Well, after a day of sheer hell at work yesterday, I get to face yet another today. I had to miss the superb wine post of Pie’s, HM’s evisceration of noted public intellectual Stephen Pinker, and rest of the general merriment. But dammit, NOTHING is going to prevent me from haunting you with Links this morning. And I avoided any bad-pun references to the Ides of March, so you can thank me for that.
And there are some interesting events. People are making a very big deal out of the ultra-thin victory by Team Blue in a purported Team Red area (that, ahem, went big for Obama in 2012). It was delightful to hear the pissing and moaning on Hate Radio, with most of the blame being directed at… the Libertarian candidate, who apparently stole votes that were rightfully Team Red’s. Memo to Team Red: if you want libertarian votes, run candidates who aren’t horrible on liberty. And let me introduce you to a libertarian friend of mine in the area, at whom you can try to hurl invective. It will be most amusing to watch Warty quietly, calmly, and effortlessly snap you in half.
Oklahoma reacts to disincentives and decides to kill prisoners using the same methods garages use to rip off customers who don’t understand the Ideal Gas Law. I have a more novel suggestion if the state insists on having a death penalty: dress the prisoner like a dog and let him loose near some cops.
More plastic panic as “researchers” find exactly what was expected. There’s been a growing wave of Media Reports of High Concern about how plastics are destroying the planet, the ecosystem, human health, and our American Way of Life. I swear I’m going to try to get the time to do a real article about this (it was a research specialty of mine and I’ve actually got a string of peer-reviewed papers and grants on the subject), but I’ll slip the conclusion ahead of time: as the global warning thing shows evidence of petering out, this will be the next political abuse of science to panic the public and be a theme for aspiring Team Blue politicos.
Someone shows poor Judge-ment.
Old Guy Music, as if you didn’t expect it. A rather libertarian song from someone who very decidedly isn’t.
It’s tough to be a Roof. – roofers getting on you all day?
Weird. The Daily Fail page won’t load. It starts then turns blank.
But their other pages work.
The arrest seems to be legit and her post shows she didn’t actually learn anything useful from her brothers example as she is just as stupid and bigoted as he is however I am sorry there is nothing ominous or threatening about it
I’d like to know more about the parents of these fine people.
I don’t know, I thought her tweet was pretty stinging. Her insults were tight. You could say the Roof was on fire!
More plastic panic as “researchers” find exactly what was expected. There’s been a growing wave of Media Reports of High Concern about how plastics are destroying the planet, the ecosystem, human health, and our American Way of Life – I though the whole meaning of human life on Earth was to produce plastic. I say that in a youtube.
I have one word for you, Pie: plastics.
I have uncovered Ted S. secret identity: Mr. McGuire.
Or Sam Wainwright. Heehaw!
Someone shows poor Judge-ment. -no one needs two name puns in one morning links
And there are some interesting events. People are making a very big deal out of the ultra-thin victory by Team Blue in a purported Team Red area (that, ahem, went big for Obama in 2012). – it is just the beginning of the mighty blue wave
I think that wave just crested. Now Mr. Clean and independent goes to DC where he’ll vote and say exactly how Steny Hoyer and Nancy Pelosi tell him. Then he has to run for reelection – maybe against a living candidate this time – 8 months from now.
Maybe, but he’ll have a brand-new shiny Democrat judge-crafted congressional district to run in, since the PA Supreme Court decided to take the job over from the legislature.
Remember Clock-Boy and his lawsuit? It was just dismissed with prejudice – meaning he and Dad have to pay all the school district’s legal costs.
“President Obama
Cool clock, Ahmed. Want to bring it to the White House? We should inspire more kids like you to like science. It’s what makes America great.”
He’s such a piece of shit it’s incredible.
And this is the guy people thought was wise and classy?
Yay. Now if we could get them to reimburse us for the astronauts’ salary for the time they had to spend with him.
And if the cops had acted like adults and peacekeepers instead of trying to intimidate the dipshit, we’d never know his name.
I am intrigued by the Boneless Pork Rectums “inverted”
“Boneless” pork rectums, is there a “bone-in” option?
I am not touching this one.
You don’t like bologna? Petit Jean makes a great bologna and I assume pork rectum is included.
I work with a guy who spent 15 years working at a Tyson plant that made protein for dog food. The plants input was what wasn’t used at the chicken plant to make human consumable food. They got the guts, feathers, and bones.
Everything that isn’t guts, feathers, or bones goes into products for human consumption.
The only part of the chicken that is not made into a marketable product is the cluck, and the Tyson sales department is working on finding a market for that.
I came here to ask the same question!
GreatSick minds, and all that.They used to sell one but they took it off the market after they found that most customers preferred to add the bone themselves
Like this?
And don’t play it out loud. At work.
Or this?
Relevant to the dog photo above
Speaking of dogs and death, I couldn’t help but chuckle at this story. I’m a horrible person.
I’ve detested United ever sense I missed a domestic connection for an international flight due to their inability to move the check-in line along in a very small airport. The attendants were surly and contemptuous of the customers even though the failure was 100% theirs. I hear shit about them killing peoples pets and having doctors beaten and thrown off flights and it highlights how fucked up the airline industry is……we desperately need a free market so I can watch United hang an “out of business” sign at their ticket counter to the sound of a sad trombone.
(Sorry, Rufus.)
🙁 work web filter doesn’t like
Three police officers arrived to calm down the crowd. The most enraged of the African men picked up one of the officers, slung the cop over his shoulder, and took him away.
That was a painful read.
The NFL doesn’t understand the Ideal Gas Law, why should Oklahoma?
‘Her boobs aren’t big enough for the job’
My complaint is that it’s a rehash of a shitty movie that was itself a rehash of a shitty video game.
Shitty video game? The hell is wrong with you? The Tomb Raider series has always been amazingly good, except for Angel of Darkness and the recent reboot. I’m sure the movies were shit though. I mean come on, they hired Angelina Jolie instead of someone actually attractive.
I would need to give them a squeeze to decide tbh
I didn’t know Q did movie reviews on Rotten Tomatoes. Huh.
More likely ‘Mr. Skin’.
“i see dumber, more shocking tweets than TJ’s take on lauras tits every single minute on twitter but there’s no articles written about them. it’s like they’ve been waiting, edging, for a stereotypical sexist comment about the movie and all jumped on this at once. bizarre.”
The articles were probably pre-written, and they were just waiting for some random tweets to fill in the blanks.
But, the thing is, her boobs really aren’t big enough for the job. She’s still very cute though.
It’ll be a shitty movie because its based on a videogame, I doubt her boob size will impact the quality of the film… only my enjoyment of it.
If you’re comparing her to the true Lara Croft, sure. But if you’re comparing her to the Tomb Raider reboot Lara, she actually fits the bill pretty well.
It’s a legitimate observation. Lara Croft’s most prominent feature (aside from her kick-assedness) are her tits. It’d be like James Bond without a martini and a PPK.
Andrew Cuomo bravely joins an anti-gun die-in protest – while surrounded by armed bodyguards.
Had my hopes up for a second.
“…surrounded by armed bodyguards.”
That’s different.
/Charlie Rangel
While the die in thing is idiotic he was far from surrounded, they were only able to show a single security guard and he was a pretty good ways off of Cuomo
The hypocrisy still applies. That guy is there for one job — protect Cuomo. I don’t have that and you don’t have that unless we take it upon ourselves to either hire security or arm ourselves.
China’s Ideological Spectrum
TW: pdf
I find this similar to post communist Romania with a large number of people with very “left” economic views while very socially conservative.
In response to this shortage, states have turned to a variety of options, including adopting new drugs (Florida) or returning to older methods like the electric chair (Tennessee) and firing squad (Utah).
I say put them in a locked room with a rope and Samantha Bee on TV.
How hard can it be to get a baggie of Fentanyl?
For me, pretty hard. I’m sure the Feds have a large stockpile in a warehouse somewhere.
Find a high school student.
I’d have quite a tough time finding a dealer right now…. but in high school I could have pointed you to at least 3 sources. And I never tried drugs in my life.
When I was a teenager I always wondered how the police had such a hard time finding the drug dealers when it was just common knowledge among the people I knew.
Some contraband wasabi, maybe. The drug scene here is pretty off grid.
I would probably have a bit of trouble getting my hands on any good drugs right now because I have been away from that kind of thing for a long time. That said-
Your High school point is spot on. I could, and did, get my hands on anything I wanted to in High school.
Samantha Bee?! Is there any crime that deserves such a punishment?
After looking at that Cruz thing in Florida I took a second look at his pals.
It is pretty likely this Roof creature is mildly retarded as well…maybe not so mild. Look at the eyes. No surprise that it runs in the family. Still, to be fair to her I cant imagine the shit she has had to take being Dylan’s sister. That could make anyone crazy.
Well, after a day of sheer hell at work yesterday, I get to face yet another today.
Amazingly, I was able to get two days off. Of course, I should be doing my taxes….
Oklahoman taxpayers prepare to grab their ankles
Why do you hate teachers? Why shouldn’t teachers get decent pay? What about the children?
If you want to get onto a detailed history of Lachowsky’s middle school adventures, then I can tell you exactly why I hate teachers.
As for the children, I only care about mine and others should care about theirs. That way everything will work out just fine.
Pay children is fine so long as they’re working. Small hands are great for operation in confined spaces.
The bill was not supported by house Democrats or Oklahoma Education Association.
Lemme guess, not enuff?
I’m really not sure. They are scheduled to go on strike monday of they don’t get what they want. Not just the teachers either, all the state employees.
I wish they all would and every single one of them lost their jobs as a result. Unfortunantly, there is no way the legislature doesn’t cave to their demands. That’s way too many votes to give up.
Also, this is kind of a bug story where I live. And all the damn outpouring of “for the children” and “teachers are saints” bullshit is really starting to grate my nerves.
Ha, my wife asked me last night f the starting salary of teachers in some area (maybe from this Oklahoma story) are so low at $38,000.
I asked if she still considered their pay low when you factor in 4 months of paid vacation, pension, healthcare, tenure, no real boss, and a cake-walk of a job. She now thinks $38k starting may be too much.
The 4 months of paid vacation is an overblown factor, yes teachers do work less than other salaried workers but it isn’t that much. Last time I looked into it the BLS statistics had the average office worker putting in 1950 hours per year and teachers were averaging around 1750.
That said almost nobody calculates the value of teachers benefits package which in many cases exceeds their salary. So that teacher who starts at $38k take home is getting a total compensation package closer to $80k which is more in line with a salary of ~$50k elsewhere
I don’t know how you can get that. 200 hours is about an extra 5 weeks. Let’s say a conservative 2 weeks for winter break plus another week for spring break. You’re at 3 weeks right there. Add in a conservative 5 weeks for summer and that’s 9 weeks plus assorted holidays no one else but government workers and bankers get.
A rough calculation of 180 school days plus a couple extra weeks for teacher’s work days, etc. gives a more realistic 1450 hours per year for teachers.
I get 8 paid holidays a year. That’s quite a bit less than any teacher.
The summer vacation is not a paid vacation. On teacher work days, teachers actually, you know, work.
Most small businesses give 6.
180 days of school, plus another 4 weeks in the summer getting lesson plans together and other prep work puts them at ~200 days.
Average office worker works 260 – 10 holidays – 120 PTO days = 230 days comes out to about 6 weeks difference but that does not account for differences in hours worked per day.
The dataset I researched was based on BLS time use surveys and so counted all hours worked, whether at home or in “the office”. That said it was a fairly long time ago. IIRC I researched it around 2000 and the data was based on surveys taken in the early 90’s. I found a more recent analysis that puts the differences in hours at 83%
BLS statistics had the average office worker putting in 1950 hours per year and teachers were averaging around 1750.
Does that factor in the amount of work they take home? My mom is an excellent 6th grade teacher and she worked around 10 hours each week day and put in a few hours on some weekends. During the summer she tutored students so she could keep a decent middle-lower class standard of living for us.
1750 hours a year at work is a part time job.
Doesn’t even address anything I said or asked.
“During the summer she tutored students so she could keep a decent middle-lower class standard of living for us.”
In my free time, I wire houses under the table. What does that have to do with the salary I’m paid by my employer?
The point was that most teachers (without 2 spousal incomes anyway) aren’t just lounging around during the summer fucking around, they’re working because they’re not offered a typical paid vacation like most of the people here are indicating.
I’m not saying that they deserve to not have to work for 3 months a year – I’m saying that many do work for those 3 months to make ends meet. This idea that teachers are just a bunch of lazy people with cushy jobs is bullshit. Some teachers are lazy, just like in every single industry ever.
“Some teachers are lazy, just like in every single industry ever.”
There is the kicker for me. In any industry that had to make a profit, lazy teachers would be gone or not lazy.
Also working a second job was tracked separately. There was entries for time worked at a primary and time worked at secondary jobs not merely “total hours worked”
In any industry that had to make a profit, lazy teachers would be gone or not lazy.
I’ve only ever worked in private industry that has to make positive margins and this is laughable. Lets not act like shirkers aren’t everywhere humans are.
Yes, they factored in work taken home, remember, teachers are not the only ones who work late or take work home. In fact it is somewhat the norm in most office jobs
I know, I do work from home too. I just wanted to know if they actually account for these things.
Starting CPA firm billable hours goal is about 1,900. That’s billable. So add in PTO, Holidays ( all 6 days of them), training, and nonbillable time and you get to about 2,400 to 2,600 hours/year. It also includes doing inventory on holiday weekend – spending New Year’s Eve counting widgets at the widget factory. This is why most CPA’s bail after 2-4 years even though many of them work at “one of the Top 100 companies for young professionals”.
Oh, and the benefits aren’t nearly as good as teachers. Typically a pricey health insurance plan and a 401k with a 3 percent match.
If teachers want more money, they should get rid of the union and demand we privatize education, where they can compete based on skills and experience.
a cake-walk of a job
It’s really not an easy job at all. Not if you’re actually trying to teach, anyway. Good teachers work around 10 hours a day. Also, the vacation isn’t really “paid” – each individual teacher chooses whether or not to hold some of their monthly checks back and have them distributed during the summer.
If you receive a salary (annual compensation), does it matter whether time off is designated as paid or unpaid?
Your financial compensation is the exact same in either case. E.g., A salary of $50k with 60 days paid is the exact same take-home pay as a salary of $50k with 60 days off that aren’t paid.
From a theoretical perspective you could say that the employers build it into the calculation – if you are given more time off they might pay you less and say that the vacation time is “paid.” But we’re talking about the government here, not a marketplace.
I’m just saying, when I accrue 3 weeks of paid vacation at my job, I don’t have to tell my boss to take it out of my paycheck the month before.
TK, education union apologist. 😛
Fuck no, privatize the whole thing.
My mom makes $68k/year after 25 years of teaching 6th graders. I make more than that and I’m 27. Obviously the amount varies by the type of work, etc. but holy shit this system is fucked. We really need to privatize and reduce administration (which make significantly more).
I think its a valid argument that if you want quality teachers, offer quality pay. That being said, I don’t think that pouring more money into the current system is a good solution, since it will just be vacuumed up by the administrative jobs, rather than the teachers.
Yes but the difference is your mom’s total compensation is somewhere closer to $120k a year. Her pension plan alone is probably worth $25,000 a year. Get rid of the pension and replace it with a standard 401k match of 3% of her salary and they could up her salary to ~$85 or $90k and not have any higher costs of employing her.
I have a pension too so that doesn’t really apply. The difference is I work in a marketplace and she’s employed by the government. She has the lobby the government to get a pay increase, whereas I can just ask it from my boss or from a competing company.
“I think its a valid argument that if you want quality teachers, offer quality pay.”
I agree, but only in Market sense. Paying government teachers more won’t improve the quality of teacher.
The entire rest of your post, I’m on board with.
So you agree with everything I said, cause I said my solution would be to privatize and reduce admin… thus re-introducing the market to the sector.
Yes. absolutely.
Wages are a function of supply and demand. If it wasn’t for the coerced demand, there would be a massive oversupply of teachers.
Yeah, actually I think that if we privatized, we’d see an immediate huge drop in teacher pay precisely for the reason you described. Years later, as the market reorganizes, we’d see teacher pay steadily increase along with the quality of education.
“If approved, state employees will also get a pay increase of $2,500 annually.”
Oh, now I see why it passed.
There is always some golden nugget like this buried in these idiotic things..
Bad Ass status confirmed
“I’ve registered a petition with http://petition.parliament.uk : “Allow @Lauren_Southern @BrittPettibone and @Martin_Sellner to enter the UK.” I’ve been told it may take up to a week to be approved and go live. Will post link if it is accepted.”
“Why was this petition rejected?
It’s not clear what the petition is asking the UK Government or Parliament to do.
Petitions need to call on the Government or Parliament to take a specific action.”
That was fast.
And there isn’t a specific action being requested?
“Let them enter the UK” is so vague…
“Populist UK MEP Janice Atkinson of the Europe of Nations and Freedom (ENF) parliamentary group slammed the British government in a press conference at the European Parliament on Wednesday over the recent treatment of Canadian journalist and activist Lauren Southern.
Ms. Atkinson, who serves as a Vice-President of the ENF, a group which has included Dutch firebrand Geert Wilders, former French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen, Italian La Lega leader Matteo Salvini, and others, slammed the UK government for detaining and refusing entry to Ms. Southern under the UK terrorism act.
Atkinson railed against the government, which she said should be looking outward to the rest of the world in terms of trade after Brexit, for refusing Southern entry.
Ms. Southern, who was detained under the Terrorism Act for “inciting racial hatred” for a social experiment she and others undertook in which they claimed “Allah is a gay God”, explained her story of being detained and asked questions such as her thoughts on running down Muslims with a truck.
She also gave context to the “Allah is a gay God” social experiment claiming she had been inspired by a Vice News article from 2015 which claimed Jesus Christ had been a homosexual man and wanted to see if such speech was allowed when referring to other religions in the UK.
Before the press conference, Atkinson told Breitbart London: “How can this Conservative government stop young conservative people who are concerned about their freedoms and European identity coming into the UK, yet they cannot stop 500 jihadis re-entering the UK and do not have the manpower to monitor them?””
TW: Breitbart
‘She also gave context to the “Allah is a gay God” social experiment claiming she had been inspired by a Vice News article from 2015 which claimed Jesus Christ had been a homosexual man and wanted to see if such speech was allowed when referring to other religions in the UK.’
For God so loved the world that he gayed his only begotten son…
So Mary Magdelene was a beard?
Dan Brown wishes he could come up with this stuff.
She explains her ordeal with Sargon on youtube.
What pisses me off is Canada is part of the Commonwealth that gave its soldiers and their blood during two World Wars helping their sorry asses.
“Dutch firebrand Geert Wilders”
Are there any ‘left-wing’ firebrands?
Maxine Waters?
Is she referred to as that by CNN or the NYT or WaPo?
“How can this Conservative government stop young conservative people who are concerned about their freedoms and European identity coming into the UK, yet they cannot stop 500 jihadis re-entering the UK and do not have the manpower to monitor them?”
Feature, not a bug.
Good morning mammals. I am recovering from extensive shoulder surgery and currently stuck on my hot rock. I must say baynews 9 is quite facinating on muscle relaxers.
Get well soon
Yikes! That doesn’t sound good. How long is the recovery time?
I expect to be out of commission for at least a month. And actually I’ve been eschewing most of these barbaric mammal drugs (including the muscle relaxers) in favor of Tylenol and light stretching. Also the pre-made muscle milk is quite the way to go
I hope the recovery goes well. Shoulders are a bitch.
I remember my first bursal injection:
“Hi Doc, what are these four orderlies here for?”
“Two of them are going to pin you down, while the other two separate your shoulder so I can get the needle in there.”
Feel better and get well…you’ll be a valuable member of the team for the playoff push.
As a lizard, wouldn’t it be easier to simply chop off the arm and shoulder and grow a new one?
Yes. It is pretty much designed for the heavily sedated or the 70-85 IQ bracket.
Lizards don’t have shoulders – fake news
Enjoy the drugs, hope you are better soon. Try a hot rock, I hear it helps.
Sorry Mr. L, wishing you a speedy recovery.
Mr Lizard, if I may ask, what kind of shoulder surgery did you undergo? I ask because I was told last year when I tore my rotator cuff I would need surgery and close to 18 months of rehab. I opted to just do pushups and other workouts until the muscles got stronger, and that seems to have left me doing just right and with close to 99% use (I get the occasional serious pain when I do this one motion) of the arm (pullups are still iffy though). After having to do rehab to learn how to walk again, twice, I am inclined to avoid anything that involves rehab. Was yours also rotator cuff related, or something else?
Uh, so you’re saying you really don’t know shit?
“We have no evidence at all but we know there are connections.”
Sounds legit. Why dont you science the shit out of it. I am sure you will find what you are looking for.
we know that plastics are providing kind of a means
lol wut
From now on, your weekly 24 pack of water will cost $20 and weigh 30 lbs. Nice.
How poor was 18th century France? Steps towards testing the High-Wage Hypothesis (HWE)
A fat adventurer on how the travel industry can be more inclusive
Eat Pray Eat Love Eat?
Also, fried chicken.
Please tell everyone you’re Canadian while annoying them with your stray flesh.
Just buy two goddamn seats, lady. I don’t want you in my lap the whole flight.
I dont fly, but how much more expensive is 1st class typically, compared to buying two cheaper seats?
Probably still double.
A lot more expensive. If it wasn’t everyone would fly first class.
Delta – Comfort + approx $500, First Class approx $900.
It’s a cheaper upgrade on some of the smaller airlines.
Just go to Vegas.
“Adventurer.” Riiiight.
“This doesn’t have to be complicated.“ I agree. Drop some pounds, fatty.
Man who claimed he cremated Natalee Holloway killed while attempting kidnapping, police say
So much info in just one headline!
was fatally stabbed by a woman he was trying to kidnap.
Florida Woman, motherfucker.
What the fuck is it with the Dutch guys in Aruba? Is it a former prison colony or something?
Aruba was a Dutch pirate colony off the coast of the Spanish Main. Sorry, “colony and privateer outpost”
The problem is with these spoiled brats..
Oh man that dog meme is amazing
Didn’t someone tell this guy? Never go full Ray Rice.
Did she order him a burger without cheese?
Jeez, he belts her and then is all careful to put her eyeglasses back on. Psycho.
Saw that.
Asshole. Why does he keep handing her glasses back and putting them on her face?
Shit. He hit her so hard, I’m seeing double.
Similar motivation to striking someone then handing them a cloth telling them to clean that shit up.
AKA FloridaMan date night
That’s sick. Hopefully she has some brothers or a father that can take care of that guy.
Or a Colt. You know, something about equality.
Damn. I hope she has a couple of brothers.
5 bucks says he watched his dad do that to his mother for years. He’s pretty nonchalant about it.
The whole relationship seems really weird.
He doesn’t seem particularly angry – and she seems to react as if this is an ordinary interaction. “Ok, let me get my glasses back on and then we can go for dinner…”
Without the audio for context, it looks like they are just talking normally and then he backhands her mid sentence. Then they keep on going as if nothing happened. Like he has some sort of slap-tourette’s syndrome.
Why does she remind me of a Japanese penis?
She’s pixelated?
It takes a lot for me to wince and I winced when I saw this at 1am this past evening. I hope that piece of shit gets what’s coming.
The comments gave me cancer. Basically 100 versions of “That’s what she gets for dating a black guy”.
Today in “damn, Toyota made it look so easy”:
Tesla employees say automaker is churning out a high volume of flawed parts requiring costly rework
Elon says everything is cool, though.
I guess they havent gone thru 6 sigma training yet.
I worked for a large manufacturer that applied 6 sigma to their manufacturing spaces. They literally taped the floors with outlines of where the garbage cans on the production floors should go.
I can go take pictures of that right outside my office door. We are well into our “Lean journey.” SMDH
Six sigma/Lean stuff can do a lot of good in a widget factory. When they try to apply it to offices, it gets comical.
They are one 5S kaizen away from greatness. I can feel it.
I will never forgive toyota for Lean manufacturing.
Like every other manufacturing technique, lean doesn’t apply to everything. The problem is not in the style, but in how it’s used.
When I worked in manufacturing engineering, I constantly had to endure consultants that were hired by the higher-ups to apply the latest fad across the board to out production lines. It was always a battle to shut them down before they created more problems than they solved.
My most reliable vendors – combined – have exactly zero certifications.
How could you buy something from a company that isn’t ISO 18958637687634000?
Right? It sucks, man. All I get from them are the proper products, within spec and on time.
I was working for an electric motor manufacturing plant that tried to do the lean thing in 2007 or so. Lean is a great concept for some places. It was not for where I worked. I spent every weekend for the better part of year moving equipment around so that the layout of the plant conformed to lean ideals.
I spent the every weekend of the next year moving all the equipment back to where it was before lean was implemented.
I can’t bitch too much. I made a bunch of money. But damn, I was 20 years old working and 7 days a week. I could have spent that time doing way more fun shit on the weekend.
Lean and its child Agile have one thing in common — either the whole unit’s culture becomes more accountable to delivering better results or its just another bullshit management fad. If everyone buys into figuring out what works and making that the sole criterion for success, it is transformative. If its just another way to make your shit look not as bad…
This here. Most management systems are fine if they are actually implemented for realz. Half assing anything gets crap results, which should be no surprise.
I fucking Hate agile and all it stands for.
There are some decent concepts in there but I have found that the minute someone at the company uses the phrase “we are an agile shop” you end up with more process than a Waterfall Project Manager has in his wet dreams.
Eh, if it gets us to CI/CD for software, I’m for it. I’m not sure I love the process, but the tools that it has generated are pretty damn awesome.
I work for Geico as an adjuster at a DRP in a well-off area, so I see Teslas come in at least once a week. The panel gaps are worse than a Ford.
Is it your job to apply “The Formula?” Please say it is.
How not to make a pro choice argument.
Dr. Mengele is that you?
Abortion debate aside, that woman is a psycho.
Safe, legal and rare is a thing of the past. Today’s abortionists apparently take pride in emulating Unit 731.
I’m wondering if that’s a thought process to protect herself from thinking about abortion as what it is: killing of a possibly viable human being (especially late term, although I wouldn’t go so far as to say a 1st trimester abortion is killing a viable human being). The fact is that abortion should be legal, due to the police state that would be required to make it illegal, but it does not change human nature, and no matter how high your IQ, or your level of education as an OBGYN, you are still human, and female humans are generally wired to protect babies. That has to cause some very strong cognitive dissonance among female abortion doctors (male ones too), hence their dehumanizing of the fetus. To me, it’s a similar psychology to prison guards and socialist totalitarian leaders. In order to carry out what is essentially an atrocity (even when warranted), you have to set aside your humanity by rationalizing it to yourself, at the very least. And it makes sense that the rationalization becomes a very central part of the person’s identity as well, and that when said rationalization is attacked, they become very emotional and defensive.
That’s a pretty good analysis.
I am getting tired of people bringing up late term abortions as if they are actually a common thing or performed on a whim. The facts is 91% of abortions are performed in the first trimester, 9.9999375% are performed by the end of the second trimester and all of 0.0000625% or a whopping ~100 per year are performed “late term”.
Of those late term abortions which are performed the overwhelming majority are for very sound medical reasons, typically the discovery that the baby will not survive due to a critical birth defect. The simple fact of the matter is not only are “late term” abortions illegal in most of the US (The Supreme Court only protects abortions through the second trimester, states are free to make them illegal past that) but the reality is that 0 women are just going to wake up and decide at 32 weeks that she just has to abort this baby she has carried for the last 8 months, if she was going to get an abortion she would have done it long before that point.
Odds are very good that this doctor has never actually performed a late term abortion and has only rarely performed them past 20 weeks
I completely concede that point. I’m just trying to understand how an OBGYN must rationalize performing abortions at all, and how I think a extreme pro abortion stance assists them in overcoming the cognitive dissonance they must face in doing that.
You are correct in regards to my experience. I have a sister who had an abortion (first trimester) and is now Team Blue for life despite the fact that she is one of the most logical people I know and certainly understands the uselessness of all their policies; but they were the pro-choice party so that’s that. Of course, they are also the “feelz” party which sucks her in to socialist causes – but ALL of that comes from the tremendous guilt she carries with her every waking hour because of the abortion. And all of this is a family taboo – I was told this in confidence once and any mention of it ever again is now met with “What are you talking about? She never had an abortion!” It’s not like I can get to the medical records to prove it, so even bringing it up makes me a target for institutionalization now.
The cognitive dissonance is a direct result of the fact that the person never truly forgives herself for the decision. I’m not suggesting that I nor anyone else should be above cognitive dissonance, I’m just pointing out that the degree of it one has seems to correlate directly to the amount of political activism one engages in and encourages.
Ras, got a link for that? We’ve got some new reporting and other requirements for abortions in AZ that applies only after a certain point in the pregnancy, and I’ve got some docs up in arms. It would help if I could point them to something authoritative that its not going to come up much at all here in our facility.
Given that it is Fox News I don’t think we can accuse it of left wing or pro choice bias
This one actually gives the percentage by week…
It has 1.3% of abortions happening post 20 weeks
In the uterus, no one can hear you scream.
i imagine it’s impossible to produce a sharp piercing cry while dunked in your mother’s amniotic fluid. of course having your larynx cut does not help matters.
‘They can’t scream, I have transected the cords,” is the kind of thing a hacky screen writer would have an ice-cold torture expert say to demonstrate how detached from humanity they are.
neontaster ? @neontaster
There’s a difference between being clinical and being a spiteful ghoul. Guess which side of that line you’re standing on.
Fear not! Tits have arrived to inflate your spirit and your anatomy.
1, 4, 8, 12, 18, 19, 21, 38, 44.
22 is lovely. Winner.
I’m starting to notice a certain similarity among these women.
They all have belly buttons?
12 just screams bunny boiler
But, would
21 is about the only one that doesn’t.
The Dems won that PA race by running a guy who portrayed himself as the opposite of the average Dem. He won’t actually vote that way, but he can do a lot on Joe Manchin-style posturing. Also, the district is a heavily union-influenced one. The GOP candidate is pro- right to work, the Dem is a union stooge.
In any case, there are going to be exceedingly few pro-gun, anti-abortion Dem candidates running this fall (or at least who claim they are pro-gun and anti-abortion), so this hardly seems like a race that can be projected nationwide.
My guess is that you’re looking at Speaker Pelosi next year. And that sucks.
Yep; mostly because the Pubs were spineless about axing Zero-care. Tax cuts are nice, but they’re too little too late. You can’t promise something over and over for 7 years and then suddenly misplace your balls when it comes time to make good.
I can only hope the Dems are stupid enough to try and impeach once they get the House; that would be a disaster for them and I don’t think they can help themselves.
If the Dems take the house and Senate, I’d be happier if trump was actually impeached and removed from office. Pence would be better with an opposition legislature. Trump will sign anything that comes to his desk. Pence might actually veto single payer, AWB 2.0, etc.
I wonder. Pence is pretty much a DC creature who might want to fall back into the warm mediocrity of doing what the Dems want him to do.
My point above. He won’t vote that way and he’s up for reelection in 8 months.
I don’t think the Dems take the House and I think they lose Senate seats. Running on gun-control, higher taxes, and a fake scandal isn’t a winning platform. And they can’t dedicate the money to every seat the way they have been doing in these off-cycle elections.
What I’m afraid of, Drake, is that this new Rep did some bad stuff in the Marines that the Dems covered up, and will use to “influence” his votes. Because that’s the kind of person that Nancy Pelosi is.
You say that, and yet every special election has gone badly for Team Red…so how can you say that with any confidence?
What I don’t get is don’t people see the leadership of the DNC and their ideological bent? Why would you vote for that shit?
Same reason people join street gangs.
If you tried to write a parody of a lefty gun-grabbing article, you wouldn’t be able to do as well as this. Racists! Bitter clingers!
I was honestly trying to think of one policy Team Blue advocates that doesn’t involve decreasing citizen’s freedom. Anybody got one?
Slavers don’t like icky liberty, straffin.
Marijuana legalization. That’s all I can think of.
Even that they are pretty lukewarm on, aren’t they? I mean, is it part of the DNC official platform? It seems like they really go with local prevailing opinion on that one.
Plenty of restrictions and taxes came along with it. In my mind, legalization is ‘do whatever the fuck you want’ .
Yes, it’s always, “Let’s make it legal, we can tax the shit out of it!”
They are for it as long as it produces another massive government bureaucracy to deal with the addiction and other problems they will make sure it creates. If not, then they prefer the WoD state.
They are not pro-legalization anymore than the R’s are against O’care.
Ding. Ding.
Remember when they held all the power for two years and did nothing?
And when they held all the positions necessary to at least take it off Schedule 1, and did nothing?
That used to be an excellent journal. Pinkos turn everything they touch to shit.
Like most things … But no turning it around now
Instead, liberal fear of guns was based entirely on ideology and emotions. FIFY
Yeah, I don’t get how this is supposed to make the conservatives look bad and the liberals look good. Like it’s admirable to have a completely irrational fear of an inanimate object?
Liberals: Neurotic and illogical. Vote for us, we know what’s best for you!
Now, I do have an irrational fear of a loaded chamber in a gun sitting there. But that’s a personal problem, that derives from a dumbass fellow Scout accidentally discharging a .22 when I was right next to him (luckily it was pointed downrange, and the gun range supervisor booted him from the class), and my best friend being shot by a YMCA camp counselor with a BB gun (he’s got a scar from it still, right above the belly button). I’ve gone up to a loaded pistol before (was at an NRA event for us to earn the Shotgun merit badge), and asked to see if the safety was on while it was sitting on the table).
Instead, conservative attachment to guns was based entirely on ideology and emotions.
A particularly tendentious way of saying that conservative support for gun rights is based on a commitment to principle.
Scientific American how far you’ve fallen.
I remember reading it as a teenager dreaming about going to college for Astronomy. Now it’s just another Lefty bird cage liner like 99% of all print media.
“Three percent of the population now owns half of the country’s firearms, says a recent, definitive study from the Injury Control Research Center at Harvard University.”
Surveys are crap.
Where’s their evidence for calling this study “definitive”?
It definitely gave them the answer they wanted.
The honest abstract for the paper:
“We sent a bunch of privileged wealthy kids from elite backgrounds who’ve never seen a gun before and have no life experience out to talk to legal gun owners, because we sure as shit weren’t going to go to places where we’d be in any real danger. Here’s what their collective biases and complete lack of perspective have to say.”
Running the numbers, 3% of the population is around 12 million people. Best estimate, there are somewhere north of 320 million guns. To believe this study, you have to believe that there are 12 million people who own an average of 15 guns apiece, and the rest of the population owns an average of half a gun apiece.
When you start breaking this down into households, the average household is 2.5 people, meaning there are around 144 million households. So, if 3% of the households own 160 million guns, that means there are 4.3 million households that own an average of 37(!) guns each, and the remaining 140 million households own an average of one gun or so each.
I’m thinking their numbers are off.
Yeah. 37 seems low.
There are a hundred corollaries to that question. Not the least of which is why white men are less likely to use those guns on each other.
Why do you hate science?
“…According to a growing number of scientific studies, the kind of man who stockpiles weapons or applies for a concealed-carry license meets a very specific profile.
These are men who are anxious about their ability to protect their families, insecure about their place in the job market, and beset by racial fears. They tend to be less educated. For the most part, they don’t appear to be religious—and, suggests one study, faith seems to reduce their attachment to guns. In fact, stockpiling guns seems to be a symptom of a much deeper crisis in meaning and purpose in their lives. Taken together, these studies describe a population that is struggling to find a new story—one in which they are once again the heroes.”
“….That wasn’t true for women and non-whites. In other words, they may have suffered setbacks—but women and people of color weren’t turning to guns to make themselves feel better. “This suggests that these owners have other sources of meaning and coping when facing hard times,”
“….For these economically insecure, irreligious white men, “the gun is a ubiquitous symbol of power and independence, two things white males are worried about,” says Froese. “Guns, therefore, provide a way to regain their masculinity, which they perceive has been eroded by increasing economic impotency.”
“…Unfortunately, the people most likely to be killed by the guns of white men aren’t the “bad guys,” presumably criminals or terrorists. It’s themselves—and their families.
White men aren’t just the Americans most likely to own guns; according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, they’re also the people most likely to put them in their own mouths and pull the trigger, especially when they’re in some kind of economic distress. A white man is three times more likely to shoot himself than a black man…”
Scientificky American.
They made a lot of claims in there. They blitzed with a lot of scary data and I would love to look into every single one of those assertions.
In sum: “Whitey, whitey, whitey…white male whitey man whitey evil dumb whitey, derp”
Jeremy Adam Smith
Jeremy Adam Smith is editor of Greater Good magazine and author or co-editor of four books, including The Compassionate Instinct and Are We Born Racist?
That is one big, steaming pile right there. Or parody?
“Greater Good Magazine”? Hoo boy…..
Don’t miss another of his books: “Rad Dad: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Fatherhood”
Cover shows him and his toddler standing on a skateboard. Rad.
according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
You know, The U.S. congress passed a law in 90s that forbade the CDC from doing research into guns as a public health issue. The reason this legislation had to passed is because prior to the law, the CDC had been publishing anti gun bullshit and dressing it up as “science” Fuck the CDC. They can’t even get the flu shot right.
Shoot, one of the reasons I like the Mosin Nagant I purchased was because I view it as a practical tool, and a heirloom type weapon. I believe my grandmother still has the Kentucky Long Rifle (original barrel, replaced stock and flintlock mechanism) that my step grandfather taught my uncle to shoot with, then retired it before it needed more work, and had it beautifully painted and hung in the living room.
When did Disney take over Scientific American?
On a political spectrum, Conor Lamb seems to be about the same place as Trump, slightly left of center.
I don’t get the weirdness of this result.
Also ran commercials of him firing an AR-15 after the Parkland shooting while stating “more gun laws won’t stop school shootings” and repeatedly promised not to vote for Pelosi as Speaker. If the Democrats want to elect 100 just like him, it will be hard to get riled up about it.
Let’s see what he actually does.
^^^This. Say whatever you need to get elected; people won’t pay attention to what you actually do once you get to the swamp; get reelected for life because of incumbency bias and voter apathy.
Pretty nice little strategy.
Sure. Its going to be a lot harder in November to run a bunch of these guys AND raise money from the Progressive left.
Nah, this is the same thing they did in 2006: run a bunch of “moderate Democrats” then they all vote for whatever Big Socialist Agenda Item, ram it through on a party line vote, then you lose your 100 “moderate Democrats” to a Republican wave, and then the Republicans never repeal Big Socialist Agenda Item. While in the minority, you repeatedly screech that The Big Socialist Agenda Item would have worked perfectly if not for the obstructionist Republicans.
I have a job opening for a DNC strategist, would you be interested?
He’s full of shit and will do as he’s told in the House.
Of course he is. It’s kind of hilarious that anyone falls for this act. If he actually believed any of the things he says, he wouldn’t be a Democrat.
Millions of Chinese farmers reap benefits of huge crop experiment
Decade-long study involving 21 million smallholders shows how evidence-based approaches could improve food security.
What the Alt-Right Gets Wrong About Jews
The “alt-right” ignores the fact that Israeli leadership, and large swaths of the Israeli population, have much more in common with them politically than many wings of the Republican Party.
That’s because the “alt-right” (and I’m not talking about the expanded definition that TOS and Salon use) is largely composed of disaffected morons.
I still dont get it. All of the complaints about Jews that I have heard amount to ‘look what you made me do!’. How, exactly, are Jews controlling everyone’s behavior? What are they doing that is so awful, and who are they? Name some names.
How many Jewish mothers have you met?
Intelligence is required to understand how trade can be a positive sum game, and how order can emerge from individuals freely interacting with one another.
That explains much.
It seems self evident to me. How much intelligence can that take FFS?
Stormy Daniels’ mom is a bitter clinging Trumpista.
In other news; becoming a porn star apparently damages your relationship with your family. Who knew?
Unless it is a family affair …
She looked to be about 35 in High School.
Fame seeking two-bit whores are always going to be fame seeking two-bit whores, film at 11.
Trump sure can pick ’em.
This is such a non-story that it’s laughable. The media is so unhinged that they keep promoting it and Stormy is raking in the cash. I never cared about whether Trump boned some slut from the beginning, but when she signed an affidavit stating that she never fucked him I really, really stopped caring. Why the hell would she sign the thing in the first place if it’s not true?
The WSJ ran it as Breaking News on their banner yesterday evening. Seriously?
NPR went to a strip club to interview her.
Let me repeat that:
N P fucking R sent a female reporter to a strip club.
That’s awesome.
Money, the same reason she’s trying to get out of her NDA now.
The funny thing is that anyone thinks this would affect him in any meaningful way, as if it’s shocking that Trump would cheat on his wife with porn stars. Not Donald! He seemed like such an upright, moral guy!
…and Stormy is raking in the cash.
Absolutely. The linked article says she is currently on a “Make America Horny Again” strip club tour. I lol’ed.
I’m guessing your typical strip club patron is more MAGA than Pussyhat. If she is having a successful tour of Trump’s demographic, I’m thinking this isn’t hurting him. “So, Trump tapped that, huh? Not bad.” Rather than “Look at that poor woman exploited by Drumpf.”
New marketing plan: MAHA Pussy hats. With or without hair on the brim.
“That hat looks like a pile of roast beef.”
Not always, Q. Not always.
That is creepy as hell. I wouldn’t want my parents that involved even in my boring white collar career; if my career involved having sex on camera I’d prefer permanent estrangement to this twisted situation.
Typical online news story. No a photo in sight.
“The scale of the street grooming crisis in the UK almost defies belief. Hundreds of girls and young women were raped in the city of Rotherham, and hundreds by similar exploitation rings in Rochdale, Peterborough, Newcastle, Oxford, and Bristol. Now, up to a thousand girls are thought to have been drugged, raped, and beaten in Telford between the 1980s and the 2010s.
This is, of course, a highly emotive subject. How could it not be? Yet if the phenomenon is to be understood it is important to evaluate the data objectively. Otherwise we have a lot of heat and little light.
Responses to the crisis are contentious because most of the perpetrators are British Asians; specifically British Pakistanis and Bangladeshis. Child abuse is not uniquely or largely a problem of particular demographics but grooming gangs – that is, multiple offenders exploiting women they have met, manipulated, and abused outside their homes – are 84 percent Asian, and this does not mean Chinese, Korean, Japanese, or Indonesian (other perpetrators have been Somali, Romani, Kosovan, Kurdish, and white British.)
To some extent, this fact has been influenced by the disproportionate amount of British Pakistanis and Bangladeshis who make their living in the night-time economy, driving taxi cabs and working in restaurants, which gave the perpetrators access to girls, and hours away from home. This is not the sole factor, though, as other nations with significant night-time economies do not have comparable street grooming crises.
Some have pointed the finger at Islam. I support the criticism of Islamic texts where appropriate but think this factor can be over-egged. Quite apart from being abusively adulterous, these criminals drank, did drugs, and made their victims have abortions. These were not, in other words, devout Muslim men. Yet Taj Hargey of the Oxford Islamic Congregation has observed that “the view of some Islamic preachers towards white women” and “an attitude where women are seen as nothing more than personal property” might have been contributing factors in the stew of thought processes that characterised these men, along with provincial machismo, clannish contempt, and degenerate sexual appetites.”
Quillette tends to muddle and over-complicate things, rather than come out and say things their readers might not like. Simply put, the perpetrators come from an inferior culture.
Pakistani culture is depraved to say the least.
English culture is either gone or totally cucked to say the least.
“Child abuse is not uniquely or largely a problem of particular demographics but grooming gangs – that is, multiple offenders exploiting women they have met, manipulated, and abused outside their homes – are 84 percent Asian”
Child abusers are not overrepresented by a particular demographic, but here’s a particular demographic overrepresented among child abusers.
“Don’t call me racist”
they may think generic Child abuse including spanking and organized gangs grooming as a specific subset of sexual child abuse
Bringing your child up in the same church you went to as a kid is child abuse, just like strapping a bomb onto your six-year-old and having her toddle up to an Israeli checkpoint. See how even-handed we are?
I think what happened to Southern is just going to put more focus on this sort of thing.
I’d like to think some good will come of it.
Just like the madness on university campuses will lead smart and productive people to take matters into their own hands. We can only tolerate stupidity for so long as a species and we’ve been pretty good at marginalizing and weeding that stuff out over the years.
Gotta smash PC prog government first.
The one immigrant being denied entry into a country that neoliberals won’t defend. To recap, banning refugees is bad, unless they’ve said bad words before. Joining ISIS can be forgiven, but don’t ever say something that is not politically correct. Does this not sound like madness?
It’s complete insanity. It’s the Trudeau government ‘values’ at work here.
Amazing the scale of the abuse and the level of depravity. How are there not English lynch mobs clearing out the neighborhoods involved? Why aren’t they erecting gallows in the streets?
They don’t have guns. They gave them up to keep the children safe.
I doubt there are any grooming gangs in Millwall.
Speaking of has the queen knighted Roy Larner.
Oh, I guess that’s not gonna happen.
I’m not wild about Islam (or any religions, if I’m being honest) and I’m happy to point the finger when I think it’s a contributing factor in crime or bad behavior, but I agree with the author in this case that this is a function of people from shitty cultures that aren’t compatible with the developed world being coddled by a government that obsessively pursues political correctness at the expense of the welfare of its citizens. So in that regard, grooming gangs are a British problem as much as they’re a Paki problem.
It is a pattern with Islam. The religion is spread through violence, intimidation, and degradation. Want to be treated like our sex slaves? Remain kafirs. Want to be respected and protected? Convert.
Well, there is I think some truth to the idea that Islam’s attitude towards women as second-class citizens, practically property, lends itself to cultural norms that allow for shit like forcing someone to marry their rapist, etc.
This fits with my comment above that we should regard these mass Muslim immigrations as more colonization that immigration. Immigration is about fitting in; colonization is about domination.
Actually, comment below.
Go look up ‘Tommy Robinson in Italy’. A Somali migrant threatens his life and gets slugged.
My point is those ‘refugees’ have no intention at all at assimilating. None. If they did, they would not be going around threatening and committing crimes. I would think a true refugee is grateful and takes advantage at their second lease on life.
They’re refugees, not immigrants. They didn’t move to other countries in search of a new and better life, they moved to continue the one they had.
I prefer “colonists”.
(a) They move into enclaves and don’t show much inclination to assimilate and integrate (granted, their host countries have a role in this).
(b) They impose their values on the natives.
(c) They extract resources from the natives (new-school, via subsidies, welfare, etc.).
(d) They cultivate a class of natives who will assist them in (b) and (c).
SLD: sure, there are individual exceptions, but they are just that: exceptions.
Confirmation Bias Alert: I have not engaged in personal investigation of the “Syrian” “refugees” in Europe, but am going by press and other reports.
Quite apart from being abusively adulterous, these criminals drank, did drugs, and made their victims have abortions.
LUCKY! –Lena Dunham
“To some extent, this fact has been influenced by the disproportionate amount of British Pakistanis and Bangladeshis who make their living in the night-time economy…”
I would think it’s more influenced by the perpetrators being a bunch of depraved animals who hate the culture that provides opportunity for them.
I think other people have posted this. I finished the article and it is amazingly good.
TL;DW – When your life is too easy, you lose touch with reality. Not sure I agree with this 100%, but it’s a good point.
Just because-
A companion to yesterday’s Frank Sinatra music link
Nice, I prefer early Sinatra.
Here’s Richard Hills tearing up a Wurlitzer.
“The average millenial male is no stronger than an older millenial female”
Unpopular opinion: people are staying single longer, because everything has melded into one sex and heterosexual women tend to prefer ‘men’ to ‘women with facial hair’
Gillmored the crap out of that link.
Damn, I suck at this. As my own personal punishment, I will now link to a George Will story:
What happens when you have no religious liberty in a country? The government decides what is or isn’t moral.
From the article:
“An Iceland geneticist says “we have basically eradicated” Down syndrome people, but regrets what he considers “heavy-handed genetic counseling” that is influencing “decisions that are not medical, in a way.” One Icelandic counselor “counsels” mothers as follows: “This is your life. You have the right to choose how your life will look like.” She says, “We don’t look at abortion as a murder. We look at it as a thing that we ended.” Which makes Agusta and Lucas “things” that were not “ended.””
It’s not animal abuse because I don’t look at animals as living, conscious creatures. What I’m doing is tire iron calisthenics.
“We look at it as a thing that we ended”
When I’m gassing (((them))), I don’t think of it as murder; I just think of it as (((things))) that I ended.
HA! Maybe your average millenial in emasculated culture centers are less strong than their women. Come see this millenial down in the sticks of arkansas amd you will see an entirely different narrative.
Millenials get a bad rep because there is a vocal minority of them being stupid. In the real world (at least the real world I inhabit) millenials are no different than the generation that come before them. Pajama boy is a thing because he’s famous. I don’t know a single pajama boy.
I have a felling you don’t check your privilege enough in Arkansas
Arkansas is renowned for failing to check its own privilege.
In the meatspace, I have never once in my life heard a soul utter the phrase, “check your privlege.”
If anyone ever said that to me, I’d most likey punch them square in the face.
Me either. Reason #345,386 why fly-over country is superior.
To quote the classics
Peter Gibbons: Let me ask you something. When you come in on Monday, and you’re not feelin’ real well, does anyone ever say to you, ‘Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays’?
Lawrence: No. No, man. Shit, no, man. I believe you’d get your ass kicked sayin’ something like that, man.
Same here Lachowski. Fortunately the girly-man is not the norm outside of major blue cities.
But do people even lift in Grant Parish?
Most activists are a vocal minority. They make issues seem larger than they actually are.
For example, the school shooting issue. Most of the students aren’t walking out.
Most of the students aren’t walking out.
True. I think I saw somewhere that students from 2,000 schools participated in the walkout – but there are over 30,000 high schools in the US.
Come see this millenial down in the sticks of arkansas amd you will see an entirely different narrative.
No doubt, but given that the cities are where the people are, it is quite possible that they milquetoast millennials outnumber the hardy millennials, and in a representative society quantity matter more than quality.
millenials are no different than the generation that come before them
I think that there is a subgroup that is different. The ones I see on college campuses are notably more feminized than my cohort when I was in college. You see it in their dress (skinny jeans? on “men”?) and in their general affect (for example, they use feminine gestures, like covering their mouth with one hand when surprised, or covering their cheeks with both hands when shocked).
I also find it fascinating what the ad industry puts in front of us as typical/aspirational young men. I’m thinking of those Geico(?) commercials with the feminized teenage boys who can’t change a tire or who get grounded for a week for wrecking the car. There are others, but those come to mind.
Both reflect a certain subculture, but it is not small and holds a fairly commanding position in society.
“…heterosexual women tend to prefer ‘men’ to ‘women with facial hair’.
This made me laugh.
Just as vividly, the race showed that only one party — the Democrats — appears willing to grapple with the implications of campaigning under its unpopular figurehead.
In Pennsylvania, Mr. Lamb, a 33-year-old former prosecutor from a local Democratic dynasty, presented himself as independent-minded and neighborly, vowing early that he would not support Ms. Pelosi to lead House Democrats and playing down his connections to his national party. He echoed traditional Democratic themes about union rights and economic fairness, but took a more conservative position on the hot-button issue of guns.
That’s more contortion than a Chinese acrobat.
The Democrats are going to sweep into power and achieve their agenda by running local candidates who repudiate their national leadership? The ol’ Trojan Rabbit gambit. It’s sure to work.
The US Paralympic sled hockey team just won their semifinal, so it’s on to the gold medal game vs Canada this Saturday. Hopefully that game’s as good as people are expecting. Both USA and Canada have been destroying their opponents so far.
Yeah, but has one of the athletes started a Twitter fight with the vice president? The problem with the paralympics is that it’s all about the athletes and sport. We need ‘woke’ athletes now!
It’s also about people overcoming real adversity, instead of making up things to complain about. I have to say, being on a team with people who have more severe disabilities than I do, but are much better athletes, has given me less patience for whiners and complainers. I’ve never once heard my teammates bitch about how life sucks and is unfair.
People who actually have to face adversity rarely complain about having to overcome said adversity.
Sorry to have been flippant with your comment. I’ve only watched the curling event, which was entertaining.
I don’t think it was flippant, you made a good point.
I watched a little bit of some Wheelchair Curling last night. It was fun. I’ll have to be sure and DVR the hockey gold medal game.
I’ve been disappointed with the coverage. Usually we get some but not this time.
Sled hockey is like women’s hockey. We know who is going to the dance.
We’ve had more coverage here, but it’s all on the NBC SportsNet cable channel, so you have to look for it. Nobody is going to find it on accident.
We do know who’s going to the dance, mostly because just like women’s hockey, outside the US and Canada countries don’t have the money or the inclination to have good disabled sports programs. I have a friend who started the US women’s sled hockey team, and she said there aren’t enough women’s teams to compete in the Paralympics because in a lot of countries, women are second class citizens and so are disabled people, so disabled women might as well not even exist.
That said, Sweden used to have a great men’s team and so did Russia, but the US and Canada have really well run and well funded programs now.
How are there not English lynch mobs clearing out the neighborhoods involved? Why aren’t they erecting gallows in the streets?
This is an excellent question? Why are there no gangs of skinheads firebombing Paki cab stands and restaurants?
Personally, I think it is a matter of time. If the government does not enforce its laws, punish wrongdoers, and fire people who ignored wrongdoing from government service, what recourse exists except vigilantism?
Or Enlightenment values like property rights and rule of law have value and shouldn’t be abandoned wholesale by a society just because the government is insufficently adept at enforcing them?
Correct, Brett L, but I’m not certain that working class Britons will sit there and take it for much longer, even if their culture and upbringing tell them to.
SPQR is right.
If the UK government continues to ignore this, the consequence will be a reactionary UK government that will be less than kind to their immigrant population.
Unfortunately, yes. We’ve already seen this occurring on continental Europe. Germany, itself, would be run by an anti-immigrant party if it were not for the fact that the Christian Democrats and Social Democrats have maintained an illogical coalition government to prevent the anti-immigrant parties from governing.
Those people aren’t migrants. They are invaders. They are savages. They never made any bones about it, they told them to their faces they were invading to fuck their children, cut their throats and steal all of their stuff. The useful idiots welcomed them with open arms.
Maybe the Brits will wake up before their country is completely gone.
Defending my children would be racist! How dare you even suggest it!
Where were their fathers while they were being groomed by strange men. Probably the same place Dolores Haze’s dad was.
Mr. Lamb raised $3.9 million and spent $3 million, compared with Mr. Saccone’s $900,000 raised and $600,000 spent as of Feb. 21. But Republican outside groups swamped the district. Between conservative “super PACs” and the National Republican Congressional Committee, Mr. Saccone had more than $14 million spent on his behalf.
Mr. Lamb got just over $2 million.
How can this be? We all know each campaign dollar spent equals a vote in the ballot box. Next you’ll tell me some of those vopters made a decision based on the specific personal merits of the two candidates. And we all know how absurd that is.
Good Morning everyone (I am trying to fake North Dakota nice). I am usually too busy to comment on PM links but I usually read through them the next morning. Which is frustrating when I want to comment on something.
From Juvenile Bluster CNBC Tesla story. 400,000 on the waiting list with maybe 5,000 units made a month. Let’s see I can do that math. That’s 80 satisfied customers a month. It will take Tesla around 6.5 years to get to everyone on the waiting list.
And of course the demand for a high tech car 6 years out of date is huge./ sarc
I would be willing to bet that the average Tesla owner is like an Iphone owner and would want to trade every few years.
From Derp’s and Jesse’s discussion on media bias. Whenever I get into a discussion with a lefty I always try to use a source they accept. It’s usually useless to use a story on Fox news to convince them that some politician on their “team” is corrupt. But occasionally a news source they accept will actually do some journalism or a government website will post some important data that I can use. Like when the NY Times did an article on the kids killed by Obama’s drone strikes.
anyway have a good day all (Fake ND nice)
Good job faking the NoDak Nice. Even fake NoDak Nice is nicer than real Minnesoda Nice.
Yeah? Fuck you, Mike!
Being on the Tesla waiting list is a privilege.
/Musk Fellator
NoDak Tulpa
Yesterday they had that walkout thing at my kids’ school. My 13 year old daughter said the kids went out the front door, waited 17 minutes, then came back in. No speeches or anything. My 17 year old daughter (the slacker) didn’t feel like going outside. Overall it was just kind of “meh”. My wife calls our part of Indiana the “guns and bible belt”. A lot of kids go hunting with their dads, and I think there is a gun in most homes, so thankfully we don’t have to deal with gun grabbers.
Neither Spawn participated. Spawn 1 had researched the actual stats to rebut his OMG SCHOOL SHOOTING EPIDEMIC classmates and Spawn 2 doesn’t give a fuck.
My son did some homework while everyone walked out. He was wearing his club soccer hoodie, which is black. Some girl came up to him and started yelling he was supporting the NRA by wearing black. He was dumbfounded.
Get him an NRA shirt and a MAGA hat to wear next time.
This at the same time they complain about bullying.
My wife works at a Catholic school in the city and she said that the school decided to do a prayer service for the victims of the Florida shooting, rather than a walkout. There were police at the school for safety reasons and my wife said that one of the cops couldn’t stop complaining about how stupid it was for kids to be allowed to leave school for some non-specific political goal that involves taking guns away from regular law abiding people.
If only more cops prioritized our 2A rights over “MUH SAFETY!”
Not likely. Most cops I know are pro-gun, so long as it’s just them and their friends that can have guns.
Exactly. Cop brother was talking about cop/correctional officer exceptions to be able to carry across state lines as a good thing. Boberson was triggered.
Only an authoritarian would have the lack of brains to wonder why kids should be allowed to leave school. The “reason” shouldn’t matter – compulsory school is an affront to freedom.
I discount a large portion of the boys in any of those rallies as being there for any reason other than to try and get pussy.
And there you have about 75% of straight men in the progressive movement.
My dad reminisces about how most of the male counter-war protestors in the early 70’s were 100% just there for the poon
I am proud to say-
The school in the town I live closest to did not participate in the gun grabber, astroturf, child manipulation, anti freedom, state sanctioned civil disobedience, walkout facade. I think that’s good.
My daughter walked out because it was a chance to miss class.
Two of my three kids participated in 17 minutes of silence. The eldest said there was a loud mouthed cameraman trying to get kids to talk when it was supposed to be a silent thing. Their school required permission slips to participate. This is hunting and trapping country though so not many calling for more gun control (except the usual suspects in the op-eds).
“In fundraising speech, Trump says he made up trade claim in meeting with Justin Trudeau
He accused Japan of using gimmicks to deny U.S. auto companies access to its consumers, said South Korea was taking advantage of outdated trade rules even though its economy was strong and said China had single-handedly rebuilt itself on the back of its trade surplus with the United States.
“It’s the bowling ball test. They take a bowling ball from 20 feet up in the air and drop it on the hood of the car,” Trump said of Japan. “If the hood dents, the car doesn’t qualify. It’s horrible,” he said. It was unclear what he was talking about.”
President exposes his ignorance. So another day ending in ‘y’.
I just think it’s hilarious.
In the middle of the gun grabbing astroturf walkout stories on the local TV site is a completely unrelated story of a college student mugged near the school. Cognitive dissonance, htf does it work?
Meanwhile another story is about the school’s PD now has a bomb sniffing dog. No questions from the so-called reporter of exactly how many suspicious packages, let alone actual bomb threats, the school gets. Also, bragging about completing a 12 week course in only 7 weeks. Dumbass, it’s not a race. That 12 weeks is time to exercise and practice, not rush through it.
I’ve heard of women who can finish a pregnancy in just 20 weeks.
not another abortion subthread, sheesh.
I know, a few more and you-know-who might show up. “Rights are unalienable and come into conflict and therefore; abortion good, guns bad, Paulista goobers ruined my precious, Cato, 97%.
Meanwhile another story is about the school’s PD now has a bomb sniffing dog.
Yeah, right. A “bomb” sniffing dog.
you know, as in, “Dat ass is da bomb”.
Be careful, it’s retarded out there.
Some proud parents out there, to be sure.
What the fuck is that?
“Demilitarize the Police”….by empowering them to kick down doors to confiscate weapons….*head-desk*
I wonder if the gun-grabbers who like saying “your AR-15 will not stop the military” really think that it will start with a president calling up the 1st Marine Division to go door to door to collect guns. There will be a lot of cops and government officials dead before that happens.
It’s funny, these people think 2A is pure evil and completely fail to see how banning guns would by necessity mean abolishing the 4th amendment also (I mean we are 3/4 of the way there anyway). I guess they figure once the law is signed all guns just evaporate into the ether.
Sign 1 and sign 2 are in cognitive dissonance.
“the second amendment isn’t meant to protect our citizens”?!?!?
I don’t understand how dumb you can be.
Christ teenagers are stupid. No wonder commie revolutions are always spearheaded by students; the most idiotic of the useful idiots.
Bingo, and why the left wants 16 yo’s to vote.
Can’t be trusted to drive, have sex, touch a gun, or drink, but should absolutely vote.
Totally off-topic, but in the past on this site we’ve discussed how we’re babies when it comes to medical knowledge. I think Suthenboy, especially, has hit on this topic before.
I just came across this article on Wikipedia, about a muscle that forms part of the quadriceps complex of muscles:
“The structure has been previously reported[1][2] but has not been described nor illustrated in any textbook.[3] The term tensor vastus intermedius was given by Grob et al. in 2016”
So, there is a muscle in the quadriceps (the thigh) that was not known until 2016!? Not deep in the brain, not only found in weird mutated humans, but a regular muscle everybody has in their leg. Not until 2016.
We are infants when it comes to knowledge of our own bodies.
Sometimes I wonder if I didn’t get more knowledge of anatomy by dressing game than I did from university anatomy class.
I think we have no clue about human consciousness.
Hasn’t 7th fleet been the one with all the fuck ups recently? Would putting Shatner in charge really be that much worse?
So I think I mentioned that we changed the desktop wallpaper across the agency in line with our new “branding”. And that some motherfuckers called up IT to bitch about how it “hurt their eyes”.
In a meeting the other day, we come to find out some of them went to the Staff Care (essentially an EAP) office because they were apparently traumatized by the blue background.
I work in a private corp which, to gain good will from employees, offers free of charge fresh fruit and espresso machines with quite decent coffee. There were complaints to HR that green apples are offered to often as opposed to red apples and that one of the espresso machines is ugly. Blew my mind
What is wrong with people??
“People are stupid, dangerous, panicky animals”
– Agent K.
My brother ran an engineering design office in Gainesville. After several employees asked for a suggestion box he put one on the outside of his office. It was a small cardboard box taped to the wall with ‘SUGGESTIONS’ and ‘COMPLAINTS’ written on it in magic marker. The bottom was cut out of it. On the floor underneath it was a trash can.
He shut that shit down in five minutes.
At a startup I worked at in the early ’00s, one of the new developers asked me where the supply cabinet was. I told him that we didn’t have one. What did he need? He said he needed a new light bulb because his burnt out. I told him that unfortunately I didn’t have any extra bulbs and he should just buy some on his way in the next day. He freaked out about how he shouldn’t have to pay out of pocket for office supplies.
It won’t be a surprise that he didn’t make it in a startup environment and hurried back to his cube farm not long after.
Green apples > Red apples
Goldrush = best apple
Honeycrisp tops all
Good thing I don’t see the word “Globalist” being thrown around here. Evidently that’s the biggest dog whistle out there.
Does the perfidy of Donald Trump know no bounds?
He is behind the bomb attack against a Minnesoda mosque.
By the way the dumbass who wrote that also links to the Anti Defamation Leagues’ “documentation” on the rise of right wing violence in 2017 (because Trump).
The ADL claims 18 of the 34 extremist deaths last year were due to the right wing. If you actually read their report you will see that a bunch of the right wing deaths are due to white supremacists killing other white supremacists. Isn’t that a good thing? Less supremacists alive and more in prison?
Good example of one of these hate incidents.
And that’s just one of the gun-related homicides cited when people talk about the need for regulation, btw.
Blowing up a mosque isn’t very Minnesoda Nice.
You know what isn’t Minnesoda Nice? Beating up a kid who had a Trump flag at your walkout.
My kid told me yesterday that he heard it was two kids who got beat up and that the cop didn’t stop the attack while it was happening, but just talked to the victims afterwards. No idea how accurate that is, just high school scuttlebutt.
I’m sure the local media will dig into the story though and find out.
“around 5 a.m. shortly before morning prayers.”
Stupid, but makes it kind of obvious they weren’t interested in making dead bodies.
I just finished watching Altered Carbon on Netflix and, wholly shit the amount of hot full-frontal nude women in that show… it would certainly get Q’s seal of approval. That cop side-kick chick with the Spanish accent, wow, just wow.
Oh yeah….the cop is a knockout. My wife started watching it before me and her pitch to get me to watch it with her was “There are tons of hot naked women!” hahahaha
Yeah, lots and lots of yummy flesh in the show. I was ‘meh’ on Ortega at first, but she changed my mind.
They changed so much from the book that it’s almost not the same story. But, we got fully nude (and shaved) Dichen Lachman, so we have that going for us.
Is that the sister? She’s fine too.
Yep. I’ve had a soft spot for her, ever since Dollhouse.
I don’t even recall her character being in the book and they used her as a proxy for Kawahara and as a replacement for Trepp.
Lots of other changes.
Huh, that’s interesting. Never read the books – I don’t read much fiction in the first place, and never was into sci-fi
I’ve read them, but long enough ago I don’t have detailed memories. Which is good when watching movies or TV series.
It’s an excellent book. It just took me forever to get through it with so little free time,
I’m that way with Game of Thrones. Never read the books, so I can enjoy the show.
But it was kinda annoying in Altered Carbon, since the whole time I’m wondering “Was that in the book? Did I just forget that?” It turned out that my memory was pretty good, after all.
Holy crap. Never read the books and just started watching the show, about five episodes in. I like it, and having never read the books it doesn’t bother me, but I generally hate it when shows do that. Allegedly a series based on the Black Company books is in the works, and I’m worried they’re going to change that around.
a Black Company series would be great. Cook’s Garrett P.I. books would make a great series too.
That series depicts a dystopian future I could get on board with; immortality and tons of super hot, loose women.
So Dollhouse with nudity?
An orgy is offered as well….
She’s Mexican.
But more importantly, who gives a shit?
Ignoring she didn’t sound Spanish, her family wouldn’t celebrate Día de Muertos.
Hey I can’t held to account for which culture lays claim to some fake holiday.
So she’s into weed and ass sex too then?
More plastic panic as “researchers” find exactly what was expected.
OK, we’ll start shipping and storing everything in glass and metal again, which will increase weight and cost of nearly everything. Oh, and while accomplishing nothing as intended, it will also increase CO2 emissions, as it will now require more oil to move this klunky, breakable shit around.
Good work, Team IFLS.
Here’s how you write a headline showing how unbiased you are.
Anti-tax advocate files complaint against higher education campaign
A Bozeman man has filed a complaint against a campaign that seeks to keep a revenue stream in place for state colleges and universities, alleging that a committee in support of the initiative violated laws by accepting contributions from members of state government, including members of the Montana Board of Regents.
Timothy Adams filed the complaint with the Office of the Commissioner of Political Practices against Montanans for the Six Mill, a campaign aimed at passing a mill levy for higher education.
The complaint points out that Regent Robert Nystuen gave $500 to the committee and Regent Paul Tuss contributed $200. The Board of Regents is charged with coordinating, managing and controlling the Montana University System.
Montana political finance laws are a fucking nightmare of abstruse and convoluted bullshit aimed to keep the outsiders at bay. I’d love to see these two regents get royally fucked over for this, and the tax tossed off the ballot.
I was always baffled by MT politics when I lived out there. You have a state that is (or at least traditionally was) full of individualists with a libertarian streak a mile wide who manage to keep electing shitheels like Switzer, and Bachus, etc. If Bozeman and Missoula suddenly disappeared into ink holes do you this you’d have a defacto free state? Or have enough California progs moved in to change the place’s DNA? /lived there in the early 00’s
*sink holes, do you think :S
“If Bozeman and Missoula suddenly disappeared into ink holes do you this you’d have a defacto free state?”
Replace Bozeman and Missoula with Denver and Boulder and you’ve got Colorado’s situation as well.
we’ll start shipping and storing everything in glass and metal again
Up next: the Tin Can Tariff!
My recycling program stopped taking glass this year.
Mine no longer takes plastics.
It’s almost like these things have an economic value to them or something.
But, no matter. Just sprinkle good intentions magic dust on them. Problem solved!
I worked at a recycling place one summer. Glass and plastic were financial losers. They took plastic only to appease the local city government which was (and still is) run by imbeciles.
Alabama Sheriff Legally Took $750,000 Meant To Feed Inmates, Bought Beach House
Top. Men.
Starvation =/= 8th Amendment Violation
I can’t blame him, Orange Beach is awesome!
“We don’t want to confiscate your guns! Stop being a crazy conspiracy monger!!”
Also: citation needed that taking guns will “get us down to European levels of violence”.
Vox – We’s the smurtest-est!
European levels of violence
Undocumented random assaults and rapes will be all the rage
I dont think European levels of violence are what he wants us to think they are.
The fact is that these people want to take people’s guns away so that they can raise the levels of violence here.
They don’t give a shit about violence one way or the other; they just want unchecked power. The peasants killing or not killing each other does not enter their mind at all.
I was thinking of the signature commie riots used to beat the deplorables into line
Ah yes, gotta keep those Gulags full.
The funny thing to me is that even the proposals themselves seem to be about “sticking it to those sorts”. When you hear proponents talk, it’s rarely about the relative costs and benefits of a ban. It very, very, quickly goes to discussing how awful they think the sort of people who are gun owners are. It quickly devolves to redneck jokes and comments about compensating for penis size. Really, for a lot of these people, gun control is sort of an emotional proxy for the fact that they want to aggress people who don’t share their subculture.
To be fair, it isn’t just Vox. It’s Dylan Matthews at Vox. My impression is that even they think he’s their special child.
Someone let Number. 6 know the cops found his dog.
“We don’t want to confiscate your guns! Stop being a crazy conspiracy monger!!”
That’s like that doddering simpleton Tom Brokaw saying, on Meet the Press, “We need a wholistic approach to gun control in this country.”
If that’s not code for “repeal the Second Amendment” I’ll eat my Elmer Fudd hat.
Holistic gun control…does this involve ginseng? Maybe burning some sage? Perhaps cupping?
Holistic approach to gun control – being proficient with handguns, rifles, AND shotguns.
You have a state that is (or at least traditionally was) full of individualists with a libertarian streak a mile wide who manage to keep electing shitheels like Switzer, and Bachus, etc.
Unfortunately, there is also a powerful Prairie Populist heritage, and hard core union activism, which are in large part a legacy of the Copper King years. There’s a lot of xenophobic outrage against the sort of outside influences who “raped” the state by capitalizing on the vast treasure of natural resources in the nineteenth century. Now you have a bunch of people who chase this hard line preservationist idea that nothing but tourism should be allowed. Montana is a very weird place.
Analogous to WV (my current state) in many way. Bitter Clingers who love them some union activism and pork barrel spending.
Q visits NYC.
Legitimate LOL.
“They rest on my arm like an eagle on a perch!”
I… ummm… ok?
Isn’t this just cryonics reprised? Although maybe better, given all the problems with thawing out frozen organs.
“No customer has ever complained or wanted a refund!”
I’m reminded of the TNG episode in which the scientist uploads his consciousness into Data, with hilarious results.
Halp me, Glibertarians!
So, I get home from a boozy night last night in NYC. Wake up this morning, and first thing I hear from SWMBO is “I have a new place on our ‘pre-retirement’ move project to look at”. This usually entails a few days of research, where a city gets short-listed or discarded. This time, instead of me doing some work, I’m going to get you guys to enact my labor.
The proposed location? New Braunfels, TX. Good? Bad? Bleh? Shitty?
Hope you like hot.
Hot and dry or hot and humid, like the contents of Warty’s leotard?
Hot and humid.
Very hot and humid.
Nice area though, easy driving distance to Austin and San Antonio. I had a girlfriend that lived near there and made several trips. It’d be a hell of a culture shock from Connecticut but in a good way. You could afford a great a house on a decent plot of land too.
I can handle the temperature, and probably the humidity, I used to spend a fair amount of time in the Far East when I was younger. It takes a while to acclimatize to, but it’s doable.
Effectively, it’s a dormitory town to San Antonio, I guess. I suppose I’d have to acquire some Spanish, which isn’t a real problem.
Unless I have the town mixed up with another nearby town German might serve you better than Spanish
Oh, and get yourself a good long range rifle for deer hunting. There are tons of whitetail but better yet the Axis deer are eating the place up. No season or regulations on them.
I can already do German a bit – but I’m not much of a hunter.
“I suppose I’d have to acquire some Spanish”
Only if you’re planning on hanging out in the barrio.
San Antonio is 60% hispanic. How the hell am I gonna get my lawn tended if I can’t communicate with the staff?
Silly East Coaster!
Every landscaping crew will have one guy who barely speaks Broken Spanglish to communicate with the others about what an asshole you are!
Dude, I have to rely on rudimentary portuguese to deal with my current landscaping guy. It’s a pain in the ass, but he really knows his job, so it’s worth it.
I’ve lived in a lot of hot places – Arizona, Florida, south Alabama, Okinawa – but the week I spent in the Houston area one July might have been the most unpleasant. SO hot, SO humid. The sun just felt so much stronger there.
My wife and I spent a very good night in a hotel in new braunfels texas a few years ago. Other than than, I can’t tell you much about the place.
Did you get your Nagant guy to tell you about your gun? I’m curious.
I’m going to be calling him later. He needs to see it but thinks it’s probably a FrankenMosin that was rebuilt.
You know who else moved to Braunfels…
There’s a waterpark there, I think. And a river. I went intertubing on it as a kid. That’s all I know about New Braunfels.
Have you considered Albuquerque? We’re poor, but our crime is high.
ABQ is already on the list. Within a year or so, I predict we’ll be doing a week or two out West actually experiencing places. My based-upon-very-little-knowledge review says I’d probably find ABQ nicer, if the crime was down below, say, London-levels.
Weather in ABQ is waaaaaaaay better than Central/South Texas.
Even when I lived in a relatively sketchy part of town, I only had my car broken into a few times, and only because I’d left it unlocked. No break-ins, no busted windows, I’ve never been mugged or even heard a gun fired in my vicinity when I wasn’t at the range. These things happen, to be sure, but I feel our rap as a high-crime city is a tad exaggerated. As with anywhere else, it’s mostly minorities killing or robbing other minorities.
I’m now living in a relatively nice part of town, and it’s not extraordinarily different from my old digs.
One of the pro-TX arguments is that it looks likely that Libertarian Student Daughter is going to stay in TX, but given that DFW is a long way from San Antonio anyway, and nothing in this world is certain, I don’t feel that we should be bound by that.
I get this every winter when the snow is starting to become a pain in the ass and we’re fed up with walking slush all around the house.
Living in Texas for a bit will cure you of that notion
/lived in Bryan, Family in Houston, Booty-call in Dallas, Friends in Austin.
Yeah, but if you think that San Antonio is ‘close’ to Dallas, Memphis is about 1.5x that of San Antionio, and ABQ is only about twice as far. None of it is ‘a quick drive away’.
“None of it is ‘a quick drive away’”
I think that’s the point he’s making. The West has a lot of empty space (thank G-d) so you get used to long drives between places.
I think it’s also kinda pointless to try and anticipate where the kids will end up working and calling “home”.
From my perception, Tucson had much higher crime than Albuquerque.
Fun Tucson story: one of my co-workers at my work-study job got his car stolen. It was found about a month later out in the desert, completely burned to shit with 2 dead bodies in the trunk.
Did you ever ask about the little teardrop tattoos under his eye?
What he does in his free time is his business.
Holy shit! Was it on The First 48? I think they’ve filmed in Tucson.
Tucson is essentially ABQ west.
Swear to God, when I got off the plane in Tucson for the very first time, I had a moment of deja vu thinking I was in ABQ. The one advantage Tucson may have is that our crime-ridden barrio is a little south of the main city. On the downside, Tucson drivers and pedestrians are absolutely the stupidest, most brain-dead I have ever seen, and I have driven in Chicago, Boston, and Dallas.
Easier access to fun times in Mexico too.
What I remember about Tucson drivers is that there are frequent gun fights at traffic lights.
IFL New Mexico
I have relatives who live in New Braunfels, TX, and I visit there with some frequency (a few times a year), so I can weigh in a bit. It is hot (as others say) but not humid (unless you are next to the river). They rarely get snow in the winter – this year was the second time in the last two decades, and it didn’t last long. The city has a very suburban/rural feel to it, depending on where you live, and highway 35 runs straight through it so it is convenient to get to big cities (San Antonio and Austin) if that’s your thing. You will not need to learn Spanish unless you plan to spend a lot of time in the poor areas of San Antonio – New Braunfels still shows its German immigrant heritage in population demographics, but everyone has been so thoroughly Americanized that they mispronounce the German names of their towns (nearby Gruene is pronounced “green”, which is the English translation for the word). There is also a sizable retired military community in the area, since it is relatively close to some bases and good military hospitals. The area is somewhat touristy – there’s a big water park and lots of people like to visit for that in the summer, and there is also a cutesy main street area with some shops and restaurants to attract a small stream of visitors year-round (as well as the historic dance hall in Gruene). They have a little Christmas festival on this street every year, where they have a Glühwein competition (both nonalcoholic and alcoholic, if I remember right). Outside of tourism, the biggest employer seems to be the nearby Walmart warehouse. There are also quarries in the area. The area is quite conservative, as is common among Texas suburbs. Housing seems to be reasonably priced, although you want someplace in the west of the town as I’ve heard properties in the east have a tendency to have foundation issues. On the outskirts of town the new subdivisions seem to take as their common template sizeable houses on large lots in quiet neighborhoods. It seems nice, but again I am only an occasional visitor.
Another fucked up thing about Montana political history. Lots of native Montanans will brag about how Montana was the reason for the 17th Amendment. They obviously teach (taught) it in the schools here. Apparently, one of the Copper Kings thought it would be cool to be a Senator, so he bribed his way into the election in the State House. When he got to DC, the Senate refused to seat him, because they knew exactly what was going on. The system worked; problem solved, right? Apparently not. So now, we have people like Barbara Boxer in the Senate.
The proposed location? New Braunfels, TX. Good? Bad? Bleh? Shitty?
*outright, prolonged laughter*
Hey, while you’re at it, why not check out Olathe, Kansas?
Have you considered Albuquerque? We’re poor, but our crime is high.
I liked Albuquerque. I’d probably go north, a bit (NOT Santa Fe or Taos).
SF and Taos are full of Coasties. We’ve had enough of them. We’re probably ‘country’ enough to be able to fit in to fly-over-country society.
Española pendejo.
I want to move to Wyoming.
Casper FTW.
That would be where my son would want to move. Then I’d get the call asking if he could have all my long guns.
We’ve got land up in a little village east of Espanola (which is a shithole, for sure). There are lovely pockets of the state if you like solitude and scenery.
I’m heading to Alaska this fall to buy the land that will eventually contain my bunker.
Selected your live-in harem yet?
That process never ends.
They have to continuously prove themselves if they wanna stay on the roster.
Not that they’re aware.
One of my good friends from the Marines is in Farmington (grew up in Aztec). I get the sense that it’s a bit different from the Santa Fe/Taos scene.
Four Corners = Indians and a power plant.
Santa Fe = Cali refugees starting communes and living off their trust funds.
You got it! He’s a Navajo who works in either an oil or natural gas field, forget which one.
I want to move to Wyoming.
There are days when I seriously wish I’d spent more time looking around southeastern Idaho (Pocatello, Idaho Falls area) before I bought this place in Montana.
I think I’d like Wyoming, but there’s no way my wife would ever move somewhere that cold. If/when the progification of Virginia forces us to relocate, I’m think it would have to be Texas or Oklahoma.
As someone that lives in fucking NoVA of all places, I feel your pain.
Anyone here live in or spend much time in Boise? I may have an opportunity at a job there……I vaguely recall someone telling me it’s pretty progafied, but I’ve also been told that its becoming the new Deserete as Mormons flee Salt Lake.
Not spent much time in Boise, but Idaho in general is pretty amazing. If you have nothing keeping you where you are (wherever that may be) it might be a good option.
Well, Coeur d’Alene was on the list until SWMBO looked at the climate up there.
CDA is awesome. Expensive though. Sandpoint is close and one of the coolest places in the country IMO, but like CDA, is not warm in the winter.
I’ve spent time in ID before and I agree although most of my time was spend in the panhandle. I’m hoping it works out……in many ways WV (where I am now) lives up to the stereotypes
I have (visited a bit, but not lately) and somewhat watch politics from a distance. Boise City is pretty progified with usual iditiotic prog transportation goals (more gridlock;bike lanes;public transit). Other than that, very nice and nice people. My wife lived downtown for several years after it started gentryfying and we were married at the Ada County Courthouse.
If I had my druthers, I’d buy 5-20 acres out in Kuna or Eagle/Star or someplace in Canyon County (which used to be a bit more sane than Ada County).
And it’s not new Deseret. Mormons have been in southern Idaho for years in large numbers. I love Mormons but they (ime) can be cliquish with other Mormons. Great if they’re in church, sucks if it’s in the workplace and you don’t wear magic underwear.
Thanks! Good info! I’ll keep that in mind, I may hit you up on future threads if the move becomes a reality if you don’t mind.
BTW I made a “magic underwear” crack once thinking the Mormons in the company would take it as a good natured jest……it was not well received.
Canyon is much better.
I’m from mother Idaho. Ada County is lost to the likes of those in Portland.
Northern! Edit Fairy!
Fun Tucson story: one of my co-workers at my work-study job got his car stolen. It was found about a month later out in the desert, completely burned to shit with 2 dead bodies in the trunk.
Martin Scorsese nods.
We do get some crazy-ass crime. If I get a chance, I’ll try to find the story about some trailer park losers who kidnapped some mid-levelish cartel guy, offered to trade him to the other cartel for a pickup, got negotiated down to some weed, and when they were taking him across the border, he pops out of their trunk at the border crossing and runs away. Elmore Leonard, eat your heart out.
Wow. That is weapons grade stupidity.
That’s ripped from the pages of James Ellroy.
10 years later, rusted out car found in desert with charred remains of two trailer park losers in the passenger compartment, and one in the trunk.
It had more of the comedic Elmore Leonard feel than the dark, depraved James Ellroy feel. I wish I could find the article – the nicknames of all involved were downright hilarious.
This may be it – sadly, ad-blocker blocked and I can’t get in for a free subscriptionless read
Tuscon News is like gold bricks, apparently.
Am I the only one who thinks that all this “activism” following the latest school shooting is only inspiring the next school shooter to go even bigger?
You certainly aren’t. The only saving grace is that most of the ‘activism’ doesn’t typically include the perp’s name in in the marches.
I’m actually amazed that the next pyscho-in-waiting didn’t target one of the walk outs yesterday. The grabbers would have been wild with joy in the streets
Someone on here was saying yesterday that the reason they’re so opposed to arming teachers is that would be effective at stopping/reducing school shootings. They need more bloodshed to create more martyrs.
*meekly raises hand*
Its true.
There is a psychological mechanism at work, I think. Everyone feels pleasure when their worldview is validated. If mass killings validate your worldview, then you will, unavoidably, feel pleasure when mass killings occur. You may even start to crave that little shot of validation and pleasure, and start hoping, deep down, for more mass killings. Once that mechanism starts working, there is no telling what places it could take you.
Its the root, I believe, of confirmation bias, but it doesn’t necessarily stop with passive filtering of information. I think it can lead people to some very strange places. Its hard not to see a certain gleeful enthusiasm in anti-gunners after a mass killing, because I think its actually there.
And this is true of everybody, regardless of their worldview.
Once that mechanism starts working, there is no telling what places it could take you.
How about marching onto a baseball field and shooting at Republicans?
This makes sense. And with Trump in charge they may need that little shot of pleasure even more.
Anyone here live in or spend much time in Boise?
My experience is hopelessly out of date. Twenty years ago, I thought it was nice, but too big *for me*. I doubt it has gotten any smaller in the meantime, but there are a lot of nice places in the near neighborhood. The old original part of Boise is really nice; I suspect it is priced accordingly.
I also like Sandpoint, a lot. When I was going to the U of I, I’d run up to Schweitzer Mtn to ski. Excellent.
Just big enough to have stuff to do without being a city, great outdoor activities year round. Don’t worry, jet-set progs will have it ruined in a few more years.
Sandpoint I mean, #metooschweitzermtn
I’ve got a friend in Sandpoint. He’s left of Bernie, his buddies that live there are further left of him. Visit don’t live there.
Boise has grown a lot in the last twenty years but the surrounding suburbs have grown even more. It’s pretty much one city from just about Lake Lucky Peak to Caldwell now.
Someone on here was saying yesterday that the reason they’re so opposed to arming teachers
A couple of days ago:
Random hysteric: “But- what if one of those teachers with a gun snaps and shoots up his classroom?”
Me: “Justifiable homicide.”
D&D going deep into gender war
So the pale skinned, isolationist, elitists are gender fluid snowflakes and the evil, dark skinned, matriarchal “subrace” enforce traditional gender roles. Fun for the whole family.
That’s why I always play a dwarf. We don’t care what their gender an elf is when we go to war with them.