Q: I married young and have had only 1 sexual partner. Now I desire variety, but value my marriage and will not cheat. Any insight on overcoming this conflict?
Q: Any update on your plans to start providing independent classes or an online university?

Q: I am a sober alcoholic/drug addict. How can I find my way back to belief in a higher power after 10 years in the empty void of atheism. I’m falling apart.

I married young and have had only 1 sexual partner. Now I desire variety, but value my marriage and will not cheat.
Try a variety of positions instead of a variety of partners.
Sounds to me like it’s all missionary all the time in that house.
…Strap on’s, role playing, consensual swinging, the possibilities as multitudinous.
Also, “Eating ain’t cheating and sucking ain’t fucking”
+1 Steel Panther
“instead of cheating on your mother with another woman, I’m cheating on her vagina with her asshole.”
Stop relying on your partner to spice things up. Girls tend to be really fucking bad at that.
*turns pitying gaze at trsh*
Point proven – https://youtu.be/GH1ruMGpTVY
I’d be happy to give her instruction.
It’s good to see ZARDOZ and Steve Smith have patched things up. Maybe not as good as the gun but then, what is?
“Maybe not as good as the gun but then, what is?”
Autistic screeching
/David Hogg
Revisit to the GlibFit thread. The calculator linked in the comments does not make sense. It rates a thicker neck as a sign of lower body fat percentage, but during the drop from max weight to low (and then up to current) my neck went from twenty inches down to eighteen. The calculator literally tells me that at 360 pounds and a 20 inch neck, I had the same body fat percentage as at 260 pounds and an 18 inch neck, even though the only thing shed during that time was fat.
I cannot then say it provides anything resembling a reliable value.
In fact, it says that now, at 310 and an 18 inch neck, I have a higher body fat percentage than at 360 despite that being physically impossible due to known muscle growth.

You need a better class of exterminators, they didn’t make it past the minefield.
He deserved that
Have your body fat tested for the presence of Phlogiston.
Tape tests are bunk. For an accurate number, get measured with bioelectrical impedance. You can buy a gizmo for that for $40. Weight loss clinics will measure you for free.
Or you could use the Derpy method. Do you look like a pear? If so, keep exercising and avoid sugar and alcohol.
no, and I never did.
Do you look like a sphere?
Oh, you’re serious.
Those things are utterly worthless. Even calipers are better.
If you want a good measurement of your bodyfat, get a DEXA scan, a buoyancy test, or have your fat excised and weighed at autopsy.
Or just stop worrying about a meaningless number.
Or just stop worrying about a meaningless number.
Meh, that’s only a 3 maybe a soft 4 on the useful comment scale.
I got a soft 4 for you.
*says last rites for Hyper*
/not even Catholic
Keto. Keto. Keto.
Stop being a grain slave.
You know who else was a grain slave?
Joseph after he lost his Technicolor Dreamcoat?
Wow. Amazing
But, muh booze is grain based.
Unless it’s cactus based. Is tequila permissible?
According to paleocoholics it is. And tequila, lime and soda is damn good. I am sure it would be better to stay off all alcohol but fuck that.
I like to say that when the nanny state scolds talk about quality of life, the never talk about the positive of being left the hell alone.
“I have taken more from alcohol, than alcohol has taken from me”
Drink wine.
*fills glass with cheap shiraz*
Do your thing, UCS. Don’t science the fuck out of it. Keto, walking and weights. Repeat.
I did that Navy test from the prior thread and it rated me “athletic”. Preens and guzzles another beer.
Quoth Warty “Don’t want to be a fat fuck? Don’t eat fat fuck food. Also, lift moar.”
Concerning the Gift of the Gun, how much abuse is the proper amount for my bank account as I acquire more guns?
Some “gift” – you have to pay?!
I have to pay for everything.
Thank you Zardoz! I will take your advice to heart.
Last year, I started a toy fund automatically transferring a little each week from checking to a dedicated savings account. I figure that’s better than my typical impulse buying.
Good evening mammals, I am happy to report that I have recovered enough from my surgery to run one errand in my car. Of course 20 minutes of jamming through 6 gears is a bit wearing but I survived
Row row row the gears gently down the road
Ya it’s gentle for about 5 minutes…
But thank you for the advice…I will be fine
Excellent news!
So, remembering back to an early comment, that means you are also drinking.
Atta boy
*crawls up to Zardoz gun warehouse with FloridaMan minions, drops off 5 cases of plasma rifles*
“Happy cleansing, oh great stone head. Feel free to float by the distillery after the festivities”
Also yes…I am subject to FloridaMan rules (albeit with a 3 beer handicap) so I’m sure the commentariat understands
“3 beer handicap”
/Smashes head into drywall
Congrats! And since it’s a Challenger, the throw is – er – pretty long, so you’re getting a decent workout!
Ya, I was having to lean forward, grab the shifter and flop back with my body for every even gear…T Rex style
T Rex Style
Surgery? I thought your kind just abandoned the limb and grew it back.
Hmm… Zardoz, the site doesn’t exist.
You lied to us? What else have you been making up?
Lie? I think you are just temporally misplaced.
You know, “misplaced” is a good word for how I feel right now.
We got a lot of little fascists apparently (for both genders). Didn’t free speech use to garner like 70% support across the country fifteen years ago or so?
Those European reactionary ideas have infected the Left, like those blood and soil nationalist ideas have polluted the Right
Yayyyy, back from Navy stuff and looking forward to a 4 day weekend with lots of movies and reviewing and crap. Whipped up a quick comic video this morning in the hotel room when the wifi was out: https://youtu.be/MEVMfl6zvmQ
BTW – Pan Z – wanna give you a shout out when I review Marathon Family (will probably try and build review this weekend but probably won’t post until after a couple others) – do you have a previewed youtube handle? Want me to use the name you responded to my other video? or I can just give a shoutout to my buddies at glibertarians.com.
I was leaving the reviewing here for Gojira since he’s a lot better with the word stuff and I can barely stumble through a script. Either way…the video seems to defeat the purpose, but I might be able to modify a couple thematic reviews into a single longer article as I get closer to my 2 month matched set review combo block.
*shakes head sadly*
When is the last time you saw a Gojira movie review?
Indeed. I miss them.
“preferred youtube handle”
Last beer for the week is the second half of a bottle of Snow on the Maple Tree. It’s good.
So Zardoz, with the way things are going now, when the feds outlaw the gift of the gun will they have to pry them from your cold dead whatever the hell you have instead of hands or will you just hand them over and complain about it on Reddit or whatever message board you floating heads prefer?
Yo peeps.
I appreciate how awesome a place this is. Been going through a pretty bad major depressive spike the last few weeks, and through all my self deprecation, and my mini-meltdown / “vacation” post a couple of days ago, y’all have been great. No judgment, a lot of support. I appreciate that. I’m not sure I’d find that anywhere else on the internet.
After talking with my doctor yesterday it seems like at some point my previous SSRI … just stopped working. Not only have I been dealing with depression and anxiety unmedicated I’ve been dealing with antidepressant discontinuation syndrome (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antidepressant_discontinuation_syndrome), which isn’t fun to deal with in and of itself.
Only one day into a new med, and it’s going to take 6 weeks, give or take, to build up blood levels to where i get back to “normal” (or my own version of normal), but at least things are changing.
Seriously, thanks.
Glad to hear you got the meds figured out. And it shows how mentally strong you are to have been fighting through it. Way to go. Hang in there!
The discontinuation syndrome can be rough, for Paxil and Effexor particularly. It can actually be somewhat alleviated with a few doses of gold old Prozac if it gets too intolerable.
As long as the antidepressants aren’t making you impotent.
Antidepressants make you fat. Fat! Why live, if you’re going to be fat?
Have you tried cocaine and Dianabol instead? I mean, you’ll be depressed, but at least you won’t be a fatty, your neck won’t be skinny, and you’ll clean your house a lot.
Come on. Diet coke cocaine and cigs are the answer. Generations of supermodels can’t be wrong!
Cocaine and cigs didn’t turn me into a supermodel. I want my money back.
You sure? I heard you’re very striking!
Well, people do tend to freeze upon seeing me. Not sure what’s up with that.
*ferocious applause*
Rule 34 implies that *somebody* finds the raspy voice and deviated septum a turn-on.
No shit sherlock.
But they’re not the only causes of those effects.
Too bad I don’t have either of those things 🙁
We love ya, JB.
You will sort it out JB. Trust in that.
Hey Man, keep your head up and keep fighting the good fight. I recommend a steady diet of Van Halen, Slayer and Mercyful Fate. Don’t try to make sense of it, cause you can’t.
The GOP is alienating every single voter in their tent
What a bunch of worthless motherfuckers. Unbelievable. Assholes.
No shit.
What in the fuck just happened? My g_d the repubs are beyond the party of stupid. Why do they keep doing this shit?
/primal scream
They hate their base, are afraid of bad media coverage and don’t want to go through the trouble of actually cutting spending since they can’t agree on it.
^^^What he said.
Yes! It cannot be overestimated how much DC is an echo chamber and completely isolated from the reality of most of the country. I live far out beyond the city, and inside the beltway is a completely different country. The entire town revolves around these people. It’s the Hollywood of the political class. Even the most well intentioned are surrounded by braniac sycophants who suck their dick and tell them that they’re God incarnate. Then, the media and lobbyists do a full court press to make sure they know what the “right” answer is.
This city chews up the weak and spits out statists.
I’m beyond frustrated (well duh, I’m a libertarian)…..people like my dad, my neighbor, all my extended family, etc. will rend their garments and scream over this shit and talk about how worthless the R’s are until a few month before the next election and then it becomes all about keeping the D’s out and they forget all the transgressions and vote for the same shitheels all over again. Voting is fucking bullshit, There I said it.
I haven’t voted in ten years. Complete waste of time.
I agree. There may be something to be said for state and more importantly local elections but national elections, who fucking cares. Spooner was absolutely correct.
I don’t vote.
It only encourages the bastards.
Not only encourages them it legitimizes them. “You don’t get to complain if you don’t vote” always pisses me off, it should be exactly the other way around, “You voted, you’re stuck with the outcome, quit yer bellyaching.”
Long ago I uttered these words and I wish somebody would invent a time machine so I can go back in time and slap myself.
Oh, it’s pretty easy to head that one off.
The critic is usually virulently against something the current administration supports that the opposition party also supports.
Asking them why they voted for a gang of monsters who supports ‘X’ and having them say “they’re the least-worst option” makes more than half of my point. My critic is obviously a hypocrite.
The only action that legitimizes a political party is supporting that party and helping it gain power.
Then they just accuse you of supporting the other party. Duopoly is a hell of a drug.
That’s when I cite the Kobayashi Maru.
The only action that legitimizes a political party is supporting that party
Not sure, but we may be talking past each other , but my point isn’t about legitimizing any particular party but the political process as a whole.
Oh, that would have been my response to someone who might say what you quoted.
The more astute critics who come up with that kind of comment will sometimes intuit that a decision to not vote is not only a criticism of the choices offered on the ballot, but of democracy itself.
Ima post this here cuz I’m buzzed and I really like Lysander Spooner:
“In truth, in the case of individuals, their actual voting is not to be taken as proof of consent, even for the time being. On the contrary, it is to be considered that, without his consent having ever been asked, a man finds himself environed by a government that he cannot resist; a government that forces him to pay money, render service, and forego the exercise of many of his natural rights, under peril of weighty punishments. He sees, too, that other men practise this tyranny over him by the use of the ballot. He sees further that, if he will but use the ballot himself, he has some chance of relieving himself from this tyranny of others, by subjecting them to his own. In short, he finds himself, without his consent, so situated that, if he use the ballot, he may become a master; if he does not use it, he must become a slave.”
“If you can’t beat ’em join ’em” is right up there with the voting/bitching saying. You don’t have to beat them, you can ignore them, hide from them, subtlety undermine their authority…many options are available outside of beat or join. I dig Spooner but in this case I disagree, ‘Must’ is a very strong word, there are very few (if any) “Musts” out there.
not at all, I didn’t include the entire quote because I didn’t want to be responsible for a wall-of-text like KS. He’s saying voting is morally illegitimate; not “If you can’t beat ’em join ’em”
At least if we had a king, more people would know when he was being oppressing them. I’ve always thought, in a country with a sufficiently developed “bourgeois culture” (McCloskey) or “historical prejudices (Burke), some democracy was probably the best bet for peaceful sustenance of liberal government. But if more people are going to fall for the okey-doke and think that democratic decisionmaking lends any inherent legitimacy to the policies it perpetuates, it may not be worth it. As a society, we have allowed ourselves to be seduced by this easily confusing, essentially fascistic “will of the people” nonsense. We should have made sure that our “civic folk religion” contained a heavier dose of innoculation against this insidious “intrinsic value of democracy” heresy.
Here’s the rest:
“And he has no other alternative than these two. In self-defence, he attempts the former. His case is analogous to that of a man who has been forced into battle, where he must either kill others, or be killed himself. Because, to save his own life in battle, a man attempts to take the lives of his opponents, it is not to be inferred that the battle is one of his own choosing. Neither in contests with the ballot — which is a mere substitute for a bullet — because, as his only chance of self-preservation, a man uses a ballot, is it to be inferred that the contest is one into which he voluntarily entered; that he voluntarily set up all his own natural rights, as a stake against those of others, to be lost or won by the mere power of numbers. On the contrary, it is to be considered that, in an exigency, into which he had been forced by others, and in which no other means of self-defence offered, he, as a matter of necessity, used the only one that was left to him.”
To DiegoF: The more I learn the more horrified I am when people like piglet talk about “our democracy.” Democracy is collectivist mob rule and completely antithetical to individualism/liberty. It may be cliche to quote The Patriot but “Why should I trade one tyrant 3000 miles away for 3000 tyrants 1 mile away?”
Who is piglet? I am not that familiar.
I think Tigger is the most cosmotarian, because he is always so optimistic for no fucking reason.
David Hogg, leader the anti-gun brat pack we can’t seem to be rid of. Big topic of discussion last thread.
It’s irrelevant. The media will just refer to those to do vote, ignoring the many who don’t (and actively choose not to), and wrangle whatever narrative they want out of the tallies.
If the Dems take the House*, it’ll be said to be because voters support them and their policies / methods—even if it’s really because conservative voters, having no one to vote for, have given up.
But since it’s irrelevant, it’s still not worth voting.
(*and if they don’t, well, same difference)
^Truth. This is why, as bad a government is, it’s to be expected. Government is what it is based on human nature. On bad days I REALLY hate the media. The hypocrisy and evil of the narrative manufacturers boils my blood.
The GOP are in the pocket of “Big Gun Trust”.
NICS. One of those “common sense compromises”.
My other fun adventure today was stopping by Total Wine Richmond for my quarterly top-off (I do still have some larger bottles from the holidays to work through, but I like to take it slow with those ones).
This week:
Verhaeghe Holiday Special (4 pack sampler with beautiful glass)
Barrel Aged Innis & Gunn – Blood Red Sky
Traquair Jacobite Ale
Paulaner Lager
Kostritzer Black Lager
Birra Moretti
Paulaner Salvator
Wild Blue (brewery?)
Lion Stout
Founders Solid Gold
Founders Sumatra Mountain
Founders Dirty Bastard
Left Hand Chai Milk Stout Nitro
Corsendonk Pater Dubbel
Weyerbacher Sunday Morning Stout
and of course….Longboard
Should be a nice mix. Not quite so heavy on the Belgians this time around – need to stick with smaller bottles for a little while too.
I really like the Solid Gold. Good stuff
OOOOOOOoooooo…..A new Innis & Gunn to look for. Everything they make is a treat.
Gilmored it, ZARDOZ.
OK, that was a reply to ZARDOZ that he deleted. Not only does he have gravitronic drive, but he has supreme editing powers. All hail ZARDOZ!
Y8u are lucky you weren’t cleansed.
Every once in a while I like to dance with the devil in the pale moonlight.
Batman (89) reference!
I was hoping you’d see that comment.
“I’m Batman”
I’ll never forget it, came out when I was 6; oldy McOldface! Regardless, any time you’re traveling through Wisconsin, let me know, I’ll let you buy me a beer!
At some point I’ll get down to Madison to visit my daughter at UoW. I’ll be sure to make sure you get to buy me a beer.
Perhaps not news to people, but for “fast car fetishists”, the BMW M8 is apparently going to be a real thing
I thought the mid 1990s BMW 850 was a beautiful thing. got to drive one a few times (probably the only v12 i’ve ever driven i think) and it was like a freight train. Heavy, but smoothly powerful. It gave you a boner on the highway because it would accelerate between 60 and 90 just as hard as if it were 30-to-60. not like, “jump out of your seat”-fast, but just hauling mail.
I also thought the pillarless design was just very tasteful and unique. I don’t think the mercedes model which does it (cant’ remember which one) quite captured the look as well.
anyway, this new one looks more like an Aston than a beemer to me. car photos, especially CGI models, are hard to get gauge on what they look like in real life.
Its been produced already as a GT racer. Some video of that.
They unveiled a concept-car version of it 2 weeks ago; finished cars never look exactly like the concept prototypes, but this one is clearly different than the race car in some ways
you can see they’re trying to allude back to that same pillarless window thing. but you can’t really tell if its just a blacked-out pillar, or its really how they intend to build it. (haven’t listened to vid so don’t know if he addresses it)
ugh, 4 doors? my arousal has been completely devastated.
Yep. Porsche fucked it all up and everyone is jumping on board.
i’m almost glad that my dreams were dashed.
i’ve been sort of sour on BMW as a brand ever since the i8 . I think the Merc AMG GT is the prettiest thing on wheels at the moment.
Not as pretty, but I’d drive the fuck out of this.
Fun to leave the Porsches in the dust while hauling furniture.
Chris Harris had a fun/interesting video on how a otherwise fairly mild Audi S4 wagon could be extra-extra-supercharged with a mere ECU flash
it made it seem like an attractive used-market buy, imo.
Yup. Until you have to pull the motor to replace the timing belt.
from the original link above:
“”Actually, there will be three different M8 models: Coupe, Convertible and Gran Coupe.””
the 4door thing in the unveiling is actually the Gran Coupe. Boner restored!
Is it fast enough so we can fly away?
I think Shikha may have crushed Robby’s record for the number of “to be sures” in a single article, on the Southern Poverty Law Center
“After all, if everyone is a fascist then no one is a fascist.”
Didn’t read the whole thing because Shikha but she’s right here.
Broken clock
At the end of the day, “to be sure” can be less annoying than “at the end of the day.” Or not.
To be sure
Not soavesque enough; she’d need to be like, “some say her opinions are literally pro-rape; i personally find them distasteful but…”
the “she may be wrong” is closest she gets. I give it a B.
that’s the spirit! A+ “Question the judgement” is ace-soaveism. Its patronizing without actually saying what it is you really object to.
Tyra Hemans, 19, a senior, told CNN she supports parts of the new policy, such as the ID requirement. But she believes other security measures, such as forcing students to carry clear backpacks, don’t adequately address the real problem with school safety, which she says is lax gun laws.
“I’m not happy with it. Why are you punishing me for one person’s actions?” she said.
Just LOL
WTF is a 19 year old a senior?
Jinx! …. pretty much!
^ this
Me? My high school didn’t give credit for exchange students.
Florida?? over-achiever
Clear backpacks? Fuck that. Every student should have to carry their belongings in a used plastic Walmart or grocery bag which is easy open for inspection. + 1 for recycling.
Fuck all that. Students are issued school-owned clothing and materials upon entering the building and are required to return all of it before leaving the premises.
Entering the building? Fuck that. Every student should have to live on campus in mandated segregated housing and should only be allowed periodical visits from their parental units.
No way, it will be those net-bags. Plastic bags are icky.
Hypothesis: Clemson tears are even sweeter than prog tears.
Sweeter than tOSU tears?
Speaking of such things, I haven’t noticed sloop around since tOSU went out and Michigan rolled on. Put him on suicide watch if Duke wins.
Put us all on suicide watch if dookie wins. fuck them.
ZardoZ, A fellow exterminator has chosen to Join me in my Quest for The Last Free Place in America, Recon is our Goal, but Should We also Extreminate the Filthy ARTSY Brutals?
of just the lingering Canadian Snowbirds?
I’d love to visit Slab City with you. I doubt it’s as scary as it’s made out to be. I’ve visited these kinds of places in the past and they just make you pity most of the denizens.
Making a documentary, I could affect a pretty good David Attenborough accent and we could sell it to Vice or some other idiotic, cash heavy media dinosaur.
Ya, I doubt it is as scary as they try to imply. I got ten bucks Yusef is the weirdest motherfucker there and he is alright by my standards.
Come along!
I would but I have stuff to do at the moment over in the frozen northlands.
“Here, in the back-lot of California, lies Slab City, a repurposed – some might say, recycled – former military base, built upon the concrete foundations of the former United States Marine Corps base, Fort Dunlap”
Actually, rather than Attenborough, I’m thinking Alan Whicker.
There is a ‘town’ near me called Slab City, it’s like 4 houses and a bar, but in the 90s it was like 4 houses, a bar and a brewery; because Wisconsin.
this week’s worst political cartoons
3rd place
Well, the NRA might actually be a much better organization without the likes of ol’ Wayne, ’tis true.
2nd place
That one looks disturbingly like classic anti-Elfitic propaganda.
1st place
honorable mention
Just like the Left’s #Resistance antiestablishmentarianism has always been a ruse, maybe their antagonism to Trump is a ruse too! Maybe it is not coincidental that they seem to be constantly freaking out about the most ridiculous shit about Trump; maybe the Left, the Swamp, and Trump are all acting out political theater while they collaborate to fuck us over.
Foil hat *off*. That was fun. But wouldn’t it be nice if insanity didn’t resemble reality so closely?
Nah factionalism and personal feuds happen even in one-party states so even if they don’t really disagree with his policies they can still actually hate him.
Shouldn’t all the toes be pointing down?
This Citi thing makes me sick. If it sticks, looks for similar things: denying development loans unless apartments have “gun free” clauses or homeowners insurance unless all firearms are stored inside a professionally installed safe at all times. Look for the gun grabbers to go after airlines for allowed firearms in checked baggage. Inch by inch they turn the ratchet.
So what do we do?
Um, Kill the Brutals? Something something ZardoZ?
I dunno. Just upset right now.
Dunno, vote with your wallet? Already ditched Citi from the bail out period.
Posted it on twitter, but the really ironic thing here is that all the DoD government travel charge cards are Citibank. (mandatory for reservists)
No shit? I was looking for an angle to twit about this asshole move by Citi. I was looking to poke fun at their raping of the student loan field, but seems they backed out of that market after seeing the writing on the wall and sold all their student loans. They are not as dumb as I thought, just as big as assholes as I thought.
The Final Countdown- slow jazz version
::searches feverishly for a death metal cover of “Girl from Ipanema”::
LOL!! Please find one
Nearest I can find ….
Totally Fuckin Cool! thanks
That’s awesome.
Gangsta’s Paradise, 1920s big band version
That led me to this awesome cover.
It leads me to two questions:
1. Who is Haley Reinhart?
2. Why isn’t she currently in my mouth?
I might be listening to these cats all night. This is my early favorite: Creep
She kills it! What a
bodyvoice!Damn. Same band, different (hawt) singer. Dream On
My Lord, yes!
ENB’s husband-partner thing makes what, superficially at least, strikes me as the least stupid thing he’s ever said:
I got a little misty eyed. and Larry Flynt actually replied in the comments. What a class act.
Then i realized that, most likely, the only reason Abswang is big-upping Flynts bona-fides is because he’s offered $10million for any information that would help impeach trump.
Which – to be clear – is also something i think is cool, simply because “fuck you world, he can”. Because i’m a libertarian, not because i give a shit about trump either way. Its just that, knowing A.S.’ M.O., he’d rather pretend he’s a total-free-speech guy by touting Flynt, not making a peep about that Count Dankula guy who’s been thrown in jail for making a joke. No sirree.
He’s still a grade-A cunt. If David Duke had been shot in the gut it’s tough to see him talking about free speech. He’d be celebrating the fact that a racist got what he had coming to him.
My favorite moment with that dick-bag was when he decided to mock “Mel Brook” and got his ass handed to him.
oh, right.
yeah, pretty much everything he says, and all the stories he does are bullshit. he’s slimy in a similar way Soave is; its this sort of smug/passive-aggressive thing that i think only comes from spending 100% of your time around other journalists and basically reinforcing each other’s perspective that “we’re the smartest people in America because our words are so widely circulated”
and, like robby, most of what he covers stupid clickbait trash, but he postures about his journalism credentials like he’s reporting firsthand from The Killing Fields.
Batshit crazy the UK.
Fun fact: Larry Flynt’s #2 man’s ex is a long time LP activist.
Wait, wait. What is this? 1) Is ENB’s husband’s name Asswain SueBang? 2) Is Asswain and Larry heralding the younguns? To be honest I think Asswat missed the point. Since Larry actually for real took a bullet for free speech, I got nothing for him.
Fiscal conservatives have a serious disadvantage since they can’t agree on what to cut and how much. And even the mildest slower increase is still a spending increase and you still get treated like you are some ancap purist who wants Grandma to fall off a cliff. Not mention all the Republicans that aren’t fiscal conservatives and the bad media coverage.
Democrats have the advantage. They can all agree on more spending. More free shit means more votes and more government means more government employees that will vote for whoever which give them the biggest raise.
Advantage, People are Stupid
Sigh. Depressing.
A big problem with freedom and prosperity is that people become complacent and are willing to lose more than under authoritarianism.
More prosperity means more free shit and more tax dollars. And why are there still poor people? And we are free so why not all those regulations and government surveillance.
Economics in One Lesson explains exactly why authoritarianism is always the sexier option.
I keep meaning to read that. I even downloaded it a few months ago. It’s waiting there for me.
The Scandies let capitalism make them rich for a bit, then decided they were rich enough and wanted socialism. Well, except PewDiePie.
Diego can you explain by what you meant by “liberalism” in the last thread?
Good Luck
Here, read, Mr. Smartypants.
There is presently on my PBS station a show called, Me Too, Now What?
I caught a few minutes of the panel on “Masculinity in Crisis”. They talked a fair deal about the Aziz Ansari situation. The message I received is that women, reasonably-well-off North American women, have no control over their own romantic fortunes. The panel discussion struck me as completely fucking insane. If this is what the well-groomed, credentialed, smart set considers intelligent discussion, I’m disturbed. I’m an old married guy, and thus don’t even have to politely flirt with those of the opposite sex. I am thankful for that.
Personal accountability is out of vogue. Victimhood is the social currency of today.
Not if Jordan Peterson can help it.
What North America needs now is for him and Amy Schumer to appear together at the next awards show and perform a classic Kermit and Miss Piggy skit to heal our fractured land.
…have no control over their own romantic fortunes.
Poor dears.
“” the Aziz Ansari situation”
the fact that ‘a bad date with a b-grade comedian’ ever became some newsworthy topic is a sign to me of america’s intellectual decline. We’re just not serious people anymore.
I suppose the election of Trump could have clarified the same point for me, but i was too busy with the lulz.
The host of this panel no shit kept saying that critics were calling it “bad date”, as if critics were soft-pedaling something far more sinister.
Bad Dates
To think that PBS once aired Free to Choose.
Another problem with representative government is that the “government is us” so why not allow them all sorts of power?
Under the old absolutist system the government was most certainly not for The People so the masses were very hostile toward them and were quite accepting of classical liberal arguments.
Also once the rich businessmen were wealthier and far more powerful than most aristocrats then it becamw hard to argue that the government shouldn’t regulate the business place.
Aquinas wrote something similar 700 years ago.
Well, every libertarian’s favorite socialist Gabriel Kolko wrote the answer, over and over again, starting less than 50 years ago. Regulation in this country, from the days of the ICC, has always been in the service of big business. It’s all a ruse. Maybe we wouldn’t be so upset about Citi’s market power right now if it hadn’t been bailed out by the taxpayer and protected from small competition by an enormous number of regulations.
As Lady Hillary discussed in India, despite all the fists in the air the “Left” in this country is following that in Britain and becoming more and more openly economically elitist. Its values are becoming more and more deeply entrenched as the values of corporate America, and it is becoming more and more comfortable parading around that fact and sneering at the underclass for being a bunch of pathetic impoverished losers.
The “leftism” seems in tension with this only if you do assume that economic interventionism really does mostly benefit the lazy poor. It does not. It mostly protects the well-positioned rich, which is to say them. It always has, and it always will. The wokest may enjoy lulzing at the “Police Risk Their Lives to Protect Us” Starter Pack, but ultimately that is them. And it is no less them if they work for some “cool” company, nor even during that phase where they have the stupid mustache and live in that shithole in Wiliiamsburg.
And of course, we will never defeat them, because liberals may in the end be no less delusional than Marxists. They famously never got their class solidarity. But we have a class concept too, an older one, and it seems we are doing little better in the “consciousness and solidarity” department. Most people who are suffering and oppressed by the current system lack the awareness to oppose it, and I’m not seeing any sign that that’s not actually getting worse with time.
It’s a face-saving measure. You can legislate with the ostensible intent of helping the underclasses, and even believe it will actually do so, such that when your position is further solidified and safeguarded via regulatory capture and disincentivizing class mobility, you don’t have to feel bad about yourself. You did the “right” thing, and you can pat yourself on the back for it—even though the practical effect is to your benefit and ‘their’ detriment.
Someone posted this article a week or two ago:
Pretty much nails it. Of course the elites are going to rail against privilege and inequality. It makes their contempt for the underprivileged and lower classes.
Or perhaps more accurately, keeps them from reconciling their contempt with their ‘concern’. God, I hate those stupid trashy rednecks, perpetuating inequality and privilege. That makes no sense, so they must dissemble and lie to themselves.
The government is typically about 50% of us at any one time. Better hope you’re one of the 50% then. Forever.
If you have well-oiled machine running everything like here in NYC, it can be a lot less than 50%. More like 20%, when 80% of eligible voters say “None of the above”.
What will it take for libertarians to be elected to city council?
Sadly, it would probably mean ignoring that icky NAP for a few weeks.
The stuff Just Say’n and OMWC were saying in that Last Hurrah thread would suggest that city councillors should do stuff for the People. How a big city Libertarian City Councillor would do that I’m not sure.
Hail Zardoz.
The Arkansas pigs beat the Florida reptiles in baseball by a score of 6-3.
Woooo pig Soooie. #4 takes down #2 at home
I’m gonna drop FB tomorrow when I’m more sober. Thanks, Trump hysteria! Wish me luck.
Luck? I made it less than 6 months. It was horrifying.
But sure, good luck!
The luck I’m looking for is the ability to navigate whatever bullshit hoops they surely put in place to stop people from leaving.
I don’t even fucking use the thing; I am not a “social” person at all. I couldn’t care less what my friends are doing unless they tell me in person. The only roadblock will be telling my friends to use my fucking email. Who knows, maybe Facebook hacking the election for Trump will make my decision a popular one amongst my friends and family too.
FB is completely useless. And it’s run by a disingenuous fuckhead.
Meh, Facebook, Twitter, etc, is what you make of it. Avoid the stupid and take advantage of the good and it’s tool like any other. And a fairly useless and benign tool at that, I don’t get the disdain for what is essentially that cheap screwdriver/pliers thing in the kitchen junk drawer, sure it’s never gonna replace the real thing but it does have a bottle opener on the end.
IMO, the disdain is for the outsized influence these “tools” have in society.
The only roadblock will be telling my friends to use my fucking email.
That was my hangup for years. Turns out the people who actually care will find a way to contact you.
Good point.
Is there no way to park it for 30 days, with a contact email (create a ProtonMail account, or use Blur), and close it to comments?
Apparently there is. Not that I care. I only use it to receive invites for events.
The only reason I have Facebook is to see latest pictures of granddaughter which makes me happy. Now I have another grandkid on way so will be keeping it.
Do it. Idid during t confederate flag/Love Wins era thinking I’d eventually cave and reactivate it. Two years and counting and I am markedly happier.
Well that was worse than usual. I blame the alcohol.
I did it before baby trshmnstr was born… never looked back.
So baby trshmnstr is Litter?
Be sure to mention that the only reason you are dropping it is because you can’t be associated with a social media company that seems to have ensnared so many stupid people that never knew the said social media company was collecting and selling their personal data. I find that people seem to find this new found knowledge enraging when that just happens to be FB business model. It is hilarious. I have an account and never sign in even though all the Trump hysteriaites unfriended me awhile ago. I do talk to friends around the world on FB messenger app though, and I could give a fuck if FB sells my data. What is one more pissed off middle aged guy in the whole mix of things. Plus I have hopes a few old high school hotties get divorced so I have to keep appraised of those situations. It is not looking good so far.
Just install FB Purity on your browser and customize what shows up on your FB feed. All the friends and family and cat vids, none of the politics.
Meh, I don’t want to put any effort into making it suck less. I just want it gone. Like I said, I pretty much don’t use it. So why keep it?
Tundra, this morning your post was finally out of moderation this morning. I had forgotten about Trip Shakespeare, I listened to some of the tunes in 90s after I got into Semisonic, but never owned any of their music (not sure if it was available to own at that point).
Spotify is your friend!
Check out the Suburbs, The New Standards and The Suicide Commandos, too.
I remember specifically saying to my dad ‘I’ll never be like you, I’ll always know what the best new music is’. I’m not much younger than he was when I said that to him and I only listen to music from my youth and think everything new sucks, sorry dad.
Really? I can’t even keep up with all the new music I like. I’m pushing 50 and I never expected that.
I get what CPRM is saying, though. We all spend a crazy amount of time seeking out cool stuff – the older we (musicheads) get, the more resources are available.
i love when I walk past Spawn 1’s room and I hear him listening to Bee Thousand or something else i turned him onto. I don’t always dig what he finds, but it’s been a fun adventure!
One thing I will admit is that my taste hasn’t changed all that much. Although I am slightly more open to various genres I didn’t use to like – say, country – I am still mostly listening to the same kinds of music I always have. It’s just that, yeah, it’s a lot easier to find people making that music than ever, and the constant churning and revivals means nothing ever goes out of “style” any more.
It’s mostly that the subgenres I am into have faded out, except for the bands that are still together/got back together. I really haven’t found any new bands doing what bands in the 90s or early 2000s were doing. Any new metal I hear sounds like pop trash to me. It’s no Slaves on Dope.
But does communism work? /Winston
You’re always asking asinine questions like that
I ask “where are the libertarians on city council?” in jest since this is the libertarian moment and these urbanites are the way of the future.
No one here has talked about any of this; you’re projecting things from TOS. We aren’t there for a reason. And one of them is Gillespie’s insistence that every damn thing ‘Is The Libertarian Moment’. People can now have sex with bears, LIBERTARIAN MOMENT! HEROIN ADDICTS ARE GETTING FREE NEEDLES, LIBERTARIAN MOMENT! MILLENIALS ARE HAVING MOAR BUTTSEX, LIBERTARIAN MOMENT! This site isn’t that site. We don’t celebrate arbitrary achievements, but weigh how these things can actually lead to a free future.
thank you sir.
Too much food.
Best explanation of communism evah!
Fuck Duke.
Section 230 of the CDA was great while it lasted. Trump’s gonna sign legislation that gives it a gutshot over hysterical bullshit.
Anyway I find Rufus’s attacks the Liberals to be funny. He is like the last guy I expected to say those sorts of things. Then again maybe Rhywun’s hatred of deBlasio should be funny too.
Was Benny Hill chase music playing in the background?
Well I meant Rufus is an Italian Montrealer who hates the PQ. Those guys are some of the most hardcore Liberals in Canada.
Um… why?
So, people who live in proggy hellholes need to tow the lion?
Where do you live Winston?
Ah, is that what this is? I live in NYC so naturally I should be a flaming leftist like the 17% of my eligible-voter neighbors that that commie bastard managed to snooker into voting for him?
Can de Blasio’s magic dick turn Cynthia Nixon back to straight, or does it only work on uggos?
Um… his wife was a lesbian at one point so yes?
But she’s an uggo, that was my point. Rhy, honestly, for a transplant you’d sure make a shitty improv partner.
Um, that’s not quite in Rhy’s field of play.
What is this “humor“?
Well in Rufus’ case he also complains about the PQ a lot which a reason a lot of his kind are Liberals.
Where do you live?
John Tory’s abode.
You’re a Canadian?!?
Actually that explains a lot.
Yes and I know that Italians in Montreal that hate the Quebec Separatists are big Liberals so I am amused that Rufus hates the Liberals.
Why do you spend so much time collectivizing?
Do you reslly give a fuck about liberty?
Where did I collectivize? I find it amusing that he isn’t part of the collective. Too bad there aren’t more of them. Or more Liberals like John Titor.
*Too bad there aren’t more of them like him*
Rufus was the first guy I liked back in the TOS days because he is a politically active Liberal who utterly loathes his own party, and I am a politically active Democrat who does the same. Also, I like Toronto because unlike Montreal they do not try to enter the bagel game.
I am a politically active Democrat who does the same
This blows my mind. Are you a pot/mexicans/ass sex libertarian? I can’t imagine any sort of argument for being a Democrat these days unless you’re a totalitarian.
I’m confused too. The only sensible Democrat I know is Camille Paglia, and I still can’t figure out why she clings to that bunch of losers except as some sort of cultural attachment.
She is a sort of intense cultural traditionalist, with intense attachment to traditional cultural roles, best I can tell. So she talks warmly of the postwar New Deal consensus years when she grew up, and has an affection for the old-school lunchpail Democrats back before they began the long identity-politics-driven divorce from working class politics in the ’60s. Even her own status as rebel she likes to think of rather traditionally. Gay as sodomite, subversive, not the guy with the Twitter page identifying himself as a “Proud LGBTTQIAK+ Activist and #TeamGoogle employee #QueerRevolution #FuckTrump” shrieking at the West Hollywood City Council meeting that secondhand smoke from across the street is getting in the WeHo Tot Lot.
I intensely sympathize with the lot of it, and was there in a lot of ways, essentially a gay-friendly Puerto Rican Archie Bunker sort of leftist if that makes any sense, before gradually adopting a liberalism that became purer and purer as time went on. I could elaborate a bit more about Camille but not entirely comprehensively. I take her in small doses, don’t really parse her for an overarching political philosophy, and just generally am satisfied with thanking God for her existence.
Her Salon column from a couple decades ago was probably the main influence that got me thinking that Democrats are full of shit, FWIW.
No, I am a death-penalty-and-not-just-for-murder, ban-abortion-even-for-rape-and-incest, illegals-out-now-no-amnesty-ever, Obergefell-was-a-travesty, Christian-orthodoxy-is-not-“homophobic”, there-are-two-sexes-and-no-genders, mass-importation-of-those-with-low-aptitudes-to-contribute-to-society-or-who-will-import-their-native-civic-barbarism-will-destroy-America-and-doing-exactly-that-for-electoral-advantage-is-exactly-the-plan-of-some, abolish-all-freedom-of-association-restrictions, I-stand-with-Israel, the-grievance-industrial-complexes-of-gays-women-minorities-and-so-forth-are-out-of-control-and-must-be-stopped, prog-values-in-general-are-destroying-our-country, defend-Western-civiiization, civic-nationalist libertarian. (Or liberal, as I prefer to call myself.)
Oops. Guess I was confused and he is a Montrealer. Well, fuck, then I like him because it lets adults drink upon adulthood and its chicks are hot. Also he is an Anglophone Montrealer, whom I have always liked because their very continued existence, however tenuous its future, is cool. I sympathize with all oppressed peoples, especially when they so utterly loathe Quebecois nationalism. And he’s a Catholic too, which is only adding to the goodness.
So, an Anglophone Montrealer is like an Algerian Jew?
So Diego any libertarian Democrats around?
Here’s something to set off a bomb: While I am a currency competition guy not a monetarist, I agree with Friedman that, while the Silverites’ desired exchange ratio was insane and inflationary by the 1890s, monometallism was a mistake in the first place, an unwise innovation, and even somewhat cronyistic. Also, I have to check the details but I am open to the claim that breaking the Pullman strike was plutocratic oppression. Other than that Cleveland was a pretty good guy, but those are pretty big flaws.
Venezuela has inflation fix: dropping zeros from currency
CARACAS, Venezuela – Economic pledges may be par for the course in election campaigns, but in hyperinflationary Venezuela, the candidates’ dueling promises are going further, with the incumbent vowing to lop a few zeros off the currency, while his main challenger calls for the adoption of the U.S. dollar.
Economists say simply chopping zeros off the bolivar notes is unlikely to halt hyperinflation, since the government would still be printing reams of cash. In addition, the forces that have sent prices soaring, including food and medical scarcities, would remain in place. In fact, some Venezuelan business owners have already started eliminating three zeros from prices, simply because they’re too long to fit in printed receipts.
“Taking out three zeros doesn’t in any way solve any of the causes of hyperinflation,” said Jean Paul Leidenz, senior economist at Caracas-based Ecoanalitica. “It’s just a cosmetic fix that won’t work.”
The Yankee dollar, Falcon says, will help him win.
Falcon’s dollarization plan has appeared to hit a nerve with the country’s impoverished people.
In Latin America, Ecuador, Panama and El Salvador use the U.S. dollar – constraining budgetary spending and the setting of interest rates while providing monetary stability. Under Falcon’s plan, everything from salaries to taxes to food would be priced in dollars, and for a certain period, low-income earners would receive a $25 a month subsidy through a so-called “solidarity card.”
Top. Men.
low-income earners would receive a $25 a month subsidy
If you’re using U.S. dollars but you’re not the U.S. government, you’re going to have a hard time giving out free money. You’d have to get the Venezuelan economy working again first, then trading with other countries in substantial quantities, before you’d have the dollar-denominated cashflow to fund such a scheme. Good luck fighting off the Chavista goons while the population thinks you lied to them.
England: The Anarcho-tyranny state. Canada, Sweden, Germany and France are closing in.
Well, good news for the English: their state was abolished 311 years ago. So bollocks on this alarmism.
*pushes up glasses*
Which is why I expect that there’s a return to traditional samizdat. Achieving political change via electronic mechanisms is impractical for most internet users.
What did you find out about you mosin #6?
Well, the guy took a look at it, and suggested that it might be an early 1930’s receiver and barrel that had not been built out at the time and might have been sitting around at an armory. The Russians at about this time also took back a lot of their 91/30 Dragoons and rebuilt them, restamping them with a new marks.
I knew about the rebuilding of the “Dragoons”, but what I didn’t know was that apparently this was an ongoing process thru’ to the 40’s, so *his* opinion is that this is a late-converted dragoon model from 1942, which makes it a bit more sought after.
Oops, that makes no sense. the M1891 “Dragoons” *became* 91/30’s. I guess they were recalibrated to metres on the sights and a few other changes.
Cool. Like I said the other day, I’m no expert.
I know that hex recievers are always more valuable than round ones though. Sounds like you made a good purchase.
Not possible. The UK can’t reform itself until it replaces the “ou” letter combination with the more pragmatic “o” in its place. Also, the word “aluminum” must be properly pronounced once again.
But “re” endings are still ok, right?
Yeah, that’s cool
1982, the year that I finished high school. Trudeau’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms. It sounded pretty great to a budding little commie like me but now I see it as the death-knell of common law and every established value that my ancestors literally shed blood for. Fuck you Engrand and Fuck you Wales!
1982 I was -1; feel old, old man! But yeah, Shit started going bad when the proto-commies in France accepted The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (not men, as that would be for the individual, and they were not about to do that, nope they had to collectivize!)
#BurkeWasRight. Like, much more right than it later became kosher for liberals (the term began to be used in the 19th century) to acknowledge. French liberalism, which began after the Congress of Vienna, tended to view themselves as acting in the original spirit of the Revolution. I think this was a mistake; it contained the seeds of evil to begin with. That said, the restored monarchy was certainly the finest government France had ever had, and in it is pretty much the seed of all that is good about France today. It was certainly the greatest influence on the Third Republic, the provisional state that ended up being the longest lived and most successful (relative as that distinction is) French state since the Revolution.
I wasn’t commie but I wasn’t enlightened or wise enough to see how shitty it is.
Reasonable and justifiable limitations in a democratic society, my friend.
It can suck my balls.
I remember ’82 being the year Quebec refused to offer its signature for Repatriation.
Legitimate LOL.
Dianetics June your much better than Krishna. Dianetics June your much better indeed. And all you people here your tremendous, and to the people in the back. Yeah your smoking up a big ass bowl of weed with me, and K.G. Alright.
Reminds me, have to re-up my subscription to “Fate” magazine. You never know when those Rosicrucians are gaining a step on you….
All of us, if we are of reflective habit, like and admire men whose fundamental beliefs differ radically from our own. But when a candidate for public office faces the voters he does not face men of sense; he faces a mob of men whose chief distinguishing mark is the fact that they are quite incapable of weighing ideas, or even of comprehending any save the most elemental — men whose whole thinking is done in terms of emotion, and whose dominant emotion is dread of what they cannot understand. So confronted, the candidate must either bark with the pack or count himself lost. … All the odds are on the man who is, intrinsically, the most devious and mediocre — the man who can most adeptly disperse the notion that his mind is a virtual vacuum.
The Presidency tends, year by year, to go to such men. As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.
– H.L Menken
I have been thoroughly disillusioned by the trump administration this week. I had hopes he would be able to do some good. He fucked every bit of that goodwill off this week. Him and congress can go suck a dick. The above quote sums up my feeling about the president and my fellow Americans
Tough, but fair
Trump is the nick gillespi of presidensts. Republican congressman are the steve Chapman of congressmen.
Republican Congressmen are the ENB of congressmen, they refuse to make you a sammich after the deed is well and truly done.
They don’t even kiss you before they fuck you.
Your spitting hot fire tonight. I can’t say I disagree with the sentiment. So long as the Senate continues to confirm good judges and the president continues to nominate said judges, they’ll have some redeeming qualities, but still bad overall
yes, I’m happy with the judges.
Good judges are useless in a county that is so bankrupt that it can’t pay them though. I know it’s still a long way off, but that’s the path we have been on for a long time. As far as i can tell, the lone hope for fixing that (a rejuvenated republican party) just decided that sending america into poverty is A-OKAY.
^Seconded. Just because the left turns into a bunch of pants-shitting toddlers over him doesn’t mean he isn’t a moron.
Oh, he’s definitely a moron. That’s always been my biggest criticism with him. He believes in nothing (besides trade tariffs) and he will do anything for attention. When Democrats take the House, I’m afraid what he’ll sellout on next
I’m going to go ahead and assume everything. The way I get to be pleasantly surprised when we occasionally don’t get bent over the barrel
Considering Mencken’s Heroes Kaiser Wilhelm and Ludendorff helped give us Lenin and Hitler I find it hard to take his rants about how stupid Americans and American politicians are very seriously anymore.
Fuck you Winston
How about this, look at the quality of the words written and Seperate that from what you think his biases are.
Sorry Glibs, I’m in a shitty mood today.
I’d be happy to drop the gloves with you, kid. It’s been a motherfucker of a week.
Don’t apologize.
That’s the Copper Rule, Tundra. And your house smells like soup!
Honestly, I don’t normally let politics upset me. This week has been shit. It’s been bad enoigh that it’s affecting my mood. I’m fucking pissed at our government. More so than the baseline I normally operate at.
If you were here, I’d box you tundra. Hopefully after a few rounds I’d be wore out enough to catch a good night’s rest.
You are an American success story. Good job, good family, mostly free. I’ve circled the sun enough times to know that this shit is temporary. Our wealth comes with baggage.
I’m bullish on the long-term.
Thank you. sometimes I need that.
Dave Schultz salutes you.
That’s Dave “The Hammer” Schultz you nimrod! Your house smells like patchouli.
Lots of smelly houses tonight.
Must be the Canadians…
And to further this-
questioning someone’s beliefs instead of the truth of their speach is a hallmark of disingenuous leftists.
I know we’re trying to keep things civil around here but I’m having a hard time finding any disagreement with Lachowsky.
No the problem with Mencken is that he is more of an Edwardian Thomas Friedman who bemoans how America is not being run by the TOP MEN that run some foreign country. No matter how much the people he attacks do in fact suck the fact that he wants TOP MEN to rule us makes it hard to ignore.
What I think? He was pretty open with his biases.
There you go again.
You’re apparently more concerned with his biases than the truth of what he said.
Take the statement for what it is worth. Forget the man who said it and read it on its face.
Quit with your discrediting of the man for his political views when there is honest to god truth in what he says.
He did have a way with words and said many truthful things. Too bad I read his words on Germany.
Anyway I will forgive the profanity since you are rightfully upset at Trump. It upset me too.
Peikoff, is that you?
I didn’t endorse John Kerry so no…
I’m with you. Done with this whole process. Maybe that was my last bit of youthful naivete galloping away.
The Republicans have been shit since 1952 and the Democrats even worse. And the Libertarians aren’t getting any better. So we are fucked.
Trump is no Eisenhower.
Eisenhower did manage to have one budget surplus (the last real one) plus the ROADZ.
Anyway you are right to be mad at Trump. Things are really shitty and will get worse. The next Dem President will spend more money and will give us single-payer and more gun control.
I could give a fuck for Trump but I want to see Supreme Court Justices that adhere to the Constitution. Fuck the Republican Party and the horses they rode in on just please, please, please no mas “wise Latinas”.
That’s probably the only thing that the Repubs can actually do.
That’s probably the only thing that the Repubs c̶a̶n̶ will actually do.
OK fair enough.
Not sure how this got 6M views in less than a year, but I appreciate that some gems can still get popular sometimes.
LOL I’m so stupid!
“I married young and have had only 1 sexual partner. Now I desire variety, but value my marriage and will not cheat.”
Roleplay that she’s a Mexican soccer fan and she can scream “GOOOOOOOOL!” while you anoint her breasts with your love juice.
You’re the matador, he’s the bull. You yell “ole” whenever you wrestle him down and hop on him.
and by hopping on him, i mean on his penis.
The Magnificent Seven is on the Outdoor Channel for anyone that cares.
Steve McQueen is the coolest guy ever.
Even though he was kind of douchebag.
Died at my age… beat the shit out of a hottie…
Y’know what? Fuck Steve McQueen!
And he had the voice of an 8 year old.
Have you ever watched “The Tao of Steve”? A quirky little indie flick that I found quite charming.
I did, watched a lot of Donal Logue stuff, I like that guy.
He’s really good. I thought his career might take off after “Blade” but he just keeps making indies and short-lived TV shows. He reminds me of most of the dudes that I grew up with.
I’m just sad now that he’s on that POS Gotham, and between him and being vaguely connected to Batman I am compelled to watch that shitshow. But on the bright side, every time the logo comes up all I can see is ‘Got Ham’; which makes me think of funny parodies of the Got Milk campaign.
I really liked Gotham…at first. I think it would have been much better if they had planned for it to run 2 seasons (3 tops) from the get-go.
After the first season (which ignored cannon, and was thus shit) the show started taking on more and more qualities from the shitty Joel Shumaker films. At this point it is pure shlock with no connection to the things that make Batman a compelling character. But yet I feel compelled to watch, I am my own worst enemy.
Good song (and video)
I don’t know (or care about) the Batman cannon enough to let any discrepancies bother me. But I totally understand those like you who do.
I did always wonder where they were going with Jim’s fiance/psycho being named Barbara. Since that’s his daughter’s name I thought that was weird. But again, I don’t know the cannon.
Or maybe it’s not his daughter’s name? I got that from the Adam West Batman
His wife and his daughter were both named Barbara. Harvey tried to beat the shit out of Jim in year 1, but he reversed the roles and Harvey was a clean cop after that. And don’t get me started on the abomination the show used as Azreal.
I did read once that depending on which story arc you count as being the cannon, Harvey either sees the light and becomes a good cop like Jim, or turns into a back-stabbing prick.
Question; does the cannon have his wife Barbara being a literal psychopath?
Yeah, Harvey was crooked for a long time, but I think after Year One he has mostly been a clean cop, but I’ve never been that rich kid who could get every issue that came out, so I might be wrong on that.
No, Barbara Keene was mostly a side story to Jim Gordon, she was the wife who got cheated on and forgave him; to the best of my knowledge, like I said I havn’t read every issue.
3 Ninjas Knuckle Up for the win.
You’re a racist.
No, but after watching the trailers, I’m gonna.
How is that ‘outdoor’?
You don’t ride horses “indoor” do you?
Well, I don’t ride horses at all, so don’t talk to me about your privileged horse riding youth, shitlord! If I can’t ride horses, no one else should be able to either!
Funny tidbit. I used to look upon the “horsey-types” with real disdain because they were ever so posh (in a bumpkin fashion) and kind of lorded over the social milieu when I was a boy. Ended up marrying one (the girl, not the horse).
Uh, really?
They are hardly ever inside!
You sir have never apparently seen that porn that my friends told me their cousin’s best friend’s uncle’s son saw when we were 12.
I didn’t know McQueen was so old when he died.
Dammit, Mike. You are only a few short years behind me.
Key word is “behind.” Or as I like to call it, “younger.”
*makes note to outlive that motherfucker MikeS*
They’re gone, Child. They’ve all gone!
Latch, love the sentiment; but calm down, breath, having an aneurysm over this won’t solve anything. Have a beer, come up with a strategy. Breath.
CPRM, it sucks.
I’m Libertarian because I hate cops, love guns and understand economics. The cheeto in chief has been neutral on cops, guns and pretty good on economics…. until this month.
Tarriffs. deficit spending, gun control on the omnibus bill. Fucking FEDGOV is no better now than it was under Obama.
I hear you, it’s the uncertainty decided in a way that’s the opposite of what’s in our favor that stings so much. Seeing hopes dashed is rough.
The best we can do is find the way to use our own lives to effect those of others. If you are good with people, try your hand at politics, if you’re an introvert, find something in your talents that can influence others. Don’t let this site be your only outlet for your thoughts. We can effect change in this world, we just need the will to do so. I have lost that will in my personal life, but this site is a place I can encourage others…I don’t know. Just find an outlet that fits you.
I’m just a normal private citizen of this country who wants to be left alone. I have my house, my kid (and another in the oven) my family, my good job, and my skills.
I advocate all the time with those I know. I’m a small part of the #Libertarianmoment.
Our country is large and it doesn’t share the values of freedom that I do.
Wifey went in on her day off (after baking for most of the night) and ran a bake sale that raised $700 for one of her co-workers that has come down with the cancer. Donations are starting to stream in online. She’s a better man than I, Gunga Din.
^^^ This.^^^ This right here is why I love this fucking web-site! I knew someone would tee off on that quote and was not disappointed.
Hey, I’m just a Russian bot, doin’ Putin’s work.
Not to prod you since you are having a bad night and I’m in total agreement but he’s been rhetorically pretty ‘Law & Order’ from the start when it comes to cops. Granted he hasn’t pushed had for Back the Blue or other terrible encroachments on civil liberties but the impulse is there. He was voicing support for Reagan era death penalty for drug deals the other day
Yep. I’ll be sanguine if the Republicans stay in power long enough to outlast Ginsberg and can put some young buck in there to safeguard the future. As for the rest? It doesn’t really matter.
That’s pretty much where I am. SCOTUS is where it’s at. It’s the only thing that has any lasting effect.
Mr. Heroic Mulatto linked to his article about neoyokeltarians the other day. I believe he has been fully vindicated in his views.
Just because the neocons hate someone doesn’t mean that person doesn’t suck as well. That is the mistake of Rothbard, Rockwell and Raimondo.
Well my immediate response to Trump’s election was to expect a Dem victory in 2018 so it doesn’t seem my prediction was far off.
My immediate response to Trump’s election was sniggering like a 14 year old in the locker room and playing the videos of the dumbfounded dim-wits of the MSM over and over again. I never cared for the guy but the reactions to his victory were delicious.
Anybody else sick of feeling like libertarians are just here to manage the decline of Western Civ? I know I am!
Just here for the chicks, man.
*consoles tundra before he realizes his folly*
Have you had cocktails with a Libertarian woman? Because I have.
*nods at Hayeksplosives*
I prefer Roadsplosives. That should be the cause of the next schism.
Gonna be Surfplosives pretty soon
It. Was. Divine.
For mentioning Divine, for OMWC.
The tailgunners of the Flying Fortress of State.
OOOOH! That was a goodun!
“Manage” seems to imply they have actual power.
manage…watch… whatevs
I feel like I am the voice of sanity in a country full of retards.
At least there’s some entertainment value to the decline. When you’re wandering the streets of your post-apocalyptic community you can regale the survivors with tales about that time the president and the former vice president threatened each other with a fictitious fist fight. That was fun
Do you enjoy Gibbon?
Watching Iron Sky. 10 minutes in and it’s actually pretty good.
(checks for summary of film)
“In the last moments of World War II, a secret Nazi space program evaded destruction by fleeing to the Dark Side of the Moon. During 70 years of utter secrecy, the Nazis construct a gigantic space fortress with a massive armada of flying saucers.”
…. space… nazis….
how did i miss this?
and pirate bay has an 9GB “director’s cut”. So tempted. It must be like that 52-hour version of Das Boot no one has ever seen.
“Directors Cut Notes: Bigger. Longer. Spacier. “
Because if they had gone to the light side of the moon in 1945 we could have immediately destroyed them?
I’ve backed the Indiegogo for the sequel…which has space nazis, lizard people Hitler, hollow earth, etc. It’s supposed to be out last year/this year, but some Euro lawsuits regarding rights between some of the effects guys and the Producer/Director. Hope it gets ironed out soon.
Their very first flick was an impressively made mashup of Star Trek and Babylon 5 called “Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning”. It was released online for free a few years ago and is probably downloadable somewhere – but probably not on any streaming sites outside maybe youtube.
+1 Nazis on the moon +2 Udo Kiers
Didn’t Heinlein write a book about Moon Nazis?
It’s on Amazon Prime.
I wonder if anyone supports Trump anymore besides Sean Hannity. Sean Hannity loves Trump like he loves Taekwondo. Or Sean Hannity loves Trump like he loves the Seth Rich conspiracy theory.
You can’t kill true love.
Shitty artist explains what their shitty art means so that people will pretend to care
you can guess who it is.
I honestly think if you tried saying to an art teacher “my bagel w/ lox symbolizes jewishness” , they’d look at you like you were a 10yr old and go “really? that’s the best you can fucking do? why not put a yarmulke and the keys to a Lexus on it just so you can be 100% sure people ‘get it’? really maybe you should just drop this class, you’re so bursting w/ creativity you might as well start pitching galleries”
“oh, and let me guess… the banana is a dick, right? yeah, wow, didn’t see that coming”
Constantly striving to cultivate relevance.
The best art is art that needs to be explained
Too many carbs in the bagel. How about eggs, lox, tomatoes and onions?
And coffee. That sounds good.
*adds another movie to queue*
Beware, it is the only good thing Michael Moore, yes that fucker, has ever done.
But, I mean, it is good, even though fuck that fucker who made it.
Has he disowned it now? I mean the whole theme was that Russia is no longer a threat…
Incidentally, my favorite SF author just released a book with a minor (and dead) character pulling this “they, them” bullshit.
God dammit.
I’m currently reading a tome by Nebula etc. etc. etc. award winner that uses “e” and “eir” as preferred pronouns. it’s a rather boring slog and I might not finish it out of spite. We don’t learn until over halfway through the book that “e” is gay and then suddenly everyone is gay. All of those accolades and she can’t even sketch in the protagonist. That’s it. I’m done with sci-fi.
Really, perhaps it was foolish to think society could escape the pull of narcissism. What is this “i identify as a femme?” shit. What’s next, “I identify as a muscle queen?” Nobody fucking cares what you call yourself. That’s almost a caricature of boring and insufferable. Specifying how you wish others to think of you should be comical, but it has apparently been nurtured by a gay political culture that has turned pride in diversity into a fetish for self-identity. It’s divisive and narcissistic, and mainstream culture has picked it up like a shiny new gold coin. (We laughed at “metrosexuality” twenty years ago, but the long-term lesson has been much deeper.) And now “femme” is actually a “gender.” Good grief. Someone should tell “them” “Shut the fuck up. I’ll be the one to judge how femme you are. And then I’ll snark about it, to your face and behind your back. Like God intended.”
Enough people do care, which is why it’s being reward and replicated.
“My Banana has a first name that rhymes with NPR, my Bagel has a second name that sounds like JAR.
My head hurts from reading that. I assume “sulfur radiation” is just as real as intersectionality.
She is never going away. Shecis a relentless self-promoter. Maybe this culminates with a career in porn.
How far she’s fallen since Interior Semiotics.
Fuck Duke.
This extra line added because apparently the forum will only let me say “Fuck Duke” once, even though it needs to be said many many times.
That’s what Jimmy Cromwell said…
And Duke Kahanamoku…
Since many of us are in a mood, I’d figure I’d share an angry e-mail I sent to my siblings tonight:
They don’t fold as far as the Dems want. Um Yay?
That may be too wishful thinking. Also hello watchlist.
Glibertarians.com was on the list at the hour of its birth; what’s one more seditious comment gonna hurt?
This. I write a column on the likelihood of civil war every 3 months or so… we’re already on every watchlist there is.
I would have said Miami to Anchorage. Geographically is is “one corner to the other.”
/unnecessarily critical
My first thought was “Maine to San Diego”, but I didn’t want Simpsons references to distract the reader.
Cabot Cove (murder capital of the world) to California.
Did Cabot Cove have common sense gun control, or is there just something about white culture or biology that nurtures such violence?
Loving the Murder She Wrote ref.
If only we had a cartoon of our own!
We have Rob Lowe?
Is Rob Lowe still occasionally tweeting out some surprisingly unprog things, given that he was such a famous Democrat that he: (1) starred in the most nauseating, insufferably self-congratulating progressive-government-adultory work of fiction in media history until President Bartlet rubbed shoe polish on his face and took his art into live performance two years later; (2) fucked those kids on camera at the ’88 convention so we’d never forget to associate him with the party?
Jesus fuck that was masterful! Bring on the dancin’ girls!
Well done. How did you do the Trump voice?
It’s not over. Most people still dont want what the left is selling and even though the media lies about that, I dont believe that future elections will. People do not want gun control or speech control. They don’t want communism. The harder the left pushes, the greater the pushback will be. Who would have thought Trump would be elected. And sure he’s just a snake oil salesman but that doesn’t mean the next anti-establishment candidate will be. There is a global anti-left sentiment going on right now and its already starting to make some political difference. Young people grow up, these trends go back and forth. I certainly feel like you do from time to time. But guess what, we’re not alone. The awesome ass bitches on this site are testament to that.
So true. I there is plenty of disgust with the Rs. That is not the same as supporting the left.
The purpose is to preserve and foster the Remnant.
“Isaiah” by Albert Jay Nock
Fuck. I first read that as “ruminant”. I’ll see myself out now.
What brought this on?
I’ve been on an 80’s music kick for some reason. Maybe reliving my childhood. I think the live version is superior to the music video. Something about the simple stage setup without large video screens or elaborate pyrotechnics, even if it has two of the world’s worst backup dancers.
Only related by an almost identical song title, but Babra Streisand singing Lover Come Back to Me in 1965 was a knockout JAP.
TW: YouTube.
I’m done linking to/clicking on links to YT. Thanks for the warning.
From the YT comments, “He’s the only guy who could outgay Wham!”
You can vote for conservatism but you can’t get it.
See what I mean? Apparently this is too fiscally conservative for the Dems base.
Not a powerline fan but all credit to Hinderaker. He got that one right.
I don’t know how you manage to post tit pics morning, noon, and night but bless you for doing it.
Yep. I wish I could see the tits on the lady sitting next to me right now.
Q, I’m in a pretty shitty mood tonight. Give me the best NSFW you have. I’d appreciate it.
And while you’re at it, figure out this CO2 emissions shit I have been busting my ass over for the past few months
You are almost as good as getting laid. Thanks Q.
No prob. I’ll work on the CO2 thing.
“Does your watercraft have ample flotation devices? Q’s does.”
Greatest band ever
*clicks link*
That’s not a U2 video!
Greatest band ever
Fantastic band and well suited to your mood. I also suggest any of Black Sabbath’s first four albums.
If you are in an ass-kicking mood, maybe this will scratch your itch
I’m curious how one comes to believe in God, especially after having derided the concept for so long. There’s a great deal about Christianity and Judaism I’m coming to respect, and I’ve contrived a very rough sketch of an outline of faith which I find interesting, but nothing really sells me on the idea of a soul or a god or anything exogenous to us corporeal human beings. I don’t have the faith, but I hope to marry a devout woman who will bring up our children to believe in it.
The idea of God as a clockmaker has an old and honorable tradition. So much so that a fair number of old white guys who believed this hung out in a building in Philadelphia for a couple of years trying to codify some of their political philosophy into a model for a certain constitutional republic.
Sounds familiar but I can’t quite place it.
Did you do your research on the P229/226?
That sounds old, and awfully white, so probably bigoted and who cares. Our New Woke Overlords will provide for us new tablets to carry down to the dumb plebs at the bottom of the mountain.
Him or Theodore Roberts?
I think I like the idea of God as a methodological exercise. I haven’t really thought this out too much, so bear with me. I like the idea of faith as a means of exploring our sense of humility, stretching out the ol’ humble muscles. I like the idea of God as something ineffable. I like to think that the notion of a man-like God creating man in his image is awfully reductive, the sort of thing that has been necessary to sell plebs on some central notions about humility and civility which are really pretty useful. And maybe the core of this Christianity thing isn’t God as some ridiculous omnipotent man creature, but something understandable to humans and yet all-consuming, a way to, I don’t know, ensnare our apparently limitless expansiveness and ability, and to give us some idea about unknown unknowns and the limits of our perspicacity.
Fired the first warning shot to my family that I will be deleting Facebook and that they need to use an encrypted messenger to contact me. I’m probably overestimating the effect this will have on friends and family. They all have my email anyways.
Isn’t really odd that a website can be this…I dunno-embedded(?) in peoples’ lives? It seems odd that no longer using a site on the web can have such an impact on people, not because of anything they did, but because the effects it has on others. It’s almost like moving to a new address, but you are simply not doing a thing.
/hope this doesn’t come across like I’m downing you, Mustang.
I’m right there with you. It just has too much…control, really.
My own experience was that I used it to see if anyone on my list said anything of interest to me. I didn’t post anything because I can’t live my life as a series of announcements, and I’m not interesting. Of course, when I wanted to talk to someone on it, I used the private messenger. Virtually no one ever saw the messages (not in a timely manner, at least).
Add in the shitty political stuff around every corner, and I just said, “Fuck it.”
I have everyone except a few friends and family unfollowed anyways. All I see is car stuff but I can get that elsewhere.
My experience was the opposite of the teenaged “ewwwww” when they discover that Grandma has an account. I was the first in our family to sign up and it was my youngest daughter that made me stop using the platform altogether.
They’ll probably be a little disappointed given you’re overseas, but I still think it’s a good idea. A different platform, maybe?
I stopped using facestalk a few years ago but haven’t yet deleted my account. I still get ads about horny singles (men and women) wanting to meet up with me in “named town, named province”. I just chuckle.
Yeah, you don’t need f-book for that. I’m sure the horny singles here will be happy to meet up with you whenevs.
I’d like to meet people who’ve been successfully taken in by those ads. I’m just curious what they’d even be like.
Other than having a case of “DTF”, I can only imagine.
Have you ever watched a puppy trying to figure out their own farts? Probably something like that.
Ah-a lot of crotch-staring, yes. 😉
Well we can still email and I’m using Wickr for an encrypted messenger and so far it seems pretty good. It does encrypted calls too, though you have to pay for video chat. I am brainstorming other ways to keep them posted on stuff.
Went out with some buds last night, anyways. Vodka and Redbull seemed like a good idea after a few Bass pale ales. It wasn’t.
OOOOH! The reckless drink + the stupid drink! No wonder you wind up walking home so often! Just joshing ya, Straff…
I love walking home. The most danger I get in is some teenager yelling “How are you? I’m fine”.
For my stumbling Gaijan – https://youtu.be/3NuFVQk_CCs
My head started hurting reading that.
Wow. If you ever want to know how much data Facebook stores about you download your data file from the settings. Years and years of messages, pictures, statuses, everything wrapped up into a tidy file. This is definitely the right move.
BTW them and the NSA spying and storing everything online, pretty much everyone is primed for blackmail. But let’s give the Feds moar power so they can restrain the power the already had.
And, it was designed by a man who is now saying, “Huh…Maybe I do need to be told what to do by the government”.
That article was the final straw, actually.
I never got into the whole “Cuck” thing during the election. That said, Zuckerberg is a straight-up cuck.
Unfunny jokes
Unfunny, to be sure.