Is that your solution to every problem, Sea?
One wonders if SEA SMITH has seen Tentacles.
He should maybe be more worried about teeth.
That movie was ridiculous.
Never watched it, but the meme/urban legend has been around for years.
Dawn O’Keefe/Jess Weixler with a killer vagina?
Still would.
For what it is it’s entertaining
Only because it gets results!
Fair point.
Nothing gets results like a march. #MarchForLice
Houston’s chief resilience officer.
Nothing. Left. To. Cut.
I see no problem with flushing money down the drain by assisting Houston’s residents who live on flood plains. I mean, come on.
The directive also discourages student arrests and holds districts liable for the actions of “school resource officers … or other law enforcement personnel.”
WHOA! WHOA!! That’s crazy!
holds districts liable for the actions of “school resource officers … or other law enforcement personnel.”
Gee. If only that same standard was applied to the officers themselves generally or at least their own agencies.
The already violent city has seen an uptick in crime in recent years. Murders climbed 8 percent in 2017 from the year before and 26 percent over 2015. Shootouts are a daily occurrence in Rio’s poorer areas, and the violence has increasingly spilled into Rio’s more affluent neighborhoods.
They just need common-sense gun control. Oh.. shit..
Look, dude, gun violence is limited to the United States because we don’t have common sense gun control. If anyone tries to tell you that countries with common sense gun control, which is all of them except the United States, experience gun violence, that is fake news. Have you tested your news IQ at CNN today?
The Onion says Only the US has mass shootings. How can they be wrong?
Gotta love the honest reporting on the Exploiting Our Kids March
It’s just the next step in the initialization of our politics to pretend that 4 year olds speak for themselves. Even at their worst, the ancient Romans never fell this far.
It’s enough to where I’m just going to say it…democracy is fucking cancer.
I started listening to Peter Schweizers new book today during some menial tasks at work. We are indeed well past the Romans. When a VP’s kid can set up business dealings while accompanying his old man on a trip to China at taxpayer expense and rake in squillions………..well, lets just say my score card is getting really heavy on the “The Government is Illegitimate” side.
The one little girl is holding a sign against Idaho. What a twerp.
That shit site just crashed my browser. Anyway I just barely caught the phrase “student-led march” and my eyes swivelled all the way round.
“You Can’t Choose When to Be Pro-Life”
What are her views on defunding Planned Parenthood?
“Are our kids lives worth your guns?”
I just checked. My guns are not killing your kids.
Sorry Trump, your small poistive steps, like getting rid of school quotas, have been outweighed by that one giant negative leap you took with the omnibus bill.
Also, receiving a surprising amount of positive support for ditching Facebook. A lot of people considering the same.
What does Sea Smith think of The Asylum films?
Any time Trump undoes an Obama-era directive or EO, it’s a good thing.
While it may not entirely numb the $1 trillion dollar madness, it comes close.
Make Obama a figment of the imagination.
I don’t see how this one possibly happens – no way the GOP will withstand the tide of accusations of “racism”.
“The Trump administration plans this summer to scrap a controversial Obama-era discipline rule forced on schools to close racial gaps in suspensions and arrests but that critics say pressures educators to turn a blind eye to escalating bad behavior.
The federal directive, issued jointly in 2014 by the US departments of Education and Justice, warned public school districts receiving federal funding — including New York City — that they could face investigation and funding cuts if they fail to reduce statistical “disparities” in discipline by race. On average, the administration noted, black students are suspended at three times the rate of their white peers.”
Government should be completely colorblind.
Like totally racist, SMDH
“Fighting Nazis Then Vs Now | FreedomToons”
Nah. Obama remains a dead mouse under the floorboards, emitting a musky scent and breeding a population of “where the fuck did you come from?” mid-winter flies.
That Mirror how to rat out your neighbors for smoking pot article is just pathetic. There’s nothing worse than a snitch, worse than pedophiles in my book.
How else can we keep your social credit score up to date?
Your conspicuous lack of ems, an extremely common letter, in that comment was clearly a not-so-subtle sign that you believe Britain would be better off without our Party Chair, Theresa May, in her wise leadership. This will not only lead to an immediate reduction in your Credit Ration Card, it is cyberbullying of an elected official, which is an increasing problem for female-gendered MPs (as well as those of the Muslim race) and has no place in today’s Britain. Please report to HM’s nearest police station for surrender. Or don’t even bother, just look outside. And please provide your neighbor’s name; your houses look awfully alike and we are terribly sorry about her dog. It was a pug so maybe it had it coming but still.
I’m not going anywhere near Britain, unless I have to make a stop in the airport for a connecting flight, or the limey cunt. So you know, I warned Trump way back when he was going to meet with her, I said ‘stay away from her, she’ll turn you into a toad she will!’.
You’re a Brit? Just out of curiosity, what’s your opinion on Rees-Mogg?
Nevermind, I see below you’re a New Yorker.
Bit of an unknown quantity at the moment.
Probably the right guy to make Brexit happen. Whether he’s right enough to stop and reverse the decline is a totally different matter – also unlikely. A successful Brexit is a prerequisite to reversing the trend, but it only creates the preconditions.
There’s a very large constituency of British residents that want a ‘multicultural home’, and I think the bus is too close to the precipice for anyone to do anything other than slow the process down.
Thanks for the reply, I saw a few videos of him and he was extremely impressive to me, head and shoulders above May.
Jesus, a comatose oompa loompa would be head and shoulders above May by anybody’s metrics.
How do you know I’m not a New Yorker who’s also a British citizen, like the now dead dude who played Casper from Kids, or that kid who chased the black dude into traffic in Howard Beach back in the day? (Or I might just be a Puerto Rican native who is a lifelong Anglophile.)
Rees-Mogg is the very best of a very bad bunch. He is my favorite Brit politician, and one of my favorites anywhere. Here he is addressing the Commons (well, about five commoners) in a defense of what remains of free speech there, which is not much. Note that one of the foils he casually mentions is that press freedom was especially important for justice back in those dark days when you could not even retry someone who had been acquitted. Your ears did not deceive you. The Blair government curtailed double jeopardy for the first time in the history of English law. One of the first retrials (yes, it was ex post facto) represented yet another reform: the first criminal trial without jury in over 400 years. This is the state of affairs in Britain, where by far the closest thing to a real liberal–and a man who is such a staunch traditionalist that he is regarded as a sort of charming 19th century time traveler by those who do not despise him as a reactionary–simply takes it for granted that these things were improvement.
Rees-Mogg will probably make it into the front benches, I think, but not into party leadership unless the centrist Tory types split off. He is “right wing” of a sort that is about two sigmas off the spectrum by British standards. And they are absolutely petrified of a man who does not ever, in a broad spectrum of ways, pretend to be anything he is not.
The constabularies of Telford, Rotherham and several other UK communities agree with you.
Ugh, don’t get me started. An official-looking “memorandum” has been sent to residents of my co-op from “Cooperators United for Smoke-Free Housing.” Thing is, I personally know who it is. It’s one lady who wants her neighbor to stop smoking weed and has been trying for a year to draw the whole (very very large) co-op into her drama.
Now she sees her chance. The New York City Council (far lagging, it must be said, anything in California) recently passed a law (opposed by the real estate industry but to relatively little fanfare otherwise, and certainly no more enforceable than its predecessors) that by August 2018 all buildings must have an explicit smoking policy and state it on the lease. Of course every building did have a smoking policy before, often posted but known by every New Yorker: if not stated, “no smoking in common indoor areas” by decades-old NYC law. But this was openly a way to “nudge” buildings to nonsmoking policies, even when the nonsmokers never knew they originally cared (as with every other anti-“secondhand” step).
So now the bitch has said we need to “create” a new policy and it might as well be the “nonsmoking” one. She’s filled her “memorandum” with the moral panics, half-truths, and outright lies (really, it’s shocking how baldfaced the pro-“science” crusaders are) ready provided by the City Health department for the purpose, including a little stick figure diagram showing smoke snaking around a building straight into a little one’s nose, giving him cancer. Even when you can’t smell it, it’s happening!
And she’s posted a “petition” online, so do-gooders can say, “Well, I never had a problem, but guess I’m against smoking!” Then she can say in her next round of “memorandum” that suddenly “Cooperators United” represents such and such many people, and so on. There’s a class element too because I live in a building where the new yuppies are replacing the old, now elderly, black upper working class and don’t really have a lot of respect.
And, of course, what such policies will cause most of all is yet more drama, drama begetting drama in its wake. And the cardinal rule of good co-op governance is to do things to keep drama out of the house. Not weed. Unfortunately, few of these transplants know it.
Replace smoke with gun possession above. That’ll be next.
No way, man! No one is coming to get your guns! Obama promised us and he’s like the coolest black jeebus ever! Next thing I know, you’ll be calling people commies!
I’d respond that we need a nanny-free policy, and that the nannies trying to turn your co-op into an entirely smoke-free building are wicked people.
Yeah. I’d mark up her little proposal, make copies, anonymously distribute and post.
As I said in another thread recently, nobody ever talks about the quality of life of just being left the hell alone.
Amen, Ted. There’s a lot to just being left the hell alone.
The virtue of libertarianism is nothing: no rules*, no free shit; that’s a hopeless recipe. We’re never going to get anywhere politically because a big ol’ bucket of freedom is empty except for fresh air, freedom, and potential; that smells great to me, but most can’t smell it at all.
* poetic generalization not meant to ignore NAP, etc
Democratic politics focuses on platforms of doing something. Libertarian policy is do less. Even when it comes to healthcare, the narrative was that the GOP had to have some alternative to Obamacare. As if everything was really falling apart before its passage.
Even supposed libertarian writers fall into the trap. See Reason’s coverage of the subject. Republicans don’t have a viable alternative? How do you build consensus around cutting government when you are supposed to have your own snazzy thousand page law to replace the other asshole’s?
Dude. Chill. Chick knows what’s best.
Always worth rehashing. The anti-smoking cult hit its stride in the 1980s. One of things I remember clearly was how they assured us it was never going to reach into people’s private spheres and that was all ‘paranoia’ to scare people.
Yeh. Suck my balls.
These people would then turn their ire to burning tobacco road even if smoking ceased to be a ‘public menace’.
Nannies are gonna nanny.
I remember people saying next thing you knew, the anti-smoking nannies would be telling us what we could and couldn’t eat, and the nannies saying that was BS.
30 years on, who was right?
They’re perverts who get their rocks off bossing other people around.
Nothing much has changed, except that they got into politics. Back when I was growing up, we knew them as the church ladies. They’re still with us, but now instead of church, they’re into politics and they call themselves progressive. But this is much worse, you know. Back then their power consisted of shaming you in church or telling your parents they saw you fondling a girl in church and consorting with the devil. Today, they get spineless congress critters to pass laws taking away your constitutional rights.
The church ladies got into politics a century ago. How else did we get Prohibition?
Temperance Movement.
And they did a lot of long-term damage.
Women’s Christian Temperance Union. Unless you want to claim they weren’t church ladies. 🙂
Oh, and it’s still around.
Yep. Except church ladiness has not always been with us; think about it, Christianity was historically male dominated. It was actually an early form of female empowerment, and many were explicitly feminist. Prohibition itself was as much a prog cause as a SoCon one. (You might say progs brought the brains and socons the muscle.) But that has been mostly displaced in the popular memory.
Nowadays, of course, the socons are so weak that they can only hope to nanny seriously when they ally with the progs. See: “sex trafficking.”
Not complaining about female equality, of course! (They are OK if you know how to understand how they operate, which is actually a sign of respect. Incels hate women, we don’t. I’ll be holding a very affordable seminar this summer for anyone interested. You don’t even have to be rich or good-looking for these techniques to work for you!)
They used to say it wasn’t about using coercion to trample on rights but to merely ‘change habits’. A term I’ve learned to hate and treat as evil.
‘Changing habits’ is a weasel left-wing term – carbon taxes (and all taxes used to discourage a behaviour) is said to be for ‘changing habits’ as if it’s innocuous and necessary when all it is it’s outright aggression on civil liberties.
Same with gun control. They “say” it’s about control but they’re already on step two: Confiscation.
“Changing habits” is straight out of the commie playbook.
We are building a new man, Comrade!
Oh, it’s same old game of “Ker-Plop” every time the bluenoses latch onto an issue. Smoking, drinking, eating delicious food, raising your children as you see fit. The list goes on and on and on because its all a power play and they’ll never, ever be satisfied until you are less than a quivering mass of fear under their collective sensible shoe, you just won’t exist anymore – *poof*.
It’s ridiculous. You know how back in school, a lot of kids in their insecurity think they have to drink or smoke or do drugs to be cool; whereas if they actually looked around they’d notice that there were quite a few of the very most popular kids who did not and made no apologies or excuses for it and everybody completely instinctively respected that? Being your own man was what was actually respected; just exude that and you’re fine. Realizing that–right then, or in retrospect–was something that came with adulthood.
It’s like the whole world is now being run instead by the dweeb goody-two-shoes pussy crusaders who gave a shit what other kids did. Seriously, college campuses are going outdoor smoke, vape, and dip free now and kids are calling for it. (Despite the fact that the blue collar workers just trying to catch a smoke on their breaks are the ones hit hardest, I might add.) Can you imagine kids in our day, even going back to the ’60s, being told what they could and could not smoke? There’d be a riot! (Most people nowadays cannot even comprehend why a nonsmoking health nut like me could possibly be against nannyism.)
Youth is dead, man. That is, the good parts. Infanthood is alive and well.
This is getting way too after school special for me.
Whoa, Brochettaward. Not cool. Be smart. You could get some serious diseases that way, man. It’s not worth it.
I’m old enough to remember! All domestic flights under three hours nonsmoking by Federal law. Who doesn’t prefer a nonsmoking flight? Surely they can keep off the ol’ cancer sticks for three little hours. But…this is an incrementalist strategy…it won’t stop there Whoa, get a load of this guy. Take off your foil hat dude.
One thing that Chomsky gets very right, among others, is that he hates conspiracy theories and points out to his minions that you don’t need them. Much of the power being flexed, the plotting being done, is actually perfectly out there for the world to see, if it only notices. So it is true with the antismoking crusade, as they plotted the entire strategy we currently see starting in the 70s. (Smoking, formerly growing, had been and has been to this day steadily plummeting since it was proven it gave you cancer, but their expectations of an immediate mass cessation were disappointed.) Everything is out there in black and white; and often the crusaders state it explicitly in their public statements if you only listen. Same thing with “rape culture”–it has been stated repeatedly that they goal is to radically change the way sex is done, to punish “bad sex” and define rape as sex that is regretted by the woman, to change the power dynamic between the sexes, that liberal notions of justice are inadequate for women, etc. It’s right there in front of everyone in black and white.
And so has it been stated repeatedly and openly that the gun grabbers are trying to do exactly to guns what was done to tobacco in our society, with social stigma being the lynchpin, using exactly the same M.O. And, of course, the same incrementalist strategy. How many times do the Democrats, up to and including Obama himself, need to openly and loudly repeat, “This is only the start,” and “Australia,” before we get smarter?
No foil hat required. Ever. For anything.
“Tobacco-Free Kids” and “Smoke-Free New York” et al. have been a thing as long as I can remember. It’s right there in their names.
I think I have a cigar on hand. I feel like smoking today.
My small city had dozens of bars and taverns not that long ago. I wouldn’t be surprised if the number has fallen by 75% in the last ten years due to anti-smoking regulations and basically zero tolerance DUI rules. Two beers in an hour will net you a roadside suspension, loss of license for 90 days, loss of vehicle for 30 days (with attendant towing and storage fees), mandatory “right-think” classes that you get to pay for, installation and maintenance of an approved BAC device in your vehicle that yes, you pay for and at the very least a yearly stipend that you need to pay once you’ve showed your contrition and promise to never, ever do that bad thing that you did again. This isn’t even a Criminal Code violation, this is some random cop using questionable tech on the road-side. Where my country go?
“Are There Risks From Secondhand Marijuana Smoke? Early Science Says Yes.”
As the visible cloud of pot smoke took shape, so did Springer’s idea to study the effects of secondhand marijuana smoke.
He started thinking: San Franciscans would never tolerate those levels of cigarette smoke in a public place anymore. So why were they OK with pot smoke? Did people just assume that cannabis smoke isn’t harmful the way tobacco smoke is?
Springer was already researching the health effects of secondhand tobacco smoke on rats at his lab at UCSF. He decided to run the same tests using joints.”
I never liked people like that.
Rentals already have policies – plenty of landlords don’t allow smoking. Why is this needed?
(Yes, I know it’s in order to shame smokers ever more.)
I hate having my clothes stink of smoke when I come home from a bar. And for most people in The Land of The Free, that is nowadays the last thought they have on the subject in terms of state force. Seriously, they think as though a smokefree law debate is merely some sort of public choice between smoking and nonsmoking. it is literally that. This is how little we do think, “mind your own business,” “hands off my body”; this is how little we believe in the capitalist system. (In red and purple cities even Republicans present smokefree as a “pro-business message and climate” decision the city is making. They talk about how wonderful smokefree is for business actually, which is why it requires a law apparently. It’s remarkable just how much debate is had over whether this or that bit of government planning will be “good for businesses.” We fanatical free-market fundamentalists with our blind faith in capitalism, we wacky Americans.)
These people can’t be told, “We can have both nonsmoking and smoking bars, can’t we? Why must you say every place must be nonsmoking? Can’t a few people choose to have a ciggie with their beer while watching the game, or a cigar with a fine whiskey?” because they just think unconsiously, “Oh, but my place is currently smoking, and I wish it weren’t.” Of course, if I see a place that is just perfect except they occasionally play crappy SoundCloud rap, I don’t petition City Council to ban Lil Pump. Because I’m not a fucking dick.
This is closer to the real reason smoking is now banned in bars than anything having to do with “health”. It was just a matter of time. The moment that non-smokers became the majority was the death knell for anyone who wanted to enjoy a drink and a smoke.
We’re a dying breed but we smokers were a core constituent of most pubs and taverns. Hell, they’ve lost a couple Grand of income just from me alone. I played league 8-Ball and most of my buds used to head for the pub for a coupla after shift. That traffic is gone, gone, gone. Ah well, we’ll all soon be dead and the nannies can dance on our graves (providing they’re not buried under us or are spry enough to manuover their walkers that far).
The bans ramped up just a couple years before I got tired of night life anyway. But I have noticed that beer gardens are getting trendy.
Yep because that’s the kind of people we are, deep down. But of course we don’t like to think of ourselves that way, and the nannies were smart enough to know we just needed the flimsiest excuse. It’s like any scam. The best scams give the mark (1) a selfish reason; and (2) an altruistic reason so they feel they are doing good by doing well. Then they are putty in your hands.
Herein lies the difference, you actually thought your argument through, made cogent points and reached a logical conclusion based on sound ideas and methods. Fuck this! Burn the witch!
They claim they have the “right” to smoke-free air, but what they really want is the “right” to tell other people what to do with their private property.
Have you tried making a counter policy that is very official looking, filled with legalese that effectively says “fuck off slaver”?
He he. Seriously, she’s disguised the whole thing as one of the regular memoranda from the board itself. It looks like it’s at least a significant faction of sorts. But it’s just the one lady with a laser printer and too much time on her hands. She actually spent one night delivering this to more doors than there are in some small towns.
Sounds to me like this busybody is setting herself up for a thousand unwanted magazine subscriptions, merchandise shipments, “free” travel promotions and other annoyances.
Ozzy Man: Man vs. Truck.
Good day at the gun show. I was depressed by the news this morning with all their “March” coverage. The show was packed. Prices were (mostly) good. The crowd was very diverse. People were buying, including lots of women. Fuck the gun grabbers.
I picked up a cool looking new ar upper and my girlfriend had her new upper assembled from parts she picked out. #winning
No worries, nothing much will change. After the gun grabbers win, there will still be just as many guns. It’s just that they will all be illegal and everyone owning them will be a criminals. I mean, that’s all that will change, except that we’ll just be another 3rd world country where you will get robbed in broad daylight by 10 year olds with fully automatic weapons. But hey, don’t worry, the politicians will tell you that you can have rocks to throw at the would be robbers.
Until rocks are restricted. Look at the U.K. and their kitchen knife obsession.
Soon they will have a board with a nail in it so large it’ll destroy them all!
I saw some stat that since 07, women with concealed carry permits has gone up 280%
I don’t know how accurate it is, id love to know the actual numbers. Cant remember where I saw it, but it wasn’t a overly reputable source.
It’s bound to be true: the basis was virtually nothing, and the whole carry thing is fairly new anyway, so tripling nothing in an emerging scheme over ten years seems like a floor if anything.
That’s kinda what I thought. It seemed like it should be higher. But maybe not. It’s hard to tell.
Highly plausible up here in CT. Our training courses are typically between 33% and 50% female. Back when I started to be involved in this stuff, it was 10%, if that.
My wife is getting hers when we get back. I could definitely see where the rate is extremely high. Radical feminism!
When it comes to guns, there’s a silent majority. You would never know that from our media. People feel under siege at the moment, but this is going no where.
There is a silent majority against a lot of the BS the Dems push. Being silent is how we got here. (I’m as guilty as anyone.)
The left isn’t really that loud. They just dominate the institutions with microphones. If you look at the recent Democrats who have won the elections signifying this great blue wave in 2018, most of them had to adopt moderate positions to do so. They’re the exact opposite of what the #RESIST crowd wanted. That group is just too ignorant to even notice.
Well, maybe at the national level. At the local level, if you’re in a blue state, it’s ever leftward.
Yeah, and NYC types keep moving further north and making more counties blue.
So immigration…
Was it you who said the Dems know they are full of shit or was that Tonio?
I think most politicians know deep down inside they are full of shit. Only the real sociopaths like De Blasio can delude themselves to the extent to believe otherwise.
So why aren’t Blue State Democrats fiscally conservative if they know their spending is actually bad?
Could be; I’ve said it a few times. Cuomo is a perfect example. He knows taxes are too high – he has literally said as much! – why else set up these “Startup NY” sites where his friends get special tax reductions? It’s really all about pay-for-play and staying in power. Treating everyone equally doesn’t accomplish that.
See my answer above. It’s all about power.
Hopefully VT doesn’t go full retard
I think it’s well known that one third of this country owns guns and believes in their natural right to do so. There is another third that doesn’t own guns, but are weary of the government banning guns so they generally oppose gun control. And then there is the last third that don’t own guns and want guns confiscated.
The right to self defense is one of the few natural rights that I don’t think is endangered right now, despite the pageantry. I even think that the Democrats may have screwed themselves here.
Don’t get complacent. They have achieved some minor victories already.
It’s frustrating to have lost some ground with the R’s in charge.
Yes. When we should have non stamp suppressors and other rollbacks by now.
I’m glad 50 state mandatory reciprocity hasn’t passed so far though. That’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing that will be used to mandate federal standards (controlled by fed bureaucrats) and ultimately limit lawful concealed carry.
Yes kinda: There’s an expiration date on “going nowhere.”
My son’s an outdoorsman, chemist, and Texan complete with carry credential, but I listen to his friends (the kind an educated, freedom-loving Texan would acquire) and am sure there’s a demographic shift coming that guns can’t resist. They don’t believe in freedom; they FEEL there is a problem; they know that government is the answer.
I presume the uneducated and others that aren’t his friends are even worse.
In my experience, that’s not a fair assumption.
It’s the educated who support “doing something” and compromising freedoms (particularly for uneducated others).
“my girlfriend had her new upper assembled from parts she picked out”
Not even really a euphemism, is it? Or is it?
Not according to Q’s posts.
Blondes having more fun.
I think we need a national conversation about common sense tits control.
#39. Yowza!
I thought #44 was an interesting inclusion.
Based off that Mirror article and other recent incidences in the UK, I’m amazed at how quickly a once free people have accepted their role as enabler of state oppression.
Dunno why but it reminded me of this old Clash song:
Midnight to six man
For the first time from Jamaica
Dillinger and Leroy Smart
Delroy Wilson, your cool operator
Ken Boothe for UK pop reggae
With backing bands sound systems
And if they’ve got anything to say
There’s many black ears here to listen
But it was Four Tops all night with encores from stage right
Charging from the bass knives to the treble
But onstage they ain’t got no roots rock rebel
Onstage they ain’t got no roots rock rebel
Dress back jump back, this is a bluebeat attack
‘Cause it won’t get you anywhere
Fooling with the guns
The British Army is waiting out there
An’ it weighs fifteen hundred tons
White youth, black youth
Better find another solution
Why not phone up Robin Hood
And ask him for some wealth distribution
Punk rockers in the UK
They won’t notice anyway
They’re all too busy fighting
For a good place under the lighting
The new groups are not concerned
With what there is to be learned
They got Burton suits, ha, you think it’s funny
Turning rebellion into money
All over people changing their votes
Along with their overcoats
If Adolf Hitler flew in today
They’d send a limousine anyway
I’m the all night drug-prowling wolf
Who looks so sick in the sun
I’m the white man in the Palais
Just lookin’ for fun
I’m only
Looking for fun
I’m only
Looking for fun
And this from The Kinks…Victoria:
Long ago life was clean
Sex was bad, called obscene
And the rich were so mean
Stately homes for the Lords
Croquet lawns, village greens
Victoria was my queen
Victoria, Victoria, Victoria, ‘toria
I was born, lucky me
In a land that I love
Though I am poor, I am free
When I grow I shall fight
For this land I shall die
Let her sun never set
Victoria, Victoria, Victoria, ‘toria
Victoria, Victoria, Victoria, ‘toria
Land of hope and gloria
Land of my Victoria
Land of hope and gloria
Land of my Victoria
Victoria, ‘toria
Victoria, Victoria, Victoria, ‘toria
Canada to India
Australia to Cornwall
Singapore to Hong Kong
From the West to the East
From to the rich to the poor
Victoria loved them all
And now they piss on her.
RIP Ray Dav– uh Mark E. Smith.
Great song.
It’s not a new phenomenon. The British public has been having its freedoms hollowed out for at least 4 generations.
The “Rump” parliament was suspended in 1653, for example.
The woodchipper was invented in 1884.
Considering Cromwell was the one who did it and got away with it I don’t understand your meaning.
Protestant dictatorships are the worst
Hmmm …
Says the papist
The Jacobites were right
Protestants are worst than Catholics.
/Puts Celtic jersey on.
My mother’s family are Pentecostal. My father Catholics.
Let’s just say the Protestant side were wound up a tad too tight.
I still don’t like the way my mother’s Pastor cousin looks at us.
I hope the Rangers become serious competition again some day.
I haven’t seen them competitive in years.
Yeah, getting sent down to the fourth league kind of hurt.
As an abomination Scottish soccer is, if there’s one match I’d love to see it’s Celtic-Rangers.
It must be something.
I saw one or two Old Firm derbies on TV back when it was actually competitive. Good stuff.
Euro-soccer is in a weird place right now. There is so much money in the top clubs, and the leagues aren’t run like commie fiefdoms the way American leagues are, that there is little surprise any more. The Leicester City thing from a couple years ago was an aberration I don’t expect to see ever again in my life.
The Bundesliga is really bad. Bayern is about to win their sixth title in row with no end in sight. They are so boringly dominant I don’t even watch.
Yeh. I notice that. Sorta the case in Serie A.
It’s not the same anymore.
Man, I had such high hopes for Napoli but it looks like it ain’t gonna happen. Looks like seven in a row for fucking Juventus *spit*.
Napoli really mismanaged things both in the league and in the tournaments.
They don’t have the deep rotation but they have enough talent a solid coach to have gone deeper in CL/Europa. But they wanted to focus on the Scudetto. Except, if you don’t take big games in Europe serious, how can you maintain an optimum pace in Serie A?
I know the pace is generally faster in the tournaments because the Serie A tends to put tactics above technique, but they should have handled Leipzig better and to me, this mental error handed the lead to Juve.
Don’t get me going with the chaos that’s over taken the FIGC. If they don’t watch it, they’ll end up dysfunctional like Argentina.
“As an abomination Scottish soccer is..”
On the subject, Brechin City (Scottish Championship) were relegated today with seven games to go. They’ve played four draws in 29 games. AND they’re a part-time club in the second tier.
But my favorite Scottish club is Fort William in the Highland League: played 25, drew 2, Goal difference: -115.
RN, lol.
+1 Republic of Gilead
Um, Mr Stalin would like to have a word.
WW I gutted Britian like a smolt.
Then Churchill sacrificed what was left for honor. The ‘sounder minds’ of the day knew that they could retain prosperity if they sacrificed honor.
Freedom and prosperity unfortunately cause people to be quite willing to lose more of it.
Also “government is us” so why be afraid of it?
“government is us”
/Robespierre’s tombstone
Also the U.S. Constitution. Whenever it says “the people,” that means “the government.” It’s just the plain reading.
“Warrenton woman arrested for cooking Chihuahua in oven
PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — An Astoria woman was arrested after police said she killed her dog by cooking him in the oven.
According to court documents, Noel G. Moor, 28, placed the dog in the oven “because she thought an ex-boyfriend was inside the dog.””
What the fuck do you mean, “inside the dog”??
Daughter of Son of Sam.
“ma’am, we’ve traced the calls…”
Unlikely in the case of a chihuahua, but sometimes justified.
Fortunately Puerto Ricans are a non-dog eating branch of the Latino race so he was safe. Besides, we rarely have houses that big let alone ovens.
Driving back to Buffalo, wound up in Ithaca in the middle of an anti-gun rally. Speaker, some repulsive busy body, started off with “to the gun owners, we’re not trying to take your guns” then laid out exactly the opposite. Repulsive group of people.
The Woman’s Waddle on Washington I didn’t mind. At least it gave some fat broads in pussy hats some exercise.
This shit, on the other hand, just turned my stomach. I’m now, for the first time in my life, a paying member of the NRA. Thank you, obnoxious bitches.
They lie. They lie about their objectives. They lie about the current laws. And they lie when describing firearms.
You hafta know what you’re talking about to lie. They’re just ignorant.
Big piles of scared people who don’t know what they’re talking about, though, is our new normal.
“new normal” implies things were different before.
Ithaca is like the Berkeley of New York. Couldn’t you have driven around it?
A dated a girl who went to Cornell. Driving to Ithaca late at night was just spooky.
My sister totaled her VW Rabbit on some black ice driving back to Ithaca College back in the late 80s.
I’ve actually (well, my mom when I was a kid) done that. Lots of farmland, then a steep decline with cliffs then boom, a town. Yeah it was kind of spooky.
Ithaca is way better than Berkeley because you can easily just end it all.
Also paid for a year out of spite from this nonsense.
OT @ gbob: A local magazine did a story about a “field-to-bottle” distillery that’s only a half hour away from me. IIRC, your currently employer does the same thing, don’t they? I thought you (and others) may be interested:
Far North Spirits
I’m drinking their Rye right now and it is excellent.
Well, we don’t raise our own corn, but it’s bought within twenty miles from us. Something to be said for regional taste.
Damn. That stuff sounds good.
Friends of mine who were generally amenable to firearms are attending these. I signed up for GOA.
I signed up for the NRA before this. Not so much that I agree with most or a lot of anything they do, but I figured I can do more to change that from the inside that outside and even as terrible as they are, they still represent the largest anti-gun control group(*yes squishy).
GOA is going to get my next life membership for similar reasons.
This morning instead of spending Saturday as the good lord above intended (asleep until the crack o’noon) I was all dressed up, sitting in a crappy event chair in a college basketball gym “participating” in GOP county party politics. I didn’t get to talk to people proudly rocking Trump gear, but the general consensus in my state house district was that the spending bill was a load of crap and every one running for local office would now have to run away from it when talking to prospective voters. So at least in my neck of the woods, the party faithful are pretty upset about the spending bill.
Yet, at the end of the day, what are they upset about? It included no red meat for Trump voters. There were no real wins in it for Trump. It was the same shit Bush shoveled forth. More military spending in return for caving on everything else. Who are these GOP voters who really fucking care about a massive increase in military spending at this point in time? It’s not a win. At least with Bush he had Iraq to deal with.
I mean, this is a guy whose biggest and most controversial policy proposal was a border wall, and he couldn’t even get a vague and ultimately toothless promise to fund it sometime in the next decade.
I am surprised he didn’t hold out for the wall.
He thinks he can jerk his supporters around and they’ll still vote for him because they love Trump the man and not the policies he espouses. He just made an enormous mistake, the biggest I’ve seen since Bush 1 trashed his no new taxes pledge but considerably worse.
I think he knows he fucked up badly caving like this. And that’s why he does dumb shit like push the tranny military ban. He was an outsider asshole playing to crowds. Now he’s an insider asshole with no clue what to do.
He need to go all in on a staff of outsiders. Sort of like the Clintons. But the deepest, darkest side of Trump is the guy who wants approval.
one of the bill summaries stated that the opposite is in the bill – there’s some sort of restriction on building the wall in there. So if that;s right, it’s even worse than nothing.
It stipulated that they can use fencing to replace some degraded fencing that already exists and that nothing else can be built.
Same with reversing the ban on phony “gun violence” “research”.
Funny how Obama and the Dems couldn’t get that through but we end up with it with a Republican congress and president calling the shots. It’s like they’re intent on committing political suicide en masse.
My favorite is the outraged responses who thinks they actually care about the DACA kids.
They’re going to need that military funding for the war we’re going to start with Iran (not kidding unfortunately).
Votes on HR1625
I’m honestly surprised that Coffman voted Nay given his district. Colorado really hates spending money.
TABOR is a neat law.
Tabor is an awesome law. They just increase fees to get around it though. Gotta feed the machine!
People have been voting with their feet and Colorado’s economic and population growth is most certainly due, in part, to a friendly tax climate
They’re trying to make it more better. I’m skeptical it will get enough signatures to make the ballot.
Thanks for the heads up I hadn’t heard about that.
I was surprised that twit Gardner voted no. His usual job is to polish Mcconnels knob.
Tipton will be hearing from me. Fucking prick.
That really does seem to be the highlight. What the fuck.
Not gunning for you, and vote any way you wish, but
If they don’t want to undo their own social security and medicare, they’re as full of crap and those they criticize.
By free shit, we mean other’s free shit.
The Dems were the ones who implemented SS and Medicare and The GOP didn’t want to repeal it. So elect more Dems to create more programs future Republicans will keep.
Also does the LP even want to repeal them anymore?
The local LP has several candidates who run explicitly as a joke because they’re more of the anarchist line and believe government itself is a joke. Meanwhile quite a few local GOP officials compete for who gets graded highest by the local “no new taxes” think tank. Infiltration seems to be getting better results.
There was an LP candidate running for state office out of Vail or Aspen a some elections ago who had a plank in his platform to increase the minimum wage. Ya, cream of the crop run as L’s in CO.
Well, you did have Lily for Liberty…
In 30 years, I’m going to write the definitive history on the Trump administration. I already know my thesis. Alls he had to do was continue to be a complete asshole for 4 years and everything would have been golden. Instead, his NYC values won out.
Well he ran on being unpredictable so I suppose he’s staying true to form. I just want him to cut the bullshit and do his fucking job just like I’d expect any half-ways decent employee to do.
Taylor Swift is calling for gun control now. Pack it in. It’s done. The Taylor Swift clause to the constitution dictates that we must surrender our natural rights at her whim. Really wish Hamilton had not pushed for that clause when they were drafting the constitution
Wait, isn’t she a secret White Nationalist Trumpista? At least according to the papers I think
Sure. The chick who moved to NYC and counts Lena Dunham among her closest friends is a secret right winger.
Apropos of nothing… I can’t count how many novels I’ve read – mostly sci-fi, horror, thrillers and the like – where the protagonist gets him- or herself out of various jams with the aid of a firearm. And yet most writers seem to be progs. For every Dean Koontz there’s a dozen Stephen Kings and they’re all giving ample evidence that the right to self defense is a good thing. I don’t get it.
She was being attacked for being apolitical. Her manager must have had a talk with her.
She’s no longer a country star. No need to pander to those people.
But, we all agree still “would”, right?
Sure, flatter than a piece of plywood, leaves you with the bluest of blue balls, and embarrass & slur you in her next hit. Totally would.
::Pulls up stained sweatpants, wipes hands on same:: What’s this about Taylor Swift now?
-I know very little about this, but lots of people in my circles are buzzing about it
Apparently a very controversial data-privacy measure (the “CLOUD Act”) was slipped into the Omnibus Bill and was passed w/o any comment. I think even many people who were following the legislation were caught off guard, and didn’t realize it was likely to get pushed through without any specific vote on it.
Simply put, it seems like a huge change in how “Data jurisdiction” is treated. And the implications seem to me to be potentially devastating in terms of companies serving US customers, but who are located abroad in order to evade liability concerns. (see: Most companies in the Crypto-tech-space; anyone who does internet gambling, or international payments… and these are just off the top of my head).
Even if you’re a harmless firm doing harmless things, you let US consumers do business w/ you, and suddenly everything you own is subject to search/snooping by feds. It also seems confusing because it would seem to compel foreign entities to police you on behalf of the US. Or, rather , force US ISPs who might be able to provide access to overseas servers to hand the feds the keys *without any concern for the laws governing the assets in the place the servers are located*. I don’t know how ISPs can do that without getting the shit sued out of them.
I presume the US has specific territories in mind they want to browbeat to prevent them from being “Data havens”, and they’ll play nice with actual big/powerful countries like china, and not snoop/seize their shit. But they WILL do it to the little nations which have offered themselves up as ‘more liberal locations for hosting crypto-tech/gambling or other internet businesses which present regulatory problems in the US’.
The EFF has some commentary on it from February I am still getting up to speed on it.
EU GPDR goes into effect in two months. US companies are going to get fucked either way.
Here you go, a pretty good analysis, just ignore the lack of a shirt:
Why can’t he just put a shirt on? It’s such a small request made by society
As long as he doesn’t pull out his dick ala LBJ I’m OK with it.
Oh, the shirtless guy. I’ve seen that guy; I don’t remember what his deal is besides the lack of a shirt. I think even Encyclopedia Dramatica doesn’t really explain it well. Maybe I heard it was a sort of statement; I remember a guy on the Spiked comment board (before it was overtaken about two years ago, rather oddly, by people obsessed with protecting the white race from Jews) who posts in ALL CAPS until the UK fulfills its promise to leave the EU. Or maybe that was the Spectator. I don’t fucking remember.
“just ignore the lack of a shirt”
i confess, is a bit difficult.
The lack of shirt warning was the only reason I clicked.
Sorry, next time I’ll link to EPorner.
The Male Gaze strikes again!
lol, this
If this dude even makes it up to “meh” you guys are a couple of sloots with no standards. Where is Jesse; he had some self-respect.
he seems like a good guy for the “big brother spying on people” perspective.
fwiw – i am sort of more immediately interested in the very-practical business-liability concerns for crypto-companies operating in places like “Gibraltar, Caymans, Isle of Man, etc”; i presume all of them will get subpoenas demanding lists of all the people who own their coins in the US.
I hadn’t considered that angle but, yeah, I think subpoenas will be forthcoming.
I actually follow his channel. Aside from his silly occult beliefs he’s a straight shooter.
ignore the lack of a shirt
Remy nails it, again.
“Paid for by Americans for Drownable Government PAC” oh if only.
They can only compel US-based companies, not foreign ones. It still sucks, but they can’t browbeat, say, a Swiss company into handing over information on US personnel found on Swiss servers.
At least, that’s how I read it.
Read the link you included with regards to the agreements between governments. Nevermind. What the fuck just happened with this omnibus bill?
That’s somewhat reassuring, but it seems like they go to pains to clarify that the actual entity subject to federal compulsion is the ISP, and the limits of what they can/can’t compel may be more based on ‘what the ISP can provide access to’ rather than who is the legal owner of the servers they have access to.
its all a bit of a mess to me. i expect it will be said, “oh, the real targets of this are going to be terrorists and drug smugglers and yadda yadda”, but something tells me that the first people they’ll go after will be the crypto-folks. the fact that there’s been a couple billion $ in ICO floats in the past year is something the feds have definitely taken note of.
It’s a steaming pile either way. Just another turn of the ratchet.
The way this shit was passed is completely absurd. This government really isn’t legitimate at all.
The FEE article is really great.
So it is going to be like what they did to banking. Blue passport? sorry we can’t open an account for you. Blue passport? Sorry we can’t store your data, and no you can’t get internet service here either. Oh and hand over that cell phone. Actually, just get the fuck out of our country your government are a bunch of pricks who force their laws on us.
Yep. First hand experience of that.
Oh me too. Back when I had a good job I was paid in AUD and fuck me if I could open an account overseas and hold on to it and exchange when I wanted. I did eventually find a way to do that but still. I think anyone with coin can open an account in the US.
Pain, ain’t it. Luckily, I had accounts already opened at multiple banks before the heavy handed regs came into force. I honestly don’t know what newcomers are supposed to do.
Good! At least I know someone is paying attention. I ranted about this ever expanding extraterritorial shit recently but no one said anything. Probably because I think I used Thai child prostitution as my jumping off point. (It’s the principle, man!)
March for Enslavement. As far as I can tell, they don’t care about debate. Do it!
I’m primed for the “Hogg Baby-sitting Scandal” to hit the net like a tsunami. Fuck is that kid an annoyance.
You talking about one of the future Senators from Florida?
Fuck that shit.
Florida’s real 2030 Senate freshman.
Senator SugarFree?
“…put people over profits..” Oh I thought this was about second amendment rights.
Just found out there’s a nest of mice somewhere in the kitchen. I let the 2 best mouser cats up from the basement, and we’re already down 1 mouse in less than 10 minutes. The one without front claws got it. Hoping for more rodent casualties as the night wears on.
That’s good pussy
You have a basement full of cats? How many and do you also own a Chinese restaurant?
If I wasn’t allergic to cats/actively hate them I’d keep a few albinos in my basement to keep the meeces under control.
I was thinking something similar, but I didn’t want to judge…
Fuck that. ALWAYS JUDGE!
Everyone that I know has a basement full of cats. How else would we dispose of the bodies in a timely fashion?
Lime?…Not that I would know…what’s that over there! *scurries away*
2 down, N-2 to go
3 down
Mice must be as stupid as those Germans who kept popping out of cover to fire at Sgt. Saunders and the
Combat patrol.
Just don’t let the cats try to kill rats. Vice versa is what will happen. You need terriers for ratting.
I made it!
Slab City?
Yes, I’m going to submit something, so i don’t want to give away Too much Adventure, But it Was, Magical is the first word that came to mind
And Thanks for the HT Messican Sharpy!
Glad to see you back! My initial fears for your safety were probably vastly overblown but that happens when a guy’s social anxiety disorder grabs the helm. I don’t know what happened to me, I used to be the life o’ the party and now I skip weddings, graduations and funerals. Just a miserable ole cuss, I’d imagine.
So you’re transmitting from Slab City or you’re done and gone now? Because… fuck’s sake, man, be careful.
I’m back, I never got my Defense tool out of the trunk, it was a very Pleasant Day, I spoke at length to many Long timers and have been invited to play, at the Range, Yippeee!
Hops are vegetables, therefore beer is a salad. Discuss.
What’s to discuss? I’ll have another salad.
“Unless there is meat on the plate, it isn’t a meal and you don’t have to pray” My butcher grandpa.
What about Hamms smart guy? It has ham in the name.
If you’re drinking Hamms, you are beyond the help of God.
Pork chop in a can
#Hammsammich. Hamms the beer refreshing, Hamms the beer refreshing, HAAAAAMMMMMSSSS!
From the land of sky blue waters it is.
You drink beer with dressing? Eeewwwwwwww.
More like a soup.
Let’s ask RBG
Is sugar cane a vegetable?
because freedom
What did that meat ever do to you?!
Is that one of the goats that were blocking you from getting home?
Why are you letting a robot fuck your steak?
Looks tasty. I made Okonomiyaki for dinner last night. Easy and tasty.
You flip that puppy over and top it with bonito flakes, nori (dried seaweed), okonomiyaki sauce and mayo.
‘mayo’, that’s how know for sure you’re white (a racist thing I’ve heard black people complain about that I don’t understand)
The okonomiyaki sauce is brown, so the mayo gets the one drop effect when mixed.
Moonland mayo isn’t quite the same thing.
I do large 16″ pan sized okonomiyaki all the time. Flipping the whole thing at once with just a pan is thrilling.
As long as it doesn’t hit the floor, eat it. Pomp gets it. Okonomiyaki is the best.
it may also feed impoverished people the world over because cabbage is a superfood
I was staying at a “house” in the jungle of Puerto Rico. These two little Japanese women made okonomiyaki and it was excellent.
Fuck cats.
You are dead to me.
With you, that really doesn’t make me feel more secure.
It’s ok. We’re all just a simulation anyway.
My pet store was out of my regular cat food so I had to go with another. I’m on day 3 of another entirely expected hunger strike they’re staging because GOD FORBID I give you something different from what you’ve been eating the last 10 years.
They can be a trial.
They are certainly change averse.
To be fair, when granny is used to Friskies, it’s hard to get her to switch to meow mix. It’s hard on the dentures.
Speaking of which, I notice at Target they got some fresh dog food that needs to be refrigerated. Fancy ass shit. Won’t the dogs eat regular Purina just fine, especially if that’s the only choice they have, and almost no dogs have special needs of any kind? What’s with all the fancy shit?
Oh yeah, there’s a big push for that on the cat side too – if you don’t feed them freshly prepared cuts of meat, you don’t care enough. The problem with that is, unlike dogs who seem like they’ll eat anything, cats really are finicky. I’m not going to blow my budget on that stuff if they’re just gonna throw it up an hour later.
It’s probably just regular wet dog food but without any preservatives for the people who think feeding their dogs “organic” food makes some kind of difference.
We always fed our dogs real meat, not dog meat; these people make me sick…is what I’d say if I was a prick, I don’t give a fuck, dogs are property.
That is an excellent point. Spread the word; the kennel clubs, as you may know, is encouraging everyone to very explicitly refer to dog owners and actively resist any apparently benign euphemisms including the cutesy ones. They are actually an insidious part of a “change the cuture” wedge strategy on the part of the animal rights movement, which has thoroughly infiltrated even “moderate” organizations. (Get the real deal on proper animal treatment, when public policy comes up, from veternary schools.) Don’t fall for it! Or underestimate them! Tell a friend!
Oh, indeed. I have to drive 15 miles to Wal-mart for Fancy Feast. ::tears up:: “I feel your pain!”
Here’s the one I had to share with my Aussie colleague after we got shit-rocked together at a conference last year.
Huh. That’s something else.
something else other than a functioning link, I mean.
Dammit. Here is the second try.
I climbed the cat post, but do they call me Snoodles the Cat Pole Climber? No!
That feller looks a little too bright-eyed to pretend that he doesn’t know what happened. 1.5 coyote parties out of 4.
in which a person learns that some “Youtube Equipment Reviews” are not as professional as the title may indicate
Ok. This is a type of porn I have not encountered before, but I’d like to know more.
I think the best explanation i can give is that “its French”.
What? YouTube’s sound quality isn’t good enough to make such comparisons.
Family cabin up in the mountains.
Good to see they’re not getting such a uselessly dry winter that we are down here in the bunker.
I don’t miss that shit one iota.
You don’t go partake of the epic Japanese snows? The snow there gets deep from what I hear. I have a buddy who did a ski trip there and he raved about it.
In the mountains and especially on the Sea of Japan side they get hit hard. It Kanto (greater Tokyo area) you only get a couple days of snow each winter.
I like the giant bottle o beer cooling in the snowbank!×768.jpg
OK, now that I miss.
well ain’t you a peach
Marriage Proposals Are Stupid
This is no way for two grown humans to make a major life decision.
But responsible decisions aren’t made in the moment. They’re the product of dialogue and careful, measured consideration. Even if a couple is already living together, marriage is a big step. There are important questions to ask: How will finances work? Would you move across the country for a job? Will we have children, and if we do, will you change the diapers?
Why is it that certain women are always wringing their hands about whether men will change diapers? It’s not like men expect women to change the oil in the car, mow the lawn, or unclog the toilet.
As for her other questions, my answers are: separate checking accounts, the spouse who makes more money picks where to move, and as many as possible.
TL;DR: “Writer” for failing “publication” has to find something to write about.
fun fact: diaper comes from the Greek words for “across” and “white”- a wrap-around white cloth.
makes sense
I just did journalism!
[prolonged standing ovation]
will you change the diapers?
Dead is romantic?
Wistful, perhaps. For the surviving spouse on her Caribbean Getaway…
You haven’t really lived until you’ve changed a diaper on a recalcitrant adult human.
In fairness, I would–absolutely–want to be assured my possible fiancee is nothing like this broad at all.
I lucked out. Mine loves animals and children and old people so much that I don’t have to! Joking of course, I love animals.
Given that my car needs an oil change about every 12,000 miles and a child will require several thousand diaper before they are potty trained, many of those changes being required at odd hours of the night, it’s a valid question.
horror of horrors
Americans are not as gun-obsessed as some would like their countrymen to believe. Linking gun ownership to the identity of being an American has been a successful sales tactic that is more myth than reality. The numbers show that a small, unrepresentative, but disproportionately vocal portion of the American population, aided by self-serving politicians and a powerful lobby organization, has enacted its agenda over the majority of Americans, who do not own guns and would rather see much stronger gun safety regulations.
How many Americans actually own a gun? A 2016 study by Harvard and Northeastern University put the total number of privately-owned firearms in the U.S. at 265 million, with more than half of that – 133 million – being concentrated in the hands of just 3% of Americans, called “super owners,” who have an average of 17 guns each.
For another perspective on this stunning statistic, consider that the Small Arms Survey estimates there to be around 650 million civilian-owned firearms total in the world. In contrast, about 200 million firearms are owned by the armed forces, while 26 million are in law enforcement hands. So we have 3% of Americans owning about 20% of the world’s stockpile of firearms.
America, fuck yeah.
I wonder how many guns the average Harderp grad/student owns. My guess is 0.
Entirely irrelevant stats FTW IFLS
I dunno. They tell me ZARDOZ needs to be more generous with his gifts.
Yeah, and? I fail to see where there’s a problem.
“So we have 3% of Americans owning about 20% of the world’s stockpile of firearms.”
I think we can do better.
I am about half an inch away from getting a lifetime NRA membership. Fuck the gun grabbers in the ass, mouth, and eye. The 2nd amendment made all the other ones possible.
And you’re entrusting it to the NRA?!
I think in addition to GOA I will join Pink Pistols and Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership. Maybe even the Huey Newton Gun Club. Maybe I can form an Emiliano Zapata club for my own raza.
Was not expecting that to be so flattering to the 3 percenters
And committing what percentage of the crimes?
Quiet, Pinky! Or I shall have to hurt you!
68% of U.S. murders occur in 5% of its counties
Well… aren’t most of those killings between folks that are already armed (i.e. gangs)? I’m not saying that gun-ownership rates aren’t relevant, just that other factors seem way more relevant.
I would be very surprised if the Harvard study included gang members among its 3% figure.
Horse shit. There are more Kalashnikov’s in private hands overseas than there are guns in the US.
The US military permitted each Iraqi house to possess an AK and several 30 round magazines. No permits were required.
It wouldn’t have mattered if the US permitted it or not. My experience in Kurdistan was every house had, and would have had an AK regardless. They have no idea how many AK’s are out there. The Chinese make them cheap enough for people in Africa who live on USAID food to own one. They are everywhere. There is no way to know how many are in circulation.
The only motherfuckers as uncucked as America.
They probably should have made the country a gun-free zone and brought the troops home in 2004.
Really makes you think!!
So we have 3% of Americans owning about 20% of the world’s stockpile of firearms.
Now let’s hear your clever plan about how to separate all those guns from such a small number of clearly dedicated people.
I will take a page from Q and post a few of my favorites:
Colleen Camp
Jennifer Richards
I approve.
That’s a reverse Medusa. One look and it turns rock to flaccid flesh.
LOL. Yeah, gonna have to agree.
I thought that was a dude, TBH
Christina Hendricks
I would spend a month with Kathy Bates from Misery for one night with her.
I’d spend a year pretending to be gay as Lena Dunham’s sounding board and muse just to caress one of them big ole titties!
Salma Hayek
Not tits for once.
Patrick Bateman is that you?×720.jpg
He simply is not there…
Bad news tho; the extended camcorder scene with David Hogg and the bald chick is available only on the Director’s Cut.
Today is my last day at this company. Due to their abysmal sales department, my contract won’t be renewed. I have many other contracts elsewhere, so it’s not catastrophic. Still annoying. Anyways, I just wanted to show up, put the day in and say good riddance to them. “We’re going to throw a going away party for you tonight after work! The restaurant is reserved.” They didn’t even ask me. Pricks.
Whatever, it sounds like some else’s bar tab. Btw I’m kinda schlmared
Free booze. Better be. Hoist one for me, Lizzie.
What kind of booze do you reptiles prefer?
This one?
Wait a minute, today was the last day for of the guys at my work, have you been lying this whole time!?
Oh, nope, not the same place.
Can someone do a quick GIF which loops
“(A)David Hogg making his “Fist of Protest“-appended-to-“(B)John Travolta doing his pointed-finger dance pose from Saturday Night Fever“?
literally, just 1.5 seconds of A, pasted to 2 seconds of B. Maybe looped a few times.
I’m trying but the stupid video editor keeps telling me my cut points aren’t on keyframes and i’m like, “Fuck you i want GIF”
my prediction: if i just wait about an hour, it will emerge spontaneously from the internet. because i can already see other people making that comparison.
cut points aren’t on keyframes
That seems like a really lazy piece of software. “I could compute the frame you want, but that’s too much work, so fuck it. Key frames only, and then I’m off to the spa.”
In fairness, the thing i’m using is some freeware.
I have a video-editing suite that i’ve never used (Vegas Pro). might as well give that a whack, just seems like overkill.
OMG i hadn’t seen him in action before. What a turd.
If John Carlos and Tommie Smith had looked like that in ’68, HM would be posting from his slave quarters right now.
♫ Don’t you forget about me
Oh God it was way better than I thought. He looks like the kid who gets beaten up by the kid who gets beaten up by the Anthony Michael Hall character.
Shit I wish I had that on DVD.
I haven’t watched his speech, but I’m thinking of doing so and taking a shot every time he says “fuck”
I found it a bit crude, too. David Hogg unsettles me with his toxic masculinity.
Sorry for the long story, Glibs:
For the first time since I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes I can honestly say something really positive has happened as a result.
The story: So a patron came into work today and she was shepherding an old dude in a wheelchair she found by the bus stop. He seemed tired and not too coherent. He couldn’t tell us where he had been or where he was going. We called MPD. While waiting for the cops we kept an eye on him while he was dozing in his chair. When the officers arrived (I call them “officers” because they were indeed very patient and professional) they roused him and started asking him questions. When they asked him if he had taken any medications today he nodded “yes”.
When they asked him what for he mumbled, “Diabetes.”
They asked, “Did you take insulin?” He nodded, “no.”
Then I asked if he had Type 2 diabetes. He nodded, “yes.”
“Did you take Metformin?” I asked. Another nod in the “yes” column.
“Did you eat anything today?” He mumbled “no.” I immediately realized he was hypoglycemic.
I went and got him a couple small pieces of cranberry pound cake (by some stroke of luck someone brought pound cake to the office today) and a glass of water (Really, what’s pound cake without water?)
After a few minutes he was responsive enough to get a card from his wallet from his nursing home in St. Louis Park and give it to the cops.
Four months ago I wouldn’t have had a fucking clue what was wrong with the guy. But today I did.
On a bummer note: The reason the guy was on this side of town? He had taken a city bus from his shitty nursing home in SLP to look at a different nursing home over here. The paramedics who showed up later were familiar with BOTH nursing homes. They observed that as bad as his current home was, the one he was looking into in Whittier is somehow EVEN WORSE. Ugh, what a world.
All’s well that ends well I s’pose.
Oh, man. First off, good for you for being willing and able to help.
Secondly, I agree that the state of some nursing homes is beyond bleak. We recently moved my Dad from one memory care nursing home to another. Hoping for the best.
Thirdly, good luck with your diabetes self-care. My husband managed, through a low carb diet, to get his blood sugar and A1C normal enough to quit Januvia, and now his doc wants to try him quitting Metformin too.
The US Fed Food Pyramid is killing us.
A few years ago, shortly before my uncle died, he was in a nursing home. My parents, my sister and I visited him and my aunt to support both of them. We visited my uncle in the nursing home and went to a common area because there were too many people to fit in the small room he was in. At first there were one or two other residents who walked by. Within a half-hour there were 10-15 residents walking near us again and again. I realized they were living vicariously through my uncle. They didn’t get very many — if any — visitors.
Many nursing homes are crap. But what is worse is there is a fair amount of people who dump their elderly relatives in such a place and then forget about them.
Heartrending –
As shitty as the online SJW and feminist crowds are, it’s nice to hear that decent people still exist in meatspace.
A good deed! Hat tip for you, Sirrah! I think i’m probably pre-diabetic because it runs in my paternal line and I’ve been having dizzy spells at work and weird cramping issues in my extremities during sleep. I should go to a Doctor but here in Canada I can’t get one. “Free Healthcare” indeed.
If you suspect someone’s problem is diabetes of any kind, and you can’t tell whether they’re suffering a hypo- or hyper- glycemic episode, 50 calories of anything with sugar in it should be administered immediately. You don’t need much at all to make them ‘pop’ if they’re hypoglycemic, and it’s not going to be enough to do them any immediate harm if they’re hyperglycemic.
You can give them something like half a Mounds bar and you’ll see them react within 5 minutes, and as you’ve now seen, that can bring them right out of their stupor.
What you did can easily keep someone out of hospital, so well done.
Leftists are incredible for their lack of self-awareness.
Watching the Hand Maid’s tale (supposedly set in a dystopian Christian theocratic nightmare state) and a woman was just hauled from her home by secret police, convicted of thoughtcrime by a troika kangaroo court and driven away in a Black Maria summarily executed.
They do realize that all this shit happened regularly between say, 1917-89?
Fucking twats think they’re being profound when really they’re just ignorant . Christ, what assholes.
So youtube is scrubbing off the gun videos. Are they scrubbing jihadi propaganda?
Soon, soon, you will see the wondrous: a fierce conflict, and you will see:
In the heart of your abode, will be the battles. For your destruction, my sword has been sharpened. (x2)
We have marched by night, to cut and behead. By a knife of revenge, targeting those who deserve it.
With specters of night, and young men of terror, and an explosion of woe, so that he may be defeated. (x2)
You have begun to fight me, with the alliance of the shadows, so taste my fury, if it has fired up.
For long you shall remain, in my war you shall suffer. With what shall you meet, a young man praising God? (x2)
If the steed has roamed, raised its head, and leaped forth, thus it has become a lighted blaze.
The bullets have blazed, and revenge has come, so where is the escape, most evil of the creatures? (x2)
To you we will come, with slaughter and death. With fright and silence, we tear the bonds.
You have failed publicly, so taste the loss, and return fleeing, under the cover of night. (x2)
If infidelity agitated, frothed, and stirred up, we have filled the roads, with red blood.
By stabbing the bayonets, by striking the necks, to assembly the dogs, if they marshal. (x2)
We have come, we have come; we have set off with determination. In earnest we have proceeded, to the peak of the peaks.
We dive into deaths, we close the ranks, we die standing, as the lions of courage. (x2)
I can’t believe the blind spot progs have for people who would literally enslave them or slit their throats in a heartbeat.
Or rape them. And they are surprisingly openminded in their rape tastes for a bunch of homophobes.
Most progs believe that white male Christians are responsible for most of the evil in the world. Thus, anyone who isn’t a white male Christian is automatically better.
Genghis Khan? Shaka Zulu? Tamerlane? Who the fuck were they?
Not to mention history’s greatest monster of all.
Or shoot them. With guns. Yes guns.
They would never be so #Deplorable!
Fighting Youtube on its uneven application of TOS violations seems a waste of time. They’re gonna censor the wrong kind of wrongthink one way or another. People have to find other platforms and not remain as second class customers and users. It’s battered wife syndrome thinking. They won’t change for the better.
Hopefully someone will do it. Being the rube I am, I thought it was just a simple as migrating to Vimeo.
Someone? Look at Glibs. A once respectable site gets infested and you build a new house. The BS barriers to entry are a bitch, but as long as there’s a market, someone is going to create a viable platform. That’s if the government doesn’t go full Dankula.
For the glibertariat –
Hosting a vid site is a lot different than a text one tho! Video Glibs certainly wouldn’t have surplus donation money to be donating to EFF and so forth!
What will ultimately make sure that gun vids will never actually disappear, though, is one thing: Porn. Even if PornHub itself turns against them (or gets leaned on by HMG in Canada–would you put it past them?), they will find a place somewhere. Porn will always get the views, and it is the one thing left that will forever be utterly untouchable by political correctness. Pushing gun vids off YouTube (esp. onto porn channels) scores the very important victory of pushing them further to the margins of respectability, and that is huge. But it will never kill them.
Be that as it may, it still gives Festus a case of the sads.
Hi, all. Do any of you know if it’s legal for me (or my husband) to ship our ammo to me in San Diego? The moving company won’t carry explosives, so I am either giving it away or shipping it.
Here is a UPS guide, if you have not seen it.
UPS Rules:
Also, apparently FEDEX DOES;
FEDEX is in the pocket of the NRA! BOYCOTT FEDEX; I’m a GOA man.
Relevant legislation, I think, enacted 1/1/2018..
Looks like over 50 rounds, and you’re a felon. You might be able to pay a small fee to an Ammunition Vendor.
Whoops. Not *even* 50 rounds. Find a local ammo vendor, sell them your ammo for $1 and buy it back for $51 once you have an ammo purchasing permit.
Well that certainly looks like a law that won’t end up in court, no sir.
So I guess in the meantime you can’t ship or bring any ammo in. As in any.
Geez. What confused me in the google results is that I mostly found stuff about vendors buying from out of state, or about people already in california buying new ammo. But I already own this and just want to move it, so I couldn’t quite figure it out. Maybe I should just give it away in MN and buy new when I get there.
Also have to get my >10 round magazines in somehow.
Visit a gun store and sweet-talk the owner if you get a chance to see what he thinks. That or work the age-old magic of buying something from him.
I don’t think you’ll be able to take those mags in at all. Maybe you should auction them off here or something.
Lastly, you’re gonna need a permit for those guns, and you’ll have to find out about which ones are not on the 2018 CA gun roster, because you’re probably not going to be able to grandfather them in.
Thanks for the advice. I think I’ll call one of the gun fanatic soon-to-be-coworkers to get a referral or two. From what I’ve seen, my guns themselves are all legal in cali, even the magazines, just not buying new >10 round magazines.
This looks like more detailed coverage (despite it being a news station article) – looks like you have a mechanism for getting your 50,000 rounds of 50Cal in, in the way I suggest. Doesn’t look like you have any chance with the >10 round mags. There’s no grandfathering provision for Californians.
On your existing guns, it looks as though you *might* be able to bring in pre-owned non-roster guns, but you may not buy those models as a CA resident, no may you sell the guns you own within California via an FFL if they aren’t on the roster.
At present, you may buy and sell non-roster firearms as private transactions.
It looks from that article and the links in it that the mag ban is a pretty straightforward possession ban, nothing about buying or shipping. It’s on stay right now, but no one in Cali gets to keep his mags.
Lastly, do you have an EBR? If so, you might want to take a look here and see if you can get it registered. You don’t have much time left.
See the problem is Californians these days are just too proud of the Reagan legacy; it used to be OK to be reasonable about it but now everyone has become so fanatical and extreme in their devotion.
I doubt it’s worth it to try to ship the ammo in. Why can’t you pack the mags in your moving boxes tho? They’re not shipping hazards in any way.
Yeah, I think I’ll chalk up the ammo itself as a loss. Lots of friends here will be happy to take it.
Thanks, all, for your input.
I suggest just put it your car. At the border Cali will inspect your plant, but I don’t think they’ll look for ammo.
What eagle said. Ignore unconstitutional laws is my motto.
I managed to get an old phones rebooted. It’s about four years old, out of commission since ’16. After prising photos and whatnot off it, I started looking at old text conversations. Jesus Christ, it’s like nothing has changed in the past couple years. I might as well have foregone all social contact in the last twenty two months, my fucking boring cunt life.
I have email conversations from 15 years ago that could have taken place yesterday.
^^^THIS is why I stopped hanging out with my high school buds. The same stories, the same drama, the same old same old. Jesus Christ, Dude she broke your heart when you were 17. You’re 53. Get over it! One of the few positives about facebook was letting people actually see what everyone looks like after decades of life experience. Cute as a button? Nope, Fat as a cow! Exotic good looks? Nope, Bizarre!
My Wifey spent the day Watching Slab videos and Traveling Nomad Videos then when i came Home, She decided we need to sell everything and buy an RV and Become Road Puppets, Seriously, I don’t know what to think…
So, you hit Slab and commuted home in the evening?
See. You were the weirdest dude there weren’t you? (I saw your post above) The scaremongers about your venture have never rubbed elbows with truly weird folk and found out they were actually weirder. There is a bit of carney in all of us and it just takes courage to embrace it. With your skills you could bring AC to slab city. You could set up your own air-conditioned thunderdome.
I was schoolmarmish about his trip because I actually have rubbed elbows with the weird and wacky, the “undesirables”. It’s all fun and games until they turn on you. I wasn’t sure if he was ready for it.
If every city’s march looks like NYC’s I’m actually a bit less scared than before. Mostly adults there with their kids. Extremist signs. Silly signs. Signs not even on topic. These things don’t actually win people over by looking at them; they’re going to alienate if anything. And I think their ability to energize and create connections among themselves might be limited. Does anyone have some consequences I’ve missed? I like that I’m not around optimists, so I trust you.
Organizational practice mostly. Being able to build networks of people who will show up for something. Having the experience to know what it actually takes to get people to show up in meatspace. There are rightwing folks who think posting a facebook event is all it takes to get a few hundred at a location.
be prepared for articles which conduct polls, and say, “opinions about gun control totally unchanged in wake of marches”
they’ll suggest this is ‘strange’ and ‘unexpected’.
hell i wouldn’t be surprised if polling showed a drop in support for gun control over the next week.
THere’s already a “NRA membership can’t really be as high as they claimed, or they’d have even bigger counter-protests, right? Gun control is the new majority!”
We already see pols cave to whatever *seems* popular, even if it’s just a few loud people. This will be worse.
ah, local news. “new poll says 58% of Americans think this is a turning point [on gun control]”. that was just a teaser, and I didn’t watch the full piece, but yep, that’s where they’re going with this.
I’d dispute that number and thinking this is a turning point doesn’t necessarily mean those who believe that think that’s a good thing.
Fuck I think Sandy Hook was a turning point. The biggest turning points were when Mr. Bloomberg and Mr. Soros shot their splooge into the wifeys.
A few things may have made this into a turning point. Trumps words about the NRA and him ordering the DOJ to come up with new wording to make bump stocks an automatic weapon. I couldn’t give two fucks about bump stocks and have never even seen one in real life, but that is some straight up prog lefty crap to regulate more infringement on the 2nd amendment like that. Never give them an opening. Christ what an asshole.
Yep. Trump, Congressional Republicans, Florida Republicans, Vermont’s Republican governor (truly unforced there, kind of St. Paul at Damascus). And, like I’ve been repeating like a broken record, every pro-gun actor who’s failed for six years to challenge the “mass shooting” moral panic at its premise, during cooler moments if necessary.
“We love death more than you love life. You will never be safe as long as we are alive.”
A line of men into the horizon all firing AKs above their heads is certainly a sight to see.
Oh I thought that was gonna be EMILY’s List.
Look at all the shit the AstroTurfers would have cut out if they were running the show!
Wrong. I hate them. Stopped reading there.
I will certainly feel free to hate them if they were not even in the same fucking building. I am more of a “shooting victim” than that. Like, a lot.
Obviously you should not hate those who are trying to deprive you of your rights and call you a child murder enabler even though you had nothing to do with it.
Totally spontaneous! Not scripted!
We pinky swear!
I mean, jfc, maybe if it *weren’t* scripted that girl wouldn’t have thrown up? That seems just as logical as claiming that it was some kind of proof it wasn’t.
When I was a teen, I had trouble coming up with the coin to spontaneously go to the movies, let alone travel to DC. Let’s totally ignore the logistics of organizing multiple city protests along with setting up the big one in DC. Yeah, kids came up with this on their own. Bullshit.
Jesus, that article was all over the map.
Forget it, Stinky, it’s Slatetown.
I am thankful for death, suffering , and pain, because those things make courage and heroism possible. Heroism is the most beautiful thing the world.
What is the value of my life in such a titanic struggle? Nothing at all.
QANTAS: 17 hour non-stop flight Perth-London:
Redonculous. I like to call flights like that “get drunk three times” flights.
Yeah, I almost went crazy on a 14 hour flight.
I did a London-Sydney run once and I’d memorized the text on the toothpaste tubes by the end of it.
At least there weren’t kids screaming and wailing.
I have done LA to Brisbane a handful of times and ya, I got drunk at least three times. That is the only way to stay sane in imho. But not drunk enough to yell, “open a goddamned window we need some fresh air” even though that is what I was thinking.
Oh man, I almost forgot about the BBC Pidgin website.
Facebook: ‘If you dey handle our data, you gats handle am well-well’
Thank you jar jar binks.
Shh! You’re getting too close!
Jar Jar is the key to all of this.
Mesoo sorry
“they could face investigation and funding cuts if they fail to reduce statistical “disparities” in discipline by race. On average, the administration noted, black students are suspended at three times the rate of their white peers.”
Problem solved
I’m sure it’s already been said but fuck the UK.
Tebowing was some weak ass shit. The new trend is Hogging!
What this fractured land needs is for Americans on both sides to join together and strike David Hogg power poses in front of landmarks and scenery, and share the pics with your fellow brothers and sisters of this great nation! Won’t you join me, Glibs, in spreading the word as far and wide as possible? Every movement started somewhere.
When I was a youth, “Hogging” was a term for showing up late at a bar making friends with a girl that John would approve of.
Geezuh H Christ. I can hear the Sig Heils with the mute on. Fuck The Kinderfuhrer.
That’s the only clip I’ve actually watched of him and yup, fuck that kid.
I’ll just leave this here.
Everybody do the Florida Raaaaag!