Now that we are a year into The Glibertarian Age, the POWERS THAT BE decided to hold a meeting. Our…organization… took in some money this year (from your donations and a bit from the sales of Glibs merch). We have set aside some to keep the site up and running (with SP’s patience being tried every once and while). So, what to do with the remainder? As the POWERS THAT BE had agreed earlier, two particular organizations would receive a donation.
The first donation was $600 to the Institute for Justice.
This is a group that is truly fighting the good fight. They wade in and fight on four main issues: Educational Choice, Economic Liberty, First Amendment and Private Property. As much as we can disagree and dispute (from things as serious as abortion to as fun as pizza) – I think we can all cheer on the IJ.
One of the most difficult aspects of fighting the constant encroachments on liberty, is the money to engage in litigation can be scarce for the little guy. This is where the IJ steps in. They send in the lawyers who will walk in and say “not so fast”. They will fight cases all the way to the end. Once they start to help, there is no running the abused party out of money or time.
The second donation was $300 to the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education.
This group has been useful in shining a light on the administrations of various schools/colleges/universities attempts to rid themselves of those pesky rights of speech, due process and the like. They will also get in there and assist with the defense of individual faculty and students.
FIRE’s mission …
The mission of FIRE is to defend and sustain individual rights at America’s colleges and universities. These rights include freedom of speech, legal equality, due process, religious liberty, and sanctity of conscience—the essential qualities of individual liberty and dignity. FIRE’s core mission is to protect the unprotected and to educate the public and communities of concerned Americans about the threats to these rights on our campuses and about the means to preserve them.
This support for liberty has been made possible by YOU, the Glibertariat. YOUR donations, and purchases have helped defend liberty. Raise a glass to yourselves, or pat yourself on the back. You deserve it.
UPDATE: We also should point out the link on the right side of the page…
Microfinance lending. A hand up, not a handout.
I thought the money was going for hookers and blackjack, with lots of drugs and booze.
Well, we did hold some in reserve…
Thank you for that. I was so worried that we were getting all respectable.
Srsly, though – hooray for us.
My motion to send $300 to the Swiss Servator Kirschwasser and Port Fund was defeated.
It died for lack of a Swiss timed second?
*narrows gaze*
No donation to the Foundation to Make Tarran Great Again?!? #$*%!!!!!!!
Glad to see you guys donating to IJ. I give them money, and am happy to see others do the same.
You could have purchased some low grade server maintenance orphans for that kind of money. I am disappoint, son.
J/K good on you glibertariat! Worthy causes both
Well done. I would have suggested you buy gold coins to swim in, but it’s hard to swim when there’s only 1 gold coin in the pool.
Would it be extra shitlord-y if it was a Krugerrand?
Only if from the apartheid era. A ANC era Krugerrand would want to take over your garden.
Very nice!
For those who purchase a lot through Amazon, just a reminder that they also have a program called Smile where .5% (not a lot, but it doesn’t cost you anything to use it) of your purchases go to the charity of your choice. The Institute for Justice is one that you can select…
This is news to me! Thanks!
They are my charity of choice through Amazon Smile as well.
It’s sad that they’ve only gotten 14K from it to date. It should be more!
It’s $2.8 million of purchases through Amazon for that. But I’ve got to say that I wish more companies that gave to charity did something like this. It gets the company good will, the customers pick who the donations go to (so you don’t have to worry about alienating your customer base), and charities get cash.
The Humble Bundle Store is another one that lets you pick where you want your charity portion to go to, and they are usually close in price to Steam (including sales). Off the top of my head, I think it’s a 5% cut there, with the option to send another 5% instead of getting store credit. My go to charity there is Child’s Play.
The shady part is that you have to go to They will give you an occasional reminder and ask if you want to view this page on smile, but it is entirely possible to go through the entire purchase process without a donation going to your charity if you don’t watch.
It also doesn’t work through their app. But I consider that a small price to pay.
Yeah, you learn to watch for it. I have the smile page bookmarked and always start from there. The time you have to watch is when a different website links you to a product at Amazon. I would hope, over time, that websites would link to smile pages instead.
I donate to a local charity that operate a bunch of “get on your feet” (like getting skills for jobs) type services to people in my county. I may have to switch back and forth between them and IJ – I didn’t realize IJ was on there.
Another good group in the “hand up, not handout” space is habitat for humanity.
This is very cool, I just linked up. Thanks for the info!
I directed mine to St. Jude’s hospital. They are a wonderful organization that actually do what they say they do.
I did that when I first signed up. Now I get non-stop mailings from them imploring me to donate more. It’s pretty ridiculous the amount of money they spend on mailings. They’ve spent far more on free mailing labels for me then I’ve ever given them.
^^^This. Though I’ll admit the return address labels do come in handy around Christmas.
I don’t get any mailings from them at all, guess I don’t look like enough of a player to waste bulk rate postage on.
Maybe it’s because they aren’t my charity anymore?
Change your charity and you’ll have more address labels than you know what to do with. And a few note pads, too.
That is a very tempting proposition, one can always use more notepads.
Excellent choices!
I like the Scrooge Duck thumb, but I have to admit I was expecting some quality historic antisemitica.
Hmmm. Maybe that would be a good Jewsday Tuesday post.
Is Scrooge McDuck some kind of (((caricature)))? Serious questions, because I thought he was a Scot.
Yeah, he’s a Scot. The kinder, gentler moneygrubber stereotype. Justly seen as a less offensive way to go since it has so much less baggage; no one has ever genocided the Scots…except, you know, other Scots.
Romans: “There’s nothing north of here but hills, sheep and angry, woad-painted savages. Lets build a wall.”
Saxons: “There’s nothing north of here but hills, sheep and angry gingers.”
Norse: “Gods damn it, we landed at the wrong end of the isles.”
English: “There’s nothing north of here but hills, sheep and angry men in skirts. Where did the Romans leave that wall?”
MacDonald vs Campbell…. FIGHT!
I’m too saturated in American Culture – the first thing that came to mind is “Why would hamburgers be fighting soup?”
In some places they combine the two. Behold: “The Slopper”
Poor Edward Longshanks, he tries and he tries, and what does he get?
To be the best part of Braveheart. Damnation with faint praise.
I really like IJ
They are doing the best work out of any charity organization that I know of.
Also, the arkansas state police keep calling wanting donations. I think I have told 3 different callers to fuck off so far this year.
I don’t think they do it anymore, but the VA state police used to sell crap as if they were middle school kids. I remember my mom bought a selection of fancy mustards from them one year.
No, I’m serious – the Virginia State Police used to have fundraising sales. It was the Virginia State Police Association, their union or whatever.
That’s really classy. And by really classy, I mean fucking ridiculous.
What MikeS said.
I know.
My dad was annoyed with mom about that for years afterwards – because she bought once, we got multiple solicitation calls from them for many years to come. “Goddammit, Barbara, they’re never going to leave us alone now!”
+1 Loch Ness Munchies
Shouldn’t that be the Commonwealth Police? 😉
They give you a little sticker for your rear window. Which most people assume is a get out of a speeding ticket pass. Anyone know if it actually works? Creepy AF either way.
I’m always deeply suspicious of anyone who has those stickers – they’re either sheep or copsuckers.
I work with a guy who says he donated just to get the sticker. He said having the sticker hasn’t helped him any at all.
Yet more evidence of how dumb they are …. you’d think they would have gotten the point the first time.
Coincidentally, that’s their view of the situation as well — they think Lachowsky would have got the message. But nope, Mr. Wise Guy would rather be on “the list”.
On the plus side, it’s better than just seizing your shit in civil forfeiture.
Well….if he says no a fourth time….
State Patrolman: How’d you like to give to our union?
Lachowsky: No thanks.
State Patrolman: Are you sure? It goes to a good cause
Lachowsky: Yeah, I’ve told you a few times now. No.
State Patrolman: Are you positive you don’t want to rethink that? It’d be a shame if anything happened to your stuff…
The second one who called-
Lachowsky: If you get enoigh in donations will you instruct your officers to quit writing bullshit tickets?
Phone operator: Um What?
Lachowsky: Well, fuck off then, like I told you last time.
I’m laughing my ass off! That is awesome.
writing bullshit tickets
I’m looking at a $116 seat-belt citation right now, At least the Statie gave me a warning for the expired tags, I guess seven months late is pushing one’s luck.
Seatbelt laws piss me off almost as much as taxes.
Fuck yeah- these are both great institutions. I remember when the Institute for Justice use to advertise on the back page of Liberty magazine. Well done
Now they advertise on the back page of Reason.
*starts to say something…stops, stands up and wanders off, shaking head sadly*
Spain lodges formal complaint over World Cup Playoff:
Meanwhile, Romanian RFU president said Spain’s players acted like hooligans after the game:
“Letting one’s emotions get the best of them is a sign of immaturity, that proves that the Spanish team is not ready to face responsibly the challenges an elite competition involves. There is no room for hooliganism, misconduct and denigration in rugby.”
Doing God’s work, etc.
I’ve always contended that Liberty Magazine was superior to Reason. When they became a website, not so much
Yeah, it was a sad day when Liberty stopped publishing and went to the online format. I still check the web site now and then, but it’s the same 3 or 4 people posting articles, and it just generally looks neglected.
This is a great use of donations. I will need to donate to this site very soon (and buy some sweet glib merch).
OT: Sometimes gender politics is a good thing – like when I find out that I don’t have to go to a 3-day conference in Nebraska next week because its exclusively designated for women in leadership roles. As much as I’d love to be surrounded by women for 3 days, that would also require me to be surrounded by Nebraska for 3 days. So overall, I feel like I really dodged a bullet.
…until the men only retreat in Iowa.
Northern Idaho.
Northern Idaho is paradise. If there’s a more beautiful spot on earth that Coeur d’Alene, I haven’t seen it yet.
And here I am, stuck in semi-rural Illinois.
For Northern Idaho, Sandpoint’s my fave — but yeah, it’s gorgeous there.
That would be sexist.
Unless it’s a retreat to a secret Iowa gulag.
If there is such a thing I wouldn’t trust it! Nowadays the only male-only spaces that are not, by that very virtue, manifestations of sexism are those that help teach men how they can be more supportive of radical intersectional feminism. There’s even a whole website dedicated to it, The Good Men Project.
Soon even homosexuality will be seen as a form of misogyny. Fuck, it’s already seen as a form of transphobia.
Thanks for that, my laptop just burst into flames.
its exclusively designated for women in leadership roles
That sounds like about as clear a violation of laws against discrimination on the basis of sex as you could come up with. I know if someone around here proposed such a thing, I would slap it down hard.
HAHAHAHAHA! We have a special Womynz Innovashunz Netwurk – we need to have special opportunities to learn and network and mentor the downtrodden, yet somehow majority of our company that are women. They have run into the glass ceiling here…I mean, aside from our CEO….and our CFO, and the last COO and…oooh, but I for only the second time in my career here have an actual male supervisor. Who reports to his female boss, of course. Harumph!
but I for only the second time in my career here have an actual male supervisor.
Since I left the Air Force, I have not had a single male supervisor.
It’s a total sausage fest out here at my work. We men be keeping the wominz in their place by not hiring them to work out here.
Well yeah, you do dirty, hot, distasteful work that will kill a person / keep us from standing ankle deep in our own refuse. No need for gender equality there, shitlord.
So is it true what Colonel Jessup said about female bosses?
Besides one of our owners (married couple), I am the only man employed by my place of work.
I dated a girl for about 6 months and she was big on the whole prog “women and black people are oppressed” thing. She also happened to be black… and a woman. I live right next to D.C. and I once made the mistake of saying “you know, people have pretty good opportunity around here – I really don’t see a whole lot of discrimination. We’re the most racially diverse area in the nation.”
This was a mistake. She flipped out. Later she saw pictures of me and my boss (black dude) and my bosses’ boss (a black lady), and was pretty confused.
I should’ve seen this all coming. I grew up in NoVA. She grew up in Baltimore. Two vastly different cultural worlds – one deals with significantly more prominent racial tension.
“Hell, I even thought I was dead, till I found out I was just in Nebraska”
Ugh. We had a client come in yesterday to talk about taxes, and she’s a big mover and shaker for this event here in Montana. She was really pushing for me to join up this year, and all of my attempts to defer through humor were rebuffed.
“Oh, haha, does this look like the body of a runner?”
‘Only a small percentage of the women actually run–you could walk! Lots of women walk!’
“Well, I’m not very social so I wouldn’t want to run/walk in a group, unless it includes my dog.”
‘Oh, no. No dogs allowed, but lots of women bring their sons/nephews/husbands.’
Repeat for the most awkward 10 minutes ever. I think my boss would get it, but no way would I tell this chick, “No, I don’t like participating in women-specific events because I think it’s just the first step in the divide-and-conquer tactics of identity politics.”
“No, I will not be participating”
No excuses, no reason needed. Flat refusal. If you give someone an excuse why not they’ll try to rebut your excuses, because your interest is irrelevent, they’re interested in making you agree, after which some portion will feel comnpelled to go forward with it.
So flat out refuse, and if they ask why say “because I don’t want to.”
“I’d love to, but if I went, I wouldn’t be able to sit and home and play video games. If you can fix that, I’ll be there.”
It’s good advice, UnCiv. I use those tactics when I get asked out or whatever, but I hadn’t really considered it in a professional setting with a client.
“Gosh, I am flattered but I suspect my husband might object.”
Oh man… That’s totally what I should have said. At least it might have stunned her into silence.
Sorry but that is the weekend of the semi annual orgy I host
“Sorry, I am not allowed to wear shoes or leave the house on the weekend”
‘No’ is a complete sentence. ‘I don’t want to’ is a valid reason. You don’t need to say anything more. I always start with ‘No.’ followed by silence. If that seems to harsh, you can say ‘I’m going to be busy’ or ‘I have plans’. It isn’t anyone’s business that you will be busy watching TV and eating Cheetos. Your plans are no one’s business either. If all you plan to do is sleep late, that is A-OK.
I couldn’t agree with your stance more. I looked at the website and… I’m a bit confused. I was trying to find a mission – like for breast cancer or something. I figured that all proceeds from ticket sales, shirt sales, etc. would go towards a condition that usually affects women. That would make sense to me as a reason that it would be branded as a cause primarily geared towards benefitting women.
I couldn’t find anything like that. All I could find was “The Montana Women’s Run promotes health and fitness for women of all ages through exercise and education and encourages an active lifestyle.” So.. the run is branded as “woman’s run” because it promotes cardio exercise for… women?
I don’t get it. What’s so unique about women’s fitness in Montana? I guess that all the men are in really good shape out there and the women just really need to get on their game. (Joking, of course)
Lol! Exactly, TK. I just don’t get it.
So they do donate some proceeds to various women’s services locally–but again… why must these be women-specific recipients? There are plenty of needy individuals who are not necessarily female. But, whatever. It’s not my circus, they’re not my monkeys, and it seems plenty of people are interested, so, more power to those people. Now if they could just leave me the hell alone, that’d be great.
You must have internalized misogyny. Or a false consciousness. Or something. I’m sure there is a word for people like you.
Two words I hear a lot… “Gender traitor.” Cracks me up, every time.
There are a lot of people with Public Administration degrees who drum up Executive Director salaries for themselves by creating organizations like this. When I was on the Planning board in Gallatin County, a new “grass roots” planning organization seemed to pop up every two weeks – usually spearheaded by recent college graduates who didn’t want to leave Bozeman and needed to support their skiing habits.
Honestly, that seems like par for the course in Bozeman. Eh, although I guess it’s not exactly unique to Bozeman, either.
“Sorry, we can’t show any favoritism to any of our clients in order to maintain a professional relationship.”
Well, that’s obviously way too reasonable, Dean.
Yeah, right?!
Sadly, now that I am in-house, this antiquated insistence on ethics means that I don’t accept any gifts from any law firm.
‘Oh, no. No dogs allowed, but lots of women bring their sons/nephews/husbands.’
You are suggesting that leashes are still involved, aren’t you?
I was just bothered by the equivalence her response hints at.
“What if I identify as a dog? Way to other furries, you cis-speciesist shit . . . lady.”
I give to IJ every year. Thinking I will give to FIRE this year. I tend to avoid large/national organizations for my donations; I think I get more bang for my bucks giving locally.
My local “Charities” are “job banks for useless administrative personel which occassionally do things I am morally repulsed by”.
My local charities include these assholes.
But aren’t you also in Arizona, where the stupid isn’t as thick on the ground?
I’m in Arizona, and I can assure you, the stupid is thick on the ground here. Why, just last night I got to watch a somewhat zaftig newsreader cream her panties over kids walking out school because gunz.
But, maybe not as bad as some places.
Yes, but that doesn’t make them any less of a bunch of assholes.
After I read about them bullying other charities out of the way, paying themselves quite well, and larding up the HQ with luxuries…I simply wrote them off. They will get no money, support or mention from me, except in the negative.
Even when they actually do something that resembles charity, its an over the top luxury. Sure, its cool you paid for a guy to go big game hunting except…you know…he probably just wants a working wheelchair.
There’s a bad-ass offroad wheelchair on the hunting trip.
Awesome. Both worthy causes for a Libertarian’s wallet to be emptied in the service of.
You should have bought this to house all our orphans.
You house your orphans? Ok, cosmo. A real libertarian leaves them at the mercy of the elements
If by “house” you mean “force them to stay in the mine at all times”, then I guess I’m a cosmo.
They can’t very well shine my monocles in the dirty mines.
That is what house orphans are for!
*narrows gaze*
Jeffrey Toobin: Why won’t you believe like a shill for the Democratic Party, like me?
Alan Dershowitz: Well, because I have principles
Jeffrey Toobin: Or you’re a Russian spy
Alan Dershowitz: What?
Jeffrey Toobin: Hey, I’m just asking questions here
Even for a media hack, Jeffrey Toobin is particularly contemptible.
The way Dershowitz is behaving here is exactly why an LP candidate was accused of being in the “Party of Principle” back in the 70s.
For those unaware, that phrase was originally a “smear” by a GOP candidate.
You guys kick ass.
/whispers *I think Q is drunk*
We know Q. We all love you too.
I only bring the classiest booze to work in my flask.
Flask? Amateur. Two slurred words for you – Vodka-infused anal tampons. That’s what separates the men from the boys! ::falls out of chair, hopes no one saw him do that thing::
Just heard a news blurb that the Miami School for Little Marxist Shits is about to implement new security measures:
1. Id cards required for all staff and students (I wonder if these are RFID so movement can be tracked?)
2. All students required to have clear backpacks
2. All entry will be through controlled chokepoints.
3. Everyone entering through those chokepoints will be scanned with a wand.
I’d quit school and take my GED at that point. This is ludicrous on so many levels. I’m almost at the point that if the Marxist Gun Grabbers are representative of modern high schoolers, my give a damn meter when the next one happens is going to be busted.
Teenagers are stupid. This is why Dems want them to vote.
These sound like typical, common sense security measures….
…for a prison.
My high school building was designed by a guy that designed prisons, so….
To be fair, that guy probably designed various public facilities.
Do they mean the students or visitors? That sounds incredibly time consuming if they mean every student too.
A chokepoint. In other words, a narrow entryway which will likely result in large crowds of students milling around, waiting to get it.
No sir, that would not in any way be a tempting target for a shooting spree!
more like Bomb material
I recall being stuck in a TSA line for a couple of hours in New Orleans. It was the snaking around kind of line, so you had a big bunch of people basically in a large rectangle. It was before the security screening, and there were any number of people there with large carry-on bags. All I could think of was “If you wanted to design something to maximize casualties from a bomb, you couldn’t do better than this.”
I am actually surprised it hasn’t happened yet.
A standard carry-on at 9 by 14 by 22 inches is 2772 cubic inches of volume. Lots of room for explosives and shrapnel.
It has already happened in Europe a couple of times.
Yep. It’s what the Istanbul airport bombers did.
It just goes to show what a fucking bullshit bit of theater it all is. They actually give the bombers an easier target, and yet nobody really seems to be taking advantage of it.
It’s almost like terrorism is a rare thing that doesn’t warrant the vasts sums of resources and time wasted into fighting it.
This is my exact thought. Esp. given that all of the recent school shootings were non-students attacking students.
Who has time for those petty details? The important thing is that they are *doing something*.
A magic wand that makes yucky guns disappear.
The official reading the announcement said everyone would have the magic metal detecting wand scanned.
A wand is just one more thing the
pussy cophero has to drop while running away.And if the wand beeps then… time for a little groping right?
Yeah, I would definitely want my kids exposed to that. For safety.
The big company I worked for in 2001 tried similar rules after 911. The gave it up about a month later as too expensive and a pain in the ass.
My son’s school has ID cards and entry is somewhat regulated through the front door – but that just doesn’t work after school when kids are doing athletics and band stuff.
Cruz was neither staff nor a student so this would have had no impact on the shooting
Cruz was not a student and had no backpack on him so this would have had no impact on the shooting
Controled by whom and how? If the chokepoints do not have an armed guard at them then they would do nothing to stop a shooter. If they do have an armed guard present the shooter only needs to shoot that guard first. Aparently the bureaucratic drone who thought of this has never seen The Matrix
All of this basically boils down to doing something for the sake of doing something
Oh, it absolutely does something. It inculcates the students with the idea that they have ZERO rights, and that this is completely normal. It instills an extra measure of fear in their parents. It provides jobs for cop washouts to stand at the doors all day with wands and oogle teenage girls. It necessitates a tax increase. It gets everyone on the “only government can help you” bandwagon. And, since it accomplishes nothing as far as security goes, it leaves them with the ability to go even more over the top next time.
Aparently the bureaucratic drone who thought of this has never seen The Matrix
So what you’re saying is that we need to have agents that are able to take control of any body they want, morphing the body into an agent so we can stop violent hackers?
That won’t stop the shooter either because Neo was actually successful in breaking Morpheus out of the Matrix.
The real solution is to dig a giant tunnel to Zion so we can just finish them off and be done with it.
Except they destroyed Zion five times in the past.
OT: Since I’m not using youtube to listen to music anymore, I just signed up for Spotify. It had “non-binary” as a choice for sex (glossing over the fact of why the fuck they need to know this in the first place).
Advertising. Maybe they have advertisers who really want to target gender fluid dragonkin?
The woke are generally broke. The advertisers aren’t targeting that demographic, they’re avoiding it.
Good band name. The Broke Woke
What were the other options?
Large Building.
Attack Helicopter.
Tub of Semi-viscous Goo
Volkswagen W-12
Mason Jar
Wilson A2000
Petrified Wood
Like Airwolf?
No, Blue Thunder
Exactly like Airwolf. But only if piloted by Jan-Michael Vincent.
Drunk or sober?
Wait, I think drunk is the only option.
Time to Michael down your Vincents.
3 toed sloth
lamp shade
I use Amazon Music.
As a public service, I think I should let everyone know that Q self identifies as a, “Chili Dog.”
Wait, not Dawg or Dogg?
They need to know whether to play girl music or boy music.
The radio in my newish car is compatible with Pandora so I’ve been using that. I like the ability to give a song a thumbs up or down. Now it is great at playing songs I like even though I’m all over the place with genres.
It is good to donate for people who get things done. Here in romania people donated to make a new wing at a state hospital and the money was pissed away. Donating to state healthcare facilities is silly is what I am saying
“State hospital” might mean something else here.
Good stuff. Places that fight the good fight.
Can we give to the ‘Make Trudeau Go Away’ fund? Pleeeease?!
He just needs to photobomb some teens and it will be allright
Nah, America needs Canada to continue to be run by him. It makes us look good.
Yeah, we need all the help we can get!
. . . America needs Canada to continue to be run by him. It makes us look good.
That, indeed, is one of my greatest fears.
Speaking of fighting the slavers, it seems that my home state has just banned participation in online fantasy baseball! This might be the last straw for me. My next communication will be coming from my compound in an undisclosed wooden area.
Seriously, fuck these nannies in the ass.
These are the banned states:
Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia and Washington)
New York would probably allow it if the site made a deal where the pols got their piece of the take.
New Jersey and Nevada want you go down to the casinos to do that kind of stuff – so they get their cut.
What the fuck? I’ve never done fantasy anything but I didn’t know it was illegal anywhere. Under what possible justification? Gambling?
For AZ, it is indeed gambling. The Indian reservations keep close tabs on their monopoly.
I’ll have to check into the GA rules. I have played around on Draft Kings as late as last mid-season for NFL and did a few MLB lineups too before the playoffs. I don’t think i was doing anything to obscure my location.
We’ve been doing a league for years (illegally, in Montana, I guess) – we do it with a “free” league format and entry fees and prizes are done through PayPal. No one’s noticed. Technically I’m not paying my alcohol and tobacco tax for online orders of wine and cigars either. Oh well.
As long as no one takes a cut, the authorities dont care about that. Same with office pools on the basketball tournament. It only becomes illegal when “the house” takes a cut.
New Jersey? Odd, since New Jersey actually allows online gambling.
VPN = Fuck off, slavers.
My 27th annual fantasy draft is this Saturday.
I last won the league in….1992. Fuck.
That’s right, the initial year. I am the Cubs only without the cute 2016 story.
I probably have more 2nd place finishes than anyone else. I would count, but I dont wanna.
For what it’s worth I was able to join a money league on yahoo. My guess is that, my preferred site, has just added NJ to the banned list because it’s next to NY, which banned pay leagues a cpl of years ago because people were shitting their pants over daily fantasy leagues like fanduel.
I’m sure, as others have said, it’s really all about the state not getting their cut. It’s fine to spend your paycheck on scratch tickets or keno in NYC bars, but no fantasy sports for you.
OT: Man there are so many deranged people out there: IVANKA TRUMP VISIT TO IOWA HAIR SALON DRIVES CUSTOMERS AWAY
That’s just crazy talk.
My hair stylist likes to ask my perspective on recent events so he “can get a moderate conservative perspective.”
He’s quite liberal (despite owning the salon) and gets pretty passionate about these subjects, so I’ve started lying and telling him that “I don’t really have an opinion.” But that’s just because I don’t want to piss off a 230lb 6′ 4″ dude that has a razor near my neck.
I go to an Albanian guy. I show him a picture of me the last time I got a hair cut I liked. He cuts my hair in silence.
I fuckin’ wish dude. That’d be great. My guy always wants to talk, blah blah blah. But damn he does a fucking amazing fade. He teaches other stylists around the country. Plus, he gives me a 20-50% discount every time because I come in every 2 weeks for a shape-up.
TK = Robby Soave?
I have a fade, to be sure, but not all fades are Robby Soave!
Where is his shop? I could use a good barber.
“Everything depends entirely upon politics…A people is everywhere nothing but what its government makes of it.”
(sigh) another terrible, sign of the age of Trump. How I miss having a President that cares about the little people
Citi bank hops aboard the “guns are icky” express train. Assholes.
Why did the parkland shooting get this much gun banning traction? Vegas was worse. The Orlando nightclub was worse. There have been other recent ones. Did the gun banners just have all their duck in a row for this one and not the others? I don’t get it.
Why? Because these vampires were waiting for it to happen, and they have their talking points organized for a school shooting. It would have been a direct pipeline to more gun control if the police hadn’t been as publically incompetent and lax as they were.
I get that. But they always have all their talking points ready. Why this shooting? Why not vegas? especially why not orlando? I get that a bunch of deplorable were killed in Vegas but, In Orlando a bunch of gays were killed. If a pile of dead gays doesn’t get a prog gun grabber’s dick hard, I don’t know what would.
Progs think dead gays won’t get Conservatives to cave, plus Orlando had another non-starter – A Muslum shooter.
Because in Orlando case, if you focus on it too much, you get to ask about motivation, and we can’t have that. What would you connect it to – San Bernadino? Fort Hood? Even worse.
Vegas was actually a success, since they got even NRA to back down on bump stocks. Unlike other shootings, that one gave them a win, even if it was symbolic.
But school shooting? They know what to do with school shooting. They practiced and waited, and seethed. Plus, all the Trump rage is now ready to be directed at Dem Gunz. Dead White Children are good, but Live Multicultural (i.e. upper-middle-class mostly white) Children who can go on capering and preening – that’s fucking gold, Jerry! GOLD!
The preening asshole brats actually make me want to double down on “Repeal the NFA, Abolish gun free zones” and go on to “Penaltax on non-gunowners for making their neighbors defend them.”
And Gamboling?
Now I wish I had a Citibank account, just so I could close it.
I closed mine circa 2008-2009 for the bailout shenanigans.
God damn it I just opened a credit card with them.
I think it was a piling on effect, after each tragedy more misinformation until stupidity reached critical levels. At this point they have convinced everyone that doesn’t know about guns that they are magic killings sticks that drive their owner into a murderous rage.
*adjusts tin foil hat*
It’s almost like a coordinated effort by our “elites” to punish Trump voters.
The gun grabbers have been working on this for a long time. It’s not the Parkland shooting per se. They dialed it up to 11 since we were looking at gun rights bills making advancement in Congress. Those bills are dead now.
Grabs a little tinfoil for myself
Vegas happened right before it looked like silencers were finally going to get off the NFA classification. If one was trying to keep that from happeneing, they couldn’t have picked a better time to shoot up a concert.
+ kids I think makes something of a difference. And, in the Orlando shooting, there was a small narrative problem with the shooter.
Here’s some ‘industry insider’ stuff which I pretty much think is accurate.
The larger gun firms are expecting the next one of these incidents to result in another 1994-type ban. They had a lot of inventory on hand – particularly AR-15 -pattern models which had been successfully shifted as a result of the talk about restricting sales to under-21s.
Some of the larger firms are ramping-up production again, and are expecting to be approached by the current administration with a deal that goes like this.
Split the firms up into “sporting” guns and “law enforcement”, and the USG will buy a lot of the “law enforcement” products. There will be regulations, and some negotiations will happen over what models are sellable by the “sporting guns” branch. Many companies such as Ruger, Remington and Smith & Wesson already have these structures in place – and have had them for years. Uncle Sam will underwrite the business as a whole via LE purchasing, and depending on the public appetite, will control what’s available via the “sporting guns” channel.
More speculative, the USG will effectively have a CA-type roster of the models which the gun manufacturers may sell via their “sporting guns” operation, thus avoiding the appearance that the USG is directly controlling what you may or may not buy.
The feds may be able to cut deals with the big manufacturers to take “assault rifles” out of civilian sales channels, but that will just open up the rather large market to newer/smaller firms.
If the feds try to enact a de facto assault weapons ban by prohibiting all makers from selling to the civilian market, we’ll have another test of the 2A in the courts. The militia clause may actually be useful in this particular context. The militia is still defined by law as military age males. Prohibiting them from having access to the weapons that are most obviously useful to a militia could have an extra hill to climb as it would be contrary to the militia clause. The argument would inevitably be over whether a “well-regulated” militia could be subjected to these restrictions, but regulating your militia by denying it the most appropriate weapons seems a stretch to me. Not such a stretch, I fear, for our Robed Overlords, but still.
The other issue that a de facto ban applied at the manufacturing and sales level would have to overcome is 3d printing and the related allowance for unfinished receivers.
A reasonable observer might agree with you, RC, but every citizen of Connecticut is already prohibited from purchasing and gaining access to weapons that are ‘most obviously useful to a militia’. I am already denied the right to purchase any AR-pattern long gun in a caliber of greater than 22 LR unless I am wealthy enough to purchase a ‘pre-ban’ gun. And register it.
And CT isn’t the only state which blatantly and deliberately disregards the rights of Americans laid out in the Second Amendment.
This wouldn’t be a a ‘ban’ at manufacturing and sales levels. It would be an ‘agreement’ – or a ‘deal’ if you wish – that ensured that ‘friendly’ manufacturers remain on USG procurement lists.
But there’s the problem with 3D printing too.
3D printing isn’t going to be able to make your barrel for you. Or your bolt-carrier group.
At the very least, probably some way out, you’ll need 3D printers that can create sintered metal assemblies that can then be fired and hear treated – and that’s only for the low-stress metal components.
If you’re already going to be breaking all the laws, there are readily available plans (for educational purposes only) for open bolt machine pistols. Barrel construction is much less an issue for those. It’s not fancy 3D printing. Mostly grinding and some welding.
This is complete nonsense.
Remington Model 700 for example.
Remington Model 700, variants A,B,C and D.
You don’t need variant E or F because they have scary risers and thumbhole stocks.
Of course, that church shooting in TX completely flipped the script, with the whitest, malest, and most deplorable of deplorables actually engaging the shooter with an assault rifle and, just to make it perfect, running him down with a pickup.
I feel less guilty now about only using them for interest free loans. Well, I would feel less guilty if I didn’t already not feel the slightest bit guilty, that is…
I can’t wait for this year’s “Know your customer” training.
I am a loan officer, and I’ve worked for banks before… all commercial customers.
In that article, they keep using this term “business partners.” I do not think that this term means what the journalist thinks it means. A few times they accidently use the word “clients” instead. They’re talking about customers. Business customers. Essentially they are going to write this into their terms of service for their deposit accounts and loan documents for borrowing businesses.
If I were a loan officer at a competing bank, I’d immediately start making phone calls. All. Day. Long. You want to refinance that $25 million loan? Sure! Nope, we won’t tell you how to run your business – just as long as you are complying with federal, state and local laws – you run your business as you see fit. Hell, I’ll buy a gun from you.
Easiest. poaching. ever.
Then I’d use this on every single other business that Citi lends to – “oh, so you have a ______ business? Did you see the restrictions Citi put on their other borrowers – telling them who they can sell to? Makes me wonder how long they’ll start applying their politics to other businesses.”
There is no doubt in the memo that it is client related… Just wait until it isn’t enough for the SJW’s.. Citi blinked, they are toast, only 100% BDS will satisfy that crowd.
The most nebulous term is “High capacity magazines”.. is that >30?.. >10? and the age discrimination of 21 years.
It isn’t said, but of course all of this is in reference to sales to the public. Govt. sales will be fine (This is not explicitly in the memo, which has no exemptions).
age discrimination of 21 years.
Well, the lawyers in the states that prohibit age-based discrimination against legal adults just got a fat new target. I suspect that a bank adopting a policy requiring its customers to violate state law will be enough to hold them liable. Imagine if a bank said “Hey, we don’t prohibit black people from buying houses, we just won’t loan to a company that builds houses for black people, so we’re not discriminating against anyone”.
There are R’s willing to join D’s in raising the age. Just like alcohol, credit cards, and increasingly like tobacco. Once retailers have legal cover, those lawsuits will be dismissed.
Excellent choices OverLords! Every bit helps
Coolest ever.
MIL has IJ in her giving portfolio. Groovy old lady!
OT: Wierd yet cool shit I saw today.
Went to pick up a new toy at my favorite “Mom & Pop” boomstick store. One of the cool things about the place is that the owner is very well connected in the firearms biz, so I get to hear all kinds of scuttlebutt, normally very reliable. But that is not the news today. The news today was that I got to handle something I don’t think I’ve ever seen before.
A brand new, pump-action rifle.
Superficially, looks like an 870, until you see the mag well in the bottom ….
Me: WTF? An AR-15 mag well?
Him: Yup. You can rack it if you like …
Me: Holy shit!
Him: Interested? There are only 2 of them in the US at the moment, and I’m keeping one for me. It’s CT legal, of course.
Me: Uhh, how much?
Him: Oh, it’s an almost unique gun, so arrange that HELOC and we’ll talk.
This would make an awesome ranch gun.
Was it chambered in the varmint round, or a real rifle round?
223. So, varmint and human.
I have a friend who has an 870 in 25-06. It’s a very nice gun.
Linky? Puh-LEEEEZE?
Sadly no. There are a total of 2 in the US. All the rest are on their way to Australia for their military. These look like great brush guns. 9lbs, no optics, but drilled for a rail so you could put a red dot on them.
Made me drool.
The 7615, right?
Oldie but a goodie
Any Remington LE stocking dealer can get one, assuming Remington has any left in their inventory. They advertised them heavily around fifteen years ago. They didn’t sell well.
That’s the one, but apparently they did a separate production run for the Aussie Government. There were two left over from the production run.
Interestingly, Gunbroker has a number of them from the old days with what looks like a ghost ring sight on them.
15 years ago, Ruger also seemingly couldn’t sell the PC9 or PC40, and yet we’ve had a resurgence of interest in pistol caliber carbines in varying styles.
Dang. I think it made my thing that goes up, go up.
Speaking of odd firearms, did ya see the Tavor styled shotguns yet?
i do not own any rifles, but i sort of really want a Troy Pump Action AR
it just seems *fun*. (pauses for a moment to dwell on the obvious phallic, masturbatory symbolism of racking a rifle and blasting things 100s of yards away) Yeah. well, i don’t care! pew pew pew pew. Its like a gun with a manual transmission.
Same idea, but looks like a Fudd shotty.
Thanks for the reminder I haven’t donated in ages.
Hey, Reason made it easy to save the money, may as well spend it where I use people’s resources…
I still haven’t purchased anything from the glibstore because shipping, and also I’m a twat who is too embarrassed to wear the glibgear where people can see and identify me. But the logo is just so cool…
I’ll buy some swag if you will, Pan. Then we can have a meetup somewhere in the Lower Main and people will think we’re part of some kind of movement!
What Libertarian Moment will look like in Canada.
Yeah . . .
I wouldn’t worry too much about wearing Glibs gear. I doubt many people know about us.
My main issue is that I tend to wear button-down shirts, so most of that swag doesn’t fit into my attire.
I am trying to cultivate the grump old duffer look, but with a Springfield EMP in a shoulder harness under my shabby old jacket.
The URL is a bit of a giveaway though.
Now, logo-only stuff looks classy as fuck. Classy as HM’s link collection.
Coffee mugs.
I can’t publicly flag for Glibs because of work, but hopefully that will change this year.
I don’t want anyone from work knowing about this place. This is my safe space.
But I will get a mug for home.
The UK has become such a police state that it is now going after feminists who dissent from transgenderism. You will be made to care
The quicker they eat themselves the quicker they *might* go back to some semblance of sanity.
I’ll keep my fingers crossed.
They get right on the investigation of a middle-aged woman twitting something offensive to crazy people. But purposefully ignore gangs of immigrants raping 13-year-olds.
I don’t know if this is true or not, but I really don’t care. Nick Sarwark has smeared everyone over nonsense, so I have no problem forwarding along a possible smear against him. Sarwark was employed by the CIA, according to supposed Wikileaks disclosure.
Neoliberals are not your friend.
False flag to infiltrate and destroy?
Like libertarians were ever a threat…
One thing that makes the allegation plausible…
This is exactly what the CIA did in Europe. They funded anti-communist socialist parties to prevent the commies from getting a foothold. Of course, this funding gave the socialists a great boost in the early post-war elections, basically contributing in a big way into making the EU the socialist hell-hole it is now. It’s also what Jesse Ventura argued they do domestically (according to him, the CIA freaked out when he won the election for governor and he found himself being questioned by them since they had predicted he would lose and hadn’t bothered getting any info on him)*
So, it does not surprise me that they’re trying to develop people in the Green, Libertarian and Reform parties as assets.
* He hadn’t gone completely chemtrails at that point, but it’s possible it was all in his head.
I should explain the whole Europe vs domestic thing.
The CIA historically has been aligned with the more adventurous people coming out of the elite ivy league schools. So, basically progressives (FDR’s wing of the Democrats or the Rockefeller Republicans, etc). In Europe they wanted to control the political process by putting their people in charge.
Here in the U.S. they are in charge. They just want to make sure they stay that way. So they won’t assist the LP. They’ll just make sure they are in a position to disrupt it or to not be surprised by it.
Anyone who isn’t familiar with the European efforts during the Cold War should research “Operation Gladio”. It’s not a conspiracy theory if it has been confirmed
this means nothing. its like being on any company’s sales-database. it means that they were in their contact-list; not that they were regular contacts, or that those contacts were significant. Hell, every project i’ve ever done has spreadsheets full of names i’ve never talked to, but whose details were collected as part of “people relevant to X topic”.
treating completely meaningless scraps of information as ‘potentially significant’ is the entire M.O. of conspiracy-theory websites. they are better avoided.
^This is exactly what I thought when I read this. I have several databases of the names, companies, addresses, emails and phone numbers of every individual that went to any meaningful telecommunications conference during the past 5 years. If someone goes through my computer are they going to say that all of those people were part of my network and that I have business ties to them?
Probably. But then again, journalists will print anything.
also: stratfor is not some “private CIA”
they’re a research outfit, and their products range from “dogshit” to “mildly interesting”, because their products are mostly hacked together from public-available information, and given a gloss of ‘analysis’ by freelance people who might range from “ex-cia analysts” (and therefore maybe interesting) to “some idiot crank who lives in his mom’s basement but speaks russian, so is qualified to interpret these otherwise-meaningless-russian-documents”
think of stratfor more like a pre-internet version of “Quillette” or “Medium”: a publisher who puts out content of any-idiot who wants to publish their stuff. the focus of their content being “international affairs analysis”/intelligence. Some submissions actually might be good; some might be so useless they’re just distracting/misleading.
lots of people subscribed to their service because of the 5% “not dogshit” they might publish every now and then. When they say, things like, “they had relationships with X, Y, Z companies, and A,B,C government agencies…!”…. you need to be reminded: So does Lexis/Nexis, Dun+Bradstreet, Reuters, JSTOR, and a million other “information re-sellers”. It means nothing. It doesn’t make them some super-shady institution.
I said up front that it couldn’t be trusted
It has as much validity as Tom Woods trying to appeal to white nationalists
*his rules, not mine*
*Disclosure: my first job out of college was working in one of these sorts of Stratfor type companies (a B-tier research/intelligence firm that mostly sold company/market research reports to industry, but also sold to US govt agencies).
There are a million of these types of companies out there. The “small, specialist” ones tend to do fairly well simply by targeting groups of people who otherwise want access to “premium” stuff, but can’t really afford it (or don’t have clearance), so make do with the cheap, secondhand simulacra.
e.g. individual investors with 401Ks don’t usually pay $10,000 a year for access to Wall St sell-side company research reports.
but they might go to their broker and say, “what do you have on Apple?” and their broker might send them the S+P Capital IQ research reports. these are cheap, shallow, rarely updated, but *look like the same shit wall st puts out*. So the broker will pay to subscribe to their service – not because they find the intel useful themselves, but because its something they can throw at their clients to make them STFU and leave them alone.
Stratfor, in many ways, serves the same purpose. Intl law firms might subscribe just so, when some small conflict erupts in a region of the world where their clients have a potential deal in the works? The law firm can go, “Well, we have this Stratfor report which says it will be over in a few months” (which is really just a repeat of something the stratfor analyst heard quoted in the news). this makes the law firm look smart and justifies their high fees.
i could go on for days on this topic. the “research/intelligence” business is, for the most part, badly-hacked together copy-paste stuff, lightly coated with a little intelligent commentary by someone with impressive-sounding credentials. Most of it isn’t worth more than what you’d find in a blog post.
I’d love to read an article from you on this stuff.
you just replied to one, YW.
if i did, i’d probably confine it to the “big idea” claims my business-intelligence company was doing in the late 1990s/early 2000s
stuff like, “By 2010, 50% of corporate work will be done by telecommuting” or “The future, paperless office” or “How the organic-food industry will end the obesity epidemic”
(*ok i made that last one up, but that sort of stuff was legion)
Of course it was all wildly wrong, but it didn’t matter: you made these wild, 10-year predictions simply because it would guarantee you a few headlines in newspapers, quotes in media, and clients phoning you up to say, “what else do you do”.
that was part of the basic m.o. You see the same shit everywhere today. 90% of the time you see “recent report suggests X will happen by 2030” in some news story? its generally because some organization wants to generate free PR.
I’m totally on board. Plus, I heard by 2020, all internet articles will be written and read by Gilmore. You should definitely write one!
conspiracy-theory websites. they are better avoided.
Except for entertainment, that is. *orders cheese pizza*
it’s not going to be a boring
souppizza! It just, that’s just the base! You put thechickenpepperoni in, you gotta add other flavors.Carrots and celeryCheeses are just a base of asoup!add another pizza at the end.
I nice Write up,
We’ll see how long this lasts.
Boycotts against Ohio will be forthcoming if it passes
We just bought a car and the Jeep spent two weeks in the shop. I am pretty sure we are way into the black but tomorrow I will sober up and make sure. If y’all are contributing to the IJ and keeping this site up and running I will be happy to contribute again.
What a second. You can donate to this site!?
I like IJ. Good choice.