never saw another census worker after that.
What a rube. I never let my harasser get in the house. And I never had to yell, because I just shut the door.
North Dakota nice and all.
I think you just mean MikeS Nice.
It started with NoDak nice, ended with MikeS yelling “get the fuck out of my house!”
I went middle-ground – didn’t respond, some aging hippy douche came by, told him I was busy, finally filled out “2 adults” and dropped it in the mail, (truthfully) told him I had since mailed it in next time he came by. That was all.
I had a census worker try, but the outer gate stopped em. They left some notices, tried another time or two, and then gave up.
From the other stories, I’m surprised at the persistence of a govt worker in doing their job. Maybe they get paid on commission.
To be clear, I’m talking about the off-year “Community Survey” or whatever the hell it’s called.
I don’t open the door to people I don’t recognize, and I disconnected the doorbell (it was annoying the dogs) so I often have no idea canvassers or salesfolk or whoever are trying to get my attention. My dogs are pretty friendly with strangers–at least indifferent–but for whatever reason knocking on a door or, God forbid, ringing a doorbell, even in a movie, will make them lose their minds. And they’re enormous, look scary, and one has this deep, chesty bark that makes passers-by walk a little faster, so often that takes care of any persistent people. I’ve only ever had to go to stage 3 once, which is a technique I learned from my father: opening the door just wide enough to look the person in the eye, silently, while holding a loaded pistol behind your back such that it’s obvious to the person on the other end that you’re an armed misanthrope and this is a very, very bad time.
I like the cut of your father’s jib.
Unfortunately for me, that technique would result in a SWAT raid, here in prog-istan.
I had a friend in college who *always* answered the door that way. If you showed up with weed his attitude changed instantly.
“Are you my dealer?”
In Romania is mostly in person …
Didn’t even open the door. The dweeb just held up his clipboard in front of the door window and I flipped him the bird.
Ex BF: Hey, the census taker came by today. I filled out the form…
Tonio: For yourself, right?
XBF: I should have known that would piss you off.
Tonio: Then why did you do that?
The XBF was living with me in my house at the time.
*furiously takes notes for next time*
*furiously subscribes to newsletter*
That’s when you dumped his ass, right?
Not sure if it was that incident, but the breakup happened around that time. Since then he’s been chronically under employed, mostly due to bad attitude, and went through several periods of mooching off his family. Dodged that bullet, and I’m happy and prosperous.
Sounds like you’re better off for it. I have a few friends and exes that, no matter what job they are in, just seem to be targeted by everyone like the whole world is out to get them. Its like you said though, just a bad attitude. Then they mooch off of everyone closest to them.
That’s excellent news.
These stories confuse me. You all don’t just obviously lie. The government may be under the impression that my home houses a dozen unrelated women all married to me, along with five of my daughters who are also married to me. And no living boys.
Don’t offer any wandering militant orders hospitality.
I don’t lie, I just randomly fill out words and boxes. It’s the truth to the best of my knowledge, since I didn’t read it.
.I figure that they can get all the information they need from the DNA sample I leave in the return envelope.
We got the long form in the mail. Several times. I threw it away. Then the harassing phone calls started. The wife told me to make it go away.
Magic words chanted, cop will walk.
Obviously? Well, the skinny bum with his pants down around his ankles was shuffling right at me!!!!!
Up yours, “Professor”.
Shooting is one the fastest way to de-escalate.
I had a brilliant reply all locked and loaded here, but i got auto-logged out while typing, so it said I had to log in to reply and my brilliance was lost to the world.
No time to recreate it…. it is lost to the ether. You are all poorer for it….
When you have a problem you can’t seem to fix, make it worse.
Well, those are almost exactly the magic words one should say.
Says so in the scriptures.
Why assume the officer has issues dealing with people that have mental health problems? Maybe the officer has problems dealing with people that have mental health.
Well there’s this:
Think McConnell may need to retire too – DC is rotting his brain.
Hasnt Rand been pushing that since the day he was elected? Nice to see Mitch finally get on board.
What do Democrats and Republicans both like?
The answer is nurses. Sluttines level not mentioned
Ok, so basically half of republicans like multinational corporations and people on food stamps (as a group). But 20% more leftists like people on food stamps (as a group) more than they do multinational corporations.
The insanity in them liking a group of net takers considerably more than the groups who feed, clothe, fuel and drive the technology of the world tells me they care a lot more about controlling people than they do about humanity advancing in a way not controlled by themselves.
Leftists believe the corporations are the takers.
McConnell is the closest thing we have to hated by both.
I am good with that.
Should have included serial killers or something to be down in the bottom left. Poorly designed survey.
Yeah, I’m curious-ish as to the methodology. I mean, I don’t view police favorably or unfavorably; some police do good things, some do bad things, and some are in the middle. Ask me about specific police and I can give you an answer.
Now Pres. Obama, yeah, unfavorable as a motherfucker, but that’s a person, not a demographic or a collective, and that’s based on his performance as president. He might be a perfectly lovely person as a guy. Doubt it, but who knows? I have friends and family who I love dearly but would rather see hit by a train than in a position of authority.
I note that R’s view Jews more favorably than D’s – and yet a Jewish Republican is practically an oxymoron. “What’s the Matter With
KansasRoslyn?”Yep, I think of Obama as like my proggy Uncle, except significantly more stupid (Uncle has 2 masters degrees,1 Physics and 1 Civil Engineering, didn’t like research, so no PhDs). We disagree on a lot politically, but he’s a nice enough guy.
Fuck that. The only reason you can disagree with him is if you’re a bigot or an idiot, in the mind of Obama. Nice guy my ass.
More cultural enrichment. Holocaust survivor’s body found burnt, stabbed in Paris apartment.
To be fair, could have been a neonazi
Nope, Drake was correct.
There are Koranic insults? Nice.
I am not saying he is not correct, I am saying it could have been. It wasn’t, but could have been. Must keep this in mind.
Just a lucky guess
The article is not well written. I think Traore was the guy who committed the previous jew-killing. They have not released the names of the most recent killers.
Yes, it appears so.
JFC. I’m afraid to ask but what’s the maximum punishment in France for murder?
You don’t your public pension until 63.
Jesus, you are on fire this morning straffinrun. That’s at least 3 A+ zingers.
Thanks, but my grammar is D- at best.
Or a reallyoldnazi.
God fucking dammit.
On a light note, Drake, when you’re in Massachusetts for Easter, if you have some free time, there is a group of us in southern NH and eastern MA which have regular meet-ups. We could get some folks together. If you’re interested, contact me at my poorly-chosen semi-throway e-mail address dgroves140 AT gmail DOT com.
Thanks for the invite! Probably not possible as we’ll be bouncing between my relatives and in-laws for 2 days. Maybe in the summer.
You’re welcome! You have my contact information, just drop me a line if you’re in the area and think you might have time.
Lol, TOS has an article up telling people not to let Trump distract us with the Stormy Daniels story. Like he told 60 minutes to run that nonsense.
… Which contributer?
Holy shit, yeah, 60 Minutes are totally just shills for Trump. They’ve lost their fucking minds over there.
Did you notice they only filmed Anderson Cooper from the waist up that entire interview? “Tell me what he did next…”
“Was he wearing a condom?” Comedy gold.
“Can you speak in a lower voice, Stormy?”
Compare and contrast with the media’s reluctance to interview Bill Clinton’s actual victims back in the day. Hell, they actually attacked Bill’s victims, and defended Hillary’s actions regarding Bill’s scandals as recently as 2016.
They really are just Democratic operatives.
I watched some of that interview and I was surprised at how bad Stormy (and especially her lawyer) came off. Especially since 60 Minutes didn’t even lob softballs, they just put the ball on the tee and told her to swing away.
Yeah, she did herself no favors. I’m guessing that she is getting paid a mint by 60 Minutes and figured this would be a way to capitalize on the story getting out. I haven’t paid much attention to all this, though. Why is this a thing in the first place? Did she just pop up out of nowhere and say, “You know what? A propos of nothing I’m going to kiss and tell about my paid fling with The Donald,”?
Isn’t Cooper gay, though? Something tells me he ain’t turned on by this story.
I assumed he was implying that cooper has a secret thing for Trump.
Oh, maybe that just went over my head.
Maybe he is implying that Cooper is turned on by the spectacle of it all.
My goodness. I waded through the comments and it’s mostly troll vs troll, with zeb and sparky defending the PB character.
Seems like PB and Tony are the kind of posters they prefer.
If there’s one time a company can hold the line and do nothing and probably not get impacted, it’s the one about that moron rapper complaining about the Heineken ad being racist.
That’s all we need. For more companies and CEOs (not to mention deans at colleges/universities) to say ‘No. It’s enough.’
Don’t read the comments. From what I gather it’s ‘subliminal’ and ‘subtle’ racism.
Star Wars is racist too since the “light side” is “good” and the “dark side” is “bad.”
I shouldn’t give these people any ideas (although I’m nearly certain this stupid argument is probably in an article out there somewhere).
Never drink Heineken again.
CNN In Full Meltdown Over Zinke Allegedly Favoring ‘Excellence’ Over ‘Diversity’
Martin Luther Who?
The left is on a full-on assault of every value that makes western civilization what it is, in this case competence.
The guy with the 95 theses?
“^^Wishes it was a Whataburger^^”
The hell is wrong with you?! The In-In-Out Double Double is the best fast food burger that exists! Just needs to be animal style with animal fries and a shake instead of a soda next to it to be perfect.
Lol, whatever you say.
Clearly you’re just upset that you don’t have any In-In-Outs in Texas, so you have to pretend some lesser burger is better.
I have an In N Out down the street a few miles. Their fries here are as shitty and bland as they were when i lived in California. And their burgers are good, just not Whataburger-good.
And animal style fries can’t make the fries themselves more flavorful than cardboard covered with 1000 Island. You can keep animal fries. I’ll take my whataburger fries with gravy over them any day of the week.
What? I thought In-In-Out was only in the Southwest? Anyway, you’re wrong. There’s no getting around it. Their burgers are perfect, and the fries are the best. This isn’t opinion, this is just plain fact.
Their burgers are bland and their fries are awful. Why are they awful? Because they don’t double fry them. If you don’t double fry your french fries, you’re playing with one hand tied behind your back.
I’ve told y’all this before, but I had a Whataburger and an In-n-out equidistant from me when I lived in Dallas. In 2 years at that house, we went to In-n-out about 5 times. We went to Whataburger about 3x a month.
Fat Burger.
Leave me out of this.
Begun, the burger wars have.
Five Guys or GTFO! DMV represent!!!
The Department of Motor Vehicles can piss right off.
DelMarVa too.
DC, MD, VA, you heathen.
Fuck DC.
No argument there. Although I do like the museums.
You’re allowed to. After all, you’re paying for them.
Why I love Five Guys: All toppings are free, extra bacon and extra cheese are considered toppings.
I’ve been to 5 guys 3 times. Greasy ass shit burgers and soggy fries. Why would you want to eat that? Oh, and McDonalds quality shakes at twice the price.
Its cute, the way you folk with no Culver’s incorrectly argue about what the best fast food burger is.
A butter burger is good, but in no way does it exceed a Fat Burger.
In the case of Europe, the population of sub-Saharan migrants has been boosted by the influx of nearly 1 million asylum applicants (970,000) between 2010 and 2017, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of data from Eurostat, Europe’s statistical agency.
The survey asked respondents whether they would go to live in another country, if they had the means and opportunity. At least four-in-ten in each sub-Saharan country surveyed answered yes, including roughly three-quarters of those surveyed in Ghana (75%) and Nigeria (74%).
Well we will need a lot more room. And affordable housing.
Or a wall. And the will to enforce it.
4.) If you answered “yes” to question 3, please indicate the most influential reason you would like to relocate:
a.) climate/weather
b.) change of pace
c.) love of travel
d.) current place of residence is a shithole
Though I’m looking at Tennessee rather than another Country.
Isnt tennesse to hot for someone from new york?
It’s better than Texas in temperature.
I think I’d go Texas if I could sell the wife on it, although I’ve thought about Florida, Georgia, and Alabama of all places. Pretty much south of Maryland and east of California with the caveat that I will not live in a state with ABCs.
Virginia’s being killed by an expanding NoVA, so they’re right out.
I started from “no income tax” as my baseline. I haven’t finalized my decision yet, I have to visit a few more places and ruminate on it.
Virginia was going to be the Great Compromise in my household, because it’s still close to family but it was a little better in terms of laws and outside of NoVA the culture seemed a little better. You’ve still got the mid-Atlantic beach-to-mountains in two hours thing going, which I admit I do like. Plus, my wife’s group has a satellite office in Virginia Beach, and I’m a web developer so I stand a decent shot at finding a job pretty much anywhere near a metropolitan area. But like you say, all I hear these days (and see in elections) is that the whole state is getting taken over by NoVA, which is a miserable, miserable place.
Well, I just inherited 30 acres in northern Alabama, out in the middle of bumfucknowhere. There’s a serviceable house, but you have to go outside to get cell reception. Make me an offer.
Two weeks ago, we were there for mom’s funeral…
Mrs. Spartacus: “It’s been a long day. This would be a good day to order pizza.”
Me: “Yeah, it sure would.”
Me: “So, shall we go see what’s in the frig?”
Mrs. S: “Might as well”
What order of magnitude?
My dad had a place on the family spot in Wilsonville, which is outside Birmingham but up in the hills a bit. Country’s more or less country wherever you go, and the climate suited me, but I would miss being on the water. Lotta Klan around there, too, but they seemed to more or less keep themselves to themselves.
Oh shit, I’m thick. I’m sorry your mom passed.
Wait, that was only two weeks ago? Damn.
Sorry to hear about your Mom, Sparticus.
Texas is great except for the heat. Just flip winter and summer in your mind, and you’ll do much better in TX. Winter is the outdoor season. Summer is the indoor season.
NoVa is a beautiful area, and once you get well out of the beltway the culture gets much better. We have more Gadsden flag license plates out here than DC plates. Of course, most people have really fucked up priorities around here, but some of that is just cultural. Texas is much “slower” than NoVa is. People here are always doing something. It’s like being busy gives them meaning in their life (or at least distracts from their meaningless life).
I don’t regret moving out here, but if the right opportunity came up we’d be back in Dallas faster than you can say “all hat no cattle.” With all the equity we have in our shithole house here, we could buy SouthFork ranch and I could be the real life JR Ewing.
Well, Dallas is kinda calling, but for the wrong reasons. Having Libertarian Student Daughter down there is a huge temptation to SWMBO, but there’s no reason to believe that LSD will stay there, although Las Colinas is nice.
#6.2 could end up anywhere at all, geographically, including New England, but we’ll be gone from here within 5 years.
We go out to my father-in-laws for a week or two most summers and we’ve done a Christmas out there. He’s about ten minutes west of Toledo Bend, close to Center, if that means anything to you. My great grandfather lived in Newton, and I’d go visit as a kid. So, I’m pretty familiar with the weather, and, in the balance, I can live with it.
We spend a lot of time outside in the summer, but he’s in the woods so there’s shade, and we basically set up and start cooking around noon after going out fishing in the morning and just kind of hanging out, playing music, and drinking beer until it gets dark. My wife and I like the pace, and if we get bored we take a day and drive into Shreveport to gamble.
My wife didn’t enjoy childhood there, however, so she’s loath to raise kids there. Plus, she’s in a line of work where she’ll need to be in a major metro area, so there’s that. She’s got a pretty good gig where she is so she’s less interested in leaving.
The property, with the house, is assessed at around 50K. I don’t know what it would fetch on the market. I currently have about 2/3 of it leased out to a local guy to grow hay (and keep it mowed) and it does yield some timber every few years or so. The house was built about 90 years ago by my grandfather before electricity or indoor plumbing so the whole thing is kind of patchwork. It’s the last bit of the old family farm that still remains in the family so I really don’t want to sell it but I’m not sure what else to do with it. The main parcel is here. Parcel #22 just to the northeast is part of the estate as well.
Your link doesn’t like me, but that assessment/acreage ratio makes me sad (my postage stamp of a lot is assessed higher than that, so I can’t get as much space for my dollar)
Yeah, my small lot in SO FLA is assessed higher than that as well. But there’s a reason land is cheap up there–very little infrastructure. I like it for about a week as a getaway, and then I start getting antsy.
I don’t know why the link doesn’t work, prolly some characters in it that are questionable. Anyway, it’s about halfway between Birmingham and Muscle Shoals.
The link works, but I believe the site uses session information not in the URL to know what to display.
It’s better than Texas in temperature.
It depends on where in Texas you are. Memphis, TN is closer to the equator than Amarillo, TX. The DFW area still has seasons, and even gets snow ever other winter, but the summers start being too hot. The San Antonio area rarely has a winter season and its summers are definitely too hot (but of course, everywhere is air conditioned). Houston is the pleasant combination of hot and humid: I don’t know how people live there, but it’s the largest city in the state.
I’ve been in Austin in late August. Hot, but dry. As long as I stuck to the shade, drank plenty of water, and walked slow, I was fine.
You weren’t fine, you were in Austin.
You weren’t fine, you were in Austin.
No, I was fine. But on the other hand, I was much happier when I went to Fredericksburg in the Hill Country. Fredericks Brewing Company is a good place.
Fredericksburg Brewing Company.
TN’s an awfully long state. Just about the only thing Memphis and Knoxville have in common are the car registration plates. I could probably manage the latter, but probably not the former.
It makes sense, since Africa is the continent with the highest population growth and also happens to have the lowest levels of wealth. When Europe had the highest population growth of any continent Europeans left in such great numbers that today four of the six habitable continents are dominated by their descendants. It would be wise of the destination countries not to offer any handouts/welfare to the new arrivals and make them sink or swim – which was what immigrants faced in the past. If the next great migration wave is to proceed as successfully as the previous great migration wave, it cannot be supported by big government charity.
Sorry, but I don’t think people here illegally, visiting temporarily, foreign students or vacationers should be counted for representation.
I take it there will be no fractional compromise on this for you. //jk
I agree, citizens only for purposes of representation.
And permanent legal residents, perhaps I should add.
I am fine with citizens only.
Yep. Permanent legal residents can’t vote so don’t see why they should be counted.
Their existance should be counted, and logged, but not used when calculating representation.
Permanent residents enjoy virtually all of the same rights and responsibilities as citizens, and are forced to sign up for Selective Service (the men are, anyway). They should, IMO, enjoy being counted for proportional representation.
Of course the Ca AG’s butt clenched up when he heard this. Without imported and illegal votes the Dems are done as a party. They will fight this tooth and nail.
Speaking of, what ever happened to the voter fraud investigation in Michigan?
Trudeau pulled another.
‘We are truly sorry’: Trudeau exonerates Tsilhqot’in chiefs hanged in 1864
Six chiefs were convicted of murdering white colonists more than 150 years ago in B.C.”
Three years before Confederation.
He’s on a roll!
How long will it take before Canada apologizes for electing him? *Barf*
Well, first they must unelect him.
Then they need to kill off the cancer infecting the brains of millions of Canukistani serfs.
Well, he believes in collective guilt for ancestral actions, so the fact that Canada didn’t exist at the time, nor did anyone alive today doesn’t make any difference to Trudy.
He even asked the Commie Pope to come and apologize during his Native Reconciliation hearings last year.
He must have a team looking up all kinds of stuff for him to apologize for.
He’s a virtue signalling monster.
Can I get some Canadian reparations? My people were oppressed
I wasn’t allowed into Canada, either. Class action!
My people were oppressed
Your people were oppressed by people whose descendants don’t buy into the silly idea of reparations, so you are out of luck.
At least ours banged a porn star. This is just sad.
True. Our shit-ass president is like a 10-year-old’s vision of what alpha maledom means. Canada’s guy is like the milquetoast friend on a Lifetime rom-com.
When they’re both done with their terms they should do an odd-couple style reality show.
Maybe that could be one of the shows Obama produces for Netflix.
Pertinent excerpt from Mark Steyn yesterday:
“Also, this is my daughter, so tread lightly in the comments)”
Did she bust her ankle kicking someone’s ass?
Also is she single? That would be one way to get a green card (joking if it needs be said)
I think she hurt herself running away from this comments section the last time she stopped by.
Oh come on, we’re not that bad.
No, we’re worse.
From the sidebar on the bodycam link, OMWC ALERT!
“The people in the van are reportedly offering candy and pretending to have a box of puppies in the van”
Well at least they are traditionalists
My anti virus software sure didn’t like that site.
We are currently working on and investigating reports by some of our students… in reference to a white panel, work-type van, with a male and sometimes a female
SP and I try to share our activities. That’s why we have a delightfully happy marriage.
I wonder what they’re doing for the FBI?
Getting new material for those websites they operate.
During the last census, I only answered one question. The one that asks how many people reside in the residence. Eventually a census worker came by to harass me. I happen to be home from work that day and was hung over and answered the door in my kittie cat pajamas. The guy assumed I was a kid and asked me when my parents were going to be home. I told him I didn’t know. He turned around and left. I was 27/28 at the time and lived by myself.
You lived alone, and answered the question about the number of people at the residence, and the Census taker didn’t put it together?
Sheesh, they give government workers a bad name.
In his defense, I probably looked like I was 13, especially with the pajamas.
Answering the door in your PJs. Impressive.
I’d do that, but they say it’s public indecency.
I sleep in boxer briefs and yesterday’s t-shirt, so…
I got the person come to the door, didn’t let them in; only said two white males (I had a roommate at the time), didn’t answer anything else; at least not truthfully.
“Nyet Sprechen Inglais.”
I had to let them know we weren’t “Indians not taxed.”
I am native American, but not Indian.
Just to prevent anyone who might have knowledge of some language that I’m faking to call me out on it, I use the Maha double-speak.
“I’m sorry, I don’t speak English.”
“But you’re talking to me in English.”
“Stop lying.” *slams door*
Lol, that’s good. If it’s not from something, it should be.
Thanks. I do not believe I stole it, but it could also exist in a similar form from another source.
Open door wearing kitchen apron covered in large quantities of blood
Visitor: Hello, it’s about the census …
You: I’m sorry. I’m a druid and a very busy druid at the moment. Could you come back later, maybe after dark?
Apron covered in blood? Sounds like the census taker visited Dahmer.
“There’s four people living here. No, wait. Three.”
“Sorry, you said ‘living’, right?”
Fine for not filling out the long form is $200. Fine for lying on the long form is $500.
Really? Lol.
Sorry. I was wrong. It is actually only $100 for not doing it.
That actually makes some sense. It is better to have no data than bad/false data.
I told them I was Hispanic (I’m 1/8th at most, or 1/4 if you’re going to count the Basque too).
So 1/8th of you is trying to bomb another 1/8th of you?
The other 1/8th is some sort of Mexican. The only picture I have of my great grandfather and great grandmother is of a really white looking guy (the Basque part, obviously), and a lady that looks like your stereotypical abuela from Mexico (and very much what other pictures of my great grandmother look like throughout her life).
Banjos was the inspiration for Big Comfy Couch.
Is that one of sloopy’s lots?
At least he’s tossed the mask away.
I don’t social media anymore but I’d like to share this with all the cop cheerleaders in my life who insist law enforcement, and particularly sheriffs, support the second amendment.
Forget it Straff, it’s Asheville town. That’s the biggest proggie bastion in North Carolina, including the Research Triangle. All of that mountain air doesn’t leave enough oxygen for the progs to think straight.
Chemicals in lavender and tea tree oil appear to be hormone disruptors
A new study lends further evidence to a suspected link between abnormal breast growth in young boys — called prepubertal gynecomastia — and regular exposure to lavender or tea tree oil, by finding that key chemicals in these common plant-derived oils act as endocrine-disrupting chemicals.
Why are young boys being exposed to lavender and tea tree oil? I remember young boys being exposed to dirt, manure, hay, pine sap, and gun smoke.
Helicopter parents and single mothers.
parentsand single mothers.I envisioned some fruit loop mom practicing aromatherapy and secretly wishing their son would be an 8 year old tranny so they themselves can be the center of attention. That is definitely a form of Munchausen by proxy.
Hippies. Dr Bronners soap is available in tea tree oil scent.
FWIW, I’ve been using that for years and haven’t noticed any… changes.
I’m a big guy and hyper sensitive about developing moobs.
I use shampoo with tea tree oil ’cause it’s all tingly, and we grow lavender in the backyard because it helps with the smell you get when you live on 1/8 acre lot and two large dogs use half of it as a latrine. No moobs to speak of and I retain the libido of a 16-year-old. Although, if we’re being honest, I find I enjoy a good nap almost as much these days.
FWIW, I’ve been using that for years and haven’t noticed any… changes.
Which means you have high enough testosterone levels to counteract the effects. Notice it said that the problem is occurring among pre-pubescent boys, so the solution is manliness.
Tea tree oil is pretty widely used for a bunch of stuff. Hippies, mainly, but I think it’s more popular than that.
Shampoo – goddammit.
I actually rather like the smell of lavender, but I don’t think I can blame my moobs on exposure to it.
Regarding disruption to the endocrine system? Meh.
Shit, that sucks about tea tree oil. That stuff is better for sunburns than aloe by a mile. It’s also good in beard oil when I get tired of using eucalyptus as my essential oil.
He said as fondled his breasts
I need to share this news with my wife. Maybe she will cut back on the monthly “essential” oil deliveries to the house.
What is “essential”?
all of them (twice), apparently.
They had a beer called Westvleteren 12 on the store shelves today. Quadruple Belgian brewed by Trappist monks or some such thing. Had a pretty convincing summary of it next to the bottles. I don’t like Belgians but I bought it anyways cause it sounds like God would be angry if I didn’t. What temperature is it supposed to be served at and what kind of glass?
Also, how much for the broken orphan in the giant chair? I’m sure I could find a spot for her distributing gruel.
cool but not cold.
A belgian beer glass or a tulip. Or just send it to me.
Okay, I am not really believing this story, as no one just stumbles across an unpurchased Westy 12.
The last time I linked to Imgur it got all jacked up so I apologize if this is way off topic.
Sweet, that one worked. They have about four cases of the stuff, about $10 a bottle.
*sad trombone* Not this one.
I give up.
Whatever, robc has his proof. That was supposed to be a picture of the label on the side.
EMPTY bottles are going for more than that on ebay.
Okay. I’m not sure what I would do with them though. I don’t think I could ship them overseas to you.
Ahh…makes more sense now, where are you?
It is next to impossible to find in the US.
Japan, otherwise I would actually buy you a case.
Oh, I am flying back to the States for a wedding this weekend. If you want I can bring a couple bottles and ship them to you when I get there.
Send me an email if you want me to grab you a couple. Mustang dot 314 at protonmail dot com.
Its all the way down to #3!!!
I am gonna pass, even though that is an awesome offer.
Prices are down over what they used to be, maybe they are distributing more now. But $10 a bottle is still a great price.
That’s cheap. The last time I had Westvleteren was in Amsterdam and it cost 15 euros (about $20 at the exchange rate at the time) a bottle.
I had some shipped to the US from a Belgian shop that sold beer, chocolate, and other stuff on-line. I think that worked out to be $30 or so a bottle.
On base? The best imports I see around town are Bud and maybe a Corona.
Yeah, we actually always have a good selection of beers.
Mustang, since you’re serving in Japan, I’ll tell you a tale about my grandfather. He bought a Harley, brand new, in 1957, for $2500. Got shipped to Japan with the Navy in 1962. The Navy shipped the Bike over with his effects (no idea how, but he was the Logistics guy for the ship he had served on up to that point, so I’m thinking he knew a guy who’d get it there for him to use), and my grandmother convinced him to sell it while in Japan because “it’s dangerous”. Sold it for $5K with 10K miles on it, and didn’t have to pay the tariffs or export fees because it was already there.
Cellar chilled at a minimum, a little colder than that is best. Don’t make it brutally cold.
Right on, thanks Swiss. I’ll crack it open tomorrow night.
That is a really good find, Mustang. Enjoy.
Minnesoda is quietly moving to shore up pension plans for state workers.
I hate these articles that focus on how they are going to fix the govt worker pensions and completely avoid mentioning why tax payers should be on the hook for them. Fuck those weasels, fix your own pensions.
My father is one of those weasels. His pension is very, very generous. But he shouldn’t expect taxpayers to bail out his pension. If they are paying out too much, he should realize he has to take less now, or risk getting nothing in the future.
I have a separate retirement fund for exactly this reason.
I do too. I’m trying to get into a situation where I just need one of my potential revenue streams to not be destroyed in order to retire. I need to up contributions to some though.
Contributions plus returns still exceed payouts for my Pittance Fund. So long as the legislature and the Governor can be kept out of the pot, it will be able to survive. Luckily the Comptroller is an independantly elected official, and that’s his fiefdom.
“But I deserve that money” the answer always, from everyone once they start getting the checks.
If you have a contract with an employer, fulfil your end of the bargain and the employer reneges on their end, how do you respond?
By the time they are collecting checks, it’s too late to renegotiate.
To quote Animal House: “You fucked up, you trusted us.”
You might be able to make a case if you can show that the employer stole or used the money you gave him for his own gain and thus nothing was left. That wasn’t the case with govt pensions though. You had to know that the underlying finances were too good to be true. You have a hard time convincing me that your contract that says the $100 you invested in a perpetual motion machine will pay you a million dollars in 20 years is valid and needs to be bailed out by others.
Minnesota would look sharp with a Greek haircut.
In the deep blue states, it is forbidden to even discuss not giving new hires full-blown pensions.
New Hires in New York are Tier Six We’re shocked they didn’t create a Tier Seven yet. We figured by Teir Nine the retiree pays the state.
Like the rest of us?
Don’t be silly.
You have to pay more to cover the costs of the Comptroller Employees tracking what the retirees need to pay.
If you have a contract with an employer, fulfil your end of the bargain and the employer reneges on their end, how do you respond?
Yes, but one government cannot irrevocably bind the next, so the contract was with whatever government existed at the time it was signed and must be renegotiated whenever a new government is installed (generally through election). If one government promises that all future governments will abide by it’s decrees, that’s fraud and no fault of the next government for reneging.
So when your shareholders replace the CEO and Board of directors, your employer is no longer bound by contracts the previous ones signed?
Also, for that assertion to be even remotely true, all laws would have to sunset as of the next election.
All laws can be repealed after the next election. They can be repealed before the next election as well. The law governs contracts, so all government contracts can be repealed at any time and all government debts canceled at any time. My assertion was not only true, it was generous. A corporation is bound by its contracts until it ceases to exist. A government is bound by its contracts until the law governing said contract ceases to exist, which could be tomorrow – the law exists at the whim of the government. All government promises are empty, else there would be no representation in government. A government owes its employees compensation only as long as they are working for it, and its employees owe it their labor only as long as they are being compensated.
Although you are right on one point: I should have said all contracts “can be renegotiated” not “must be renegotiated”. A government can leave previous promises in place, but has the power and authority to break them at any time.
Probably explain why its in the IL constitution.
Oops. I left off the last s for savings. You don’t need to explain, Gadfly.
Squirrels ate my response.
Short version: public sector pension funds should be defined contribution.
My view: no pension funds get the cash and decide how much you save.
was hired by usps during their change from civil serpent to thrift (basically a 401k) not sure why I chose thrift. So it can be done.
Well the standard thing is they earn it / it is their right. Funny how empty promises by crony politicians become rights while free speech and self defense not so much.
I guess sometimes elections aren’t supposed to mean something.
Scott Walker is trying to postpone two elections because he is worried that the GOP might lose them. That is the nature of politics. If you won the elections and own the house and governorship, you get to pull shit like that. Progs are not happy. Especially since it is Scott Walker the guy who keeps kicking their ass.
The progs found a few proggie judges to give them a ruling to hold the elections. Hilarity is ensuing.
The best is reading shit like this from the “adult” progs:
Remember the Wisconsin Dems started secret investigations into their political opponents. But that is OK I guess.
You know how many articles I had to go through before they mentioned which seats were vacant? 4. And that fourth one wasn’t linked by Esquire. If they think it’s about thinking they’d lose the seats to dems that would only be half right. Lodi might get lost (down by Madison) but DePere (Green Bay) would stay R.
OT: From talking to people about guns recently I have learned that suggesting a woman arm herself to defend against rape or other assault is blaming the victim and we should just teach men not to rape. To be sure, some people are bad and will still try to do bad things, but a woman should not be made to feel like her safety is always or ever in jeopardy. Generally arming oneself against possible threat is total paranoia. Also, there is another mass-shooter around every corner and America’s racism and rape culture destroys the lives of non-whites and women. Don’t trust the police or the government but only the government and police should have guns. Donald Trump is a totalitarian but we should empower his administration to take away everyone’s guns. To be sure, rifles of all types are used in a fraction of all homicides (justifiable or not) and pistols are used in over 80 percent of mass shootings and the overwhelming majority of gun crime but we have to ban “assault-rifles”, whatever those are. It’s somehow consistent with 2A to ban any particular category of small arms based on 50-100+ year old technology, including “weapons of war” that no military on the planet uses because weapons of war don’t belong on our streets. But you can have your musket because those were never actual, literal weapons of war. -________-
These people make my head hurt.
Pretty much sums it up. One that I’ve heard is, “We don’t want to confiscate people’s guns. We just want to ban some of them.”
Isn’t banning just a form of passive confiscation?
If they disagree, ask them if they would be OK with the following:
– A ban on new gay marriages, but all existing gay marriages can stay (nobody is actually nullifying any gay marriages, so it’s fine, right?)
– A ban on all new abortions, but if you’ve already made the appointment with your OB-GYN to have it done, you can go ahead and do it
– A ban on voter registration, but you can keep on voting if you’re already registered (I’m sure the Democrats would love this one)
Without their cognitive dissonance and double standards what would they have?
Teaching you kids to look both ways before crossing the street is blaming the victim.
I have zero sympathy for this line of argument. We do not live in Utopia. We live in an inherently dangerous worlds, and in the end you are the one most capable of keeping yourself safe. This lets have a society where nothing bad happens is delusional of the worst kind.
Hope is not a strategy, as an old professor of mine often said. I can control my preparedness to respond to threats; I cannot control those threats. Therefore, the best use of my time and effort is going to be in improving my ability to defend myself, learning to recognize dangerous situations and avoiding them, and generally being proactive about keeping myself safe. That’s why we buy fire extinguishers instead of running around looking for fires to put out.
Holy fuck, you just gave me a great idea.
We should just ban fires! Then we won’t need extinguishers anymore.
Teach Houses not to burn!
-1 Talking Heads
+1 Alice Cooper.
Why do gun-grabbers act like owning a firearm for home defense is paranoid and delusional and accuse you of having fantasies about home invasions so you can get a thrill out of killing the intruders?
If you buy a fire extinguisher and smoke alarms, does that mean you’re secretly fantasizing about your house catching on fire so that you can put out the blaze?
Does keeping a first-aid kit around indicate that you’re hoping for one of your children to get injured so you can act like a paramedic?
Does wearing a seatbelt mean that you actually want to get in a car crash so that you can experience the thrill of surviving it?
Given the number of times I’ve heard an ungarded admission that those proposing a ban say they would not be able to resist the temptation to misuse their arms, I think they don’t believe anyone else can be responsible with them.
Because for the most part, they really do fear them. It’s irrational, but it’s real.
I don’t think it’s the guns themselves, I think it’s the people they associate with them. I used to think it was just a function of not knowing anything about them, so sort of a fear of the unknown type of thing, but my wife is about as virulent an anti-gun person as you’ll care to meet and she grew up shooting shotguns on a farm with her dad in Texas, and he’s very much pro-2A. It goes back to the “bitter clingers” stereotype, that there’s a group of people who all love guns, Jesus, and hating people that don’t look like them, and if you’ve got one part of that package you condone all the rest. Guns are owned by rednecks; they want to ban rednecks.
There’s another element to it that has to do with the fear that gun owners who believe in the 2A as protecting a right to self-defense and/or protecting a right to defend against a tyrannical government are wild cards. Gun banners are almost always Progressives, and the idea of individuals taking matters of life and death (even their own) into their own hands is anathema. That sort of thing implies that individuals are some how more important than society or the state, and that’s not compatible with Progressivism, which is basically a nice way of saying “Fascism”.
We should just ban fires! Then we won’t need extinguishers anymore.
Why haven’t the progs thought of this before? Do they want us all to burn? As Mr. Hogg would say, they have blood on their hands!
Also, we should ban car accidents, then we won’t need seatbelts.
And falling, we should ban falling so that we won’t need hard hats and safety tie-offs.
And we should ban burglary, so we won’t need door locks…oh, wait…um, I may have to rethink some things.
If we banned gravity we could prevent all falling AND the obesity epidemic* at the same time.
*Yes, I know the mass of the fatties would be the same even without gravity, but those science loving nannies will be happy when everyone has a weight of 0 because they don’t know the difference between mass and weight.
And we all go flying into space……… WHEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Look, spqr, we’re repealing laws of physics here.
generally being proactive about keeping myself safe.
Some people I have spoken to recently don’t seem to think this way. I specifically said, at one point, the adult thing to do is to take your life into your own hands. They seem to think others, namely the gov’t, are supposed t “keep them safe”. They want to be children forever. I think this relates to the self-parody “just teach men not to rape” comment I got as well. They couldn’t grasp that you should 1) teach morality and 2) teach self-defense because some people are bad and will do bad things regardless of what they are taught. It’s quite frustrating.
This is what you get when honest discussion and debate are replaced with screeching on Facebook and Twitter. Our civilization is going backward.
A shocking case of ‘revenge rape’ involving 12 members of two families has been unearthed by police in Punjab province, Pakistan.
A man had been accused of raping a woman in Pir Mahal in the Toba Tek Singh district on March 20.
Local news reports that the suspect’s family had approached the victim’s family for ‘pardon and reconciliation’.
The victim’s family agreed to pardon the rapist, on the condition that ‘her brother would commit the same act with the suspect’s sister’, reports
Read more:
Read more. No thanks. Think I’ve read enough.
Sounds legit – as long as both women are stoned to death for their promiscuity.
We have no right to judge these people. After all, we have rape culture here.
Our is worse, because we keep letting rapists off on technicalities like “lack of evidence” and “alibis” and “the ‘victim’ admitted she lied.”
Who are we to judge? All cultures are totally equal.
Fascinating. They are trying to maintain that shitposting on the internet is some kind of crime.
I mean, it is in the UK apparently.
::Buddha nods enthusiastically::
And a terms of service violation of microsoft products come May 1
Exposed and downloadable like the data on a certain email server we don’t talk about at Democratic Underground?
Funny how Hillary’s server, which contained information classified at the absolute highest level, was also left exposed and downloadable.
But the Russians having access to teenage girls’ Facebook data is way more sinister.
Scott Walker, the goggle-eyed homunculus hired by Koch Industries to manage this particular midwest subsidiary
Nice. I’m a sucker for a good insult.
These guys really want a civil war. Do they realize they live on an island that produces no food. no water, and almost no electricity?
NYT: Repeal the Second Amendment
Also lets be honest the first while were at it.
The Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth will have to go in order to actually get all those guns. The Eighth won’t apply to the bitter clingers.
May as well scrap the whole thing as inconvenient.
“May as well scrap the whole thing as inconvenient.”
Every once in a while, one of them, in a candid moment, admits they would love that to happen since they feel that stupid constitution thinggy is in the way of progtopia.
They produce America’s biggest export: bitchy, tone-deaf editorials.
They are totally not coming for our guns, but all they have to do is repeal a law to magically make inalienable rights disappear.
Curious – isn’t this how much many on the left are claiming that Rubio took from the NRA?
The dichotomy of the gun debate – One side has all the money, the other side has all the voters. The side with the money accuses the side with the voters of being nothing but a monied front, yet there are people who believe them.
Helps that the side with all the money owns almost all the media outlets.
What Rubio got from them was not even a drop in the bucket compared to what was spent on his campaign.
We need to start keeping a compilation of these suddenly-honest “take all the guns away” articles. I’m sick to death of Lefties acting like gun confiscation is some kind of wackadoo bullshit Alex Jones conspiracy theory.
From a law-and-order standpoint, more guns means more murder.
From a personal-safety standpoint, more guns means less safety. The F.B.I. counted a total of 268 “justifiable homicides”
Non-sequitur. And that number does not account for other defensive use not resulting in the death of the perp.
From a national-security standpoint, the Amendment’s suggestion that a “well-regulated militia” is “necessary to the security of a free State,” is quaint. The Minutemen that will deter Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un are based in missile silos in Minot, N.D., not farmhouses in Lexington, Mass.
The number of armed citizens is in the many tens of millions. This provides a continuous deterrent to foreign invasion. “…rifle behind every blade of grass.” And one’s right to self-defense is about more than the militia function which is why the “right of the people“, not the militia, shall not be infringed.
And now we have the relatively new and now ubiquitous “active shooter” phenomenon, something that remains extremely rare in the rest of the world.
Meanwhile death by bombs and semitrailers (and guns, actually…) remains common. So you don’t care that people die, just that a gun is used. Piss off.
Uh huh
That word jumped out at me. “You keep using that word…”
If I recall correctly, Yamamoto did not want to invade the U.S. mainland (which is disputed by historians, even though MacArthur’s aide that went through Yamamoto’s papers claimed it to be true), and that is the whole point of the misquote about “You cannot invade the mainland United States, there would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.” He wrote an ultra- nationalist colleague:
[Should hostilities once break out between Japan and the United States, it would not be enough that we take Guam and the Philippines, nor even Hawaii and San Francisco. To make victory certain, we would have to march into Washington and dictate the terms of peace in the White House. I wonder if our politicians [who speak so lightly of a Japanese-American war] have confidence as to the final outcome and are prepared to make the necessary sacrifices.]
Molon labe.
Let them try. Do they understand how difficult it is to amend the Constitution? There are even a few people out there who may not like guns, but understand that if one amendment in the BOR goes, then they all go. Go ahead and try to do this through the actual process. It will fail so spectacularly it would destroy the Democrat Party and put them in the electoral wilderness for a generation.
So that leaves: trying to gut it through fiat and/or just outright illegal confiscation. If they go this route, then yes, it will be violent.
Fergie: would not, not even with your dick.
What did I do to deserve this?
Helped Found
Truly, an unforgivable sin.
From a law-and-order standpoint, more guns means more murder.
They cannot get even the simplest facts right, and they are incapable of stating the truth.
How many more guns are there now than there were in the ’70s, and what is the murder rate?
We need common sense people control! This is the end goal.
On the way to work this morning I passed a very small pro-union protest. I knew what it was because of the giant inflatable rat. I wonder who makes those things? Is there a giant inflatable rat industry?
There is a giant inflatable figure industry. They are not limited to the Union rats. (which describes the people who join those protests more often than the figures they’re screeching at, sometimes it describes all parties involved)
That’s good to hear. I don’t see many union protests any more, so it’s nice to know those companies are probably just making more giant eagles for fireworks stands. We don’t want that type of craftsmanship to die out.
What is union membership like these days? Last I heard they had lost the majority of their membership since their heyday.
Ah, declining for 50 years from 30% of workforce to 10%. I expect the trend to continue.
I would not be a member if not for the agency shop rules where they get to take money from me anyway. The amount is the same as the dues, so I joined to vote against the incumbant in each election.
Just wait till they get the burger flipping machines to join up.
And a greater percentage of union members are government employees. Private sector unions will soon be a thing of the past.
I don’t get it. Someone is actually marching under the rat anus flag?
It goes like this.
Union officials are petty and small minded things. When they organize a protect, they think that setting up a giant inflatable rat is some sort of message about the object of their ire. Most people just go “what morons” and keep going about their business.
The firm that makes the rats is owned by a former Public Service Union president.
One hand washes the other.
Figures. That is not at all the message I would take away.
That cult thing sounds like the plot of the next 50 Shades of Gray movie. I thought some women were into that.
Sounded more like someone was LARPing “Slave Whores of Gor“
Isn’t that the subtitle to every ‘Gor’ novel ever?
If you can’t sell enough food and booze, try marketing the toilet.
Slammed by soaring costs for food, labor and rent, New York’s bars, restaurants and nightclubs are using a growing crop of third-party apps and services to rent out their dining rooms, coat-check areas and even their bathrooms to make extra cash.
Luluapp — a mobile app that, for a fee, promises to direct tourists and other assorted weak bladders to the nearest available bathroom — says it has already signed up more than 100 New York restaurants and bars ahead of its summer launch.
“Instead of paying a lot of money for a Facebook or Yelp ad, we let restaurants promote a free drink or discount to our users” after they use the facilities, Luluapp CEO Paolo Cogliati told The Post.
Luluapp generates a digital “bathroom pass” charging anywhere from 99 cents to duck into a pizza dive to $5 for a swanky bathroom that offers lotions, super-private stalls and high-end hand towels. The restaurants get 65 percent of the fee.
Isn’t there a ruling somewhere that pay toilets are illegal?
Not a ruling, legislation apparently.
This could get them in legal troubles.
Well a lot of these types of apps are against various laws, like Uber and airbnb
Easy work around: require being a paying customer in order to use the toilets and sell pins with a picture of a toilet for the same price they were charging people to use them.
It’s like going to a big sporting event where scalping is illegal:
“Hey buddy, I’ll sell you these tix for face value but you gotta buy this limited edition T-shirt for $1000 as well.”
Might be state by state.
I remember pay toilets as a kid. Mostly they were in highway rest areas, but you had to pay a dime or quarter to use a stall.
Europe’s AI delusion
Brussels is failing to grasp threats and opportunities of artificial intelligence.
By 2030, China seeks to become the world’s “primary” AI innovation center, with a core AI industry gross output exceeding RMB 1 trillion ($150.8 billion) and AI-related gross output exceeding RMB 10 trillion ($1.5 trillion). In one of the most recent moves, Chinese authorities announced they will build a $2.1 billion AI technology park in Beijing’s western suburbs.
How can Europe and the United States compete? They will have to be commensurately better in developing algorithms and computer power. Sadly, Europe is falling behind in these areas as well.
I was asked to comment on a draft of the AI strategy the European Commission will publish on April 24. My initial assessment is that it has almost nothing to do with reality.
The text is still doing the rounds inside the Commission. There may be time for improvements, although that is running out fast. Everyone I have talked to is unhappy with the result, but they add that the issue is too complex and the people working on the text — a vast body coordinated by Digital Vice President Andrus Ansip’s Cabinet — too novice to produce anything better.
So China’s 10 year plan is better than EU ten year plan.
In 10 years, I intend to be an astronaut. I have power points and bullet point lists detailing my plan and everything.
With a Steam-powered rocket launched from a hot air baloon?
You’d think a retired Supreme Court justice would be smarter than this
Rarely in my lifetime have I seen the type of civic engagement schoolchildren and their supporters demonstrated in Washington and other major cities throughout the country this past Saturday. These demonstrations demand our respect.
No, they don’t. This is mass hysteria, as practiced by the howling mob. It was a slickly packaged mob, but a mob, nonetheless.
Wait, a justice that didn’t cling to the seat until his dying breath was imminent? He’s still alive 8 years after retiring?
If RGB’s anything to go off, sometimes they stay even after their dying breath (seriously, has anyone checked her vital signs lately?).
Shush! She’s being beatified as we speak!
Hillary has Ginsberg’s Phylactery.
Sandra Day O’Connor is still alive and kicking, and she’s got a couple years of retirement on Stevens.
JP Stevens can go fuck himself. As he got older, he became more and more a statist who believed in fewer and fewer restrictions on government.
“You’d think a retired Supreme Court justice would be smarter than this”
Why would you think that?
too bad The Long Walk for retired justices is only science fiction.
Shows what a disingenuous cunt Stevens really is. Interesting to see him fling off the mask and all but admit he and his ilk rule based on their personal desires rather than the actual constitution.
Yep, it was well understood that, prior to the NFA of 1934, the states had the authority to keep guns out of the hands of slaves, and after 1865, uppity niggers. I mean, who could argue with that?
“…shall not be infringed.” Seems pretty clear to me. Mind you, I’m not a lawyer.
RE: Sloop’s daughter – A lovely young woman…
that we would never dream of objectifying like these ladies.
Besides, she’ll be much too busy curing cancer, or designing a new and improved Mars capsule to waste her time taking pics like this anyway.
1, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14, 19, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 32, 33, 34, 38… fuck it, all of them.
Besides, she looks like she’s six in that chair. I want one so I can feel like I’m sitting on a throne when I’m fucking around on the computer.
#47 has 3 cupholders FTW.
1 15 17 40 49
fuck it, all of them.
Good. Someone is picking up the slack for me while I’m sick.
#22 looks like a bartender at a place I sometimes get lunch at.
The firm that makes the rats is owned by a former Public Service Union president.
We need a Glibertarian rat scab subsidiary.
I can provide the scabs !
::picks neurotically at forearms and lower thighs::
Both Hogg and Gonzalez say the NRA has reached out to them, but not in a positive way.
“The way that they’ve been reaching out to us is basically threatening us,” Hogg said.
“They’ve been instigating things,” Gonzalez added. “And then, when we reply, they like shy back away. They can dish it out but they can’t take it.”
Disagreement is intimidating and threatening.
“If you don’t do what we say, you’re a monster.”
It’s definitely the NRA that’s been instigating things, what with their loud protests and telling the kids they have blood on their hands.
i’m basically thrilled they’re like the voice of the latest gun grabber movement.
Yeah, this is going to blow up in their faces
^^^This. I’ve said it before, they could not have picked less appealing spokesmen. Piglet looks like a praying mantis serial killer and his speech was a cross between Saturday Night Fever and Mussolini. Lesbian skinhead is… well, a lesbian skinhead, which by itself is not bad; but her teenage “look at me!” BS doesn’t play well with normals when said lesbian skinhead is giving ignorant lectures about abolishing parts of the BOR.
she reminds me of Vasquez from Aliens which is a big plus. too bad she opens her mouth and sounds like fucking Gorman.
Lieutenant Gorman: [to Apone over the radio] Look, uh, Apone.
[Apone snaps his fingers, bringing his troops to a halt]
Lieutenant Gorman: Look, we can’t have any firing in there. I, uh… I want you to collect magazines from everybody.
Private Hudson: Is he fuckin’ crazy?
Private Frost: What the hell are we supposed to use, man, harsh language?
The Cuban flag on her jacket is causing some consternation among the (less) silent majority.
As well it might, but really, the Cuban flag has been the same since 1849, so it’s not necessarily an endorsement of the post-revolutionary Castro regime.
For scale, how tall is your daughter in the chair picture? The picture is rather too small on my screen to fully appreciate the size of the chair – I can’t tell if it’s a small person in a slightly oversized chair or an average sized person in an absolutely enormous chair. I’m assuming she’s not a taller than average person, because if so that would be the biggest chair I’ve seen outside of those gimmick roadside tourist stops.
If those casters are standard size, that’s a ginormous seat. Going by my work chair I’d say at least twice as big.
If those chairs in the background are not miniature, that is a ginormous seat.
We have one of those in the office – it’s like a couch on wheels.
That puts some perspective on it…thanks.
She’s a normal size girl of legal age.
Speaking of monsters
But since he took over as head of the HHS civil rights office a year ago, some advocates see Severino’s tenure at the agency as more of a nightmare.
“Director Severino presents himself as a civil rights lawyer. And what he has done as OCR director is turn the idea of civil rights on its head,” says Harper Jean Tobin, policy director at the National Center for Transgender Equality.
That’s because Severino — a devout Catholic and political conservative — has put the right to religious freedom front and center in his fight against discrimination in health care.
In public appearances he refers to religious freedom as “the first freedom.” Since coming to HHS he has issued a rule that allows employers to refuse to cover birth control as part of their employee health insurance plans, if employers have a religious or moral objection to contraception.
And earlier this year he created an entirely new division within the civil rights office — the Division of Conscience and Religious Freedom.
Religious conviction is just a thin veil for Nazism and hatred. Fortunately, NPR is here to expose him for what he is, before he can have all the transgenders rounded up and gassed and then stripped for parts.
obviously because they believe God gave them free will at creation that, by association, free will is bad.
What a clusterfuck of stupid. Religious freedom is enshrined in our founding documents… forcing your employer to pay for your contraception, not so much. Remind me, who here is on the forefront of civil rights, the guy protecting the religious rights of a minority or the people yelling “Bake the cake, bigot”?
“policy director at the National Center for Transgender Equality.”
So, “professional bigot.”
Not that that’s instantly disqualifying, mind you. A lot of people are bigots, most of them in the closet, but they’ll be honest about it if you’re on the level with them. Many people are very open about their bigotries because they have the imprimatur of progressive approval, but they’re bigots nonetheless. We are all of us imperfect souls, and we all succumb to lazy thinking from time to time. Bigotry is one of those times: we lazily classify and stereotype people because we are incapable of assessing every individual on his flaws and merits. Bigotry is a peccadillo of which one need be neither especially fond or ashamed, any more than any other vice.
It’s when someone parades around their vice, proudly exclaims their bigotries, that it becomes a problem. Especially when his nominal purpose for celebrating his bigotry like he’s huffing his own farts is to condemn and censure others for their alleged bigotry.
“And what he has done as OCR director is turn the idea of civil rights on its head,” says the guy who wants to violate people’s civil rights by forcing them to violate their consciences.
“Gee, maybe turning health insurance into an employment issue and making it a public accommodations problem was a mistake,” said nobody on NPR, ever. You’d almost think their contention isn’t really about healthcare or contraception but about exerting control and punishing enemies.
Back in 2012 there was some hack journalist that had written an article a decade earlier claiming that by 2012 over 1 billion people would be dead from the effects of global warming so destroy industrialization before it is too late. Oh, and pay up.
I wrote him an email asking how many of those 1 billion had died and would he retract his contention. He said I was not a very nice person for saying those things. Besides, he wasn’t into global warming anymore he was becoming a tranny activist. He never addressed any of my questions.
All of these left wing causes are about nothing more than power. They are about destroying the institutions and ideals that make us strong both as a society and as individuals. They are about making individuals unable to have options and defend themselves. They are about bringing us to heel. The so called activists just take off one hat and put on another because the goal of each one of those causes is the same.
You are correct.
He is absolutely right about its importance, but I would hesitate to label it “the first freedom”, although I could see how that could be argued. Freedom of conscience, the broader category to which freedom of religion belongs, is definitely among the triumvirate of essential freedoms along with freedom of speech and freedom of defense (aka right to bear arms). I don’t think you can have a truly free nation unless you broadly respect these three rights.
Equifax speaks with forked tongue
“‘Equifax Can’t Be Trusted’ says Warren, but I can”.
Warren just needs their Campaign wampum.
so when the fuck do we find out the SCOTUS decisions in Janus (union dues) and Masterpiece Cakeshop??
If they were argued between October and now – we’re looking at June for decisions.
Not to impugn the acumen of those learned scholars, but does anyone think they won’t weasel into the “Fuck you, pay me” position in the end?
We know at least Three or Four votes will start at that position.
Welcome to Fantasyland
In its restraint, its symbolism, and its palpable emotion, González’s silence was a remarkable piece of political expression. Her appearance also offered an uncanny echo of one of the most indelible performances in the history of cinema: that of Renée Maria Falconetti, who starred in Carl Theodor Dreyer’s classic silent film from 1928, “The Passion of Joan of Arc.” Based upon the transcript of Joan of Arc’s trial, in 1431, Dreyer’s film shows Joan as an otherworldly young woman—she is nineteen, to the best of her limited knowledge—who, in the face of a barrage of questioning by hostile, older, powerful clerics, is simultaneously self-contained and brimming over with emotion. Falconetti, who never made another movie, gives an extraordinary performance, her face registering at different moments rapture, fear, defiance, and transcendence. Joan’s defense in the face of her inquisitors is largely mute: when she is asked to describe Saint Michael—who, she blasphemously claims, has appeared to her—she mostly refrains from verbal response, her silence bespeaking holy understanding greater than theirs. In the final phase of her life, when Joan knows that she is to be martyred, Dreyer’s camera lingers on closeups of Falconetti, with her brutally close-cropped hair, her rough garments, and her anguished silence. Her extraordinary image in that sequence could be intercut almost seamlessly with footage from Saturday’s rally.
Good grief. Let’s all pretend we’re characters in a movie.
Setting someone up for martyrdom and subsequent canonization, obviously…
So Gonzales, a girl who bullied a misfit kid in school likely exacerbating his instability and giving him motive to shoot children, is just like a martyred saint.
Sounds legit.
I see no comment section there.
Yeesh. At least he didn’t go with the Dumbledore’s Army routine.
Joan d’Arc’s anguished expression before she’s burned alive for her beliefs is the same as Censorious Scold’s disappointed badger face?
It’s striking to me how progressives simultaneously defend the authenticity of it – it couldn’t possibly have been scripted! – while comparing them to actors and praising their marketing abilities.
Hope I’m not out of line for posting this exchange. If so, please delete my post. But I thought it was noteworthy and we’re all adults.
John|3.26.18 @ 1:03PM|#
HM isn’t that much of a contrarian or they would have kicked him out.
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Chipper Morning Baculum|3.26.18 @ 1:18PM|#
John, the fact that they banned you shows me that place is not for me.
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BYODB|3.26.18 @ 2:06PM|#
There are few things more hilarious than a splinter group of Libertarians leaving one publication to go and start their own where they can ban whomever they want.
After all, nothing shows off your dedication to free speech like silencing critics, right? ^_-
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John|3.26.18 @ 2:50PM|#
Thank you chipper. The funny thing is that the post they banned me for had nothing to do with partisan politics. Basically, I gave this long post explaining how if life were just about living by your principles there would be no such thing as a moral dilemma and we would have settled all ethical questions long ago. Principles are great except when they are not. At some point following your principles causes so much harm, you have to violate them to avoid a worse moral outcome.
It still puzzles me how that was the post that got me banned. But it was.
IIRC, it had more to do with one of John’s patented ragefests where he calls everyone who disagrees with him evil-doers who only want to inflict their hate upon the world.
Yeah, angry tone and personal attacks. I am amazed at how quickly my tendency for vitriol evaporated when I got away from that stuff. I liked John and he had good points but he can be a pill.
John will be reaching Hihn-stage in about another twenty years.
He also continued the personal attacks via e-mail when one (or more?) of the founders reached out to him to attempt to mediate.
One of the very few ways to crash and burn here is to be unremittingly impolite, John.
If you can’t be assertive *and* civil, you get what you get, mate.
Basically everybody I’ve seen get banned was kicked out for getting personal with other commenters and not reforming their behavior when called out on it. That’s basically the only real rule here.
Let me say basically again, just for the fuck of it. (I should really read my posts before posting them)
That’s my impression, too. I think because everybody kind of knows everybody else here we all mostly know each other’s buttons and try not to push them too hard. Now and again, like in any social environment, people step on toes or have a testy day, but it seems like we’re all pretty polite and seem to get along reasonably well. Nobody seems to be here because they get off on flame wars.
Even in the times where people go at each other, it seems that sticking to the topic keeps you out of ban territory.
The particularly irksome passive aggression of going into the next article and trying to derail that thread by replying to your opponent with “Well, YOU wouldn’t do XYZ because [argument from last article]” seems to be a fast track to ban land. For good reason, too. Some of the most toxic shit from TOS came from people (*cough*John*cough*) dragging arguments through 10 straight articles and making it more and more personal in each iteration.
Also no insulting Methodists. (Sorry, please don’t ban me)
Its a joke *looks around nervously*
Was there even a ban resulting from that, or just some cross words and cow posteriors?
Someone vowed to leave and never return.
Oh for fuck’s sake. The response to that sort of flare up is to step away from the keyboard, calm down, allow for heads to cool, and come back without needling the issue at hand. Flouncing off doesn’t accomplish anything but look childish.
Yeah, but didn’t he post stuff later? I hate it when people get into tizzies and then never come back, it’s depressing.
There was one more follow up on that argument but that was it. Nothing on the evening links.
I think just strong language and cow buns, but I don’t know.
No banning. I just said “knock that shit off.” If he flounces out for good, Eddie style, that is his right. Banning is not/was not in play. Just me being very, very fed up and letting him know it.
I’m still here. I was essentially trying to disagree with trshmnster’s claim of a “dignity era” – I think the evidence is scant as best. There was no dignity in my comment, and there is no dignity in a cow butt, which if anything further illustrated my point. Just Say’n hasn’t been around today, but I don’t think there was a ban.
I’ll just take this moment to point out that Hillbot is a Methodist.
*runs for cover*
Yeah, WE METHODISTS are the best because we know the METHODS.
Ugh! Honestly, that’s just really bad form from John. Generally speaking, when there’s a falling out, rehashing your case months after the fact rarely looks good. Right, wrong, or somewhere in between, trashing people you’d previously had a friendship or association of some kind with, after you’ve had the opportunity to cool down, is something that should generally be reserved for a situation where there was a very real moral or ethical wrong. Even if you bought into his explanation of what happened (It’s sure not how I remember it), banning someone from a website sure as hell doesn’t fit that situation.
The post was from yesterday. Maybe John was trying to demonstrate that victim culture isn’t totally reserved for the left?
I think that post, more than anything else John has ever posted, ragefests and all, confirms that he has severe emotional issues.
Given an enormous number of posts in this thread denouncing John, it’s unfair to claim that it’s only him who is rehashing the case. We definitely know who Emmanuel Goldstein of glibertarians is.
Meh. It is a bunch of people reacting to him doing the wounded martyr posing at HyR. And being untruthful about it.
I seem to recall it also involved referring to his interlocutors as “Moral Degenerates”, or something like that.
I’m not a relativist, but I do believe it’s important to begin with the assumption that people who disagree with you might have a point. Or, you know, might not be moral degenerates or whatever.
So he got one thing right about us at least.
It had more to referring to someone he was directly debating with as a faggot and inviting him to perform an anatomically difficult sexual action.
“an anatomically difficult sexual action”
Like in the back of a Volkswagen?
the back of a Volkswagen
Yeah, but I mean, if you can…let’s see…perform that action on yourself, wouldn’t that just be elaborate masturbation? Or is anyone who, uh, performs a manual override de facto at least bisexual? It’s a conundrum, really.
It still puzzles me how that was the post that got me banned. But it was.
This, of course, is a complete lie. Sad!
“They told me why, but I’m just puzzled!”
As someone who has on multiple occasions now been threatened with a banning, I feel it’s my place to chime in. I wasn’t posting much when John’s situation happened, but I can say that:
1. Disagreement with site “founders” (which seems to be a long list and I’m not even sure of all the names) is treated differently than disagreeing with others. And even among those who comment, there’s a pecking order.
2. There’s simply put, no clear code of conduct. And the behavior of some is interpreted more favorably than others. In my case, the second strike was a joke that Swiss decided to take super seriously (most likely because, I suspect, the first strike was against someone he knows in some way) even though no one else did.
3. The moderators here like to say that they communicate clearly and all that, yet time and again in these situations there is strong disagreement from the other side. I can say that in the last round I had with Swiss, he claimed to have given me a warning in a dead thread a day later. Mind you, this is a site where the moderators have already shown they can change time stamps on comments. There was no communication with me, and I had no clue about it until Swiss was suddenly talking about me being on my third and final chance.
And yet unbanned you are, so we’re glad you figured out the unwritten rules. Your Level 2 decoder ring is in the mail.
You completely sidestepped the actual point about communication. I was supposedly warned, but only if you count Swiss slipping a comment in a dead thread that I would never see (or adding it after his supposed 2nd warning). And I’m hardly the only person around here to point out the lack of clear standards and the issues it creates.
I can see this. There’s always going to be a tendency of favorability towards some more “socialized” commenters than others. Especially those who know each other offline. I’m here every day and post a lot, but I don’t feel as if I’m part of the club, so to speak. But that’s okay, I guess. It’s only an issue if there’s not equal treatment “under the law”
CBO: The current amount of taxes and means-tested “transfers” are not enough to reduce the strain on America’s social safety net:
“…taxes and transfers blunt some of the most extreme effects of inequality, but serve more as a palliative than a long-term solution.”
Gee, I wonder what the long-term solution oughta be?
It’s hilarious that the author includes a graph that completely undermines the income inequality nonsense (also, a picture of Paris Hilton, are you fucking kidding me?)
If you look closely, the income of all quintiles is up at least 42% since 1980, with the income of the lowest quintile up 69%. And in recessions, while the bottom 4 quintiles (i.e. 80% of the country) take only minor hits to their income, it’s the top quintile that gets hit hardest, with the top 1% taking a total nosedive.
OK, the graph I’m referring to is income “after taxes and transfers”. The pre-tax/transfer graph (i.e. real income) shows that the lowest quintile is up 26% and the middle quintiles are up 28%. The top quintile is up 95%. So everybody’s making more money than before, just as I noted, but not quite as much. Although, the effects of recessions are a bit more acute, too.
The real takeaway from the post-taxes/transfers graph is that the middle quintiles are getting shafted, relative to the others.
Never mind. As trshmnstr observed, the numbers are total bullshit from head to tail.
I know what Pedro’s solution looks like.
I was going to post images from eastern bloc, russia, china, venezuela, cuba, cambodia, vietnam etc but they all look the same. Look at one you have seen them all. I thought i would skip the mass grave images.
But there’s so much life and diversity in run-down favelas and barrios and ghettos! Not like our homes and apartments that are stamped out like factories, with a Starbucks and McDonald’s on every corner. Real life means struggling to feed yourself and your children.
Just, you know, don’t expect anyone espousing that opinion to actually live there.
Real life means struggling to feed yourself and your children.
My 20s.
No amount of booze or drugs can make those years look romantic in retrospect.
I made 19 trips to Moscow between 94 an 96.
Anyone that thinks communism works is a complete fucking idiot.
By the way, Guangzhou China in 2004 was pretty fucking bad as well. Although they were farther along in servicing the ultra rich than Russia was ten years earlier.
How is it that after taxes and transfers, everybody’s income goes up by a higher percentage than before the taxes and transfers? What are they measuring there??
Well shit would you look at that.
Most likely explanation is that one is using nominal dollars and the other CPI-adjusted dollars. So it’s intellectually dishonest on top of it all.
You probably forgot to factor in the massive Multiplier Effect™ of government spending. Rookie mistake.
What is with the left and their need to make everything some kind of “movement”? Is it just nostalgia for the 60’s? Then they had the civil rights movement, and the anti-war movement. Now we’ve got Occupy Wall Street, Not My President, MeToo, and Child Gun Grabbers. They haven’t realized that the old movements were successful because they were engineered to be non-violent and had the goal of actually persuading people. The civil rights movement would have gone nowhere if it had been about calling everyone racist and shouting down the opposition.
The civil rights movement would have gone nowhere if it had been about calling everyone racist and shouting down the opposition.
They weren’t calling people enforcing segregation racist?
Those were actual racists. That is why it worked. Now you a racist for not towing the leftist lion.
Exactly. “That guy that released dogs on us and/or hosed us down with a fire hose and/or lynched a black boy on the word of a white woman is a racist” is a lot more persuasive than “That guy working at Best Buy is a racist, because of… structure of some sort that I can’t articulate.”
They were pointing out actual racism, and showing the effects of that real racism, which changed people’s minds. Today everyone they disagree with is an unrepentant racist.
Okay, yeah I see what you’re saying. I was confused by the wording.
Part nostalgia, part cargo cult thinking.
“There were people marching in the streets, and this changed. So to change things we just need to have enough people marching!”
They have been moving lefter and lefter for decades. There were lots of admirers and apologists for the more brutal regimes in the world but they knew to keep their mouth shut about it. They have created too many useful idiots now that cant keep their mouth shut about their desire for brutal dictatorship. They shit wont fly here, at least I dont think it will. What used to be the fringe has become mainstream leftism and it is going to destroy them here in the US.
It’s a “movement” because they’re ideologically constipated.
They just want the French Revolution. That all started with marching in the streets.
The French are still at it; a week doesn’t go by when some group isn’t marching through Paris.
Waste of time.
You know who else marched through Paris?
Julius Caesar?
A whole bunch of Prussians?
Clovis I?
Ann Harding?
Is it just nostalgia for the 60’s? Then they had the civil rights movement, and the anti-war movement.
I’ve heard that before. I’m not sure I agree. I think the fundamental value for these people is being part of a movement in and of itself. I think a lot of these people are pretty damaged and dysfunctional. Being part of a movement gives them a sense of morality and personal worth that their real life denies them.
Its a combination of a few things, imo:
a) democrats are at an all time low in terms of their actual ability to control public policy. they control very few states and even an improvement of their situation in congress will leave them mostly toothless until 2020
b) to make matters worse, they face ideological schism within their own ranks between hard-left proggy types, and the institutional-DNC-machine which is concerned more with simply siphoning money. The Progs want the party focused on climate change, free-college, culture war shit – all of which tend to turn off the black vote who they need to win elections.
they need to convince their own constituents they still have some purpose and potency, and having some big “rally events” (which get wall-to-wall coverage by media despite their having zero real policy-focus or coherent message) creates impression of unity, power, and reminds themselves of their inherent moral-superiority.
Its actually a very effective way to keep your footsoldiers simultaneously busy and distracted;
i do think, however, there are diminishing returns on this sort of “Feelgood sloganeering” stuff, esp when none of it adds up to any meaningful new legislation or improvement of the political status quo. they’ll probably do it every spring thru 2020, but i doubt a second Trump admin (if there is one) will have quite the same level of perpetual outrage.
I understand the lust for power that wants to make something a movement. What I don’t understand is the reflexive “joiner” mentality. Yes, I realize it’s social signaling but at some point you have to be aware that you’re mostly just giving power to someone else while you get nothing but an ego stroke.
But it doesn’t matter that you’re giving power to someone else if they think exactly the same way you do. That’s why the “movement” demands orthodoxy.
After a series of apologies and gestures of concern, the company and its ad-agency subsequently decided to run their “Plan-B” campaign: “Heineken: Pretty Great, As Long As You’re Not A Touchy Negro”
I saw your late post on state houses this morning. I agree on Budapest: I got a view of it from the hill on the other side of the river. Really amazing.
When I was there in 1992 the city had a thick layer of soot/grime on everything. i guess it was that the West had developed catalytic converters, while the commies were like, “Fuck that” for 40 years. anyway, that building was filthy. which gave it more of a “sepia-toned, post apocalyptic vampire-movie” vibe. But it seems like it cleaned up nice.
Heineken: Naggers Need Not Apply!
Springtime in NW arkansas.
I’m at home, by myself, enjoying the morning and there is a severe thunderstorm to the west of me that has already dropped a tornado.
This is my yearly ritual of hoping my house doesn’t get blown away.
Springtime for Hitler?
I hope it doesn’t get blown away and land on some witch. Then you won’t be in Arkansas any more.
I hope your house doesn’t get blown away.
Nah, he deserves it for not being smart enough to live in NYC or San Francisco.
The funny thing is that the post they banned me for had nothing to do with partisan politics.
I thought John was berating Jesse for his open support of and complicity in teh GHEY AGENDA, when he got deported.
Or was that a different spaz attack?
I think John got excommunicated not because he was arguing with Jesse, but for the way in which he was arguing.
“Fuck you, you lying prick” n’ all that.
He did that? I missed it.
I missed that particular episode, but I do recall John suffering from a tendency to go from discussion to debate to argument to fight pretty quickly.
I never had any issue with throwing verbal punches at Punch-a-Clowns Tony or shreek but….geez. John was itching for a fight all of the time with any takers. It didn’t bother me but I am not everyone and I dont run this site. I have no problem with the way it is run. I would say this place has less shit-flinging and better discussions without that nonsense.
“I have no problem with the way it is run. I would say this place has less shit-flinging and better discussions without that nonsense.”
Agreed. What the people at TOS don’t get is that this is not an ideological echo chamber as they think. The overlords just keep obvious trolls and troublemakers out. Having people like Tony and Shreek around adds nothing to any discussion because all they ever do is argue in bad faith and hurl insults. Discussing anything with them is as much a debate as having a “debate” with a screaming 4 year old throwing a tantrum.
John engaged in personal attacks not just on other commenters, but on admins. Not a bright move.
Well, not not accepting his conclusions just demonstrates what an idiot you are, and refusing to accept that you’re an idiot shows you’re retarded, too.
With lawyering like that I can see why he spent so much time berating strangers over the internet.
Half wit!
I agree with this. We have some fairly productive conversations here and we have a spectrum of people from libertarian to republican. I don’t think we have any leftists here though… they’d have a heart attack I think.
A spectrum of people, or people on the spectrum
Sometimes I wish we would have a Leftist or two show up and actually argue in good faith without shit-flinging insults. Unfortunately, that’s rare on the Left.
I wouldn’t mind having some reasonable left-leaning people around if they’d argue their points from a position of logic and not descend into shit-flinging.
The problem with that, of course, is lefties often haven’t reasoned out their positions in the first place so they’re not prepared to defend them with logic. That’s not to say there aren’t intellectually honest left-leaners in existence, but as their movement goes further and further off the rails, it becomes increasingly untenable to defend their positions rationally.
Or what Akira said more succinctly.
I disagree with everyone here on at least one thing but I cant think of anyone that argues in bad faith. I am happy to debate any time but there is no need to spit and fling shit. That is not productive.
Agreed. What the people at TOS don’t get is that this is not an ideological echo chamber as they think. The overlords just keep obvious trolls and troublemakers out.
TOS was like sitting at the local bar. There’s that annoying guy in the corner who is anti-social, and a few guys who are always looking to start a brawl, but the barkeep doesn’t kick them out because they pay their tab.
This site is like sitting on OMWC and SP’s back deck. We’ll have as much of a spirited conversation as anybody wants, but when you’re anti-social or unnecessarily aggressive, they kindly ask you to knock it off. If you don’t they not-so-kindly tell you to get fucked and leave.
Personally, I prefer the latter to the former, both online and in real life.
Regarding the “echo chamber,” we have social conservatives, libertines, Georgists, people who think property/land taxes are the devil, religious, atheists, anarchists, Republicans, Americans, furriners, open borders folks, wall advocates, and maybe even a woman or three (although that’s not confirmed, and I’m quite skeptical). The only type we don’t have around here is authoritarian.
And yet our biggest arguments are over food…
And yet our biggest arguments are over food…
Well, we’ve been sitting on OMWC and his… young lady’s deck for over a year now and our hosts have not provided anything to eat.
This place really *will* be perfect once we get to purge those monsters, the Georgists.
Not true, there have been plenty of food articles. I’ve even provided a few.
That reminds me, I was working on Breakfast when I had to leave for work this morning.
The only type we don’t have around here is authoritarian.
Everyone who doesn’t agree with me is a ratfucking commie statist.
food articles
I can’t eat these!
Picky, picky.
I joined mostly for the beer on the back deck.
Can’t link due to being at work, but I am disappointed that no one has linked to Blazing Saddles yet to say we “won’t take the Irish.”
I’ve been posting here from pretty much the beginning, and NO ONE has been run off for heterodox opinions. There are some basic things most everyone here subscribes to… shit, because this is a blog that was created with a specific audience in mind. Nothing wrong with that. Within that wide range of generally held beliefs, however, there’s a fairly significant number of divisions. There have been plenty of disagreements on immigration, for example. On foreign policy. On abortion. There’s still a fair bit of a cosmos vs. yokels dynamic.
None of that will get anyone banned. Hell, Free Society wasn’t banned, and neither was Mikey. They were just ignored to the point that they left on their own. What will get you banned is making debates personal, arguing in bad faith, and name calling. THOSE are the reasons Eddie and John were banned, and in the case of Eddie the mods pretty much bent over backwards to give him chances to knock it off.
in the case of Eddie the mods pretty much bent over backwards to give him chances to knock it off.
John, too, IIRC. I’ve never seen a one strike and you’re out banning. It’s usually at least 3 or 4 cat asses and a post or two from an admin imploring the person to not act like a cat’s ass before the trigger is pulled.
There’s still a fair bit of a cosmos vs. yokels dynamic.
Really? I just assumed that everyone here is deplorable.
That’s a superclade. There’s granularity within the basket.
I agree with the statement that this place has better discussions than TOS… That’s why I finally registered for an account here and not there.
He was pretty unpersuasive for a lawyer, like he was trying to argue people out of taking his position.
When you attack people they get defensive and become far less persuadable.
SP has high standards. Spirited debate is delightful, and I love when our comments get sidetracked into a serious discussion. Telling people non-humorously to go fuck themselves as a response to a calmly presented argument is not within her definition of “spirited debate.”
Do not fuck with SP. Trust me on this one.
But what’s your position on Deep Dish made from ground up foreskins?
Seriously gay.
Do not fuck with SP. Trust me on this one.
Worst molester EVAR!
I think John is the sort of fella who is only truly happy when he’s screaming at someone.
Ugh. As if life doesn’t have enough stress and unpleasantness. If I want to watch bad people hurl insults and call it debate I’ll watch MSNBC. I genuinely believe that the point of argument is to arrive at some sort of truth. Otherwise, you’re just arguing about different preferences, which is the epitome of pointlessness.
Except with regard to chili and pizza, of course.
Don’t tell me you are one of those anti-bean reprobates. I used to think you were a smart guy…
I get that the cladistics of Chili can get almost as passionate as the cladistics of pizza, but I don’t understand the arguments on either side of the bean issue. Does it go beyond ‘my definition includes/excludes…’?
It goes no further than that. Everyone seems ok with lots of variation in the recipes until it comes to beans. Personally I dont like the red bean in chili. Black beans on the other hand…they just have more hearty flavor and are less grainy than any other bean. Black bean chili…campfire chili…cowboy stew; all must have black beans. This is a scientific fact.
Chili never has spaghetti noodles in it.
Tomatoes… beef… spaghetti noodles. Isn’t that just spaghetti?
Look, I’m willing to be a big tent chili guy and concede that there are…variations…of chili which include beans, a legume most commonly found in soups and stews, so long as we can agree that chili is not a topping for spaghetti. Although I still believe that “white chili” is as much chili as a whale shark is a whale.
Dammit, now I’m hungry for Skyline.
I’m a huge-tent chili guy. I once won the award for “most unique” at a chili cookoff because I included stew meat, andouille, ground beef, and bacon as the meats.
Never apologize for including andouille or bacon in anything. It can never be anything but right.
That doesn’t sound bad at all.
I blame my Skyline addiction on my mother, who had cravings for it when she was pregnant with me. I never liked it until age 14, and then I was hooked. I do, however, understand it is not true Chili, because my grandmother’s Chili recipe is something I’ve liked since I can remember, and it is a proper chili, albeit a little blander than I like now.
Gee, I wonder what the long-term solution oughta be?
I don’t know, but I hope it’s final.
I lol’d and am probably going to hell for it.
Oh, I can’t imagine laughing at that is going to matter one way or the other …
Y’know, given the context of the other things I’ve laughed at… you are probably right
Elsewhere in sport.
I wonder when the NRA is going to snatch up Buzzcut Barbie and burn her at the stake on the front lawn of the White House, for the amusement of Trumputin and his evil minions.
Just as soon as they get finished stomping on kittens’ heads.
i hope she’s not itching to martyr herself in some false-flag event. i’m about over this latest round of fuckery.
I’d be ok if they Weather Undergrounded it and blew themselves up while building bombs.
Buzzcut Barbie
Nice. Consider this stolen.
Tankie Girl
That’s gonna rustle some jimmies.
Another little nugget from that “Joan of Arc” thing-
In the iconography of “The Passion of Joan of Arc,” Joan has authority not because she is wise but because she is innocent. She has the privileged knowledge of the inspired, not the earned knowledge of the experienced.
Psychotic delusion trumps reality.
Words to live by, from the I fucking love SCIENCE mob.
That is incredible. Like I said, useful idiots. Lay out the case for why no one should listen to you and wear it as a badge of honor.
A palette cleanser after that mouthful of mush. David Hogg: Oracle, or Useful Idiot?
Reggie Bee was not allowed on the ballot due to what his campaign called “anti-dog discrimination,” so he is running as a write-in candidate.
When I was an undergrad, a group ran a ten inch long foam rubber penis and a tiny fish as president and vice president of the student government. “Cock and fish”. The intent was to show what a bunch of buffoons the student government was. The student government was not amused and would not allow “Cock and fish” on the ballot. I wrote them in anyways.
What the people at TOS don’t get is that this is not an ideological echo chamber as they think. The overlords just keep obvious trolls and troublemakers out.
I certainly would not characterize this place as an echo chamber. Needlessly provocative contrarianism might be entertaining once in a great while, but a steady dose of, “I know you are, but what am I?” is tiresome. There’s no bligation on anyone’s part to put up with it.
The 2020 U.S. Census will include a question about citizenship status, a move that brought swift condemnation from Democrats, who said it would intimidate immigrants and discourage them from participating.
I notice the current version of the 4473 asks whether or not you’ve renounced your citizenship. It’s probably been there awhile.
Certainly since 2013.
OK, I only started buying again in the last year or so.
I can’t remember what was on that form, except for laughing when it asked “Are you a Convicted Felon?” and wondering who would ever check ‘yes’ on that box.
A friend of mine who runs a gun store sometimes has to explain why that box is even on there, and why it’s an offense to lie on the form.
Many felons are, actually, idiots.
Average IQ of felons…depending on the study…is about 85.
Average IQ of *convicted* felons is probably lower then …
Imprisoned felons most definitely. I have had to work with them before. There is a light on but there aint nobody home.
Three arrested in Wal-Mart food aisle fight
Police in Lebanon say three Vermont residents were arrested this weekend following a fight over money in the frozen food section at a local Walmart.
According to Lebanon Police Chief Richard Mello, officers responded to the Walmart store on N. Plainfield Road on Saturday to investigate a report of a fight in the frozen food area of the store. Upon arrival, officers reported finding a man suffering from a laceration on his head, while another man was being restrained by an off-duty Hartford Police officer, assisted by other bystanders. A woman was also identified involved in the incident, Mello said.
According to police, the fight began over money owed between the two men involved, identified by Mello as Calvin Molina, 25, and Juan Marin, 27, both of Woodstock, Vt. According to police, Molina went to Walmart to locate Marin and collect money he said he was owed. A fight broke out between Molina and Marin, during which a woman identified by police as Yamaris Marin, 20, also of Woodstock, Vt., assaulted the off-duty officer who was attempting to break up the incident. Yamaris then interfered with Lebanon officers who were attempting to take Molina into custody, Mello said.
Classy people.
I am not even going to click on that to see what they look like. I already know.
This is why I buy my frozen food at the supermarket.
Good Lord.
Listen man, NOBODY fucks with those Mennonites. NOBODY!
Good thing the parents have 5 more kids to sell off to the highest bidder.
Their motives may never be known.
$20,000. it says so right there in the article.
You ruined my joke. Or maybe I did.
Toxic masculinity?
Oh, wait. Uh… white privilege?
To be sure.
Police in Lebanon say three Vermont residents were arrested this weekend following a fight over money in the frozen food section at a local Walmart.
Not fighting over pizza?
Disappoint, I am.
No, the latest food conflict here is corn vs. flour tortillas.
I guess if you really wanted to ruffle some feathers, you’d have to talk about making a deep dish { pizza | casserole } with { corn | flour } tortillas instead of a yeast-dough crust. Topped with ham and pineapples, of course.
Here’s the problem, Akira.
Your average Deep Dish has a crust thicker than an entire pizza (counting toppings). Tortillas tend to be thinner than your average pizza crust, so you will get burnt bottoms before your cheese melts.
“the latest food conflict here is corn vs. flour tortillas”
I see no problem with enjoying both equally.
Oh, look at “Mr. Cruel Impartiality” here …
Me neither. I never understood the “wars” that go on between adherents of different styles of a certain dish.
Regional BBQ variations? Whatever; it’s all just delicious smoky pork to me.
The proper depth of a pizza is of no concern for me. If it’s made out of good dough, good sauce, good cheese, and good toppings, I will fucking inhale it.
Take dark meat pork, put it in a pressure cooker, slather it in sauce, pour a small measure (~1/4 cup) of water into the bottom of the pot. Seal, bring to pressure. Cook for 30-40 minutes. Remove from pot. Use two forks to shred chunks. Add more sauce. Place on carb product of your choice.
Making a deep dish Hawaiian pizza is like visiting the Yasukuni Shrine of pizzas.
So I’ve never listened to these guys until their lead singer made those awesome comments. They’re not bad, and the video is Q approved.
I have had some very hearty laughs at the attacks he’s taken, especially the “Shut the fuck up Jesse Hughes!” ones. See, you have Absolute Moral Authority™ if you are a “survivor” who agrees with left. If you aren’t, then SHUT THE FUCK UP JESSE HUGHES! It’s also funny when you consider that Hughes actually was right there at the shooting rather than in a building somewhere else nearby, making him much more of a “survivor” than Jim Henson’s Everytown Babies.
EODM are a great band.
Things are starting to get interesting.
I have been doing some reading on pre-columbian north american cultures. Interesting stuff. Then I found this little gem:
Most of the reading I have done on Aztecs, Mayans and Incas was pretty dry stuff. I have looked around their temples in person and it pretty obvious that there was some horrific savagery that went on with those people but had I known about this before I would have taken more pleasure in reading about the casualties that the spanish inflicted on them.
The only reason I know it takes 17 seconds to extract a human heart with a flint knife (and that you do so by coming up from below the sternum) is becuase people were trying to figure out of the Aztec boast of having sacrificed over eighty thousand people to reconsecrate a temple complex was even possible within the four day timeframe claimed.
It was.
I present to you, the Yoko Ono whistle…
All lies. All indigenous peoples were peace-loving and prosperous before Europeans invented war and diseases.
Heh, I clicked on another recommended video in Suthen’s link and the narrator explained how the Aztec’s murdered thousands of men, women, and children each year through sacrifice to their gods.
It immediately cut to a university professor who exclaimed that the Aztecs were so advanced with compulsory education and philosophy. She then explained away the systematic human sacrifices as part of the Aztec’s philosophy of life and death that allowed them to live more deeply and have a richer philosophy than other cultures.
She should offer herself up as a sacrifice for the greater good.
Don’t be daft, he faith requires the sacrifice of other people for her comfort.
I’m sure it’s been done already, where is the article in which a greenie progsplains to us how they were so sophisticated that they understood that Gaia needs common-sense population control and advocates it as something to emulate?
My response to population control and Malthusians in general is always “You’re free to lead by example.”
It’s one of the more troubling ideas that seems to have gone mainstream in my lifetime. Ask almost anyone on the street if human beings are overpopulated and 9/10 you’ll get a dutiful “yes”. Most aren’t willing to go for gov’t control measures (beyond abortion, state funded contraception and occasionally sterilization) but I wonder if a few more turns of the rachet will have people agreeing that the government has to “do something.”
Death Whistle opened for GWAR once, didn’t they?
STFU, Suthen!
They’ll be outlawing flint knives next!
You mean “Paleolithic Assault Weapons”!
I wouldn’tworry about it. Sure, they’ll make a lot of noise, they always do, but they don’t have a great track record of actually doing anything about Flint.
The NFA has every politician paid off. It’s all about money for them.
I took a class on the Aztecs, Incas, and Maya my freshman year undergrad to fulfill a humanities requirement and a diversity requirement.
The instructor, an archaeologist who specialized in the Maya, opened up the section on the Maya by talking about how he couldn’t stand how people thought of the Maya as a bunch of happy hippies hanging out in the jungle. He pointed out they probably killed more people than the Aztecs.
About your video: I like the guy’s quip about blowing the whistle in downtown Chicago.
The Maya had a longer history (and the conquest of the Mayans in the Yucatan wrapped up well after the Aztecs were done), so they had more time to rack up a body count.
The Aztecs were the big regional power when the Europeans arrived, so they got the most attention. Mayan civilization was well past it’s peak.
If you’re interested in the topic there is a book I read a few years ago that goes through the archeological evidence around the world and makes a very strong case that there was far more violence in the past than is typically admitted. It’s called “War Before Civilization”.
I don’t know about you, but I celebrate Indigenous People’s Day this way: Kidnap a neighbor from a few blocks over, drag him to the courthouse, cut out his heart, eat part of it, then decapitate him, play a variation of basketball with the head, and finally kick his lifeless body down the steps.
2 of the 5: would. The other 3, I guess if you’re in a residential facility for people with mental retardation you gotta take what you can get.
Having grown up just north of Fayette County, this doesn’t surprise me in the least.
Q: “What do Sumner girls put behind their ears to attract boys?”
A: “Their knees.”
Q: “How do you define ‘virgin’ in Fayette County?”
A: “Any girl who can run faster than her brother.”
Also, fuck, I used to know some Pagels. Still not surprised.
Jokes about the virtue of the women of Fayette county aside, sexual abuse of residents in nursing homes and other assisted living centers is actually pretty common. It’s usually one person doing it at a time though, not an organized group.
I can tell you about the mentally ill and retards. They are not good at making wise decisions or protecting themselves. The vast majority have or have had every kinda cootie there is. If those girls have been bumping uglies with the patients, so do they.
Would is a bad idea.
i’m going to guess one of them is surnamed Shiflett… checking… checking…
I didn’t want to provide a link to CNN, but there’s something sort of funny about CNN admitting that they never actually gave you reality before, but now you can make your own.
Will there be videos featuring Stormy Daniels?
You mean people are using #metoo as a cynical truncheon to attack their enemies, political or otherwise? UNPOSSIBLE.
Local news, but interesting nonetheless since the CO State Capitol is completely falling apart because of this shit. Remember, the State House is where a Dem switched parties (so a Pub would be appointed in his stead) right before being expelled for #metoo accusations just as a fuck you to his party.
From Commodious’ David Hogg link, above-
A strong subtext of the recurrent school-shooting story is the obsolescence of schools and our unwillingness to address it.
I heartily concur, but I don’t think we’ll be hearing about that from the nodders at Morning Joke.
SHIT. Commodious already posted it. Apologies.
This weekend is KinkFest. Three full days of kinky-fuckery including classes and 30k sq ft of dungeon space. I am certain I will have some derp to share from the event considering the collection of perverts, reprobates, weirdos, and freaks that will be in attendance.
Even if I were involved in that subculture, I’m not sure I could take the number of Leftists that are involved with it.
There are a lot of Lefties, yes. Lot of them are more garden variety lefties. But it honestly doesn’t come up that often if you aren’t connected on facebook. In person it’s ‘What kinky shit did you do since the last time I saw you?’ and ‘what kinky shit can we do now?’ There’s some goofy ass classes on gender and trannys and such, but most of the classes at the event are focused on how to tie people up, fuck them, or beat them in some combination.
There are also a sub set who, well, let’s say there’s a reason that I think that most feminists who talk about a patriarchal rape culture aren’t being descriptive, they are being proscriptive and projecting their personal desires.
I briefly hung out on Fetlife. Yeah. Lots of leftist stupidity in there.
I never figured so many people get off on tangled garden hoses.
This is a more charitable take on Piglet than I would make.
He’s going to get very embarrassing when his 15 minutes are up (eg: porn career, reality TV, severe drug addiction, or some other such thing).
I said it before, if CNN drops the guy because they realize he’s political herpes, Fox should offer him a panelist slot.
The fact that someone so outwardly ill-informed and self-righteous became the face/voice of a movement is hilarious. The fact that a significant portion of the population takes him seriously is terrifying. Same can be said of Tank Girl.
…porn career…
It won’t be porn, it will be performance art. The video of him getting screwed by a guy wearing a MAGA hat sporting a “Don’t Tread on Me” tattoo will be metaphorical. It will say something, something really, truly important, like all courageous art does.
I’d contribute to a Kickstarter for that.
In a world in which MattY still has a job, I have no fears for the go-getter Komsomolets.
His only problem may be that’s he’s a male, and they found a way better fembot to be the face of their generation.
Just because xe has a beard, doesn’t make xim a male you cis-het-shitlord.
Especially that beard.
Hell no, he’s running for office once he turns 18. Book it.
Chance the Rapper accuses Heineken of 4D chess—which is all part of Heinekin’s 5D plan! They hired him to bitch about something that no one otherwise would have inferred, to frame it as sinister subliminal plan for attention, thereby getting exponentially more advertising than they paid for.