Since this question was raised, now is as good a time as any to go over basic glassware. Like nearly anything else, beer tastes better when served in a glass; preferably a clean one.
This is my review of–wait I don’t have a beer to review today. Let me check the archives…
Stone Xocoveza! Hat Tip: Yusef drives a Kia a.k.a Russian Kia drive Yusef.
Since the type of beer many brewers put out have been increasingly become more complex, with some styles becoming some sort of arms race to see who can put the weirdest, hoppiest, or highest gravity beer to market, it helps to have a suitable glass. Much like a pistol needs a proper holster, the right golf club to get the most efficiency from the shot needed, knowing why a mallet exists and why you might want to use it instead of a hammer, or even picking the right pair of socks–you get the best result with a tool built for task. I will focus on the basics since there many out there that will over-complicate this.
The Snifter
If you drink a lot of Barleywine, Imperial Stouts, or if you are one of those people that are obsessed with bourbon barrel aged ales, this is your best bet. Chances are if you are the type that likes a good cognac, you probably already have one on hand.
Because of their high ABVs and strong, aggressive flavors, imperial stouts and barleywines are meant to be served in small pours at cellar temperatures (around 55° F). This makes them perfectly suited for a short-stemmed, globe-shaped snifter like the kind you’d use for bourbon, brandy, or cognac. The balloon shape focuses volatile aromas that would otherwise dissipate in an open-topped glass while allowing the beer to unfurl and develop as it warms in the glass.
If you only occasionally drink this type of beer, the next best thing is a chalice.
The Chalice
No, it’s not pretentious to put beer in a wine glass! Especially if you’re drinking a fruity, light-bodied, highly effervescent saison or farmhouse ale like the ones brewed in Belgium and France where wine glasses are de rigueur.
This is true, it is not pretentious to put beer in a wine glass–but if you do, make sure to wear a Rush Limbaugh brand necktie with your favorite polo. Preferably in clashing colors, which will likely be a given due to the garishness of the tie. It is this way, everyone around you will assume you are a one of the world’s “special people” and will not pass judgement on you as a courtesy. Get a chalice.
This is probably the most versatile glass, being that it will suit also suit IPA, pale ales and nearly any other effervescent beer like many West Coast Amber Ales. It does not however, do as well for malty beer.
The Pint Glass
No need to differentiate between English type with that ring near the top, the Irish version with the svelte curve, or even the ubiquitous tumbler, they’re pretty much all the same.
This does better with malty beers. Think English ales, stouts, porters, and brown ales. The idea here is your hand is intended to warm the beer slightly over the time you spent with it. This link has an exhaustive list of suitable varieties. I will concede the existence of a variant called, “the stout glass” which is really just a pint glass with a wide shoulder. I have never used one.
The Stein/Mug

How I decorate my cubicle.
Lagers go in a mug. The thick glass and handle is meant to keep your hand from warming it. It is also handy for those times when you had too many but are still toasting your friends with too much force or need a handy melee tool.
Many like these because you can have a lot of fun with them. These are suitable for all lagers with one exception:
The Pilsner Glass
Pilsners go in a Pilsner glass. Unless it is dirty or all you have is a mug, this is not a polite suggestion.
Das Boot
This has its roots well before the movie Beerfest. There are a few different versions of how this came to pass: both versions begin with a Prussian General making a wager to his men prior to a particularly hard battle ahead to drink beer from his boot should they win. Turns out they did. Here’s where it deviates: the first is he actually drank from his boot, and the glass was made to commemorate the occasion. The other is that he chickened out and had commissioned the glass be made. Either way, the article linked below, says the boot shaped glass actually has its origins in England but eventually became popular in Germany. So much so that by WW1/WW2 the glasses were sought after as war trophies by allied soldiers. Personally, I’d take a P-08 Luger.
So how was Stone Xocoveza? It was actually pretty good. It’s a chocolate stout that like Mexican hot chocolate contains various spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and red chillies. It isn’t overwhelming at all, they actually keep everything in balance. Served of course, in a pint glass. The only downer, was the price. Over $12 for a six pack…otherwise, good call, Yusef. Stone Xocoveza 4.0/5.
Honestly standard every day lager for me is directly from the bottle. I also have an english pint glass a german style of what internet tells me might be a Weizen Glasses and a belgian tulip glass. I would not use the word snifter for beer glasses though.
I do not drink wheat beer so i use my german glass for pilsners
Using a snifter is just an excuse to give you less high abv beer. It’s communism is what it is. I’ll be partaking this evening. First have to stop by MIL to put together a microwave cart, than to the gun range. Finally cleaned my Uzi mags yesterday. 3 of them were sticking at the top. After cleaninh, 2 I think are fine now, the other not. Haven’t been able to find replacement springs for 16 rd .45. I saw some 22 rnd mags online so may pick up a couple of those while I can.
Stone tends be readily available around here, I’ll keep my eye out tonight.
Got a nice mixed 6 pack of glasses from bed, bath and beyond (2 actually). A couple different stout/Belgian chalice, 2 different pint glasses, a planet glass and a very large ‘wheat beer glass – good for the large bottles of fruit beer.
Had to buy a bottle brush just to clean the narrow ones properly. Slowly adding more brewery glasses as I go along too. Just wanted to note that the packaging differentiated between the straight chalice for porters/stouts and the tulip glass for Belgians.
Generally haven’t had too many issues other than at BJs where my buddy was served a hefe in a pint glass (pissed him off) and they served me a Belgian the same way even with a large variety of other glasses on the rack.
“Planet glass” = pilsner
What about malt liquor glasses? Do you use a glencairn glass for those?
Malt liquor is to be drunk straight from the bottle wrapped in a plain brown paper bag.
*falls down*
What about the Red Solo Cup? It’s really the only acceptable container for drinking at keggers.
“Personally, I’d take a P-08 Luger.”
The Britney Spears of pistols – pretty, but not worth a damn otherwise.
Luger’s are pretty cool looking. I’d have gone with an MP-40 though. Those are really cool looking.
I’ve got one, a 1938 Oberndorf-made model that still has the Nazi proofmarks, but it’s been reblued, so no collector’s value. I keep it around because it’s graceful and lovely, points naturally, and it’s a rather iconic piece of pistolry – but it’s a piece of crap, functionally. It stovepipes at least once with ever mag I run through it, it’s finicky about ammo, and like a lot of late 19th century German tech it has a million tiny little parts that all have to be perfectly fitted. I’ve messed with ammo, mags (I have the original and like all the rest of the gun, the serial numbers all match) and I just can’t make it reliable.
Compare that to John Browning’s 1911, slabsided, clunky and homely but still one of the best and most reliable martial sidearms ever devised.
Sweet. Too bad it won’t dire reliably but still pretty cool.
I fired an MP40 once on a trip to Vegas. The Gun Store has them available for rent. The one I fired jammed often.
From what I’ve read, a big part of the Luger’s reputation for unreliability in the US is people wearing the recoil springs out and not replacing them with new ones. You could give that a try and see if it improves how reliable it is.
Too much work for a pistol I keep mainly because it looks cool.
I’ve shot one only once. The ergos were nice, but I get why they switched to the P-38. It jammed up on me twice on FMJ. That said, it was a status symbol in the German Army.
“Sociologist Claims Veganism Is Connected to ‘White Masculinity’ ”
In a piece titled “Meatless meals and masculinity,” Mari Mycek claims that men talk about their veganism in a rational rather than an emotional way — which is a way for them to “uphold gendered binaries of emotion/rationality and current ideas of middle-class, white masculinity.”
Mycek conducted interviews with 20 vegan and vegetarian men as research for the article, and said that she found the men “explaining their choice to become [vegan] in ways that evoke logics of rationality, science, and reason, concepts that also traditionally get coded as masculine.”
As ridiculous as claims like Mycek’s may sound, this is not the first time that someone has come out to declare veganism problematic. In May, a social-justice blogger maintained that modern veganism “completely erases” trans people. In April, a student complained in an op-ed that people need to do more to make veganism more “intersectional” and inclusive. Earlier this year, two professors wrote an article claiming that Beyoncé’s support for veganism “reproduces existing patterns of discrimination and inequality.”
Oh, and by the way — it’s definitely not as if veganism is the only diet that the social-justice crowd sees as having offensive aspects to it. In fact, last year, a professor claimed that eating meat promotes “hegemonic masculinity” and “gender hegemony.””
Hegemonic masculinity must simply be starved to death.
Couldn’t these people just join one of those Filipino churches where they nail each other to crosses on Easter?
Well since Easter is a symbol of the white patriarchy, I propose a holiday of their own where they jump into a giant wood chipper.
Excellent idea.
With absolutely no offense intended towards any vegans in the audience, it’s just not a lifestyle I’ve often associated with masculinity per se. White people, sure, but not like Clint Eastwood or John Wayne.
I’m vegetarian and own a shotgun. I’m not Clint Eastwood but woe be unto the the person foolish enough to break into my house while I’m at home.
If not being a complete moron means you’re masculine, then I guess I’m into masculine women; they’ve turned me into otherkin!
Proving the SJWs can take any concept and use it to prove or disprove whatever the want. In other words, they are both irrational and authoritarian.
Hey Nephilium
If it’s not too late add me to the spring beer it forward
I am willing to receive homebrews (sadly none to offer right now)
Only beer preference is no pilsners or “mexican style lagers”
Get some Imperial, a grand Costa Rican beer. You are welcome.
I thought about getting all the fancy correct beer glassware, but my wife and I are trying minimalism and I know we have to move at least one more time so I haven’t pursued it.
Several years ago I read a blurb in Popular Science about Spiegelau, a glassware company, that scientifically engineered their glassware to maximize smell and taste for certain beer styles
I have two Harp Glasses, two regular pint glasses, a stylish Stein, and one gigantic glass mug I received for being in a wedding. I care not which has the beer in…
All of my beer glasses including my proper guiness glasses were free swag given by vendors at beer tappings or by grateful bar managers.
What us the view on keeping glasses in the freezer? Some bars here do but it is usualky for the kind of beer you want cold. Heineken has an extra cold thing going
Meh, I don’t think it’s that big of deal.
I used to keep steins in the freezer, particularly the pewter or stainless steel variety, but I found that it never really made much difference in terms of keeping beer colder longer. The biggest determiner seemed to be the temperature of the beer, not the temperature of the container. Or at least when it was hot enough to matter the difference between a stein from the freezer or a stein from the cabinet was minimal.
I’ve only ever had root beer in a frosted mug.
Never bothered. I’ve been to a bar or two that use chilled glasses. I don’t notice a difference.
I think most of the bars here have frosted glasses (or at least chilled). I know I keep a set of pint glasses in the freezer at all times. I don’t think that it helps all that much to keep beer cold longer. I do think that it proves that you plan things out ahead of time and aren’t some sloppy drunk who just starts slurping up beer anytime you feel like.
Classy beer begins with frosty mugs.
What us the view on keeping glasses in the freezer?
If it makes you happy, go for it.
^The libertarian answer^
Is there some sort of protest today?
Yes cops and prison guards are protesting for better benefits but i think it was over around 3 pm
It’s only a little past 1:30.
It’s straight white men are evil day again. Just like every other day.
The Ground Hog Day skit from TOS.
I think it’s about brexit
I couldn’t be prouder of my 12 year old daughter. We saw a little of the marches on TV. I asked her what she thought. She replied it’s complex. We don’t want people to illegally have guns but people have to be able to defend themselves.
I think she will avoid becoming an SJW.
On the wagon?!
Son, I am disappoint.
It is a Lent thing – he’ll be back.
Personally, I’d take a P-08 Luger.
One of these days, I’ll buy that P-38 I’ve always wanted. You can keep the Luger.
+1 fork-tailed devil
Xocoveza is a good beer. I haven’t had it in a while.
Stein is an Americanism. The only time I’ve seen Stein used in Germany is at a shop dedicated to ripping of tourists. Krug or Maß.
On the gun front, I picked up my Gunbroker winnings. Since I’m not feeling well, I wasn’t too interested in driving to another gun shop to buy the Tavor. The guy that handled the transfer for my Gunbroker winning doesn’t have Tavors in stock. I asked if he could order one. He said yes, and asked me how much I’ve seen them on-line for. I told him another nearby gun shop advertises the x95 for a hair over $1800. He said he could beat it. He looked it up, and yes, he can. Not by much, but good enough for me. It should arrive late next week. 18.5″ barrel, right handed, black, 5.56.
I’ve been watching the Amoskeag Auction on Proxibid. The first of three lots I bid on has finished. Here is the listing. The estimate is $1500-$2000, my maximum bid was $1900, and the hammer price was $2600 for an on-site bidder. The second lot goes up later today, and the third goes tomorrow.
Second lot went for $1000 according to Proxibid.
I think I made a transcription mistake in my record of what I submitted for a proxy bid. My note says my max was $1000, but I remember changing my opinion on the rifle several times and my max might have been $900. We’ll see if I get an invoice from Amoskeag next week.
Third lot I bid on goes tomorrow.
Personally, I’d take a P-08 Luger.
My grandfather picked a Luger off of a dead German officer in the run-up to Bastogne. During the fight at Bastogne, my grandfather was wounded. When the siege ended and he could be evacuated out, the medics stole the Luger off of him.
Those sons of bitches!
I never bought that knife you talked about in a previous Saturday beer review. I was thinking about it today as I placed an order on the Tavor. The gun dealer had a big display of knives, but that one wasn’t among them. Next time I place a big Amazon order, I’ll get that knife.
Its a bit big. I put it in my messenger bag in case I need to cut up fruit, open packaging, baton wood, open arteries. You know, a kife.
Might go for an Esse 4.
Pics or it didn’t happen.
Vox is here to explain the world.
What the NYT opinion page “doesn’t understand” about conservatives:
Trumpist conservatism is motivated not by ideas, but by resentments
So what motivates this swell of right-wing support for Trump? At this point, though many people on all sides still refuse to acknowledge it, the evidence is overwhelming: It was cultural backlash, against immigrants, minorities, uppity women, liberals, and all the other forces seen as dislodging traditional white men from their centrality in American culture.
They all point in the same direction: Race and gender had unusually high salience in the 2016 election, and what distinguished Trump supporters most of all, more than income or education, was racism and misogyny, i.e., feelings of hostility toward minorities and women.
What Trump revealed, in the most dramatic way possible, is that the conservative base in the US today is driven not by ideology but by white resentment. That’s the underlying thread. Trump may lurch back and forth on policy — or more often, demonstrate an almost cosmic ignorance of policy — but he speaks to, and in the voice of, America’s angry whites, who want their imagined old America back. He is the prototypical Fox News viewer, tossing off endless insults, conspiracy theories, and furious aggrievement.
What’s happening in the US today is not a contest of governing philosophies. Trump doesn’t have one, and his administration barely tries to pretend it does. It’s not a philosophy or a plan that won — it was a team, a tribe. They are living it up, rewarding their friends and ratfucking everything the other team did before them.
The people who support Trump have been embedded in a hermetically sealed right-wing media bubble for so long that they only know liberals as horrific caricatures and only experience politics as a war to save white Christian culture from its sworn enemies. They are exposed to endless lies and conspiracy theories designed to keep them in a frenzy, convinced that antifa is around the corner and Sharia law is imminent.
If the New York Times wanted to expose its readers to the motive force of contemporary conservatism, that’s the kind of stuff it would run.
The style of writing is unbearable could not read to the end
The people who support Trump have been embedded in a hermetically sealed right-wing media bubble for so long that they only know liberals as horrific caricatures and only experience politics as a war to save white Christian culture from its sworn enemies.
The projection and lack of self awarness is astounding
Is there such a thing as a man-made stroke? In other words, did someone do this to (Democratic Senator Tim Johnson)? …I know what this [Republican] party is capable of. — Joy Behar on The View
Civil rights laws were not passed to protect the rights of white men and do not apply to them. — Mary Frances Berry, former Chairwoman, US Commission on Civil Rights
No. We just can’t trust the American people to make those types of choices … Government has to make those choices for people. – Hillary Clinton
Yeah, those crazy right-wingers with their crazy ideas about liberals.
Bringing out my inner Godwin, you could change a few words and Joseph Goebbels would be proud.
this sort of dismissive characterization actually means, “probably the most convincing to the people Vox wants to be speaking to”, and so must be hit harder than the Brookses or the Douthats.
the entire piece is one big: “everyone is wrong except hardcore progressives (us): why are people so ignorant to deny this?”
There can be no “real” conservative voices on the NYT opinion page. Why?
Here is the scary truth that NYT editors and readers alike resist: US politics today is not a contest of ideas or governing philosophies. We are witnessing a massive revanchist upheaval — against bourgeois morality and standards of conduct, against changing demographics and economies, against assumptions about governance and respect for norms, against the status quo — by a culture that is stagnating even as the country changes around it, which it experiences as a loss of dignity and prestige.
Not everyone involved is driven by tribal resentment, not every Trump voter indulges in misogyny or racism, but every member of the current conservative coalition has decided that those things are acceptable, or at the very least, not disqualifying — less important than lower taxes or immigration crackdowns.
Even if they do not share Trump’s ignorant, hateful impulses, even if they do not endorse his careening, incompetent governance, even if they do not countenance the grotesque corruption of his family and his administration, they support the coalition that enables those things. They are supporting a tribe with a strongman leader, not a set of ideas.
That tribe of gibbering inbred paranoid retards out there in the Breitbart-verse is evil. As individuals, they are monsters, and as a group, they are nothing more than a lynch mob or a pack of zombies.
So sayeth the voice of reason and rationality.
The fucking boomers who were engaged in a revanchist upheaval against the establishment a generation ago now are the establishment.
“against bourgeois morality and standards of conduct”
*Conservatives* are the ones rebelling against bourgeois morality?
Yes, because genderqueer, otherkin group marriages are so common out in Trump country.
And in the past it was supposedly virtuous to rebell against bourgeois morality. Look at the the cultural trope about how the suburbs are universally terrible.
Ack, “rebel” with one L.
Uffda. Now you tell me. What am I supposed to do with this extra bell now?
several depressing stories
More veterans seek Trump’s pardon for combat-zone convictions
First Lt. Michael Behenna returned from Iraq in 2008 with a murder charge. He was found guilty of unpremeditated murder in a combat zone and locked up at the federal penitentiary in Leavenworth, Kan.
Behenna admitted during his trial that instead of taking an Iraqi prisoner, Ali Mansur, home after a 2008 interrogation in Iraq — as he was ordered to do — he took him to a railroad culvert. There he stripped Mansur and questioned him at gunpoint about a roadside bombing that had killed two members of Behenna’s platoon, which Behenna had witnessed.
Behenna, who was 24 at the time, said he acted in self-defense when Mansur threw a chunk of concrete at him, and reached for the lieutenant’s handgun. The Army said the argument didn’t stand up, because Behenna was already pointing his weapon at the prisoner.
Behenna was sentenced to 25 years in prison, which was reduced to 15. In 2014, when he had served five years, he was granted parole.
The Behennas say their son has rebuilt his life, and enjoys running his own cattle ranch. He is required to check in with his parole officer, and be listed in the public domain as a felon.
Sgt. Derrick Miller of Maryland was on a combat mission in a Taliban-held area of Afghanistan in September 2010 when he was warned the unit’s base had been penetrated. An Afghani suspected of being an enemy combatant was brought to Miller for interrogation – and ended up dead. Miller claimed the suspect tried to grab his gun, and that he shot him in self-defense. But he was convicted of premeditated murder and sentenced to life in prison.
Army First Lt. Clint Lorance is serving a 20-year sentence for ordering his men to shoot two suspected Taliban scouts in July 2012, in the Kandahar Province of Afghanistan. Lorance had just taken command of the platoon after the prior leader and several others were killed, days before. The Taliban suspects were on motorcycles and matched descriptions given by a pilot who flew over the area earlier and spotted them as scouts.
U.S. Army Master Sgt. John Hatley, a highly decorated 20-year vet who served in Operation Desert Storm and did another three tours during the Iraq War, is serving a life sentence at Leavenworth. His conviction stems from an April, 2007 encounter in Iraq in which he and his unit captured enemies following a firefight.
He radioed a U.S. detention facility to notify officials he was bringing in four prisoners, but was ordered to let them go, according to his legal team.
Two years later, a sergeant who had served with Hatley, Jesse Cunningham, was facing charges for assaulting another officer and falling asleep at his post. As leverage for a plea deal, he told investigators Hatley and two other officers had taken the insurgents to a remote location, blindfolded them and shot each in the back of the head. He claimed their bodies were dumped in a canal – though none were ever found.
Hatley insists he and his men let the insurgents go, but believes he was punished in the interest of the government’s relations with Baghdad.
Harvard to let students report instructors for making them ‘uncomfortable,’ saying ‘offensive’ things
One administrator seems eager to let students make accusations with no consequences, however:
Throughout the event Thursday, several attendees said they fear possible academic or career repercussions could deter students from reporting instances of bias or inappropriate conduct on the part of a superior.
In response, Jennifer L. Hochschild, chair of the Government department, mentioned her department is exploring the idea of an “electronic suggestion box” that would allow students to anonymously report misbehavior. Hochschild first announced the idea of the box in an email sent to Harvard affiliates earlier this month.
“We’ve got to figure out how to do this right,” Hochschild said. “But the broad idea is some kind of institutionalized pretty simple mechanism with a very low threshold in which people can anonymously say what’s going wrong, without having personally to come forward.”
Whitness is offensive in itself. I demand exclusivly latinx blax or asiax
Ow, my head
As the Federal Reserve announces its latest interest rate decision this afternoon, one economic fact will doubtlessly be forgotten: Interest rates are terrible. They can tank markets. They can throw people out of work. They can even cause recessions. They’re just not a very good way to manage business cycles.
But there’s a better tool, one that we should take out of the hands of government’s most dysfunctional institution, Congress, and put into the hands of one of its most functional, the Fed. I’m speaking, of course, of taxes.
What a great idea. Let the Federal Reserve Bank fine tune the economy by constantly fiddling with tax rates.
What could possibly go wrong?
You just hate progress
Interest rates are terrible. – me i blam3 the ((()))
Anything else these people want to leave up to an unaccountable cabal?
“We’ve got to figure out how to do this right,” Hochschild said. “But the broad idea is some kind of institutionalized pretty simple mechanism with a very low threshold in which people can anonymously say what’s going wrong, without having personally to come forward.”
Sounds legit.
Somehow in the entirety of my existence as a human being I have utterly failed to comprehend the simplest things about human nature. Therefore, I am an educator. /Harvard-ninny-nanny
Wait was there not an anonymus chat app for campuses? Sounds like just the tool
Yik Yak, I believe, and it was hated because people used it to engage in wrongthink.
Everyone knows that a complaint system is never abused.
TW: Your blood pressure will spike watching that video.
I managed 6 minutes.
Here’s a story about a what a shame it is a guy is getting deported, apparently because he served in the military, and now we’re ‘dumping him like garbage’.
You have to get near the end to find out that he had a 15-year felony conviction for drug trafficking, selling well over 100 grams of cocaine when caught (which, of course, according to his parents, was just the result of his ‘friends giving him free drugs’. Now they are worried his life may be in danger once he gets to Mexico because he could get recruited to work for a drug cartel.
I’m as much against drug laws as the next libertarian, but a major felony served is nothing to sniff at. Even his fabled military service resulted in a general discharge after a drug issue. I doubt this fellow is the model citizen mom is painting him to be.
‘I’m not leaving. They’re taking me.’
Veteran sent to O’Hare for deportation
Chicago Tribune 3/24/2018
A green card veteran who served two tours of duty in Afghanistan, then later served time in
prison on a felony drug conviction, began a journey back to his birthplace Friday.
Immigration officials removed him from a Kankakee detention center and transferred him to
Chicago O’Hare International Airport, his lawyer said.
Miguel Perez Jr., 39, told the Tribune on Thursday night in a call from the detention center
that all of his electronic devices had been shut off. His family, he said, had not been notified
about his imminent deportation.
“I’m not leaving. They’re taking me,” he said. “They’re not going to teach me to never give up,
and then I give up,” he added, referring to his military training.
The move to send Perez back to his native Mexico, where he has not lived since he was 8,
could mark the end of what has been a 16-month effort by Perez and his advocates to let him
stay in the United States. Supporters are holding out hope for an eleventh-hour reprieve,
though it is seen as highly unlikely.
Among those supporters is U.S. Sen. Tammy Duckworth, a Democrat from Illinois, who made
a long-shot bid to keep him in the country by using a little-known legal maneuver known as a
private bill, which is intended to help specific individuals. The bill is still sitting in committee.
Last week, Perez’s petition for citizenship retroactive to when he joined the military in 2001
was denied by immigration officials.
Perez was to be flown out of Illinois on Friday, without saying goodbye to his family and
without much more than a toothbrush.
At a late-morning news conference at the Lincoln United Methodist Church in Pilsen, Perez’s
attorney Chris Bergin said he had been told by officials at the Kankakee detention center that
Perez was on a list to be deported and had already been moved from the facility.
“About now, I’d say he’s approaching O’Hare Airport,” Bergin said, standing with another
half-dozen of Perez’s supporters, including his parents.
The group angrily decried the decision to deport Perez so quickly after his request for
citizenship had been rejected but pledged to fight until he is returned to his family.
In Spanish, Perez’s parents, Miguel Sr. and Esperanza Montes Perez, said they were
heartbroken but that they would keep fighting for their son’s return.
“My son fought in a war (in) which he defended people who are now throwing him out like
garbage,” Montes Perez said.
At the news conference, activists released a copy of a letter from Duckworth to Homeland
Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, asking her to personally review Perez’s case.
“Beyond the injustice that ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) has laid on Perez …
in his deportation, I would find it shocking to learn that he will potentially be leaving with
nothing but the clothes on his back,” Duckworth wrote. “This is a deplorable way to treat a
veteran who risked his life in combat for our nation.”
Perez said Thursday night that in addition to what he was wearing, he had a toothbrush,
toothpaste and a pair of thermal underwear.
Perez is one of many legal permanent residents who have served in the U.S. military, then
have had to confront the possibility of deportation to their native countries after committing a
crime. His deportation caps a series of attempts to keep him in the U.S.
In addition to the retroactive application for citizenship, he petitioned Gov. Bruce Rauner for
clemency and appealed to the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for relief under the United
Nations Convention Against Torture, a protection that resembles asylum. Perez and human
rights advocates believe his life will be in danger if he is sent back to Mexico. Drug cartels
often try to recruit deported veterans for their combat experience. Both requests for relief
were denied.
Raised in Chicago since age 8, he enlisted before 9/11 and served until 2004. He was deployed
to Afghanistan and served with the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group, where he
participated in numerous classified missions, Duckworth said.
After his military service, Perez sought treatment at the Veterans Affairs hospital near
Maywood, where doctors diagnosed him with post-traumatic stress disorder.
He was supposed to return for more tests to determine whether he also had a traumatic brain
injury. In the meantime, he reconnected with a childhood friend who provided free drugs and
alcohol. On Nov. 26, 2008, while with that friend, Perez handed a laptop case containing cocaine to an
undercover officer. Perez pleaded guilty to the drug charge and served half of a 15-year prison
While Perez was convicted of delivering less than 100 grams of cocaine, prosecutors have said
he was arrested for delivering much more and received a reduced sentence after a plea deal.
Prosecutors also pointed out that Perez was given a general discharge from the military after a
drug infraction.
Perez said he discovered the citizenship oversight when he was summoned to immigration
court shortly before his September 2016 release from Hill Correctional Center in Galesburg.
Instead of heading home to Chicago from prison, Perez was placed in the custody of
Immigration and Customs Enforcement and transferred to a Wisconsin detention center for
immigrants awaiting deportation.
He was since moved to the Kankakee center.
“Not for 30 seconds was I illegal in this country,” he said. “I went to war for this country out of
love for this country.
“I was given birth in Mexico and life in the U.S,” he said.
Remember: Democrats value this man more than your children.
Who did he transport drugs for?
Right or wrong, and I’m as against the WOD as anyone living right now, but I learned a lot about this immigration deal back when I got my wife her green card. They will remove you if you have any sort of drug charges. You might get away with murder, but for drugs, they’ll deport you.
Deportation case started Sep 2016….
If it comes in a can or it’s a darker or heavier beer, I will pour it in a glass. If it’s a lager/pils in a bottle like Heineken or Stella Artois, I drink that in the bottle. Speaking of alcohol, I opened a bottle of Whistlepig 12 year old cask finsih rye last night. It is good, I mean real good, damn good, fine, wow.
I’m really iffy on when to drink directly from the bottle/can. If it says lager is it good? Really seems to be hit or miss, although some folks like Left Hand emphasize that it’s “good from the can”.
Might just be one of those cases when you gotta make sure you wipe down the top before drinking at all – avoid the funny flavors.
For me, drinking beer from a can is like drinking milk from a paper carton, it tastes weird, not in a good way.
I had a canned Guinness last year that was decent – had that weird ball thing inside the can to simulate being on tap…?
Oh, lawd, that shit gave me a nasty hangover. Add to that, the first one I opened sort of exploded, lol. After that, I was very careful.
You can’t shotgun a bottle, I mean you can but you look like a dork. And smashing that empty Strohs can off your forehead really impresses the ladies.
I do enjoy Schlichter’s acid wit from time to time.
Speaking of ‘beer’, this song popped into my head the other day and I posit that it is one of the greatest jingles ever written. It hits that perfect sweet-spot between aspiration and braggadocio. It damn near makes me want to drink their Beer Scented Beverage Product
Speaking of beer ….
Beer 30
Trump’s 2020 campaign slogan is Keep America Great. This was also the tagline for the movie The Purge: Election Year.
The slogan or the idea of the purge?
I suppose the purge
Wreck of the USS Juneau, famous for the deaths of the 5 Sullivan brothers, discovered in Pacific
The wreck of the USS Juneau, which was sunk by a Japanese torpedo and lost 687 sailors in 1942, has been discovered by billionaire Paul Allen’s crew.
Five brothers from the Sullivan family were famously lost on the USS Juneau. Their story, which attracted widespread attention, was depicted in the 1944 movie “The Fighting Sullivans.” Two USS Navy ships have been named “The Sullivans” in memory of the brothers.
The brothers wanted to serve on the same ship, despite naval policies preventing siblings from serving together.
“We certainly didn’t plan to find the Juneau on St. Patrick’s Day. The variables of these searches are just too great,” said Robert Kraft, director of subsea operations for Paul Allen, in a statement. “But finding the USS Juneau on Saint Patrick’s Day is an unexpected coincidence to the Sullivan brothers and all the service members who were lost 76 years ago.”
Juneau was sunk on Nov. 13 1942 during the Battle of Guadalcanal. When a second torpedo hit her port side, an explosion cut the ship in half, killing most of the crew. The light cruiser sank in just 30 seconds. Around 115 of Juneau’s crew are believed to have survived the sinking, including, possibly, two of the Sullivan brothers. However, with U.S. forces concerned about the risk of further Japanese attacks, rescue efforts did not take place until eight days later. Only 10 men were rescued from the water.
Torpedo is always a bad way to go….albeit fast. WWII, it was a generally a heavy explosive point-detonating shape charge (Battleships normally had “anti-torpedo” armor belts roughly at the waterline – sometimes more than 12″ of solid steel.
These days we don’t have any armor – our Frigate hull was essentially 1 inch of aluminum or something similar (Tico Cruisers have issues because they took the steel pre-Burke Spruance class steel hulls with mega aluminum superstructures). On the other hand – “most” anti-surface ship torps these days are meant to explode underneath the hull where they create a massive air pocket which causes the entire ship to rise up, and then snaps the spine/keel due to a lack of support. Also a very quick way to go. (Tom Clancy talked about it some in “Red Storm Rising”).
You will almost never see anti-ship torps fired from a surface ship – subs use anti-ship/sub torps, ships and aircraft almost exclusively use anti-sub torps.
Suddenly reminded: I miss Brett L’s episodes of Florda Man.
What reminded me:
UK judge tells Tube jihadi: “You’ll have plenty of time to study the Koran in prison…the Koran is a book of peace”
Has Mr Justice Haddon-Cave ever actually read the Qur’an? Almost certainly not; otherwise he wouldn’t have gone on record with this spectacularly asinine and counterfactual statement.
Is the Qur’an really a book of peace?
“Fight those who believe not in Allah and the Last Day and do not forbid what Allah and His Messenger have forbidden, and do not practice the religion of truth, even if they are of the People of the Book — until they pay the jizya with willing submission and feel themselves subdued.” (Qur’an 9:29)
So let those fight in the cause of Allah who sell the life of this world for the Hereafter. And he who fights in the cause of Allah and is killed or achieves victory – We will bestow upon him a great reward. (Qur’an 4:74)
Must sound peaceful in Arabic.
Man who exploded car loaded with propane tanks at Travis Air Force Base identified as a Muslim named Hafiz Kazi
TRAVIS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. (KGO) — A man who drove into Travis AFB has been identified as 51-year-old Hafiz Kazi, two sources with knowledge of the probe tell ABC News.
The sources described Kazi as a “nomad” and a “vagabond,” who lived in many places.
Authorities extracted a video from his cell phone and are analyzing it to try and see if it could help point to a motive. Sources wouldn’t offer any details about the video.
The FBI is holding a press conference Friday at 3:30 p.m. and will be asking the public for help and any information about Kazi.
Sources say the information gathered so far still does not point to a concrete motive, with one source calling the man a “mystery” still. Terrorism, mental health issues, and everything else are still on the table as authorities try to uncover a motive.
On Wednesday, the car crashed at the main gate of Travis Air Force Base. Officials are treating it as a possible attempted attack. The FBI is now leading the investigation.
“The car basically blew up,” said witness Kamren Hernandez. ” It was nothing anymore.”
If you are a Jihadi and you can’t take out at least a few dozen people, you are just grossly incompetent. It’s not even hard.
i considered doing a glasswate article, glad you did it.
Mine in two words: Willi Becher.
I have one of those.
I’m just trying to get home
Now that is my kind of traffic jam.
Gun control piglet: “We are going to make this a voting issue”
I sincerely hope so. Dems can’t seem to help themselves’ dying on this hill.
From the comments:
“The NRA could have not produced a better recruiter.”
Yeah, but this time it’s different. As soon as they take back the house and impeach Trump, they’re going to pass a law allowing 15 year olds to vote.
That stage looks a bit spendy. Where the organizers get the money for that? Oh right, ask a stupid question.
I’d expect that kind of outlay for a fucking AC/DC concert not some spontaneous demonstration. Go ahead, Proggy. Pull the other finger and get the same result. Fucktards.
The kid who gave the main speech at today’s gun grab march was wearing a Cuban flag patch on her jacket.
But it’s not political! Not at all!
The NRA posted a YouTube video to its NRATV channel two days before the March For Our Lives that addressed the Parkland shooting survivors and told them, “no one would know your names” had the shooter been stopped before killing their friends.
The host, Colion Noir, whose real name is Collins Iyare Idehen Jr., addressed his video, “To all the kids from Parkland getting ready to use your First Amendment to attack everyone else’s Second Amendment at your march.”
Today, the day of the march, the NRA posted a short membership-drive video along with a brief message.
“Stand and Fight for our Kids’ Safety by Joining NRA,” it said. “Today’s protests aren’t spontaneous. Gun-hating billionaires and Hollywood elites are manipulating and exploiting children as part of their plan to DESTROY the Second Amendment and strip us of our right to defend ourselves and our loved ones.”
Maybe her handlers informed her that a Che shirt was a bad idea today.
Waiting for fish and chips and listened to two geriatrics discuss the gun grabbing marches. Totally confused about the current state of gun laws and difference between semiautomatic and automatic. Of course one is a hunter who doesn’t understand why anyone would want or need an “automatic”. Jokes on you Fudd. You were a hunter. Maybe at your age you’ll die before you’re forced to hand over your hunting rifle.
It’s one of those fucking obnoxious tweet/retweet strings but-
Kyle Kashuv tweets an offer to debate David Hogg, and the twatmob express their displeasure.
An example:
Anthony @antbrando
Kyle, demonstrate you represent a point of view that has the kind of support that David’s does. Until then you don’t automatically deserve the same amount of attention. Or equal time to make your counter argument. This isn’t a 50/50 issue. You’re in the minority.
What a delightful asshole.
Nail to the head and flush to board. That was magic, m s!
“Kyle, demonstrate you represent a point of view that has the kind of support that David’s does. Until then you don’t automatically deserve the same amount of attention.”
Wait, what?
“prove you have popular opinions”
“ok hear me out and you’ll see”
“no, you can’t be allowed to speak”
“why the hell not?”
“because your opinions are not popualar enough”
“How do you know”
“because no one wants to hear you”
“now you’re just going in circles”
“You’re a circle”
Hogg is such a vapid little piece of shit that I’m pretty sure even those who agree with him know how badly it would go deep down inside.
Someone on a prior thread mentioned the odds of “Youth Pastor Victim” in his recent past but I’m not arsed enough to cite. It was pretty fucking funny.
The NRA posted a YouTube video to its NRATV channel two days before the March For Our Lives that addressed the Parkland shooting survivors and told them, “no one would know your names” had the shooter been stopped before killing their friends.
The host, Colion Noir, whose real name is Collins Iyare Idehen Jr., addressed his video, “To all the kids from Parkland getting ready to use your First Amendment to attack everyone else’s Second Amendment at your march.”
I just added NRATV to my roku channel feed. I’ll have to see if I can find that.
All your bitcoin are belong to us
The IRS has warned people who own bitcoin that they must report their cryptocurrency earnings when they file their taxes.
Cryptocurrencies, like bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, are the same as property, and tax payers who do not report them could be audited, the IRS warned in a statement Friday.
“In more extreme situations, taxpayers could be subject to criminal prosecution for failing to properly report the income tax consequences of virtual currency transactions. Criminal charges could include tax evasion and filing a false tax return,” the IRS statement reads.
You can’t expect Newsweek to have somebody literate on the job. I assume they are referring to “realized” gains on trades, and not the unrealized gains represented by the balance in your bitcoin wallet (I think that’s what it’s called).
The bitcoin thing is not even worth it, at all at this point. Back when it was worth it to mine bitcoin, no one did it. Then all of the sudden, now that it’s practically impossible to mine even a single bitcoin, everyone is in on it. You know what is worth more than bitcoin at this point? GPUs, you can hardly buy one and if you do, be prepared to pay a fortune. There are literally a zillion GPUs on Ebay right now for sale by dummies trying to recoup part or all of their money they wasted on high priced GPUs wanting to get in on the bitcoin gold rush, years after it was over.
Yeah, easy gun access is a real problem that never existed in the past. However, the 1902 Sears catalog has 40 pages of shotguns, rifles, pistols and gun supplies. Many Winchester 15 shot magazine repeater rifles are featured. Guess what? No gun registration, no background checks – send in your order and go pick it up at the train depot when Sears ships it. For some reason, kids then didn’t go in and slay their classmates.
Thats because they didn’t go to school back then.
The situation was for all intents and purposed, the same as recently as 1990. You could go into the local walmart and buy practically any type gun you wanted and just walk right out the door with it after paying. And guess what? School shootings were unheard of. What has changed? Because it sure the hell has nothing to do with guns.
I bought my first deer rifle from Sears by mail. It was an Argentine Model 95 Mauser which Dad sporterized. If I recall, I paid $29.95 for it. This was just before the 1968 GCA.
… Hobbit
I traded my neighbour 4-5 vinyl lps for my first rifle. It was a .22 Cooey with peep sights and by God that rifle was accurate. It could hit the spot at fifty yards without even trying. I was thirteen.
Before you get too-excited: its Sweden, Jake
Something was wrong with the Penguins, the incoming class of toddlers at the Seafarer’s Preschool
The group of 1- and 2-year-olds
Yeah, there’s definitely something wrong with the class. It’s not supposed gender division, it’s their age. Where the hell are their parents? Taking 1 and 2 year olds and shoving them into an institutional setting is child abuse. The curriculum is child abuse.
The bad/good news is that Sweden is unlikely to exist shortly given the path they’ve set themselves upon.
it is my understanding that children are now raised in incubators in Sweden, as marriage is a patriarchal institution of legally-enforced rape.
+1 Central Stockholm Hatchery and Conditioning Centre
“Parents Upset Middle School Secretly Invited Planned Parenthood to Push Sex on Kids
According to a CBS report, the parents said Planned Parenthood’s “Get Real” curriculum “encourages sixth graders to feel ‘comfortable and ready’ for sex. The petition says the curriculum provides flash cards outlining proper condom usage, for ‘vaginal, oral or anal sex’ and recommends the usage of ‘non-microwavable saran wrap’ as a prophylactic for certain non-reproductive sex acts.”
In 2014, Live Action release an undercover video series showing Planned Parenthood employees encouraging young teens to participate in sado-masochistic sexual activities, including gagging, whipping, asphyxiation, shopping at sex stores and viewing pornography.
LifeNews also reported Planned Parenthood’s booklet for HIV-positive youth, “Healthy, Happy and Hot,” tells young people that it is their “human right” to not tell their partner that they have HIV.
The abortion giant also publishes multiple “resources” for children and teenagers concerning sexual activity. These materials claim to provide “age appropriate” sex education to children starting at age 4.””
“Elin Gerdin, 26, attended one of Sweden’s first preschools focused on gender equality. She said she gets upset when looking at photos of friends’ babies, with boys dressed in blue and girls in pink.”
Yeah, well, I’m creeped out by your kitchen table. Some weird sculpture with a single apple?
Please please edit fairy, insert picture of infant FDR in a dress here.
You know, it wasn’t too long ago that Sweden had a proud martial tradition and a reputation for honesty and hard-nosed practicality. What the fuck happened up there?
Yep. Their not-too-distant cousins in the Midwest USA are still like that. Along with the American version of Norwegians, Icelanders, Danes, and Finns.
All of the Canadian versions of those people that I grew up with were not to be fucked-with types. Add Germans to that list. The chicks were especially terrifying if you got on their wrong side.
I was just thinking of the Nordic countries, but yes, add Germans and Poles to the list as well. Other than Poland, all the rest of those “old countries” seem to be going to shit in a hurry.
Abba happened. Later came the Dark Times…
Unless I am mistaken, ABBA left Sweden in the 70s to avoid their taxes,
Relative prosperity happened there, as a result of a good, solid relatively free-market tradition.
They thought they were wealthy enough to put out the ‘free shit and respect for everyone’ signs.
They thought wrong. Nobody’s wealthy enough to give free shit and respect to everyone.
Part of my problem with the way the NYT handles things like this… is that, even when they have an opportunity to inform the public on some issue? they choose not to.
they *have* to politicize everything. Setting up the question of ‘whether gender differences are rooted in biology or culture‘ is an either/or phenomenon?… is simply false.
its not an either/or issue, and “science” is not at all ‘divided’ about it. evolutionary, neurobiological differences are well established, and the influence of those differences on what we consider ‘gendered’ behaviors is pretty well understood.
But saying that doesn’t provide any deterministic, final-answer that suggests any/all aspects of what is called gender is 100% biologically innate. Its just that you can’t dismiss the ‘known science’ and pretend it isn’t known. It does not mean that “scientists are undecided”; its that the full picture of what constitutes gendered behavior is only partially complete; the science part of that picture of it is pretty solid, its the social-sciences bit that mostly a mess of competing ideas.
The very same sort of bullshit happened during the Damore memo thing – where his memo quoted *totally uncontroversial, well-established science*… and yet every single one of the major news media jumped through hoops trying to pretend that he was making some wacky, left-field, sexist claims.
Frankly, when the media does this sort of shit, and tries to pretend an apple is a banana? I get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, because part of me realizes that if they bend the truth so easily on such petty bullshit…. how far do they bend it on things that actually matter? (e.g. see: “Russia”) It just depresses me.