Moral Cultures
A couple years back, a paper made the rounds through the daily “science” “journalism” blogs. It discussed three types of moral cultures that exist: honor cultures, dignity cultures, and victimhood cultures. In the context of the US, the country started as an honor culture, evolved into a dignity culture in the early 19th century, and is in the process of evolving into a victimhood culture now.
As a background, honor culture is a type of culture where small slights are amplified into grievous insults, and are addressed with direct retribution. For example, a cad insinuates that your wife is his paramour and you slap him across the face with your glove to challenge him to a duel. A dignity culture is a type of culture where small slights are ignored and larger conflicts are elevated to a paternalistic overseer like a court or an administrator. For example, your neighbor builds a fence on your side of the property line, and you take them to court to resolve the issue. Finally, a victimhood culture is a natural outgrowth of the other two. Victimhood culture amplifies small slights into grievous insults (microaggressions) and elevates these small slights to their overseers, usually campus kangaroo courts, social media censors, or advertisers.
Victimhood as Social Currency
Campbell and Manning, in the linked paper, discuss the virtuosity of claiming victimhood status in a victimhood culture:
When the victims publicize microaggressions they call attention to what they see as the deviant behavior of the offenders. In doing so they also call attention to their own victimization. Indeed, many ways of attracting the attention and sympathy of third parties emphasize or exacerbate the low status of the aggrieved. People portray themselves as oppressed by the powerful – as damaged, disadvantaged, and needy. This is especially evident with various forms of self-harm, such as protest suicides and hunger strikes. Other such gestures include the ancient Roman practice of “squalor,” where the aggrieved party would let his hair grow out, wear shabby clothes, and follow his adversary through the streets, and the Indian practice of “sitting dharna,” where he would sit at his adversary’s door. But why emphasize one’s victimization?
Certainly the distinction between offender and victim always has moral significance, lowering the offender’s moral status. In the settings such as those that generate microaggression catalogs, though, where offenders are oppressors and victims are the oppressed, it also raises the moral status of the victims. This only increases the incentive to publicize grievances, and it means aggrieved parties are especially likely to highlight their identity as victims, emphasizing their own suffering and innocence. Their adversaries are privileged and blameworthy, but they themselves are pitiable and blameless. To the extent that others take their side, they accept this characterization of the conflict, but their adversaries and their partisans might portray the conflict in the opposite terms. This can give rise to what is called “competitive victimhood,” with both sides arguing that it is they and not their adversaries who have suffered the most and are most deserving of help or most justified in retribution.
. . .
Appeals that emphasize the victimhood status of the aggrieved appear to arise in situations where people rely on authorities to handle their conflicts. Even relatively wealthy or powerful litigants might approach the court by presenting themselves as victims in need of assistance against a bullying adversary (see, e.g., Bryen 2013: Chapter 4). Most state propaganda, on the other hand, is not aimed at superiors or equals, but at subordinates. It seeks to inspire not sympathy, but loyalty, fear, and respect. This is also largely true of the communications between states, particularly those of similar size and military power. Warring states have no central authority to which they might appeal to handle their conflict or deter violence, and so they handle their conflicts directly through aggression and negotiation. In this respect states resemble individuals living in settings where legal authority is weak or absent.
In essence, victims try to amplify the harm done to them, usually in an oppressor-oppressed context, to elicit pity from the authority, which they see as a parental figure. Usually, this results in an escalating comparison of grievances between opposing parties. Sound familiar? It should to all of you parents out there, especially parents of small children. Victimhood culture is the triumph of the tattle tale. One of the big themes of a victimhood culture is “actively retarding the process of growing up.”
Victimhood Culture and Statism
If you read the above excerpt carefully, you’ll notice something predictable, but rather telling. “Appeals that emphasize the victimhood status of the aggrieved appear to arise in situations where people rely on authorities to handle their conflicts.” Victimhood culture is a characteristically authoritarian culture. Campbell and Manning explain:
In sum, microaggression catalogs are a form of social control in which the aggrieved collect and publicize accounts of intercollective offenses, making the case that relatively minor slights are part of a larger pattern of injustice and that those who suffer them are socially marginalized and deserving of sympathy. The phenomenon is sociologically similar to other forms of social control that involve airing grievances to authority figures or the public as a whole, that actively manage social information in a campaign to convince others to intervene, and that emphasize the dominance of the adversary and the victimization of the aggrieved. Insofar as these forms are sociologically similar, they should tend to arise in under similar social conditions. These conditions include a social setting with cultural diversity and relatively high levels of equality, though with the presence of strongly superior third parties such as legal officials and organizational administrators. Furthermore, both social superiors and other third parties are in social locations – such as being distant from both disputants – that facilitate only latent or slow partisanship. Under these conditions, individuals are likely to express grievances about oppression, and aggrieved individuals are likely to depend on the aid of third parties, to cast a wide net in their attempt to find supporters, and to campaign for support by emphasizing their own need against a bullying adversary.
With the growth of authoritarian control factors in our society, whether through government, increasingly invasive social media, pussyfooting corporations, or university echo chambers, the flitting peacock dance of the victim isn’t truly focused on the so called offender, but is primarily signaling their virtue to the relevant authority. The demented offspring of the helicopter parent generation have choppered their way back home to roost. When somebody hurts your fee-fees, you tell your parental figure, and they will tell that nasty bully/teacher/coach/professor/employer/bigot/random internet person/wrongthinker what’s what and buy you an ice cream cone on the way home.
Watching It All Play Out In Real Life: #NeverAgain
As we deal with the political fallout of yet another school shooting, we can see exactly how this victimhood culture operates on a very public scale. In this case, the issue wasn’t a microaggression, but a legitimate tragedy. Of course, the backdrop of this entire charade is the fact that an activist authoritarian movement is working with a complicit media and a well-established community organizing infrastructure to ban guns.
I can’t believe you wrote this offensive crap.
Delete your account.
*I’m offended, change your mind* meme here.*

The unfortunate thing about this evolutionary model is that there doesn’t seem to be any way to reverse the ratchet-effect, short of a full reset.
Would a lot of people going “Fuckit, I don’t give a crap” count as a full reset?
If sufficient members of the public were to go to the considerable effort of doing so, yes. But as we see, the most typical reaction is a shrug, followed by “Whaddyagonnado?”
Actually, a response of sheer apathy to screeches of “pay attention to me, I’m a Victim” would completely take the wind out of their sails, which is where this pattern seems to be headed.
Possibly, but that does nothing to reverse the direction.
It just leaves the process stalled, waiting for the next, sadly inevitable event that lets them advance their agenda again. The process is inexorable, the only variable being the velocity of the ratcheting. We know that the anti-2A supporters have a project plan and a budget. All they want is the next catalyst, and then the pawls will click a few more times.
I think sad as it may sound edgy memes and social media is the biggest shot at reversing. Fight fire woth fire. The education system is a lost cause. The way to reach the young is by net. This is why the powers that be are fighting so hard to stop it. Especially hunor and mockery which are effective
I think you’re on to a good point here. Fundamental to the whole victimhood grift is the premise that the person claiming it is weak, impotent, and dysfunctional. People don’t throw that back in their faces, generally, out of politeness. But, the boundaries of politeness have been reached a long time ago.
Regarding the first image: I refer to the perpetually outraged class thusly: “Perpetually Offended and Outraged Persons.”
Working out the acronym for that is left as an exercise for the reader.
As a driver I find myself operating in my very own honor culture. Which is to say that if you run a stop sign I will follow you and bellow obscenities at you for at least a block.
Come to think of it, I kind of trend in that direction for most things, really.
Well, I’m triggered.
“Weakness is strength.”
Its hard to tell tipping points in advance, but I’m getting a bad feeling that we are watching a tipping point, where the cultural forces for totalitarianism and authoritarianism finally, finally manage to marginalize the people who don’t want to live in a smothering, jackbooted cronyist nanny state.
The Dems have gone hard left. The Repubs are rushing left, seemingly, to fill the vacuum. Trump, the last throw of the deplorables, is coming up snake-eyes. The one area where libertarians could actually point to real movement in their direction, gun rights, seems to have peaked and be running headlong in the other direction.
” The one area where libertarians could actually point to real movement in their direction, gun rights, seems to have peaked and be running headlong in the other direction.”
Remember a few months ago when hopes were high for national reciprocity and deregulated suppressors? How fast the worm turns!
It’s almost enough to make me start listening to the conspiracy “false flag” nuts. Almost, but not quite.
I sure find it a hell of coincidence – the shooting at that particular school due to a giant pile of police and security fails – with pissy faced gay kid and bald commie girl ready to lead national parades before anyone was even done mourning the dead….
The speed and effectiveness with which the totalitarian-media complex reacted was . . . frightening. I don’t think they could possibly have pre-staged at this particular school, but I think they definitely had a contingency plan in place for the next school shooting, and they executed on it very well.
Without the media collusion, it would all be a big nothing, but as we know, the major media in this country is totes cronies with the totalitarians inside and outside of government.
I hadn’t planned to buy any more guns, really, but I’m definitely going to stock up on ammo and look very hard at another gun or two.
My own hunch: there was a LOT of handwringing among lefty types after Sandy Hook: “If 20 dead kindergartners isn’t enough to get gun control, how will we ever get it?” Their takeaway from this was that the horror itself wasn’t enough to obtain their goals. They needed a proactive propaganda campaign waiting on standby for the next big school shooting. Orlando wasn’t the right avenue for them because of the Islamist angle. Vegas wasn’t it because deep down they didn’t actually give a fuck that a bunch of rednecks died. This thing was tailor-made for them, and they had some very willing collaborators amongst the student body. What are the chances that Piggy and Sinbad O’Connor and their other most visible accomplices had previously-established links to Dem activist groups? Probably pretty good, I’d say. So, as soon as this thing goes down, someone with such groups gets on the horn and finds out “who do we have a contact for at that school?” Calls are made, proposals offered, and off we go.
Crazy? Maybe…..but any more crazy than the notion that a bunch of teenagers organized an intensive media campaign before the bodies were even in the ground?
Here’s the thing I noticed. Early last week, you started to hear news reports that the media darlings were part of a clique that had bullied the shooter. There was even a video of Skinhead justifying their treating the kid like shit. My guess is that making the whole story about guns was, for them, a very convenient way from keeping the spotlight from ever shining on them.
Can you post links to those sources?
See here:
I don’t get her point, what, with all the crying to confuse things.
And the parents nodding in approval….smack to the head.
Vegas wasn’t it because deep down they didn’t actually give a fuck that a bunch of rednecks died.
TBH, I don’t think they care about this set of victims either. They are just categorized by their potential political effectiveness and nothing more.
Well, that, but Vegas was just too weird. There were no hooks in the story – the shooter was a total nullity, the investigation immediately clamped down on every bit of info, the “victims” weren’t very victimy, about the only part of it that was a story-story was the bump-stock full-auto workaround.
…and look very hard at another gun or two.
RC admits to being a meat-gazer.
Already have an M1A. Honestly, for a shoulder-fired rifle, I think full-auto and .308 are probably not a good combo anyway, so the M1A is fine.
Possibly another handgun. And that Tavor bullpup 12 gauge looks pretty sweet, if I have any money left after my fucking septic system gets fucking fixed.
2 3/4″ 00 shells each have 9 pellets about the size of a 9mm bullet, so each trigger pull is like emptying my carry gun downrange. With the right choke and a red-dot sight, I would expect my effective range to be 40 yards, probably around my pistol shooting range if not a little further.
I have an M1A too, and have actually fired an M14 *with* happy switch. It’s more controllable than people say, but really, 20 rounds ain’t a lot for full auto. Easier than the FAL.
Being in CT, I can’t have a Tavor (or any bullpup) because we’re fucking losers.
Full auto in 308 is fantastic in the right platform. The 240B is so smooth.
240B is sweet and runs like a dream, but I’m sentimental for the 60, even if it was often a piece of shit. Still have my wrench in a box somewhere.
It is at the very least a sign of decay that weakness is not something to overcome but to wallow in
Lucy snatches the Overton Window away to the left again, and Charlie Brown falls on his ass. Again.
I thought we didn’t talk about Lucy here?
Here’s the precursor to this creepy kids’ movement. Mao’s Little Red Guards.
This vile attack upon the opressed does nothing but confirm the white patriarchy we live in. This article is trash and you are a monster
Do not these people realize they are harming real victims? Or do they not care?
You have to break a few eggs to make an omelette, Pie…
An Omelette Pie? Ewwwwww
Not a fan of quiche?
That’s fucking disgusting!
“How dare you question these children who have gone through a tragedy”
“Sure, there policy ideas are loopy, but they’re just kids. Give them a break, they’ve been through a tragedy”
“Stop trying to deflect from the issue of gun control, by focusing on the specifics. They’ve been through a tragedy”
All arguments made in defense of the woke kids marching to take guns away from people. All arguments devoid of logic, but full of feelz
How dare anyone expect Kyle Kashuv to receive the same kind of platform as St. Piggy and Mr. Clean!
Is that little fucking cunt wearing a fucking Cuban flag? Fuck her.
Indeed she is.
I question anyone who pushes for policy after a tragedy. Cant think straight. Cool head is needed and some detachment. But tell that to the emotions are as good as reason crowd
The only way they get their desired outcome is by exploiting irrational emotive responses.
I’ve had enough of nuanced argument and compromise with these people. Anyone can look at the statistics and see that school shootings are blessedly rare events in this country, as are mass shootings generally. There is no legitimate argument for disarming American citizens on the basis of safety, and I refuse to give up my rights just to keep the peace with people who are at best not thinking clearly and at worst malicious and deceitful. I don’t care how many corpses they stand on.
Same here. Not that people engage with me on this issue, but if they did, my response would probably be:
“You have never in your whole life been safer from violence than you are today, and that is true of schoolchildren as well. There is no factual basis for claiming that gun control or confiscation will make anyone safer – it never has, and never will. I know the end-game here, which is confiscation of privately owned firearms, so don’t try to tell me this is just a few reasonable safety measures. I’m not negotiating anything but the repeal of current gun control laws.
You are coming for my guns, whether knowingly or as a useful idiot, and when the jackboots kick down my door to seize my guns, its entirely possible that I will defend myself.”
“Can’t we have a conversation about guns?” ALWAYS equals “Why don’t you hicks just get with the program and give us your guns?”
Every. Fuckin’. Time.
“you cannot have my guns, even if you assemble enough popular support to repeal the 2nd amendment. Now, let’s talk about solutions.”
For me, “solutions” are off the table. There is not a problem with guns in this country, other than the fact that purchase and ownership is over-regulated. It’s already hard enough for people to acquire guns legally, and even harder to carry them where they’d be most useful in a defensive situation. Legally-purchased firearms and responsible gun owners are not why Chicago has a problem with drug and gang-related violence. The NRA is not why once in a blue moon a weirdo goes nuts and shoots up a movie theater or a school. The shoulder thing that goes up isn’t why ambush shootings happen.
All violent crime is down and trending downward despite more guns and more gun owners. You’re far, far more likely to die falling off a ladder or drowning in a bathtub than you are by being shot. I am fresh out of fucks to give about people’s feelings and have no interest in compromise. At the rate of mass shootings in this country we’re not even talking about acceptable risk; there’s virtually no risk at all, and time and again we see that the best way to mitigate any harm caused by a mass shooting is for people on the scene to be armed and ready to respond. I’m not going to cede a fundamental human right in order to make stupid, irrational, and in some cases bad people happier.
All violent crime is down and trending downward
despitewith more guns and more gun owners.The “despite” makes it sound like there is some sort of positive correlation between guns/gun owners and violence and verges on granting their premises. I think “with” is more neutral.
I always find ‘can’t we have a conversation’ spiel to be disturbingly full of shit because they never have another point of view in that conversation whenever they rail in front of the cameras.
Okay. I’m here. Let’s talk.
The victimhood culture in this country goes at least as far back as the temperance movement. Its eventual “success” did nothing but increase crime and taxation (and perhaps I should make no distinction) and never has taken the blame for its utter failure. Goddamned Methodists.
“Goddamned Methodists”
Amen to that
Preach on brother.
Agreeing with a Lutheran- well those are some extra days in purgatory that I’ll have to work off
I can’t even tell the difference between Lutheran’s and Methodists. Lutherans drink more?
Hotdish vs. Casserole?
Exhibit A: Methodists have no sense of humor
How about, I have had enough shit from you and others as “humor” about my faith. Want me to just go ahead and start getting people fucking banned? HAHAHA that would be funny, eh?
Woah- I’m just kidding here. Take it down a bit. It’s meant in good fun. At least no one calls Methodists commies, like they do the pope
So you have that on us Catholics
It’s your fault for letting the Cardinals appoint a commie.
This is a longer discussion, but the pope is not a commie. I doubt that the institution most influential in bringing about the end of the Soviet Union is really interested in being led by a commie apologist.
Just Say’n, we use the ‘Commie Pope’ shorthand for the fact that more than half the time, Francis makes proclamations that are more Karl Marx than Jesus of Nazareth. He’s really Proggie Pope, and I’m wondering why the allterative aspects dodn’t catch on.
He really isn’t though. But, I’m not an overly sensitive person, even though you’re remarks are false
Then work on your humor – because the last time or 3 this bullshit has come up, there hasn’t been as much as one hint of “ha ha”. Just Protestants = assholes, and Methodists by name. I have FUCKING HAD IT.
Oh come on now, how often is “the pope is a commie” recited here? I have nothing against the Mothodists or any other faith (except for those shifty Amish)
Are you saying you’re a victim?
I kid, I kid (please don’t ban me)
Not from me.
My beef is with YOU.
Don’t plead “well I get crap too.” Just knock it the fuck off.
If you think that I am routinely mocking Methodists or Protestants then OK, then. I’m surprised by the accusation, but OK. I can’t argue with your perception. Good day then
I’m more than willing to concede when I am wrong, but I don’t think your accusation is fair, so I won’t pollute these pages with my hateful rhetoric anymore
Can we at least make fun of the Episcopagans?
Nah, it basically comes down to Swiss was offended by the jokes and so he’s just going to label me as a convenient scapegoat (even though I wasn’t even the person who first mentioned Methodists in the post). He’s made a ludicrous argument that “I don’t care if others get ridiculed, I’m specifically saying that my faith shouldn’t be ridiculed and you are a convenient target for my hurt feelings”. It is beyond ludicrous. I’d apologize if it were true, but it isn’t so I shall not.
But the Pope really IS a commie.
Whoa…sorry Swiss. I was just thought it would be funny to agree with Just Sayin’ since when I do say anything about religion it’s usually to tweak him about being a Catholic. I’ll stick to bad mouthing papists.
Clearly everything was being said as a joke, including my reference of having to serve time in purgatory for agreeing with a Lutheran (I believe that is actually automatic damnation).
A joke indeed. I mean, how could a Lutheran possibly agree with a Catholic? It stretches the bounds of reality.
And yes, it is automatic damnation. Mostly because there is no such thing as purgatory.
All I know is that jokes, especially bad jokes, are worse than Hitler (and Lutherans don’t go to heaven)
*Adds rule about jokes to
9596 Theses*As long as I can still make fun of Canadians, I’m good.
Preach on brother.
I’m a French Canadian Catholic.
You guys should all consider yourself lucky I don’t have any Cow Butt powers around here.
French too?!
*laughs until passing out from lack of oxygen*
“I’m a French Canadian Catholic.
You guys should all consider yourself lucky I don’t have any Cow Butt powers around here.”
Shut up, Tulpa!
And now I’m getting called Tulpa too!
I feel victimized.
Tais-toi, Tulpa!
If this is true, it puts David Hogg’s “performance” on a whole new level, doesn’t it?
I think that’s been debunked.
Por favor?
You really want something to “debunk” crisis actor conspiracy theory bullshit? Okay, fine.
Million things to criticize the kid on, let’s not make shit up.
Er, I’m not trying to make things up — it’s a claim I’ve run into. You’ll note my OP stated “*If* this is true…”
My Google-fu’s not great, but I was having a hard time finding anything reliable using the most-obvious search terms.
“”You’ll note my OP stated “*If* this is true…”””
Step 1: apply skepticism
Step 2: …if skeptical, do not promulgate
Step 3: become slave to the illuminati
Step 4: step 3 is just a joke. OR IS IT
If I applied Step 2 consistently, I probably wouldn’t read half of Glibertarians. And then I’d be stuck trying to figure out which half.
TW: Snopes after a quick Google. But I think they’re right on this one.
Plus, even the dissenting students from Parkland don’t claim he is a plant.
the mention of “Laguna Beach Antifa” doesn’t really aid in its credibility
Like I said, a claim.
I’ve only been on the “retail” ‘Net since 1996 (and a decade or so before that for its precursors), but every year I find it harder and harder to distinguish the real from the fake.
Don’t sweat it, BEAM.
When I see something like that is, I ask “Are there any dogs not barking?” Meaning – if that’s true, what else would you expect to hear. In this case, the other students at Parkland would certainly have said something, if not the teachers or administrators. Because they didn’t, I was pretty clear it was a hoax.
But, yeah, its harder all the time. The internet has become a hall of mirrors, where trying to tease facts from narrative, especially when so much of the narrative is under coordination if not control, is not easy.
Today we learned that the Omar Mateen’s father was an FBI informant for 11 years. You’d think that would have come out long ago, but nope, it only came out in open court during his wife’s trial.
I’m expecting to learn that the Las Vegas shooter was an informant as well as a hypothesis that could explain a lot of the weird-ass shit around that case. But no confirmation, yet.
To be more precise: “Today we learned that the Omar Mateen’s father was an FBI informant off and on for 11 years.
Once you’ve “helped” them once, you don’t get to choose whether to “help” again.
That’s really funny and a hyperlocal dig, but nobody calls it Redondo Shores High School. Anyone from the area just calls it “Shores” and it’s the continuation school where all the fuckups go.
Although this is absolutely and totally false, I derive great pleasure from the fact that the new meta in twitch chat is to say “PAID ACTOR” whenever they show any audience members on camera during major league gaming events.
Gamers love to mock people, and I really do believe that the weird 4chan edgy humor they use is pretty effective at getting people to laugh at the professional victim crowd.
Sorry this never should have been given any credence.
If any of the media darlings from parkland were not actually students there WAY too many people would know about it and right wing news sources would be publishing expose’s all over the place.
In order to buy he was a crisis actor you would first need to explain why Fox News and a dozen other right wing media outlets were in on covering it up.
The Achilles heel of the whole victimhood shakedown is that it totally, utterly, and completely relies on being a lie. If cis-white-hetero-patriarchial males were the monstrous brutes the victim choruses proclaim them to be, the victim choruses would shut the fuck up for fear of incurring their wrath. It’s precisely because they know the claims are mostly bullshit that they know they’re perfectly safe to strut about how brave they are for standing up to the evil oppressors.
There are 2 things it’s really all about. The people who are using it personally are generally just insecure, emotionally disturbed, or they aren’t either of those, but have discovered it as a way to be more popular in certain groups or use it as an advantage in various ways, or just as an excuse to be incompetent and lazy and totally get away with it. These people have always been around. I clearly remember these people in school and in college, and even at work, to this day. It’s just that they now have a huge platform in the internet to broadcast their grief and find likewise afflicted souls to prop each other up.
The 2nd group are leftists who use this bullshit to further their agenda.
Nothing much more to it. It either dies off as any other fad, or society is going to wind up, I am afraid, very badly damaged.
That’s what irks me – so many of these Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferers have a very sanctimonious air about them like they’re doing something brave. Can they name one person who has lost their job or been physically assaulted for expressing anti-Trump opinions?
Trashey’s social credit score has just went down.
He needs to write a self criticism and read it in front of comrad director
So, if we’re being victimized by the victims then we are super victims, right?
Oops, this wasn’t quite ready for posting yet. I was going to flesh out that last section. Oh well, this is a BYO punchline article 🙂
Don’t forget to confess your privilege in the rewrite.
The punchline is that “oppressors” end up in ovens.
Was there ever any doubt?
That punchline is just baked into the joke.
x_x Sorry about that, trsh!
No worries!
I blame you for writing such a fine piece that we couldn’t tell it wasn’t done… 😉
(But we’ll seriously try not to do this again. Appreciate your understanding of our many [like, wow, so many] short comings!)
I toss a [Ready to Post] tag in the title when I’m done with it. I’m not sure if everybody else still does that or not. I’m happy to signal incompletion/completion however works best for you. ?
That is perfect. I think we were just a little overzealous in the drafts vs pending.
Not I, but I do hit the “Submit for Review” button when I’ve got it in ready state.
This is also perfect.
So much perfection going around!
I think one way to end this, if we can get enough people to play along. Everyone claims special victim status. I mean, how can you deny anyone? That would be racist and sexist and shit.
Because white people can’t be proper victims. Not even gay white people – they can be acceptable victims to use against straight white people, but they’re always going to get only participation ribbons at the Victim Olympics.
This is another part of what I consider ridiculous about the whole grift. Everything is function of the collective and the facts of individual scenarios are irrelevant. As a result, you get Cletus, the first generation college student from West Virginia coal country on scholarship is the privileged oppressor of Sasha and Malia Obama. Even if I were to buy into the legitimacy of victimology, if you think that, you’re an idiot and I think the rest of the world can safely ignore anything you have to say.
Yup. One of my best friends in the Marines grew up in a trailer park. Never knew his dad. Mom was a drunkard. Brother in prison for holding up convenience stores. Two sisters with kids by random dudes, on the dole. Didn’t have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. Joined the Marines a)because he had no better prospects at the time, living in bumblefuck Alabama with a high school diploma and middling grades b)they would pay for an education or job training, which he couldn’t afford without taking on a ton of debt. He was a radar tech like me, took some other technician courses in the meantime, went to Auburn after getting out, became an electrical engineer, and now he works for Raytheon making a helluva nice living.
Dude built himself up from nothing….but using the leftist calculus, he’s an evil privileged oppressor while someone else like the University of Missouri hunger strike guy could be the child of a millionaire but still a victim because his skin is black.
Not going to try to compete with the marine story, but my parents were pretty much dirt poor. Paid my own way through college and am now the ‘rich’ one in my family. I have not led a sheltered life by any stretch of the imagination. Probably the only thing that saved me somewhat is that my grandparents sort of adopted me and I was better off because of that. That’s about the only break I ever got. But then I squandered what opportunity I got. Could have accepted their offer to pay for college and I decided instead to pass on that and play some music and in general be a wild ass hedonist. Anyway, I’m pretty well off now, but it could have ended up very badly. I have dodged some huge bullets that could have derailed everything and have been through some rough shit, how in the world I ever escaped that and got where I am now, it’s almost a miracle the way I look at it. Good wife, good career, I’ll take it.
BTW, where is the privilege store? Now that I’ve made it, I want some of that.
My parent’s generation: My mother was raised by a single mom due to her father being an alcoholic. My father was also raised by a single mom after age 11 due to his father dying. Oh, and his mother was about as Latina as they get. Both families were pretty poor. Pater Dean is a classic American success story – first to go to college, went into the Marines, got out and got an engineering job, worked his way up to plant manager, retired early and comfortably.
And, the true American success story – both of their kids got Ivy League graduate degrees and are respected professionals in their fields.
Exactly when, and how, does this “white privilege” thing attach? Certainly didn’t to my parents, so why didn’t they pass on their oppression to their kids, as I am told is the way of the world.
“Pater Dean”
Come on, RC, it’s really Tater, isn’t it? I grew up poor, and we all had a Tater in the family. No shame in that.
“and his mother was about as Latina as they get”
Latina milf, I approve!
Latina milf
Trust me, you’d be deep in Rule 34 territory with Abuela Dean.
it’s really Tater, isn’t it
Really not. We’re originally from the Southwest, not the Deep South.
The uncomfortable fact to admit (because no one here wants to be unfairly associated with white-identitarian losers who scream about ‘white genocide’) is that the entire paradigm and rhetoric of intersectionality and victim-politics functions fundamentally an excuse to be racist against whites—including/especially by rich white liberals, against the socioeconomically worse-off whites, as a face-saving (guilt-reducing) measure.
It’s anti-white in its essence.
Didn’t most 1930’s Germans eventually claim to be victims of the Jews?
Yes, they absolutely did. The Nazis liked to frame political platforms with biology: Jews are a parasitic virus. The health of the German nation is weakened by this infection, to the point that the Asiatic hordes will come galloping west and conquer. Getting rid of the Jewish virus is the only way to save themselves.
Yes. You can go back to a lot of Nazi era propaganda and writing and see direct parallels with SJW victimhood culture. It allows them to assuage their conscience and continue to claim moral high ground while committing the worst kinds of atrocities.
I still think that Congress should just pass existing laws regarding automatic weapons. Most of these gun controllers are so ignorant about guns and existing laws that they’ll think they’ve accomplished something. Just nobody tell them they’ve been had
That would be an excellent diversion. Other things we could ban to make them think they’ve won:
– Heat-seeking bullets
– Fully-automatic assault clips
– The Glock Model 7
Just keep your mitts off my thing that goes up.*
*May not apply to FLBP cuties.
You aren’t fooling us–you go that from Die Hard 2, Mr. Falcon.
So how do we go back from this? Is violence the only way?
If you want to avoid violence, the rise of factionalism is a very poor way to go about it, historically speaking.
I’m not very hopeful at this point, although the inevitable petering-out of the news cycle might bring a temporary lull . . .
Take away the incentives. Why do tattle tales run to mommy? Because mommy will scold the other kids. When mommy says “sort it out amongst yourselves”, the tattler learns very quickly that tattling has consequences.
It only takes a few instances of the so-called victim getting kneecapped before the message is sent that you’re risking your own reputation when you play the victim.
My mom used to punish both of us when my sister or I snitched on the other one and tell us “No one likes a rat”
I don’t know what’s worse. Thinking “I’d be okay with that” or not being greatly distressed at thinking that.
the truth is, my tolerance has just been worn down and the visceral urge to see these people clobbered is gaining a foothold. Not to the point where I’d do the clobbering, but enough that I wouldn’t interfere.
Laughing in their faces is more effective
I think the Internet, especially social media, feeds the beast the most. The smallest slight, real or imagined, can now be broadcast around the world instantly where like-minded true believers can pile on. I really think that within a decade the pendulum on the Internet is going to swing the other way. People are genuinely stressed and waste so much time on social media. I think there is going to be a greater movement to unplug. Once people start to unplug, they’ll feel happier and healthier and they won’t feed into it as much.
The smallest slight, real or imagined, can now be broadcast around the world instantly where like-minded true believers can pile on.
That’s part of the problem. Another part of the problem is that the rest of us have become too polite in dealing with these sorts. None of us want to be bullies. So, we don’t deride and mock these people as the losers (yes, losers) they are. We pretend they’re reasonable people who might be making a mountain out of a molehill. And they’ve concluded that there’s not a downside to the victim grift.
In this case, I echo Just Say’n in that ridicule is an effective weapon. Make them look as stupid as they’re acting and they’ll shut up. Their entire world view is governed by how “the world” sees them and if you can make them look like a buffoon, they can’t handle it.
I think the only way back is if people who see themselves as the beneficiaries of this rubbish realise that it can bite them on the arse too. If Asians realise that they are just as hated as successful whites, or gays realise that the left will happily throw them under the bus for someone with more victim points, we might see a bit more individualism.
I won’t hold my breath though.
Ok, I got left behind and I dont know if anyone has mentioned this lately. Now I will go back and try to catch up.
Our rights are inherent. We have them by virtue of our humanity. They are not granted to us by government or by being listed on paper. Repealing the second amendment and I still have my right to defend myself and my family. I am not giving up my guns no matter what these fuckers say or do. I is not going to happen.
No, an appeal to natural rights has not been mentioned on a libertarian oriented website.
Just joking
^^^He speaks the truth.
Unfortunately, decades of miseducation and lazy thinking has left the majority of the population thinking like Tony; ie: the government grants you rights and can modify them at any time. Even TOS and Cato are falling victim to this.
Oh those Dems, they’re such kidders!
So, all of them? Lever-actions and cap-and-ball revolvers were used by the military.
Any weapon that is designed for use by the military, I think we should ban
I think that would include every semi-auto handgun, as the 1911 action designed for the military, and I bet most other actions are either derived from it, or were also originally designed for the military.
Bolt action rifles – same deal. My understanding is that bolt-actions were generally developed in hopes of getting military contracts, as those were high-volume contracts that could justify designing and tooling up for a new weapon design. Most early bolt-actions were immediately bought by various militaries.
And I would expect that same dynamic to apply to nearly every type of gun.
Well, I’m pretty sure that, once our candidate for sheriff starts kicking down doors to confiscate guns, he can look forward to taking some from the cold dead hands of his deputies, too.
you’ve heard people say ‘You’ll have to pry my guns from my cold, dead hands,’” he said, adding with a grin and a shrug, “OK!” to the delight of the gun-grabbing crowd.
If you find yourself for a minute thinking that maybe they don’t mean it, just remember their reaction to the Bundy Standoff.
I commend them for finally ripping off the mask.
This is an admission that the Left *wants* Civil War if people don’t bend to their will.
The idea that the US could descend into Civil War was unthinkable just 25 years ago, now, while still not likely, it’s a distinct possibility.
In my normal moments, I am terrified of civil war because no sane person desires war.
In my angry moments, I’d welcome it because we might as well get this shit over with. It’s going to be inevitable in the long run.
As a result, I’m starting to fervently hope for some kind of negotiated dissolution. They go their way, we go our way, and we leave each other the fuck alone. But, of course, progs can’t leave you alone. It’s not in their DNA.
“As a result, I’m starting to fervently hope for some kind of negotiated dissolution. They go their way, we go our way, and we leave each other the fuck alone. But, of course, progs can’t leave you alone. It’s not in their DNA.”
This would be ideal, but you better build one heckuva wall between the two nations or you’d be flooded with Peoples’ Republic of America refugees almost immediately.
Better to have the watering of the tree of liberty than leave the Prog centers to languish under the bootheel.
I wonder if we don’t still have enough civic goodwill to do a major Constitutional amendment allowing for semi-autonomy/quasi-secession. There could be enough on both sides that want to pursue their vision, a sort of Baptist and bootlegger coalition, to get it done.
Even that wouldn’t solve the problem of being under the same blanket when the Socialist States of America go into the toilet, though. You’d need to have some kind of internal immigration controls, I would think. At the very least, a very long waiting period before someone leaving one of the semi-autonomous zones could vote.
Refrigerated trucks and standing by to pick up carcasses. Would you like to know more?…
I have been seeing a lot more of this kind of talk lately. You are correct. They want civil war. They want to bulldoze the bodies of the deplorables into pits. They are motivated by anger and frustration, they aren’t thinking. It wont happen like that. Middle America is where their tiny blue islands get their food, their water, their electricity. Cutting them off would be fairly simple. What is David Hogg gonna do? Strap on his boots, grab his rifle and charge us?
TW Kurt Schlichter
I’m curious how accurate his idea is here?
Cool idea.
Bah! Let’s try that again.
Not sure what part of his thesis you’re asking about. A Civil War wouldn’t be a pitched battle, that’s for sure. Civilians indulging in asymmetric warfare manage to flatten the force disparity pretty easily – just look at the Middle East and how much effort has been expended on attempting to pacify the civilians.
The prospect of a concerted military offensive against a ‘rebel city’? Good generals study tactics, great generals study logistics. All of the US military’s power relies on logistics – and in the US, that means civilian contractors. By some miracle, the 10th Mountain Division are ordered to suppress an insurrection in Atlanta? How will they get there – or more realistically – how will they get further than maybe halfway?
By some miracle, the 10th Mountain Division are ordered to suppress an insurrection in Atlanta?
As Sherman showed in Memphis, the only way to tamp down urban guerrillas is to commit horrific atrocities.
I was mainly wondering if he was pulling it out of his hat, or if it would be as disastrous for the Blues as he thinks it would.
It’d be disastrous on a personal level for just about everyone. In your street, chances are that no matter what your politics are, over 40% of your neighbors prefer the other team.
Well, I mean he really is going to tweet mean stuff at you from his mum’s basement. You’d better be gettin scared!
The idea that the US could descend into Civil War was unthinkable just 25 years ago, now, while still not likely, it’s a distinct possibility.
In 1763 the American colonists were staunch British patriots. In 1775 they were in armed rebellion. That’s a matter of twelve years. A lot can happen in a short time.
In 1910, present-day Germany was the most cosmopolitan of cities, boasting the most advanced scientific, cultural, and economic advances. It was among the safest and most prosperous places in the world to be a Jew.
Sign, cosmopolitan of countries…
In North Carolina? Who exactly will be prying those guns out of dead redneck’s hands?
The ambulance crew that cleans up the dead deputies, would be my guess.
One word – Ashville. Ever been to Ashville?
I love Asheville. They’re more “make love, not war” leftists than “suit up, it’s time to kill some shitlords” leftists.
So, “useful idiots”.
After I picked my jaw up off the floor reading that this happened in my state of NC. I’m left wondering if this guy has a shot. I’m not terribly familiar with the western part of the state, but Asheville is hippy left and “weird”, but it’s surrounded by a bunch of rural bitter clingers. I don’t think they vote for Democrats on the local level like they did 25 years ago.
To my understanding, Asheville does not have the same power and ruined the county in the way that Chapel Hill-Carrboro has dragged Orange County to the left.
I’ll have to see if my wife can shed some light on this
sale of all high-capacity magazines – as a non gun country guy, how difficult is it to make a magazine for most weapons? if in Australia they make artisan SMGs then a magazine …
Magazines are among the easiest components. The big problem you’ll run into is the possibility of your home-made rig not feeding properly.
how difficult is it to make a magazine for most weapons
They are pretty simple – a handful of sheet metal bits bent into shape and a spring. As someone totally ignorant of manufacturing, I would say they would be pretty easy, with the caveat that the tolerances need to be pretty tight for them to be reliable. Quoth the Iron Law:
The less you know about something, the easier it looks.
My first thought was “Aren’t there 3d-printed STANAG magazine patterns out there?”
But I tabled that thought because it was a generic question and not to a particular family of firearms.
I’m not seeing much detail about how they deal with the feed lips – assuming they even bother reinforcing them. I’d expect them – if nothing else (other than the springs) to be metal.
As far asI can tell none of the factory mags for my Saiga have a single metal part (except maybe the spring). It’s not the same form factor, so it’s entirely possible that the available space in the STANAG feed well won’t allow for a plastic feed strong enough, but I may be wrong.
It’s far easier to turn a restricted-capacity magazine into a ‘full’ capacity magazine.
Making a magazine from scratch is quite doable – they’re only sheet metal – but the tolerances can be a challenge.
I could certainly convert my 10-round CZ mags into ‘full capacity’ 19 round mags with a drill press and about 10 minutes filing.
With my kids, if one of them starts playing the victim game it ends badly for all parties involved. Everyone has done something they shouldn’t have. Hopefully the lesson is eventually learned that you don’t go whining to mom / dad about something your sibling did. Figure it out between yourselves.
We’ll get there.
Never question the narrative- NEVER
I fucking hate these people with every fiber of my being.
Come on man, stand your ground.
“Fuck you and the totalitarian you rode in on. Your vapid condemnation is meaningless and your moral panic is Hitlerian.”
I’ve said this multiple times, but it bears repeating: 1/3 of this country owns guns; another 1/3 does not own guns, but they really don’t like the idea of the government banning guns, and another 1/3 wants guns banned. There is literally no way that the 2nd Amendment can be gotten rid of. The biggest fear should be that the Left fosters a culture that stigmatizes gun owners like it does smokers. I don’t fear legislation, but I fear tech oligarchs at YouTube and Google, to name a few, who are trying to rid gun owners from respectable society.
Which means that libertarians need to fight back in the culture wars, because the legislation banning guns isn’t going to happen (even Lefties realize that), but the stigmatization will. Which means that neoliberals who masquerade as libertarians cannot be allowed to push the bullshit notion of “socially tolerant” (which means my social policy aligns with whatever the Left wants) anymore. Privatized gulags are not any better than government run gulags
They can’t get rid of it and that’s not the plan. The plan is to render it meaningless. It all started in 1994 when Clinton along with a bunch of pussy Republicans passed several unconstitutional gun laws…. regulatory bullshit? They have their foot in the door now. You start by banning ‘certain’ people from owning guns, then you just keep adding to the list, ex-felons, people with mental problems? What about people who smoke drugs? What about people who drink too much alcohol? What about people who live too near to a school? What about someone who once said something bad on the internet? See where this leads, yes, slippery slope.
Ironic that a guy who calls himself “Killer Mike” has to eat humble pie because someone bullies him.
I saw that and thought, now I respect that man. And now he’s made me take it back. ‘Get back on that porch, negro, your democrat mastahs is demand you!’. Pathetic. He could take a lesson from ET Williams who after being banned from Youtube, told them to go fuck themselves.
Here’s something that you would expect people to address but somehow never happens – why isn’t it a pressing concern that this society creates kids who set out to kill as many of their classmates as they can? If you take the guns away, do those kids somehow just vanish? Or do they just say “Dammit, now what?”, turn around, and suddenly become normal? Those kids would totally never drive into a crowd as school lets out and mow other kids down with a car. No way.
That was an encouraging (in some ways) discussion with SWMBO who lurched ridiculously anti-2A about a week ago.
SWMBO: “I was thinking, this kid could have used a bomb and it would have been far worse!”
ME: “Of course”
SWMBO: “All he would have needed was a small pressure cooker in his backpack!”
ME “Yup”
SWMBO: “So why is it always guns?”
ME: “Because it *is* easier to get your hands on a gun than it is to learn enough chemistry and physics to build a bomb with a good detonator.”
SWMBO: “But he shouldn’t have had a gun”
ME: “Welcome back. You now know it’s not the gun that is to blame”
That question is statistically irrelevent, as these people are not even one in ten million outliers. They are so rare that it cannot be a symptom of the culture, but an individual deviation.
“Why do cities produce so many gang members?” is a cultural question. “why do people shoot their classmates in occurances more rare than a blue moon?” is an individual question
I would agree…if we didn’t have 24/7 coverage of shootings on news channels. Now a pissed-off messed up kid turns on CNN and has an epiphany.
Outscaled coverage does not change the fact that it is statistically a null event, and the prevention of it is so astronomically impossible that even the use of prison state tactics would prove insufficient.
You could apply the same reasoning to Islamic terrorism. Although, of course, the motive is much clearer there.
The media does no one any favors by trumpeting these occurrences but they are frequent enough that most people can recite more than one that’s happened in their lifetimes.
The big difference with Islamic terror is that there are organizations backing and encouraging it that you can proactively deal with. Lone wolves will pop up, but large scale coordinated efforts are within the realm of possibility to interdict.
So it depends entirely on which flavor of terrorist you’re talking about.
I agree.
But I would saw the same thing about school shootings – MSNBC, CNN, ABC, and the rest would cream themselves if there was a nice big school shooting today.
Possibility of interdiction is a separate question from motive. You’re right that it’s hard to stop “lone wolves” and school shooters fall into that category (even the Columbine murderers, while there were two of them, didn’t coordinate with anyone else), but you can still reasonably ask “why” even if the answer doesn’t lead to a clear “this is how we stop it”.
The “Why?” With Islamic Terror has a common thread, a faith with martyrdom as the only guaranteed ride to heaven.
The “Why?” with other shootings can be looked at, but you’re going to find no unifying thread.
If you compare the two, you might find some interesting comorbid factors between converts to jihad and just plain postal dudes, but going back to the original question of “why isn’t it a pressing concern that this society creates kids who…” it’s still not ‘society’ creating them, and their rairty combined with that fact means it cannot be a pressing concern. By all means, study them, look for the causes, investigate. Don’t demand we “do something” as an agregate or pretend that the issue is ‘pressing’ or urgent.
I disagree. See my link below. There are common factors between school shooters. But addressing those common factors doesn’t involve any of the left’s hobby horses, and it also might require the media to put the brakes on themselves.
If you could wave the prog magic wand and make all firearms, along with the knowledge of how to make them, on the planet disappear, people would still find a way to murder lots of people.
It’s like Ike said, if you want absolute security from the outside world, go to prison.
*shanks Q with a sharpened spoon *
The primary difference between a fortress and a prison is the direction the guards face.
Disappearing all the guns would make Viking and Pirate profitable careers again.
It would also make black market gun cartel into an extremely profitable career, which would see the offspring of much less profitable careers, such as car jacker, and rob people in broad daylight at gunpoint specialist. These people are incredibly fucking stupid. There is a reason whey these assholes are never going to openly debate anyone on this subject.
If gun technology was magically out of our reach, the demand for bows, swords, pikes, fighting knives, darts, spears, slings, and every other weapon in the medieval arsenal would skyrocket.
The best I have seen on this subject.
That is terrifying. More terrifying is that the gun grabbers want more people like that. It is undiluted evil.
The progs actually are actively trying to recruit the same type kids into their brownshirt movements, including antifa. Make no doubt, they want people who will do violence, because there’s no way they can ever get progtopia otherwise.
Seems like a lot of words that can be cut out with Occam’s Razor if you were to say “The number of days between like-type tragedies follows a Poisson distribution.”
That was a fascinating article. Thanks Kevin
Or burn the school down like the Happy Land.
Stop “gunsplaining”. So what if I don’t know the difference between a semiautomatic or an automatic gun? They both go “pew, pew” and look scary. What more do I need to know, you stupid yokel?
You’re not supposed to call them on their grift. It’s, like, totally rude.
Stop using jargon like “clip” and “magazine”. We need to have a thoughtful conversation about something I know nothing about, but want to pretend like I’m an authoritative expert on the matter!
I with they would all stop with their own progsplaining.
Victimhood … do not worry, this post will not victimize you.
Then what’s the point?
So, a question. Why does a culture go from dignity to victimhood? I think such a change explains the sudden decline in a lot of metrics for a many black communities. But why did it happen? Sure, the cold-hearted libertarian in me would blame the government, LBJ and the Great Society in particular. But while I wouldn’t rule that out, I do think there needs to be a better (read: more complete) explanation than that. Also, it probably isn’t unique to black communities by any stretch, but can be most acutely observed in that context.
The Left has always sought to destroy their host societies. This is progress to them – more people dependent on government, fewer people self-reliant, the destruction of the middle-class.
Sought it, yet. To get it they must have cooperation or at least complicity.
yes not yet
Because the majority of people in a’dignity’ society can be led to believe that their lack of influence is a bad thing, and that they should seek power. A ‘victimhood’ society promises them power.
A contributing factor is the wealth and ease of life we enjoy. Two of my grandfather’s favorite sayings were “Root hog or die” and “If you dont work, you dont eat.” He grew up in a world where whiners were left behind to starve, where no one was obligated to carry someone else.
We dont live in that world anymore.
That adds to the explanation some but still doesn’t complete it. We all live in this world of prosperity and ease, but the statistical changes don’t break out the same for every group. Of course, at this point, some of it is inertia, but that too leaves the explanation incomplete because inertia works both ways, the metrics shouldn’t have turned down so sharply around the 1960s if social inertia was so powerful.
Maybe it’s just the cycle of history. Empires last about 10 generations which is where we are at right now.
Late stage empires engage in frivolity, an influx of foreigners, loss of religion, political ideology, decadence, and the welfare state. Looks like we have arrived at the end.
I won’t presume to speak for Suthenboy, but I think what he’s getting at isn’t the prosperity and ease, per se, so much as the political climate that prosperity and ease create. In a hardscrabble world where expressions like “Root hog or die” and “If you dont work, you dont eat.” have currency, some idiot palming off lines about victimhood and privilege are going to get told to take an extremely long walk off an extremely short pier. People can’t afford to pay the sort of indulgences the people using this want them to pay. In a more prosperous society, they begin to be seen as a minor nuisance that can be tolerated. As society grows more prosperous still, they begin to be seen as something that can be indulged. At the same time, recognizing the people playing these scams gets to be seen as increasingly socially awkward. And, eventually, you get to where we are now, where these folks think their demands are their right.
See my link directly above. It has happened many times before – Rome, Greece, Ottoman, Persia… after the Age of Commerce come affluence. Then the descent into decadence and frivolity. By the time those empires collapsed, they had decayed from the inside.
Because dignity still requires personal responsibility and freewill. Victimhood is much easier on one’s ego – which is mistakenly confused with self-esteem. And if a huckster of authority comes along and okays your “woe is me” attitude, you’re likely to follow that path rather than the path of dignity which often requires humility and self-sacrifice.
Case Study:
Not clear to me why the chef isn’t just handing out $6 to every black person he sees and cuts the middle-man out.
He’s a racist who wants to exploit white guilt and not put his own pocketbook at risk.
For his sake, I hope there are a ton of rich white liberals in…*reads location of restaurant*….Louisiana? Yeah, this guy is screwed.
Believe it or not New Orleans is chock full of them. It is our one deep blue spot.
I blame the French
it seems some are simply not ready to accept the brilliance of this plan
“Toxic Socialization” == “Not a racist who thinks everything bad in their lives is due to whitey keeping them down”
& super fascinated that majority of POC wouldn’t take the $$ offered. That (toxic?) socialization works across race/class lines.
You know, Ms. Dobson and the KKK are completely on the same page that black people have no sense of personal dignity and go through life looking for a handout.
I think that Clinton lost the election when her minions started lecturing to unemployed coal miners about their “white privilege”. Democrats are so dumb that they’ll never figure this out. Rich white liberals are the most dense people in the world
Also: these people are not very good at math
This really is about the stupidest thing I’ve seen since that woman went off about racism because some craft store had something showing a branch of cotton on it. That didn’t turn out too well for the poor dear. Seriously, asking your customers to be racists and profit from it is not a very bright idea.
If this were to happen, unfortunately, you’d just split the vote and end up with Dem dominance across the board.
it takes 1000 retarded tweets to find 1 good one
That’s actually . . . really insightful.
pretty much a slam-dunk case for why no democratic process should ever give legal-dependents (aka “children”) the vote
many reasons, but that one alone suffices.
It’s also a slam dunk case for getting one’s kids the hell out of public school.
That’s the only possible way I can see to save the country. If it continues, we’re going to be a 3rd world shithole sooner than later.
I don’t think 18 year olds are children. Granted, lots of people do, and even the original post (I agree on it being insightful btw) calls them children.
But they’re not. At 18 you have virtually all of the legal rights and responsibilities of an adult. You may not act like it, and your parents may still be paying for your food, clothing, and shelter, but they don’t have to and unlike (most) juvenile offenders, you go to real prison and your record lasts if you commit a serious crime.
Schools are treating them more and more like children, parents are treating them more and more like children, and of course the laws are treating them more and more like children, but we all instinctively know they’re not children. They may be immature adults in some fashion according to some brain scans or whatever but for much of human history 18 was well into adulthood, never mind at the cusp of it. That’s why their inane babble is on the TV about gun control at the same time as everybody is talking about taking some of their rights away.
I wish I remembered the titles of some of the books I read for my article series on education. There were some great ones talking about the intentional creation and expansion of adolescence as a way to turn the public against child labor.
It is amazing sometimes, for a skeptical/non-conspiratorial mind, to see just how many of today’s outcomes line up with the intentional (but usually not open) actions of the past. John Dewey and Horace Mann are some real motherfuckers when you examine what they did and how it impacts us today.
I will second that.
I just dont understand the mindset of people that spend their every waking moment trying to figure out how to enslave the human race. Some one of us once described it as a kind of sociopathy wherein they view the rest of the human races as playing pieces on a board to be arranged and moved around like a child playing a game.
A while back an acquaintance was drunk and frustrated and mouthed off about ‘if only we could get rid of the right ones’.
I pointed out: “You dont get to just get rid of that guy and thats the end of it. That isnt how that works. That guy has a family. He has people that spend on him, people that love him.”
‘if only we could get rid of the right ones’
I’ll just add that who the hell is it that can figure out who the hell the “right ones” are?
Another acquaintance was complaining about his nephew and how worthless he is. The guy is 18 years old. He said he didn’t care if the kid ran away. I said “He might be worthless now but you dont know who he is going to be in 20 years. People grow. People get wiser.”
I like that as a riposte, too:
“Why do you want all of society run like junior high? Don’t you want to grow up someday?”
There’s another element to this that I think only someone like Thomas Szasz would not overlook.
We have an unspoken belief in some professional circles (not just Psychiatry) that even occasional deep sadness is not normal and must be stopped – and if it is abnormal it must come from without and therefore is an indication of victimhood. And due to occupational arrogance, the remedy for that deep sadness must also come from without.
As long as we sanctify victimhood, anyone perceiving themselves as a victim is justified – in their own minds, but reinforced by the zeitgeist – for attacking their abusers. So if a high school student feels victimized by teasing and shunning from classmates, they have been justified in mowing them down with gunfire.
It is only logical that if you are of the “victimhood is power” mindset, you will avoid any possible thought that such a mindset exacerbates the problem rather than helps alleviate it. Such a person can only follow the belief in such foolish ideas as banning the most effective form of self-defense because it is too painful to examine one’s self and conclude that you might have been wrong in the past and have to change your mind.
This is interesting:
Unfortunately, the whole concept of a political “center” is, IMO, fallacious. There is liberty and personal responsibility, or there isn’t. The problem is that we have one party who is solidly in the “NO” column and their words match their actions, and another party that pays lip service to liberty and self-ownership then routinely sells out.
The budget was an absolute travesty and one the GOP should be severely punished for. Shitty then that the alternative will spend even more and dismantle liberty even faster.
There will be no ‘uniting’ with the left. You either agree with them and are one of them, or they hate you. They are the mortal enemies of liberty.
Yeah, I’m afraid that the punishment is to give back power to the Democrats. Only problem is it’s the rest of us, not the GOP who will receive the brunt of the punishment. Vote out statist Republicans and replace them with more Rand’s, otherwise, we’re screwed.
every time someone says, “Read a book” or “do some research”… my only thought is,
“apparently you find some unarticulated point so incredibly convincing…
…. but you are unable to actually communicate it yourself”
If they’re so dull-witted that they can’t distill their own readings into a convincing point, why should anyone consider them smart enough to have understood the point in the first place?
IMO there are two versions of that rhetorical device. There is the literal “go read a book” quip that idiots use to claim the warm fuzziness of condescension. Then there’s the “I’m not hashing out economics 101 with you, so go pick up book X if you want to learn more about my position” reserved for people who don’t want to spend the next 3 hours walking their ignorant friend from TINSTAAFL to social security policy positions.
I don’t mind walking someone through the basics but you usually get hung up on some point that derails the whole conversation.
You go read Chomsky, Zinn and Vidal now!
Another variant is ‘what’s the big deal’ to a position they hold they regard to be harmless.
‘So what about hate speech? Better safe than sorry. What’s the big deal?’
I hate that.
That’s usually when I respond “So you don’t actually have your own opinions, you only have someone else’s opinions.”
yes: there are people who will split-hairs into infinity and declare victory because they’ve sealioned you into dumbing-down your point into a truism.
See: John
or any retard who goes, “i don’t understand this, therefore this is wrong. QED”
Because most arguments today are fought over dubious statistics or farcical psychological or sociological studies. We no longer argue over the principle of a matter or the the consistency of that principle. So, I’m not surprised that people are not able to regurgitate nonsensical assertions that they read about from some Harvard study that the Washington Post distilled for them
If they’re so dull-witted that they can’t distill their own readings into a convincing point,
Anyone who says “do some research” assuredly has not, or they would point you to what they actually read. They are empty vessels, echoing the braying of their masters.
This entire exercise seems to be an experiment trying do determine where it is possible to be such an idiot that you are no longer useful. Preliminary results indicate the answer is “no”.
My point is always that even the illiterate can still comprehend Economics 101 because they generally LIVE Economics 101. So reading a book is completely beside the point – you’ve either examined your own actions or you haven’t. If you haven’t, then you have no basis for examining anyone else’s.
Not necessarily do.
It used to be a point a pride that graduates of Ivy League schools could use logic and rhetoric to debate on a wide range of subjects. Now they graduate with zero training in logic. Instead they have a bunch of nonsensical ideologies and talking points memorized.
You give them a lot of credit there.
They can tune in to a news show if they forget.
“For example, a cad insinuates that your wife is his paramour and you slap him across the face with your glove to challenge him to a duel.”
You mean like Yosemite Sam and Bugs Bunny?
+1 varmint
Back to painting. If any of y’all want to pry the roller from my cold not quite dead hands, I’d be much obliged. I hate painting almost as much as paying someone else to do it for me.
RE: Painting. One of my favorite punch lines:
What it all boils down to: Offense is taken, not given. People need to be taught to have more emotional armor.
Is that no one’s really got it figured out just yet?
This was a great piece Trash man.