After two weeks in Florida, SP is coming back today. This has put me in a fury of scouring the house, making sure there’s no tell-tale evidence of my activities while she was gone. You know, stuff left behind “accidentally.” Like the last time, when she discovered some Barbie dolls that weren’t hers. That took creative explaining…

Anyway, that does not slow down the rush of news, nor my obligation to post links no-one will read, with snarky comments that will fall flat without knowing what they’re about. But there’s plenty of room below for telling the world about your newly-discovered genital warts, how your cat just puked up half a squirrel, and links to numerous photos of the art made possible by Dow-Corning. Because, to paraphrase the sadly-still-with-us Barack Obama, that’s who we are.

Let’s start with a rather remarkable contrast. In the US, when faced with a gunman who is killing people inside a building, the cops will cower outside until it’s safe to go in. In France, nation of cheese-eating surrender monkeys, this is what the cops do.

Truly, I am a horrible human being for just not caring all that much about shit like this. I have to admire the minuscule fraction of soi disant “trans” people, who in the past few years may have set new records in amount of media and government fretting per capita.

OK, I was going to snark about the self-indulgent meaninglessness of this, but on reflection, it’s just as effective and far less cruel than advocating for putting people in cages and allowing others to suffer extreme pain for your own feeling of moral satisfaction.

Team Red shows its dedication to principle yet again. And again as well.

Epic trolling, and all I can think about is shakshuka.

A new meaning for “to Godwin someone.”

Old Guy Music! Famous band, but not a famous song, and I have no idea why not. As a teenager, I spent many evenings around various smoking appliances with this as a soundtrack.