Well, today’s the last day to take a deep breath and get ready for the Sweet 16 games. And I don’t care if you use a rosary, some beads, put on a yarmulke or lay face-down on a rug, I need your prayers. So take a moment right now, assume your position or don your prayerwear or do whatever you need and let’s all say in unison: “Dear _______ (God, Allah, Yahweh, Buddha, Odin, FSM, some 32-armed dude with a elephant head), please share your grace with the world. Please, ________, deliver us from the scourge that is the Blue Devils. Place your loving hand on the bald dome of Jimmy Boeheim, whom you’ve already blessed with a wife that’s too hot for him by a mile, and give him the strength to overcome Coach K’s incessant playing of the officials and getting calls nobody else gets. And though he asks for forgiveness for being a dirty punk, please hold off on granting it to Grayson Allen lest he decide to trip again. In your name. Amen.”
I sure hope that works. I’m not sure the world can suffer another Duke win. ::Sigh::
Bunches of games on the ice last night. The results were: Islanders over the Penguins, Blue Jackets over Rangers. Oilers topped the Hurricanes, the Capitals beat the Stars, the Panthers topped the Senators, the Red Wings were better than the Flyers, The Lightning outlasted the Maple Leafs, the Jets beat the Kangz, Army/Vegas took down the Canucks, the Sharks blasted the Debbils, and the Blackhawks reached a new low in getting thumped by the Avalanche. Sorry, Swissy.
I got nothing else in sports. There are some slow weeks, and it’ll get worse before it gets better next week as we are still short of the playoffs and baseball will still not have started and the CBB final four starts too late in the week to really talk about much. I’ll figure something out. But until then, let’s focus on…the links!
It looks like the Austin bomber has killed himself as the cops closed in. Dude must have wanted to get caught. There’s no other explanation for his change in M.O. and going to a Fedex store to drop his packages off. Well, good riddance, asshole. Which means its time for the other assholes out there to ascribe motive, collectivize guilt and start sticking their hands out for donations/government handouts to various grievance groups. I hope I am able to tune that part of the circus out.
NOAA! NOAA! You got some splainin to do. LOL, JK. They won’t have to explain shit. Their cultists will still believe whatever they say, regardless of the fact that virtually all of their science is based on made-up bullshit. You know, at least those of us who believe in God are honest enough to call our beliefs a religion that’s faith-based. These assholes try to pass their faith off as science.
Damn, dude. Next time take a friend or two. Seriously, that’s one tough son of a bitch. But still…get some friends and take them with you next time.
Pritzker defeated Kennedy (yes, another one. They’re like mushrooms.) in the Illinois Democrat primary for the governor’s race. And it has caused an amazing level of butthurt by Kennedy supporters sycophants. Seriously, Pritzker is an odious creature that probably conspired with Blago to sell the Obama seat. But that’s part and parcel of Chicagoland politics. Perhaps Kennedy needs to take a page out of the family playbook and go on a drug-fueled bender or two, perhaps with a serious accident thrown in the mix, and then run for office as a story of redemption and overcoming adversity. Seems to work for his generation of that corrupt family.
I can’t think of a better way for the government to collect delinquent taxes than to shut the business down that owes them ahead of what could be an exceptionally busy (and revenue-generating) time. Bravo, IRS…you dumbshits.
Rumors abound as to where the Trump-Kim summit will be held. Will they pick a neutral country? the DMZ? One of the nations’ capitals? A warship? Nobody knows. (::Whispers to self: Please be Russia. Please be Russia. Please be Russia.::)
For our under-appreciated Canadian friends. Pour nos amis canadiens sous-estimés.
Have a wonderful middle of the week!
you’re mom gay
As opposed to dad gay?
your dad lesbian
I am a lesbian trapped in a man’s body….
your granny tranny.
he gets it!
Did Gay, your mom, hit her head and forget about you?
It looks like the Austin bomber has killed himself as the cops closed in.
Guy was all over the place
Now he’ll never spill his guts!
I was hoping for an explosive revelation.
Well it certainly won’t be a clean conclusion
Will there be any fallout?
*Golf clap*
*narrows gaze at the lot of ye*
You will pull out puns from our cold ironic hands
*hisses from tree branch, extends middle claw*
#$%&, he is in a tree…so much for unplugging the warming rock!
*stomps off in a huff*
Meh. I am not going to say anything about this because I dont want to give anyone ideas. Fuckin’ firecrackers. Good riddance.
Agreed Suthen.
Yeah, he painted the inside of his car with himself about a mile from the stepdaughter’s house, about 5 miles from mine. I was hoping I had left this kind of shit behind in Iraq 15 years ago, but I guess uncivilized fucks can do their uncivilized crap everywhere these days.
Rumors abound as to where the Trump-Kim summit will be held.
The Octagon
I’d prefer the thunderdome, but that will have to do.
Hmm. I think there may be room for a bored, frustrated Hillary to play a role in world affairs again!
“You think I don’t know the law? Wasn’t it me who wrote it?”
So who gets to be Master-Blaster?
Duh….stupid question, we all know that’s Trumputin…….Does that make Kim Mel Gibson?
That would be funny. I imagine it would be more of a slap fight than anything else.
Probably would look like that so-called “Fight Club” that they uncovered at Bronx Science a few years back. But I’d be hoping for something a little more like the scene in Brüno.
But the trash talking would be awesome.
I kind of want DMZ with both armies amassed on either side and they meet in the middle at a table set up.
They already have a negotiating table, in a little room, set up in the DMZ, right down the border. Check out the pictures!
A longstanding permanent setup for any negotiations that come up, that is. Not one Kim and Trump have especially made for the occasion.
“On one day every year for the last 40 years, the humans send one representative. The
CylonsNorks send no one.”If that spirit squad in the Olympics is the best the Norks can do for hotties (and they’re Asians!) then I do not think they’ll be sending anyone impressive enough to get anyone to interrupt his nap. They better be secretly advanced enough under those bunkers to make a real Six if they expect to get anywhere with those negotiations.
I think most of the real Nork hotties have been crushed to death under the Dear Leaders girthy gunt, so their remaining options were limited.
I still remember the youtube video where the hawt NK refugee girl that had first escaped NK at 13 only to land in China where she and her sister & mom were basically “slave labor for a few years” was pointing out she had to be dissuaded from liking fat guys. She pointed out that when she grew up a fat guy was a rich and powerful guy, so that made him attractive and the one to go for.
So fat rocket man is DA MAN in NK, and all the girls want some of that….
Is it also hot to look like an ugly 12 year old with a haircut that looks like it can’t decide between the butt cut, flat top, or guido slickback models of circa 1990? Because if so he is pulling even more pussy than the average porker.
I guess what Alex is sayin’ that I should be going out trying to score a few Nork escapee chicks.
Fun fact: “Norks” is Australian for “sweater puppies”
They should do it on the golf course.
Famously, Il shot an 18 the first time he ever played golf. If his son takes after him, Trump is in for a rough time.
She had it coming brah!
“was “dry-firing” a Springfield XD 9mm gun in his Moses Lake home. Rivera was testing out the laser on the weapon and pointed the gun, which was loaded, at Sydney and accidentally pulled the trigger.”
a) he doesn’t know what dry firing is
b) he doesn’t know what “accidentally” pulling the trigger is
Also good work keeping the weapon pointed in a safe direction.
On an XD, which has a grip safety, it’s pretty fucking hard to accidentally pull the trigger.
How does being careless with a firearm not preclude you from being a cop? Jeez.
I’m pretty sure “careless with a firearm” is one of the requirements.
That’s fucked up.
Here’s an earlier article with a pic of the wife.
“I love my wife to death.”
Yeah, we got that.
The picture is from GoFundMe.
That idiot shot his wife, taxpayers will be covering the insurance premiums that will go up because of the multimillion-dollar claim, she will probably end up suing the city since it was a cop who shot her, and they’re running a fucking gofundme on top of all that?
Christ, what a bunch of assholes.
What’s the thing on her chest?
Looks like a scar. Maybe he stabbed her by accident.
The scar from a poorly performed C-section?
I was guessing open heart surgery. But maybe her uterus is up there because her vaj is under her sternum like the chick Tommy Wiseau fucks in The Room.
“Rivera was testing out the laser on the weapon and pointed the gun, which was loaded, at Sydney and accidentally pulled the trigger”
Only cops have the training to safely handle guns.
Also, “accidentally”.
Finally, I recently was in the jury selection (wasn’t seated) for the trial of a man who had shot at a Robber who was fleeing the scene. They were throwing the book at him: four felony counts. We can talk details later, but it’s bullshit that we have dipshits like this, yet the “public isn’t trained to carry weapons” and if you make a similar “mistake” you are duly prosecuted, but the Kings men get all sorts of b exceptions.
If we are going to be scaling back anyone’s firearms rights at all, it should be people who have already demonstrated they are a menace with them. How perverse that this man is getting back not only his piece, but his badge to go with it? Where is the pubic outrage on this? I guarantee you if there were a hot new club drug rumored to be popular among the Columbia Basin kids, the whole fucking place would be up in arms. And at some point some working mom will leave her 8-year-old in the car while she pops into Starbucks for a job application form to take home; and some cunt in a may-I-speak-with-your-manager haircut will call 911 and this very deputy would arrive to “save” the child. (And it’ll make the news and everybody will gasp at the mom like a monster.)
Good idea
Rivera: See here, you never want to point the gun at someone, like this *Blam*… Ah fuck.
Thank god. Now when someone films his demonstration, we can get an updated high def version of this classic
Made my very first Left Hand yesterday (Holy Mackerel, those Luxardo cherries are expensive) and it was spectacular. Thank you very much for the knowledge.
Awesome! An easy cocktail to make that will impress the hell out of anyone you invite into your libertarian prepper homestead compound. I’m glad you liked it.
I started with Buffalo Trace but found it was too smooth to be assertive enough against the other ingredients. A quick dash to my local and a bottle of Knob Creek Rye made all the difference. My regular drinks are my own creations – L0b0t’s Folly (Bourbon, black cherry juice, ginger ale, and a splash of amaretto if feeling fancy) and Screaming Mimi (Bourbon, unsweetened cranberry juice, lime, ginger ale).
If you like rye in your cocktails give Rittenhouse Rye a shot. It’s by far my favorite cocktail rye. A “barely legal” rye, this one is a perfect midway point between bourbon and true rye. And as such it works great in pretty much every cocktail. Being 100 proof doesn’t hurt either.
I could be wrong because I haven’t checked in a while, but I believe Knob Creek Rye is a MGP sourced whiskey. I personally don’t like this trend of sourcing other distillers products and claiming you made it. I need to look into it and see if this is true.
Thanks, I’ll pick up a Rittenhouse next time out. The Knob Creek thing makes me uneasy; it smacks of Democratic People’s Brown Ethanol Distillery Collective #7 (Product for export only!).
At least at first glance Knob Creek seems safe from the MGP sourcing scourge. But Bulleit Rye, Dickel Rye, Redemption Rye, and Templeton Rye are all still frauds.
Templeton is for sure. But the other three don’t claim to distill their own do they? I’m think they just say “bottled by.” But I’m not sure.
High West is one that you would consider a “fraud” and their Rendezvous Rye is absolutely delicious.
Dickel says on their website (and I think the bottle?) that it’s distilled in Lawrencburg, IN. I believe it also says on the bottled that it’s “charcoal finished” at Dickel.
Quick note on High West; IIRC they are very upfront on their website (and I think the bottle) about being a bottler and not a distiller.
“bottled by” is how they escape the legal definition of fraud. But in my book they are still frauds because the unsuspecting public knows nothing about this stuff.
I exempt High West from my pissy ire. They are extremely upfront about the fact that their whole project is experimenting with sourcing, blending, and aging to make a whiskey greater than the sum of its parts. I’ve had several nice bottles from them.
Hell I even like Dickel Rye, (their charcoal filtering tones down the characteristic super spice profile of MGP juice), but I still think sourcing shit and putting the Dickel name on it is pretty lame.
Branding bullshit. Nike whiskey. Just selling a label when you have nothing to do with the product.
In equal parts?
I guess I don’t really disagree with you, I’m just willing to give the ones that don’t falsely claim that they distill a little more slack. But yes, it is just a bunch of marketing bullshit. Not saying you do isn’t the same as saying you don’t.
Templeton is the worst, IIRC. They just straight up lie about it. Or maybe lied, I seem to remember an article saying they toned down (but didn’t completely abandon) their distilling claim.
How that doesn’t have more than 51 000 views is a crime against common sense.
No words….
I’ve got words: retarded troglodyte. Also: hero in blue. Also: Blue Ape.
The show Netflix plans to give the Obamas should about Barry as a police chief and one of his cops is a rogue black-white-hispanic, transgender, SJW, affirmative action hire with an IQ of 80 who at the end of each show is asked to explain their failed actions. And each time looks into the camera and says, ‘Woops’ as Obama nods smiling while sitting on the desk. ‘Get outta here, McCarthinigan!’
I’m guessing you were a big fan of “McCloud”.
Here’s what pisses me off the most about this, when it comes to the King’s Men: I had to do a surprisingly large amount of reading to find out what happened to the fucking victim.
Headline made clear that she didn’t die, but I had to read 5 or so grafs to get to the victim. The bullet his her arm and went into her chest.
She had to get open-heart surgery to get it removed. You know. Details that might want to be higher up in the story.
Question: Let’s say that it was a complete, bone-headed accident. They’re deeply in love and love their lives and child(ren). How does this affect your relationship? I mean, you can’t ever have or hope to win any argument for the rest of the relationship.
M: Remember when you forgot to pay off the bills and fucked with our credit score?!
W: Remember when you fucking shot me in the heart?!
M: Hmmm.
‘You had an affair with my brother?!’
“Remember when you fucking shot me in….THE HEART?!”
/leaves grumbling.
M: Remember when you forgot to pay off the bills and fucked with our credit score?!
W: Remember when you fucking shot me in the heart?!
Hmmm.*Raises eyebrows and pats unholstered gun suggestively*M: Remember when you forgot to pay off the bills and fucked with our credit score?!
W: Remember when you fucking shot me in the heart?!
Hmmm. *Raises eyebrows and pats unholstered gun suggestively*Remember when I got off with 48 hours of community service?Ooooooh that’s a truthful nutpunch right there.
Touche, sir. *Starts to untwist balls. Gets aroused. Looks for Q’s pics.*
From the butt-hurt Kennedy story: “I have worked tirelessly,” Hardie said. “Yesterday I got to the campaign office at 10:30 a.m. and I didn’t get home until 8.”
You here that?! If you factor in a probable 15-30 minute commute home plus a lunch break he must have worked about roughly a whole eight hours! Maybe eight and a half! Such sacrifice has never been seen on a Tuesday in the history of man! Feel really bad for the fella.
Lol. My favorite moments are when politicians show how truly out of touch they are.
Poor baby.
I mean, does he actually even work?
I put in a solid….
Christ. What an asshole!
Oops. I guess the picture Sloopy supplied was Ms. Hardie. Did I misgender her? Or does she identify as a he? A xe? A zer? Who the fuck knows anymore.
10:30 to 8. That ain’t shit.
I left the house at 5:45 this morning. I expect to be pulling back into my driveway at 8 this evening. Numbnuts doesn’t know what a day’s work looks like.
Does any Kennedy?
If the day isn’t spent carousing and drinking on the family yacht, it may as well be a labor camp.
Last time a Kennedy was expected to work full-time, he fell asleep in his PT Boat and it literally got rammed in half by an enemy destroyer.
“Rumors abound as to where the Trump-Kim summit will be held.”
One is it will be at Louis.
Are there any Bennigans left? I bet Kimmy would like Bennigans.
Farrell’s https://youtu.be/lTM2_TI9W0o
Dave and Buster
The Noor arrest didn’t get a link? Uffda. Too local?
Prosecutor Freeman throws some tepid shade at the cops.
The wild card in this might be the old chief of police Janee Harteau. She got kicked to the curb in a pretty abrupt manner by the mayor. Given her statements yesterday, she might be willing to dish some dirt.
Of course, you have to remember that one of the reasons she was canned was because she couldn’t be bothered to end her vacation to deal with the shooting.
I assumed it was in the afternoon links yesterday. Fuck, my bad if it wasn’t.
Drake mentioned it in the comments. Maybe Mexican Sharpshooter mentioned it, but in Spanish and that doesn’t count.
We really need to deport that guy.
*ICE-y stare*
I see what you did there Swissy..
He is one of those “deportables” that Hillary talked about?
And charged with a convictable offense no less.
Still wouldn’t place odds on a guilty verdict.
Me neither but at least they didn’t deliberately overcharge.
Sounds like the prosecutor is pissed, so hopefully they actually try on this one.
So pissed he dragged his feet for 9 months before charging.
If the prosecutor thought the other cops would be willing to spill the beans on Noor, then he hasn’t been paying attention. Of course the cops always work with you against the plebes. When it’s one of their own, they clam up tighter than a Sicilian mobster.
Ya’ know, if I had been Noor’s partner and he fired a gun across my face and out my window – I wouldn’t hesitate to throw his ass under the bus. Then I’d jump into the drivers seat of that bus and run it back and forth over him a few times, just to be sure. And fuck any “brother in blue” who tried to talk me out of that.
That’s what I was thinking. The bullet that killed Justine could have easily gone through his partners head first.
SJWednesday: So You’re Saying Non-Serious Christians Shouldn’t Celebrate Christmas?
Well said! Now, please pass me the box of Peeps.
Are you a Russian Jew? Only Russian Jews can eat peeps otherwise it’s cultural appropriation.
Yahoo! All the peeps for me!
Can I still have some to do microwave jousting?
Something something if you see a Buddhist on the street…kill them?
The author may be a cunty idiot but it’s fun to see the Left turn on itself. 9/10 times you go into someone’s house with a bunch of eastern-spiritual knickknacks it tells you two things:
1) They shop at World Market
2) They believe not giving is taking, heathcare is a basic human right, the patriarchy has kept women down, etc, etc……
Enjoy the monster you created you fools
*Disclaimer: I have no problem with anyone having whatever knickknacks they choose and I know you can be a Buddhist and it doesn’t make you a prog…..
These people just want to take the enjoyment out of everything it seems.
Because cultural appropriation of Buddhism creates suffering for marginalized communities. It tells us that the items and beliefs we hold dear and sacred are meaningless nick knacks or empty sayings you can make into cat memes.
Yeah, go eat a turd. And stop appropriating western culture like electric light, HVAC systems and the internal combustion engine, sweetheart.
Btw, all those things I mentioned create relief for marginalized communities in a way that more than offsets the feels that might be hurt by me having a cement Buddha statue that in 2000, I painted half Ohio State colors and half Michigan colors and agreed to pass between me and some friends who are Michigan fans depending on who wins the game every year.
(It’s spent a lot more time in my house than it ever did in theirs, btw)
Not to mention that I’ve been to more than a few Asian communities who are more than happy to sell people said religious nick knacks to people from different cultures for monetary profit and as far as I can tell they didn’t seem particularly shamed or marginalized by that at all.
Good god, I butchered that! Piss off! I’m going on three hours of sleep here.
I just got an idea.
‘Get your Jesus on a Cruci-STICK! We got all the flavours! Chocolate, strawberry, vanilla, caramel AND BUTTERSCOTCH!’
It’s like belief in UFOs or something. A mass delusion that these people have conjured out of thin air.
The only people who are suffering are the idiot SJWs who are mostly white liberals, and the only reason they are suffering is because they have made this shit up and convinced themselves it’s true.
Here’s a mantra for the writer of that piece to chant.
I’ve got a better one.
I think the solution is simply to give up all holidays except for Diwali and Kwaanza.
And Festivus
“I’ve gotta lot problems with you people!”
Joe Biden makes an impressive revelation. Back in High School he would’ve beaten up Trump for his comments on women.
What a badass Biden is, right?
Trump probably would have had paid goons beat up Biden.
Isn’t Biden the guy who is always groping women and girls on camera?
Yep, that’s him.
There is actually more documented groping by him than there was of Franken.
Just good old Joe being good old Joe.
So what Joe is saying is that it’s okay to grab all the T&A you want, just don’t talk about it.
I’d like to learn more about Joe’s T&A Club.
I have friends of friends who are AF Flight Attendants (a job weirdly populated by pretty white girls). I asked them who the perviest politician is on flight; they all said Biden without hesitation.
They also said John McCain is the biggest asshole.
I’d imagine you can expect a lot of awkward shoulder rubs when that guy’s around.
And having them lean in for boozey, sweet-nothing whispers
If anything, McCain is the guy who deserves the shoulder rubs. But he’d probably just be all, “Don’t touch me, slut.” No big surprise on either Senator’s reputation among the flight attendants.
Oh my god, yeah, he’s that guy! And I’ll bet the sex of the rubbee doesn’t matter, either. Like he’s the guy who’s going to roll up on you, call you “Boss” or “Chief” a lot, and knead your shoulder for a minute and a half.
It’s interesting that they’re able to pull that off. I seriously doubt it’s one of those jobs, like honor guards and so forth, where you are openly chosen for your looks; I don’t think the politics would fly.
I don’t really know for sure but from my observation it sure seems like they are screened on their looks. The AF gets (or got) away with being very generous in offering it’s Tops-in-Blue (google that next time you want high blood pressure or someone talks about our poor, underfunded military) band members cosmetic surgery……
I’d love for some dude with a bunch of facial scars he received from an IED to cross-train into it….
“Where’d you get those scars son?”
“Fighting a bullshit brush-fire war for you and your lobbyists. Care for another cocktail, Sir?”
Oh Joe, just shut your mouth and go play with some young broad’s hair.
*ahem* Footy starts this week.
What’s that card game where you play to lose…?
College baseball started conference play last weekend. That will keep me sports happy until June. Sloop just doesn’t want to talk about it because they can’t play ball up north.
Any game in a casino?
And the NRL has already played two rounds.
NOAA! NOAA! You got some splainin to do. – meh I do not find that site to reliable
Did they get some factual information wrong?
On occasion, but I admit I have to think if I remember specific examples. Overall for me the style of presenting some information does not make them seem reliable to me although I admit I did not double check his graphs and assume they are correct.
When you have to “correct” data to clean it up, but all your “corrections” always trend towards changes that inflate the temperature, coincidentally matching your politically motivated agenda to straddle the planet with one world socialist government in charge of wealth redistribution in the name of social justice or whatever, saying they are not reliable is like saying the Titanic hit a minor bump on its trip.
You don’t find well-cited raw data reliable?
That site may not be the most professional-looking but it’s well-documented elsewhere.
100% of the reported warming trend is the adjustments. If Corporate Finance took a fiscal loss and made mysterious “adjustments” until they were reporting a healthy profit, the CFO would go to jail.
When the High Priest pronounces it “science” you WILL show proper deference. Understand?
If your actual readings account for almost 50% of your data and the other 50% you plug in. That is garbage, end of it.
Massive Rhône Valley Wine Fraud Reported by French Authorities
108,000 cases of fake Châteauneuf-du-Pape among the alarming details to emerge in Raphaël Michel fraud case
Between October 2013 and June 2016, Raphaël Michel, a bulk-wine merchant in France’s Rhône Valley, allegedly sold the equivalent of 13 Olympic-size swimming pools of cheap French table wine while claiming it was some of the best wine of the Southern Rhône Valley.
Southern Rhône – so Syrah snobs are safe
French prosecutors have accused a leading Bordeaux négociant and bulk wine bottler with “flagrant” wine fraud. On March 15, Bordeaux’s criminal tribunal heard the charges against Grands Vins de Gironde (GVG), which is owned by the Castéja family. Investigators allege that GVG illegally blended wines from prestigious appellations with table wine, and mixed appellation wines, vintages and châteaus.
French are crooks… Buy good hones Romanian wine
You know, I actually think I’ll try that! Good suggestion, my East-Romance-speaking friend.
Once again, personal connection here- this is a cousin of an old friend and mentor of mine who comes from a Bordeaux family. Fun trivia: Bordeaux is the plural of Bordel.
OK, this is something I could never say in a wine discussion group but… nearly all Southern Rhone wine is rather heavy and undistinguished. Yes, I’m looking at you, Chateauneuf-du-Pape and Gigondas.
I’m aware of at least one Chateauneuf that got stellar critic reviews and 100 points from the Bard of Baltimore, who praised its depth, weight, and purity- and the wine had been spiked with Grenadine (I know this first-hand).
::Gallic guffaw::
En Francais!
*hides jug of antifreeze*
What?! Well I never!
Was that not a Simpsons episode? Wait, not that was anti-freeze not Grenadine.
What this country needs right now is sensible bomb control. I urge Congress to get to work on legislation to make it illegal,for anyone under twenty-one years of age to be able to,purchase a bomb.
Also, assault bombs are right out.
In this case, the “shoulder thing that goes up” is an actual human shoulder.
I thought on a bomb “the thing that goes up” is a mushroom cloud.
We talking semi-automatic bombs? Or all bombs?
Well, we will start by scaring everyone about the semi-automatic bombs, but our real goal is to legislate the bomb out of existence, except for maybe hunters.
Also, only the bombs they had in Geo. Washington’s day–the black balls with a sparkling wick poking out–will be allowed.
Well at least the good folks at Acme will still keep their jobs.
Bombs with the thing that goes up.
Only the bombs with the thing that goes up.
You need grenades like civilized Sweden
** said in fake french accent from that character in Top Secret**
ACME’s dynamite and TNT sales are going to skyrocket until they are shut down.
they identified the bomber
nypost linky
Fuckin NRA *shakes fist*
In ice ball news, the coach of the Golden Rodents hockey team is out.
The fact that this isn’t HUGE nea ws here in Minnesoda is an indictment of money corrupting sports. The Gophs left the WCHA to join the Big 10 conference just to cash in on the $$$$. Now no one cares about them. All the old rivalries are gone, they play at the convenience of the TV networks and no one goes to the games.
What’s a ‘Golden Rodent’?
The mascot of THE U of M
Yeh…but…what’s a….BAH.
Minnie Mouse?
She’s fuckin’ Goofy.
That’s why Mickey divorced the bitch…
Huh. I thought Lucia would die there.
He did.
Which only goes to prove nobody actually gave a shit about the hockey program in the first place, they only cared about the asinine jingoism.
Snow day, snow day, snow day! Snowpocalypse!
*Hurries into Walmart Neighborhood Market to grab the last loaf of bread*
I got gas, milk, and beer yesterday.
But not in that order…
Mixing beer and milk will give you gas I surmise..
About 3 years ago Wal-mart built and opened up a neighborhood market in every small town around me. I think their plan was to push dollar general out because everyone they built was within a few miles of a DG. Within a year everyone of the stores was closed down.
It is snowing here as well. Didn’t get much winter in December and January but March made up for it
This is our only snow of the year.
This was the coldest winter in about a decade here. We got zero snow though. That sucked. All the cold with none of the snow to play in.
Yup. Snow day here too. No work for me today.
My kid’s school cancelled school today – and informed us that spring break is now two days shorter.
It’s coming down way heavier now than during that puny little storm that closed down Jersey a couple weeks ago. My office is “open” but fuck that.
Ha, Jersey just called a “state of emergency”. Glad I didn’t waste time going into the office.
Did Governor Murphy raise another tax?
“Workin’ on it!”
Snow Day! Still have to work from home, but so pretty.
Much heavier snow than I expected! May need to go buy wine.
How to protect your personal data from Facebook profiteering
Step 1: Don’t sign up for Facebook.
Step 1: Delete your account.
Done, almost 10 years ago.
I deleted a few years back but then came back just so I can keep friends and family up to date. I do love to troll Facebook though. Sometimes I’ll go through and report every ad that pops up as offensive or illegal.
Will anybody with the pulpit just say “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes”? See also: opiod crisis.
Step 3: Need one for business.
I for one hope for the day Facebook collapses and Zuckerberg ends up all ‘wha happened?”
The whole point of FB from what I hear was for those clowns to pick up girls. Now people pretend Facebook is some sort of humanist project. Please.
My take is, if that was indeed to point, then it’s not surprising to read about how they behave with data, curbing speech etc.
They lacked a principled compass when they started the thing and now they’ve become SJW still without principles.
They haven’t grown intellectually.
Facebook is also supposed to be a Steward for Democracy if you listen to the babble coming from some circles. Much in the same way that the large commercial banks are Stewards of the Economy.
Ooo, lots of passion on this one! Hell of a lot more passion than I’ve ever heard anyone express about boring old Facebook and Zuckerburg, by anyone not named Winklevoss.
I like Facebook because I like Instagram. Booty, booties, and pretentious misattributed inspirational quotations. That’s what social media should be about.
I dumped it, but now I’m missing all the lost dog reports from Riven.
SJWednesday: Capitalist Fueled Injustice Edition
Have fun with this one.
They didn’t use “black face”, they disguised themselves to avoid being identified. Nothing whatsoever to do with race.
It’s true that tea act tea was cheaper. About 1 penny per pound. But American’s were pissed and boycotted the tea because it the cheaper taxed tea was an attempt to trick them into accepting a tax that was levied without representation. Smuggling shitty Dutch tea was an act of rebellion, not profit seeking.
Fun Fact: This is what started the shift towards Americans drinking coffee instead of tea.
from a John Adams letter to Abigail
“I believe I forgot to tell you one Anecdote: When I first came to this House it was late in the Afternoon, and I had ridden 35 miles at least. “Madam” said I to Mrs. Huston, “is it lawfull for a weary Traveller to refresh himself with a Dish of Tea provided it has been honestly smuggled, or paid no Duties?”
“No sir, said she, we have renounced all Tea in this Place. I cant make Tea, but He make you Coffee.” Accordingly I have drank Coffee every Afternoon since, and have borne it very well. Tea must be universally renounced. I must be weaned, and the sooner, the better.”
The Brits were exempting the East India Company from the taxes and telling everybody else, “Fuck you, pay me.”
Yep. The Tea Act of 1773 was deliberately designed to provide an economic bailout to the EIC. They also exempted them from the London Tea Auction and let them ship direct to the colonies. This saved transport costs and cut out the middlemen. So their tea is cheaper and the American companies that imported it were cut out of the loop. All around a shitty law that unsurprisingly pissed off the patriots even if it did result in cheaper tea.
Speaking of EIC. Anyone catch the TV series Taboo? EIC figures prominently in the plot.
Yes, I liked it.
I liked it as well.
Whew, the comments…
Justifying acts of profit-seeking by cloaking them in the rhetoric of freedom.
Seeking a profit IS an act of freedom. I have the freedom to seek a profit, and you have to freedom to reject any offers I make.
Profits are evil..
Except when you are a rich 0.1% democrat peddling class warfare and envy..
Who the fuck wants an SJW personal trainer? I will take P.C. Principal but that about it.
Dat dong doe
In response to some capitalist-fueled injustice (a school shooting
It’s the phlogiston of grievance studies, it’s all around and explains everything but they can never pin it down.
“Often this was done via treaty, but treaty negotiations were always backed by threat of violence, and where treaties failed, colonists used force.”
At least she got one thing right. I got news for her though. Every single thing a government does is backed by a threat of violence. Maybe if she could extrapolate that idea into the rest of her worldview, then she could have a better idea of why her preferred policies are just as immoral.
Never, govt is what we do together! It is always pure except when controlled by evil reactionary forces. As long the pure majority of good-thinkers can oppress the forces of darkness, govt can never do evil. The WILL OF THE PEOPLE must prevail!
SJWednesday: Fight
*sticks nickel under pillow for the Edit Fairy*
C..c.can we coin a new term for this? I…is this a “Scruffy”?
Fuck off slavers. Can’t count how many times I’ve seen a woman go on maternity leave only to come back and put her two weeks in because she was also job hunting while on leave.
“Please remember that this subreddit is a SAFE SPACE for leftist discussion. Any Liberalism, capitalist apologia, or attempts to debate socialism will be met with an immediate ban. Take it to r/DebateCommunism. Bigotry, ableism and hate speech will also be met with immediate bans; Socialism is an intrinsically inclusive system.”
Socialism is an intrinsically inclusive system.
Everyone is included in the skull pile
Misery for all!
“You are forbidden to disagree with us.”
Socialism is an intrinsically inclusive system- WRONG.
Socialism is a violently inclusive system.
If it’s intrinsically inclusive, then why the bans? Doesn’t that exclude people?
My favorite comment:
Arbeit macht frei indeed.
Why is she still not in East Germany?
Question unanswered, because it refuses to be asked.
Comparing a mom going back to work shortly after giving birth to a child she (presumably) goes home to every day, to puppies. Yup, totally the same thing. “Germany has 2 years.” In Germany companies are forced to continue paying someone who is doing fuck all for the company for two years because SHE DECIDED to have a child, and that is somehow ideal/moral/better? The fuck is wrong with people?
Where’s your heart? It takes a village.
Look, the purpose of any business is to provide for its employees, otherwise why even allow them? What’s your beef?
You forgot their primary duty is to pay the state taxes so the political aristocracy can use that money to buy votes from life’s losers.
Fair point.
Concerning the guy lost in the desert–check out the Wanted Poster pic of him. I pray that if I ever go missing my loved ones have a better picture of me than one in which I’m imitating George Costanza on the couch as he tries to woo photomat girl.
Seriously. They don’t have a pic of him where’s just a normal dude? Why would they do that? His family obviously cares nothing for this man. In fact I bet they’re the ones behind his disappearance to begin with.
*Origami swan tinfoil hat securely fastened*
My family would probably pick the worst picture possible just to troll me.
YouTube comedian Count Dankula convicted over ‘grossly offensive’ Nazi salute dog video
Hate speech is not free speech
A good Razorfist rant on this:
and something a bit more serious (Michael Black):
For a second I thought it was going to be Michael Ian Black. And I was surprised, because I figured he’d be cheering on the Crown.
It wasn’t even hate speech.
Worse – he was being mean to his girlfriend.
Gervais has gone off on this.
On December 16, 1773, a mob of patriots known as the Sons of Liberty, disguised in charcoal blackface and Indian dress
Literally worse than Hitler.
I’m shocked he was charged. This must be a relief to Minnesoda glibs. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/20/us/minneapolis-police-shooting-justine-damond.html
In the more egregious cases they have to go through the motions of a trial, but the prosecution is inevitably bungled leading to an acquittal.
While it had obvious problems, the old english system of the victim (or the victims family, in this case) prosecuting does have its advantages. We could combine the two and allow the victims to choose to hire their own prosecutor over using the states if they wished.
-1 Claus von Bulow
My guess was that the shifting winds stabilized and all the applicable victim class punted due to the absolute absurd activity of this mammal.
Raven haired beauties for your enjoyment.
I stopped at number 2 and will never need another cheeky pic.
I’m impressed you made it past #1.
A few questionable mugs, including some who weren’t showin me nothin else! The audacity! Still a good group overall tho
False advertising! While there were a lot of beauties, very few of them were “raven haired.” I was so upset I could only look at all of them twice.
Here’s an update from yesterday’s situation. When we last left TOK, a DCS worker was headed to his house to investigate a fight between Mrs TOK and their 17 year old daughter, in which the daughter was slapped in the face for mouthing off to her mom. The daughter reported the incident to the school guidance counselor, who by law has to refer the incident to DCS.
So, the DCS worker showed up yesterday afternoon while I was still at work. My daughter answered the door and was a bit shocked by who he was. He took statements, and said this sounds like a case of a parent disciplining their child, in which they do not get involved. He said he’d have gotten worse from his mom for saying the things my daughter said. It helped that we have a nice looking house, that everyone agreed this was a very rare event, there were no marks of abuse or prior injuries, and that my daughter is already in therapy (that’s the first thing they recommend). There was a small mark on her face so he has to report that to his supervisor, so hopefully that won’t go anywhere based on everything else. After he left we called the therapist and now she’s in therapy twice a week for a while.
So we had a positive, or at least not terrible, encounter with DCS. Yet another reason I am happy we live where we do.
It sounds like you got one of “the good ones.” I’m happy for you. I know it’s not quite over yet, but it looks like things are on the up swing.
Hope that was the end of it.
Next time, you’ll know better and call me in to administer the spanking.
That window’s rapidly closing. She turns 18 in a few months.
I think that window closed about 10 years ago.
Crisis averted.
Now back to the ice rink!
Yes! Next week we play a scrimmage on the United Center ice before a Hawks game, then on April 13 it’s Disabled Hockey Festival, which is in Chicago this year. There are ELEVEN pages of brackets this year, each with 6-8 teams (both adults and kids). It’s going to be so great.
Hopefully that’s the last of it. Sucks you had to deal with that. Hopefully your daughter learned something about running her mouth to state employees, and her mom.
I really think the sight of that guy at our door woke her up. That, and the idea that he was ok with a mom disciplining her kid, especially a mouthy one.
Good deal. Sometimes one has to learn lessons the hard way.
‘Catastrophe’ as France’s bird population collapses due to pesticides
Dozens of species have seen their numbers decline, in some cases by two-thirds, because insects they feed on have disappeared
No wonder Kalifornia wants to secede.
They are the new Confederates.
Well, the Cherokee were slaveowning Confederates. I didn’t really have the patience to read this yesterday other than that; seemed like it was just old points.
Also, Shaun King is a dick but I don’t believe this business about him being all white. I don’t know what to think about the Peyton Manning balls-and-anus hat story.
He bears a very strong resemblance to his white dad that he claims isn’t his dad, and, when he was a boy not trying to affect a black appearance, he looks pretty damned white. He clearly works very hard at APPEARING black, but then so did Rachel Dolezal, effectively enough that she held a position with the local NAACP.
Haven’t seen Dad, and figured it’s hardly rare for the black in a kid to come out a bit more with age. Also, wasn’t there reliable testimony from teachers and others in his hometown that everyone always considered him black? Rachel D was unraveled quite easily as soon as someone decided to poke around; almost surprised she was able to pull it off at all in this day and age.
Just looked some more shit up and think you may have a point!
When everyone’s a Cherokee, nobody’s a Cherokee.
I am very confused right now. Lee Myung Bak was the Prez from 2008-2013. The AG equivalent is seeking to get a warrant to arrest him.
I asked my co-workers about this in shock. They actually said “I don’t know. You know more about it than me.” It’s not on the online papers here, or at least the English one that I use. I had to dig a bit. The above quote is actually from the Guardian. Me thinks this is Confucian or filial piety, because the corruption Korean presidents demonstrate makes them the Chicago mayors of presidents.
Montana has the worst laws for combating drunken driving.
That’s according to Mothers Against Drunk Driving’s recent report rating each state in five categories that the national organization says are key to eliminating drunk driving.
“The fact that Montana is rated by MADD as the lowest in the nation in overall legislative measures and progress toward ending drunk driving is not a surprise to us and is also not something we’re proud of,” said Kelley Parker-Wathne, coordinator of the Gallatin County DUI Task Force.
Among the categories MADD used to rank states were if states held sobriety checkpoints or required ignition interlocks for all drunk driving offenders, both of which Montana does not.
MADD; prohibitionists masquerading as a safe driving organization.
When we lived in Butte, we were delighted to find out that we were guaranteed by law the right to carry open containers of alcohol.
We loved Montana. So much wish we could move back there.
Up until last July, there was no law against having an open container in a vehicle in Arkansas. Damned statist finally got that outlawed last year.
Shockingly enough, in Virginia which is as copsucking a state as you’ll find anywhere, there’s no open container law.
Sobriety checkpoints are an unconstitutional abomination. Fuck off MADD.
but, but, but, compelling government interest.
I always imagine MADD milling about in giant floral hats handing out pamphlets about the demon rum.
The founder of MADD got laws toughened, got people to take DUI seriously, then left the organization because the work was done and she wasn’t a neo-prohibitionist. She should have burned the office down on the way out the door.
Sounds very much like pretty much any activist organization.
What good is an army if you don’t have an enemy to fight?
And she has vocally disavowed what MADD has become and asked people not to associate her name with the organization.
That’s how they tighten the ratchet. Target the state with the “worst” laws, shame them into stripping away more rights and protections, then move on to the next state…
Hilary helps out Claire McCaskill with a campaign ad.
I don’t know about the mood in the rest of Missouri, but the mood in Chez Mojeaux has been anti-McCaskill since she was the Jackson County prosecutor lo these many years ago.
Georgia Tech beat #6 Auburn in midweek baseball.
Um… *looks at AtBat app* Baseball awoke 3 weeks ago.
Arkansas beat the shit out of #4 Kentucky over the weekend. Swept the 3 game series and scored 39 runs on 15 homers.
I can tell you where I won’t be on Saturday
Bozeman High School students are organizing a march through downtown Bozeman on Saturday to coincide with the national March for Our Lives in Washington, D.C., to advocate for school safety and ending gun violence.
“The students of Bozeman are just as vulnerable and concerned as students across the nation,” said Annika Linkenbach, 17, a senior. “Students are at the front lines of this movement and demanding a change. We’re done waiting.”
The march will begin at noon on the Gallatin County Courthouse steps and proceed down Main Street sidewalks to the Bozeman Public Library lawn. Students and others will speak starting at 1 p.m.
I can’t help wondering if an open carry counter demonstration is being plotted. I certainly hope so.
And then there’s this little nugget:
Claire Kraus, an 18-year-old senior, said she felt “pretty distraught” over the Feb. 14 high school shootings in Parkland, Florida, where 17 students and staff members were shot to death, allegedly by a 19-year-old former student.
Kraus said she brought her friends to a meeting of Moms Demand Action and the teenagers volunteered to organize a local march.
Totally not being puppeteered by the established anti-gun groups. Just an organic outgrowth of their innate sense of justice.
Jesus. I know I panic a lot but seriously we are losing pretty hard if the Montana kids are on board with this.
Dude, take a look at Annika Linkenbach. 50% of the marchers are just trying to get laid. Relax.
$50 says that girl majors in psychology and gender studies in college.
Could you control your gun around her?
This is my weapon, this is my gun.. One is for shooting, and one is for fun!
Depends how into dead, doll eyes you are.
Better than live doll eyes.
Alright, I really don’t get some of the female preferences you guys have here. That’s an attractive looking girl? Really? Same with Drake’s post below of Karen McDougal.
Amen, brother. HM is a Nube and this chick is a chubby blond young prog girl, but the rest of you have no excuse. What is this bullshit.
Note that this is in one of the bigger towns. These kids might be California transplants.
California is pretty much like a cancerous tumor that’s metastasizing.
Just ask Nevada, Oregon, Idaho, Colorado and Montana.
I know I panic a lot but seriously we are losing pretty hard if the Montana kids are on board with this.
You can calm down: there are leftists everywhere; just because some Montana kids are on board doesn’t mean the majority is. The news likes to play it up like it’s the majority, but it’s become clear that’s because they have a narrative to push. CNN trumpeted that students from 2,000 schools took part in the recent walkout…but since there are over 20,000 high schools in the US that number doesn’t mean a whole lot. The renewed energy on the anti-gun side does mean the pro-gun side has to keep alert, keep pushing, and not get complacent, but it doesn’t mean the anti-gun people have the upper hand.
Moms Demand Action.
If first read open carry as open container…
Karen McDougal – wow. Making America great again. NSFW
You’re suppose to save these pics for “Glibs After Dark”. That’s when Q posts the more risque pictures.
Never look a gift horse in the mouth. Good work Drake.
I don’t know who she is, but DAMN!!
Our CINC has an NDA with her she’s trying to get out of.
What’s wrong with her face? She has the same odd expression in every photo.
I was on the El (Chicago ‘subway’ to those uninformed) late today and I managed to get a seat next to a twenty year-old girl with a knitted hat and the words “dope” emblazoned on it. She was also wearing a pair of Gucci sunglasses and was reading a copy of “The New Yorker” (the magazine that shows that you’re a pretentious douche). On a train from a north side neighborhood to downtown in Chicago- she was reading “The New Yorker”.
This city has gotten so unbearably ‘woke’. I remember when the only thing that disgusted me on the train was bum piss. I miss that now.
I was on the El (Chicago ‘subway’ to those uninformed)
To be pedantic, an elevated train is in no way a subway. It’s an alternative to a subway, but the opposite. The way you phrased it will only confuse people, like if you said “I was eating deep dish (Chicago pizza to those uninformed)”.
The main trains are only elevated for half of their route. It’s both a subway and elevated train
So the bum piss all runs out the front of the train when it’s going downhill?
As it was designed to do
Well in that case my apologies for ribbing you. I’d always assumed it was entirely elevated, since Chicago is so flat and so close to the water level (I mean, they had to raise the city to put in a sewer system after all). I guess if you have a system that is both an “el” and a “subway” it does make it difficult to know what to call it.
Everyone still calls it “the El” and it probably has more elevated tracks than other major cities. But, the Red Line and Blue Line (which are the most used train lines) are primarily underground for about half of their route
“El” is just what they call it, like a regional slang.
Half of NYC’s subway trains are elevated but nobody calls them that. It’s not an alternative, it’s the same train that just isn’t underground any more.
I thought the trains are only elevated in NYC out in the boroughs, though. Are there elevated trains in Manhattan? I’ve never seen them
The outer boroughs are NYC too. And yes there are some elevated in the far north of Manhattan.
60% of all trains are underground.
I knew that the boroughs are still NYC (even though that makes no sense), but I didn’t know there were any elevated trains in Manhattan. To be fair, when I have to go to NYC I’m usually only in midtown and downtown so that probably explains why I’ve never seen the elevated trains
even though that makes no senseWell, it’s been that way since 1898 so get over it! 🙂
There were some elevated sections on Manhattan itself, but they were retired a very long time ago. There are other elevated structures that carried ‘normal railroad’ tracks like the High Line on the West side that has now been repurposed as an elevated park and bike trail, and then the Metro North breaks surface and then goes rapidly elevated in North of Manhattan. I think there’s a freight-only branch that runs elevated out at Hells Gate Bridge.
Oops that was supposed to be a quote not a strikethough
“like the High Line on the West side”
Oh, I’m familiar with that idiotic park on the High Line. Chicago decided to copy the idea and re-purpose some old train lines into an elevated park, “The 606”. Thank you taxpayers across the country for a federal grant to make a playground exclusively for yuppies while driving out the Mexican families that use to live there. That’s ‘woke’ or something.
“Well, it’s been that way since 1898 so get over it!”
So, it’s made no sense for 120 years?
Well, then I give up on what you mean by “no sense”. Cities have been expanding their territory throughout the history of the US.
“Well, then I give up on what you mean by “no sense”. Cities have been expanding their territory throughout the history of the US.”
Well, why is only half of Long Island part of NYC and the other half is the suburbs? Where did that demarcation come from?
Mainly I’m just razing you, but I’ve noticed that New Yorkers are real touchy about geography
Ah, here we are. There were 4 major elevated rail routes in Manhattan which were subsumed into what is now the NY ‘Subway’ system.
And don’t get me started on the Bronx. How the hell did that become part of the City, but the rest of the peninsula is totally not NYC. I’m just going to ignore Staten Island like the rest of NYC already does
I’m not being touchy, just accurate.
The towns which comprised today’s Queens voted to join NYC. The rest voted against it.
NYC’s city limits really lacks fung shui. I understand the expansion of the City and everything. The same thing occurred in Chicago, but at least, with regards to Chicago, the State said “ok, your expansion is making no sense- just stop now”. I feel like the State of NY should have done that with NYC
Queens and Kings were originally counties, just like Suffolk and and Nassau. The former were simply reconstituted as the boroughs of Queens and Brooklyn as the city grew. In 1901 the whole map was reorganized after successful lobbying by groups that argued that the 40 or so separate municipalities which constituted “New York” was inefficient and too expensive to run.
Same with London and any other large metropolis. Bordering administrative units are absorbed on the justification of economies of scale.
And don’t get me started on LA. What the hell is “the Valley”? Why is that part of the City?
I guess this is more of a general criticism of all major cities. The ridiculous expansion that occurred at the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century was stupid, in my own opinion.
What’s the difference between a suburb and a city?
Suburban boundaries make more sense
Incidentally, when you have a state (or in the UK case, a county or the national government) saying ““ok, your expansion is making no sense- just stop now”, you restrict natural expansion.
In Britain, the imposition of the “Green Belt” demonstrated everything that is wrong with centralized control of land resources. Artificial and arbitrary constraints on development benefits rent-seekers and results in huge inequalities in supply and demand, which primarily affects the poor.
That kind of control ensures that affordable housing for ‘normal people’ is a concrete box in a tower, and not their aspirational (and otherwise affordable) two-up, two-down townhouse.
“Incidentally, when you have a state (or in the UK case, a county or the national government) saying ““ok, your expansion is making no sense- just stop now”, you restrict natural expansion.”
Agreed, if we are talking about a city like Portland where it was basically “ewww, no suburbs- everyone stop building- you can’t build anything closer to the city than five miles”.
On the flip side, the expansion of these cities has created hostages, especially in cities with very centralized management. City expansion had the effect of stifling certain voters. I have more on this thought, but too lazy to discuss it now
“”don’t get me started on'””
(keeps starting himself)
This is not quite right. In the years prior to 1898, the Bronx was gradually annexed to New York City and County; the City of Brooklyn (around today’s Downtown) gradually annexed the other municipalities in Kings County, such as Flatbush, until it took up the whole county; and Queens included the present Nassau and remained a bunch of different municipalities.
In 1898, the old New York City / County (Manhattan and the Bronx) consolidated with the City of Brooklyn / Kings County, the Western half of Queens County, and the largely rural (as it would remain until the Verrazano Bridge) Richmond County (Staten Island). All municipal governments in those areas were instantly abolished. Nassau County would separate out the next year; and New York County would retreat to its original boundaries in 1912, creating Bronx County, the last in New York State.
This heritage remains in the postal addresses NYCers put on their envelopes. Manhattanites write “New York.” In the Bronx you write “Bronx” and in Brooklyn, already a unified city by that name at consolidation, you write “Brooklyn.” But in Queens you write the name of your old municipality. A few of them, like Floral Park, lie half in Queens and half in Nassau! Staten Island is the odd man out; still quite rural until recently, it has an even stronger neighborhood culture than Queens and calls them “towns”; nonetheless, it has never written anything but “Staten Island” on its mail.
(The Bronx was originally part of Westchester County, if that wasn’t obvious.)
And here in Rockaway Beach, I would cut off my arm if the peninsula could secede from NYC and just be part of Nassau County. We have screwed over by our betters in Olde Manhattan Towne for more than a century.
it’s called the El in philly, too
it’s also a half underground, half elevated system
Like the one that goes to Coney Island.
Once you get out of Manhattan, there’s a lot of elevated mileage.
One of the fun things for New Yorkers to do is to follow the path The Warriors took if you consider all the locations and their sequence.
Fun fact: NYC is the only city in the world that has a subway system with less mileage today than 80 years ago. Because a lot of those elevateds they tore down never got replaced as promised.
Eh, this conversation has become too NYC centered. We’re about three comments away from an argument about pizza.
SO, so, so much fun; particularly with an unlimited ride card so as to duck above ground periodically. It also makes angry knowing that all of the bathrooms are chained shut forever.
Both Chicago and NYC are part elevated, part underground (and part at grade). NYC being predominantly underground, they call the whole system “the subway” regardless of elevation; Chi being predominantly elevated, they call the whole thing “the el” regardless of elevation. Other cities are less arrogant and call their rail transit by a unique name like “the T” for Boston. DC is “the Metro” but I think it’s far from unique in that respect. (And it might refer to the system as a whole, including the much older buses.)
“other cities are less arrogant and call their rail transit by a unique name”
I’ve never heard anyone suggest San Fran was ‘less arrogant’ for having the BART. which, in my personal opinion, is the gayest (perhaps apropos) of subway names.
Southwest Florida has the SCAT (Sarasota County Area Transportation) buses.
What s shitty name!
Hah! That’s actually one of the things that stands out in my mind about my one and only trip to Chicago, around NYE 1998 – riding the El and having to pick my feet up as a stream of urine trickled back towards me from the hobo in the seat in front of me.
How much did you take out of her purse?
“Man in a suit robs college girl on train. The perpetrator has been dubbed “the asshole purse snatcher”.”
– Chicago Tribune 3/21/2018
Its a literary magazine and has little real connection to NYC outside of the ‘talk of the town’ section.
Its basically “Harpers” with a bigger budget
I’d ask who Karen McDougall is, but it really doesn’t matter.
She was Playmate of the Year and supposedly had an affair with the man now our President. The press thinks that lower my opinion of the man. After closely examining the photos, nothing has been lowered.
If it comes out Trump porked that, my esteem for the guy will just go up.
“Polygraphs, commonly called ‘lie detector’ tests, don’t measure the truth of what a subject says. Instead they track changes in heartbeat, breathing, perspiration, blood pressure and other indicators that proponents describe as evidence of deception.
NBC News reported Tuesday that Clifford was asked by ‘Life & Style’ magazine to submit to the test seven years ago when she offered to sell an exclusive story of her torrid affair with the future president.
The examiner who performed the test concluded that there was a 99 per cent chance she was telling the truth about having unprotected sex with the real estate tycoon.
The White House has said Trump denies every allegation of sexual misconduct against the president, including those lodged by Clifford.”
Not a bad idea, which is why I bet people that want to party in school will hate it.
Meh I would not include English or Philosophy in that as long as they are freed from SJW byllshit
That’s all those are these days, so….
English yes philosophy no.
Also history, particularly certain periods, is quite legitimate still. Don’t know why Pie excluded that.
Didn’t really read the article thoroughly and just picked those to mention…
“Sadly, my husband still can’t apply for some jobs because he doesn’t have a college degree.”
Shame on that employer then for missing out on the opportunity. I have actually seen the reverse trend as employers now want people without the degree but a good track record. Granted, they often do because then they can pay the person less than they would someone with a college degree, but once they have realized that employee is worth the money, their pay will quickly go up as they try to avoid losing the individual.
My advice is that your husband apply for the job even when it says they want the college degree BTW. Many may not work out, but that trend is shifting…
I’ve asked him to do that before, but right now he’s stuck where he is.
I think this highlights part of the problem. As an example, one of my college friends wanted to parlay her history degree into a job with the CIA. Then she realized that meant taking the hard history classes and working her ass off like a STEM student for 6 semesters. So she decided to get a more general (read:mind-numbingly easy) history degree and drink 5 nights a week. Last I checked, she’s a manager at an apartment complex.
Schools need to start axing the easy path if they want their humanities degrees taken seriously. It’s very hard to tell, as a person in a hiring position, whether a candidate’s 3.9 in History is because she kicked ass for 4 years while taking a difficult course load, or whether she spent more time in the campus bars than the classroom while taking the bare minimum to get her degree.
“Schools need to start axing the easy path if they want their humanities degrees taken seriously.”
Which then creates a new problem: numbers in the major decline and central administration won’t let you hire or decide to shutter your program. Most students in the Humanities don’t really want to learn anything, they just want to pass the class and get the degree because they’ll make more money with a college degree – or so they’ve been told.
Not saying you’re wrong, just following through on the next layer of consequences.
I think they’re around 5 years away from having to make those tough decisions anyway. It’s a poorly kept secret that most humanities degrees have an easy path, and there’s a reason for the barista stereotype. The demand for worthless degrees won’t dry up overnight, but there doesn’t need to beuch of a decline in demand before these bloated programs feel the pinch.
Sadly, my husband still can’t apply for some jobs because he doesn’t have a college degree.
Sad but true Raven.
The biggest lie foisted on these unsuspecting kids was that a college degree would increase your pay. College is an investment. If you decide to attend to just party for 4 or more years, and your degree is one of those given out en masse, expect a saturated market with little opportunity. Something any individual not steeped in the marxist nonsense and SJW bullshit high schools now seem to specialize in, would easily grasp.
College is about the only investment where I have seen the majority of people pay a fortune to get the least amount of return from. Parents should wise up and make sure their kids are not sold this idiotic lie.
Alex: I think some parents are getting there. And a lot of us in the Humanities are at least trying to explain to kids the variations in college degrees. Also discouraging them from debt, etc. But it’s hard when your chancellor makes the tired old public statement about the value of a college degree. Hell, I’m not a statistician but even I know comparing everyone with a degree to everyone without is stupid.
Mojeaux: yeah, I know there are exceptions. But, as Alex points out down below, the overall equation is shifting. We had one kid in our program who racked up $20k in debt getting an MA in History – and we’re far from being a “name” institution. Plus he was a dick and struggled through with around a 3.0 average.
Parents should wise up and make sure their kids are not sold this idiotic lie.
Tangentially related question: 529/ESA or save it all in a non-tax-advantaged brokerage account? We’re at a point where the tax advantage wouldnt make or break the situation, but I hate throwing money away. On the other hand, I don’t want the fucked up incentives of “you can do anything you want, but here’s a huge pile of cash if you choose the college route”
The more I hear about other high schools, the more grateful I am for the one my kid goes to. Her history teacher has a Gadsden flag hanging in his classroom (he did this awesome demonstration of the evils of communism and he does call it evil) and the school in general goes heavy on the STEM.
“But it’s hard when your chancellor makes the tired old public statement about the value of a college degree.”
I have made it my duty to call people that peddle this half truth out. Yes, a college degree CAN increase your value and earnings, but not all college degrees – and I specifically mean to call out the disciplines one can study and not the difference in colleges themselves – are created equal. It should be treated as a return on investment. How much does it cost? How much debt will you need to get to get it? And more importantly, how big of an earning potential does it give you? These are critical questions one should ask before buying into this notion.
“Hell, I’m not a statistician but even I know comparing everyone with a degree to everyone without is stupid.”
In fact this is one of the main and vilest tropes of the crowd peddling the college degrees at all cost nonsense, Raven. It’s not accidental however that the people pushing this shit are all people that believe we shouldn’t have equality of opportunity, but equality of outcome.
Too many young kids today have parents that are neither well informed or involved enough. As a parent, especially if you are going to pay any or all of it, you have a say in what they choose to do. I never get these parents that want to let their kid do whatever they want, even when they know the kid is making a mistake. You start from the wrong premise, and you are guaranteed to end in the wrong place.
Those are all legitimate disciplines, or at least used to be, for those with the aptitude and desire to enter academia in those areas. (Your career prospects are not good, however, and you aren’t qualified for much as a backup.) So it’s not inherent fat.
More important is the fact that the school is downsizing in any capacity, specializing and focusing itself more narrowly. There is just way the fuck too much university out there in this country. Most should be closed, for the sake of all involved–most of all the students, who would, in one sense or another, all be better served elsewhere. People like these protesters are getting in the way. They want to “preserve our tradition” and so forth. Fuck your tradition. Your tradition is sucking. Shut that shit down.
My parents wanted me to get the parchment. I probably would’ve done better in a trade school, but that was in the 80s.
Now here it is 1.5 generations later (I had kids late), and I want my kids to go to trade school. That would be a school I’d send them to.
In the 80s any college degree was worth the paper. That started declining in the 90s. After the turn of the century things went south fast. Sadly most of the ones coming out of colleges these days are not worth the paper anymore as they actually never thought these kids to think, solve problems, of actually do work of value…
The thing to watch is how slowly universities come to the sinking realization that people don’t value the paper anymore. They don’t know what to do with themselves when tuition and enrollment aren’t on exponential curves.
The obvious solution is to blame the legislature for their problems and harangue for an increase in funding.
“The thing to watch is how slowly universities come to the sinking realization that people don’t value the paper anymore. ”
Tell me about it. I do a lot of interviewing for my company, and the trend is just saddening considering the people I interview actually have degrees in disciplines that require more than all nighters the day before finals. Shit, something over a year ago I had some moron with a CS degree from Yale, and all they had going for them was a mountain of student debt, an insane amount of unearned confidence in non-existent skills, and a disposition that all but said pay me a ton to come here and make your workplace a living fucking hell for the productive. Needless to say, I as the technical guy downvoted this idiot (and I do that with everyone like that which has a bad attitude and lacks skills). All but one of the others loved the kid’s sense of entitlement and mindset, and they still hired the kid. Now they are dying to find a way to fire the entitled princess.
At least it is not my problem, and I made sure that was the case when they overrode my recommendation.
I’m leaning on my kids HARD to get into STEM. My girl is in freshman engineering (high school–I know, right?!) and she’s a good artist, so I’m pushing both. My ADHD-addled and Aspie-borderline-autistic kid who is managing junior high just fine without parental involvement (I’m shocked) will probably end up as an independent landscaper because he accidentally acquired a landscaper-mentor and has an entrepreneurial streak a mile wide.
“I’m leaning on my kids HARD to get into STEM. My girl is in freshman engineering (high school–I know, right?!) and she’s a good artist, so I’m pushing both.”
That’s the way to do it Mojeaux. Study something you can earn a living with, and if you can also do that, study your passion. My adopted son whose birth mom drank and did drugs while she was pregnant with him ended up with dyslexia and a seizure disorder he outgrew, but it was evident to me from an early age that despite the fact he was tenacious about learning that he was not going to do well in college. He got a car mechanic degree and has had a steady job for 4 years now. He is good at what he does, shows up on time, and works his ass off. His dream is to own his own place, and he will likely do so in time. Half of his friends, the majority of them ones that went to college, dropped out and now either spend the day as unpaid professional Playstation 4 players or working minimum wage jobs when they can find one. The key here is attitude more than aptitude IMO…
That’s great. For a while, I was pushing plumbing and electricity and HVAC so they’d have steady jobs, but neither are cut out for those. Also, my plumber told me it was a bad idea because non-rough-in plumbers are expected to sell up while they’re in the home.
I took my girl to a “women in engineering” event and we found out there are lots of places for women that do not require four years of hard math to get into.
I asked every one of them if they had a problem with sexual harassment or men not taking them seriously because they’re women. Every one of them said they’d never been sexually harassed, and the only reason they were not taken seriously was when they were younger, especially if they were younger and in a supervisory OR inspectorly role. They all also said that as they proved their competence (and got older), that stopped. (Well, gee, sounds like every youngun in a new position…)
“I took my girl to a “women in engineering” event and we found out there are lots of places for women that do not require four years of hard math to get into.”
My advice is for her to try her best to actually shoot as high as she can with the hard disciplines. She will never regret that and she will have opportunities galore.
Also, men in STEM fields tend to not be the kinds that would harass anyone, with a minuscule few exceptions. Women in STEM, especially those with hard disciplines, have unlimited opportunities these days for the obvious reasons. In the end though, like with all things in life, what decides if you succeed or not is your personal attitude and approach to your work. As the saying goes, and I paraphrase, those that work hard tend to always get lucky.
My wife only reports one kind of “discriminatory” incident at her engineering workplace, in the form of an Iranian immigrant quality manager at the customer who doesn’t seem to like talking to wimminz.
We tried soft-pushing the stepdaughter into STEM but she wanted to do musical theater. Oy. She can sing and dance well enough and has been doing so for a while so we were encouraging her to minor in something useful. Then she went to a theater seminar last summer and was so disgusted with the proggie bullshit and associated numbskull “teachers” (some of them, not all) running it that she kinda soured on it. Started increasing her interest in voice lessons and now wants to major in music-vocal performance. Although we weren’t much happier with that course of action, she is taking top honors in nearly every high school state vocal competition and is acing her AP Music Theory course in high school. She is determined and disciplined (just like her mother), so we figure that will be the saving grace for her no matter what she winds up doing for a living. And she’s got scholarship offers so we have to encourage what seems to be working for her.
I did tell my daughter that if she pursues art, she needs to go all in with an eye toward getting a job at Hallmark (headquartered here). Illustration, graphic design, that sort of thing.
“We tried soft-pushing the stepdaughter into STEM but she wanted to do musical theater. Oy. She can sing and dance well enough and has been doing so for a while so we were encouraging her to minor in something useful. ”
My father told me to figure out how to pay for my education myself, because him doing it for me would only deprive me of a valuable life lesson. Believe me, it was a valuable lesson, and I graduated with degrees that could/would make me money and made sure I had no debt.
A good friend of mine told his kids he would help pay for their schooling if he felt they were concentrating on a discipline that would return on the investment. They were free to pursue whatever they wanted though, but he would not pay if he felt they were handicapping themselves.
Many parents forget that paying for their kids higher ed is a choice, not an obligation, and as such, it can and should come with strings attached.
We told our kids they could live at home as long as they wanted, but we weren’t paying for college (because we were still paying our own student loans).
As someone that had to pay for their own higher ed (and my parents could afford it quite easily), I am going to tell you that made a world of difference in how I approached it all and what I came away with. Granted I knew what I wanted to do at an early age, and did it, so I am likely an outlier, but I suspect when your choices hit your pocket, you are far more inclined to pay closer attention and seek a better deal, kinnath.
There are some valuable lessons you learn when you are expected to be responsible for your own future we deprive kids off when things are too easy to do. Life is always hard, but trying to make it easy for your kids too often turns out to be far more likely to end as something of a detriment than a boon.
“Former City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, an openly gay supporter of Gov. Andrew Cuomo, called Cynthia Nixon an “unqualified lesbian” a day after the actress announced she’s going to challenge the governor in a primary.
In an interview with The Post, Quinn also denounced Nixon for endorsing Bill de Blasio over her in the 2013 Democratic primary for mayor.
“I’m surprised by this race. It’s a flight of fancy on her part,” Quinn said of Nixon’s announcement Monday that she would take on Cuomo in September’s Democratic primary.
“Cynthia Nixon was opposed to having a qualified lesbian become mayor of New York City. Now she wants an unqualified lesbian to be the governor of New York. You have to be qualified and have experience. She isn’t qualified to be the governor,” Quinn said.”
Which is worse, a Cuomo or a de Blasio supporter?
Sounds like a lose-lose situation for new york.
de Blasio is unbearably worse
Though they’re saying now that Nixon is going to drag Cuomo further to the left just like Teachout did the last election.
I certainly hope not. For one thing, the plastic bag fee–a longstanding concern of mine–hangs on it. I’m not optimistic.
It’s not that he’s going loony-left so much as getting cozier with the pubsec unions. So we’ll probably get to keep our plastic bags but he’ll go after charter schools (he was a big supporter at the beginning) and continue driving out the middle class. Yay.
Remember when Cory Booker and Elizabeth Warren supported charter schools? That was fun
Liawatha, or was it Fauxahantis, was looking out for her people!
Well, she was a Republican before she became a socialist. (Early 20th century style!) Maybe it was just the BIA boarding schools she wanted to reform. Her people were not even allowed to speak their own language!
– Cuomo is more-criminal
(he just had his 2 closest aides for 30+years go to jail in kickback scam he orchestrated)
– DeBlasio is more insufferable
(because he has to endlessly posture to the left of Al Sharpton in order to maintain his woke bona-fides with the retard urban left; but when you peel back the fascade he’s just another union-protecting hack)
She’s insulting lesbians based on their lesbianism but she means well.
It seems a little more revelatory than that, actually: she’s admitting that “lesbian” is seen as an automatic qualifier in her party, and she’s trying to split hairs between “really” qualified lesbians and lesbians who merely qualify by being lesbian. Just more dismal identitarian horseshit, but I love watching the unintentional honesty and backbiting.
She’s just pissed that she never the mayor job she thought she “deserved” and that her career is over.
These people live and die by the mantra, “It’s not my fault!”
Being a prog means never having to say you’re sorry.
Or using logic, reason, facts, or truth to form opinions, ideas, and especially passing laws that fuck over people but make you feel good..
Credentialism and a true Scotsman. Delicious.
Burge: “Rumor is she only scored a 740 on her Lesbian Aptitude Test”
Followup: “Not sure what’s involved in becoming a qualified lesbian; I’m guessing it involves changing a tire on a Subaru Forester“
Burge’s followers often have damn good material as well:
Serbia: LOL
I love how nobody panics. They just get mad and slowly head for the exits.
My favorite response from the US ambassador, who has apparently never been to the region.
“I’m the US ambassador and I was asleep during the 90’s. What’s a ‘Yugoslavia’?”
A shitty compact car.
Put it in ‘H’ !
No way that’s tear gas. Probably just smoke.
Why the lost kingdom of Patagonia is a live issue for Chile’s Mapuche people
The Kingdom of Araucania and Patagonia was dismissed as the 19th century folly of a quixotic Frenchman but it left a powerful legacy of indigenous sovereignty
One wonders whether The Guardian published similarly neutral pieces detailing the Bundies’ fight with the feds over legitimate gripes about federal heavy-handedness and state sovereignty.
Aw, just kidding. I imagine they treated the Bundies as white supremacists little different from Nazi revanchists.
“Cynthia Nixon was opposed to having a qualified lesbian become mayor of New York City. Now she wants an unqualified lesbian to be the governor of New York. You have to be qualified and have experience. She isn’t qualified to be the governor,” Quinn said.”
What the…? What are these “qualifications” of which she speaks?
It’s all identity shit that changes constantly with these people. Being able to do the job don’t matter. That is why we have the world we have today where credentialed douchebags look down on us plebes for daring to point out they are fucking us over.
No bulls or fatties.
Do you have any idea how much paperwork there is to qualify as lesbian?
(and if you think that’s bad, you should see how much there is to qualify as bisexual)
You have to have 400 hours of muff diving performed under a qualified supervisor before you can even apply for the permit to get a journeyman lesbian qualification.
I bow to your earlier, and funnier, take on this angle.
I always assumed lesbian qualification trials would be oral in nature.
Twice as much?
VDH explains California.
listening to this now, and holy shit, he says 58% of the incoming class as Cal State Fresno are remediated. That means more than half incoming freshman don’t have basic English and Math and need remedial classes.
35 minutes of “This state is so poorly managed”. Depressing.
Up until last July, there was no law against having an open container in a vehicle in Arkansas. Damned statist finally got that outlawed last year.
Montana’s got picked off a few years ago.
Isn’t there a longstanding unfunded mandate from USDOT on this? They’ve probably been wavering for the past 20 years and decided to crack down.
I don’t know about Montana, but they had to pass a law that specifically outlawed open containers in arkansas.
I stayed silent on child abuse. And I blame religion for that
Katie Edwards
I am not saying it is not bad or true but this article kinda smells like well christian white men are to blame really … Which does not change the fact that there are white men rapists and they should be punished or that the victims should not speak out. Just I dunno the timing of this article makes me kinda cynical.
It didn’t even occur to us to tell an adult what had happened. We knew we would be blamed (“What did you think would happen if you hang around with men?”) – I am no expert in British culture but I doubt a that a significant number of British parents would blame their daughter for being assaulted .
When Muslims run a rape gang the real issue is Christians or something
Again I am not saying locals in certain areas do not have abusive behavior, or even cultures that encourage it. Especially among certain poor areas. But I dislike that I became cynical enough to see articles such as this trying to shift blame from something that is a bigger problem. Worse abuse, more organized etc.
And I would say the priority is to improve the local situation before importing an even worse one
I don’t think that’s being cynical. This is the point: deflection. If they choose to deal with the local issue they will be in an uncomfortable position of having to reexamine and lay blame upon politicians and policies that they support.
I think she is correct about one reason why the abuse has gotten so bad in the UK, and it should be addressed directly and forcefully. But it is only one component among many reasons, not the least of which is a moral relativism and progressive political parties willing to sacrifice their own constituents on the altar of multiculturalism.
To be clear, the UK has a reputation for abuse by the upper class as well. It’s a stain on the upper class in general and on Thatcher’s legacy in specific.
I was under the impression that pedophile ring story is not really proven
I’m interested in 6’s take on it, but my impression is that pedophilia has a long and well established history among the upper classes in Britain. Probably has a lot to do with boarding schools and the opportunities they present.
“moral relativism”
Sounds like her whole environment was suffused with a bad culture that nurtured this predation in many ways. I don’t know what the fuck religion has to do with it, except that as a little girl she, already thoroughly infused with that culture, thoroughly misinterpreted a Bible lesson that had absolutely nothing to do with what she thought it did. And she chose to bookend this passage with mentions of her religious education; and the headline writer didn’t help things either. Distracts from any thoughtfulness and makes the whole thing look like a cynical P.C. “anti-Islamophobia” exercise in false equivalency.
Maximum derp just ratcheted up a notch.
The problem here is Joy Behar’s stupidity…
But they are both morons.
Joy Reid is one of the dumbest bitches on television and constantly embarrasses herself on Twitter and in writing but progs are for some reason convinced she is some sort of intellectual. I thought they were kidding at first. I have no idea what the fuck is going on. She is not even smart at her game, the way Maddow is. This one is a total mystery.
That doesn’t make sense on any level. I could buy an AR this afternoon even in NJ (minus an evil feature or 2). It would take me months to get a pistol purchase permit again here.
I assume the kid concealed the pistol until he found the person he wanted to shoot. Is she saying the NRA wants to make concealable AR’s?
Is Joy actually suggesting that the 9mm is a less-lethal round? Or is it somehow worse to be shot at close range with a carbine than a handgun? There’s so much idiocy here I can’t even dissect it all. Regardless, as Breitbart points out, the kid couldn’t legally purchase any firearm in Maryland, being a minor. Besides which, getting a handgun is much harder than getting a rifle here, unless of course you just take your dad’s pistol, which obviously wouldn’t be impacted by any legislation whatsoever. Particularly if, say, your dad is a cop and has a take-home weapon, as almost all police do.
As a side-note, my cousin by marriage goes to that high school. He was up here with the rest of us for a viewing, ironically, and the funeral scheduled today was postponed because of the snow storm.
Well, it’s slower than a .223, as any fule kno.
I’d almost forgotten that little gem. I mean, if you applied the casual ignorance of very basic firearms knowledge that pro-regulation people display to, say, abortion, they’d be run out of town on a rail. But I guess it’s no different than breed bans against “pit bull type dogs” or anti-vaping laws. Which says something very important about the kinds of people who are the loudest proponents of government regulation and bans.
It’s a powerful argument in support of suppressors and subsonic ammo.
Actually, that argument about the relative velocities made me laugh. There have to be representatives who visit youtube channels that obsess over “knock down power” and kinetic energy.
I imagined Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters poring over a laptop screen running an IraqiVeteran8888 video talking about the relative merits of 7.62×51 vs 7.62×39, taking notes.
They might try to revive the greentip ban.
Should I buy stock?
The Energizer Bunny approves.
“100,000 thrusts”
Now I’m going to be counting the next time I get lucky.
We’ll be rootin for you.
+1 Antipodean slang
But Swiss will get ya.
That sounds like a lot of reuse…
Wonder how they test that.
… maybe just a little.
I don’t know about Montana, but they had to pass a law that specifically outlawed open containers in arkansas.
Same in Montana.
Just lost a 15k yearly contract that was up for renewal. Not my fault at all and they admit as much. They just suck at what they do and the management side has destroyed sales. I shouldn’t have taken the contract in the first place given it was an obviously fucked up company, but they paid really well. We’ll be fine because this is only one of eight contracts I got going at the moment. Life lesson: Don’t take work from a company you know is run like crap just because they pay well. It’ll wind up giving you headaches later in life.
“Life lesson: Don’t take work from a company you know is run like crap just because they pay well. It’ll wind up giving you headaches later in life.”
Very good advice. If I may add, also avoid working for government companies in places where said government is prone to obscene failures (any blue state)…
That’s the kicker, Alex. Five of my contracts are with the government. Seriously, *sigh*. They pay insanely high for what I do, so that is a bigger opium fix to kick.
They usually have to pay insanely high to attract people that otherwise would say it is not worth the risk Straffin. I used to do a lot of work for the Feds (never was stupid enough to work for the blue states I unfortunately ended up living in) and this trend always was obvious. When the pay seems to be too good, that usually is because the project is shit and they will fuck things up. That having been said, I know some people that have made a killing taking the risk and working for government (especially state or municipal government). It did help that they were connected and that they likely did some underhanded shit to get the contracts too. Yeah, from my personal observations, these lucky people were hardcore democrats, purely by chance I surmise.
I’m not making a killing, but it would be a big hit to the bottom line to cut off the govt work. It is a bit different than the U.S. and I think most of the people I work with have a work ethic (despite working for the state) that doesn’t exist in government workers in the states. Justifying a bit, but also a “when in Rome” thing, too.
Shorter version: I’m just a welfare queen.
But is there a salaryman somewhere who’s going to throw himself in front of a bullet train as a result?
Lol. To off yourself in front of a bullet train would take quite the effort.
You could make some cash convincing Takara to dub their Transformers episodes into english. The only english dubs that exist now were done in Singapore, and they have, um, issues.
What government run healthcare always ends up looking like in the end. I admit I didn’t read the whole article, but this being the WaPo, I am goign to make a bet the author never mentions the reason that they have this problem in the first place: socialism.
Life lesson: Don’t take work from a company you know is run like crap just because they pay well. It’ll wind up giving you headaches later in life.
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
Is anyone aware of what’s going on over at YouTube? Supposedly they’re banning gun related material but I subscribe to several gun channels and nothing’s missing. Has anyone noticed any of this stuff getting purged?
Spike tactical got booted, but thats the only one I’m aware of, and they tend to push the boundaries.
That was a while ago, though IIRC.
He’s a bit longwinded and all but if Hicock45 gets booted I really am done with them, I won’t even follow a link.
This – that’s when the app gets uninstalled.
I watched a lot of videos from Hickock45 in the months before we bought out pistols last December.
He’s the biggest that I know of on YT. There are a lot of other great gun channels there too. If you need to fix or install anything on your firearm, which can be tricky if you don’t know what you’re doing, you van find a how to video there. If they do away with that they’ll lose a lot of people.
Hickok45 talked about. His videos are still going up.
Ugh, released recently apparently-YouTube’s new policy on firearms:
The first click of the ratchet
“The Livestock Levy: are regulators considering meat taxes?
Could taxation of meat products be a way to mitigate these global challenges? The pathway to taxation typically starts when there is global consensus that an activity or product harms society. This leads to an assessment of their financial costs to the public, which in turn results in support for some form of additional taxation. Taxes on tobacco, carbon and sugar have followed this playbook.
For example, a 2015 report from the World Health Organization (WHO) classifying processed meat as carcinogenic echoes similar reports on the harmful effects of tobacco and sugar; while the work of the University of Oxford quantified the potential cost savings from reductions in meat consumption, echoing the UK’s Stern Review in 2006 – which first made the case to invest now to mitigate climate change or risk paying much more later.
Meat taxes are already on the agenda in Denmark, Sweden and Germany, and although no proposals have advanced into actual legislation, long-term investors should take note of the compelling arguments being made, especially in Denmark and Sweden. It was in the Nordics that the first carbon tax was introduced in 1990.”
“are regulators considering meat taxes?”
Of course they are…
What’s next? Meat beating taxes?
To be clear, that was Rhy’s response to AlexinCT’s tax proposal, not Northern Europe’s.
That would be a fuck-off. Or maybe fuck-a-thon.
“All-women’s college asks profs not to call students ‘women’
Mount Holyoke College, an all-women’s school, is asking professors to avoid calling students “women” or otherwise referring to “the two genders.”
The Supporting Trans and Non-Binary Students guide was created by officials at the college, which touts its legacy as an all-women’s college, in an effort to promote a “gender neutral” classroom environment.
“When discussing the student body, say ‘Mount Holyoke students’ rather than ‘Mount Holyoke women,’” it instructs professors. “Avoid making statements like ‘We’re all women here…’, or referring to ‘…the two genders…’”
The guide claims that “many students spend the first day of class braced against various types of disrespect,” such as “professors who mispronounce their names, call them by the wrong name entirely, misgender them, and so on.”
To avoid accidentally insulting students, the guide instructs faculty members to avoid calling names from attendance rosters and instead invite students to introduce themselves during class.”
Burn. It. Down.
Oh, the humanity!
I don’t understand, how is it an all-women’s school then? Or did they also engineer some replacement term for “all-women’s school” ? If so, I kind of want to know what it is, out of morbid curiosity.
“Student barred from class for claiming there are two genders
According to Ingle, the class was forced to watch a Ted-Talk on February 28 featuring Paula Stone, a transgender woman, who gave examples of “mansplaining,” “male privilege,” and systematic sexism. Following the video, Ingle wrote that the instructor “opened the floor to WOMEN ONLY. Barring men from speaking until the women in the class have had their chance to speak.”
After some time had elapsed, Ingle stated he “took this opportunity to point out the official view of biologists who claim there are only two biological genders,” and refuted the “gender wage gap,” after which class resumed as normal.
“The floor was opened, and not a single woman spoke. Thirty seconds or so passed and still no woman had spoken. So, I decided it was permissible for me to enter the conversation, especially because I felt the conversation itself was completely inappropriate in its structure,” Ingle told Campus Reform. “I objected to the use of the anecdotal accounts of one woman’s experience to begin a discussion in which they were considered reality. It was during my objection that Dr. Downie attempted to silence me because I am not a woman.””
Yeah, this story – especially the damned that he apologize or face even harsher punishment for daring to challenge the left’s idiocy – shows us how bad things have gotten…
For every one of these people that speak up there have to be dozens who are harassed by faculty /staff that we never hear about because they drop the issue. Things seem to be rapidly getting worse on a number of fronts lately.
If there are more than two genders, but only women were allowed to speak for a time, wouldn’t that be exclusionary of the genders other than male and female?
Do they even believe their own bullshit?
Pointing out logical inconsistencies is harassment.
Those people are on the list of people whose arguments I won’t even pretend to entertain.
Let’s take a page from Saul Alinsky, and make them live by their rules.
I identify as non-binary. My pronouns are:
Nominitive: oripica eg Enraged, oripica called out the rad-fem for failing to punch a Nazi.
Genitive: askyuk eg Oripica proved askyuk point by showing the video of the rad-fem walking by the Nazi and not doing anything.
Dative masto eg Oripica then invited the rad-fem to apologize to masto and the rest of the woke community.
Accusitive ollader eg The rad fem shrieked “Fuck you!” and attempted to punch ollader in askyuk “no no place” <- This was a hate crime worse that Auschwitz
Ablative shertic eg Seeing oripica balling askyuk fists, the rad fem tried to run away from shertic.
Locative lustent eg Luckily, oripica had taken the precauting of bringing askyuk most woke friends, who grabbed the rad fem, and dragged her back to lustent. After they threw her at askyuk feet, oripica, in an act of self defense against nazism, stomped her face until her nose shattered and her face was a bloody ruin.
Use them wrong, and I will be reporting you to the local human rights tribunal. Be warned.
Oh, and next week they'll grow a syllable longer, or change. Who knows what the future holds?
Let’s take a page from Saul Alinsky, and make them live by their rules.
Not that I don’t like the idea, but I think “make them live by their own rules” only works if they have an iota of reluctance about being blatantly hypocritical. As far as I’m able to tell, their big minds brook no such hobgoblins.