Happy Pi Day fellow Glibs. At Akira’s suggestion I made a shoofly pie based on the NYT recipe, shamelessly stolen from an 1860s Amish family cookbook (cultural appropriation at it’s flakiest and sweetest). It was delightful and my coworkers have been gently brought back under my control except the one doctor that grokked I was just trying to get them all fat. The Verge is already in before you start grousing about Tau Day, so don’t, not that it’ll stop you since it’s like herding cats below the fold.

Breitbart reports having pictures of Hawking’s last moments on Earth
The Chinese reporter’s eye-roll that turned a fawning question into an unmissable TV moment. Better than Kim K’s derriere doing it, I suppose. Aww bummer:
But hours later, Liang’s media accreditation to cover the NPC was revoked, according to one of her colleagues.
By Tuesday night, her personal Weibo page had been taken down and search results of her name on the social media platform were censored.
Duterte to withdraw Philippines from ICC after “outrageous attacks.” File this under shit got too real:
The decision marks a stunning about-face by Duterte, who has repeatedly dared the ICC to indict him and said he was willing to “rot in jail” or go on trial to defend a war on drugs that has killed thousands of his own people. […]
Last month, he indicated he would cooperate with the ICC examination and even said he would prefer a firing squad to prison.
Meet the students of Saudi Arabia’s first driving school for women. Saudi Arabia is stepping into the 20th Century. It reminds me of this possibly apocryphal story about women drivers and the House of Saud.
Like the other instructors, Dr. Deema Alsekait has a driver’s license from living abroad. Hers is from the state of Virginia. Saudi leaders lifted the driving ban in part to boost women’s participation in the workforce as the economy diversifies away from oil.
We’ve been made aware of the commentariat’s…appreciation for tits, and wish to include this gift of tits for you as a value-added perk to Afternoon Links
Could be first.
You are but without a gif to celebrate is it really worth it?
I was under the impression that gifs were imbued upon us only by the gods.
Hyperion, when someone asks you if you’re a god you say, “YES!”
Well, I was always under the impression that when I land on a new planet full of nubile women to be gifted to me, that’s of course exactly what I say.
Yeah, that’s what Danny Dravot thought, and then…
“The decision marks a stunning about-face by Duterte, who has repeatedly dared the ICC to indict him and said he was willing to “rot in jail” or go on trial to defend a war on drugs that has killed thousands of his own people”
How can you save people from drugs if you don’t kill them?
imprison them in an obliette?
Tesla employees say the company is churning out a high volume of flawed parts requiring costly rework
Meanwhile, CNBC’s video attached to the story says that options traders are betting on the stock going higher, because up is down and left is right.
consistancy has never been their strong suit.
More investment in quality control might be in order.
I happen to know a great QC consultant. But you couldn’t lure me back to Silicon Valley for all the goddamn tea in China.
May as well just rename the company Yugo and be done with it.
That just reminded me being like 7 years old and seeing a Yugo ad in the newspaper when my dad was shopping for cars and telling him he should buy it because it’s only $5000 and that’s so much cheaper than the other cars.
I don’t know why I suddenly remembered that.
Do you know why Yugos have rear window defrosters?
To keep your hands warm while you’re pushing.
I have a buddy from Serbia. He claims that there is a huge rental market there for Yugos. Every visitor wants to drive one while they are there.
We got to drive a Trabant on our recent trip to Berlin. It was a lot of fun.
Government Motors by another name.
When upper management demands a ramp up in production that exceeds capabilities, guess what happens?
No shit. If he had pulled it off, the miracle of Tesla wouldn’t have been in making somewhat affordable e-cars. The miracle would have been the massive, quick ramp up in production without a drop in quality. It would have been studied the way you study the assembly line, or just-in-time inventory.
Of course, every ML class is about a graveyard of companies that tried to grow too fast too soon.
“Meet the students of Saudi Arabia’s first driving school for women. Saudi Arabia is stepping into the 20th Century.”
American and Asians tried to warn them, but apparently they’re still hell bent of their own destruction.
Three Baylor football players suspended due to sexual assault allegations
“Three Baylor football players have been suspended from the team because of allegations of sexual assault involving football players and female members of the university’s equestrian team, a university official confirmed to ESPN.”
Those poor mares.
There are college equestrian teams?
Baylor’s women’s team has over 60 riders on their roster.
Wow! Had no idea.
Imagine the cost of stabling at least 60 horses throughout the school year.
No idea, but I would bet that those horses belong to the riders, who pay at least part of the cost.
I’d like to see it broken out. (Mostly just curiosity.) I knew people involved in this stuff in high school. Between horses, feed, tack, costuming and arena space/upkeep it is an insanely expensive hobby to be called a college sport.
And there’s no men’s team. I bet it’s a Title IX dodge to balance non-profitable men’s sports.
Title IX. Of course.
And I bet most of those chicks aren’t from poor families, either, because horsing is, as you note, crazy expensive. So, its a sweet draw for students who can turn into big alumni donors later.
+1 Field Hockey
Manly women!
Of course it is. That is also why Louisville has a very large women’s crew team (I think 40+ rowers). And no men’s team.
What hobby do you pick up when you’ve got more money than you know what to do with? Horses, of courses.
What sport would you have the very large women of Louisville do?
At least at my niece’s program, they use their own horses, the U doesn’t pay anything for their maintenance, it’s all the rider’s responsibility.
If you have a vetrinary school, and other livestock related majors, you can amortize the expense.
Did you look at where they’re from. “Grosse Point Woods, MI”, “Cairo, NY”
Dynamic places that voted for Hillary.
Greene County went for Trump. The NYC exodus isn’t infecting Greene County to the extent that other counties in the area are turning increasingly blue.
On the plus side, their veterinary school gets big discounts on dog food.
My niece is on the University of Illinois Equestrian team. Apparently many colleges have them.
Yeah, my alma mater was a big equestrian school as well, which makes sense as it basically started as a horse school.
I had no idea you went to Skidmore
I almost did, honestly.
There you go being heteronormative.
Were the female members horses or humans?
Listen. Do you want centaurs or not? Because this is how we get centaurs.
“Neigh twice for consent”
Links from Jesse. What a treat.
“The Chinese reporter’s eye-roll that turned a fawning question into an unmissable TV moment.”
Eye rolls are too bourgeoisie. I hope she enjoys prison food.
*urge to go off topic rising*
I’ve gotten that look from several ladies. Not good.
If only we could be China for a day.
– Tom Friedman
I hope she enjoys prison food.
I do too, as the Chinese have worse penalties for dissent than prison.
Pretty tits, Jesse.
Anybody care to place bets that a modified version of the critter shows up in a future Star Wars movie?
You can’t even see Jesse’s tits in his profile.
It’s come to this: SJW insulted by the suggestion that, on average, men are taller than women.
That would be epic. I really would prefer that he not get another dollar in my taxes.
Shoot wrong link
Man, you off-topic’d your own link in the same comment. That is like, an Inception-level power move.
People are driving like it’s International Women’s Day here.
Move! I have places to be.
My son’s public high school dragged everyone into the gym to talk about gun control and such nonsense. A whole bunch of them, like my kid, got up and left. Unsupervised, they had their own rally / part in the auditorium where kids were running around with Gadsden flags.
Damn fuckin’ right. If teachers (read: Dem Operatives) wanna promote walkouts and civil disobedience, kids should start walking out on them when they spew their bullshit.
That’s pretty awesome. I would be super pissed if I had a kid in public school and they were forced to sit through an assembly that tried to persuade them to push for gun control.
I warned him about this shit when he wanted to transfer back to public school.
I have an Asian friend that told me his kids came home terrified the day after Trump was elected. Apparently, the teachers told his kids they would be deported. They’re citizens to start with. I told him ‘I would have been down there mad as hell if that would have been my kids’. There’s no damn excuse for terrorizing kids like that to further your sick political ideology, just like there is no excuse the way they are using them right now to for these protests. How is it that people cannot see what these people are?
Congrats is this the first time your son will be put on a watchlist?
He attended military school for a year and was an active participant in the rifle club – so no.
Well I’m sure he knows to wear it proudly… Unlese it’s one or those lists where you have to tell your neighbors and live at least 1 mile away from schools.
So much for inclusion and diversity.
This makes me happy.
That’s terrific.
At least some of the kids today understand what a protest actually is.
You obviously did a good job raising your son.
Hey look more disappearing evidence for Dark Matter.
Also, thanks, Jesse. I was stuck in a meeting with people telling my why (four days after they got an assignment) they didn’t understand and needed more time. It was like listening to my four year old tell me why he can’t put his pants on by himself today, but less compelling.
Dark Matter and Dark Energy are just a dumping ground for “things we don’t understand yet.”
When your theory doesn’t predict things correctly, you invent new unfalsifiable facts, and assume the crap out of them until your theory works again.
That’s how science is supposed to work, right?
Dark matter is racist.
Now, now, the cast is somewhat diverse.
Also, I can’t decide if this is an expected outcome of the inverse square law or not.
In a study published March 9 in The Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, astronomers announced the discovery that all disk galaxies rotate about once every billion years, no matter their size or mass.
On the one hand if M only varies by 1,000,000 and D varies by about 1000 you’re going to come out with some asymptotic number. On the other hand, if M and D are outside that variance by a lot, its pretty interesting.
Well, their rotation curves already don’t conform to expected theory (this was one of the initial drivers arguing for the existence of dark matter), so I’d say all bets are off.
On a personal note; dark matter bothers me because, by its very definition, it can’t be measured except indirectly. That always struck me as horseshit. Not as big a horseshit as dark energy though.
Indeed. All this can be explained by taking into account the luminiferous aether.
She just *loves* being covered in luminiferous aether.
Q, you dig much into quantum hydrodynamics research at all?
The Chinese reporter’s eye-roll that turned a fawning question into an unmissable TV moment.
The U.S. media is much more professional.
UK to expel 23 Russian diplomats over spy poisoning
Isn’t this the way that most cloak and dagger happens? If the USA found a double agent, wouldn’t he end up having an accident?
If he was a double agent from long ago and living in a foreign country, I dunno. Kind of doubt it.
Its pretty apparent that our counterespionage folks are nothing if not lazy.
I don’t think it’s trying to kill the ex-spy so much but using nerve gas to do it, and using nerve gas in a public place, where employees of the Crown were injured as a result.
They should have used an old-school public-safety-first technology like a shot of ricin from an umbrella.
Or a tourist helicopter ride.
Or polonium in tea, which they’ve done before in the UK (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poisoning_of_Alexander_Litvinenko)
I think you are wrong. He was swapped in a prisoner exchange. Typically such former spies are out of the game and considered off limits on both sides. This assassination is a breach of the unwritten understanding.
Only because you could expect your host nation to protect you. Arguably this goes a long way to discourage Russian defectors and doubles while providing a strong incentive for current assets not to turn.
No. Russia crossed a very visible line by offing someone who was traded for someone else, and they endangered a crapload of other people in the process.
The UK needs to respond seriously.
So, they should Strenuously Object?
All I can say is if I sold life insurance, I wouldn’t sell a policy to the person who was traded for this guy. I expect him to be found tits up very soon.
“Unfortunate airplane accident. No survivors. Condolences to their families, etc.”
As I posted yesterday, there’s Yes, (Prime) Minister clip for every occasion.
Meanwhile in Russia
That table is so gaudy Trump is going to want one.
Wouldn’t it be better to simply poison 23 Russian diplomats? I think that might send a more clear message.
*slow clap*
Saw that Australia is looking at fast-track visas for South African whites, on account of the coming (ongoing?) ethnic cleansing there.
What an opportunity for an epic Trump troll. Give a speech about how America has always been the haven for oppressed minorities, how we cannot and will not abide by genocide or ethnic cleansing, etc. etc. Get the open borders crowd panties all wet, and the veins bulging on the foreheads of the Build the Wall crowd, and then announce that the oppressed minority is Afrikaaners and we will be opening our refugee program to them. Sit back, pop some popcorn, and watch heads asplode all around.
While I tire of the 47D backgammon attitude of Trump and his supporters, that would be hilarious. A+ would watch again.
But not the Pinotages?
Why would the heads explode?
“White supremacist wants to bring in white supremacists while keeping brown bodies out” seems to me quite consistent with the leftist worldview.
You’d just get them screaming “racist” all day, but the problem is, how will it be distinguished from everyday screaming of “racist”?
We’d get to have the added bonus of them explicitly supporting genocide as an alternative I guess.
It’s not genocide, it’s de-colonization!™
Why would the heads explode?
The joke would be using very non-specific language that would get the “we need more Middle Eastern refugees” crowd all excited, and the “we don’t need no more shithole refugees” crowd all pissed, then pull the reverse on them at the very end.
Maybe even stretch it out over two announcements, one that he is re-examining our refugee program with an eye toward opening it up to show good faith on a bigger immigration deal, something like that. Let that churn a news cycle or two, then deliver the punchline.
Could we also locate them with all our other refugees in Little Mogadishu here in Minnesoda? That would be extra funny to put all our “African” immigrants together.
I repost this in support of HM doing lynx (not that Jesse’s lynx are bad).
A few repeats in here, but also a few of the all-time best busts.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5(!!!), 11, 19, 22, 27, 35.
What is the commentariat’s stance on visible boob veins? Under the right circumstances, I think they’re sexy.
As part of the whole package (firm, plump boobs, very pale skin like on a redhead), sure, why not. But if they are visible because she has been injecting heroin in her tits, I’ll pass.
Mmmm. Heroin milk.
Very wise RC.
I repost this in support of HM doing lynx (not that Jesse’s lynx are bad).
HM should only be allowed to do links after the watershed, in order to preserve this site’s treasured family friendly rating.
#12 because the dog is absolutely adorable and is a good sign she’s not a total psycho.
#37 before someone tells me “Oh no, PZ, she’s eight years old!”
33. 33, 33, 33.
Also re: boob veins; I’m for ’em.
#7 because that boat seems to have some great “accessories”
If it gets rough, I guess you can sit on that table and not be thrown off.
Germany: Court orders Volkswagen to rehire Islamic State recruiter who threatened employees with death
In other news, Merkel narrowly wins another term.
Government is just another name for the suicide pact we all do together.
One would expect an auto manufacturing facility would present many opportunities for unfortunate accidents.
It’s time to make a pact with the mob. The government is clearly not up to the task.
I don’t know even know anymore.
Lines are blurred.
Not sure if I should trust that source. Given the title of the website I suspect they may have a bias.
It links to the Daily Mail and Express. So maybe not the strongest sourced but it’s a story.
The stories in the Mail and Express are both written by the same guy and the linked bit “Germany” is just a link to DailyMail’s stories tagged about Germany.
Yesterday’s Jihadwatch link had links to …jihadwatch which linked to Breitbart, back to jihadwatch and eventually to a 2015 report that the article was calling “the latest evidence.”
Do you expect CNN or BBC to report on Muslim rape gangs? Do you expect them to ever say anything negative about Islam or Muslims?
I expect “news” sites to not echo chamber themselves back and forth for THREE years over a single public document claiming it was a “recent report” just to stoke rage in their specific readership.
Have you heard of the Trump/Russia collusion/meddling story?
The point I’m trying to make is that echo chambers are the norm in the media and are irrelevant to whether the story is true or not.
CNN almost never republishes stories from Campus Reform. Fox almost never republishes stories from Mother Jones.
The CNN/MSNBC echo chamber- The Musical!
Are we talking about the story where the Republicans and Democrats in Congress keep taking turns to bring the story back in the limelight with memos, press conferences and other political theater?
You don’t see a difference between that and jihad watch quoting the entirety of a Breitbart story that then refers to a “government report” which links back to an older Breitbart story…in *that* story is a link to “the latest report” which links tooooooo Breitbart. If you’re that insecure about your readership reading the primary source of your story, you are doing something untoward in your reporting.
Also here’s the Casey Report to which they’re referring. It’s heart-breaking, the crimes were brutal and pervasive and the confluence of events and political and social climates that lead to the scenario is absolutely fascinating. Breitbart and Jihad watch do a disservice to their readers by trying to distill it down to “Remember to hate some muzzies today!”
JihadWatch should have linked directly to that report. I will attribute this fault to laziness rather than malevolence.
The real story which is being ignored in much of the media is the way UK, French, and German authorities have been stifling criticism of Islam.
Yeesh. I should hit refresh before posting when I have to wander away from my desk mid-thought. The catty comment was just to the Trump/Russia one…I get what you’re saying, but echo chamber or not some sites are more manipulative with the way they present facts than others. If I read an article and the author is telling me there’s a publicly available government report, and they don’t include it over multiple layers of self-referencing. that site is unreliable. Full stop.
Jesse’s last point is the key bit – eschewing primary sources makes me not want to believe what they’re saying, particularly when what they do cite is just a repetitive loop between two unreliable sources. You have a primary source, link it!
You both make fair points. Thanks for that link to the Rotherham report, Jesse.
Enjoy that attitude while you can. Wikipedia is teaching the entire planet that primary sources are bupkis, and what matters is what “reliable” secondary sources say about primary sources.
Remember when there were music videos on MTV?
Drama is a decent album, even if it isn’t really Yes. It was formed from The Buggles and the remnants of Yes after Anderson left. After Drama, Yes broke up again and Howe went to form Asia.
Fuck all that social signalling. Fuck their attempts at gun control. Just fuck them.
Do people still watch Mtv? What’s on that I want to watch?
I haven’t watched it in at least 15 years. Everything I hear about it nowadays is that it’s an insufferable proggy cesspool. Let the cord cutting continue apace!
This is great news! We are ditching the Dish in a couple of weeks, anyway. Now I have my very own cause to social signal about!
I don’t even own a TV. and I don’t use ad blocker.
We dumped Dish for a Roku about 6 months ago and we haven’t regretted it. And we are saving about $500/year.
I don’t care about MTV, I’m annoyed at Comedy Central because now they’re on my boycott list. I’m *really* sick of the fascist gun grabbers.
I wonder if South Park will do an episode on the incident.
Comedy Central has become unbearable.
South Park is the only thing that hasn’t gone completely around the bend.
It’s scary that companies no longer feel restrained from wading into cultural wars and flat out do not care that they offend wide swathes of their customers and potential customers.
^^^^^^^ So much this. My boycott list keeps getting longer.
They’re not gonna like the new rules they’ve created.
Profit is evil, therefore worrying about profit is evil. Using your shareholders’ money to force your enlightened opinions down unenlightened throats is good.
When I called about internet difficulties, Comcast agent tried his best to get me to sign back up for tv service. Offered me 12 months of some tv package + internet at the same price I pay now for just internet (to go up of course after 12 months). I told him that I wouldn’t take cable tv if they paid me.
Some of these channels will survive the cord-cutting foundational change that’s coming, but I look forward to the demise of most of these once they stop being propped up by bundled packages.
I won’t be satisfied that they’re down for the cause until they suspend programming indefinitely.
This should stop all that cord cutting…
“Saudi Arabia is stepping into the 20th Century”
Well played. lol.
Peak intersectionality.
“Misty Velvet Dawn Spann”
You’ve got to be high-class to have four names.
An interesting and controversial take:
tl;dr gist: USAF exists for strategic bombing, which has had lackluster results in every war. If it takes 78 days of bombing to defeat a small country like Serbia, air power is not all it’s cracked up to be. Politicians like air power because it provides the illusion of quick and bloodless victories.
As long as we continue to maintain some kind of air superiority in the other branches, I’d be ok with it. However, the USAF’s space role would have to also be picked up somewhere else.
I thought that’s what NASA was for.
That’s like #4 on their list after:
-Writing long-winded proposals for things that will never get funded
It’s what NASSA was for …. (Not PC)
Fat Man and Little Boy would like a word with you.
USAF exists for strategic bombing,
Their actual most important role is actually in logistics; except for Close Air Support, everything else they do could be done more effectively by drones.
And CAS could be done more effectively by the supported services.
Yeah, but for the USAF, their most important role is air superiority. Hence the F35.
How else are you gonna go around with a silk scarf and a pompous attitude?
Antebellum southern dandy?
Air superiority isn’t strategic bombing. If you control the air space you can let friendly ground forces roam freely without worrying about airstrikes. Although the bomber doctrine seemed to do alright in Iraq the first.
The air superiority bit did well, too. By about Day Two the remaining Iraqi Air Force pilots were looking at their aircraft and seeing coffins.
Pffft. Is a drone ever going to play in a homoerotic shirtless volleyball game?
And who’s going to kick the tires and light the fires? A drone? I think not.
Oh wait, the Navy can still do that shit.
Fuck the AF.
And produce such wonderful naval aviators as John McCain as opposed to that shit head John Boyd.
This afternoon I was driving and caught part of the call-in segment for the NPR show On Point. The topic was “Border Walls And Protests Greet Trump On First Visit To California.” I started listening to this caller that begins at 32:55, and I just burst out laughing hysterically in my car. Unfiltered raw pure derp from Wisconsin. I couldn’t handle it, it was like a parody caller from Vice City’s VCPR “Pressing Issues”. I need to listen again. So fucking good.
link to the audio file
It’s funny how the illegal immigrants somehow are illegal immigrants, yet are apparently paying Social Security taxes according to this guy. I guess that is probably technically true if they still somebody’s identity which is a felony.
*stole someone’s identity
The part about taxation without representation thrown in at the end before the host cut him off was pretty epic too. A+
I like this guy:
and here’s the best of both worlds:
The K2 linked in that article is really the best of both worlds.
It is basically an M16 that uses the AK-47 gas piston system.
The SIG 540 was like that too. They made it better with the 550. Shame the SIG USA had terrible QA and stopped importing/mutilating the civilian copies.
Platforms designed from the start to use pistons (instead of hacked in later) but have the nice control setup of the AR platform are a treat.
SCAR 17 and SCAR 16
Another win for the FBI.
FBI Was Monitoring Florida Muslim Teen Who Stabbed Boy to Death in Name of Islam, Did Nothing to Stop Him for a Year
Who the hell invites the jihad kid to a sleepover?
I don’t really blame the FBI. When I was a youngster, this kid would have been in reform school or a mental hospital where he couldn’t get all stabby.
When your previously non-Muslim buddy starts punctuating his comments with inshallah, that’s nature’s way of saying “Keep your fucking distance!”
Is it me or is this guy’s (a former AA CEO) take about the puppy dying on a United flight a little off?
Wrong word. I meant his tone.
No, but I like Bob Crandall’s blunt style.
Favorite quote
I doubt many CEOs would be as honest about their own business.
Yeh and he’s not holding punched on customer demands. Seems to me he thinks they’re unrealistic.
Beyond that, if you want a truly diversified portfolio, you really shouldn’t keep much stock in the company where you work. If the company goes down the toilet the stock goes down and you lose your job too. Celebrate diversified portfolios.
^This x a million.
When Enron went down, a ton of people lost their job and all of their retirement savings. Your employer already presents a significant concentration of risk in your financial picture. Do not invest anything in them that you wouldn’t be willing to lose.
Soooo, physical silver?
As of 2004 approximately half of the broadcast airtime of Saudi state television was devoted to religious issues.[17] 90% of books published in the kingdom were on religious subjects, and most of the doctorates awarded by its universities were in Islamic studies. [18] In the state school system, about half of the material taught is religious. In contrast, assigned readings over twelve years of primary and secondary schooling devoted to covering the history, literature, and cultures of the non-Muslim world comes to a total of about 40 pages. [17]
“Fierce religious resistance” had to be overcome to permit such innovations as paper money (in 1951), female education (1964), and television (1965) and the abolition of slavery (1962).[6]
In legal compensation court cases (Diyya) non-Muslim are awarded less than Muslims.[30] Atheists are legally designated as terrorists.[35] Saudis or foreign residents who call “into question the fundamentals of the Islamic religion on which this country is based” may be subject to as much as 20 years in prison.[36]
Employment does not play the same part in native Saudi society as in some others. With enormous petroleum export earnings beginning in the mid-1970s the Saudi economy was not dependent on income from productive employment. Economists “estimate only 30-40 percent” of working-age Saudis “hold jobs or actively seek work,”[48] and most employed Saudis have less-than-demanding jobs with the government.[49] [50] As of 2008, 90% of those employed in the private sector were foreigners,[51] and several decades long efforts to replace significant numbers of them with Saudis have been less than successful.
Saudi is one of ten countries where homosexuality is punishable by death (the punishment of stoning to death may be applied to married men who’ve engaged in homosexual acts or any non-Muslim married or unmarried who commits sexual acts with a Muslim,[85]) as well as fines, flogging, prison time, on first offense.
“With enormous petroleum export earnings beginning in the mid-1970s the Saudi economy was not dependent on income from productive employment.”
Boy, that country is gonna suck even worse than it already does once their oil economy starts drying up.
Trust fund kids. An entire nation of Spalding Smails.
But America is the evil patriarchy that needs to be burned to the ground for the sake of womens’ rights…
Absolutely, because women have never been as oppressed as what they are in today’s Western cultures. Look how much better women are treated in the rest of the world, and I mean they’ve never had it so bad.
Me Too snags Katy Perry
“He had never been kissed before.”
Aww, poor virgin. Can someone please take away the soy latte from that poor kid.
Theranos, CEO Holmes, and Former President Balwani Charged With Massive Fraud
Just saw that and came to post it.
Dood, shut up and grab dem titties.
I’m afraid that titties would put him in an awful crisis of fright. You trying to kill him? Heaven forbid he ever actually sees a vagina.
I’m doing my best to not laugh at this guy but shit man, 19 year old Ed would have relished that kiss from Katy Perry.
The visible erection might have been uncomfortable in that setting.
I would have had to ask to sit down for a couple of minutes or walk to the stage with a book in front of my crouch.
If I still been a virgin in that situation, the stain would have been more embarrassing than the teepee.
If I was 19 and hadn’t had so much as a kiss…? I sure wouldn’t be holding out for some magical moment.
I mean, in this age of neo-puritanism, I don’t know, but there’s no way in hell any 19 year old guy would have ever admitted to being a virgin when I was 19. And there’s no way she could have kissed me enough and hopefully would have invited me back to her place to rape me all night.
“I wanted to save it for my first relationship,” he said. “I wanted it to be
speciala dude.”NTTAWWT, but come on!
Well, you’ll never forget it, so boom, it’s special.
“I wanted it to be special.”
That’s why you need to practice first.
I hearby give Katy Perry permission to do any sex stuff she wants to me.
You had better hope she isn’t a devotee of HM, “sex stuff” covers some very shady ground.
I just want my turn:)
If Lionel Richie had planted his lips on some 19 year old chick, the internet may have reacted a bit differently.
I can see him being upset, if not understand the stated reason. 19-year old me would have been thoroughly distracted by her, and wouldn’t have been able to focus on my audition. My singing would have ended up on the gag reel (yeah, phrasing). In the short term, I’d have been pissed off, although he’ll have a great story to tell his kids in 20 years.
Trump quotes as an early 2000s emo song
…my coworkers have been gently brought back under my control except the one doctor that grokked I was just trying to get them all fat.
I bet Zardoz has a solution for your problem.
National Walkout Day: flying solo edition
the real punchline for me is the CNN guy going “we are so proud of you can we use this video” etc. and the 100K people who are like YOU GO BOY.
he’s literally sitting alone in a parking lot. for 15 minutes. #SuckItRosaParks
Seriously yo, Ghandi was a pussy.
Ghandi wasn’t woke enough.
Geez, Gil. He’s 16. Give him a break, yo.
Any tweets saying something like, “I’m alone because people around me are stupid!”
first off, its not really him i’m laughing at.
its the 100s of 1000s of people falling over themselves for praising his moral courage and telling him he’s changing the world.
That’s just their way of handing him a participation trophy. Whether he accomplishes something, or nothing at all, they’ve taken away his ability to tell the difference. I am amazed that the left continues to encourage their advocates to the be this ineffective.
Correct. He’s just a kid who’s being used as a political pawn by some insidious motherfuckers.
That’s par for the course this ‘virtue signalling enabling’. It’s what they do best.
Instead, the kid should be in school. If I’m his father and see this I’m going to that parking lot and fetching him.
Kid: Ooo look. He comes someone!
/Looks closer.
Kid: Shit, it’s my father!
CNN is all over the breaking “kid standing in parking lot” story
I was tempted to tweet, “Justin, the protest is in front of the school where are you i hope you’re not selling weed in the parking lot again”
His latest post, he’s just begging for the ‘ Ask Zardoz’ treatment.
This made me laugh. What a stud.
Well there you go: he had to leave the ICC since they wouldn’t cater to his preference, as they don’t do firing squads but do like prison. Perhaps he would be willing to submit to the courts of Utah, as they could accommodate his preference.
‘Libertarian’ Party seems to endorse gun control. They sold out on religious liberty HARD, why wouldn’t they sell out on guns?
They’re dead to me. Not that it’s a recent thing.
Question: “What does the Libertarian Party stand for?”
Answer: “Whatever the Left insists that they believe in that particular week”
I think I’ve figured out what the purpose of the ‘Libertarian’ Party is at this point: to comfort you about voting Republican. Yeah, no one wants to vote for Republicans, but the ‘Libertarian’ Party is here to remind you that there is no alternative. All your other options are worse
I don’t see how students (who can’t vote) joining the LP will hit politicians “in the votes.”
They should promise them free video games.
Wow lame
This thread sums up how the ‘Libertarian’ Party is just Clintonian neoliberalism now.
It should surprise no one to learn that Nick Sarwark re-tweeted this. Makes Gillespie look like an agorist
It’s all about the impressions, duh. I mean obviously you can give those Impressions, get people hooked, have them follow your Twitter, ???? , then instant libertarian!
I’m thoroughly tempted to actually make my first tweet ever in response to that.
It would be something along the lines of ‘Doing what the entire elite society demands isn’t protest, it’s being a useful idiot.’
Pathetic, absolutely pathetic.
…since it
hits them in thetends to waste your votesFIFT
i thought that was maybe a fake-account
Christ Almighty.
At a certain point, what’s the point. I mean for awhile a lot of Libertarians were criticizing Austin Petersen for not taking the NAP pledge. But, when that pledge still lets you have free reign to support people looking to do away with our fundamental rights and liberties, what the hell is that pledge even worth?
Totally not closet proggies
“Campaign from the Left, rule from the Right” is apparently migrating from federal Liberals down to BC Commies. Fine by me!
Basic income pilot not coming to B.C. until at least 2020, despite Green-NDP pledge
“We won’t implement the policy that was part of our coalition agreement until at least after next election, when we probably won’t need the coalition” is absolutely wonderful.
And, of course, Greens are just sitting there and taking it because what are they going to do – bring down the government and lose seats over it?
Yes, let Ontario spend $50 million on a project. I’d rather our province spend $4 million not running the project (not spend money not running the project? come on, it was NDP, not Somalian AK-47/NOROADS Alliance that won).
Nation of Islam lashes out at 3 black members of Congress, calling them sellouts for denouncing Farrakhan
The Nation of Islam is lashing out at three black members of Congress who have denounced its leader, Louis Farrakhan, for making anti-Semitic and anti-white remarks in a recent speech.
In an open letter on the group’s website, Representatives Gregory Meeks, Barbara Lee and Danny Davis, who have disavowed Farrakan’s anti-Semitic and racist rhetoric, are accused of being sellouts to Farrakhan’s critics — derided as “Satanic Jews” — and the Nation of Islam leader is compared to Jesus Christ.
“Remember, it was the same Satanic Jews of yesterday that conspired against Jesus and had him killed by the ruling authority of the Roman Empire,” the letter reads. “They hated Jesus because he told the truth. Jesus was ridiculed, falsely charged, lied on, evil spoken of and called a hater and a bigot.”
On Wednesday afternoon, Farrakhan pushed the same message, tweeting: “Why do the Jews hate me with so much passion? Because Jesus, my brother, who was their last prophet, was 2,000 years too soon. I am on time.”
[head desk]
Sometimes I actually forget that lefties and Islamists think they own blacks. And then they remind me again.
160 years ago, they did own them.
Was the emancipation proclamation ever ratified by the Democratic Party?
How many Islamists voted for it?
Farrakhan is certifiable.
Say what you will about Louis, that was totally an Alpha move.
Trump can learn from him.
I did get a kick out of the image of a Roman centurion telling Jesus he was a “hater”. So there was that. Dude is batshit insane though.
Poor Brother Keith Ellison!
How come he didn’t get singled out too? Oh yea, because he doesn’t actually denounce Farrakhan. Any time he gets asked about that, he turns the question around and blasts any critics of his.
Really, what will undermine people’s penchant for believing that shadowy networks are manipulating reality better than… big corporations censoring individual media while pumping propaganda horseshit like The Young Turks…? (scratches head) It sounded better in the board-room meeting, honestly.
This going to be interesting.
And not in a good way.
I like SecureTeam 10
Socialist teenager uses puerile phrase ‘unbridled capitalism’ in defense of Maduro. Also….so punchable.
pretty sure that kid has been on Fox before, praising some other aspect of lefty-thought.
maybe it was The Independents.
Can’t forget a face that smug.
Did he eat Michael Cera, and take on his form, or something?
Holy shit, that’s almost an understatement.
/mumbles to self, “remember the NAP. Remember the NAP…”
What kind of walk out was this national thing? More like a walk in. A walk out is an unsanctioned action. Noting particularly brave,
You don’t understand. Up until today, high school students almost never missed school, especially high school seniors in the spring.
Oh yes. I was always in class first day of pheasant season.
Fox News surprised me with these Hawking quotes:
“We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the universe. That makes us something very special.”
“I believe the simplest explanation is, there is no God. No one created the universe and no one directs our fate. This leads me to a profound realization that there probably is no heaven and no afterlife either. We have this one life to appreciate the grand design of the universe and for that, I am extremely grateful.”
Well some are.
shocker of shockers
Openly atheist Dem trumped by Republican landslide in special election in Tennessee
Jordan is executive director of Recovering from Religion, a group that supports people who wish to leave their faith behind. She is a former Southern Baptist who left the denomination 10 years ago “when her then-teenagers began asking questions she could not answer.”
Reeves, a Murfreesboro-based businessman, made Jordan’s open atheism an issue in the election, telling the Tennessean that her “views are radical” and “out of touch with the district.”
He argued that Jordan was unsuited for the state Senate because faith shapes one’s worldview and affects the decisions one makes.
“I’m a Christian and that is going to serve as a filter, serve as a moral compass and how I look at things, if I’m fortunate to get elected,” Reeves said, adding that many people with whom he had spoken could not believe the Democratic candidate is an atheist.
I hadn’t heard the phrase “openly atheist” before.
The GOP better hope the Dem slate looks like this lady in 2018.
The amazing thing is that despite all that she still overperformed (slightly) the 2016 Presidential Election results in the district.
Yeah, I got a link for that too:
Hillary Clinton criticized by fellow Dems for trashing female Trump voters
Clinton’s former 2008 presidential campaign manager Patti Solis Doyle didn’t defend her remarks.
“Look this was bad. I can’t sugarcoat it,” Solis Doyle said on HLN this week. “She was wrong and clearly it’s not helpful to Democrats going into the midterms and certainly not going into 2020.”
Solis Doyle added: “She’s put herself in a position where Democrats are going to have to distance themselves from these remarks and distance themselves from her, particularly those Democrats that are running in the states that Donald Trump won.”
Once again: I think her hatred for her own party far outweighs her contempt for the GOP. I think what we’re seeing her is a drunk, doesn’t-give-a-shit Clinton making life difficult for the people who failed to crown her empress.
Hey, you, deplorable! You best shutup! Special elections are only news when Democrats win! Hate speech, someone ban this guy!
Are the Saudis running out of car bombers?
Making new car bombers are what women are for.
Hey, look, only your bigoted white privilege would make you think they’re only for making sammiches. Blowing yourself up, not just for men!
Belicheck’s petty, vindictive, asshole moves cost the Patriots the Superbowl. Apparently it cost him the locker-room too – now the veterans are heading for the exits. No more hometown discounts now that his assholerly lost them a championship.
Malcolm Bulter – benched for unknown reasons minutes before the Superbowl – is going to the Titans for five-year, $61 million pact with at least $30 million guaranteed.
Dion Lewis also going to the Titans for 4 years worth up to $23.4 million.
Nate Solder to sign four-year, $62 million contract with Giants.
Danny Amendola going to the Dolphins for 2 years $12 million.
Sometimes you get too big for your own britches. That’s what they said when I was a kid.
Ooooh… britches.
Um, I’ve got some women I need to talk to.
Wanna bet NE’s in the AFC Championship next year?
I wouldn’t bet against it. White privilege is always hard to overcome.
lol. Probably.
Butler likely wouldn’t have been the difference I reckon.
Uh, the Patriot defense allowed 41 points with Butler watching. I have a hard time thinking the Eagles would have scored that much or more with him on the field.
New Governor of New Jersey:
“Did I forget to mention that I’m raising the sales tax? You probably guessed it. I’m going to ‘invest’ the revenue. It will be awesome.”
I read that as butter and got very confused
The always great DPRK News twitter account announced (and then quickly deleted, which is what they do) that on April Fool’s Day they’re going to be tweeting about the real horrors and terrors that are the Kim dynasty and the DPRK. They’ll go back to “normal” on April 2.
Trump tweets, read by the Joker (Mark Hamill)
I was given to believe the proper way to read Trump Tweets was loudly, in German, preferably while pounding a podium.
Milton Friedman – The Great Depression Myth
Well, this one is out of the club. Wonder how long before the quivering apologies?
Shaq out of club for wrong think
I think right or wrong Shaq has typically thought for himself.
Exactly. Thinking on your own is wrong think, he’s out.
It’s no surprise:
1) Being a deputized agent of the law himself, of course he wants more cops.
2) Being the inventor of Shaq-Fu, he could care less if an opponent has a gun or not.
1. As long as public school exists, I am 100% in favor of armed defense of those schools. I do, however, disagree with Trump that it should be teachers, it should be professional security. This will 100% neutralize the left’s call for gun control as an answer, because you know, that won’t work and shit. 2nd part of number 1, public school cannot die a quick enough death.
2. Shaq is a really big target, I don’t see any logic for that statement.
Doing Shaq-fu allows him to dodge bullets.
How much did the IRS spend to recoup the 25k a year over 4 years they “lost”.
Doesn’t matter, some peasants need to be made an example of for mocking the King’s men.
In the 1040 instruction booklet, there’s a bit about how IRS owes it to those who pay their taxes in full and on time to vigorously pursue those who don’t. That always seemed like faulty logic to me. If it costs more to collect the taxes then the taxes are worth, what’s the point?
If the lessons of the power struggle between Spain and Britain are anything to go by, there may be a silver lining to current debt troubles in the EU. Were they to lead to a more uniform, centralised, effective tax system in countries such as Greece, they may actually turn out to be good for growth in the medium to long run.
There is a second important parallel with today’s situation. A close look at Spain’s famous ‘defaults’ in the 16th and 17th century shows that they did little damage. Often blamed as a key reason for economic and military decline, joint work by Professor Voth and Mauricio Drelichman of the University of British Columbia shows that payment stops and negotiations were surprisingly harmless.
As a matter of fact, Spain – after halting all payments to creditors in 1575 – could borrow from the same bankers, and on the same terms, within two years. This suggests that lenders to high-risk countries anticipated that something could go wrong. When it did, there was no penalty. If the lending business is profitable overall, there is nothing catastrophic about having to sit down and renegotiate, says Professor Voth.
Remarkably, renegotiating in the days of email, fax and jet travel is slower than it was in the days of the sailboat and of messengers on horseback – renegotiations in the 16th century could be concluded in less than two years, while they often take five years or more today.
“…the old myth of divine intervention. You blasphemed, and a lightning bolt struck you. That was a little steep too. If punishment is at all proportionate to the offense, then power becomes watered. The only way you generate the proper attitude of awe and obedience is through immense and disproportionate power.”
― Norman Mailer, The Naked and the Dead
So BIg Business is increasingly openly leftist. Won’t help the free-market right very much. How long until the populists go back to nationalizing certain Big Businesses?
They’ll quickly back off that when their asses start to go broke.
That’s what the bureaucracy is for….to hamstring anyone who would compete with them, so they can virtue signal AND get rich (well, richer).
So at this rate the Republicans will end up more libertarian than the LP. I honestly did not see that coming.
That’s already been going on for a while, and I have always been a fan of the Paul school of libertarianism. We don’t need a party, we need to take one over, the same as the left took over the Democrats. Then let the final mortal battle begin.
And to be honest the jump from “pragmatist” to “Clintonian neoliberal” isn’t really that far.
Some Republicans, anyway. The LP has gone a long way from Badnarik and not in the right direction.
For some reason this was in a list of linked videos. Mendacious as fuck. I blame derpetologist.
“And all of the sudden, everyone was was getting clawed in the face”.
Sure there was.
It really does speak to the gun animism the left holds. Those evil guns suddenly out of nowhere doing evil things.
Once you start down the derp path, forever will it dominate your destiny.
If you want to watch more videos that are infuriatingly stupid, I have many, many suggestions:
Has this made the rounds yet?
High school teacher accidentally fires gun in classroom, injures student: police
A high school teacher in Northern California accidentally fired a gun inside a classroom Tuesday afternoon and injured at least one student.
The Mercury News reported that Dennis Alexander, a reserve police officer for Sand City, had been providing safety instructions at Seaside High School when he accidentally fired a single shot from a semi-automatic handgun into the ceiling, police said.
A student was hit in the neck by debris after the bullet ricocheted off the ceiling, but was not seriously injured, police said.
a reserve police officer for Sand City
Yes, but usually leaving off the part about being a popo, in a bid to torpedo allowing ordinary teachers to carry.
Speaking of guns in schools by popo…
Always a laugh.
Might as well make it official…
this counts as the most disturbing thing i’ve seen all day
She’s Done…
She was acquitted at trial
That’s just Wrong,
Was she having a particularly bad bout of PMS or something? Then I guess it’s alright, because otherwise, that’s murder.
I don’t know the whole context, but what i gathered from the comments: the guy with the muscles was being told that he was going back to jail. he didn’t like the news and wanted to leave. her son (the smaller guy) has cuffs and is like “come on bro lets go”, and muscles is like “hell naw” and decides to leave via the window (the door, where he seems to try to leave first, is locked)
as he’s trying to leave via the window, the lady bail bondsman gets her gun out of the drawer (which he never touched and apparently never knew it was there) and shoots him in the back and kills him.
although i will say this:
if i’m in a meeting with someone, and they take their shoes off, and then a sock off, and they start picking their feet?
i may not shoot them, but i’d certainly tell them = stop that shit, or else i’ll shoot them.
It’s the warning that makes it a good kill.
(looks again)
she didn’t…. i guess that’s your point.
I didn’t actually listen to the audio before. I was working.
i confess: the guy going, “ow! holy shit” after getting shot makes it sound like a comedy film.
the bit with the kid sobbing “you shot him!” and the mother being all like, “yes i did” (in a voice i recognize as ‘pissed off woman rationalizing this as all men’s fault anyway’) makes it sound like a tragedy again.
I wasn’t referencing the video: “i may not shoot them, but i’d certainly tell them = stop that shit, or else i’ll shoot them.”
I didn’t have the audio on. From just the video she seemed almost…bored while the whole thing was going on. It was disconcerting.
yeah, i only got your joke after hitting ‘submit’
there is something horrifying and disturbing about the banality and ‘matter of factness’ of someone’s life being taken
it aint like the movies
A thought: I wonder if female bail bonds
manpeople have a surprisingly high retention rate …(or whatever the ‘industry’ of bail-bonding uses as a statistic to track how well the bonded perps comply with the requirements of their bail)
…compared to their male-peers, because its one of those counter-intuitive things, where men tend to find it easier to disagree with other men, but not older women. not saying they would cow ever single person, but that many end up going, “aw shit ok” in situations where with some male, they’d be like, “Fuck you make me”
i think you could probably learn same sort of thing with female prison guards. are prisoners ultimately more compliant; or at least less hostile in many circumstances? i imagine there is some truth to some of this. that the prisoners comply, mainly because they know if they fucked with the lady too-much, the replacement would be some dick dude who was much worse. its not that they are cowed by the women, but they end up rationalizing their compliance as in their own self-interests.
much like marriage!
“Bail bondsman.” That’s Bail bondsmurderousbitch, you shitlord.
OK Lauren Southern is pretty but her teeth are fucked up, still would,
The situation in Sud Africa is looking Grim..
Yeah. South Africa is fucked. They’re going full Zimbabwe.
SEC accuses Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes of ‘massive fraud’
I actually met her at a big Chamber of Commerce type event back when she was riding high. Before you say “would”, remember “never stick it in crazy”, and my impression of her was “something ain’t right here”. The pic gives a taste of the crazy vibe I was getting from her. Makes me wonder if “never invest in crazy” might not be a good corollary.
The settlement seems kinda soft, but I couldn’t say if its unusual. $500K fine for a $700MM fraud? Blacklisted for (only) 10 years? The prohibition on profiting from Theranos is meaningless; there’s nothing there, nobody will ever profit from it as far as I know.
This wasn’t a technical dispute over projections or disclosures or any of that. She was outright lying about revenue by three literal orders of magnitude, and doing shit like publishing articles supposedly written by pharma executives that were actually written by her staff.
Contrast and compare: Shkreli vs. Holmes
and wonder at the vagaries of securities-law
someone did it for me:
Martin Shkreli = 7 years, $7.5M fine
Investor capital lost = ~$0
Elizabeth Holmes = $500k fine, D&O bar
Company value lost = ~$8 billion
I don’t have to wonder, it’s driven by the media and political outrage. Holmes was too well connected to do hard time. Additionally, she virtue signaled correctly (as opposed to Shkreli)
I listened to excerpts from these gun grabbing kids today and it is extremely disheartening. They’re literally just parroting talking points from MoveOn.org. Pathetic.
You may or may not know that this “walkout” thing was organized by the Women’s March junior auxiliary. So yeah, entirely predictable.
In the city I work in, the two high schools each had about 60 kids walk out. I just saw on the news that in at least one of them, the students who walked out will be receiving detention.
I think they should get to go where they wish.
I also think teachers should set exams that are worth 10% of their grade on that day.
pretty OT:
Recently we had a AllLivesMatter sort of sit in on our new bridge. The sitters’ story is that they’re the same as Selma: great Americans peaceably protesting. I think that’s totally okay, but, in honor of Selma, they at least need to go to jail for a week for Disorderly Conduct so they can at least have some street cred and live up to the tradition to which they claim to belong and have something to get a tattoo over or whatever.
I believe in markets; I like ideas. I like unions and strikers; I like the companies that fire strikers. It’s all good to me so long as there are fair and suitable consequences in the marketplace of ideas.
School should go on….on schedule….with or without all the attendees…..with consequences.
Agree on all counts. Unfortunately that’s not the country we live in any more.
WtF?! It was just there. I grew up there. I knew it well.
I signed up for a duffel bag and a life time of begging emails from the NRA over this BS. Good job kids.
Jordan Peterson,
““People who are doing this at the corporate level will rapidly get their comeuppance … If you’re operating within a capitalist environment like let’s say the executives and management of Qantas, who are being paid disproportionately well, you don’t also get to be a social radical. And you don’t get to salve your conscience for receiving a pay cheque that’s 300 times the pay cheque of the average worker by pretending you’re a social revolutionary. It’s an appalling sleight of hand.
“In addition, you don’t get to invite the radical leftists into your corporate utopia without opening the door to a major fifth column. If you are naive enough to think that the demand of the radicals for the transformation of your company is going to end with a few requests for language transformation then you’re a complete bloody fool.
“It’s staggering to me to watch the corporate elite types kowtow to the radical Marxists. They do it to virtue signal or because they’re feeling guilty or maybe because they’re facing genuine pressure and don’t want to stand up against it. But they’re playing a game that will punish them intensely.”
“In the early 1970s when it became absolutely untenable for anyone with any moral intellectual pretensions to be on the side of the Communists … the same doctrine went underground and transmuted into this postmodern dogma that completely dominates the humanities and social science end of the university curriculum and increasingly plays a determinative role in the legislative process at every level of government in the West. It’s the same old wolf in new sheep’s clothing.”
I have the same response to this that I did to an earlier thread. The leftists who run government bureaucracies will hamstring any competition so these companies can virtue-signal to their hearts content and still get rich (because the customer base has no other options).
OMG cute tits ?
Just checking in to remark that for some strange reason Susan Sarandon is commentating on tonight’s Rangers/Penguins game. OK guys, you can send her back to her seat now.
Susan Sarandon and tits go together
She’s mostly just moaning and groaning at the action, if that helps.
She’s either drunk or just doing that ditzy actress thing they do.
another gem from Hawking
“I have noticed that even people who claim everything is predetermined and that we can do nothing to change it, look before they cross the road.”
Sometimes he really was a mendacious prick.
I have noticed that even people who claim everything is predetermined and that we can do nothing to change it still set their alarm clocks in case they’re not predetermined to oversleep.
Never tried training with Muslims in the middle east? They don’t intellectually think it. They KNOW it. The bullet will hit the target and the truck will run if Allah wills it. No need to aim or do maintenance. In fact, it might be blasphemy.
Happy Pi Day fellow Glibs. At Akira’s suggestion I made a shoofly pie based on the NYT recipe, shamelessly stolen from an 1860s Amish family cookbook (cultural appropriation at it’s flakiest and sweetest). It was delightful and my coworkers have been gently brought back under my control except the one doctor that grokked I was just trying to get them all fat.
Shoo-fly pie is great. I have a few different recipes from relatives. Some make good pies.
today I learned
Malibu was originally settled by the Chumash, Native Americans whose territory extended loosely from the San Joaquin Valley to San Luis Obispo to Malibu, as well as several islands off the southern coast of California. They named it “Humaliwo”[21] or “the surf sounds loudly”. The city’s name derives from this, as the “Hu” syllable is not stressed.
Dude, the entire Malibu area is Cursed by the Chumash, has been for Centuries, I learned about it in Surfer Magazine back in the 70s, quite a tale
Their first act upon reaching the ocean was to ban peyote smoking in their longhouses.
For the Papooses!
I always wonder why we are so fascinated by what a name means in other languages. We always ask things like, “Oh, you’re name is Chinatsu. What does that mean? 1000 summers? That’s so beautiful.” I’ve never been asked what my name means by them.
Robert= Wise King in Olde English
Straffinrun= P47 killing Germans in Olde American
They probably know that most Americans don’t put much thought in naming their kids, while some cultures do. I dunno about the Japanese but the Chinese certainly do.
Good point. The number of strokes in a kanji is also considered very important. Some kind of good luck.
It helps that their names are all literally comprised of words in the modern language, while ours are derived mostly from dead languages and you have to look them up in a book to even understand what they mean.
There are many names that use archaic characters. Even they don’t know what it really means. My daughter’s name doesn’t have much meaning. Lately there’s a trend to name your kid using chinese character, but using the English word. For example, I met this kid who’s name is 空。Should be pronounced “Sora”, but it’s actually pronounced “Sky” which is the English meaning. Bizarre and confusing as hell for people doing roll call.
Ugh, I would pound that nail down.
It’s ridiculous. It’d be like seeing the name “Steven” and having the guy tell you it’s pronounced “Akira”.
+1 Bert
My name is Scottish and means “won’t pay his taxes.”
Dad wanted to call me Bobby, after Kennedy, and Mom said, What if He becomes President?
/True Story
Thank god there aren’t a lot of Woodrows running around these days.
So when I was in Korea there was a big push for me to write my name more like jeh-shee instead of the completely pronounceable jeh-ssee. I ignored their pleas and went with the latter spelling. Then I started seeing it in hangeul all over the school…same spelling. I think my classroom has been moved because it says jeh-ssee with an arrow down the hall.
It turns out the my name means “re-test” as used in the context of punishing kids by making them take tests over and over again…Basically detention.
I got very irritable looks from Koreans that saw my name written out in hangeul and I totally understand why.
Did you have the freedom to spell it in however you wanted in hangeul? I had a friend with the name “Booth” which should be “Bu-su” which means butt ugly, so he changed it to “Bu Tsu”. Not having the equivalence of katakana in Korean, probably limits the options, however.
Yeah, I could’ve gone with the other spelling but was foolish and stubborn. Also I found the light sadism of being named detention teacher refreshing.
In China they’d just completely make some shit up that only vaguely resembles your name but sounds nice and means something interesting.
Like “America” is “MAY-gwo” which means “pretty country”.
Mi-guk-saram is Americans. Probably the same root word. The best was the Koreans had English names and all of the kids who had named their child Kim Jun Hee were like “June is an English name!” and you’d tell them that June is a girl’s name in English and they’d call you a liar and demand their kid’s name be June in English class.
Yeah, the Cantonese version of “gwo” is “kwok” so you’re probably right. (Mandarin drops a lot of final consonants.)
Hmmm. In Japanese, France is “Buddha country” and England is “Hero country”.
Translations of France
프랑스 France (ppuh rang suh — it sounds surprisingly like Franks when said aloud)
불 fire, light, dollar, Buddha, France, pannier (bool)
IIRC Germany is “fierce country” or something like that.
독일 Germany, Reich (Dog-eel)
I guess it’s a bastardization of the Chinese for Deutsch
OK, I looked it up. It’s “DUH-gwo”. The duh means “virtue”.
They always try to go with something flattering.
Theodore means “Gift of God”. That’s because I’m God’s gift to Glibertarians.
Mine is ancient Germanic for “brave fighter,” which I imagine is probably true of most names with ancient German origins.
It’s also Old Norse for “Thor’s stone,” and knowing that I do feel powerful. Powerful apathy.
I love all the old Germanic names. Udo… Waltraud… usw.
Yeah… I don’t see it either. But maybe I should consider Thorsten for my someday son.
“I’m American, honey. Our names don’t mean shit.”
I don’t remember that scene… at all. But was Bruce Willis a taxi cab driver in Fifth Element solely to have the back-seat taxicab scene?
When my husband (Japanese ethnicity but 3rd gen so he’s not a speaker or knows much more than his family’s traditions) and I were trying to figure out a Japanese middle name for our son, we had a list to show his barber who was born and raised in Japan. And so he looks at a couple of names we picked off a list and he shakes his head and says “you have a farmer last name, these are all noble names. They don’t go together.” lol
In honor of Pi day, I’m baking a cherry pie with some Vanilla Ice cream to go on top, yummy!
and some Teriyaki Chicken and Rice for Dinner
Not cherry pie with Warrant?
Reading my Surfer Magazine post above, I’m reminded that back then, actual Journalism happened, the article in question was researched and well laid out, and it was just a Surf mag, how times have changed…
A coworker told me that Papa Murphy’s (take and bake) was selling 1 topping pizzas today for $3.14 each (online order only), so the hubs just went out to pick up a couple of them.
Pizza is pie, right??
Damn! Wrong week to quit carbs and actually, you know, stick to it for a change.
old Cartoons tell me so…
Motherfucker. I wish I was aware of this.
In the latest employment saga, I tendered my resignation today, effective March 30. First day at the new place is April 2.
I will spend Easter alone in a corporate apartment.
But the adventure begins!
Wow. Shit is real now. Good luck Hayek’!
Yup, it’s real. Leaping straight out of the rut and into organized chaos.
Thanks for the Good Luck. I need it selling the house!
And Gas is down! Rain is up! a great time to join us! Mudslides! Idiots who don’t know what rain is!
Thank you! We’ll have to do a So-Cal glibs meetup when the dust settles.
Just don’t have Los Doyers plan it.
Plan? what the Hell is a plan? Weed, Ass sex and Mexicans! We’re good to go..
We shall! I quit Smoking so i’m not a pariah any longer, and we are pretty close, still North County i presume?
Yup. Likely Escondido area, or generic countryside east of hiway 15.
Enjoy the boringly perfect weather!
Cold, windy, and mixed, not boring at all right now, not roof work friendly
Nice. One of the few things I miss about SF was the weather. I like cool and cloudy.
I enjoy real weather….
NYC has about all the real weather you could ask for. So what if it’s only actually comfortable for three or four months out of the year….
Enjoy the boringly perfect weather!
Hey! We have the times of fire and mud. The cow asshole winds from the east that taste of heat and hate.
And occasionally fog!
I went to school out in Whittier. Students would move there from out of state and you’d give them a quick summary of the pros and cons. “Occasionally it’ll smell like a goats ass for a week or two, you’ll be hot and irritable for the duration of that time and it’s highly likely that it’ll rain ash from the heavens.”
Freshmen always thought you were being dramatic and then the next year they’d be giving the same description to the new freshmen.
Thanks, man!
” corporate apartment.”
Well, that sounds like a nice perk.
Yeah, i haven’t seen it, but the relocation lady says the apartments are nice and very close to the workplace. Fully furnished, pots and pans, washer and dryer, etc. And I can bring my two cats when it’s time to put the Minnesota house on the market!
They are shipping my Ford Expedition out to replace my rental car after a couple of weeks.
The tax reform bill made relocation expenses taxable, but the new company is upping the relocation reimbursement enough to compensate for a 35% tax so that I won’t have to worry about it. They also are reimbursing closing costs on the MN house, the new CA house, and reimbursing realtor fees. The list goes on. I get the impression they want me.
Corporate apartment-
beware, next you’ll have to shop at the company store.
I will be taking the corporate jet now and then to Tupelo, Mississippi, and Huntsville, Alabama.
Congratulations Hayek. I hope it all works out.
Thanks. Life’s an adventure. Bring it.
That’s a heck of a feeling, isn’t it? Good luck!
Getting a PhD is a dumbass move (most of the time).
The PhD of links.
Stick with titty links.
LOL to both a yinz
Trying again…
I got tired of waiting and lost interest.
Good lord… don’t care, dude.
there’s always New Real Peer Review twitter. He Cares™
God Gawd! That goes on forever! Are there really so many people like that?
I did have a Poli Sci prof tell me my papers were OK but they were written in simple, clear English so no one would take me seriously.
And this is why I didn’t quit and got mine.
After perusing the days posts, I feel I must point out that not one person noted that Penn Gillette repeatedly made 2/3 of the two in the pink one in the stink sign when making his hand gun gesture. smdh. How is it I am the most observant person for the most important things around here? You should all be ashamed.
The Pi recipe is pdf’d and sitting on my desktop. Thanks Jesse.
Not most observant on how to spell a persons last name though. Oops
Gillette is the Gillespie of spelling Jillette.
Hey, our temperate mediterranean coastal biome has a surprising amount of sagebrush. They removed the ice plant from a lot of the coastal hillsides (shallow root system + heavy leaf structure = oopsie) and replaced it with native plants. Anytime we get a storm off of the ocean it’ll be palm fronds on one side of the road and tumbleweeds on the other.
The El Segundo Blue Butterfly Preserve will end up with them stacked up as high as the chain link fence and rolling over onto cars…it rarely gets more Mario Kart around here than when that happens.
I remember many a New years Day with a front porch full of tumbleweed, ahh the good old days
I have really fond memories of tumbleweeds from my youth. No tumbleweeds on the EC. I miss muh tumbleweeds. Hey, what happens when the mareejuaner turns into tumbleweeds and are loosed on the chillins? Will there be a scary movie?
‘Tumbleweeds from hell! Children hardest hit!’
The rambling Ganja weeds are already loose, and The State is in Disarray, I tried to tell Hayek, but She Wouldn’t listen….
When the the Wind blows, the appear.. always stalking, always watching….
“The rambling Ganja weeds are already loose”
LOL, I am so stealing that. It’s almost as good as my newly beloved soap weed, which I use liberally in cooking and my fresh salsa. This site is a treasure trove of awesome. Best commenters in all the interwebz. Sorry, TOS, you lost.
We used to have whippoorwills all the time when I was a kid, but I haven’t heard them in ages.
Dude, fuck! Don’t get me started! I used to spend summers at my grandparents place down in eastern KY. I remember sleeping at night with all the windows open and those whippoorwills just going at it. That combined with the tree frogs and bull frogs down at the pond that was near, I would fall asleep with all that going on, wonderful days.
Global Warmening Ate them……
Probably linked previously, but KMG’s piece is a piece of something. When Smug Liberals Met Conservative Trolls.
KMW is the Nick Gillespie of NYT (!) contributors.
Oops. I thought her name was Katherine Man Goo.
Sounds spunky.
Ward! as in Ward off Man Goo! Man icky!
Basically what happened is that the smug liberals got their asses handed to them, and as a result there’s now a massive effort underway to ban the right wingers from public discourse, lest it continue.
They love laughing at people, but don’t you dare laugh at them. The SoCons weren’t any good at mocking liberals, but liberals were wide open for being mocked. The right loses the “So” in “SoCon” and they really freed up some comedy.
The nest sentence needs to be included in that quote.
They need to form at cocktail parties dontcha see. I really do find it quaint that some #professionalLibertarians don’t see they will be lined up and shot with the rest of us on the wrong side of the “rhetorical spiral” should the right thinkers win.
(being shot is obviously metaphorical……..for current times anyways)
*next…..fuck it
I’ve been hearing that the stock market is worse than it’s ever been, since you know, the light bringer is gone and the most evil worse than Hitler guy has taken control. The odd thing is, I’m not some sort of genius investor, but I do pay some attention. I just looked at my account. To be honest, I’ve moved a lot of my high risk / potential high gain stuff into safer areas over the last few years. I’m thinking of retirement in 10-12 years so I guess that makes sense. Anyway, in all this gloom and doom, I managed a net gain of more than $4000 since Feb 1. It’s nothing compared to what I was doing before, but fuck, how is that anything to complain about? $4300 for doing basically nothing in 2 months. I’ll take those crumbs, Nancy. Anyone else seeing similar results, or am I just basically having dumb luck?
Yes, I’m working my ass off, but i also established a Salary, as it were, so I can actually create a budget again,
I only noticed that my 401K is gaining steam again after many years of basically treading water, but that could have started several years ago because I stopped looking a few years ago after five or six years of shit results.
The past year was phenomenal and then it sort of leveled off since the last couple of months, but I’m still making money, just not the sort of WOW it was before. It’s just the way the markets are, but I’m feeling really happy that I didn’t lose money the last couple months since I’m hearing a lot of people did, this is just like a sort of speed bump right how.
Well let’s see…so far this year my stock portfolio looks like…hehehehe…as if I was a responsible adult and had a stock portfolio or something. I kill me.
Where do you hear that?
I keep reading the stock market must not be a useful indicator of anything because it’s been doing well under Trump.
I looked yesterday. I’m mostly in higher risk stuff. I have had a 401k since 2006. From 2006-2016 I made an average of 5% a year. (I had a lot of loss in 2008) From 2016-2017 I made 26%. From 2017-right now I have made 4.5%.
I have been Unfortunantly enough to have been investing for my entire working life in the late bush/obama economy, which has been pretty much shit. Last year was the first year I have ever seen good returns. That 26% netted me over 30k. That’s nice.
Vox sez:
Want to stay out of prison? Choose rich parents.
Hey Vox- how about you repeat this study for children of married couple vs. children of single parents.
If there was any doubt that the carceral state was locking up large shares of black communities, this list should remove it. There’s a 93 percent black zip code in Nashville; black neighborhoods in Fort Myers, Jacksonville, and Orlando, Florida; black parts of the Hampton Roads area in southern Virginia.
By contrast, the least-incarcerated zip codes, with rates of 0.0 percent, include posh areas like La Jolla, California, or Princeton, New Jersey, or über-white neighborhoods in Minneapolis and Portland, Oregon.
Being married means you’re unlikely to be below the poverty line anyway.
Weather Report!
Mountain west, You’re FUCKED!
New England, You’re Fucked!
South, COLD!
North, COLDER, What did you expect?
It’s too fucking cold. Last year we had moved all of our houseplants outside by this date and I had tomatoes started outside. I’m saying it again, the sun solar minimum that scientist have been predicting recently to last up to 30 more years is serious business. We could enter another mini-ice age like has happened before in the past few centuries. Global warming is the opposite of what we need to worry about.
Don’t remind me, it is far more deadly than any heat wave we can imagine, Cold kills, and I hate the cold
I would trade twenty degrees cooler in summer for twenty degrees colder in winter any day. I hate summer.
You need to spend a few years in the upper midwest. That will cure you of that for good.
I grew up on Lake Ontario – not as bad but I know cold winters and they don’t bother me as much as NYC’s disgusting summers.
I could live in our South American home, like 8 degree south of the equator with no regrets, at least about climate.
That’s pretty much all year round. Around 75% humidity, I love it.
No kidding on it being too cold. Normally I’m done burning wood by now. It’s going to be in the upper 20 tonight and I’m down to less than a rick. If it doesn’t warm up soon I’m going to have go back to cutting, which I really don’t want to do. I already burned more this year than I have since I bought my wood burner in 2012. It’s been unusually cold this winter.
OMG that is mesmerizing
That’s why I wrote all the BS, it’s really cool…
Jet stream is Badass1
In Texas it’s beautiful and 70 degrees all week.
Plus we have fewer than average Democrats.
I like it zoomed out with no geopolitics….just the rivers, the natural: all I need to see precisely where I am.
Man, I just have to make it over Vail Pass tomorrow and I don’t care what happens after that for the next week.
Jeez, be careful
He’s gonna send us ski bunny photos, right?
As 60 mph winds,
blow tumbleweeds,
from Yusef to Jesse,
The only thing left,
is Hayek
That is a terrible haiku
I’m playing Empyrion Galactic Surival. It’s great and really addictive. It’s an indy dev, so you can expect it has it’s certain amount of crudeness, but it’s really good as far as the crafting/survival goes. It’s sort of like 7 Days to Die (probably the greatest crafting/building game ever), in space. I mean, sure, it’s turned me into a genocidal maniac. I was on a mission and I shot a fucking space spider. And it was coming right at me. So then these planetary natives attacked me. I barely was able to escape with my life. They’e primitives and have spears as a weapon. So maybe I should forgive them and just forget. Nah, I’m going to kill them all.
On a Glibfit note, I’m 5 days quitting Smoking, i have cheated on 5 cigs, but each time, i find no satisfaction, and a bad taste in my mouth, I really don’t like cigars/cigs anymore, so maybe this time I can win the Battle,it’s flippin’ hard…
I had to do Nicorette to get over it. It worked for me.
Best of luck!
I took Chantix about 6 years ago amd ot worked. Beware though, it makes for some absolutely insane dreams. extremely lucid and the kind of fucked up that you dont want to tell anyone about. I stayed off the smokes for 2 years. Dumbass me thought it would be a good to smoke one while drinking after being quit for so long, and bam, I’m back on them. I could kick myself in the nuts for that decision.
I’m vaping right now, and it’s sooo much better on the lungs, I can feel it, Smokes are nasty already, this is a good thing
“We will examine how health becomes defined, and will question whether health and disease are objectively measured conditions or subjective states.”
What? How in the hell can having a disease or a testable physical ailment be subjective? Either you do or you do not. What’s the end game here?
I mean, the course sounds like academic gobbledygook, but take for example hypertension. They recently redefined it so the numbers that count as pre-hypertensive and hypertensive are lower. That way doctors can hector more people to make positive lifestyle changes.
The premise isn’t *crazy* but I guarantee the presentation will be by the synopsis.
Also: who is crazy!? (and therefore able to have rights forfeited) Is depression crazy? Is anxiety crazy? Is Bi-polar crazy? What if Anxiety is ruled not crazy, but the medication a person takes is for depression? All kinds of ways this can go.
Okay, fair points, both of you. I suppose I didn’t take into consideration that medical professionals change the parameters of what is defined as an illness, mentally being fairly common, from time to time. I believe autism has been subject to that within the last decade or so now that I think about it.
Yeah, Asperger’s only became a known thing around here when I was older and out of school, if I had still been in school when it came around I’d be on a list for that too (as far as I can tell, other than getting better treatment in school there isn’t really a benefit to being diagnosed)
I like salt. Do you like salt?
Nah, man. That movie sucked.
Tuck Fexas
The guy in that picture looks like such a ‘dudebro’ don’t be gay man!
I actually had to work all day, what is this North Korea…anyway in my down time at work I caught this story. Some gems:
Ok, so it wasn’t a revolver or flintlock, way to narrow that down. No mention of how the guns were found, they just were! I’m sure no one’s rights were violated, because cops are by the book.
a couple of my regular machine operators are on vacation this week. Their back ups are running their machines. This makes my job infinitely more difficult. A good operator makes a great maintenance man.
keep a 15 pound fire extinguisher handy.
They catch the shit as it happens and shut it down, XP for the win…
That amd an xp operator can generally tell you what the problem is.
Bad operator- Hey the furnace won’t tilt.
Good operator- Hey, the furnace won’t tilt. Its probably my roof down limit switch because we just swung the roof back on.
With good operator, I go to the limit, see why it’s not working and fix it.
With bad operator, I get my laptop out, plug it into the plc, go online with the program, find the rung with the tilt logic, figure out what’s missing in the tilt permissive, then go to the limit and see why it’s not working.
From my former life in sandwich manufacturing this is some real shit, right here. A good operator really does make a huge difference.
No. We made frozen sandwiches for grocery stores/convenience stores/cafeterias. We had our own brands, but we did a shit ton of private label and licensed sandwiches. If you’ve ever eaten a frozen sandwich there’s about a 40% chance it was one we made. We produced something like 400 million sandwiches a year at one of our 2 facilities. At one point we were the largest sandwich manufacturing facilities in the world
Damn! Cool!
It was pretty interesting. I remember one sandwich we made for truck stops that was a breakfast sandwich. It was a huge biscuit with two pork chops, an egg, a gravy puck, bacon, and cheese or something ridiculous like that. The thing was seriously a good four inches tall and something like 1800 calories.
You made Hot Pockets?
Unfortunately, no. But the Aunt Jemima (sp?) brand breakfast sandwiches were ours at one point. And all of the Wal Mart brand frozen burgers/chicken/breakfast sandwiches were as well. And we owned something like 80% of the convenience store market at one point. Those are the two examples I remember off the top of my head. We had a bunch of others though.
Spring Break?
Yep. Some of the schools around here do it this week and some next.
March is a big PM Month for me, 10 properties totaling 150 units or so, and it always seems to either Rain, or other work comes up, or both, insane O times, I have to be ready to, wait.. then run,
You look older each time you change your profile pic. I’m afraid the next pic will be a pile of dust and bones. For your own sake stop now!
Better. Good job on the de-aging. Hollywood type effects.
I do a lot of hurry up and wait at work, this sounds better, except if I try to run my knees give out.
Meant as a reply to Yusef at 81.
I do a lot of foot work, miles, But I Do Not Run, I’m not paid by the hour, or the job…..
I used to get all set up for my Spring Pms, but I found that Murphy got,involved, so now I play it by ear and take the entire month to finish them, they get done
That damn Murphy, why I oughta…what?
Like Murphy, i can take many forms and shapes,
Oh, Odo; I have the action figure around here somewhere…
I have all the Gumby figures, that’s as close as I can get to Odo figures, but it IS close…
My little brother was the Gumby fan.
I’m a collector…
my cousin had the 10 inch? versions we only ever got the 4 inch ones.
A good portion of my job is to sit around at the ready, waiting for something to go wrong. As soon as it does, I run to fix it as fast as possible. There are things that can happen, that have to be fixed in a matter of minutes to prevent some major problems. It can be interesting around here sometimes. Boring as hell at other times.
Fires, I put em out, if the phone rings right now for a restaurant freezer, my Partner will pick my drunk ass up and go we will go fix it, I’m too drunk to drive, but not Troubleshoot
Stupid laws, but it’s cool
Ha! I used to get called to come figure shit out on my ay off at my last job fairly often. More then once I told bossman, I’ll come but you gotta come get me.
It’s fun, “how bad do you need me?”
I must say,Vaping is the best thing I have done for my Health in a long while.I have smoked about 10 cigs in the last 5 days and it feels great! I am getting tired of smoking weed due to the smoke, I never thought I would say that.
I’m thinking of going to vaping, but my cigarette smoking is more to do with helping me control my anxiety than the nicotine hit, so I’m still on the border.
extra early links
A professor at UT-Arlington recently posted a message on Facebook blasting conservative comedian Steven Crowder as an “alt-right Neo-Nazi” who “calls graphically for murder and extermination of Jews and LGBT people.”
Crowder’s website, however, counters that the tweets used to substantiate those claims are obvious forgeries that appear to have been created with photo-editing software.
Despicable. But I really don’t expect much more from them.
Lawmaker’s tweet after physicist Stephen Hawking’s death draws criticism
But despite the overwhelming criticism, the lawmaker remained defiant and stood behind his comment.
“While many see him as one of the greatest public intellectuals of the last century, and no one disputes that he was brilliant, the fact remains that God exists,” Cain told the American-Statesman. “My tweet was to show the gravity of the Gospel and what happens when we die, namely, that we all will one day meet the Creator of the universe face to face.
“Stephen Hawking was a vocal atheist, who advocated against and openly mocked God,” Cain continued. “Hawking has said, ‘[T]here is no god. No one created our universe, and no one directs our fate.’ And, elsewhere, `I’m an atheist.’”
[head desk]
Oddly enough, I just had a furen frien of mine text us a video of a property drive by they were looking at. Showed to wife and asked her if she knows where this is. Turns out… Florida. Very, very cheap, nothing unusual. So I had to say to the friend ‘Yeah, but it’s Florida’. They didn’t get it, so I said ‘It’s sort of a joke that isn’t funny. Let’s say you hear something on the evening news that is the most insane thing imaginable. You automatically assume it’s Florida and there’s like a 99.999% chance you are right’. And then there are the cops, who are the worst of the worst, I suppose because there’s nothing much better to do, when some crazy isn’t making the evening news, than to beat up granny for holding an illegal evening game of bingo. One day, there will be the mother gawd of all sinkholes and it will all be over.