I have taken some flak recently about putting too much spice into the links, and requested to tone down the flavor. And eliminate the wine, which is a horrible beverage having distractingly large amounts of flavor. So today, I’m keeping it soft and bland, just to not offend anyone. If the prose is disturbing, then look at the nice, bland images to relax and calm the sensory overload. And I will not mention the delightful Dolcetto d’Alba that SP, Webdominatrix, and I drank last night with their welcome home dinner. That said, on to the news of the day, with the usual snark, though toned down out of consideration for sensitive Glibs.


As astroturfed high schoolers get wall-to-wall media coverage in their desire to have kind and gracious government calmly and reasonably disarm it citizens in complete defiance of the constitution, they unsurprisingly claim that their voices are being stifled. Yeah, the cops came in and quashed the demonstrations immediately and TV news crews stayed resolutely away. Suuuure.

“I don’t like fearing that I’m going to die walking into school every day and I don’t like telling my mom that I’m afraid I’m going to die walking into school – I feel like change should happen,” 14-year-old freshman Alex Barbro said.

I agree, Alex. And the first change I’d suggest is mandatory courses in probability theory and a good dose of training in Pareto analysis. Some reading of Hayek might be nice, but that might be a bridge too far.


There’s a stereotype that (((we))) tend to be smarter than average. If you want a counter-argument, look no further than this. A sample gem:

In the US, while gun advocates say weapons are needed for self-defense, it is hard to avoid the impression that guns have become something of a hobby or a sport. Shooting is an activity many brag about. Just witness the many videos posted on social media showing Americans at gun ranges shooting all types of firearms, and in their backyards, demonstrating the merits or drawbacks of a recently acquired handgun.

The horrors! Of course, there’s all the usual stupidity- the assumption that school shootings are epidemic, the conflation of random nutjob stuff with targeted killings over girls and drugs, the culture of inner cites versus rural… but the shock and surprise that there are people who find guns to be fun is absolutely precious.


Here’s a tale of a happy family with multigenerational togetherness. Surprisingly, it’s not Florida.


Do NOT fuck around when people in a state with legal weed get the munchies.


Those wacky scientists, always getting baffled by the stupidest shit.


Old Guy Music! I’ve recently discovered Courtney Hartman, who does fantastic country, bluegrass, and folk, while having an image that is not exactly mainstream Nashville. That’s a compliment. Anyway, here’s a delightful solo cover of a Tom Petty favorite, and for my usual embedded video, a duet with the great Robert Ellis. I really love how smoothly and effortlessly they trade off the shredding. Sorry, this one isn’t bland.