Pizza is widely understood to have originated on the Italian peninsula over 1000 years ago according to Wikipedia. A lot time elapsed until the 1940s when American GIs went to Europe during World War II and brought back home with them a taste for pizza. In more modern times, pizza has exploded onto the world food scene, both as a go-to fast snack to be enjoyed when time is of the essence, as well as having gained acceptance as highly regarded haute cuisine.
In the last 70 years or so, considerable innovation has occurred in pizza technology. This article will focus specifically on a treasured pizza style: deep dish pizza of the Hawai’ian type. Deep dish pizza is made by means of baking pizza in a deep pan, and is thought to have originated in Chicago around the middle of the 20th century. The famous Pizzeria Uno claims to have produced the first. Deep dish pizza consists of an inverted topping layer scheme: cheese, then protein and vegetable ingredients, then the tomato sauce, and finally a dusting of some sort of a pulverized cheese product. In this article, we will take it to the next level by laying out the optimal process for you to create a perfect artisanal, Hawai’ian-style, deep dish pizza.
The crust
It is important that, in order to make the highest quality, artisanal pizza, one must start with the finest ingredients. The pizza dough is no exception. If you do not feel up to the task of making your own high quality pizza dough, you can just skip this section and buy an acceptable pre-made dough. I would recommend the pre-made dough sold by Whole Foods Market, or alternatively, any dough sold by your local trattoria – just ensure that you confirm they use non-GMO flour.
•Approximately 2 US cups (450 ml) of Vermont’s finest King Arthur low gluten, unbleached white flour
•Approximately 1 cup (225 ml) of distilled water, Ty Nant mineral water, or other reputable water brand
•1 heaping tablespoon (15 ml) of Bob’s Red Mill, gluten free, active dry yeast
•1 heaping tablespoon (15 ml) of Wholesome Sweetener’s Malawian Fair Trade Natural cane sugar
•Approximately 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of pink Himalayan salt, Fair Trade and Conflict-Free preferable
•1 bottle of high quality imported extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) – I prefer Fair Trade EVOO from Tunisia, and always avoid oils that include trans-fats
Warm the water, because it will speed the activation of your yeast, and you will therefore not have to wait days or even weeks for the dough to rise. To warm the water, I would recommend using an electric kettle because electricity is clean power, but make sure you stop warming the water once it gets to a temperature of about 120F/50C. You need to do this to ensure that the yeast is not killed due to excessive temperature, as yeast is a living microorganism. Mix the warm water, the yeast, and sugar in a large mixing bowl until the sugar is completely dissolved. Let the yeast activate for about 10 minutes so as to reduce its toxin content. You will know that it’s time to move on to the next step if the liquid mixture develops a frothy head about fingernail-deep. Add to the liquid mixture a couple glugs of the olive oil, and the salt. Next, gradually stir in the flour until the mixture begins to form a viscous paste and gradually transforms into a ball of dough. Continue to add small amounts of flour and work the mixture with your hands, being careful not to add too much flour. Cease the addition of flour once the dough becomes only a little bit tacky. Knead the dough for about 10 minutes. I like to throw that shit down into the bottom of the bowl and spank the dough. If the dough starts to stick to your fingers whilst kneading, simply dust your hands with a bit of flour, and continue. The purpose of all of this kneading is to begin to further break down the gluten – don’t worry – this process will also continue during fermentation as your dough is made to sit and rise. When the kneading has gone on long enough that the dough isn’t that tacky, form the dough into a ball, and cover with a thin layer of EVOO. Let the dough sit at room temperature covered with a towel. I suggest that you allow it to double in volume, about 1 hour at room temperature, punch it down/kneed a bit more, and let rise again for another hour as it ferments. As the dough sits for an extended period of time, the yeast digests, releasing gas by-products within the dough, resulting in a crust that is fluffy and not so dense.
Preheat your oven to 425F (or gas setting 7).
Take your baking pan – in this case I have chosen a Williams-Sonoma lodge cast iron skillet for a more rustic taste – and coat the baking pan with a liberal application of EVOO. If you are on a tighter budget, simply stop off at a Dollar General store (mind the smell – have a handkerchief on hand) and buy a steel baking pan for single use and ask your handyman to recycle it for you after you’re done. The quantity of oil used here is important. It will ensure that the crust becomes crispy, and at the same time, quite buttery and similar in consistency to First Nations Aboriginal People’s fry bread of the American Four Corners region. By using this amount of olive oil, it is ensured that the crust will effectively be fried during the baking process.
Extract the wad of dough from the bowl, deposit into the middle of the baking pan, and work the dough outward so that it forms raised edges thusly:
Bake the crust alone for about 15 minutes, when it has begun to develop its first signs of golden brown as illustrated below, not unlike the look of pre-burnt, naan. As the crust is still partially raw at this stage, it is therefore pliable and ready to accept the toppings.
The toppings
Now, as this is the recipe for Hawai’ian style deep dish pizza, it must include the two staple ingredients: cured pork product (typically Canadian bacon) and pineapple. As everybody knows that the Polynesian races prefer to pair pork with tropical fruits for all of their meals, it is but a natural and a culturally sensitive choice that this pizza – Canada’s finest gift to the world – includes these toppings.
For the bottom layer, I have elected to use slices of Mozzarella di Bufala, derived from grass-fed, hand-drawn, free range milk. Press the cheese slices into the crust so that a deeper cavitation is created in the partially inflated crust – more room for toppings!
For the pineapple, I was able to obtain a rare pre-war, aged tin of pineapple chunks off from an Etsy seller, for its novelty factor. But it is equally acceptable (and even exciting) to use fresh cut pineapple slices. Just make sure that your pineapple is from non-GMO trees. Ensure that you drain off and sufficiently dry out the pineapple using unbleached, single source, fair trade, high thread count Egyptian cotton cheesecloth. I reserved the juice from my aged pineapple chunks for later use in a drink with cachaça, Angostura bitters and macerated mint leaves.
In terms of cured pork, here is the selection of toppings that I have chosen for this recipe:
•Enough slices of jamón ibérico to cover the bottom of a 14 inch diameter (about 3.5 decimeters) deep metal pan – I obtained slices at the cost of US$80/lb (don’t balk, the quantity you need is small, so this won’t break the bank!) Because this meat product originates from Europe, it is by definition 100% natural and organic.
•Applewood smoked bacon – cooked until strips are crispy and wick away excess pork fat with 100% post-consumer recycled paper towels. Discard the rendered fat. Do not undercook the bacon until merely chewy, as the British race is wont to prefer. The applewood smoke is a conscious choice, as apple has a natural synergy with pork. My local butcher sells me gluten-free cuts from free range, locally sourced animals.
•Free range ham steak – only choose locally sourced ham steak from swine that are massaged twice daily. Cut away the bone and trim away the fat, as you do not want the fat to render on your pizza and make it too greasy. Just throw the trimmings into your compost bin or allow your Salvadorian housekeeper to take them home in lieu of a good performance bonus. Note that I have deviated from the conventional rectangular slices of Canadian bacon, and opted instead to cut the ham steak on the bias to produce attractive parallelogram and diamond shapes which also enhance the flavour and mouth feel.
Proceed to layer the toppings.
We’re almost at the end! For my sauce, I slow cooked sun-ripened, non-GMO, organic San Marzano tomatoes along with pulverised fresh garlic clove and fresh chopped basil from my window sill terrarium, a pea-sized amount of anchovy paste to enhance umami, freshly ground Indonesian Fair Trade black pepper from Aceh, a splash of Amarone for sweetness and body, love, and just a kiss of organic smoked Oaxacan red chili flakes. Ensure that you produce a thick sauce and boil off much of the water, otherwise the end result will be ham, pineapple, and tomato soup in a bread bowl! Deposit the tomato sauce to cover all of the other toppings.
Lastly, before baking, you will want to use Parmagiano-Reggiano from Parma to liberally dust over the top of the pizza, along with a handsome amount of all natural Bottarga of your choice for additional umami.
Place the pizza into the oven to bake for another 35-40 minutes, or as needed to yield a beautiful golden brown deep dish crust.
Buon appetito!
Excellent trolling.
Especially with the order of events wrong in the history section.
Yes, this piece hits the commentariat’s collective OCD in many a way.
Indeed excellent trolling. Especially the need to knead the dough a long time to break down the gluten in low gluten flower. I was honestly triggered. The only thing missing is some Pomp artwork of a brazier clad Chuck Schumer handing a slice to a nipple tassel and thong wearing Donald Trump.
OMG I came across this idiotic idea just yesterday, that you can somehow magically massage gluten out of nothing. Do these people have the Philosopher’s Gluten Stone, or what?
Get the fuck out of here. This is actually a real thing?
I was watching some food vids on youtube, and one person mentioned this, and I thought “WTF??”
So apparently it’s a thing?
OMG I came
That is how you do phrasing!
Jesus, yes, he actually had me going for a minute until I got a little further into the article.
Agreed. Although the precious “woke” spelling of Hawaiian in the title was, in retrospect, a clew.
Prosciutto that comes from any country other than Italy is just imported ham. And paying $80 a pound for any prosciutto makes my eye twitch with rage (you go to any Italian store in an ethnic ghetto and you can get Prosciutto de Parma for $11 a pound)
Other than that, the pizza looks good and the ingredients are spelled out well. Well done, Pompey.
On a Fonzie scale of “one to Ayeeeeee”, I give this an ‘ayeeeeeee’
You just called this “pizza”. Hopefully you’re OK with having started World War Glib.
I am always complimentary to the writer. They put effort into providing us something to read and comment about.
And you’re polite too. Just asking for trouble around here I see..
Rick C-137 should work this plot line into his stories.
“World War G”
Definitely a Hard NC-17 rating.
I recon’ as long as I have SugarFree and Warty on my side, I am safe, mentally and physically…oh, and SP…cannot ignore the cyber front!
Safe from your *enemies*, perhaps…
I wonder if STEVE SMITH does USO tours?
“World War G”
Definitely a Hard NC-17 rating.
Excerpt from a reviewer: “It was your typical PG-13 summer action blockbuster until half-way through it inexplicably segued into a punch-and-judy show with a hat and a hairy creature that somehow descended into a hard-core bondage orgy including Trump and Clinton lookalikes. It was as if some malevolent spirit had hijacked the script to inflict its pain upon the world. And yet, it was so artfully done I could not look away. After this half-hour lovecraftian intermission the plot of the film resumed as if nothing had happened, as if it had all been but a nightmare. I left the cinema a hollow man.”
On a Fonzie scale of “one to Ayeeeeee”, I give this an ‘ayeeeeeee’
I believe he called it the Nick Gillespie of pizza.
Is there some checmical in the air that can’t be added elsewhere? If the process is the same and produces the same results, how would you know?
Now of course being one prone to cooking casseroles and calling them pizza I’m shocked that you have any strong opinions about a geographic moniker.
+1 Cham-PAG-nee
Are you looking for a fight, UnCivil? If so, you’ve found it
*gives a look of nonplussed distain*
*Notices UnCivil can’t spell ‘disdain’. Shrugs, realizing that UnCivil’s spelling is as good as his choices in pizza*
speling is for litle peepl
I just assumed he was calling you a diaper stain.
I’ll fight you too, Mike. I’ll fight you all!
Drink Champagne from Champagne in France, and then drink the horrible shit some others pretend is champagne (try that swill from NY for example) and you might know the difference. How those pigs are fed and brought up so they can then smoke that ham is going to make the product be different if not done right.
E va fare un culo!
Wine, carbonated or flat, is not drinkable.
My God, could your taste buds get any worse?
Mine work. You are clearly forcing yourself to choke down stuff you hate because you think you shouldn’t.
I have to be in NYC in April for work. Meet me in Time Square. I challenge you to a dual.
A dual what?
My rage has impacted by spelling
Dual 3 core Celeron overclocked
I figured you were mocking UCS for his spelling, which is why you also called it Time Square.
Hmmm. Now I have to see if SP will ban him outright, or OMWC will catbutt him.
OT: controversy in RWC qualifying:
Short version: Spain (ranked #19) were expected to easily defeat Belgium (#25) and qualify for their first world cup, forcing Romania through a playoff series to qualify. However, Spain were shocked by Belgium losing 18-10 in the game refereed by a Romanian. Rugby Europe said: “Referees’ appointments for the Rugby Europe Championship have been made ahead of the competition by an independent and neutral skilled committee.”
World Rugby is going to investigate.
It just seems stupidity to appoint a ref with even the potential of bias.
Exactly… that is a FAIL on the face of it.
Alex, I did not realize until I read your comment that Champagne is made from pigs.
Not only that, if the pig farmers in Champagne really have trained their pigs to smoke ham, then I can see how a regional difference might be pretty serious.
Champagne is made by frogs.
That’s not a pan, that’s a bucket.
If it’s even vaguely related to Italian cuisine, I’ll eat it by the bucket. As my spousal unit and my waistline will attest to.
Which war?
The First Glibertarian Civil War, fought solely over the question of whether or not deep-dish can also be called “pizza.”
It was fought to a draw, with honourable casualties on both sides. (I watched from the sidelines with wineglass in hand.)
No, the war of Austrian Succession.
Ah. The lead solder they used to seal the can adds a certain special je ne sais quoi to the dish, I s’pose.
There’s a reason Romans used lead as a seasoning to their foods.
(I don’t even have to make that up)
Lead is too sweet unless you cut it with a bit of antimony.
You really do have to wonder how the Hell those folks managed to build an empire.
Slaves. Lots of slaves.
Slaves on a calorie-restricted diet, where sweeteners were a luxury.
This entire article gives me a raging food boner.
I would actually eat this pizza. I haven’t given Hawaiin a shot since that one time in grade school, but this looks damn magnificent.
If you ever make it, take extra care to moderate the salt content of your sauce. The cured pork will provide what you need.
I believe it! That’s good advice. I once made a crock pot ham and bean soup… Salted the beans prior to adding the smoked ham shoulder. Rookie mistake.
Yeh, always keep that in mind.
Your pineapple casserole is worse than Hitler.
Well, now I gotta eat it.
*is instantly attracted to the idea of making one*
Hitler Wants Pizza
You mean worse than Trump. Trump is more Hitler than Hitler himself now.
I’m also fascinated by what looks like a bottle of dried bottarga. I wasn’t even aware you could get it dried — I have to pay stupid sums of money for the stuff, refrigerated, from the one decent Italian store in the Lower Mainland (Cioffi’s in The Heights on Hastings).
And now I’ve ordered some off of Who knew?
I Love it! would with Authoritaaa!
There will be no war, civil or otherwise, because I am just going to nuke the site. I can’t believe you people took advantage of my mercy trip to Del Boca Vista to try to slip this onto the site unnoticed.
I am beyond disappointed with all of you, especially Pomp and the editorial staff. I shall darken the door of this once hallowed website no more.
The Glibocalypse will begin momentarily.
(insert Ron Paul ‘It’s Happening’ Meme)
*waves bye to all*
I even ate the entire pizza, SP. Ate the whole thing.
Is that why you have to periodically fast?
I didn’t say I ate it in one sitting. I’m not a savage after all.
No, you’re no savage. Just weak 😀
It’s the end of the world as we know it. And I feel fine.
*The Site*

Oh, the Humanity!!
Amazing how quickly that airship burned up.
*grabs ankles, kisses ass goodbye*
SP dealing with the site…
Needs more pieces of flair.
87 pieces is a minimum. Why are you only doing the minimum?
Someone check on SP. She must be incapacitated.
…or not
‘Libertarians’ who enjoy pineapple pizza are worse than Nick Gillespie. I said what everyone was thinking
Agreed. Pomp’s article was excellent. The subject matter however… *shudders*
So are you saying ‘libertarians who like pinapple pizza are the Nick Gillespie’s of pizza enjoyers’? Or are you saying pineapple pizza enjoyers = Will Wilkinson?
Pineapple pizza is the Nick Gillespie of pizza.
Pompey, this just rocketed to my top five favorite articles on this site. 10/10.
Oh, and would.
Tundra; the Nick Gillepsie of Glib literary critics.
Maybe not quite Nick Gillespie, but definitely within the category of “Newly Woke” Matt Welch
Sorry Marge, I’m afraid this gets my lowest rating ever. Seven thumbs up.
Make sure to cool the pizza down before sticking your bits into it, though.
Rock-solid advice!
WTF? Is there another American Pie movie where the apple pie was replaced with a deep dish pizza?
Two words: Pizza burn.
Oh, and would.
Make sure it cools off. Wouldn’t want that hot-melted-cheese burn on . . . anything.
Dammit, KK beat me to the joke.
*severely narrows gaze*
In fairness, she did only post it a half hour ago. Not really your fault for missing it.
To add an entirely new level to this controversy, on several occasions I’ve made a similar pizza using Dole canned pineapple and Betty Crocker pizza crust mix from a pouch.
People complain about the lack of edit buttons. What we really need is an ignore button.
I have most the core code for such a button written into Monocle. It’s not functional yet, but I’ll put a few hours into it next time Mrs trshmnstr goes to visit her family for a week.
An edit button, or an ignore button?
Ignore. I can’t do an edit button from Monocle because it executes on your browser rather than on the Glibs server.
Good. We don’t need one.
Hmmm, interesting strategy. If you remove all flavor from it, is it still a Hawai’ian pizza?
Plenty of flavor. Instead of ham we use my home made Italian sausage, which more than compensates for the other ingredients.
Needz moar avocado.
*narrows gaze*
I figured you’d say it needs more boobs.
Entirely OT:×400.png?itok=8PrOUH0v
Warning: zero hedge, but its a graph, so no comments.
Question: If I’m to try my hand at cannibalism, how do I go about finding fresh, non-GMO, free range, artisanal human meat? Is there some shop that will only use locally sourced product, or do I need to just go out and hunt it myself?
Maybe ZARDOZ should field this one.
it only stands to reason that you’d want humans whom had been fed on all-natural, non-GMO, free range, vegetarian or better yet vegan diets. I think your best hunting grounds would be upper class white coastal cities and university campuses.
ZARDOZ does not eat what he kills. Sportsmen everywhere have disowned HIM.
Why would you want to harm Gwenneth Paltrow or Sheryl Crow?
I think a more appropriate question is why wouldn’t you want to harm them.
About 15 years ago I could think of a reason. Now……?
Maybe we could try starting off with these jerk-offs.
SMHD….I had a few coworkers watch the “What the Health” documentary and start showing up with meatless lunch
Coworkers: meat is worse for you than smoking you guyz.’
Me: “you know that’s all lies based on pseudoscience, right?
Coworkers: Blank bovine stares of incredulity….”It was a documentary so it has to be true.”
I’m surprised they didn’t just call you a Nazi.
They aren’t woke…..just rubes who like being told what to think.
If I made a parody, I couldn’t do any better.
I’m supposed to take life advice from Steve-O? Ummm…. no
And every single “fact” and statistic presented is disputable. There have been sever debunking articles written but I like this one:
I think I read that he is working on a book that refutes the “Veganism is better for Gaia” crap that I eagerly look forward to reading
I was going through food documentaries on Amazon yesterday, and there were both “keto will save your life” and “plant based diets are the only true solution” type pieces.
Guess which trailers put front and center that they were working with legislators and governments in order to force their choices upon the rest of the world?
When you dig just a little bit under the hood on the plant people, you quickly begin to see that it’s all about forcing other people. Their big arguments revolve around water consumption.
Humans are omnivores, but could it be that some of us are closer to carnivores, while others are closer to herbivores? Carnivores tend to live alone or in small groups and don’t really care what goes on around the, while herbivores only have strength in numbers.
This could be the basis for a whole new political philosophy 😀
“Humans are omnivores”
Every time some moron tells em we are supposed to be vegetarians I point out the composition of our teeth. Our back teeth are to grind plants, and the front ones to tear meat. That makes us omnivorous entities. Choosing to eat only plants is a choice based on ignorance of basic and general human biology IMO.
Its also a choice based on religious ideology
Graham as in the family that created the crackers. See also Kellog’s and Sanitarium
Pre-war history is WEIRD.
Kuru Continuum.
Prion diseases are my favorite.
Look, it’s a prog wet dream. They’re all in their bunks right now.
Social Credits
Pompey is literally Hitler
Pomp, please tell me you were lying about paying $80 for a pound of prosciutto that is from Spain. That’s just egregious
I think quality jamon iberico de bellota is quite pricier than prosciutto.
I liked this serious eats article back in the day especially the pig farm which i think looks cool, basically a oak forest
The pig was one of them talking ones.
Long pork. See above.
::looks to the sky, puts hands in pockets, and strolls away whistling::
I’m lucky enough to live about 20 minutes from the first distributer to get an import license for Iberico products.
Their hams are outstanding, obviously. But often overlooked: their grill meats.
would this be good with some ranch dressing on top? I am not 100% sure of your American customs …
if it is indeed a food, then we can conclude it is good with Ranch dressing.
Soy sauce.
New marketing idea: Soy Ranch.
‘Ranch dressing with even more salt and sugar!’
Balko is making Gillespie look like HL Mencken
Balko has gone past the point of stupid to embarrassing.
Balko is still really, really good on the criminal justice front. I bought his new book. You should too.
I unfollowed him like a month after the election because of shit like this, though. And it’s gotten worse since.
The Cadaver King and the Country Dentist. It’s about Stephen Hayne and Michael West, two names who should be familiar to most here and two people who should be sitting in prison for the rest of their lives.
Thanks! Added to audible que. Rise of the Warrior Cops was both terrifically researched and written. How he manages to come off as a complete idiot on the twatter is a mystery.
Good to hear. Its next on my list after I finish Howl’s Moving Castle. I’ll give Balko all the slack in the world. His left turn was as predictable as it was disappointing, but the guy was instrumental in getting an innocent person off of death row.
I’ll check it out. Good to know he hasn’t completely lost his mind.
“Balko is still really, really good on the criminal justice front”
Except when it comes to the FBI, which we all know are the most righteous of law enforcement.
Balko is still really, really good on the criminal justice front.
So he’s an idiot savant?
never go full retard
I thought it was funny.
a pickle would say that. Don’t make me get my salad shooter.
TDS is required to attend cocktail parties with all the cool kids.
Again, I hate being put in a position where I’m defending Donald Trump. I feel like my kindergarten teacher who used to give the class one minute at the start of the day to open and close the Velcro on our shoes repeatedly so as to get it out of our system. Everybody who wants to make a dumb joke about Trump because they find him distasteful but don’t have a specific policy they can criticize should take about five minutes to just scream out about how big a doodoo head he is, and then we’ll just all assume you still feel that way tomorrow and the day after, and you won’t have to tell us all about it yet again.
I have no problem with a criticism of Trump on policy, even the policies that I agree with, because then we are at least talking about reality. Russia fever dreams though are a sign of a mental deficient partisan who is out of ideas
Good Hawaiian pizza is awesome. Especially with a drizzle of Mae Ploy sweet hot chili sauce on top. Aw yas…
Thin crust, though. I’m not a pervert.
I’m doing the driver safety course on the computer today.
Did you know that there are mirrors on your car?
Just remember: Green = go, red = stop, yellow = go really fast.
I used that at a stop light party in college.
“Why are you wearing yellow?”
“It’s like green, but you go faster”
The fuck is a stoplight party?
/checks to make sure lawn is empty
Idk some sort of crazy sex party.
All the kids are doing it.
You’d wear green for single and ready to go, red for taken.
Really, it was just another theme night to drink bad beer.
It’s like a rainbow party, but also a sausage fest.
And blue=go in Japan.
unless you are red/green colorblind. then it’s go, go, go really fast.
My last car was a beater I bought from my brother. He’d managed to shear off the driver’s-side mirror completely and cracked the passenger’s-side mirror such that only about the bottom third remained. So when I bought my new (used) car with all the mirrors intact it was kinda fun relearning that, yeah, cars have mirrors.
Some cars also have a way to make lights blink on just the right or left side of the vehicle.
Wait…what?! What in the world would you use those for?!
/Chicago suburban driver
Winking at the chicks?
Which no one uses anymore.
“Nah, I’ll prolly just keep barrelin’ through intersections”
Question 1: what model Subaru is the best?
Question 2: If John drives his Impreza at 30 mph south on Route 7 toward Vergennes, and Bill drives his Forester at 40 mph north toward Shelburne, how do you pronounce “Charlotte”?
1. Ask a lesbian.
2. “Fucked up airport”
1: Matchbox
2: Harlot
The best Subarus are the ones in the scrap yard
Which Shelburne?
OT, but probably too late for morning links:
I think this is a topical and good summary, authored by my con-law professor, of the current and historical debate over the federal government’s power over immigration law.
Funny thing is that, assuming this is satire, it completely shows the fallacy of so much of the “foodie” culture. Assembling a bunch of expensive ingredients does not make for a good dish. Using ibérico ham in a pizza is idiotic. You might as well be mixing 20-year-old Balvenie with Red Bull. Any tomato sauce is going to drown out the taste. And you most certainly can’t taste “fair trade” or “conflict free”. Most of this stuff is just plain social signalling by people whose palates are woefully uninformed.
And, yet, these are the same sorts who will sneer at well-done steak (Not my personal preference, but that’s kind of my point).
“You might as well be mixing 20-year-old Balvenie with Red Bull”
It is well known that only barbarians mix fine Scotch with anything.
Count me in then. I’ve got a bottle of Aberlour I’m not happy with and since I don’t have any Bailey’s, I’ve been using it as a Irish (Scotch?) coffee base.
“I’m not happy with”: so clearly not a fine Scotch and thus can be mixed.
I used to call Makers Mark the pivot bourbon.
If a bourbon costs less than or equal to Makers, it is a mixer.
If it costs greater than or equal to Makers, it is a sipper.
Stealing this.
People with refinement and taste drink wine instead of Scotch. :-p
Such as my wife: she brings refinement & taste to our marriage. I bring, um, well, yeah, I got nothing.
I don’t need to buy fair-trade to sneer about that.
Asian fusion has this problem in spades. I don’t care how super premium your toppings are if your noodles are from the same restaurant supply company as the cheap place down the street and your soup is a watery mess lacking in real flavor.
“Neoconservatives are like heroes or something”
– “Newly Woke” Matt Welch
Democrats suddenly understand what the 2nd is all about?
If we can’t win elections…
The best defense for the Second Amendment is probably that both sides discover it when the other side is in power.
God I wish I were there; “So Mr. Congressman, what you are saying that the right to bear arms is necessary for a free society to ensure their politicians follow the rule of law?”
If you can’t beat ’em, kill ’em.
National Republican Campaign Committee spokesman Chris Martin can fuck right off then.
RNC 2009: We need the 2nd Amendment to protect us against the government
RNC 2018: Oh my God- this guy just said that we need the 2nd Amendment to protect us against the government! Get ’em, Secret Service!
*to be fair, as someone noted, candidate Trump suggested this was the purpose of the 2nd Amendment during the campaign and the media shat itself with rage*
NYPost gets it wrong. NRCC is the National Republican Congressional Committee which isn’t tied to the RNC. It’s an incumbent protection PAC run by congress critters. The places where incumbents face realistic challenges tend to be in swing districts which means the NRCC is most at home defending and promoting the most inoffensive milquetoast candidates.
Cooking up hamburgers for lunches this week. Think I’m packing mozzarella and pepperoni to top them with.
The Glib editing staff had to go with a midday food post. now I’m hungry enough to eat pizza casserole.
Thin crust pizza just a phone call away.
I’m thinking Pad Thai, actually.
Also, this reminded me of OMWC:
He should have stuck with his initial, very sensible response: he said what he said. Set aside the flagrant antisemitism, there’s no apologizing for batshit crazy. That’s not the sort of thing you write off because someone makes a canned apology. I’m sorry I believe that lizard people control our dreams using HAARP. Sorry for what, that you’re a lunatic? I’m sorry, too, but neither one of us is being contrite.
Trayon White (D., Ward 8) posted a Facebook video Friday during a brief snowfall in which he complained about the weather and argued wealthy Jewish people were in some way responsible.
“Man, it just started snowing out of nowhere this morning, man. Y’all better pay attention to this climate control, man, this climate manipulation,” he said. “And D.C. keep talking about, ‘We a resilient city.’ And that’s a model based off the Rothschilds controlling the climate to create natural disasters they can pay for to own the cities, man. Be careful.”
sounds legit.
This is silly, everyone knows its the Highland Scotts that control the weather.
Only lightning for the quickening
Woops, fucked up the link. It was supposed to point to Destro’s Weather Dominator from Season 1 of GI Joe.
I keep telling you folks, it’s the Illuminati, and they control the world, not just the weather.
From a bunker in Tibet.
Since 208 B.C.
I’ll make pizza tomorrow for dinner.
Maybe minus the deep dish part
So, pizza.
OT: Utterly pointless clickbait.
An Uber self-driving car hit and killed a woman in Tempe, Ariz., Sunday night, according to media reports.
The Uber car was in self-driving mode when the accident occurred, but had a safety driver at the wheel as is the norm when testing autonomous vehicles.
The woman, who has not been named, was crossing outside the designated crosswalk at about 10 p.m. when she was hit, police said.
Sgt. Ronald Elcock, a Tempe police spokesman, told the Arizona Republicconfirmed that the car was in autonomous mode with a driver behind the wheel when it hit the pedestrian. There were no passengers in the car at the time.
It’s gonna be tough to pin it on Kalanick.
So far both the Uber “self” driving car and Ted Kennedy’s car have killed more people than my firearm(s). But guns are the ones you have to watch out for in the autonomous killing department.
Leave Kennedy’s car alone. Unlike him, it dove in after her.
Something that shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. I hope they get sued for all they’re worth.
Gotta break a few eggs to bring about the glorious autonomous omelete, comrade!
I am not sure fault has been determined yet.
That technology is nowhere near ready for public roads and probably wont be for a decade or more. IMHO, they’re negligent just having it out there on the street.
Based on the google car accident rates, that is not even close to true.
Maybe the uber car is well behind, but I doubt it is that far behind.
I think the idea that computer technology and our ability to use it is advanced enough to handle the complexity of defensive driving is pure fantasy. I think we’re moving towards that goal but it’s not ready. I’m not sure how anyone who owns a computer device can possibly buy that we are. Doesn’t make sense.
I still want to see the decision logic that will be deployed when cars have meshed communications, and one of the cars gets to volunteer to kill its only male driver so the other vehicle can save its female driver with 3 kids in the back.
Eh, how many pedestrians per mile has this car killed? How many pedestrians per mile do traditional cars kills. Give me those numbers and I’ll know if this is a problem or an improvement.
But it’s an automatic car, thus much more dangerous.
Was it black?
It had a thing that went up.
You hold down the gas pedal and it just drives and drives all on its own. Those big semi’s you see on the road, you have to press the gas pedal once each time you want it to move forward.
Just have to fix a bug in the “YouGetPointsForThem” subroutine.
They tried that but the fix kept causing the blue screen of death.
Fight for 15!
Needs foreskins. And aborted fetuses.
You could bake that pizza pie to celebrate aborting a
boyfuture rapist.Rep. Tom Suozzi made the remark to constituents at a town hall last week, saying that folks opposed to Trump might resort to the “Second Amendment.”
“It’s really a matter of putting public pressure on the president,” Suozzi said in a newly released video of the March 12 talk in Huntington. “This is where the Second Amendment comes in, quite frankly, because you know, what if the president was to ignore the courts? What would you do? What would we do?”
Hmm. If I recall correctly, Trump said something about “2nd Amendment people” in regard to Herself, and the media went apeshit and wanted the Secret Service to snatch him up.
Awesome stuff Pomp.
Packed with delicious one-liners.
As for people who deliberately and willingly order pineapple on pizza, I have to say it’s worse than being libertarian.
I don’t order it, but I’ll happily eat it… especially on thin crust, with green chili.
Discard the rendered fat.
…I don’t understand. Did you mean to add “into your gullet” but then you fucked it up? Otherwise, this is grammatically unintelligible.
I assumed that it was used to grease the pan and crust.
I thought that went without saying.
Next in the Pompey series: Home Brew Circumcisions
Nixon announces candidacy for NY Gov.
Nixon now!
Nixon’s the One!
She has years of campaign experience
Exactly when did Hawai’i add the ‘? When I was learning the states and capitals in 4th grade, it was Hawaii. It seemed like it got added somewhere in the 90s.
The name and spelling of the state hasn’t changed. Adding the apostrophe is virtue signalling about how woke and shit you are (kinda like misspelling the names of foreign cities like “Beijing” and “Mumbai”). No idea when it happened. Don’t care. Never going to use it.
it happened around the time ESPN began adding accent marks to certain Latin-American players. Including the ones that didn’t use accent marks in their names.
“Hawai’i” is Hawaiian. “Hawaii” is English. Using the former while speaking the latter is a bit of a silly affectation, like the person who slips into a Spanish accent when saying Spanish origin names while speaking English.
Christ, the world has gone crazy.
I can only assume that all of this is a side effect of affluence. Starving third world peasants don’t have nearly enough time to worry about this shit.
Which, by the way, poetry is a pointless pursuit.
Then why, for God’s sake, engage with these people or their rank platform?
Cheeky? Is that the right word?
There’s a difference between ‘cheeky’ – which is the kind of thing an insolent kid indulges in, and ‘cheek’, which is classic old-school British understatement for opportunistic (and usually tone-deaf) behavior.
Shooting a president from a book depository, someone stealing that parking space at Stop-And-Shop, or an ape pulling your shorts down at a zoo could all be demonstrating ‘cheek’.
Ahh…I had no idea there was a difference! So, “cheek” it is.
On a cooking note, my sous vide stick arrived and today is my first chance to try it out. I have a tri tip to pop my sous vide cheery. I am also baking some small french loaves for what I hope is a great tri tip sandwich. So much for the low carb diet today.
Nice. Meat is the obvious, but can I make 2 more suggestions:
1) Eggs
2) Cheesecake (replace sugar with Splenda and its low carb… but not low calorie)
Also, please for the love of God learn about pasteurization so you don’t die.
I did not like the results I got with eggs. I intended to make deviled eggs, so set the sous vide temp for medium-firm yolks. What they don’t tell you is that your yolks will be amazing & perfect, but the whites will be useless and mushy.
This made me laugh.
What was the exact temp and time?
There’s a very small temperature window to get what you want out of eggs.
Fucked if I remember. I haven’t tried it again since. I thought doing eggs in the immersion circulator was gonna be a “set it & forget it” thing. If I have to be that precious about some fucking deviled eggs, it ain’t gonna happen.
For meat, though, the sous vide is amazing.
Though the tenderloin roast I did with a 24-hour dry age and reverse sear last night was amazing, no sous vide required.
“Reverse sear”? How do you unsear meat?
Sear at the end of the cook. Only way to go.
Eggs can take a bit of trial an error to get just right. For a certain personality type, its a lot of fine dialing it in. My wife would rather push bamboo under her fingernails, but my son and I had a lot of fun making a different time/temp egg every night till we got a just-right egg for ramen that had a firm white and a smooth yolk.
Mrs. Dean loves her sous vide. Uses it at least once a week. The results on protein are exceptional. Haven’t really tried it on veggies, because really, who cares about veggies. Hope you enjoy it as much as we have.
There’s no benefit to using it on veggies. It’s just a waste of time.
Sous Vide is responsible for every single one of the top 10 meat dishes I’ve ever made, however.
Sous vide butter poached asparagus. You’ll thank me later.
167F for 15 minutes, with a tiny bit of butter in the pouch. They float a lot, so be prepared to weigh them down with something heavy. Take the pouch directly to an ice bath to stop the cooking and refrigerate while you sous vide your steak (you *are* having steak, right?) Reheat the asparagus at your steak’s temperature for 15-20 minutes while your steak rest and is getting seared.
You’ll need hollandaise sauce. A lot of it.
That is, never take them out of the pouch until you’re ready to serve, and use the sous vide water to reheat. In case that wasn’t clear. You can do some nice shrimp (raw, little bit of lemon juice) in about the same time/temp.
I just blanch the asparagus for 90 seconds, drain it, and then sear it on extremely high heat in a grill pan with peanut oil, salt, and pepper.
It may just be me, but I really like a the taste of asparagus by itself. At most, I’ll add a little garlic and citrus after cooking, but usually, no sauce at all.
And yes… absolutely steaks.
It’s as much about the convenience – it just works, no room for error.
I believe it, Playa. Fish, especially, is just incredible.
I’m thinking seriously about firing it up for 48 Hour Corned Beef later this week.
A 48 hour chuck roast tastes like prime rib with a shit ton of fat in it. Its a little more work on the plate to cut out the fat, but at like 1/10th the price, its worth it.
Why are you cutting out the fat??
Some of the fat renders out and is delicious. Some of the fat stays really hard and dense. Some of the fat is inseparable from silverskin, which passes through the chuck roast.
Trust me, I’m not one to avoid the fat.
48 hour short rib is also amazing.
One of my top ten…. short rib pastrami.
Also, regular short rib with beef reduction and garlic mash.
If you’re going to do cured meat, I highly recommend.
If you do not feel up to the task of making your own high quality pizza dough, you can just skip this section and buy an acceptable pre-made dough.
I can’t tell if this is part of the trolling or not. The biggest jump in quality occurred when I switched from wegmans dough to making my own dough.
Second biggest was when I took Jesse’s advice and preheated the stone for an hour.
I have a hard time finding a dough recipe I’m happy with, in part because the wife wants a cracker crust a la CPK, and I like a crispy and chewy New York style. I will say, though, that while our shitball oven doesn’t get hot enough or heat evenly enough for good results with a stone, grilling pizza on a charcoal grill is my new favorite method.
One man’s attempt at a good cracker crust. A little involved but I tried the recipe and it turned out very good.
I’m getting a good thin crust by rolling my NY style dough out super thin with a rolling pin.
I tried a special cracker crust recipe 2 weeks ago, and it was good minus needing more salt. I’ll try to hunt it down for you.
Here it is
Thank you for saving this post from its original depravity with a cracker crust recipe. I think that pineapple abomination may well cost this site its family friendly certification.
Deep State like deep dish pizza. No respect.
Speaking of uncollectable student debt
Zoe Ginsberg, an 18-year-old freshman journalism major at USC’s Annenberg School, said she and her classmates have many discussions about the way media is perceived by both the public and politicians in recent years.
“We as students are concerned we haven’t been paying attention and holding government officials accountable enough for their actions,” she said. “There’s also a level of excitement and thrill that has been inspiring.”
She’s not the only one who feels that way.
The latest industry to get a Trump bump: Journalism schools.
The news business has been an iffy career choice since the rise of free online news, with struggling media outlets shedding staff, and the advent of “fake news” and President Trump’s many criticisms of the press have presented challenges for the industry.
So who would voluntarily embark on a journalism career these days? Quite a lot, it turns out.
Yeah, honey. Get out there and defend America from the fake news troll army. And, no, I don’t need room for cream. Just black. I guess I’m supposed to call it an “Americano” here, but that sounds like cultural appropriation.
The smart kids are heeding the warnings from their older cohort who have been struggling with debt and useless degrees. The idiots are plowing ahead into mountains of debt for worthless diplomas, hoping beyond hope that Bernie comes to save them from their own stupidity.
Acting collectively, obscurities such as Rak have been able to crowdsource a regime of ideological enforcement that now can be used to bully even true literary legends.
“Who? No, I have no clue who that is. Why should I give a shit what he/she/it thinks?”
I hate the world.
Why I don’t care if the Repubs lose their majorities in Congress:
Gridlock Baby!
kinda cool if you avoid the narrative.
oops. i just OT’d your OT post.
Well clearly they need to be killed before they can grow up and start voting.
I’ve mentioned it before, but the trap shooting team at the local high school is huge! And there is a big poster on the wall of the cafeteria – all the kids toting their boom-sticks.
And nothing else happened.
Collins? okay, yeah that sounds like something she would sponsor. but Lamar Alexander?
And a number of other Repubs are quoted as not exactly being against it.
Fuck ’em. They’re useless. At least with Dems running Congress we might get the full blown Constitutional crisis this country badly needs.
Or a Civil War.
I hope better than the movie.
I’d like them to keep the Senate just for judicial nominations
the reason so many healthcare companies actually operate in TN is because of the very influence they wield relative to the size of the state; its sort of a virtuous/vicious cycle of influence-peddling and rent-seeking. The more you give, the more come to the trough to feed. Most TN representatives might as well be directly-employed by the healthcare lobby.
Which episode of Star Trek: TNG does this remind you of?
I take it that there arent a bunch of smoking hot half-naked people about to give me a massage in that neighborhood. OTOH, maybe Wesley crusher will actually be put to death this time and spare us from his inanity.
What’s TNG?
I think the idea that computer technology and our ability to use it is advanced enough to handle the complexity of defensive driving is pure fantasy.
Can the “driver” of that ostensibly autonomous car differentiate between a mailbox and a motionless woman with a perambulator (tips bowler at No 6)? Can it anticipate an attempt to cross the street by one but not the other?
Yes, why wouldn’t they be able to?
Yes. Computer vision is pretty good at picking out people and identifying what they’re doing.
How about predicting what crazy-assed thing they are gonna do next?
Minority Report.
To be honest, I haven’t kept up with the state of the art since about 2011. These days, I bet you could predict whether or not a collision is likely based on movement of the person and other relevant objects (like a basketball rolling into the street).
Quite good. Better than humans.
The biggest current problem, as I understand it, it predicting 2+ steps ahead in causality. For example, if carA is trailing a carB, and carB is occluding a motorcycle so that carA can’t see the motorcycle, and if carB switches lanes abruptly without a blinker and the motorcycle stops on a dime, carA may have a hard time with that scenario.
But this is because motorcycles decelerate faster than cars and are so small. If the motorcycle is a car, it won’t be able to decelerate that much faster than carA.
And this is also incredibly dangerous for a human driver in carA. “Start Seeing Motorcycles” is a bumper sticker for a reason.
Its a worst case scenario for an autonomous car, but they are still better than a human at handling it.
*checks Tucson traffic reports*
If not, I would say that means it would fit right in around here.
Computer vision is pretty good at picking out people and identifying what they’re doing.
Let’s say your computer is driving down the street, and “sees” a woman with the rear door of a parked car open. Does it know enough to recognize the possibility of a small child bursting forth into the street?
It can, if its trained on that. Given that manufacturers spend years on actual roads looking for this kind of thing to train on, I have no doubt that it does.
It would likely “know” that there is something occluding its view of a certain area and proceed accordingly. Why does it matter that you know that a kid is about to bound out? Because you need to devote your attention to that potential issue. A computer has no such need. It can simply detect the occlusion, proceed at a safe speed given the unknowns of the situation, and detect the child running out from behind the car in 1/100 the time you could even when being vigilant.
Just for some context, the fastest a human has ever been found to acquire an image (that is, transmit the signal from the eye to the brain) is 13 ms. It then takes more time to actually understand what is going on.
With a $35 Raspbery Pi and a cheap camera, you can knock together a machine vision system that can process an image in 10 ms. That’s not just capture, but complete processing of the image using simple machine vision techniques.
More car stuff. Tesla and UAW Assume Battle Stations
So Tesla employs 10 year-olds?
We had a psychologist for a big company talk about Generational changes in the workplace at a conference I attended a couple weeks back. You should’ve heard him rant about the Disneyland workplaces in silicon valley.
Why does it matter that you know that a kid is about to bound out?
For one thing, you can start looking for clear space for an evasive maneuver. It seems to me the greatest part of driving is not deciding which pedal to push, it’s identifying and assigning probability to threats (for lack of a better word). Of course, most people suck at that, so the net effect of brute force computing might very well be positive.
This is the big thing. So many drivers suck so bad, that autonomous cars are probably already an improvement from a safety perspective.
Except that every single fatal accident that occurs will result in a civil lawsuit, possibly multiple lawsuits because the ‘driver’ of the vehicle is not in ‘control’ of the vehicle.
Scratch that … not even ‘fatal’. Any accident.
Just a couple nights ago when the latest “self-driving” vehicle (a Caddy, IIRC) was being advertised on the TV, my wife suddenly turned to me and said, “Wait a minute — it’s illegal in every province in Canada to take both hands off the steering wheel while the car’s in motion, isn’t it? How can Cadillac possibly sell this here?”
Good question.
I have no doubt that technology can outperform most people in this regard.
But is it worth the loss of freedom? I can’t fathom how such a technology makes us more free, particularly if it means the end of the privately owned and human-driven automobile.
The only benefit I can fathom is getting back from a bar or other place of inebriation safely; however I’m guessing the laws will be written so that even if your car is self-driving you still can’t be drunk.
Also, old people. People are living longer, and old people generally can’t drive well, so autonomous cars are a boon for old people and drunks.
The Atheneans thought that compulsory military service was necessary for democracy. Jefferson thought that an agriculturalist society was necessary for liberty.
If people want freedom, technology changes won’t take it away. If they don’t, no technology can save them.
For one thing, you can start looking for clear space for an evasive maneuver.
That’s actually a strength of autonomous systems. Mainly because it can legitimately multi-task. Humans can, at their peak, do 1.5, maybe 2 things at a time. You can’t simultaneously watch for the kid to jump out of the car, plot an evasive path, and keep aware of whether the idiot behind you is giving you enough space to execute an emergency stop. Thus, you have to rotate between those tasks and pre-plan them in your head. A computer can monitor all of them in real time. Theoretically, when the kid jumps out from behind the car, the computer immediately knows that option 1 (emergency braking) will cause a crash with the trailing car , option 2 (an immediate evasive turn) will run you into a parked car, and option 3 (a delayed evasive turn) has a chance of hitting the kid if the kid speeds up and turns toward the car.
From there, it’s all about the cost algorithm. Which is worst? Hitting a pedestrian? Getting rear ended? Or hitting a parked car?
Meh. A computer can’t even play a decent game of Civilization.
You know who else was outsmarted in their attempt for global domination?
Dr. Evil?
The Brain?
Hillary Clinton?
Fuck Facebook.
Replace ‘Facebook’ in her headline, with “competing media organization”
Ohio student suspended for staying in class during National Walkout Day
AlmightyJB said something about this being a hoax if I recall correctly
He wasn’t punished for not participating in the walkout. The school allowed something like 13 minutes for students to do their social signalling. Other students had no obligation to participate. They were to go instead to the auditorium or cafeteria or some supervised area which he refused to do. I guess that was his protest of the protest. The whole process had been announced locally by the school days in advance. It was more a Respect my Authoritah situation.
So still sidesteps why a school district is facilitating and enabling a political protest rather than continuing the school schedule as normal for that day.
Because it would be unprofessional of the teachers to stay in class and continue teaching those that were there to learn. I mean, it’s not like it’s the teachers job to teach.
I don’t disagree but they knew the students were planning something so they met with them and turned it into a minor pause in day rather than having students just taking off and doing what they wanted like the Walmart vandles in Chicago. I also think they steered it into being more towards being a memorial to the students who were killed rather than some political protest.
Same schools district. I remember when my daughter was in 5th grade right after Exxon Valdize she brings home a drawing she did in school of an oil liner leaking oil in ocean full of animals. It said stop killing our planet or some tripe like that. I had to explain to her that oil companies don’t dump their product in the ocean on purpose. Stupid liberals.
“He didn’t protest in the official and institutionally-authorized way!”
The US press is hot on the case of the English grooming gangs.
Granted, you may have to switch a few words around to make it fit, but the point is, they’re reporting something. It’s a step.
The 13 yo bride.
But is it worth the loss of freedom? I can’t fathom how such a technology makes us more free, particularly if it means the end of the privately owned and human-driven automobile.
There is no fucking way this will make it into widespread use without a “law enforcement” back door.
And- are we, in this discussion, talking about some theoretical optimum, or the sort of “driver assist” system which rammed that Tesla right under the rear bumper of a stationary fire truck after the human-piloted car(s) ahead of it successfully maneuvered around it? Or the “autonomous” system that ran over the woman in Phoenix while the “backup driver” gazed idly out the window?
Team Theoretical Optimum always wins.
It applies to both sides. Are we talking about a hypervigilant driver who has never been in an accident, or an idiot who thinks the lever on the steering wheel is for hanging incense.
IMO, automated cars will be able to out drive all but the best drivers within the next 5 years. Then the politicians will get involved and we will have our liberty quickly drained from us, not unlike what happens when Pie goes outside st night.
It applies to both sides. Are we talking about a hypervigilant driver who has never been in an accident, or an idiot who thinks the lever on the steering wheel is for hanging incense.
Absolutely applicable to both sides.