I’d apologize but that would be showing signs of weakness, so instead I give you UNBROKEN EYE CONTACT.
TMZ publishes some screenshots of alleged bomber’s blog posts from a ways back. He sounds like a peach.
Israeli Defense Chief Regrets Clearing 2007 Syria Nuclear Reactor Strike for Publication: Israel claimed credit for the 2007 attack, 11 years after it was carried out to stop Syria from developing a nuclear capacity with North Korean help. Haaretz is being useful by putting everything you need to know about the news in the headline and making the article about the politics behind the news, which are kinda fun.
Speaking of Israel, this is one girl lucky to still be alive. Try this in Egypt or Lebanon or Syria and see what happens.
Most of kidnapped schoolgirls freed, Nigeria says. The rest of the world responds with “wait, that was STILL going on? WTF?” Edit: “Most of the 110 schoolgirls kidnapped last month in Nigeria by the terror group Boko Haram have been released and returned to their hometown of Dapchi, a Nigerian minister said Wednesday.” Late links are bad links y’all.
A girl having a period? Gross! /OMWC
“Spinsters.” /OMWC
Rule #1: Never appologize
I never apologize. Sorry if you don’t like it.
*squints…. golf clap*
Not even, “sorry that you feel that way” ?
“He sounds like a peach.”
I agree with doing away with the sex offender registry. And the sidebar.
I haven’t had a peach in a long while. I remember them being tasty but messy. I don’t recall what they sound like.
They sound like good sex.
Plums > peaches
That’s just a fact
I am eating a nectarine, *right now*.
Stone fruits are only acceptable if there isn’t any other kind of fruit available.
If you buy them in a can they have no stone. Here’s a documentary about it.
I knew a guy in Iraq that played that song in his shop off a playlist on his iPod, on repeat. So I heard 6 times a day. 6 days a week. For 6 months.
I wanted to choke him.
Damn. That right there is enough to cause PTSD
Don’t get me started on The Spin Doctors.
That’s wronger than wrong.
Do you believe vinegar is more refreshing than wine as well?
You’re crazy to defend the honor of peaches. What’s next nectarines?
What happened to you in Georgia? It’s ok, let it all out.
Can’t find it now, but LA Times had a surprisingly helpful article on picking peaches that made a big difference on my peach preferences. This is some of the information, but the thing I’m remembering was more comprehensive.
Did it involve Dueling Banjos?
Do you dare to eat a peach?
Depends on what kind of peach we’re talking about.
Dwayne Allman hit hardest.
I was thinking the women talking of Michelangelo were hit hardest.
I don’t know, Duane got hit by a truck. They hit pretty hard.
Of course he hit hard. He was all man.
I’m sure Michelle Obama has been tirelessly meme-ing about it.
See rule #1
See? You mocked her pouty faced Twatter pics, but they worked!
“The rest of the world responds with “wait, that was STILL going on? WTF?””
That hashtag was super effective.
Sounds like a typical Stormfronter. I suppose Austin represented all he thought was wrong in the world, what with all teh gheys and weirdos.
Too many gays, not enough kiddie diddlers.
He wants to get rid of the sex offender registry. He’s practically a libertarian.
Needs more racism.
I guess (((())) weren’t invented in 2012, he could have sprinkled them about to at least partially meet the quota.
Work won’t let me open a PDF from TMZ. Can someone supply them to me in an alternate medium? kthnx
No to gay marriage
Yes to Death Penalty
No to sex offender registry
No to government funded abortion
Nothing about (((them)))?
Unfortunately not. He seems like a standard run-of-the-mill person with wrong thoughts.
I agree with his position on sex registry and on taxpayer funded abortions, so I’m probably just as evil as him or something according to my betters
You and I are only 50% as bad as him! We can hold our heads high!
That and they’re from 2012. For a 23-year-old on the internet that is like formulating an opinion on modern Egyptian politics by looking to the Obelisk of Senusret I.
formulating an opinion on modern Egyptian politics by looking to the Obelisk of Senusret I.
That’s unnatural
I have been assured that 17 year olds are the source of all political wisdom in the country
Was there any bigger POS than Sensuret I?
Maybe that Chris Columbus guy.
So, basically John?
Only more likable.
I went half-John with Jesse yesterday and I’m still ashamed of myself. I honestly don’t know how John is able to live with this guilt. He must not be Catholic
1/3-John at most. Don’t beat yourself up over it.
Yeah automatically if you display the kind of self-reflectiveness, flexibility of thought, lack of egotistical investment and digging in your heels, humility and general ability to realize and publicly acknowledge things like this, etc., you have already shown yourself to possess the most important virtues in spades.
I never saw these characteristics that people ascribe to John myself during my limited interactions with him on TOS, but it’s pretty safe to say Say’n showed he was hardly in their grasp with the interaction in question!
Who doesn’t want gay marge? It’s large Marge you gotta worry about.
I’m sympathetic to John’s point if not his tone. I would have preferred for government to get out of the marriage business all together, I just don’t think that t was going to happen. Also, I’m pretty damn partial to federalism.
I want the government out of it altogether, but I’ll take “legalizing it” over John’s transparent wish to keep it illegal.
John rejects, from what I gather, the use of “legal”/”illegal” language to refer to a government benefit rather than a restriction of any private activity. Just like the use of “ban” to refer to certain arrangements falling outside the metaphysical concept of an institution shared by every single human society throughout the course of human history prior to 2001.
He’s right, even though I agree with you that it is good policy to concoct this extension of the concept, if we must keep up this preposterous practice of government “solemnization” of sexual relationships.
John may have had a principled position on gay marriage, but his argumentation was fast and loose and at any given point would include whatever angle of attack he felt was most effective in that moment (often to the point of undermining the premises of earlier held positions).
Most of the language stuff (for all commenters on both sides, not just John) was about browbeating opponents into using more cumbersome language, which was a fair enough tactic in a world where market-tested phrasing is vitally important to public receptiveness, but often bogged down conversations in “No you can’t say legalize gay marriage, you have to say ‘government recognition of same sex unions in a way that is a mockery of marriage as understood by the entirety of humanity’.” “Fine can we say same-sex marriage recognition?” “I guess…until we relitigate this argument tomorrow.”
Jesse, I don’t think I’ve heard anybody describe John’s schtick so perfectly. It was so easy to get sucked into his game because there was an underlying truth to what he said, but he was so focused on manipulating the conversation that nobody wanted to agree with him lest they be tainted with his… erm… antisocial tendencies.
“What happened to you? You used to be one of the smarter posters here.”
lol, classic
LOL read my mind
Oh Jesus. You mean he’s…right on everything? This is worse than I thought. Never seen a conservative-liberal terrorist before; always joked about it because it seemed so farfetched.
(Assuming not averse to marriage privatization)
His arguments are terrible and incoherent, though. Like those of most 17-year-olds.
This is good fodder for the culture warriors. Yaaayyyy.
Yeah, exactly what I was suggesting. I’m certainly not glad to have finally encountered a terrorist who agrees with me. And i’m not looking forward to the hay people make with this, if they have finally found a non-fictional manifestation of the type they have long sought to tie to violent extremism.
Fuck, I don’t like to hear in the media anyone agreeing with me, since most people who enter the public spotlight in any capacity for any reason turn out to be fucking idiots.
He wrote:
Awww! He sounds like a nice guy!*
*Hello Mr. FBI Man. That was a joke.
Invented by me, engineered by Pa
I got a “violating terms of service” message. WTF?
Yeah, wtf was that about?
“this goo.gl shortlink has been disabled. It was found to be violating our Terms of Service.”
Uh oh. What did you do?
Nice Google TOS violation…
Is it more alternative energy powered my messican orphans?
Go to your room this instant, young lady!
The great right wing purge is spreading outside of Youtube onto other Google properties!!!
Da fuq?
That’ll teach me to use a shortener
P.S. My Pa and I decided it was easier to do it with the skis upside-down after I got my snow-hating neighbor to come out and film. Might see if she’ll do another take.
I am disappointed that your adorable little contraption doesn’t use adorable little skiis.
Oh, they’re adorable little skis when compared to normal skis. They’re 135s!
Nice! Cool little invention/tool.
That’s pretty sweet, but not as awesome as yet another appearance of the rainbow onesie snowsuit. ?
Damn your nimble fingers!
I fucking love that thing. I think I should buy another in case the one I have gets damaged. Won’t ski without it!
Gotta love the 70s rainbow snowsuit.
Those boots are pretty mac daddy as well KK.
Real, authentic Moon Boots!
Kooky. I like widgets.
That’s…brilliant. Damn. You should kickstart it. Think of the orphans you can buy for the mines with the money you make!
That invention is awesome, KK. Have you considered the plastic ratchet strap thingies or incrementally locking bungees one sees on bike racks and the like? Probably hard to get in small lots but maybe find a used rack on CL or something.
That outfit is totes adorbs. Squee.
Very nice! Congrats on seeing your project come to life…it’s an awesome feeling ain’t it?
It’s about the size of a small water bottle. It could probably fit in a fanny pack. It definitely fits in a small Camelback-style backpack.
What others have said. You should probably get a provisional patent in on that thing before somebody steals your caddy idea…unless you don’t care about the idea getting stolen. It could have “off road” options as well and make a pretty penny.
We have one – Pa is a bona fide professional inventor. We’re preparing the full-fledged patent now. Just need to see iff it’ll be design or utility.
If yall are planning on filing pro se and want me to take a look before you file, lemme know. Email me at zr9jcra46wey@opayq.com
Thanks trashy!! I’ll let my dad know. He did his last invention pro se, but got rejected, so went to an attorney. The design didn’t change, just the paperwork. He got the patent. Government!
It’s really rare for them to allow on the first go around. They gotta make their money somewhere. I just dealt with an allowed case that had been through 5 rejections and an appeal before being allowed, and thats not even all that abnormal.
Updated – convinced my neighbor to come out and video again.
Very cool Kristen! I like the first pump at the end.
LOL – was wondering if someone would notice the Judd Nelson!
Of course the domain I want for the web site is taken. It’s not even parked by a reseller, but it’s also not in use. Frustrating!
When it first started I though, “I had this same thing 25 years ago with a boot carrier”. My boot carrier accommodated skis and poles but it doesn’t look like your ski carrier accommodates boots.
Other than that I say, “go for it!”. Also, as someone mentioned upthread, you have little wheels; turn it over and have little skis.
… Hobbit
I hear ya…we actually imagine people will already be wearing their boots when they use it. Observing the crowds at Copper, most people coming up from the parking lot already had their boots on, so they must have changed at their car.
Put an s on the end.
skiscooters.com is available.
or, make the URL active
/selfemployed on
Let me know if you want to go into production. I’d love to submit a bid on whatever machineable bits you might need.
/selfemployed off
If we get to the mass production stage, I’ll post here about any RFPs
I do branding/marketing/advertising.
@ Juan; you own your own machine shop? What kind of machines do you have?
Sorry for the hijack, KK
Nothing major…A Bridgeport Romi Ezpath cnc lathe, a Bridgeport knee mill clone converted to cnc, and an okuma howa millac 3va vmc. As well as the typical drill press bandsaw etc.
Well that’s cool. Gotta start somewhere. And -as you know- there’s a lot you can do with those three machines.
Are you a one-man show?
At work I program a Haas ST-30 lathe,a Haas VF-6 VMC, and a Trumpf 4030 laser. But, that’s other people’s money that bought those!
So to highjack and corpses fuck the thread. How do you like the Haas st-30? At my job we are trying to decide between the Haas and a DMG Mori lathe. The Haas is way cheaper but unsure since I have no experience with them, and the sales people don’t seem to be able to answer any questions about how accurate it can be.
It’s a nice machine. A good operator can hold 0.0005″ on it. If I were a machining business owner, I would buy Haas all the time. I might change my mind if I needed to hold 0.001″ or less on everything I did, but for run of the mill production work, Haas is definitely the way to go.
Another thing to keep in mind; I have no idea what DMG Mori’s service is like, but Haas service is 1st rate. When needed, we can get parts and service techs in very quickly. And they also have great phone support and will do their best to talk you through any issues before sending a tech out.
Yup. One guy atm.
I guess that’s fair enough.
Is that somebody here?
Free speech includes speech you both agree with and disagree with. Free speech includes speech that both makes you feel good and offended.
Apparently it also includes running the clauses of your sentences through a meat grinder.
Since the bikinis this morning were such a hit, here is REVENGE OF THE BIKINI BABES PART DEUX.
1, 3, 4, 6, 18, 21, 25, 30, 31, 42.
Not that I’m complaining, but some of these chicks need to realize that butt pics are not the most flattering for girls with flat butts.
Those pics though seemed to have been snapped by someone else. So somebody must’ve liked ’em.
More freckles imo.
It’s a bit amusing that shortly after a big prog social event in Austin, two major tech companies (YouTube, Reddit) decided to roll out new policies to stigmatize gun ownership.
See!? Shaming them with a Twitter campaign does work.
Eh…..not sure that six year old blog posts really tell us much about the bomber creep, but whatever.
Our old friend Barton Hinkleheimer Schmidt calls out Elizabeth Warren on why an unaccountable CFPB was a bad idea even when “the right people” were in charge.
The CFPB is supposed to exist to punish financial institutions and because the expectation has been set by some that consumers have zero agency. What happen?
“Baltimore Cops Carried Toy Guns to Plant on People They Shot, Trial Reveals
One officer involved in the city’s massive corruption scandal said officers kept the replicas “in case we accidentally hit somebody or got into a shootout, so we could plant them.”
I actually read this, and it fucking makes my blood boil.
Fucking heros. The whole lot of the them.
How the hell do people in Baltimore allow the one travesty after another without meaningfully changing their government?
“How the hell do people in [essentially any solidly Blue city] allow the one travesty after another without meaningfully changing their government?”
The generational poor, the extras from The Wire, who are getting the guns planted on them just accept that police and government are corrupt as a matter of course. The rest of the city is generally content to have police arresting people who live in the kind of places the Yuppie urban colonists and the legacy blue-collar families can’t be in without getting beaten and robbed so long as they keep the corruption to a minimum. And the rich people live in the county or well away from the shitty parts where cops plant guns on people, so they don’t care. Besides, half of them are in the government directly or indirectly.
Do you even machine politics, bruh?
But they got home safely at the end of the day, so it’s all good.
But remember guys, Democrats are totally serious about making police accountable and stuff.
I’m getting so cynical I just assume having “drop” guns is SOP in most urban police departments.
I don’t really give a shit either way about the congratulating Putin this, but this is hilarious.
“…Russian election, saying that “conditions were clearly skewed” in favor of Putin….”
It’s not like he had the media, DOJ, and FBI on his side.
I think the whole thing is hilarious.
Makes you wonder if they noticed he doesn’t do what they recommend, why don’t they just recommend the opposite?
The Costanza strategy, yeah
The WaPo. Right.
Please, please, please let our political discourse be degraded enough to have a “celebrity” boxing match between these two. The internet livestream would be the apex of American culture!
The part when Trump comes out first and throws hundred dollar bills into the crowd while bellowing “Everybody has a price!” will be the apex of the apex.
He doesn’t need to pay me to punch Biden, but if he’s paying….
We live in a world where a Trump/DiBiase tag team is more than possible.
A Trump/DiBiase tag team, LIVE from the White House lawn!
Seriously, you can just put a gun to my head and shoot me right then and there because that moment would never be surpassed in a million years.
And we’ll charge Mexico to watch it, wall payed for, budget balanced.
I’m pretty sure that they would both collapse in the middle of round one.
Trump is 6′ 2″ 236. Biden is 6′ 180. I’d bet on Trump.
Put that way, Trump has the reach advantage, but I’m guessing Biden has more stamina. Rope-a-dope redux?
::Adopts Henry Kinssinger Accent::
It really comes down to who would make it the longest before stroking out. My money’s on Trump.
Trump looks like he is carry a lot more excess weight than Biden. I think Joe wins by an infarction.
They’re both in their 70s and hardly look like fitness fanatics. Someone will probably fracture a hip within 2 minutes.
Trump would be too busy fucking Joanna Angel to show up.
She doesn’t strike me as his type.
Trumps tiny hands would put him at a disadvantage; harder to square up your punches. While Biden has been keeping his hands well conditioned by awkwardly massaging the necks and backs of pre-adolescent girls.
Trump would change his mind about showing up and Biden wouldn’t be able to find his way.
Joe was talking about the high school he was in an hour before this quote, molesting some girls. If he were still in that high school, buddy…!
I’d like to see Trump twit to that with something like “U mad, bro? Do you even lift?”
“you’re mom gay”
Ah shit….I should of scrolled down just a hair further…
That reminds me of the best non-music thing MTV ever did.
If Trump can kick Vince McMahon’s ass, I have money on him walloping Biden.
OMG … did you see what he did to CNN?
That the world was robbed of Biden/Trump debate that was its right in 2016 is the shittiest fact about the overall shitty election.
I doubt trump has ever been in a fist fight in his life. Maybe Biden has. Either way, it would be a pathetic fight.
I can easily imagine Biden puffing up his chest before throwing a punch at the back of his opponent’s head – that misses. Then falling down, wheezing to his feet, yelling something incoherent, jumping into his TransAm, and squealing out of the Arby’s parking lot.
Trump would run off with one of the ring girls before the fight began. Because when you are President, they just let you.
It’s good to be the MAGA
All Trump needs to do is distract Biden with:
A vintage Camaro with spoiler and hood scoop
Something someone else wrote
The 11-year-old daughter of a Senator with nice hair.
To all those in Illinois, I came up with a joke on the train regarding our recent primary elections yesterday.
“Isn’t it a delicious irony that the Chicago Democratic Machine was employed to STOP a Kennedy from winning office?”
It’s a funny joke- screw all of you!
*runs away crying*
Ha! Now that’s funny!
This was a different mass schoolgirl kidnapping.
Nigeria seems lovely.
Ah for fuck’s sake. I saw Boko Haram and made a dumb assumption…I’ll update in the links.
Them being released is good news regardless. Free Wolf Cola for everyone:
But it’s totes racist to suggest that they’re a shithole country.
What maketh a “shithole”?
In the case of Nigeria, it is true that it has a higher GDP (PPP), than Poland, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Singapore. However, when we look at it per capita, Nigeria is well below those countries, with Singapore having the 3rd highest GDP (PPP) per capita in the world. Finally, if we look at Gross National Income, which takes the GDP and adds in money flowing in from foreign countries and subtracts money flowing out to foreign countries, Nigeria has a GNI slightly above the West Bank and Moldova. Clearly, Nigeria cannot blame its economy, as its total value of goods and services is higher than several European and Asian countries, yet the individual Nigerian doesn’t seem to benefit from it.
Just trying to generate discussion; I don’t have any answers.
But there are so. many. princes.
You nailed it. When the royal family settled there, they should have brought more peasants.
Don’t worry. Some day your prince will come.
They seem to have more princes per capita than any country though.
India’s got a huge economy by raw numbers, but I’d still call it a shithole due to cultural influences encouraging corruption and lack of self-ownership/personal responsibility. Those two little things iterated a few million times (like a fractal) and you end up with oligarchs controlling a massively corporatist, crony infested economy, piles of garbage on the street 10 feet high and a lack of respect for human life.
Not a true free market, this results in massive amounts of desperately poor people who have nothing to lose. Some number of these people will turn to crime. Lack of gun rights or protections for exercise of self-defense leads to insecurity of personal safety.
All that corruption discourages private investment that could improve infrastructure (roadz, clean water, sewage etc.) and capital investment in new businesses. That keeps the average person in a state of filth and more susceptible to disease with little to no upward mobility.
I think you’d see similar patterns in other “shithole” countries.
That’s my take.
That’s where I lean towards as well. The map of the Corruption Perception Index basically doubles as a map that distinguishes the 1st World from the 2nd and 3rd.
I thought corruption was libertarian?
I see corruption as a form of coercion, so utterly un-libertarian. At least in my view.
Presumably a joke. Everyone thinks corruption is utterly antithetical to libertarianism.
That’s a relatively misleading way of presenting that, Winston. By using the main link to the article (I know you can’t easily get to comment specific links) and not tagging the speaker quoted as one of the commenters the reasonable expectation would be that you’re pulling from the main text of the article linked.
Also I’m not sure anything in the quoted text or the subsequent thread indicates Just Say’n was conflating a small but efficient form of local government with a libertarian ideal.
Ah, Chicago, libertarian utopia.
I loved the Mimi story. And I understand the point being made, including by Say’n, with his ongoing nostalgia for old-school Chicago. There was a sense that the machines in our cities were at least of the people in some broad sense. Now it seems like the whole exercise is at its heart as corrupt as ever, but just polished and prettied, and parasitic on the backs of the little guy for the benefit of some soy-sipping interloper class (most infuriatingly of all, when their interests are dressed up in some self-serving “cause”). It’s dispiriting.
There’s also something to be said for the “honesty” of the spoils system–especially when operating above-board and legally, as it did e.g. in Sayin’s Illinois until being phased out gradually starting in the ’70s. I think the Mises Institute has some thoughtful stuff on this.
It’s important not to romanticize it, though. We’re talking relative stuff here. (And American big-city corrupt machine politics was still American, suffused with our political culture, and not coincidentally much less poisonous than the corrupt cultures elsewhere.) Corruption is not only inimical to libertarianism in a theoretical, philosophical sense because of what it inherently is; it’s severely inimical in practice because it is toxic to the “rule of law,” the heart of the necessary condition for libertarian civil society.
Also OMWC seemed to be saying the same thing as Just Say’n. Sure Mimi was a crook but he was for the people!
I don’t like that for several reasons. First it creates the misleading impression that corrupt pols want to leave people alone which questionable. And if it were true then why aren’t Africa and Latin America much better off? And lastly the implication is that the USG needs to more corrupt which is crazy.
I’m sorry; I thought you were actually taking the side of the romanticizers, contesting my point that corruption is inimical to libertarianism. You were actually contesting my point that nobody claims that it is not.
Also, FWIW while I believe in the instrumental value of subsidiarity as a general rule of thumb like any other liberal, I am far more cynical about it than almost everyone of like ideology I’ve encountered. I’m rather staunchly pragmatic and downright ad-hoc about it–pretty much at the opposite end of the spectrum from Ron Paul, whom I generally admire greatly but whom I think flirts around with crossing a line into subsidiarist inherentism, which is antithetical to libertarianism, with some of his rhetoric. So I don’t really fuck with this romanticization of the “responsive” neighborhood pol. (And a Chicagoan is the last person who should.)
My bad. That was Just Say’n.
He seems to saying that a corrupt form of government can be better.
The second quote is from an article by Jeff Tucker on Marion Barry. The squirrels won’t let me post the link.
Sorry. Sarcasm is hard to get across on the internet.
Nigeria is fucking enormous. Why would you even think of measuring a country’s shitholiness by total GDP-PPP?
The point was that Nigeria isn’t a god-forsaken wasteland with no natural resources to exploit.
Nigeria also has a VERY prolific (and, from a US perspective, shockingly fast) film industry. IIRC, Nigeria cranks out more films per year than any other country except for the US. The inability to enforce IP law means that a producer has only about 2 weeks to recoup their investment before their product is duped and distributed around the world by others.
Even more than India?
Those stories will get more attention when they go old school and start shipping girls out of Europe to the slave markets.
Yeah, this most recent one was from an ISIS regional clone.
You can complain about her virtue signaling, but she’s strictly amateur compared to the Senate.
97 – 2 “huurr derr snoo snoo bad”
It’s not about actually making good policy and maybe making a positive difference, it’s about seeming to. What a useless bunch of twats.
I had trouble finding who the 2nd opponent was. It was exactly who I hoped it would be, but I wanted to make sure.
Same here. Is it pissy of me to note that ENB cites Wyden for his vote but ignores Rand?
No shit. The other Senator was Rand Paul. Surprise, surprise. Fucking ENB is such an unbelievable disgrace
Well at least she mentioned him in passing. Wyden got the picture and the bulk of the story about him. It makes sense. Why would an ostensibly libertarian publication highlight the principled opposition of the only Senator who agrees with them on 99% of the issues versus a Senator who agrees with them on less than 5% of the issues. Makes total sense
Unless, and I’m just talking crazy here, maybe ENB is just a single-issue prog. It’s a wild eyed crazy idea, I know
That single issue: the Land Value Tax. That is why the Glibs hate her so.
“the principled opposition of the only Senator who agrees with them on 99% of the issues”
Don’t be so sure.
Fair enough. I scanned through the article and missed his name.
I like reading the responses to Rand Paul’s tweets because it reminds me how everyone on the ‘left’ AND ‘right’ holds atrocious views. Libertarianism must truly be orthogonal to that.
I looked up FOSTA vote, and the first news link I clicked had the two who voted against.
I love when they play the game “Ron Wyden is the Most Libertarian Leaning Senator Ever- Screw You Rand Paul!”
Q: How is he on overseas wars?
A: Well, pretty terrible…..unless a Republican is president. Then he’s pretty good
Q: How is he on free market issues?
A: Well, pretty terrible…..unless it’s a Republican imposing tariffs. Then he’s somewhat good
Q: How is he on government transparency?
A: Well, pretty awful…..unless a Republican is president. Then he’s still pretty bad, unless it hurts the Republican administration
Have they ever actually made this claim? I do think they’re a little blinded by his good qualities since he actually contradicts his party—thus it shows a measure of admirable independence and free-thinking—such that they overlook it when he votes illiberally and obscenely; but I don’t remember them writing about him being Thee Most-Libertarian.
midgetlil’ person in the room.The only time the two parties come together to do something is when it’s anti-liberty. Bipartisan legislation is the worst.
The two parties sure don’t have any problem with giving themselves more power. They will come together for that anytime.
Both stupid and evil — bipartisanship
TMZ publishes some alleged screenshots of alleged bomber’s blog posts from a ways back. He sounds like a peach.
TMZ publishes some alleged screenshots of alleged bomber’s blog posts from a ways back. He sounds like a peach.
Does HTML not work here? Tried the close tag slash both ways with the same result.
Depends on the tag you want to use.
strong, em, strike, a, and blockquote all work
Deprecated HTML tags don’t work.
“Oh, most merciful and benevolent edit faery…”
BTW, I’m not buying it. Just too convenient and if true, it’s six tears old and written by a 17-year-old.
Definitely a false flag operation from ANTIFA HQ. What else could it be?
Definitely couldn’t be that someone who hates people would try to kill them.
To be fair, what were Obama’s gay marriage views 6 years before becoming a US senator?
Quick! Turn on his teleprompter!
He was still against it a couple years into his Presidency, IIRC…
I think he’s asking whether or not he was “pro” before he was “against” before he was “pro” as a shrewd political choice.
That’s two comments by ruodberht in the last few minutes that kinda went over my head. I need alcohol…and to not be at work…and alcohol.
Do you remember Obama’s pre-presidential politics?
ruodberht does!
He was clean and articulate as fuck, is all I know!
Not a hint of Negro dialect except when he needs it.
“I’m all for it but we need to lie to the rubes for the time being” would be my guess.
“I was privately in favor but publicly opposed until my loose cannon twit of a VP forced my hand”
More like:
“Whatever, I don’t care. Tell me what to say to get elected.”
Speaking of Obama, he’s in New Zealand and the local media are still gaga: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=12017452
Playing golf and losing to former PM; playing golf at private club where membership is in 6 figures; meeting with current PM; speaking at “glitzy waterfront dinner.”
Sounds like collusion to me.
I’m sure Mueller will meet him at the airport for his Hatch Act arrest.
If they’d been evolving the whole time as rapidly as they eventually would, I’d extrapolate that at the time they were roughly between “beheading” and “being thrown off a building.”
“Speaking of Israel, this is one girl lucky to still be alive. Try this in Egypt or Lebanon or Syria and see what happens.”
Love it’s what makes a Palestinian.
I think that has been discussed many times before.
He was absolutely right. That is my go to solution whenever someone brings up the trolley problem.
When utilitarianism meets socialism.
A libertarian is born
Thanks to this comment, I knew exactly what the kid’s solution would be
The Trolley Song is a violation of the NAP.
Too much effort. Easier to just multi-track drift
The only response that retarded exercise in autistic twattery deserves.
That was a fun game. Quite nerve-racking once it picked up speed. I just couldn’t understand why the guy wouldn’t drop bombs all over town if he was that fast all along. Or did he only wish to destroy that one wall?
This link was supposed to be in post #25
I liked the movie.
The fact that you can still view Count Dankula’s YouTube channel in the US, but not in the UK, justifies the whole American Revolution.
YouTube has got a full staff ban boner right now. Wait for them to start implementing these rules voluntarily.
Never has there been a greater need for an alternative platform.
There’s Minds.com. Several people I follow on YouTube have either moved all the way over or are doing posts on both. I think it’s got a lot of potential if it can get enough content providers in play.
The idea is you have an account and you post stuff on it. You follow people, you blog, you comment, you chat, that sort of thing. For anything you put up, members can “tip” you however much money. They can also send you a monthly payment. You also get paid like $1 for every 1000 points you acquire through things like posting new stuff, getting more followers, checking in regularly, that sort of thing. There’s a bunch of monetization stuff you can do beyond that. The general concept is the company provides the platform and then leaves everyone alone, and ideally you get a ton of people making all sorts of content and paying each other for it. They’ve gone to great lengths to position themselves as content-agnostic, specifically as a response to Facebook and YouTube.
I used to check Liberty.me out, but haven’t in some time. Looks like it’s still going. It’s Jeffrey Tucker’s brainchild, and it’s kind of like a “rich” blog in a sense. Blog-based, no video, but think a WordPress blog where every user has his/her own channel and can post stuff. It used to be a paid membership thing, ostensibly to keep the comments serious, but it looks like they linked up with Free the People, Matt Kibbe’s organization, and now they just take donations.
Being perfectly honest, not trying to score another Get Out of Cat Butt Free card, the content that y’all generate here is more interesting and the discussions far more lively and intelligent than what I ever saw at Tucker’s deal. Minds.com seems to have more legs than Liberty.me, and the monetary model looks like it will encourage people with day jobs to put some content out and maybe get a couple shekels for it, but it’s still very new and I have a slight fear that it’s just going to turn into the “alt-right” YouTube.
I think one or two gun channels have switched to pornhub. I await the pronouncement of Gun Jesus.
Sadly true.
::thunderous applause::
I love that the bobby is making the weird European siren noise with his voice.
Hilarious. The onion dome (or whatever it’s called) on top of Big Ben was a nice touch, too.
Ah, nice catch! I didn’t notice that.
What I liked most about it was that the bloodthirsty brown savage from tribal Pakistan speaks eloquent, sophisticated perfect English whereas the Brits speak in impenetrable exotic pidgin.
The truly unrealistic about this is that, in fact, the Islamicist savage should have been talking exactly like the bobbies, because, in reality, they grew up ten minutes from each other.
In homage to Dad Joke videos everywhere,
Reason’sTOS’ Andrew Heaton and Austin Bragg try their hand at one-liners, cornball punchlines, and “comedy.”Now they’re ripping off Tom Woods
Yep. Saw his 1000th episode special. His Dad Joke contest with Eric July: good times!
The deadpan delivery and no-laughing is what makes it so funny
Facebook. See? Not invincible.
Enh I don’t like FB either but these people only hopped on the bandwagon because of you-know-who. They were perfectly fine with it when The One did the exact same thing.
Robin Williams was lucky to live before the me-too era. According to his Mork & Mindy co-star:
The pendulum of opinion swings hard, and rarely tarries long in a reasonable middle space.
And here I’ve been pinching girls and pulling their hair.
Wow, Mindy calls them her ‘tits’?
Somehow I would have pictured her more covering her mouth and sheepishly whispering ‘breasts’ sotto voce.
I guess she really could Win with Flavor!
’70s Pam Dawber was cute as hell in a repressed kind of way
Indeed. Had a crush on Dawber when I was a kid.
Mark Harmon did good. I think Dawber was a model and aspired to be an actress, and just got lucky.
Not a tremendous amount to grab there.
Maybe she got some later, but Pam didn’t have any tits when that show started out.
Funny that back then if you complained about that sort of thing you would labeled a backwards Fundy redneck.
Just sounds like your typical hyper-energetic lovable clowning friend. Not surprising at all.
Hate Birds, The Birds That Hate also hate their own offspring
With big business increasingly openly Ron Bailey’s hope that allying with social liberal businessmen has been vindicated.
You forgot to a word.
You are right. *Openly leftist”* is what I meant.
Good to see you posting and even commenting Jesse. Where have you been?
Nowhere special. I’ve had less downtime at work and have been spending more time on meatspace personal relationships or just quietly reading. I love you guys, but sometimes I need a quiet read more than an…engaged one.
Funny. I read that as “engorged”.
Freudian slip…it in?
Say you don’t want it, you don’t want it, you don’t want it but then you slip it on in
Black Flag – not woke
I would NEVER have guessed you had worked in the adult entertainment industry, 6. NEVER.
Some scars never heal.
There’s a reason his nemesis was Number 2.
i.e. his boyfriend was like “Pay attention to me! You’re always on that stupid Glibs website.”
(I might be projecting)
That’s sort of funny. Most nights I try to read a book before going to bed but usually grab my tablet to see what’s going on here.
Congrats on your relationship.
Are there any libertarian SJW’s out there?
Wait, isn’t that a universe ending paradox?
Probably. I mean in theory libertarians support “social justice” (see Sheldon Richman) in opposing statism and protectionism. But that isn’t what the SJW’s want.
-I think there’s a core incompatibility, and here’s why. The “social” part of social justice means one of three things. 1) toiling away behind the scenes feeding the hungry and caring for the poor hoping to effect change; 2) agitating and protesting for change; or 3) petitioning the government for change.
1) is perfectly laudable, but makes no imprint on the national landscape.
2) is annoying and usually only transient. Transient to what?
To 3), of course. Why agitate for people to better themselves and society when you can agitate for government to sit on your opponents and force everybody to do your bidding.
As I understand it, #1 is the Catholic conception of social justice. It’s the Progressives that took the idea that society owes care to those members who are destitute or “needy” and stretched it to mean that the government should referee the myriad conflicts generated by intersectionality.
It’s the difference between, I should do what I can to make a better world and help my fellow (yu)man
I need to force everyone else to do what I think they should do, to that end.
The two ideas couldn’t be more diametrically opposed, and yet. Same name.
This libertarian-kinda guy prefers unadorned justice to any pre-fixed justice. In my view as soon as you add modifiers, you aren’t interested in justice anymore.
Looks like something Dieter from Sprockets would be into.
Und now is ze time on Schprokets ven ve
danceconsume human flesh.I don’t know if that’s actually what’s happening in the story because the Sun is blocked at work. Just guessing from the link.
Pretty much like it sounds.
Performance artist cuts a small piece of flesh from the subjects’ back, then fries it and feeds it to them.
Look, when you do a biopsy, you gotta get rid of the sample somehow.
It vas disturbing. I loved it.
Oh Jesus. That Biden “beat the hell out of him” shit is like some sort of Greatest Hits parody.
(1) A dose of old-school blue collar “folk masculinity,” dispensed and thrown out to the masses. The young ladies, nominally dedicated to extirpating such “toxic,” masculist violence from the next generation of society, are of course in real life starving for it. Their movement is soaked in estrogen, which is supposed to promote sisterhood and solidarity but those are both lies; their rhetoric from this and other causes is stale, academic (though not even possessing of the “patriarchal concept” of rigor), and pessimistic; their politicians are typically bloodless and uninspiring; their “supportive” men are a bunch of soyboys. So they are set off like a bunch of sows in heat at this whiff of “toxic” testosterone.
(2) “Sexual assault is about power and the abuse of power more than it is about sex”–a P.C. boilerplate so old even a guy only a few months younger than Bernie knows of it, cut-pasted rote and verbatim into his speech with the ease and subtlety of a Neil Kinnock coal mining anecdote. The fact that, as a blanket assertion, more and more people are admitting that it is preposterous only makes ol’ Joe that much braver for saying it.
(3) “…before telling women in the audience they should arm themselves.” “…with more resources” Jesus Christ. Makes sense I guess. Shotguns don’t fit in purses.
I tried to watch a little bit of the new “American Idol” (yeah, yeah). Katy Perry is literally wetting herself over every marginally or generically attractive man, regardless of their ability, i.e. what she’s actually there to judge, supposedly. You’ve got the progressivist women reacting to Trudeau Jr. Supposedly men are obsessed with sex (and, well, yeah), but these women sure seem to be commensurately obsessed. And it makes them look like idiots, unable to compartmentalize.
TBH, it’s the same with most fellow gay men I meet, too. It’s obscene. Everyone has sexual and instinctive desires, but try to have a mind apart, maybe? Sometimes?
The entire media right now: Oh fuck! No, no, no, no- they’re just high school kids! They don’t know what they’re talking about!
CNN: Walk outs are bad now because of reasons
Libertarian Party: You shut-up kids and get back to class!
Unlike those plucky Stoneman students, who got their message out with just gumption and earnestness.
Good for them.
Punch back twice as hard.
Oh this is too fucking good. See, this is why I like Glibs. Most of you are pulling for this regardless of opinion on abortion.
I’ll masturbate to anything, to be quite honest.
In other news, despite it only being March, the Award for Least Surprising Revelation 2018 was basically decided today on glibertarians.com…
NorCal shitlords are the future of shitlordism.
Stay strong and troll hard, my brothers.
If he’s 24 now… those blog posts were from when he was ~17-18
they’re not as batshit as i would have expected. its more ‘milquetoast, socon’ type opinion. its not even firebreathing, self-righteous shit. just sort of run of the mill.
The vague sense I got was that there’d been some generic rumbling about the bomber being Antifa because that’s how our current news cycles work “oh look violence, it was probably whoever I dislike politically the most right now doing it because they’re subhuman”. I’m guessing this was salient only in the context of “he has blandly conservative views, so *maybe* jumping to antifa is a stretch.”
Although I haven’t seen it put quite that explicitly, so I could be misreading it.
News: People Have Been Killed
Partisans: I bet it was those people who I hate who did this
It’s every single god damn news cycle. It never ends
For the time being you’re free to not follow the news.
More like:
Reality: People have been killed
MSM: Trumpublicans did it!
Infowars Crowd: KUNSPEERUSEE!
KosKidz: Kulaks and Wreckers to the GULAG!
Zero Hedge: (((THEIR))) FAULT
Jezzies: Castrate all men!
TOS: To be sure, this is much worse since Trump is in charge
Slate: Knuckle dragging Middle America is too stupid to even know what happened.
Breitbart: Commie infiltrators are to blame!
Republicans: *say nothing while lowering underwear and bending over*
Glibs impression work is exemplary as usual.
Nailed it.
… Hobbit
Well done Q.
I’m confused… where’s the link to FLBP?
I wonder if there are any more recent blog posts than those. Most people who do this sort of thing have a purpose. It may be twisted and crazy to us but it makes sense to them.
Except the Vegas asshole. Apparently he was just some rich guy with no motivation. Funny how there is nothing new coming out about him whatsoever.
Well I did say most. But yeah it is kind of curious that we don’t hear much about the Vegas asshole anymore. You would have thought something would have come out by now because it would have pissed off someone.
Yeah, and the victims were the kind of people that deserved exactly what they got.
Fuckin’ C&W fans. Deplorables the lot of them.
The victims also weren’t extensively pushing gun control. The closest was one of the band members talking about how getting their pistol from the tour bus wouldn’t have done anything anyways.
I thought one of the band members actually did take to social media to announce that he had evolved his position to favor “reasonable” gun control.
Regardless, that didn’t seem to go anywhere–and you know there are folks who would have loved it to. Quite remarkable that that ended up producing some of the least lasting noise of any mass shooting of all. I assumed, with my usual pessimism, that it would be incredibly momentous. It was the biggest, for one thing. It was done with repeated fire from a protected, hard to identify position, a strategy that works poorly with the typical pro-gun counterarguments, it was done in the middle of 2A country to a friendly crowd so any survivors speaking out would have carried great weight–just like these rich liberal suburban kids who are technically Floridians but nothing like what the term evokes.
Then, nothing. (Or nearly so–its legacy is putting bump stocks permanently on the radar screen.) My only conjecture is that they struck utter bottom trying to dredge up a survivor who wanted more gun control. I think Dan Bilzerian’s video became the most lasting legacy of the event.
God, I hope we learn the truth about it. Or something closer to it.
Yeah, it’s shit I’ve heard a million times before, in school. Poorly argued, solid grammar, totally commonplace.
It’s just going to be used as a base to make unreasonable inferences about him. Biensur
Rand Paul explains his opposition to Gina Haspels
I’m glad the linked articles mention the propublica retraction.
Let’s be fair here: if those guys didn’t want to be tortured, they shouldn’t have been born brown in Muslim countries.
Max Boot nods in agreement
I expect the leftist-hive-mind to turn that into Rand Paul opposes woman running CIA.
Considering its architects were not classical liberals then yeah.
And they did not respect this.
You mean the same Soviets that helped the US create it’s world order and helped found the UN and has a permanent seat on UN security council.
The media, courts and law-enforcement are so classically liberal.
I think this helps explain one reason why the left is now quite pro-war. The liberal world order is under threat so best not think about what the stuff USG actually did to prop up said order.
Also the Euros are propped up by the US military too despite all the blathering about Yankee Cowboy Imperialism.
And considering all the economic ties to China how exactly would the West break China? Or Russia? Not exactly a lot of will to go all out in Syria.
I think this helps explain one reason why the left is now quite pro-war.
The left has always been pro war. All the 20th century American wars were gotten into under left administrations. Wilson, roosevelt, truman, Johnson, Clinton. All left presidents.
I said now since from the 70s to 2008 they were generally quite anti-war in rhetoric. These days they don’t even pretend.
And you could also point out Robespierre. Was anti-war until the war started.
They were antiwar during Iraq but had utterly no desire to do anything about it–just content to keep their hands clean and make sure all blood was on Bush’s hands. Just like no Republicans ever wanted to lift a finger to stop the tyrant Obama they kept complaining about.
The last time the Left was genuine and serious about stopping “imperialism” was the previous war the Right started–in 1898.
Except that Pulitzer and Hearst were considered to be leftist Democrats at the time.
I dunno, Communist Left was pretty het up about WW2 (until June 21, 1941), Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Iraq 1 and 2…
I was in high school during the 2003 invasion of Iraq, and even though I didn’t have many clearly defined principles back then, I innately knew that foreign intervention is bullshit, especially with a region like the Middle East (there won’t be peace until they decide that they can tolerate living next door to Jews or slightly different Muslims, and we can’t do anything about that until then). This led me to side with the Democrats.
One of the biggest disappointments of my life was seeing the anti-war Left completely disappear as soon as Obama took office. The fact that they could speak so fervently against the war but promptly abandon that just rustled my jimmies.
Yeah, you’d say, “Hey, what about that war stuff? Isn’t it still bad? Shouldn’t we be out objecting and denouncing?” And you’d get a snort, “The war stuff is Bush’s fault! Obama just inherited it!” And you’d think, “Wow! Is that it? That’s what it’s been about the whole time, ‘fault.'” Very eye opening.
I remember initially being happy that Obama, unusually among Democrats, seemed to be uniquely free of criticism from the left. Nearly no one went around with asinine criticisms that he wasn’t socialist enough, wasn’t woke enough, wasn’t black enough, wasn’t going far enough with this or that or whatever, which I was sure he’d be a magnet for–certainly increasingly as time went on and he inevitably disappointed people who would be dissatisfied with his good looks and smooth tongue and call him a sellout or Uncle Tom over this or that. And I was surprised to basically not see any of it from square one, but it seemed inevitable over time. And then, remarkably, it never came. People from the center nearly all the way to the left edge seemed to worship the ground he walked on; any who were more lukewarm did not dare to raise their voice. And I thought, this is profoundly unhealthy. I’d almost have preferred that hordes of radicals had been taking to the streets denouncing Obama as a tool of neoliberal oppression or whatever.
Grenada, Panama, Iraq, Afghanistan?
You’re right, Lachowsky, but there is enough blame to go around for both sides.
… Hobbit
A follow-up to the Boko Haram story
Boko Haram returns Nigeria girls, warns not to put in school
Boko Haram Islamic extremists brought back nearly all of the 110 girls they had kidnapped from a boarding school last month, dropping them off in the middle of the night Wednesday with a warning: “Don’t ever put your daughters in school again.”
But never mind that! Mike Pence is secretly plotting to round gay people and subject them to trans-sexo-electromicide!
Mom. Of. The. Year.
Also, this woman is not exactly a criminal mastermind.
Media more interested in Scott Pruitt’s trips than Obama’s EPA chief that spent more on travel.
The American people: You realize that this double standard is exactly why we don’t trust you, right?
Media: Yes
The American people: So what are you going to do now?
Media: Be better
The American people: Ok, then. Run along
The American people: Oh, for fuck’s sake
The media fails to realize 2 things:
1. the internet is forever
2. it is not hard to find dirt on leftists
Media: Unprecedented attacks on media by POTUS! Entire World Order under threat!
Thanks for the link.
No, thank you for the insightful comment
I have been following Pruitt closely since before his Senate confirmation hearing. His big thing seems to be rule of law and process. Terrifying, right?
I think this has been covered here, but I like the way this guy says it:
Funny, When Obama Harvested Facebook Data On Millions Of Users To Win In 2012, Everyone Cheered
In 2012, the Obama campaign encouraged supporters to download an Obama 2012 Facebook app that, when activated, let the campaign collect Facebook data both on users and their friends.
According to a July 2012 MIT Technology Review article, when you installed the app, “it said it would grab information about my friends: their birth dates, locations, and ‘likes.’ ”
The campaign boasted that more than a million people downloaded the app, which, given an average friend-list size of 190, means that as many as 190 million had at least some of their Facebook data vacuumed up by the Obama campaign — without their knowledge or consent.
If anything, Facebook made it easy for Obama to do so. A former campaign director, Carol Davidsen, tweeted that “Facebook was surprised we were able to suck out the whole social graph, but they didn’t stop us once they realized that was what we were doing.”
[Curb Your Enthusiasm theme goes here]
alternate punchline: I learned it from watching you!
When the Dems did it it was a sign of visionary genius though.
I remember. The current Facebook uproar is purely driven by politics. You have to be mildly retarded to not see that.
How did this idea that more trade leads to less dictatorship start? Stalin and Xi are big rebuttals to that. Were any of these countries not have ties to the US?
It probably does.
You are aware the Soviet bloc came after Lend Lease?
More trade makes countries less likely to kill each other. But, I’m with you. I don’t believe it leads to liberalization anymore
Apparently ‘Nam is getting more authoritarian.
Anyway I think trade leading to liberalization has more to do with US influence. Authoritarian states dependent on US trade and aid are much more vulnerable to US demands for more democracy than say China or Russia. The US has always been kinda embarrassed to support authoritarian regimes, especially when the Cold War ended, what with being opposed to colonialism and the defender of Democracy. China is an authoritarian state and not embarrassed to support one.
I could be wrong, anyone have any counterexamples?
Russia too is not embarrassed to support an authoritarian state either.
The fuck does Stalin have to do with “trade”? Unless it’s “trade US trucks and food to Soviets to kill Nazis so US doesn’t have to”?
In general, it’s because we want things we consider to be good to be universally good. If you like the idea of nations trading, you’ll come up with all kinds of secondary and tertiary positive effects to convince those who don’t particularly care about the primary benefits, e.g. if nations trade, they won’t go to war.
Or you can argue “more trade” = “more freedom” = “less dictatorship provided nothing else changes from ‘less trade’ state“
I was referring to lend lease. Also the end of diplomatic Isolation did not liberalize the USSR either.
Well there is the old Cobdenite belief that free trade will end war and spread liberty. The World Wars caused people to question the former.
Yeah, Lend-Lease is debasing the idea of “Trade” to new levels.
It’s like saying Napoleonic Wars led to increase in Britain-Prussia trade because of all the war subsidies.
For fun with stupid data, or just pure autism, I found UN tables of world exports by country. Germany increased import from 1933-1938 by 80%, and exports by 33%!
But of course, statistics are misleading because every country hits a decline (and sometimes precipice) from 1929 to 1931…
We are talking about the same people who consider NAFTA to be “free trade” and think any kind of trade is preferable to no trade so being all purist is inappropriate.
War Subsidies still aren’t trade, no matter how much you want it to be. I mean, why not call post-Versailles reparations a trade? Not doing to Germany what Stalin will do 25 years later in exchange for gold sounds like a good trade, too.
You want a better example? Atlantic slave trade increased the trade between European powers and coastal African states, and was profitable to both sides, but certainly didn’t lead to more liberalization in Africa.
Unless you really want to be obtuse and start comparing liberties from 16th to 19th century, I guess?
There was Reverse Lend-Lease apparently.
I clicked through. I make very good French toast and was curious what the deal was. Spoilers: it’s bread pudding in a muffin tin. Scrolling through the SEO mommyblog blather I see this:
First of all in the paragraph above you’ve recommended Texas-toast style bread, so the only redeeming ingredients are going to be the milk and eggs, I get that, but they aren’t going to offset Texas-toast-style bread, sugar or drowning it in maple syrup. Second, are mommyblogs now just inserting ad copy directly into posts…because that’s what this reads like.
Disclaimer: I’d totally make this, but use Hokkaido milk bread instead because I can.
Yes, they get paid to insert the copy.
Huh, I knew “influencers” and whatnot were paid to namecheck items, but didn’t realize that including pre-written copy was part of it. I guess I’m not surprised.
But will it make your husband want to fuck you?
Carb-loading at breakfast rarely does it for me, but YMMV.
That’s more “please don’t fuck me” than “he don’t wanna fuck me”
Hokkaido milk bread, fresh hand-drawn raw Hokkaido milk FedExed overnight, the appropriate number of quail eggs raided fresh from nests, Fair Trade cinnamon sticks harvested exclusively from plants originally sowed by Homo floresiensis on the island of Flores, and vanilla beans harvested on Madagascar by Malagasy tribesman and couriered in their buttcracks.
You’re having too much fun with this persona.
Try this in Egypt or Lebanon or Syria and see what happens.
Don’t even need to go that far. Try that on Palestinian “security services”.
Apparently there is still more of the human genome to map.
Interesting stuff.
“the centromere of the Y chromosome”
So these are the parts that cause toxic masculinity?
I have to admit up front that I am not an expert but I have a degree (BSEE) that involved some knowledge of related fields and science in general. I have never been able to figure out how in the hell the know that “gene KX43W94 causes Knowles-Siborg Syndrome”. If you look at a gene under a powerful-enough microscope is it engraved on the gen like something out of Blade Runner?
I can understand things like family traits or eye color which have a large population to choose from. But specific genes? Don’t know, have to figure that people who know more than me are in charge.
… Hobbit
You have no idea. My son is getting his PhD in bio-chem with his research involving bio-informatics – essentially big data analysis on the genome (not human in his work). I attended his dissertation defense and he made the analogy that sequencing and assembling a genome is like ripping a phone book up and then reassembling so it retains it’s original form and you can read it.
Back when the first genetic sequencing was done they had all of this “left-over” stuff that wasn’t the chromosomes/genes that were supposed to be the thing of interest. Turns out that the left-overs have all kinds of functions that control how the genes themselves end up expressed.
I work in statistical genetics. The short answer is, you collect genotypic data from a population, and use statistical methods to identify which bits of genetic material are associated with, or co-segregate with, the trait under study. For some traits, the causal gene is easy to find: if there’s just the one gene, and the disease is unambiguous to diagnose, and the disease is highly penetrant (presence of the mutation almost always results in the disease). If there are multiple causal genes, or the disease is difficult to correctly diagnose, or the disease only manifests infrequently, or in conjunction with environmental factors, etc., it gets much harder.
Once you narrow down where on the genome the causal genetic material is located, then geneticists and molecular biologists can start trying to figure out the actual biological mechanisms that cause the disease. Or sometimes they come at it the other way, they suspect a gene for something and later use statistics to validate, but the statistical methods will be the same-ish.
Thank you both for your replies.
a misleading headline that made me laugh
Florida men, one dressed in bull onesie, attempt to burn down house with Ragu sauce, police say
“He was trying to make it look like I left the stove on but who gets up at 2 a.m. and fixes sketti?”
Truer words have never been spoken…
Oh god you people call it “sketti”! I love it! It’s just like I imagined.
Herp dee derp derp derp…
Be careful what color emojis you use my libertarian friends, when you use an emoji that doesn’t match your skin color make sure it’s for the right reasons.
If you ask NPR for help navigating the challenge of not being a racist you deserve everything you get. Your poor kid, however, does not; that’s the unfortunate thing.
“White Skin, Black Emojis” sounds like the title of what will one day be regarded as a work of classical Negro literature from the early 21st Century.
Incidentally I wonder if someone really has attempted a full-length “Black Masks” for the 21st Century.
That was the most insufferable thing I have read in a long while.
You just mad cause nobody made an emoji set for your people.
By which I mean perverts.
Ummmm what were you saying, Diego?
Quit stepping on my punchline! Also I remember reading they abolished the peach emoji or something. Not that I even know the first thing about emojis. I don’t even know how to use them.
I’ve been hearing about these things for years now. It’s the smiley face with the punctuation, right?
I used to think so, and I think it used to be. Used to be called both “smileys” and emojis. But now I see emojis for those boutique colorful clip art wingdinglike things (as seen above from Jesse) that I don’t know how exactly they work; and nobody seems to mention “smileys” nor refer to the sideways thingies at all, let alone by any name. Are those still called smileys? Who knows. Their use seems to have greatly fallen off–not becoming a sort of profoundly unfashionable oldster tell, like all but a handful of terms from leet and various old-school texting and IM shorthands, but just sort of fading away quietly. More elaborate ASCII art seems to live on as a sort of old-school-cool exercise, but not the simple [|8 – )=> stuff.
You just don’t get the racial complexities in a contemporary, tech-encrusted America Mr. Mul…uh, shit.
*lights self on fire while throwing self off building head first and holding a wakiza…fuck fuck fuck, bastard sword*
No way that letter was describing anything that actually happened.
I will have you know that on my way to last year’s March for Gun-Free Translesbian Abortion Clinics, a wise young New York toddler, xir purple Afro peeking fiercely out from underneath xir hijab, was asked this very question by a blue-collar “lifelong pro-gun Republican” Brooklyn native who had become “ashamed and frightened at what my party has become.” And she answered using the exact words used in the article! The alt-right may own the present, but our future is in good hands; do not worry my vulnerable homosexual friend.
‘If your daughter is like me, she believes an emoji is worth a thousand words.’
Those fifteen words stopped me in my tracks, I could go no further.
Translation: “If your daughter’s like me she’s a high-functioning retard.”
Wait till you hear fourteen way better words that will really stop you in your tracks! I have some really eye-opening literature if you are interested.
I just use the original yellow emojis. I need my emojis to match my skin color? Like the notion of having representation in media—even though I’m not black but grew up watching “Smart Guy,” “SIster, Sister,” “Kenan and Kel,” “The Fresh Prince,” and thought nothing of the fact that the casts were of a different race. This shit about racial identification and representation is vastly overstated and frankly racist itself. I’m sick of it. Like that VDH article posted above mentioned, history is not going to be kind to this bullshit. How’s that for your “right side of history” platitude, progressive fagfucks?
So…concealed carry revolver recommendations?
I’m leaning towards a 5 round 38, like the Ruger LCR or the S&W Airweight 6 series.
The LCR is a good gun but it has a weird rattle if you vigorously move around from the transfer bar. It tends to have a better trigger then the little Smiths though.
Thanks. I’m going to have to find a shop that has a range nearby. Figure I need to try them out first. I’m concerned about the size of the grip. I’ve got fairly large hands.
Hogue is your friend.
I like my Taurus .38 Ultralite. It has a flat hammer that allows for single action and provides for a way to de-cock.
Not a revolver but I just purchased a S&W M&P in 9mm that I just love. Small, light and comfortable in the hand.
… Hobbit
So M&P’s are the real deal, huh? I’ve never shot one, but a friend who nonetheless owns a bunch of Glocks loves his M&P .40.
M&Ps are fine.
I’m not a fan of the triggers, but I understand that the newest versions have improved them somewhat, and the grip and other elements of the ergonomics are nicer/more usable than Glocks.
PPQ/S, M&P, Glock.
I like my M&P. Wish I had more time to shoot it.
I go a lot on how the gun feels in my hand. I went through a lot of handguns at gun shows until I found my Sig 228, for example. I looked hard at the Kimbers but decided that I would settle for DA rather than SAO with safety.
The Taurus is so light that I would not want to fire anything more powerful than the .38. I’ve fired an SP101 in .357 and it was uncomfortable. I much prefer my GP100 in .357.
… Hobbit
I’m a fan of the M&Ps if only because I have the option of a frame safety and am one of those weirdos.
I’d vote a hammerless LCR. 38 is good, .357 is a bit too much. They make a 9mm, but it’s a wee bit heavier and of course there’s moon clips, which I kinda like.
S&W 642 PC Talo.
model 60?
Frame size is getting a bit big at that point.
Meh. Damn fool S&W Model numbers. I was referring to the 66. The 60’s a J-Frame. 66 is a K.
It’s not an air weight.
But I’m a fan of that for recoil. It’d also do 357, not that you’re looking for that, but more options is nice.
Now, if I was carrying in Montana, or somewhere that I wouldn’t have to mind too much if I was printing, a 3.25 in 66 loaded with .357 would be perfect.
It’s a balance. The 60 or sp101 is probably doable while still being large enough to enjoy shooting.
The ruger LCR in 38 special has an amazingly good trigger. It’s my CC pistol. It does sting like a hornet with +p rounds however.
S&W627 seems to collect a lot of good ideas in one small revolver.
First wife still has the S&W60 I bought her during Reagan.
Most S&W triggers seem to need trigger work.
I believe in revolvers and carried the massive S&W686 in 6″ for years,
but I eventually got comfy with the one-in-the-pipe idea and now carry G30.
The state thwarts the will of the people
Honestly, this doesn’t surprise me much. The marijuana bill had to be passed by referendum. There isn’t a politician in the state who had the balls to introduce legislation. The state is against it amd have been doing everything they can to stop the law from going into effect since it was voted in last year.
They need to put our new national motto on our money:
Just like anything else, Republican system is a double-edge blade. The same process that protects the rights of minority from the cruel whims of the mob will prevent the majority from changing the laws the system approves of.
However, the article makes it sound more like there was corruption involved (my word! corruption? in a government licencing process?!)
I’m sure there is actual corruption. You’ll get no arguement from me there. The people of arkansas voted for medical marijuana. Here we are nearly a year later and there is no medical marijuana. There is none because of the actions of the government.
Assuming the people can be said to have a will, much less express it through a referendum (they cannot), it doesn’t seem clear from here whether the judge (who, it should be said, seems to have been on the hotseat for judicial activism for his anti-capital punishment hobbyhorse) acted inappropriately, or whether he was right that the licensing process was a shitshow. Perhaps the people should elect better officials if they want their will carried out as they intended.
You shouldn’t have to get a license to grow marijuana.
But of course we all know that here.
The licensing policy is a shit show because it was designed to be. Arkansas passed a ballot measure last year to legalize medical marijuana. After the measure was passed, the state went to work making the licensing scheme so onerous that hardly anyone could meet the requirements. The judge was probably correct in his reasoning, but the only reason he could be correct is because of the way the politicians in my state decided to make the licensing scheme.
And yes, I would love it if my state would elect better representatives. I’m sure everyone here could say that.
Ah, all is clear now. I just wanted to be clear that you were blaming the state for torpedoing the licensure process and get some elaboration on the details, not blaming the judge for not engaging in pro-marijuana judicial activism (which I doubted you were saying).
I actually don’t know enough about Arkansas politics to know whether it is relatively more or less fucked up as states go. I remember an Arkansawyer once telling me that historically the state is dominated by the interests of a few families or something to that effect, but the memory is foggy right now.
Arkansan, you mean,
Kansas= People of the Wind.
Arkansas= Land of the people of the wind
My understanding is Arkansawyers is officially correct but nobody uses it. I’m holding it down. I think the state’s demonym deserves more than to be an appendage to “Kansan.” I like the irregularity.
yes, good point
I didn’t want the judge to rule for the license applicants just because I’m pro pot legalization. I’m fine with the judges ruling. I’m not fine with the way the state has intentionally made the process as onerous as possible for potential applicants.
I have a farm. I know how to grow stuff. I could supply the entire state with medical pot if I devoted my efforts to it. I don’t have 500k to pit my name into the hat of potential license holders. I don’t have 10M in liability insurance. I don’t have any buddies in the legislature. The licensing scheme is designed to give favors to cronies. The judge actually stopped that. He also stopped the whole process in the same ruling. The judge was right, the rule makers were wrong.
North Dakota is going through a similar load of bullshit. We too had to get it passed by referendum (passed with over 60% IIRC) but the legislature has been dragging its heels…big time. It was passed 2 years ago in June, and they are saying the system won’t be operational until late this year.
In the mean time, there will be a referendum on the ballot to make recreational marijuana legal. We’ll see if the old Norwegians, Germans and Pollacks will go that far.
Bizarrely Colorado passed recreational/business by referendum and has some of the most sane licensing in the country. The tax level was explicitly set in the referendum so not much wiggle room.
NoDak has a rule in the referendum process that the legislature can make changes to the referendum in it was poorly written. Which this one was. I actually voted against it because of that. But the legislature used it as an excuse to drag it out as long as possible and to make it very difficult and expensive for growers and dispensaries to start up.
My hope it that a full legalization ballot measure comes up next year and gets passed before the medical bill can even be implemented. I’m my dream situation, the full legalization bill treats pot like any other commodity.
I doubt this will happen though. It’s nice to think positive every once in a while though.
If they fucked this up so bad, and I was right about the interests dominating state politics, when they figure out how the wind is blowing they’ll probably float a crony rec initiative. Ohio did that a few years ago, referendumed a “legalization” scheme whereby all the legal weed in Ohio was going to be grown by Nick Lachey and nine or so other people. They could have become billionaires. The people of Ohio rejected this royal charter, and apparently nothing has had the backing to come close since.
That’s fucking sad.
Damn near nobody stands for legal pot on the Libertarian grounds- Putting people in cages for their personal choices that harm nobody but the individual is morally wrong.
Damn near everyone involved in pot politics has different ax to grind. Be it social justice, utilitarianism, small government principals, anti-police activism, or any other reason you can think of. I can’t get anyone to agree with me that prohibition is morally wrong.
When you have this situation, the utilitarians become the winners of the arguement. When the utilitarians become the winners, they are sure to craft the laws in a way that enriches themselves and the state.
Why is that young woman so distraught over her Fun Dip stick?
Not to horn in on Q’s territory, but has anyone mentioned Don Mclean’s 24-y/o playmate girlfriend? The math isn’t supposed to be your age divided by three, Don, you magnificent bastard.
I used to think him underrated, but if he’s pulling tail like that almost half a century after his one big hit, I think he might have been overpaid.
This was a Top 10 hit.
I like a lot of his stuff. It throws me back to my teenage years, him and the Moody Blues, the sort of thing mom listened to on the regular.
How many times will it be this way,
With your arms around the future
And your back up against the past
We had their live album from Red Rocks, so I got the full orchestral experience growing up. That and ELO put me over the top about getting into strings. I only managed a year with the violin. Wish I’d kept with it. Dumb kid.
Starry Starry night is beautiful
Hell yeah, Yusef! ^^ That is my favorite Don Mclean song.
Hell yeah, Yusef! ^^ That is my favorite Don Mclean song.
“Jerusalem” is the worst but it is my favorite because it is so stupid it’s fun. Also easy to sing, which I love doing when I want to teasingly annoy people.
My favorite that I’ll admit to.
Especially impressive since I always figured the guy was actually dead. I knew Buffet was still alive, and figured one of them must dead for some reason.
You’d think. Must be tough for a ho.
libertarian dad jokes:
“knock knock”
“Get a warrant”
At least they know to save the best joke for last.
“How can you disappoint a libertarian with only one leppo?”
I rather liked the meta-joke of Beardy being the overly earnest asshole libertarian.
Real person, or parody?
Self-parody, but real is my guess.
Parody. But I have a tiny bit of faith in humanity right now for some reason.
Absolutely a parody. And yes, my second thought after typing this was, “God I hope my remaining faith in humanity is well placed.” I suppose it wouldn’t utterly shock me if it were not, sad to say.
Which brings up an interesting point. Why are there enormous hordes of autist shitposters out straddling the line between “ironic” or just-for-lulz far-rightism, consciously turning it into an art form and making it completely impenetrable (at least for anyone with an ounce of normie) to tell exactly who is for real and to what extent–but no similar phenomenon on the side of far-left foolishness? The two sides have many similarities in so many other ways, including the viciousness of their doxxing and harassment culture, etc., their autists’ defiance and reclaimed pride of many at their marginalized even “loserish” identity–but on this matter there is no similarity.
Projection Tulpa Projection
My G_d, did you read her thread under the poll? It’s unbelievable.
– Oops, this poll isn’t turning out how I had hoped, so that means it was hijacked by the alt-right.
– Followers, please retweet this to people who will vote correctly.
-The British public has a vendetta against Islam.
The British public has a vendetta against child rape, and not enough of one.
MikeS you are one of (((THEM)))??? Funny you don’t look it. Though I should have known from your flossing the flat hat.
No, I”m not one of (((them))) but Q’s article where he talked about that struck a chord with me.
(I hope I am remembering correctly and it was Q’s article…?)
If I was one of (((THEM))) I’d have the curly hair things hanging down from under my hat.
Near-lifelong passionate admirer, sharer of neighborhoods, and zealous geopolitical ally; but the only way I’d actually convert, and give up all that tasty shellfish, is if I actually got to style my pubes into payos as well. Then it would all be worth it.
Payos! Yeah, that’s the word I was searching for.
Also, pube payos…interesting…
New Forged in Fire season. Woo!
Random neighbor was helping my gf shovel out her car tonight. He had the same first and middle name as me. What are the odds on that?
He doesn’t really. He’s slowly assuming your identity. He plans to kill you in the near future and fully take over your life.
The Talented Mr. Sean.
I read that as “The Talented Mr Bean”
It would be awful but I’d go see it.
See, I got my fill of Rowan Atkinson for his later stuff, and then my girlfriend introduced me to Mr. Bean, and I was… just not into it. He’s a great physical comedian, I guess? But how can you compare that to fucking Blackadder?
Good luck, everyone.
Finished watching Rowan Atkinson in Maigret as a serious role. I thought he was quite good, although the production felt small in places, trying to avoid anachronisms.
I got my start watching one of his specials. I thought he was talented and funny as hell in the goofy silent sketches, but even more hilarious when he did the “wry wit” thing (the Hell sketch is a classic). The same ended up being true of the Blackadders, where he moved largely from one to the other between 1 and 2. Mr. Bean is a bit too long a dose to tolerate; he turned out to not be one of those rare people who can carry something like that for a length of time and hold your appreciation. Just silly. But the absolute worst was The Thin Blue Line, which is just all around one of the absolute worst sitcoms I have ever seen from any era. I don’t even know where on the spectrum between goofiness and wry wit that was. It was neither, and neither was it the least bit funny.
I’ll go with you on Mr Bean, but I can’t agree with you on The Thin Blue Line. And that’s not just because of Mina Anwar.
Unless it’s Sean Bean you mean. He’s worth a whack or two. Good head on his shoulders.
“We got shovelers here, shovelers here. Ok, let me teach you an old trick…”
Pffft. Good luck with that. If my overly armed se!f got overrun, any imposter would be summarily killed and mulched by my employer.
Better lock that down.
And get a top for that car! it must be tough getting between the seats with a Snowshovel…..
I really need to drag myself out of this funk I’m in. Once in a while the depression issues swallow me whole and I start questioning why the hell I bother with any of it anymore. Why the hell I keep going.
Harder to drag myself out of these lately. Thanks to the world. Fuck the world.
Jesus Christ I’m sounding like an emo teenager. That can’t be a good sign.
Think I’m gonna take a break for a few days. Not going to do anything stupid. But I need time away from … a lot of things.
See y’all next week.
“Why the hell I keep going.”
Well, you provide enjoyable company for everyone here.
That’s a fact.
Enjoy your break JB. We’ll see you soon.
Don’t do it man!!!
(Take a break from posting with us, that is!)
In all seriousness if you’re checking one last time good luck and take care of yourself and really treat yourself on this relaxing little mini vacation. You deserve it! Come back recharged! You’ll have a fresh perspective with a few days out of mind to decompress.
Stop lawyering.
I love you
I’m sorry you’re going through a rough patch, and I wish I had “One Weird Trick” that would get you out of it, but I don’t. All I can say is that I end up there myself from time to time, and sometimes (assuming you can’t fix the situation that’s upsetting you) the best thing is to do like the Buddhists – just acknowledge your negative emotions like passing clouds.
Do something you like JB.
Glibs is better for your presence, of that I am sure. I’d imagine you have positive impact in other places as well. Don’t forget that.
As a person who had teenage depression that damn near killed me, you’re more than welcome to send me an email or something and I can relate my experiences and solutions. My handle with a K in front of it at gmail.
Married. Nine year old daughter (right?). Hate bullies.
IANAL, so I have that one big difference that keeps me going.
Hey JB, if your still reading, dude I get in deep funks all of the time. Just need to get some RnR and do something fun. You need to have some short term goals even if they’re just related to hobbies you like. You’re a Glib which makes you all kinds of awesome!
Totally and utterly OT.
FarCry 2 WTF?
Whoever wrote the ‘screenplay’ for that game was AFU. Seriously.
Freshman prom? When we used to chase dinosaurs from our high school campus we had a Junior prom and a Senior prom.
I skipped both.
… Hobbit
The only time I did anything for a prom was freshman year. My girlfriend and I both asked our parents to drop us off downtown (within walking distance of the school) so we could go get dinner before the prom. Instead, we went under the bridge and had sex. It was awesome.
With a senior chick? Look at you!
Unless you were 17 as a freshman or something.
(Or maybe you are a Syrian refugee child, and the senior girl was charmed by your sexy silver mane, rough exotic machismo, and adorable pictures of the wife and kids.)
Actually, maybe I’m messing up the terminology (I was rarely interested in anything that involved spending even more time on school grounds). She was a freshman like me; we were both 14.
Is “prom” only for seniors? I dunno. It was some kind of school-sponsored dance that we used as an alibi while we fucked under the bridge.
I think in big districts, there is s Senior Prom and maybe even a Junior Prom. In my small school -and all the small schools around me- prom could be attended by anyone freshman through senior.
Hehehe. I was raised catholic. I went to the wedding of the mayor of altus when I was thirteen. The reception was held at the church owned building across the parking lot.
A girl that I had the hots for and I snuck off to the top level of the bell tower of the church. In that confined space, before god, I lost my virginity. When it was over, I used my pocket knife to carve my name into the plaster, right next to the names of many other men who had first experienced heaven in a bell tower.
good times.
Seniors and Juniors went to prom, everyone went to Winter Formal. The more….predatory senior men would bring Freshmen girls who were all honored and shit that they as Freshmen got to go to prom, and ostensibly put out.
I brought a Freshman chick to my senior prom mostly because her gay best friend was going with one of my friends and we figured why not. I got some dirty-ass looks from the parents.
Can we get a “While straffinrun Slept” column here. That’s like a whole news cycle while I’m open mouth breathing and dreaming of anarchy.
I’ve had a similar thought, informed by two tours with Japanese firms. Japan’s the country that I’ve spent the least time on the phone with. Somehow working with locations in Europe, India, and even Thailand required fairly regular contact (okay), but Japan never did. Along that line, I never got to Japan, the only home offices I’ve never visited.
“I’d apologize but that would be showing signs of weakness, so instead I give you UNBROKEN EYE CONTACT.”
This is why you are awesome!
Those shitty watery juice boxes from the 90s certainly were “haram”; I don’t care what lies the Jews tried to sell me.
Kool-Aid bursts were pretty good. The hell is wrong with you?
Silence vile infidel! The fanatics of Kool-Aid Haram pervert and discredit the moderation and love of the one true Message.
Richard Lewis was a strange bird. Went to OSU.
Oh you knew him from college? What was he like? Pour the tea! (Or, in this case, the juice beverage.)
No I didn’t know him but have probably paid more attention to him then I would have without the OSU background. His whole schtick is neurotic Jewish boy with mother issues which is funny for 5 minutes at a time. He’s ok.
Tiny Actors: Plants from the Weinstein Gift Shop.
Spot what’s wrong with this picture.
The sad thing is that I actually identified the mistake within about 1 second.
Is she spinning it the wrong way?
Turning the prop the wrong direction?
She is trying to turn the propeller the wrong direction?
“What’s wrong with this picture?’
I’m not banging her in it.
That was my SECOND observation.
You can’t even see her face! She might look like the dude from Slade for all you know.
You have to work with the information you have. I like my chances.
Noddy Holder NEVER had a body like that!
It would be a shame for anything nasty to happen to a body like that.
She’s breaking Rule #1. Never swing a prop unless the wheels are chocked.
While I truly appreciate your attention to detail and to this young ladies safety 6, I must say that the lack of chocks will not interfere with my fapping whatsoever.
It’s disturbing to me that I was not (also) distracted by that lady’s body, ahead of her safety.
Thats ok, it was a Nobel purpose:)
More OT. Blended Whiskys.
I have here before me, a variety of blended whisky samples from the old country. By diverse and complicated routes, I get given all sorts of samples to taste, and I’m not even asked to do a formal tasting, and feeling a little bit guilty for not having to do anything other than drink them, I thought I’d deliver up some experience.
I don’t know Compass Box at all, but they have six ‘signature’ blended whiskys. I’m not normally a blended guy, because just as you are a composite of your 10 closest friends, I normally find that blended whiskys have all the delightful characteristic ‘corners’ taken off of them. But here I am with 5 blended whiskys.
The Peat Monster. Allegedly a blend of five Islays, it’s very, very pale and tastes predominantly of Bowmore and Lagavuilin, but looks like Caol Ila. Not unpleasant but very, very peaty. I finished all 50cc.
Great King Street, Artists Blend. After the Peat Monster, this was a refreshing and somewhat honey/floral kind of blend. Like breaking into Miss Marple’s hidden hooch supply. Not unpleasant, but a bit too dominated by – something – I haven’t smelled in whisky before. I certainly don’t know of any single malts that express a character of honey and flowers like that. 20cc down, probably find something tomorrow to put the remaining 30cc in – coffee perhaps.
Oak Cross. This one has a solid Speyside character, although it’s (surprisingly) oakier than Speysides in general. I’m 10cc in, and expect to finish the lot, rendering me pretty much incapable of reviewing the other three offerings – Asyla, The Spice Tree and Hedonism. The latter being the one I’ll hang onto for Friday night when I can put it in the Clenbuterol and Yohimbine HCl cocktail.
Man, I wish I had those kind of choices around here.
One day, I’d like to review liquor like these girls describe their fragrances.
Regarding this bomber and his “intentions”. These mass murdering assholes always turn out to be to be complete nutters. I don’t think you can make any sense of their political ramblings in that regard. He didn’t decide to murder a bunch of people because he was a liberal or a conservative or whatever, he did it because he is totally fucked up in the head. Everyone once to associate these people with their political enemies, its nonsense. Their like rabid dogs, that’s it.
Wants to
I’m not sure politics – or at least the details of their politics – is that germane. I think it’s the need to become known to the public.
It’s why I’m in favor of a policy (but not a law) that discourages media outlets and the public from advertizing the identity and motive of the perpetrator to the public. Engineer all media coverage so that the guy’s actual name only appears in one place in a search engine. Stave them of notoriety.
I don’t think it’s feasible but I totally get where you’re coming from.
I mentioned this before and often. But in the years after Columbine (which was itself an explicitly declared desire to one-up a previous string of school shootings) when we got to the “sober re-evaluation” phase there emerged a broad consensus that it was not good to give these people publicity, to let their crimes, which only seem notable in the grand scheme of things, turn the attention of our nation.
This consensus evaporated after Sandy Hook. At this time the media landscape may be too profoundly transformed to ever recapture it. But most importantly, there is no political will to do so. Whether we take the former consensus attitude toward these spectacular, attention-seeking but minor in prominence crimes is now an ideologically loaded position. To many, not losing your shit as hard as you can has become a morally perverse proposition.
In fact, of course, since Trump we face a broader problem. The idea of going on about your life, of not being at DEFCOM 1 at all times and actively #Resisting something, is to be an Austrian waving at the handsome young fellows marching over the border. Finding a purpose, however self-indulgent, is about the most appealing move you could make for your life. But it’s fucking up society.
i know, SHUT UP for a second!
*DEFCON. Jesus. And I ain’t even on a phone.
Calling DEFCON 5 on your ASS,
The consensus evaporated after Sandy Hook because everyone took one look at Adam Lanza and said YEESH, there’s no fucking way anyone is ever going to emulate that guy, so we can say his name as often as we want.
That is amusing, but you know it probably was a convenient factor. Yeesh! That mug wasn’t about to go on any Rolling Stone covers anytime soon. As glamor goes, motherfucker made Dylan Roof seem like Che Guevara.
*Only seem notable but are not. Or something like that. Jeez I am getting tired here.
Bots get tired? The More you Know…..
I’m a Puerto Rican not a bot you racist
I larfed Diego, good one… Racist!
It’s pretty predictable at this point unfortunately.
Everyone does it a little
Sadly that is where we’re at right now.
Oh, to reawaken a discussion from months back, that ‘person’ we discussed that was learning how to pick locks? She is now the ‘security tester’ with her college’s new Police Department when she isn’t manning the desk.
I miss Tres Cool, and why doesn’t Ken Shultz post anymore?, He certainly trolls TOS…..
Lots of us used to taunt Ken pretty heavily over his lack of brevity, so I expect he got fed up of it.
Let’s hope he gives us a second chance.
People Larfed on him do to his lengthy posts, but many others post Wall o text and only Ken got Grief, I found him informative like most Commenters here..
Did Tres go away?
Yousef’s Kia remains undriven. He’s a lonely old man, our new Hihn to come. It should be entertaining.
“Kia..Kia..Shuckty day” *Yousef pulls the beating heart out of Tres* “I AM THE ONE TRUE LIBERTARIAN!”
I’m not a Libertarian, Hanging out Here convinced me of the Futility of such silly things
*Squints at posts through multiple Tullamore Dews*
Hmm, no comprende.
*Goes back to watching cricket*
Well, there’s yer problem *pulls up pants, hocks a loogey* Yer speakin messican stead o merican*
You spelled Yusef Wrong, Tulpa
BTW, who’s Yousef? someone I should know? CPMR….
*golf clap*
Thank you, I think…
See above, re TD. Judgment impaired.
Tullamore Dew
Never had Adieu, any Good?
I’m fed up with this site. I’m leaving. I’ll see you all tomorrow.
CHICKEN! (or Smart)
More a meta…drunken thingamajig…to comment on the posts you…o look, french fries…
Flyover People, “it’s late, I have to Work” But I suck it up for the Morning links, throw late links a Bone People!
OT: Late-night cookery post: Cooking a Cajun-spiced pork chop with ratatouille on the side. A brief dessert will be a plum pudding (boiled in cloth the traditional way) with a sauce of sherry, butter, and sugar.
Mudbugs ought be rolling into town soon.
Ugh, I can’t stomach the idea of getting up earlier than 9 AM. I had to be on first shift for a few years and it killed me. I’m just the kind of person who can’t function early in the morning, and I get really active between 9 PM and 1 AM. I’m just weird like that.
extra early links
A Nevada teen called his congressman and dropped an F-bomb while demanding action on guns. His school suspended him
It began last Wednesday when the teen, a junior at Robert McQueen High School in Reno, joined students nationwide in walking out of class for 17 minutes to demand tougher gun laws. During the walkout, Christensen called the Reno office of his congressman, Rep. Mark Amodei, and argued for banning bump stocks and raising the minimum age to buy a gun.
He also told the staffer who answered the phone that members of Congress needed to “get off their f***ing asses” and take action.
By Tuesday, when news of his suspension began to make headlines, Christensen was somewhat contrite.
“I totally understand that’s not maybe the wording I should have used but it’s still my right to use that word,” he told KOLO, a CNN affiliate. “I personally thought that I had the political privacy to make a phone call to any representative and tell them how I feel.”
His mother, Stacie Lerma, told KOLO she wasn’t notified of the suspension until the next day but supports her son.
“I don’t encourage my child to go and cuss at someone. However, I know how passionate he was, especially about this topic,” she said. “And I myself believe that something needs to be done (about gun violence) and maybe somebody does need to get off their butt and do something.”
The ACLU on Monday sent a letter to McQueen High School and the Washoe County School District, asking that Christensen’s suspension be overturned in part because such discipline “will have a chilling effect on other students who are considering engaging in the political process.”
It’s good he’s learning that you can get in trouble for what you say.
though this was a weasel-y move
Amodei disagrees.
“I don’t want him (Christensen) to apologize to my guy for dropping the F-bomb. So I’m certainly not going to apologize to him,” he said. “What am I going to apologize for?”
Amodei said his office did not seek to have the student reprimanded but was merely relaying to the school what had occurred.
“We did not retaliate — we reported what the guy did,” he said. “We did not ask for discipline or anything like that.”
Amodei, a Republican, has represented Nevada’s 2nd Congressional District since 2012 and has supported gun rights in the past.
C’mon guy. If you didn’t want payback, you wouldn’t have tattled.
Stoneman Douglas forcing students to wear only clear backpacks
In addition to students having to wear clear backpacks, which the Miami Herald reported will be provided by the school district, students must also wear identification badges while on the Stoneman Douglas campus.
But what about tiger-repelling rocks?