Only a neutral can do the links today!
As the resident embodiment of Neutrality, I am calling for a truce this afternoon, in World War G. We have already had the ultimate threat issued by SP…

The Site
So we had best smarten up for a bit. The best way to do that is Links. Links of Neutrality. And I am just the one to deliver them!
- Testing…Testing…1,2,3. Well, not anymore. At least for now.
- Next time anyone tells you we need to be more like Europe. Have them read this, and then say – “ready to go to prison for saying bad things about Donny from Queens?”
- Nobody expects the brutal inquisition! But we can all agree this is an awful story.
- Paging SugarFree, SugarFree to the author courtesy phone. Hat and Hair material abounds.
So, it is either back to the war…or

I hate those filthy neutrals…
With enemies you know where they stand but with Neutrals, who knows? It sickens me.
Next time, use No-Ox before making the connection.
From the 1870’s:
“Hey, Switzerland, this whole Holy Roman Empire thing fell apart. Do you want to join with the Hapsburgs in a ‘Greater Germany’ or the Prussians in a ‘Lesser Germany’?”
“Neither. We’ll just handle your Nazi gold when the time comes”
It sickens me.
What makes a man turn neutral?
Brilliant and topical.
Being neutral just means you can sell weapons to everyone.
And hold on to everyone’s (((gold))) for them!
You know what’s worse than neutrals? Lawful neutrals.
True Neutrals who decide a genocide is needed to balance out the death of the big bad evil guy are somewhat troublesome.
“And me being strictly neutral, I bashed everyone in sight.”
Technically, shouldn’t you be yodeling the peace offer?
Who says I didn’t?
Video plz
Totally unrelated, but this was right below the above. I’m going to burn for laughing.
His fault. Even if is wasn’t…
It’s better to be alive than to be right.
He’s lucky to have gotten up and walked.
The emotional connection the people in the comments have to their bikes is surreal.
You mean like this?
“Vanessa Trump called Trump Jr. ‘the one with the retarded dad'”
Hey, this Vanessa girl is alright
The media keeps referring to her as a model. I’m not seeing it.
Hand model, maybe?
For a model she seems bright.
“Donald Trump is retarded”
Yeah, you know, I really can’t argue with that
Starter model for Trump marriages.
Her face has just the right amount of bitchiness. I want to fuck her before Ivanka.
Ive mentioned before that she has nice lips.
Hand model? No doubt. But is she the master of her domain?
So when a hand model finds employment, is it a hand job?
On the other hand, regarding Jr; “when he’s not away on business trips, he’s hunting and fishing.” Sound like an alright guy to me.
Don Jr. is the guy you want to keep in your phone to occasionally do blow with off a stripper. Then he sobers up and stops spending money on you and you realize what an obnoxious cunt he is.
Fredo Trump
“Next time anyone tells you we need to be more like Europe….”
Speaking of which, I was talking to some of my overseas partners, and both they and I were shocked to find out how much more in capital gains taxes I have to pay.
Yes, we do need to be more like Europe.
No we don’t.
Vat you gonna do wit dat papaya?
Filthy Neutrals
Nobody expects the brutal inquisition! But we can all agree this is an awful story.
Put that couple in a room with Louise Woodward.
If there’s anything good in this it’s that most criminals of this type are extremely stupid and will do things to get themselves caught. Like happened here.
ready to go to prison for saying bad things about Donny from Queens?”
Principals, not principles. Now for HRH King Barry…
I think we can all agree that a hot blond will marry an unattractive douche bag for money, so if he was withholding that, what did he expect?
Has she considered doing what a lot of women in similar circumstances do in cases like this–get a job?
Hell, she could ask Hillary for financial tips.
I hear Her Imperial Majesty is awesome at playing the cattle futures market.
Since when has the media started printing positive stuff about Trump’s children?
Sure. But what does that have to do with Lil Donnie’s wife getting a job?
I wonder if these ‘friends’ of Don Jr.’s wife are just ‘facebook friends’, that seems like the tenuous grasp on reality journalists have these days.
Her complaints are going to seem pretty trivial to the average person, and I don’t think she understands that.
One of the issues alleged: she didn’t have enough money to “pick up the check”. Note that it’s not that she can’t afford to eat at a nice restaurant; she’s complaining that she can’t afford to pay for a bunch of other people.
Boo fucking hoo.
The best option forward: Get a divorce and take half his shit. Then she can pick up the check all she wants because the courts will enforce the “standard of living she’s grown accustomed to.”
I’m betting that a lot of “his” stuff is in a trust, and for good reason.
By her own account, her standard of living is on the “cheap side.”
“Their plan was only foiled when a neighbour became concerned about the fire and dialled 999”
Yeah…. you can’t really burn a body in the middle of London and expect it to go unnoticed.
Maybe in a different neighborhood?
Technically, being London, it would be a different neighbourhood….
*narrous gaze*
The only thing worse than Americans who incorporate English slang are Americans that incorporate the ‘ou’ spelling nonsense.
No dowbt
I assume that we’re headed in a racist direction, so I’ll allow this line of questioning.
they and I were shocked to find out how much more in capital gains taxes I have to pay.
Yes, we do need to be more like Europe.
Teetering on the brink of social and financial collapse?
No minimum legal drinking age?
most of europe has one.
Hell, she could ask Hillary for financial tips.
Number 8 will amaze you!
The FBI doesn’t want you to know about #6!
The FBI doesn’t want to know about #6. They’d have to actually do their jobs then.
All of you, leave Number 6 out of this! He didn’t do anything that we know of.
Mae’n gwybod beth wnaeth, er.
Now you understand why I work so hard at anonymity. I’m often the on that gets blamed in internet clickbait articles.
Note that it’s not that she can’t afford to eat at a nice restaurant; she’s complaining that she can’t afford to pay for a bunch of other people.
I thought her “friend” was bitching because she doesn’t pick up the tab.
“My friends demand free lunch!”
I gots the job with minimal monetary loss doing the same thing I’ve done for 17 years. Woooooooooooooooot!
Congrats Bacon!
Did you ask about firewall policy?
Doing what?
No firewall?
Celebrate with chocolate!
Nice! I hope the new job has a more lenient IT department.
Nice! In celebration, we will put off cooking you… for now.
Let’s not get crazy here.
*gets out skillet*
I had breakfast for dinner tonight, and bacon was the star of the show. (congrats on the job, bacon!)
I prefer World War G
You know, that does sound a bit better – off to edit!
No one cares what you think, instigator
The Swiss do.
Getting nothing but static on Channel G.
*loads buckshot into shotgun*
THIS IS A TRUCE POST – Refer to your Law of Land Warfare book. No fighting here!
You’re not my supervisor!
You’re not my dad!
Sure about that?
Or in the War Room!
“Gentlemen. You can’t fight in here. This is the War Room!”
“He’ll see everything…he’ll see the
big boardthicc broads.”That reminds me of a funny Air Force story of mine. During one of our exercises (loading our B-52s with nukes) I was assigned to the battle staff and got to watch two full bird colonels getting all pissy with each other as if they were still in high school. As the commander was telling them to stop it, that scene was playing in my head.
No fighting! Hallowed ground!
His punishment for losing the game was to be turned into a crab.
The Gap?
I was expecting John Wick.
Okay, Dad. 🙁
World War G-Spot?
There is no such thing!
I gots the job with minimal monetary loss doing the same thing I’ve done for 17 years. Woooooooooooooooot!
Did you give your IT guy a wedgie, yet?
N.J. district facing backlash over gun photo suspensions changes policy
They tried to suspend a couple of kids for posting their gun range day on social media. Then walked it back,
Hell yeah they walked it back after they talked to their lawyer.
Disregard who the author is and some of his points on immigration (which is quite dumb), overall most of the criticism is valid
“Now, the “libertarians” are either clowns or apologists for power.”
Yeah, I would agree it seems as though there is way too much of both of those things. Of course, there has always been the former. The latter is much more concerning because where else does one go?
Too bad the writer of the piece is also a clown.
Should I know who he is?
Justin Raimondo, writer at antiwar.com, known troll of just about everyone.
Huh? Don’t recall the name.
You know him better by his stage name, Ronald McDonald.
That’s a pretty valid argument against having a Libertarian Party and focusing on libertarian values inside the two party system.
Not that that is gonna work either.
I know his point is about Cato, but this bit…
is the Niskanen Center’s stated, official mission, which amused me.
Whenever I hear that name, it makes me think they’re a front organization for this guy.
I have no idea who that is. I think of this guy.
Incident may raise questions about safety of technology
I’ll agree to get along all right but I’m keeping my expression of disgust until at least the next thread.
That is all I can ask.
You will not Balkanize us!
Hey, that’s not fair. Burge is using logic!
David Burge @iowahawkblog · 52m52 minutes ago
Per US Census, fastest growing cities in US 2016. Nice towns I’m sure, but not exactly hotbeds of cosmopolitan enlightenment
1 Conroe TX
2 Frisco TX
3 McKinney TX
4 Greenville SC
5 Georgetown TX
6 Bend OR
7 Buckeye AZ
8 Bonita Springs FL
9 New Braunfels TX
10 Murfreesboro TN
This is absolutely true. 10 years ago we used to make fun of people in Buckeye, granted we still do, but more that 25 people live there.
Murfreesboro, alone has grown nearly 100% over the past sixteen years. Burge’s point is correct: progressive cities are not growing, suburbs are growing.
Richard Florida is on suicide watch
Yeh whatever happened to that guy? What was his shtick again?
I seem to recall him saying all kinds of talent love to flock to Toronto – I forget why. Or something.
Richard Florida’s thesis was that the “creative class” (basically defined as tech workers and artists) brought increased economic growth and population. These people prefer to live in cities, Florida concluded, and therefore cities should subsidize public works to accommodate their tastes, because they are so beneficial to the local economy. Nearly every city in America followed his prescription and have not really reaped much of a reward. They have experienced a massive loss in families and there has been plenty of rent-seeking to appease the most hip of the progressive urbanite
Suburbs are growing instead of cities because evul kapitalists are price-gouging on city rental rates!
Question: Why would families prefer a large home with a yard in the suburbs versus a high rise in the city?
Rational Person: You’re joking, right? Are you even vaguely familiar with children?
Prog Answer: Racism
*note that suburbs have also become more ethnically and racially diverse than cities*
I moved to an affluent Texas suburb after living in NYC for quite awhile, and lost a bet with my mother who insisted that this Texas suburb was actually more diverse than where I lived before.
Did a lookup, and she was actually right.
When I think about it, I just lived in Manhattan. Just rich white people mainly.
Pass on Conroe. Move to New Braunfels.
Maybe Conroe would pass on you?
My wife has family in New Braunfels… It’s a nice area. So are McKinney and Frisco, which are both near where we used to live. However, I feel vindicated in moving, because North Dallas is growing waaaaaaaaay too fast for its own good. We went from being on the edge of civilization to buried in the middle of suburbia in 2 years.
It’s amazing that with all that ammo being sold in gas stations in Bumfuck, Kentucky, that the murder rates are nothing like they are in say, bluer than blue Baltimore. Or dynamic Chicago.
So Hillary and the left can trumpet how the GDP size of their voting districts. They’re less inclined to point out the unsavory statistics. And even then, let’s be frank…the quality of life doesn’t match the bang for the buck. So you have a bunch of assholes making $100k who are taxed to hell who aren’t much better if at all off than than someone making 60% of what they do.
Oh, Robby. The poor bastard gets so close and then employs the “both sides” argument. If conservative students were using violence to silence speakers, I highly doubt Robby would ever employ the “both sides” argument. There is no “both sides”. It’s ONE SIDE.
Nonetheless, the kid is trying
Write a fucking blog instead of an 18-tweet “rant”.
Robby is desperately hoping to cash in. When I look back on how he writes about someone like Milo, and then look at his career decisions after, I can’t help but notice that he basically wanted to be a sanitized (read – non-humorous) and compromised version. The guy doesn’t get it at all. He writes in the tone of your friend’s nagging nitwit wife. Milo succeeds doing what he does because he’s provocative. So Robby gets a few hecklers and protesters on campus, but mostly no one gives a shit about him or cares when he’s blacklisted.
In other Reason news, I read an article today for Tuccille (sp?) about a prog law professor who wants to do away with free speech and the entire constitution. Of course, at least about a third of the word count had to center around Trump’s supposed attacks on free speech and the press.
“but mostly no one gives a shit about him or cares when he’s blacklisted.”
When ENB and Robby were shouted down on a college campus, I found it hilarious. I see no need to defend people who won’t defend others. The entire comment section on the article that ENB wrote about being shouted down was merciless. Everyone was pretty much ecstatic.
We all know ((who)) started World War G.
People who are one-third gentile?
If you are one-third anything, you might have been shortchanged in the number of grandparents you have. Most people’s ethnic ancestry portions are divisible by two.
This guy gets it.
Michael Bolton?
Tweet of the Day
Why has no one ever attempted to solve the (((problem)))?
Well there was that one guy.
You mean (((Jesus)))?
The guy who cuts my grass?
This guy.
This guy.
Nebuchadnezzar II?
::golf clap::
so. so. so.
Y’all remember my brother, right? I’ve talked about him before. Super-prog … was going to call him a kid, but he’s in his 30s now … moved from Florida to Chicago? Been strangely silent about his finances in Illinois in view of the much higher cost of living/taxes/etc. that come with living in Chicago (in the city proper) than in Florida?
Turns out that business is going terribly for him, as in he’s closed 1 deal in the near year he’s been up there. He’s dead broke, already taken two major loans from my parents, still broke, and now has stolen a 5 figure sum from my mom (credit card and using mom’s checking account to pay for it).
Mom’s not going to go to the police with this (can’t exactly blame her), but he’s still broke and now has a mid-5 figure amount to pay back my parents overall, including the loans.
I’m a majorly depressed 40-something with severe anxiety disorder and autism, and I manage to be the most sane child in my family.
Christ, what an asshole!
^^What he said.
1. You’re not your brother’s keeper
2. Unlike friends, you don’t get to pick your family
3. It’s just money, although at a deeper level, it’s not ‘only money’
#3 is the big one. Mom isn’t exactly rich.
Plus this isn’t the first time he’s stolen from her.
Plus a decade ago he successfully lied for a year after he failed out of college an now he’s lied about his work situation.
It’s not so much being my brother’s keeper as it is my mom is taking this really hard.
The kindest thing she could do to him is to kick his ass to the curb and tell him he’s cut off until he makes something of himself.
I give it a 10% chance of success, but letting him keep doing this shit is giving him a 0% chance of turning himself around.
“Easier said than done” has never been more appropriate. I can’t imagine being in a position where I had to kick my kid to the curb; fortunately I never will.
Yeah, kicking a kid to the curb and having something catastrophic happen to him thereafter would create a pretty awful feeling.
Sometimes it’s necessary. Neither one of my parents were willing to help me out or take me in at the age of twenty-one. And giving my physical and mental condition at that time, I couldn’t really blame them. I was a piece of shit. Full stop. The subsequent eight or nine months of homelessness really help me grow the fuck up and take responsibility for my life.
My father was a probation officer and that is the advice he gave his brother after his son (my cousin) kept writing bad checks. My uncle would make good on the checks to keep him out of jail.
My father told him that the only way it would change would be to let him go to jail. So uncle told cousin that he wouldn’t bail him out anymore and cousin wrote bad checks again.
Uncle let him go to court and get slapped around a bit. He did hire him a good lawyer who a) got a plea deal for a misdemeanor and b) community service instead of jail.
After that, the cousin stopped writing bad checks. So sometimes it can work. (For the record, my father didn’t think it would work and was pleasantly surprised.)
That’s really sad. I hope the situation improves for you and your family. I’m sure this is hard. Sorry to hear it.
I’m certainly no Life Success counselor, but I lost a chunk of a modest inheritance because my brother got an ‘undocumented’ cash advance on his inheritance that mysteriously failed to be taken into consideration at probate time.
Your mom isn’t a bad person. What she needs to be is a tougher person. Step 1 really should be to stop subsidizing bad behavior. Once she has a solid plan she can hold him to, she might suffer less agita.
Insufferable. Nobody should take an advance on an inheritance unless it is 100 percent the idea of the parent.
Nobody should take an advance on an inheritance unless it is 100 percent the idea of the parent.
I think I’ve heard this story before.
Have they had the “cut-the-shit” talk with him? Get a real job or get out of there.
At this point the only solution for him is going to move back home and move in with my mother, get a real job, pay rent and pay both of my parents back. We’ll see if that happens.
Step one should be stop digging the hole deeper.
Cripes! I’m sorry that you’ve got to deal with that kind of crap. More so for your mom.
Sorry to say this about anyone’s family, but stealing from your own mother is about as low as you can go. Until he at least makes an effort to make good, I have to agree with the calls to cut him off.
Sorry that your family is dealing with that! It’s truly sucky when family takes advantage of family.
To reiterate the advice from everybody else, there is nothing loving about anybody in your family bailing your brother out. At this point it is pure enablement and is an emotional crutch rather than genuine help. The loving thing to do is to toss him out on his ass and make him sink or swim. His asshole behavior seems to come out of entitlement. Any assistance from here on out should be conditioned on him fixing his fuck up of a life, including restitution for his crime.
Since Swiss skipped it today, let’s have some old guy music!
Thanks. Needed that one today.
Since the site is getting nuked and we’re all gonna die anyway, might as well enjoy some T&A.
Many thongs.
All good thongs must come to the rear end.
A sentiment I can really get behind!
Those ladies don’t deserve being the butt of your jokes!
Why do I always get in at the tail end of these threads?
At least you’re a strong finisher.
Don’t give him a bum rap.
You’re all reasoning from an a posteriori position.
The thong is ended, but the malady lingers on.
Some good choices.
via Stossel, a nice response to Ahnuld’s “Let’s sue the fossil fuel companies for murder!” idea. https://twitter.com/AmeshAA/status/975815491041230849
From the wikipedia entry for the CA Governor’s Mansion:
“Arnold Schwarzenegger stayed in a hotel suite at the Hyatt Regency Sacramento near the Capitol when he was in Sacramento but ordinarily commuted each day by private plane from his home in the Brentwood area of Los Angeles.[6]”
He’s not a very smart man, even when I can understand what the fuck he’s saying.
He’s the guy that famously drove around in a Hummer.
As I recall it was a hydrogen fuel Hummer at one point. Gee, whatever happened to hydrogen? I suppose the fossil fuel cabal strangled it in its crib and was totally capable of being economically viable on its own price !merits, right?
It’s amazing how much coal you have to burn, or diesel you have to combust, to make some hydrogen. He’d have been more green by still burning gasoline in it.
puff piece
Arnold used to drive past the store I worked at in his Hummer (not the civilian models, a military one he acquired at some point).
He can fuck right off with his sudden interest in “eeeevil fossil fuels”.
Current Affairs tries to satire and accidentally tells the truth:
You see, human beings have always been nasty, brutish, and sectarian. In fact, we’ve never evolved beyond our early conditioning. Thanks to the rigorous science of evolutionary psychology, we know that, deep down in our cortexes, we’re still the same competitive, cruel, status-obsessed, selfish, tribalist apes we’ve always been…
EvPsych is bunk, but history is not.
Also: today I learned that chameleon means ground lion in Greek. The frill looks like a mane, hence the name.
Scotch, scotch, scotch! Scothchy scotch scotch! Down it goes! Down into my belly!
Mmmm! Delicious!
Isn’t a lion a ground lion?
Are you sure theyre not just chameliins in disguise?
My favorite Greek word is “idiot”
Roughly means someone who does not participate in society.
Then what’s a Karma Chameleon?
Red, gold and green?
So a hot dog with ketchup, mustard, and relish?
Thanks to whomsoever posted that pharmacy link a while back. Sildenafil citrate for the win, bitches! Yeah, I went there.
Pharmacy link? Go on…
Nice try, narc.
SAVED….for future use.
Quotes for everything!
– Trump’s new personal lawyer, Joseph diGenova, March 6, 1997
The guy isn’t wrong. There is nothing wrong with prosecuting a president. But, anyone who still believes in Russia collusion should probably get their head examined.
Also, Congress is the correct venue to prosecute a president and not a whisper campaign led by an unaccountable intelligence agency to the media
I love science.
Whatever turns you on, I guess.
today I learned: the Romans transported Egyptian obelisks to Italy
“New Orleans stripper column: Hidden motives behind latest crackdown on Bourbon Street clubs
Since 2015’s Halloween strip club raids, the count of such clubs in the Vieux Carre in New Orleans has gone from 23 to 14. The “Adult Live Performance Venues Study” lays out this process as a form of “natural attrition.” My colleagues and I, Bourbon Street strippers and nightlife workers, are certain it is not natural at all.
Adverse zoning, contact and distance laws, discriminatory legislation by age and gender, undercover surveillance and overt police raiding are part of a feedback loop that entrenches itself in the public imagination, spurred on by the concept of “trafficking.” The definition of “trafficking,” as it stands, can have many contexts in labor and migration, but here, it is used as a euphemism for “prostitution.” “Prostitution,” in the latest series of raids, was extrapolated into any gesture or conversation “lewd” enough to be construed as an “ask.” No actual sex acts were documented, no “victims of trafficking” or underage workers were found. The ATC charged the clubs for women touching their own bodies, or touching customers: the kind of “show and tell” that is enjoyed and expected during carnival, across a variety of streets and other social spaces. But Bourbon Street is considered a de facto red light district: both symbolizing vice and transmuting anything within it into vice. The district can then be attacked by anyone who stands to benefit from appearing to fight social ills.”
Stripper Column was my nickname in college.
“crack-down” is another term for soft pubic hair
Ben Affleck’s massive back tattoo mocked
It looks like something off a Hot Topic t-shirt.
Least its not a tramp stamp.
He cuts out the middleman – instead of buying an Affliction shirt, he just turns his skin into one.
Ladies and Gentlemen, The Washington Post’s Fact Checker:
Photo of woman hit by Uber car
The 80’s were the worst decade for hair.
Oh no you di’ent!
Ha-ha. Yeah, it sure was.
Worked for me then. Works for me now.
Communal Self-Reliance: A Tie to Bind Black and White
New to me website. Has a lot of variety of POV. Like what I have been reading so far.
PS – A trope that goes around is that the modern university does the greatest disservice to progressives, not to conservatives or libertarians. To get by, conservatives and libertarians need to know Progressive Truths as well as their own ideology, and now how to compare and contrast them. Progressives just get like-minded people whispering comfortable fictions in their ear.
A good read. Thanks. Bookmarked the site.
” Gay sex robots: Demand skyrockets at brothel as heterosexuals ‘want to try male cyborgs’
STRAIGHT men are testing the boundaries of their sexuality by renting male sex dolls at a brothel to “try the gay world” without judgment.”
“Sex dolls with boobs AND functioning penises are a hit with kinky couples
TRANSGENDER dolls are the most poplar sex trend of the moment.”
TERFs going to be angrier if possible.
june is very ok person
“a hit with kinky couples”
Seems like a fair compromise. He still gets 2 holes and it looks female. She gets something out of the deal too. Better that than a dude looking one with a vagina. That’s a total waste for everyone.
That’s not true. I’m judging.
Another interesting if unattributed tweet:
“I live in constant fear President Trump is going to deport my mother-in-law
who works at 2763 E. Windshire Blvd. She gets off at 6:00 pm and drives a green Chevy”
Double lol because of Bushmills.
Triple even.
I just want to fuck my mother-in-law.
That was on the landing page of pornhub today.
Hi everyone. I got an email from Tonio, so I thought I’d let everyone know what’s up. I haven’t been around much because my mother was very ill, and needed help to do daily things. She passed last week. This was the main reason for my absence and the reason I discontinued SNP. I hope to bring it back in one form or another, but for now, I’m still pretty fucked up, both emotionally and (currently) in regard to my sobriety,
As soon as I get back to some level of normalcy, I’ll start commenting and contributing. For now, I’m going to go drink and listen to Mahler’s 5th. Or Beethoven. Or something.
Sorry to hear that BP.
I’m sorry, brother. Take care.
My sincere condolences BP. Rufus.
Condolences BP
I’m sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself BP.
Sorry, BP.
Best wishes. You’re in my thoughts.
So sorry to here that BP. Hang in there. We are all here for you.
My condolences.
Been there, hang Tough BP, God Bless you and yours
Ah shit, sorry to hear that BP. Keep in mind sobriety is not required around here. Being a pillar of good habits and purity and only commenting when sober I can relate, but not being sober has never stopped any of these other jerks from commenting. I trust you sill start feeling better soon. You and SNP are missed.
Wait…wait…other people are sober?
I’d never considered the possibility, but here we are. Seems like a purge in order.
[Barney Gumble belch]
Damn. You just take care of yourself. Don’t worry about us or SNP … just you.
That sucks. I’m sorry.
I’m sorry for your loss.
You have my deepest sympathies. Take care, and if your job allows bereavement leave, take all that you are allowed.
Damn, condolences BP.
I’m sorry, BP. Real Trump will continue creating more fodder for SNP (& HatnHair) when you’re ready.
I’m sorry. Take care of yourself.
Sorry 🙁
Sorry to hear, BP. I’ll drink one for you.
I’m sorry for your loss.
So, i woke up the my wife Blowing a Massive amount of chunks, like, where did this all come from amounts, So, Ambulance time! Fortunately, we live 2 minutes from the Hospital.
In the meantime, She allowed my son to use Silver Kia to take his Daughter home, a totally Unauthorized Move! And She didn’t tell me until he left, GRRRR…..
so instead of starting at 7 am on my jobsite, I didn’t get there til 9:30, GRRR…..
It appears the Wife got a bit of stomach Flu, and no one knows where/why, Feeling much better, and Home Tomorrow, I need a Beer…………
Soooooooooooo don’t plan anything for 72 hours from when your wife puked. In fact just put a 5 gallon bucket in your bathroom and schedule 8 hours in there
The whole thing is odd, she is pretty much House bound, We all ate the exact same things over the Weekend but only She got Sick…..
Ya, it’s possibly norovirus. Most creatures think it’s ‘food Poisoning’ because the victim gets to enjoy his last meal the hard way, and the psychological association is hard to shake. Regardless, go easy on the sauce for the next 72 hours and get plenty of sleep…but most likely you will be expelling from both ends at the 72 hour mark. Also don’t have any firearms handy cuz death will seem like an option at the height of the symptoms.
Cylons don’t get sick
Ya, I thought I had poisoned myself a few years ago and later deduced it was probably norovirus. I ate some pre packaged bbq brisket from Sam’s that day and then spent the night shitting and puking my brains out. I won’t buy that meat to this day even though I know it was probably not the meat. That and I now make better brisket than what comes in a package.
Dang, Yusef. That started out so well, right up to “chunks”.
Good luck to you both!
It’s a bummer standing by helpless when your spouse is suffering.
I pray a lot
Me too.
Today I got home from work, and I could hear Mr Splosives alternately groaning and yelling in pain before I even opened the door. It’s just awful. Poor guy is in absolute agony and praying aloud for relief.
I keep thinking “This has to get better” but it seems like today is worse than yesterday! 🙁
I pray for good health and happiness for everyone.
So…. it’s your son driving a Kia?
He’s under orders to not touch it, due to liability, and the Wife keeps giving in, if He wrecks it…………
Sorry to hear. I hope she gets well soon.
That’s a bummer, Penguin. Take care of yourself, now.
I thought everyone was welcome JT? Is 100% only 53% in Canadian.
“Ultimately, 53% of those whose sought refugee status in Canada last year were granted that status.”
It’s the metric system.
Norm Macdonald on comedy in the time of Trump.
The 49-year-old woman, Elaine Herzberg, was crossing the road outside of a crosswalk when the Uber vehicle operating in autonomous mode under the supervision of a human safety driver struck her, according to the Tempe Police Department.
Outside of a crosswalk? Pedestrians aren’t supposed to be there, there are laws against jaywalking! How could you expect an autonomous car to account for that? Laws are magic right? Right?
Well it was also a No Pedestrian Killing Zone as well.
I live out in the country, so we don’t have those. It sucks when I have to go into town and my killdozer sits chugging at the light and a prime target just strolls past and I’m not allowed to do anything. Fucking cities.
So Uber will drive for us and solve the problem of Jay-Walkers! A two-fer.
Probably a skinny fucker without a large radar signature. My fat ass will keep me safe when Maximum Overdrive happens.
Luke Days Air Show (incl Blue Angels)
O, Britain. How the mighty have fallen.
Trigger warning: Mark Steyn will depress you.
Omnes: “So, #6, you’ve lived in the US for a while. Where do you prefer living?”
#6: “Uhh, isn’t it obvious?”
Omnes: “Really? America’s so fucked up now Trump is Preznit!”
As an Anglophile, my heart breaks for them. It’s like watching an elderly parent diminish. 🙁 And, like a parent, they provided some good guidance for America, even though we don’t always see eye-to-eye, and I’ll always be grateful to the Brits for what they gave America.
Well, Britain’s problem is that it never really was what it appeared to be – or not for about 150 years, anyway.
Ever had a really old oak in your garden, and one day the guy who does your yardwork comes up and suggests you get a tree specialist to look at it.
So the specialist says it’s got to come down, and when the guys finally start on the trunk, you find that 3ft diameter is a 2ft 6in void with a 3 in wall of somewhat sound sapwood. That’s Britain since about 1930.