Good morning everyone. First, I’d like to start with an apology. Beloved Commenter The Hyperbole let us know in an excellently glibertarian way (drunk and ranty) last night that some of you have been submitting articles and not hearing back from us.
Okay I didn’t wanna be a whiney bitch but fuckk it IO’m drunk. I’m not even gonna correct the tpos that are redlined, thats how little of a shit I give. anyway if you are gonna ask for sbmissions and request pitches and say ‘we’ll get back to you’, then you should get back to people. ‘Hey, thanks for the submission but you’re proposal sucks ass’ is much better than nothing. I’d assume maybe shit gotl,ost in the ,ail but it’s been like three times now. I can take it , if my bllshit ain;t yo bag, groovey, but fuck sakes tell me to piss off the silen treatment just leave fuckers in the lurch nd nobody nees hat. fcks sake.
We give that an 11 out of 10 on the glibness scale. We are not ignoring you or out spending your donations on old hookers and young meth. It appears the email filter has been a bit — zealous — in keeping the submission email box clean. We’re sorry. If this has happened to you, or happens to you in the future please go to the link at the top of the main page that says Leads/Submissions and fill out the form there to tell us is being a bad robot. That one goes to about 5 real email addresses, and not as a redirect. Thank you, and again, we’re sorry. We fucked up.
In the Tourney Pick ‘Em — JamesG, Banjos, Ed Mavis, and Paul are tied for first. I’m not there because Miami lost. I suspect they may have been distracted. And now… the links!
For those of you who were rooting for Apprentice: White House, it looks like your ship has come in.
Also, it looks like Fredo Trump may be headed for the big D.
Charlie Stross was both early and late on this trend. Rule 34 came out in 2011, but I believe was set in 2019. Anyhow, child sex robots are creepy but better than actual sex with children by night and day.
Stupid pilot, save that drugging and raping for the cabin crew, not other pilots.
Sorry, this has been in my head and needs to come out. Sometimes you just need to ding a ding dang your dangalong ling long
No alt-text? That is a fuckup.
I’m not worthy
The Florida Bridge Collapse is going to be blamed on Chinese steel.
That or Reardon Steel.
or Rearden Metal
No, no, no. It is all Trump’s fault.
In the WaPo comments
commenter vandergast says:
“Strangely, Paul Manafort and Fred Trump protege Brad Zackson are connected to the company that constructed the bridge, Munilla Construction Management.”
See, all Trump’s fault. SMDH.
And deregulation.
Reading through their list of ‘offences’ It’s obvious they were fined in the past because the inspectors couldn’t find anything legit to bitch about but had to generate hat revenue. ‘Dust’ being one of the complaints and lazy employees.
This is why you do project-based payment. The individual motivation/productivity of the employees becomes the contractor’s problem.
Not that they can name a single regulation that has been changed.
RE: Trump/apprentice.
If only we could fire every entrenched beauracrat rather than just appointments.
When the head of a department is fired, all the employees in that department should have to go as well.
Agency head is a revolving door position where I work. They appoint people who overpromise before ever consulting with the people who actually have to implement the projects. They pass down the edict “The new initiative will be done by X” A few brave souls respond “A more realistic time frame would be Y”. The answer is always “We told the Governor X”. So there is a mad rush to get things done and either you get a rushed heap of crap on X where fixing the problems actually takes until Z (a point past Y), or it takes until Y to get the project completed. Governor gets mad, fires the agency head and hires another yes-man who fails to consult with the people who will be implementing the project before overpromising…
The take away is that the costs of hiring the entire agency every time a yes-man gets thrown out would be more than the operating costs as it stands.
Can I wait till the competition is over to submit my bracket?
We’re sorry.
Really? 😉
NEVER saying “sorry” is the copper rule of the glibertariat!
IHOP asks black teens to prepay, totally because they are black, and not because they are teens who are the most likely to walk out in a check. Thank goodness that nosy, presumptuous, busy bodies wear there to stop the racism!!!
I was hoping from the URL that it was about a fun run from one IHOP to the next.
Does not sound like fun.
Puking up pancakes and strawberry flavored syrup.
“The woman took it upon herself to make this group of teens pay for their meal upfront because she considered them ‘high risk.’ I don’t care who has walked out on your establishment. That does not give you the right to determine who you believe is going to or not,” Gagne wrote.
this Gagne asshole seems incapable of coherent thought.
“My parents and I did not pay upfront for our meal,
hmm.. old farts were not asked to pay upfront? well that is just unreasonable.
The fact that she stated ‘it’s not because of their color’ proves it all.”
no, fuckface, it just proves that she knew exactly where you were headed with your perpetually aggrieved bullshit.
If IHOP works like a lot of chains, their management may have a way to monitor who skips on a check, and may even have had video of kids who look like these kids skipping out on a check. I know when I worked retail, that Asset Protection would pass photos around stores, and if someone looked like one of the photos, they were followed and we were instructed to give them “aggressive customer service”.
“Wouldn’t you rather peruse the fine t-shirts over at Hot Topic, sir?”
Yep. One of my B-I-L’s was head of Asset Protection at a Walmart for a while. He had a few repeat offenders where he would immediately call the cops when he saw them walk in the door. The cops would wait outside for the probable shop lifters to exit, and more often than not they would have stolen goods on them.
Interestingly, he says the worst shoplifting demographic of all…. teenage girls stealing beauty products.
My local Walmart has a very conspicuous security camera in the makeup aisle and a sign that says you’re being recorded. Only in that aisle.
One time in my youth, I went into a Rolex store wearing my JNKOs and a novelty Tee sporting blue hair. The guy behind the counter wouldn’t come over to help me, but was watching me to make sure I wasn’t going to steal anything. Then I casually placed my hands on the counter and he saw I was wearing a Rolex (fake, but from the distance he couldn’t tell). Immediately he came over and asked what he could do for me.
I honored the no more shootings movement by not masturbating for 17 minutes today.
That must have made for a boring train ride.
Thank you, and again, we’re sorry. We fucked up.
“Okay, Pal. Just try not to let it happen again.”
I enjoyed The Hyperbole’s rant as well. Also, I finally got around to making a submission this morning. I banged it out this morning and the five or six I have unfinished are still unfinished. I haven’t had a lot of time lately without distraction.
Good morning all. Looks like rain all day here so no work for me.
I submitted a rant about my submissions not being responded to, but I guess it got eaten by the spam filter.
Evidently, you can just pop them in the comments if you’re drunk enough and they’ll make the majors.
And I encourage everyone to bang out something and submit. If each of us does one article per year that would help.
I’ve got two pieces in the pipeline.
These euphemisms…..
And I didn’t know we we were going full dom around here. NTTAWWT
Chortles, wipes coffee off monitor.
Just coffee?
And now, as then, he adds: “I will do everything possible to stop crimes against children.”
And “crimes” that aren’t?
It’s not about safety or victimization of children, it’s about preventing thoughtcrime. Hell, his proposal might even deny the doll owners an outlet that results in more victimization.
OMWC hardest hit.
Good morning everyone. First, I’d like to start with an apology. You f’d up, you trusted us. We’re sorry.
When I saw that blurb on the front page, my first thought was, “Glibs is really a NSA honeypot? Shit.”
I was working on some stuff about old guns, but I put it aside and never got back to it once work starting shits on me.
Vocational dysentery?
“Stupid pilot, save that drugging and raping for the cabin crew, not other pilots”
From the pictures in the head of the article, the assumption you would have to make is that that woman raped the man. As she is the only one who is definitely a pilot.
That is one creep of a picture to choose. But in his defense:
On June 5, the suit alleges Engelien told Pina that the Minneapolis hotel where the flight crew would be staying had a concierge room where “the crews hang out,” offering wine and pizza for $11.
Think I’d rather take a good rapin’ than $11 buck wine and pizza.
Did the pizza have pineapple? If so then no crime was committed.
It was Minnesoda. Pineapple is too spicy for us to use as a topping.
Given the restrictions on flying with alcohol in your system – even as cabin crew – within 8 hours of takeoff, the raping is probably better for your career.
Let’s compare ICE and the Holocaust.
This is what drives me insane. The open border types lose a lot of support by using rhetoric like this. The Holocaust was truly awful. Don’t diminish it for cheap political points.
When I renew my Visa every ten years, I just think “I am home” and they send me my new papers.
I have to renew mine every year.
Also fun fact: The municipal government here makes foreign teachers go to the Ministry of Education for a 3 hour lecture every single year. That doesn’t sound too bad, but there are two kinks (…well….in *this* discussion*):
1. It’s at 9am and it’s about 45 min away from me. I work second shift and it severely fucks up my day. I am not happy camper those days.
And they condescend to us by saying don’t fuck kids. Which, while great OMWC advice, doesn’t really mean much for me.
Spouse visa. 5 years. Permanent visa. 10 years. Kind of sounds like they expect a divorce.
Or want to make sure the spouse isn’t a blow up doll?
Is there any evidence that ICE is doing anything different from what they were doing during the Obama administration?
It’s the same bullshit with Homelessness being reported now, and blamed on Trump too. Fine level of Bias on their part.
“I grew up in the time where the Holocaust was not so far behind me,”
Translation: I did NOT grow up during the Holocaust, but I’m going to pretend I did to score cheap points.
Her attorney Makus told ABC News that she did not file a police report on the assault in Minneapolis but did notify the Air Line Pilots Association on June 7, two days after it allegedly took place.
No police report? Color me skeptical about this woman’s lawsuit.
“Remove the accused “predator pilot” & fix this problem immediately” another chastised the airline.
The mob is out. No time to color you.
No police report? Color me skeptical about this woman’s lawsuit.
She filed a grievance with the union. Which is better, a lot of tedious report-filing and testimony in open court, or a fat payout from the airline?
True, the standards are also lower with the union.
The support for this kind of shit is going to have some serious and long lasting blowback. I dont think the supporters are going to like it very much.
Blowback, in a way, would be preferable. They may actually be able to implement this destruction of due process. The psychos win sometimes. For a while anyways.
On the side of the FOX news page about the rapey pilot, there is a story about spring break debauchery in Florida. Perhaps all is not lost.
Or, maybe, there will be a whole lotta kangaroo courtin’ going on when school gets back in session.
In re: submissions, I sent in another weekend filler piece.
Y’know, for a Moonie, he’s pretty sharp.
Decent trolling too.
I can’t seem to copy/paste on my phone, but a few paragraphs down, apparently the Unification Church is decrying a “breakaway group” with no sense of irony.
I was already a Kahr fan. This makes me like them even more.
I’ll probably pick up a 3rd Kahr pistol when I can get one that was made in PA.
“America is the greatest and the freest nation on Earth, and I hope it stays that way because I want my kids to grow up in a free nation with opportunity,” he said. “Koreans do well in America because they work hard and take advantage of opportunities. They don’t go on welfare.”
Moon’s hatred of communism and socialism has direct roots in North Korea, where his father was imprisoned in a labor camp for five years, accused of being a spy for the South Korean government.
“Socialism is basically making the whole country a prison,” he said. “In a prison, everyone is equal. They get the same cell, same food; they get the same health care, and only the government employees have guns.”
I’m aroused.
Umm…as opposed to, what, exactly?
It’s pretty funny to me that grabbers think this argument stands on its own.
If someone is trying to kill me and take my stuff, a weapon designed to shoot people is exactly what I’d like to have to protect myself.
Instead, his hopeful plans unraveled at a startling clip. Battles quickly broke out between management and long-time creditors, who were owed about $5 billion at the time of the filing. Lenders soon were urging Brandon to shut hundreds of the 800 U.S. stores fast to contain the damage. Before long, vendors were growing wary about shipping toys to the chain, fearing they might not get paid.
The financial powers behind Toys “R” Us — among them KKR & Co., Bain Capital and Vornado Realty Trust — had all but given up by then. After earning more than $470 million in fees and interest payments while taking no dividends, according to regulatory filings, they’d abandoned hopes of flipping Toys “R” Us back onto the stock market in 2013 for the ultimate payoff. The only thing to do, it seemed, was to keep cutting costs and, hopefully, negotiate easier terms on all that debt.
On one level, the announced liquidation (at least in the U.S.) is yet another familiar story about the sorry state of old-school retailing. On another, it’s a tale of how private equity has, in many cases, worsened the industry’s upheavals. Sports Authority, Gymboree, Payless Shoesource, Claire’s, J. Crew: All these chains, and more, have struggled to adapt to the fast-changing landscape after being taken private.
Don’t blame Amazon. Blame the morons who took on that debt load.
We did some shopping at Babies R Us. With rare exception, everything they had was available for less at Target. or Amazon (of course). For major items, we shopped at Babies R Us then looked up the Amazon price while still in the store. And in one case, placed an Amazon order.
This. Back when we had to budget for diapers, that was where we went.
One of the pretty not-so-little lies then alternative investments industry tells itself is that while you have to maintain some degree of isolation between them, establishing portfolio teams that can benefit no matter what the outcome of an investment is.
For example, you identify a retail firm that is in decline for a number of reasons, which may or may not include outright bad management. It’ll typically own assets tied up in property, it’ll have inventory, it’ll have very few long-term debtors, but invariably, it’ll be carrying a lot of 30- to 90- day debt for stock. So, it decides that it’s not optimistic about the future and needs some new blood.
Here are some of the opportunities for an alt-investment firm, where they can help a troubled firm that doesn’t want to raise capital the very public way:
1. Release those non-core real estate assets by selling the property to us, and we’ll lease it back to you. Call the Net Lease Team for details
2. Sell off property, whether retail, infrastructure or warehousing via one of the Real Estate Teams.
3. Sell off a chunk of the business as to a Private Equity group who may or may not be able to provide some excellent operating advice, Call the Private Equity Team
4. Streamline debt collection, such as it is, and renegotiate debt repayment. This is usually done informally and very quietly via internal staff with a lot of legal assistance
5. Prospects still bad? Consider issuing junk bonds via public offering. If we like ’em, our High Yield Desk will buy a pile of them
6. If things go really tits up and you have to file for Chapter 11 and need Debtor in Possession Financing, contact our Distressed Debt Team.
7. If things go really really tits up, talk to our Asset Realization Fund Team who are always interested in buying out non-core assets at deeply discounted prices.
8. If your firm is so borked that all you have left is your shirt, it’s OK. All that stuff we did for you before made us a pile of fees – we structured everything so we’d get ours first
9. If you arranged for us to organize Debtor-In-Possession financing, we’re good. We get first call on whatever’s left of your assets, ahead of any other creditor.
10. If this isn’t your first Chapter 11, maybe the judge will tell you to file Chapter 7 next time, because your business is so worthless. So worthless, in fact, that you won’t even appear on investment firms’ radar.
“Get ‘Em Out By Friday”
The WSJ did an analysis of all the top retail outlets for toys after Black Friday last year. Toys R Us came in dead last for price of popular toys. Target, not Amazon or another online retailer, had the best deals. It wasn’t difficult to see this coming.
I went back and read about KKR and Bain buying Toys R Us in 2008. I may have my numbers wrong, but I seem to remember Toys R US being 6 billion in debt and KKR/Bain added something like an additional 10 billion to that debt load as part of their leveraged buyout. I don’t see how any company can survive after being laden with that much debt. Instead of being able to remodel 30 year old stores or slash prices, they had to pour money into servicing KKR and Bain’s added debt.
Yeah, Target was really good with sale prices last year. I kept seeing prices drop elsewhere when they’d launch a sale.
Bain’s second big bankruptcy this week, after iHateMedia/ClearChannel
You’d have to look very closely at the details to figure out how big a hit they’ve taken on them. My guess is that their image is hurt more than their checkbook.
Bain didn’t spin them out under a new IPO when they had a chance, if they ever did. That’s the typical private equity raiding technique. Let the new stockholders eat shit after you’ve cooked the books.
“In the Tourney Pick ‘Em — JamesG, Banjos, Ed Mavis, and Paul are tied for first.”
Holy cow. The NYPD hates the mayor? Who knew? Remember when they sodomized that kid with a nightstick and called it “the Giuliani” back in the day? That was out of love, right?
DeBlasio only sucks cop dick 99.9% of the time, not 100%.
DeBlasio’s strategy for fighting crime is to price everyone not a millionaire out of the city.
Who will be left to mow those millionaire’s lawns or make them their lattes?
Or is the plan to bus in the riff-raff?
Police are people too.
Citation needed.
The thing that I like about this high turnover in the administration, is that it has me hopeful ( haha just kidding) that the legislature will start to own major problems, and stop relying so much on the executive for decisions. I’m betting that they’re willing to hold out for 4 or 8 years in order to shirk responsibility of actually doing what they’re supposed to do. The Executive is supposed to be a precision machine, not an ideas Factory.
Keep dreamin’ the dream Pomp
Where’s all that hope and change now, Cocksucker?
Most of us gave up hoping we would get to keep any of our change until the recent tax cut?
That’s sure optimistic.
What I like is that it keeps the hacks in the Senate arguing over new Cabinet Secretaries rather than inventing bad legislation.
Congress is dead as an institution. They couldn’t pass that experimental drug for terminal patients bill because of partisan ‘tardation. Fuck them. America apparently wants us to elect a monarch every 4 years and that’s what they’re going to get.
I assume the FDA opposed that bill. Fuckers.
Progs were also against it – greedy drugmakers, human experimentation, false hope, etc.
I’m just waiting for Hope Hicks’ playboy spread
Hustler. Playboy stopped doing naked chicks because wokeness or something. Now you really DO have to read the articles.
What? I thought they went back to nudies? Oh damn it. There’s nothing classy about reading Hustler.
I prefer Shwank..
Besides, there’s this new thing that all the kids are doing called “internet porn.”
The Executive is supposed to be a precision machine
I for one, am happy it isn’t.
That was supposed to say “decision machine.” I trust my mobile autocorrect way too much.
Narendra Modi: The point of science is to serve the state.
If that asshole actually had any Jews in his country they’d all be dead by now.
One of my podiatrists was Indian Jew. Granted he was in The states so never mind.
The FDA, CDC, and NIH agree.
Every commie ever agrees.
That is the goal of every tyrant – to co-opt every institution in society. Science however, is not an institution. There are institutions that use science but they are not science.
Very few people understand this.
Now I know they’re serious, they’ve got a catchy acronym.
How much money did they spend thinking of that?
None. It’s projection.
It’s more clever than most geeky acronyms but still shitty and I reward it with one dingle-berry.
Thank you. I may be the only drunk here right now, but I LoL’ed.
For you are wrong.
Pedophilic Robots… Good name for a rock band?
Alt -Country Fusion
“I’m introducing a bill to ban the newest outlet for pedophiles: child sex dolls”
Isn’t that a better outlet than real children?
It’s a gateway. That’s the logic the ban-monkeys are using.
Pretty sure that if you are drawn to such robots, you are already through the gateway…
It’s gateways all the way down.
I’m not sure who’s being exploited by these dolls.
It’s depriving some biological humans of the opportunity to seize wealth, security and property from other biological humans.
So, if shit really went down as described in the Rape the Friendly Skies story, I’d call that actual rape. Not the “rape” we’ve become accustomed to these days. Note how she reported it right away?
However, rape is notoriously difficult to prove since, in the absence of any forensic rape kit evidence, it’s almost always a he said/she said situation. I honestly don’t know what I’d do in the airline’s shoes. Put the guy on paid leave until the case runs its course? That wouldn’t satisfy the mob, but it would at least give a little hat tip to due process.
Would the female pilot also.
I don’t know. She seems to get around.
A blood test would prove the drugging.
The pilot has definitely got the creep look going for him.
This is why you report it right away. Get to the hospital…let them do the rape kit and the blood test.
It sucks that we’ve been conditioned to gaze upon these stories with “gimlet eye”. Cisgender shitlord that cried “Wolf” and all… Two years ago we’d probably be demanding his head on a pike.
That is the problem.
If her story is true, and it may very well be this isn’t some grey area. He straight up roofied and raped her so why the fuck did she never report it to the police but a mere 2 days later reported it to her labor union. WTF is the labor union going to do about it? The worst they could do is get him fired and maybe make it difficult to get work as an airline pilot in the US. If he actually raped her he belongs behind bars not flying for some Asian or African airline that doesn’t waste it’s time with thorough background checks where he can pull the same shit on another woman.
I am sorry. I have reached the point where if she doesn’t file charges it isn’t rape and she deserves no consideration.
Yes, I get that would allow some actual rapists to continue their rapey ways but you know what? So will failing to file charges. I am sick and tired of womens expectations that they can rely on these extra judicial proceedings that have no legitimate investigatory powers and use reduced standards of proof.
If you were raped or think you might have been raped you go to the hospital, get a rape kit done and report it to the police
^Hear hear. Or tell dad and let him take care of it quietly and permanently.
I wonder if it was consent sex, but after, when she felt icky and unsatisfied about it two days later, she decided to cash in?
“We are not…out spending your donations on old hookers and young meth.”
Why did I even bother to buy all that glib swag? So disappointed.
They’re supposed to buy the hookers and meth for us.
It was my understanding that old hookers and young meth were part of the retirement plan. What gives?
Seriously, do they even libertarian, brah?
Get out of the way, I’m gonna drag that little fucker out of there. Damn freeloader.
Slightly OT. I listened to the Reason podcast with Gary Johnson and the Tom Woods podcast with Stefan Molyneux on the same drive. The contrast was startling.
Woods came out of Peter Schiff’s radio show which Molyneux also filled in for, so I think they tend not to criticize each other. I wonder what they really think of each other.
One was an interview with neoliberals and the other was an interview between a libertarian and a cult leader.
I take it Molyneux is the cult leader?
Which of our commenters is on vacation in Europe?
Ok, now that’s funny.
$2000 bowling shirt?
I need a new job.
Not fair. I can’t tell the difference between hipster ironic and plain mentally challenged.
Is there a difference?
I’ll see all of those looks by the end of the summer on English and German tourists.
Someone told me there’s been more changes in Trump’s administration than any other in history. Off hand, does anyone know this to be accurate?
Hitler had more.
The correct reply would have been “You know who else had a large turnover during his first years in office?”
I had an apple turnover once.
Considering that the size of the administrations keeps growing, I wouldn’t be surprised if turnover in sheer numbers is higher.
John Tyler’s cabinet had a lot of turnover.
I consider high turnover in government a very good thing.
Undocumented immigrant appointed to state post in California
Virtue signalling > Best candidate for the job
Do we really need or want effective people on the California Student Opportunity and Access Program Project Grant Advisory Committee?
Do we even need that committee?
But think of all the children who need guidance!
Do you have a problem with CSOAPPGAC?!!!!111>!?!?!?!?????
Yes, I mentioned this in the Boca thread.
Rule of law is lost in California basically.
And de Leon is the idiot who held that ridiculous showboating conference while holding a gun and spewing irrational and inaccurate facts about it.
It’s on youtube.*
*I misspelled youtube and autocorrect interpreted as ‘poutine’. Weirdos.
Canadian Autocorrect!
Rule of law is lost everywhere.
“Virtue signalling > Best candidate for the job”
Well in all fairness it’s a made up job so a virtue signal would be the best candidate by definition
So I moved to a new place and I am wondering which one of you is my new neighbor. You have a “Enjoy Capitialism” (in Coca-Cola font) and “Who is John Galt?” bumper sticker.
Not I. I don’t have neighbors.
See if they have a 14 year old living there. It may be Cytotoxic.
If Cytotoxic was admitted into the US, then our immigration system *is* broken.
is there a sign on the back fence that reads:
WE CALL 7.62
because that’s me
I live in Montana – you’re going to have to be more specific…
My father got a shirt with this same design for me a few years ago at a restaurant somewhere in Virginia. Is that where you are?
“It appears the email filter has been a bit — zealous — in keeping the submission email box clean.”
What a waste of some good dick pics
No shit. I put lipstick on my cock for nothing.
Trump Jr.’s divorce has some lefty nut bags excited. Apparently, now that they’re splitting up, she’ll be able to testify on all of Jr.’s crimes he committed! Impeach Trump is going to happen any day now!
Bloomberg has the answer. Nationalize the school system. No link, because it appears to be fucked up at the source.
America’s high schools have a credibility problem: The country’s graduation rate is at a record high, but too many students are receiving diplomas without earning them. The most straightforward solution is to require all high-schoolers to pass exit examinations before graduating.
America’s high schools have a credibility problem: The country’s graduation rate is at a record high, but too many students are receiving diplomas without earning them. The most straightforward solution is to require all high-schoolers to pass exit examinations before graduating.
Maybe if the teachers focused on teaching, instead of social activism… nah, that’d never happen.
“Damn, government schooling is failing. What do we do now?”
“I got an idea- more government”
“That makes sense.”
“Yeah, plus we keep getting paid, so that’s nice.”
Do that in Three’s Company voice.
I thought it quite disgusting watching those civil servants leading what appeared to be 6-7 year olds out for the rally. Political props, indeed.
Usually brainwashed in the classroom. It’s nice to see them taking brainwashing field trips. Get the kids some fresh air.
When I was little they used to take us to a dairy farm or somesuch.
The main reason we have schools graduating kids who can’t add is because the feds incentivize the graduation rate.
This, and also states do it, too. “Graduation rates” has become the metric of success, so the easy way to be successful is to have no standards for graduation. You can’t have both high graduation rates and valuable diplomas – but you can pretend you can, so that’s what the policy makers do. Also, you can’t have decent standards because if any disparity in results develops you will be branded a bigot/racist. Basically, our school system sucks because that’s what our society wants right now.
My “step-sister” graduated and she can barely spell her own name or count to 100. Different quotas for different races is a very bad idea.
Basically, our school system sucks because that’s what our
societygovernment wants right now.Bureaucrats create the artificial incentives. There was never deemed a need for customer satisfaction to be included, unless you frame the bureaucrats as the customers and the students as tools for bureaucrat satisfaction.
It’s amazing how even between North America and Britain the perception of our role (particularly the USA) in the two great wars are different. For example someone said:
“They were indeed, and in America’s case by dreams of Empire – Cuba two or three times, Nicaragua, the Philippines etc – and by Mahan’s book.
Well you’ve got your Empire, and you’ve got your Cecil Rhodes in the form of George Soros, and for some reason you don’t like it when your colonies implement the policies your Satrap has demanded – like in this case a crack down on conservative voices.
I can’t say I’m overly impressed either, but then I am just a minor provincial who should count themselves lucky to be a part of such great and wonderous Imperial glory.”
“Actually had it not been for the Americans, there would not have been two world wars, the first would have finished two years sooner, and America would be the rather small, semi bankrupt place it was in 1900.”
According to the British – or to this guy anyway but he did have someone backing him up – the USA started and prolonged them. In a nutshell.
Another claims Hitler had no intentions of invading England and always looked to make peace which too also strikes me as odd.
How would WW1 have finsihed two years earlier without the US?
We didn’t need to be in WW1 and the outcome was set before we entered, but our entrance wrapped it up quickly.
Without the US involving itself there is a very good chance that the Germans would have eventually won, especially after they defeated the Russians.
The US had absolutely no reason to be involved in WWI and neither did the British with their pathetic ‘poor little Belgium’ excuse.
Technically, the Russians quit and went home so they could go kill each other. I am also uncertain that the Entente could have prevailed if America hadn’t been their supply depot.
Those are some bold counterfactuals you’re making. I am really not convinced, at all, that the British and French would have prevailed in World War I without the Americans supplying them and then sending troops. I think, at best, the French would have been defeated and the Germans would have never been able to break the British blockade so a peace would have been brokered between the two sides whereby the Germans would retreat from France, but keep the lands that they gained from Russia and the Austro-Hungarians would have been forced to retreat from Serbia.
The continent would have returned to its pre-war configuration, with the exception of the Germans gaining some territory from the Russians.
The alliance would still have prevailed due to the participation of Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
I disagree. The involvement of all their colonies was never enough to push back the Germans during World War I until the Americans decided to send troops. This forced the Germans to hastily make one final push before American troops arrived.
Had the US not pledged to involve itself, the Germans could have brought their troops from the East to the Western front and made a more calculated push that would have final broken through the lines and taken Paris.
The Germans were the Alliance and the Anglo-French were the Entente.
And then they were the Allies during World War II and the opposition was the Axis. These labels matter not. We all know what we’re talking about: one set of baddies versus the set of baddies
Both sides in WW1 had bled each other dry. Alternative Histories are fun – it’s probable that if the US hadn’t entered WW1, that Europe wouldn’t have fallen to the Germans, and that another year of attrition would have led to some form of negotiated deal with little change to national borders in Western Europe.
What it would have done would have been to have left Europe ‘unresolved’ in some other, unspecified way, which probably would have still left a Germany ripe for a dictator, It’s possible that absent the eradication of Germany, that some form of WW2 would have arisen, irrespective of the Paris Peace Conference and Treaty of Versailles.
Now let’s play counterfactual with the Franco-Prussian War. If that war would have never occurred, WWI and WWII would have never occurred.
Personally, I think its a miracle there weren’t more bigger wars as the industrial revolution took hold.
Allofasudden, you had much bigger populations of military age men who weren’t needed on the farm to keep everyone fed, new weapons of much more destructive power (and a nearly unlimited supply of them). How the Europeans managed to not have WWI much sooner (or a series of nasty little wars) with all their new troops and toys is kinda surprising.
The US saved the French and the British from being overrun by the Germans in both World Wars and the Soviets during the Cold War. Now, Western Europe can’t even overthrow Qaddafi without our help. And that about covers the history of the 20th Century. Europe is a flaccid, ineffectual continent without America. Sorry, but it’s true.
“And the Yanks insisted the Europeans hand over their empires to Communists.”
They’re also upset about being allied wth communist Russia for some reason. The reasoning goes, I think, Hitler wasn’t going to hurt us until America got involved and then sided with Russia.
I have never heard this before. And I wonder if it’s British-prog speak?
That’s a straight-up purposeful misreading of history. Maybe they can explain why the British and French did not declare war on the Soviet Union after the invasion of Poland, as both they and the Germans invaded that country.
I seem to recall that while the literal text said “any European power” there was a secret protocol that read “and by any European power we really mean just Germany”
It’s fucking ignorant.
Directive Number 16 was issued on July 16, 1940, a year and a half before the US got directly involved in the war.
Went the Day Well?
His response to Directive 16:
Once we declared war on Germany and started bombing the shit out of it, Hitler showed some interest in the idea of invading us
It was also obvious that the US would eventually join the war and that Britain would be used as an air base and launch pad for any invasion of France
But he constantly tried to make peace, and had no intention of invading Britain at the start of the war
An in the end he scrapped the plan, as his beef was with the USSR
Best avoiding official sources when trying to learn about that war
LOL, you mean his biggest fucking mistake was with the Soviet Union. Had he not invaded the USSR, the Brits and the rest of Western Europe would have been much worse off. Stalin would have been happy with half of Poland for quite a while.
A year and a half before it actually did? Roosevelt may have been signaling future direct involvement at that time, but the political opposition to the war only acquiesced when the Japanese made it impossible to do otherwise.
Neville Chamberlain looms large.
Tell your buddy to suck it up and stop blaming the UK’s problems on the US.
Hitler did not want to go to war with Britain (at least until after he could take care of the USSR). Dunkirk could have went a lot worse for the British had he been decided at that point.
I’ll take the Sea Lion ’40 option and accept a cold war and eventual thaw with NAZI Germany after they wipe out the commies.
Sounds like the sort of people who blame the west for the Molotov-von Ribbentrop Pact.
Well, for decades, the US had been decidedly lukewarm to the very idea of the British Empire too. Old school Imperialism was not popular in Washington – the Great White Fleet was a gentle prod to EVERYONE in Asia, not just those inscrutable orientals.
Porg-speak? Probably not. Occam’s Razor really, ignorance is sufficient explanation.
Speculative, retroactive history is pointless; but it would be interesting to see what would happen if the US had said “fuck off” to Britain and let Hitler take it over.
Well they did say it wasn’t our fight (Canada included) and seem to think it would have gone fine because Hitler had no intentions of, again, invading.
It’s baffling.
Here’s another:
“Surely you’re not referring to WWII, in which we allied with Stalin and let him take over half of Europe?
Do you seriously think that the people behind that war gave one solitary fuck about liberty or democracy? Keep that nonsense for the PATHE news reels”
I always enjoy that discussion. It’s that “Hitler appreciated and admitted that Britain had its Empire, and that he approved of it” argument.
It’s a the kind of mindset that encourages the listener to ally with the crocodile because you’ll get eaten last.
Even if true, the British Empire was collapsing and the near-future imbalance between a small, isolated Britain and what amounts to a German-speaking EU that spends 30% of its GDP on its military would necessarily lead to a future war. Only imbeciles and ideologues could argue differently.
He ‘admired’ England and saw it as a kindred spirt they say.
How nice and comforting.
No Rotherhams?
This all comes down to the fact that the British still grumble about the fact that they will forever play second-banana to the US from now until eternity. Churchill was just stating the obvious when he said after the war that the US stands and the pinnacle of the world and we must stand beside her.
I’ll never forgive Roosevelt for what he did to Europe. Angela Merkel, FFS!
Cool story, Angela. How about we just close-up our bases on the continent then? Have fun repelling the Russians, you flaccid soy boys.
The American taxpayer
I got involved in the conversation and said as much. I basically said, ‘YOU started the war. Own it. Spare me the rest of the BS you babies. Without the USA and the Commonwealth to help with the dirty work, France and England fall.
I was annoyed with their interpretation.
I remember back in the 1990s when the French were saying how explosive the situation was in Kosovo and this and that. Rather than deal with it since it was so dangerous, they chastised the Americans into doing their dirty work and then even complained about how Clinton handled it.
Kosovo should always have been a European problem to deal with. The US had no business getting involved.
I can handle a discussion over whether or not, the US should have gotten involved in WW1 (it should not), but the suggestion that the Americans are primarily responsible for the shitshow that was early 20th century Europe is just downright wrong.
“Rather than deal with it since it was so dangerous, they chastised the Americans into doing their dirty work”
This is the sick mentality of the Europeans- always complaining, but never doing shit, just insisting that the Americans do something. The last time I was in Italy I had dinner with a socialist and a fascist, literally. The fascist and the socialist agreed that the US was the greatest threat to the world. I said, look, I agree, I think the US shouldn’t be involved in all these wars and, in fact, we should close down our bases throughout the world. They nodded, until I said even in Italy and Germany- we should close all those bases. Well, hold on, they insisted, that’s different.
So what you’re saying is they’re cunts?
Yeh, I’ve had those similar conversations. It always ends up ‘if we had America’s might we’d wield the power with more sophistication’.
Yeh, into mega-wars.
“This is the sick mentality of the Europeans- always complaining, but never doing shit, just insisting that the Americans do something. ”
How else are they going to have a chance to criticize whatever the Americans do if they actually have to do the heavy lifting? Especially if they fuck it up as they usually do.
Re: Balkans Conflict.
Long story cut short. Lots and lots of blame to go around, some of it more justified than others.
The European governments are like middleschoolers who get into a fight with the expectation that their dad is going to wade in at some point and beat up the other kid’s dad.
NATO (and by extension UN involvement) ensures that the Europeans don’t have to face the costs and consequences of poorly-considered bush wars.
Yes. Europe’s number one export to the US is smug complaints. Eat shit you backward-ass continent.
That’s exactly how I’ve come to view Europe – and it’s not flattering. The little shit who was once tough goes around starting bar fights knowing damn well his buddy is there to back him up. That’s how the European military acts it seems.
That’s why they get all huffy when the Americans tell them to stop acting like babies and pay up in NATO.
Being a European myself, my view is a little more nuanced, and being an old fart who grew up actually playing on waste ground that Hitler had “remodeled” with V1’s and V2’s, I have to remind myself that much of what non-Europeans see as “fucking entitled eurotard mentality” is actully “fucking entitled eurotard non-working-class mentality”.
At the risk of sounding like Dennis the Peasant, one of the problems with the nomenklatura is that – even during WW2 – the risk of war wasn’t evenly distributed. If you had power and influence, you didn’t have to sit in an Anderson shelter in your garden in Whitechapel waiting for the Hun to drop a 250 kilo iron bomb on your head with a scattering of incendiaries. You were safely in your basement in an area that was so far from a strategic target that if you bought it, you were just unlucky. Your wife was with you, and the kids. Your ‘bit on the side’ – that cute shop-girl from the local Woolworths – was probably safe too. And if Mr. Hitler arrived, well, your brother is a card-holding member of Oswald Moseley’s club-for-fascists, so that’d be OK.
The mentality in Britain that used to get people to queue up for the bus, wait your turn, mustn’t grumble, play the game, fatalist is charming, and can be beneficial, but it also ensured that the public would lick the hand that beats it. This willing social masochism is at its heart, why Britain is in the state it’s in today.
The nomenklatura always relied on this ‘natural’ social masochism.
Today, they’ve got to the point where they’ve weaponized it.
That’s very interesting.
See also: The Beautiful South’s “Have You Ever Been Away”
(of course, they slag Churchill in the process)
Things were a bit different for the British in WWI. Plenty of gentlemen from the non-working class backgrounds died in those trenches.
“Actually had it not been for the Americans, there would not have been two world wars, the first would have finished two years sooner, and America would be the rather small, semi bankrupt place it was in 1900.”
I suppose he thinks the Kaiser would have stopped at the waters edge because he was kin and close to the British royals? In no way would the Alliance have lost WWI if the Americans hadn’t entered the war.
There is some evidence that the Germans would have been amenable to an armistice before the US entered the war, because they were just about bled dry and the Turks were no longer reliable. Meanwhile the French and British had been bled dry; the hope of the US joining in kept up their resolve to not sue for peace.
It is possible that the war would have ended nearly two years earlier, but it would have been a significantly different ending.
Probably something more akin to N/S Korea.
Hitler would have probably never gotten into power, but WWII, in some different form, would have still happened.
The war would have ended 2 years earlier if the United States had not entered? The United States entered WWI on April 6th 1917 and the war ended November 11th 1918. I’m no mathematician, but…
19 months, 24 months. Don’t nitpick.
Maybe if the European Allies hadn’t insisted on debilitating reparations payments at the end of WW1, Germany would not have been quite so ripe for a takeover by the Nazis.
And let’s not talk about the myriad ways that the Brits fucked up the Middle East for what seems to be eternity.
^^^ this guy has read a tome or two.
^This. We should have been far more firm with the French.
Honestly I think it may have been better if the Germans won the first World War.
The Kaeser mustache would still be in style.
The Hitler mustache wouldn’t have the negative connotation.
Well, given that the Brits seem ungrateful or even underplay our role. Not that these two chaps represent, I think, the overall view?
I was upset because the guy was acting as if Canada was irrelevant.
Maybe we weren’t the Americans but we damn well won our fair share of battles that the powers didn’t think we’d win and we shed damn blood on their damn soil. On a per capita basis, what Canada did for a country of 8 million was pretty damn impressive coming out of the second war with one of the largest armies. Canada from 1939-45 mobilized into nothing but a war effort.
Third largest navy in the world after all the blood-letting. We even had our own battleship for fuck’s sake. And aircraft carriers.
And aircraft carriers.
In context, as early as the sixties, when you could expect to be at school with kids whose parents have been fighting in WW2, British education really didn’t talk about WW2. Some of the kids were well informed due to conversations with their parents, but formally, they weren’t taught anything about even English WW2 history.
The RCN involvement in the Battle of the Atlantic, sinking 27 U-Boats, involvement in Operations Torch and Neptune with heavy losses – not taught, and given that they were manned by Canadians, nobody knew anyone directly involved.
Operation Jubilee (the Dieppe Raid) is never talked about. While it wasn’t exactly a suicide mission, critics of Churchill claim that a mission with 5000 Canadians, 50 Americans and 1000 English and Scots troops was putting a disproportionate number of non-English troops at risk.
So, to be topical, this is a systemic and not an individual failure; the result of institutional self-censorship.
Yeah, when I first read that Canada sent something like ~40% of their fighting age men to war, I was seriously impressed. In my eyes Canada joins the major European powers in the “What happened?” category of once-impressive nations that have gone soft.
Somebody looked at a map circa 1946 and said, “Fuck it, eh, nobody’s touching North America because of the US.”
Probably but ‘officially’ it happened in the 1960s under Pearson. We decided brand ourselves with a maple leaf and peacekeeping. The rest is history. If JT were around more these days, he could confirm it more.
“Another claims Hitler had no intentions of invading England and always looked to make peace which too also strikes me as odd.”
Semi-true. Hitler preferred peace, however if that did not come he had operation Sea Lion as a backup.
I still believe that, like Napoleon, the Germans would have never been able to successfully invade the British isles. The British navy would have prevented the crossing.
Ask Japan. The Divine Wind protects island nations from invasion until the other guys have nukes.
Now let’s discuss if the US was justified in dropping the atom bomb. Eisenhower and Senator Taft thought that the action was not justified.
Lets start with the premise that there is nothing special about the atom bomb, it is just bigger than the other bombs.
Considering what we were doing to Tokyo at the time with conventional bombs, I think 2 nukes gave Japan an easy way out with less damage to both sides.
If Operation Meetinghouse is justified, there is no way that Hiroshima and Nagasaki arent justified too.
“Considering what we were doing to Tokyo at the time with conventional bombs, I think 2 nukes gave Japan an easy way out with less damage to both sides.”
Considering they firebombed Tokyo and the surrounding areas and killed something north of 120K people in that single night event, I have always found people that complained about the casualties caused by nukes (which both where lower than that number) to be standing on shaky ground.
Eisenhower and Senator Taft were not conscripted soldiers about to be sent into Japan as cannon fodder. Their opinion is worthless. Ask the conscripts if the action was justified.
Also, what Sparty said.
Indeed. I likely wouldn’t be here if that happened as my grandfather would likely be one of those fodder.
Eisenhower and Senator Taft thought that the action was not justified.
As president, Eisenhower threatened to nuke China and his administration developed the MAD doctrine, so it’s safe to say that when he was in Truman’s shoes he saw the efficacy of those weapons.
Now there’s the one thing that might compel Sevo to make an account over here.
lol. Yeh.
The invincibility of the Royal Navy is a fiction that is nurtured and vastly enhanced by the quality of their opponents.
As with the age of sail, the Royal Navy was large, but thinly spread. The fleet was comprised manly of vessels vastly inferior to those of the Kriegsmarine and yet the allies managed to keep almost all of the German High Seas fleet in port for significant chunks of WW2.
Especially in the case of WW2, the destruction of the RAF would have yielded air superiority to the Luftwaffe. And with air superiority, naval bombardment of coastal cities and amphibious assault becomes very, very possible.
Southampton, Dover, Folkestone, Brighton. Four Inchons within a few hundred miles of each other,
Prolonging the war without American interference could’ve allowed Hitler to perfect the V2 rocket and render the concept of invading Britain moot.
What do you define as perfecting? Strategic bombing doesn’t win conventional wars.
I guess. In the same sense that armed robbers prefer that you hand over your money rather than fight.
Wearing a leather jacket make you 25% more likely to want to punch someone in the neck. It is known. AYYYYYEEEEE!
I am under the impression that stalemate had sunk in in 1917 and that both sides were pretty open at that point in that fucking pointless war to get to a table and end it.
Fresh Doughboys tipped the scale just enough.
European Foreign Policy
Germany: Something must be done
France: Yes, we have no choice. Something must be done
UK: I am prepared to do something, maybe, if we can all agree that something must be done
US: I guess I’ll have to do it
American taxpayer: WTF- why? Half of us can’t even identify that shitty country on a map
In fairness, the UK has shown a willingness and ability to fight in recent times, which is more than can be said of any of the others. They are basically the only US ally of any military value.
But they offset that with their stupid SJW/PC domestic antics and laws.
Cats vs. Dogs
Cats vs. Dogs
Sorry if this posts twice; it seems as the the squirrels may have eaten it the first time.
No point in bringing any of this up; men are inferior and deserve what they get.
What we really should be worry about is how this affects women. We need to keep a few around as breeding studs until we can either induce parthenogenesis or create artificial sperm, then we can finally get rid of the rest of them. Until then though, how do we deal with the Male Question?
Feminists should be the strongest 2A supporters in this country, especially the militant ones. Without the gun as an equalizer, how else can they hope to achieve these fever dreams?
They’re not exactly known for their insightful forethought… or thought in general, for that matter.
Hey TK, not to bring it all up again but I had to run to a meeting yesterday in the middle of our teacher conversation, so I wanted to let you know that I did not mean any reflection on your mother’s teaching ability.
I completely agree that there are excellent teachers that do do work very hard. I just contend that they are in the minority, and unfortunately, such excellent teachers are prevented from being rewarded their due value because of a public school system that does not pay based on performance.
And the administration is not allowed to recognize those teachers, except through already negotiated rewards that fit within the union contract. My uncle was a teacher and Vice and Principal in public schools, and ended up adjunct teaching at a College because he was so fed up with the school system’s lack of reward to the good teachers in it.
No worries, I appreciate the your note here. I’m not sure if additional conversation was had in that thread after I logged off (I stopped checking the thread around 5PM EST), but I didn’t take any of the stuff anyone said personally. I just think that teachers get a bad rap in libertarian circles including here at Glibs. In many ways, I think that they deserve it. In others, I really don’t think they deserve it. I think the teaching profession is a victim of a perverse incentive structure and that leads many lazy people into the teaching profession – but I really doubt that most teachers are lazy people that get into teaching to be lazy.
In short – I think we agree on most of the topic and I didn’t get the impression that anyone was insulting my mom.
Way to mansplain u pig.
The male question. Sounds strikingly (((familiar))) but I just can’t put my finger on it…
Twas intentional.
Straight cis-hetero white males (typically Christian but can be Jewish depending on the circumstance) are the new second class citizens. There haven’t been pogroms… yet, but I could see it happening if we continue down this course.
if only a man would come along and invent a lidless jar.
I’d be happy if my Wife would learn how to tighten the goddamned things. I get it. She grew up in a house full of girls but seriously? Don’t get me started on peeling vegetables directly into the sink.
UGH with the veggie peeling in the sink! I either put down a couple of paper towels in the sink, or, my personal fave, I keep the plastic bags from the grocery stores in a dispenser and pull one out every time I prep a meal. I put the plastic bag either on the counter and peel right into it, or hang it from a cabinet handle. I throw in empty cans, flavor packets, onion skins and other veggie scraps, and when all the prep is done, I make one quick trip to the trash can with the full plastic bag. Keeps me happy and one step ahead of the cleaning game in the kitchen.
I do the same thing with plastic bags, except I dump the scraps outside for the chickens afterwards.
My parents got one of those composting stills (my mom probably has about 1/2 acre of garden at this point, likely will grow over the years, we just put in a 8′ x 16′ x 12″ Asparagus bed last year), and they have an old, cruddy tall tupperware container that we peel veggies over and throw all of the compostable scraps in, then take it out to the composter. I do have to get my dad to set up a camera on it at some point, because it’s a “bear proof” one ( Like this one, but longer, and sturdier poles ), and I want to see the black bears try to get into it (because I’ve been at their guest cabin before, and been sleeping on the futon, then wake up, and see a bear on top of the locked trash area, trying to get into it).
I do the same, peel into the bag. So much neater and tidier.
hayek for the win! That shit drives me nut-bars!
I just peel onto my wooden cutting board, and then clean the peelings away into my “compost outbox” container.
Hell, both my wife and son are incapable of fully screwing caps on salad dressing bottles and A1 bottles. Shutting drawers completely and doors completely are also not an ingrained behavior.
I’ve been showing Spawn 2 that light switches work in two directions.
She seems skeptical.
My wife can’t open jars. And for some reason, she can’t close any of the kitchen cabinetry. I just chalk it up to “she’s a woman”.
I heart Ringo.
Also, did monitors not exist then? How the fuck could they even hear anything with all the chicks screaming? Even getting close to the right vocals is really impressive.
Those guys had played those songs so many times it was all muscle memory. And Paul is a very good musician.
I used to do my best impression of the mother’s reaction to the open cabinets in “The Sixth Sense” whenever I walked into the kitchen…
Cats vs. Dogs
Apologies if this shows up multiple times, but it looks like the spam filter is getting it.
Is anybody else having a problem with comments getting through? I tried to comment with a link to Twitter three times, and it hasn’t gone through.
And when I try to post the direct link without putting it in HTML tags, I get a 418 error.
Let’s see now if it shows up:
Ooh, finally. [rolls eyes]
Um. About that pilot rapey-rapey-rape-rape story, there is a much more important question to ask.
Why in Sam Hill are Alaskan Airlines planes emblazoned with Executive Assistant District Attorney Jack McCoy’s visage as he sports a fucking righteous ‘fro?
I really think that’s what we should be investigating. Not only is creepily dictatorial, but were I an airline magnate (and I aspire, I aspire) I wouldn’t risk alienating my my customers by possibly making them feel that their choice of “Fave L&O Prosecutor” is in contrast with mine. (Though they are obviously wrong.)
In the current climate I would also shy away from associating Hang ‘Em High McCoy with a stereotypical blaxploitation ‘do. That just seems like common sense.
(Disclosure: Law & Order is the shit, but if it don’t got Lenny “Lumière” Briscoe in it, then it ain’t worth watching.)
That’s Chester not Jack McCoy.
Milena. Govich.
Jimi Hendrix Airlines Dude…
/When we were growing up
Another claims Hitler had no intentions of invading England and always looked to make peace which too also strikes me as odd.
Wait, what? Then why did they drop all those bombs on London?
39D chess, just like the Donald.
There has long been a popular notion that Hitler’s preferred outcome with England was a negotiated peace because he admired the British Empire for a variety of reasons. Supposedly this is why he halted the attack at Dunkirk rather than driving the BEF into the sea. I don’t buy it, but I’ve read it many places before.
There’s little to sustain that myth. I had an uncle who was evacuated from Dunkirk three times (first two times he had to bail out of a damaged boat and wade back ashore).
The more realistic reason for the Wehrmacht not breaking through to Dunkirk was actually infantry logistics from what I understand. The local commander could have put tanks into the town far faster, but they would have been susceptible to attack. General consensus being that unsupported armor is at least ineffectual, and at worse, vulnerable, in tight urban environments.
I have it on high authority, the Germans didn’t break through because Tom Hardy miraculously took out that Stuka after he ran out of fuel.
My understanding is that both the German army and air force were essentially exhausted by the time they got to Dunkirk. Equipment out of service, supply lines at their breaking point, unit effectiveness less than optimal. Churchill had been holding the RAF out of the fight in France because he wanted them to be available to defend England if necessary. If the Germans had made a major push, I suspect the RAF could have caused a lot of problems for the Germans. The German air force was basically crippled at that point – they need repair and resupply badly.
The Germans also had a decent idea that evacuation wasn’t possible in a shortish time frame, so their pause was very understandable and even wise given what they knew. The evacuation itself was basically unforeseeable on much the same basis as the storm that saved DC during the War of 1812.
One of the surprises to RAF Command was that the Germans couldn’t/didn’t do better at putting CAP up and establishing air superiority. Having said that, the skies were heavily contested. In the seven days of Operation Dynamo, both Axis and Allies lost around 150 fighter aircraft each.
I need to read up on Dunkirk. Any suggestions for a good book? I’m looking less for grunt’s-eye-view than for a good military history analysis. I don’t think John Keegan wrote up Dunkirk, unfortunately.
I’d have to think before giving advice. I had all this stuff pushed in both ears from early childhood having had a number of family members heavily invested in the common-man’s history of WW2.
As I aged, most of the genuine partisan bile boiled off and I think I have a reasonably good ant’s eye record of a lot of unconnected trivia. Lemme check my sources and see if I can’t find a candidate.
It’s a silly notion, but it did have seed of truth. Edward VIII was being courted, successfully, by the Nazis, and Neville Chamberlain is famous for his appeasement. But once Britain got George VI and Churchill, there was no way the leadership would accept a Vichy France style submission to the Reich, and the Germans knew this.
I’m no apologist for Chamberlain, but one of the things that constantly evades peoples’ notice is that for a number of reasons, Britain had no effective counter for the German military at the time.
Chamberlain’s “appeasement” can be looked at as a means to gain time – almost exactly a year elapsed between that famous piece of news footage, and the declaration of war on September 13, 1939.
The Hawker Hurricane entered RAF service in December 1937. By outbreak of war, there were 18 squadrons in service.
The first production Spitfire rolled off the lines in August 1938. By outbreak of war, there were about 6 squadrons in service – the Spitfire had major production problems way into 1940.
Britain’s air deterrent in 1938 was almost entirely in biplanes, while the Germans had a number of successful monowings including the Messerschmidt Bf 109 that had been used in quantity, with much success in the Spanish Civil War, where the Germans sent over 120 aircraft from their jagdgruppen.
Britain had enjoyed, and over-enjoyed the ‘War Dividend’ in materiel and realpolitik since 1918. They had a lot of catching up to do. Chamberlain’s ‘appeasement’ bought a valuable year.
Interesting…thanks for the context. I hadn’t heard that before, and it does make things more understandable.
I’m planning on writing an article and I’m looking to see if there is interest.
I have. Vintage hi fi that I picked up that needs some mechanical and electrical TLC. The article will document the process of the referbish with pics video/sound from before and after.
It’s a Webcore Ravinia.
I plan on replacing all of the old shitty capacitors and resistors, cleaning the contacts and chassis, then repairing the turntable. I will finally clean up and refinish the mahogany furniture.
Go for it. I like that stuff.
Sounds cool.
Very much so. Please do.
The resistors probably don’t need replacing.
Thanks for the feedback y’all. I will likely replace the paper and electrolytic caps as they tend to turn to crap after after 10 years as they dry out. The old carbon resistors are easy enough to replace and the thick film power resistors can crack, degrade, and lead to noise. I’m still waiting for the Sams schematics for the set before tearing into it. It sounds surprisingly good for a 60+ year old system when playing my Ipod through the AUX port. The radio is ok with quite a bit of noise. The turntable has mechanical issues as well as no functioning off switch. The system is missing an obvious off switch, so it crackles and hisses when plugged in with output volume at low. Just updating the components in the power supply should do wonders for noise.
The entire system has a tube amp, pre-amp and tuner.
Should be fun. I’m only in at $40 right now and components other than tubes are cheap, so if I turn it to a pile of vintage carbon I won’t be out any real cabbage.
“Stephen King
With every passing day, Trump acts more like the tinpot military dictator of a Central or South American country in 1955. All he needs is the costume shop uniform and a chestful of fake medals and ribbons.”
I’m gonna have to go ahead and think….projection here.
..says the guy who writes about a crazed alien clown that eats children.
That save themselves by running a train on a prepubescent girl.
I’m thinking the second half of that movie is gonna need a rewrite. When I read the book it didn’t seem too out of place but that was some thirty-odd years ago. Try telling that story now you gun-grabbing cunt.
..says the guy who writes about a crazed alien clown that eats children.
Said clown also being a rival of an ancient turtle god that vomited out the universe.
“I’m Stephen King and I literally have no idea what I’m talking about!”
“I’m Stephen King and ever since I stopped snorting coke off of my Plain-Jane’s wife’s ass, I haven’t wrote a single noteworthy thing!”
I’m Stephen King and despite being imaginative – sorta – I don’t actually possess a single original thought! That’s why I have Ben Affleck and Seth Meyers to keep me informed!
James Clapper avoids charges for ‘clearly erroneous’ surveillance testimony
He should be charged and hanged. Instead he’s got a new career lying on TV. Meanwhile Flynn is selling his house to pay his lawyers to defend himself against trumped up charges from a corrupt FBI Agent.
“I gave the least untruthful answer I could.” He should have that mushroom tattooed on his forehead. Anyways, cheers to Massie. And Rand has been spectacular this week.
Congress rolled over and let Clapper lie to them without repercussions. That is the problem. There should be no exemption to that rule, for anyone or anything.
There was no coalition in Congress willing to put party aside and go after a guy that broke his oath and lied to Congress. Amazing how partisan it has become. You’d think this could be one thing they’d put down the blue and red ties for a second. Nope.
One Man, One Law. What a fucking joke.
Bull shit. He could have said that the particulars of the surveillance programs are classified, and that he would gladly provide a detailed description of the scope of such programs, but only behind closed doors and not in a public forum.
Some animals are more equal than others.
I see what you did there
This is interesting and not at all surprising: Study: Women Now Leaving STEM Fields to Pursue ‘Social Justice’ Degrees
I hope you like the taste of Ramen, Jocelyn.
Tundra, you should post a link to that xkcd cartoon you showed me about recruiting women for STEM fields vs Social Justice.
Here you go!
Apparently it was even more accurate than we thought!
Thats not xkcd.
Try to soldier on.
Oh, well. I’m just a girl; you can’t expect me to remember complicated details. 😉
Yeah, I can’t imagine Munroe making a point like that. He knows who his crowd is, he tows the PC lion.
Damn, that’s brilliant.
Hey now! What’s the update on the Squeeze? We care about shit like that ’round these parts!
Squeeze is admitted to the hospital. Finally got him a room at 7:30AM. I got home at 8.
I am about to keel over from sleep deprivation, but at least I was able to take my epilepsy meds to avoid catastrophe.
He has “complications” but I don’t know what’s up yet. They have him conked out on some pretty good pain meds.
I’m not a prayerful sort but sincere good wishes to you and your Hubs. Godspeed!
No worries. I’ll pray for the old bastard.
I hope he gets better right quick, hayek!
Good luck, hope it goes well
I hope everything turns out well.
Thanks all. We will muddle through it. 🙂
Solving problems is uncaring.
I think the gist of it is that girls are opting for signaling over actual accomplishments because signaling is being rewarded by society.
I got into it with someone over this yesterday. There are no legal restraints to women getting into any occupations in the United States, at least none that I can think of. Women have the vote. Women can hold public office. So if women aren’t entering certain careers at the same rate as men, it must be because of a combination of social factors, culture, and/or malfeasance on the part of companies. Basically, without getting into it too much, I think that if more women wanted to get into engineering or IT or whatever they would, but they tend to be more attracted to non-technical skills during their academic careers and, like men, stick with what they have a knack for. I think there are also some socio-cultural factors, like women wanting to spend more time with their families, or taking time away to raise children, stuff like that. I do not think that there is a problem with not having enough women in STEM, as much as I would like my daughter to grow up and be a code monkey one day.
Where’s the uproar over the dearth of men in the nursing field??
Male nurses are in great demand. Back when I was a teenager I worked in a nursing home, and overheard a conversation that the director of nursing was having with the administrator about male nurses. It was brought on by one of the few male nurses putting in his two week notice, and how that was putting them in a bind. Many women simply can’t do some of the things required safely, like moving patients that are overweight, because they lack the strength and that creates a liability issue. Some patients prefer male nurses; old men generally don’t like talking to pretty young women about continence issues, for example. Some patients respond better to male nurses; disciplinary actions are limited in a nursing home, and old guys that never listened to a woman in their lives aren’t going to start just because they’re in a wheelchair. They agreed that they couldn’t specifically ask for male candidates, but if any applied they’d go to the front of the line, regardless of any qualifications that the female candidates might have.
I talked to my mom about that once, as she is now an administrator at a nursing home herself, and has been a director of nursing as well, and she said basically the same thing. On the rare occasions she gets a male applicant, 90% of the time they’re hired. There really aren’t enough male nurses.
Talking to people, touching people. The horror, the horror.
Almost word for word my experience as a Young Man, including Mom
Nonsense. Women are just as strong as men shitlord.
When Festus was young he worked in that field. Festus was basically a strong-armed bouncer for two years and still sports the bite marks to this very day. It’s a calling and I know guys that stuck it out and made a career of it it but it started breaking me and I had to leave.
Diversity of human preference is never brought up.
I said it in another thread, if I’d been raised to believe that I’m perfectly capable of pursuing a STEM degree and morally obligated to do so for the sake of my gender, and then discovered that it’s actually pretty difficult and consuming and I’m either not capable after all or at least not as interested as I’d have to be to see it through, I would probably tell others that I’d opted for an imminently easier path for humanitarian reasons. I might even believe it myself.
You know, I bet there are some people in Florida who care a whole lot more about how competent certain civil engineers are than they are about how caring they are.
That’s different because shut up.
No shit, right?
I have to say, one of the appeals of being an engineer is that I get to work with (mostly) pragmatic men who don’t backstab and fret about clothes and shallow shit.
However, I do notice that the men are grateful to have a woman present to do a little of the caring and social networking. They all know I will have Band-Aids in my purse and will organize social events and be a good hostess.
My chief cohort in the new place has made it abundantly clear that he intends to use me to bridge the gap in various group relationships both inside and outside the company; they know I can do it because they’ve seen it done.
Could a man do it too? Sure, but there is something non-threatening about a female engineer that gives me an instant advantage in negotiations.
Well, that and boobs 😉
Eh, maybe something to that. I do get a lot of hugs instead of handshakes compared to my male counterparts when we meet with folks we only see a few times a year.
And one time I received a big fat smootch right on the lips from a gov’t customer in front of everyone at a poster session. I was fairly shocked, and not pleased, but took it in stride. He did write me a nice recommendation for the new job though, so there’s that. 🙂
You mean that as individuals, engineers of
allboth genders bring diverse ancillary skills to the table?Inconceivable!
Anyway – hope HWMBO is gonna get well soon. Gotta make sure all our valued female glibertarians have all their support systems functioning properly!
Who’da thunk it? Diversity of background and experience really can be an asset. But some forced diversity based on rigid pigeonholing of race, gender, nationality, etc is just BS and only reinforces stereotypes.
And thanks for the well wishes! I am sure he’ll be fine. Just have to be patient. The timing stinks since we have so much to do now, but there’s nothing we can do but grind through it. The light at the end of the tunnel is southern California sun. 🙂
I refuse to organize social events or play hostess.
Solving problems is uncaring.
Well, reality is uncaring and constrains our solutions, so I could see how some people could actually view things this way. Fictional solutions often sound better than real solutions, since they can disregard the constraints of an uncaring reality.
A sorta related article. More “Gender Equality” equals less women in STEM Somehow, I think it might be because those countries that don’t have feminism don’t have jobs for useless crap like a Gender Studies degree.
It’s also been mentioned that the countries with more equality also have more economic security, so people can feel more free to do what they want rather than follow the money.
How much you wanna bet these bints will be the very ones bellyaching about their student loans in 5 years and whining about student loan forgiveness?
MA Rep discovers how to fix sexual harassment. Take down the “General Hooker Entrance” sign that sits atop the main doors of the State House.
They are hell bent on outdoing the French Revolution.
Cromwellian to some degree. Imagine those British cathedrals with the icons and stained glass and picture them now, after the blue-noses had their way.
Maybe, and this is just a guess, but maybe being so literal and casting about for fixes, however absurd, does more damage to efforts to handle assaults. Just a thought.
Top quality pussy.
This ad came up×600.jpg&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIu5yO54Hx2QIVifNkCh0gvAvXEAEYASAAEgLwK_D_BwE
Hah. From the “What does this say about me” Department.
My first reaction.
“The 3D printing of lifelike child sex robots, for instance, could undermine the proposed ban’s implementation in the not-terribly-distant futuristic hellscape that awaits us.”
Ms. Pinky, that is all.
Apropos of nothing sinister, I got my first look at a 3D printer in person in a lab on campus. They’re pretty nifty. Slow af, of course, but I guess we’re in the dot-matrix age for now. I was surprised by the resolution: the model I watched being extruded was an architecture student’s project, and the printer was laying down by my guess 1/32″ layers in a sturdy honeycomb lattice to prop up the bit of deconstructivist horseshit I hate so much about a lot of modern architecture.
Vanessa Trump has nice lips.
My thoughts exactly
Any piece of Trump Ass is gonna ride higher than you could imagine. Better, firmer, so taut that you could bounce quarters off it! The best ass! I want every American to have a taut ass like my beautiful daughter!
If you look hard enough, you will see just what you’re looking for
The special election in the 18th congressional district of Pennsylvania this week will have mirror opposite effects on the two parties.
Democrats, enthused by victory in a district that voted for Donald Trump by almost 20 points in 2016, will contribute more money and time to Democratic candidates. Republicans, alarmed by a potentially disastrous cascade — loss of control of the House followed by two years of public hearings into Trump’s malfeasance followed by more electoral trouble — will call on corporate benefactors and wealthy donors to increase funding to stave off defeat.
Crazy money is indicative of crazy stakes. Plutocrats, such as the Koch brothers, will spend to maintain the enormous advantages they have derived from pliant politicians. Democrats who fear and despise Trump (and don’t much like the Kochs) will spend generously to defeat them. One question raised by Lamb’s success is whether corporate funders, who just benefited from an enormous GOP tax cut, will begin to hedge their 2018 bets by spreading money to more House Democratic candidates.
This week, as the Pennsylvania House election was coming to a close, the Republican Saccone said that Democrats were energized by “hatred” for Trump, God and America. He was wrong on two out of three, but his comment captured the visceral quality of discord in 2018. Fear and loathing should lead to record fundraising.
Money in politics is bad when it benefits the wrong TEAM. Democrat sweep, here we come. And then, the purges.
I though Lamb won because he was against an “assault” rifle ban, personally against abortion but supportive of pro-choice, and was anti-Pelosi. As Noonan put it, he was essentially Trump without the baggage.
The Dems have a great opportunity here to pivot back towards the center and clean up in the midterms. They will keep going extreme left though and Lamb will discard all his campaign view and become just another reliable prog foot soldier. They just can’t help themselves.
Don’t the Dems consistently outspend the Pubs by a wide margin?
You can tell, in bringing up the Koch bogeyman, the author didn’t even bother checking. “Political dollars WE spend are blessed by the angel Gabriel himself! Political dollars THEY spend is tainted by the Mephistophelean odor of backroom deals with oil barons.”
*opens wallet, sniffs roll of hundreds*
Well, I’ll be damned.
I lost 1 sweet sixteen team yesterday. Miami. Unfortunately I also had them in the Big 8. I thought that program was on the way up?
My Wildcats lost embarrassingly so the whole tournament is dead to me.
Who saw that coming?
I knew they were capable of blowing it, but not by 25 points. It was a pathetic performance.
Wildcat fans as a group are so frikkin’ obnoxious I just can’t be too bothered by the ‘Cats fucking the dog in prime time.
Q gets the titty exemption, so I feel bad for you, buddy.
Wasn’t Miami the loser in the game that was won at the last second by a 3-pointer? Can’t really predict for something like that.
Well, you can try to have enough of a lead you don’t lose on a lucky shot.
I’m so relieved!
Turns out that forcing the kid in New Prague to leave because his sign wasn’t pro-gun control was for the good of everyone.
At least according to press release put out by the school district.
There are also some fine weasel words in the PR about the principal threatening to throw the kid in a cop car. The PR says that it is false because “law enforcement was not involved with any of the students present during the walkout.” I love it when the excuse for making threats is “well we didn’t carry any of them out.”
Good for those kids. My son brought his pocket Constitution to school yesterday. When one of his proggie-trained classmates started vomiting anti-2a platitudes, Spawn 1 tossed him the Constitution, told him”Page 43″ (the Amendments), and walked away. I was pleased.
Good going. Both to you and to the Spawn.
“Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.”
Good for you and him. Up here we have the mealy-mouthed “Charter” that says little and basically consigns rights to whatever flavour the supreme Court likes at the time. We’re not a free country but we play one on TV.
As long as it has CanCon on it
“We had to kill the First Amendment to save it!”
In other words: “Because, reasons.”
it is my understanding that Time/Place/Manor restrictions have to be content neutral (ie why a sign ordinance can’t differentiate between election signs vs event signs, for example). It is also my understanding that the speaker must be left with ample opportunity to make their speech act even with the TPM restrictions in place.
It is also my understanding that the school would have had a much firmer grounding if they said that the restriction was in place to avoid disruption of the school environment (even thought there was, you know, no educating going on, I don’t think that matters post Bong Hits For Jesus v Why Can’t That Be The Real Name.
Anyone with fancy lawschool learning think this is incorrect?
According to the rule, “time, place, and manner” restrictions are put in place as a way “to protect the exercise of students’ and employees’ free speech rights, [while] taking into consideration the educational objectives and responsibilities of the School District.”
In other news, dissent *really is* treason.
“New Prague Area Schools fully respects and recognizes that students have free speech rights. Those rights, however, are to be balanced against the District’s responsibility to maintain a school environment focused on education,” the statement said.
Anything other than, “I hear, and obey,” is hate speech.
Then they’re not rights.
Until Minitrue issues the next Newspeak dictionary that eliminates “I” as divisive and counterrevolutionary.
U of Mn Duluth (UMD) just lost a lawsuit for gender discrimination to its old women’s hockey coach.
So her performance had been dropping so they let her go. Sounds just like what happens to any big time men’s college coach. So which is it? Women are just as entertaining and important as men and should be treated equally? Or that women need to have extra protections because their sports shouldn’t be judged the same as men’s sports?
Yup, this sort of record would get you bounced from a major men’s sport. Or at the very least one short contract to see if you can turn it around.
Four seasons with no tourney! You’re getting bounced.
And now Shannon has torpedoed the chances of a bunch of other chicks to get head coaching jobs.
Well, it could just be that they were annoyed at her for constantly bitching about women’s hockey not getting the same funding as the more popular men’s hockey and they were just looking for a reason to dump her. A lot of companies and organizations tend to ignore violations of policies or blemishes in performance or behavior while they want to keep someone, only to use those as grounds for termination once they’re done with them, or as a guarantee of pliability. Sort of an HR sword of Damocles. Everyone has worked somewhere where there’s a guy who comes in late and disheveled and nobody says boo, while another guy who was late twice a year ago asks for a raises and gets fired for repeated tardiness.
Jim Marshall, Viking Great, used to write “tired” on the trainer’s door as to why he missed a practice. Some second stringer complained to Grant one day about the double standard. Grant said, “you want to get special treatment like him, play special like him” and that was the end of it.
So- apparently there is some sort of basketball thing happening. An acquaintance was talking about how the University of Montana (his alma mater) was going to be in the tournament. I said, “Montana? They’re, like, NAIA division 2, right?”
That whooshed right over his head.
* I happened to see something on the news last night about the Griz playing a team from some other state that starts with “M”. I assume they lost by about 142 to 37.
61 to 47.
Tall Black dudes playing at ballet. Not a sport, not an art, let’s call it “Basketball”! Rhyymic Gymnastics for those less prone to seizures.
One of UVA’s better players a few years ago, Darion Atkins, has a twin brother who is a professional dancer.
He was sainted because he was a cripple. The romantic appeal of the beautiful mind trapped in a useless body was too much for the public to ignore. He had one actual big contribution to the field (Hawking radiation) and for that he should be recognized. But he was no paradigm-shifting Einstein or Planck.
But he was on TV!
Didn’t he cast off his first wife/caregiver for a newer model? Stand-up chap, what what!
Left the wife for the caregiver.
Note to gun control activists: saying that Chicago’s high murder rate is due to its proximity to Indiana still doesn’t explain why Indianapolis and Houston (which has roughly the same population as Chicago) still have lower murder rates than Chicago, despite the easy accessibility to guns
I live in Indiana, right in the shadow of one of the state-run gun factories, and we don’t do much murdering here.
Uffda. The Hoosiers can’t kill each other because they lack impulse control and sold ALL of their guns to the Chicagoans.
I’ve never heard of this happening in real life before, but my brother just posted on FB about how he was out to lunch with a friend, and they were talking about hockey stuff (he’s played league hockey for about 30 years), and some guy came up and said they were what’s wrong with the world, because of their “toxic masculinity”. He was speechless, just like I would be in that situation. Who says shit like that outside Washington DC or Seattle?
The mentally ill
Perfect opportunity to drop the gloves!
Where the hell was he?
Sounds like somewhere near home, in NW Indiana. I told him he should have pulled the guy’s shirt over his head and punched him in the face repeatedly.
Putting on the foil!
Laugh in his face and tell him to pull the other one.
“OK soy boy, let’s go to the parking lot and I can demonstrate to you first hand how toxic my masculinity is.”
Did he laugh in his face? Because that would be the proper response. I would laugh loudly so other people in the diner could hear and then I’d announced “this guy just literally said that me liking hockey is because of my ‘toxic masculinity’- this guy is hilarious”
I imagine the guy who said that wearing a male infinity scarf and incredibly snug jeans (I’m convinced that soy boys have no balls, otherwise how can they wear those pants?)
Yeah, I actually am right outside DC and the only place I can imagine something like this happening is the hipsterest hipster cafe. In any other venue whatsoever it would be met with derision, pity, or hostility. I think I would be so stunned I’d be like, “Hold up. Did you actually say the phrase ‘toxic masculinity’? Like in real life?”
“You realize this isn’t some college campus or Twitter, right? You just said ‘toxic masculinity’ with a straight face? I can’t decide whether to give you a swirly or just punch you.”
There is only one reply. Forceful take down and face fart.
The whiner was probably mad because his girlfriend needed a drip bucket after seeing a couple real men instead of namby pamby hipster dudes like the complainer and his buddies.
Where were hipsters when I was a young man on the prowl? Taking women away from them has to be like stealing candy from a baby. All my poor grooming habits and questionable fashion choices would be like catnip to the current crop of young ladies who are tired of the dandies I always see down at the coffee shop.
Re: rapey rape story. Note that she only made the rape complaint after both pilots were being investigated for being intoxicated.
Now everything could be just as she’s said in her lawsuit (and I guess press interviews too now?) but it also fits that the rape allegation was a defense against getting disciplined. Who knows at this point. All that’s come out publicly is her lawsuit. Neither the airline, or the other pilot or a police department or any other party has responded or corroborated her version of events.
“The United States is 3rd in murders throughout the world. If you remove 1) Chicago 2) Detroit 3) Washington DC 4) St Louis 5) New Orleans the United States is then 189th out of 193 countries in the entire world.”
Someone less lazy than us should do the math, but that would not surprise me one bit. Funny how none of those cities is full of gun-clinging NRA rednecks.
Yay. I’m going to St Louis for training in May.
“The United States is 3rd in murders throughout the world”
This is the part that I think is bullshit. I can name 3 Central American countries off the top of my head that have higher murder rates than the US: El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala.
Even if you’re measuring by total number of murders and not per capita Brazil, Nigeria and Mexico would all be higher.
The second part I can believe; by removing high crime (deep Blue) cities, the violent crime rate for the country as a whole nosedives.
“The United States is 3rd in murders throughout the world”
This is the part that I think is bullshit.
A quick search on Wikipedia says you are right. The US is 8th by total homicides per year, even though we are 3rd in total population. Our homicide rate is 94th out of 219 nations and territories. Our homicide rate of 4.88 is comfortably below the global homicide rate of 6.2. The homicide rate for the Americas (North and South) is a staggering 16.3 (all rates are per 100K people). The US looks pretty good.
And that’s including the above cities. Not that I have numbers in front of me, but I bet if you remove those cities the rate would drop down to <1 (Scandinavian levels).
Since I was curious about the statistic, I did some back of the napkin calcs with Wikipedia data and found that this was not the case (see comment below). Now, if you remove all the cities with democratic mayors you would drop the US down to Scandinavian levels, but that’s kind of cheating since most of our big cities are blue.
That (in)famous LBJ quote comes to mind. Hasn’t really worked out for the demographic sector it was touted to protect and benefit. Or for anyone else for that matter, except the greivance mongering politicians.
I’d say it’s working perfectly. Exactly as designed.
Something about niggers pissing outside the the tent instead of into your pocket?
False. See my previous comment about the US overall murder rate. As an addendum, I looked it up and those 5 cities account for ~10% of US murders, which while crazy high (since they account for only ~2% of the population) is not enough to change the US ranking significantly.
Gadfly, how are we supposed to have a national conversation if you keep insisting on using accurate facts and figures? Bitterly clinging to such archaic traditions of the Patriarchy is exactly the sort of thing that keeps us from marching forward into a glorious future.
*hangs head in shame*
You are right. I will report to the nearest reeducation center at once.
Interesting to note that these cities are all long-time Democratic strongholds…
I don’t remember if I linked this here or not. It’s about a program in California arresting people who are banned from owning weapons due to felony convictions who still own guns. No explanation of how the cops found out that these people had guns or how they were seized. and also this:
That’s right, it wasn’t a flintlock or a revolver but SEMIAUTOMATIC. How deadly.
But, but, they PROMISED there wouldn’t be a gun registry when NICS checks were instituted!
They review sales/registration records against felon lists and conduct followup interviews. Since they’re felons, and may or may not be on parole or probation, they usually open the door right up, answer questions, and consent to search or turning over the firearm. Not that it would matter if they didn’t , gun grabbers will just return with a warrant and fuck with them five ways from Sunday.
Well, California has its own purchase records. You can contact the state and fill out a CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE BUREAU OF FIREARMS Automated Firearms System (AFS) Request for Firearm Records which is probably a composite of California gun sales records, plus the individuals’s Gun Release (LEGR) data.
That’s not to say that they’re not using NICS data, but this is a state program, and I’m sure they have plenty of metadata to use as indicia of ownership.
Isn’t this just proof that the Deplorables are moronic knuckledraggers with neither the interest nor the capacity to be successful in higher education?
The sooner we cleanse them from campus, the better I say! They’re just a bunch of backward savages; I mean they’re not even really people, just vermin that need to die off so Utopia can begin!
“perceptions of liberal bias”
Seriously, I have no idea why Republicans are not proposing bill after bill to defund all universities. We already know that subsidizing tuition payments is the primary reason why tuition continues to increase and we know that universities are primarily in the business of serving as incubators of fascism. Defund this shit
If they couldn’t gut OCare, they certainly don’t have the balls to do that.
Everything they touch turns to shit. Of course people are going to lose confidence in the institutions that they co-opt, or as has been said, use as a skin suit. As I said far upthread – Science is not a building full of people in lab coats. That is an institution. Science is the methodology that that institution used to answer questions and solve problems. If that institution is co-opted by mendacious commie pigs who dispose of that methodology in favor of pseudo science for the purposes of producing propaganda then the institution dies.
They cant figure this out because they are idiots. Most people cant figure that out either but they have enough of a sense of it that they eventually turn their backs on those institutions.
Even though this is dumb my thinking is that if the FCC is in fact constitutional in the first place (I can be on board with it on the simple basis of it being an arbitrator between state communications laws, not as it exists now), and they decline to be involved in regulation of broadband providers, then that power does go to the states. However, I’m pretty damned sure this lefty lawmaker would throw an apeshit fit if a Republican state decided to forgo some EPA rule (and probably hates Pruitt for just that reason) under the same reasoning.
Interesting analogy – I’m probably going to use that.
they decline to be involved in regulation of broadband providers, then that power does go to the states.
Maybe not. Dormant commerce clause says that even if the feds don’t regulate some interstate activity, that doesn’t mean that the states automatically are off the leash and can do whatever stupid shit their drunken legislators come up with.
Yay. I’m going to St Louis for training in May.
Combat marksmanship?
I’ve always wanted to see the world from Green Ivan’s point of view.
The LP is losing its way, it nominated someone that isn’t a loon.
Money says the press pays more attention to the cartoon boobie in his Virginia logo than any actual campaign issues.
Slow site, but he looks decent. His 2A platform is short and sweet:
A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, including their own government.
~ George Washington ~
The Founding Fathers established the Second Amendment to preserve our liberties against tyrannical government. I personally conceal and carry and I am a proud Life Member of the NRA.
That’s not an actual Washington quote, but it is a decent paraphrase of his high-falutin’ Renaissance speak from his first Annual Message to Congress:
“A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined; to which end a uniform and well digested plan is requisite: And their safety and interest require that they should promote such manufactories, as tend to render them independent on others, for essential, particularly for military supplies.”
He listed ‘pro-life’ on his website, which means that true neoliberals (who call themselves ‘libertarian’) will endlessly denounce him as ‘alt-right’. The love of abortion is a religion. And like all good religious zealots true ‘libertarians’ (actually, neoliberals) like ENB would rather a Democrat win (well, to be fair she always prefers that) than allow a pro-life libertarian ever win.
From his website:
“As a high schooler I was convinced of the pro-life position by Jesse Jackson and Al Gore before they later sold out their beliefs for PAC contributions from Planned Parenthood. Unlike most Republicans and Democrats however, I will never sell out on this issue.
Life begins at conception, so protection under the law must begin there as well. Our Declaration of Independence states that every individual has rights to “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” – and life is rightly foremost among our inalienable rights.
Indeed, two of our Libertarian mottos are “Don’t tread on anyone” and “Do no harm,” and I intend to uphold these values as your Senator in Washington, D.C.”
I actually disagree with his position here, as I think abortion needs to be kept legal, at least within the first few months of pregnancy, but abortion is not a disqualifying factor for me on either side (unless you are talking about tax dollars).
I always tell people that I have the worst and most offensive possible opinion about abortion to both hardcore pro-life and pro-choice people.
I really don’t care. It’s not a terribly important issue, and it’s just designed keep partisans partisan.
That’s highly offensive!!!
^ See???
Good looking wife, so I’ll vote for him
Trump 2020: Melania’s still hot
Do you want Donald Trump? Because that is how you get Donald Trump.
I have now resorted to accepted LinkedIn connections from the fairer sex based on how good they look in their profile pics.
5 Kids! He and his wife are destroying the planet!
Thinking about applying for a job with the Trump administration. The pay is probably pretty good for 6 months of work.
Haha. Working there must be an endless source of amusement and crippling depression
Plus once you’re in that club, there are sweet lobbying jobs available.
You could parlay that into endless speaking gigs and talk-show appearances. You’d be rich! Richer than Croesus!
The sad thing is that I believe this is real.
I mean the account is parody, but that might be an actual screenshot.
Airstrip One proceeds on schedule.
How long before they are East Germany?
Stupid party proves its moniker right.
Stupid Party needs to visit the farrier, keeps tripping over its own damn feet.
You would think it wouldn’t be possible for the people with their hair on fire to continually run circles around the people in power, but somehow Dems have ‘Pubs entirely boxed in. It’s impressive.
I think they don’t like being in power. Then they have actual responsibility and will be held accountable for their fuckups. Much easier to be in the minority where you can strut around talking about how evil the Dems are and how you need to donate money and reelect them. All the while, they can continue to live their cushy lifestyle and hang out at the cool cocktail parties.
On top of massive hikes.
Fuck the GOP, I will never forgive them for not following through on OCare. At least not till every single one of the leaders involved in that failure are gone.
No kidding. We’re a few years from realizing America’s NHS, god help us, and it’s going to be Republicans who shoulder the blame. Dems are scorpions, they’re only doing what comes naturally, even if it kills them both. They can’t choose to not be socialists, they’re clods that way. It’s baked into their bones, it courses in their blood, it’s as natural as the yoke is to the ox and the whip is to a sadist. But the GOP chose to play the frog, to keep the scorpion afloat. They own this.
Or, if you are healthy, you can choose one of the temporary plans that expire each year, can discriminate based on preexisting conditions, and cost half as much. Since the Rs at least repealed the penalty for not having O-Care approved insurance, there is this option for some of us. Not repealing O-Care in its entirety was a travesty, but at least there’s something.
“Chicago Students VANDALIZE Local Walmart to Protest Guns During #NationalStudentWalkout
A mob of up to 60 students from Simeon Career Academy were on the warpath on Wednesday, vandalizing a local Walmart to protest guns and the Second Amendment.
An employee at the Walmart in Chatham Market on the South Side who spoke to The Red Elephants told the publication that the teenage vandals “jacked up our store pretty good.” In addition to trashing the store, the students allegedly “pounced on cars in the lot, vandalized two of the school busses parked there, threw Gatorade bottles at shoppers,” adding that they even set off smoke bombs.
“We heard gunshots in the parking lot,” he said.”
That’s the spirit! If there’s one way to gain public support for your cause, it’s to destroy property and assault people!
Chicago is a shithole country.
Simeon Career Academy
Nothing is going to prepare these young people for productive working lives like a criminal record.
Now you see the wisdom of the Obama-Holder doctrine. They won’t become criminals if they’re never charged with anything criminal.
I am pretty sure wal-mart has all of their faces on video. Stupid little fascists have to remember to wear masks.
This is the kind of shit I meant yesterday when I asserted that anti-gunners actually want to increase violence and crime.
Stupid little fascists have to remember to wear masks.
In fairness to Antifa et al., I seriously doubt a bunch of Chicagoan school kids need an ideological excuse to ransack a Walmart.
You shouldn’t be so sure.
If they didn’t wear masks, then Walmart will definitely have their faces on video. And can put names with those faces.
That would make a good report to the police, and would also be a perfectly good thing to post on their website. Hell, once they have names, they can sue the little fucker’s families. Once you get a judgment, you can start garnishing their wages.
You don’t want mobs of teenagers trashing your store? Then make sure they feel some pain when they do.
In order to have a criminal record, the police have to do something. This is only property crime, the CPD doesn’t give a flying fuck about that.
Warpath? Are we doing cultural appropriation again?
Should read “Simian Career Academy” . They’re already hooting and hollering and throwing shit.
Totally not creepy Cultural Revolution-type shit at all.
“He kissed a girl … and he didn’t like it.
On the season premiere of American Idol, judge Katy Perry greeted 19-year-old contestant Benjamin Glaze — who had never been kissed — with a playful peck on the lips.
“I was a tad bit uncomfortable,” Glaze, a cashier from Enid, Oklahoma, told The New York Times in a new interview. “I wanted to save it for my first relationship. I wanted it to be special.”
The audition for the Idol reboot was filmed in October but did not air until Sunday night on ABC.”
Soy boy.
I dunno. The shitlord part of me wants to see ‘principled’ people stand up and Alinsky all these fuckers so hard their heads explode.
It sucks if he really did want to keep that first kiss ‘special’, even if it makes no sense to me, but shouting “rape” at Katy Perry would be too fucking much to resist. I’d #metoo the everliving fuck out of everybody.
I’m betting ginned-up nontroversy to promote the show.
Perry’s crime and your mistake is assuming that he wanted his first kiss to be with a girl.
It could go either way with that haircut.
Same. But I going to weigh in in the kids side. If he doesn’t want to be kissed, that’s his prerogative . For me though, Ms. Perry can come rape the shit out if me as long as she brings those titties.
He leaned into it. I’m sure he was elated.
Meh. This kid needs to go home, put on his footie pajamas and make himself some hot chocolate. I am sure he will feel better.
No. He isn’t the one making a fuss over this. He’s being used to promote the show, to cause controversy and he is actually being a pretty good sport given how he was treated. He was used an isn’t thrilled about being used, nothing whiny about it.
A nice long foot-rub from Grandma, too.
Actually, I think this was just a mean thing to do. He had a fantasy about what his first kiss would be like and said that he wanted it to be with someone special (emotionally) to him. She ruined it, for a joke. She wasn’t doing this as a favor to him, she did it to score points/make a joke. It was mean.
But Katy Perry.
Unpossible. I’ve been told repeatedly that males are toxic and don’t have emotions. His white cis toxic masculinity ensures that he only sees women as instruments for his pleasure and/or slaves.
Eh. Maybe he’s just a fag.
So your first kiss isn’t special if a hot superstar steals a kiss from you on national tv so that there is no way any of those assholes at school can deny that it happened? I don’t think Millennials have any clue what “special” means.
The proper consent forms were signed in triplicate and submitted to the Ministry of Sexual Interaction following the mandatory 90 day waiting period.
were not*
So, the only thing that matters is what other people think of you. Are you sure you’re not a prog?
Watch the video and tell me that wasn’t consensual.
Christ just shut up and go back to sucking dick on camera.
I doubt Trump is paying any attention to this nonsense much less sending people to threaten her.
A decline in socialism would be far more effective.
That’s where your wrong, Sir! Increased Socialism always leads to population control. Ask the Cambodians or Ukranians, for instance.
And an end to the obesity problem.
“In 2009, she was banned from Texas prisons after she was discovered to have had sexual relations with four program graduates”
Now *that’s* how you rehabilitate convicts IYKWIMAITYD.
You buried the lede Q!
Uffda. I can’t even imagine how painful his podcast must be.
“As a #PoliSci professor with a BA, MA & Ph.D. in the field, I have to concur that @davidhogg111 is doing a great job. And I love @Alyssa_Milano’s tweets. She has been spot on so often when it comes to policy. I’d happily take a course from her.”
What skool does this person professor at?
Doesn’t appear on RateMyProfessor at all, at any of the schools he cites at his profile.
He doesn’t. He’s director of research at Lake Research Partners which looks like a prog consultancy firm.
That said, his PhD is from American which is not a chicken shit program.
It would – to some extent – depend on exactly what his research paper was about – regardless of the University that awarded it.
Oxford and Cambridge routinely award PhDs to individuals that emit the most derptastic twaddle.
“We interrupt our regularly scheduled program… :the President, the public and the selling of foreign policy in the age of television”
American is my alma mater. Ugh.
(when I was there 90-94, we had protests in favor of the Iraq War)
Phd in polysci = cou-bullshit-gh
a BA, MA & Ph.D. in the field
the PhD alone wasn’t enough?
“As a person who has wasted his life for nearly a decade and now makes a living wasting the lives of other people…”
Hey, I resemble that remark!
Isn’t Political Science is a BS? Or does it depend on where your university places the college?
Anyone who approved that a B.S. be awarded for poli sci needs to be beaten with a bust of Newton.
PoliSci us usually in the College of Arts & Sciences or its equivalent. So whether it’s a BA or BS usually depends on college rules. At my school you can get either a BA or BS in PoliSci but only an MS. In my department – history – it’s BA or BS and MA.
PoliSci = horseshit field.
Present company excluded of course.
A degree is just like any tool: it is only as good as the person using it. There are brilliant PoliSci majors, but just having a PoliSci degree doesn’t mean you understand politics any more than holding a paintbrush makes you Michelangelo.
Yes, I agree with this tweet’s implication; a Political Science degree is completely useless, therefore the lack of said degree should in no way diminish one’s qualifications to comment on public policy.
“I have letters after my name, which means I know more than you or something”
Yeah, well I have letters after my name too, but I never brag about them, because I’m not a douchebag. Nor am I stupid enough to believe that sitting in a classroom for years somehow provides me with special knowledge, especially with regards to a god damn social science like political science. God, I hate this person.
Ya know, even though yer a dirty Catholic yer alright! All kidding aside your comment was spot fucking on.
Thanks. Now submit to the authority of Christ’s vicar in Rome.
I’ve yanked a few Ph.D’s chains over the years. If they make a point of wanting to be called “Doctor” outside of an academic setting, I tell them I have a doctorate, too, and if that’s what they want, they need to refer to me as “Doctor.”
On a couple of occasions, they have pushed back. Watching the face of someone who is obsessed with credentials when I say “I’m a Juris Doctor” [pause for them to start to sneer] “from Harvard” [pause for them to absorb they aren’t winning a credentials contest with me] “with honors” [why not twist the knife] is always amusing.
Ordinarily, I don’t mention my school – if someone not an asshole asks, I usually say I went to law school in Boston.
Apparently, at my newish job, I can’t stop making my boss look good. It’s especially nice when someone raves about me on a Friday. Then I can end the week on a high note.
The eternal quest for fairness
So how can we make sure that algorithms act fairly? To start with, we need to define “fair.” At a recent conference at New York University, for example, researchers explored various statistical definitions. Should a risk profiler, for example, treat all racial groups equally, regardless of their other differences? Should it acknowledge differences, but focus on achieving similar error rates? Should it correct for previous wrongs? Do some definitions seem good in the short term but have negative longer-term repercussions?
In one promising paper, UC Berkeley computer scientist Moritz Hardt and colleagues set up a model to explore the effects of different definitions of fairness on lending and credit scores. They find that in some cases, a process designed to protect certain minority groups can actually do harm in the longer run. Specifically, if the algorithm focuses on providing two demographic groups with equal rates of credit, the one with less ability to pay will default in higher numbers, resulting in credit-score downgrades that will make it worse off in the longer run. If, by contrast, the algorithm seeks solely to maximize profit without regard to demographics, the group that starts off at a disadvantage will remain disadvantaged.
The right balance appears to be somewhere in the middle. The paper finds that if members of the disadvantaged group are given loans at rates higher than in the maximum profit scenario, but lower than in the forced-equality scenario, they broadly improve their credit scores. This comes at some short-term cost to the lender, but is likely beneficial in the longer term as society as a whole becomes better off.
No shit? Modeling and predicting human behavior (economic or otherwise) is hard. I had no idea.
Not quite sure why any individual lender has any responsibility to ensure the prosperity of society as a whole.
Looks to me as though the underlying axiom of that research is flawed.
If, by contrast, the algorithm seeks solely to maximize profit without regard to demographics, the group that starts off at a disadvantage will remain disadvantaged.
Uh, on what basis do we assume this is true? If one system affords you the privilege of credit you don’t deserve, and you default and wipe out that privilege, while another system incentivizes habit formation that means you don’t default when you do come to deserve credit, how are you worse off?
Profit aversion is a scant step away from Jew-hating anti-usury screeds. Dumbass, profit isn’t an arbitrary fee tacked on so greedy Jews er I mean banksters can profit off the backs of the goy er I mean working man. It’s a meaningful indicator of financial fitness in a firm and in an industry.
Fair is a word used by children who dont get their way.
Every time politics comes up at a family gathering, someone eventually mentions “fair share”. The last couple times I’ve said “Your fair share of taxation (or anything else) is ZERO” and it usually stifles the conversation for a couple seconds and then suddenly politics is no longer discussed.
I have noticed that the fair share crowd will never give a number. I know why. Fair share is code for ‘more’.
At these family gatherings is there food or drink? Do the fair share ones bring food, drink or contribute money?
Yeah, I asked a friend for a number once when she said rich people should be paying higher taxes (which, in itself, represents ignorance or dishonesty) about what number she would use for “rich.” Her response was “well, Bill Gates.”
I’m poor as fuck but my credit rating is immaculate because I pay my fucking bills on time and don’t expect the “Credit Fairy” to come and salve my financial wounds. Pisses me off to no end.
That link is fucked up, and it’s Bloomberg’s fault, not mine.
As a #PoliSci professor with a BA, MA & Ph.D. in the field, I have to concur that @davidhogg111 is doing a great job.
So- a village idiot gives the shrieking two year old a thumbs up. Sounds legit.
Anytime they start with “As a XYZ I think…” I stop reading. Appeal to authority is bullshit.
“As a polisci professor…” probably doesn’t have the effect he thinks it does.
And, technically, he’s not a professor since he doesn’t hold a teaching post.
She actually sounds pretty smart.
Some of the people in the industry are quite intelligent people, even the ones who make dumbass life choices. The ‘spread’ in IQ is probably representative of society in general.
Success in that biz, however, is a bit like winning the lottery or being a star athlete – because the career is usually something like 6 or 7 years and then you’re done. If you’re not prepared to milk it for all it’s worth, you’re not maximizing the potential gains. The real problem lies in being honest about what you intend to do with your life after the hangers start to sag. Like athletes in general, you have to have that business plan for tomorrow. Unlike an NBA player, it’s hard to directly leverage your fame in a ‘family friendly’ way.
Is there a medical procedure to tighten up your O-ring? Because these dp queens would make great testimonials.
As I was scanning the unreads, I thought someone had been talking about hemorhoid surgery. Then I saw it was a response to one of my comments!
I’d say that’s true for the women, but there are men that have been going for decades.
Yeah, but they never get that level of fame, or income. Going rate for a ‘normal’ male performer per performance used to be around 70% that for a female performer, unless she was at peak fame, when he’d be earning about 20% that of the girl.
I don’t know the economics of gay male porn, but I doubt the pay is higher.
Men also tend to stay in the industry as producers and directors. There’s a better, less urgent career trajectory for them, unless they get imprisoned for rape.
The external costs of that industry definitely seem to outweigh the benefits, no matter how much money you make. It doesn’t matter how much you try to shame people into accepting it as “just another career choice” on par with being an accountant, it’s not going to happen. It’s also a bell that can’t be unrung; doesn’t matter how long you’ve been out of the business, it will follow you forever.
Case in point:
Does the fact that he used to smash poon for a living disqualify him from being a decent school board member? Of course not. But that’s irrelevant. People would be more likely to vote for a reformed junkie than an ex-porn star.
And that’s not even considering the toll it would take on your off-screen personal life.
NB: I’m talking about those that appear on screen, not support crew.
Won’t hold my breath waiting for the progs to complain about this blatant wage gap.
“…it’s hard to directly leverage your fame in a ‘family friendly’ way.”
So you’re saying Chuckee Cheese isnt going to have her doing endorsements?
With hooters like that I could see her doing “Got Milk?” commercials.
I realize it’s a porn star article in The Sun, but the media obsession with the number of “followers” somebody has is the most counter-productive thing they can do. If this woman has 2.5 million followers, you’re telling advertisers that it might make more sense to buy advertising on her site than with The Sun.
It’s the Sun. Those with IQ over 90 need not apply.
Posted before but always worth it:
It would – to some extent – depend on exactly what his research paper was about – regardless of the University that awarded it.
Sounds like the sort of “scholar” who devotes his energies to studying complex future behavior patterns revealed in
chicken entrailspolitical polls.Yowza.
All on the up-and-up, I’m sure.
Does Flynn have recourse?
From what I recall, the incoming judge handling his case directed prosecutors to hand over everything they had pertaining to their case against him, or somesuch, which from what I’m given to understand is an odd step to take after a plea deal has been reached but in keeping with this particular judge’s habit, so it may or may not mean anything. After this revelation, who knows. Congress should be raising hell with the FBI at the very least.
A free country cannot tolerate the existence of secret courts. FISA needs to be shitcanned.
You can’t make this shit up:
They knew what they were doing was highly improper, at a minimum, so they were trying to come up with a cover story for it. See, that’s how you make sure you have no defense on mens rea.
The stupidity and arrogance of these people, doing this via text and leaving a paper trail. Top. Men. indeed.
Bonus points for the DC cocktail party, of course.
And who the fuck’s name was redacted? Why redact their name when they are obviously a co-conspirator? Their phone needs seizing and their text messages need reviewing.
I swear to Allah, an illiterate 12 year old could probably enough evidence to bring charges against half the FBI.
I’ve become so cynical that I can’t imagine there being any real consequences for this. Some lefty judge will throw it out or a lefty prosecutor will decline to press charges or a lefty Deep Stater will pull the “National Security” trump card and get the whole thing swept under the rug. We’ve always lived in a country in which justice is unequally distributed based on class and wealth, but now they’re not even trying to hide the fact that laws are for little people.
These fuckers are corrupt to the core and there are no repercussions for them. It will continue to embolden all the other scumbags in DC.
I’m afraid so. Even though in their arrogance and stupidity they are sitting ducks for prosecution and/or disbarment. For whatever reason, Trump and Sessions are not attacking, and their enemies embedded in DOJ and the FBI are exposed in weak positions. I understand there would be blowback in the press, blah blah, but letting these people continue to run loose is going exact its own price on them sooner or later.
Sessions can appoint a special prosecutor all on his own, I believe. I have no doubt that he can find former (or maybe even current) prosecutors who aren’t hopelessly conflicted, and a judge (I would go outside of DC) to run the grand jury who is also not hopelessly compromised.
Do it. Let the chips fall where they may. Where’s this vindictive, impulsive Trump I keep hearing about, anyway?
Some of the people in the industry are quite intelligent people, even the ones who make dumbass life choices. The ‘spread’ in IQ is probably representative of society in general.
I had a friend whose degree was in philosophy, who taught some classes at the Colorado State Penitentiary in Canon City. He said there were some guys down there with incredible raw intelligence who did some truly stupid things to end up in there.
Human stupidity is the only truly unlimited resource.
Smart does not equal wise.
That is why D&D had separate stats for Intelligence and Wisdom.
*urge to call you a ‘nerd’ rising*
Good news, everyone!
Abortions in the United States are safe and have few complications, according to a landmark new study by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine.
The report, called “The Safety and Quality of Abortion Care in the United States,” examined the four major methods used for abortions — medication, aspiration, dilation and evacuation, and induction — and examined women’s care from before they had the procedure through their follow-up care.
“I would say the main takeaway is that abortions that are provided in the United States are safe and effective,” says Ned Calonge, the co-chair of the committee that wrote the study. He’s an associate professor of family medicine and epidemiology at the University of Colorado and CEO of The Colorado Trust.
Calonge says the researchers found that about 90 percent of all abortions happen in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. And complications for all abortions are “rare,” the report says.
But the report did find that state laws and regulations can interfere with safe abortions.
“Abortion specific regulations in many states create barriers to safe and effective care,” the report says.
NPR- wants you to know. Because every girl should have at least one.
“Zyklon B in Nazi Germany is safe for operators and has few complications, according to a landmark new study by the People’s Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. ‘I would say the main takeaway is that gas chambers at all camps are safe for the guards and effective’ ”
Safe, legal and rare transforms to ghoulish, sadistic and genocidal.
Kermit Gosnell was permitted to operate and insulated from supervision for decades despite operating a literal abattoir. There’s a definite bias against looking too closely at the industry in many states, the same sort of progressive initiative we’re seeing wrt illegal immigration. So whose word are we taking here, state regulators’? Clinicians’? Nancy Pelosi’s?
So glad to hear that abortions are effective. Apparently, they’ve solved the problem of women giving birth after an abortion.
” and effective”
Such an interesting turn of phrase.
Student suspended for *not* leaving class. If you had told me this was possible when I was in school I would have laughed.
Up is down and down is up.
How could he be left alone? Where were the teachers? The school district is admitting that tax dollars were used to advocate for a particular political position?
Unbelievable. I said it before, it’s downright scary how supposedly neutral parties such as mainstream consumer businesses or schools don’t think anything of wading into this conflict. This will not end well.
This reminds me of one of my school capers. 5th Grade they pulled all the girls out to have a health talk (read to explain what menstruation is). Two classes of boys were consolidated so 1 teacher could take the girls and the other could watch the boys. The teacher in my class try to make us to math busywork. I refused. Instead I pulled out a book and started reading. The teacher got pissy and decided she was going to ‘make’ me do the work. I told her in so many words, “Look, I’m not doing nonsense busywork that doesn’t teach me anything new while the girls go get talked to about going on the rag once a month because you are too lazy to teach us something new.” She backed down at that point, which is surprising in hindsight and let me go back to reading. Teachers really are, by and large, petty tyrants. I’d probably be diagnosed as having Oppositional Defiant Disorder or something nowadays.
“I’d probably be diagnosed as having Oppositional Defiant Disorder or something nowadays”
No kidding. I think we can all be glad that we’re not in school right now. I *know* they would’ve put me on some kind of med because I always finished my work early, got bored and started wandering around the classroom.
Yeah. Same here. I’d finish early and at least learned to read for pleasure and do homework for either that class or another one so I had more time free after school. But yeah. I was also fortunate that my parents would stick up for me when I was right and kick my ass when I was wrong. But I can’t imagine what drugs I’d be on now, or the trouble I’d be in.
You could have learned to sum the series like Gauss.
You would probably be tazed by Officer
FriendlyHides-Outside and charged with resisting arrest.“I’ve sentenced boys younger than you to the gas chamber. Didn’t want to do it. I felt I owed it to them.”
I smell a fat settlement there. Compelling speech. Sue their balls off, kid.
It’s astounding, all these people who are hell bent on pushing their agendas onto their fellow citizens.
It’s like they don’t even history bro. This shit will lead to violence eventually. When people feel they have no other option and are armed…
Ah, so what you’re saying is they need to double down on getting rid of private ownership?
If they want to speed it up, sure.
A young Bret Weinstein.
Technically not true.
You cant do that.
I cant read the article without subscribing or paying or whatever. Give it to us in a nutshell.
Here ya go
Sorry, I didn’t realize the Dispatch was that dumb.
Given that I can’t change my payment method on their website (I have to call) should’ve led to that understand.
My bad.
Blocked by registration link.
Yeah, I live in the Hilliard School District and daughters attended . The suspension letter posted to social media is a fake. The school was very open beforehand about the fact that there were a number of students who would not be participating and that was fine. No one was punished for not walking. If he was punished it was for something else but letter is bogus. Way too many conservatives in this are a for them to get away with that and they know it. Parents would have flipped.
What the actual fuck? What kind of bullshit is this?
While Shoemaker said he didn’t expect for his actions to generate so much attention, he is prepared to accept the consequences of his decision.
“Bummer. What will I do with my bonus spring break?”
Translation: Oh shit, this Russia thing is all bullshit
See above. Nothing will happen. There will be no consequences. Use of secret courts against political undesirables will become the norm. We’re fucked.
I reiterate the only non-retarded thing Chomsky has ever said:
“Governments will use whatever technology is available to combat their primary enemy – their own population.”
This sucks.
Crumbling infrastructure!
Hah hah. And the owners are going to bring those cheese eating knuckleheads back for more “advice”?
Print media can’t die fast enough.
Hedge fund owners and strip miners are victimizing them. It has nothing to do with them being a financial sink hole.
It isn’t my preferred method of dealing with propagandists (journalist. rope. tree. some assembly required) but close enough.
For a number of years, my (former) firm was enamored of newspapers and we owned a fairly hefty chunk of the Tribune Group and we got a lot of bad press for our ‘business practices’. The problem is that – it’s no surprise to us – the business model is beyond broken.
The Private Equity guy who was running those deals was terminated with as extreme prejudice as is possible without body bags or concrete boots. One of his suggestions near the end of his tenure as I understood it was to suggest that all the employees get an equity share and renegotiation of their contracts in some form or another.
As one might expect, from the Unions, it was **Screeching Intensifies**.
Fine by me. They can auto industry themselves. They’re nothing but two-bit, lazy propagandists now anyway. Go get a job at Starbucks “journalists”.
Well, they’ve already outsourced the NYT to Mexico (sort of)
…yes, I realize it’s not the same, but I’m not going to let actual facts get in the way of a good joke…
“The difference is that when a strip mine is in a hole, its by design, and its supposed to keep digging.”
Prohibition works!
I bought 2 bump stocks at Walmart for $19.95 – came with a free pair of Wranglers.
Donald J. Duterte.
Shut the fuck up Donny
Christ, what an asshole.
If we’re going to win elections we’re going to need to lie.
Right, the ’08 moderate Democrats that… passed Obamacare? I suppose anyone to the right of Mao is a moderate.
Moderate = willing to keep the mask on long enough to win
Our Masters are truly Bourbons at this point – they remember everything, and learn nothing.
The Dems were gutted by OCare in election after election. They can hardly wait to lunge left and get gutted again.
Their only salvation is the Repubs, who are in the process of pissing off their base. Their excuse lo these many years for being ineffectual sock puppets for the Dems has always been “oh, we don’t have both chambers and the Presidency, so we can’t fulfill our promises, but once we have both, hoo boy, look out!” Well, they had both, and fucked the dog bigtime. If Donny Two-Scoops hadn’t dragged them over the line with a not-terrible tax reform, they would have exactly zero, nada, bupkiss to show for having both chambers and the Presidency.
I expect the Repubs will, in turn, be saved by the stupidity of their base. A rational vote would have learned that the Repubs are good for nothing but giving cover to Dems, but too much of the Repub base will keep voting for Repubs.
I think that pretty big swaths of the Pub base are going to stay home and they’ll lose the House. I don’t see them losing the Senate only because the map for Dems is so terrible. Maybe the TDS will get the best of the Dems and they’ll begin impeachment proceedings and that’ll gut em.
I don’t really give a shit either way anymore; Pubs are useless and the Dems are evil so we’re fucked no matter what. I perhaps naively thought that the Pubs would actually follow through on getting rid of Zero-care; since they failed at that so spectacularly they can get sodomized by a rusty garden tool for all I care.
Pretty much where I am.
I expect the Repubs will wave off their losses as being due not to their overwhelming and obvious uselessness, but because Trump. See, also, “remember everything, learn nothing”.
The Private Equity guy who was running those deals was terminated with as extreme prejudice as is possible without body bags or concrete boots. One of his suggestions near the end of his tenure as I understood it was to suggest that all the employees get an equity share and renegotiation of their contracts in some form or another.
Haha, those
noble truthseekersshit flinging howler monkeys at the Denver Post should bring in [insert “investment bank”] to do an employee LBO. “Investment bank” of choice can get them all borrowed up to a completely unmanageable level, skim a few hundred million in fees off the top, and then wave merrily as they go over the falls in their leaky barrel.“shit flinging howler monkeys”
I loled.
Moderate = willing to keep the mask on long enough to win
“Well, look- I know I *said* I wasn’t coming here just to be a finger puppet for Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the hard-left Washington mob, but you didn’t seriously expect me to vote with those evil Republicans, did you?”
Woo Hoo! I made the links*, I’d like to thank a combination of Strohs, Miller High Life, and Hacker Pschorr Weisse for making this possible. Let this be a lesson to the children, no matter how big of a disappointment one becomes you can always get your drunken rant immortalized in the morning links if you never give up and keep on typing even when you know you should really shut up and go to bed already.
*would it have killed ya to use a screenshot and get my avatar up there?
You definitely got the attention of the Overlords, I personally thank you, and of Course the OverLords
? One of these things is not like the other. ? One of these things is not quite the same! ?
1 is beer, not sure on the other 2.
Stroh is rum, awesome rum.
I would like to propose a “Drunk Liberty” series (Like Drunk History) where a preponderance on Constitutional liberty and limited government must be delivered whilst the author is thoroughly knackered.