As I sit here at the age of 63, working my ass off, no chance of retirement in sight, I cry many tears for this poor guy who won’t get a six figure pension for life starting at age 49, all because he did shit that would have gotten him instantly fired (or even prosecuted) anywhere other than government service. This is so sad, he sacrificed so much for the good of his country.
I have something less than zero interest in the Little League “sports” that seem to fascinate so many. Back in the 1970s, I attended an obscure little university that had no sports teams, no fraternities or sororities, but offered outstanding academics and (if you had the right major and could survive- the attrition rate was like 80%) an almost certain guarantee of admission into top medical and graduate schools. Apparently, things have changed there, and I’m supposed to be excited about it. Feh, one more reason to not donate money to them when they come begging every year.
Here’s a story where I hate everyone, other than the poor turtle. The wanton and casual cruelty of bureaucrats is on full display. In other animal news, United Airlines has decided that it wants to go after the police departments’ record.
This is getting boring. I mean, at this point, why not just start drawing names randomly out of a hat?
Will it take a broken hip to rid us of this woman?
Old Guy Music, you can’t avoid it! Today, the greatest songwriter you never heard of. And that voice… it haunts.
Will it take a broken hip to rid us of this woman?
Well, if she could suffer the same fate as Louise Slaughter….
“They Shoot Horses, Don’t They?”
I was thinking Isadora Duncan.
Touche (without the accent a gout because I am keyboard illiterate)!
Press and hold ALT and numbers 0233 = é
Or alt-130
Not if you’re on Linux.
I installed drivers for the international English keyboard so that I can enter the accented characters using the right Alt key. It can do almost everything European using the Latin alphabet except for the Polish L with a slash, and the Hungarian Ö with an acute accent. But I don’t need to type in Polish or Hungarian.
Option-e-e on a Mac.
Or just soft-press the e on your Apple mobile device and select the é when the group of options pops up.
My windows mobile device does the same.
See? Ain’t technology grand?
Yeah, the desktops have that now too.
Same on my Android phone.
The tablet includes the Eastern European characters with the English keyboard; the phone doesn’t.
Good lord I didn’t know she was still around. I remember her from when I was little.
I wish Hillary would visit the Grand Canyon.
Also, she went to the hospital at 5 am after falling and breaking her wrist in her hotel bathtub. Because, yeah, lots of people are up taking showers at 4 am while on vacation. I wish they’d release the results of her blood test. I’m willing to bet her BAC was damn near off the charts.
If she breaks her hip while walking in the woods, maybe the coyotes will eat her.
If she breaks her hip while walking in the woods, does it make a sound?
And would Werner Herzog release it?
If she’s wandering the forest maybe some kindly woodsman will see fit to feed her into his chipper, feet first.
I was going to say that he if she breaks her hip while walking the woods, STEVE SMITH… BUT EVEN STEVE SMITH HAVE LIMITS.
STEVE SMITH/Sugar free crossover episode
“We emphasize that at no time was the safety of students or staff compromised.”
What do we want?
Common sense snapping turtle control.
I crossed my legs involuntarily.
Two anecdotes.
I once cut one’s head off with a machete. I poked at the head after it was beheaded and it bit the blade. I had a hell of a time getting the head off of the blade.
I poked at one with a broom stick. It was around 150 lbs and was about to be made into soup. It clamped on the broom stick and broke it. Those jaws are incredibly strong and the beak is like a blade.
You were right to cross your legs.
A. How in hell did snappers get to Idaho?
B. How do they survive in that environment?
C. What was the purpose in killing it? Those damned things live for 200 or more years. They dont hurt anything unless you fuck with them. Just leave it alone.
D. They are delicious.
We’ve got them up here in NY, they hibernate during winter.
Common snapping turtles live as for North as southern Canada, Idaho is well within their natural range. Alligator snapping turtles are only found in the southern states, and are the kind you find in Louisiana. Alligator snapping turtles are bigger, one of the largest turtles in the world, with much stronger jaws. Not that a common snapping turtle should be treated lightly. Looking at the picture, that particular snapping turtle is a common snapper, so nothing unusual for Idaho.
A. How in hell did snappers get to Idaho?
Very slowly?
Gooooooooooob morning frens!!!!
Re: McCabe getting shitcanned – is anyone under the illusion that this world class asshole is going to be homeless and starving without his monthly check from Uncle Sam? Dude’s probably going to walk right into some cushy six-figure position in a Capitol think tank and nothing else will happen.
Maybe, but I still approve of denying him a pension.
Gooooooooooob morning frens!!!!
Pro tip: stay away from United.
And get back to Skittles Guard Duty.
It moved!
George on the massage table?
I want Hillary hanging around the neck of the Democrats forever.
The “Not-Quite Presidential Medal Of Freedom”?
Order your Piece-of-Hillary choker today for only $9.99 plus shipping and handling.
It’s tight, but it’s oily and arthritic so it slips right off.
I hate her, probably more than I hate any other woman on the planet… but something about frail old ladies falling down stairs makes me feel sorry for them.
I don’t vote based on pity, but I do kind of wish she’d take better care of herself… damn her.
Old drunken ladies are fragile harpies. This is known. My Mother went from vivacious to dead in the span of a year. Ole Hill is done fer.
You are a better person than I am.
I want her to stick around and keep denigrating Americans but in the end she needs a lamp post with her name on it. She sold our country out. Fucking traitor.
My feelings exactly. Every time I see a Chinese missile acheivement, I want Bill and Hill both shot for treason. Decades of technological advancement instantly given over to the Chinese, just for lousey campaign donations for the Clintons.
Any other person yes…but….
Fuck her.
All you need is Paul Ryan and a wheelchair.
Just playing to stereotypes.
I’m probably wrong, but diverting an entire plane full of people because of a dog seems stupid. “Oh, no. We fucked up (again). When that plane lands, we will load your dog on the next flight to its proper destination, and get him to your house as quickly as possible.”
Good grief.
Yer not wrong.
Let’s say United is a little, uh, sensitive to the dog thing.
Will a broken hip rid us of this woman?
I’m pretty sure Robo-Hillary will still be running for president in 2278.
It’s an eventuality that Your Future Reptilian Overlords are actively working against. If that consciousness gets downloaded into an AI core forget about the planetary invasion, we will go straight to Star Killers with an antimatter cleanup.
How appropriate, as that’s a midterm election year.
She’ll still be beneath Robo-Hitler from “Nazis At The Center Of The Earth”.
Election 2280; Nixon’s Head vs. HRC’s Head
Wait. The dog wasn’t strapped to the roof of the plane, was he?
No, Romney wasn’t flying.
“I mean, at this point, why not just start drawing names randomly out of a hat?”
Sessions announced the decision in a statement just before 10 p.m., noting that both the Justice Department inspector general and the FBI office that handles discipline had found “that Mr. McCabe had made an unauthorized disclosure to the news media and lacked candor — including under oath — on multiple occasions.”
He said based on those findings and the recommendation of the department’s senior career official, “I have terminated the employment of Andrew McCabe effective immediately.”
Now, remind us what would happen to a prole who perjured himself.
Not quite Warty’s dungeon yet not Club Fed. You wouldn’t be ass-raped if you conduct yourself in the right manner but there wouldn’t be any golfing.
He didn’t lie under oath, he was merely not candid.
Why? Why do I do this to myself?
It’s a lovely day here in Del Boca Vista, but I had to come over here to see what OMWC might be up to in The Links, and now my BP is skyrocketing and I hate nearly everyone. This is why I don’t read the news!
Why the hell are you up this early?
Because she’s on “Del Boca Vista Time”.
Front door taken by the wind, slamming, next to the fold-out sofa that is my penance for a dissolute life.
You’re up an hour earlier than she is, and posting on Shabbat, no less.
Oh, C’mon SP. It always makes my day a bit better when you show up in the comments.
Like Kramer barging through the door…
I like to think I’m less predictable in my appearances than a scripted neighbor. Yes, I like to think it.
Well, she does hate black people.
/SP eyes Suthen with suspicion and a not-quite narrowed gaze
Suspicious of what?
Why are you being so nice? What have you done that I haven’t found out about yet? Hmm….
“What have you done that I haven’t found out about yet?”
I guess you are on to me but good God. That would take all day.
As long as pineapple isn’t involved, you’re probably ok.
She’s caught in a trap….
I love that song. Especially the fade out around 3:30. An imperfection that persists to this day.
Everyone except me, of course.
Uh, yeah, right.
“This attack on my credibility is one part of a larger effort not just to slander me personally, but to taint the FBI, law enforcement, and intelligence professionals more generally,” McCabe said. “It is part of this Administration’s ongoing war on the FBI and the efforts of the Special Counsel investigation, which continue to this day. Their persistence in this campaign only highlights the importance of the Special Counsel’s work.”
This statement was made from his perch on a cross, I suppose.
I can dream
You know, he could have made a statement by which he said he was innocent and was looking forward to clearing his name. Instead he had to virtue signal.
People will say he just confirmed that a group of people within the government worked to influence a Presidential election for their preferred candidate and undermine the ability of a newly elected President to do his job.
Why the hell are you up this early?
Throbbing wine-induced brain ache, probably.
Ah, you know me so well.
It is 7:30 on a saturday morning and I already have a heavy buzz. Hell, it’s supposed to rain today so no work again.
Aside from reading you knuckleheads I am listening to this:
Can’t beat that with a stick.
That’s really nice. Aimee needs to do a little less nasal, but she’s actually on key, and that’s remarkable these days.
Nice. I hope you have a good one friend! I’m still up and drunk from Friday but I work nights so it’s not out of the ordinary.
I have been up since 2:30.
Damned dogs.
I’ve become a night-owl. I swear when direct sunlight hits me I start steaming.
Don’t hurt yourself. I don’t know how you guys do that…
It’s easy.
*takes another sip
You just have to know your limitations and then tell them to go fuck themselves! See? That wasn’t hard at all!
The turtle story…they euthanized the wrong beast.
Yeah, sentimentality about dogs aside, animal torture is known as a tell for people who go on to become serial killers.
Yeah, they should have “euthanized” everyone in the story except the turtle.
I made it all the way through that WaPo story about McCabe. I was nearly in tears, by the end. The best part is probably the part about getting a character reference from Clapper.
“Sure, he lied. We all do.”
Character reference from Clapper. I nearly fell out of my chair.
Here is some more:
Govt – even when you aren’t required to lie, you are still expected to.
“That son of a bitch would lie if the truth served him better.”
-Deplorable turtle farmer in Wildsville, La to me, referring to Barry O.
Apparently the puppy was gonna die anyway so it’s ok. Or something.
“”Allowing children to watch an innocent baby puppy scream because it is being fed to an animal. That is violence. That is not okay,” says Parrish.”
Because nature is so peaceful?
You want to do music links?
Something slinky.
I think this music is slinkier.
Or something cheerier.
Letters to the Local Rag: Circular Firing Squad Edition
Even if it’s only killing government-sector workers?
Jesus. Possible casualties from friendly fire or letting a malicious shooter have free reign? That person is incapable of rational thought. Or, more likely, is mendacious and wants more martyrs for the cause. Goddamn those people are sick.
Again, it’s the deterrent. If the teachers are armed, then school shooters aren’t going to show up in the first place.
Nice imaginary scenario where teachers do not recognise each other.
What color is the schoolhouse in Hereford?
“How the fuck should I know?”
Apparently the puppy was gonna die anyway so it’s ok.
In the long run, we’re all dead.
United’s new slogan?
[golf clap]
Man, that Salt Lake City news site is a wealth of WTF!
Out-of-control ski lift launches riders from chairs, injures 12
Somebody put it in summer amusement park rollercoaster mode.
Letters to the Local Rag: Glad I Wore My Brown Pants Edition
I hear if you get enough gold stars the shop owner will give away a gun to the well behaved student
Do you know who else handed out gold stars?
My third grade teacher, Mrs. Beaver?
(true story)
“My third grade teacher, Mrs. Beaver?”
Nickname or real name?
Did you give her a hard time?
I now work with her nephew. His name is Charlie. His work email address is
For all of you worried about how McCabe is going to live without that much deserved retirement, I’ve got a link for you!
Don’t know if it’s BS or not but a comment on that pages shows his net worth at 11 million, and poor schmucks are still donating 10$, idiots.
A government employee in the FBI has a worth of 11M? I am sure he is on the up and up. Totally legit.
“Denise” commented that she’d give more if she was able. Unreal
Just when you thought TDS reached its apex, you’re rewarded with new peak TDS.
Letters to the Local Rag: It’s Completely Obvious Edition
Armalite Rifle model 15.
Some liars believe their own bullshit.
Did you know that the musical group 311 are actually members of the KKK? K is the 11th letter of the alphabet. 3K = KKK
*Farrakhan nods sagely*
But are they Jewish?
True. Also KISS = Knights In Satan’s Service.
AC/DC – Anti-Christ /Devil Cult
KMFDM – Kill Mother Fucking Depeche Mode!
Given the two leads, I’d always understood it as Kikes In Satan’s Service, but it works either way.
everyone who sells them, makes them or provides accessories for them identifies the guns that way
“History has known many great liars…”
In addition to being a masterful legislative tactician, the 77-year-old Pelosi is, in Politico’s words, “the most successful nonpresidential political fundraiser in U.S. history.” Yet many of her colleagues want her gone. In November 2016, almost a third of House Democrats voted to depose her as leader. Another coup attempt erupted last summer. Why so much discontent with a woman who has proved so good at her job? Maybe because many Democrats think Pelosi’s unpopularity undermines their chances of winning back the House. Why is she so unpopular? Because powerful women politicians usually are. Therein lies the tragedy. Nancy Pelosi does her job about as well as anyone could. But because she’s a woman, she may not be doing it well enough.
Yeah, that’s it; people only despise Nancy Pelosi because she’s a woman.
They have to elect her to find out why they shouldn’t?
“Why is she so unpopular? Because
powerful womenpoliticians usually are.”Just saw a Golden Eagle sitting on a fence post 50 feet from my kitchen window. It’s the biggest flying bird I’ve ever seen. The goats ran when it took off.
*sigh* I ordered 15 Jersey Giant chickens hoping they would be too big for a hawk or owl to kill. They’re just going to be appetizers for this thing. I don’t think anything smaller than a emu or rhea is going to survive.
It is amazing to see something like that just outside my window, but damn if Nature doesn’t try its best to kill everything I try grow.
It’s been a while now since I was researching chicken breeds, but I recall that some breeds were better then others for looking at the sky for predators. A couple of one of those breeds might make a good alarm system.
I’ll take a look. I saw some people have had success cross breeding Jersey Giants with Malaysian game birds which are also 15 lbs or more, but fairly vicious. My wife has already been regularly attacked by our roosters and geese over the years so put a firm stop to that idea.
Southen’s advice below is the best. Covering the run is the best way to go
A few years ago a local guy shot one of those. He got 5 years in the federal pen for it. No shit.
Build a fenced in shed with a yard and put a chicken wire roof over the hard. You are probably going to have to put an electric wire around the base of the fence too (foxes).
I have a couple that nest around here. I dont keep chickens any more so they dont bother me. In fact, they keep the tick factories (rabbits) down. Bigger than that are the great owls. I saw one not a week ago that I swear was over two and a half feet tall on its perch. I am scared to let my little dogs out by themselves.
Yea, there’s steep penalties for it.
I do have an enclosure that’s predator proof, but I hate leaving them in it. At this point, I don’t even care about eggs… the birds are spider, centipede, and tick-eating machines. I never get ticks and rarely spiders in the house when we have chickens free ranging in the yard. So far this year, I’ve already found one tick and two centipedes in the house.
Yes, the owls are pretty awesome too. I’ve told this story before but one time I tied a chicken to a cinder block one night to catch what I thought was a fox killing them (I was waiting nearby hidden with a shotgun). After hours of waiting, a huge owl swooped down and tried to carry off the chicken. The same or a different owl also got trapped in our turkey pen after killing all 10 quarter grown turkeys. It dive bombed through the nylon mesh top, after which I switched to metal. To the various law enforcement agencies reading this website, I did not harm the owl in either case.
Sounds like that owl might have an accident at some point in the future.
My neighbors are masters of the 3 S’s. Well, maybe not so much the third S since they keep telling me about it.
Haha. Yes, the 3rd S is the most important one.
Shoot, Shovel, Shut up?
*narrow’s gaze* Maybe…who’s askin’?
“”the owls are pretty awesome too””
the most impressive animal i’ve ever seen in the wild up close (aside from zombie moose) was a great grey owl.
only maybe 2-3′ high, but a giant head, and claws the size of a human hand. it sat on a branch only a few feet above the river we were canoeing down. it just looked at us underneath it like, “what the fuck are you supposed to be? psssh. you’re not even worth turning around for. ” (goes back to sleep)
Zombie moose?
Buy a half dozen guineafowl. They’re pretty adept at gobbling up insects and they’re fast as shit. They’ll stay away from the eagle and owl population. Also, get a peacock and a peahen. They’re the best warning device you can come up with.
I actually used to have about 20 guineas. Half were snatched up like popcorn. The survivors kept flying over multiple fences and acres of land to take up in my neighbors’ yards. Guineas are the best at killing ticks but they wander too much for me to keep up with.
I do plan on getting peacocks one day. They are just so expensive to die so easily. Large geese, large turkeys, and potentially rheas or emus are next on the list…all kept in predator proof pens until large enough to fight back.
Austin has a problem with an overpopulation of peacocks. Places that keep them (like Green Pastures) literally give them away.
Or Go on cackle hatchery online and buy them as hatchlings or eggs and raise them.
Actually, order one of their random boxes. I never did but always wanted to. Of course, we literally lost 100+ birds overnight when a pack of dogs got in the pen and killed most of our flock. That wasn’t a pleasant day after.
Do not, under any circumstances, get a peacock and a peahen! The fuckers will be up all night with their incessant “oooooWAH!” and you will never sleep again. They shit on everything. They will breed, and in a few years, if you haven’t already gone insane, you’ll have a flock of retarded peacocks running around your place.
Their feathers are pretty though.
You’re crazy. It’s like living near a railroad line. After a short period of time, you don’t even notice it.
Nature’s a bitch. Golden Eagles are pretty rare in the Cities, but I’ve seen them in Southern Minnesota. We have a ton of Bald Eagles here, I see them nearly every day. Beautiful animals.
We have some Balds that nest ~2 miles from our farm. A few times one has stopped by for a visit and perched in one of the giant cotton trees for a while. Very cool.
They are beautiful looking birds.
Blonde buzzards.
They’re like pigeons in Alaska. You can go down to the town dump and watch them picking through trash all day. Not a real good look for our national symbol.
Lol snacks
Yep, that’s looks pretty close to what I saw. And also why my goats ran when it took off.
My brother got a Great Pyrenees for that purpose. So far it has worked.
Livestock guardian dogs are great. I strongly considered these but thought having one pack of GSDs that moved like wolves and a separate pack of Pyrenees acting as guardians was like a bucket of gasoline just waiting for a match.
I can brag here – I once visited a bird sanctuary in Yorkshire and they had a flying demonstration with an Andean Condor. It ‘only’ had a wingspan of 9.5 ft and weighed about 20 lb. I know this, because I checked after it perched on my head.
The bird had been trained to perch on whoever was wearing a leather kind-of-ushanka during the display. Very cool experience, very worrying hearing it coming in for a landing. Especially when you see the talons.
Some amusing news from the gun control front.
So Dick’s is going to have to bake that cake I guess. I’m sure this won’t be so funny when they pass a new law saying that guns are different than cakes and it is OK to not sell guns to people if you don’t want to.
‘Gun safety movement’, huh? Pretty cute way of saying gun grabbing piece of shit.
Fuck off.
Wow. That’s the first I’ve heard “gun safety movement.” Anyone who uses that phrase is obviously showing which side of the argument they are on.
Gun grabbers lie. Everything they say is mendacious.
I’ve been hearing it lately in new stories about gun grabbers. It’s their latest mask to hide behind.
Oh, you’re in favor of gun safety? That’s great! So you won’t mind having a couple of NRA instructors come to your local school to teach a few classes on gun safety?
Happy St. Paddy’s!
Had a delicious breakfast at my local diner of corned beef, eggs, latkes, and soda bread. Unfortunately, they don’t have a beer license, but I’m making up for that now.
Last good day of skiing. Setting 4lbs of corned beef into the slow cooker before we head out.
Shit! I forgot it’s St. Patrick’s Day! I have almost an entire coffee down with nary a bottle o’ whisky in sight. For shame.
I’ll be rectifying that mistake posthaste.
Sigh, amateurs. Although that’s tough talk from me, I am recovering from surgery. I’m avoiding booze until I’m able to drive again…
That seems a little counterintuitive…
We need more female engineers?
Those chicks designed the new 35W Bridge.
Glad I don’t have to commute over that.
FIGG’s a huge outfit. The 35W replacement was an interesting project because of the concrete they used. They overloaded the mix with fly ash and then force-cured the pours. Pretty cool stuff, if you’re into concrete.
Concrete is interesting…
Doesn’t the force-curing reduce the strength? The longer concrete cures, the stronger it is, right? Or is that an overly-simplistic understanding of it?
By reducing the portland content and increasing the fly ash (pozzolan), the concrete would not have cured under normal temperatures. The problem they had was that a “normal” mix would have cured too fast and generated too much heat for the size of the pours they were doing. Concrete curing is typically exothermic and thick pours can go into runaway cure. The excess heat causes the concrete to crack and can boil off some of the water that is necessary for the hydraulic reaction.
By changing the mix, they were able to tightly control the curing temperatures using probes and heating equipment, thereby achieving the ideal curing temperature/time curve. The end result was a concrete that’s far more durable than a typical self-curing pour.
My post was mostly a joke because locally, I have heard that over and over again in the last couple days. Since the 35W replacement bridge has been up and running for some time, I am pretty confident that it isn’t going to drop soon.
Just like gun grabbers loving them some mass shootings, Florida Politician is probably rubbing his hands in glee about this. Minnesoda Politicians have used the 35W bridge collapse to get tons and tons of tax dollars to pay for bridges and other infrastructure. Anyone who opposes the spending is accused of wanting to have more babies die on collapsing bridges.
“I put three times as much rebar in the drawings because I know that the contractor is going to steal most of it.”
-My brother, the civil engineer.
Idots, don’t you know you always put at least one old white guy on your promo stuff as insurance, preferably an Austrian-looking one.
175ft unsupported span in a bridge with a thin, un-trussed structure like that and no other support?
There’s your reason right there. Someone was favoring art and elegance over safety and functionality.
Yeah, looks like a cable-stayed design.
“We’ll put the spar in later before we have any loading on that sucker”
It’s real easy to play Monday-morning quarterback on these kinds of failures, but I’m pretty convinced that if I was a site engineer or surveyor, or at the very least, un-stoned and I turned up at that site and took one look at that span being lifted into position, I’d go “Hang on a minute, you expect that to work as an open span?“. Maybe they did have some support under the bridge on that central divider and some moron removed it.
I did enough engineering science at grade school level to figure that the bending moment on that span would be unacceptable. While the construction crew were … applying post-tensioning force … (whatever that actually means, and I hope it isn’t what I think it means) anyone with experience overlooking that site should have been puckering like a hiker being pursued by STEVE SMITH.
It shouldn’t have been unclear at all. That’s a major breakdown in the installation process.
Post-tensioning refers to the process of running steel cable in conduits thru the concrete slabs along the length of them slab and then tightening the cable to put the slab under compression. This greatly increases the stiffness of the slab as concrete has great compressive strength, but lousy tensile strength (typically 10% of the compressive figure).
I hope you can parse that unclear crap, my migraine is making my ingles no bien.
But there’s a support structure in the middle. Well, there was supposed to be once it was finished.
I don’t think it was a design problem. It was an execution problem. The center support wasn’t there and it would appear that they didn’t have a jack stand of sorts there holding it up in advance of the finished “post” being installed.
Those fucking irresponsible idiots were pretty much installing it in reverse order from a safety standpoint.
Well yeah, but I’m still trying to think of any bridge that has been successfully built where the structural members it needs are added last.
Isn’t that how the Golden Gate Bridge was built? I thought the roadbed was built and was held up by cables before the piers were poured. I may be wrong and it may have been done in tandem, but I think that’s not uncommon.
They had the suspension cables in place as the deck was rolled out, with each section of deck fitted, then suspended. The other thing with the Golden Gate is that the deck is a trussed open structure, and somewhat lighter.
Scruffy will have better information than me, but concrete’s primary virtue is strength in compression, and when reinforced, reasonably good against shear. Awful in tension and torsion, so building a concrete deck and ensuring it doesn’t get damaged while being installed will be a different proposition to installing an all-steel structure.
Oh, sorry, the point on the Golden Gate was that they clad the structure with concrete afterwards. There had to be structural members in place to install the suspension cables.
When new the steel ‘core’ of the towers alone was quite adequate to support the deck.
Typically part of designing something includes how to build it. There is plenty of stuff that isn’t built because it is hard (if not impossible) to build.
Cracks in the concrete almost immediately after being installed should not have happened. There should have been emergency meetings (with experienced civil engineers) to discuss the safety of bridge after that was discovered. A call to a Florida DoT engineer’s voice mail should not have cut it. Higher ups should have been notified.
Saying women engineers (implying male engineers do not) add artistic touches is offensive because an awful lot of stuff designed by male engineers have artistic touches as well.
That’s what I was thinking. I mean, seriously, lady? Buildings and bridges were boring utilitarian designs until women starting becoming Architects and Engineers? The Sistine Chapel says, “fuck you.”
Side note; because of some of the wonderfully dodgy bastards here (I’m mostly looking at you DEG), I’ve been watching so much Ozzy Man that when I say “fuck you” in my mind, I “hear” it in an Australian accent.
If you take away the aesthetic component of bridge building, what do female engineers bring to the table at all?
Apart from the sammiches, of course.
The same as male engineers? Just because there are fewer female engineers, doesn’t the ones who are can’t be just as good.
I know a number of good female engineers. I can honestly say that every one of them would be appalled to be on a team because they’re going to bring ‘artistic touches’ that other members of the team are genetically incapable of delivering.
Having said that, none of them will have been exposed to 4 credits in ‘social justice and feminism’ when at college.
Don’t knock unimaginative engineers. Artistic touches may be nice, but they sure can run up costs.
Behold how a “signature design” drove up costs of a bridge replacement from $36M to $104M!
Cringe worthy levels of virtue signaling, mid tier indie band The Decemberist included a thanks to Robert muller in the linear notes and “Impeach the president” and “bring on the matriarchy” are carved into the vinyl copies of their new album.
“The Decemberists are an American indie rock band from Portland, Oregon. ”
I’d never have guessed
they’re at least 1 handlebar mustache from being perfect
The Little Red Book is a nice touch.
Makes for an easy target.
Are they trying to look like Harry Potter characters?
They were too young hipsters don’t hit maturity till 27. A more recent picture with a close to handlebar Stacie and derptastic interview
Why don’t you just end it all, then? Boring af wypipo smdh.
Where’s Nicholas I when you need him?
LOL, they’re like a retarded version of the wave of 80’s commie bands from the UK.
Wake me up when an indie band wears MAGA hats on stage.
The Housemartins thanked both Jesus and Marx (how derpy can you be?) in their liner notes.
The Housemartins were a band that HATED myself for liking.
Yeah – but they were good. F their politics.
A Maoists reset is once again rearing its ugly head. First, the removal of term limits for the presidential office now this.
‘The move is in line with President’s Xi Jinping’s plan to construct a social credit system based on the principle of “once untrustworthy, always restricted”, said one of the notices which was signed by eight ministries, including the country’s aviation regulator and the Supreme People’s Court.
China has flagged plans to roll out a system that will allow government bodies to share information on its citizens’ trustworthiness and issue penalties based on a so-called social credit score.’
And here we thought all those luxury condos their oligarchs are snapping up in NYC and Vancouver were just investment vehicles.
Just saw a Golden Eagle sitting on a fence post 50 feet from my kitchen window.
I watched three juvenile golden eagles take turns ripping a jackrabbit to shreds one day a couple of summers ago. They are fucking awesome.
Last good day of skiing.
What the…?
Spring skiing is the bestest.
Huh? Wouldn’t strapping springs on your feet lead more to hopping than skiing?
Sound effects for Jimbo’s “joke”
I was thinking more like this.
The Deep State is really deep. Judge Recused From Michael Flynn Case Is Friends With Peter Strzok.
It’s always cocktail parties with you incestuous mammals eh?
To the various law enforcement agencies reading this website, I did not harm the owl in either case.
If that “environmental lawyer” from Bozeman gets elected to Congress, you’d probably swing for it.
The bracket situation is hilarious! I’m pretty sure I picked UMBC in one off mine.
(LOL – I picked UMBC to go to the finals with Purdue in my “Knope” bracket. That’s the one where I picked all lower seeds except the only Indiana team)
The engineering company is FIGG Bridge Group. Its new pedestrian bridge in Miami was hailed as a technological innovation before it collapsed Thursday, killing at least six people.
FIGG said in a statement that it’s stunned by the collapse.
No shit.
In the immortal words of our very own Warty.
8 is sufficient. 20 seems approachable in spite of the dumbass nose ring.
It’s a beautiful world, Q.
12 plz.
I’ll take 25 and 32 please.
NYPost writer butt-hurt over Cousins for not fawning over all things NY….and honestly, who the hell respects the Jets?
Ah yes. It is all about respect. For instance:
For too many New Yorkers, respect is something to be received, not given.
Choosing someplace where he can buy a huge estate-like spread instead of millions on a 2 bedroom condo? A place where he can hike, hunt, fish and camp instead of a place where schizophrenic vagrants defecate in the street? A place with peace and quiet instead of a place in which chaos reigns supreme and tolerating how difficult it is to live there is a badge of honor? A place with natural beauty instead of a filthy concrete jungle?
Also, no offense to NYC glibs on here, but “Greatest City in the World?” Pffft. What a tired trope. Ever been to Tokyo? Or Barcelona? Or Zurich? Or Sydney? Or Buenos Aires?
Local writer puffs up home town. Film at 11.
…by denigrating other people’s home town/state…
Yeah, nobody denigrates NYC ?
Rhy, I’m only referring to this specific article.
Obviously, everyone knows NYC is a great city…except for all the assholes that live there.
As evidenced by this forum on a daily basis, turnabout is fair play.
Hey, I’m from Albuquerque. *Everyone* thinks it’s a shithole; which is fine by me. I like it and it just means all the Kali refugees move to Santa Fe or Taos instead.
Zurich sucks.
I’m still a bit nervous that in a few years, the Jets will thank their lucky stars that the Vikes were able to out bid them.
Sort of like when the Detroit Lions outbid the Vikes for Scott Erickson. At the time you were upset, but in the years following you couldn’t believe what a bullet they dodged by not getting that fat fuck.
And people wonder why no one outside of NYC likes NYC.
Cousins said that one of the factors that made him lean toward the Vikes was meeting a bunch of Vikes at the Pro Bowl. Maybe if the Jets sent more players to the Pro Bowl, they would have had a better chance?
I didn’t know John Rocker wrote for the New York Post.
It takes a totalitarian village
Using the survey data and insights from research including Milkman’s, a new national plan was gradually introduced. It was called Youth in Iceland.
Laws were changed. It became illegal to buy tobacco under the age of 18 and alcohol under the age of 20, and tobacco and alcohol advertising was banned. Links between parents and school were strengthened through parental organizations which by law had to be established in every school, along with school councils with parent representatives. Parents were encouraged to attend talks on the importance of spending a quantity of time with their children rather than occasional “quality time”, on talking to their kids about their lives, on knowing who their kids were friends with, and on keeping their children home in the evenings.
A law was also passed prohibiting children aged between 13 and 16 from being outside after 10 p.m. in winter and midnight in summer. It’s still in effect today.
Home and School, the national umbrella body for parental organizations, introduced agreements for parents to sign. The content varies depending on the age group, and individual organizations can decide what they want to include. For kids aged 13 and up, parents can pledge to follow all the recommendations, and also, for example, not to allow their kids to have unsupervised parties, not to buy alcohol for minors, and to keep an eye on the wellbeing of other children.
Oh, gosh, why can’t we be more like Iceland?
Socialist Paradise, FTW!
I thought Youth in Asia was the program that most socialists were totally in support of.
Iceland legalized beer 1989. Enough said.
Compromising freedom is great!!!
it was unclear what builders were using as temporary supports.
You kinda beat me to it, but I was going to say “Honda Civics”
Music for the day
This one’s more my style:
Is Tundrito still considering CSM? When does he have to make his decision?
Mines’ cheerleaders.
Not super impressive but they do exist.
CU cheerleaders.
Mines’ cheerleaders
Literally gold diggers
There some others mixed into the last link, like Aubrey from the Avs’ Ice Girls.
Yep, he’s going. The paucity of hotties just means he’ll have to up his game!
Well, if he needs help and/or you’ll be out here, the admins can give you my email.
CU Boulder is just awash in supremely hot women, and most of them are not really true believer SJWs, they’re just there to party and get high for 4 years.
God I miss it.
Hilarious since the “jungle primary” was instituted primarily to benefit Dems.
*Nelson laugh*
Oh please let that happen. As much as I dislike the Republican Party, being ruled by the Dems as they lurch ever leftward sucks ass.
When we had two Democrats running for Senate in 2016, though, that was fine.
I hope Gilmore doesn’t see this.
You dropped a zero. We all know it’s “630”, you alter cocker!
Altered cock-er.
I can’t tell if she’s against the 2A or in favor of beating helpless women?
Or I guess why not both.
She lost her father to self defense, for fucks sake. How blinded by ideology can you get?
Gonna take a wild guess that her and mom are estranged.
I was assuming the same. But found this, which makes her anti-gun stance a little more confusing:
Maybe her mom was a cop, which means she’s one of the ‘good gun people’.
Her mom is a hero. And she considers her dad a victim.
Christ, what an asshole.
Not to mention she’s quite content making money glorifying violence, including the use of firearms. I’m sure she never uses armed security either.
I like Therzon as an actor. Won’t listen to the Atomic Blonde opine on this, however.
“( – Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) said she’s troubled by the Trump administration’s suggestion that willing teachers should be armed in the classroom.
Part of her objection stems from having young children see teachers “strapped with a gun”; part of it stems from her concern that even trained professionals miss their targets sometimes; and part of it has to do with race.
While questioning David Bowdich, the associate deputy director of the FBI, at a hearing on school safety Tuesday, Harris expressed concern about “having armed teachers as it relates to African-American and Hispanic students, and here’s why I say that,” she continued. “There’s an overwhelming body of evidence that shows that harsh discipline protocols disproportionately impact children of color. We know that (from) the studies that talk about what the rates are in terms of suspensions and expulsions from schools.”
Now kids have to face the fear of being pistol-whipped or shot for not completing their assignments.
But the teachers probably care more about their students than the already armed “school resource officers”, of whom ‘cop violently body slams teenage girl on concrete floor’ stories are already cliche.
Yeah, and your hero’s “Dear Colleague” letter that led to quotas in the woker school districts has led to teachers getting the shit beat out of them and nothing they can do about it. Congratulations.
Are Asians “children of color”?
That phrase really irks me, especially that it has now crept from hardcore lefties to mainstream use.
Depends on what they’re being used for.
She’s probably right that minority students are disciplined more harshly. But that’s almost certainly a fault of the cops they’ve imported into schools and the criminalization of behaviors that were treated as school discipline issues a decade ago.
Too bad she can’t see the moral solutions:
Get cops out of schools and stop treating kids as prisoners.
Abandon compulsory education.
Outlaw teachers unions being able to negotiate anything other than compensation.
There have been also policies in NYC, where that school shooting happened in Florida, etc. to discipline minorities less in order to massage the statistics.
Concealed carry. Problem solved.
There’s a homogeneity to our fan base and to our community, certainly in Portland, which is a city that struggles with its homogeneity.
By excessive homogeneity, they mean Democrat voting zombies, right?
They sound very homogenephobic.
Huh. My roku youtube channel doesn’t remember me, and wants me to sign in. You wouldn’t think that would be a big deal, except for the godawful array of horrible crap it has puked up at me. Is this moronic shit really what people watch?
I just wanted to see if the 12 hrs of Sebring is on.
“University of California Guide: Saying “I’m Not Racist” is Racist”
TW: InfoWars
“Color Blindness
Statements that indicate that a White person does not want to or need to acknowledge race”
How long before the statues of MLKJr are torn down and calls to remove him from the holiday calendar due to his unwokeness.
“From the official University of California list of racist “microaggressions”:
• “There is only one race, the human race.”
• “I believe the most qualified person should get the job.”
• “America is the land of opportunity.””
Higher education apocalypse in progress.
63 years old is young, my friend.
Agreed. My dad is 72 and still refereeing high school soccer matches.
And that’s with a bum leg from polio.
Not up for snark tonight. Drank waaay too much. Good for your dad.
Merry Christmas, Q. May all your nipples be erect.
Happy Kwanzaa Straff. May all your Japanese schoolgirls be coquettish and seductive.
Some people are amazing when older, others are just like they’re done at 30. I remember once I had some storm damage to my roof and they sent out someone to assess it. It was this older lady and she was climbing around on the roof and then came down to talk to me. We were just bullshitting after and somewhere in the conversation, she was saying that at 75… and I was like ‘what?’… I mean I figured her to be in her 60s, but she was attractive also with a damn nice body for a woman her age. Amazing. There are some people just like that. My dad turned 87 and he’s still active, but my poor mom is about done at 81, she’s never been real healthy though, inactive and a poor diet as long as I can remember.
I’ll say. Here’s lookin’ atcha, kid
I was talking to 2 of my co-workers last night as we were leaving the office for the day. I sort of noticed that neither of them were beside me anymore, so I turned around and there they are standing on the sidewalk in a serious discussion about something. I mean you know it’s serious because they have these very serious looks on their faces, and they’re women, and you know how serious the stuff is that women like to talk about. So not to be rude and leave them behind, I stopped and walked back. For another at least 5 minutes, they’re talking about gray hair, with the utmost seriousness and now they are now super ultra serial liberated by deciding to keep some of the gray. After they paused for a micro-second, I said ‘Well, looks like I’m the youngster here, no gray and no artificial color’. Lies, of course, I have gray in my goatee and a little in my hair, but you can’t see it because of light brown hair. You can, but you have to look really close, so only my wife really sees it. But no color, never have used. Anyway, one of them is a couple years older than me, but the other is younger, maybe by 5 years.
I have no idea what that has to do with what you just said, but it just reminded me of it. I don’t feel I’m old at 58. I just wish I had all the hormones and non-stop energy I did at 28. I have more sense, so there’s that.
I keep telling my wife to stop dying her hair, I don’t mind the gray. But it’s apparently not about what I like….
My kids are close to 58. One 56, one is 52. We all have white hair but lots of it.
Interview with Fourscore
I was expecting this
Except for the lack of hair I know that old guy. Damn it !
My light brown hair was fully gray by 35. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
“Teacher on Leave After Questioning Whether School Would Let Pro-Life Students Walk Out, Too
“And so I just kind of used the example which I know it’s really controversial, but I know it was the best example I thought of at the time,” said Benzel. “[If] a group of students nationwide, or even locally, decided ‘I want to walk out of school for 17 minutes’ and go in the quad area and protest abortion, would that be allowed by our administration?”
Her students saw her point, and the discussion—which took place last week—was fruitful, according to Benzel. But on Wednesday, the teacher received a call that she had been placed on leave.
Students’ free expression rights should vastly outweigh the state’s interest in locking kids up all day, and letting them peacefully protest gun violence seemed like the right call to me. But if it’s OK to protest, it should also be OK to have a discussion about the protest. As long as no student was unjustly disciplined for political speech, it seems to me like there’s little reason for parents to complain or for Benzel to be in trouble.”
“Anti-gun student walkout included stomping on American flag and jumping on cop car”
“This is getting boring. I mean, at this point, why not just start drawing names randomly out of a hat?”
What happens when there’s no one left worthy of (lots of money obviously) accusing? Do they go after we peasants then?
Oh yeah, that’s coming
Anyone tried this one? Just picked it up. There’s a little deli near here and every once in a while this guy gets some good stuff whiskeys and other liquors. Price was right, really good actually.
Whistlepig 12 year old cask finish
How’s the Colonel Taylor? I’ve seen it at the whisky store but haven’t pulled the trigger yet.
It’s the smoothest 50% ABV bourbon I’ve ever drank. It’s not real complex or anything like Blanton’s, but it’s smooth as hell. I really like it.
Thanks, Hype. I may have just found my birthday present to myself.
You won’t regret it.
Nice watch!
Excellent and informative article. I will not be moving to Jamaica.
But I might have a cold Red Stripe on a hot beach someday.
Fuck. Wrong tab.
“new radfem term i learned in the past few days “bihet”: a bisexual woman dating an evil, evil man.”
I thought all men were evil? I guess they have to classify every person into the smallest subgroup possible. Is that a commie thing as well? Or just postmodernist. I know there is a lot of overlap on the Venn.
You people get up way too fucking early. Stayed out well past bedtime last night. Went to the TURF CLUB to see my old pals HOT SNAKES. Great show. I have no idea how I got home. Here’s some tunes:
“I have no idea how I got home.”
I hope you were not driving.
Hell no! I don’t even own a car. (Although the condition I was in last night I could have stolen one and forgot where I left it!)
Musical Interlude: An interesting video of two musicians known for different styles of music playing together on a song for a video game.
“‘Despicable’: Police Memo Said Telford Girls ‘Consented’ to Sex Abuse with Groomers
Police officers investigating the Telford grooming gang scandal, possibly the largest in UK history, were sent an internal memo telling them “in most cases the sex is consensual”.
The initial police probe, Operation Chalice, identified at least 100 potential victims in Telford targeted between 2007 and 2009. However, fewer than ten men were jailed despite the police admitting as many as 200 groomers may be involved.
West Mercia Police sent the memo the year after Chalice was closed, to officers investigating on-going child sexual exploitation in the force area, The Mirror reports. Officers also considered some of the young victims as prostitutes.
Commenting on the revelations, UKIP London Assembly Member David Kurten, blasted: “Telford Police memo on children consenting to abuse is despicable. The UK age of consent is 16.
“Gangs and their child abusing ‘customers’ that groom, rape and pimp out girls under 16 are rapists. If the police do not know this they are not fit for purpose.”
An 18-month probe by journalists, published last weekend, found that 1,000 girls could have been targeted over 40 years by as many as 70 groomers. They were allegedly drugged, raped, and trafficked, and five deaths have been linked to the abuse.
Some of the victims were just 11 years old, and one is known to have given birth at just 14. Speaking to The Mirror, specialist child abuse lawyer Dino Nocivelli, said: “This is victim blaming at its worst. The authorities just don’t seem to get it. Children cannot agree to sex.”
TW: Breitbart
Eleven-year-olds, Dude.
Oh, “the authorities” just DO seem to get it. That’s the point.
I bet if white men were doing this to immigrant girls authorities and the media would have been going apeshit and calling for the death penalty. The sad thing is I think its only a matter of time until the US is the same way. If it were up to the academia that are currently brainwashing future journalist and politicians we already would be.
“If the police do not know this they are not fit for purpose”
Just pigs being pigs. All the hero worship of cops I see makes me want to vomit.
“The authorities just don’t seem to get it.”
Oh, they get it just fine. You and your countrymen are the ones who dont get it.
“18-year-old who was sexually abused as a girl dresses as an ADULT BABY to ‘reclaim her childhood’ – and even has a ‘babysitter’ to change her diaper and punish her when she’s naughty”
OMWC not interested.
Where’s Anjanette Comer when we need her?
First time I’ve heard of that movie. I first heard of the fetish on an episode of Millennium I believe.