Steve Smith play toy?
That place looks trippy. You should do an article on it.
Howdy… Needs one of these: https://stpetersmacc.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/IMG_1816-870×579.jpg
Mia Farrow?
Mel Gibson?
Walt Disney?
Partisan goobers!
The Facebook newspaper ads? Pathetic!
Robby makes a funny https://twitter.com/robbysoave/status/977602668486160384
(mind you, it’s pathetic that sign exists, and that it wasn’t made in some sort of satire, and that most people on both sides would answer “yes” unironically)
That sign sums up that whole bullshit movement better than I ever could.
Can’t wait to see his write up of the event:
“To be sure, school safety has been compromised by the deplorables unfettered access to guns, but shouldn’t these kids consider that infringing on second amendment rights is a slippery slope to government encroachments on ass sex, weed and Mexicans?”
Look at Ted S. making an appearance in the timeline.
Big Foot! https://youtu.be/697-UdZp6wI
Ok now that is just idiotic. Facebook data did not tip any election. It may have sold a few products with targeted advertising, but jesus, they think people are complete morons susceptible to any political advertising.
…they aren’t?
Most people? No I don’t think they are. People have their opinions and little can be said to change that.
They know that isn’t the case, this is all a big Kabuki dance with everyone playing their role to cover up the fact that they pushed a candidate that lost to Donald freaking Trump.
You know, I never thought about it that way before. Maybe I will vote Trump next time!
Not one single person in the US changed their vote over anything on Facebook or the russians or the lizard people or anything else. The presidential election was set in stone the minute Trump won the primary.
*sustained applause*
He could be royally fucked. Cricket Australia may suspend him long-term. Technically it could be for life, but that’s unlikely.
STEVE SMITH, THIS MAN STEAL YOUR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. SHOULD FIND AND RAPE. https://twitter.com/rev_revolver/status/977256698116263936
Wouldn’t that be more of an homage?
Yes progs, lets be more like Europe where unapproved political organizing carries a stiffer sentence than child molestation or murder in many instances.
Bugging out to Germany of all places was a stupid move.
You know who else…..aw never mind
The Hohenzollerns?
Just spit-balling here, but I wonder how this would have played out in the US?
Drone strike?
Undercover FBI agents would co-opt the movement, insight violent resistance and then deny any involvement when it spun out of control?
/sorry watching an Oklahoma City Bombing doc
The one on Netflix?
Prime. “A Noble Lie” …….it’s a little over the top conspiracy nut stuff but it definitely shows there was some shady shit going on even if the conclusions it draws are suspect.
Hmmm…I suspect they would have honored a warrant. Have to keep those terrorist prisoner movement pipelines open?
Antisemitism is so chic and European. It’s the new fashion statement of our betters.
Stop it. Just stop.
*Stop it. Get some help* gif goes here.
Like this
“You lie!”
I’m triggered now.
It is amazing the politicians unload whoppers like that nobody bats an eyelash.
Bye bye, Coach K and Grayson Allen. Enjoy your offseason, you fuckers.
Grayson Allen can enjoy his few weeks in NBA Summer League followed by a career in Europe.
If he doesn’t get his melon split after cheap-shotting somebody.
I’m not even paying attention to the tournament. But I would like to add, fuck Duke. And fuck Michigan.
But fuck Ohio State most of all, right?
Well actually, I am a fan of Ohio State athletics. So no, Ted. No fuck Ohio State.
Bitter much?
Why would you say I’m bitter? Because I laughingly made fun of Duke for getting bounced out?
Because once Ohio State lost, all you have left is a hatred for certain other programs that’s tearing you apart on the insides.
(OK, I’m exaggerating. But your anti-Duke and anti-Michigan invective especially in the introduction of the AM Links does go over the top at times.)
Yeah, I’m the first person ever to write a cartoonishly over the top bit about hating Duke.
As for Michigan, I have a ton of respect for their coach from when I used to follow the Richmond Spiders. But I still want their team to get bounced.
TL/DR: Lighten up, Francis.
Beilein is a good coach.
I’m not exactly unique.
All Dook animus is wholly justified.
I vow never to ever never listen to stupid pundits again. I originally had Kansas v. Villanova in the pool with V’nova winning. Then I switched both fucken pools to Duke and Michigan St. because I was weak….weak like a pancake. Fucken fag I was.
But these lovely artichoke stuffed ravioli are divine.
Olive oil, parmesan, salt & pepper?
No. That would be better. Red pepper pesto.
Sounds delicious. We’re doing mac n cheese and leftover pork chops and bacon. Drinking a Firestone “Luponic Distortion”.
My daughter loves that mac cheese.
Eat and be merry like Friar Tuck!
The Luponic series is tasty… Which #?
I don’t know which series. It says “Revolution No 9” on the can. It’s good.
Oops. My mistake. Sun-dried tomatoes and basilic pesto.
I knew something was off. I took the wrong bottle.
So, Rufus — can I call you Rufus? I love the fuck out of visiting Montreal. I don’t know if it’s the smoked meat, the cheap egg tarts in Chinatown, or the legal prostitution, but I always have a great time when I go up there.
Any interest in having a MTL meetup?
Sure. My number is on most bathroom walls.
Anytime. Give me a head’s up.
Montreal has legal prostitution?
Who knew?!
KK, I’ll let you know next time I’m heading up there. I’ll buy you a couple of pints.
You were sweating it I know; in your nightmares, Michigan-Duke for the championship.
Officers muted body cameras in Stephon Clark shooting. Why?
I mean, I can guess…
Because obstruction of justice is a one-way street.
Because fuck you, that’s why?
“Okay, boys, who brought the drop gun?”
Ok guys, we need to get our stories straight, I mean it’s not like we’ll get charged with manslaughter/perjury or anything if we contradict each other under oath, but still…..
The pants-shitting in that video. Jesus Christ. Twenty fucking shots.
“They feared for their safety.”
How can you keep a cop from fearing for his safety? I would have no idea how to reassure them. (In my interactions with them, I was a snotty, beetle-browed teenager. They treated me like shit, but I’m amazed they didn’t shoot me.) Why are cops so much more panicky than the average citizen?
Robert F. Wagner was a Tammany man.
Anyway shorter Rauch: we need Corrupt TOP MEN to save us from the system they themselves created.
Oops no link
TL;DR but yeah what a (useful) idiot. Tammany perfected the permanent blue machine. Yay.
I mention Wagner because of this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_F._Wagner
And Rauch said this in the interview:
So we need more Tammany Hall to save us from the things that Tammany Hall directly caused.
Just 5%, but this Left Hand Chai Milk Stout Nitro might just be the smoothest beer I’ve tried yet.
Movie review out this week will have a cash prize involved – assuming anyone else can dig up the same title on DVD and send me proof.
Left Hand Chai Milk Stout?
TRIGGERED in numerous ways. Could they have gotten another hipster buzz word in the name?
Left Hand is the brewery (Colorado). Pretty much everything I’ve had from them has been good, but this was amazing.
Left Hand consistently turns out tasty beers. Just a shame I can’t consistently find it out here.
(raises beer)
fuck duke
If i were a member of a post apocolyptic underground rebel alliance, and we lived in a warren of underground tunnels protected by laser-cannon wielding sentries
….i, as the leader of this resistance movement, would ensure that the ‘Call sign/Countersign’ would be “Fuck Duke” / “and Coach K too”. The evil robots would never understand.
The Duke is not pleased.
Does he still have bubblegum?
He’s all out.
So the “Tar Heel Resistance”?
my family duke-dislike stems from a few things
mom, dad, bro, uncle, cousins: all UVA, (some undergrad, some grad, some both)
rest of extended clan: generally UNC+NC State
me: Vanderbilt (black sheep of family, subject of perpetual sports-mockery)
we can all generally agree on one thing: fuck duke.
“of neo-slave labor”
Does this envolve people voluntarily making choices progressives don’t like?
Ah, yes, the old “Asian Values” feint.
I… think… you’ve managed to locate peak derp.
Not clicking on that link to The S*n, but assuming it’s Jeremy Corbyn’s latest antisemitic controversy, this paragraph, from of all places, The Guardian, explains the antisemitism of the left pretty well, and why it’s expanded in the last 2 decades
I think the left has been anti-Jew since lonnnng before 2001.
Yeah, well when some guy who shrieked the wrong type of totalitarian jargon put a stop to their upward mobility by throwing six million of them in ovens, the Left started to find it a bit hard to put them on the wrong side of the “oppressor”/”oppressed dialectic. When they declared themselves independent of the eeeeevil British empire a few years later, it was likewise hard not to cheer; when that bunch of Utopian socialist philosopher Yids then turned out to be surprisingly badass in putting their money where their mouth was, well, it was hard not to cheer again when you picked your jaw up off the floor. The fact that victory makes for bad “oppressed,” and the fact that their antagonists were half a shade swarthier than they were, for now only created a thin coating of sweat on the applauding hands. But then they did it again, and again. And by now it was hard to ignore. They had gotten richer and less socialisty too, and by now the turning point really was there. The writing on the wall may be taking decades to gradually cure into visibility, but it was written indelibly over the course of only six days.
This captures the process so well.
My Silver Kia was just Destroyed in a high speed chase, guy came around the corner, hit Silver, backed up and hit Blue as he ran away. the /sheriffs chased him and are denying responsibility, and they didn’t catch him, I bailed, cause I’m fucking PISSED at the Sherrifs! ARRRGGGGHHGGHG!!!!!
Shit! No one hurt I assume?
Damn man. You okay?
That’s beyond words. I’m sorry to hear.
Sorry, everyone unhurt?
That sucks, love how government action is never to blame. On TV, they always catch them.
Holy fuck
The car was parked at home, right in front of Blue Kia, the other car was being chased and came around the corner, hit Silver, backed up and slid off the side of Blue, dragging it 2 feet forward. Silver has a bent frame, cut tires i bought a week ago, and probably a bent frame, The Sherrifs are trying to get out of it as we speak
Sorry dude, too local
/totally not serious and genuinely sorry for your troubles
It took a second, then I laughed, thanks Bob! 🙂
well if you’re laughing after that BS thats a good thing, glad I could be of service! I seriously hope you don’t end up having to get a lawyer or going through an insurance nightmare. That sucks man.
Does that mean you have to change your name or are you going to fix the Kia?
Also, it’s insane and maddening that there is little recourse when the government is at fault. Sorry to hear it
Was it on KTLA?
I think the US has hit a breaking point. The GOP just rolled over (again) on surveillance, spending, and some gun control almost without debate. The Left didn’t just stand on the bodies of children, they held them up and defiled them for all the world to see while they encouraged other children to do the same and the reaction doesn’t seem to be horror, it seems more akin to sheepish acceptance from those who aren’t explicitly pro-gun or outrightNazi-esque rallies by those who would disarm the populace.
Any opposition seems to be stifled by shrieking and hysterics.
Sorry, I just don’t see how we pull back from the brink on this one.
I’ll drink to that.
How long should we give it before it starts to break up? I’m not even sure what that would entail. I anticipate that if the Dems take control in the next few election cycles they are going to make their opposition pay like never before (holds out hope for the Supreme Court).
I wouldn’t be surprised if they just start impeaching justices to replace them.
The breaking point was when we had a “Republican” president publicly admonish other Republicans that they were “afraid of the NRA” while Sen. Feinstein cackled over his shoulder like a Rule 63 version of Emperor Palpatine.
Classical liberalism is dead.
About 100 years too late. And it died by assisted suicide.
There’s just brain dead, and then dead dead.
We’ve hit dead dead.
Considering how most “liberals” hate free speech and individuality and think there is no limit to government size and spending it sure looks dead dead.
Freedom and prosperity and businessmen and representative government killed it.
Classical liberalism died with WWI pretty much.
Yes it did. Trade did not stop war. And the draft and the war economy violated classical liberal principles and made it look like command economies could work. And the concern that the war veterans would be unemployed, homeless and possibly physically disabled helped boost the welfare state.
I’d rank it as the single greatest tragedy in human history. And probably the single worst thing the human race ever did to ourselves. I’m a huge buff, but I have trouble keeping my composure sometimes when I’m studying it.
It’s nothing short of a travesty, that we haven’t been commemorating this through all four years. We’ll probably get a short one near November. Seems naive now, but I actually thought we were better than that.
If I could pick one thing for the world to learn about, learn really well, it would be World War I.
I have to say that made me furious. You could’a fried a steak on the top of my head. Goddammit.
No you guys are fucked and the Republicans are hopeless. What are you going to do?
Just like Obamacare. Repeal my ass.
As long as they have the soul of the kids, they will always have the ultimate upper hand.
Yes. Yet another reason I left out that the AstroTurfers saved their Big Plan for a high school shooting. It’s not just the optics for the adults. Millennials, for all their wokeness and snowflakeness and weakness on the 1A that shocks us so, have rather astoundingly managed to be no less supportive of 2A rights than anyone ever has been since polling began. And post-Millennials were actually looking a bit more across the board conservative according to one poll.
Look for that to change. I predict this successfully put gun grabbing firmly into–perhaps right atop–the Social Justice checklist with the cohort that’ll turn 18 in the next five years. Like all of the Left’s extremism, it probably thereby added a large number into the bucket of the Left’s redpilled implacable enemies, just as it did me so many years back. But, (even as the kiddie visuals have nudged over a lot of soccer-mom fence-sitters) the effort has certainly firmed up and energized gun grabbing on their team proper, and further polarized the nation. Whether we or they will win out in the end, who knows? (I have always bet on them.) But the teams are becoming more and more distinct and more and more excited.
I agree with your statements, but I think that the 2nd Amendment is one the natural rights least likely to be done away with anytime soon. I worry more about the entirety of the First Amendment
The destruction of the 1st comes with the enthusiastic support of the companies that should be fighting for it (Google, Facebook, etc).
And cheerleading by media outlets that literally still exist because of the 1st Amendment
Hello, this is the NYT, did someone mention our name?
Google and Facebook can benefit from being government organs (officially or not) so yes this can happen. The MSM benefits too.
I keep saying it but these people are Roperites. They’ll cut down every law and principle in the land to get at their “devil”. They just think they’ll be wealthy and influential enough to be able to weather the wind that will blow. Spoiler: it won’t.
All feels, no thought and absolutely gob-smacked when the ENTIRELY PREDICTABLE CONSEQUENCES kick in. I fucking hatez them I do.
Like the link I posted earlier about Chevron (and maybe the rest some day) folding in the face of the Left’s accusations of “hurting Gaia”.
It seems increasingly evident the the biggest corps are firmly in the hands of the Left just like the media and education establishments.
The rantings about big business and corporations are a complete facade. The left owns that shit, and consolidates and grows it via gov’t intervention.
This, tankies, is ‘state capitalism.’
I think the first and second amendments will stick around. I’m afraid they will be so many “common sense” restrictions they will be worthless.
I for one have never understood why suspected terrorists deserve the full speech rights of a free nation. What do their messages of hate actually contribute to productive civic conversation, after all? It’s not like you need the right to spread hate; just look at Europe. Naturally, the people with the best intelligence to identify said dangerous terrorists are the State Department, who can assemble a broad list of anyone who is not dangerous enough to be kept off planes but who our government determines cannot be trusted with the (potentially far more dangerous) unlimited right to speech.
Some people are paying attention.
The data matches observed behavior. Also the checks were going through in 5-10 minutes. I was rather impressed
It’s been said here before, I don’t want to take credit for someone else’s idea, but it bears repeating. It’s win-win for the left. Even if they don’t get legislation they have effectively moved the cultural needle to the left. Guns will increasingly be stigmatized like smoking and even if they can’t legislate them away they can chip away at 2A. I expect to see more “no guns” signs in businesses, insurance companies upping premiums for gun owners, etc. As usual the left continues to win the culture war and the steeple are cheering all the way.
Things look bad now but I think y’all are being a little too pessimistic here. There are a huge number of gun owners and they take the 2nd seriously,
That’s all well and good but what are they supposed to do when they get turned into criminals? Republicans don’t seem interested in rolling back shitty legislation any time soon.
The Republicans are by and large gutless pussies, any change is going to have to come from the voters supporting the right people. Ooh, you’re right, we’re fucked.
Oh, there are lots of us out there. Confiscation would blow up in their faces, even a semi-auto sales ban would probably ensure they lose at the polls for a couple cycles. What I see is the left is playing the long game; fabian tactics. They know they have no hope of disarmament in the next 10, maybe even 20 years but if they can stigmatize it enough and slowly turn the racket they know that when these kids doing the protesting now are middle aged they can start talking ban/confiscate with some hope of it happening because the vast majority of the population won’t need disarming.
Hell, convince enough kids to not have guns and widespread gun ownership will just die out with a few generations.
^Exactly. Why both with unpopular laws when you can let herd mentality do the work for you.
Better that than eviscerating 2A.
They’ll just eviscerate it later.
Yeah, this is how they’ll do it.
I would second that sentiment. I’d bet that no gun control gets passed at the Federal level as a result of this (aside from the idiotic bump stock ban). To be sure the GOP is stupid, but I don’t think they are THAT stupid. They’d be handing over both houses to the Dems if they did.
I think they might have taken care of handing over both houses already with the idiotic capitulation on the omnibus bill.
I don’t understand the mindset that says “my team screwed us on the budget so let’s vote in the other team that everyone knows will be far worse”.
But then again I don’t vote so what do I know.
People won’t switch sides, they just won’t show up.
PIG WARS! Upland PD is showing the chase audio to my Wife, so the Sherrif gets the proper blame, they aren’t supposed to chase out of jurisdiction without approval, and they FUCKED UP!
We may escape a deductible, if nothing else, but for now, WE ARE FUCKED!
Sorry man.
Damn, that sucks. Hope it works out with the insurance.
Take care brother. Good luck.
I missed the news. Fucked how? Car damage?
This much,
The rear end was tossed up on to the curb, cut the tires, and the Deck is warped enough that frame damage is obvious, We’re Fucked!
Just get you some compound, that should buff right out.
And some duct tape. Like new!
Ouch. Something similar happened to me. Kid ran into my parked car and smashed the bumper up. $1100. But my insurance covered it.
What’s the damage estimate?
too soon, dunno
What assholes. Sorry.
That sucks, but if your insurance company is at all worthwhile, then you shouldn’t be fucked.
Hey your new! Fuck off! but yes, I’m hoping insurance works out
That looks like one of those wrecks where the more you look the more damage you will find.
Good luck getting both your cars fixed (without you paying any money).
I fucking Hate Worthless POS PIGS! the PIG talking to my Wife looks like he’s afraid of her, and he has a gun, I can’t go out, or they will shoot me, no kidding, they are fucking useless, conniving Bastards who deserve the Woodchipper
/not Kidding…
yeah man, just stay inside. It’s not worth getting in a confrontation. The only thing you ever need to say is “lawyer” to a cop.
This. Lawyer up. You will come out ahead. Talking to the cops is pointless.
Yes Sir, i called my Lawyer, who was over in 10 minutes bitching about why i did’nt call sooner, It’s going to work out,one way or another.
Thanks to all the Glibs for the thoughts and Support!
Upland PD just ejected the Sheriffs, and lo and Behold THEY caught the guy, maybe, but it would be awesome to sue HIS ass! for this, fingers crossed….
I was going to say that you might have better luck recouping damages from the guy who initiated the chase, but something tells me he may not have the finances to cover the vehicle…
If they catch him, and he own a Mercedes, yea, he’s gonna eat some shit
Fuck cops, they truly believe they can do no wrong.
Oh man, sorry Yusef.
If you want to see the archetypal future Dem politician have a look at Britain’s Jeremy Corbin, the moderates have been purged.
But Cytotoxic told me that Corbyn had no chance. And he would be a decisive rejection of Thatcher. Also Jerry Brown was supposed the great liberaltarian hope according to Welch and Walker since he said deregulatory stuff in the 1980s.
My God, to think that Corbyn is probably their next PM… Poor bastards.
I wish Cytotoxic were still around so that I could a place huge bet on the opposite of every one of his predictions.
It is messy weekend at the SSD household. The two kids have been spewing from both ends all weekend. Now one our dogs starting bleeding all over the house. I’m hoping she take this time (3rd cycle) or it’ll be time to neuter the male.
In related GSD/Libertarian intersection news, I had to take one of mine to a new vet for a rabies shot (only vax you can’t legally give yourself in VA). The new vet, as required by state law but my old vet didn’t do, reported my visit and info to the local government…. who then promptly threatened to sic animal control (essentially law enforcement here) on me for having an unlicensed dog if I didn’t pay the $3 license fee. To make it even more ironic, the warning was titled “Dear Customer”.
So, in a very personal example of why all laws are backed up men with guns, I am being threatened by having armed King’s Men show up over an unlicensed dog and $3. The thing is, the $3 annual fee doesn’t even cover the administrative costs of processing it. It’s purely about power and FYTW. The lip-service excuse is that it’s done to ensure pet-owners give rabies vaccines, but that doesn’t make any sense since if you aren’t compliant, no one knows. Only the compliant pet-owners are caught up in dog control (sound familiar?).
I’m going to pay the fee as soon as they open next week, no fight here. I would gladly pay a $200 perpetual license to not have to deal with this annual bullshit, but of course that customer-friendly option doesn’t exist.
Luckily I haven’t ever lived in a dog licensing state. If there was ever a better example of petty tyranny I have never heard it. You can only own an animal at the behest of your local magistrate……….fuck off slavers
It’s crazy. I also had trouble believing that I couldn’t hunt on my own property off-season or on Sundays during the season. I guess there’s at least the semblance of a rational, though still unjustified, reason for seasonal restrictions on private property. The Sunday ban though, I can’t come up with a single non-laughable reason.
is the waiting list filled for the puppies, or do you have room for me?
Always room for a Glib!
I don’t start a list until the pups are well started and then every one always has a home waiting before they’re ready to go.
Great collection of bikini babes to raise your spirits.
6, 7, 8, 16, 19, 20, 27, 31, 39, 41, 47, 50, 55, 57…
But Good Lord Almighty 3 and 64.
#2, Kassidy Cook’s instagram page.
I’m still not feeling well, so I’m going to sleep. I don’t want to get any of the bikini babes sick.
64 is nice, but 47 caught dinner!
#11 obviously
some pleasant news from vox for once
A massive new study reviews the evidence on whether campaigning works. The answer’s bleak.
In general elections, campaigns’ attempts to win swing voters appear to not work at all.
All the outreach activity by political campaigns, including door to door canvassing, phone banking, direct mail, and even advertising, has basically no effect on voters’ choice of candidate in general elections, according to a striking new academic study.
The new analysis covers 49 field experiments conducted in real US election campaigns, typically run with cooperation from the campaigns themselves.
Campaigns spend millions of dollars during general elections on canvassing; phone banking; advertising on TV, radio, and the internet; and other efforts designed to win over undecided voters and supporters of the opposing candidate. The new study’s authors, UC Berkeley political scientist Joshua Kalla and Stanford professor David Broockman, conclude that essentially no one targeted is persuaded.
I get the feeling they’ll keep trying though.
This is the sort of shit that product marketers have known forever.
you can’t sell a shitty product even if you have the best ads and the best packaging and the best promotions in the world. it doesn’t make a fucking difference *on its own*
you have to have the right PRODUCT first. if the product is right, it sells itself. If the product is right AND you have fantastic marketing, you have a gold-rush on your hands.
Advertising in general has always seemed like a colossal waste of money to me – with rare exceptions – but what do I know.
If the product is shitty but the packaging is shittier, then repackage it; e.g., Trump, Johnson, …
Saw a bit of CNN at the gym. Amy Schumer was speaking at the gun grabber rally. Man, I’d say they’re scraping the bottom of the barrel, but she’s somewhere under it.
Comedian Amy Schumer was one of the most rousing speakers at the march that ended in Downtown Los Angeles’ Grand Park Saturday afternoon. Despite her powerful Democratic cousin, Schumer was never particularly politically active until the summer of 2015 when a gunman opened fire during a screening of her film Trainwreck in Lafayette, Louisiana, leaving two women dead. Since then, she has used her voice and her comedy to speak out against guns.
“Thank you students and everyone here for standing up and saying, ‘no more,’” Schumer told the L.A. crowd, who were holding signs with slogans such as, “You can’t choose when to be pro-life” and “Teachers need funding, not guns.”
“Because we know it’s hard and we know they will twist our words and laugh at us and lie and lie and lie and lie and lie,” Schumer said of the NRA and gun rights activists. “How do they sleep at night? You are killing children.”
I’d tell her to eat a bag of dicks, but think she already has.
Did she plagiarize the speech?
You can choose when to be pro-choice, though, I guess.
Cause advocating for self defense rights ==child murder.
But actual literal killing doesn’t for reasons
Did she talk about her vagina, because she always does?
According to her it smalls like a small barnyard animal.
I’m going to fucking explode if I hear that goddamn line one more time. School funding has gone nowhere but up in the past several decades. Many districts are already spending more than $20,000 per pupil per year.
Shut the fuck up with your bitch-ass whining for “more funding”.
Piggy saying people will laugh at her may be overly optimistic on her part.
So facebook is stupid enough to think people read newspapers, much less read the ads? Except then the stupid newspapers go and write stories that can be shared on the internet, while everyone is blocking their ads…does no one in charge of internet companies know how the internet works?
random thought
CNN has been pushing the porn star stuff a lot lately. The funny thing is the left has been saying for decades that adultery and promiscuity aren’t a big deal. Now they’re trying to condemn someone for it. I don’t think it’s going to work.
The only reason they’re doing it is because they think they can get rid of Trump’s so-con support. And then what? Do they expect so-cons to start voting for Team Blue?
Team Blue has plenty of adulterous shit-weasels too. Something something glass houses.
And really, all those kekastani douches would love their big alpha to have banged a porn star, so he’d get a a lot of hard growth from the base.
Sex sells ads — hypocrisy gets ignored: http://dailycaller.com/2018/03/20/clay-travis-calls-out-brooke-baldwin-for-cnns-double-standard/
I like the cut of Jib, and would like to subscribe to your newsletter….
They don’t need to flip the socons. Just get them to not support Trump or the GOP is enough.
oh alternet
Quiz: Can You Guess the Race of a Mass Murder Suspect Based on the Headline About Him?
The racial double-standard shows no signs of going away.
Islam isn’t a race you dingbat.
That’s insulting to typographers!
There are times when title is all you need to read.
Do existing pay differences reflect talent and hard work? Of course not.
We can offer factual explanations for why this occurs (there are a million roofers and one Bryan Cranston), but “supply and demand” is a description of a phenomenon and not a moral theory for why it is just. Even if you are someone like Robert Nozick who believes that being given something means you deserve it, this is still inconsistent with the Great American Myth that rewards are handed out in accordance with virtue and sacrifice rather than happenstance.
Thiel is teaching students how to build successful start-ups, and he points out something that should be quite obvious: financial success is based a lot more on whether you are a sufficiently ruthless businessman who knows how to capture a market than whether you are a brilliant innovator of new scientific and technological breakthroughs that provide value to millions of people. It’s frequently the case, Thiel says, that with “extremely valuable innovations… the people come up with them do not get rewarded.”
A bus driver in Calcutta can take the same number of people the same number of miles and be paid far less than a bus driver in Philadelphia, and a Vietnamese restaurateur in Vietnam can feed even more delicious meals to even more people than a restaurateur in the United States but be paid less. What you receive depends far less on what you do, or how brilliantly/tirelessly you do it, or how many people benefit from it, and far more on where you happen to have been born.
My colleague Brianna Rennix has talked about the disturbing, borderline eugenicist, implications of making immigration policy decisions on the basis of which immigrants “contribute to the economy” the most in an economy that disproportionately rewards able-bodied male sociopaths.
A Harvard grad wrote this. A Harvard grad who is unable to make the connection between low pay in China, India, and Vietnam and the socialist policies they implement.
I need a new desk. I’m tired of head desking the same one.
It’s clear to me that Mr. Robinson is getting paid much more than he deserves.
Yeah, I think the most frustrating thing for us actually comes from our visceral meritocracy. We see these people and we think, this is what passes for a good argument among the Leftist elite? Fuck, I think Leftism is idiotic but even I could do better for it than this!
Why is it surprising come from a Harvard grad?
How the hell can you spend 4 yrs hanging around rich people’s kids and the most expensive school on the planet and not learn at least something about capitalism?
I’ve learned more than ever wanted to know about sports from just hanging around in bars.
You don’t need capitalism to have an aristocracy.
my bad: he is the product of several Ivy League schools
Nathan Robinson is a PhD student in Sociology & Social Policy. Nathan is interested in criminal justice policy, particularly in Louisiana. His research focuses on adult education in U.S. prisons and on the politics of indigent legal defense. At Yale Law School, he co-directed the Green Haven Prison Project and worked for the New Orleans public defender and the ACLU’s National Prison Project. He is also the author of The Man Who Accidentally Wore His Cravat to a Gymnasium, a children’s book about fashion and conformity.
Previous degrees:
BA (African American Studies, Politics), MA (Politics), Brandeis University
JD, Yale Law School
Jesus, Mary, Jospeh and the carpenter from Brooklyn heights!
Oh my God.
To build Current Affairs, we’re assembling the best set of people we know. We’ve hired Position Development, the top-notch web designers behind Jacobin magazine.
They hired the same designer as Jacobin. I am Jack’s utter lack of surprise.
I remember coming up with this brilliant logic when I was about 7.
today in bathos
Anderson Cooper: Why does the record need to be set straight?
Stormy Daniels: Because people are just saying whatever they wanted to say about me, I was perfectly fine saying nothing at all, but I’m not okay with being made out to be a liar, or people thinking that I did this for money and people are like, “Oh, you’re an opportunist. You’re taking advantage of this. Yes, I’m getting more job offers now, but tell me one person who would turn down a job offer making more than they’ve been making, doing the same thing that they’ve always done?
Anderson Cooper: A lotta people are using you for a lotta different agendas.
Stormy Daniels: They’re trying to. Like, oh, you know, Stormy Daniels comes out #MeToo. This is not a ‘Me Too.’ I was not a victim. I’ve never said I was a victim. I think trying to use me to– to further someone else’s agenda, does horrible damage to people who are true victims.
Stormy Daniels: Yeah. He was like, “Wow, you– you are special. You remind me of my daughter.” You know– he was like, “You’re smart and beautiful, and a woman to be reckoned with, and I like you. I like you.”
Anderson Cooper: At this point was he doing The Apprentice?
Stormy Daniels: Yes. And he goes, “Got an idea, honeybunch. Would you ever consider going on and– and being a contestant?” And I laughed and– and said, “NBC’s never gonna let, you know, an adult film star be on.” It’s, you know, he goes, “No, no,” he goes, “That’s why I want you. You’re gonna shock a lotta people, you’re smart and they won’t know what to expect”
Anderson Cooper: Did you think he was serious, or did you think he was kind of dangling to get you to wanna be involved him?
Stormy Daniels: Both.
Anderson Cooper: Melania Trump had recently given birth to– to a son, just a few months before. Did that– did he mention his wife or child at all in this?
Stormy Daniels: I asked. And he brushed it aside, said, “Oh yeah, yeah, you know, don’t worry about that. We don’t even we have separate rooms and stuff.”
Anderson Cooper: And you had sex with him.
Stormy Daniels: Yes.
Anderson Cooper: You were 27, he was 60. Were you physically attracted to him?
Stormy Daniels: No.
Anderson Cooper: Not at all?
Stormy Daniels: No.
Anderson Cooper: Did you want to have sex with him?
Stormy Daniels: No. But I didn’t– I didn’t say no. I’m not a victim, I’m not–
Anderson Cooper: It was entirely consensual.
Stormy Daniels: Oh, yes, yes.
Anderson Cooper: You work in an industry where condom use is– is an issue. Did– did he use a condom?
Stormy Daniels: No.
Anderson Cooper: Did you ask him to?
Stormy Daniels: No. I honestly didn’t say anything.
This is the worst porn ever.
You totally are, and that’s totally fine.
I just don’t give a shit.
He really is Mr Garrison.
No, I was saying her quote of him is the opposite of what it seems she was trying to convey. The usual depiction of a cold loveless marriage that doesn’t care about philandering would be that they did have separate bedrooms, but she said they didn’t. Maybe she misspoke, but the idea doesn’t translate with what she says he said.
On second reading, it may be a transcription error, missing a comma or an ellipses.
She’s “not a victim”… End of story (I wish).
Good Lord CNN is a pile of trash.
At least the trash gets taken away every week, unless those brave men and women are on strike to get assurance they can make home each night (with more taxpayer money in their pockets).
I read about a retired NYC chaplain for garbage men. I didn’t know that was a thing. I guess men who spend years enduring such horrors need all the emotional support they can get.
I can’t find a specific story, but I did find this one:
Eugene Egan, the garbage-hauling agency’s longtime director of labor relations, was earning $128,189 a year when he retired in 2015, public records show. But because the 86-year-old Bronx man started working for the department before July 1973, he was enrolled in the city’s most lavish pension plan .
I wonder if he found a way to also draw social security those last 20 years he was working as well.
He violated that innocent flower! That man is not a gentleman.
Some of you had mentioned how the City of Baltimore, national capital of black-on-black police crime, charged its taxpayers to send a fleet of buses to the March for Our Lives. But how many buses reached D.C. from the Midwest, courtesy of our next president?
Here he is explaining a commonsense technique for stopping a bad guy with a gun.
All that asskissing and they’ll still think ha’s a Nazi. What a cuck.
My goodness. He may be the worst “Republican” on the national stage. I mean, seriously?
He has a helluva lot of competition.
Oh, absolutely. But he is (I have to assume) putting himself in the camp of “think there ought to be significant changes.” Very few Republicans go that far.
Or, maybe I should say to be that honest. I guess we should give him props for telling the truth…
However, him hinting that he’d consider trying to primary Trump -because such stanch Repubs as Ahnold say he should- shows that he is fucking insane.
My favorite Kasich story: that time he sued BlockBuster because they put Fargo in the comedy section
Here’s how Kasich himself recounted the story in his 2006 book:
I was in my local video store looking for a movie to watch with my wife, Karen, during one of our few quiet evenings together at home. The clerk in the store recommended Fargo, a perversely dark crime story that had played to generally enthusiastic reviews. The movie even earned a Best Actress Oscar for Frances McDormand for her role as a pregnant Midwestern sheriff, and the guy behind the counter at Blockbuster assured me it was a great movie and that I should probably rent it.
So I did. Walked right over to that shelf where they had their general titles, grabbed a copy and took it home, and when Karen and I got to the part where they chop up a guy in a grinder we looked at each other and thought, What the heck are we watching here? It was billed as a comedy, but it wasn’t funny. It was graphic, and brutal, and completely unnecessary, and it rubbed us in so many wrong ways we had to shut the thing off right there in the middle… Next morning, I got on the phone to Blockbuster and demanded that they take the movie off their shelves.
Kasich writes that while he was “a fairly prominent local customer,” he didn’t demand any special treatment — “I was personally offended, and it had nothing to do with any kind of political stand.” He says someone in charge at the local Blockbuster agreed to label movies with graphic content more clearly, but he heard from friends that they didn’t actually change very much. So he called again:
[uncontrollable sob laughter]
Christ, what a douche-bag!
Lying Kasich. And group #4 that think the current gun control laws are an abomination and unconstitutional.
Christ, what an asshole.
spot the not: Kasich
1. At the end of the day it may be necessary.
2. At the end of the day, if I feel this is my call, I will come back again and again and
3. At the end of the day, it means that my side is not always totally right and the other side totally wrong.
4. At the end of the day, I’m going to do what I think is a pro-life, you know, being in a position of being pro-life.
5. I appreciate what other people say, I appreciate all their advice, but, at the end of the day, I’m going to decide it when I decide to decide it
6. At the end of the day….At the end of the day….At the end of the day….At the end of the day…At the end of the day…
7. At the end of the day, it always comes back to Ohio, doesn’t it?
8. But at the end of the day, I respect people that have a different position beyond that.
9. But look, at the end of the day, I’m going to do what I think is a pro-life — you know, looking, being in a position of being pro-life.
10. But, at the end of the day, we need to represent the taxpayers who have made enormous sacrifices.
11. And you know what? At the end of the day, it gets down to Obama and Romney.
12. As governor of the state, I inherited a total mess, and at the end of the day we’re running surpluses.
13. At the end of the day, we need to make sure that we have courts that are in a position to protect us when government wants to come into our lives.
14. At the end of the day, I feel pretty optimistic about things.
15. But at the end of the day, what I have found, where I travel, I don’t change my message.
16. We can fight for a while but, at the end of the day, like Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neill did, you have a drink and you say we are going to have put the country first.
17. But at the end of the day, the Congressional Budget Office will be the ones that will come up with the bottom line numbers.
18. We know what the shape of this looks like, and at the end of the day, the news for the American people is we’re going to balance the budget and fix this economy.
19. And at the end of the day, the truthful American–one of the great stories of America is we fight over deeply-held principles, and at the end, we make a deal, and we advance the country.
20. I think I’ve made it clear, seven years scored by arithmetic done by the Congressional Budget Office, we’ll fight our priorities, and at the end of the day, we’ll end up with an agreement that’ll save the country.
21. I don’t know if it’ll be workable at the end of the day.
22. And at the end of the day, maybe, just maybe, we can change the culture in Washington and save our kids.
23. They go home, they blame someone else, and at the end of the day, nothing gets done except we go deeper in debt.
24. But, frankly, at the end of the day, voters don’t vote on the basis of vice president.
oops- forgot one
25. But, frankly, at the end of the day, voters don’t vote on the basis of vice president.
In case you didn’t know, at the end of the day, his father worked as a mailman
I’m betting he was really the milkman.
I’ll say #25
A swing and a miss. Hint: it’s the blandest one.
hmmm…must be #1 then?
Good god, “end of the day” triggered me hard. I used to have a paper-pushing job in a mental health unit, and the manager began almost every sentence with that.
The other big one (used by many psychologists and therapists) was prefacing a declarative statement with “the reality is…”
Oh, thanks for clarifying that you’re talking about reality, not some surreal dream that you had last night.
As stated: backfiring.
That reminds me of someone, I just cant put my fruit sushi on it…
Is there a reason that you can’t remember?
no reason I can think of at this libertarian moment…
Maybe after I finish drinking this Flat Tire, er Fat Tire…
It’s really just their idiotic self-sabotage versus ours, that’s what’s always going to determine it.
Who is more idiotic? We are. Because at least they self-sabotage by overreaching, thereby accomplishing something along the way. We self-sabotage by being pussies.
“We” also can’t agree on what to rollback and by how much so we end rolling back nothing.
Not true!
It wasn’t just a registration drive, it was a jolt of caffeine to the base.
Livestream from Glibs HQ
So the dood in the costume is Swiss right?
That is Riven, bro.
Admit it, HM. You got got.
I don’t get it. So the joke is that the smoking, smoking hot Oriental chick who I know we are all pleasuring ourselves to right now as we speak, actually speaks perfect American English? Yeah, I know, that’s always such a mindfuck when you get something like that!
“Chinaman is the correct nomenclature Dude!”
You don’t get it?
I think it’s been over 3,000 posts since your last sarc-o-meter maintenance, may want to do that.
So the great libertarian Anti-Trump Republican hope Jeff Flake now supports gun control and regrets opposing TARP. Welch has chosen another winner.
Is Nathan Robinson part of HM’s natural elite?
He has aspirations to be, but he is a poseur.
What would make part of your natural elite?
Whatever characteristics that would support one’s fitness to advance in a meritocracy. Like the free market, it impossible to predict winners and losers, in the long term, as it is a chaotic, dynamical system. However, I believe inputs correlated to favorable outcomes have been stumbled upon through folk wisdom: self-reliance, individual freedom, desire for material wealth, a strong work ethic, a competitive spirit, belief in equality of opportunity, ingenuity, and optimism.
I’m sure I can find some SJW out there claiming that all of those are White Supremacist values.
Look at Mr. Fancypants here. Can’t just say poser like erbody else.
A poser is one who poses.
A poseur thinks dressing like he’s about to give the opening statement for the defense at the Scopes Monkey Trial is a valid sartorial decision for someone who looks like his puberty has yet to begin.
What would the Marquess of Queensbury say about posing?
It’s ok as long as it’s not below the belt?
Ah yes. I remember reading about that.
So he meant “acting as a sodomite” rather than “pretending to be a sodomite”? Otherwise, whence his anger?
I’m confused.
Nowadays, “posing as a sodomite” would be leveled at someone in order to demean them for not being that. You know, like bisexuals. 😉
Or “practicing sodomite” rather than “acting” (in the sense of pretending). English is hard.
Marquess of Queensbury Rules
I think we need to update an old classic, “Whatchoo talkin’ bout Winston!?”
He hates yokels so I like to point out that Ivy League Intellectuals do in fact suck. Well most of them. Don’t want to be collectivist.
Don’t put words in my mouth, please.
Jason Brennan has a sad.
Actually the classic was, “chillllll winston”
but of course, he never does, so that was quickly retired
That looks like finger pincher, so not a bumpstock indeed.
This is what it’s going to be, of course, when they write that idiotic reg into law. Even worst case scenario, anyone who wants a bump firing aid can just make one (perhaps from only slightly less thinly disguised kit parts) and, if truly necessary, destroy after use. It’s not like bump firing is anything more than a novelty you try a few times.
Governments are going to have to come to terms with the fact that it just won’t be possible to effectively ban certain things anymore, even if they want to. (Even when we want to–CP comes to mind unfortunately.) Unlike the Polyannas, I know this does not in any way mean libertarianism is the future. But it does give us a small chance to get a few folks to think more deeply about the state’s role in society.
I wanna open up a store that sells these, alongside glass tobacco pipes. Maybe we’ll throw in some video head cleaners for Rhywun.
At some point you’ll be able to 3d print nearly anything.
Anyway one of the things I learned from Reason and LRC was that libertarian views have strange bedfellows. Antiwar views get you connected with some very protectionist anti-capitalist people who are often quite fond of foreign authoritarian regimes. And defenses of free trade and immigration get you connected with elites who absolutely despise libertarianism.
“Whatchoo talkin’ bout Winston!?”
Is that you Willis?
Willis has been a mainstay of libertarian philosophy comment boards since he got his personal life together, got rich, and purchased the failing crony capitalist Sears headquarters.
And here I thought Todd Bridges was dead.
Whatchoo talkin’ ’bout?
Everyone other main character on the show is dead, but not Todd.
Advocates of free trade and immigration are also often big warmongers. NAFTA, WTO and the EU are all propped up by what OMWC called “the US death machine”.
And the so-called Liberal World Order has a name which implies classical liberalism yet its advocates are very much opposed to classical liberalism. And oppose such liberal values as free-speech, freedom of religion and freedom of association.
Student told to write essay promising not to fart
To be fair, natto farts are the worst.
I rather smell the fart than the natto itself.
Well, the good part was that it was written in indecipherable squiggly lines, so no one could read it.
Fuck, maybe the Commies were right to simplify that shit.
You took my retard joke and made it racist, not sure which of us more acceptable to polite society these days.
Looks like Cambodia is not going in a good direction:
And Hun Sen used to be Khmer Rouge before a falling out with Pol Pot.
Almost everyone in politics now used to be aligned with the Khmer Rouge at some point in time. Their late 20th century history is actually far more fun to learn than Vietnam’s. If you’re gearing up for the intellectual challenge of understanding Lebanon, I’d say Cambodia is an excellent baby course.
*cancels holiday*
Now China. When was the last time that an authoritarian state was the such an economic powerhouse?
So, I’ve been up for like 20hrs, and had some drinks, and I still can’t bring my thinking down to the level of these gun protesters. Man, I can’t even fathom that level of stupidity.
Stay up another 20 hours, sniff some paint and hit yourself in the head with a hammer and then you’ll understand where they’re coming from.
Well, the last time I was up for 72 hours I didn’t drink, so I wonder if I could do that while drinking…maybe then.
Eat some leaded paint chips too.
Don’t forget to chop your dick off.
extra early links
Gun maker Remington files for bankruptcy
Firearms manufacturer Remington Outdoor Company has filed for bankruptcy protection in the face of falling sales and lawsuits stemming from the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, the Wall Street Journal reported Sunday night.
According to the Journal, Remington announced that it would file for Chapter 11 last month but the actual filing was delayed after the Feb. 14 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. that killed 17 people.
The Journal reported that the gun industry is facing low demand and high stock after Donald Trump’s unexpected election to the presidency in 2016. According to the paper, firearms manufacturers boosted output in the run-up to the election, expecting that a Hillary Clinton victory would lead to a boost in sales ahead of tighter gun laws.
In 2016, families of the Sandy Hook victims filed a wrongful-death suit against Remington, claiming that it had negligently marketed “military-style” weapons to younger demographics — namely, 20-year-old Sandy Hook gunman Adam Lanza.
A trial judge dismissed the initial lawsuit, but the plaintiffs appealed to the Connecticut Supreme Court, which is considering the matter.
According to the paper, firearms manufacturers boosted output in the run-up to the election, expecting that a Hillary Clinton victory would lead to a boost in sales ahead of tighter gun laws.
I don’t know what they are worried about. It looks like Trump has that covered. As far as gun control goes, it appears Trump = HRC in a MAGA hat.
I don’t know how such a lawsuit could maintain standing.
You just find you an activist judge somewhere and presto!
“after Donald Trump’s unexpected election to the presidency in 2016”
You see, this is why we can no longer allow these ‘elections’. It’s easier to govern in China, comrades.
Proof the free market is inefficient!! /Progressives
Capitalism has failed! We must implement state socialism now. If anything goes wrong, we’ll blame state capitalism and say that socialism has never been tried yet! You don’t even know what socialism is!
Academic heresy: Most faculty, administrators in U. California system are white men
Uh oh — a new study reveals an “imbalance” between the demographics of California’s college students and those of their instructors.
A shocking — shocking!! — 72% of administrators and faculty in the University of California system are white, followed by 64% and 62% in the California State and California Community College systems, respectively.
A postdoctoral fellow in Educational Studies explains to us why this is such a problem:
“In my opinion, having a teacher, professor, or mentor that resembled me was essential to feeling that I belonged and helping me envision my future,” says Theresa Jean Ambo. “Had I not had women of color in these roles, I might not have been bold enough to see myself pursuing an advanced degree.”
Hmm, how does one quantify “bold?”
Crawfish clings to beer, smokes a cigarette
A crawfish enjoying spring break festivities is going viral after clinging to a beer can and appearing to smoke a cigarette.
A video posted to Twitter by user @v1nc3ntc shows a crawfish using one claw to cling to the side of a Keystone beer can and the other claw to hold a lit cigarette.
Observers erupt in laughter as the crayfish repeatedly brings the cigarette to its mouth in a facsimile of smoking it.
The events that led to the crustacean’s unusual display were unclear.
March for Our Lives: Gun control ideas sound good, but are deeply flawed and won’t save lives
Gun control advocates have long claimed that gun registration will help solve crimes. Their reasoning is straightforward: A registered gun left at a crime scene can be used to identify the criminal.
Unfortunately, it rarely works out this way. Criminals almost never leave behind guns that are registered to them. In the few cases where guns are left at the scene, it is because the criminals were killed or injured. And these guns are virtually never registered to the person who committed the crime. Many are stolen.
When I testified before the Hawaii State Senate in 2000, the Honolulu chief of police also stated that he couldn’t find any crimes that had been solved due to registration and licensing.
The chief also said that his officers spent about 50,000 hours each year on registering and licensing guns. This time is being taken away from traditional, time-tested law enforcement activities.
Canada and other parts of the U.S. haven’t had any better luck. TV shows depict gun registration as an effective crime-fighting tool, but this isn’t how things work in real life.
These are actually different words for the same thing. Background checks on private transfers of guns is the first policy gun control advocates call for after each mass public shooting. But such background checks would not have prevented a single mass public shooting in this century.
In addition, over the years from 2000 to 2015, states that had universal background checks had twice the rate of mass public shootings as those that didn’t have that law.
Of the 64 U.S. mass public shootings since 1998, 10 attacks were carried out by people under age 21 – five by people who were already too young to legally purchase their guns and five where increasing the age limit could make a difference. Even in the five cases where raising the age limit might have conceivably had an impact, it is likely that the shooters could have illegally obtained a weapon, just as many other attackers do.
Prior to 1994, while some states had an age limit, there was no federal age requirement for buying a rifle. The only peer-reviewed study on this change was conducted by Thomas Marvell in the Journal of Law and Economics.
Marvell concluded: “Where the 1994 laws seem to have an impact, the suggestion is almost always that crime increases; thus, there is no evidence that these bans had their intended effect.” In fact, Marvell found that the law was associated with a 6 percent increase in firearm homicides.
Nananana I can’t hear you fox news/progressives
Your social credit score has been lowered for spreading fake news.
I was a committed atheist and then this incredible thing happened to me
My atheist father raised me on fanciful parables where the moral of the story concluded that God did not and could not exist. His strong belief in human ability and the power of positive thinking laced my childhood with quips like “What one conceives and then believes can be achieved.” No pie in the sky in the sweet by-and-by awaited us. Instead, if I wanted help, I needed look no further than the end of my own arm.
Something I read in chapter 3, “Does God Really Speak to Us,?” chafed against my scientific belief in evolution. Billy proposed that God is a Creator who speaks through nature, whether in a crying infant or the song of a bird. “Yeah, right,” I blurted out. I arrogantly put God to a challenge and inadvertently offered my first prayer: “God, if You rule over nature, if You’re sovereign even over the instincts of a bird, then make that bird chirping in the distance fly into the tree next to my blanket.” Fluttering toward me, the small grey swallow lit upon the branch above my head. Closing the book superstitiously, I thought, Maybe God does exist and created me for a purpose.
Lady, if there is a god, you are making him face-palm so hard right now.
I mean I guess being raised an atheist, could be forgiven not knowing you shouldn’t demand a sign.
No comment on what could have provoked such an attack.
NPR talks about contraception deserts, but will it address the thought desert in it’s own programming?
Attention whore and self proclaimed whore, claims bad man made her watch shark week.
“Attention whore and self proclaimed whore, claims bad man made her watch shark week.”
Impeachable offense!
Where’s the links? It’s Monday damnit, do any of you people work?