After two weeks in Florida, SP is coming back today. This has put me in a fury of scouring the house, making sure there’s no tell-tale evidence of my activities while she was gone. You know, stuff left behind “accidentally.” Like the last time, when she discovered some Barbie dolls that weren’t hers. That took creative explaining…
Anyway, that does not slow down the rush of news, nor my obligation to post links no-one will read, with snarky comments that will fall flat without knowing what they’re about. But there’s plenty of room below for telling the world about your newly-discovered genital warts, how your cat just puked up half a squirrel, and links to numerous photos of the art made possible by Dow-Corning. Because, to paraphrase the sadly-still-with-us Barack Obama, that’s who we are.
Let’s start with a rather remarkable contrast. In the US, when faced with a gunman who is killing people inside a building, the cops will cower outside until it’s safe to go in. In France, nation of cheese-eating surrender monkeys, this is what the cops do.
Truly, I am a horrible human being for just not caring all that much about shit like this. I have to admire the minuscule fraction of soi disant “trans” people, who in the past few years may have set new records in amount of media and government fretting per capita.
OK, I was going to snark about the self-indulgent meaninglessness of this, but on reflection, it’s just as effective and far less cruel than advocating for putting people in cages and allowing others to suffer extreme pain for your own feeling of moral satisfaction.
Team Red shows its dedication to principle yet again. And again as well.
Epic trolling, and all I can think about is shakshuka.
A new meaning for “to Godwin someone.”
Old Guy Music! Famous band, but not a famous song, and I have no idea why not. As a teenager, I spent many evenings around various smoking appliances with this as a soundtrack.
Nice music, good band.
Their early work was a little too psychedelic for my tastes. But when Winwood came out with Back in the High Life in ’86, I think he really came into his own, commercially and artistically.
Good morning mammals
*smugly sips coffee*
How’s the shoulder? Back to tree-hanging with both claws, I hope
Hardly, moving around on my hot rock is still a bit challenging. However I am able to run small errands in my 6 speed challenger. Of course I’m driving at a more civilized pace
I assume it has heated seats?
Well of course…can’t have me locking up while surrounded by FloridaMan traffic
It would be a travesty if your orbital bombardment had to be cancelled because of some faulty car seat wiring.
Meh, my bosses will rain down a swath of destruction at their leisure. It’s more a matter of not getting caught in it.
Might want something more maneuverable then.
My French Press is in preparation.
Morning. Or whatever. My head is still killing me.
Go for a run, and push hard until you throw up. That usually works for me after a rough night…unless it’s non-alcohol symptoms then I got nothing
For those in the Orlando area. Look for the large slightly gimpy reptile at the gun show. I will be accompanied by my second favorite Hasidic mammal friend.
I saw the big billboards for the gun show. Nice big middle finger to the gun grabbers!
Yep pretty much. I am looking forward to hissing at protesters while my friend shoulders some obnoxious new EBR
Wouldn’t it be easier to burn the house down and rebuild?
Nothing. Left. To. Cut.
Honestly what kind of primitive mind games could trick Trump into thinking he likes spending cuts? Call him a cuck?
These are not the budget plans you are looking for.
Make America Broke Again
eight climate science centers – 8? they need 20 at least
research on the causes of gun violence. – the NRA?
These omnibus spending packages need to be ruled unconstitutional. There is no way that the staffers of both sides of house and senate leaderships getting together to put the pile of shit together and then giving the rest of Congress 17 hours to vote on it with no amendments is how the country was intended to be ran. It is fucking infuriating. And Trump showed his true POS colors by signing the damn thing. I guess it was just a matter of time until the lulz ran out.
Dude, he’s “not doing anything like that again.” Pffft. Is there even any public outrage and condemnation on Fox News over this bullshit spending? Because that seems to be the braintrust he derives many of his preferences from.
Yes, FOX was very unhappy.
Don’t know. I don’t have cable.
That’s not enough! See, this is why the Republican Party is the most dangerous organization in the history of the world.
You know, stuff left behind “accidentally.” Like the last time, when she discovered some Barbie dolls that weren’t hers.
May have told this one before, but we went camping a few years back with the family. My daughter used my backpack to haul her clothes on the trip. When we got back I dumped her clothes out because it was the backpack I use for work. That Monday I was late for work and had to rush there despite the August heat and was pouring sweat by the time I arrived at the meeting with a couple of new clients. We greeted each other and they seemed like nice middle aged ladies. Finally, we all sit down at the table and I fish into my bag for my hanky. The ladies were looking horrified as I wiped the sweat of my forehead. Seven year old girl panties. Pink. Meh, whaddayado? I didn’t bother explaining.
How does that make you any different from any salaryman?
I didn’t bother explaining.
Sometimes, pleading the fifth is the only thing you can do.
I thought that was normal here?
Was that an uptalk inflection?
Was it the strange Barbie doll? Or the weird things Barbie was doing that freaked SP out the most?
That’s how I like my shrimp.
I seem to recall that when Wahhabist Insurgents laid siege to The Grand Mosque in Mecca, it was cheese eating surrender monkeys who were flown in to deal with the problem on The French President’s personal lear jet.
*raises salute to Lieutenant-Colonel Arnaud Beltrame*
That is heroism
Lieutenant-Colonel Arnaud Beltrame is a credit to the French martial tradition. Whatever awards for courage the French government can give posthumously, he deserves them.
He then pointed to two staffers in the room and said, “You two are next,” authorities said.
That dude needs some opioids or something. What a loon.
Not to politicize the french incident but a white guy who says stuff on Facebook seems more likely investigated by police than a Muslim who frequents extremist websites. What is the point of all these security agencies if they monitor potential terrorists but cant stop them?
The point is to keep whitey quiet while he’s being replaced.
OMWC, is that dude in Tunisia trolling, or is he fucking delusional?
and then
Good luck to him.
He is like a sheep electing for Eid al-Adha, may Allah pour blessings upon him.
It’s either an epic troll or Islamist party means something very different in Tunisia.
Streamers and cake?
It means I Slam the door on anti-Semitism. It’s very woke.
JK Rowling’s reps have claimed she had a “clumsy and middle-aged moment” – after she liked a tweet that referred to trans women as ‘men in dresses’.
Those aren’t dresses they’re Wizard Robes
I wonder if these types of stories, where the characters can use magic to take different shapes and so forth, have a special resonance for trans, or kids struggling with body image issues, and so forth.
So “brocialist” is a word?
She must be lonely in her big ol’ house. Why does she bother with social media at all?
Checking out of the hotel in 30 minutes, OMWC. I figure that gives you about another 8 hours before the rusty tin can lid collection comes out to play.
Spending at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Silver Spring, Maryland, would grow by $234 million, to $5.9 billion overall.
How much of that is for guns and ammo?
Every agency needs their own Swat team.
The French cop story is amazing. True heroism is rare.
How does NPR Weekend edition start off their show? With an interview of another hero, David Hogg who said you people are old and have old views and will be on the wrong side of the history books the up and coming generation will write. They did eventually get to the French cop story though.
They need to find a better recruiter for the Red Guard. This one mostly just makes me smirk.
David Hogg should be offended at JK Rowling’s tweet, because he kind of looks like a chick doing a breeches role.
In any case, Hogg and the lesbian skinhead are both cause and effect of our side’s greatest remaining hope. If the grabbers were smarter, they’d muzzle them and use that other gun grabber kid, the one who has become friends with Kyle Kashuv over this issue even across their disagreement.
Instead, they are so snug in their bubble that they don’t realize that to most of America, even if they might be sympathetic in the abstract, viscerally Hogg and Curly are like some sort of embodiments of precisely what most Americans dread their sons and their daughters turning out like. Viscerally they do not evoke the kinds of #YouGoGirls warm feelings they do in Park Slope.
So they are both cause of problems for the grabbers, and effect of their cultural cluelessness. Long may they reign, as the Prom Monarchs of #NotOneMore. As always, if anything can, the Prog Bubble will save us all.
Red Guards are a pretty good historical parallel.
I’m sure David Hogg has something pithy and germane to say about police procedure in France.
There’s something wrong with that kid…he looks like he’s made out of plastic or something
First generation prototype Replicants have a lot of bugs.
No toy manufacturer would ever produce a model of such poor quality; its head would snap right off and create a choking hazard.
“In service to the ideological goals of the Trump-Pence base, the Pentagon has distorted the science on transgender health to prop up irrational and legally untenable discrimination that will erode military readiness,” said Aaron Belkin, who has studied transgender issues for the Palm Center, a think tank that had worked with the Obama administration in repealing the previous ban. “There is no evidence to support a policy that bars from military service patriotic Americans who are medically fit and able to deploy. Our troops and our nation deserve better.”
May Cthulu have no mercy on your soul.
Here’s an idea: why can’t the Defense Department assign all their transgender personnel to a special unit assigned to the protection of former President Obama? This will free up Secret Service members to chase counterfeiters. Everybody wins.
I discovered new genital warts on a squirrel and just puked up half my cat!
Art brought to you by the best silicone money can buy.
32 is *definitely* going to have some lower back problems.
And, gingers.
Is this a Sugarfree story?
This works here, toi
I think I’m getting a cold, so I’ll just give #32 a hand with her heavy burden.
#32 is way over doing it.
Yeah. That’s a parody.
Ho Li Phuc.
even if they might be sympathetic in the abstract, viscerally Hogg and Curly are like some sort of embodiments of precisely what most Americans dread their sons and their daughters turning out like.
Don’t forget what’s already in the trash, OMWC.
DOOM, do you have any sense about what kind of backlash there might be in VT after the legislature and executive collaborate to make their pointless mini-AWB happen?
There’s a constitutional battle, most or all will violate article 16.
I’m thinking of trying to get ahold of guns for everyone in Colorado and aks how they got funds for handing out 30 round mags on the state house lawn the day they banned them. I’d need donations and a lot of stores to sell them cheap, but I think it’s a good protest.
Half of the people want this shit bill. It’s the rural people who might start some shit. Not sure, really. They’re very mad.
People always talk about Article 16, but what actual work does it do? Doesn’t it just get attention because it’s extremely old, not because of any special history of doing work? Looks like normal right-to-bear-arms state constitution boilerplate to me, a little more wordy than 2A because of its immediate local nature. Why wouldn’t SCOV simply interpret Article 16 with standard Heller reasoning?
The only time it’s been in court, as far as I can tell, they said it was vague and could bar some things.
I think they’ll still challenge it over a16.
Magpul donated/sold at deep discount most of their gen 2 pmags as a big fuck you to the state. Some were specially printed commemorating the end of their time in state. Basically unloading less popular product since the gen 3s came out.
I could try an email into a rep there. I want to hand out as many as possible.
Does anyone else here rinse off their baggies before throwing them out?
Condoms are for sailors and hookers.
Raw dog or GTFO.
Federal judges required the military to allow transgender recruits beginning Jan. 1, and the Pentagon signaled in December that it would not stand in the way of the courts’ rulings.
“Fine. Here’s your paint brush. Go paint those rocks.”
Transgender individuals should have the same right to die needlessly in pointless wars as the rest of us do.
Exactly. ^^^
Volokh has a must-read on the earlier “Million Mom March” during the dark days of the movement, when even Democrats dared not speak their name (and indeed, as I mentioned before, even took them out of the platform during their brief bout with sanity).
It’s in a way a sidenote and in a way the central point, but author Dave Kopel has another, simpler alternative to the analysis that I, and most everyone else, have been chewing: poring over the narratives, the messages from both sides, the spokespeople, the impact on the public of this or that incident, the vicissitudes of corporate culture, the momentum, the polls, the internal party politics and culture, etc.
Kopel has a far simpler explanation of what changed between then and now: It’s Bloomberg. And his friends. And their money.
I think you could make this argument for a lot of the Dems’ more insane policy prescriptions. The Pubs are *by no means* immune to this either, but the Dems seem much more beholden to their zillionaire benefactors.
There are at least some, maybe even many, in the DNC that are not stupid and can see that extreme socialistic positions are not popular; look at how the Dems have essentially been reduced to a Regional Party post-Obama. However, they are so dependent on these rich, ultra-Left benefactors that they are caught in a bind of being forced to support pet issues that are unpopular. Now, the Pubs are doing their damnedest to do such a shitty job while in control that they snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, but if they had acted quickly and forcefully; repeal Zero-care, tax cuts, expansion of gun rights, scale down foreign interventionism; y’know the things they were elected to do, they’d really, really have the Dems on the ropes.
As it stands now, their incompetence has all but assured a Dem controlled house in 2018 and probably a Dem president in 2020. So they can force some ultra-Left policy down everyone’s throats, get electorally eviscerated and the cycle can start all over. All the while, none of the outrageous leftist policy ever goes away because the opposition are so useless.
I seriously doubt the Democrats could win the House.
Your optimism is most lonely. Even the biggest Trump optimists on H&R (as I mentioned before, contrary to popular belief the hardcore Trumpism remains there) are not that sanguine. Ken Schultz, for example, points out that the Republicans would have to do several seats better than the average midterm swing to keep the House.
The GOP House is already enacting much of the Democrats’ legislative agenda. Even a reduction in their majority will basically be equivalent to the Democrats winning.
I actually think this is less true than you might think. As long as they keep the majority, that bare fact will mean that they organize the House. And that mere fact in and of itself is quite weighty.
On the other hand, all Republicans are not created equal. Which seats will be shed as the Democrats make inroads into purple America? It’s not going to be the Freedom Caucus. It’s going to tend to be some of the very Republicans who voted for this garbage. Not all of them, of course; some are in deep red seats–and these are the people who must be primaried up their ass, the seats that the Republicans cannot afford to have in “moderate” hands if they are to get anything done in the future. It’s of course far, far better that they be in even shitty Republican hands than Democratic. But it’s not like, oh, if the Republicans lose 15 seats they’ll be like the present Republicans, just 15 seats weaker, so it’ll be like the Democrats having a majority. No. The resulting, smaller Republican caucus will be better. That’s the consolation. It’s not enough, but it blunts the effect of the loss slightly.
If they lose the majority altogether, the silver lining is that the party will be a bit purer (“more extreme” as our centrism-worshipping press puts it); the Freedom Caucus and the Right in general will be stronger within the party. Enough, with some primary shakeups being key, to seize the opportunity to overthrow the leadership will be a very good thing long term.
While that is a possibility, without some serious primarying I don’t see it happening. My original comment is probably somewhat hyperbolic, but unless the composition of the remaining Republicans after the midterms is not mostly a subset of the current membership, the situation will not improve. My state has already gerrymandered almost all of its Republicans away so I can’t really judge the mood of GOP primary voters in places where it matters.
“Even the biggest Trump optimists on H&R”
That’s hardly representative of the country.
Yeah, if you want to look at how the country is going, just count the number of states that have backslid on gun rights in the last 10 years.
What virtue would it be to be representative of the country? I’m talking about their prognosticatory powers, not their own voting behavior. And I’m saying that many of those who are most bullish on Trump’s fortunes in general are predicting a Democratic House this year. What you might say of them is that they’re less competent in their prognostication than the average pundit, but I don’t even know if that’s true.
How did this “jihadist” obtain a gun? I think this entire story is false because Europe is a utopia in which no one except the Right People have guns and everyone lives in peace, harmony and cheese.
Good Morning Glibitnam!
I’m off to adventure……………………………….
Since Gilmore and co. probably aren’t still reading last nights thread. Look up the Trailer to Iron Sky 2: Hollow Earth (or whatever the subtitle is).
I’ve backed the Indiegogo for the sequel…which has space nazis, lizard people Hitler, hollow earth, etc. It’s supposed to be out last year/this year, but some Euro lawsuits regarding rights between some of the effects guys and the Producer/Director. Hope it gets ironed out soon.
Their very first flick was an impressively made mashup of Star Trek and Babylon 5 called “Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning”. It was released online for free a few years ago and is probably downloadable somewhere – but probably not on any streaming sites outside maybe youtube.
This is true! The white men from North Africa, the Arabian peninsula, the Palestinian territories, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Chechnya seem to be especially problematic.
Can’t do the vox article.
Nope. Nope nope nope
Oh shit! Oh shit!!! Oh, shit, son!!!
It’s not the same war.
Anyway, we need to build a new production line for B-52s.
Yeah, I admit I don’t know anything about that equipment. I assumed Massie did, since I respect him and thought it highly probable that his colleagues of generally less character were full of shit.
I assumed the others were trotting out examples where maybe they found a few of the youngest guys in Afghanistan now had grandfathers who had flown the same models in 2001 when they were near retirement.
The production line for a B-52 doesn’t exist anymore. You would have to start from scratch. You might as well build a new bomber.
The cost of a new B-52 would probably be at least $250-$300 million per airplane.
Oh were they actually talking about B-52s in that particular conversation? I didn’t know that. Very irresponsible of me not to have followed the debate.
UnCivil brought up restarting the B-52 line. That is implausible for the reason I mentioned. On a good note we might get around to re-engining the B-52 now. We are still using engines designed in the late 1950’s.
I thought the B-52 had been updated numerous times, including the engines?
I should have googled before replying. I stand corrected.
Airframes are somewhat different.
The last B-52 (B-52 H model) was built in the 1960’s. Since then the aircraft has been upgraded and overhauled many times. It has new avionics, sensors, and I’m guessing upgraded electrical fuel, and hydraulic systems. The primary structure is probably mostly original as well as most of the skin.
When you think of overhauling, think of taking the aircraft mostly apart, inspecting it for issues, replacing what needs to be replaced, and putting it back together again. It ain’t cheap and it takes a long time to do it right.
To answer the question I posed last night, this guy gets it.
Oh yeah he does.
Oh yeah he does!
Well, a little off message, but…yeah he does!
With the right amount and type of alcohol, I may go gay for Lowe.
A very Florida story.
Playing “Guess the state” with this story would have been too easy. Instead, you guys can play “Guess what he used for the IED?”
Whoopee cushion?
I religiously watch Live PD (the new version of Cops, Fridays and Saturdays from 9 to 12pm on A&E), and this season one of the groups they follow is the Pasco County Sheriff Dept.
All sorts of Florida Mans
“Canadian Mist”, eh?
Sounds tasty. I’ll have to save up and buy a bottle sometime.
Oh now it shows up!
Yep. Too bad.
Vermont, hotbed of violent gun crime.
Oh well, when I move out of CT, there’s at least a larger market for my used ten-round mags that I’ll be selling.
More than 800 gun control marches taking place today.
They are really coordinated and pushing very hard. We are going to get fucked.
VT basically fell last night.
I saw that. There’s no reason for VT to get caught up in the hysteria.
This really was brilliant, and for all my chronic worrying I didn’t even see it coming. The entire gun control industrial complex (now not only far wealthier than our side but completely coordinated as one movement) had absolutely everything ready to deploy, at a moment’s notice, for the perfect incident.
I think–and we’ll know soon enough; after their victory is secure enough, the key players will proudly claim their roles in the effort, and the country will admire their cleverness in getting us out of those dark ages–that this has been in place for some time, and they specifically waited for a high school shooting big enough to fit the bill. A hate crime would get distracted by other issues; adult victims are too old; toddlers, while even more sympathetic, cannot be thrust before microphones; college kids, for all our coddling, are adults, and not particularly well respected ones. High schoolers were perfect. And, while it may seem bad that they were rich liberal suburbanites, it really could have been no other way–urban kids are too urban; country kids have consistently refused to back up the narrative. Given this, the brattiness could not really be avoided entirely. Having them be technically Floridians was a sweet-ass bonus.
I plan to clean up on this panic. Don’t accept any cheap imitations. Only Pope Jimbo-ism requires you to own a gun as a matter of faith.
Don’t those Moonies who the gun grabbers and Eurofags like to trot out as a supposedly revealing example of literal gun worship in America compete with Your Holiness for the souls of the faithful? Which of you is the heretic, and which the true defender of Second Amendment orthodoxy?
I’m infallible. For your doubt, you will have to double tithe this month.
2 X 0 = ?
That’s actually pretty cool. Would replace zipper with velcro though.
Carrying off the body? Hmm.
And the side thing is, how do you push back?
The one vicious, effective weapon in their arsenal is playing on emotion and that’s one thing we plain don’t want to do.
What now, brown cow?
Well, what I have said repeatedly is that we need to stop conceding their premises and confront them, now. Mass shootings are a moral panic and we need to call them out as such. Otherwise, they win. It only looks like “nothing happens” when there is no action on a mass shooting. Actually, there is a store of fatigue that keeps accumulating. Just because its threshold has not been reached on a given incident doesn’t mean it hasn’t taken us that much closer. Oh, God, another one? How many more? How many more until we say enough is enough? It keeps happening. This is because we have conceded the premise that these mass shootings are some sort of building, out-of-control outrage that we must have no more patience for. With cooler heads, with an accurate assessment of the big picture, we would prevail.
But the NRA in particular does not do that. All it knows is the same game essentially, fear and panic. Remember that after Sandy Hook, Wayne gave a speech in which he actually talked up a small recent uptick in violence, before proceeding on to scapegoat video games and mentally ill people. The NRA knows how to frighten people into thinking the country is so dangerous that they need a weapon to protect themselves from the jungle. (And they know how to deflect onto other moral panics.) They seem incapable of viewing good news–our country awash in firearms, laws weaker than anyone alive can remember, and getting safer and safer–as their friend.
None of this addresses the underlying reason of why disaffected young men decide that mass violence in somehow the answer to their problems.
Good Morning Glibitnam!
I’m off to adventure……………………………….
Saving the world, one defunct squirrel cage at a time.
More than 800 gun control marches taking place today.
They are really coordinated and pushing very hard. We are going to get fucked.
I hope those prissy little shitheads have a nice time, trudging down Main Street in the snow.
At least I hope it’s snowing in Bozeman. It’s snowing at my house.
Freezing rain. They might slip
Spin class is for racists.
Oh for fuck’s sake. Lift more and glare at yourself in the mirror like everyone else does. You don’t want to look like the rest of those fat slobs anyways.
You’re not allowed…as you’re allowed.
Anyone is free to start up their own yoga business marketed to fat, middle aged black transexuals with love handles.
“I did bond with some of the other students,”
This is the epitome of, ” not my problem”. It’s not my problem that a class you take doesn’t have people who look like you, you racist. And it’s not anyone else’s.
Iron Sky 2
Finished the first one. I give it two Bellamy salutes up.
I swear this keeps saying I posted it already, but I can’t see it as a comment.
I’m sorry if it goes through twice.
Our spam filter got a bit… enthusiastic.
It’s all good. I thought “hey maybe I did click it twice!”
Those kids should be doing something useful, instead of chanting dopey slogans and waving signs. Like, maybe, learning to calculate the size of a bridge truss necessary to free span six lanes of traffic.
The entire gun control industrial complex (now not only far wealthier than our side but completely coordinated as one movement) had absolutely everything ready to deploy, at a moment’s notice, for the perfect incident.
The more I think about it the more I believe this to be true. Bloomberg’s minions found a hotshot marketing team, and laid the foundation for this campaign. All they needed were the names and faces of the victims.
People talk about the massive twatter following Hogg and the other idiots have. If you move the entire fucking membership rolls of all the anti-gun organizations en masse, that’s a lot of “followers”. There have been multiple stories about the media consultants who have
swooped inspontaneously offered their time and expertise to “assist” those poor little babies in their hour of need. It’s all much too slick and prepackaged to be some sort of organic groundswell of pent up emotion.Oh I have no don’t it is coordinated movement. Talk is cheap, and I think for the local person, who doesn’t attune to politics and Facebook, the question is out of their mind. The people doing the March, would march anyway. They just decided to coordinate on a day. I have real doubts to it’s effectiveness.
Oh yeah. This is not only not the kids, it’s not even the adults. These are not membership based organizations. They have names that suggest grassroots movements, but their only “members” are people who ask for news alerts. This is like the Parents Television Council or Catholics for a Free Choice; they’re just one or a tiny group of people and their obsession, entirely in control of the organization.
It’s absolutely brilliant that they have sold this narrative of a mostly mundane national sports federation (until 1996 the Olympic org) that has learned to lobby well as controlled by a tiny extremist, ideologically obsessed and elitist NRA leadership cabal, shoveling in bags of Industry money and shoveling it out to politicians, when not a single detail of this true. Where did they get this idea? Simple! It’s true of them.
That seems to cover every accusation of any stroke thrown out by a population with a certain activist stripe.
The fact that David Hogg was immediately verified on Twitter is proof enough.
The whole thing is Bloomberg astroturf.
I am not a “big fan” of this Jordan Peterson fellow.
i have seen him in a few debate settings (the cathy newman one was just required television for example of modern day insanity, and the joe rogan one w/ Bret Weinstein was fun viewing, albeit long), and think he’s a smart guy who seems very well grounded in his areas of expertise. And when he applies his jungian analytic psychology to issues like philosophy and religion and sociology, i shrug and go, “yeah, well, that’s what those sorts have done for 100 years”. Psychoanalytic types have been mostly useless in clinical sense for decades, and from what i hear, Peterson’s actual attempts to make it more practical and useful actually have some merit (iow, he’s a practicing clinician and does therapy) Christ, Freud’s book on “civilization” – his most sweeping and over the top speculations – were probably his best, and his ‘”narrowly confined to individual analysis of known psychological disorders” stuff was probably the wrongest. No, it turns out its NOT “your mom”. Well, good try tho, ziggy.
Anyway, my new pet-peeve is people on Twitter who tweet out pictures from Jordan Peterson’s books and go, “Look at this shit: proof this dude is a total fuckin’ poser fake”
its quite literally, “i don’t get this; ergo, no one gets this, this is gay”
Saying, “well, yeah: he’s a Jungian – that’s what jungians do” seems to have no effect on them. Google the term “Jungian” and you get a million examples of the same shit
I suppose i have no point here other than, “people are stupid and i end up defending guy i don’t care about”.
‘then i post about it here’. the end.
I guess he’s about as good a guru as any. (Fun fact: A lot of Getting Things Done devotees refer to David Allen jokingly as their “cult leader,” both because their devotion to it is intense and because it actually seems a good deal less qualitatively cultlike in the devotion it provokes than most self-help systems and gurus. Few of them realize David Allen really is in a cult! He thanks his cult leader in his dedication page if you look closely; and GTD is really a “secularized” version of a more edgy–complete with the standard issue cult techniques like screaming at you and keeping you uncomfortable to subordinate your ego and so forth–program he designed for the cult members to go through.)
Anyway, I think JP’s attempts to discern a modern-standards-of-rigor-respectable Jungianism is indeed interesting. Though I don’t always, or even probably half the time, buy what he’s saying. He also has some weird nutritional shit that I have no idea what he’s thinking. (Though it did help him lose weight.)
I think that what actually helped him lose weight was a fighting a debilitating dietary sensitivity.
I think he’s timing is perfect. The way I view him is he’s the first academic to push back and go ‘wtf?’ and is merely reminding us of the facts and what intellectual exploration is all about: searching for truth.
I don’t think he’s saying stuff we don’t already know but clearly there’s a problem somewhere that it needs to be said.
Uffda. I thought for sure you perverts would still be twaddling on about this story.
And is it truly a coincidence that SP cuts her vacation off at the same time this happens?
A new meaning for “to Godwin someone.”
I had to the article twice. I started over when I saw they misspelled his name “Gowdin”:
Gowdin is expected to appear in a federal courthouse in Norfolk, Va. on Friday afternoon. The maximum penalty for threatening a member of Congress is 10 years in prison.
Still, the vigilance decrement proves persistent. “There’s fatigue, there’s boredom,” says one former operator, who left Uber recently and requested not to be named. “There’s a sense of complacency when you’re driving the same loops over and over, and you trust the vehicle.” That’s especially true now that Uber’s cars are, overall, pretty good drivers. This driver said that by early this year, the car would regularly go 20 miles without requiring intervention. If you’re tooling around the suburbs, that might mean an hour or more. As any RAF cadet watching a broken clock in a cabin could tell you, that’s a long time to stay focused. “You get lulled into a false sense of security,” the driver says.
“Safety backup drivers” are prone to inattention. Maybe there are a few billion dollars in the budget for a study.
I don’t know. Watched the dashcam and if the car had been normal, this would be a story about a pedestrian getting hit by a car.
Marching for their lives!
She survived Sandy Hook at 6. Now [she’s 12] and on a mission!
And my personal favorite, in the March for Our Lives, don’t forget Tayvon Martin…
This…is CNN.
Social justice on autopilot
Never waste a good crisis. The awful news is that one of Uber’s self-driving cars hit and killed a pedestrian in Tempe, Arizona. If anything good is to come from the tragedy, cities need to seize this opportunity to change minds.
Right now, while the companies running testbeds in American metropolises are forced to pause, city leaders have a chance to shape the future of autonomous vehicles and ensure they are part of holistic efforts to improve equity and quality of life for all residents. But if politicians simply introduce self-driving cars without conditions, we can expect tragedies on multiple levels.
You want to see how city leaders can shape the future? Look at the article about Minneapolis’ city plan right below. Go to the end of the article and read the list of “additional goals” and see if you can figure out what they are talking about.
People, we have a plan!
There are some things about Minneapolis I’ll really miss, but shit like this ain’t it. Watching a MPLS City Council meeting is like watching a group of special-needs adults play make believe.
Watched the dashcam and if the car had been normal, this would be a story about a pedestrian getting hit by a car.
I don’t doubt that in the least, but the idea that a human passenger is going to remain alert and focused (and capable of effectively seizing control in an sudden unforeseen emergency) as the car drives itself is pretty farfetched.
Given how many fail at reacting to a sudden, unforseen emergency when they’re the ones doing the driving, I have to concur.
It would seem to me that the ‘self driving’ feature is a failure in its own right.
The system fails to work at exactly the moment when you would want an electronic sensor system with associated automation to take control and avoid an accident. It’s like paying for a police department that runs away when you expect it to protect you.
It’s like paying for a police department that runs away when you expect it to protect you.
Or hides.
Arizona leaders have imposed virtually no oversight on the testing of autonomous vehicles in the state. Tempe’s mayor, Mark Mitchell, takes a similarly laissez-faire approach: He suggests that having the cars around will help the city plan its land-use and transportation future.
That’s backwards. Cities should do the planning, not car companies.
Not all cities have been lax in thinking about the self-driving future. About a year ago, I traveled to Norway to talk to Oslo city leaders about driverless cars. “What a terrible idea for a city,” they told me. The city council had already begun taking steps to reduce the use of traditional cars in central Oslo: removing on-street parking, extending pedestrian zones, subsidizing electric bikes, and building additional bike lanes. In their minds, the introduction of driverless cars into the city’s core would produce nothing but congestion and pollution. They were much more enthusiastic about deploying driverless buses as part of Oslo’s overall transit system.
Freedom is Slavery.
Individual autonomy must be rooted out.
And, as we all know, getting elected to the city council magically transforms a normal human into a wise and beneficent demigod, perfectly qualified to peer into the future and plan a perfect solution to needs as yet unknown.
To make you all feel better, how about an instrumental version of Celine Dion’s “My Heart Will Go On” played with all the reverence it deserves.
Island nations are so fucked up.
Cities know that a well-maintained, widely available public transit system is crucial to social mobility. To get and keep jobs, people need to get to those jobs, and public transit is the best way to get there. We already know that driverless cars will siphon off riders from public transit, particularly in central city areas. Then, in a cycle of inattention, that already underfunded public transit system will die. That means the next baby Einstein, born into a far-flung neighborhood, won’t be able to access opportunities outside his or her backyard.
an instrumental version of Celine Dion’s “My Heart Will Go On” played with all the reverence it deserves.
I’m pretty sure Spike Jones is dead, so I ain’t a-clickin’.
The musician plays the song through a guitar with a very special pedal. Here is another example of a song played through that pedal.
A footnote to my Jordan Peterson comment which still lingers in moderator limbo…
All the people going, “lol psychoanalytic talk is gibberish” have half a point; I just wonder why it took them 4 decades to discover it, especially given how prevalent it was I’m the history of feminist academia.
Basically, if they think Peterson is a goofy joke and ‘not serious intellectual’, I wonder if they’d be surprised to learn that lots of shit in the gender studies pantheon relies on *exactly the same basic stuff*
Iow, “now you know how critics of modern gender studies feel”; or “think Peterson has a screw loose? Just wait till you meet Helene Cixous”
It has also been suggested (e.g., Creed, 1993) that the degradation of women and women’s bodies in popular culture (and particularly, for example, in slasher films) emerges because of the threat to identity that the mother’s body poses: it is a reminder of time spent in the undifferentiated state of the semiotic, where one has no concept of self or identity. After abjecting the mother, subjects retain an unconscious fascination with the semiotic, desiring to reunite with the mother, while at the same time fearing the loss of identity that accompanies it. Slasher films thus provide a way for audience members to safely reenact the process of abjection by vicariously expelling and destroying the mother figure.
Or maybe having the monster kill women is an easy way to show that it is evil and make the audience root for its demise.
Kristeva is also known for her adoption of Plato’s idea of the chora, meaning “a nourishing maternal space” (Schippers, 2011). Kristeva’s idea of the chora has been interpreted in several ways: as a reference to the uterus, as a metaphor for the relationship between the mother and child, and as the temporal period preceding the Mirror Stage. In her essay Motherhood According to Giovanni Bellini from Desire in Language (1980), Kristeva refers to the chora as a “non-expressive totality formed by drives and their stases in a motility that is full of movement as it is regulated.” She goes on to suggest that it is the mother’s body that mediates between the chora and the symbolic realm: the mother has access to culture and meaning, yet also forms a totalizing bond with the child.
Does it counterpoint the surrealism of the underlying metaphor? Find out on this week’s Adventures in Word Salad.
I’d argue that horror is in many ways the most feminist movie genre. The bulk of the movies end with the female heroine overcoming the dark force that chases her. Usually in a completely unbelievable fashion. I mean, Michael Myers cuts through everything in his path and is evil incarnate, but he can’t manage to kill this one god damn babysitter/his sister.
You say that as if Jamie Lee Curtis is a normal human.
“But that’s different!”
“OK, I was going to snark about the self-indulgent meaninglessness of this, but on reflection, it’s just as effective and far less cruel than advocating for putting people in cages and allowing others to suffer extreme pain for your own feeling of moral satisfaction.”
She’s not even a hot for yoga mom.
“President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans broke their promise to conservative voters by including funding for Planned Parenthood, which receives approximately $500 million in taxpayer funding each year, in the omnibus bill that Trump signed into law on Friday.”
No non-government organization should receive tax money.
Anyway, no idea why there wasn’t more pushback on this. Trump could have at least used it as a bargaining chip for his border wall.
There was also very little discussion about the budget in the media. But there was lots of crap about guns and Stormy Daniels.
Current Affairs: The military is icky and should be more like a liberal arts college
But the push for trans inclusion in the military, much like the push to include women and gays and lesbians, can’t simply be framed as a matter of “inclusion” versus “discrimination.” That’s because, given the brutal history of United States military action, we also have to ask important questions about the meaning of participating in unjust institutions. Singling out the issue of inclusion without examining the institution itself produces morally incoherent stances. It can be akin to asking “Should women be allowed to serve in death squads?” or “Is the Mafia unfairly ethnocentric?” or “How can we racially diversify the board of Goldman Sachs?” In each instance, discussing the question requires one to accept the institution itself.
Queer radical activists and thinkers like Karma Chávez, Dean Spade, and Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore have argued that the fight for inclusion in the military, when seen only in terms of representation, not only elides questions about war, but also the issue of who serves to begin with. It has long been the case that the most vulnerable populations—queer, trans, and the poorest among us—are disproportionately the ones who end up becoming cannon fodder, while the children of the wealthy get to stay at home.
Yet as Forbes reports, since the legalization of gay marriage in the United States:
…growing numbers of employers have eliminated domestic partner health coverage and been requiring same-sex couples to be married before an employee’s partner can receive health care benefit… The rationale is that there’s no need to continue to offer domestic partner coverage now that same-sex partners can tie the knot.
Since everyone could marry, they had to marry, meaning that gays and lesbians were forced to enter into matrimony if they wanted insurance coverage. In this way, the long-standing queer political demand for universal healthcare—one made constantly by queers during the AIDS crisis—was erased, in favor of a different demand: equal access to marriage as a route to health.
It is perverse to make people participate in an institution they deplore in order to access resources that should be guaranteed to all. That should make some of the arguments for trans access to the military even more disturbing. It’s the source of a stable job, free healthcare, and funding for college, and many people join for those reasons. But what can possibly be good about a society where trans people must sign up for the possibility of losing life and limb in order to be guaranteed such basic entitlements?
Even progressive-left outlets like Democracy Now! routinely feature voices promoting the liberal agenda of inclusion. In a November 2017 segment, responding to the recent federal ruling rejecting Trump’s ban, two guests on the program—a transgender marine and the director of GLAAD’s Transgender Rights Project—waxed poetic about “people who are currently serving in the military, who have been serving for decades, proudly and courageously” and “the fundamental constitutional right to serve our country.” But the last thing we need is a left that parrots all of the right’s deceitful patriotic bromides about how wonderful and courageous and noble everyone in the military is. The left’s message should be clear: the military is a terrible place in which to seek inclusion. It is built around hierarchy and violence. Making it a slightly better place for LGBT people is of limited worth.
I find the thesis incredibly dubious. Yes, insurance companies have to cover spouses regardless of gender. But they don’t do it for free. A childless couple would be better off with both working and independently insured than with one working and paying the significantly higher (more than twice) premiums for insuring both together. The tax situation offsets it somewhat but not completely, especially if both are high earners.
Throw children in the mix and it makes more sense but then the reasons for getting married are different too.
growing numbers of employers have eliminated domestic partner health coverage and been requiring same-sex couples to be married before an employee’s partner can receive health care benefit… The rationale is that there’s no need to continue to offer domestic partner coverage now that same-sex partners can tie the knot.
Good. Employers won’t cover hetero partners without a marriage slip. Welcome to the party, pal.
Or dropping benefits for all partners/spouses thanks to Ocare mandates.
the long-standing queer political demand for universal healthcare—one made constantly by queers during the AIDS crisis
Wait, are the authors actually writing that gay sex is higher risk & cost, and needs to steal from others to support it?
No, no, no. You see, AIDS is a hate plague that targets gays and it was unleashed by that monster Reagan.
That guy was busy. Going around infecting gays and distributing crack to black neighborhoods.
And all while overcoming dementia and mental retardation
Actually, they’ve also been disproportionately white males. Not the queer and trans.
Look this Marxist pity play doesn’t work if you point out all the fallacies.
Scarcity doesn’t real
I am having a glass of Feteasca Neagra by Bauer. I think OMWC would like it. Good fruit nice tannin good acidity very elegant, not in your face.
I haven’t seen any updates to the Glibertarian master movie guide. Here are a couple I thought of, starring Harvey Keitel: The Bad Lieutenant, and The Duellists.
I got that slimy little rat Bloomberg, hiding behind his own armed security, get hit by a taxi crossing the street. Fuck him and his anti-American astroturd agenda.
“Paris’s First Sex Doll Brothel Threatened by Feminists, Communists Who Want It Shuttered
Lorraine Questiaux of the feminist Mouvement du Nid described Xdolls as “a place that makes money from simulating the rape of a woman,” adding that “86,000 women are raped in France every year.”
France’s universities must be orders of magnitude safer than American ones then.
In the US we don’t need to *simulate* rape IYKWIM.
It’s funny that Trump is going back to banning trannies from the military again today after a godawful last few days. Is this his notion of redmeat for his base? Like it’s going to make up for him selling out his voters?
It has also been suggested (e.g., Creed, 1993) that the degradation of women and women’s bodies in popular culture (and particularly, for example, in slasher films) emerges because of the threat to identity that the mother’s body poses: it is a reminder of time spent in the undifferentiated state of the semiotic, where one has no concept of self or identity. After abjecting the mother, subjects retain an unconscious fascination with the semiotic, desiring to reunite with the mother, while at the same time fearing the loss of identity that accompanies it. Slasher films thus provide a way for audience members to safely reenact the process of abjection by vicariously expelling and destroying the mother figure.
Get a life.
What kills me is that these academics rarely go out and ask horror writers/directors why they do what they do.
Singling out the issue of inclusion without examining the institution itself produces morally incoherent stances. It can be akin to asking “Should women be allowed to serve in death squads?” or “Is the Mafia unfairly ethnocentric?” or “How can we racially diversify the board of Goldman Sachs?” In each instance, discussing the question requires one to accept the institution itself.
WTF, Austria??
Wrong continent.
Sargon already had a shot at that a few days ago.
Presidential dishes:
Starting with Reagan and moving backwards, I’d eat almost all of those.
Even Nixon’s last lunch
I think that is Bill Clinton having a scoop of Peachy Paterno in Happy Valley!
God is that ice cream good!
Gross (in my weird opinion)
Obama: nachos, Nicorette
W: Kraft singles; deviled eggs
Clinton: anything with American cheese
HW: pork rinds, Butterfingers
Reagan: mac and cheese if with fake cheese, well done steak
Carter: nothing
Ford: nothing
Nixon: cold but cooked fish, cucumber mousse
Johnson: chow mein, chop suey
Any president before that: nothing
“Australian nurses and midwives are being forced to announce their ‘white privilege’ before treating Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander patients – a move which has been slammed as ‘racist to its core’. ”
I’ve considered re-naming myself White Privilege.
So. Let’s say the Gun Control Power Rangers get their way and the squishy, squishy Congress passes some new AWB or some such thing.
Do we get “sanctuary cities” for guns? Do you get whole states (say, Wyoming for example) that become sanctuaries for gun rights? Between immigration nullification, tensions over guns, an ever widening cultural divide, and certain bankruptcy, when does this all come to a head?
What’s next? Actual civil war? An outright police state? My thinking that having GOP control of Congress and the Presidency meant we were out of the woods on this for at least a couple of years shows how naive I am.
“Artist Who Carried Mattress Across Campus Explores Asian-American Identity In New Exhibit
“Why are we angry Asians? It comes from a place of being stepped on. There is a level of invisibility we have.”
NEW YORK ― At a gallery in Brooklyn, spherical glass suspended in the air by fishnets from a Japanese antique store look like beachcomber finds. The orbs are meant to resemble Japanese ukidama, glass balls that are fixed to fishing nets to prevent them from sinking. Inside each orb are works that symbolize artist Emma Sulkowicz’s Chinese, Japanese and Jewish identity.
Sulkowicz, who identifies as femme and whose pronouns are they and them, is best known for “Mattress Performance,” their senior thesis. During the 2014 school year, Sulkowicz carried a mattress everywhere with them on campus as a visual reminder that their alleged rapist, a freshman athlete who was found “not responsible” by a university inquiry, was still on campus. That same year, 23 other students filed complaints alleging that Columbia mishandled sexual misconduct cases.
“I realized so many things were related to being an Asian woman. I didn’t report it all because I’m Asian and told not to have emotions and just be successful,” they told HuffPost. “Now I’m having my first show that explores where race really intersects with feminism.”
One of the more commanding pieces of their exhibit showcases a banana sliced with a knife, a subversive statement on both gender and race, Sulkowicz explains. The piece is dedicated to their sister and contains a video of her cutting the banana and designating it a phallic symbol. The banana also represents the Asian-American experience.
“Banana is a term for Asians who are too Americanized. That’s a source of vulnerability,” Sulkowicz said, explaining that the knife cutting through the banana comes from a place of anger as well. ”
So … “banana” is a term for an Americanized Asian, and she’s tired of being stepped on?
There’s gotta be a joke there somewhere, but I’m still undercaffeinated.
Careful, that’s a slippery slope.
I’ll take Things That Never Happened for $2000, Alex
Yeah, ok. “Strained metaphor” seems to be more apropos.
Sulkowicz, who identifies as
femmea liar and drama queen.But was justice served for Paul Nungesser? Was permanent banishment really an appropriate punishment for the shame of sticking it in that? It would have been if I’d been running Columbia. But I understand others’ perspective.
Is they still at it? Last time I remember they was having people tie up, whip, and slap they for theys “art exhibition.” They is certainly getting a lot of mileage out of theys plight. #TheyToo
One of the more commanding pieces of their exhibit showcases a banana sliced with a knife, a subversive statement on both gender and race, Sulkowicz explains. The piece is dedicated to their sister and contains a video of her cutting the banana and designating it a phallic symbol.
When does she start biting the heads off live chickens?
I would let you blame me for any evidence SP finds but given the nature of the “crimes”, it might involve extensive jail time so sorry bro.
That would actually be exciting. Though her porn was OK. Not particularly erotic, of course; I would rather do the fat hairy guy than her.
I do like the fact that she is not identifying as a woman anymore. That is a strong move for her.
Maybe it’ll stop this endless parade of guys lining up to rape them.
“Federal court records show that Godwin last year sued the federal government for “non-enforcement” of marijuana laws.”
Christ, that dudes worse than Hitler.
Taylor’s my rep. I was not aware he had cosponsored the bill to end federal prohibition on marijuana. That’s good.
Of course some asshat lunatic would want to kill him over it.
File under: Cry me a river.
Andrew McCabe’s good-bye letter
Sadly, the door he is exiting is not one that will slam him in the ass on his way out. It’s a revolving door that puts him right back in the game.
Boo hoo. How many people has he & DOJ fucked over due to giving “not fully accurate” answers to investigators? Fuck him with a rusty chainsaw.
Christ, what an asshole.