Alles in Ordnung!
Grüezi mitenand. I have appropriated the Links this Morgen. Und you will appreciate them! First, we begin with Sport:
Yes, yes…we all know Tiger Woods came very close. But it is time for the baskeballings. Join this bracketing of the NCAAs, and demonstrate your precision to your friends, neighbors and fellow Glibs! If you asked for your papers, please – Group ID: 52048, Group Password: Podesta. We haff heard of a rumor of prize(s).
So. Links. Ja:
- Ach, so…consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds, ja? It must have been The Hair’s turn to speak…
- Englisher Tabloids. One must love them, ja? Note the 6th bullet point in the hed of this story. How quickly a career can go up in flames. One hopes he has a large bank account in a certain West European nation that shall go unnamed.
- When politik and press combine in Chicago. Ja, ethically challenged. Also, warum are you buying cow, when milch is free?
- Socialistische Maduro imitates the old American Mayor Daley…but with a box of rice, instead of a turkey?
Musik. Inspired by the last link – music regarding a box.
Uf wiederluege!
Musik. Inspired by the last link – music regarding a box.
Terrible music – awesome hair!
Oh yeah.
I absolutely never understood the point of that song or band.
Box https://youtu.be/soeb8-fyjZ0
Tundra, you made a comment about hair and failed to mention that this year’s Minnesoda High School Hockey Hair video is out.
Are you ok?
Shit. I forgot.
Thanks, Holiness.
On the list of things that would cost him the swayable portion of his base – gun grabbing and failing to do something about illegal immigration are at the top. He might have finally noticed that it wasn’t particularly popular.
Look, we need a comprehensive plan to solve the immigration problem. What’s so hard to understand?
This actually makes more sense, as consistency is not a bad thing.
“Hobgoblins are the Hobgoblins of little minds,” – C.E.Winchester, 4077 MASH
The unfairly neglected core of the show, IMO.
Saw this quote attributed to Thoreau yesterday. To me, it always meant that hobgoblins were scary, and that small minds were scared of those who were “foolishly” consistent. That is, small minded people respond to pragmatism and not to consistent principles.
I don’t expect Switzty to cover news from the Antipodes…. *reads links* nope, not there.
At first glance This may not seem like an “everything in Australia is out to kill you” story. But then you have to remember it’s also about a flood, so the land itself was trying to kill them people. The garganutan spider was just caught up in events.
The local police were forced to issue a Crocodile and Shark Warning because the floodwaters gave these coastal and estuarial hunters inland access. No word if there was any fighting between Bull sharks and drop bears during the flood.
Wouldn’t they cooperate? The Drop Bears would ride the Bull Sharks and attack all humans.
Sounds like Drop Bears may be related to Sea Smith.
Elizabeth Warren was not hired because she is (or possibly may be) of (“woo-woo”) Indian ancestry. She was hired because she is a woman.
Totally different.
The only time either of those factor into hiring decisions is when you’re hiring a prostitute.* For an academic institution to use non-merit credentials is abominable.
*Actors are prostitutes, so ‘looks the part’ is not a separate reason.
This honestly has me confused.
Look, I’m running on two hours sleep. I may not be the most coherent in phrasing what I meant.
Sounds like you want your Indian prostitutes free of credentials.
Sure, why not?
Unnecessary credentialism increases the cost, without necessarily providing any benefits.
I think we can safely designate Venezuela as a shithole.
I thought we did that when they ran out of toilet paper.
UCS, between this comment and your Warren stuff you sure are focused on teepee issues today.
Free clap boxes?
Maduro has made his country dependent on him. It’s sad man. That’s total control. What can you do if you’re forced to vote to eat?
Join a zombie horde, storm the presidential palace and eat the rich?
Soylent verde?
Mobs of Venezuelans have already been filmed descending on cattle, and isolated incidents of people being killed to sell as food. How long until there are roaming cannibal gangs?
This is how the zombie apocalypse starts.
That sounds like a good deal for twelve cents.
The rest of the price tag is having to live in Venezuela under Maduro’s misrule.
Shoot, a fella’ could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff.
See how glorious socialism is! A family can eat for 12 cents per day. Try to buy that much for 12 cents in the greedy capitalistic U.S.A.
The plan was immediately panned by gun control advocates, including the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. “Americans expecting real leadership to prevent gun violence will be disappointed and troubled by President Trump’s dangerous retreat from his promise,” said Avery Gardiner, the group’s co-president.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York described it as “tiny baby steps designed not to upset the NRA, when the gun violence epidemic in this country demands that giant steps be taken.”
[insert expostulation of astonishment]
Not explained: how raising the legal age of purchase will “prevent gun violence”.
“This is something, we must do it!”
“Never let a crisis go to waste.”
Get ready for a virtual banning of opioid medications, as another example of a “crisis” for which we must “do something”. Health organizations are already lining up for some of that sweet grant money, so won’t consider anything besides an aggressive approach. Buckle up.
“Today we are announcing meaningful actions, steps that can be taken right away to help protect students,” said Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, who will chair the commission.
Screening officers for cowardice would be a good start.
No way that gets abused.
Abuse would be using it in a way unintended. The intent ic clearly an end-run around civil rights to allow for arbitrary disarmament at any time. So it won’t be abused because it is abuse.
Also, expect some sort of carve out exception for LEOs.
“I mean, so they buy a revolver — a handgun — they buy at the age of 21. And yet, these other weapons that we talk about … they’re allowed to buy them at 18. So how does that make sense?” he told school officials last month. “We’re going to work on getting the age up to 21 instead of 18.”
This whole “government-decreed age of permission” thing is really pissing me off. By all means, let’s criminalize large swathes of the population based on clumsy and pointless collectivization. If you’re not old enough to drink, or own a handgun, you’re not old enough to vote; let’s run that up the flagpole and see who salutes.
“Sorry, son, you’re not old enough to go out and buy a rifle, but you’re old enough for the government to press one into your hands when they need a bullet catcher.”
Yeah, Selective Service go up to 21?
That and include women too.
Really though, how many people will this really affect? I had plenty of access to firearms at an early age and was gifted my own via family members well before 18.
“I mean, so they buy a revolver — a handgun — they buy at the age of 21. And yet, these other weapons that we talk about … they’re allowed to buy them at 18. So how does that make sense?”
It doesn’t. So we’re going to lower the handgun age to 18, right?
<emThis whole “government-decreed age of permission” thing is really pissing me off. By all means, let’s criminalize large swathes of the population based on clumsy and pointless collectivization. If you’re not old enough to drink, or own a handgun, you’re not old enough to vote; let’s run that up the flagpole and see who salutes.
I’d say the 26th Amendment pretty clearly lays out why that can’t be done. But then so do the rest of the amendments (particularly 1A, 2A, 4A) and those have been ripped to shreds by black robed idiots finding penumbras and emanations from invisible ink and able to reach the opposite meaning of the plain wording.
Child until 26 for insurance; adults at 11 for felony charges as an adult.
At least there is no foolish consistency to hobgoblin our minds.
Screening officers for cowardice would be a good start.
We could shoot that one guy for desertion in the face of danger. That might inspire some of them. Maybe inspire them to take the job more seriously.
Who am I kidding? The “job” is all about staring at kids’ asses all day, and skulking around the campus writing “minor in possession” citations. That’s where the money is.
When a military unit proved to be full of cowards, a few of them were put against a wall and shot. At least gave the rest of the cowards something else to be afraid of.
Decimation, one in ten and they had to kill the guy themselves, at least that’s how ROME did it
The word had been used incorrectly ever since.
10% used to be a big number. It’s the same one Samuel used to warn the Israelites of the crushing taxation of a future king.
I’d be happy to pay a flat 10% period these days.
“staring at kids’ asses all day”
In all fairness some of them might be breast men.
There is an ok documentary on Amazon called “Zero Tolerance” about SRO’s. Aside from the whining about “underfunding” it shows the perverse incentives introduced when they empowered SRO’s to write tickets in school (surprise, surprise, it becomes all about criminalizing what should just be a disciplinary issues handled by teachers and the police department profiting from citations). There was a pretty good success story about a principle kicking the cops out of here very dysfunctional inner city school and having things drastically improve. I’m fairly well convinced that cops in schools does nothing to violence…
sigh…..*her and *to prevent
In this case the Florida schools started going the other way and were limited in how many issues they were referring to the police. And getting funding and publicity for “reducing crime” and “fighting the school to prison pipeline.”
Stamped with the faces of Maduro and Chavez, the CLAP boxes usually contain rice, pasta, grains, cooking oil, powdered milk, canned tuna and other basic goods. Recipients pay 25,000 bolivars per box, or about $0.12 at the black market rate.
Wow. Trump could really push the whiners over the edge if he put his face and an inspirational message on those “SNAP” meal kits they’re talking about.
Only if they’re gold. They have to be classy meal kits. The best.
The UK really doesn’t like conservatives.
Lauren Southern has been detained in the United Kingdom and has had her phone and passport taken from her.
Politics aside, they are reporting facts which embarass her majesty’s government. Of course they’re going to get detained at the border.
Beginning to think the UK may turn out being a bigger threat than the Norks over the next 30 years.
Same for most of Western Europe. Either they continue down the road they’re on and end up a nuclear armed Islamic Republic. Or there will be a vicious backlash against the Muslims and the globalist types who imported them. Too close to call right now.
I keep expecting the ordinary people to snap and just start murdering migrants and the advocates of uncontrolled migration out of frustration over lack of redress for the brutalization infliced upon them. It saddens me that they seem determined to instead just bend over and take it.
All these people were trying to visit Tommy Robinson.
Tommy seems to have lost patience with getting beat up and will throw hands now.
It’s happening from within. Look up Caesar-Charannes, Hussein and Khalid – all high ranking Canadian politicians in the Liberal party.
Not saying they’re enemies or terrorists. What I’m saying is their ideological stances are dangerous. They’re selling a vision of Canada that’s not real.
It seems that after WWII the West has lost it’s instinct for self-preservation.
I would say some people have been working hard to kill Western civilization, and a ton of idiots have just gone along to virtue signal or because they feel a system that relies on a meritocracy is unfair to slackers like them.
Quite the shithole the UK has become.
You mispelled Airshit One.
First Brittany Pettibone, now Lauren Southern?
*rips up Treaty of Ghent*
“Investigated me under schedule 7 (terrorism act) because of alleged racism. At least they let me identify as Pakistani on my report lol. Still being held by police.”
“They just locked me out and said “au revoir”… Officially banned from UK for “racism”.. doing fine though, all the cool people are being banned anyway ? Need to gather my thoughts and call family. Interrogation story is pretty crazy though. Will tell it soon.”
“Meet The ‘Right Wing’ Couple Banned From The UK”
And people ask me why I bailed out.
The idea that a foreign nation can withhold your passport is pretty offensive. Isn’t that your/your governments property?
Just think about it.
“Together, we’ll grow healthier, happier, stronger. We’ll build a better America, by building better Americans, one serving of potted meat and powdered eggs with grape jelly at a time. Eat up. Make America great again!”
“I sure would like ta get me some more o’ that potted meat, mmm hhmmm.”
– Karl Childers
Glibs who actually speak Spanish – is ‘voca’ a word within that tongue, or something that wanders in related romance languages.
Where did you read that? I’m guessing someone misspelled cow or mouth.
The talk of Venezula reminded me I needed to contemplate the name of the Venezuelan fictive counterpart. It’s draft name has been ‘Voca del Sud’, based on a misremembering of the translation of ‘voice of the south’.
Boca, which means mouth (or can mean voice in the sentence you gave) is the word you are looking for. Vaca is a cow.
C’mon, Unciv, the “Mouth of the South” is too good to pass up. Go for Boca del Sud.
FWIW, voice is ‘voce’ in Italian.
Yeah, but for a fictional South American nation, the relevent language(s) don’t include Italian. It seems the latinate root got mutated more in spanish.
As part plan, the White House has directed the Justice Department to help states partner with local law enforcement to provide “rigorous firearms training to specifically qualified volunteer school personnel,” said Andrew Bremberg, director of the president’s Domestic Policy Council.
*clutches head, moans*
The body counts will skyrocket.
“If the SRO spends the incident cowering outside, shoot them in the head and position the body with the others. Claim a stray round struck them.”
“We haff heard of a rumor of prize(s).”
And a rumor it is. /wink.
Wtf Venezuela?
The fucker that causes the food shortage gives food and may get votes for it? And why is this guy still around anyway?
/little joe
OT: I got paid from my huge divorce case.
Which side were you representing?
The side that paid!
Are you saying she lost?
/loser pays
If you lose a divorce case, does that mean you’re still married?
/deliberately clueless
That being the BEST side.
Was it nasty?
Yes, but I never saw it coming. Other side hired a ‘churn and burn’ type of lawyer: burn through the client’s retainer as fast as possible by being as litigious as possible. When I did the initial work on the case, other side was unrepresented & I thought maybe the clients would be amicable, and have a consent judgment. Instead we went to trial almost a year later.
I always wondered how lawyers actually get paid. Most of the people you deal with are in a bind or people that cant manage their affairs well.
I am glad you got paid.
Works on contingency? No, money down!
OT: I got paid from my huge divorce case.
Has anyone seen Lord H? How’s he taking it?
OT: I got paid from my huge divorce case.
Woohoo! Drinks on you.
I brought cupcakes to work. Does that count?
What am I doing wrong? Every lawyer I used demanded the payment up front.
“They found them in the back of your van – while you were driving. Of course I want payment up front.”
Lionel Hutz, eh?
‘No! Money down!’
-1 Bar Association logo
That’s because you were bribing the prosecutor.
You don’t own that
On one side, property owner and Silicon Valley billionaire Vinod Khosla wants Martins Beach, a secluded crescent-shaped stretch of sand and bluffs, to himself. On the other, generations of beachgoers demand continued access to a path long used by the public. The squabble has spurred a spate of lawsuits that now focus on whether Khosla needs state permission to gate off the road — and a string of California courts has said he does.
Unwilling to back down, Khosla is now appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court over his right to shut out the public. His latest argument not only challenges the constitutionality of the Coastal Act — if taken up by the nation’s highest court, it would put into question long-established land use procedures and any state’s power to regulate development anywhere.
“It’s bold, it’s arrogant, it wants to strike at the core of our society,” said Joe Cotchett, lead attorney for the Surfrider Foundation, which sued Khosla in its fight for public coastal access. “This is so much bigger than a little beach in San Mateo County. It’s a steppingstone to every coastline in the United States.”
Oh, no, our precious precious mob rule is at stake.
Fine, you want it public – take it by eminent domain and pay for it.
Too valuable. CA would rather it be used as public land while still making some private entity pay property taxes on it.
Except… the Coastal Act was already in existence when Khosla bought the property.
Doesn’t make the Act any more constitutional just because it’s been taking from the prior owners as well.
Regardless of constitutionality, Khosla was aware of the encumbrance. So no eminent domain necessary. If the CA is found unconstitutional, that’s that, but if it isn’t, Khosla can’t really bark.
Why do they hate undocumented beach goers?
Louisiana law is based on germanic law. Navigable water ways up to the high water mark are accessible to the public. My property actually goes to the center of the bayou on the north border and that is what I pay taxes on but I cant stop people from boating there. It isnt really an issue because…why would I do that?
“Get off my
lawnlake!”It does seem weird that you would have to pay taxes on publicly accessible land. Hopefully the tax assessment on bayou is low.
Is there any advantage to owning a chunk of bayou?
Well, the trees are part of the property.
So logging?
Last I heard Suthen was a tree farmer.
I am but I dont cut that close to the water. I leave 100 feet of trees on either side of flowing water. That is pretty standard practice. Sometimes I add a little more to it…more or less to the high water mark.
I know very little about the practical aspects of running such an operation. I don’t even know if the bayou-dwelling species are the same as those on dryer soil, or if they’re worth anything.
I could put a dock in if I wanted, that is an advantage. The assessment is low because the bayou part only adds an acre or so to the property and property tax in La is pretty low. Lowest in the country I think. In any case I hvaent complained or said anything to anyone in case some dispute comes up in the future. I cant imagine what it would be but if it does I have that card up my sleeve.
I always heard LA law was patterned after Napoleonic code. In any case the navigable water deal is pretty common across the U.S., even in TX!
Everything else is based on Napoleonic code. We actually have a few pieces of property in the state exempted from the germanic practice because they were originally spanish land grants. On those pieces of property you can own lake/river bottom. There was just a big suit about one in the center of Catahoula lake. Some scumbag bought the property and then sued the state for the oil royalties the property owner should have received going back forever. The bastard is well known for doing that…buying land and then suing for some imagined grievance that happened forever ago and the previous owner never bothered with.
The motherfucker sued me for 44 million dollars over an oil spill that happened back in the 70’s. He was not successful.
Some scumbag bought the property and then sued the state for the oil royalties the property owner should have received going back forever. The bastard is well known for doing that…buying land and then suing for some imagined grievance that happened forever ago and the previous owner never bothered with.
I can’t believe those cases aren’t dismissed out of hand. When you buy a property, you are buying it “as is”, and the price should be adjusted accordingly. Oil spill? Reduce the price. Easements? Reduce the price. You don’t get to go back in time and pretend to be damaged by something you should have considered when agreeing on a price for sale.
Navigable water ways up to the high water mark are accessible to the public.
Same rule in Canada. I was stunned as a teenager when I went to a lake in the U.S. for the first time and was told I couldn’t walk the beachfront ’cause it was ll owned by private parties. Lakes get real boring, real fast, when you can’t explore their beaches.
**SIGH** I have no idea where the “II” between was and owned came from. SQRLZ?
If the path was “long used by the public” as claimed, then he’s probably going to lose the case. Adverse possession can in some cases be used to procure an easement if it can be demonstrated that the property owner failed to enforce their exclusive ownership/use, and I’d bet that’s going to be used here to produce a public easement across the property. Although I am not a lawyer, so perhaps someone with more knowledge/expertise can weigh in on this.
Adverse possession abuse is almost as bad as eminent domain.
If the fence line and the property line don’t mesh up, but for decades the successive owners of each side have treated the fence as the property line, then it makes sense to adjust the line to fit the fence.
If it’s habitual tresspassing, there’s no good reason for an easement.
Don’t get me started on people stealing homes by breaking in and changing the locks (actually happens in California)
Considering the previous owner was charging for admission, I don’t think adverse possession would apply.
You’re right, it wouldn’t apply as that would indicate the property owner was fully exercising their exclusive rights. I guess next time I should read the article, as I missed that detail.
Enough of the crazy talk.
*narrows gaze*
I didn’t read them at TOS, why would I start here?
The Supreme Court will probably decide in the next three months whether to take up the case. Chances are slim: Of the thousands of appeals filed each year, only about 100 are granted review. But with conservative interpretations of property rights gaining prominence and President Trump’s recent appointment of Justice Neil M. Gorsuch, having the right lawyer and a well-crafted argument might just be enough to win the four Supreme Court votes needed for the case to move forward, legal experts said.
Khosla’s arguments, while ambitious, are “artfully drafted in an effort to capture the attention of at least four justices,” said Richard Frank, director of the California Environmental Law and Policy Center at UC Davis. “This petition is targeted directly at the conservative wing of the United States Supreme Court, and it certainly is plausible that the court could grant review in this case given the quality of representation and the issues involved.”
What a dastardly plan.
Crafting a Supreme Court appeal based on Constitutional principles.
I’m having the problem with the threading and I forget how y’all schooled my in fixing it.
When things get as threaded as they can get, comments are at the far right of the screen and every word/punctuation is reduced to 1-3 characters and spills over into the next line for another 1-3 characters.
Someone helped me once before….and I’m sure they can again!
Thanks in advance. I have to skip over lots of discussions that I’m curious about because it’s a literal headache to follow. Too interested to elide over.
A wider window will have longer lines when the threading runs out.
/PC user
The Late P. Brooks has a solution for you.
These links were an hour early.
Blame Richard Nixon.
Blame Bennie Franklin.
Today in: “Actually, you’re misusing the word ‘courageous'”
This is so embarrassing but online, what areyagonnado. You are of the female persuasion? Is that correct? A few comments lead me to believe so. If you’re indeed a man, may your testicles never be swoll.
*On topic: Like most of us, I have a pretty nuanced belief on how abortion/fetal rights should work. There are things that I can’t rationalize and I freely admit that it’s an issue that I feel rather than think, although I have come to rationalized conclusions when it concerns the law (though others may disagree).
I think someone who decides to abort a fetus with Down’s Syndrome certainly isn’t courageous in the actual meaning of the word, but I can understand how someone might misspeak or conflate “difficult decision” with “courage.” Adjectives are all so subjective.
The law forbidding abortions if it is due to the child having Down Syndrome should not exist. However, we should face the reality that eugenics has long been intricately intertwined with abortion. And that is not something that should be celebrated. Nor should people who brush off its connections to eugenics be celebrated as ‘courageous’. That’s all I’m saying.
And well said.
Eugenics by other means.
Other than that, not sure why he thinks he tweeted about it. Is he trying to score some kind of cheap intellectual or moral points? I find it interested he broadcasts it to the public as if he’s making a point that he’s reasoned and rational.
Wouldn’t it be ironic he did a story on down syndrome, pretended to be all compassionate and then someone flashes this tweet in his face?
If my wife and I – TOGETHER because she’s one of those ‘crazy’ people who thinks a man’s input is important – were to opt for an abortion, we’d have the decency to shut the fuck up about it. It’s not something to talk about in public.
He’s also an “intelligence and national security reporter” so, maybe, stick to your bailiwick?
And by the way, have ever met a person with DS?
It’s like being touched by an angel. I’m serious.
Can you show us on the doll where the angel touched you?
My family interact with a number of disabled people on a regular basis. Most DS kids in America are much loved, and tend to be emotionally quite well adjusted all things considered – having grown up in families that waned to keep them – because if a pregnant woman finds their fetus is DS, it’s real easy to have an abortion here – so the very fact that the kid even made it to the maternity unit indicates that the parents have willingly taken on a significant burden.
However – there’s always a however – they’re people just like everyone else. Some of the DS youths we know aren’t angels, they’re not even cheap imitation angels. Some of them manipulate their parents to the extent that they’re capable, and they try it with carers too.
So, in other words, they’re normal…or at the very least can be enrolled at Evergreen.
Most of them would ace it at Evergreen. Better attention span, better analytical ability, probably harder working too.
Like this guy
I don’t think I have ever heard this part of the story before.
The issues date back to 2008, when Khosla, a co-founder of Sun Microsystems, bought the 89-acre property south of Half Moon Bay for $32.5 million.
The Deeney family that sold Martins Beach had, for almost a century, maintained a public bathroom, parking lot, even a general store. Surfers, fishermen and picnickers paid 25 cents to enter. The fee eventually went up to $10.
Khosla, in legal filings, said he “was willing to give the business a go, and continued to allow members of the public to access the property upon payment of a fee. But [he] soon faced the same problem the Deeneys had faced: The business was operating at a considerable loss, as the costs of keeping the beach, the parking lot and other facilities in operable and safe condition significantly exceeded the fees the business generated.”
So he shut the gate, hired security and posted “do not enter” signs.
So, they did not just throw open that trail to all comers. It was operated as a “business” and access was controlled. This seems to me to radically alter the narrative.
I guess he could also go back to operating it as a business and just charge exorbitant fees no one would be willing to pay.
Sure, but if nobody is willing to pay his fees he’ll still have business expenses to pay, which means he’s still operating at a loss, so why keep the business open?
To keep the government off his back while not having to actually deal with any beach goers?
To me, the issue is whether he is obligated to give people an overland route through his property to the beach. Traditionally (I think), the beach up to high tide is a public route, so people can walk up the beach below the high tide line to your private property. Once they get there, I suppose California may give them access to your property even above the high tide line (don’t know).
But if there is no walkable route to his beach, then that access way doesn’t exist. Does that mean he has to allow people to wander over his property to the beach? If so, can he designate a specific route that they use, or is his entire property essentially public access? Does the fact that parts of his property are public access create an obligation that he maintain it to a certain level of safety, etc? Once the dominos start falling, it looks like there might be a whole bunch of infringements on his property rights.
In all fairness some of them might be breast men.
True enough. At least I tried to avoid imposing my crass heteronormative prejudices on them.
Hey glibs (but mostly Tundra)! My team went 2-2 this weekend, so we ended up second to Colorado in our league.
Hopefully you got a chance to watch Paralympic hockey. USA won 10-0 vs Japan and 10-0 vs Czech Republic, which is pretty much how it will go until they meet Canada.
Awesome! I lurked about when you Splain Sled Hockey, it sounds fun
It’s amazing the gap there. Canada won their 3 group stage games by a combined 35-0. USA will probably be close to that after they beat South Korea.
USA is actually holding back once they get the score up to 10.
Wish I could have made it out there.
The first two games were blowouts, we lost 6-1 and 9-1. The next two went to a shootout.
You still have one more chance to come out. Chicago is hosting the disabled hockey festival in April. This will include adult sled hockey teams in 4 divisions as well as kids teams, warrior hockey (stand up hockey for disabled vets), blind hockey (still not sure how that works), and special hockey (similar to the Special Olympics). There will be dozens of teams and hundreds of athletes from all over the USA. The Olympic guys will be back so there will be some high end talent.
more information
Will you still be Number 2?
Yes, I will wear 2 for the rest of the season. Also, I will be in the lower tier team.
Congratulations, Kevin! That’s great to hear!
I haven’t had a chance to watch, but I’ve been following the coverage. Looked like your guy Roybal had a helluva game against Japan!
I think he came into the season a little under rated but I’ve seen him up close and I know what he can do. He had 4 goals against Japan and added 3 more against Czech Republic last night. That broke the season record for goals and points, and he’s not finished yet!
They are showing the games live on NBC Sports Network, at 9 or 9:30 pm.
Go Canada. /wink.
Might be UVA’s year, no other really dominant teams. I just have a hard time picking a team that plays super fucking good defense and unselfish basketball, where in one game some asshole could just be to hot to stop. March Madness is the best.
Maybe. I mean, the committee didn’t put UVA on the same side of the bracket as a Syracuse team that nobody expected to get in (and complained when they did) and that has to go through Dayton. So they have that advantage.
Villanova has an incredibly tough road, Kansas is Kansas(they will choke) and I haven’t actually watched more than one Xavier game.
I really don’t think KU should be a 1 seed, they’ve been way too inconsistent this season.
Not only that they got the softest road out of the 4 imho.
Mendacious cunts are mendacious
Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos said Monday that she does not think teachers should carry assault-style weapons as part of the Trump administration’s push to harden schools.
“Do you think they should be able – teachers should be able to carry assault weapons since presumably they may face assault weapons?” NBC “Today” host Savannah Guthrie asked DeVos, who will chair a presidential commission on school safety.
Who the fuck has ever suggested teachers should be “armed with assault weapons” (other than the lying cunt from NBC)?
Reading that made me angry. What a cheap, sleazy trick.
They’re playing the angle that “assault weapons” (by which they mean assault rifles and other such guns) are uniquely dangerous and that having a handgun would leave the teacher outgunned. Their logic then dictates that if you are outgunned you may as well be unarmed, which is their justification for keeping teachers/faculty/staff disarmed. This line of “reasoning” ignores the fact that as a practical matter a handgun is a sufficient defense/deterrent in these situations – in the confined spaces of a school the personal reaction time and tactics of the participants in a shootout are going to matter far more than the type of gun used.
To grasp that requires understanding firearms and self-defense situations, something their worldview requires them to remain ignorant of. Because once they gain process that knowledge honestly they start to think “wait, there might be a reason for people to not be disarmed” and slide out of the ban camp.
…something their worldview requires them to remain ignorant of.
I think you are right. I’m not into guns but I know this because it is such basic stuff it doesn’t take much research to find out about it. I’d think if you want to discuss I topic you should at least do some basic research so you aren’t utterly ignorant (just mostly ignorant), but I guess that view is old fashioned.
in the confined spaces of a school the personal reaction time and tactics of the participants in a shootout are going to matter far more than the type of gun used.
In a school setting, I would prefer having a handgun, especially if my role is defending a single room.
One of my staff is a former Marine who trained for MOUT. He works in a satellite building on the hospital campus – its pretty small, and the longest sightline is around 40 yards down a single hallway, with cover along the way. We both agreed that a handgun would be our choice to defend the interior of that building . We had an interesting discussion about denying access to the building by engaging any attackers while they were approaching the building – handgun v long gun gets very situation specific. Long story short – as one side of the building faces a courtyard, handgun v long gun would be a toss-up, with handgun maybe getting the edge if you were concerned that you would be shooting toward other the other wing and buildings not far away – rifles have more overpenetration risk. The other side of the building faces a very busy street and your choices on that side would be driven by your appetite for collateral damage.
The hospital itself has some very long hallways, including one that is nearly 150 yards, and presents a different tactical situation, but there are relatively few places in our sprawling facility where you would be at a disadvantage with a handgun.
They could put an assault rifle in a glass case that says, “Break glass in the event of Active Shooter.”
With Eye to Midterms, Democrats Offer Alternative Tax, Infrastructure Plan/a>
This is how you lose a slam dunk midterm.
They get Dumber,
“They would rather the poor be poorer…”
Maybe the Dems own stock in the kiosk corporations?
You’re all a bunch of paranoid rednecks.
They can make all the law they want, Let them enforce it…….
Louisiana law is based on germanic law. Navigable water ways up to the high water mark are accessible to the public. My property actually goes to the center of the bayou on the north border and that is what I pay taxes on but I cant stop people from boating there. It isnt really an issue because…why would I do that?
The issue is access across privately owned land. Those beaches in California are accessible from the water, but people want to have their ant paths through private property.
Out here, the issue is fishing access. The water up to “high tide” is public access. If you come in along the stream bed, you may fish in somebody’s private pasture; if you hop the fence and tramp through the grass, you’re trespassing.
There really isn’t any good response to this. Engagement seems to be failing as much as containment.
Free/open markets are not an instant panacea for cultures or societies that do not value individual rights.
Are you telling me that managed trade deals are not going to reduce the size and scope of the state?
I refuse to believe that, despite all evidence to the contrary
Free/open markets are not an instant panacea for cultures or societies that do not value individual rights.
The ability of trade to effect change has been over-hyped. The empires of Europe traded extensively, and while this made them rich it did not protect them from war or totalitarianism. An open market is just one piece of the puzzle.
I dont know what she is talking about. I dont think she does either.
As for China, the horse is out of the stable.
Democracy ≠ Capitalism.
So I actually read this entire article, because I was curious as to why Farrakhan retains the influence he has in the black community. The entire thing reads an apologetic for all those who once participated in the Nation of Islam: they didn’t know any Jews, the Nation of Islam helped clean up their community, the Nation does good works in the prisons, etc…
The problem is that this particular apologetic is for Tamika Mallory, who claims she’s outgrown the Nation and really isn’t a anti-Semite, all the while she is heading an organization alongside Linda Sarsour, a virulent anti-Semite herself.
Why Tamika Mallory Won’t Condemn Farrakhan
She’s the worst.
Remember when the Obama administration tried to rehabilitate the Muslim Brotherhood’s image? They were saying that the Muslim Brotherhood had renounced violence and were a political party that believed in pluralism.
I use to scoff at conservatives who said that the Obama administration had antisemites in its administration, but I was wrong. This can’t be denied after reading Valerie Jarrett compare Farrakhan to the Koch brothers. In what world does that make sense
In the tradition that I come out of, we attack the forces of evil but not people.
If she applied that uniformly, then I’d give her a pass in not condemning Farrakhan by name. However, she consistently associates herself with people who appear to have no qualms whatsoever about personalizing everything and attacking their enemies both individually and collectively, rather than attacking beliefs and ideologies at a more conceptual level.
Look at her language in that very statement: “forces of evil”. What are the forces of evil if not people?
The usual unprincipled, self-contradictory gibberish from a professional agitator.
Why is it every time a socialist gets called out on their nonsense they scream “Norway!” as if that makes any sense
Norway has one of the lowest levels of gender employment equity in the world – because the people were given the freedom to choose without penalty what careers to take, and lo and behold, their preferences were not the same.
“Psychiatrist who treated patients for their homosexuality had sex with male patients in his office
A long-time Toronto psychiatrist, who believes homosexuality is a “sexual disorder” that can be overcome, has been found guilty by Ontario’s medical regulator of sexually abusing two of his male patients.
Dr. Melvyn Iscove, 72, was described in a decision of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario’s discipline committee as having a “special interest in the treatment of patients with problems related to homosexuality.”
He also engaged in mutual masturbation and oral sex with two male patients on different occasions during therapy sessions, and once had anal intercourse with one of them in his office, the committee found.
“Neither complainant described any emotional or romantic aspects of the sexual activity with Dr. Iscove, and both said that at some point, they thought that the sexual activity was part of the therapy and an attempt to cure them of homosexuality by engaging in the acts, rather than fantasizing about them,” the five-member discipline panel wrote in a decision released this week.”
Given that we’re in 2018, and Canada is probably considered a civilized and rational culture, I do wonder why a gay guy would feel he needed to be “fixed”.
I suppose for the same reason that a man decides to be a woman and wants to be fixed or a woman decides to be a man and wants to be fixed.
“Because I want to”.
Damned if I know.
I do see a difference though. While you may feel conflicted about whether you want to ‘present’ as a male or female, it’s hard to contradict your own desires and say “I find women attractive, but only men give me boners”.
Just because you accept them does not mean jack.
“Oh, we accept you just the way you are.” “But, I don’t want to be this way.”
…it’s hard to contradict your own desires…
Many people have contradictory desires. I’d imagine in this particular instance the patients had religious/moral convictions that ran contrary to their sexual desires, or faced social pressure to conform to a certain pattern, or perhaps even were bi but wanted to be on either one side or the other to keep things simple.
You’re probably right on the religious/moral convictions, but as a patient I’d have found it difficult no matter what the therapist’s justification was, to have indulged in sex as a mechanism to ‘fix’ the problem.
Aversion therapy and the like went out with phrenology.
The lack of efficacy of this therapist’s abuse is a separate matter from the patients’ desire to change.
Not sure what “contradict your own desires” means.
To me, it is the mark of a civilized human being to manage their desires and control their behavior. The fact that a smoking hot woman gives me a chubby does not give me license to drag her behind the nearest dumpster and sodomize her. Does that mean I am contradicting my desires?
Contradict in the sense of not acknowledging them. If you’re a guy have a desire response when you look a some guys, and never a woman, chances are that in a practical sense, you’re gay. You don’t have to act on it, but you really ought to acknowledge it.
In that context, the boner does not lie. It doesn’t direct you to drag anyone behind a dumpster.
“See? You’re not gay, you’re just getting your dick sucked/stroked. That doesn’t make you gay.”
“Hallelujah! I’m cured!”
Question for the not-so-rapey large forest mammal with the sweet beard: Good work if you can get it?
Interesting article, philosophically. I’ve read it twice now, and still can’t entirely decide if it makes entirely too much sense, or is nonsense.
First Things was a great place to see things from a religious perspsective. I haven’t been around much since Neuhaus died. Did it maintain its quality?
This is the first article of theirs I’ve read in a long time. But it seems to be well written and sourced.
Very interesting. I find good classical scholars who can bridge the insights of the past to today’s situations to be consistently thought-provoking.
Thanks for sharing. That’s some good stuff.
“When I present the noble lie to students in my classes, it rankles—as Socrates predicted it would. They dislike the idea that the just polity must be based upon a deception. But what irritates them even more is the suggestion that the just city must be based upon inequality. As good liberal democratic citizens, they intensely dislike the suggestion that inequality might be perpetuated as a matter of birthright, and they identify with the injustice done to the underclass. Over twenty years teaching at Princeton, Georgetown, and Notre Dame…”
I bet those privileged yute really identified with yucky hoi polloi.
They like the hypothetical disenfranchised.
They can’t stand proximity to the actual people.
Elizabeth Warren rejects DNA test to settle Native American heritage claim
This has to be the greatest political story that I can ever remember. Why did she insist on bringing this back up?
Her opposition for Senate (An indian from India) keeps hammering the issue, and the unfair advantage she leveraged from it.
His campaign ads need to include, “Elect a real Indian-American.”
It does.
(He’s also a moron, claims to have invented e-mail even though it was invented years before his time, and then sues anyone who says different)
That last part sounded familiar. Sure enough, it’s the idiot that was married to Fran Drescher.
No one is going to buy a blonde blue-eyed Native American, regardless.
They did on Bonanza
Never seen it.
You’re missing out. The Cartwrights are good people
To lock up the Rachel Dolezal endorsement?
“How video games are fuelling the rise of the far right
Violent, isolationist and misogynist desires course through games – and push rightwing ideologies on players
Donald Trump’s claim, in the aftermath of the Florida school shooting, that these events are the result of violent video games, resurrects old arguments about whether young people emulate the games they play. The World Health Organisation’s (WHO) recent decision to consider video game addiction an official illness shows comparable concern. However, these responses demonstrate anxiety about the right things for the wrong reasons.
Gaming cultures are connected to violence – but should be considered in terms of the rise of far right political discourse and the prominence of “alt-right” misogyny and racism. While Trump is firmly on the right and the WHO may embody normative centrism, there is an aspect of gaming that should worry the progressive left.
The white male supremacy in gaming has been discussed in the context of the harassment campaign Gamergate and via the link between Trump and gamer message board threads on the 4chan website. Yet it’s not simply that many gamers are right wing, or that the right recruits gamers, but that the logic and pleasure of gaming itself has served and continues to serve the political right.”
So, not “ban video games” but, “let us ban games on an individual basis if they don’t meet our test”?
Also, WHO embodies “normative centrism”?!
How long until video games go the way of comic books and all playable characters are LGBTQAESHDFJFGKHFKLCF minority otherkins and the bad guys are necessarily all white Christian males; a la Far Cry 5?
From what I’m hearing, the bad guys in Far Cry 5 might not be who the initial promos made it look like.
I guess I’m gonna have to shoot anything that moves to find out who the bad guys are.
Oh fuck! That’d be me!
I don’t know if the game changed or I did because I loved Far Cry 2 and played forever but I tired really quickly of Far Cry 4. I doubt I buy Far Cry 5, mostly because the gameplay has become tiresome more so than the potential politics of the storyline.
My understanding is that they changed a lot between 2 and 3.
3 and 4 were quite similar in gameplay and storyline.
That’s odd. I found Far Cry 2 boring and repeditive (having to clear the same outposts every time I go down the road because the moment your eyes are off of it, the guys respawn) I didn’t buy 3 or 4 because of that. I’ve been debating whether to try 5.
It was probably more a function of my tastes changing. Once I started playing again the gaming industry had changed a lot….after playing Naughty Dog’s titles, first person shooters lost most of thier appeal beyond a quick 20 minutes of shoot’em up
We play more violent video games and own more guns than ever, so why is violence at an all-time low?
Also, if you look at the sales figures for games with a politcal bent, they do piss poorly on the market. Games are escapism, a means of getting away from the shrill ideologues like this author.
Violence at an all time low? Have you seen how much of it there is on the news??? /sarc
I better not hear any Lefties whining about Trump’s video game comments since Democrats like Dianne Feinstein talking about banning or restricting violent video games for decades. If they didn’t complain when Democrats did it, they better just shut the fuck up right now.
Semi-Spartan hound dog passed this morning of old age. We knew she was slowing down, but she just laid down after getting up this morning and that was it. She was more of my wife’s dog and didn’t listen for shit, but will still be missed. She could catch mice like no other. There was also a time I called her out in the yard, she turned and looked at me, opened her mouth, and a bird flew out of it.
Sorry for you loss,
Dogs are Good for Humans IMO
Sorry to hear that, dude. It’s always a blow when you lose a pet.
I’m more a cat person than a dog person, but it sounds like that hound was part pussycat.
Sorry to hear it, that tough. On the bright side it sounds like she went quickly and peacefully which is the best you can hope for with the pups. Still, very sorry for your family.
Sorry, SSD. Tough to lose a pal. All my best to you and your family.
Sorry for your loss.
Awwwwww. Damn.
Condolences, man…
I am sorry to hear that. Seems a lot of pooches passing lately.
Sorry to hear it. It’s always tough losing a dog but it sounds like she had a good home and a full life, which is all that anyone can ask for.
Sorry for your loss, but at least you didn’t have to giver her “the shot”.
Thanks everyone. My wife is rather torn up but at least has the day off work due to the snow storm.
A sorority has been kicked off Lehigh University’s campus after a scavenger hunt that was called “reprehensible.”
Alpha Chi Omega’s Theta Chi chapter’s Lehigh campus recognition was revoked for two years, starting March 5 until May 31, 2020, says the Lehigh Greeks blog.
The sorority was accused of sponsoring a road rally scavenger hunt Dec. 8, 2017 in which participants “received points for various acts including sexual activity, the use of drugs and alcohol, ingesting food and other liquids.”
Finally, the sort of crassness I can get behind.
ingesting food
I see the sororities are still the same since the late 90s.
“received points for various acts including sexual activity”
I would like to see a chart of which acts receive what amount of points.
In late because of after effects of the Worst Day of the Year.
22 is not a human or attractive. But 28 makes up for it
“Go Ahead, Millennials, Destroy Us
I am creeped out by the increasing dogmatism and intolerance of millennials on the left; I felt a generational divide open up under me last year when everyone under 40 seemed to agree that Dana Schutz’s painting of Emmett Till in his coffin should be removed from the Whitney Biennial. When I was young it seemed the natural order of things that conservatives were the prudes and scolds who wanted books banned and exhibitions closed, while we liberals got to be the gadflies and iconoclasts. I know that whenever you disapprove of young people, you’re in the wrong, because you’re going to die and they’ll get to write history, but I just can’t help noticing that the liberal side isn’t much fun to be on anymore.
Yet this uprising of the young against the ossified, monolithic power of the National Rifle Association has reminded me that the flaws of youth — its ignorance, naïveté and passionate, Manichaean idealism — are also its strengths. Young people have only just learned that the world is an unfair hierarchy of cruelty and greed, and it still shocks and outrages them. They don’t understand how vast and intractable the forces that have shaped this world really are and still think they can change it. Revolutions have always been driven by the young.
My message, as an aging Gen X-er to millennials and those coming after them, is: Go get us. Take us down — all those cringing provincials who still think climate change is a hoax, that being transgender is a fad or that “socialism” means purges and re-education camps. Rid the world of all our outmoded opinions, vestigial prejudices and rotten institutions. Gender roles as disfiguring as foot-binding, the moribund and vampiric two-party system, the savage theology of capitalism — rip it all to the ground. I for one can’t wait till we’re gone. I just wish I could live to see the world without us.”
Maybe he hasn’t heard that the upcoming generation is more conservative than his.
Easy solution dood; no need to outsource your destruction. I even have a .357 you can borrow and I’ll show you where you shoot yourself to get the job done right.
He’d probably even get his family to pay for the bullet.
The amount of smugness in the comments could easily be fatal.
Take us down — all those cringing provincials who still think
climate change is a hoax, that being transgender is a fad or that “socialism” means purges and re-education campsreality is a thing and that feelings and ignorance are no basis for running a society.Bonus points for actually projecting your own cringing provincialism on the bitter clingers.
Oh. The NYT. I should have figured that out before seeing the link.
“Shooter revealed gory fantasies to his therapists years before the Parkland massacre
Nearly four years before school shooter Nikolas Cruz gunned down 17 students and educators at a Parkland high school, he confided in a therapist that he saw himself in a dream drenched in human blood.
A May 3, 2014, notation in a Broward County schools psychiatric file said Cruz “reported [a dream] last week of him killing people and covered in blood. He smiled and told the therapist that sometimes he says things for shock value.”
After Cruz’s disclosure to his therapist at the alternative Cross Creek School, administrators developed a “safety plan” to ensure the welfare of Cruz and others while the teen was on summer vacation. The plan included provisions for removing “all sharp objects from the home” and encouraging the youth to “verbalize what the problem is.”
If talking about “the problem” was seen as a solution to Cruz’s volatile behavior — and, in the short term, it may have been — it did not last. Portions of his psychiatric file, obtained by the Miami Herald on Friday, show a young man whose mental health exhibited frequent and extreme swings. His attitude would brighten for weeks at a time, then descend again into paranoia and anger.”
So add a few more people on the mile-long list that dropped the ball on this kid.
But yeah, banning guns would have prevented this.
Psychiatrists can only do so much. Plus unless there’s an imminent harm to self/others they (legally) can’t do anything.
(And changing that would be a really, really bad idea)
My message, as an aging Gen X-er to millennials and those coming after them, is: Go get us. Take us down — all those cringing provincials who still think climate change is a hoax, that being transgender is a fad or that “socialism” means purges and re-education camps. Rid the world of all our outmoded opinions, vestigial prejudices and rotten institutions. Gender roles as disfiguring as foot-binding, the moribund and vampiric two-party system, the savage theology of capitalism — rip it all to the ground. I for one can’t wait till we’re gone. I just wish I could live to see the world without us.”
Fap, fap, fap. Fucking Doomsday cultists.
Gen-Xers are doing a bang-up job pushing climate change, transgenderism, and socialism all by themselves. Lazy bandwagoning Millennials.
I for one can’t wait till we’re gone
*hands guy lethal dose of heroin*
Funny, sitting next to a gun cabinet getting ready to mill out a lower I interpreted that first sentence totally differently.
ha. good catch. it’s like molon labe is just some dank meme.
If this attitude is pushed hard enough, then the world to come will not be better but worse. A new generation can cast aside the wrongs of the old, but if they are convinced they are right in all things, they will perpetuate new wrongs greater than those they ended. Maturity is an essential element of a functional adult and discouraging its development is a recipe for disaster.
“Don’t tear down a wall until you understand why it was there in the first place.”
Chesterton was a cishetero white male patriarch, therefore we can ignore him.
I read that as him inviting the derided provincials to rid the world of his outmoded vestigal prejudices against the provincials. Then he went batshit.
What the guy is saying is that he would be fine with putting deplorables in death camps.
“eSports analyst receives death threats after thanking men on women’s day
A prominent eSports commentator revealed on Thursday that she received “death threats and hundreds of hate messages” in response to a tweet expressing gratitude to men for their support on International Women’s Day.
Soe Gschwind-Penski, the Overwatch League host and analyst known as Soembie, had sent a tweet earlier on Thursday offering “a special shoutout to all the men in our lives who have supported us, gave us a voice when we had none, fought for our cause and treated us the way we all ought to treat each other…like a fellow human being – no race, no gender”.”
Apparently acknowledging that men are capable of anything other than oppression, destruction and death is no longer acceptable.
I’m going to take a wild stab in the dark here and guess that not a lot of men were making death threats to this woman, beta “male” feminists notwithstanding.
This happens largely because prosecutors force plea-bargains down everyone’s throat without stopping to consider for half a second if it’s appropriate.
Good for Grisham.
I hate everyone in this story.
TW: Jezzy.
Can she have more tattoos?
Anyway, I’m not sitting through an hour-long YouTube. So I’m just going to assume that anything from Jezebel is bullshit.
i scanned that, then read the comments.
my favorite was, “this should be required reading in high-schools”
ah, Jezebel.
Greek football league suspended indefinitely
The “incident” they’re referring to was PAOK owner Ivan Savvidis (Russian billionaire) coming onto the field with a holstered pistol late in their game against AEK after they had a late goal disallowed. Also apparently told the referee “You’re a dead man”. Warrant out for his arrest, but he’s probably back in Russia by now.
Being a ref in Central America shortens your life expectancy. A little over the top for Europe though.
To me, the issue is whether he is obligated to give people an overland route through his property to the beach.
According to the State of California, he is. The really interesting thing to me is that the previous multi-generation owners maintained control over the access, and did not just permit free travel through their land. If this is known to be “access by permission” then permission should be revocable.
Toys R Us is about to go tits up. Will the State of California step in and compel them to remain in business in perpetuity, to save toy shoppers from potential harm?
Lemme guess – not only is he obligated to allow people over his property, he is obligated to provide and maintain an ADA compliant pathway to his beach.
I wonder who gets to say exactly where the public access easement goes? Is it open 24/7? Does he have any recourse if people leave the path?
Slippery slopes are slippery.
It’s California, so anyone on that path can wander off of it, raid his fridge, sleep on his couch then go visit the beach and he isn’t allowed to stop them.
/only a slight exaggeration right now.
I think the access thing is a law in Hawaii and California, but it doesn’t have to be anything except a dirt path. I worked on a small path in Hawaii last time I was there (a friend of my aunt and uncle has a house near a beach, and is now 96 or 97, was in her 80s at that point), and in order to keep people off of her lawn and keep noise down, she and her nearest neighbor have a 3 foot dirt path between the houses. We just trimmed the weeds down, and dug a little culvert next to it to direct rain.
Lemme guess – not only is he obligated to allow people over his property, he is obligated to provide and maintain an ADA compliant pathway to his beach.
That wasn’t covered in the LAT article, but you’d have to be crazy to think he’s immune from a lawsuit either for ADA accessibility, or from somebody injured on the path. I’d be amazed if nobody has gone at him yet for some “injury” suffered while on his property.
Louisiana has a law barring lawsuits in the case where a person is committing a crime. Trespassing is a crime. The last straw that got that law passed was a burglar in New Orleans who cut his hand while breaking into a man’s home. He sued and won. That came right on the heels of the case of the trespassing 4 wheeler that broke his back in a gravel pit that he had been repeatedly run out of. Anyway, we shut that shit down.
We lease some of our timber land out for hunting but we have disclaimers in the lease. Other than that it is a good idea not to give people permission to enter your property.
If you haven’t read it, the LAT article is pretty interesting. This is the first time I have seen any mention of the ongoing control over the access trail. All the other articles have made it sound as if the previous owners openly invited one and all to access the beach through their property. You can probably make better sense of the grounds for the appeal. Apparently they are attacking the law itself, and not some aspect of the enforcement/application. It’s definitely something which bears watching. The LAT article characterizes it as an impending “end of the world as we know it” outcome if he wins. Surprise.
All the other articles have made it sound as if the previous owners openly invited one and all to access the beach through their property.
I guess there are a couple of legal issues, then:
(1) Does the beach access law itself mandate that every beachfront property owner provide overland access, and if so, what kind of access are they required to provide – can they limit it to a path, certain times of day, etc.
(2) Did the practice of allowing people to access it via a path and pay a fee violate that law? If not, did it create, somehow, an obligation on subsequent landowners to continue providing that access?
What a mess.
Now you’ve made me do a little research.
Bottom line – if you let the public access your beach overland for five years, you have granted an easement.
If the former owner was charging for use of the path, then I suspect that there’s a good argument that the “without permission” requirement hasn’t been met. This piece doesn’t really go into what the metes and bounds of the new easement might be – if you can’t establish that the access was limited to a pretty specific route, sounds like it could mean that you can’t bar anyone from coming on your property at all.
If they were charging, I would think it also doesn’t meet the “as if it were public land” standard.
Getting some deja vu here.
Well, they are arresting people for thought crimes. That this would happen yet again is no surprise.
I see they have stopped circling the drain.
I think we’re up to about 6 acknowledged cities now. My prediction is that within 30 or 40 years, we’ll have a couple of dozens.
This represents a systemic failure, because the UK Constabulary system typically results in one force having responsibility for either one large city (such as Manchester) or multiple smaller cities – the West Yorkshire Police, for example, are meant to service Leeds, Bradford, Wakefield, Kirklees and Calderdale. The bolded are moderately large urban centers. Kirklees and Calderdale contain Batley, Dewsbury, Huddersfield and Halifax.
Hence, when you look at the sex abuse rings being reported, you see that Halifax and Bradford were prosecuted together, some of the defendants were arrested in London, Manchester and Leeds. As these sex rings continue to be exposed, remember that often, the expose represents a policing failure by an already-proven-to-be-negligent constabulary.
This is conspiracy of national scope, with participants in multiple jurisdictions. Some of those jurisdictions have demonstrated multiple failures to prosecute, and more will be exposed at being better at avoiding criticism for their failures. Arguably, given the national nature and scope of these offenses, investigations should be being pursued by the NCA (National Crime Agency) but as with other countries, there are jurisdictional issues and politics involved.
Not long ago an acquaintance informed me that she was dying to visit England. She watches a lot of English TV shows. She refused to believe me when I told her that the country she was seeing on television does not exist, that it is a fantasy. Oh well, have fun.
Eh, I visited Scotland a few years ago and had a great time and that was at the height of the Scottish Independence referendum. Their culture may be changing for the worse but there is still plenty to learn and experience from visiting.
Also it’s much like the US in that if you get out into the rural areas people are generally more pleasant and down to earth and politics are not a subject that is generally brought up. In fact I had a fun time explaining what libertarianism was to a young guy in a hostle whom had never heard of the term before.
England is the true Curates Egg.
I can still direct tourists to wonderful, safe places to go, but it’s getting harder every day. It’s not like Malmo, Detroit or Baltimore everywhere, but the ability to just wander around London after dark is sadly compromised.
i am reserving judgement until i hear UCS’s assessment of personal hygiene
So there are very few places in the US where something like this could go down. Depending on where you are it varies, but there’s a certain critical mass of outrage where you’re going to have locals taking matters into their own hands. What that looks like varies, of course. In some cases it’s demonstrations and that sort of thing; in others, it’s vigilante justice.
Is that still a possibility in Britain? As an American I’d like to think that we have a cultural claim to rough-and-ready justice, but everyone everywhere has a limit. It just seems that if people going to prison for Tweets and rape gangs ignored by the police out of political correctness hasn’t popped it off, I don’t know what would.
I think there’s a very real risk of speech police pushing people into ultra-nationalist racist groups (yes, actual racist groups, not in the SPLC sense).
If a government imports third-world people and enforces political correctness with jail time while ignoring child rape, anyone who has a slight disagreement with these things is going to feel like the only way for them to have a voice is to join the British National Party or something similar.
There’s probably a lot of pent-up discontent over these things, but the British government is probably working hard to paper over it and give the appearance that everyone is super-woke and happy.
It’s like a clogged-up pressure cooker – you better take it off the heat, or it’s going to blow the fuck up.
The BNP done fucked up and were broken for their public policies. Their organization into a political group made them an identifiable target for destruction. As a political party, it’s dead.
The problem (issue?) in Britain is not going to be political parties gaining power. It’s going to be vigilantism, on a local/regional level, by ad-hoc groups whose aims are not directly political, but based on simple rough justice. There are already some groups like this on the LE radar over there, but I would expect that they’re only the tip of an iceberg.
Comprised of “real” racists, “Little Englanders” and increasingly “Law and Order citizens”, I’d expect they’re using a broad array of communications methods to organize. They’ll have been compromised by police informants, of course, but they will have learned their lesson seeing ‘real racists’ like the BNP and the National Front crushed like bugs.
You really don’t need a lot of Millwall Men to get together and “Make a difference”. If a limit is reached and something is going to happen, I anticipate that it’ll blow up pretty quickly and turn into a widespread phenomenon.
It doesn’t take much effort to pop down to B&Q, pick up a couple dozen 4×2’s (hah! how’s that for continental reversal), a box of 6 inch wire nails and run up some ‘personal protection devices’ with duck tape handles. You’ve all seen soccer riots over there. They ain’t pretty.
The populace are cowed, and don’t trust the political class. They’re heavily surveilled in the cities with CCTV systems, and are subjected to persistent suppressive propaganda in the media. There’s a reason they get so much news about Trump and the Royal Family, and why the police have to be as draconian with people like Southern, Pettibone and the others. In parts of Britain, there are isolated and significant powderkegs, and a lot of effort is being put into smothering the slow match.
It’s not just ‘cos I’m British that I say that there’s a very thin veneer separating the cultured and polite Brit and the savage bastard that invented the concentration camp.
I have to say – I’m glad I’m not there and what family I have left over there are in rural areas and are pretty self-sufficient.
“there are[…]politics involved”
You can say that again.
It’s lunch! New schedule puts me up at 5am.
That might take some time to get used to.
Not long ago an acquaintance informed me that she was dying to visit England. She watches a lot of English TV shows. She refused to believe me when I told her that the country she was seeing on television does not exist, that it is a fantasy.
P G Wodehouse’s world is long gone.
If it ever really existed.
I’m a pretty big Anglophile, but it’s more focused on things from the past (Coleridge, Tennyson, Dickens, Gilbert & Sullivan, etc.)
It’s sad what’s happened to England, and I certainly hope the US avoids going down the same road.
Has anyone seen the new UK child sex ring mentioned in the MSM yet? Not a peep on it from the BBC World Service