Who let this clown in to do the Links?
Sloopy is out this morning. I think he is exhausted from celebrating the exit of Duke from the NCAA tournament. I may have had a laugh or 30 myself. Bye Bye Dookies. Otherwise, I refuse to even look at the shambles that my brackets ended up becoming….so I beg sports pardon, and will skip on to the links.
- Chicago’s Mayor becomes a back-door man. Were I better at weaving in music and such I would link something, right? What a mean, small man is Rahm Emmanuel.
- Looks like the “Manning Method” of getting criminal penalties diminished has reached the UK.
- And another government takes advantage of the ginned up “fake news” BS. Who would have ever guessed this would happen?
- This is more what Russia is up to, rather than trying to install the Hat and Hair as puppets in the White House. Besides, the Hat is far too unstable to rely on.
One of their other trends is that of male rapists claiming transgender status to get transferred to womens’ prisons without surcial transitioning… It has similar results as their police being afraid of being called racist.
Y’all just don’t understand. Once you become part of the victim class, you can not do wrong, that’s why these v things are ok.
Read on to the bottom of the article for more good times:
That’s right…… because he smoked pot… pot causes people to sadistically murder young women.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5543081/Drug-addict-killed-Harrow-masters-girl-let-day-release.html#ixzz5ArXpUn00
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Wow…. that was some tricky javascript by the daily mail. OK daily mail. You win. This time…..
“He called for a tightening of the law on the drug, adding: ‘The stuff is dangerous.”
If you’re already a homicidal maniac and using it doesn’t stop you, well then we have no choice but to ban it for sane people also.
the “Manning Method”
Close your eyes, fling the ball downfield, and when your receiver runs under it for the catch and the win, act like you planned it that way?
Sounds more like the Favre Way.
I recall Manning being fairly precise within the passing game.
+336 INT’s
Huh, Peyton does hold the rookie year record though with 28
Career INT %:
Peyton – 2.7
Eli – 3.1
Brett – 3.3
I was thinking Eli, not Peyton.
I have a question for the legal fellows. When a company reaches a settlement with a employee that involves an NDA, does the NDA commonly bar any discussion, or merely public discussion?
Aren’t they, if you are wise about your confidants, effectively the same?
Potentially. I was wondering under what circumstances a discussion would not be in violation of a typical NDa (I do get that like all private agreements, the exact terms can vary, but there are boilerplate versions)
Depends. usually, if there is any sort of sophistication to the contract, the extent of the NDA is negotiated. However, I’d say that the “standard” (to the extent there is one) is don’t discuss it with anybody who doesn’t already know about it.
Thank you.
I’m trying to work out the best way to fill in the reader a character’s backstory, which involves them getting the job they’re in (which was their self-professed goal) as a result of a settlement with the company to avoid all the bad publicity of the instigating event (entirely not said character’s fault). Of course there would be a confidentiality clause, and it’s made me unsure of how the information would come to light without breach of contract derailing the rest of the plot.
it’s made me unsure of how the information would come to light without breach of contract derailing the rest of the plot
Russian hackers, of course.
Ash Phoenix Arms has better computer security than the DNC.
Couple of thoughts.
Lawyers and maybe others would know in the ordinary course. They could be hacked or disclose.
Or, an insider at the company could leak for their own reasons.
Logically it would have to bar any discussion, or it would be meaningless. If it only barred public discussion, the person in the know could discuss it privately with someone not a party to the agreement who could then discuss it publicly, rendering the whole thing moot.
“And another government takes advantage of the ginned up “fake news” BS. Who would have ever guessed this would happen?”
I bet they also jail comedians who make unpopular jokes. In other words they are woke.
I’m sure the Leftists in America love this idea.
Unfortunately, I think the only way they’ll learn is if they pass that law and the next Republican president uses it to shut down Mother Jones, Huffington Post, and CNN.
another government takes advantage of the ginned up “fake news” BS.
Let’s just stop fooling around, and go back to the good old days, when writing “The King is a fink” would get you beheading and dismemberment.
If I get to be King
One of the darker ‘Wizard of Id’ strips.
So when Sir Rodney cut his head off, it was a bit of a surprise – I mean who knew he had it in him…
idk man, it’s still pretty dark.
“The proposed Act seeks to safeguard the public against the proliferation of fake news whilst ensuring the right to freedom of speech and expression under the Federal Constitution is respected,” the government said in the bill.
A human being actually said that with a straight face?
The proposed Act seeks to safeguard the public against the proliferation of undesirables whilst ensuring the right to life under the Federal Constitution is respected,” the government said in the bill.
Everyone who writes something advocating for a law should first be forced to see if there ‘argument’ can be easily transformed into an argument for genocide.
Now see here, it was not a call for genocide, merely eugenics.
An inscrutable one, so I hear.
According to P.J. O’Rourke: (in a story about Nicaragua)
Perfect. I suppose if we’d start saying the right things, they wouldn’t have to muzzle us. Clearly our own fault.
It was an NDA included in the social contract that came with your SSN and birth certificate when you were born.
It seems Britain’s already done something similar, can’t have people getting hold of unapproved information after all:
And this is why we need the second amendment.
And never give in to the gun grabbers
suspicion of providing Russia with secrets about tactics Warsaw planned to use to try to block the construction of a gas pipeline, the Polish government said on Monday.
Were they planning to collude with environmental activists and their “non profit” legal teams in order to more effectively leak information about the project, and guide their legal strategy? It seems to work pretty well in this country.
I don’t know, but I do love how the environuts get a lot of support from Russia – because they impede competiton with Natural Gas exports.
How do you stop a pipeline in Europe? They don’t have any Indians to pretend that the land is holy or that it impacts their native way of life.
Watermelons are thick on the ground there.
National security, Russians using it to install listening devices along it’s route and place euroland dependent on Russian energy. Netmind dismantling the European energy production to please the greens.
National security, Russians using it to install listening devices along it’s route and place euroland dependent on Russian energy. Netmind dismantling the European energy production to please the greens.
That looks like a Russian Squirrel to me.
They don’t have any Indians to pretend that the land is holy or that it impacts their native way of life.
Well, they do have plenty of people from Liz Warren’s tribe, so that should count for something.
they do have plenty of people from Liz Warren’s tribe
You know who else advocated for the advancement of people with Lizzie Warren’s heritage?
You remember all the joking going on here about a $15 minimum wage not being enough? Looks like someone took us seriously.
“What I’m saying is … If you were to say, ‘Look, if you make more than 20 times more than the people who actually make the products and do the services of your company,’ then we’re going to tax you more.”
The Labor Theory of Ass Pounding.
This “CEOs don’t do any work” worldview is aggravating.
If McDonalds workers are unsatisfied with their wages, why don’t they just start their own fast food joint as a worker-owned co-op? Oh, because they don’t own a building or a restaurant-sized grill? Because they don’t have any product development or marketing expertise? Because they don’t have a supply chain that brings all these perishable ingredients in just the right amounts to minimize both waste and shortages? So the big mean company actually IS providing them with something valuable – the chance to perform unskilled labor and get paid for it, which they couldn’t do on their own.
Preach it brother Akira!
The closer I have gotten to the c-suite , the less I want anything to do with it. If you want a real look into the day-to-day of a F500 CEO, take a tour of a corporate aviation department. After you have a minute to absorb the nice finishes, think about what you’re looking at after you peel off the fancy facade. It’s a flying RV, meant for you to live in for days at a time. Imagine spending a week straight living in an RV that happens to also be your office.
I think it would be enlightening for these people to be a supervisor for a day.
Over a decade ago, I thought that the people “in the trenches” did all the “real work”, then I became an assistant supervisor (and with the actual supervisor taking 28 cigarette breaks a day, I was basically the supervisor). I learned very quickly that dealing with people IS work, and it’s far more difficult work than just running a machine.
A LOT of people who bitch about supervisors -or in my case “desk people”- doing nothing will admit they want nothing to do with an office job if you push them hard enough on it.
I was running through a “Retirement Planning Health Check”, and I will likely have to take a managerial post if I want to stretch my pittance past my 56th birthday.
No, I don’t care that it’s decades away, I don’t want to run out of money.
I should clarify, I work in manufacturing, so the “LOT of people” I am referring to are production line workers, welders, machine operators, etc. Especially welders. Man, I’ve never known a group of people in a single profession who piss and moan as much as welders do. Wow.
At what age are you planning on retiring?
Assuming the Retirement Fund hasn’t been plundered by then.
/State Employee
TW: Kieth Ellison
“What I’m saying is … If you were to say, ‘Look, if you make more than 20 times more than the people who actually make the products and do the services of your company,’ then we’re going to tax you more.”
What if your business is more complicated than being split between people who make product and the lazy farts who do nothing? What if , gasp, CEO’s actually provide value to the stock holders?
Someone should ask him about the wage disparity between his buddy Farakhan and the Nation of Islam guys standing on the corner raising donations. I suspect that there is a large gap there.
How is Ellison still a Congressman? If you found out that some other Congressman had a private dinner with David Duke, no way he’d get a pass.
Don’t expect his district to vote him out either.
Why not? They associated with Senator Byrd quite freely enough.
Yeah, but Byrd at least said he was wrong as a youngster and now has seen the light.
Ellison said that his Nation of Islam days a) never happened, b) ok he was a member but just for a short time and c) ok, ok he was a member for a long time but he never realized that Farakhan ever said anything antisemitic and d) he was totally done with them.
Then he gets busted going to a conference with Farakhan and having a private dinner with him after.
It would be if Byrd had lunch with Duke in 1996 or so. Pretty sure it proves you never really repudiated your former racist ways.
Sheeeeit, Trent Lott (not that I have anything good to say about him) was raked over the coals just for saying the country should have followed Strom Thurmond’s lead in what was just an attempt to say something nice at his 100th birthday party.
Soooooo….. he studied his Clinton?
Stephanapolis came out and told us different and mutually contradictory stories on the draft every two weeks during the 91 campaign. It didn’t hurt his boss and it didn’t hurt his own credibility. Heck, they even crossed the “but if it were to turn out that THIS happened, he’d be finished” line several times, and even the guy who told me that it wasn’t serious unless THIS happened never uttered a peep when we learned that THIS indeed happened.
Team beats all. The only sizable group we’ve seen hold principle above team in the last 50 years has been the conservatives. If the SoCons haven’t turned their back on Trump by now, they aren’t going to…. So team uber alles these days.
“Why shouldn’t there be a maximum wage?”
Why shouldn’t congressmen be hanged if the laws they vote for cause misery ?
I suggest he go tell that to the NBA, NFL and MLB players unions. Then the Screen Actors Guild, various musicians…. see how that flies.
That’s the Film Actors Guild. Get it right.
I want this to become law..
I bet when calculating the “hourly” wage for CEOs, they failed to account for overtime hours.
Anyone think the CEO of McDonalds is only working 2k hours this year?
Google tells me that McDonald’s has 375,000 employees. That article tells me the CEO makes 4k per hour. So even if the CEO accepts $0 remuneration in order to gloriously elevate his glorious comrades in the proletariat, then they each get a raise of roughly a penny per hour. Totally worth it!
Furthermore, even retards should be able to gasp that companies with bad CEO’s go the way of Toys R Us while companies with good CEO’s can turn into Amazons. Ergo you ought to consider paying good money to attract good talent.
The article says the CEO makes $4k/hr. Google says McD’s has 375,000 employees. So if a super woke CEO donates his earnings to elevate the proletariat, they each get an additional penny per hour.
Furthermore, even retards should be able to see that companies with bad CEOs go the way of Toys R Us, while companies with good CEO’s can potentially become Amazons. Or do they not think their hero Steve Jobs was worth a few bucks…?
sorry they each get an additional penny for each of the CEO’s hours. Not each of their own. Big money.
$25 is a session at the nail salon you elitist scum!
We already played this game 30 years ago.
Companies responded by compensating their executives with stock options, so that their compensation would be more closely tied to the performance of the company.
“Or do they not think their hero Steve Jobs was worth a few bucks…?”
That’s different. Steve Jobs didn’t have wrong think, he signaled to all the right cool kids.
Actually, Jobs did very little of that. You’re thinking of Tim Cook.
Yeah, he had the stupid fascination with holistic medicine but realized (too late) he was wrong about that, too.
I actually think it was just on time that he realized he messed that up…
Maximum wage is just over what Keith makes and on a sliding scale
A maximum wage would presumably be achieved by taxing any earnings over a certain amount at 100 percent.
Prompting people to stop working after earning whatever arbitrary limit you want to have.
Or moving their operations to another, more work-friendly tax jurisdiction.
Or finding an alternative means of compensation
How many times must you be told? Hate speech is not free speech.
I propose finding a nice social conservative to make chairman of the hate speech commission.
Street drug laced with bug spray produces zombie-like effects.
Mmmm DDT
Scariest new super drug ever sweeping the nation?
Well ya it’s gonna soften the shells of our eggs!
I think it already has. The eggshell skull argument is the basis of hate speech.
Wait until they start butt-chugging it!
Erhmagerd, payment to Stormy Daniels may have broken campaign finance laws!
Sure, it did, sport. Sure, it did.
Man, the Left cannot just accept that things don’t always go their preferred way. Brexit, Trump, Congress’ annoying persistence in failing to repeal the 2nd Amendment; they’re always looking backwards trying to find some excuse for their own shortcomings (Russia! Facebook! NRA!).
Up here, Trudeau is increasingly unpopular, but I’ve yet to hear anyone suggest trying to undo the results of the last election. His growing list of opponents is focussed on turfing the vapid twit out in the next election.
Maybe the Left could be more introspective and start offering better fucking choices.
“The problem isn’t with us! It’s with those
wreckers and kulaksracists and misogynists!”I mean it’s pretty well documented that Obama broke campaign finance laws. So yeah…
60 Minutes of Stormy Daniels. Sounds expensive.
Yes but Trump could afford it just to make her watch shark week.
About $130K…
Not worth it.
Stupid voters just dont understand. How many times did Obama say that?
— George Carlin
I’m with George (and Obama, for that matter) on this one. I think that most voters are stupid. The problem is that the Left is perfectly happy when those stupid voters (racists, misogynists, deplorables) are on their side. When they’re on the other side, that’s when the contempt and condescension come out.
Tribalism isn’t stupid. It’s anti civilization and evil, but it isn’t stupid. They believe someone will grab the gun first and so they grab it first and whole self fulfilling prophecy comes true.
The.irony here is Carlin doesn’t understand what an average is.
There are several kinds of average – Mean, Median and Mode being the big three. In an IQ bell curve, all three will be close in value, so George is still correct regardless of which you use.
Plus, if you recall, his audience was full of people who are, on average, stupid, so they wouldn’t understand what a median was.
“It’s that grassy part in the highway”
Democracy is that system that brings them tom power. If they don’t get power democracy is broken and must be fixed.
My hope is the next government (if they win. The Conservatives are gaining big time with male voters. Women are sticking with Trudeau) dismantle C-16 and Motion 103 as well as change back the lyrics of ‘O’Canada’.
I think that ship has sailed.
Like anyone knew the lyrics to begin with.
Oh Canada!
Something, something moose, mounties and maple leaves!
Derp *Maple Leafs*
I do take solace in the fact that–just as this has enabled this farcical tinkering, the beyond-the-grave national vandalism of a lifelong obsessed dead male MP–that has also meant its impact on Canadians’ psyches is far less than it would be for us. Being officially bilingual means they hear mostly instrumental versions.
I am surprised that the (older) French version has survived this long without a single alteration. It’s almost beyond belief, matter of fact. From Wikibooks:
Get a load of Mr. Half Empty there.
“Maybe the Left could be more introspective and start offering better fucking choices.”
Your answer is in bold. No, they can’t. Their second top guy in the DNC is an avowed communist who cannot wait to tell us how serious he is about implementing a maximum wage. No one needs more than ‘make up whatever the fuck number’.
A maximum wage would presumably be achieved by taxing any earnings over a certain amount at 100 percent.
Sounds legit. You certainly wouldn’t anticipate any “unforeseen consequences” from something like that. In fact, we should get Ellison in a room with that guy from Newsweek(?) who wants the Federal Reserve Bank to control tax policy and set rates on the fly based on quarterly economic reports. I think we could solve a lot of problems.
*Especially if the oxygen supply to the room were to be tragically found to have been cut off.
I predict low tax rates to ‘stimulate’ and then first quarter they get Jacked up.
Why would either of those two need oxygen? Brains? Pullleeaze! You would need a powerful scientific instrument to detect any change in output from their brains in an oxygen free environment.
Maybe they wouldn’t be able to make noise in your “special” room? That would be an improvement.
dat feeling when u inadvertently write the most accurate and insightful piece on the march in all of mainstream media
What’s with the umlaut?
The New Yorker is the last major publication in America to still put diaeresis marks over repeated vowels.
Thus proving my point
Please tell me they don’t put 2 spaces after a period.
Failure to put two spaces after the end of a sentence is a capital offense.
preach it, brother.
Only if you’re at least 80 years old.
Or care about your readers.
I literally cannot stand that, it looks entirely stupid and is a waste of print space. You geezer luddites!
Had to look that up: never heard of diaeresis marks before. From the wiki description they sound useful for writing more phonetically, but the way the New Yorker uses them doesn’t seem to fit with the description of use. Wiki says they mark when the second vowel in a pair is not part of a set but stands alone, however while the New Yorker uses coöperation they later write socioeconomic without any diacritics, which seems inconsistent. Unless they pronounce socioeconomic differently I may be misunderstanding how this mark is used, as I would have written it sociöeconomic. Oh well, it doesn’t matter since the mark is archaic.
Don’t you mean archaïc?
+1 New Yorker
They only do it for repeated vowels, i.e. oo or ee. So reeducation would get the diaeresis mark but as you note socioeconomic doesn’t. However, there’s a reason nobody else does this: English pronunciation is woefully inconsistent with spelling anyway. If you put the diaeresis mark over the e in socioeconomic, shouldn’t you also put a mark over one or both of the vowels in shoe to indicate that the oe is actually a u sound rather than an o sound like in woe, toe, or foe? And that doesn’t even get into the six different ways that the letter a can be pronounced.
“You parked your coupe in the coop owned by the coop, if we let that go, it will cause a coup.”
He can’t have a coupe, because he’s in the corps. It’s a core tenet of the corps that driving a coupe is dangerous and the corps don’t want to care for a corpse when they might have to deal with a coup, so lay off the ownership of that coupe until you’re no longer a corpsman.
I love when someone who writes for the New Yorker talks about the privilege of others. You literally write for a magazine that only exists to make people think they’re smart and sophisticated
Well, indeed they are so privileged that they have peeled the thin mask right off this farce and didn’t even know they were doing it. For then, the fact that these “rebellious,” speak-truth-to-power little badasses were deposited to perform their parts straight into the arms of a meticulously planned, thoroughly establishmentarian event, with everything but a fireworks show sponsored by CitiBank, can be nothing but the highest praise.
We see yet again the purpose of all these villains. A national sports federation for a pastime especially beloved by blue-collar and rural folks. The “patriarchy.” “white supremacists.” The pillagers of our global environment (i.e. those who don’t bring their own bag). Dark international forces manipulating our democracy like a puppet on a string. These are the people who hold the real power in our society, you know. Standing up to them is “leftist,” “rebellious,” the People against the Powerful–even if damn near the entire educational establishment, corporate establishment, and government establishment are the ones leading your show. Matter of fact, you can even brag about it. You should! You’re winning. Fuck those penniless loser cretins. Power to the People! The real people. Us.
See also: soi-disant socialists decrying populism.
When they say “the people” they mean “the right people”. When they say “we” and “us” they mean “not you”.
I thought that was the NYT? Because for them at least, it actually works. Have you ever read the comments? Literally the dullest, most intellectually weak group of people on the planet who have somehow convinced themselves that they are intelligent and interesting.
Pretty much every publication with “New York” in its name is garbage meant to stroke the egos of people who live in Manhattan. Except the NY Post, which is just meant to be a terrible newspaper with clever headlines.
A magazine whose signature image was a cartoon map of America showing Manhattan as grossly outsized and everyplace else as minuscule.
Now now be fair; that was meant to ridicule the provinciality of Manhattanites. Unfortunately, New Yorkers are one of those groups who are so provincial that they view everything about themselves, including their provinciality, as a point of pride because how could it not be a good thing if it describes us? So awareness does nothing to cut the smug; it only increases it, by becoming yet another shared joke. And something that shows we are sophisticated enough to laugh at ourselves.
I fully expect the next march to be comprised solely of zygotes.
Don’t be silly, that might acknowledge that the unborn are alive and separate beings.
Can’t we at least listen to them before we squish them with the heel of our boots?
Don’t be absurd – they want to be able to harvest and sell the parts.
Fine, newborns it is, then. When the doc is done, can I smack ’em again for good measure?
Nah, it’s OK to kill newborns too, if New York gets its way.
“They’re pathetic f***ers that want to keep killing our children,”
“They could have blood from children splattered all over their faces and they wouldn’t take action, because they all still see those dollar signs.”
“It’s like when your old-ass parents [say], ‘I don’t know how to send an iMessage,’ and you’re just like, ‘Give me the f***ing phone’ and you take it and you’re like, ‘OK, let me handle it,’ and you get it done in one second,” Hogg said. “Sadly, that’s what we have to do with our government because our parents don’t know how to use a f***ing democracy, so we have to.”
So polite.
We should just put these little kids in charge for a few, say 5 years, and see how things work out. Let them show us how to use a democracy. I’m up for some Lord of the Flies stuff, nothing could possibly go wrong.
No conch for YOU!
You know who seemed curiously absent from that piece? David Hogg. I think they may have realized that he’s gone off the rails a little bit – gotta reel the movement back in a little bit. Can’t have the sponsored victims going around talking about blood on people’s faces and such…
No!!! Not my Hoggy! He was our best hope. As lame as kids are taught to be these days, as Sweden’s gender-equality education has taught us there are biological limits. And I cannot believe any kid, however indoctrinated, could possibly find that kid cool.
Kid went too far by turning himself into a gif meme. I don’t think he’ll go quietly, though. That’s the good part. (He’s already been “speaking out” about a bunch of other issues for which he is quickly revealed to have not a clue what he is talking about.)
Your mom is a… garden tool?
That is how white girls spell “ho.” I don’t know whether your belittling of their nonstandard English is an attempt to victim-blame their educational opportunities, or show disrespect for the unique and equally valid culture that has arisen out of this situation that they did not create. Either way, not cool bro.
The rake’s progress.
+1 Hogarth
I would also have accepted Rex Harrison.
This lady has problems in spades.
The Catalonian independence leader has been arrested in Germany, because of course it would happen in Merkel’s Germany.
They have formally renamed themselves The Islamic Republic of Staziland
Germany is a region of Europe. Not a country.
The Various Caliphates don’t care about what the infidels think about boundaries.
Once they put grandma mutti in that burka, she won’t be running her mouth off anymore or having anyone arrested.
I just have to wonder at this point, once a civilization reaches a certain level of scientific achievement and overall comfortable lifestyle, is it an inevitable thing that they then quickly devolve into retardation? Is that why the Fermi paradox is actually true? Every civilization that has ever made it to our current level, then quickly commit suicide or just revert back to poo flinging primates?
Science is wrong! I’m a walrus!
“our science is out of touch with the experiences of our students of Color and, instead, represent post-colonial discourses of White power and control.”
I think you got it the wrong way.
“This is particularly troubling because the normality of whiteness means that Whites do not believe that they are actively investing in White supremacy or racism, which keeps oppression intact.”
Oh, I know exactly why I’m doing it. #WhiteNormality.
This is nothing new for them, albeit one of their more bizarre arguments. They are trying to promote incompetence.
“They are trying to promote incompetence.”
I’ve never imagined the entire diversity and identity politics thing being about anything else. And they’ve started to succeed with that ‘diversity’ bridge totally designed and built by a diversity leading feminist, until it wasn’t, falling down and crushing 6 people to death. I can’t wait until airplanes start falling out of the sky because diversity is more important that competence and people who cannot even pass courses in engineering start designing our aircraft. The future is going to be great!
Well I for one intend to be a Morlock (even though I am as pretty as an Eloi).
Author is Diana Moon Glampers.
If you tried to make up a more ridiculous proggy name, you couldn’t do it.
But you didn’t even notice the more serious part. Author of that article is ‘NIKITA VLADIMIROV’. RUSSIANS! Putin obviously behind this attempt to stop our progress and steal our democracy!
As an aside, Scalia ended his Casey Martin dissent with:
Just not equal enough.
I think they get bored and do stupid shit. Sweden, for instance, sound like the most boring place in the world 20 years ago,. So they decided to spice things up by inviting in an invasion of hostile Muslims. Now nobody would call Malmo or their 54 other “no-go” cities boring.
I’ve heard that in Malmo, there are frequent gun battles in the streets with fully automatic weapons. Of course, that has to be fake news because there are no guns in Sweden. Fake news. Your social credit score has been lowered.
I just have to wonder at this point, once a civilization reaches a certain level of scientific achievement and overall comfortable lifestyle, is it an inevitable thing that they then quickly devolve into retardation?
Considering how ancient this idea is, I’d say it’s an established pattern of behavior. Discipline breeds success, success breeds wealth, wealth breeds decadence, decadence leads to decline. From Polybius in the 2nd century BC to Ibn Khaldun in the 15th century AD, many philosophers have recognized the cyclical nature of society – decline leads to either destruction, replacement, or reformation, and the progression begins anew. This is all old news, which means our advanced society will have to learn the lessons all over again, because who’s going to heed the warning of some long dead guys?
Alright, it’s going to happen any day now. Trump is shaking in his boots. Between Stormy and Russia he’s going to be gone any day now. Right?

Edit fairy, please remove that typo.
According to DU, yes. Stormy the ho is their newest hero. But it won’t last long. By next week no one will even remember the name of the washed up ho, her day in the sun will be over and it will be another wishy washy Republican like Graham.
Stormy the Ho
Perusing the weekend links, came across this.
I picked up a cool looking new ar upper and my girlfriend had her new upper assembled from parts she picked out. #winning
I just put together an upper and lower (my first AR) and my card-carrying Democrat gf didn’t even want me to show it to her when I asked if she wanted to see it. *Sigh*
You know damn well that at this point, on this website this is simply a humblebrag for “My girlfriend is absurdly, absurdly hot.”
Total humblebrag: She also has a thing for HK pistols and owns at least 8 of them.
back-door man.
Something something nickname something something college.
Sure I might be flattered, even a little curious, but I must say No!
Again, for some reason the Lord has seen fit to allow a Jesuit institution to advance in the tournament. Could it be possible that Jesuits are in His good graces again? He works in mysterious ways
To be brought low, they must first think they have a chance.
They must learn through suffering. This is a good point.
Alternatively, their elevation may be a means of chastisement for some other group. Or person. Have you been to confession lately? The “Scourge of God” is rarely a good thing, in and of itself, is all I’m saying.
Who would have ever guessed this would happen?
Tyrants gotta tyrannize.
Anger at Scottish policy that may force rape victims to testify
Campaigners in Scotland have expressed anger at new guidance that could force rape victims to give evidence against their will.
Rape Crisis Scotland, as well as cross-party parliamentarians, have hit out at the new “reluctant complainers” policy which means rape victims who try to withdraw from cases may be compelled to testify where prosecution is deemed to be in the public interest.
Now I dislike the whole “public interest thing” and I realize this can be bad in cause of trauma. On the other hand rape is a serious accusation and the accuser should be willing to testify… Dunno…
If I didn’t know any better, I’d say this sounds like an attempt to deal with false rape accusations. But, that’s Scotland, which has just convicted someone for a joke, so there’s no way that’s the thought behind this.
“We Scottish were once known for producing the likes of John Locke and Adam Smith. Today, we are known for trying to breakaway from the UK after Brexit so we could prog harder with the rest of the EU and being filthy authoritarian thought police. What can we say, we’re a God damn disgrace to our heritage, but at least we still think the custom of wearing kilts is totally important.”
Wait, I’m not sure I understand fully. (I didn’t read it well, I admit.)
A criminal trial is brought by HMG as the complainant. They are all matters, inherently, of public (i.e. state) interest. Any witness can be subpoenaed, including the victim.
In practice, it’s most often unwise to attempt to prosecute a case where the victim does not wish to cooperate. That is the reason for staying the state’s hand.
Sounds like this only applies after charges have been filed. Once it becomes clear the “victim” is lying, she’ll have to chose between perjury or whatever the penalty is for admitting to the fake police report.
Everyone should have the right to face their accuser. I don’t care how bad the crime is, until the jury finds a verdict of guilty, the other party is just the accused and you are the accuser.
Granted, this is the UK, where things like no double jeopardy, no self-incrimination, speedy trial, and even jury of one’s peers have all been at least partially done away with.
I asked my son if there would be any walkouts at his school over this important Minnesoda controversy and he said he didn’t think so.
We need the kids to lead on this one. The DNR and the “adults” have let things go on for far too long to be trusted.
Common Sense Muskie Control
Where’s Hubert Humphrey?
You are thinking of Wendell Anderson.
I am not a narcissistic asshole!
One was too many, but he just hates the United States so much that he has to release spores.
The way education is going we will be soon overrun with Obamas and Trudeaus
Either we drastically alter education in this country, or we are literally doomed. The left has already began their effort to turn K12 students into little revolutionary jackboots. I wonder where they got this idea from … oh yeah, I was thinking of this.
cultural revolution
Like I asked yesterday, can Kenya afford to feed that many kids?
Yes you are.
I instantly knew who was going to be featured in that article before I even moved my mouse
“If I could do that effectively, then — you know — I would create a hundred or a thousand or a million young Barack Obamas or Michelle Obamas,” Obama said. “Or, the next group of people who could take that baton in that relay race that is human progress.”
Because we need more empty suits with messiah complexes. //progress
Ia! Shub-Niggurath! The goat with a thousand young!
See? Chill, guys. Please.
If we could only nudge em a little bit to agree with me on everything. I mean we have to try right? And if that fails… well, we had no choice, omelettes had to be made.
It just pisses me off that Lefties are screeching about Trump’s narcissistic tendencies while completely ignoring statements like that.
Moment 61-year-old blasts himself off the ground on a homemade steam-powered ROCKET at 325mph to prove that the earth is ‘shaped liked a frisbee’ – before landing with a bang
‘Mad’ Mike Hughes propelled himself about 1,875 feet into the air in his homemade steam-powered rocket and made a hard landing in Mojave Desert
Dead? Alive?
Spin? Me? Right Round?
Lover Come Back (to Me).
Amazing how someone so dumb could build a rocket that was actually well engineered.
If he really wants to prove the earth is flat, all he has to do is fly up to flat moon, it’s only 300 miles above Earth according to the flat earthers.
He said in the article that this wasn’t meant to prove the earth is flat, although he does believe that.
His future plan is a rocket launched from a hot air balloon, to get up to 68 miles.
That sounds like a bad idea to me, but what do I know.
Would make for some very funny Youtube videos. Especially if he starts the video off by telling someone “Hold my beer and watch this”…
That probably wont work out very well for him. He got lucky this time.
Nah, it will be fine. Are they going to televise it? Nothing could possibly go wrong. It’s not like a hot air balloon is unstable or highly flammable or anything, you can totally launch a rocket from it. I’m not sure why NASA has not thought of this yet. Maybe Musk will steal his idea.
His rocket was steam powered, that implies a heated pressure vessel. It won’t ignite the baloon, but it would smash it right good.
Steam powered rocket. This guy is right out of a Steampunk novel.
A hot-air balloon, by definition, uses air. Air is not especially flammable.
He is probably not dumb but I am guessing he earned his nickname fairly.
His future plans are simple: Fill out the paperwork to run for governor.
A Flat Earther would still be a step up.
That story just kept getting better!
‘I’m tired of people saying I chickened out and didn’t build a rocket. I’m tired of that stuff. I manned up and did it….’Am I glad I did it? Yeah. I guess. I’ll feel it in the morning. I won’t be able to get out of bed. At least I can go home and have dinner and see my cats tonight.'”
Hell, yeah.
It’s amazing. Almost every talk about Facebook on Seeking Alpha is heavy on the ‘conservative’ Cambridge Analytica, but silent on the fact Obama did the same thing. In fact, I don’t seem to recall this ever being an issue as people thought that little twerp braggart was a genius for doing it.
Well snopes or some other fact-check thingy says it is totally not the same thing
Did they honestly say that? At least some honest progs have said “yeah, it’s the same thing. so what?”
Oh yes they did. It’s totes different.
They’re pretty much out of the closet and not pretending much these days. I can’t remember where at the moment, but there was a recent article somewhere talking about China’s new social credits plan. Even the article labeled it as Orwellian, but there were many commenters saying, quite seriously, what a great idea it is and we should do it too.
Jesus, Black Mirror is not a fucking guide manual either. There’s a reason at the end of that episode the main character and the other guy are standing in their jail cells yelling “fuck you!” at each other.
I think the gist of it is that it was not against Facebook terms of service when Obama did it but those changed before CA did it.
Thus contradicting what Obama’s own tech person said in a long tweet storm. TL/DR version: Facebook let us do what we wanted, because they were supportive of our campaign
To their limited credit, it is quite possible that Facebook changed the terms of use because of what the Obama campaign did, albeit maybe not to specifically stop them per se. In 2008, the idea of scraping Facebook to build a social graph in order to target ads was in its infancy. The Obama campaign was, at least according to several reports, the first organization to seriously do it at scale. Wittingly or not, they changed the sociopolitical landscape. Eight years is an eternity in Internet time; by 2016, what had been revolutionary in 2008 would have been well tread ground. Unless you worked for the Clinton campaign, apparently. Ultimately much of the whining and ballyhooing has been because the Clinton campaign and the DNC were each led by a technophobic moron (HRC and DWS, respectively)
The closest to justifiable I heard was that when the Obama campaign did it, the people who were the entry points for data scraping had signed up for some Obama branded facebook app. But when CA did it, it was signing up for a not explicitly political personality test. They still granted the access to some random program but didn’t know it would then be used for political purposes. A minor distinction but provides a figleaf beyond team.
Obama did it for the right reasons. That’s all that matters.
It’s odd that Leftists, who claim to be staunch proponents of Democracy, have such little faith in it. If public opinion can be swayed through targeted Facebook ads, why is Democracy such a wonderful system?
It paints the vineer of legitimacy over their totalitarianism.
They probably feel some tinge of guilt, even if only subconsciously, for being elitist snobs who govern in their own interests. Winning the vote, and more acutely promising free shit to the masses, gives them a high and a moral justification to assuage it.
“It’s odd that Leftists, who claim to be staunch proponents of Democracy, have such little faith in it.”
In my experience these people are never proponents of any sort of democracy. They like to pretend their tyrannical decisions – particularly the ones that favor their tyrannical agenda and they see no problem with because they somehow believe the political oligarchy will not end up using these against them since they are team members – are the result of democratic process, though (especially when there is nothing democratic about what they did).
Where has LH been? Did he go too OT too soon and something bad happen to him?
My bet is that he is still sleeping off spring break.
Well, I read that fawning blather from the New Yorker. Quite a slickly choreographed, yet deeply and spontaneously heartfelt extravaganza, from the sounds of it. One thing which surprises me, in retrospect, is the absence of any members of Clan Obama. I can see how somebody might have had the good sense to keep His High and Mightyness off the stage, but I am truly surprised they didn’t drag at least one of the daughters up in front of the footlights.
LOL I am imagining a determined Hillary spending all morning getting ready and putting on her finest pantsuit, only to be met at the doorway by her Secret Service guy, fresh from an earpiece message from some DHS lifers. “You’ve had a such a long trip to India, ma’am. You look tired. You should rest today.”
I imagine the image of angry little commie marchers and trailing closely behind you see 4 guys in black carrying a limp pantsuited woman with one shoe off.
Measures to cut global inequality will be put at the heart of British aid policy under new plans unveiled by Labour.
The party’s green paper said a Labour government would introduce Britain’s first explicitly feminist international development policy, with a threefold increase in funding for grassroots women’s groups.
Under the plans, which follow recent revelations of abuses within the aid sector, civil society and grassroots groups and communities will be favoured over large aid organisations.
In the paper’s foreword, Jeremy Corbyn accused the Conservative party of “reducing aid to a matter of charity, rather than one of power and social justice”.
It will totally work this time.
Labour* is really trying to bolster Ms. May and her sabotage of Brexit, aren’t they?
*using the British misspelling because it is a proper Noun as the name of the party.
“…cut global inequality …”
Oh just come out and admit it. You are a bunch of commie shitweasels.
“…cut global inequality …”
Well, we certainly wouldn’t mind that side effect as long as it fills our pockets.
/if they were honest.
Well Corbyn Labour are pretty open commie shitweasels.
Are there any political parties in Europe that aren’t open commie shitweasels? I mean except for maybe the Alternative for Germany? You know because most of them are in East Berlin and lived under real communism and don’t see it as just a neat new fad?
If you want to get away from commies/pinkos you want LKR not AfD. The latter is like FN in France or the old BNP in Britian. Pro-socialism, but for the “native people” (read: whites).
Corbyn accused the Conservative party of “reducing aid to a matter of charity, rather than one of power and social justice”.
What a little shit. In effect, he’s saying that every Third World nation has an absolute right to the sweat off of the back of every working Englishman. Sod off, slaver!
Translation: giving taxpayer money to leftist RadFem groups which will then give the money back to that political party.
Measures to cut global inequality will be put at the heart of British aid policy
Since foreign aid spending is usually counterproductive and harmful to the recipients, this means they’ll cut it entirely, right? That would actually reduce global inequality? Oh sorry, forgot. It’s about pounding the nails that stick up until everyone is equally destitute.
“If I could do that effectively, then — you know — I would create a hundred or a thousand or a million young Barack Obamas or Michelle Obamas,” Obama said.
Talk about fulfillment of a nonexistent need.
It would complete his goal of destroying America.
Nobody needs a Wookie Army that large!
I don’t seem to recall this ever being an issue as people thought that little twerp braggart was a genius for doing it.
It was a Great Leap Forward in targetted political activism when Chairman Maobama did it.
You know, The One is really missing out. Imagine if he would have been dear leader when these brave young revolutionaries took to the streets in an attempt to take their fellow citizens rights away. He would have looked so proud, so dear leader like. Hell, he probably would have dressed up as Mao and encouraged the brave young comrades to wear all red.
Reprinted “Dreams of My Father” in a handy pocketsize version.
The housing secretary, Sajid Javid, is facing a legal challenge after he approved a 700-home housing scheme by the supermarket chain Sainsbury’s, which includes just 4% affordable housing.
The 29-storey development in Ilford, east London, will be built in a borough that has a stated policy that 50% of all new homes should be affordable. It estimates it needs an extra 15,000 affordable homes in the next 15 years, but Javid backed a scheme with just 27 affordable homes. The rest are expected to be sold for about £400,000 for a two bedroom flat.
How terribly dreadful…
It estimates it needs an extra 15,000 affordable homes in the next 15 years – how are these estimates made?
Number of migrants slated for transfer to that town.
Who builds unaffordable houses?
Those evil 1% property developers are all building condos no one can afford to live in, and letting them sit empty rather than provide a place for “the People” to live for freez!
The Chinese, if the ghost cities are any indication.
If I build a communism, they will come.
Bah, hell if I know which side is right about this. How do I know which developments are good or bad, or what percentage of new homes should be “affordable.” Of course, odds are neither do they. God knows why the Brits decided to make it a government matter to fully plan and determine such things, but if that’s the way they do it I certainly have no idea when it is being done poorly and when it’s being done really poorly.
I developer is good as long as he owns the land and does not damage property not his own i would say
High end homes become affordable homes in a generation.
The more high end homes are built, the quicker the previous high end homes become middle class homes and the quicker the former middle class homes become “affordable” homes.
The pens won again, fucking Crosby.
The bruins Wild game was a nail biter.
“The pens won again, fucking Crosby.”
I initially read that as ‘the penis won again’.
It’zjust a ZardoZ supporter lamenting their recent setbacks.
“The penis won again, fucking Bill Cosby.”
Seriously, that’s what I read it as first time.
Orange snow has Eastern Europe “freaking out”
I aint freaking out. The snow in Bucharest is black anyway after a few days.
Still? Figured air pollution would have decreased significantly in the last 20 years or so.
It’s not air pollution, what do you think happens when you plow an unpaved post-communist road?
Well it is not just air pollution. Bucharest is generally dirty and dusty and that turns to mud when wet.
Also while some industry closed down in Bucharest, there are now probably 20 times the cars in Bucharest. Also Romanians have a habit of buying old diesel cars second hand from Germany and such. Current diesels are still worse than petrol cars pollution wise, older ones were much worse. Also the particulate filters are expensive to replace regularly on diesels and some just don’t, and bribe to pass the pollution test of the car. The air quality in Bucharest I would think is utter shit.
Journalism *is* activism in its most basic form. The entire basis for its ethical practice is the idea that a democracy requires an informed citizenry in order to function. Choosing what you want people to know is a form of activism, even if it’s not the march-and-protest kind.
Does anyone still really believe journalists are not activists?
goddamn threading fail
Most “progressives” believe that CNN is a totally unbiased news source. It’s a testament to their doublethink that they still think this after CNN was caught feeding debate questions to the Clinton campaign.
It just makes my blood boil whenever I hear them whining that Fox News is biased (more liek faux nooz, amirite????? lmao) while calling me a wackjob conspiracy theorist because I point out the fact that most other media outlets are just mirror images of Fox News.
“You can still be objective if you’re helping the right side win. Only a biased extremist wouldn’t aid the anoited one and Herself.”
Jeeze. Clicked on that and it’s nothing but Stormy Daniels stuff in the side bar. Trump banged a porn star. Who cares? Team Blue relinquished the supposed decency requirement for a president in the 90s. Idk how anyone takes them seriously on this.
As far as the orange snow, meh. Pollution or something.
Team Blue relinquished the supposed decency requirement for a president in the 90s. Idk how anyone takes them seriously on this.
A core tenant of progressivism is to forget yesterday unless you use it to beat your enemy over the head. Of course the party of rape (Clinton), groping (JFK), and adultery (FDR) has the moral high ground on sexual matters.
One of my big hopes for BREXIT was that it would get the UK out of the obscene European Human Rights Court. The one that regularly says (at least for UK cases – haven’t read too many cases with continental applications) that you can’t deport convicted multiple-rapists because it would violate their right to a “family life” and BS like that over and over and over again.
“You are being transferred to the Castle Ward.”
“Ah, it is very safe then.”
“Yes… for the public. It was named for Frank Castle.”
Sadly looking at the direction they are going their own laws won’t be much better. They are probably worse already on free speech
They don’t have time to waste on petty stuff like that. They have to keep the really scary terrorists, like Lauren Southern, out of the country. She probably has nukes or something in her purse.
Worse than nukes. She has wrong think and a mirror to hold up in front of them.
But you can try people without a jury (for the first time in 400 years) and multiple times for the same crime (for the first time ever) because of a reform to that fusty old relic of less-enlightened-and-technologically-advanced-justice-system days that was eliminated by the sophisticated Eurocrat Tony Blair. So the silver lining is you will get a much better shot at those rapists.
Well, all of that is some progress. But we won’t truly be woke until you can have someone convicted of thought crime just on accusation alone. That’s when we really be woke.
Damn it, Monday. Go home. You’re drunk.
Start off having to wake up at 2:30 so I can catch a red eye train back to Utica. It’s overcrowded and of course I sit next to a fat guy. It’s late (why can’t our Cheeto dictator make the trains run on time?) so no time to head home for breakfast before work. Get in and find there’s been some contamination of fusel oils in my vodka, meaning I have to redistill 200 gallons of vodka, throwing off my schedule and forcing me into a week of twelve hour days. Top it off, my ex wife is looking for money. My ex girlfriend is looking for money, and somehow national grid says it has no record of my payment despite my bank account saying different. And, of course, my stupid brackets.
So fuck Monday.
Alright. Venting over. Fuck.
Wait, Amtrak was full? How many trains got cancelled and bumped their passengers to that one?
Crowded at 2:30am? I typically drop my wife off at Penn station in Balmer around 5:30am and there’s literally no one there. I don’t even think trains run here at 2:30am.
In Utica, though, you can at least treat yourself to a nice steamed ham.
Oh, pish posh, that’s an Albany expression.
I was off line this weekend (as is customary) so I missed it. Did the Woke Guys succeed in banning all the yucky guns?
I think they only spent us into destitution for an additional three generations.
Over at DU right now, they’re wearing sackcloth and pouring ashes over their heads because Mueller and Stormy are now splitting up the 3.5 trillion and that orange menace is still on the loose!
Yeah they succeeded. But, as retribution, the NRA is pushing a law to ban unisex infinity scarfs, because it is offensive to the eyes. The Woke Guys are pissed
They generated at least another $2k in new firearms acquisitions…and a lot of BBQ sales at the Orlando gun show.
Any word on how many of those kids died in texting and driving accidents on their way to their local protest?
You don’t think we should be lectured on the Second Amendment by 16-year-olds? What’s wrong with you?
Reaching out to Diego F: That was a really nice little thing you posted over the weekend. More like that if you have it in you.
He’s been spotted upstream.
Why thank you! But which thing? Everything I post is so damn nice.
“Brooklyn.” That was really good short-short form writing.
But I’m going to wedgie you for playing coy.
Thanks! I was worried nobody had heard the news about the migration of gun vids to PornHub, and would just think the story was weird. But weird is our bread and butter, in retrospect.
…And in truth there really was nothing coy about it, and that’s not to my credit! If a person writes dozens of things and one is good and he doesn’t know which the good one was, unnecessary modesty is probably not one of his vices!
I’m not getting how all the people who ostensibly support free markets and economic growth were indifferent toward corporate tax cuts, but are livid about tariffs? Seems like those people are less supportive of free markets and more supportive of going along with the crowd (but, only certain crowds)
You can’t say tariffs are a tax and that’s why you oppose them, while being indifferent or exclaiming “deficit” when the highest corporate tax rate in the world is reduced
Well, those people are likely people who “know economics” like they “know science.” Which is to say, about as well as they know the term “semi-automatic.” The case that protectionism through tariffs is a suboptimal policy is an unusually straightforward one, though. The argument as to which tax, among many potential schemes, is best for raising revenue, which is what we are talking when we talk budgets, is going to be a bit more elaborate.
Chocolate Jesus told is in explicit terms that it isnt about raising revenue. It is a fairness issue.
*Barry has to have the record number of outrageous shit-quotes of any president.
Caramel “You didn’t Build That” Nixon really is quite an ass. I’m surprised more people don’t see that.
It is pure cult of personality. It’s creepy as hell.
Who are these people?
For starters, pretty much anyone who works at Cato.
Cato wasn’t against corporate tax cuts. They’ve been beating that drum the hardest for as long as I can remember.
They were pointing out that not cutting the government along with them is a disaster in the making.
I’m going off of the Twitter feeds of their analysts. I’m not saying that they were opposed to corporate taxes, in theory, but rather that they didn’t make a fuss about them being cut as they have about tariffs being imposed. And couldn’t the same argument be made that you can’t have reduced tariffs since that will add to the deficit if spending isn’t cut?
The stupid game of “well, tax cuts are great, but what about government spending” could just as easily be played as “well, reduced tariffs are great, but what about government spending”? They are both taxes
You can’t say tariffs are a tax and that’s why you oppose them, while being indifferent or exclaiming “deficit” when the highest corporate tax rate in the world is reduced
Tariffs are the “wrong kind” of macroeconomic tinkering.
As are all price controls.
I have a friend who has been talking about tariffs for years. He also despises Trump. My friend makes the mercantilist argument that we should “defend” our business enterprises from “unfair” competition and basically use tariffs as price supports. You know, the same thing Trump said. But I’m too
kind-heartedlazy to point this out to him.I have had to explain a dozen times to a couple of prog acquaintances why price controls are bad. Over and over and over in very simple terms. They get it but five minutes later it evaporates. There is a reason they choose to be progs.
Yeah, first you need to explain to them why socialism doesn’t work, because as long as they believe in that fairy tale, they’ll believe anything.
Send him a copy of Wealth of Nations.
Any mercantilist argument has been dead for 242 years now.
Any word on how many of those kids died in texting and driving accidents on their way to their local protest?
I’d like to know how many unintended pregnancies and STDs resulted from this festival of idiocy.
I’d like to know how many unintended pregnancies and STDs resulted in the prenatal development of some of the kids I heard “speaking their wisdom.”
“The NRA is a puppet of Russia” has got to be the 2nd best Russia fever dreams conspiracy theories ever. The best Russia fever dreams conspiracy theory: Bolton is a pawn of Russia. Don’t believe that anyone would say something so stupid about noted warmonger, Bolton?
Meet Senator Tim Kaine, who happens to be one of the dumbest men on the national stage
Timmah!, put down that bottle of vodka, you’re at work man!
And meet the NYT. I can’t find the link to their editorial, but they noted that Bolton is a warmonger, but is not aggressive enough toward Russia.
I despise the senators of my state. Kaine, in particular, is the smarmiest of smarmy weasels.
Creepy Tim. I thought he would be retired now and running a children’s summer camp.
With co-owner Joe Biden.
Warner is no better.
This state is circling the bowl.
Too many government employees in the State. The idiot Republicans don’t realize that if you don’t cut government you will inevitably get more government.
Not that they actually want less government, to be sure
I have Bob Menendez – the most openly corrupt Senator in Congress. And Cory Booker who trying desperately to be the next Barrack Obama.
I have a pet theory. I think the Dems push the most batshit insanely stupid party lines they can think of, not because they want to convince anyone, but because they want to corrupt their followers’ reasoning process. Of course no one in their right mind believes Bolton is a Russian puppet. But, getting your followers to buy into a line that ridiculous has value. To go along with the narrative, you have to surrender your independent judgement. You have to debase yourself to saying you’ll accept and repeat really stupid shit. Once you’ve gone there, it’s easy to stamp out any independent judgement or doubts about the party line.
“I have a pet theory. I think the Dems push the most batshit insanely stupid party lines they can think of”
No!? Where ever did you get an idea like that from?
“” Dems push the most batshit insanely stupid party lines they can think of, not because they want to convince anyone, but because they want to corrupt their followers’ reasoning proces””
This isn’t unique to democrats.
its a form of identitarianism, albeit a “moral” one. “We Good People Think X about Y”. If you don’t think the same way, you’re not “good people”. So it forces people who’d otherwise use their own better-judgement to simply align with the herd.
This isn’t unique to democrats.
I agree. That said, I don’t think the GOP has the support infrastructure to pull it off to the extent the Democrats do. If the Republicans try to push ridiculous shit on their followers, there’s a whole plethora of sources that are going to be happy to tell them that that’s ridiculous shit. It’s only going to work with people who are really isolated. The Dems have a much more robust mechanism for pushing the party line. So, when a few sources (Greenwald, Wikileaks) tell them that’s ridiculous shit, they can get the Emmanuel Goldstein treatment.
And I understand that herd mentality is pretty widely enforced. What I think my theory explains is why so many outlandish party lines get pushed into the herd when more plausible or reasonable lines are readily available. Think about the case of Bolton, as just one example. The guy is a fuck-up who passes responsibility for his fuck ups onto higher ups. The guy has a record of fucking up as thick as his mustache. And he’s an extremist by any reasonable measure. You don’t have to pretend he’s a Russian infiltrator to think he shouldn’t be National Security Advisor. And yet they push it. Why? I believe it is to make believers go along with the ridiculousness that in and of itself is the value.
^ This.
Someone tried to tell me recently that the Russia conspiracy theories are insane, but they are no different than conservatives pushing the “Obama was born in Kenya” conspiracy. True, that certain people were pushing that conspiracy, including our current commander-in-chief, but that conspiracy never received a special counsel investigation, a Congressional review, or thousands of pages of innuendo supporting a dubious narrative from a complicit press. The “both sides” narrative is ludicrous when one guy is pushing crazy shit via a blog and the other guy is pushing crazy shit via every major news outlet in the country.
I think the “Obama was foreign-born” narrative was a lot more widespread than just a couple blogs, and I knew a few people in the real world who believed it (mostly older, like 60+ at the time). However, it was confined to the fever swamps, whereas as you note the current Russia nonsense is not only covered but endorsed by the mainstream media, government, and surrounding establishment.
I find that I am often embarrassed by arguments I would back in high school and college, due to the fact they were very much team centered (GOP in my case), and were bordering on that kind of ideology that does corrupt the ability to think.
To some extent, watching an entire major political faction go batshit insane has led me to be a little more conscious of my own tendency to get a little crazy about politics.
Zell Miller, the last decent Democrat, died
Jim Webb has the sadz
And Miller was a warhawk. At least Webb had a restrained view on foreign policy.
Also, Tulsi Gabbard is pretty good
Also, Tulsi Gabbard is pretty
This. Isn’t she the one who said she wants to stop every pipeline in the country, and make all US energy renewable by 2035?
She’s also the only Democrat who actually opposes adventurism abroad. Considering how unbelievably terrible Democratic officials have become, she is a breath of fresh air
Mixed feelings about Webb. Now he’s just the last sane Democrat.
It may be interesting if he runs again. I said before the last presidential election that Rand Paul vs. Jim Webb is what we need. But we got and will continue getting what we, unfortunately, deserve.
Oh that dude! I still remember, as a lil Democrat, watching him tear H.W. a new asshole at the ’92 convention. Then as a university Democrat hating him for defecting to W. at the ’04 Republican convention.
I would vote Bush in a do-over, of course, but that is hardly the point. I see even less reason to celebrate this as the least bit decent. I hate it far more today than I ever thought possible, matter of fact.
Nonetheless, he was staunchly pro-life and pro-2A, which I liked even then; and I suppose I am technically a DINO myself these days, so we have that connection. I do indeed wish there were still Democrats like him in the South (or anywhere), and they would have my vote and probably my volunteer time if there were. More importantly, I suppose I should speak well of the dead.
RIP big guy; you are challenging angels to duels now.
Andrew McCabe – not popular with people who worked for him.
More bikini happy time.
I miss summer.
#8 is about to have a major wardrobe malfunction.
The FBI is a fuckin’ menace.
No kidding. Was it an informant or an actual undercover agent that went with the shooters to the draw mohammed event in Texas? They got their hands in everything.
To whom are they accountable? No one, apparently.
Why do we have a national police force again?
Talk about irony. I stepped out just an hour ago so I could watch The Departed. I doubt there are many Mark Wahlberg types at the bureau that will set shit straight.
Posse Comitatus?
-1 Gordon Kahl. North Dakota’s least favorite son.
“…but the true reason gunman Omar Mateen chose Pulse is still unclear.”
*Hears voice screaming in background between shots, this is for Islam! Allah Akbar, die you gays!*
Reporter out front: We may never know why he did it. Workplace violence maybe?
It was clearly something to do with the lack of snack bar.
“Allah Snackbar, there’s no hummus!” *bang bang, bang bang bang!*
The reason he chose that target != The reason he murdered 50 people
The latter is clear. The former less so.
I get irritated when journalists stretch the meanings of their own sources even when they’re right there in front of you. Its like saying, “Fuck you you’re stupid and can’t tell the difference”
Is the existance of Steve Smith being covered up by Governor Moonbeam?
Australia ball tampering row: Darren Lehmann & Steve Smith criticised by John Buchanan
This reminds old Minnesodans of Joe Niekro.
Yeah, this is not going to end well for anyone involved. Smith may be the best batsman in the world right now but Cricket Australia will probably see the need to “do something.”
FTC is investigating teh Facederps
For what? It’s terrifying the broad power the feds are exhibiting with all of these investigations.
Privacy shit? Violation of TOS? It’s kind of vague
The anti-2A crowd is so chok-a-bloc with sexism, I just can’t even. Not everyone who carries a firearm has a penis, assholes.
I made a point of ignoring that whole shit-show. Here’s a nice summation:
[citation needed]
All I’ve heard is “omg they’re so brave! Its so great the kids are so engaged with the issues.”
“Sometimes it take the voice of children to help us see clearly”
No. Children speak very confidently and give simple solutions to complex problems because they are children. They haven’t been in the world long enough to realize they don’t know shit about anything. The idea of “unintended consequences” isn’t a fathomable concept to kids – which makes their preferred policies half baked at best and extremely dangerous at worst.
For a couple of years after I married I worked for a cell phone company. They were new, clunky and permanently installed in your car but everyone wanted one. We made rivers of cash. I noticed that at least here in Louisiana more than 90% of cars had pistols in them and that includes women’s cars. It is probably about the same today.
The thing I like best about them is that they won’t even address gun owners and debate them, instead they make a strawman named NRA to knock down and declare their holy righteousness. And their leader seems to be a skinny effeminate nerd named Hogg who seems to be parroting a Chairman Mao cultural revolution type movement. Hey, dummies, you won’t get far in a revolution without weapons, so you probably might want to reconsider getting everyone’s weapons confiscated.
That’s because the NRA is in bed with the Russians. Haven’t you heard?
Russia, Russia, Russia!
These people are totally not insane
They’re cute in a really annoying fluffy stuffed puppy sort of way. I don’t think they know what a revolution is. What, are they going to tweet us to death from their mum’s basement? Scary stuff.
That’s one the more odd claims. Putin wants Americans to be sufficiently armed against foreign (or domestic…) threats? Logic!
Don’t be silly. the chain of Progic is as follows: Guns — > Violence — > Crime — > Social Breakdown — > Collapse of the US as a sociopolitical rival.
What else do you expect? They always knock down strawmen in hit pieces instead of facing their opponent head on.
Also, I get the sense that they’re backing off of Hogg. After he went off about people having children’s blood on their faces and how old people don’t know how to democracy – I’ve seen less and less of him in the spotlight. Instead I see more of that chick that looks kinda like a dude.
Well, chicks that look kinda like a dude are all the rage these days. So makes sense.
I, for one, refuse to be lectured to by a bitchy, soy-boy, beta that doesn’t know anything about guns or gun policy.
don’t know how to democracy
I heard him say this and thought: “Do you even Republic, bro?”
Only if he can figure out how to keep one, mang.
That’s because you’re a gender traitor, KK. Obviously brainwashed by the patriarchy.
I am just getting so fucking sick of these photos of ignorant assholes holding signs equivocating gun ownership to penis size. Almost always it’s women holding these signs. Sexist cows.
As I’ve said before, I’d be more than happy to demonstrate them wrong either to them or to their wives.
Kristen’s social credit score just keeps going down…
I am just getting so fucking sick of these photos of ignorant assholes holding signs equivocating gun ownership to penis size.
Well, in a sense it’s true. Personally, I don’t know anyone whose penis is sufficiently large and turgid to disable someone who is intending to do one harm. Similarly, I don’t know of anybody whose penis is able to kill game at a distance. So, ultimately, people need to use guns as a substitute.
That said, yeah, the whole thing is pretty ridiculous. One of the actual values of guns is that they enable the weak, the elderly and less physically powerful to meet larger, stronger and more powerful opponents on relatively equal terms. A world without guns is a world in which the strong dominate the weak.
I don’t know of anybody whose penis is able to kill game at a distance.
*Introduces wdalasio to STEVE SMITH*
::cue sound of something being methodically and rhythmically slapped into someone’s hand::
I’m Tweetering this quote, FYI
If only somebody had told Genghis Khan that he couldn’t hurt anyone because there were no guns.
Did you see the pic if the woman carrying the “real men use fists” sign? like, honey, you obviously don’t know more people are murdered by hand than gun, many of them women, and you want to take away a method to stop that? plus the numbers of placards claiming abortion’s harder to get than a gun. Why are so many other women so fucking ignorant? I find it so infuriating.
Christ, what an asshole.
Someone’s been watching too much TV.
Did you see the pic if the woman carrying the “real men use fists” sign?
And, in such a world, women, real or otherwise, have to obey the “real men”. Have fun with that.
They sure do….
Kopechne family on the new Chappaquidick movie
I’m really stunned that this movie was even made.
Those old Kennedys, they ain’t much use today for the newly enlightened proggie warrior Democrat brand.
Yeah, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country,” doesn’t test well in prog focus groups.
Ask not if I should be doing anything, but what I can get government to steal from my neighbors and give to me.
/New Democrats
It doesnt test well with me either. Our government exists to serve the citizenry, not the other way about.
“Ask not what your country can do for you, ask how your country can get the hell out of the way.”
I’ve always read it as -and I’ve always thought he meant it as- your country = the citizenry, not the government.
You may be right but I usually assume any govt type means the Federal Government when they say ‘our country’.
I don’t. Our country would endure if the organs and agencies of the existing government burned down tomorrow. We’d probably even be better off afterwards. Sure there’d be bloodshed in the cities when the money taps dried up, but it would be contained.
Turns out he said in the context of working towards world peace:
That is a hell of a long way from the Democrats of today.
Hard pass, unless you’re springing for first class.
Perth? As in Antipodes? I don’t think I could survive a semi-circumference flight, even in first-class.
17 hours in coach. Can you imagine? It’s gotta be like a cattle car in there after hour 12.
I had trouble with a one hour hop from Albany to Reagan in Coach.
I remember that the passenger next to me was texting (during the cell phone eligable periods) and I could read their screen as well as they could, and it took an effort to find a place to look that avoided seeing their screen
No, after 8 hours, I’m ready to jump off the plane without a chute.
Try 16hrs on a Greyhound
From what I recall, Greyhound busses stop rather regularly.
Not my favoriate form of travel, but not as bad as flying coach.
Flying coach I could take a xanax and wake up when the plane landed, on the bus you gotta watch out for all the weirdos trying to take your stuff.
I have trouble sleeping under optimal conditions.
I turned this to my advantage when flying, because I’ve found that taking the red eye and staying awake until normal beditme in the new time zone resets my internal clock and helps me completely avoid jet lag.
But it also means I’m awake for the duration, and that’s an issue in coach seating.
I can’t sleep on a plane, never have been able to. My wife is literally asleep before the plane leaves the runway.
Ever try an Amtrak from NYC to Huntington WV?
The longest flight I’ve ever taken was Bangkok to Frankfurt, about 12 hours in the air. It was excruciating (was in coach, too). I can’t imagine adding five more hours to that.
14 hours, LA/Brisbane. I slept half the time going west which made it semi-bearable. Coming back I was awake almost the whole time.
I flew direct from Newark to Delhi in coach; 15.5 hours. All I can say is, lots of booze.
I did London-Sydney in the 90’s which was something like 19 hours in Club Class. Rough, but manageable. In tourist, it’d be nasty unless you had a good bunch of other travelers (no screaming kids or flatulent goobers) and clear flying.
As I noted elsewhere though – by the end of the trip, I could recite the ingredients list on the back of the toothpaste tube from the guy 2 rows forward.
You had a direct from LHR to SYD with no stopover? That doesn’t seem possible, since the Perth – LHR flight is the longest in commercial history and it just started this weekend.
Refuel in Dubai. I think we were on the ground for 80 minutes.
Most people in my avgeek group are saying they’d stick with the Dubai layover, even though direct is offered. You can still get a layover on Emirates from Perth & SYD.
I had a layover in Anchorage on my way to China from DC back in the 90’s. It was a really nice break – off the plane in a secure area with a smoking lounge for ~1 hour. They don’t do the refueling layover anymore – direct JFK – Beijing.
I think smoking was verboten in 93 when I did that flight, so I didn’t value a smoke break in the middle, but that was purely a refuel and presumably a routine inspection. I had a chance for my butt to un-numb, drink some water and walk around in circles a bit. It didn’t seem like much of a respite, but I guess it was.
I had learned years before to not drink alcohol when I fly, but after we took off from Dubai, I loaded up.
I’ve done Boston to Columbo, Sri Lanka – 1 change and 1 refuel. And Cherry Point to Riyadh Saudi Arabia – 1 refuel. In both cases I got off the plane in a daze with no idea what day it was.
Cherry Point to Riyadh, eh? Our total travel from Yuma to Kuwait on our way to Iraq in 2004 was pretty awful. We had to show up at the armory at like 4 am to get our rifles. Sat around for hours after that. Took an endless bus trip (13 hours per Google maps) to Travis AFB. Sat around at Travis for maybe eight hours or so. Flew from Travis to JFK, about 6 hours. About a 90 minute layover at JFK. Flew JFK to Shannon, Ireland. Another 6 hours. One hour refueling stop in Shannon. Flew Shannon to Kuwait City, 10 hours. Then had a bus ride that seemed to take forever to Camp Victory, probably two or three hours. There we stayed for a few days before flying to Al-Asad. From the time I left my apartment in Yuma until we finally got to our temporary tents in Camp Victory, it was about three days. Shit seemed to never end.
We had it pretty good. Got bused from Lejune to Cherry Point and sat there for a day (December 1990), watching C-130s, 141s, and even a C-5 come and go. Assumed we would be stuck in the holds of those crap-heaps. Then we got on a United 747 with all our gear (including weapons), stopped in Brussels for refueling then straight to Saudi.
Flew Ft Carson to Kuwait on a charter 737 outbound (fuel stops Minneapolis, Gander, Shannon, Crete), C130 with web seats inbound (stops Moron, Gander).
I don’t think they have first class on that aircraft: only business. The flight is too long for business. First class would be all right. I flew Cathay Pacific First between Boston and Honk Kong (15.5-16 hours)– greatly enjoyed it, wouldn’t mind staying there for another hour or two. Qantas First between Los Angeles and Melbourne was also very pleasant. Among the longest business class flights I’ve had was Austrian between Los Angeles and Vienna (12 hours). I didn’t like it, it felt too long.
“Student who put her virginity up for sale online claims to have accepted a final offer of $1.4MILLION from ‘Hollywood actor’”
I bet $100 on Danny Masterson.
Or Fez from That 70’s Show. Didn’t he take Lindsey Lohan’s virginity when she was sixteen and he was well into his twenties or something. Sick bastard
Uh sure, yeah, just terrible…
$1.4 million? You’d think that kind of cash would get you a better-looking chick.
Zimbabwe Dollars. $1.4 Million ZBD.
*checks photos*
Yep, that’s what I thought, virgin my ass.
You think she’s gonna pull the old broken ketchup package up the vagina trick?
He beat out a Man U player? The guy’s a pro athlete, he should be able to get damn-nigh any chick he wants. Why the hell would he pay that kind of money to bang a 6 (at best 7 on a good day)?
Lost a bet?
Good Lord, another one of those? How many times is this for her now? She isnt even hot. I’ll keep my 1.4M and enter a monastery.
“Cuomo goes to black church, says Jews can’t dance
“I want you to know as a matter of full disclosure, I am a Catholic. Catholics basically believe the same teachings that Baptists believe,” he said. “We just do it without the rhythm. But we try. We are not as without rhythm as some of our Jewish brothers and sisters.”
Cuomo even singled out the off-beat swaying of Democratic consultant Hank Sheinkopf, a former campaign adviser who is Jewish, who was sitting in the front row wearing a yarmulke.
“I was watching Mr. Sheinkopf here in the front row moving to the music,” Cuomo said of the politico, who was ordained as an Orthodox rabbi in 2011.
“It was ugly, I’ll tell you the truth,” the governor added.”
He’s allowed. He’s a Dem and American royalty.
(((I))) can’t dance
(((I))) can’t talk
Only thing about (((me)))
is the way (((I))) walk
That guy is bugfuck crazy. Watch him for 30 seconds and it jumps out at you. He might as well be wearing a straight jacket and have ‘Nuts’ written on his forehead in Marks-a-lot.
I’m pretty sure that’s a requirement to getting elected to anything in NY. He looks like the stereotype mafioso boss, like straight out of a movie.
We can dance if we want to
You can leave those Jews behind
Cause the Jews can’t dance,
And if they don’t dance, then
You’re no friend of mine
RE: Bump stock ban nonsense.
So what’s the status on this? Has it already been adopted? Can they just invalidate their determination from 2010? Is there a legal challenge? Who knows how many bump stocks there are out there, but you’re basically transforming a piece of plastic that slides back and forth into a “machine gun” in the eyes of the law. So, creating hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of people into major felons.
I don’t understand how this can be done without involvement of Congress.
He has a pen and a phone, old man. It’s all anyone needs.
Why do it this way when a law would pass easily? This sets a terrible precedent.
6D chess, dude.
6. D. C h e s s!
In this case, I could actually see this as 6D chess;
Trump gets to say “I tried!” when it gets challenged and struck down, and gets to blame Congress in the process.
Perhaps I give him too much credit though.
The argument against that is that you can only really do that once, and “bump stocks” is an awful niche issue to waste it on.
I don’t think so, you’re very likely right. It’s a Trump like move. Get the Democrats all in a tizzy and when the let down comes, shrug and say ‘not my fault’.
“In 2010 the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms determined that it could not regulate bump stocks unless Congress changed the laws. Critics of the president’s new push think any effort to reverse that ruling will be challenged in court.
Sen. Diane Feinstein, D-Calif, who has proposed legislation to ban bump stocks and semi-automatic rifles, has said she believes a legal challenge would ultimately be successful.
“The ATF currently lacks authority under the law to ban bump stocks,” Feinstein wrote in February 20 statement. ”
Even Swinestein thinks that Trump’s “pen and phone” strategy on this won’t work.
ban bump stocks and semi-automatic rifles
Doesn’t banning semi-autos obviate the need to ban bump stocks?
Psychological manipulation technique – ask for more than you know they will ever give, so that your reduced unreasonable ask seems less of a stretch afterwards.
Yeah, and it’s a big pen, beautiful pen, bigly and yuuuge. And it works.
“So, creating hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of people into major felons.”
We’re all felons now anyway, just some people who don’t know it. So it doesn’t make much difference at this point. Think most people will give up their guns after they’re all made illegal? The only thing that will happen is a bigger prison population, more crime, and a very big black market in guns. Other than that, nothing changes.
This is one of the few instances where having Sessions as AG may be helpful to prevent such madness. But, beside being a huge law and order statist, Sessions is also renowned for being spineless in the face of Trump’s tantrums, so who knows what happens
That’s why he’s still AG
Is there that many out there? I figured it was kind of a novelty item that most people didn’t bother with but now we are going to see the Striesand effect.
“Streisand effect”
Go to Slide Fire or Bump Stock Systems’ website and they all say that they are either sold out or on limited stock.
I never had any desire for one nor the desire to buy the amount of ammo those eat up. It looks like there are gobs of them out there.
Remington filed for bankruptcy. Expect much crowing about the effectiveness of children marches and the righteousness of the various boycotts and blacklists.
Now the question is, should I pick up a model 700?
To ask the question is to answer it:
you should always buy a new gun. Get an 870 while you’re at it.
870…. 871… whatever it takes….
/Mr. Mom
You sound like a really handy guy
Remington’s Ch. 11 is the best thing for it. The guys I know down there in middle management all seem to be very up-beat, despite the fact that they know some of them will likely be laid off in 12-18 months.
Nothing bad will happen to their ammunition and their long gun businesses. 700’s are popular and profitable. You could buy one to help them celebrate being rid of Cerberus as a stock holder.
Meh. Gun companies file for Bankruptcy all of the time. They will be back. Someone will probably come along and buy the company for a bargain price. Unless you have a government overpaying on contracts there isnt much profit in the gun business.
Another case of a private equity firm buying a decent company leveraging it, milking it dry, and tossing away the husk. There is still a profitable operation in there after the judges throws out the mountain of debt.
Let’s remember that Remington always had the opportunity to issue bonds or stock. They made a conscious decision to go the PE route because the impression was that they’d get a better deal that way.
There’s no way of knowing whether that deal was worse than if they’d had more common stockholders, when they brought out the disastrous R51. If I’d held stock in Remington, I’d have divested, and I know a lot of other people that would have too. Fact is they chose the PE route and got into bed with Cerberus who don’t have a stellar tradition of success nowadays. More fool Remington.
Something you missed from the article about Malaysia banning “fake news”.
Reuters is reporting this, as an aside. As actual news.
Eh…. Fake news was the DNC/Clinton attack on anything critical of Hillary. It was eagerly parroted by the talking heads in the main stream media. It was the prelude to the Russia investigation.
Trump coopted their attack and shoved it down their throats. I suppose you could argue that in doing so he further popularized the term. But when it is being uttered by every anchor on every network before he ever said it, I think it is a bit of a stretch to lay the use of the term at his feet.
CNN is banned in Malaysia?
I saw a debate on ‘fake news’ a little while back. Two progs were going at the conservative and he challenged them to give examples. They replied with more insinuations and generalities, so the conservative listed off specific examples of deliberate lies about Trump on CNN, WaPo, NYT, MSNBC etc. The two progs simply started parroting talking points, some of which they got from CNN, WaPo, Nyt, generalities and insinuations. His factual examples, a matter of record, went unanswered. It sunk in for me that they weren’t being deliberately mendacious, they actually believed the things they were saying. They thought they were presenting an argument when all they were doing was squawking like parrots. They are completely brainwashed.
Most of them no longer care about the truth. It’s now all about the narrative. As long as you can win the narrative, regardless of the truth, or even through just silencing of other opinions, then it’s OK because only results matter. Sure, some of them, many of them get the bullet too, but every single one of them are sure it won’t be them personally. Every single one of these morons should be forced to watch documentaries of the Bolshevik revolution and Mao’s cultural revolution for about a week. Yeah, I know, it didn’t work that time because not the right people. How about some Venezuela for dummies, 101? Maybe some Pol Pot, Castro, and Che thrown in for good measure. Yeah, I know, not real socialism.
I just wish these people would stop calling themselves smart. They’re dumb as bricks and proud of it. So stop lying.
The dumb ones are probably better at it. Without logic as a distraction, there is less chance of deviating from the party line. Obama was just barely dumb enough to do it right – that’s why he had all the “ums” and “ahs” in his speech whenever he was off script.
My wife was watching some ocean creatures show on NatGeo last night and they showed the Leafy Seadragon. Crazy looking. And, and you get one guess on which part of the world it can be found.
Where all of nature’s other deplorables congregate.
Hmm, I was going to guess Aussie land and not the US midwest.
How many Australians do you know?
Didn’t they ban knowing Americans because there was nothing left to ban? Maybe they should ban poisonous bitey things.
A lot of nasty critters live in the ocean but the one that scares me the most are the goddamned cone snails.
Damn! You even have to be worried about snails!
“One of the fish-eating species, the geography cone, Conus geographus, is also known colloquially as the “cigarette snail”, a gallows humor exaggeration implying that, when stung by this creature, the victim will have only enough time to smoke a cigarette before dying.”
A fucking harpoon? Damn, nature is metal.
Yes. And they are long and fast. It’s a fucking snail. They crawl on rocks and burrow in sand. Most people who are stung have just stepped on one while walking in water by accident because they didn’t see it. It aint difficult to take one wrong step and you are done.
I’ve done the whole wrong step in the ocean thing. Thankfully it was just a stingray, so I was left with a small scar and an intense hatred for them.
First time I was in Brazil, I got up the next morning and the wife and I were walking on the beach. One of the first things I saw was a jellyfish washed ashore that was bright florescent pink. I kid you not, the thing practically glowed like a neon sign. I have no desire to step foot in the ocean there. There are great white shark warning signs there about every 1000 ft and people who go out at high tide despite warnings are sometimes never seen again. Once when I was down there, a lady had went out and the people said she was there one second and just gone the next. Fuck that shit. Bitey and poisonous stuff around you that you cannot even see? No way.
That’s why I hate the water. I even get weirded out in Midwestern freshwater lakes. I know, not logical, but I can’t help what my brain imagines is swimming around down there just waiting to bite me.
It’s Austrailians, isn’t it? You have Australians in your lakes because we didn’t have sufficient border controls.
We need a wall!
I enjoyed swimming in the Mediterranean, because it pretty much has no fish left in it.
I was expecting this
I was thinking (notice the sample that was used by Run DMC in “Christmas in Hollis”)
Awesome. And Christmas in Hollis is a good tune, too.
Agree – Christmas in Hollis is on regular rotation for me during the holidays.