Ten games on the ice yesterday. Tampa Bay outlasted the Islanders. The Panthers topped the Rangers. Bloe Jackets blanked the Panthers. Hurricanes dumped the woeful Coyotes. Caps beat the Dead Wings. Oilers greased the Senators. Maple Leafs drilled the Predators. Canucks beat the Crackhawks. San Jose beat Army/Vegas. and The Kangz annihilated the Avalanche. Well done, all. But when are the MINNESOOOOOOOODA WIIIIIIIILD playing again, dammit?
OK, now to basketball. This shit is getting out of hand. Loyola-Illinois won again too advance to the Final 8. They held off a furious Nevada rally to close the game out and advance as an 11 seed. Joining them were Michigan, the lone higher seed to win yesterday who thumped aTm, Kansas State, a 9-seed who dumped blue-blood Kentucky, and Brett L’s very own 9-seed Florida State Seminoles. who took the perennial media darling Gonzaga behind the woodshed. So we have two 9’s and an 11 in the Final (I won’t call it “Elite” because that has always sounded stupid and was designed to sell more shit) 8. The only high seed remaining in the other sessions tonight is Syracuse. And I know I’ll be praying for them to take out that rat-faced cretin and his Dookies. Why? If you have to ask then you will never understand.
Texas native Joan Crawford was born on this day. As was the genius Akira Kurosawa. rocket scientist Werner von Braun, crackshot Vasily Zaitsev, mother of a Monkee and savior of typists everywhere Bette Nesmith Graham, the fleet-footed Roger Bannister (who recently died), recently-fired-while-taking-a-dump Rex Tillerson, singer Chaka Khan, fat annoying guy Louie Anderson, cager Moses Malone, “brilliant” “actor” Richard Greico, professional troll Perez Hilton and superstar runner Mo Farah. There were others, but I realized the list was getting long.
That’s it for trivia and sports. Now its time for…the links!
She’s a keeper! You’ll never guess what state she’s from.
You want to know how you end up with “Trail Of Tears II: Electric Boogaloo”? Try pulling some shit like this on me. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with the court system? Fortunately it looks like its being reversed by the Indian court, but that doesn’t mean the idiots at Miami-Dade don’t have some serious-ass questions to answer.
Murder and hostage situation developing in France. According to CNN and MSNBC, the motive of the attacker may never be known.
House Committee looking into collusion claims all but accuses James Clapper of committing perjury. Also find no collision between Trump campaign and Russian government but found a systemic effort to stymie Trump officials from effectively transitioning. CNN had a steaming hot take on it, even calling in the aforementioned Clapper to give his opinion while never noting that he was directly called out for misleading statements under oath. But I’m sure that was in the original story and just got edited for brevity.
The Senate passed possibly the worst spending bill it could have even considered. Thanks a lot, assholes.
And finally, in case any of you were considering picking up a meth habit, look at these photos before you pick up that pipe. Is that how meth is done anyway? Or is it snorted? For some reason I assumed it was smoked like crack. Huh, I’m sure somebody will explain it to me in the comments.
Have a great Friday and a better weekend, friends.
Sooo….. the spending deal that Congress is attempting to pass. 20 trillion dollars in federal debt, in excess of GDP, spending trimmed not a cent in this proposal. Fuck you, cut spending.
Look at the Hillary fan. Go suck on her crusty teats, you rube.
How’d he gonna suck at all six of her teats at the same time? And why bother? The number of government teats pumping out milk as sweet as nacho cheese sauce just multiplied with this bill.
If her titties make cool blue milk, like fictionalized Hillary in woke new film The Last Jedi, I will at least drink it from my Thermos.
Hey, I was MAGA before MAGA was in style.
Fuck MAGA. Those hats ugly as fuck. No offense Hat.
*shakes fist at Diego*
If you really love America, you throw money in her hole.
You can just toss it in the air and let the hole suck it in as designed.
Just in case anyone forgot that the Republicans are worthless pieces of shit. And then I bet Trump goes ahead and signs this abomination, guaranteeing disenchantment among the Republican base resulting in Democrat takeover of the House, and maybe Senate. So we can look forward to even bigger government, more spending, and less freedom. Thanks a pantload, assholes.
Yeah, pining my hopes on the GOP House to fix this….*shudder*
Sure paints a rosy picture of the future. I think we might be best off with a Democrat president and a Republican legislature. That’s the only way the Rs will do anything about spending. I pine for Obama.
*SLAP* You shut yer fool mouth,Son!
Um….never O! Someone else, but not TEH LIGHTWORKER.
The last 6 years of Obama brought us the most fiscally sane legislature of my life time. I don’t like the guy, but he had a knack for getting legislatures elected who would oppose him.
Passing continuing resolution after continuing resolution and ceding your enumerated power to the executive just to make your reelection easier isn’t my definition of fiscally sane.
That’s why I said the most fiscally sane. Low bar, I know.
But they weren’t even close. The GOP during Clinton actually passed budgets and forced him to sign or veto them. That’s fiscal sanity. What happened during Obama was a disgusting capitulation of responsibility for political expediency. I mean, they literally accumulated more debt than in the entire history of the nation before O took office. Nobody in elected federal office can lay claim to any level of fiscal sanity during that period except a few vocal opponents that tried to stop the madness. The GOP leadership does not fall into that category.
Yes sloopy. I mentioned this offhand on a previous page. I was once a big proponent of the (rather neat) “Republicans are better in opposition” theory, until I realized that, no they really aren’t.
I contest that. The last 6 years of Obama’s presidency were a massive spending frenzy. Pretty sure you were alive in 1993-94.
You guys are probably right. Admityedly, I wasn’t paying much attention during the Clinton presidency. He was first elected when I was in kindergarten. I change my above assertions re the Obama administration.
I still think we would be bettor off with an R legislature and a D president.
I can’t see how that’s true when you consider the JUDGEZZ and how much law is made at the regulatory level.
We would be much better off if these pack of pretenders in Congress were primaried en masse by hardcore fire-breathing fiscal hawks.
There you go. Like I said in yet other brilliance on another page, maybe leadership and swing districts need to be pragmatists, but large swaths of the country are deep, deep red. There is no reason rural Arizona or whatever has any business not being represented by a Freedom Caucus guy.
There is no reason rural Arizona or whatever has any business not being represented by a Freedom Caucus guy.
And yet, they give us a Flake and a Whacko-Bird.
Trump can’t win either way, so he might as well not sign it.
If he vetoed this abomination then held a few of his rallies explaining why it was complete shit, he’s get a far better bill in a week.
Why would he do that? The Reform Party kicked him to the curb for their presidential candidate because he didn’t want to talk about spending cuts. There’s no reason to think he’s any kind of fiscal conservative, he never was. So, he won’t be vetoing any budget.
Exactly. With all the screeching from the left about what a monster Trump is, people tend to forget he is really basically a ’90s Democrat. He is not and never was even remotely conservative.
Didn’t say he wants to, just that he could.
No I understood that, and you’re absolutely right, but from my point of view the proposition is essentially a completely zero probability that happening. Unless maybe it’s all they talked about on Fox News and MSNBC.
You’re assuming Trump doesn’t like this bill. I doubt he doesn’t like it.
Well, according to Trump, he’s considering vetoing it because it has nothing about DACA and doesn’t fully fund The Wall™. So, it still doesn’t spend enough for his liking. So, during his first year I was feeling kinda bad that I didn’t vote for him. Now, so far with his second year, I’m back to being glad I didn’t vote for him.
I didn’t vote for him but I held out some hope that he might really stumble upon making some decent moves as president. That’s looking less likely these days, at least when it comes to things I care about. Still have my fingers crossed, and I’m still convinced Hillary would’ve been worse–can you imagine where she’d be on gun control right now?–but Trump is exactly the same guy that hosted The Apprentice.
But of course, we will continue to hear that Republicans are all Ayn Rand-reading an-caps who slash budgets down to nothing and cut every government department possible.
On the former DNI, the report says that Clapper, now a contributor to CNN as a national security analyst “provided inconsistent testimony to the committee about his contacts with the media, including CNN.”
A CNN spokeswoman did not return an email seeking comment. Clapper could not be reached for comment.
Those statements were true, in the context of allowing America to believe what we wanted them to believe.
He gave the least dishonest answers he could!!
Shouldn’t Clapper being serving a prison term for lying to the FBI and congress about spying on American citizens.
No, that only applies to the peasants!
Can’t you read no good English? He didn’t lie he was just inconsistent and not csndid in his statements.
*scratches temple*
“now a contributor to CNN”
So you interview someone who works for you and expect them to be honest?
I put this on FB with “some animals are more equal than others”
A contact of mine commented that his behavior “pales in comparison to the lies being spewed by this administration on a daily basis”
Well, only one of those sets of lies were under oath.
The hillbillies that cook it where I’m from smoked their meth. That’s how you end up with meth teeth.
The hillbillies where I’m from don’t cook theor own meth anymore. Cheap Mexican meth has priced the DIY chemists out of the market. We need tariffs on Mexican meth.
*symphony applause*
I think I remember reading somewhere that the meth itself doesn’t actually damage your teeth, but meth addicts tend to neglect hygiene and drink a lot of sugary soda to deal with their dry and bad-tasting mouth after smoking it.
Meth, by itself, doesn’t do anything to teeth. It’s a combination of poor hygiene that you pointed out, along with the various additives that are in the meth. People that can’t spell chemistry and have no idea what stoichiometry is, unsurprisingly are rather bad at making pharmaceutical grade chemicals.
Christ. If someone says they have a federal order, you damn well demand to see it.
The order was from a tribal court, not a federal court. Federal courts don’t do family and domestic relations stuff since there are no federal laws on that.
I suspect that the hospital admins were either PC types scared shitless of offending an accredited victim group, or had no grasp of the law.
I’d love to know if they asked their lawyer before handing the baby over.
Would have loved to have seen them try that in RC’s hospital.
The Miami-Dade police said the tribal police asked them for backup enforcing “a federal court order.” And they just took that at face value, I guess.
That or they’re just trying to cover their ass for failing to realize that tribal courts have no jurisdiction outside the reservation.
Federal courts don’t do family and domestic relations stuff since there are no federal laws on that.
I’m sorry, what?
-the family of Elian Gonzales
Oops, sorry, I knew there was an exception but couldn’t remember what it was. Like the Elian Gonzales case, this is one of those since the tribe is a sovereign as is Cuba.
The feds do indeed enforce family court orders. They may not be the origin of the orders, but they will enforce them if one of they parties is in federal jurisdiction, or in a different jurisdiction of one of the others, such as two parents in different states or if one of the parties is on an Indian reservation. As one example, the federal Office of Child Support Enforcement.
Sorry. Thanks.
” the federal Office of Child Support Enforcement.”
Nothing. To. Cut.
Indian Child Welfare Act – short short version, tribe may claim ownership over your children.
“They say the court order came from Sanders’ mother Betty Osceola who wanted to keep Johnson out of her granddaughter’s life.”
Someone will be kept out of that child’s life, but it’s not going to be the Dad.
I bet this makes them want to register with the tribe too.
If only there were a sitting Senator who could walk them through the steps of realizing their tribal ancestry.
Maybe it’s cause I’m about to have a baby, but that story pisses me off. I don’t know much about how tribal law works, but if this is the normal, I don’t see how this isn’t a blatantly racist turn of events.
The tribe has no jurisdiction outside of the reservation, the Miami-Dade idiots fucked up hugely.
The hospital was off tribal land?!?!! Oh man I’d be more than pissed. And it took four days to get the child back!!! Are you allowed to sue tribes? Or do they have sovereign immunity?
Declaration of War then?
Tribes have sovereign immunity, so suing is generally not permitted. There maybe exceptions, but I’m not a lawyer and I have no clue on tribal issues to boot.
This!!! The article does not seem to specify if it was City of Miami Police Department or Dade County Sheriff’s Office but that hospital is quite a haul from the reservation and I can’t imagine the staff entertaining any requests from tribal cops without the local agency presence. The father’s status as an amateur Florida Man seems evident. I would have expected a shoving match, fisticuffs, and a stolen Miccosukee Tribal PD cruiser (later found, a burned out, smoldering husk, near a trailer park in Perrine) at minimum.
Why was this court order honored outside the reservation? Being the non-native father of a half native child is not a crime under Florida law AFAIK. Warrnts for murder, theft and assault should be honored, but not this.
The res detectives told Miami Dade cops that they had a federal warrant. The Miami Dade police, not used to actually getting warrants before stealing children, were easily fooled by this ruse.
Then they committed fraud, and perhaps violated FL law by lying to cops. Also possible impersonation of a federal agent.
See my reply to #4 above.
Indeed. Due to sovereign immunity I doubt the father has much direct recourse, but since Marco Rubio has taken notice, the feds may be able to slap the tribe with something.
Considering they committed fraud in order to kidnap a child across territorial lines you would expect some kind of legal sanction. Judging from the circumstances outlined in the story I’ll bet there’s more going on, but it seems a lot like grandma doesn’t like the fact that whitey knocked her granddaughter up and is taking her anger at the granddaughter’s lifestyle choices out on the father.
Her grandmother and Lizzie Warren’s paternal grandfather ought to get a place together and make a sitcom.
Murder and hostage situation developing in France.
Clearly fake news. They have common-sense gun control in France.
Maybe another law saying “we mean it” will work?
This time they should specify “Asian men”, or I guess “African men” in this case. Probably no other relevant characteristics that might shed some light on the shooter’s motivation or background.
Maybe the dude walked into Indiana and got his guns at a Circle K without even having an ID.
-the left
It would be no big deal
No more craigslist personals
The popular classifieds website has announced it has pulled its personal ads section from the site. Craiglist made the move after the passage of the Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act (FOSTA) on Wednesday. The act makes it easier for sex trafficking victims and prosecutors to sue websites that allowed sex traffickers to post ads on the sites. Numerous tech companies fought against the bill arguing they couldn’t be held liable for what people post on their platforms.
You’ll just have to look elsewhere for your perverse amusements.
Damn shame. Those were always hilarious
One less way for me to get ass. This pisses me off more than the fantasy sports ban.
Land of the free
“According to police, the husband recorded the incident with his cell phone and turned it over to deputies.”
Snitches get stitches
Video’ers get violence-d?
He shot the video, but he did not shoot the deputy.
And he swears it was in self-defense.
Golf clap for Swiss and ARV.
Racist! I’d be madder at the Dade PD than the tribal yokels if I were the daddy. Why the red brothas get a trail of tears but the Dade brown-rednecks don’t get an inner tube ride back to Cuba?
Caption Contest (Rand with the spending bill)
Fuck Me.
Nah, I detect a bit of a smirk there. Don’t look now, Dr. Boucher, but I hear tonight’s forecast is pretty windy. And I hate it when all sorts of random debris makes its way on to your lawn, don’t you?
“Ask your Senator or Representative if they have read this. Then laugh at them.”
“I’m not angry, I’m just disappointed.”
“Talk about reams”
“Sorry we’re out of toilet paper. This is all we have.”
Rand uses a Mac. Suck it, PC fanbois.
He is no Ron Wyden
PC users don’t print text out like old people. We just read it on the monitor. In the case of Macs, that’s also the computer, which might be the source of confusion.
/I keed!
+1 The files are in the computer
Even the greatest men have their faults.
Vote Republican they said, we’ll cut spending they said.
This is what cronyism looks like.
I got your toilet paper right here, commies.
“Gonna whittle me a bomb-ass dildo outta dis nigga.”
My woodchipper is in the shop, and the guy is saying it’ll cost more than its worth to fix.
“This makes me mad enough to bum-rush someone into the ground.”
Why do Republicans hate trees?
I’m late to this party, and MikeS’s comment may refer to the same incident, but mine is:
“I’d rather get blind-sided by my neighbor than have to read through this damn thing!”
Nigga, how you expect me to read all that shit by you.
The finding suggests that leaks of classified information were politically motivated to undermine Trump after he won the election.
Spiteful, politically motivated character assassination, or noble patriotic service to our nation? Only History can judge.
In a hundred years, when Trump is as rememberable as Harding, people will talk about the open corruption against him. It might not be a popular finding, but it will be in the books.
Depends who writes the history. It could end up being the noble fight to preserve the nation against the misogynist, racist tyrant Trump.
Or a last desperate gasp before the shit that seems to be sweeping the world buries us.
It would be interesting if he were remembered as Harding. In other words, as a dimwit who was not in control of his own administration, but who nonetheless did far less damage to the country than the other, intelligent and competent administrators who governed the country as President during his era. (Yes, there was also Coolidge. Every once in a blue moon we have our cake and eat it too. But don’t count on it.)
Harding is remembered as a dimwit because the press was already a wing of the Progressive movement a century ago.
smartypants academics still mock him for “normalcy”
This is the reason they eat Tide Pods:
This Artist Imagined Famous Women Throughout History On Their Period And It’s Beautiful
You don’t want to see Ruth Bader Ginsburg on her period? Sexist pig.
The Tammy Duckworth one was the best.
*screams, Homer Simpson style, and runs away*
Couldn’t she just use the prosthetic leg as a Diva Cup? Just dump it out at the end of the week?
Fun Fact: That’s actually a menstrual tidal wave crashing down in the background.
Bill Veeck approves
It is kind of a stand-up toilet?
Where’s the Rosie O’Donnell at the urinal?
Awesome song choice, Sloop! I listen to it once a week because I am lazy and don’t bother updating my tunes. I’ve been grooving on that for forty years.
Thanks. I’m afraid my song picking has been a little off lately. Nobody brings it up and I’m afraid it’s getting stale.
I’ll work harder on it.
Your choices seem plenty eclectic, to me, anyways. Just keep doing what you do, Friend and know that it is appreciated by someone, somewhere.
I don’t have any way of playing music while I’m at the office, so I don’t really get the chance to check out your selections. 🙁
I only listen to Poppy, and Tariq Nasheed.
I *always enjoy them. I’m just too lazy and ungrateful to mention it.
K! S! U!!!
Sorry had to get that out. Now on with the links! I’m gonna go pass out from exhaustion.
It’s good to see Kentucky lose.
That dad is going to be on the warpath.
I bet he’ll take a few scalps.
I have a lot of reservations about this story
I am just walking away from this one…
To Oklahoma?
There might be a few tears along that trail.
I’m sorry I commented on this one so late. I’m a little red faced
+1 We hate Andrew Jackson
Sounds like the mother is drunk with power.
So this spending bill…is there something in there about mental health and vets? If so, does anyone know what exactly it means? I looked at the actual bill but you can guess how that went.
Also, trying a new messaging app, Wickr. I tried Signal but it can’t message to numbers with different country codes so it’s out.
And, my first attempt at deep dish pizza was a success. A little bland, but considering I’ve never even used yeast before I’ll call it a win.
Picture of said pizza:
What pizza?
I am not sure what happened but…it’s hilarious.
Deep dish is not pizza. Therefore, no photo is possible.
*throws Lou Malnati’s box at Pvt Chipperbot*
I had it last time I was in town!
I…can’t argue with this.
Um…. Ghost pizza?
Once you take off the pizza’s rubber mask, you’ll realize you’ve been eating Old Man Weatherby all along.
Whoa. You just gave me a sweet crossover idea: Scooby Doo and the Mystery, Inc gang go to Riverdale, where there have been a series of ghost-rapes at the local high school.
Sell that to the CW Network TODAY.
Can SugarFree be the head writer? Please?!
Maybe not? Pretty funny though.
SFed your own image. Well played!
I missed the original Pizza war. But here is what I would have said:
I think we can all agree that this is the best pizza ever!
WAIT, those deep dish deviants have to fuck this up (do they really think that they are tricking us?)
So after that horror, why not lay your head down on some pizza goodness?
UFFDA! The deviants have even found a way to soil pizza pillows
“Hydraulic snack”
Swiss’ Snack Machine
I just stick my head into the fondue pot….
this is what i picture whenever we talk of the beauty of deep-dish casserole…https://youtu.be/9-k5J4RxQdE
One more time…
You’re on a roll!
I don’t…what the hell? Fuck it. Evidently I was wrong. Deep dish is not pizza. The universe has spoken.
Maybe we should call this “Mustanging” a link.
You just double-Mustanged that link!
It’s a low calorie version!
Looks a little burnt.
Did you ferment the dough long enough, I dunno, others here bake way more than I do so I’m sure someone will come up with something. Just trying to jumpstart that subthread 🙂
holy crap, i only had the page loaded two mins, didn’t think i’d need to refresh before submitting, and was I wrong…
Chilled for 24 hours. Probably just the recipe. It was basically just yeast, flour, salt, and olive oil. The crust was great, toppings were spot on, and the garlic herb butter I made and brushed on turned it a nice golden brown. The bread was just about bland. It’s all good.
Your version of “chilled” might be too cold. My next bread attempt, I was planning on using a people-thermometer to measure the starting water and monitor the dough, thinking it’s more focused on the temp range of interest compared to the typical probe/meat thermometer.
Just had a thought of a sousvide style water bath machine for dough culturing. How low can y’all turn your heat sticks?
Lower than room temp in many cases, which renders it unnecessary.
HOLY SHIT, they refrigerate too?!
I will try a little warmer next time. The consistency of the crust was absolutely perfect. Not sure how I pulled that off but it was fluffy and tore apart easily but had crispy edges.
I think the consistency comes more from the mechanical treatment, the flavor from the chemical development. Mixing the dough hydrolyzes some of the starches to sugars, the yeast turns that to lactic acid, boom, flavor. Otherwise, starch tastes like cardboard.
Apparently my picking a bracket while being blacked out drunk strategy has paid off….although I suspect Mike S will wind up at the top.
I won a super bowl pool by being late to the party and having to pick one of the last squares available. Much grumbling ensued and I made 300 dollahs.
That’s the same strategy I used!
Thought we were rid of the mustache. What will it take to get rid of this asshole? The mustache would probably clog the woodchipper.
Do we get a Hat and Hair with guest ‘the mustache’?
I’m working on it. Geez. I was up late being disappointed.
You aren’t going to walk off the post without shaking anyone’s hand, are you?
I was planning on it. That was a fucking disgrace last night.
Yeah, not thrilled that Trump is bringing in the Porn Stache of War.
This is not good. When you’ve lost Tucker “confused golden retriever” Carlson, you’ve lost the base. I’d make sport of his ‘stache except it looks like mine.
*Racken bracken sassafrass*
Behold, my elder brother – https://youtu.be/wWYFxekoAsM
Between Bolton and the budget deal, I’m fucking over it.
Yeah, the Bolton pick pushed him past tiresome into frustrating and disappointing for me. Pretty much any hope of him not being a complete waste as a president went out the window.
I get John Bolton and John Brennan confused. At least they are both assholes, I suppose.
Heh. Zucker even looks like a troll.
He’s almost as penile as that dude from MSNBC…
Vultures. Parasites. Profiteers!
Mr. Pelletiere is one of the many speculators driving a new — and somewhat confounding — economy in neighborhoods across post-Harvey Houston, one that is especially notable in Canyon Gate, a subdivision built in the 1990s where rice fields once stretched to the horizon. Many parts of the city were hit hard by the hurricane, but Canyon Gate has the extraordinary distinction of being built within the confines of a reservoir specifically designed by the Army Corps of Engineers to protect central Houston from calamitous flooding. Nearly every one of the 721 homes there is destined to flood again, yet the local trade in storm-damaged real estate is flourishing.
Canyon Gate’s dilemma lays bare a defining feature of coastal life in a time of climate change: Many of the neighborhoods where we already live should never have been built in the first place, and doubling down on reconstruction could make the consequences of the next disaster much more severe. But doubling down is what speculators do, and — at least in the short term — they are profiting from their efforts.
Kind of a meandering “exploration” of post-Harvey real estate speculation, with a huge dollop of “this will only get worse because Global Warming” on top. They don’t actually get around to explaining why it’s bad to give these flooded-out home owners the option of selling out for cash at a discount. Maybe it would be better to force them to stay.
rice paddies. next hot real estate, reclaimed salmon and shrimp farms, that floating trash island in the Pacific, and active mudslides.
“mobile home”
“Motivated sellers”
“Adjacent to Everything! (along the slope)”
Don’t you dare question the Federal Budget! They need to spend all that money doing wonderful things.
Why look at this received wisdom from our betters.
Fair skinned young people should be counseled about avoiding the sun to reduce skin cancer. Would any of you so-called “geniuses” have ever come up with that? NO. For truth like that we need the vaunted US Preventative Task Force. (only they are brave enough to Speak Truth to Deplorables)
Fuck the Public Health Industrial Complex. The reason the progs are able to embarrass us with the gun-violence-study-funding shit is that they have a point. “We” are being disingenuous, acknowledging that they will make statist propaganda (with the imprimatur of “expert” and “objective”) out of such a task, and yet refusing to see the bigger picture that they do so to everything they touch. The CDC should have a narrower mandate, not a wider one. Nobody needs to see their make-work blatherings about the vaping “epidemic” any more than they do the gun one.
If the CDC is going to continue to exist, we need to force them to stay within the actual definition of the word epidemic – a contagious disease caused by PATHOGENS. “Gun violence” is not an epidemic. “Obesity” is not an epidemic.
Yes; that was the original definition of “public health,” with the modern one just Orwellian makework. And it’s not as though contagious disease is permanently a thing of the past; nobody seriously thinks it isn’t just a matter of time. Why is the CDC allowed to use its resources to concoct propaganda about Happy Meal toys instead of for the next drug-resistant pandemic carried around the world by passenger jet?
They aren’t totally wrong. If you need proof of why whiteys should not be sunbathing, simply look do an image search for former AZ governor Jan Brewer.
Trump sex video. Rich dude likes banging porn stars. I’m sure this will alienate him from his base. I’ve never known a guy who wants to be rich and sleep with many women.
Oh the humanity?
A Prog’s wet-dream of Glory – The Wreck of the Trumphinberg!
That’s actual footage from the Trump Sex Tape, Festus.
It burns when he pees?
Fuckin’ Jersey
Hey, Jersey didn’t force the Krauts to fill their zeppelins with hydrogen.
And speaking of presidents to like to bang….
I’m shocked by this news.
I mean when your husband is a rapist and philanderer, you have no option but to defend him and call it an ‘open marriage’
Well, quite a few of Bill’s side-women got banged “not by choice” too.
Daniels is firmly establishing herself as a whore of the worst sort.
Christ, wrong thread….
He kept most of his quim on the side and in return let her sidle up to nefarious actors in the booming Arkansas cattle industry. A “quid pro quo”, if you will. Fuck her. Fuck her eleven ways to heaven. Trump has been doing some incredibly stupid shit for the past few weeks but can you imagine the alternative?
I pine for Obama.
Meth is one of those drugs you seem to be able to take any damn way you please. You can swallow it, as do those for whom it is prescribed (Schedule II) at very low, “cup of coffee” doses; it is, for example, the last-line (not because it is any more dangerous or addictive than any other such med, just because of its street value) stim treatment for ADHD. Also you can snort it, vape it (if not by now the preferred method, then will probably be by the time I finish typing this), or smoke it (really more of a vape, unlike crack), or shoot it (y tho?). And of course, as with everything worth doing in the first place, you can put it up your butt.
In my extensive drug career I did meth once. We hotrailed it, which I had never heard of. You take a hollow glass tube and heat up one end with a blowtorch. Then you snort the line you laid out through that—-the heat apparently vaporizes it and it goes up your nose as half vapor/smoke.
That was a very, very groggy high.
Fun story: My first year of college my whole circle of friends were gay guys and straight girls. One of the girls that I TOTALLY could have taken down but I was young and stupid is now married to the former #3 at facebook and is a billionaire. Damn.
But anyway. The guy that got the meth was gayer than two men sharing bodily secretions. His name: Dusty Bottoms. Legal birth name. Awesome. He started using meth to lose weigh. He said he’d quit when he got down to 180 from 260 or so. We laughed.
It totally worked. Quit cold turkey and he kept the weight off.
Now that is a story! Actually the Dusty Bottoms part is far more unbelievable than the responsible meth user who actually used it to become healthier. It is unfortunate that in order to kill the prohibitionist myths drug enthusiasts have had to come up with new myths of certain drugs being at least potentially used by all sorts of responsible adults and the others being “the devil,” that it is simply dumb, period, to fuck with even once and which you must stay away from. (Versions of this were weaponized to kill prohibition of first alcohol and then marijuana.) As with so much else, this kind of false clarity makes one feel safe and life’s decisions look easier and cleaner; whereas reality’s forbiddingly complicated onslaught of nuances makes one uncomfortable.
Does he keep in touch with Lucky Day and Ned Nederlander?
If they sucked his cock or vice versa I’m sure he did.
My weird-ass high school (which is actually one of the best in the country) was run by three lesbians in an 3-way relationship with an adopted asian daughter, whom I’m happy to say is hot as balls now.
Some people dressed up for Halloween. Dusty came in wearing black leather pants with only a mesh shirt on with his nipple rings sticking out. Even the principal(s) thought that was too much, and goddamn this was a liberal school. It was famous as a refuge for gay and otherwise intelligent but ostracized kids.
He went out to his car and came back in a skin-tight boy scout outfit with shorts that just covered his balls. I actually didn’t really like the guy–more disinterested–but I respected the chutzpah of that. He wore it all day.
Was this a public school or one of those Quaker or Ethical Humanist dealies? Your account of the three-course seafood meal would suggest the latter.
Dusty must be respected if only for having the backup costume. Also, I don’t see what was wrong with the mesh shirt. He’s a man for Christssakes, and it was Halloween. If you can dress up like Frank N Furter then what is the harm in that? Also he was a fatty and that is funny as hell.
Glibs would be proud. I went to Signature School in Evansville, IN. It was the first charter school in the state—totally public but only 250 students. The other schools fucking hated us.
Three course seafood meal? That doesn’t ring a bell, or at least not in relation to my high school.
I was a member of the first graduating class that went their whole HS career at Sig, although I went half-day my freshmen year before they opened up full time sophomore year.
It was a hyper, hyper lefty school. I started out that way but I naturally started questioning the teachers’ philosophies and was a proto-libertarian by my senior year in ’04/05. Freshmen year of uni pushed me over the edge.
Think, young padwan, not with your mind, but let the Force guide you.
It’s absolutely asinine how the media and politicians act as if there’s no ISIS/Islamic problem. And how do they react when the people begin to question their authority and decisions? They don’t adjust and reflect the will of the people. Nope. They double down on conflating immigration with illegal immigration and now ISIS fighters returning in their respective countries in the EU and Canada as Trudeau does. It’s apparently the ‘duty’ of people to be ‘respectful’ of these ‘immigrants’ and if they don’t they’re smeared as ‘lacking compassion’ and ‘alt-right’.
Worse, they’ve also taken to cracking down on social media and look to throttle dissenting views and voices be it on Twitter or youtube channels. Canadian and American journalists can’t get into the UK, authorities knock on your door if they catch a tweet they don’t like, some goof ball just (Dakula was it?) got hit by the courts in England for some joke about Hitler – Heil! – on his youtube channel.
No matter what, that it even happens, to whatever degree and frequency you think it happens, is troubling.
Of course, to a rube like Zuckerberg who is in waaaayyyy over his head, he invites ‘regulation’ to control HIS operation. What does he care, right? He made his money and is firmly entrenched in the world of billionaire-activism. Which means, he has to go against the wishes of the people. They refuse to consider they’re….wrong.
That had absolutely nothing to do with meth other than the fact that you were apparently on it when you clicked Post, you redneck Canadian muppet. Do not ride upon the coattails of my brilliance.
Other than that…this would hardly be the first time big business asked for regulation. It’s not like Zuck asking for it is necessarily a matter of “he’s made too much money to care” as it is that it may well help him make more in the future. I really don’t know the details at all; the notion might be preposterous. But “even business” “agreeing” to regulation–twist their arm! You know they did it through oh so gritted teeth–goes back to the Interstate Commerce Commission. (Actually older at the state level, of course–and the concept of course is older than capitalism itself; capitalism is the story of its abolition.)
Is that still legal to use ‘Mr.’?
I’m all lost now.
How backwoods do you have to be to not know how to spell “spic”?
Fun fact: Soviet subjects never did call each other “Comrade.” That is just for Party members, in a Party context. Ordinary folks called each other “Citizen,” in the Revolutionary French manner. Ordinary Cubans, however, do call each other “Comrade” (“compañero”). The Utopian vision there was more expansive and ambitious.
You mean the movies lied?
Yes, spic. Of course. I’m a stupid wopp. My bad.
See, folks, this is what meth does to you. Next he’ll be mushing up to an RCMP station trying to order poutine and a LaBatt to go. #sad
What is it with Labatt and you hicks?
Is it that popular down there?
Asking for a friend.
That’s how they advertise it here in Merica, so it doesn’t matter if no Canadian drinks Labatt, and no Australian would choose to drink a Foster’s, those beers are linked to your country as much as Guinness is linked to Ireland.
Irish really do love Guinness tho. You know your beer is delicious when you’re Proddy hardline Unionist noblemen who actively and loudly help the Brits every chance you possibly get, and the Taigs still keep sucking it down like mother’s milk (even though beer isn’t really drinking for them).
The Irish do love their Guinness, but not when they’re out for a full night of drinking. A group of us went to Ireland a few years ago, and we hit one of the local pubs in Thurles for a night of drinking. Us Yanks were all drinking Guinness and Smithwicks, while the Irish were drinking Bud. Of course later in the night they switched to “hot whisky”.
Is there a more insufferable person on TV than Brian Stelter, who looks like a bag of dicks?
HOT TAKE: “Trump nominated Bolton to distract from a story by a news network that trails Nick at Nite in the ratings”
They still got Nick at Night? I’d imagine if it existed at all at this point, it would consist of shows from classic Nick.
Old Nick shows would be great. I wish they would show Pete and Pete on TV or Are You Afraid of the Dark
It shows 80s sitcoms now.
Chris Hayes’s face was made for punching. It infuriates me every time I see him and he isn’t being punched.
Your violent impulses against Femme Rachel Maddow are disturbing. Glibs is being infiltrated by Ancap Antifa.
My favorite reaction:
That’s gold, Jerry!
Brian Stelter’s hot take isn’t stupid enough. Never fear, NPR is here.
“You know, Bolton is a pawn of Putin. Don’t be fooled by his advocacy for war in Syria and Ukraine. It’s all a ploy. Also, the NRA is a puppet of Putin”
My God, he’s out stupid Brian Stelter
There was a period of about three months where I’d listen to NPR accidentally and find that it wasn’t terrible. Biased, yes, but gently, passively so, like the news desk just didn’t know about things that didn’t happen inside the Starbucks where they telework. That didn’t last, needless to say. They’re at CNN levels, pushing MSNBC.
Agree, I’ve been sampling it over the last 6 or 8 weeks just to change up the morning commute, and I usually can’t take it for more than 5 minutes — just blindly spewing liberal talking points with absolutely zero effort to even contemplate the existence of any other side of the story.
NPR: We’re back with Generic Liberal to spout the day’s liberal talking points. Guest?
Guest: People are dying in the streets out there, and we could easily fix everything if Government would just do what we all want.
NPR: And what’s keeping Government, which we all know is Us, from doing what everyone knows the right answer is?
Guest: Because Republicans are bad people who want to kill everybody.
NPR: Interesting. Next, on Fresh Air…
Mark Penn, who served as a pollster for Bill Clinton in the 1990s and chief strategist for Hillary’s 2008 presidential campaign, says that the political couple’s open marriage was possibly ‘not by choice’.
This could mean Hillary shut him down early on, leaving Bill no alternative (aside from celibacy- hahaha) but to seek out feminine companionship outside the home. It could also mean nobody was willing to fuck Hillary; not no way, not no how.
No way!
Hollywood stars, athletes driving away viewers with political activism, poll finds
Nick Gillespie hardest hit. His whole flimsy thesis is collapsing, as everyone always expected
Eh, I’m sure rejection of political activism accounts for a tiny percentage of the drop in ratings. Realy I think it has much more to do with market options. Cord cutting is a real thing. I did it years ago. My suspicion is that is probably what’s really behind the drop. Why bother with commercials every 7 minutes and a ridiculously expensive bill every month when a Netflix subscription is what, $8.99?
Does moving from a traditional cable subscription to a IP-based tv subscription count as “cord-cutting” for statistical purposes? Like if I go from Xfinity TV to SlingTV or Playstation Vue, will the numbers count me as a cord-cutter? Do my views on live shows show up in the ratings?
No idea. I should have clarified, my point is lots of people are abandoning network stuff in favor of streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, etc.
Oh I totally understood what you were saying. I’m just posing some general questions I’ve wondered about but never bothered to look up.
I subscribe to Playstation Vue during football season – but I unsubscribe the same night that the Superbowl ends. I always wonder if I count.
I don’t watch most regular TV for the reasons you describe – commercials and cost – not politics. But, I have stopped going to the movie theatre and my consumption of traditional Hollywood produced video content has dropped almost entirely because of politics. Everything they put out has political messages in it – even the super hero movies.
From what I know (little) the ratings are split out by live broadcast and streaming. The streaming views are considered a more accurate count (as the company providing the streaming can tell you exactly how many people watched, stopped part way through, etc.) then the traditional ratings. I know that (as an example) Ash Vs. Evil Dead renewal is most likely dependent on how many people sign up for the Starz streaming service while it’s on, and specify that as the reason. The traditional ratings for it are tanking.
Okay, interesting. In all fairness, Ash Vs. Evil Dead seems pretty bad.
I started playing Sailor Moon Crystal for my 5 year old daughter, who has never watched a commercial in her life. The VIZ website plays the hulu content embeded. Hulu, of course, is the company that decided “People want to pay us to watch commercials”, so now my daughter is forced to watch commercials for the first time in her life. Every time one comes one, he turns to me and yells at the top of her lungs “UUUUGGGHGHHHDAD GO PAST IT!@!!!!!!!”
She’s going to be a lot of fun in 10 years.
Paying for the upgraded package without commercials is definitely worth it. It astonishes me that it took them years to figure out that people subscribed to streaming services to get away from commercials.
Oh, do they offer that now? Too bad they drove me to cancel my membership and become entrenched in their competitors products.
I naively emailed them years ago after I purchased the premium tier for technical help since they were still serving me commercials. They emailed back with a list of why I should be glad to watch commercials.
Yep, they offer it now. I cancelled several years back and told them I stopped watching because they had commercials. I came back as soon as they offered content without commercials.
In the meantime, they kept sending me surveys asking me if I would be willing to pay more to watch without commercials. I answered “yes” every time but the correct answer would have been “of course you fucking numbskull dumbasses, that’s the whole fucking point of streaming services you fucking stupid morons. Fucking idiots.”
France is currently experiencing more cultural enrichment.
The perp shouted something in Arabic. No word on the motive.
Huh, somebody should have put that in the links.
Oh, wait…
I barely have time to comment these days, let alone read the links.
Typical Rebel Scum…
It may not have been Arabic, it sounded like something about a snack bar….
That’s literally the story in the links!
::kicks pebble::
::pebbles rolls an unsatisfying distance, remains a pebble::
Don’t drag my wife into this! Only I drag my wife!
Wait, wasn’t BammBamm an infant?
Don’t let this take away from your quip tho, which I liked.
BammBamm grew up and chose the online handle of Grumbletarian. He spends his time on Glibertarians.com when he’s not domestically abusing his wife.
They weren’t married yet, but everyone knew it was a matter of time.
It was something about the snackbar. Probably a disgruntled employee engaging in workplace violence.
Carol Stone, 35, was arrested on Wednesday by the Pasco Sheriff’s Office after allegedly “smacking the victim multiple times” on his head and face after the victim, her husband, admitted to forgetting their anniversary, Fox 13 reported.
According to police, the husband recorded the incident with his cell phone and turned it over to deputies. Stone can be seen in the video striking the man.
I don’t think it would have been out of line to simply restrain her from assaulting him. I mean, don’t hit her, obviously. But prevent her from hitting you. Soy must be a hell of a drug.
Yeah, and if he restrained her with no video he would be the one getting arrested.
She should beat him again for being a pussy.
I’ll bet the make-up sex with the neighbor will be hot, though!
How was he a pussy here, exactly? This is exactly how you should deal with domestic abuse as a man – any other way and you’re going to be the one losing your shit and ending up in jail.
I wouldn’t call the pigs. I would call a really good divorce attorney if that were repetitive behavior.
A police report is pretty crucial for protecting yourself in these kinds of situations. In a divorce proceeding, I imagine it could be the difference between getting to keep your kids vs. being the one visiting. Or keeping 100% of your stuff vs. having to give 50% of your paycheck up for the next couple decades.
Good point. Gender is a social construct except when it benefits women for it not to be.
Yeah, this is the smart move. It might feel good to put her in an arm bar until she chills out, but getting evidence and turning it over to the police says, “Oh, I didn’t forget our anniversary, honey. Now if you’ll just be so good as to sign this separation order…”
As somebody who has dealt with a physically abusive girlfriend in the past, there are no good answers, except to get the fuck out.
I found it more perplexing than anything. She was less than half my size, so I wasn’t in any imminent physical danger unless she grabbed something to hit me with, but what was I going to do? Hit back? I’d have put her in the hospital.
So I took a little bit of bruising and some minor lacerations and when it got annoying, I grabbed her wrists to stop the whirling dervish and extricated myself. After it was clear that it wasn’t the tequila talking, but instead a personality defect, we broke up.
That approach makes total sense if its your girlfriend. If its your wife, that’s a different story. You have to prepare yourself for a legal proceeding of some kind – and you need evidence.
Absolutely. To be clear, if we had been married, I’d have done the exact same thing.
You say you weren’t in imminent physical danger, but unless you’re the lightest sleeper on Earth there are usually about eight hours of the day when someone has at least one good free shot at you. Take it from a guy whose dad slept in the basement on a cot with a pistol under his pillow in the waning weeks of his second marriage.
Well, she goin’ to jail now! She goin’ to jail now!
You wanna act like a man…
I know some of you Glibs live in Connecticut. I will be having lunch with State Rep. Whit Betts (R) on Monday. Are there any current issues in Ct. for which I can whisper a libertarian talking point in his ear?
I think taxes there are too low. See if he can’t take care of it.
Huh, somebody should have put that in the links.
Oh, wait…
Private property rights.
I hear CT is going down the public accommodation road hard. Ask him what gives the govt the right to tell people they must involuntarily serve others.
Any particular example of a bill pending on this issue?
It’s been in effect since 2012:
CT Gen Stat § 46a-64 (2012)
(c) Any person who violates any provision of this section shall be guilty of a class D misdemeanor.
Refuse service due to personal beliefs, get convicted of a crime. Refuse to serve penalty, go to prison.
You guys have some pretty shitty gun laws. You could poke a few thoughts in his ear about that.
Is it possible to glad hand with your fingers crossed behind your back? Just asking because I’ve never been very good at lying.
“Given the condition and behavior of the GOP nationally, and its virtual extinction in Connecticut, what possible reason might you offer a libertarian to vote for you?”
“Your campaign seems to have the momentum of a runaway freight train. What makes you so popular?”
“I know some of you Glibs live in Connecticut.”
Try pulling some shit like this on me.
Try pulling it on me and someone may end up with a knee wounded…
Trump picked Bolton as his National Security Adviser. Trump promised a new foreign policy that would depart from the Bush administration and he kept his word. Bolton was never this high ranking in the Bush administration. Well done?
George W. Bush administration redux
Yes, things just keep getting more depressing.
Policy wise, this was the worst week of the administration so far. This was an absolutely terrible week.
And now we have Trump saying he’d consider veto in the bill because it doesn’t spend money on his stupid border wall.
Yes, that would describe the wall. This guy gets it.
Trump’s first year was better than I expected but he’s becoming what I always suspected; a big government Repub with a war boner. Whataryougunnado? I think a lot of people thought his “Iraq was a mistake” campaign talk was about some sort of commitment to non-intervention. It wasn’t, it was just a convenient way for him to differentiate from that status quo at the moment.
There is strong evidence that Trump has long embraced a less interventionist foreign policy since the 80’s. That and trade are the only two things that he has been consistent about.
Well I’m gonna go out on a limb and say it’s about to get a whole lot less consistent with cabinet picks like Bolton.
Oh yeah. There is no reason to have any hope for this administration anymore
Trump attributes his success to surrounding himself with the ‘right people.’ I think the smarter neocons realized they overplayed their hand with the #nevertrump shit and quickly began co-optinghis cabinet. After Spicer/Bannon and a few others were kicked out it’s become business as usually with a little bit of spicy tweeting thrown in.
I don’t think Bolton ever went NeverTrump. I’m pretty certain he’s made it known that he’s willing to work for anybody as long as he gets to stick around in DC and run his warmonger yapper.
I wasn’t referring to Bolton specifically in that case, more just an observation of general trends. I agree, as long as he gets to beat the war drum he’s happy.
Yeah, but, Hillary, you idiot libraltarian.
The most depressing thought is that, bad as this is, Hillary would have been even worse.
There are very few silver linings these days.
I’m not sure what to think. McMaster was a particularly nasty Obama hold over and I’m surprised he lasted this long. I often disagree with Bolton on the talk shows, but I have a hard time disliking the guy.
Yeah, plus he really wants us out of the United Nations.
So he can’t be all bad.
One thing I will give to Bolton, I can’t remember the exact dates/details but he told the UN to go fuck themselves and that the U.S. wasn’t playin’ when they tried to pass some international regulations regarding small arms (Globalist Gun Control). He may be a war mongering asshole but he did well that day.
He does rock that stache like Grandma let the cows in the corn so he’s got that going for him.
As much as I dislike the UN and most of what it does, pulling out entirely is a terrible idea. Just like how the US used the UN as cover for the Korea defense when the Russian boycotted it, the worst of the world would use it against us and Israel. I’d like to see the UN dramatically slashed to pieces with a Secretary General more drugged than Kirk’s friend in the Nazi episode except without the cameras. Wear that skinsuit and tell the rest of the world to fuck off.
Also, fuck McMaster. Your book that catapulted you to prominence wasn’t a how to manual.
From the Free Beacon link above:
Is wikileaks really “pro-Russia?” What is this sneaky claim based on? I’m guessing just because they’ve revealed unconstitutional things that were happening under Obama’s NSA and corruption in the DNC?
I think you just answered your own question.
The newest conspiracy theory is that the NRA is a pawn of Putin’s (I shit you not). The WSJ opinion page was discussing how this conspiracy theory, which has been mainstreamed, was first developed as a marketing ploy after the whole gun control march.
When in doubt, just scream “Russia” or “Putin”
Kind of hilarious coming from the same people who mocked the shit out of Romney in 2012. From “Hahaha, look at this out of touch dummy who’s afraid of Russia!” to “ZOMG Russian bots control everything!1!!” in less than seven years.
Chipwooder, I earnestly believe that the people who invented the Trump-Russia Conspiracy are fully aware of Russia and the USSR’s efforts to influence US politics since the USSR existed (and some of their mentors were among the useful idiots the USSR used to influence US politics), and just figured it is believable because the truth is, the Russians do meddle, to a limited extent, in our politics.
Or racist or patriarchy. Id like to an analysis of opinion pieces as to what peecentage of each of the big evils they boil down to.
Yeah, I figured that’s what that shit is. Wikileaks seems to be neutral to me – don’t do corrupt bullshit and you won’t get embarrassed/outed by wikileaks.
Are there any current issues in Ct. for which I can whisper a libertarian talking point in his ear?
Ask him if he can do something about getting all those automatic weapons out of the hands of children. I hear it’s a serious problem.
Look him dead in the eye and ask about chem-trails. Keep staring while he answers.
Naomi Wolf, Party of Science™, is a chemtrailer!
She is redpilled about the frogs but she respects their orientation!
She seems to be talking about corporations buying water resources, and commercial cloud seeding. Not that the government is using chemtrails to affect humans.
Trump was practically bragging about the size of the budget bill.
That’s not how any of this works!!!
Stupid, stupid man
Would all of them. Sure. Why not? It’s for charity
The 90s NSFW pics of Donna Ewin are *awesome*. I won’t link here cause it’s not Glibs after Dark but I trust you can find them.
There should actually be a late night open thread just titled “Glibs After Dark”
That family friendly designation ain’t gonna last long.
‘Member the 80’s? I kinda, sorta ‘member the 80’s…
Why not? It’s for charity
The perfect fig-leaf for every indulgence.
“IN GOOD FAITH Woman reveals how micro-cheating on her boyfriend was the ‘best’ thing that could have happened”
Fucking some other dude is ‘microcheating’. It’s not full ‘cheating’ unless you’re pulling a train with a whole soccer team.
“The ‘best’ thing that could have happened” is provoking a guy into dumping you when you’re too pusillanimous to end the relationship.
I went on youtube to check out CNN’s channel. It says they have 3.1 million subscribers. I go to Fox and it shows 978k. That doesn’t seem right given how popular Fox is. Meanwhile, Lauren Southern alone has 479k.
Something doesn’t add up?
Demographics? People boycotting Youtube?
Most fox viewers are too old to use the internet.
A few million conservative accounts banned from YouTube.
There has to be something like that going on. I listen to Nick DiPaolo on XM and he was saying how they ‘shadow banned’ him. He went from 101k followers down to 1000 after they throttled him.
A comedian they attacked.
Yeah they have 3.2 million subscribers but their videos average what, 60k views? Some get close to 200k. SAD!
Fox news views per video are even lower, like 15k.
The demographics for these are older (especially fox news), so I guess this makes sense. More importantly – young people avoid both of these outlets like the plague.
There’s a gaming journalist outlet called Gamespot that has around 3 million subscribers but averages around 10k views per video – some don’t even break 1k.
Subscribers =/= engagement on youtube. The main problem with traiditonal news outlets on youtube is that they cut up their TV content into little 5 minute segments and then post them up online. This isn’t an effective strategy. The traditional 24 hour news cycle has to stretch very little content over 24 hours – this means that any one 5 minute segment is often low impact, uninformative and hard to follow. If you want to do YouTube news, you have to approach it like the entirely new platform that it is. Philip Defranco has figured this out – he has about 6 million subscribers and gets around 1 million views per video on average.
This is further compounded by archaic news outlets like the Wall Street Journal and CNN deliberately printing false libelous stories about YouTubers – which just turns off the younger YouTube audience. My generation does not trust traditional media at all because we’ve seen them lie about us so often an openly. Lying about famous YouTubers is not a winning strategy when it comes to building a young YouTube audience.
Interesting…makes sense.
Yeh, I’ve come across Defranco.
Sexy ladies waiting for you.
#3 is all I need.
I’d start with #15. The good. Red is she brought enough to share with all the girls.
*the good news*
Fucking autocorrect. It’s getting worse.
Rand Paul was killing it last night on the Twitters. I like that guy.
That sort of stuff always ticks me off. Government hoards stuff, whether it’s property or data, they love hoarding.
I wish they would hoard tax revenue instead of spending it faster than it comes in.
He’s one of the only elected reps at any level that I respect.
House Probe Accuses Clapper of Misleading Congress
Perjury is rather misleading.
*plummy British accent* Rather!
I think more likely it’s a bunch of snot nosed punks in the USA that want to believe Russians loved Communism.
Cause it’s oh so fashionable right now.
TW: This article will give you cancer.
anti-anti-communism is pro-communism. Get the fuck out of here with that nonsense.
Scum. Absolute fucking scum.
re: Stormy Daniels
I remember when whores had some respect for discretion and considered it a staple of their profession.
What is the world coming to?
Courtesans are becoming a thing again. IDK, maybe pornstars have been in the elites’ stables for a few decades now. Trump chose, poorly.
Anyone who trusts a whore is an idiot.
^^^This. If they’re willing to sell pussy, they love money enough that stealing, lying, blackmail etc. are NBD.
I always feel sorry for the Fathers of porn stars but can you imagine being the Step-Father of a porn star? That’s a shunnin’
Another fun story–involving porn stars!
I went to IU Bloomington with Joanna Angel’s sister. Super hipster but incredibly….incredibly hot. Small and mousy and just stunning.
Very good opera singer. She performs in Brooklyn in some sort of weird burlesque show. Sadly she’s getting married. Well, good for her I guess. I tried my none-existent game on her and got no where, but we hung in the same circles.
Oh I’m sure you did her, she just didn’t know it:).
Trump picks the one with a taste for fame and no discernable skills other than attention-whoring.
I wouldn’t say she has no discernible skills…
Yeah. Somebody hasn’t been watching the instructional material.
“What is the world coming to?”
Sexbots. mark my words.
Because she’s the wrong kind of whore. She’s a fame-whore, not a real professional whore. If he had hired a pro, he wouldn’t be in this position.
Fair point
It hasn’t seemed to have harmed him much. I’m more worried about his greasy little slide toward neo-liberalism over the past few weeks.
I want my Year 1 Trump back… Year 2 Trump sucks monkey nuts.
Yeah, that shit is redonk. Bragging about the size of the budget, entertaining various gun control measures. The Dems should be creaming themselves!
Newly wealthy NYC singer Cardi B complains about how much she has to pay in taxes:
Just give Rand Paul a call and he’ll be happy to furnish you with an itemized list of where your money is going.
I give it about 6 more minutes before her agent swoops in and tells her to SHUT IT DOWN
Cardi, your taxes are being spent on good things. Like helping Saudi Arabia kill people in yeman.
Welcome to the real world sweetheart.
Is she intending to reference comedian Dan Cummins? Because it feels like it.
Happy New Monster Magnet Album Day, you worthless retards. And be alert for the fine tittays in the related video link.
You just made my day Warty.
Oh yes, probably SFW, since it’s youtube, but be alert, I guess?
NSFW (mildly) but that one chick is hotter than the Sun – https://youtu.be/Ne1FHM0oJ-o
National Propaganda Radio beats the drum
“I wasn’t advocating for change yet,” she says. “I was just a victim of a tragic event.”
Then came the Parkland shooting, and those students’ outspoken advocacy. Like Lela Free, Conner was inspired. And she also felt something more complicated, a mixture of admiration and guilt.
“Watching these kids at Stoneman speak out and be so strong, so soon after, you can’t help but ask yourself — if I would have done the same thing, would it have happened to them?” she says. “I know that’s not fair for us to ask ourselves but … you can’t help but do it.”
You cannot convince me somebody involved with the Brady Bunch or Billionaire Bloomberg’s people had not brainstormed this Parkland media blitz in advance. Some new go-getter marketing genius they scrounged up. All they waiting for was a new set of names and faces to put on the milk cartons.
It was totally planned; astroturfed all the way. Sympathetic media propagandists are only too happy to go along.
I saw David Hogg lecturing from a podium on the TV as I walked into the office this AM. That kid has a face that was made for punching.
I’ll correct you. His mug ain’t worth the broken metatarsals, he’s merely a trip and a face-fart. Save your hands for more worthy opponents like Joe Biden or Donald Trump!
I’m pretty sure my metatarsals would hold up against those fine, girlish features.
In the past few years, we’ve seen the JournoList and behind-the-scenes collusion between the Democrat Party and several mainstream media outlets.
Bearing that in mind, it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if this whole “protest” was concocted by a triumvirate of the Democrat Party, the media, and those anti-gun groups. A decade ago, I might have called this theory over the top, but not anymore. I could believe that people from all of these groups literally sat down in a secret meeting and devised this plan.
I took the garbage out this morning! That almost never happens!
#feminism #womenempowerment #grrrrlpower
Kibbled Kristen Sylvia Stout.
Did you wear the rainbow onesy and the moonboots? I have a friend, ya see that is interested in things of that nature…
Nice euphemism, every guy likes that in the morning.
+1 Getting the ashes hauled.
Next you’ll be telling us you made a sammich…
The New York City native, 25, took to social media on Thursday launching into a fast-paced rant about how she was unhappy at the rate she was being taxed, as well as not seeing any sort of return on her dollar.
Bless her heart.
You fucking don’t fucking say.
The video is amazing. The car utterly failed to see the obvious obstacle. I hear lots of horror stories about Uber on the robot nerd grapevine, but it’s really something that they’re incompetent enough to have a failure of this magnitude.
So it uses LiDar. I wondered what they were using in addition to cameras.
Look at the bright side, now they have some real world data to use for troubleshooting the problem.
Lidar, radar, many cameras, certainly IR cameras.
My favorite part is that the car was speeding. If only there were some way for the engineers to have reduced their liability by programming the car to follow the speed limit.
I heard last night that overall death rate is something like 1.1 per hundred million driver miles. Now self-driving cars have one death in under ten million miles. SAD!
Fuck. If I could afford a self-driving car I’d never be sober again and be dead within ten years. Win-win-win!
Don’t be silly. Sensors are omnipotent and last forever.
Don’t be silly. Sensors are omnipotent and last forever.
Ut oh…there’s a glitch in Tundra’s sensors!
That’s just his redundant fail-safe systems kicking in.
Computer visions sucks and will continue to suck for some time.
It just goes to show how complex the human brain really is. Your brain is constantly taking in all of this sensory information and interpreting it in the background such that you can start reacting to a possible threat before you even consciously know what you’re seeing. Consider the mathematics you’d calculate to describe the act of throwing a snowball while running such that it hits the windshield of a car driving past you; a six-year-old can do that without even thinking about it. Humans are amazing creatures.
The Catholic God has boosted a Jesuit college to the elite eight. The Lord works in mysterious ways
You’re in Chicago right? Did you go there?
No, I did not graduate or attend Loyola University, though I have friends who did
Anyone who has been to a Jesuit college lately knows that the Catholic God abandoned the Jesuits sometime in the ’60s, after a bomb scare by the Berrigans frightened Him away. This is instead a sign of the falsity of Catholicism and the power of the Translesbian African Gaia.
Oh my translesbian African Gaia
Maybe, He has done this to bring the Jesuits back to the faith?
My parents were at the game when Loyola won the title 55 years ago over Cincinnati.
Me and my Dad were at Villanova over Georgetown in 85.
Catholics schools should hire my family to attend games. Except Georgetown.
I didn’t realize Georgetown was Catholic. They sure have everyone fooled
The Exorcist dude!
And again, they are Jesuit. They have actually been one of the most Catholic Jesuit institutions out there, to give you a sense of perspective.
I know. I was kidding. But, you do realize that the author of the exorcist has filed a complaint with the Vatican to strip Georgetown of the designation “catholic”. I’m not sure what’s come of that, but last I read, about a year ago, it was an ongoing investigation.
But, sadly, you are correct. For a Jesuit institution, Georgetown is more Catholic than others
After all, what good is a hierarchy if you can’t use it to purge the heretics? I’m not kidding: if you have an ideological organization you have to stay ever vigilant that it doesn’t get coopted by your ideological opponents. Looking at things from the outside, it seems as if the Catholics don’t realize that there’s a middle option between “roll over and take it” and “full on Spanish inquisition”.
Your first insight is spot on; and, consequently, the outside view is wrong. I wish these Hoyas luck in retaking control of their beloved increasingly ridiculous institution, and see no reason they should be moderate in that pursuit.
It’s very difficult to find an ‘authentic’ Catholic college nowadays.
LSD did a lot of visits to a lot of allegedly ‘catholic’ colleges and came away pretty dispirited about the whole exercise.
Love that first photo. Also, Enemy at the Gates was a great movie.
Talvisota is another great source of Mosin porn.
Currently, companies are testing in about a half-dozen states, notably California, Arizona and Michigan.
“The exuberance has outpaced a sense of balance and sober reflection,” says Stephen Beck, founder of management consultancy cg42. He anticipates that the Arizona death may cause some officials to think twice before giving tech companies carte blanche for testing on their streets.
“If there’s a positive outcome from this tragedy, it’s perhaps creating a new sense of balance,” says Beck. “While there’s a big desire to accommodate the private companies that are developing this tech, there has to be an acknowledgement of the safety needs of the communities where this testing is happening.”
I guess what it really comes down to is belief in blood-guilt. Maybe they’ll be satisfied white men spend a few dozen generations in the penalty box
The children are our future
My little girl just got her license a couple weeks ago. The process has gotten much, much more onerous than when I got mine, but these kids are shittier drivers. I truly think it’s all the tech in the cars. Learning to drive on a stripped down, rear drive manual in the winter tends to focus the mind and sharpen the skills.
Having to parallel park a 77 Buick Electra teaches you a thing or two also.
I learned to drive in an 83 Yota pick up.
Perfect. I learned on an early ’70s ford pickup with a three-on-the-tree.
I was 11.
Not sure if I mentioned this, but my Grandpa – who was instrumental in getting me to quit drinking – passed away a few weeks back. Surrounded by all 6 of his children, and 13 of his 17 grandchildren. He was conscious and responsive long enough for us all to say our goodbyes. And even his oldest great-grandchild came to say goodbye as well. It was really neat. What a way to go. He was 84, and he was sober for the last 35 years of his life, and I can’t thank him enough for helping me get to AA and get my shit together. He really did save my life.
But probably most importantly, he was a gun enthusiast, and he left me a Smith & Wesson 9MM.
Best… Grandpa… Ever.
Miss you, big guy.
Condolences and congrats, Whitey. I was able to be there with a ton of family when my Gramps died. He was a huge part of my life, too. He gave me a beautiful Winchester Model 50 that I can’t bring myself to shoot 🙂
How old were you when you corked the bottle for good?
Sobered up the week after my 30th birthday. Best decision I ever made. Business is going well, and my wife and I have never been closer. Baby #3 is due July 29th.
The turn around in the last 17 months has been incredible.
I love stories like that. Good on ya, brother!
Congrats on #3, too!
Sorry to hear it and congratulations on the sobriety.
Sorry for your loss man. It’s good that he died with his mind intact and his family around him.
I’ve lost both my grandpas. One was crazy as hell and mostly isolated. The other had his mind and his family. I know which is the better way to go.
Sorry for your loss. Major congrats on the sobriety and getting life on track!
Condolences and congrats!
Sorry Dude. Best wishes.
My condolences.
It gives Trump far too much undeserved credit, but I keep having an image of that fucking beetle from KHAAAAAAN! crawling into his ear and setting up shop in Trump’s head. Like a little harbor pilot from the Deep State, come to take over the controls of the Good Ship Trumputin.
Best… Grandpa… Ever.
*raises coffee cup in salute*
War, war, war! Mattis tells POTUS “don’t veto the budget, we need bombs- lots and lots of more bombs”
“I’ll get you the biggest bombs. Beautiful bombs. Classy bombs. Possibly the best bombs a president ever appropriated.”
Maybe if they got rid of the diversity counselors, the military would have more money for tanks.
It had to happen.
The market for firearms videos is too large to go untapped.
Though, I will admit that I’m kind of disappointed that the PornHub thing didn’t catch on more.
Hah! Too new for the coffee place to block it!
Thanks for the link. The market always finds a way.
Awesome! Fuck YouTube.
This is terrific:
Yeah, I’ve been binge watching Reids vids. Lot of good tips.
That was quick.
Sign up hit a snag on the captcha but I got through on the second try
oooooo… I like
This is dumb, but I’m still not clear how Youtube monetizes videos. The two channels I watch most, one a locus of video game streamers and the other, Red Letter Media, never have ads on their videos. But the former is running a business with over 80 (!) employees (well, contractors), and the latter seems to get by well enough for decent production value and reliable content. Where is the money coming from?
Anything with a hint of controversy is denied monetization excepting when larger media companies like the NYT or CNN do it. You’ll never see ads on some of the bigger channels though because it’s just not allowed.
After doing a (very little) research, it seems like youtube ad revenue is pretty pitiful, and most of the money comes from merchandise and donations. So maybe foregoing ads on their videos is a loss leader for making it up in sales and good will.
If that’s true, it’s pretty rich for Youtube, which is merely warehousing content produced by other people, to throw its weight around as if it owns the place (setting aside for a moment the fact that it does). If your policies are unreliable and your enforcement unpredictable, and the pay is shit, people will find better alternatives. And Google is losing money hand over fist trying to keep it afloat. That’s bound to come to an end. Forget the hamfisted social engineering angle, the product in and of itself is a massive money pit. But they’re going to usher in progressive utopia, replete with New Soviet Pajama Boys spitting #metoo slogans and hating guns, by driving away content producers? They’re operating a solid-gold dumpster fire and they plan on screwing creators the way they do investors? Good fucking luck with that, friend.
I look forward to YT going teets up…it’s just a matter of time but Google’s market dominance will allow them to hang on for quite a while. YT will still be around though, It’ll just be all lame content and corporate stuff-think CNN and cat videos.
Honestly, I hope they keep shoveling cash money into that fire for as long as possible before their investors breach the door and start throttling board members. Get Woke, Go Broke is a feature, not a bug, and I’m more than happy to see doctrinaire progressives lose their shirts putting their money where their mouths are.
Probably Patreon, merch, and sponsorship. Youtube monetization is probably not the best business model for the future of most content creation anyway.
Incidentally nonmonetized vids can still run ads on them. They just aren’t eligible for YouTube assigning them ads from its algorithm. They can find their own advertisers through private transactions and run those ads on the videos, just as they could by putting the ad in the vid itself (vimeo bans any sign of sponsorship without a paid “pro” account, but not YouTube) and it will look just like the algorithm ads to viewers. Many of the independently prominent channels like those of TV networks do this. So sometimes the “but they got to monetize similar content” that people think they see is a false alarm.
^This. I actually contribute to several YouTuber’s patreon accounts every month so they can keep going during the censorship-lite that we’re currently experiencing. If they want to censor, they’ll need to do it by outright banning people and removing videos, rather than choking them slowly by taking their revenue away.
I plan on doing some hefty Patreonizing when I’m making money. Back-payment for the hundreds of hours of content I’ve enjoyed for free would bankrupt me.
It actually hasn’t just been the monetization that has been pissing off content creators the most lately; it’s like that fight is not even in sight for many. It’s that YouTube has been fucking with the visibility of their content in numerous ways, such as the recommendation algorithm, news given to subscribers, and so forth. At least leave me my connection to my subscribers, they say. I think 2017 was really eye opening for content creators. They have started to take on the effort to build diverse connections with them across the Internet, realizing that they cannot rely on the social architecture of any one platform for building and maintaining an audience. It isn’t even about trying to save monetization at this point.
Ideally this would lead to a refracturing of the video hosting market. It’s already been done to some extent. My favorite scifi reviewer SFDebris, for example, has never used YouTube; vimeo has long been a far more promising place for high-quality indie scripted content; and so forth. I’m not super optimistic that we can ever see a more comprehensive fracturing, let alone an atmosphere that nurtures high-quality upstarts as we once dreamed, or any video host (even in a fractured market) with strong free speech commitments. But you never know.
I am aware of the shadow banning type policies but I haven’t noticed any of my regular conservative/libertarian channels not showing up in my feed. Every time one the channels that I view daily posts a new video, it immediately shows up in my subscription feed near the top. I also never got hit with the unsubscribe bug.
I think we will see a fracturing of the video market again, but it’ll happen without warning and suddenly, like the market usually does.
Hey hey, bookmarked!
Looks older than Parkland.
I’m liking the cut of their jib. First piece I saw on the blog: “The NRA Blew It, Big Time.” (It’s about the bump stock thing, not Fix NICS. It’s not a very well maintained site, just one that we can thank God exists.)
Full30 has been around for a while. It’s not clear to me how they hope to make money off such a niche market, though.
Wow that interface is terrible. Is it still invite only for uploading videos?
Decent article by Welch.
“newly woke” Matt Welch is hit or miss
The market for firearms videos is too large to go untapped.
It was a small victory, all things considered, but it cheered me up when roku told the whiners to shut up about NRATV, and refused to drop it.
*Which reminds me, I should add the gun channels, just to demonstrate my solidarity.
James Woods, American badass:
I never imagined I could loathe the @GOP more than the I loathe @TheDemocrats, but they got me with this suck-ass budget. I hope they get what they asked for in November. When will these RINO wimps stop sticking their asses in the air for the Democrats to violate?
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) March 23, 2018
I thought I was up to date on what a shtistain Andrew McCabe is. I didn’t realize some of this.
ABC broke the story that Andrew McCabe on his own, opened a criminal investigation into the sitting Atty Gen of the US.
Which also reminds me- I had never seen “Top Shot” until a few nights ago. They were shooting a Webley at a big rack of paint-filled jars moving back and forth on a track. I wonder if you’d be more successful shooting at the point where it pauses to change direction.
I hate those faux-dramatic “competition” shows, but I did get sucked in until the annoying drama queen guy got bounced.
It’s a good show. I know almost nothing about guns, and I was entertained. Could have used a better host, though. Former Survivor contestant with a mildly unoffensive face and a bland personality. Yeah.
Anyhoo – Chris Cheng. He’s awesome.
These people can’t be serious.
He forgot “annoying douchebag”
“President Obama’s administration did nothing when Russia invaded Ukraine or when they escalated the war in Syria. That was one of the saving graces of his administration, but how can you say that he was tougher on Putin than the Trump administration which has been arming Ukraine now and has imposed numerous sanctions on Russia?”
“OMG- did you not see the picture you Russian bot?”
Don’t believe your lying eyes. Accept the narrative
Was that picture taken after O gave him a bow?
IDK who that turd is but a google search indicated he was indicted in 2016 of scamming investors on a fake musical. SAD!
I thought Gene Wilder was dead?
“Yeah, I understand,” the departing Russian president said. “I understand your message about space. Space for you … .”
Mr. Obama then elaborated in a portion of the exchange picked up by the cameras: “This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.”
“I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir,” Mr. Medvedev said, referring to Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin, who just won an election to succeed Mr. Medvedev.
the last guy was the shiniest empty suit we’ve ever had.
Did you even look at the picture you Russian bot?
I think YouTube’s new explicitly anti-gun policies have been discussed here (I don’t get to read all the links threads), but I came across this elsewhere and thought I’d pass it on, in case the the mushy language of YouTube’s written policy left anyone in doubt of the scope of the ban:
Northeast Shooters
Oh no! Poor Boss Hogg
Correct link
You know, I’ve heard the expression “pencilneck” many times before, but Piggy is the first person I’ve ever seen who truly fits the description. Does he truly have an incredibly narrow neck, or is it just that he has an abnormally large head?
Leave him alone. He’ll get those Duke brothers some day
You know, I’ve heard the expression “pencilneck” many times before, but Piggy is the first person I’ve ever seen who truly fits the description.
Really? Those proportions are pretty common among skinny boys – you must be surrounded by muscle- or fat-bound people if this is the first “pencilneck” you’ve seen.
Life is hard without an 18 inch neck. #swoleprivilege
Hah, I have a 19 inch neck!
Of course, it’s because I’m a fat bastard.
I’m surprised they aren’t just handing him a SJW PhD.
I’m sure all the ‘poor me I just got rejected by another college’ tweets having nothing to do with signaling…. No lefty college board is gonna use that as an opportunity to very publically offer up a scholarship, so siree.
The little schmuck is quite disturbed by the (admittedly idiotic) clear-backpack rule that his school has enacted.
Poor, poor little leftist.
Computer visions sucks and will continue to suck for some time.
But- I have been told computer vehicle navigation systems are totally adept at identifying and classifying things, and distinguishing animate from inanimate objects, and divining their intent. And computers’ reaction times are far, far superior to humans’.
You are arguing that computer vision cars will never get into an accident. That’s infantile and ignorant. The decision is whether or not the cars on the road are safer or less safe. Finding one counterexample is sloppy emotional thinking. Arguing from ignorance isn’t impressive.
This was more bitchy than I intended. Sorry about that.
It’s the keto talking 😉
I’m on a 2200 calorie a day deficit and I’m burning about 300 to 500 calories a day at the gym 6 days a week. I’m surprised I haven’t yelled at anyone in public yet.
And computers’ reaction times are far, far superior to humans’.
This part is very true – speed is the main advantage of a computer. But at heart a computer is just a really complex adding machine, so it can only be as clever as its programmers.
Speed and the ability to multitask are the strengths. Analysis of unique or unforeseen circumstances and moral decisions are the weaknesses.
Exactly. Computers do math much, much faster than humans, yes. But human brains are constantly taking in information, filtering sensory input, categorizing and recategorizing data, controlling myriad physical systems, all mostly in the background while we’re looking at pictures of kittens or thinking about butts. If someone threw a ball at you you would react without even thinking about it; a computer would have to be programmed to do that specifically, all the while having to process everything else it was intended to do. Everything that we do instinctively or subconsciously a computer has to be programmed to actively do. Just imagine having to control your breathing and walk at the same time if you had to actively manage both things.
I’m not confident we’ll see computer-controlled vehicles mingling with humans for a while yet, not until we have something that’s damned close to AI. I think more likely we’ll see closed systems such as trains or subways operated entirely by computers well before passenger cars in public streets.
“This thing I don’t know anything about underperforms my undefined expectations! It sucks!”
Being a Dick doesn’t pay
They’ll make it all up on the additional sales of YETI water bottles and weights to all the SJWs that threatened a boycott.
Maybe they can replace their gun counter with a soy counter? That might work
Dick’s dilemma should be studied in business school: “this is an example of a business not understanding who their customer base is”
There you go! Sales of yoga pants, scrunchies, and those little pink and purple plastic-covered dumbell thingies are ’bout to be going through the roof!
And wait ’till you see what their female customers will be buying!
They should start stocking unisex infinity scarfs
YETI water bottles
Dick’s must have the most retarded market research department on the planet. They’re virtue signalling to an audience that never shopped in its stores to begin with. They deserve to go out of business with thinking like that.
The Dick’s down at the Fair Mall was – as you probably know – where Lanza’s mom bought her Bushmaster.
They jumped on that straight away, taking anything that didn’t look like a Fudd Gun out of inventory, and certainly in this area most of us understood why they might want to do that in local markets, even though it was boneheaded, but I haven’t shopped in any Dick’s since they did it.
SJWs get all their outdoors equipment at LL Bean and Williams-Sonoma. Dick’s literally had nothing to gain by this policy. I’d be dumping their stock if I were a shareholder. Not on principle, but on the fact that the apparently have no idea how to run a business.
REI, but yeah.
LL Bean has some really good outerwear…
One thing that is not so important but makes me sad is the loss of the NRA’s member discount deals. There were never many of them; and I see no particular reason to boycott companies that drop sponsorships or partnerships with persons or causes I like, as opposed to companies that never had decided to support them–seems mad counterproductive in the long term.
But nearly all of them are gone, and I am afraid they are not coming back. Which is to say, even though the NRA is just a national sports federation (used to be the Olympic governing body until 1996) that has learned to lobby really, really well, it’s never going to be treated as a “normal” part of the American landscape again. Having an NRA member discount is never going to be a “safe,” politically neutral arrangement for any corporation–even if you also have member discounts for nine other hobby groups and Moms Demand Action. Gun rights are no less popular now than they ever were; but from here on in there’s going to be a good hard 30% of the population that knows nothing about the NRA or firearms and takes it as a point of pride that it does not; but is nonetheless determined that both are pure unadulterated evil and the tools by which Putin kills American children. And that depresses me.
I see no particular reason to boycott companies that drop sponsorships or partnerships with persons or causes I like, as opposed to companies that never had decided to support them–seems mad counterproductive in the long term.
There are a thousand reasons that a company may have never been an NRA discount affiliate. There’s only one reason for these companies to make a noisy withdrawal from the NRA discount program. I’m not much of a boycotter , but certain companies’ proclivity for climbing on bodies at the latest crisis du jour and signalling their virtue like a bonobo with an ass rash comes into my purchasing decision.
Their stock has been on a general upward trend since November — but the short interest is a hefty 12.5%.
Well, my understanding is that they are mostly a mall store that sells general sports gear. So as I commented at TOS the performance may have been worth it for their base. (“I will not be buying Mason’s shin guards at an establishment that profits from selling weapons of war! Let me speak with your manager”)
What makes less sense is what they intend to do with Field & Stream. This is the division, found only in a few dozen locations mostly in the rural Northeast, that has sold nearly all their firearms (and all their “assault weapons”) since Sandy Hook. And what they chose was not just to privately divest their company shelves of the “black scaries,” which is all the soccer moms ever expected, but to go on TV and slap hunters in the face by lying about their weapons, insulting their motives, and calling for a government ban on the most popular hunting rifles.
Last I heard, firearms buyers are kind of a proud and easily mobilized bunch. So why on earth did Dick’s do this to them, and maintain Field & Stream as a division? They could have gained even more headlines and virtue points with a dramatic shuttering of F&S; whereas now they just have an albatross, a store serving a customer base who they have just insulted and now actively loathes them. Why continue to serve hunters at all?
My prediction: Within 24 months F&S will be sold or shuttered.
Well, given their stewardship of Golfsmith and Sports Authority, I’d say F&S is a given, and looking at their financials, Dick’s themselves might be toast. They had a lousy 2016, and I’d expect 2017 wasn’t much better.
Sucks for their 27,000 employees, but them’s the breaks.
Yeah the Dick’s by us never sold weapons, even before Sandy Hook.
Dicks is the only sporting goods store near me. Used to buy my fitness gear there. Switched to Amazon. If you give anything to the grievance crowd I pretty much stop shopping with you.
Eat a dick Dick’s…quit playing around and go bankrupt already.
Veto the spending bill? The HORROR!
3. He doesn’t understand what’s in the legislation: This wouldn’t be a surprise, if it were the case. The president has proven on multiple occasions that he has a nominal grasp, if any, on key issues Congress is debating.
They say this like it’s a bad thing.
“Fuck it, I ain’t putting my name on it, just so I can find out what’s in it, later. Who do you think I am, Barack Obama?”
Trump’s tweet blaming the possible veto on the fact that Democrats wouldn’t include protections for DACA peoples – that’s pretty hilarious.
Isn’t the damned thing something like 3,000 pages? When would Trump have the time to read it? If I were him, I’d veto it, then tweet, “Send me something I can read in an hour. SAD Congress.”
The comments are absolutely ridiculous; pretty much what you’d expect and kind of funny.
Watching these people losing their minds is rather amusing.
Arguing from ignorance isn’t impressive.
Neither is arguing from demonstrably false assertion.
They’ll make it all up on the additional sales of YETI water bottles and weights to all the SJWs that threatened a boycott.
And Bell bicycle helmets, and Bolle sunglasses and Camelbaks… oh, wait.
News from the mid-90s.
Ummm…. no shit?
off to the hospital to read the riot act to family and doctors alike.
dad (stage 4 lung cancer, type II diabetes) had a massive heart attack caused by a lung clot yesterday which was a possible complication from four cycles of chemo. responding EMTs got his heart pumping. so now he’s in ICU on a ventilator clamped to his face because his lungs are not working, with cracked ribs (typical CPR), being pumped full of “pressers” keeping his heart beating, looking like a human pin cushion from all the direct ports put into him last night (neck, wrist, somewhere else), and a fucking tube exiting his mouth to a bottle that appears to be full of stomach bile, catheter too obviously. he’s only “awake” when the nurse dials back his sedatives to get him to blink and wiggle his toes. otherwise he’s unconscious b/c he struggles against his wrist restraints. and likely Medicaid will claw back his assets (as it should) to pay for all of these interventions that are prolonging his suffering and death by days or weeks.
this is worst-case scenario stuff.
his fucking Advance Directive not worth the legal document it’s printed on apparently if the person granted medical power of attorney is delusional.
lesson learned: think long and hard about someone before granting them medical power of attorney. and DO NOT grant it to your spouse. no matter what. pick your hardest kid and grant it to them. my aunt granted me medical power of attorney in a bit of a surprise but now i know why.
Fuck. Sorry to hear it.
Damn. I’m sorry Raston. That’s awful.
That sucks Raston. I’m sorry.
I’m really sorry, Raston. That’s fucking brutal.
Fuck that’s aweful. My grandfather suffered for a week because my grandmother couldn’t pull the plug.
Damn dude, my thoughts are with you and your Dad. 🙁
Fuck. Horrible, man. Condolences – this stuff is never easy.
That sucks man, yeah my wife knows that I want to go when it’s time but she’s the opposite. I don’t have anything formal, sounds like that doesn’t matter anyways. My condolences.
That’s awful. I’m sorry your dad has to go through that, and I’m sorry you have to see it.
That sucks.
I would recommend a DNR order for those people who are of the older age and poor condition in addition to the Advance Directive. Get it and file it with the nearby hospitals. It preempts the ventilator so it’s not a battle to get the person off of it. I’m sure RC can provide more info.
Get a DNR.
So sorry, dude. The worst thing about life is dealing with death.
Damn, sorry Raston.
Sorry to hear. My grandmother passed recently and had a directive. My aunt ignored it and kept her alive for another week or so. When she was conscious, she was in pain. I subtly told the aunts & uncles to knock it the fuck off. The only time I’ve wanted to take a relative out to the woodshed.
Shit, bud. I’m sorry you have to be going through this.
Shit. Sorry, Raston.
But at heart a computer is just a really complex adding machine, so it can only be as clever as its programmers.
Exactly. And I’ll just go ahead and say it. I’m not confident in their ability to produce a sufficiently accurate model of the world. They can’t even do it with the weather.
I would imagine that accurately modelling the world within a few seconds travel time around a car is a leedle bit easier than modelling the atmosphere (including surface interactions) around a planet. But IANACS
Define “easier”.
In the one case, you have a mobile system, connected to a bunch of real-time sensors, that needs to make sense out of the gibberish that is radar/lidar return data, the respond accordingly with a failure rate less that one in a billion or so.
In the other case, you have rooms of super computers hashing and rehasing historical data (aka more gibberish) to make predictions about a future that cannot be verified.
One task may be somewhat less impossible than the other, but who cares.
you have rooms of super computers hashing and rehasing historical data
It’s a lot easier since they know what the trend is supposed to be, data be damned.
I’m surprised they aren’t just handing him a SJW PhD.
I’m surprised Evergreen hasn’t offered him a tenured full professorship.
Rachel Weiss really stole the show in Enemy at the Gates. I remember catching it at the theaters and that scene at the very end where he outsmarts the German sniper, I swear everybody in the theater jumped when he finally shot him.
Why can’t they make decent movies anymore?
Ughhh… Stalingrad…. farms boys plucked from their villages and sent on a train to fight over piles of rubble… more “soldiers” than available guns and munitions… and why? Because two retarded socialists (Hitler and Stalin) couldn’t get along.
forgot to include “1,000,000+ dead”.
Honestly, top 3 lowest points in post-Enlightenment world history.
all of these interventions that are prolonging his suffering and death by days or weeks.
That’s… horrifying. Good luck.
SJWs get all their outdoors equipment at LL Bean and Williams-Sonoma.
Oh, come on- they’ve got REI, too. I’m not sure if there’s a brighter beacon for the SJW signallers.
My teevee newsreader told me this morning that Lyft will be giving away $1.5 million in rides tomorrow to ferry people to/from gun violence marches.
Not sure why this posted here.
Just in case you needed a reminder as to just how fucked the UK is.
Sweet tapdancing Jesus, those are terrible. The second one is especially suitable for Airstrip One.
SBWE was years ago – London Transport pulled the poster pretty quickly once their illiterate teenage ‘imagesmiths’ were told that 1984 was a cautionary tale and not an instruction manual.
The ‘Sectarian Language’ one isn’t one I’ve seen before. I’m wondering what would happen if I said something like “Not all sikhs are like that” or “I’d rather sit down to dinner with a hindu than a muslim”.
Did a little research and found this.
Anyone who supports tossing people in prison cells for words deserves to be (metaphorically) woodchippered.
And links from that page led to this. All the good Scots really did leave a long time ago, didn’t they?
Scotland was one of the best and earliest examples of the Brain Drain and social “associative sorting” I can think of.
Wow, shades of property confiscation by the government, like in Venezuela.
There is no such thing as “more equal”
Then it’s even funnier. It looks like it’s aimed at stopping Rangers fans and Celtic supporters from calling each other bad names.
“Forget it, Bob, It’s Scotland”
One thing that I thought was pretty perceptive was a YT posting by Dr. Randomercam regarding Dankula. Dankula lives in a place where the government is is led by the SNP, a nationalist party, with a solidly socialist flavor.
A nationalistic, socialistic government.
A guy making fun of Nazis.
Dank is actually himself a Scottish Nationalist, which is the only thing about him that doesn’t sit right with this hardline Unionist sympathizer (I’d have opened up a DUP pub to counteract all those IRA collections in the Bronx if I’d been old enough at the time–which might have upset the other Catholic kids a bit). But he absolutely loathes the SNP (even to the point of saying he’d rather live under England’s boot than theirs and Scotland doesn’t deserve and shouldn’t want independence if it meant them). And anyone who’s on that page is a-OK in my book.
“I hope this clears up any misconceptions about my political alignment.”
And the whole Dankula thing, yeah.
It’s awesome when they eat their own.
There’s got to be a word for the pleasure I get seeing the party of womyn championing men as better women than women. Schadenfreude doesn’t quite cover it. More like… catharsis.
LOL. Serves her right for being in the Labour Party
My god. Gender identity politics and the people who engage in it are a cesspit of stupidity.
Couldn’t have happened to a nicer woman.
Threw away all if her social signalling just like that.
Which one of you guys works for the airlines
I don’t know who done dropped em, but I thank em just the same
DC has had one of the least snowy winters ever.
To be fair, they cancelled a ton of school days for a whole lot of nothing bullshit this year. If they did this to me and my family the day before the first weekend of spring break, I’d be calling little Timmy in sick for 4 straight days the following week. I ain’t skipping my vacation because some overpaid administrative bureaucrats were scared shitless of wind and half an inch of snow.
That’s my point – snow days, for what? The whole 8″ we got all winter?
Yeah I don’t know why I put “to be fair” in front of that statement. I think I may be getting sick.
Too much Rico Soave? LOL
Our county schools were closed for a day even after about 80% of the snow had melted. Ludicrous.
From that Dick’s article linked above:
“There’s going to be some pushback and we expected that,” said CEO Edward Stack, in an earnings call with Wall Street analysts, according to CNN. “There are going to be the people who don’t shop us anymore for anything.”
The decision is “not going to be positive from a traffic standpoint and a sales standpoint,” Stack predicted.
“Shareholders? Why should I care what they think? Haha, suckers!”
Speaking of which, Citibank stock took a tumble yesterday.
The decision is “not going to be positive from a traffic standpoint and a sales standpoint, but we’ll make it up in volume.”
“Deliberately botching our penalty shots is not going to be positive from a goal-making and game-winning standpoint.”
Can’t a publicly held company be sued for making decisions they know full well will hurt the bottom line?
Well, a shareholder revolt would be very public, and what you’d be attempting to prove is that the board were at least negligent. Shareholder activism isn’t that popular at the moment, and nearly all of Dick’s common stock is likely to be institutional money.
The sane thing to do would be to divest from Dick’s as an investment, but most portfolio managers really aren’t that interested in taking a proactive stance against dumbfuckery – they’ll rely on a downgrade from a research department and make a decision based on that.
Now, if Dick’s were owned primarily by an activist Private Equity or Hedge Fund firm, you might see some news of board changes, but even then, I wouldn’t rely on it.
Considering they know their decision will hurt sales and traffic, I would smack my portfolio manager for not divesting for that reason alone.
Most of those portfolio managers have 0.3% of that pension portfolio in Dick’s.
And 80% of his other investors will smack him if he *does* divest, assuming they can be bothered. The huge disconnect here is that most people don’t give a damn about what’s actually in their 401k. and certainly can’t rouse themselves to actually complain.
I’ve not bought much there because they seem to be to be overpriced. Certainly won’t now. Also I shop mostly with Kroger (including Gas), some with Giant Eagle. I’m going all GE now. I’m sure they won’t miss my 5-7K a year. Grocery business isn’t competitive or anything.
What did Kroger do?
First one of their subsidiaries (Fred Meyers?) who sells sporting goods stopped selling guns and ammo, and now Krogers has decided to not sell any magazines that have “Assault Weapons” on the cover.
Lame. Guess I’ll be going to Publix more often then.
Article. While I was looking for this, I saw Kroger and Target in Merger talks. Given all all Targers issues with credit card numbers being hacked, that’s another good reason to avoid them.
Fkn hell. We have King Soopers (Kroger affiliate) and Safeway. KS is waaaaay better than Safeway, but I guess I have to stop going there too. 🙁
Murder and hostage situation developing in France. According to CNN and MSNBC, the motive of the attacker may never be known.
The only thing they are sure of is what was in the heart of the Austin Bomber.
I guess some mysteries weren’t meant to be solved.
I am more curious about how long it took him to get from Indiana to Carcassonne.
Too many violent video games?
Letterkenny Live, coming to a city nowhere near you.
Why is Canada so weird?
I may have to buy one of these.
The reason your baby is crying is because you have it at a sports bar at 7:30 instead of home where it belongs.
She doesn’t understand that men go to sports bars in the evening to get away from crying babies?
I’m sure she doesn’t care.
You’re probably right. It looks like she’s been crying in her mug shot. I’m thinking that she had instant regret when she realized what the consequences would be.
Yea, these aren’t tears of “oh man, what was I thinking I was completely out of line”. These are tears of “oh man I’ve been arrested”
Consequences for my shitty behavior? What the hell?
Christ what an asshole!
the baby?
Did the woman not have duct tape?
It is tragic that Charles Lavoie doesn’t get even more recognition than Mike Godwin, he certainly deserves it.
I mean, 30 minutes is fair enough.
Yup… My first had terrible colic. She would cry for hours on end for no particular reason. As such, we avoided restaurants. (to be honest, we still kind of do.. because eating in a public place just isn’t enjoyable when you’ve got young kids who constantly want your attention). … however, there was one instance where we had a birthday gathering for my grandma at a local italian restaurant. She really wanted us to be there, so we went with our 5 month old extremely colicy baby. About 5 minutes after sitting down, she started crying of course. I took her outside. And me, my wife, my uncle, my mom, and my dad, all took 5 minute shifts holding her and walking around outside trying to calm her down. But we kept her out of the restaurant, because common fucking courtesy. No one wants to hear a baby crying non-stop at the table next to them. We made it work for grandma because she wanted us to be there for her birthday, but we never took her to a restaurant again until she was over a year old and well passed her colic stage.
The only thing they are sure of is what was in the heart of the Austin Bomber.
Pieces of his dashboard?
I think that might be the other way around.
Actual LOL
I’ve been trying to make ALOL a common texting abbreviation. You seem like someone who thinks like me. I think the two of us can do it!
get a roomsubscribe to his newsletter already.Based solely on photos, I just assumed that you take meth by smearing it onto a framing hammer and pounding into your face. Is that how it works?
You have to create the cuts with a utility knife first, so that they can suppurate.
Ahhh, I was thinking there was some sort of miniature apple coring device involved. I am guessing the utility knife needs to be dull and rusty?
Doesn’t have to be, because all the crap on the framing hammer with the meth will work pretty well, but I guess if you want to be really sure of a spectacular harvest of purulent, weeping sores, a rusty, used blade would do the trick.
Did he say everyone to the left of this point are in the process of fucking virgins? Because that doesn’t seem right to me.
Well that was the wrong comment to reply to…
It just goes to show how complex the human brain really is. Your brain is constantly taking in all of this sensory information and interpreting it in the background such that you can start reacting to a possible threat before you even consciously know what you’re seeing. Consider the mathematics you’d calculate to describe the act of throwing a snowball while running such that it hits the windshield of a car driving past you; a six-year-old can do that without even thinking about it. Humans are amazing creatures.
This, right here.
Think about how much “processing power”, visual recognition, anticipation and adaptive/predictive maneuvering it takes, when you’re riding three abreast in a pickup truck on a bumpy dirt road with a mug of coffee in your hand to keep from spilling that hot coffee on your balls.
And yet the vast majority of us still think government is the way to solve problems. Bit of a mixed bag, I’d say.
Speaking of mixed bags, mixed nuts should just simply not have peanuts. I adore peanuts, but in mixed nuts they are an excuse, not an ingredient.
But they’re the best part even though they’re not actually a nut.
Legumes FTW!
Holy hells, cashews are weird.
It’s the only thing we all belong to.
You hold the coffee cup slightly to the right, over your friends balls.
“‘Allah Is Gay’ – Here’s What Happened in Luton”
Fucking wow. The cop says “people are going to become injured”. Not “Muslims are going to get angry and beat you up”.
Britain is lost.
^what happens to a disarmed populous
“Telford Grooming Gang: Where Is The Outrage?”
Probably – but not certainly – being shared via samizdat, I’d hope.
“Companies know that once Section 230 protections are weakend for some things, it’s only a matter of time before the rest goes. Reddit—also cracking down on content related to gun, marijuana, alcohol, hacking, & other things—is just getting ready for the next shoe(s) to drop”
New Puritanism.
“I am considering a VETO of the Omnibus Spending Bill based on the fact that the 800,000 plus DACA recipients have been totally abandoned by the Democrats (not even mentioned in Bill) and the BORDER WALL, which is desperately needed for our National Defense, is not fully funded.”
Donald J. Trump, Slayer of Fiscal Responsibility
But don’t forget, Republicans are ruthless spending-slashers who cut the government down to nothing.