Fuck, its only Thursday. I swear to God the way this week is moving it feels like Tuesday. Next Tuesday. But here we are… on Thursday March 22nd: the birthday of subtle genius Chico Marx, underrated Karl Malden, (favorite of Drake) Werner Klemperer, USA Today founder and contributor to the dumbing down of America Al Neuharth, idiot Pat Robertson, William fucking Shatner, Orrin freaking Hatch, scourge of juicers Dick Pound, Andrew Lloyd Webber, dipshit-extraordinaire Wolf Blitzer, chin-strong Reese Witherspoon, and local philanthropist and part-time football stud JJ Watt.
As you can see, the sports update is a little thin, what with the international soccer break meaning no midweek games, no CBB until tonight and a small slate of hockey games, the results of which are as follows: Pittsburgh beat Montreal (and Sidney Crosby apparently scored a sick goal but I can’t be arsed to find a video of it because ESPN sucks ass. Arizona beat Buffalo in a preview of teams that won’t care until next season (at the earliest). St Louis topped Boston in a game both teams desperately wanted to win for playoff purposes. And the Anaheim Mighty Ducks blanked the Calgary Flames.

Doesn’t make sense
That’s pretty much all I’ve got for sports. Which leaves room for a bit of a rant.

Doesn’t make sense
Can somebody, since the writer/director is dead, please fucking explain to me why four of the five kids in The Breakfast Club were driven there by their parents? They’re all seniors, obviously. Claire is ridiculously wealthy and her dad wasn’t mad at her at all when he dropped her off. Andrew’s a star jock, whose dad wasn’t really mad at him for what he did per se, only that he got caught. Allison’s parents don’t give a shit about her at all but they drive her too.

Doesn’t make sense
And its not like she’s poor. They’re driving a new Cadillac!

Makes some sense
Okay, I can see Brian’s mom taking him because she comes across as a hectoring asshole. And obviously Bender walked because he’s poor and his parents don’t give a fuck about him. But at least three of them getting dropped off, at 7 am on a Saturday no less, doesn’t make any sense. Thanks a lot, John Fucking Hughes.

Still awesome
Anyway, here are…the links!
Unless you’ve got access to some Farrakhan archives or David Duke’s pen pal letters, this will probably be the most vile, racist thing you will read all day. Its certainly ::dons sunglasses;; beyond the pale.

The Trudeau Age gets more absurd by the day. “Man, woman? They’re just words. We’re all the same, dude person. We’re all the same.” In the words of Mr Slave: Jesus Christ.
I can’t wait to see the ballistics report on this circle jerk. Also, aren’t handguns illegal there? I thought that meant this kind of thing could never…..oh wait, let me guess: its because anybody can just drive to (enter name of neighboring state or Indiana) and get a gun from a gas station without an ID.
A brutal, yet sad, assessment on Chicago politics and Election Day fallout. Asked to comment on the election results, several Chicago voters exclaimed “thank you sir, may I have another!”

Trump responds to Joe Biden the way Trump responds to everybody. If you’re on Twitter or plan on watching the news today, get some popcorn and prepare to see a lot of people with the vapors. As for me? I’ll get the jiffy pop out as soon as I stop laughing.
You know, there’s a really easy way for the public to decide what really happened here: Just release the damn video. I know, I know. That’s crazy talk. Well call me crazy then.
That’s it. Other than this entirely predictable selection.
Have a great day!
::walks across football field…raises fist::
The Trudeau Age gets more absurd by the day. “Man, woman? They’re just words. We’re all the same,
dudeperson. We’re all the same.” In the words of Mr Slave: Jesus Christ. – I think Trudeau is a social constructStep aside, #Privileged amateur derpetologists, with your Everyday Feminism sideshows, and make way for the work of a fully tenured Ph.D. in Derp Studies. Don’t get me wrong–I am with you, but only to a point. Derp is not simply a problem for the individual consumers of Derp. It is a problem for society.
You have been sending the wrong message, framing Derp as individual choice. But what of those who are unable to quit the Derp–those for whom Derp, for all its problems, has become a necessary part of life? Not everyone has that luxury. Meanwhile the Derp has become one of the most powerful entities in the world, thanks to having few checks on its activity. The more we learn about it, the less simple it is to dismiss it.
At one time I thought the EFF was worth supporting. Now I’m ashamed to even admit that.
What the fuck are you talking about? They’re fighting for net neutrality!
You mean to have government control speech?
Jesus, it’s like she’s a battered wife or something.
Yet everyone who has left is quite happy to be gone from there.
Funny, maybe she should try it.
but they DESERVE better, goddamit, with the kind of subscription fees that Facebook char…oh, nm.
So true, I stopped using Facebook and I’m so much happier for it. That being said, sometimes I do miss out on an event here or there – but its usually nothing that interesting in the first place. I always hear about the bigger stuff my friends are doing when I talk to them in real life.
Yup. I did a social media purge about a year ago. The only ones I kept were Instagram and LinkedIn, and LinkedIn is only used once in a blue moon. I don’t regret it for a moment. My wife, OTOH, went back onto Facebook because some of her friend groups operate there primarily, so she was missing out on stuff. I don’t think she actually uses it much beyond that, though.
I can’t wait to see the ballistics report on this circle jerk. Also, aren’t handguns illegal there? – again, you can just walk to Indiana and buy one
Thats pretty much what I said.
you said drive and added other states. I find mine more accurate
You don’t just walk into Indiana.
Do I have to take an eagle?
Worse, you have to survive flying United.
Now there’s an inviting bridge.
It certainly looks like the kind of place giant spiders would lair.
Its an old railway bridge turned into a pedestrian bridge.
A friend of mine who does triathalons has had to swim to Indiana for races. I would risk the spider well before I did that.
That does not preclude giant spiders.
When I typed my comment, the triathalon remark was not there.
So I had a 30 minute debate in the office with someone who believes Cambridge Analytica is the reason for Trump and Brexit and that what they say they do is 80% accurate. I still have my doubts, but his main argument is machine learning is perfectly accurate
Also there ought to be a law.
Trump and CA went their separate ways long before Trump said he would run for office, but don’t let that interfere with the need to pretend Trump had to have cheated to beat the people that did their best to rig an election and still somehow lost it.
It’s the same result as people being shocked that OJ got off. Well, sometimes that’s what happens when you try to frame a guilty man.
Jeez, dude. Slow down or you’re gonna cum in your pants before the links even gets its bra and panties off.
I did slow down there were days when I tried to say something about each link before anyone else said anything. Anyway I am running a profiler on a script that takes 3 hours and am bored until it is done.
Surf porn while waiting…
yes fantastic idea. My internet goes through a proxy in Munich where it is logged so I assume I should focus on german porn
Let your over-watchers enjoy themselves too.
HAL 9000 agrees
I’m still getting ‘Does not compute’ errors from subroutines that locked up yesterday. I’m going to have to disagree with the ethically challenged navigation equipment.
Unfortunately, computers will do exactly what you tell them to do, and not what you really want them to do. Damned logical and predictable things..
Machine learning isn’t exactly logical or predictable. More like voodoo black magic. You might know the data sets it was trained on and the mechanism for grading correctness, but what it’s actually inferring from the data is a damn mystery.
“The ‘correct’ answers all have serif fonts” /machine
Mark Zuckerberg says “I’m sorry.” And please regulate me more daddy
I mean seriously, I am sick of reading and listening to pathetic simpering in front of masses kowtowing to made up bullshit. Don’t like Island firms collecting your information? Stop using the platforms! This is so simple!! Did the host platform violate its own terms and conditions? Can you prove damage? Sue them! What’s that, you cannot demonstrate real damages? Fuck OFF!!!
*online firms
Why do you think I have no presence on social media to being with?
The (current) dominant corporation in any industry is ALWAYS open to regulation – it sifts out those start-ups gunning to make them the next MySpace.
At some point I though England was a good place to emigrate to but …
Ugh, don’t give me yet another, in what has become an endless torrent, reminder of what Britain has become, what it has done to itself.
This is some disgusting foreign import, a cancer. It is not, and will never be, the real Britain, the Britain that cannot be killed, the Britain that will live on forever as an idea to inspire the world. This is Britain. Not that other monstrosity.
The Britain you are speaking of has died. We are left with the barley-breathing husk of a once-great nation.
Mmmmmm, barley breath.
-drunk Homer
Lol, couldn’t resist.
It is kind of funny.
Logres is dead, only Britain remains
At least they got flamed in the responses.
How many of those commenters will be arrested I wonder?
I’m betting the braver ones are outside the Scottish Statsi’s jurisdiction.
From We by Zamyatin: “Those two in paradise stood before a choice: happiness without freedom or freedom without happiness; a third choice wasn’t given.”
English Cultural Genocide
A musical selection from one of the grandfathers of electronica.
Walter Carlos used to be the grandfather of electronica. He is now the grandmother.
Have you watched I Dream of Wires? It’s entertaining for electronic music nerds. Everybody else will probably fall asleep.
Reminds me of one night where I had to set up the patchboard on a Synthi VCS-3 over the phone for a 10 minutes before the band went on stage.
Can somebody, since the writer/director is dead, please fucking explain to me why four of the five kids in The Breakfast Club were driven there by their parents?
My take is that it gives you a look at the parents. Because the kids look like them. You don’t see the parents in the whole movie, but they’re mentioned over and over, so it gives you a quick glimpse of what you pictured in your mind during the film. Just kind of a little wild card at the end…”Oh, THERE they are haha…”
I think it was to accentuate the character profiles of teenagers trapped in a world made by adults and how they cope. If they had their own vehicles, it would have suggested the freedom to escape.
Well, that too.
Their driving privileges were removed for getting detention?
Nobody drives in California?
Then accentuate the difference between them by having Claire and Andrew drive. They obviously have money and cars.
Andrew’s mom is driving a K-car. I’m not sure I’d say that they have money.
Wait, I’m getting Andrew and Brian confused. Doesn’t Andrew’s dad drive a pickup from back when pickups were utilitarian and inexpensive rather than the quasi-luxury vehicles they are today?
He’s driving a Bronco. And Andrew is buddies with Claire (note they’re talking about going to Stubby’s party). He’s also a state champion wrestler. And he has a lunch with enough food for 5 people (another huge fuckup by Hughes, as a wrestler in season wouldn’t have been eating much, let alone that much). I’d be shocked if he didn’t have a $500 car, which were available anywhere you looked in the 80s.
I’ve never met anyone so passionate about the realism of the Breakfast Club. I can’t wait until I’m old enough to feel things about stuff.
Yeah, I wish I wasn’t so bent out of shape about it, but I get that way sometimes about things from my past.
Just from my own experience, there are two avenues to social status in high school: 1)money 2)star athlete. Andrew runs in the same social scene as Claire because he’s a jock, but his dad seemed like a gruff working class sort.
Rich, Pretty, and athletic (famous) were all effective prerequisites to 80’s popularity ; you only needed one. (Not so much “rich” in Montana where I went to school in the 80’s, but this is Cali).
I like Scruffy’s analysis – it’s a metaphorical device for the relationship between the kids and their parents, and the kids and each other.
And Allison didn’t drive because she didn’t have to be there, remember? Why would a parent drive you to a detention that you didn’t earn?
But it’s in no way realistic. Show them leaving the house to pity (Claire), indifference (Allison), a lecture (Brian and Andrew) and background screaming (Bender). But don’t pretend they’d be dropping them off before 7 am on a Saturday.
And if it was so they could “shock” them by getting all up in each other when their parents pulled up, give me a break. The one they were trying to shock was the one that didn’t give a shit about their kid anyway as anything more than something to spoil (Claire).
Control. If they walk, they can skip out. I always wanted to know why Bender actually showed up. Allison was only there because she didn’t have anything better to do.
I mean, the whole entire movie is about being controlled.
Bender showed up because school is all he’s got and doesn’t want to get kicked out would be my guess
The move was quickly mocked by the Conservative opposition, who suggested Father’s Day and Mother’s Day would be renamed to be gender-neutral.
It always starts with mocking and then…
I thought the Trump/Hillary debates were entertainment. If Joe is going to “go down fast and hard” on Trump, I won’t turn the channel.
I thought Trump bagged hawt chicks.. Why does he want Joe going down on him?
He heard that Joe incorporated a regimen of sucking and Biden.
Uffda. Even the commonest of retards knows that Trump sucks.
Wait, I thought he was all about grabbing the pussy…
Personally insulting Trump publicly is a bad idea. That guy is really talented at striking back.
Remember the video of all the elites laughing at him to his face about a Presidential run at that dinner?
+1, immobile floating fox pelt at National Correspondents Dinner
Trump really is a master at flipping the script on people.
Tells you why those that thought they were smarter or better than him all go fucking loony and stupid about him…
The Root has got to be parody, I refuse to believe that that level of stupid and evil can exists in one package.
Carlson’s entire argument is based on the fact that he doesn’t want to live around brown people.
Can imagine agreeing with that assessment of Carlson’s statement?
Can you imagine Russia hacking the election?
This statement is the very definition of racism: belief in the inherent inferiority/superiority of one race in relation to another. My question is do these people realty buy into this vitriol of are they just hustlers like Al Sharpton?
My question is do these people realty buy into this vitriol of are they just hustlers like Al Sharpton?
Why not both? They can be true believers and hustlers as well.
I suppose, hustlers generally have a vailed cynicism, they may claim to speak like True Believers but at their core they’re just self-interested pricks willing to use a movement for their own ends. True Believers weave the vitriol into the fibers of their being, they’ll follow their ideology to whatever depths they have to, even their own destruction. So the better question is are the Root the people exploiting white guilt/racial animus or are they the useful foot soldiers? #justreadHofferanditsawesome
Design flaw? Damn Dr Yacht! This is all his fault.
This is actually one of the mildest pieces I have seen on The Root. This particular line about white folk’s design flaw could be said to have been uttered in a spirit of heavy snark. It’s not even really the worst part of this article. Click around randomly, and you’ll find some of the ugliest stuff in mainstream media. Attracts some lovely commenters, too, as you might imagine.
When whites are in danger of indulging in fantasies that could lead to identitarianism–such as distorting the fact that the Left has been deliberately importing nonwhite aliens into their countries to secure their own electoral fortunes, into a disturbing #WhiteGenocide paranoia–I try to bring them quickly back to earth. One of my techniques is to find a foil, and I have two favorites. One of them is South Africa, where the survival of white individuals really is precarious and the rhetoric is openly genocidal. The other is The Root.
I never understood the problem with #whitegenocide….if the goal is to breed white people out of existence, who cares? I don’t care if my descendants have the same skin color as me. If all white people fell in love with mates not of their ethnicity and the average melanin content of the human race increases as a result, who cares?
Now, if they are talking about an old fashioned genocide, that is obviously a different story…
There were only four boys in my generation to carry on the family name, one of which is my adopted cousin who is black. He and I both had thing for asian women, I used to joke that if we were the only ones to have kids, soon this russian sur name would only belong blasians.
Plenty of Russia is in Asia, what’s the problem.
I never said there was a problem.
It was…the implication.
And let those honkies dilute the purity of POC?
Good to know. That word “genocide”…I do not think it means what you think it means.
I do not get racial purity, racial consciousness, feelings of racial kinship, or even racial pride at all. I think they’re silly at best, I don’t think they’re the least bit reasonable or understandable, and I wish we were rid of the notions completely. But sometimes I wonder if, as a mutt, I’m being a bit of a “mutt chauvinist.” Being too cocky, not being empathetic enough to the people who have an actual race to be proud of. Doesn’t look that way to me, but it’s good to be humble.
So it’s good to hear a “racially pure” person saying I’m not entirely in looney tunesville here.
*that first line is addressed rhetorically to the #WhiteGenocide crowd, obviously, not to you!
“Towards a truer multicultural science education: how whiteness impacts science education
The hope for multicultural, culturally competent, and diverse perspectives in science education falls short if theoretical considerations of whiteness are not entertained. Since whiteness is characterized as a hegemonic racial dominance that has become so natural it is almost invisible, this paper identifies how whiteness operates in science education such that it falls short of its goal for cultural diversity. Because literature in science education has yet to fully entertain whiteness ideology, this paper offers one of the first theoretical postulations. Drawing from the fields of education, legal studies, and sociology, this paper employs critical whiteness studies as both a theoretical lens and an analytic tool to re-interpret how whiteness might impact science education. Doing so allows the field to reconsider benign, routine, or normative practices and protocol that may influence how future scientists of Color experience the field. In sum, we seek to have the field consider the theoretical frames of whiteness and how it might influence how we engage in science education such that our hope for diversity never fully materializes.”
How and why did the faculty at these universities ever let these these creeps invade and take over?
HR departments + affirmative action hiring = this mess
More self reinforcing cycle of faculty and potential faculty (students) that believe in that crap, or at the least are sympathetic to it.
“Cultural diversity” is not, and should not, be the goal of science education. The goal should be educating people in the methodologies, principles, and achievements of science.
The reality is that scientists who teach by and large don’t pay attention to stupid shit like this and concentrate more on things like harmonic oscillators and gene expression.
Which is really just their way of expressing their white privilege and cultural hegemony, apparently.
Well, y’all might have invented the harmonic oscillator, but we own gene expression privilege because yours are all mutated and give you that weird pasty skin.
We northern people need that vitamin D!
You may notice it, but accept my word that it is there.
The newest priest caste has arrived.
They can see the invisible and hear dog whistles. Black Panther 2.
I can hardly make any sense of these SJW word salads…….it always just seems like a really long-winded way of saying “Fuck Whitey”
Because that’s what it is, just framed in a load of jargon and bullshit.
Easier to say the other guy cheats and holds me down than it is to actually do real work so you can succeed..
Seems like?
a hegemonic racial dominance that has become so natural it is almost invisible
I’m confused. Why is he making this statement about white people instead of Asians? Has he ever been to the labs in a big research university?
Maybe his school is so shitty they actually have a majority white grad student population. Run, prospectives! I’d eat sushi from a white itamae, but you have to draw the line somewhere.
One of the cited materials
Bonilla-Silva, E. (2006). Racism without racists: Color-blind racism and the persistence of racial inequality in the United States. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Woah, Racism without racists. that’s like real deep xir.
Don’t miss the acknowledgement….
“We thank Dr. Carolina Castano Rodriguez on her critical and informative feedback to the first version of our manuscript. To instructors everywhere at all points in your journeys who continually fight racism and whiteness every day for our students’ humanities, never lose your fire and perseverance. To our whiteness course familia, we thank you all for your constant support and remind you all that you will never stand alone on your journeys.”
Fighting whiteness.
Sits down, ponders how a poc might understand the law of conservation of mass and how my white privilege affects my understanding
Women’s-Studies Students Across the Nation Are Editing Wikipedia
This month more than 4,600 students in women’s and gender studies are getting on Wikipedia. But the students aren’t looking up information. They are editing it in hopes of closing the website’s gender gap.
I don’t get it what is the point of closing the gender gap this way? It is not that more women edit Wikipedia it is just a concentrated effort to alter a meaningless statistic
Because they’re incapable of doing anything meaningful (else they wouldn’t be Gender Studies Majors)
UCS nails it.
Fucking hell, so that explains the wiki blurb I specifically came to share today, but ended up reading the thread first…
Did you know… that in October 2017, Alhambra Nievas (pictured) became the first woman to referee a men’s international rugby union match in Europe?
This is the caliber of accomplishment/landmark that’s going to close the Gap!
Did you knowDoes anyone care… that in October 2017, Alhambra Nievas (pictured) became the first woman to referee a men’s international rugby union match in Europe?Like, besides her family?
Her students edited 135 articles, which is pretty incredible, over the course of one semester.
For extremely low definitions of ‘pretty incredible’…
Guessing about 30-40 students?
Getting the lazy fuckers to fire up their browsers is probably ‘astonishing’.
The men could have done 192.
I haven’t seen it in years. I think it’s just an easy way to to provide background without taking up a lot of time, or having tedious and unrealistic expository dialog.
Fuck, its only Thursday.
At least you’re not still in Saigon.
When I was here in the Links, I wanted to be there; when I was there, all I could think of was getting back into the Links. I’m here a week now… waiting for a post… getting softer. Every minute I stay in this comment section, I get weaker, and every minute Tulpa squats in the comments, he gets stronger. Each time I looked around the walls moved in a little tighter.
The horror…the horror…
::stares, mouth agape, in wonder::
This month more than 4,600 students in women’s and gender studies are getting on Wikipedia. But the students aren’t looking up information. They are editing it in hopes of closing the website’s gender gap.
“Editing”not same as “vandalizing”
I bet when they are done, the questionable shit that was on that site will be even more idioitic.
Libertarians are the most analytical thinkers in the American political spectrum, replicating a research result by Jonathan Haidt.
You can download the paper for free! Always good to see the details. Didn’t get to examine the methodology, but the conclusion is hardly surprising.
One thing I did want to see is how they determined libertarianism. Self-identification would probably get you various “braininess” measures off the charts, since–despite the immanence of the Moment, it remains a nerdy fringe identification. You’d see the same thing for “Burkean conservative” or anything else only nerds would choose.
In reality, this particular survey identified libertarianism by a simple two-question (economic issues/social issues) section on a Likert scale from “Strongly Liberal” to “Strongly Conservative.” Perhaps a bit better. Then again, I myself would have answered:
A bit cheeky, to be sure, but I wouldn’t be comfortable with any other answer.
“You can download the paper for free! Always good to see the details. Didn’t get to examine the methodology, but the conclusion is hardly surprising.”
Yeah, if I can’t see what the guy behind the curtain is doing and why, I am going to assume you have something to hide and call you on it. If your conclusion is solid, you wouldn’t need to hide what you did. Ask the AGW cultisits.
C’mon Alex, if you saw the raw data, you might draw a different conclusion than the one we want.
That seems to always be the response from people that want to peddle bullshit instead of actually engage in sciencing…
Like I’m going to “whitelist” the Root.
tee hee hee
Nah, the root is pretty smart compared to the other shitslinging advertising-venues, their content shows up without scripting enabled.
Video Shows Moments Before Uber Robot Car Rammed Into Pedestrian
Granted it’s video, so it not be the best view of the road. But I didn’t see the biker until the last second. I don’t know if you can blame the autonomous vehicle for this one.
Looks like the person with the bike expected the car to stop and let them cross. If these cars aren’t programmed to stop for humans, can we send a fleet to the next highway protest?
So basically, these cars operate like Asian women or any driver over the age of 85?
They love you long time?
My octagenarians wear out pretty quick.
Yeah, why do people who insist on being in the street at night always wear dark clothing.
For some people it’s more they choose dark clothing for their normal day wear and don’t change into brighter colors when it gets dark (and often forget what they’re wearing after an hour of putting it on). People should still be paranoid about being in the street in the dark.
I thought those vehicles had LIDAR. I’m not sure how LIDAR missed that one. But a human operator sure wouldn’t have seen that bicyclist.
Which, absent the video, would not have saved the human operator from being convicted of vehicular homicide, particularly if records show she was texting at the time of the accident.
Pedestrian not paying attention, wearing reflective clothing or crossing at crosswalk.
OTOH I would expect some sort of flir to be used on the car.
What was she thinking? That’s how not to cross a street at night.
The person should have been paying better attention to the road, but that pedestrian was J-walking during pitch-black night. I really don’t think Uber or the driver should have any liability. That being said, how the heck does the radar (or whatever) system not pick this up? I wouldn’t expect the car to be depending on the human visible light spectrum, so what the hell?
It may have, but “Pedestrian on side of road” becoming “Pedestrian in road” can only trigger it to brake. It can’t make it stop over a ton of steel in a short enough time frame depending on when she stepped in front of the car. If there is no sign the car tried to brake, then there is an issue with the system.
That being said, how the heck does the radar (or whatever) system not pick this up?
Computer vision sucks and will continue to suck for a long time.
There’s some push back on the darkness level of that video. Here is a crappy cellphone video by a person who is probably motivated to show things as bright as possible but it still provides some useful context.
“Crazy Joe Biden is trying to act like a tough guy. Actually, he is weak, both mentally and physically, and yet he threatens me, for the second time, with physical assault,” the president said.
“He doesn’t know me, but he would go down fast and hard, crying all the way,” he added.
Little known fact- Trump keeps a brick in his purse. Just in case.
I’d pay money to see that slap fight.
They both have one foot in the retirement home. They’d both probably tip over and break a hip just trying to throw a punch.
It would be hilarious. They could play Yakety Sax in the background.
I love the public radio device “remind us” that I have made note of here in the past. A few minutes ago in NPR, in response to breaking news about the Austin bomber, a commentator says “now remind us how the police ended up closing in on him” as if it is already common knowledge that is taught in all high school history classes.
It’s an implied “your stupid if you don’t know this”. Can be made of great use in any “settled science” type situation.
For what it’s worth (and fully acknowledging the likelihood of the visual narrative reasoning posted above), at my South Florida high school in the 1980s, students subject to any detention (after school or on Saturday) were prohibited from driving to school and had to be ferried by a parent.
Ok. This may make sense now.
“Release the video…”
One would think…. and one would be wrong.
Remember Jose Guerena? Remember the 5 SWAT team guys banging on his door and yelling incoherently for 5 seconds before breaking the door down? Remember the guy yelling “I’m hit!!”, despite no shots being fired at the police? Remember the officer in the back holding his guy sideways above everyone’s head so he could get in some shots? Remember the wife calling 911 about armed men breaking her door down… and then begging for an ambulance for her husband, only to be denied as he bled out for two hours?
Remember Daniel Shaver begging for his life as he crawled drunkenly on the hotel hallway floor, trying desperately to follow the incoherent and completely sadistic commands of the police officers who would shoot him dead on the floor moments later?
Remember any of the dozens of others? Well, even if you do, nobody else does.
Unless you are the appropriate ethnicity to fit the narrative and you actually did something to provoke a shooting, you’ll be wiped from the public memory. Only crazy libertarians were worried about Corey Maye getting the death penalty for protecting his infant daughter from armed intruders breaking his door down at 12:30 AM.
I’ve been hard on Balko for his TDS twattering but damn if that dude isn’t a hero for getting Corey Maye off death row. I rant and rave all too often on here and in real life about police abuses and nobody wants to hear it. My Dad just explained to me the other day that the overly aggressive, panicky, abusive police officer is an invention of the media. He just cannot get past his concept of TEAM to understand how much modern policing subverts the rule of law. Libertarians, and only libertarians, seem to understand that thanks to decisions like Graham v. Connor we’ve made the badge a license to kill.
Either that or the understand and are in complete agreement.
That too. Somehow putting a person on the public payroll magically perfects their character and they live the rest of their lives as the paragon’s of honesty, self-sacrifice and virtue. We don’t need to worry about bad cops because they don’t/can’t exist. Ihave a hard time restraining myself when presented with this argument.
The restraint comes after you try engaging the argument a couple of times and discover that this tactic is about as successful as sticking your johnson in a blender as a cure for ED.
That’s for sure. Show them the Daniel Shaver/Philandro Castile videos and it gets hand waved, rationalized, dismissed……
People don’t like to think…..
During the police shooting scare about 7 years back I had some lady at a T-ball game ranting about how they were shooting cops everywhere. I calmly told her that in point of fact, despite there being more than double the number of police that we had in the 70’s, the number of police fatalities is down massively. And then I pointed out that police kill almost 10x the number of unarmed citizens as there are police shot.
She refused to accept it even after I pulled up the FBI website with the statistics showing exactly that. The crowd of parents around us was distinctly on her side… and I felt like Arlo Guthrie on the group W bench as all of the father rapers and mother stabbers slowly slid away from me.
Could you give me a link? I just made a blanket request for that very thing down thread…..
Yeah, they are not honest. A friend’s husband is a cop, and left the Charleston force after they tried to cover up the shooting they had there in 2012 for two reasons A) he couldn’t file a grievance against the cop that shot the unarmed civilian for improper handling of his weapon (dude didn’t clear into a barrel ever after using the range, apparently), and B) he and my friend both found a job closer to their parents, so the grandparents could help with their daughter. I don’t honestly like the guy that much (just a personality mismatch between us), but he’s the kind of cop I expect will never draw his gun, except at the range, for his entire career, because he’s a laid back, conflict resolving personality. And I think that the majority of cop suckers end up at that point because they know a cop, or a few cops, like my friend’s husband, and not the corrupt assholes.
Yeah, that’s my Dad. Drives an ambulance so he see’s cops on lots of mental health arrests. He’s very impressed by their calm demeanors and patience (he’s a hothead and would be the WORST kind of cop). Therefore in his mind there is no problem.
And I think that’s probably 30-40% of cops, at least. The problem is the public employee unions that require the rest of them to stand on that “Thin Blue Line” to protect the assholes.
In my home town. These guys need to be in jail.
Why does the DA have the say? Should that not be up to a judge?
“The School Shooting Generation Has Had Enough”
This hagiography goes on for pages, then towards the end:
“The students have had plenty of help. They’ve raised more than $4 million from small donors on the crowdfunding site GoFundMe, plus a couple million more from celebrities like George and Amal Clooney, Steven Spielberg and Oprah Winfrey. A top Hollywood PR firm is assisting with press requests pro bono, and Women’s March organizer Deena Katz is volunteering as a consultant on the march. The gun-reform advocacy group Everytown for Gun Safety, backed by billionaire former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, has given out more than $1 million in grants to local organizers planning sibling marches around the country, and the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence is sending busloads of kids to Washington, D.C. Democratic megadonor Tom Steyer pledged $1 million to gun-safety groups’ efforts to register more high school students to vote. “Our biggest problem is that we’re getting too much help,” says Corin.”
The sanctimony is such that I almost want to go out and march in support of gun violence.
I never fail to read that as Anal Clooney on the first glance.
You are not the only one.
Don’t be an ass.
Every one of the mass shooters researched where to find soft targets. Want to put a stop to mass shootings? Get rid of soft targets.
No? Then go fuck yourself.
How do school shooting body counts stack up to the body counts from cops unnecessarily shooting citizens on an annual basis? Lets make talking about limiting cops access to firearms part of the nations “discussion”
Funny how the only possible ways to stop mass shootings line up perfectly with Democrat platform.
I really don’t see anybody asking “why”. Why do some of these kids’ peers find it cool to shoot up a school? How are these shooters encouraging and inspiring each other? How is social media involved? Those are pretty deep questions, but they require thought. Instead, these kids are asking the Democratic party to save them from themselves.
“Scientific” “American” strikes again.
Since the 2008 election of President Obama, the number of firearms manufactured in the U.S. has tripled, while imports have doubled. This doesn’t mean more households have guns than ever before—that percentage has stayed fairly steady for decades. Rather, more guns are being stockpiled by a small number of individuals. Three percent of the population now owns half of the country’s firearms, says a recent, definitive study from the Injury Control Research Center at Harvard University.
So, who is buying all these guns—and why?
RACISTS. Racists who derive a sense of self-worth and empowerment from icky inanimate objects which control their minds and warp their emotions. Give or take a few micropenises.
Never saw that coming, didja?
Also- It’s a DEFINITIVE STUDY, so don’t try to quibble or deflect. Confess your sins.
I dunno if it is Racists….. remember all the stories the past couple of years about all of the ammo agencies like the IRS are buying up… one would assume that if they are going to provide ammunition to random bureaucrats, they’ll also be needing guns for the ammo.
And thanks for that bit about Scientific American. I was a subscriber for almost two decades…. and then they took a hard turn into politics when Bush got elected and I dropped them like a hot potatoe. After about a year of Michael Shermer transforming his skeptic column into a DNC rant, I let my subscription lapse.
Conquest’s Second Law.
Ok, I’ll admit it. I had to google that one.
Maybe we should stick to python references. Keep going like that and this place is going to go all Denis Miller, with references to Cookie McDoogal sewing a ball gown out of second-hand gunny sacks.
+1 Ha cha cha.
Same here.
Heh, read that story about the gender-neutral madness at Service Canada. This is waaayyyy out of line. Of course, the LGBTetc. community is happy about it but this is a little more serious for many people now. I’m sure they could have come up with a much better way. There is no Parent 1 and Parent fucken 2 asshole. And Duclos was on TV explaining this idiocy and came out sounding like a complete idiot. ‘We want to respect’….I want to smack his faux-stoic face. They want to respect everyone with their version of science by social engineering and flouting reality.
8000 comments. Very few in support. That’s a lot.
You know what? This is what libertarians who supported the Homoarchy and its gay agenda deserve.
I come with my own link.
Gave him a new nickname. “Sleepy Joe.” Biden thinks he can be the Democratic Trump.
I came here to say one thing.
Dick Pound is one of the greatest names on earth. Dick. Pound.
HOWEVER, I would argue that Dick Wolf wins. Everything about it makes me laugh.
“Oh, Dick! What ferocious pubes you have!”
“All the betta to ravish dat ass, girl.”
Nobody is going to win a greatest name contest against Dick Trickle.
Motorola used to have a vendor quality inspector named Dick Dickens. We always referred to him as Dick Lickins because… well, just because.
Former outfielder Rusty Kuntz, maybe
my Old high school superintendent’s wife’s name was Anita Dyck.
works no matter which pronunciation you go with on the ‘y’, beautiful.
Y was also a replacement for the letter thorn, so it can have a ‘th’ sound.
so Dthck?
I like this name. I’m sure she’s heard some stupid pu lines.
I once knew a guy named “Paul Lee”. Good guy.
That’s all I got
Huh. I used to work with a “Randy Lee.” Also a good guy. I wonder if they are related. They must be.
At the least they know each other. All Asians do, right?
That’s because he’s from Canada.
Bobby Orr. That’s another kick ass name.
Bobby fucken Orr.
Didn’t want to be known as Rob Orr, did he?
I am Rob Orr, you are glue…
I was thinking more in the line of “Hands in the air, this is a Rob-Orr-Eee”
I’ve only heard of Bobby Orr because of Stan against evil.
I used to introduce my self as Richard Hurtz.. Then tell them my friends called me Big Dick. Big Dick Hurtz….
I had a Professor in college named Dick Handler
There’s a guy that grew up a few towns over from me named Mike Hunt. Honest, that’s his name.
I used to live in some apartments owned by a guy named Mike Hawk.
There’s also a very wealthy family around here (with a major street named after them) with the surname Peters, and one of the daughters was named Fonda.
There used to be an MLB pitching coach named Dick Pole.
If you like Dick Pound’s name, you’ll love the cover of his book…
The Hieny brothers?
Big Red and Thor?
I ran track in middle school against a kid named Forrest Andrew Gay. Forrest. Andrew. Gay. That’s justifiable parricide *and* matricide right there – no jury in the world would convict him.
I used to work with a dude with the last name Gayman.
Junior high must have been absolute torture…
I mean, the last name is a little hard to do anything about…
You can file to have it changed.
Sure, but the first and middle are chosen by the parents at birth, a much simpler process to avoid these sorts of situations.
In my life I have known a Dick Seaman and a Ted Stickle.
Who’s dumb?
I’m of mixed minds on this one. It is probably heading down the wrong path to go around firing teachers for expressing an opinion on political topics such as war – particularly in a high school classroom. At the same time, what idiot goes about the business of opposing a war by talking about how stupid the soldiers are – particularly while hiding behind the wall those soldiers are manning?
It shows a complete lack of understanding of our political system, the chain of command in the military and the role of the people. If you want to denigrate the intelligence of someone who put us in a war you oppose, the soldiers are the least responsible players in the game. Responsibility rolls up hill…. and in this case the top of the responsibility hill is the American people who elected the politicians – both democrats and republicans – who made the decisions to take us to war and keep us there. Then you get the politicians – both presidents and congressmen – then the generals, the colonels, the majors… etc. You have a very, very long way to go before you can start questioning the quality of the soldiers who went where they were ordered to go.
The only people who stood to go to jail for standing up against going to war are the soldiers.
So that’s some epic stupid right there.
1. I don’t see why anyone would want any public school teacher injecting their politics into their classroom period. That’s not what they get paid to do.
2. This asshole wasn’t even making his point in reference to actual class material. It was an off topic rant to start the class triggered by a student wearing a Marines sweatshirt.
So, he decided to basically insult one of his students and go off on a tangent entirely and completely unrelated to the course material.
A lot of teachers hang around kids all day. They are incredibly smug and think they’re far smarter than they are because they sit there and rehash the same content over and over to people less educated than themselves. They don’t want to create free thinking individuals. They want a captive audience for whatever shit comes out of their mouths.
That’s a different description than the article I first saw. It mentioned “history teacher” and discussing war in the middle east. Nothing about Marine sweatshirts. It did have the quote about your idiot uncle.
Under the description you quote, he should probably be kicked out under their anti-bullying policy.
Sheesh. What an idiot.
Yep, there’s no defense of that pedagogy. It sensational for being mean to mom-and-apple-pie. Its fireable for, well, cutting instruction time short to insult and swear at a kid.
I always found Bender kissing Claire at the car in front of her parents to be rich.
For these economically insecure, irreligious white men, “the gun is a ubiquitous symbol of power and independence, two things white males are worried about,” says Froese. “Guns, therefore, provide a way to regain their masculinity, which they perceive has been eroded by increasing economic impotency.”
Both Froese and Stroud found pervasive anti-government sentiments among their study participants. “This is interesting because these men tend to see themselves as devoted patriots, but make a distinction between the federal government and the ‘nation,’ says Froese. “On that point, I expect that many in this group see the ‘nation’ as being white.”
“Hmmm, yes, very good. Now tell me about your mother. Was she a whore, or did she just give it away?”
I see the nation as separate from the government. I’m more African and Arab than Warren is Native American. I wonder what this racist Froese thinks I think the nation looks like.
“Trump responds to Joe Biden the way Trump responds to everybody.”
President Trump is an embarrassment. YOU’RE. THE. GOD. DAMN. PRESIDENT.
Get a load of Matt Welch over here
Wait- “newly woke” Matt Welch or old Matt Welch?
I take your silence as implying that you meant “newly woke” Matt Welch.
You son-of-a-bitch
You’re a libertarian. Why do you care if Trump’s behavior diminishes the sickeningly glorified reputation of the office? Who really cares about the appearance of presidentialness when these people are abusing their power and conducting awful policy in general?
It’s not about diminishing the office so much as it is the fact that he is the country’s primary ambassador to foreign countries. Don’t you think that foreign powers have realized that the president is thin skinned and that you can get him to agree to anything if you just flatter him, since he responds to negatively to any criticism? That leads me to believe that foreign powers good easily out maneuver him in any negotiations.
1. I don’t see that happening.
2. I don’t see how it would be much worse than the foreign policy Top Men have been implementing. We just saw 8 years where nearly every aspect of our foreign policy was conducted based on what would benefit Obama domestically, or by the end improve his legacy. No matter how shortsighted it actually was.
3. It’s a mistake to think that Trump is simply the caricature he presents publicly even if the two have blended. There is, in fact, a gap between the real man and his actual policy and his Twitter account.
Actually, it seems that his bloviation as negotiating tactic might have produced results with North Korea. It remains to be seen. But it is possible.
It is a similar (but still very different) tactic to Reagan with the Soviets. He blustered and built up the military…. and then almost had an agreement to completely ban nuclear weapons.
Which…is why he got elected. Here’s what the left doesn’t get: he said what he wanted and never got successfully driven out because he wouldn’t back down and sometimes doubled down. People are tired of sniveling politicians, tired of getting their guys run out for a slip of the tongue, tired of seeing crybullies get their way. He’s Teflon Don v2.0. Nothing he says or does will stick no matter how much the media screams. Not even Slick Willy was this untouchable.
I disagree. I think he was elected because he was not a politician and talked about certain topics that the American people thought were being ignored (mainly immigration and trade). I don’t think that his crass language endeared him with the electorate. In fact, I think his behavior has made him unpopular even with the Midwestern constituents who elected him and would usually agree with his positions on trade and immigration.
How would those Midwestern constituents react to a threat of a beating by hypocritical serial groper?
A guy famous for groping every woman in reach threatens to beat up Trump because he implied he gropes women. WTF?
Given Trump’s 4″ height advantage and summers working construction, I’d put all my money on him in the theoretical high school fight.
I like the fact that he refuses to let the left define what he can say or how far more than the fact that he was not a politician…
The man is entertaining, I’ll give him that much.
I’m not going to deny that it’s entertaining. But, this incident isn’t a matter of Trump not being politically correct. This is a matter of the president basically accepting an invitation to a fist fight. My God, we have the former vice president who is also behaving like an ass by continuing to insist that he would have beat Trump up in high school for the language he used on the Access Hollywood tape (which is pure and utter bullshit, as anyone man who recalls high school would know that the language contained in the Access Hollywood tape was tame compared to what seventeen year-old boys say). And then you have the sitting president basically accepting the invitation to fight.
So the hell what?
/Aaron Burr
If Trump successful brings dueling back into fashion and legality it may be a greater success for liberty than any tax cut.
My wife says he ‘lacks class’. I like to tell her that’s the majority of politicians. If she were to actually meet them, quite a few are vulgar slobs.
You think Obama is classy? Think twice I bet.
Would you behave the way he does at work or do you save your lack of class for this website and when you are with friends at the bar? Decorum is still an important part of professionalism, especially when the eyes of the world are watching
And yet somehow Trump has made being a boor and a boob into a successful strategy. People will be studying this one for centuries.
I was watching the Nova about probability the other day. They had a professor talking about betting strategies and some of the counter-intuitive things you learn by studying horse racing.
If you have a horse that consistently performs very good…. say he runs 2:15 like clockwork…. and you have a second horse that runs an average of 2:15, but has a deviation of plus or minus 15 seconds… the two horses will each win 50% of the time in head to head races. So it is a coin flip.
But add in a third horse. This horse runs 2:14, plus or minus 5 seconds. Now what do you do? You’d think you’d go for the reliable horse. But you’d be wrong. You go for the wildly unpredictable choice, since he has a 50% chance of winning, and the other two split the other 50%.
I immediately thought of Trump in the last election. Clinton is the reliable horse. She was going to get you 48%. But Trump…. being so polarizing… he’s the unpredictable one. And in a one on one, he beat the reliably just below average candidate.
“And yet somehow Trump has made being a boor and a boob into a successful strategy. People will be studying this one for centuries.”
The underlying principle here is that he plays by the left’s rules: he refuses to let them say what he can or can’t say, and how and when he can say it.
This is something the sycophants that are desperate for love that from the dnc operatives with bylines that they can only get when they turn on their ow have never understood. McCain spend decades sucking media agent’s cock, and they still fucked him over when he thought his pleasant behavior would give him some respite.
Trump saw that strategy was idiotic, and he doubled down on doing exactly what the left does. The people that hate him – both on the left and the right – do so because he plays the game by the rules the left played by. The left hates him because he has basically took away their advantage. The right hates him because he proved how stupid they were for playing by the rules the left didn’t play by.
Multi tasking and not proof reading makes my rant a bit ranty.. Sorry.
“The underlying principle here is that he plays by the left’s rules: he refuses to let them say what he can or can’t say”
Is it the Left who says: “the sitting president probably shouldn’t accept the challenge of a fist fight on Twitter”. I thought that was society at large that decided: “yeah, that’s beneath the office and even beneath behaving like a grown-up”.
Yeah, Biden started it, but Biden is a private citizen now. President Trump can literally drone Biden on live TV if he wanted to. I would expect people who have the power to drone someone to shrug these remarks off and realize that there’s nothing productive about punching down
If he responds by droning the guy, that’s an inappropriate response, but meeting bluster with bluster is about as much of a non-issue as it can get.
Also, you lose points for the unironic use of “punching down”.
You forget Obama telling his people to punch twice as hard, bring guns to knife fights, and other just as crappy shit only to have the left high five and fist bump when he did that?
Pretending Trump is doing something the left doesn’t do in general and practically all the time, but which we are more aware now of simply because of the left’s campaign to make Trump look bad for doing it is in overdrive, is basically falling for the tactic the left uses where they want everyone to play by rules they exempt themselves from.
I love Trump not being a poll driven, mealy mouthed, political aspirant douche that is always using pretty words to deceive instead of going right at things. Yeah, you may think he is crass and a boor, but that is the only personality that stands any chance of fighting the left and the deep state.
Pretty much this.
I can’t even if I wanted to.
i’m just saying….Obama is still an idiot.
Would you behave the way he does at work or do you save your lack of class for this website and when you are with friends at the bar? Decorum is still an important part of professionalism, especially when the eyes of the world are watching
Yea, he should take some cues from…I don’t know…Trudeaux, on how to act presidential.
The media covered up his smoking for his entire presidency, to keep his image.
Under the “cover up” heading…. exactly how does a teenage first daughter with 24/7 secret service protection score some weed? What dealer is going to make that sale?
The Secret Service which was known for drunkenness and whoring on that president’s watch? The Agents probably sold it to her.
Look at that class act
This is Tump in a nutshell.
A leftist does something bad.
Trump does the exact same thing, which has precedent from the most recent president and never before raises an eyebrow.
I’m *glad* that there’s at least one R who won’t be shamed into silence by a hypocritical left. I wish it was Rand Paul and not Trump. I wish it was contagious among the other R’s. But 1 is better than none. Its the same ability that let him put Mulvany in charge of the CFPB and DeVos in the DOE.
Random thoughts on my Grand Saturday Night Live Rewatchathon – The really hard left-ward tilt in the political humor started during Iran-Contra and was driven mostly by Al Franken and Dennis Miller. The show as a whole pimped very, very, very hard for the First Gulf War; these warmongering episodes have been, with the benefit of hindsight, painfully brutal to sit through. Chevy Chase is a disrespectful, vulgar boor. Randy Quaid is thoroughly underrated. Kevin Nealon has the least partisan Weekend Update run; even when cracking wise about politicians, he tells a dad joke rather than presenting the other party’s taking points. According to Tom Shales’ book, the cast got to choose the musical guest for the first few seasons and they picked artists they wanted to see. After that, the network started guiding the choice towards artists who needed promoting; the results are clear.
Some M*A*S*H episodes are equally painful to re-watch.
Indeed, particularly the episodes directed by Alda. Fun fact – Super genius Marvel Comics writer/editor of G.I. Joe Larry Hama can be seen in an episode as a Nork POW. Also, God bless the memory of David Ogden Stiers.
I forgot to mention the Alda episodes.
The early ones are intolerable for the laugh track.
I don’t know why but the episode where a woman smothered her baby to death in the bus and he was talking to Freedman about the chicken.
*about the chicken, is stuck in my head on loop. But I’m nuts, so there’s that.
The laugh track, in all its forms, is an utter abomination and should be cleansed from the Earth with fire and sword.
MASH went from a comedy about cut ups with political overtones to a preachy political drama with occasional comedy. The later episodes (those are the Alda ones?) ore unfreakingwatchable.
My general MASH rule is the first 3 seasons were pretty good. After that it got tired preachy and not funny in the least. (makes sense as it was about a 3-year war)
By the end Hawkeye was more a prissy asshole than Frank Burns.
People also forget that Fonzie jumped the shark after only three seasons! That show limped along for an eternity like that, like its contemporary M*A*S*H. I still can’t believe the latter’s finale was the most watched show of all time. I was only a little kid, but I’m pretty sure no one otherwise cared. It was like playing dutiful son at the deathbed of a mother you’d dumped at the home without visiting for ten years.
And, Maclean Stevenson, at the height of his popularity, jumping ship to star in Hello Larry, that half-assed Diff’rent Strokes spin-off. Also, AfterMASH.
You will never go broke selling to Boomers or Millennials if your message is you Boomers/Millennials are just about the greatest thing every.
Was Dennis Miller ever hard left? I remember him being mostly independent-antiestablishmentarian; he pimped pretty shamelessly for Perot. I feel like he is a mixed bag, smarter than average but not nearly as much as he thinks, who began by taking more delight in his differences with the Right and ended up taking more in his differences with the Left.
Also, shouldn’t Norm MacDonald tie with Nealon for least political? The edge I’d give to Nealon is that MacDonald is rather outspokenly ideologically hostile to the very idea of political comedy; whereas Nealon is not even that.
It is not so much that Miller is hard left (I certainly don’t think he is), it is that something about Iran-Contra really seemed to flip a switch and he was very vitriolic towards Reagan to a much greater degree than before.
Maybe because a young constitutional conservative wouldn’t be too cool with circumventing the constitutional separation of powers like that.
Alternatively, I think he took a conservative turn after leaving the show. Like they say…. if you are under 30 and not a liberal, you have no heart. If you are over 30 and not a conservative, you have no brain.
Around here we can say “if you aren’t a libertarian, you have either no heart, no brain or perhaps in extreme cases, you have neither'”.
Also… how the heck did we get two completely independent Denis Miller references in one thread?
Don’t forget the balls! If you aren’t a libertarian, you have no balls. Which isn’t, strictly speaking, literally true. Though the converse pretty much is.
Logical, reasonable, and convincing; I’ll buy it. Franken however was shifting from 1970s funny, self-deprecating Franken to 1980s+ smarmy, opportunistic, partisan toad Franken.
Norm used to sew the Clintons into a bag and beat the bag with a Louisville Slugger. I will always cherish him for that alone.
It’s good to see another person who recognizes Randy Quaid’s comedic genius.
Hell yeah! The Target Earth sketch gets me every time.
I like you lobot, you look like you could use a cold one.
*hands lobot 3/4ths empty beer*
I will even cop to really liking Caddyshack II.
You ever try putting with a wedgie? Oh, it’s great, all the pros are doing it! See, you just take your normal stance here….ok, and now THIS is the wedgie! *gives Robert Stack a wedgie* Try putting with that crammed up your crack!
Anyone willing to play the guy that leads to this conversation rocks in my book.
I absolutely love that in the old TV edit, that line was changed to “…teacher says I’m the best“. So not woke.
The sanctimony is such that I almost want to go out and march in support of gun violence.
I would be sorely tempted to participate in an open carry counterdemonstration.
“A brutal, yet sad, assessment on Chicago politics and Election Day fallout.”
Dan Lapinski, one of two pro-life Democrats in the House of Representatives, beat back a pro-choice candidate that was supported and funded by sitting US Democratic senators along with Emily’s List and Planned Parenthood. I don’t recall Senator Collins or Senator Merkowski facing pro-life challengers that have received support from sitting US Republican senators or groups allied with the party. But, clearly it is Republicans that are extremists with regards to abortion. Don’t believe your lying eyes, just accept the wisdom of your betters
It’s been like that for decades, but the Democrats have not admitted it.
Of course, it hasn’t been this extreme. I’ve been a pro-life Democrat for ages, even back when I was closer to being a more conventional one, so I remember it well. Democrats had a brief revival of ideological flexibility in the ’00s. They were still licking their wounds from gun control and eventually excised it from the platform entirely. Political correctness, after its early-’90s false dawn, was in dormancy and was just off its low-water mark in the late ’90s. And nothing focuses the mind away from trigger locks and trigger warnings better than a fucking war. The Great Hope of the Far Left boasted of his A+ NRA rating and said he would appeal to “Guys with Confederate flags on their trucks,” and his purplehaired youth troops ate it up. The Daily Kos published screeds denouncing as traitors to core progressivism anyone who would make pro-lifers feel unwelcome in the Democratic Party at a critical time like this. And, of course, it worked. They made inroads deep into red territory.
One of the few things that can be said to ease my perpetually worried mind, now that I have declared keeping my party out of power to be the first and insuperable mandate of any concerned American, is that I cannot see how they have another ’06 in them. They simply are not equipped to make those inroads now. They could tear through red America like a hot knife through butter, but they are simply no longer willing to do that. And with everything that makes today unrecognizable from the past, remarkably these things have not changed. For all my panicking, gun attitudes seem pretty stable and if anything the long term trend has been to get better. Abortion attitudes have, unbelievable as it would seem, been essentially static since 1974. And Trump or no Trump, people continue to care about these things. Come this fall, there will still be only two Dan Lipinskis in the House; and the term “pro-life Democrat” will continue to refer to the Conor Lambs of the world–i.e., to those who promise to vote against any abortion restrictions and promise to fund Planned Parenthood, but are simply willing to identify as pro-life, rather than cheering abortion as a positive good as is rapidly becoming expected of the woke.
The blue wave may yet crash upon its natural limits. We shall see.
I’m convinced that no party can be a national party without diversity of thought. You cannot gain majorities in both houses of Congress and the presidency without some disagreement within the caucus. The Democratic Party is a regional party now and their emphasis on ideological purity is going to forever limit them
*Ooh, forgot to add the detail that in the ’00s the Democrats officially added to their platform, for the first time since turning pro-choice, an identification of themselves as diverse and welcoming on the abortion issue–officially extending a hand to pro-lifers and trumpeting the virtues of the Big Tent and contrasting themselves with the Republicans (who had no such clause despite being actually more diverse). They even began inviting pro-life convention speakers again.
Needless to say this is no longer the case–in fact, no longer remotely imaginable. And again, still, America remains exactly where it always has been on the issue. For one brief moment, Democrats really did care to learn What’s the Matter with Kansas, and interrupted their mild condescension to actually meet Kansas halfway. Today it would be Fuck You, Kansas. They are so done with that shit.
What is the over/under on Dems adding gun control back to the platform in the wake of these school shootings?
Sandy Hook was the turning point; they took it up again after 12 years of silence at the national level (the backing away had started even sooner, but the loss to Bush sealed its fate). It was back in with a vengeance for ’16.
“No Ricky Gervais, defending offensive shitposters isn’t a matter of free speech
The freedom to joke is not in jeopardy.”
The entire article is basically just a series of ad hominem.
TL;DR – Shut up fat man and get back in line.
“And if Count Dankula wants to continue in his career as a shitposter, he needs to accept that posting shit sometimes gets your hands dirty.”
They’ve changed my mind, this person who has physically harmed no one should be thrown in prison for a good long term for making a joke. This is what the left wants now and they aren’t hiding it.
Mr. Pettigrew is a retarded cunt who can’t seem to distinguish between government locking people in cages and being blocked on Twitter.
Freedom of speech and freedom of association…not mutually exclusive.
I love when ‘journalists’ come out against free speech and then cry incessantly about how brave they are and how politicians being mean to them is a threat to free speech
They know exactly what they’re doing…the politicians who push for bans and proscriptions agree with them politically. They have nothing to fear (for the time being anyway).
“They have nothing to fear (for the time being anyway)”
The ultimate in short term victory. If their wet dreams of government control were ever fully realized, they would be the first ones in front of a firing squad for stepping out of line.
Me today, you tomorrow.
Or cry when Trump bitch slaps them on Twitter.
Free speech for me, but not for thee!
Freedom of speech and freedom of association…not mutually exclusive.
Sorry, thread fail.
Sounds like you associated your speech . . . poorly.
I’m free to do that.
I saw that. Saw his tweet too. But Statesman gonna Statesman.
Perhaps more concerning is the vicious full-press on him by the Murdock tabloids. There’s the New York Post, of course, from his initial arrest. And now there’s this libel.
I like it when the press backs governments silencing people, keeps me on my toes.
Right. It’s all in the heads of comedians – including liberal ones.
Because literature in science education has yet to fully entertain whiteness ideology, this paper offers one of the first theoretical postulations. Drawing from the fields of education, legal studies, and sociology, this paper employs critical whiteness studies as both a theoretical lens and an analytic tool to re-interpret how whiteness might impact science education.
My microwave oven is relaying messages from an ancient civilization deep in outer space. That’s why I encased it in concrete and dropped it off a bridge. I thought that would help, but I can still hear it. Help me, ZARDOZ!
Make way for the top heavy ladies we all adore!
1 (vigorously), 2, 4, 13, 15, 17, 37, 42 (also vigorously).
1, 2, 23, 24, 29, 39, 43.
After months of careful observation of people’s choices, out of everyone on this board, I think your tastes align most closely with mine.
Let’s start a club.
The Boobfest Club? I’m in!
ZARDOZ, is this a case of immediate cleansing or should she be forced to work as a grain slave first?
“while I was still in critical care, *each of my three children’s fathers* filed emergency petitions and took the kids.” (emphasis mine)
Two letters, two disappointed vapid women obsessed with ‘dream jobs’. You know what a ‘dream job’ is? It’s a goddamn DREAM. And one you’re unlikely to attain, because in both cases, the dreamee is fucked up and a poor hire.
A dream job is one where you don’t have to go in when you don’t want to… In other words, retirement.
The first dude gets a pass. The second should have known better, The third is just downright dumb.
She is a self-absorbed slut who obviously cares more about herself than the welfare of her kids no matter what her protestations are. She shouldn’t have custody of any of them unless the fathers are absolutely unfit. She’ll be knocked up again from some new guy within a couple of years.
You know what’s even more messed up?
I can’t help but wonder what those fathers custody and visitation realities look like.
Job for this morning-
Something in this cabinet is fuckin up intermittently. I have the morning to figure out what it is.
Ugh, intermittant errors. The bane of any troubleshooting effort.
I blame the dust. Can you powerwash it first to see if that fixes things?
Ugh. Better you than me.
I’m not sure, but some of that might be electrical…
Is your sarcasm meter broken?
Actually, I am not sure that was even sarcasm, not sure how to categorize that.
Is your unknown-type-of-humor meter broken?
I have said it before there are issues with the midplane which houses the model 82 sarcasm detector, and that often causes the humor subprocessors to disconnect from reality.
That looks just slightly dusty
For any of you who know how to read electrical prints, this is what I’m dealing with-
I always enjoyed troubleshooting, but I have masochistic tendencies.
Wait, no, Cut the Red wire, don’t cut the GRAY Wire!
M as in Mancy.
You need some PM, no wonder your shit is fucked up, but Profit first!
That’s what I’m doing. This is thursday, the day the plant shuts down for 12 hours and we get to fix all the sorta fucked up shit that we have kept limping along through the rest of the week.
How often do y’all get to do that? I imagine a full stop gets rather costly.
Once a week and for 10 days in May.
A couple of years ago we experimented with stopping once every 2 weeks. The results were poor. There is a lot of equipment in this plant and there just isn’t the man power to take care of it all with only 24 hours of down time per month.
That’s fascinating, thanks. I love your jobsite pictures as well, please keep ’em coming.
Inside the plant?
If it’s intermittent, I’d look for electromechanicals with coils, where the insulation is breaking down. If relays – especially ones that aren’t encapsulated, burned contacts.
Sure, go for the low hanging fruit.
I say redesign the entire assembly from the ground up with an eye on aesthetics using the latest wireless technologies for control.
Yeah, you’re a masochist. Go for the high hanging fruit. Fight it out with the giraffes.
The latest technologies would never survive here. This is 1930’s DC crane control technology. It’s old as hell, but it’s robust. A fancy new drive and AC motor would survive for about 2 hours up here in the summer. The bridge catwalk where I’m working hits 180 degrees regularly when the plant is running. This is the crane that drops scrap into the furnaces.
You’re our last hope against the Terminator.
But you know he’s keeping the hand, just like Dyson, although by the time it gets used to replicate skynet it may have been used for some…off label uses.
I found it. Pivot pin on the H contactor was galded, inhibiting the free movement of the contacts. I replaced the pin and the contactor moves freely now. That should take care of the issue.
No redesign? I am disappoint.
The H contactor
I like that you can still read the Eaton on that finger smasher
the first thing that jumped out at me on the schematic was the note about the contactors….
fucking moving parts.
You have as long as it takes, if you can’t operate without it…..
A corollary to the “If you wait ’til the last minute to do something, it only takes a minute to get it done” rule.
Have you checked the Flux Capacitor?
Well, Zuckerberg is out of ideas.
The correct answer is: I’ll burn it to the ground before I let bureaucrats in.
This is what happens when the original premise of their school project was to pick up girls. I don’t know why people find this guy interesting. He lacks deep rooted principles.
I mean, to roll over like that….weak man. Weak.
“original premise of their school project was to pick up girls”
He even fucked that up. After he made his billions, he goes on and gets married like a chump. That’s when you kick it into high gear and buy a private island with hundreds of live-in whores. McAfee had it right.
I think regulation is exactly what Zuckerberg wants. Facebook gets monopoly status by default and the government has to worry about censoring and maintaining personal data on Facebook.
Meet the new business model, same as the old business model.
Once something is regulated, it becomes entrenched, and regulation becomes a barrier to entry.
“Why Do Men Rape?
More often than not, criminals come from social groups perceived to be ‘less advantaged’ and hence we can understand the Left’s willingness to defend those individuals by locating the genesis of their crime in wider social structures. You might then stop to wonder how those on the Left explain sexual coercion, or rape, a crime of enormous violation and emotional as well as physical trauma. Rape is an inexcusable crime committed overwhelmingly by males against females. But this must be reconciled with the need to explain all forms of crime within the wider framework of failed social institutions in need of reform, argue the progressives, who then set about shifting the cause of rape from the male who actually commits the crime, onto wider society.
In 1975, the activist Susan Brownmiller set the feminist scene on fire when she popularised an answer to this problem borrowed from earlier theorists. In her radical book Against Our Will: Men, Women and Rape – later inducted into New York Library’s ‘Books of the Century’ – Brownmiller takes a swipe at Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, and Ayn Rand (whom she regards as a female mouthpiece of male philosophy) all at once, and provides us with the immortal line that rape is “a conscious process of intimidation by which all men keep all women in a state of fear.” Brownmiller informs us that rape has nothing to do with men lacking in morals seeking sexual gratification; rather, rape is an invention by man to maintain a system of psychological dominance over women. Men are taught by the prevailing sexist ethos in Western society to use rape as an instrument to strike fear into the hearts of women, and women learn from the same system to fear men
However implausible this seems, it is a clever strategy on Brownmiller’s part. It both maintains its commitment to the progressive’s defence of the less privileged group, and also denies the origin of the crime within the individual, who is merely following the instruction he has received from society. This ideology has spread to the academic Left in the social sciences, where we are told that “Rape is not about sexual orientation or sexual desire. It is an act of power and control in which the victim is brutalized and humiliated.”1 Accordingly, the act of rape is actually normalized in Western patriarchal society: “Men rape because they have learned that rape is acceptable and normal behaviour.”2 Joan Beck of the Chicago Tribune wrote that, “If there is still any lingering misconception that rape is a crime of sexual passion, it’s important to drive a stake through the heart of that idea as quickly as possible…”3 Another writer calls the old model of rape “the ideological fantasies of those who justify sexual coercion,” and claims that admitting that rape is rooted in human desires “actually amounts to an incitement to rape.”4 But this is simply a naturalistic fallacy. Just because some people murder others in anger, a psychological reaction rooted in human nature, it does not follow that murder is in any way acceptable. Many things exist in nature, but that doesn’t require anyone to like or endorse them.
In Against Our Will, Brownmiller makes her own naïve foray into the worlds of anthropology and zoology, and attempts to uncouple sexual desire and rape by theorizing that it is a human social phenomenon not found elsewhere in nature: “No zoologist, as far as I am aware, has ever observed animals to rape in their natural habitat, the wild.” No zoologist, other than Severinghaus who found rape in deer.13 No zoologist, other than Barlow who found rape in fish.14 No zoologist, other than Manning who found rape in flies.15 No zoologist, other than Barash who found rape among ducks.16 No zoologist, other than all those who have found rape among monkeys, orangutans, chimpanzees, and gorillas.17 In one of the most famous cases in primatology, the eminent orangutan researcher Birutė Galdikas had to watch helplessly as one of her female assistants was raped by a large orangutan. In fact, as the reference to this sentence will amply demonstrate, the empirical zoological literature observing rape among animals in the wild is extensive.18”
Some say that when STEVE SMITH rapes, it’s not just the act of a beast with an insatiable sex drive, but a conscious process of intimidation by which the beast keeps all humanity in a state of fear and subjugation. A primordial reminder of where humanity’s origins lay.
As usual, feminists are wrong. In spite of the received propaganda, male on female rape (unlike male on male) is usually about sex, not power or dominance.
It was a legitimate sexual strategy for low-status males back on the Savannah and, while it’s no longer legitimate, the capacity to rape is deep seated in the male psyche from an evolutionary perspective. Each of us is likely descended from at least one rape thousands or tens of thousands of years ago.
Male on male OTOH is much more likely to be about dominance and humiliation.
That cliche that rape is about power is one of the most trite cliches that needs to die. And yet it’s widely stated and non-controversial. It’s just accepted and popularized in moronic shows like Law and Order SVU. There is, in fact, a world of difference between the drunk date rapist and an actual serial rapist. And still more differences in the motives of actual serial rapists from the simply sadistic to those who are borderline retarded and don’t even think they’re doing anything wrong.
There is nothing “moronic” about gathering together Ice-T, Richard Belzer, and the genetic progeny of Jayne Mansfield and Mickey Hargitay.
I’ve always found it amusing that gangster rappers like Ice T, Ice Cube, and Tupac all played cops in movies or TV shows, although in Tupac’s case he played a very corrupt, dirty cop.
Ice Cube has made a damn near career out of playing cops. Dr. Dre was also a corrupt cop in Training Day.
I think Ice-T was a cop in New Jack City too. But “gangsta rapper” isn’t the half of it. He’s Mr. Cop Killer himself! Also an outspoken anti-police and pro-2A guy IRL; he didn’t flip flop on that shit after some incident in a rich suburban school outside Palm Beach like, rather oddly, erstwhile gun guy Samuel L. Jackson did. (And now he can join Snoop Dogg and Eminem, who might just be mad because they can no longer carry–the latter for pleading to a gun charge–and not want anyone else to either.) Pretty odd fit for a show where NYPD cops are the heroes to say the least! (Though they’re a lot better at portraying constitutional limitations than the CSIs and their ilk.)
Can you imagine if SVU handed over an episode to T and Belzer to guest-write? Between the two of them it would probably look like a production of InfoWars.
SVU started life as Sex Crimes a raunchy procedural that was unrelated to the L&O franchise. NBC ordered the name change and rewrites. The pilot episode is out there in rotation and it is quite clearly a different show.
I want to them to make Law and Order:DNR
So it was a Silk Stalkings reboot?
Though they’re a lot better at portraying constitutional limitations than the CSIs and their ilk
Which they really seem to hate.
I think you meant There is
nothingeverything “moronic”Um, no sweetie, we are lucky enough to live in a society where rape is aggressively investigated and prosecuted (provided that there’s evidence). If you want to see a place where rape is normalized and accepted, go take a look at the Muslim world.
Quillette will save us all.
How do you define rape among flies?
Stick it to the gun grabbers by purchasing this uber cheap Saturday Night Special.
Reading reviews it actually looks like it’s a decent piece.
25 ACP? No thanks.
Little rounds can be fun to shoot some times.
C’mon, it’s how like, 75% of people are killed on Forensic Files.
Funny, it always seemed to be poison when I watched it.
Strangulation is another biggie.
If you’re poor and you live in a rough neighborhood, spending $120 could make the difference between life and death. You could probably pick up a Hi Point for less, but something like a Glock is outside your price range.
Given that most DGUs don’t result in a discharge, the effective deterrent effect is in pointing a thing that goes ‘bang’ in the direction of a criminal.
Let’s have a poll. Who doesn’t mind being shot with a .25 ACP?
Happens to me all the time in pubG, but I think its .45 ACP. I don’t know guns that well.
The hundred dollar problem solver. I try to unify my ammo though so no go.
President Trump is an embarrassment. YOU’RE. THE. GOD. DAMN. PRESIDENT.
“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”
-H L Mencken
It’s a long and winding road, but by golly, we’re getting there.
President Camacho
I think we got there . . . before Trump, anyway.
Some M*A*S*H episodes are equally painful to re-watch.
I stumbled across an episode of Sports Night a while back. Holy moly, was it awful.
I seem to remember that show being critically acclaimed at the time.
I tried watching it and found it boring and hackneyed.
There’s your problem.
I had a rough start to my week, but I’m happy to report that my Indiana Assault Weapon Vending Machine business is booming.
When do the flamethrowers come in?
And how many of your customers are from Chicago?
Flamethrowers are on back order, along with the things that go up. We estimate that 90% of our sales go to Chicago, with the other 10% being school shooters.
Why again did we give them the franchise?
I think it’s because they threatened to withhold sex until we gave them the vote. Or maybe that was peace with Sparta. I don’t know, something like that; I wasn’t around.
Because boobs. You of all people should understand this.
If it weren’t for double standards…
So we can have a video of people snorting cocaine, but videos of people demonstrating proper maintenance and operation of guns (perfectly legal, in fact, Constitutionally protected) is ban-worthy.
I’m going to try and stop linking to/using youtube as much as possible.
Cocaine’s not a helluva drug. People are a helluva drug.
I vote sugar.
Does anyone know of a reliable source that compiles statistics on police shootings? I got a spark of inspiration to maybe, a know, contribute some content or something. I tried to word search ‘Police shooting statistics’ and literally could not find a single source that did not link it to race.
Go to FBI.gov, and see if there’s anything there. I found it’s a good resource for general crime statistics, so maybe they have what you are looking for.
Try Google Scholar, there’s a metric shit ton on the topic over there.
Unfortunately there is no comprehensive set of national data because police departments are not required to report it to any national authority and the FBI/DOJ does not really maintain any records.
TL:DR- “We’re getting around to it”
Something in this cabinet is fuckin up intermittently. I have the morning to figure out what it is.
My money’s on “heat-related”.
I’m happy to report that my Indiana Assault Weapon Vending Machine business is booming.
Do your machines also sell beer?
Not yet. Although alcohol sales on Sunday are now legal, sales are still limited to certain times of the day. With the “spring ahead” thing our time algorithms are all messed up.
Your system was not all that confusing before. You should either return to full-time Standard Time (like everyone should) or go even older-school and return your entire state to its original and natural time zone, the Central.
Do you still have those southern counties unofficially doing their own thing?
Let’s just get rid of time zones and go back to when noon was just whenever the sun was highest wherever you happened to be.
I have suggested (in general) a plan for doing that, at least to the county level:
Step 1: ban daylight savings time.
Step 2: after a few years, giving everyone time to adjust, switch to 15 min time zones, with each county getting the one that is closest to their real time.
Step 3: get it a decade, then switch to 5 min time zones.
Step 4: give it another decade, then switch to 1 min time zones.
That is good enough.
Time zones that small are going to cause more trouble and confusion than the problem you’re looking to solve.
They didnt originally.
Except for trains, and you know what, we have computers now.
Exactly – telecommunications means that very granular time bands for each locality are going to really screw people up. The trains said “we’re doing this in hour-long blocks” because it fixed the problem you’re trying to reintroduce, and when you’re coordinating people over a larger geographic area, it becomes important. Even when it’s just two or three time zones now, getting people into the meeting at the right time is a mess, imagine doing that when your people are spread over fifteen.
Problem I am trying to solve: The time doesn’t reasonably match the sun.
Problems this solution may cause: None that I give a fuck about.
If you’re trying to solve that, you’re screwed. Solar Noon Changes from day to day. It has a sinusoidal pattern over the course of the year, being exactly twenty-four hours from the previous solar noon only four days of the cycle. You’re going to end up introducing the davings time problem on a daily basis. Because the sun’s schedule is not that important to people in this day and ag so long as it’s within reason.
I’d like to be able to drive West at exactly 60 miles per hour and never have any of the clocks in the car move. It would be instantaneous travel, right?
The earth is more than 1440 miles in circumferance at most lattitudes.
RC clearly lives in Antarctica.
Plus, the world isn’t even near spherical.
The northwest and southwest corners are on central, I think mostly to be in sync with Chicago. The entire rest of the state is on eastern. I haven’t heard about counties doing their own thing.
Prior to the 2006 abomination, at least, the collar counties around Cincinnati and Louisville unofficially observed Daylight Savings. Come to think of it, I suppose there’s my answer. The entire Eastern portion has now conformed to their once-illicit practice.
I think the situation in the Chicago collars has been stable, but last I checked the Southwestern time boundary has ebbed and flowed as different counties wanted in or out. Maybe there is some stability now–it’s been a while come to think of it–but my idle prayer is that that boundary will creep further and further east until it’s covers at least half the state, or even the whole state minus those Cincinnati and Louisville collars.
I was dating a girl from Terre Haute at the time. Her rants were epic (and correct).
As I have said plenty of times on here and TOS, EST is God’s time.
I now live in Central, but its nice as it turns out that CDT=EST. So for most of the year I am living on the correct time.
EST is the best time! It is, to be explicit, the time. I never thought about it before but it’s clearly true.
I think I remember hearing that DC was a strong early candidate to be the Prime Meridian, but in retrospect that seems like a horrible idea. Greenwich was the appropriate choice for one reason and one reason only: it’s across from where the International Date Line clearly should be. Don’t know how they thought they were going to pull that DC shit off.
The real issue of our own time, of course, is leap seconds. And on this I am a proud traitor. We are on the abolitionist side; the UK (for ideological/nationalist reasons) and Russia (for practical reasons) are the superpowers holding down the fort. They have kicked the can down the road so many times I am hoping by the time they actually take up the issue the burgeoning support for abolition has evaporated the world’s server techs have finally gotten their act together and learned how to deal. Things really do seem to be getting much better each time we experience one.
Yeah, this will pass Constitutional muster. Will these plaques go above the MAGA ones?
“Ed Butowsky Sits Down With Gateway Pundit for First Interview After Being Sued by Family in Seth Rich Murder Mystery
Sitting down with Butowsky, we discussed Rich’s $56 hard drive, lawsuits and legal threats, why the family doesn’t want to talk about WikiLeaks and much more.
The Rich family’s expensive Chicago-based lawyers contacted GWP following our initial report on Butowsky’s recollection of the conversation and referred to the claims that Mr. Rich acknowledged his son was the leaker as “false,” “reckless” and “defamatory.” They demanded an apology and retraction of our report, despite the fact that we ourselves did not make the claims — and the fact that Butowsky is a public figure who was directly involved with the family. His story is demonstrably newsworthy.
Now that he is being sued by them, his side of the story is even more relevant to the public interest and I stand behind my publishing of this interview. What we are presenting to you here is Butowsky’s own first hand version of events, not opinions of myself or the Gateway Pundit.”
Hilldog and the DNC must’ve threatened the shit out of his family.
Archive of the WikiLeaks on Seth Rich Murder:
“The objective is to organize the Seth Rich Files as best for historical record keeping as possible.
What is likely to turn into a friendly assassination will prove a clear connection between the assassins and those in the media industry issuing numerious false reports and abetting the suppression of an ongoing investigation. All non public figure information should not be posted to Reddit nor any accusations made. Instead, we are simply attempting to catalog the facts of a most suspiciously foul murder in the heart of the Capital of the United States early July, 2016.”
The fact that there would be opposition to publishing the interview says a lot.
Just a bunch of shitlord hicks; put in the oven.
The weather people were calling for a 12″ of snow in the D.C. area all day long yesterday, saying it was going to snow all day until 8PM. Snow stopped at noon, only got 4″. Even when it stopped they said it was going to keep going. And I’m supposed to believe that these guys know how our climate will look 50 years from now? Fuck off.
Got close to a foot here in NJ. Enough already.
Weather is not climate!!!1!111!!!
Weather is not climate when it’s pleasant or typical for the season. When it’s unpleasant or erratic, then it’s prima facie evidence that
global warmingclimate change is totally real and stuff and we’re like, seeing it right before our eyes.They had us on the border between 3-5 and 5-9, and we got 4. Half of it has already melted
“I know a liberal nude model from NYC who literally gets paid to entrap political candidates and stuff. Anyone who thinks this doesn’t happen regularly is naive.”
Well at least she puts out
So, name names. Put up her picture. If you knew somebody was running a blackmail and/or extortion scheme, why wouldn’t you expose them?
Damn right.
The more I think about it, the more this seems to be a good idea. The goal of a school shooter is to be successful – i.e. to produce a big body count. As part of their plan they will actually figure out how long it will take for police to get there. But that plan goes south if there are already armed people at the school. You don’t have to require teachers to be armed, just open the possibility, and introduce doubt for the shooter. When he enters a school, will he face 0 people with guns? 1? 10? 20? The last thing he wants is to walk into a school, pull a gun, and get shot in the first 30 seconds before he kills anyone.
Exactly why this sort of thing is much more likely to happen in schools than in shopping malls or airports.
and get shot in the first 30 seconds before he kills anyone.
I hope that schools introduce a mandatory policy that a requires all available students and faculty to gather in a circle around the wounded shooter and point and laugh as they slowly bleed out (after making sure they aren’t holding any additional firearms or explosives, of course).
One of the ‘givens’ in using a gun for defense is that usually, as the victim, you’re reacting to an existing and very imminent threat. You’ve had a weapon pulled on you, or you’re facing immediate, credible threat of deadly force. Sometimes, you have no choice but to try and draw on an assailant that is already attacking you, or pointing a gun at you.
These mass shootings are not like that. The advantages the aggressor has over an individual concealed gun owner are far less. Chances are the attacker has already shot someone. There will be a second victim, but statistically the odds are that the second victim isn’t the concealed carrier either, even if the attacker is targeting adults. Even in CT, there’s a sub rosa, informal discussion among some parents and teachers about whether permitting existing CCP holders in schools might not be a good thing. I don’t expect it to ever be permitted, but the discussion is at least happening.
Chances are the attacker never shows up in the first place.
Statistically true. I’d settle for demonstrating that having a firearm on school premises carried by a responsible adult will not automatically result in kids being shot for being “disrespectful”, “black” or “sassy”.
Not only that, think about a school classroom with the security mindset for just a moment. We already allow a single adult into a rectangular room with one door and an unsearched bag, and expectation to alter the physical environment, and access to 20 to 30 children.
We already put our blind trust into teachers to not kill our kids in this environment that is incredibly friendly to doing so.
If you don’t trust your teacher with a gun around your kids (assuming proper training and 3rd party validated storage mechanisms), why on earth would you trust your teacher in a room like a classroom with your child.
Most school shooters do not optimize for body count. The theory seems to be they optimize for the high of shooting someone (and tend not to execute people who are already down). Any resistance to the all powerful fantasy (such as someone shooting back) collapses the worldview and usually results in surrender or suicide.
As the clock struck 10 a.m., students at Fruita Monument High School walked out of class. They filled the courtyard with signs, opinions and emotions.
“I walked out today to honor the 17 lives that were lost last month,” said student Madison Eldridge.
“We are the generation of
mass shootingsteh FEELZ,” said Veniece Miller, another student.How the fuck are these people going to maneuver through life?
As sheep.
There’s still time to grow up.
Yeah, this is some pretty sick disturbed shit, telling children who have never experienced a shooting incident that it is perfectly reasonable and normal to be fearful and traumatized–indeed, encouraging these sentiments as some sort of perverted virtue.
I’d talk some shit about the kind of world we grew up in in the ’80s and ’90s, and how we turned out just fine despite shit that would apparently make these kids’ dicks turn inside out. But then again, we’re the ones who are raising these emotional infants to be what they are, so maybe I should STFU.
Dershowitz To Mueller: Stop. Just Stop.
When you’ve lost Dershowitz, your support amongst the Ruling Class is getting pretty weak.
And he doesn’t even get to what I think is the biggest problem with Mueller (although the essentially illegal appointment which lacks the requirement that a crime be named for the prosecutor to investigate is a big one): the rampant conflicts of interest on his team. He stocked his team with lawyers who were involved in the busted/corrupt Hillary investigation, lawyers who gave money to the Hillary campaign, and lawyers who were paid by the Clintons before they joined the team. The whole point of a special prosecutor is to be free of any conflicts of interest – that’s what “independent” means.
Mueller is either remarkably stupid, venal and corrupt, or utterly devoid of ethics (or, naturally, some combination). Regardless, his appointment and conduct of this investigation is utterly shameful, damaging, and whatever he produces will have zero credibility.
I’m gonna chose D – All of the above.
(or, naturally, some combination)
It’s stuff in 3 parens that you can catch Teh Jew from, you didn’t have to skip these.
“The people who think Cambridge Analytica tipped the scales in a significant way ignore the near certainty that Hillary’s campaign was doing similar stuff. I mean her campaign strategy was literally run by an analytics algorithm.”
Read the quote in the picture.
Lets have a War
AG de Leon is suing cities for not following State law, while Cali doesn’t follow Federal law, see, Easy…..
Consistency is the refuge of small minds, yo…
Consistency would also mean frothing at the mouth over those states that are sanctuary for pot.
Jus’ sayin’.
Let the Fed enforce Pot laws, if that’s what they are charged to do, or….
Change the Law
That is consistent, yes. Though, I’m not sure I’m comfortable with telling state’s rights to go get fucked in the process.
I am all for state rights as long as the state enforces them consistently.. Most never do anything like that..
There’s passive non-cooperation with the feds, which is every state’s right, and there is active interference with the feds. I’m not sure that legal pot in states gets to the level of active interference, unlike what some of the sanctuary cities/states are doing. The line isn’t perfectly clear, granted. But states saying “we don’t have a law against that, so we aren’t going to prosecute it” isn’t active interference. A state that said “we don’t have a law against that, so we are going to warn people of pending federal raids”, for example, would be more active interference. Remember, states are prohibited from having their own laws on illegal immigration. States where pot is legal are kind of on the same level as every state is on immigration – there’s no state law for them to enforce against people with legal pot or illegal immigrants.
It gets more gray when states start releasing illegals before the feds arrive. That’s when motivation starts to count – if they are released on the same basis as non-illegals, then its probably more passive non-cooperation. When illegals are hustled out the back door in order to prevent the feds from taking them, that starts looking like active interference.
Something something cities are political creations of the state*
*not counting home rule
The political war between cities and states has a complicated history.
North Carolina Pee Pee Controversy
TOS: Shackford: “You don’t have to agree with Charlotte’s law to worry about what it means for the ability of citizens in a municipality have their local control of decision-making thwarted by the political power of representatives of other communities..”
Who wants to bet that this argument is not going to be made with regards to local governments choosing to defy California state law regarding sanctuary cities?
“YouTube Created a Playground for Pedophiles then Looked the Other Way….”
I thought playgrounds were playgrounds for pedophiles.
(polite applause)
Rand Paul really is the only guy in DC in either party who isn’t lying piece of crap happy to spend my money on return for bribes. Fuck Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and all their lackeys.
Alright, there are some decent ones in the House.
Yeah, at this point there is no difference when it comes to politicians from team blue or red trying to buy votes. Both sides just want to spend money we don’t have to keep their perks and power, and we are doomed fucks because of that.
Let’s just get rid of time zones and go back to when noon was just whenever the sun was highest wherever you happened to be.
But how would we know if the trains were running on time?
This would result in a lot of missed conference calls for me.
So, silver lining?
At least until I run out of money from the lost business. Still, you make a good point.
“I flew into Atlanta and a tornado warning was declared. I flew into DC and a snowstorm immediately shut down my Georgetown speech. My goal: to singlehandedly prove Jews don’t control the weather.”
Yeah, well, that’s exactly what one of (((you people))) would do.
(((Sneaky little bastards))).
For those who think that “moderate” red-state Dems aren’t lying about their positions to get elected.
“I’m Doug Jones and I never expected to win re-election anyways”
“We also need to get past the idea that more guns in society will make us all safer,” he said.
Holy shit.
He then dismissed any armed security he had, right?
VT is really trying to make more people leaveThis probably can’t work, it is also unconstitutional to article 16.
Ridiculous. I really hate when states take measures based on what happens elsewhere.
I hate when states take measures that would not have done anything whatsoever to stop the shooting from occurring.
e.g. Nancy Lanza buys an AR-15 legally and passes the background check because she has no criminal record or mental health issues, her shitstain son steals it and kills a bunch of kids, therefore we need “universal background checks”.
Common-sense gun control apparently means we need a law that prohibits people from stealing guns unless they pass a background check first.
‘Nick Nichols March 22, 2018 at 8:53 am
These so-called Progressives claim to be concerned about public safety. These gun grabbers could care less. What they are really concerned about is the possibility that some day armed Vermonters may rise up against their Stalinist policies. Always remember: Inside every Progressive is a Totalitarian screaming to get out.”
Fucken-A, Nick. Fucken-A.
I have been quietly following this–gun control coming to MOTHERFUCKING VERMONT!!!–and have resolved to sit here, chewing through my lip, until it actually passes. Because if I lose my shit before it actually happens y’all are just going to roll your eyes and lecture me to relax until it actually happens; and you’d probably be right.
Buy more ammo.
UPDATE: The US is still assisting the Saudis in starving and bombing the people of Yemen for lolz. Meanwhile, our ‘ally’ Turkey is killing the Kurds in Syria who helped us defeat ISIS.
But, we should definitely be focused on Facebook or something
TRumpfaPUtan Istha oNLymPromblym INtha WErld!
Turkey is decimating the Kurds with our tacit support and the Russians’ too. It seems like every story in the Middle East ends with the Kurds getting screwed.
Kurds, the Nick Gillespie of the ME
They fucked up. They trusted us.
Quaddafi Agrees with you
I’ve been watching many Victor Davis Hanson videos recently. The classical stuff damn near gives me an erection but his post-9/11 predictions, particularly regarding positive effects on the Middle-East and the end of ‘therapeutic culture’ and narcissistic political correctness in The West, did not pan out at all.
Yes. He seemed to get some mojo back by breaking with the rest of NR and accurately pointing out the appeal of Trump to a lot of people who were being ignored.
There’s also his 2003-2006 legacy of punishingly-stupid comparisons between “The US in the War on Terror” with “The Peloponnesian war”
He published a book on the latter (“A War Like No Other”) at the time, but decided he’d flog it by making not-so-subtle references to greek war every time he discussed the US invasion of Iraq.
Here’s an example (tho there are many)
Yep. That is just the sort of stuff that is irking me. Stick to the war in question, don’t extrapolate into a conflict 2000+ years later.
Not true. Hacky sack is derived from several Asian games. (pro-level Sepak takraw is some crazy shit, btw.) Though, I’m willing to give you all Crossfit and the Olive Garden.
What about Camptown Races and Oh Susanna and Coming Around the Mountain? I suppose those all came from Asia as well! Harumpf.
Congratulations! You’ve earned one Ai Shinozaki!
That is very generous.
Google image searching for her is not disappointing.
Will it get you fired?
Not me. Probably safe for most. Think Chive style pics.
I give that one dick up, way up!
Punk rock.
Iggy and Alice, the MC5
Since no one reads these things before they sign them, I wonder if we can pull off a document swap?
+10,000 pages of Hat and Hair becoming the law of the land.
That would be awesome. What’s in the budget? Hairspray, cheap booze, cigars, and porn.
And diet coke and interns… don’t forget the interns.
Last I heard, clean Fix NICS was in there. Internet Sales Tax (which has drawn shamefully little press for something that nearly the entire political class is for but nearly the entire American public against, and was going to be snuck into an eleventh-hour bill in the dead of night) is not. (Though we’ll probably have to wait only a few months for SCOTUS to give it to us anyway–Kennedy and his former clerk Gorsuch have already used very Quill-skeptical language in recent opinions, and Thomas hates dormant Interstate Commerce.)
VT is really trying to make more people leaveThis probably can’t work, it is also unconstitutional to article 16.
Superseded by FYTW.
yep, most likely.
I’m shopping for AR mags now.
I’m pretty stocked up. Do need some more .45 Uzi mags though. Prolly should order today. Could also use more 15rd for my Storm.
Dead Pool 2 Trailer is out.
Looks cool. I’m way behind on movies.
We’re now livestreaming from Glibs HQ!
Who the fook is that? Is it Sugarfree?
Nice bowrs
Yeah, there’s no way in hell I’m going to click that link.
The whole point of a special prosecutor is to be free of any conflicts of interest – that’s what “independent” means.
So very droll.
They have offered us their assurances. What more could you possibly need?
What more could you possibly need?
Some time in the re-education camps, apparently.
Can almond flour be used a direct sub for real flour for the purposes of deep-fry breading?
For pan fried fish sticks… absolutely not. Horrible results.
You like fish sticks?
Not in my experience.
I’ve had pretty good results with a blend of peanut flour and ground pork rinds.
That sounds delicious.