As I sit here at the age of 63, working my ass off, no chance of retirement in sight, I cry many tears for this poor guy who won’t get a six figure pension for life starting at age 49, all because he did shit that would have gotten him instantly fired (or even prosecuted) anywhere other than government service. This is so sad, he sacrificed so much for the good of his country.

I have something less than zero interest in the Little League “sports” that seem to fascinate so many. Back in the 1970s, I attended an obscure little university that had no sports teams, no fraternities or sororities, but offered outstanding academics and (if you had the right major and could survive- the attrition rate was like 80%) an almost certain guarantee of admission into top medical and graduate schools. Apparently, things have changed there, and I’m supposed to be excited about it. Feh, one more reason to not donate money to them when they come begging every year.

Here’s a story where I hate everyone, other than the poor turtle. The wanton and casual cruelty of bureaucrats is on full display. In other animal news, United Airlines has decided that it wants to go after the police departments’ record.

This is getting boring. I mean, at this point, why not just start drawing names randomly out of a hat?

Will it take a broken hip to rid us of this woman? 

Old Guy Music, you can’t avoid it! Today, the greatest songwriter you never heard of. And that voice… it haunts.