SEA SMITH must be a Legend of Zelda fan.
His other pet fish is Gyorg.
Well done, sir. Well done.
Not the news we want, but the news we need.
Guinness Blonde Lager in hand, shepherds pie in the oven. Time to relax.
It’s almost a quarter till seven here and I haven’t begun to drink yet. Da fuk’s wrong with me?
Same time here, cracked the first to put some in the shepherds pie, this is only my second, you got time to catch up.
I bought a new bed frame and have been assembling it and doing minor home repairs most of the day. Have a four pack of this I’m about to crack open.
Four should be more than enough.
Finishing up the last 1/3 of a 6 pack of Yuengling for the weekend. Tomorrow I get to drive home from reserve stuff. Put in a day of work on Monday and then drive back here Monday night for another 4 days of reserve stuff….yay. Will finally get a real weekend next week.
What meat are you using?
Disregard. Read your comment below. Glad you avoided the Irish mortal sin of using ground beef in a shepherd’s pie.
I found Harp at the store today after a long absence! Or maybe it’s because it now has shitty graphics.
Cabbage on katsu sandwich is about as close to St Pattys food as I’m getting today. No corned beef or soda bread or potatoes.
I used pre-made mash potatoes for the shepherds pie, gasp! But I paid the $8 a pound it is here to buy lamb; so it’s a wash. I already had my beer, so I didn’t look to see if they had Harp when I was at the store.
Three kids birthday parties this weekend. This shit has to end.
Let your wife handle that shit.
Drink too much. Dye your hair red. Get in fights you can’t possibly win. Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!
Dye your hair red on Paddy’s day? A Hawaiian tradition?
Isn’t the stereotypical Irish person a ginger?
Around my neck of the woods the hair dye is usually orange. Keeps in line with their flag and all.
The Irish flag is golden, not orange. Orange is a Protestant color associated with Northern Ireland unionists
Do you even St. Patrick’s Day, brah?
*checks Irish flag*
They call that gold? That’s the orangest looking gold I’ve ever seen.
Apparently it’s Orange for William of Orange.
Well, fuck me. That’s the last time I listen to an Irishman. To be fair, the guy was drunk when he told me this. But, then again, I’ve never really met a sober Irishman
Well you met one now asshole!!!!11!!1!!1eleven!!!
Well, except I’m not Irish.
Or sober.
7. Link
I’m at work and therefore sober, so I’ll need the rest of you to pick up my slack
Since links are short I’ll provide some…
That was a whole lot of nothing.
And I’m out.
High quality derp
That gets to where the stupid hurts
That’s little Mattie Bruenig, aka Elizabeth Bruenig’s bitch.
You’ll note that most photos of the two together make a somewhat ostentatious display of their private wealth.
I also can’t seem to reconcile their fairly fervent Catholicism with their communist politics.
They’ve got a Communist Pope….
The only Catholic periodical that publishes her is the Jesuit magazine America. That about sums up how welcome her position is within the Church
Oh my God.
Probably more accurate.
Err… that was for the Black Panther article.
Whatever, Brooks.
Kill a commie for mommie.
If you agree that each individual owns itself, then private property began the same time mankind did. If you disagree, fuck off, slaver.
Individual ownership exists in nature. Even animals with their non-existent intellects have concepts of ownership. Go take meat from a lion or a nest from a bird and see how this animal reacts. I guarantee they won’t shrug and say, “lol privat propurtee doesnt real” and saunter away. This author seems to be hearkening back to this never-existent state where humans just lived off the land but didn’t own anything; a sort of mythical “Garden of Eden” state.
Even supposing that this author actually has encountered libertarians who couldn’t explain where private property originated, how does it follow that all libertarian ideas are bunk? That’s like saying that if a doctor doesn’t have a comprehensive knowledge of human evolutionary history, he is totally unqualified to treat illnesses or injuries.
“Hey, there’s two apples on this tree. I’ll take one and you can have the other.”
Exactly, and societies that did that apparently did better than the ones who insisted that everybody owns everything and we should all just share (that predictably leads to conflict, disaster, and self-destruction).
Some societies saw that the bickering and infighting would destroy them, so decided to recognize and enforce the principle that if you made it, traded for it, or received it as a gift, it’s yours and nobody can take it from you. These societies became much more productive and stable. Just natural selection at work.
As an aside: I think everyone should read Herbert Spencer’s First Principles; it’s a fascinating work that covers, among other things, how the law of evolution actually applies to everything in the universe.
Where’s Swiss? He needs this t shirt http://www.teefury.com/i-tolerate-you
That’s fantastic
I am shocked to discover that the author is a yenta plumper who takes lots of pictures of her cat
who could possibly have foreseen that development?
Obviously her life has been filled with toxic alphamales strangling each other in some biological-impelled-death-contest to win her charms.
I can understand how she has grown tired of the overly-muscled, forceful and authoritative men who are constantly trying to drag her by the hair to their fuck-caves.
she has grown weary of this constant barrage of testosterone-driven lust for her physical form, and wishes vainly that some more-sensitive soul would appreciate her for her mind rather than her ample bodice. sadly, as a modern-woman she must contend solely with football-team captains and marine drill sergeants. All the “actually in touch with their feelings” men are pummeled to death by bullies before reaching maturity.
I want a fuck-cave. ?
(turns off sarcasm-mode)
pretty sure so does she.
when the people “complaining most loudly about alpha-males” are the types of people no alpha-male would even look at twice, much less touch with a 10-foot pole?
it becomes a little more than sadly-obvious that the whole exercise is like some sort of psychic-extension of a =
“14yr old girl at junior high prom who badmouths all the boys because if they won’t talk to her? well then none of the other girls should talk to them either” sort of shit.
I mean, i could be wrong. But i’m probably not.
*completely aside from this, a fuck-cave would be nice. I mean, it could be a basement.
Basement? Dungeon.
“The new non-toxic was to be a pussy.”
HR departments across the country are full of toxic femininity.
I read about three paras in and now I have testicular cancer. If I’d read further I’d probably be a chubby, cat-loving single woman by now (don’t get me wrong, I love my cats).
My bracket is ruined.
But the bruins are winning!
Impulse buy: Point cut corned beef brisket was on sale today for 1.99 a pound. I bought several 2 pounders, and it’s playtime.
1st one is going to be cooked per the instructions. Dump in the spice pack, cover with water, and simmer for 3 hours.
2nd one: undergoing a pastrami conversion. I ditched the spice pack, and rubbed it with black pepper, coriander, mustard, sugar, garlic, onion, and paprika. And liquid smoke.
3rd one: beef bacon. Rubbed with sugar and liquid hickory, and then sous vide for 12 hours at 150. I’m going for something like this, but without actually going to the troubled of using my smoker.
Then…. I have 3 more that I have no idea what to do with. They’re already cured, so I don’t have to freeze them until the end of May.
Ha! I’ve been buying 2 point cuts a day this week. I have 8 in my freezer. I fucking love corned beef and hate the fact it disappears from SoCal grocery stores after St Pats day. Used to be available year round, but can’t find it now out of season.
I’ve seen it under the brand “Bailey’s”, next to some of the Harris Ranch marinated tri-tip products. Year round availability, as far as I can tell.
The expiration date on the 6 of them I got today is May 23rd, so I probably won’t need to freeze them. The 10 more that I’m going to buy later this week? I’ll freeze those.
Their “limit 2 per customer” can suck it. I just go to self checkout and do separate transactions.
I get most of my groceries through Amazon. When I do go to grocery, I go to Ralph’s. I make a run to Marconda’s at 3rd & Fairfax every 3 weeks or so to buy meat/poultry. My two local Ralphs don’t stock corned beef year round. They used to. But about 5 years ago, they just stopped.
First sample of the pastrami conversion.
The ends are done and delicious. the rest is going back in. Man, that mustard has a kick.
We had the $1.99 a lb corned beef last week at Safeway. (Fry’s to you foreigners.) I bought a 2+ pounder and already ate it. I highly recommend corned beef and shrimp tacos. Chipotle in the pan seer of the corned beef, add the shrimp and cook. Oven melt some colby jack on corn tortilla tacos filled with the CB and shrimp, top with slaw and Chipotle Tabasco. They were good. I was kind of buzzed and hungry when I ate it though so it might have tasted like ass, but I am pretty sure they were good.
Safeway is Vons here.
I’ve decided on a Mexican rub for the next experiment, and I know it’s going to be interesting. I’m wondering how some of the flavors will go with cured beef.
Best choice, tbh…
Meh. I’m not into the DC universe other than Legends.
Really? Hasn’t Wrinkle been a smash failure at the BO? Even with St. Oprah in it.
Who else is getting tipsy?
Stares at time clock…
I wish. I go very stereotypical in St. Patty’s. I love me some Jameson.
What are you getting tipsy on?
Cider and whiskey
Good combo. I hear that cider is the the next thing my people (hipsters) are planning on ruining.
We’re leaving the ipa scene a desolate wasteland.
Naw, my brother is in town and doesn’t drink beer.
Your brother has good taste.
Bulmer’s would be the brand on an Irish holiday. I’ve been all over Ireland and found it the only constant in bars other than Guinness.
Just poured a bourbon and water. Cheers!
Just woke up from drinking in the morning. Wasn’t sure what day it was, and why my house keys were in the refrigerator.
Think I should just go back to sleep.
I’m getting pass out drunk.
I have a wicked head cold, does that count?
Yeah it does!
Not me. I am working this weekend and have to get up early tomorrow. I should have protested more and explained that a drunk gets overly triggered when they have to work on the national drunks holiday.
In honor of St Patty, I wear orange today. Fuck with us, ye little drunk bastards, and we’ll pick off a few more counties. Just kidding: been busy killing Injuns for 300 years; Irish are easy marks…needed a more challenging game….headed west.
the last of Sam’s Winter Ale
Do you often show your slag wife how you won medals down in Flanders?
I often have gotten slagged on ST. Patty’s and played that loudly, to the annoyance of some and the mirth of others.
A good Saxon is a dead Saxon.
good Saxon
Good Saxon
Yes they arecand currently on tourcwith Judas Priest
Oh, you fight Cromwell and then you fight for Cromwell…whatever pays.
Irish stuff just reminds me that I stand on the shoulders of centuries of colonists; I tried to farcically point to my misgivings that living on Chickasaw land isn’t any better than displacing Catholics. I didn’t own slaves or kill anybody, but I’m certainly downstream from tons of violations of NAP.
Keep shining you crazy diamonds
Oh lord I can’t wait to see the tears flow after Janus.
We may need an ark.
El Oh El
Remember, Putin is literally Hitler for never holding elections, jailing all opposition, hacking US government computers and stealing social security numbers, imposing forced abortions, censoring the internet, and propping up an unstable nuclear power. Oh wait, no, that’s the Chinese. But that’s different because Goldman Sachs can still make money there
All these links to The Root, Everyday Feminism, etc…. They’re intentionally absurd, clickbait weblogs. “If you’re reading/watching/experiencing it, it’s for you.”
At the very least, use archive.is!
Where’s you sense of adventure?
If adventure is the goal, the are much more foul, interesting internet orifices than those generic ideologically-progressivist websites.
Also, I hate packing.
Fair enough, I too hate packing.
Starting with Smithwick’s Red Ale (which according to the label, is actually brewed in Ireland, unlike the Guinness around here which I believe is brewed in Canada).
After a few of these I’ll switch to Breckenridge Irish Stout in nitro cans.
They had a whole pile of them right in front of the entrance to the grocery store, so I figured what the heck. Haven’t had one yet because I’m still working on my 395 IPA….
So brave. So God damn brave.
To recap, if you were to lie to the FBI, you’d be facing several years in prison and would probably be financially crippled by your legal fees. But, when an FBI agent lies to his agency about violating rules by leaking to the press, he becomes a martyr and people will fall over themselves to try and save his pension. Good stuff
Fucking disgusting. I hope America wakes up to this shit but I’m not holding my breath.
“Legitimate job offer”.
Ya I guess it could work. Everybody knows the Federal hiring process takes less than 48 hours, so no problemo.
Today I visited the largest parrot sanctuary in the US, because why the hell not? Free admission. Over 1400 parrots. The guide brought out a few and let them perch on my arm and shoulder. I wish had brought an eye patch so I could arrgh and complete the pirate package.
The put up some owl and heron statues to scare away those birds. I know one of the glibs has been looking for suggestions on how to keep hawks and such away.
Now enjoying some Innis & Gunn and Glenfiddich. I wonder how the tastes varies among the 12, 15, and 18 yr varieties.
Slán abhaile you magnificent bastards.
I am not a scotch or bourbon-tasting expert, tho i like me whiskeys
my feeling is summed with “in 90% of cases, 12 is ‘more than enough'” and that older single-malts tend to drift into the ‘rubbing alcohol’ range.
I think there are diminishing returns w/ whiskey aging, frankly. Its a great tool to *market* a product, and claim certain batches are super-exclusive and therefore worth more money. I don’t think it necessarily guarantees an actually-better whiskey.
mccallan 12yr is still my go-to for “good few glasses of scotch”. anything more than you’re getting too drunk for the quality to matter anyway.
*also Cardhu and a few others. basically, there are a lot of great “12s”. i can’t think of a single “18” that is so universally considered superior.
Abelour is 12years in sherry butts; it is incomprehensible what it would cost to produce a better product.
Full disclosure: per my ScotsIrish tangent above, I usually drink neighbor Jack’s black label. I inherited a taste for sweet, smoky whiskey and am entirely content at his prices.
Aberlour ugh
yeah, and i think its probably a waste even saying X scotch is better than Y, because really, there’s so much variety with the 12yr stuff that there’s like something for everyone somewhere.
same is true w/ high end bourbon. whatever you could possibly want is already being made and marketed. and there’s shitloads of good stuff that isn’t even hard-to-get that is fairly priced, even in the aged-stuff.
i don’t even care much about high-end bourbon. I like a glass of the blantons aged stuff after a big meal, if its available, and i can have a cigar too. but hell give me some maker’s or Bulleit or Michters and i’m not going to start whining.
i dislike it when weeny types start insisting on the “significance of minor-improvements” as a subject of conversation. Some things are matters of taste; some things are actually matters of qualitative difference. usually the former end up being confused with the latter.
I couldn’t taste much of a difference, but they all tasted decent. I saw the little sampler pack and was in a Ron Swanson mood, so I bought it.
“Clear alcohol is for rich women on diets.”
I tried Disaronno the other day. I liked it. And Jagermeister tastes better than the first time I tried it years ago.
I’m trying to switch to liquor from beer to cut calories.
Wow. I have a bottle of each on my “rarely touch” shelf above the fridge.
Disaronno is sickly sweet and Jäger is, well… an acquired taste. I bought it on a lark because I always seemed to enjoy it when I was trashed on my ass in various bars, but at home it’s… not the same.
Next you’ll be telling me you don’t like Malibu.
I’ve never been to Malibu.
I love Jager shots. But when I order them now, my friends are all, “what are you in college?” What happened to Jager shots? I mean fuck we’re out drinking, relax and have a shot.
Just class it up a bit by saying, “I’ll have a Jagermeister…Neat.”
Dia a shábháil duit go comhchineáil, Derpy.
Last night, I had Echigo red ale, Belhaven stout, and Reissdorf. A good time was had by me.
Victory at Sea coffee Porter, Sour Wench raspberry ale and Tater Tot Casserole! in the oven, with a Cherry pie for Dessert.
You’re having tater tot hotdish? Jimbo is jealous.
That’s the ticket on a cold night
JFK video: hear Kennedy’s ‘lost’ Dallas speech in his own voice
“Sound engineers pulled 116,777 sound units from 831 of his speeches and radio addresses. These units were then split in half and analysed for pitch and energy.”
Fuck the Kennedys.
Imagine being a Kennedy.
What’s “tied up with a rosary” a reference to? Just that they were Catholic?
No idea but I’ve always loved that song without paying a bit of attention to the lyrics.
Whole album is very good if anyone cares.
After all, it was You and Me,
You and me
We used to be together
Everyday together always
Monty Python vs. Me Too
The “Monty Python” comedy member then shared his thoughts on the multitude of misconduct allegations against disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein and the victims who have made claims against him.
“Harvey opened the door for a few people, a night with Harvey — that’s the price you pay,” he said. “It is a world of victims. I think some people did very well out of meeting with Harvey and others didn’t. The ones who did knew what they were doing. These are adults; we are talking about adults with a lot of ambition.”
Gilliam explained that he knew women who used Harvey to help them further their own careers and who walked out of meetings before getting sexually assaulted or abused.
“Some people paid the price, other people suffered from it,” he stated.
After talking about Weinstein, the filmmaker then defended Matt Damon, who received a lot of flack in January for suggesting that there were different “levels” of sexual harassment, and said that he agreed with Damon’s logic stating that touching someone’s butt isn’t the same level as rape.
Nope. Gold digging whores are victims of toxic masculinity.
gilliam comes from the older generation, where in one moment they can be defending the sane and rational take, and in the next will blame everything on videogames and internet porn.
As long as there are women willing to have sex with directors/producers to further their careers, this kind of thing will never stop.
I know it’s in vogue to blame the rich, powerful men as evil rape monsters, but it takes 2 to tango.
Not that it’s ever been easy for everyone, but just starting your own shop was always the answer for the abused, malcontents, geniuses, and whatever. Maybe technology makes it to expensive to just start your own damned production firm…..or, maybe it’s easier than ever in a super8 / VCR / iPhone sort of way? Muh mom the lovable commie always has opinions about how various places are run and the various abuses (which I’m not excusing), and I’m always asking why she doesn’t just start her own store/brand/shop/movement/party/whatever. I have zero problem with her and a bunch of other chicks running their movie shop however they wish, but they never build anything; they just bitch about the people who do build things.
Sigh. Today is my name day and I don’t care. #hearditallbefore
A priest with my name form Ogilvy was canonized (so I understand; my people don’t trade in such ritual), but he has no holiday. His nine daughters do: July 15.
i am so jealous of all of you drinking tonight, since I’m hacking up lungs with bronchitis, and too much codeine to be drinking (I know, some of you would anyway).
BUT GONZAGA IS KICKING OHIO STATE’S ASS AND I GET TO SEE THEM ON THURSDAY!!!! (in not unrelated news I have them going to the final four in my bracket, which is very… hopeful, but what else are bracket’s for?)
happy st patrick’s day you louts!
Congrats Gonzaga.
Take it easy and get sleep. Went to my buddy’s bar last night. A little dive bar in Shinjuku. A couple of American tourists popped in. 20 somethings from San Francisco and the girl was hacking up a lung because the oyaji sitting next to her was chain smoking. It was excellent.
Stop stalking me!
Did any of you enjoy Project Binky?
Well there’s this british guy that is funny-as-fuck who makes music who is going to live-vlog his “making a new album”
I am very enthusiastic. He doesn’t (afaik) have any skill playing instruments, but he’s pretty clever in how to sample things then convert them into a performance.
i know him from various music tutorials for Ableton Push. He can be hilarious to listen to the same way Razorfist’s ranting about videogames is funny even if you don’t care for/play games.
Mellow guy that has a personality perfectly suited to teaching. BTW, Gil, do you know these guys? Been binging on them and Wolfsuka recently.
nope. i do watch “boiler room” (which seems to be a term for any “private concert” in UK) presentations all the time
also noting that “african” stuff is pretty popular in UK +German dj scene in the last few years. there’s all sorts of retro-band projects and white folks joining with less-white-folks and doing “70s african funk revival” stuff
(perhaps surprising) i am generally skeptical of people whose attention to clothing/hair detail seems more important than their songwriting or arrangements.
that said, i like everything i’ve heard from that link, and would probably LOVE it if i just heard it and wasnt like “Wtf” over their haircuts or the fact the chick is really tall.
Damn, the haircuts annoyed me too. I went on a 10 minute drunken rant about chicks with straight bangs just last week.
*seems tall. maybe the dude is really short.
i do like their original tunes (if this is original) more than their 3piece rendition of JBs funk
apparently they’re from texas? i would have assumed europe just because, christ, those haircuts
I will say this:
the dude pretty much kills me at my own game, guitar wise. that’s my shit. and he’s better than me at it. while looking like joe perry fucked a muncheechee.
30 years ago, but as soon as I saw “muncheechee” my brain reflexively spit out “Oh so soft and cuddly”.
Nice. Thanks for posting.
Happy St Gertrude’s Day, everyone!! Hope you had a good one.