Alles in Ordnung!

Grüezi mitenand. I have appropriated the Links this Morgen. Und you will appreciate them! First, we begin with Sport:

Yes, yes…we all know Tiger Woods came very close. But it is time for the baskeballings. Join this bracketing of the NCAAs, and demonstrate your precision to your friends, neighbors and fellow Glibs! If you asked for your papers, please – Group ID: 52048, Group Password: Podesta. We haff heard of a rumor of prize(s).

So. Links. Ja:

  • Ach, so…consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds, ja? It must have been The Hair’s turn to speak…
  • Englisher Tabloids. One must love them, ja? Note the 6th bullet point in the hed of this story. How quickly a career can go up in flames. One hopes he has a large bank account in a certain West European nation that shall go unnamed.
  • When politik and press combine in Chicago. Ja, ethically challenged. Also, warum are you buying cow, when milch is free?
  • Socialistische Maduro imitates the old American Mayor Daley…but with a box of rice, instead of a turkey?


Musik. Inspired by the last link – music regarding a box.


Uf wiederluege!