In general, as a libertarian, I’m skeptical of any new laws that people want to propose. Controlling people just goes against my grain. But I’ve noticed lately that people of differing policies seem to be talking past one another. So, I’d like to propose a universal framework for considering laws.
In general, I think any law should be decided upon as a balance sheet–with benefits weighed against costs. The important thing is to recognize fully all the costs and benefits and reject the things that shouldn’t be included.
I’ll start with my libertarian observation that any law, of necessity, entails a curtailment of individual freedom. That’s (for me) a big run up in the costs category. But different people are going to assign different weightings to different rights and freedoms. The important thing to recognize here is that people will assign different weightings to the loss of freedom and to understand that a different weighting isn’t the hallmark of stupidity or evil. The one time I think it’s genuinely fair to discount the cost of freedom is when you have a situation where a law is banning an actual violation of individual rights. I think it’s fair to say we shouldn’t mourn the loss of people’s freedom to rape, rob, or kill other people.
The second consideration is whether the law is going to work. Too often people demand laws because they don’t like something or consider something awful, and assume the legislative process is a magic wand to make the world be the way they want. But it isn’t. And that kind of magical thinking is how we wound up with the wonders of organized crime during Prohibition and the glories of our modern War on Drugs. Generally, trying to ban something that’s wildly popular is a pretty sure recipe for massive flouting of the law. It’s not a perfect guideline, but, if you already have a bunch of laws on the books about something, one more probably isn’t going to do the trick. The benefit you see of a law should be weighted by the probability of the law actually working.
On a related note, ask yourself what the secondary and tertiary effects of your law will be. Sometimes these can be positive, but, much more often, they fall on the cost side of the ledger. In fact, quite a few of the problems people have that they want to pass new laws for are the result of previous laws that people thought would magically change human nature. Consider whether the law you’re seeking to implement is going have some relatively easy workaround. If it is, ask yourself what will be the consequences of huge numbers of people availing themselves of that workaround. Make an entry in cost or benefit accordingly.
Now, ask yourself about enforcement. How heavily are you going to have to enforce the law, and, perhaps more importantly, how heavily are you willing to go to enforce the law. Some laws can be implemented with little attention to enforcement. A lot can’t. If the law would be easy to enforce, that probably counts as a benefit. On the other hand, if you’re not willing to go to the extent you’d need to to enforce the law, you should probably count that as a cost. As a libertarian, I tend to implement this standard through what I’ll call the silver-haired, kindly old grandmother rule – if I’m not willing to shoot someone’s silver-haired, kindly old grandmother in the face over it, it probably shouldn’t be a law.
Finally, we get to motivation and morality. Ask yourself, are you advocating this law as a rational means to achieve a specific policy goal, or are you looking to feel good about yourself without much personal effort or sacrifice? If it’s the latter, you should probably discount your expected benefits of the law accordingly or even throw out the proposal in its entirety. Passing laws doesn’t make you a good person. You don’t get moral credit for what you demand someone else do. If you want to be a good person, just go about doing that in your own life without placing demands on everyone else. The rest of us will respect you a lot more.
So, there you have it. This is a framework that, I think, will allow conservatives, libertarians, progressives and liberals all to discuss proposed laws and much of the rest of politics, in a common framework. As a libertarian, my calibration of the framework obviously tilts against any proposed law. But, it can be calibrated lots of different ways. And at least acknowledging the calibration might lead to more meaningful engagement between people with different politics.
So very few people get this.
Thanks for the words of encouragement.
I’ve said it quite a few times, but any time you hear one of those “public” health nannies go on about quality of like, I wonder why nobody talks about the quality of life of being left the hell alone.
Oh, I disagree Rave. I suspect that quite a few of those demanding others not be allowed or be forced to do whatever, do so because to them the most important thing is to curtail other people’s liberties.
There’s a reason “bansturbator” is a word.
In California, the Law is merely revenue Enhancement for the State,
So what you’re saying is that you hate children and you want old people to starve in the streets?
So what you’re saying is that you hate children
They’re loud, whiny, smelly and moist. Who wouldn’t?
and you want old people to starve in the streets?
No, just the poor ones.
No, just the poor ones.
Just the weak and poor ones.
The strong ones can eat the weak ones.
There is a big difference between starving and being forced to eat cat food, Warty.
How heavily are you going to have to enforce the law, and, perhaps more importantly, how heavily are you willing to go to enforce the law.
Enforcing every single law requires the use of force. Period, full stop. Don’t pay parking tickets? An arrest warrant can be issued for you, meaning armed men will come to put you in chains and cage you, or, if you resist, kill you. And, yes, people have been killed over unpaid parking tickets.
Every. Single. Law.
Which is why I tend to believe in the the silver-haired, kindly old grandmother rule.
Exactly. If it’s not important enough to be willing to kill somebody for non-compliance, it probably shouldn’t be a law.
While I certainly wouldn’t want to go to that extreme – for example, O think the death penalty for someone that decides to stop in the middle of traffic to drop a deuce in the road might be a bit too extreme, but I do want to punish them for that behavior – I think your concept is a good one. Unless you are really OK with some serious punishment for something, there shouldn’t be a law forcing compliance.
Every. Single. Law.
Cannot be said often enough or loud enough.
Every law, regulation, and administrative rule has the death penalty attached to it.
And that’s the abhorrent thing about such laws. People sometimes are killed by the state over it.
Flag code has no enforcement mechanism and thus is not enforced with force.
Where is your god now?!?!
18 USC 700.
Ok, post Texas v Johnson, the Flag code has effectively no enforcement mechanism because its impossible to think of circumstances that differ from the as applied analysis used to resolve the case and thus is not enforced with force that should be given qualified immunity.
Fucking lawyers.
force that should be given qualified immunity
But, as we know, cops are specifically exempted from complying with laws and court decisions they have not been trained on. As long as what they do does not contradict “policy” or “procedure”, they have qualified immunity.
If you sued a cop who gave you a beatdown for burning a flag, I’d bet on the cop winning.
Eighth Circuit Says Missouri Flag Desecration Law Unconstitutional, No Qualified Immunity
“The legal scholar Douglas Husak, in his excellent 2009 book Overcriminalization: The Limits of the Criminal Law, points out that federal law alone includes more than 3,000 crimes, fewer than half of which found in the Federal Criminal Code. The rest are scattered through other statues…in addition to these statutes, he writes, an astonishing 300,000 or more federal regulations may be enforceable through criminal punishment in the discretion of an administrative agency. Nobody knows the number for sure.” -from an article at by Stephen L. Carter on December 14, 2014.
Do you think those totals went down in nine years?
It’s time and past time for change.
Almost forgot to add: h/t to J. D. Tucille on a recent article over on TOS.
“This article is just one big hate speech rant. Literally like something Hitler would say”
– The response you would get from an average progressive
Many people simply reject the whole notion of natural rights. They think the notion that rights can be inherent or guaranteed by some natural order of the world as a bunch of hooey. It’s a socialist concept (which, if we stop pretending is exactly what most of the Left can rightfully be labeled as) that believes there are no such thing as ‘right’, just privileges that those in power gain over others. Their whole mission is to strip natural rights from those that they perceive as being in power (which ironically always includes the least powerful people in our society) to the betterment of those without power (which ironically always includes the most powerful people in our society). They suffer from a relativist moral cancer.
Nonetheless, good article
– The response you would get from an average progressive
Joking aside, I’d hope you were wrong. When thinking this through, I tried to start from the position of acknowledging my own political biases color how I see issues and, developing a framework that would transcend those biases while still how I would see issues. In theory, you could be raging progressive or a dyed-in-the-wool social conservative, and I’d like to think that this model could explain your views based on how its calibrated.
My hope is that the model would at least provide some sort of basis for discussion other than everyone yelling at each other and assuming everyone else has bad intentions.
You’re biased from a Nazi POV, Nazi.
I think you did a good job of it. But, it’s come to the point where even the invocation of natural rights has become controversial within certain reactionary quarters that ironically state that their aim is ‘progress’
The collective and the collectivized agenda supersedes the rights and needs of the individual in all cases, is pretty much SOP with the marxist left.
I liked Heinlein’s model (I think it was him):
You have a bicameral legislature. One house’s only job is to create new laws but they need a 2/3 majority to do so. The other house’s only job is to repeal laws and they only need a 1/3 minority to do so. If a law isn’t supported by at least 2/3s of the populace or opposed by less than 1/3 of the populace then it’s probably a shitty law.
Was that the prof’s idea in ‘The Moon is a Harsh Mistress’?
I think so.
That and end every Amendment in the Bill of Rights with “We really mean it!“
+1 Peter McWilliams
“There are no “buts” or “exceptions”!!
Or Penumbras
He had a bunch. One was any spending by the government must be paid for by the members of the legislature.
If they thought it was important enough to pass, then they should pony up the dough for it.
If they thought it was important enough to pass, then they should pony up the dough for it.
While I generally like this idea, an exception should be made for the military. He who pays the pipe calls the tune, and not all legislators would have the same ability/inclination to pay, so you would risk military loyalties developing an attachment to specific personalities, rather than the state as a whole. The whole idea that the governors should pay, not the governed, is an idea very similar to what they had in the Roman Republic, and we saw how that ended.
The Shield is a 19 part investigation of police corruption in NJ.
Amazing work.
Official corruption?! In New Jersey?!!
The Hell you say!
There are laws that enslave men, and laws that set them free.
– Sean Connery, First Knight
I spent last week in the UK, seeing a few sites. I was disturbed by how often this came up, conceptually.
I would like every law to expire after 10 years. And it requires a clean vote to renew, not some omnibus package that nobody reads.
Yeah, sunset rules are good too.
They are, but it seems like they only ever get applied to tax cuts…
also quiz lawmakers on laws they voted on. They don’t know the detail they lose the right to stand for election
+1 We need to pass it so that you can find out what’s in it
Yes, we’ll have a game show! TEAM RED vs. TEAM BLUE. Hosted by Drew Carey. Drew flips to a random page in the bill and asks, “Senator Feinstein, can you describe in 3 sentences or less the ‘thing that goes up?'” Congresscritters who can attain some minimum score are allowed to vote on the bill. The rest have to spend a minimum of 2 hours in the dunk tank of the carnival we’ll permanently place in front of congress. Any citizen is allowed to stop by once a day and add a quart of any liquid they desire to the tank. Then we’ll fund the federal government by charging citizens $5 a throw to dunk whatever critter is sitting in the hot seat.
Change the host to Jill Wagner and swap the dunk tank for the set of Wipe Out and I’m sold.
My goodness she was cute. What ever happened to her?
From Wikipedia:
Nah. Raffle off the position of “Person who yanks the handle on the scaffold trapdoor”.
Also, the position of “Person who puts the noose around the contestant’s neck”.
You’d raise billions. Ratings would be through the roof.
I would like to see this, to include government agencies that would inevitably be formed to enforce the laws. That way instead of arguing about funding the NSA, the argument centers on, “Do we need an NSA?”
*waves at NSA mole*
If you do it right, passing all the really important laws like no murder, no arson etc will take up 100% of the legislature’s time and there won’t be any time to allocate four billion dollars to study crawdad reproduction in the Robert Byrd Civic Center For The Study Of Crawdad Reproduction And Buying Votes in scenic West Virginia.
Left work early, errands run, bracket filled out, gonna grab a shower then its bar and basketball! Off work until Tuesday:).
Go Buckeyes!
Buckeye rot of tomato is caused by the pathogen Phytophthora parasitica. – you named your team after a fungus?
Buckeye is also a breed of chicken
What’s a Browneye?
Hi in the middle, round at both ends?
Shh, you’re all but asking to be catbutted by Sloopy for that one… even if it is true.
Pork. Specifically; boneless pork rectums, inverted.
Time to get shitfaced.
I shall drink much beer.
Pennsylvania’s first constitution had some interesting ideas if I recall. I believe they gave legislators one year terms and all laws passed could only go into effect in the next term. So you had an obvious chance to recall your shitty legislators when they passed a dumb law.
They also had a supreme executive council where the president was just the committee chair. So you have a 12 man chief executive that has to agree to get anything done. That’s another good idea.
Additionally, they had a Council of Censors that was employed to audit the laws and find the dumb ones and censure the shitty legislators.
Funny how the founding fathers had some pretty good ideas about reigning in crappy government. And unsurprisingly, crappy government quickly found ways to destroy all of those impediments.
Somewhat related. If you want to kill any smoldering ember of hope for the libertarian moment, think about DST and its general acceptance by the populace. It’s a law with no purpose, whose original goal (saving electricity) has been proven not only incorrect, but DST actually increases electricity usage. It forces everybody in the country to make trivial modifications on a schedule for the purpose of… shifting the sunlight from one hour to another. Of course, growing up in Indiana, there was a better free market alternative… Stores had summer and winter hours.
+1 zillion
I’d even argue that it’s not generally accepted by the populace; I know of no one who likes shifting the clock around. Yet it’s impossible to get rid of.
“Anyone who doesn’t believe in immortality doesn’t know anything about Federal laws.”
look man you can’t go back once a thing is a thing. That would be regressive and reactionary and also racist and transphobic. You oppose DST you are a bigot.
Even where we don’t change our clocks it affects us. For instance, I can catch Kennedy on SiriusXM on my commute home in the summer where I am equivalent to the Pacific Time Zone, but not during the winter where I am in the Mountain Time Zone. During the winter that time slot is reserved for fucking Lou Dobbs.
Fuck that guy.
Much rather fuck Kennedy.
Fuck DST.
-programmer that had to write a conversion between timestamps in UTC to a user’s local time
Oh, and a special fuck off to India with their stupid time zone being offset by half an hour instead of a full one.
Nepal is worse.
Yes, but I don’t have to support any users in Nepal, so their time zone isn’t coded in.
So what you’re saying is that Floridaman and Arizonaman have more common sense than average Americaman?
Don’t forget, Hawaii does not jump on the DST train.
As someone whose eyesight is so shitty I can’t safely drive at night, ‘springing forward’ once a year is my personal annual Empancipation Day. By contrast, ‘falling back’ is hell.
‘Fall back’ is great. I love having a long weekend.
My eight year old daughter was UPSET about the DST switch this year. “Why are we doing this?” “Who made this rule up?” were some phrases tossed around.
Yes, yes.
Ahh. A future mythical libertarian woman!
I LOVE DST. Standard time is what sucks.
THIS. Let’s have DST 365 days a year.
I’d be cool with that. Just pick a time and leave it there!
You deny the power for the President to control the passage of time?
I’ll start with my libertarian observation that any law, of necessity, entails a curtailment of individual freedom.
and this
I think it’s fair to say we shouldn’t mourn the loss of people’s freedom to rape, rob, or kill other people.
depend on what you mean by freedom. I do not accept a freedom to rob, so no loss of freedom occurs with a law against robbing
In general, I think any law should be decided upon as a balance sheet–with benefits weighed against costs. – or we go the way the good people of Locris did it, I think I commented on this before
In support of this indictment, an Athenian speech described another city’s legislative mechanism. The Greeks living in Locris reportedly proposed laws while wearing a noose:
if any one wishes to enact a new statute, he proposes it with his neck in a noose, and if the statute is judged to be good and useful, the proposer goes away alive, but, if not, the noose is drawn and he dies. … [in more than two hundred years] they had only one new statute passed.[1]
That’s awesome.
So, in the wake of say a school shooting, when Gov Blue State says let’s ban guns, and the mob says YES!!!!, you’d be down with it?
This is a framework that, I think, will allow conservatives, libertarians, progressives and liberals all to discuss proposed laws – funny
Consider whether the law you’re seeking to implement is going have some relatively easy workaround. If it is, ask yourself what will be the consequences of huge numbers of people availing themselves of that workaround. Make an entry in cost or benefit accordingly.
It’s the power that matters, not the outcome.
Generally, trying to ban something that’s wildly popular is a pretty sure recipe for massive flouting of the law.
I have come to the pretty much inescapable conclusion that the object of the exercise is really to create more criminals.
People are easier to control if you can basically threaten their livelihood and freedom…
It’s also a efficient way to create more government.
And at least acknowledging the calibration might lead to more meaningful engagement between people with different politics.
The current non-meaningful engagement between people with different politics is a feature, not a bug.
In general, I think any law should be decided upon as a balance sheet–with benefits weighed against costs.
Understanding, of course, that they will not be what you predicted.
Curious if you’ve read “Knowledge and Decisions”? That book had a big effect on my thinking- my control systems side said, “Open loop versus negative feedback.”
Firsthand knowledge inequality is unfair. That is why socialists try to punish people that have it except for TOP MEN.
I haven’t. I will. Thanks for the tip.
if I’m not willing to shoot someone’s silver-haired, kindly old grandmother in the face over it, it probably shouldn’t be a law.
I find your commitment to civil order to be sadly insufficient, Comrade.
How does being woke fit into this framework?
Ask yourself, are you advocating this law as a rational means to achieve a specific policy goal, or are you looking to feel good about yourself without much personal effort or sacrifice? If it’s the latter, you should probably discount your expected benefits of the law accordingly or even throw out the proposal in its entirety.
Something only a Nazi would say.
The funny part is that this same point could be applied to socons looking to ban violent video games or impose standards on rock music.
You were pretty thorough! Nicely done.
If you want to be a good person, just go about doing that in your own life without placing demands on everyone else. The rest of us will respect you a lot more.
So simple.
Nice job, wdalasio!
Thank you.
I think it would also be interesting to see how many more families became a bit more functional if they all realized that they had to rely on each other. Without Social Security, parents might be a bit nicer to their kids (and make sure they get good jobs) because they will probably need to live with them in the future.
Kids might listen to their parents more too if they had to get a loan for a new house from the parents.
Sure there would still be a lot of fucked up families and it would suck to belong to one of them, but overall I think it would be a lot better.
Without Social Security, parents might be a bit nicer to their kids (and make sure they get good jobs) because they will probably need to live with them in the future.
Make Way for Tomorrow
Idk… we have an entire generation of women who are in their 50s and 60s and will be working until the day they die because their families went dysfunctional and they got divorced in their 40s. If the pain of dysfunction was going to have even a slight impact, I’d expect to see it in the millennial generation, but I don’t.
I think I am partially biased because I watch my Korean wife’s family in action. It is amazing how closely she stays in touch with the goings on back in the home country. She has been known to call up nieces and nephews to chew their ass because they were fucking up. She is still heavily invested in the success of her clan. We have had several nieces and nephews visit us in the US for a summer, both so they can see what our country is all about and so that we can have tighter ties with them.
My family is about as loosely connected as can be. My wife is stunned when I don’t know what is going on with either my parents or sister or the extended family.
I actually admire the Korean interconnectedness.
*My wife has also warned all the kids that she expects to come live with one of them when she gets old (I always chime in that I will live with one of the others when that day comes).
Heh. My girlfriend is similar. In the family ties part, not the Korean part, she’s Indian instead. She was positively shocked that I hadn’t talked to my sisters in over a month.
“I talk to my siblings everyday, why don’t you talk to your sisters? Aren’t they important to you?”
“I dunno, we don’t have much to talk about. If anything important comes up or their computer breaks they’ll call me.”
“But they’re family! You have to talk to them! I bet they miss you, you should call them. Here, I’ll do it for you.”
They know your phone number. If they miss you, they’ll call.
That’s my theory.
Freedom of association means freedom from association.
“Would” Larry Kudlow
I remember as a teenager masturbating furiously while fantasizing about a four-way with the FRIENDS girls.
You’ll have to be more specific; Joey was the only male on that show
I did the same thing when Larry Kudlow was a panelist on the McLaughlin Group
*no, you fool, he’s actually talking about the show ‘Friends’*
I mean, Jennifer Aniston always had hard nipples. What was that all about? Did they just keep the set really cold or something
I like to imagine her sensuously rubbing ice cubes on them in between takes.
You know why? Because budget for professional tweakers has been slashed!
I bet the fluffer budget is as big as ever. Fucking Patriarchy.
Is it getting cold in here?
I read an interview with her. She claims she just has pokey nipples. I think combined with the fashions of the 90s (thin bras [not that she wore them that often from what I could tell] and thin tops), that’s what caused the lovely headlights.
Yes, I remember when all the rage in the late 90’s was for twenty year-old women to not wear bras. It was the greatest fashion trend until the exposed thong in the early aughts (anyone remember that?) and our current fad of yoga pants
So how do we bring back the braless look combined with yoga pants?
Die and go to heaven?
The girl in my working group in accounting class was wearing yoga pants. She has a fantastic ass.
was wearing them in class last night, that is.
What are her numbers?
As a teenager?
OT: Diversity in everything except viewpoint.
The first thing I thought of when I heard about this is: “What would happen if students walked out to protest legal abortion”?
It’s a pretty hot debate in America with just over 50% thinking there is at least something wrong with abortion.
Sure enough:
A teacher pointed this out in California and was quickly placed on leave.
Uffda! Good on Minnesoda kids.
That kid and this kid actually being courageous and going against the mob.
To be fair to the other kids, yesterday was gorgeous. If I had been an 18 yr-old, I probably would have walked out the door to enjoy a nice spring day too.
I’m also hoping that the locals in New Prague hand that principle his ass. New Prague is still pretty rural. I’m guessing a large percentage of the population down there have guns in their houses and are probably not amused by this.
If I were the kid my only comment to the TV would be “My lawyers are representing me on this unconstitutional viewpoint based discrimination and I remind the school district to spell my name correctly on the settlement check.”
Yep. What would happen if a kid walked out and just kept loudly reading the Second Amendment?
I like the the silver-haired, kindly old grandmother rule. I’m gonna steal that. Nice article, wdalasio
I’d be careful. I think that a lot more people than you’d suspect would be happy to off Granny for her problematic ideas.
When is silver-haired, kindly old grandmother season, anyway?
Do you need to buy tags, or does it come with the standard license?
You just need a furbearers stamp.
Thanks! I appreciate it.
*Previously on Happy Days*
Richie Cunningham: So, Fonz, what’s your opinion on the Libertarian Party tweeting out support for the kids who left school the other day in support of gun control?
Fonzie: Modernity tells us that the Libertarian Party believes in individual rights, unless the Left decides that such individual rights are ‘icky’. I’m increasingly drawn to the conclusion that the modern Libertarian Party is a shit stain on the American body politic
Richie Cunningham: So you’re not a supporter of gun control?
Fonzie: I may be a leather polish huffing, Paul Krugman reading, aging greaser, but I’m not a moron. Individual rights should not be forsaken because of the ideas formulated by seventeen year-olds
Richie Cunningham: I got to say, Fonz, you’re making a lot of sense today.
Fonzie: Wait until you hear my opinion on gay wedding cakes. Tastes better when the strong arm of the state is forcing you to bake them
Richie Cunningham: Let’s end on a good note today, before you contradict the very point that you just made.
Fonzie: *thumbs up* Ayeeeeeeee
You may be giving the Fonz too much credit here.
Gillespie looks like HL Mencken in comparison to the knuckleheads who run the LP
On a related note, ask yourself what the secondary and tertiary effects of your law will be. Sometimes these can be positive, but, much more often, they fall on the cost side of the ledger. In fact, quite a few of the problems people have that they want to pass new laws for are the result of previous laws that people thought would magically change human nature.
Earlier this morning, I was reading a thing in the Bozeman paper about their new “affordable housing impresario” (I cannot recall the official title- some sort of vacuous whimwham). This person’s job is to somehow or other “make housing more affordable” for the common folk who want to live and work in the Greater Bozeman Co-Prosperity Sphere. Well, if I were defining the duties of such an officer, I would give him a box of red pens and instruct him to strike through every ordinance and regulation which imposes increased costs on construction, artificially reduces the supply of housing or restricts the manner and placement of spaces to live and work. I’d particularly encourage a variety of market based alternatives.
We all know how likely that is. This person will be in charge of funneling money to preferred “non-profits” and grant writers, and urban planning consultants who will peddle their favorite top-down solutions, and advocate for tighter and tighter central control. And, in five years, everybody will look askance at the huge jump in home prices, and the fact that people are commuting from places like Ennis to their minimum wage jobs in Bozeman changing sheets in that new upscale downtown hotel the community so desperately needed.
I agree. If you’re after affordable housing — which I’m sure there’s a couple square miles of Bozeman that aren’t cheap, but Montana is big — item one is destroy all zoning.
OT: NY Politics
So I was reading about Andrew Cuomo’s corruption problem and read that he might be in trouble in the primary because Cynthia Nixon will run against him. Since I have no fucking clue about many pop culture things, I had to look up who she was. So she was on Sex and the City. The story also mentioned Nixon’s “wife” Christine Marinoni. Being the shitlord I am I wanted to see what sort of hot lesbian someone on Sex and the City could get.
GAAAAAAH!!!! WTF? That is not what I expected after watching many documentaries about lesbians on pornhub and redtube.
I guess love really is blind.
For all we know our love will grow….
I asked my wife who Cynthia Nixon was on Sex and the City and she said “Miranda”. That meant nothing to me, so I asked: “the real slutty one or the slightly less slutty ones”. She paused and then finally answered: “the less slutty one”. That told me nothing so I asked: “the less slutty one that was real prissy or the one that was real masculine”. She sighed before she responded: “the real masculine one”.
I don’t understand why it was so hard to just get a straight answer out of her. The characters on Sex and the City were: the main character, the slutty one, the masculine slightly less slutty one, and the prissy slightly less slutty one. Simple
Red, blonde, brunette, horsehair.
Everyone gives Sarah Jessica Parker grief, but I actually think she was the second best looking woman on the show. She’s very…ah…’top heavy’
Kim Catrall could ride on the wings of Big Trouble until the end of time.
That’s pretty much how I identified them.
The brunette was rather attractive in a repressed WASPy way
Easily my fave, followed by the redhead. The blonde just gave off an STD flava, and horseface didn’t push any of my buttons except the “maintain a safe distance” one.
Look, I’m as much of an admirer of 80s totty as anyone whose puberty overlapped that decade, but come on, she was, if not past, at least looking at fast-approaching ‘sell-by’ date by then.
Then she went and married Tom Cruise. So be glad you dodged that Hot/Crazy disaster.
I think you’re thinking of another brunette. That one from Dawson’s Creek
Pretty sure Kristin Davis never married Tom Cruise.
A young Katie Holmes running in a skimpy top in a music video
Does anyone else secretly think that civil engineers time lights to maximize congestion and discourage driving? I’m not crazy, right? As progified and anti-convenience as every other branch of government has gotten, traffic light coordination can’t be the only arm of government immune to the social engineering impulse. Hope in the eventual appeal of mass-transit springs eternal among nitwit politicians, so surely there’s coordination with the bureaucracy to ensure that drivers be punished for refusing to embrace the bus.
That is absolutely a strategy – “traffic calming” is the euphemism it travels under. The goal is to make driving so disadvantaged that even your shit public transit system looks better.
Usually they time lights to optimize flow away from highways. So if you’re going towards the highway exchange, fuck you. Or you live in St. Pete where they timed them to give the olds enough time to cross with the signal. I’ve seen children grow up at a single light.
You’re not crazy at all. They add bike lanes specifically to increase congestion.
I absolutely believe Richmond is doing this shit. First with bike lanes, now with this idiotic “express bus” they’ve installed. Broad Street is the major east-west thoroughfare through Western Henrico and Richmond proper. Three lanes in each direction….only now they’ve taken away the left lane in both directions for “buses only”. That won’t make traffic worse or anything, right? Cunts.
Here’s more about this piece of shit. They’ve been building this thing since August of 2016. It’s only SEVEN FUCKING MILES LONG!
In my suburb, there has been good news.
When I moved here 20+ years ago, I was on the edge of the prairie. All the intersections were 4-way stop signs. Then our fair city exploded in population. Since women (especially the suburban types) can’t figure out 4-way stops, the city went on a campaign of putting in lights everywhere.
All the lights had left arrow signals that were green and then red. For years and years. I would make my wife crazy and my kids happy by turning left on red when it was appropriate. My wife hated it because it was breaking the rules and setting a bad example for the kids. Kids loved it because they could break out in a chorus of Judas Priest “breaking the law, breaking the law” ala Beavis & Butthead.
The good news is that a few years ago all the lights started having a blinking yellow arrow, making my old illegal actions perfectly legal. Amazingly enough, I don’t think it took any physical modifications to the lights. Just some programming updates. So all the time there were no blinking left arrow lights was purely because the traffic engineers wanted to punish drivers.
I still wonder what city VIP got caught taking a left on a red arrow late at night to cause the change.
Negligence per se is cool.
I nearly got T-boned on Sunday when an SUV driver (in my neighborhood, likely a woman in a hijab on the phone) sped up and tried to make a left turn because the Walk/Don’t Walk countdown reached “3”. I don’t know how the fuck I swerved out of the way, the crosswalk is just wide enough I guess, but she still managed to scrape my bumper. I pulled up and parked and waited 5 minutes but nobody came. Looks like I can buff out 99% of the scrape, but part of me wants to find that person and wipe out their entire family.
I don’t blame civil engineers for that, I’m sure a smart one in a meeting mentioned multiple times that showing a countdown will encourage drivers to be reckless, but was shouted down because he obviously hates people.
Another article I would show someone I knew in real life. Very nice. Thanks for the effort you put in on this.
I mean, if I was trying to scare them off, maybe Hat & Hair.
if I was trying to scare them off
Or let them know I was into some really wild stuff…
*wink, wink
Thank you very much.
Today is the Ides of March. It’s like a “Fuck off, slaver” holiday.
Brutus was framed.
meh… there were slaver all around in that part
Not Cato the Younger, Cicero, or actually most of the Senators who participated in the assassination.
Literal slavers. Like, people who held slaves. Who started wars so they could get more slaves, so they could sell them for profit.
Joke was on them, they thought Cesar was bad, but at least he was old. Instead they got the young autocrat* who outlived anyone who might have an idea how to live in non-autocracy.
*for a given value of ‘autocrat’, and acknowledging the entire Roman system, from expulsion of the last king to the fall of Constantinople was a cobbled structure of precedent, confidence games, custom and improvisation.
Eastern Europeans really hate the Romans. Maybe some bad blood from the Byzantines ruling over those lands. I agree, you guys were better off when the Hapsburgs ruled over you
Huh? No, Roman Empire in the East is generally looked upon positively by Romanians (it’s in the name!), Serbs, Bulgarians, Russians, Belorussians, Ukrainians, and I don’t think Poles hate it much.
But “honest, freedom-loving, small government, honorable, humble, non-greedy virtuous Republic” is a fantasy on a par with 1920s reports from USSR.
The footnote is based on the interview with a guy who wrote a book about Byzantine political system in which he pointed out that even a simple thing like succession (something that, say, Franks or Saxons had clear rules on) wasn’t actually codified in any way even in medieval times. The office of an Emperor was an office, so, say, a guy who grew up as a pig farmer, or a stable boy, could rise to top job (in latter’s case, by murdering the previous holder, with no one complaining or raising an army against him). It wasn’t meant to disparage the Roman system, just to warn against projecting our own ideas of what a ‘system’ is on them.
sort of OT =
some might recall yesterday’s pandering by the LP to the #nationalwalkoutday students
Because really, what is the LP for, if not cheerleading gun control?
i tend to ignore much of the cranky libertarian commentary, because nothing depresses me quite so much as recognizing that many/most very-vocal libertarians are a bunch of hysterical morons. I keep reminding myself “its a philosophy, not politics, its a philosophy”.
anyway, i came across this, which i found interesting. little bit of a who’s who in the left-libertarian influence-making in the LP
The Libertarian party chairman Sarwark took heat for not kicking James Weeks off stage and allowing him to use up national television time to make the party look ridiculous.
That’s OUR job, asshole.
I’ve posted about the Dankertarians before. We all had a good laugh because they had a section labeled “Economics” and if you clicked it said “Coming Soon” (there is still nothing there).
There is a growing socialist contingency, but I think most of the bad ideas are coming from the mushy moderate libertarians (mainly affiliated with the Johnson campaign) that have spearheaded efforts to disavow Ron Paul, Hoppe, Tom Woods, the Mises Institute, and Murray Rothbard (which is a rather insane concept). They have a ‘libertarian’ website called “The Jack News” where they proudly boast Bill Weld as a contributor.
I think that this contingency overstepped when they tried to blackball Ron Paul and Judge Napolitano from the upcoming convention. They got a ton of push back.
The plot thickens. The head of the “Dankertarians” is threatening black bloc tactics at the LP convention and I’m sure ‘no platforming’ will be involved. You embrace vipers, you are bound to get bit.
At this juncture, the LP is the shit stain on the American body politic
‘the libertarian socialist caucus’?
Yeah, apparently that’s a real thing now. Who could have imagined that the party throwing aside the long held American tradition of religious liberty in favor of state coercion could ever be taken over by a bunch of socialists?
You’ll not that he’s whining because they aren’t letting him use their logo on his website. That torpedoes the idea that he’s on the inside pulling the levers.
” That torpedoes the idea that he’s on the inside pulling the levers”
no, it just torpedoes the idea that the official LP want left-libertarians advertising their (minority, ‘to be sure’) influence, or even their association.
it doesn’t really undermine any case that the LP suffers an Entryism problem
Yeah. As I stated above, it’s not the socialists that are ruining things- it’s Gary’s mushy moderate supporters who are running things now
Or you could simply call them “scum” to be most accurate.
Pubs are the sweaty scrotum, Dems are the crusty asshole and the LP is the taint.
I’m using that analogy the next time someone talks about adopting the “moderate” position.
Good, I hope that happens. Throw off the masks and embrace their true Bolshevik nature.
Agreed. Between the Weldsters and the “libertarian socialists” they’ve already tossed any claim to actual libertarian principle. Might as well just quit pretending.
In a lot of ways, it mirrors exactly what happened with the exodus from TOS to here. There’ll be a lot of “no true Scotsman” BS, but at the end of the day, the LP will at least be an authentic dumpster fire.
basically, Conquest’s Third Law in action.
Capitalism is freedom of association and private property rights. Unless you’re an anarchist who believes that government shouldn’t protect property rights (because govt should not exist), anything but rabid pro-capitalism is a sign that you’re a statist of one form or another.
At the same time, I can’t get too worked up over this. I’ve always considered the LP useless at best. At least this way, they might split some of the socialist vote from the Dems.
“I’ve always considered the LP useless at best”
as have i
however, i didn’t really know that the “fat stripper guy” was also the Dankertarians Left-libertarian, or that the LP social-media desk was run by some similarly minded-pal
The naked fat guy is some Antifa fuckwad? Figures.
Punch a Nazi… unless there are nachos to be eaten.
BREAKING: Mueller Subpoenas Trump Organization, Demanding Documents About Russia
Christ just fire this clown already. It flew by fishing expedition, cruised past witch hunt and is now entering theater of the absurd.
So your saying they didn’t actually build it and thus The Trump Organization told the truth?
They’ll never let a little thing like the dictionary definition of well-understood words get in the way of an indictment.
If they keep asking the same questions over and over, sooner or later someone is going to contradict themselves and then BOOM! President Hillary.
All the lights had left arrow signals that were green and then red. For years and years. I would make my wife crazy and my kids happy by turning left on red when it was appropriate. My wife hated it because it was breaking the rules and setting a bad example for the kids. Kids loved it because they could break out in a chorus of Judas Priest “breaking the law, breaking the law” ala Beavis & Butthead.
The good news is that a few years ago all the lights started having a blinking yellow arrow, making my old illegal actions perfectly legal.
Exact same story in Bozeman. Everywhere else I have ever lived or driven, at the end of the green arrow phase, the intersection would go full green; turn left if it’s clear. That red arrow bullshit is infuriating, even when there’s traffic coming, and you couldn’t get through anyway.
Speaking of laws…
In a state that used to be quite gun friendly not that long ago. Like commies and fascists, they only have to win once.
The people in Portland are apparently not aware of what the rest of the state looks like. Oregon is garbage now.
They don’t care.
Re-upping my list of the shittiest cities in America:
3. Portland (all of those bearded hipsters should be pushed out to sea, the city burned and built anew)
2. Washington DC (the shittiest people in America live here- and enrich themselves off of our money)
1. Jacksonville (this is a city? You have a football team? Whaaaaaaa…?)
Honorable mention for SF, the city where homeless urinators can corrode streetlights to the point of structural instability.
Per #3 — Why push all those greasy fucks into the sea? Think of the ring it would leave on the Pacific. You’re already burning the city, hmm?
You dare besmirch my hometown? Machetes at dawn!
I think part of the problem is just how our election system works. It basically comes down to a popularity contest. A person running for office runs on what he will change and an incumbent runs on what he has done. As much as I would love to see a senator respond to a question of what he has done in DC “Hookers and blow. Lots and lots of hookers and blow” he would not get reelected. The voting population on both sides of the aisle want their guy to do something! Which means pass some law, any law.
It’s raining gold
Cue “Yakkety Sax” music.
You mean Yakustky Sax.
Jayne Cobb flies AN-12’s? Amazing!
Came here to say just that. Adjusts tinfoil hat.
OK. I looked at the damage, and holy shit did the loadmasters fuck up.
Basically, it appears that a huge slug of cargo was improperly secured, and as they rotated it shifted backwards, hit the cargo door, punched through it and fell out into the sky. This is the same thing that brought down that cargo 747 in Afghanistan, except in that case, those guys lost hydraulics and their ability to control the elevators. In this case, they didn’t lose their ability to control the plane. However, the CG had to have shifted back. And get it farther back than some critical point, and planes become unstable.
If they had cargo spilling out as they flew to their eventual landing spot, the plane’s response to the controls had to be changing, and not in a good way.
This could have easily led to a disaster with fatalities.
Plane’s not even that long for a loose load to build up momentum. But yeah, that load should never have moved under any circumstances.
You’d think the pilot would have noticed something amiss in the rearview mirror.
Not to mention the risk that bysanders below get hit with falling bricks of gold
Looking at the photos, it seems that the plane was barely holding itself together, like most of the Russian fleet. Ten tons of gold was a hair too much for it to handle.
Empire of the Clouds!
In a state that used to be quite gun friendly not that long ago.
How far east do you have to go to find lots of gun friendly voters? Of course, the same thing happened in Colorado. The front range progressivists eventually consolidated power and imposed their tyranny of the minority onto the vast rural parts of the state.
Yeah, but in Colorado they were recalled after they pushed their proggie garbage
But did it get repealed?
Technically no.
However, every county sheriff except Denver and Boulder counties is on record in writing saying they won’t enforce it and pretty much every non-big box, independent gun shop still sells everything.
Cold comfort, but something.
So its just sitting on the books, waiting for the right AG to fuck up a lot of people’s lives.
The difference between “repealed” and “not enforced, for now” is pretty big.
Pretty much. That’s the idea behind most laws though.
Show me the man and I will find you the crime.
I mean, there are several states that still have sodomy laws on the books. Government is stupid.
When a law is declared unconstitutional, it remains on the books until the legislature repeals it. Legislatures often don’t. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were still laws on the books criminalizing abortion.
One of the things that ground my gears about the gay marriage issue was that the judiciary was, in my opinion, overreaching. I think they have the power to declare a statute unconstitutional, and thus null and void. I don’t think they have the power to amend a statute either de jure or de facto, such as by declaring that it can only be applied in a certain manner. Some of the decisions on gay marriage did the latter, requiring that state laws which said “man and woman” be applied as “any two persons”.
They should have struck those laws entirely, so that if the state wanted to license marriage, it would have to adopt a new statute meeting Constitutional requirements.
Our judiciary has increasingly slipped its leash, and this is one of the ways. Another way is District Courts issuing orders that apply nationwide, outside their jurisdiction. This used to be done virtually never, but as the judiciary NeverTrumps, its gotten more common.
Countries like Canada handle it much better. When something like this comes up, they say that a law is going to be null in 9 months so the legislature better fucking fix it before then.
El Paso Co announced that within a day of it passing.
From an article on the side bar of Gustave Lytton’s ink:
On March 7, the City Council unanimously rejected a plan to develop a Pearl District parking lot into a 17-story building with 275 apartments near the Fremont Bridge. Neighbors, some concerned about their own views, had rallied against the project (“Sky Wars,” WW, Jan. 24, 2018).
The vote was just one decision on a day of reckoning for the competing goals of dense housing stock and city’s aesthetic character. City leaders, who have talked for two years of a housing crisis, voted to preserve the status quo—at the expense of as many as 2,800 units of housing.
The rejected projects, including a concept for waterfront skyscrapers designed by Japanese architect Kengo Kuma, will probably get another shot at approval. But observers say the chilling effect goes deeper.
By overruling the Design Commission and bowing to the outcry of neighbors, the City Council leaves developers uncertain about the rules for winning approval of projects.
Portland City Council to residents: “Fuck you, live in your car.”
Portland – Working daily to become San Francisco North.
“Ewww…we support poor people in theory, but not if they are living near us”
Rich white liberal hypocrisy in our cities is so rarely called out. It reminds me of after they tore down the Cabrini Green housing projects in Chicago. The City spent a ton of money to attract wealthy people to the community and when they did they started complaining when the school district tried to merge the old school (still occupied by the children of those who lived at Cabrini Green) with the new school for new wealthy residents. The new residents pushed back hard and no one once called them ‘racist’ or ‘hypocrites’ for voting far left Democrat, but then wanting minorities and the poor far away from where they live. Imagine if such a scenario occurred in a suburb and how fast we would have a ‘national conversation’ about all those suburban bigots.
And this is why, in my county, you will never ever get school choice. Our much touted county school system is only top-notch in the wealthy, western half. The eastern schools are dogshit. They are also almost all 80%+ black students. There’s no way in hell the Whole Foods crowd with their fucking Coexist bumper stickers on their Lexus LXs will ever allow the ghetto kids into their precious blue-ribbon schools.
That is the truth. I define a ‘racist’ as someone who actively seeks to segregate themselves from a group of peoples. I have never met a working class bigot in my entire life. Not because they are especially tolerant, but because they cannot afford to be a bigot. The supposedly ‘tolerant crowd’ are the only bigots I’ve ever met in my life. They freak the hell out when they see a black man wondering around their community and raise hell if you want to allow black kids to access their schools.
As a caucasian far south sider, I vividly remember my first year at DePaul when classmates asked me where I lived. The weird looks I got I will never forget. Most of them could not believe any of their equals could possibly exist south of 63rd Street. (They thought only untermensch lived south of 63rd street.)
But don’t worry, tech companies and gentrification are the reasons for skyrocketing rents.
That “Dankertarian” gibberish reminds me of Humpty Dumpty.
“Words mean what I say they mean. I will not be constrained by facts or truth.”
WTF does “danketarian” even purport to mean? They like damp, dark places?
Assume it’s a play on “dank memes”
I don’t know what that means either. I mean, I know what memes are, but why “dank”?
Lawn, get off of it, some assembly required.
I have to build your lawn and then get off it?
Yes. Get to work, peasant.
I figured it was related to pot somehow.
Yeah, I think it arrived via pot.
A dank meme would be dark, and potent.