My family and I had a wonderful time meeting SP and Webdominatrix last night. My wife and I drank a lot of wine. A lot. Enough that I was avoiding teachers at the daycare drop-off after showering and brushing my teeth because I was worried it was coming out my pores. They also brought a Romanian wine recommended by Pie in the Sky in one of his articles. It did not disappoint. So, all that said, I’m moving a little bit slowly. But last night really brought home that there’s a community a’building here, and I’m grateful for it.

Not too shabby
Beloved commentor P Brooks thought this should be in the links today, so gets it. This young survivor of the Parkland shooting is having a hard time getting the same attention as his classmates, two guesses why.
Tesla stopped their Model 3 production to increase productivity. Like Jayne Cobb says, “ten percent of nothin’, carry the nothin’, we got nothin’!”
Amazon can start drone delivering things? Time to start my AI pilot bot project and get my kids certified to fly them.
3D Printed houses — I’m guessing there are some doubts about structural integrity over time if they’re shipping the first batch to El Salvador after showing them off at SXSW. I liked it better 20 years ago when you could stay in town for spring break and see a shitton of cool music acts.
And speaking of Austin, it looks like someone is trying their Unibomber schtick. I hope he drops the next one on his lap and blows his junk off.
I didn’t even think Duane Allman and Aretha could fix this song.
Give me your cleavage, your jugs, your massive titties yearning to breathe free.
1, 6, 9, 10, 13, 15, 19, 22, 23, 29, 35, 38, 48.
#1: “No bra club” – I could get to like that club.
#8 excluded from the orgy because of stupid piercings. #11 and #31 excluded from the orgy because I don’t want RealDolls in the orgy.
#35 is Ewa Sonnet.
*shakes head sadly*
Assuming gender, eh, shitlord?
Women are incapable of hurting anyone.
Except when they get a little overzealous with their cowgirl. It does not bend that way!
Elon is increasing Production from 5000 cars a quarter to 2500 per Quarter, this Time it will work!
It’s the long game.
And I hear the chocolate ration is being increased as well!
He’ll make it up on volume.
He doesn’t want to exceed the # of government kick-backs available for his cars.
Meh, If you find yourself in a hole stop digging. If you can use the slow down to fix the problems you’ll be in better position long term. Of course that’s assuming they can fix the problems.
I think Glibs is getting a little too incestuous.
We Need walls Andy….WALLS!
Don’t worry. Nobody is going force you with interact with actual human beings here. We’re not monsters. As for the incest, we haven’t really figured out which sons are being married off to which daughters… yet.
Hey! you sleep with your Sister and I’ll sleep with mine, Bucko!
The classiest, most beautiful wall you’ve ever seen. Best wall. Bigly.
Drunk Brett best Brett
The damn car has a keypad built into the audio system but it can’t be told “jump to time x:yz”?
The root complaint is that I don’t want to have to sit here and manually break down the audio files inot smaller chunks to I can easily get back to where I was when the car decides this time I start it, it won’t recognize that there’s a USB drive plugged in. When it pulls that shit, it usually fails to remember where it is in the long files.
Can’t you do it on your phone?
Now I’m picturing USC trying to use his Ma Bell dial to plug into his giant 256k usb storage device.
“Ah one ringy-dingy… ah two ringy-dingy…”
I use a little USB stick for the car – only 64 GB
There’s no phone in the equation.
I think he’s suggesting you add one to the equation.
Indeed. If it’s not too spicy.
That only adds steps to the process of getting in the car and driving, and making the process dependant on an even less reliable piece of tech.
Have you tried yelling at clouds?
Or listening to talk radio?
Think about it rationally.
Existing use case – I load audio files on an inexpensive usb stick sufficient for weeks worth of commutes. I plug the stick into the hard to reach port hidden inside the center console and leave it there. Most times I start up the car, start the sound system and it works, picking up where it leaves off, dsving me from having to fumble about with connectors in the predawn cold.
Once in the occassional while, there will be a hiccup and the car doesn’t realize there is a usb stick there. Sometimes I can get it to recognize it and not lose my spot, but other times it loses my spot.
The car already has a nine digit keypan whose only function seems to be for setting the clock (maybe you can pick radio frequencies with it, but who is dumb enough to listen to the radio?). How is it a stretch to want to be able to plug in a numeric timecode and jump to that point in the audio?
I plug my iPhone cable into the “hard to reach” port. It makes it easy to reach.
I then plug that cable into my phone, both to charge and to listen. 128gb of whatever I want to listen to.
Think about it rationally.
A: I don’t have to even find the cable most days. B: cables have this nasty tendency to get tangled up in things. C: who in their right mind owns an iPhone? D: I only need to charge my phone an average of once every five days. I don’t want to ruin the battery by confusing it.
I can’t help you if you won’t help yourself.
I hear ya man, the lack of granular options/controls on electronics drives me crazy. It’s why I despise Apple so much. I just updated to the lastest iOS recently, and now you can’t even disable bluetooth completely? And it turns on every day? Why? That makes no sense. Don’t really want to go back to Android (google) because it seems apple is the lesser of the two evils these days, but is the distinction even noteworthy? Ugh… grumble.
Anyway, I recommend trying some workaround like another device or a longer cable or something. I tend to look to minimize the frustrations because it’s unlikely you’ll every find the perfect device/solution.
I’ve been getting better with looking cables look nicely routed and tucked away. But then, the problem is when you need to change something, you need to undo it all. Or when someone in the backseat needs your cable to charge or to DJ the radio and you have it all nicely routed.
First world problems.
My fix has been to open the files in audacity and chop them into fifteen minute chunks. My commute is a half hour, so wherever I stop, I should be able to get within a reasonable proximity when the location is lost.
It’s just an annoying additional step that is theoretically redundant.
My absolute favorite in this vein is Microsoft deciding that you can’t turn off Windows Update, or control exactly when updates get downloaded and installed, in Windows 10 (all versions except Enterprise, i.e. any version a regular user can get their hands on). While I’ve had no problems with my desktop, every update absolutely murders my (admittedly somewhat old) laptop. What’s that, you just turned on your laptop for the first time in a few weeks? I’m sure you didn’t intend to do anything important with it, so I’ll just spend the next 1-2 hours running your CPU full throttle installing updates.
This is one of many reasons why the one box I bought that had windows 10 preinstalled is not permitted to connect to the internet.
For Decades, Our Coverage Was Racist. To Rise Above Our Past, We Must Acknowledge It
Nat Geo apologizes for countless photos of bare breasted native women. Glibs on the other hand cherish them.
The New Puritans collect another scalp.
Young people have much easier sources of porn nowadays. It’s understandable that they see it as no longer being necessary.
Someone got in a good zinger in the comments about how the magazine has improved due to being a Murdoch publication. Heh.
Western civilization is deplorable. Western standards of modesty are woke.
“If a ceremony in 1930 honoring a black man had taken place in America, instead of Ethiopia, you can pretty much guarantee there wouldn’t have been a story at all. ”
Picture was in Germany, but my point stands.
There is so much horseshit in that I dont even know where to start.
The word idiot is clearly in the phrase useful idiot for a reason.
I just remembered an issue where NG bemoaning some tribe in africa that was losing all of it’s people to city life. It had a pictorial of the members who stayed and lived a traditional life. One of the photos showed a number of children in a traditional hut…made of camel dung.
That’s right, NG thought it was a shame that darkie children were no longer going to be living in a heap of literal shit. The issue wasn’t from the early 20th century. It was from the early 21st.
Darkie children. Ugh. My bad…picaninies.
If we would just leave Africa alone to their own ends, I’m not sure how long it would be before they were all living in camel dung huts again. The South Africa thing going on right now has not done anything to discourage me from thinking like that. I understand how long some of those farmer’s have been on that land, but this is not going to turn out well, they best find somewhere else to go, there is no saving it.
Nobody is going to leave the continent alone – there are too many mineral resources under those shitholes.
That’s more fetishistic than racist. And it’s not at all a problem. People seem to throw way too much into the “racist” basket and then pretend it’s all equally bad.
Guess they want us to start covering up all the womenz.
I’m envisioning a black tent like thing with little eye slits in it. That’s woke, right?
Also from that issue is this chart on inequalities by race/ethnicity in the US across several categories. Made me wonder if anyone is going to get in trouble for giving the “Asian” bar on the graphs the lightest color when it often has the best results.
“Nat Geo: A Retrospective on a Century of Progressive Thought””
My little connection to “greatness” is that my mother was the first female staff photographer for the Nat Geo. She never made a big deal about it and was just doing what she was interested in. She eventually cancelled our subscription to the Nat Geo when they got too progressive in the 90s.
That’s kind of awesome, Plinky. Say what you will about the progressive tennets of NG, but they did some damn good photography.
That is the sad part of it. Just present the facts and let people decide on their own.
You can image search for “Kathleen Revis” to find some of her pictures.
Dude, your mom is freaking me out.
You’re being trolled from beyond the grave. This is the first time I saw that picture. She must have been protecting her young, lol.
“Believe all women” just as stupid as believing any group indiscriminately.
“Canada’s minister of foreign affairs Chrystia Freeland declared: “I’m a woman. I’m a wife. I’m a mother. One hundred years ago, I would’ve been beaten by my husband. That’s what happened to pretty much all women.”
I can’t repeat this enough. Freeland is an insufferable twit. I can’t understand how she has reached the level she has in public life. And her mannerisms are brutal to watch.
She a Liberal and a woman?
They can’t do better than her?
This country is in decay for real.
There’s that Astronaut Governor General…
She a Liberal and a woman from Toronto
You forgot the primary qualification. Ontario must be appeased!
They only did it to stop their wives’ incessant nagging.
The face slap was the glue that kept civilization going.
Make that:
The face slap in the movies was….etc., etc.
[smashes grapefruit in Rufus’ face]
forever blowing bubbles…
Hey! That’s not very Gary Cooper or Humphrey Bogart of you!
Humphrey Bogart’s third wife, actress Mayo Methot, stabbed him in the shoulder on one occasion. On another, she pulled a gun on him.
What I don’t understand is why he isn’t still beating her?
Did he leave?
I wonder if that has anything to do with women being shipped in by the French government explicitly as breeding stock?
Les filles du roi are possibly the only reason that we get Canadian women who look like Lauren Southern.
Geddy Lee is the reason they have women who look like Chrystia Freeland.
Hope that clarifies things a bit.
So what you’re saying is that Rush sucks?
Heaven forbid, but Geddy’s hardly ‘eye candy’, is he?
He looks a little like a skinny version of the cowardly lion in Wizard of Oz.
Yet somehow* Liv Tyler happened.
I think you’re thinking of Steve Tyler …
Steve Tyler had a face that even his mother would slap. Didn’t stop him from making some pretty babies. Even if Aerosmith is mediocre.
I think Gavin McInnes referred to them as ‘sassy broads’.
May the deity bless ‘sassy broads’ then.
Naturally, Lefties don’t believe all women.
See: the way Hillary and the media treated Bill Clinton’s accusers back in the ’90s.
They had their woman cards revoked, making them non-women.
RE: Ignored Parkland kid.
I think there are two reasons he’s being ignored: 1. the obvious, since he’s not shilling for gun control, he’ll be ignored by prog outlets like CNN et. al. 2) He’s insisting on not becoming a political pawn and trying to have clam, rational discussion. That doesn’t play well with any news outlet, regardless of political orientation. We’ve moved past rational discussion and entered a world in which FEELZ are more important than anything else.
You truly are an odd one, too much clam on the mind.
Bearded clam.
Was it ever anything else?
I’m impressed that at his young age, he understands that it is no longer possible to discuss any topic that can possibly be construed as political. It always comes down to one side (mostly the left side) screaming and calling the other side things like Nazi. We can thank social media for that.
CNN has neglected its ‘Trump Jobs Tracker’ amid significant growth
CNN continues to push its fruit-themed “Facts First” ad campaign, but the liberal news network hasn’t updated its “Trump Jobs Tracker” in months, despite an explosion in employment.
The tracker was last updated jobs tracker Jan. 5, 2018, as first noticed by Daily Caller media reporter Joe Simonson. CNN’s site notes that Trump promised to add 208,333 jobs per month and features the message, “He’s off Track,” in a large font splashed across the page.
U.S. employers added a robust 200,000 jobs in January and another 313,000 jobs were created in February, which was the most growth in a single month since July 2016 – leaving CNN’s jobs tracker badly outdated, not to mention misleading.
Simonson wrote that the information missing from CNN’s page make the totals “more than enough to be on a healthy pace to average 208,333 jobs per month in 2018.” An update would result in CNN being forced to remove the prominently displayed anti-Trump message and replace it with something noting that the president is “on track.”
CNN did not immediately respond to request for comment.
Job gains for 2018 are now averaging 242,000 per month, according to The Hill.
Jobs are not being created at CNN. Last month, its digital operation began cutting jobs and it has been reported that as many as 50 staffers would eventually be let go as part of cutbacks. It would be easy to assume that whomever is responsible for updating the “Trump Jobs Tracker” was let go as part of the layoffs, but Daily Caller reported that only one of its authors has left CNN since the page was created.
Remember when CNN had its Obama Jobs Tracker post stimulus? Yeah, me neither.
Saved or created or extracted proctologically!
Even the hacks at Politifact rated it mostly false.
Uh oh. There’s trouble in River City.
Gen Z—the generation following the millennials—is the least Christian generation to date, according to a new Barna study – 34 percent of Gen Z’s religious affiliation is either atheist, agnostic or none. In fact, teens 13-18 years old are twice as likely as adults to say they are atheist. And just three in five 13- to 18-year-olds say they are some kind of Christian (59 percent).
Contrary to what you may have heard, Christian faith is not blind. Christianity is not a fairytale for grown-ups invented to make ourselves feel better. Followers of Jesus have nothing to fear from tough questions, honest doubts, and challenging conversations. Gen Z needs to know that Christians care about truth.
On his blog, he writes
Christianity is not a fairy tale for grown-ups. It’s not a hopelessly outdated superstition that only the uneducated and gullible believe. I’m convinced there are good reasons to believe Christianity is true and because it’s true, it speaks to every area of life. We don’t hear this message enough.
That’s not the best sales pitch I’ve heard.
Hot Christian girls at church camp. Maybe Q can find some Christian tatas for the campaign.
That’s awesome. More×610-bralet-white+bralet-white+shirt-cut-white+cut-cleavage-cleavege+shirt-tight-tight+white-tight+white+shirt.jpg
I had no doubt
That’s why I stopped minding going after being forced my entire life, when I was like 12-13. I started noticing all the slutty girls at church. All of the sudden I grew enthusiastic for Church.
Local convent school was named Virgo Fidelis.
Even at age 12, I larfed.
Firstly, everyone is an atheist or agnostic when they’re a teen. It’s not a coincidence that people most likely to attend religious services are married couples with children.
Secondly, the strongest argument in favor of the Christian faith, in particular, is not found in the Bible. No man who has ever read the works of Thomas Aquinas, Robert Bellarmine, St. Augustine, or Justin Martyr can say that the Christian faith is based upon nothing more than fairy tales. The philosophical arguments made by these writers of ‘apologias’ are difficult to refute or ignore.
Also, I would be remiss if I did not also include the writings of GK Chesterton who wrote ‘Everlasting Man’ and other fine defenses of the Christian faith.
Try engaging with a teenager about philosophy. They make atheists and agnostics look bad, which is a damn shame, because there are some very learned non-believers who make an equally compelling argument, but most of their practitioners (like Christian practitioners) make a god-damn mockery of their beliefs.
Based on personal experience I would say the number of athiests/non believers is likely higher.
All of my kids and the majority of their friends are athiest of some sort.
You guys remember Rob Ford? His brother is now leader of the Ontario PCs. Bastard better not blow it like Hudak or Tory.
Was he the awesome crackhead mayor?
Dead crackhead former mayor.
That’s sad. All of the fun people die early.
Not Lou Reed!
Actually the cancer killed him not the crack.
Fun stuff might not be good for your healt
I read that as cancer = fun
Well, you do get all the good drugs…
+1 Zima and sugar pills
Hoo-kay. Let’s shut down this portion of the thread shall we?
Have you driven a Ford lately?
SYNC sucks.
What the Koch Brothers Want Students to Learn About Slavery
The Koch brothers empire is seeking to promote an alternate narrative to slavery.
Given that the billionaire Charles Koch has poured millions of dollars into eliminating the minimum wage and paid sick leave for workers, and that in 2015 he had the gall to compare his ultra-conservative mission to the anti-slavery movement, he’s probably the last person you’d want educating young people about slavery.
Yet the history-teaching wing of the Koch brothers empire is seeking to promote an alternate narrative to slavery, the Civil War, and Reconstruction. The political goal of these materials is to ensure students see racism and slavery as flaws in an otherwise spotless U.S. record, rather than woven into the fabric of our country from its inception.
Go home, Alternet. You’re drunk.
Just wait until it’s accepted truth that the US was founded on a literal racist conspiracy, and someone suggest that racism was merely “woven into the fabric” of this country..
And, at the very bottom of the AlterNet article:
“© 2018 Zinn Education Project”
Thank you! Good night!
IOW, highly partisan authors complain their version of the truth is different than other highly partisan authors. What are the odds.
Today: no sales. Tomorrow: twice as many!
Can’t believe I forgot this stuff. Nationalization of state politics is not exactly new…
*Previously on Happy Days*
Richie Cunningham: Fonz, what do you think about this tension with Russia? We got the UK saying that the Russians poisoned some spy or something and supposedly they directed some memes in the US during the election
Fonzie: Russia is a bad actor. They don’t accept modernity and if you’ve learned anything from me, Richie, it’s that I’m increasingly drawn to the notion that the real divide in the West is between those who accept modernity and those that don’t
Richie Cunningham: So, you support more trade embargos against them?
Fonzie: That and more. For modernity’s sake. My favorite magazine even had a front page story about how we need to impose more sanctions against Russia
Richie Cunningham: So then you’d support trade embargos against China since they hacked the Office of Personnel Management in 2015 and stole 22 million social security numbers; continue to prop-up the Kim regime, and interfered in the 1996 election by funneling money to the Democratic Party, just to name a few of their recent provocative actions?
Fonzie: Ee gads, no. They make iPods in China. We need iPods. Russia doesn’t produce anything besides fetal alcohol syndrome
Richie Cunningham: Again, no one listens to iPods anymore, but you got a lot of inconsistencies in your argument there. I think you should stop reading those Paul Krugman columns while huffing leather polish.
Fonzie: *thumbs up* Ayeeeeeeeee
I laughed. With my outside voice.
They had iPods in 1955 Wisconsin?
You’re asking me to suspend too much here.
Mork brought one with him.
I survived whiskey fest, barely. 3 continuous hours of drinking spirits is a young man’s game. Some good stuff is Amrut fusion. It’s a blend of Indian and Scottish barley. Sagamore spirits had a double oak rye that is outstanding. I learned about two Florida distilleries I didn’t know about. One is St Pete is terrible. Manifest in Jacksonville had some strong contenders. I met the owner of St Augustine distillery and he was a super nice guy. Worst whiskey of the night was bio-whiskey. They put botanicals in a whiskey. Definitely will be back next year.
What’s this whiskey fest?
This is why I nurse my drinks.
” 3 continuous hours of drinking spirits is a young man’s game […] Definitely will be back next year.”
Nevertheless, FM persisted
A smart man learns from his mistakes, a wise man learns from other’s mistake, a Florida man never learns from any mistakes.
Disabled man bemoans armed self defense
I was starting to get worried by all this talk about arming everybody. I feared that, as usual, disabled folk were being left out of the conversation.
Because if the preferred method for not being shot is being able to shoot back, a lot of good that does me and a whole bunch of people like me. Guns are not accessible for us. I can’t even lift my arms, let alone pull a trigger.
In a society where the guy with biggest gun rules, I’m a sitting duck. All the bad guys will know by looking at me there’s no way I can shoot back. You might as well paint a bull’s eye on my butt.
But perhaps I have grossly underestimated my ability to survive a shoot-out. For one thing, the National Rifle Association has my back. They have something they call the Adaptive Shooting Program. The logo is that ubiquitous wheelchair stick figure shooting a handgun.
The NRA says, “Your disability should not prohibit you from enjoying the shooting sports or personal protection. We are committed to providing you with all the information you need to do what you love and protect the ones you love.”
Concealed carry laws would be discriminatory against me, though. What am I supposed to do, throw a blanket over the assault rifle mounted on my wheelchair? No, there’s only one way for me to fully exercise my 2nd Amendment rights bestowed by the Creator.
I must be free to display my adapted machine gun assembly for all to see. Then the bad guys won’t mess with me or the ones I love because they’ll know I’m perfectly capable of shooting them down, as long as they stand right in front of me and hold still long enough for me to take aim.
Just have to develop those mind control capabilities.
So, if I kick that guy in the face, he won’t complain?
There are people in this world who actually believe that every conflict boils down to Rock, Paper, Scissors.
Well, yeah, that’s what I had in mind.
She doesn’t have an issue
A couple of years ago a wheel chair bound fellow in Deville, La defended himself and his wife by shooting an intruder who was also armed and intended harm. Dude keeps a .45 in his wheelchair.
Guy with the biggest gun rules? I dont think that’s how it works. I know this – without guns the guy with the biggest fist rules.
Before the invention of the firearm, power in society was held by whoever had the largest group of big burly men with swords at his command.
The firearm is at least as vital to the spread of liberty and democracy as the printing press. I could argue more so.
Yeah, that whole Samuel Colt making em equal, that’s for real.
I don’t understand why this poor mentally handicapped guy is in a wheel chair.
I know it varies, but in many places, open carry is more protected than concealed carry. In KY, for example, open carry is protected by the state constitution, but concealed carry is at the whim of the legislature.
As another disabled person, I am offended by this guy’s derp. A lot of disabled people (like me) enjoy target shooting and hunting. There are lots of programs out there that take disabled vets hunting. That’s what the NRA was talking about, ass hat.
Also, in my younger days I did have a CC permit and I did carry a revolver when I drove to my college classes at night. I was much safer with that revolver than without. And just because he can’t physically fire a weapon, that doesn’t mean one of his companions shouldn’t either. If his disability is such that he can’t raise his arms, he’s probably not going to travel or live alone.
Well, tbf, it’s hard to walk or lift your arms when all your limbs are made from straw like this fella’s
:: seated ovation ::
Speaking of straws. It’s kind of ableist to not allow disabled people the convenience of machine gun turrets that can be controlled with a mouth straw, amirite? In fact, if a person has a hard time aiming and shooting a gun, you’d think a fully automatic gun would be better than a semi-automatic, and a semi-automatic better than something you have to load/manipulate after each shot.
Turns out that anyone who wants to ban large magazines and semi-autos really hate the disabled.
You just gave me an idea for My Wife’s Power chair…..
Concealed carry laws would be discriminatory against me, though.
Advocate for the Handicapper General there.
How come the Chinese Special Economics Zone did not defeat Xi Jinping’s repeal of term limits?
They didn’t want to go to the salt mines?
Regarding the 3D printed house, you can build 4 walls that each 20’long and 8 feet high using about 720 8x8x16 cinder blocks which can be had online for about $1.50 each, which totals just over $1,000. That doesn’t include cement to join them together, but that can’t be much. That covers everything that the 3D printer does with the exception of making holes for piping and wiring.
All this 3D printer does is take the labor out of the equation. This is why it will not be successful anytime soon. There was some commentary in the article that labor unions were already fighting against it, and they will do their best to kill it. They don’t care about whether or not their members live in tar-paper shacks so long as they have a job that the union can siphon funds from. Not much siphoning to be done from that machine.
And they will lose.
Taking the labor out is a big deal. Have you ever laid brick or cinder block? It is an amazing amount of work.
Doesn’t look like they took any labor out, they just moved it around, sure they weren’t buttering bricks but they had to build the support frame for their printer and then ,I assume, take it apart and I imagine cleaning the pumps and hoses takes substantially more time than shoving your trowel in to the sand pile a very times. I’m no Luddite, and some day the tech may be there for these kind of things, but my money is on entirely new methods of construction and materials not merely using machines to approximate what humans have been doing for ever.
It makes no sense whatsoever to robotically construct cindeblock shacks.
Light, stiff composites with low thermal transmissivity, embedded conduits for electricity and liquids.
Many times. Cinder blocks are fairly easy, laying bricks well is skilled stuff that takes time to get good at. A machine could be made to do it perfectly every time, though. And like everything else, eventually will be.
All this 3D printer does is take the labor out of the equation. This is why it will not be successful anytime soon.
Especially in this case, where the 3D printed houses are being hailed as a solution to homelessness. The greatest portion of the “1 billion” people the article claims lack shelter live in the poor corners of the world, where (unskilled) labor is the cheapest of the commodities.
I mean that’s kind of like saying “all that newfangled cotton gin does is pick the seeds out.”
The cotton gin made slave labor more efficient, increasing production of cotton and demand for slaves to grow it.
Troll level: Epic
Now I understand why Nick Sarwark and the ‘Libertarian’ Party didn’t want Paul to speak at their convention. He focuses too much on reducing government rather than spouting nonsense neoliberal positions.
What do you define as “neoliberal”?
Support for free markets, liberal immigration policy, and a regulated, but generally free market domestically. Look no further than Bill Clinton’s administration post-1996. Reducing the heavy hand of government is not important.
*support for free trade*
Ah you seem to be interpreting it to mean what it pretty much originally meant.
From what I can gather “the libertarian moment” is pretty neoliberal. And Reason and Cosmos seem heavily fixated on the notion that 1990s neoliberalism Is the End of History. Hence why Trump and populism is such a shock to them.
Doug Ford (Rob Ford’s brother) won the Ontario Tory leadership race.
Shit, scooped by Winston. Feels bad man.
His mom will make you feel better.
Either that or the Mulroneys or the Flahertys.
And what does that make the Trudeaus?
Gibbering idiots.
And he sounds better than his brother! RIP Rob!
Now go and take that loon Wynne out! Win baby!
He better win.
I’d prefer to think of them as our Clintons. Criminal-ish yokels who just broke into the political dynasty market.
Trudeaus are Kennedys, and I’m not sure where Lewis family fits in – do Americans have a genuine leftist dynasty?
Except the Trudeaus aren’t as evil as the Kennedys….yet….that we know of.
I like how Etobicoke is now yokel territory.
Their dad was an MPP under Mike Harris.
On the “Starbucks fallacy”.
He seems to claiming that the Chinese Urban Middle Class realize they are in the minority and therefore do not want democracy.
Also that China is not a US-friendly regime where the dictatorship would embarrass the US.
What the fuck Arnold
Schwarzenegger Plans To Sue Oil Companies For ‘Knowingly Killing People All Over The World’
What will Gavin Newsome do to top that?
Goddamn him! That fucking retard better not get in a car or airplane again for the rest of his fucking life! So disappointing.
Are you kidding, he’s jetting around the place in a private jet right now going on with that hogwash.
Yeah but he buys
indulgencespollution credits, so it’s cool.Republican my ass.
Steroid induced brain damage is my guess. Poor Ahnold, he be cray cray.
I wonder what the carbon footprint of a Hollywood movie explosion was before they started CGI’ing everything? Because there have been one or two of those in the movies that put him on the map.
Hmm… I wonder what the carbon footprint of a CGI explosion is, and whether it’s more or less than a real one?
He once did an intro for Free to Choose. And I believe gave a copy of the book to every legislator in the California assembly. The Kennedys got to him or something.
Religion intensifies with old age and fear of mortality. Why would progressivism be any different?
Have you seen the warnings on a Gas Fueled Furnace? How about a Gas Pump?
Oh that’s Right, Arnold is like little people…
There has been absolutely zero evidence presented so far, despite multiple state AGs engaging in fishing expeditions against the oil companies, that they covered anything up or tried to suppress anything. They funded some research into the effects of greenhouse gases around the same time as universities and NGOs were doing the same thing. There’s no conspiracy.
“They must be conspiring! We’re sure as hell conspiring, so they’d be fools not to conspire to prevent our conspiracy! All we have to do is catch them in the act.”
Indeed, there is quite a bit of projection there. The AGs and activist groups have been very chummy in formulating strategy. I’m sure the settlement slush funds have nothing to do with their motivations.
Dinner last night was indeed all kinds of fun. Brett neglected to mention the Mexican Mules he created for cocktail hour! Brett & fam are great hosts.
We enjoyed Pie-recommended wine and Pud Paisley enabled Nebbiolo and pasta and sauce.
Thanks, guys!
I hope you remembered to upper deck his guest bathroom before you left.
I have a split pea and beef stew in the crock pot. I made broth from bones, and there was a nice 1/4″ disc of fat on top, which I re-melted and poured into a small tupperware dish. I used that fat to saute the beef chunks and vegetables in the stew. It’s gonna be great.
I’m also going to try to make cabbage rolls for the first time. It’s a bunch of ingredients I like, so I don’t see how it could turn out bad. And I’ll make a nice crusty loaf of rye bread to have on the side.
That sounds great, when is dinner served?
It’s my one day off after a long stretch of nonstop work, so my timetable is strictly “whenever”.
The bad news is you’d have to come to Ohio, and I’m not sure if any non-Ohioans would want to do that.
Depending on where in Ohio and whether or not you’re OK with keeping the crockpot on “warm” for 6-10 hours.. Also, there has to be a promise of buckeyes.
Tell me about… Ohio
I had low expectations and it was still a disappointment.
Was it the mules that brought in the weed and ass sex?
The Mexican drug mules smuggled in the pot. Was there any ass-sex?
Aw, geez, I guess I should have read all the replies.
Following some link in the Parkland kid’s story I found this list of Planned Parenthood political contributions
I don’t care for many of the campaign finance laws proposed, but a private company receiving money from the Feds whilst padding campaign coffers is screwed up.
“I wish Republicans would propose cutting any spending at all. Anything.”
“Well, they tried to cut funding for Planned Parenthood.”
“Well, no. That’s not good. That’s different. Don’t cut that.”
It’s like farm subsidies. Everyone realizes that it’s messed up that farmers receive federal dollars and then use the primary process to ensure that no one becomes president who is in favor of ending those subsidies. The only real difference is that TOS criticizes farm subsidies, but defends subsidizing the other one.
While PP should be the first thing whacked in the budget process, they are small potatoes compared to the defense contractors.
The problem is the elderly are still the single biggest recipients and we’re an aging society.
John Tory ought to be happy. And his name is still hilarious. It would be like if instead of DeBlasio the mayor of NYC was some Republican from an old Dutch upper class family named John Gop.
“Enough that I was avoiding teachers at the daycare drop-off after showering and brushing my teeth because I was worried it was coming out my pores.”
I know that feeling. Last time I drank that much, not wine, but beer topped off with a good tally of bourbon. I got up the next morning and the first thing I did was sort of stumble out of bed. Then I felt that… feeling, like oh shit I am still drunk, me not go anywhere, hide from world. Yep, I know that feeling.
Ugh, bad memories. I resolved several years ago to never get that drunk again, and I’ve done pretty well with it. It’s been quite a while since I had any morning-after symptoms other than extreme thirst.
Hangovers can ruin your whole day. I’ve generally adhered to a self-imposed limit of six drinks.
Dipshit Lickapooper 4 prez.
LP 2020 ticket?
Couldn’t be any worse than GayJay/Weld.
No, this year is Bill Weld and the naked dancing fat guy.
Will Weld still be campaigning for Hillary?
Wonder what Embassy he was up for?
You can’t run for POTUS with a name like Lickenpooper. Shit, Trump will probably call him that.
Roflmao. Good one
Do people her think automation will make everyone unemployed and we need Ubi?
No, but there’s a very strong argument that a good portion of the population are unemployable. On count of being retarded and shit. If you don’t buy that theory, try visiting Walmart a few times after 9pm on week days. You tell me those people can be employed. Doing what? Picking their noses?
How big a portion? And what do you intend to do with the “unemployable retards”?
At least 20% I’m guessing. And I don’t plan to do anything with them. We’re going to have to support them though because offing them is immoral. So if anyone wants to have a go at a solution, have at it.
The solution is simple – reproduce our civilization off world in a harsh environment only the most driven and entrepreneurial will be willing to inhabit.
Its effectively the Galts Gulch solution. Once the competent are mostly gone and incompetence reaches a critical mass, it’ll all collapse in on itself and Earth becomes a wildlife preserve while our civilization lives on amongst the stars.
No good can come from UBI. Far too many people will take it, sit on their ass in a trailer or cheap apartment getting high, beating off, and voting for the next politician who says the UBI stipend isn’t high enough.
Fast forward a few generations and you will have a handful of productive and very rich people living behind gates while the huddled masses plot revolution.
To tell you the truth, I don’t care if they sit on their ass eating their own poo if they stay out of trouble. A UBI is much better than our current welfare system, if it were done right. The problem is that it would never be done right because Democrats would immediately latch onto it as just another way to buy votes and keep themselves in power and graft. The chance of that not happening is zero.
Automation is largely a response to higher wages – that infographic makes that abundantly clear.
So before we try to “fix” the problem with UBI, maybe we should correctly diagnose it first?
Good luck automating Me
Automation? No.
Government regulations and laws forbidding all forms of employment that don’t involve sitting on your ass in an air conditioned office making the inflation-adjusted equivalent of $50/hour for no more than 6-8 hours a day, 4-5 days a week? Yes.
I am the Air conditioned Office, When my Machines Break, no Robot will be fixing it anytime soon, as in Decades
The government doesn’t need to accommodate reality!
*Nelson laugh*
I’d say the timing of that party shift is a little conspicuous.
He was railroaded out by a bunch of #MeToo nonsense; he’s exacting revenge on his former party.
Its ok they’ll make it up in volume
/punchlines which can be used in any context and alway work
this is what the country really needs: a racist unibomber.
yeah, because “Murder” and “Terrorism” don’t have harsh enough penalties by themselves. I recall this stupid argument being made in aftermath of FL shooting and was like, “how fucking retarded are people that they’re obsessing about whether the kid’s shooting of *racist*” (as well as being, you know, “mass murder”), as tho that were more significant than the underlying crime.
now that i think about it, its actually always the first thing that the news media start obsessing about; “intentions” rather than the crime. I suppose ever since the War on Terror began the left has been obsessed w/ trying to use the idea of “Domestic right-wing terror” to their own advantage, and basically twist the Patriot Act around and use it on their political enemies.
“Since 9/11”
“Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?”
When you create a huge bloated mess of punishable non-crimes, mens rea suddenly becomes an important factor to decide if a crime has been committed. How does that Dr. Ferris quote go again?
That’s what pisses me off about the Leftist approach to unjustified police shootings. They’re obsessed with the racial element and practically ignore the far greater wrong, which is, ya know, people being murdered by government officials.
And since they’re misidentifying the root of the problem, they’re coming up with ineffective solutions as well. I remember Hillary talking about “retraining police officers to address unconscious bias”. So what the fuck does that mean, are you going to make them watch PowerPoints until they’re not racist anymore?
They’d rather focus on mushy concepts of unconscious bias rather than the obvious culprit, which is police unions.
“they’re coming up with ineffective solutions as well. I remember Hillary talking about “retraining police officers to address unconscious bias”. So what the fuck does that mean, are you going to make them watch PowerPoints until they’re not racist anymore?”
That’s exactly the idea. Every prog solution is the same : steal money from the productive, give it to their political allies.
A newly minted diversity studies graduate in Trumps America has a hardish time finding work. That same graduate in HIllary’s Glorious Future can get a 50,000 a year government job with student loan “forgiveness” as a Law Enforcement Community Relations Specialist, traveling all around the country giving lectures to police.
Every prog solution is the same: Take money from our enemies, give it to our friends, then they vote us back into office. That simple. They don’t have a single plank in their platform that doesn’t involve stealing money they can’t earn.
That’s one of the greatest things about being a Leftist. If your glorious plan didn’t work, it’s because they didn’t get enough money. And if you ever noticed, they never give you the exact amount needed to create their utopia.
I used to have this naivete that Progressives despite many of their beliefs being anti-liberty, were our partners when it came to police abuse. But that was shattered when I was around a group of Progressives and suggested that police abuse and brutality could be curbed if we shrink the level of government to the point where they couldn’t make laws that could abuse the average person. They argued that government power wasn’t the problem, it was that we live in a racist society and thus we have to train police officers to not be racist. Part of me think that their line of thought is because of ignorance, but I also have a sneaking suspicion that some of them know that without government power, their pipe dreams would be disregarded.
In the progressive future, all the cogs and springs in the machine will be perfect, which will mean the machine itself will be perfect.
What’s wrong with you man? Why do you hate perfection?
The power of government will remove the cogs which refuse to fit properly.
Obama shattered that for me, honestly. If a black dude who used to smoke weed and do coke all the fucking time didn’t end the Drug War, it’s not ending under a Democrat.
The one time in her life Herself The Qualified told the truth was when she said the Drug War wouldn’t end, because there was too much money in it.
Whenever I hear some asshole proclaim that the Democrats want to end the Drug War, I always ask why was nothing done between 2009-2010 when they had the White House and slim majorities in Congress. They blame the GOP but I always respond that GOP opposition didn’t stop term from shoving Obamacare down our throats, so why couldn’t they have used the same method to stop the Drug War?
I’ve never met a Lefty who actually wanted to decriminalize ALL drugs; it’s always just marijuana, and there’s one guy I know who expands that to include ‘shrooms,LSD, and ecstasy. They’ve all been very much in favor of the Drug War stance with regards to heroin, cocaine, or painkillers. They sound exactly like Republicans when it comes to these drugs.
I actually work in a mail-order pharmacy that supplies nursing homes, and we’ve had nurses call and request some narcotics STAT, but we can’t send them because of the extra regulatory bullshit. They’ll tell us that the patient is screaming and writhing in pain, but we still can’t send them. The government would shut us down. Next time I talk to a “compassionate” Lefty about regulation of “dangerous” drugs, I’m going to ask them why these patients should have to suffer like that just because some junkie might get hooked on Oxycodone.
you know, the drugs white people use.
a complaint i’ve made a million times in the past: for many, the “War on drugs” they actually want to end is the “war on their fear that rich parents have of their kids getting caught” and having their lives ruined.
no one has the slightest interest in ending the war on the hundreds of thousands of people already in jail. when it comes to sentencing reform or asset forfeiture or anyting that reduces the power of the enforcers, the appetite suddenly falls off.
When it comes to legalizing weed for suburbanites, and regulating it heavily so that they can be sure that the cops can ticket people for Stoned-Driving, why, they’re suddenly passionate again.
When someone makes that claim, smile and say, “Joe Kennedy III.”
I think most of the Dems have pivoted to “opioid epidemic” and have forgotten entirely that they’re supposed to be (kind of) opposed to the drug war.
The one time in her life Herself The Qualified told the truth was when she said the Drug War wouldn’t end, because there was too much money in it.
She probably didn’t mean it the way libertarians understand it.
Also, she once asked Bernie how he was going to pay for all that free shit, implying that there is a limit on these things. Then when he lost the primary, she threw that unexpected moment of fiscal realism out the window.
As if you would know anything about racism, Ed. 😉
“That’s what pisses me off about the Leftist approach to unjustified police shootings. They’re obsessed with the racial element and practically ignore the far greater wrong, which is, ya know, people being murdered by government officials.”
Yes, of course. I’ve been saying this since the beginning. The Democrats basically hijacked the movement against police misconduct, immediately made it about race and ensured nothing would be done. There was nothing accidental about this, it was intentional and they succeeded 100%.
You’d think, after 40+ years, the Libertarian Party would have a blanket of local active groups across the country to counter such Leftist propaganda, since the GOP is already in the cop-sucker camp.
Organizing is hard.
I will watch The New American Idol only if Lionel Richie goes full Simon-Cowell on people and routinely berates and humiliates the contestants
LR: Seriously, you Sound like Rockwell doing Metallica, and it’s Supposed to be Who again? Hank Williams?
Get off the Stage!
Actual libertarian issue actually being debated in congress
Was this covered @ TOS?
(does quick scan)
Funny, there’s like 100 stories about why republicans suck, but i see no mention of this.
Fuck that guy. Seriously, I hope he gets trigeminal neuralgia. I’m going to copy and paste this quote every time I hear some lefty ranting about how they all have “good intentions”.
A slim chance is better than no chance, and worst case they contribute to science. Why do you hate science?
LOL yep, more “pro-science” sentiment from the Left.
It just fucking pisses me off. Sure, most of these last-ditch efforts are not going to work for that individual patient, but if that drug happens to deliver a slight improvement, don’t you think it would be a good idea to research that mechanism of action and see if they can build on that?
Frankly, if I was in terminal decline and I knew my number was up, I’d be prepared to try out a therapy that had a 50% chance of turning me into gray goo.
Leftists, at their core, are a death cult. Not really that, but authoritarian mindless drones. It’s just fun to call them a death cult, because of my sheer unadulterated hatred of them, which they totally deserve.
“A leading House Democrat announced his opposition Monday to a Republican bill making it easier for some terminally ill patients to try experimental drugs, clouding the measure’s fate.”
Imagine that. Caring, liberal, empathetic Democrats opposing dying patients having hope. It’s almost like they are not what they advertise being.
WTF? Youtube is promoting The Scientology Channel to me right now, and I’m not even in the Closet……
You’ll get Xenu and like it!
Xenu coming. Titties, let’s see em.
I got the same thing.
I have a fresh Piece of Tin foil, need some?
You might want to hang onto that yourself. With these tariffs, that piece of tin foil will necessarily rocket in price.
Well, it Is actually Aluminium, so say, 10% more?
That’ll depend entirely in how much it costs to build a totally self-sufficient Aluminum Industry. We can then put the resulting metal in special containers marked ‘Aluminium’ and sell it to those poor benighted coves in the UK.
i misread that at first as a Fresh Prince of Tin Foil.
Theresa May accuses Russia of poisoning an ex-spy on UK soil. Gives Russia a 48-hour deadline to respond, or…consequences? Russia’s already been sanctioned and is a pariah in the west, I can’t imagine there’s much more to be done to them, let alone that there’s anything of significance the UK can do. The deadline’s probably getting laughs in the Kremlin.
She could threaten to shoot Jeremy Corbyn.
PJ O’Rourke had a line something like “we don’t need thousands of nukes apiece; the Soviets need a few they can point at Japan so they can threaten to destroy our economy, and we need one we can point at The Village Voice so we can threaten to kill a lot of commies.”
They were probably laughing as soon as May opened her mouth and before any sound came out. That woman is a joke.
Lots of Russian oligarchs own property in London. If she’s serious, she’ll start going after them.
If she’s not, she’ll expel 76
SovietRussian diplomats.Russian oligarchs
Vladimir Putin is Nicholas Bourbaki?
What will happen to Chelsea FC then?
I would have said 57 Communists myself.
She’s drawing a red line.
Gives Russia a 48-hour deadline to respond, or…consequences?
We’re sending Eddie Murphy and Nick Nolte over to kick some ass.
NPR had some snippet this afternoon talking about the ties between far right extremists in the US and Europe. Want to go there? How about documenting the rather more concrete ties between the far left extremists worldwide and their long time association with (well puppets for & supported by) murderous regimes? Let’s talk about who’s got real blood on their hands.
Diversity of tactics is such a lovely euphemism.
OT: Has anyone ever watched or listened to any Gilbert & Sullivan operas?
It’s kind of funny how the satire is still prescient over a century later and in a different country. They satirize a lot of issues that libertarians are concerned with:
– Over-education as a substitute for actually being good at your job (“Modern Major General” from Pirates of Penzance)
– Incompetent people in high government positions (“When I Was A Lad” from H.M.S. Pinafore)
– Blind partisanship (“When All Night Long A Chap Remains” from Iolanthe)
There are some decent videos on YouTube of entire productions as well as audio of the D’Oyly Carte company (the company that was founded by G&S themselves) recording in a studio.,_Limited
Yes, I’m aware of that one too. I haven’t watched it yet.
the idea that a bankrupt company could leave creditors unpaid without any liability on the part of its owners
Except, you know, the equity they own. If a company goes tits up, the owners can’t just cash out all their equity to avoid having to pay off creditors.
“We bought 300,000 tons of pitted apricots. They spoiled before we could use them.”
Whenever I talk to Lefties about the subject of regulation in general, I bring up the point that it’s better to just have a court system where actual victims can sue for restitution instead of having blanket bans on activities that may cause some damage to someone. The response I always get is “well that wouldn’t work, because these businessmen would just form LLCs and then dissolve it if they ever got sued”.
Many Lefties are under the impression that a person can form an LLC, borrow tons of money, cause tangible harm to people, and generally just leave a path of destruction, then dissolve the LLC and walk away scot-free.
They actually know what an LLC is?
Welll it’s limited, it says so right there! just like No Fault Divorce, just walk away from Responsibility
Everything I know about G&S I learned from Sideshow Bob on The Simpsons.
Not Star Trek TNG?
Everything I know about Theatre i learnded from Blazing Saddles
Insurrection came out in 1998. That episode of The Simpsons was 1993.
Disaster came out in 1991.
Kelsey Grammar can sing opera. TO BE SURE.
Much of what we agonize over and criticize in government has been a feature of nations since – well – at least as far back as the 16th Century. Much of it is merely an honest reflection upon human nature.
ROME, Probably not the first, but pretty far back, We Hoomans are Vile Creatures
I’m pretty sure Greek and Roman plays had similar attacks on governments.
Of course…
Yes, big G&S fan here, more so in my younger days, but still enjoy them. Have a couple D’Oyly Carte albums around somewhere.
Saw your last post in the dead AM links about the US not following the UK down the same road. I’m not hopeful. Reading this and realizing that the US is just circling the drain several decades behind merry olde England.
Bah, Pi Day is on Wednesday (none of your 06/28 tau-day nonsense, nerds) and I’m not sure what pie to bring to work. Dutch apple is a favorite and I have most things ready already ready, but it’s been a go-to pie for years and I kind of want to do something different.
“Shoofly pie” sounds delicious; it’s basically a custard of molasses with some streusel on top. The only reason I haven’t ever made it is because I’m trying to do that whole “healthy” thing, and I can’t bring myself to consume such an amount of sugar in one sitting.
That looks reasonably easy and I have all of the ingredients at home. I’ll make pie dough tonight and see how adventuresome I’m feeling tomorrow.
Shoo-fly pie is great.
But what about April 12?
Though I suppose you could round off to April 13th.
4/19 and 4/20 both important, one Good, one not so much….
Neither one is e-Day.
Ed Day?
Its supposed to be a math-related day to annoy Jesse.
But, you get twice as much pie on Tau day. That’s why it’s better.
Wednesday is the last day in our office’s contest to name the new office newsletter. Thankfully I have two days off on Thursday and Friday, and won’t have to face the consequences when I nominate “Pravda” on Wednesday.
They’ll probably just think you meant Prada.
Why Democrats Would Lose the Second Civil War, Too
Ha! you beat me by That, Much! A good accounting for sure
“”we could easily see the country split into red and blue.””
there’s something to this which i think is generally misleading
the fact is that we like these “Red or Blue” maps of states because that’s how electoral politics work
but the reality is that thats just because we have 2 party, winner-takes-all politics.
The reality when you look at the makeup of counties/neighborhoods is that “Red” means “55-65% Red”. And rarely a lot more. The difference between Red and Blue places is actually “60/40” splits. Not “90/10”.
Meaning, the country is NOT as bifurcated as people might imagine. and you’ll find liberals in trailer parks, and conservatives in big-city salons. and perhaps most importantly, you have large numbers of people who are *neither*.
there are also large numbers of people who change their POV as they age. The idea that “political dominance” could ever be made permanent is idiotic. The people on the left who think “if only we can flip texas Blue, we will rule america forever!”…. what they don’t realize is that the second that happened, would be the second that a new “opposition party” emerged from within their own ranks. Because there will always be competing interests.
On a Glibfit note, I quit Smoking Saturday! hopefully for the last time. I bought an Ebox Vape machine, which works well, and I already feel better.
I have done Ecigs before, but they were always kinda Meh, but the newer tech makes nice Clouds o’ Vapor, 2 days so far!
Oops, I got this one,
I’d recommend taking up some kind of exercise (if you don’t do so already). I started jogging (there was actually a brief period when I was jogging and smoking at the same time) and when I quit, I was so amazed at how far I could run that I never wanted to touch cigarettes again and mess up that progress. Eight years later, I’m running 20 miles a week and lifting weights like a madman.
Plus, I’m sure you’ll save a shitload of money. Stick with it!
Thanks! i think this time is going to work out, I’m Reeeally Sick of Smoking on a number of levels, the Help tech is there, So My attitude is good.
As far as Exercise goes, my Job is a full time work out to this day, (54 yrs old) and I’m in good shape, I’m going to keep it that way as long as I can
I’m trying to quit right now myself. Best of luck to you!
Get a Vape machine, they are awesome for Smokers, even if you don’t want to stop, at least you aren’t smoking Plant matter, and still get your Nicotine
I’ve considered it, but the couple of times I’ve had a hit off someone’s vapey gizmo it’t just made me want a cigarette even more. Right now I’m alternating cigarettes and lollipops. Eventually I hope to go full Kojak.
I’m noticing a change in lifestyle already, I don’t smoke a cig anymore, i just hit the Vape now and again, so the entire Ritual Smoking thing is gone, I woke up looking for my smokes and forgot I didn’t smoke anymore, that’s how well Vapes can work, but it’s still mental As Fuck,
Good Luck to You!
Good luck! My wife’s been off cigs for more than 4 years now. You can do it!
Thanks! I’m going to update when the next Glibfit post goes up, Fit is more than just Weight/diet right?
Yes, it is.
UCS, I don’t comment on the GF posts, because I have nothing to add and don’t want to waste other peoples time with my Authentic Frontier Gibberish, But now I have a Goal!
Vaping worked for me. When I started I wasn’t planning on ever quitting nicotine. I started vaping about six years ago. For the first few years I cheated and had real cigs while drinking and sometimes socially. That slowly tapered off until I was much more addicted to vaping than I was to cigarettes. About 2 years ago I had my last real cigarette, it tasted awful. Then about two months ago, I thought to myself, “I wonder what it would be like to be nicotine free.” And I bought some zero nicotine e-juice. The first couple of days were weird, but it’s honestly been a lot easier than I thought. I guess the six year plan with very little pressure is what worked for me. I still have the nicotine free e-juice for when I want to be social with my old smoking buddies, but I go days without touching it. The real test was last weekend while I was binge drinking, I had a few urges, but wasn’t as tempted as I though.
Anyone like Manchester United? Any Liverpool fans want a copy of the Sun?
I like MU for a completely retarded reason.
Although it’s more fair to say I like Alex Ferguson.
As a Bayern fan, I say fuck Mr. Ferguson and fuck Solskjær.
Page 3 not enough? Erm they stopped it. Well I don’t read it anyway.
You could always go for a walk alone. :-p
“We found perhaps some bad judgment, inappropriate meetings, inappropriate judgment in taking meetings. But only Tom Clancy or Vince Flynn or someone else like that could take this series of inadvertent contacts with each other, or meetings or whatever, and weave that into sort of a fiction page turner, spy thriller.”
“Someone else like that” is a clear reference to SugarFree.
“All you’ve shown is that he must have been a Russian Sleeper Agent since childhood!”
Kid has the flu. Which is doubly bad, because she’s sick, and that sucks, but there’s also this inevitability that I’m going to get sick (we both got the vaccine this year, the one that seems to have done jack and shit because they guessed wrong).
Every Single Person I know that took the Vaccine, got the Flu, I did not, and did not, Stay Hydrated
I quit over 10 years ago after almost 30 years of smoking. Did it cold turkey. Only way that worked for me. I had actually quit once before for a few years (same way) and then convinced myself I could have one here and one there. After a few months I was regular again. I think it was actually harder to quit the second time but now I don’t even crave one at all. Good luck to all. Definitely worth it.
My experience as well, I’m scared to quit because i don’t know how my Brain will act without Nicotine, So the Vape machine is very helpful, if it’s a crutch then so be it, I can already breathe better
Couple Accused Of Waterboarding 12-Year-Old Daughter Reach Plea Deal
Hey, they did the best they could.
Did they at least follow proper procedure?
Police say the girl was taped into a chair with packing tape. Her hands were tied behind her back and rags were shoved into her mouth. Then, the girl said water was poured over her mouth to keep her from screaming and breathing.
Needs orange jump suit. *Violation*
Seated upright? That’s not the posture for the procedure. The subject can drown in an upright position. You want them inclined backwards so gravity assists in keeping the airways from actually flooding.
Don’t these people know anything?
“packing tape”
Luxury! when i was a kid, our waterboardings were 100% duct tape.
That’s what I forgot when raising my Son! that’s why He won’t listen…………
It’s not too late – but you may want some backup since you waited so long.
You wouldn’t happen to Have Cthulu’s home number Would you? I need Big guns for this Asshole
It goes to voicemail, I think he’s sleeping.
Well ZardoZ just wants him exterminated and STEVE SMITH just wants to Rape him, so who else is there?
Good thing they didn’t watch Oz.
Transport the kid to the Antipodes with giant spiders, croc floods and shark-riding drop bears? you monster!
I binge-watched Oz. My friends had to have an intervention because of how frequently I referenced prison rape for that period of time.
Oz definitely pushed the limit on the sadism. Got to be a little much for me. Great acting.
I want to watch that show, but at the same time I think I shouldn’t. I don’t know how to put it into words.
I guess it’s kind of like Plato’s “dead bodies” scenario described in The Republic: You know it’s probably not good for you to look at such things, but you still want to out of some morbid fascination.
it’s,…. intriguing
Seriously the acting is superb. I would totally recommend watching. You’ll know if or when you’ve had enough:)
To this day, jesse thinks splitting your wig before bending you over to bust your cheeks open is how people say hello.
No matter how often you repeat “splitting your wig” I’m not googling it.
HM gets it.
I binge-watched Oz.
You’re a friend of Dorothy, aren’t you?
I’m surprised the Feds never hired any the boys in my family as interrogators. Our version of waterboarding meant pinning a brother down and drooling an inch away from the victims mouth before slurping it back up. Works best if the interrogator drinks milk first.
I Hated People Like You growing up……..
/no hate now 🙂
US Navy tracking Zardoz. Careful stone friend.
There were a number of hypersonic designs where the craft would appear ‘wingless’ from that distance because they made use of the airframe itself as a left surface and thus had very stubby wings that looked like part of the structure.
That is even assuming the distant infrared dot is the whole outline and not just the exhaust plume of a stealth craft.
HEAD was a large quad copter with 3 gyros and Auto stabilization, furthermore HEAD is a Giant Carved piece of Styrofoam, large enough to hold several Exterminators, or an Arthur Frayn
You didn’t like black people getting rights, you don’t like women getting jobs, you don’t want to see that Indian-American succeeding more than you are — whatever your problem is, I’m going to solve it.
Hillary gets it.
What I don’t like is someone putting a gun to my head and saying I have to pay for all the privileges, makework sinecures and tokenist placements while being excluded from participation.
You don’t have to like it. Just gut it for the greater good.
Yep, the 2016 election was a referendum on the civil rights movement of the 1960s. That totally makes sense, why don’t you go with that.
The false dichotomy is a mainstay of modern Leftist rhetoric.
If you didn’t vote for Hillary, it’s because you want to re-enslave black people and chain women to the kitchen sink.
If you don’t like ObamaCare, it’s because you want impoverished old ladies in wheelchairs to be slowly tortured to death.
Number.6, I’m catching up on what I missed since I logged out last night. I saw your post last night about the Mosin-Nagant. Nice find!
You can find the receiver manufacture date by taking the rifle apart and looking underneath the rear receiver tang. Two digits and an arsenal mark mean the receiver was made before 1900. Four digits and an arsenal mark for 1900 and later.
Round receivers were introduced in the 30s, before the war. If I remember correctly, the Soviets, like the Fins, reused old receivers. This page has some pictures of hex receivers on Second World War era Mosin-Nagants..
I’d like to pick up one of those. I heard price has been going up though.
I have three. M1891 built at Chatellerault with a partial Finnish army stamp, 91/30 from Izhevsk, and a M39 from VKT built on an antique receiver (Sestryorsk if I remember correctly).
I haven’t fire the 1891. There is a crack in the stock right behind the receiver tang. I haven’t had a chance to get it to a smith to have him check if it is safe to shoot, and if not, can it be fixed.
I bought the 91/30 before I went on my shooting hiatus. I shot it a bunch. It’s not very accurate, but it is fun to shoot.
The M39 is brand new to me. I haven’t done much with it beyond inspect it and check the bore.
Nice. Now that my taxes are done Im ready for a new toy:) I have a hard time pulling the trigger parden the pun because as soon as I buy something something new comes out that I wish I had bought instead.
I keep an eye on Gunbroker. I’ve found some nice things there.
And yes, prices are high.
I probably shouldn’t be bidding on some old stuff and instead should buy something a little more modern. I’ve seen folks talk about Tavor products, and I’ve started research on them. Interesting.
I picked up the X95 recently and it’s solid. Galil ACE seems like an AK made by people who don’t hate hands. IWI has their market figured out.
I traded a Winchester 1897 that needed some love for a spankin’ new Mosin and 2 250 round tins of ammo. It’s a ’39, but I don’t think it was ever fired because it’s in immaculate condition. Like it needs to be broken in. Haven’t had a chance to take it to the range yet, but I’ve heard they kick like mules and leave craters, but they’re accurate and reliable.
Tesla Inc (TSLA.O) temporarily suspended production of its Model 3 electric car from Feb. 20-24 for planned work to adjust equipment in order to improve automation and increase production rates.
Factory shutdowns happen, but color me skeptical about what this shutdown is about.
Fucking Cunts.
787 in Cohoes is ALREADY Clogged with traffic and They want to make it worse for features NO ONE WILL FUCKING USE!
“Can we go sit on the snow-covered metal bench and watch the wall of cars backed up three blocks and onto the interstate proper?”
What they needed to do was to build some pedestrian overpasses so idiot highschoolers can stop getting run over when they fail to pay attention.
Those idiot high schoolers getting run over is just evolution in action. Why do you hate science?
They should be happy they got the opportunity for urban renewal on Remsen Street.
They blocked off all of the roads I needed to get through to get home that night. If they want to reduce traffi and traffi speeds on 787 through there they should link up all the cut-off roads that should connect to it and make them intersections, so there’s a way for the overflow to re-route on and off the road. The additional lights will get rid of people doing 60, and the additional opportunities to leave the wall of cars will reduce the congestion. Plus more opportunities to find a safe pedestrian crossing point.
If I’m reading you right, it sounds like you want to turn 787 into the Taconic. Those intersections in Dutchess and Columbia Counties can be frightening.
Paid for by the taxes that are supposed to fill potholes.
They should take a right on Ontario street – there’s more pothole than street there. It needs repaving more than 787 needs congesting
The party of free market economics strikes again.
No, no, no this isn’t about economics. It’s about national security! How do we know that? Why, because they said so.
Of all the bad free market practitioners in the Republican Party, Trump is by far the worst. He makes Pat Buchanan look like Ricardo
Lucy! You have sum ‘splain’ to do!
Just checked YouTube and it’s filled with videos addressing the dipshits in the UK that banned/detained Pettibone, Sellner and Southern. That heavy-handed BS may have worked in the past, but with the internet it’s seems a fool’s errand. I don’t find much of what any of those three say to be insightful or even interesting, but now they have this giant victim platform to stand on. Good job, UK. Elevate your preferred enemy so that no listens to more reasonable objections to your policies. And if it backfires and these alt right people win?
Seriously. How dumb are the Brits?
Meanwhile, they let Imams spew violent rhetoric. Heaven forbid we hurt the feelings of cunts like Linda Sarsour and her shitty ilk.
Meanwhile, they let Imams spew violent rhetoric.
I think this guy would beg to differ.
I remember that guy.
One guy whoopee-doo.
They still let people back in who are known to have gone to fight for ISIS I believe.
And what about the mayor of London. Isn’t he another loopy loon?
“Increased crime and terror attacks are just part of life in a big city, so I’ll direct the police to have anti-wrongthink outrach task forces instead of trying to catch actual rapists and robbers.” – Sadiq Khan
They still let people back in who are known to have gone to fight for ISIS I believe.
Yeah, but those people are no different from Italian or Greek immigrants.
You forgot Portuguese.
Fuck Trudeau.
Forget it, man. It’s Europetown.
You tell me. Is the letter fake? I hope so. The grammar is awful.
I don’t know if it’s fake, but it definitely wasn’t written by a native English speaker.
Fuck her, i’m still mad about Tyler the Creator being banned for *lyrics*
UK: ramping up to full police state.
Also, UK authorities really need to read up on the Streisand Effect. I didn’t even know who this chick was before now, and now I’m looking her up. Her philosophy doesn’t appeal to me, but it will to some people. It’s always best to let the wackos speak and reveal themselves as wackos rather than turning them into martyrs. You couldn’t have a more ineffective strategy from the speech police.
At least Japan had the good sense to band all Wings` music after McCartney was arrested here.
What’s messed up is Southern is Canadian. A country that’s part of the fricken COMMONWEALTH. A country that spilled blood on European soil and I’ve got a feeling we may have to do it again at some point down the road.
Maybe some who have a better grasp on football salaries can impart if Sherman negotiated a bad deal as Thomas claims.
I mean, how can that be? He went to Stanford as we were reminded over and over.
Completely at random:
Stuart Varney’s exaggerated accent drives me insane
Its not even recognizably british anymore; it sounds like some retarded impression of a fancy-pants brit being done by some aging vaudeville comedian
Does it also bother you when Americans adopt English words in their vocabulary like queue, instead of line or pub instead of bar? Or am I the only one?
A pub and a bar are two very different things. And, yes, pubs exist in America.
Which reminds me, I also hate people who end messages with “cheers” too.
COMMENTWell, that’s, like, your opinion.
Oh, shit. I do that. Usually when I am literally about to have a drink though.
“”, I also hate people who end messages with “cheers” too.””
that is something i picked up from the brits. i don’t apologize; its a convenient word
Bless your heart!
/what I picked up from Glibs
You’re welcome 😉
I fucking hate it when people say “cheers”, or even worse, “cheerio” to me.
It’s like being ASMR’d by Dick Van Dyke doing his Bert The Chimney Sweep accent from Mary Poppins.
ello guvna!
i can say with half-certainty that i don’t think i’ve ever heard anyone say that ever outside of some mocking-context
Chur, bro!
Now do the difference between “theater” and “theatre”
One shows porn.
Theatre’s seem to have more money keeping me employed.
Yeah, but we don’t have a “pub culture”, apparently. Or so I’ve been told by Brit ex-pats in places I’ve considered pubs. Apparently one of the big differences is table service, and the other is that a lot of places that are pubs stay open to the wee hours, which allegedly isn’t a feature of British pubs.
Wait – people are arguing that an early closing time for a drinking establishment is a GOOD thing??
Well, I think the idea is that a pub is like a place where the whole family can go and hang out, have dinner, and go home at a reasonable hour, where a bar is where you go to get drunk, so the notion of a pub that stays open past, say, 10, implies that it’s not as wholesome. I don’t know personally, but that was the gist I picked up. Like you’d be able to bring your kids to a pub and it wouldn’t be weird, but bringing your kids to a bar would be alcoholic.
okay smart guy whats the difference between those and your ‘local’?
The “local” is the only place in drunken stumble distance of where you live, so you go there to get plastered and forget you live in the UK.
This was my ‘Local’, when I was growing up – and this is what it looks like today when set up for a show of some kind.
It was always a bit different because while it was a pub, it had jazz bands (and still does) 3 evenings a week. It was probably one of the original inspirations for Dire Straits’ “Sultans of Swing”. Knopfler played there from time to time and drank there with Dave Withers, his drummer back in the early days,
I mean, I’m not arguing the distinction from the British sense. I know for me the distinction would be that a pub is a place I could go with my wife and kids, have dinner, and leave, where a bar would be a place I’d go strictly for drinks. Most places where I am are pubs in the daytime and bars at night, if that makes sense.
I think the distinction between the two is complex, and to complicate things even more, regional.
In the part of London I grew up, a ‘pub’ was where working men went after work – often hard manual labor. The major drink would have been beer, and food would have been restricted to crisps (chips), heated pies, pickles and ‘snack’ foods. There would usually be a ‘public lounge’, which would be sparsely decorated, linoleum floors, with a long or L-shaped bar so drinkers could belly up and socialize while standing. This was the domain of the Working Man. This is a pub .
The ‘Saloon Bar’ would be smaller, not as well lit, often with carpet, with tables and chairs. There might even be a small number of ‘snugs’ which would be like a booth in a diner, but might not have a table. There might be a fireplace with chairs around it too. This would be where you’d see people drinking shorts and mixed drinks as well as beer, and the clients would typically me more wealthy types, or working men who have their wives or girlfriends with them. A more genteel environment, that might also serve simple cooked food in the evenings. This is a (saloon) bar.
The distinction between a pub and a bar was originally a socioeconomic one, but nowadays, it’s largely one of marketing and image.
Side note: If you haven’t done so, watch the Michael Caine ‘Get Carter’. It’s an incredible movie.
I read this book called Last Call: The Rise and Fall of Prohibition, and it had an interesting narrative of saloon culture in America. Saloons were drinking establishments that would also offer a “cot” in an upstairs room for people who had just arrived in town but not arranged any lodging yet. Many of them had a free lunch counter, but the food was known to be extremely salty, which would just goad people into buying more beer. In many early settlements, the saloon would serve as a community meeting place for political issues. Saloonkeepers were typically very influential people (see: Al Swearingen on Deadwood).
A British Saloon with an upstairs cot reminds me of the place the cop stayed in “The Wicker Man”.
We’re salvaging the words before the UK eradicates english within their borders.
I think queue is alright. We talk about files in the printer queue, so it’s kind of logical. I say “reckon” which sounds British or Aussie to a lot of people, but it’s very common in the south, as are other English and Irish colloquialisms.
You can usually tell the difference between when someone is being a pretentious twit and when they have picked up certain phrases naturally.
“Reckon” is fine. That’s a well known American phrase in my opinion. I will never excuse “queue” when referring to a line of people. Never
You just say that because you watched too much Foghorn Leghorn.
Now I’m curious. When would you excuse it’s use?
On a computer for a print queue
The only time I hear “queue” is when it is accompanied by “ball”. And it ain’t complementary.
A queue is a data structure loosely defined as ‘first in, first out’. It took me longer to understand stacks in a digital context, even though the name should have made it obvious.
I don’t hear “reckon” that often, but often enough that it’s not jarring. I say and hear “fixin” and the alternate “fittin” pretty often, but I have Texans and west Louisianans around me and it’s rubbed off.
I can’t explain why, but even though I grew up surrounded by people saying “fixing to” I absolutely detest it and would never say it myself. Just one of those things.
People aren’t all that rational.
The funny thing is I’m on the “y’all” “you all” divide, and growing up I used to hate “y’all”. Now I’m firmly in the “y’all” camp.
I heard a couple of our young employees talking about me in the third person, and I piped up “Who is ‘She’? The cat’s mother?!” They had no idea what I was talking about.
They think some of my metaphors are hysterically old fashioned, and I just think they’re normal well-known phrases, like “As nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs” or “sweating like a whore in church.” Either I’m getting old, or these guys don’t get out much.
Try these on them.
Hotter than a half fucked fox in a forest fire.
Colder than a witch’s tit in a brass bra face down in the snow.
As dry as a nun’s cunt is another one I know, but I don’t think I’ve ever used it.
I’ll pass that one on to my father, he’ll be more than happy to use it in your stead. He enjoys the obscene rejoinders because of the reactions they generate
I like the fox one.
The witch’s tit one goes on pretty long, but might be doable.
I did say at a meeting that if the whole (unnamed technical system) went tits up, we could get around it by doing this or that. One of my coworkers literally snorted up his coffee, and another spat his out. I took that as I sign I’d gone too far.
What are they gonna do, fire you? 😉
That’s funny, I’ve always used “keel over” for “tits up”, but I live in a nautical area and come from a family with some background on the water.
Just drop the “face down in the snow ” and it works better.
The witch’s tit one goes on pretty long
At least she ain’t gut-shot with nine sucking pups, pulling a number-four trap up a hill in the dead of winter in the middle of a snowstorm with a mouth full of porcupine quills.
The “cat’s mother” is new to me.
“Dumb as a bag of hammers”
“Cold as a well-digger’s ass” –or any number of even less polite things
“Put on (the) dog”
“Spending money like a sailor on leave/like it’s going out of style.”
“What’s that got to do with the price of beans?” (shortens to “What’s that got to do with beans?”)
“Neither useful nor ornamental” (to describe a person, often a woman)
“No smarter than (s)he needs to be” (typically to describe a man)
Raised by my grandparents for my early formative years. They had better sayings in those days. I think not being able to curse as freely in mixed company helped.
all hat, no cattle
sharp as a marble
as deep as a sheet of paper
ugly as sin
thick as 2 short planks
hard as jello
eats rusty nails for breakfast and shits gunpowder
runs like a raped date
covered in sin and dripping with guilt
go over like a fart in church
couldn’t carry a tune if you put it in a bag
“All hat no cattle” is a good one. “Ugly as sin” is another one I say damn near daily. “Ain’t the sharpest knife in the drawer” is one I use at work fairly often, when I’m not just saying, “…and this simple sumbitch”.
Oh shit, how could I forget?
“Lord willin’ and the creek don’t rise”
“I wouldn’t (something you’d never do) for all the tea in China”
“Who is ‘she’? The cat’s mother” is a very north-country English term.
I think the cat tail one is American. It’s heard in the UK, but I don’t think it has much of a history
“Whore in church” is a very old one, I heard it in the South of England a lot
Scruffy’s “Colder than a witch’s tit” is the normal use in Britain, the rest being redundant once you remember that in central european myth, the breasts of a witch were said to be made of iron, and would not sustain the life of a baby. see Baba Yaga.
But nobody can beat the Australians. It’s a young country and so language is probably evolving very fast, but one which was confusing was
“I feel like a shag on a rock!” which means different things in Australia, England and America, and must confuse people post-Austin Powers.
Given that Durex is a brand of adhesive tape in Australia, and is the name of Britain’s most popular condom, ex-pats can get into some complicated and bizarre conversations when trying to make a purchase at an office supply store or pharmacy.
Thanks for the insight! My soon-to-be coworker, an Aussie, has already enlightened me with some rather colorful vocabulary. I look forward to more cultural exchange.
I have a lot of Scottish and Irish ancestry, so that might be part of where the Cat’s mother type of phrase came to me through my grandmother.
In Minneapolis, we have a local news guy who covers the fun human interest stories. One week, they sent him to England. His name is Randy Shaver, and he got no end of shit from the guys over there.
The Australians probably have the most extensive, nuanced and colorful vocabulary devoted to bodily functions and sexual organs of any country on Earth.
*as i often mention i worked for brit company for ~9 years.
there was a strange, small subset of american workers who over the course of only 3-4 years adopted british pronunciation of words like “Shedjool” (schedule) or “Alyoominum” (aluminum), and would say things like “queue” and “Loo” and “half-four” (instead of 4:30) with very obvious self-consciousness about it.
it was odd. out of like 200 people, this was like ‘5 or 10’ people who did that sort of thing.
by contrast, the brit employees in the US sometimes adopted americanisms, but it took them a decade or more to even dent their accents. (2 i know who stayed int he US for…20 year now…. have considerably softened their brit twang, but not so you wouldn’t notice)
What do you call a man who spends 20 years in China and doesn’t know a word of Chinese?
Did you ever offer a female coworker a fanny pack?
I’m told that after 20 years, my accent is virtually unchanged, but my diction and vocabulary is ‘nearly American now’, although I still get tripped up at times.
“Bumming a fag” in Britain isn’t a reason to get called up by HR for a “talk”.
Stop smoking and buggering and you’ll never need to use the phrase again.
I remember a Brit I worked with who was absolutely delighted with the Americanism “a loaded diaper”.
RE: Bill to “allow” patients to try experimental drugs it they’re terminal (doncha just love asking permission?).
That is evidence of what partisanship does to your brain. That fuckstick Dem knows full well that there is no reason to oppose the legislation, he opposes it only because the Pubs support it. Fucking political parties are a scourge.
“I oppose it because this guy supports it, oh wait he opposes it? Nevermind I support it.”
Today he’s saying that “right to try” laws are merely offering false hope to dying patients. If Trump vetoed the bill tomorrow, he’d work up some phony tears (à la Obama) and launch off on a mournful monologue about how the cold, heartless Republican president won’t offer dying patients a last-ditch effort at recovery.
“there is no reason to oppose the legislation”
don’t know about that. i think there are large segments of the medical industry that dislike anything that undermines the authority of the physician, and there are probably also people in the legal business who would be concerned that this might carve out exceptions that would block pharma companies from liability. and other issues. I can’t think of them all, but i think there are likely many constituents who would be calling their reps and saying, “Stop this” for one reason or another.
“‘…no moral reason….” then?
Looking to politicians for moral reasoning is like trying to find a statistics major in line for lottery tickets.
Clinton Blames Her Loss on White Women Listening to Their Husbands
Hillary Clinton on Saturday partly blamed her 2016 presidential loss on white women and said that they voted for Donald Trump because their husbands told them to vote that way.
Clinton spoke at the India Today Conclave in Mumbai, India over the weekend, where a journalist introduced her as the “woman who should have been the president of the United States of America.”
The event’s host, India Today Editor Aroon Purie, asked Clinton how 52 percent of white women could vote for Trump after the “Access Hollywood” tape was released in the final weeks of the campaign, which featured Clinton making crude sexual remarks about women.
“Democrats, going back to my husband and even before, but just in recent times going back to Bill and our candidates and then President Obama, have been losing the vote, including white women. We do not do well with white men and we don’t do well with married white women,” Clinton said.
She went on to say that white women face an “ongoing pressure to vote the way that your husband, your boss, your son, whoever, believes you should.”
Clinton said that she was on the way to winning the white women vote until then-FBI Director James Comey sent a letter to leaders in Congress less than two weeks before the election stating that the FBI reopened its investigation into her use of a private email server while she was secretary of state.
“All of a sudden white women, who were going to vote for me and frankly standing up to the men in their lives and the men in their workplaces, were being told, ‘She’s going to jail. You don’t want to vote for her. It’s terrible, you can’t vote for that.’ So, it just stopped my momentum and it decreased my vote enough because I was ahead. I was winning, and I thought I had fought my way back in the ten days from that letter until the election. I fell a little bit short,” Clinton said.
My wife would have castrated me if I had voted for Hillbot. My mother hates her with a passion as well.
Let’s see, things she *hasn’t* blamed for her loss:
– I can’t believe it’s not butter
– Ectopic pregnancy
– Xeroderma pigmentosum
– The sock that always mysteriously goes missing in the dryer
I think she’s covered everything else.
The washing machine eats as many socks as the dryer.
Well and, of course, herself. But that’s implied.
I don’t want to know what my wife does behind the curtain and I’m sure the feeling is mutual.
Shorter Hillary — Why couldn’t you stupid idiots vote for me? Couldn’t you let go of your racism and sexism for one minute to vote for the best and most qualified candidate for history!!!
“Why aren’t I 50 points ahead?!”
-actual Hillary Clinton quote
I can never remember if she said that seriously, or in a failed attempt at self deprication because some advisor said humility polled well
Hillary is to humility what STEVE SMITH IS TO CHASTENESS. No, it just doesn’t work.
here’s the video, judge for yourself
Later in the speech she referred to states that voted for her, such as Illinois and New Jersey, as “dynamic” while the states that voted for Trump, like Texas and North Carolina, as “declining”.
Shave the top of her head and she could be Vizzini.
Apparently walking is still an issue.
Am I a bad person for wanting her to run again? And win the Democratic nomination for President again?
Old, feeble and drunk is no way to go through life, Madame Secretary!
The modern feminist movement is based on the idea that women are spineless, impressionable bimbos who will do whatever a man tells them to, yet they should also be respected for their towering intellects.
Obama’s right, women are superior to men. Let me count the ways …
Women even fare better in those jobs traditionally thought of as “for the boys”. A study published this year in the British Medical Journal found that women make better surgeons than their male counterparts, and that 4% fewer patients die following an operation performed by a woman.
We beat men at raising money from crowdfunding, which is just as well because we are paid less for doing the same job. A report published in Fortune found that globally, women are consistently more successful than men in reaching funding targets. In terms of self-care, we even do that better. More than half (53%) of women will talk through problems with friends compared with only 29% of men according to a survey by the mental health charity Mind.
And women are much safer (and therefore more skilled) drivers, causing fewer accidents and being more likely to survive a serious crash.
We are less likely to abandon our children, and therefore make better parents. Our washing up and general cleaning skills are far more honed (we have had loads more practice).
Cooking, ditto.
Laundry, ditto.
“Yay vagina! Oh wait, no. That’s too exclusive. Yay, those who identify as female even if lacking the genitalia ascribed to said gender by heteronormative assumptions!”
“And women are much safer (and therefore more skilled) drivers ”
That does not follow.
It may be true, via natural selection.
I know a number of female drivers, and I think that they are overrepresented in the ‘very safe’ category, but ALSO overrepresented in the ‘hideously dangerous’ category, hence the natural distribution curve for women has fatter tails.
So it may be true that from a survivorship point of view, once those really crappy women drivers have self-eliminated, that the surviving sample skews in womens’ favor.
That’s not what the insurance company data says.
See all that conditional language I put in there?
Just sayin’.
IANAIA (I am not an insurance actuary)
If you look at it from a eugenic standpoint, you would need massively higher numbers of fatalities to impact the average safety level of the miilons of female drivers in any given western nation.
By their 30s I think the risk between the two sexes is on par. Which would make sense. Young women are more risk adverse than young men. I remember how my friends and I use to drive.
It looks like we’re about to start discussing risk per mile, which I doubt this author bothered with. The agregate absolute numbers say more men are killed in crashes, ergo they must be worse drivers by Feminist statistics. The same statistics that gave us the wage gap myth.
Many more men than women die each year in motor vehicle crashes. Men typically drive more miles than women and more often engage in risky driving practices including not using safety belts, driving while impaired by alcohol, and speeding. Crashes involving male drivers often are more severe than those involving female drivers. 1 However, females are more likely than males to be killed or injured in crashes of equal severity, although gender differences in fatality risk diminish with age. 2
For nearly every year from 1975 to 2016, the number of male crash deaths was more than twice the number of female crash deaths, but the gap has narrowed. From 1975 to 2016, male crash deaths declined by 19 percent and female crash deaths declined by 8 percent.
For similar reasons, emergency room patients are disproportionately young men.
Driving a ’71 Challenger with questionable tires at 140 mph down the famous straight stretch outside of town would not put any lie to the stats. I was 18, drunk and the car had a 318 hemi with a slap-shift. It was a pal’s car so I don’t have more than cursory details but fuck that thing would fly.
I would bet money that this is because men are overrepresented in the surgical professionals where the risk of death is higher (emergency medicine, heart/brain surgery).
Having boobs will do that, as will the natural male tendency to aid women in distress.
Wait – I thought it was sexist to insinuate that women have an inborn advantage at things like childrearing and homemaking. Which is it?
Isn’t that just another way of saying that women do more complaining?
Misleading statistic, often the more skilled practicitioners will get the worst cases which start out with the loewst chances of success, so their fatality rates would be higher, and thus a poor metric to judge skill in isolation.
Chatter is not a cure-all for personal issues. Men and women cope differently. Individuals of the same sex cope differently. This is an irrelevent data point.
The insurance industry information actually says Women get into more crashes, but more of them are fender-benders, while the higher male insurance rate is because when they do crash, it’s more likely to be severe.
Are you counting the men forced away from their children by a biased court system as having “abandoned” them? I bet you are. When the courts have a default assumption of “give children to mothers” in cases of separation, and when a hook-up prone girl gets knocked up but doesn’t inform the father until she wants child support, those are not willful abandonments.
Women have a lower tolerance for clutter. The average is prone to clean more because they see a problem at lower levels of disarray.
You’re really going to have to provide a citation there buttercup.
Again, though if I were to play devil’s advocate, it’s because you choose fancier outfits with more complicated handling instructions. My entire wardrobe has a clean process of “wash, dry, fold” and thus when faced with “cold wash, permanat press only” frilly layers that don’t even make half a shirt on their own, I’d not be prone to bother.
And of course
the flat-out lie.
That reminds me of how people will always say that “women are better communicators” and cite the studies that show that women speak more words.
More words does not mean better communication. In fact, in many cases, it indicates the opposite.
How do you measure “better communication”. Efficiency in getting the concept across and stating your case (if it’s a persuasive communication rather than merely a factual statement). That is not something where a higher wordcount will tell you anything. And for efficiency, it implies the opposite.
When I was in engineering school, we had to do projects with written reports every semester or so. I was happy that my professor praised my writing style as being short and clear. He made fun of the students who wrote things like “going through the process, a pump is first encountered.”
Wait, I thought women were constantly being interrupted and talked-over by men and generally not allowed to speak because patriarchy.
That’s odd. In my precinct, our ballots were cast in private.
SNL: even progs aren’t laughing anymore
Episode after episode, SNL’s political cold opens have struggled to do anything but try and recap the firehose of Trump-related news. Baldwin, when he appears on the show (about half the time), seems disconnected, and his Trump has gone from the malevolent, bruising figure of the campaign to a childish buffoon needling nearby pincushions like Vice President Mike Pence or Attorney General Jeff Sessions. The immense volume of satire-ready material about Trump seems to have induced a kind of system overload; there’s no focus to SNL’s parodies, no personality to its political sketches. Trump is hard to caricature for a myriad of reasons, as The Atlantic’s Sarah Boxer noted in a recent piece; but mere reference humor (amounting to, “Hey, can you believe what these guys did this week?”) isn’t enough when people are already so inundated with news.
#Resist until it gets boring.
“And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms…. The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
-some fucking white male
I’d never go back in any case since I got giardia there, despite being uber careful about food and drink.
Mexico is a warzone in all but name.
Some friends returned their rental car with a bunch of bullet holes after it was hit during a fight between the police and some narcos. Luckily they were not in the car at the time.
My father-in-law had a friend who lived in Venezuela. Dude had money–helicopter pad, security team money–and they went to go spend some time with him and his wife several years ago. Great time, but definitely a “stay in the compound” type thing except for the times they’d take a boat out. No word on the friend these days.
There aren’t many places I’d go south of the border right now, although I’d like to. Too much narco-terrorism, too many tinpot dictators, shit like that. There’s plenty of US I haven’t seen yet, and I think that’ll do just fine given the alternatives.
I’d go to Chile, Peru, and probably Colombia.
Panama, Costa Rica, and Belize too.
I’d probably find my way to Argentina as well. If not for the steak.
I went to Costa Rica for the summer when I was 16. Made some friends, met some other friends, and ended up with and invite to Nicaragua with the president’s son. Let me tell you, he’s only the president inside the compound.
Kevin’s pals are tearing it up against the South Koreans. 30 with 5 minutes left in the first period. NBCSN for anyone still awake.
Sled hockey is awesome.
Where my hyphen?
Whoops. 4-0. Chicago guy again.
Thanks! Turning it on now.
I was just looking at the new issue of SI and its total dearth of coverage of the paralympics. What a pity.
You need to get with Mr T’s twitter feed
ISIS Releases Video Documenting Deaths Of U.S. Special Forces Soldiers In Niger Ambush
The Pentagon has yet to release a full account of the ambush, and we do not know if the enemy somehow doctored the video, but the video shows in a way no words can express just how outgunned and cut off the Americans were.
They were returning from what was supposed to have been a low-risk patrol made up of 11 American and 30 Nigerian soldiers when the ambush hit. At first, they tried to take cover behind their SUV. With one of the soldiers at the wheel, they ran alongside, attempting to escape the kill zone.
They fired colored smoke grenades, which would provide some cover, and identify their position to any friendly aircraft overhead. But it would be two hours from the start of the ambush before French aircraft arrived on the scene. These soldiers were on their own. One of them went down. Another rushed to his side and then dragged him back to the cover of the SUV.
Their position at the SUV was about to be overrun, so they did the only thing they could — ran to a location that might provide better cover. Except for the smoke from the grenades and a few scrub trees there was no cover and no escape.
The soldier wearing the helmet camera went down. Soon the camera stopped moving and some of the enemy fighters come into view. Then a final blast fills the frame from what apparently was a round fired at point blank range.
You would expect the enemy not to take prisoners but you would not expect American soldiers to be so exposed without any backup. The Pentagon’s investigation into how that happened is expected to be released this week.
I look forward to reading the report and learning what vital national interests we have in Niger that were worth these men’s lives.
I regret nothing.
I got nothing. I don’t do racist memes. *flips hair* I’m civilized. *yells racist slur at cabbie who charged too much*
Booty and ho have different meanings now.
“that moment at which i stopped thinking of Mr T’s feed as a cute & funny joke, and it started to feel more than a little bit insane”
The Other Kevin would beg to differ.
So would I. This is cool.
TBH, never watched. I guess the closest I got was watching The Ringer.
And… the wheelchair has chains?
The wheelchair is the…. puck, I guess it’s called?
As good as this bar is,” said the Scotsman, “I still prefer the pubs back home. In Glasgow, there’s a wee place called McTavish’s…. The landlord goes out of his way for the locals. When you buy four drinks, he’ll buy the fifth drink.
“Well, Angus,” said the Englishman, “At my local in London, the Red Lion, the barman will buy you your third drink after you buy the first two.”
“Ahhh, dat’s nothin’,” said Paddy Sheehan, the Irishman. “Back home in me favorite pub in Galway, the moment you set foot in the place, they’ll buy you a drink, then another, all the drinks you like, actually. Then, when you’ve had enough drinks, they’ll take you upstairs and see dat you get laid, all on the house!”
The Englishman and Scotsman were suspicious of the claims.
“Did this actually happen to you?”
“Not me-self, personally, no,” admitted the Irishman, “but it did happen to me sister quite a few times.
Unless it’s a pub with no beer.
A pub with no beer?!
Bugger off!
Fuck You, I’m Drunk.
2 Irish ditch diggers are working outside a brothel. The see a rabbi walk in. “Seamus! Would ya look adat! What a disgrace!” Later, a preacher walks in. “Oh Seamus, Lord ha mercy, what’s the world comin’ to?” Then a priest walks in. “Seamus! Take off yer hat! One of the girls musta died!”
John Ford taught me all I know about the Irish.
I had no idea Aretha and Duane ever worked together. That was cool.
Urethra worked with The Rock?
You really want to keep rocks – all kinds of stones – away from your urethra.
They got that sonic blaster thing now, ain’t science grand.
Unless they get too big, then’s it’s cut & extract with a hole that leaks like a cartoon when drinking until it heals.
You don’t want to smell what the urethra is cooking.
There’s also the famous Duane+Wilson, and Duane and Otis (not the one you think)
and then Duane and Boz (which i’ve never heard of before)
The song Layla happened because Eric Clapton was making a record in FL w/ Tom Dowd, and Tom was also the allman brothers producer. Clapton didn’t know who the Allman Bros were, but when Dowd said, “have you ever heard Wilson Pickett’s “Hey Jude””? Clapton dropped everything and was like, “I’ve always wanted to know who that was” and demanded they meet.
if you ever get the chance, see this movie Dowd is possibly the most interesting person in music in the 2nd half of the 20th century..
HM’s preferred Energy Drink.
You sure about that?
Rant to a 60’s liberal. You stood up high and proclaimed righteous indignation at “The Man” as you waved your copy 1984 or Fahrenheit 451. You mocked The Fountainhead and rolled your eyes at Logan’s Run. The oppressive future you claimed to despise, you actively helped to create. The mighty ACLU and The SPLC have become the cronies that do the grunt work of stifling wrongthink. You pushed for a safety net and didn’t have a clue how to pay for it. Without a care in the world about how this shit would be paid for, you spent. Now you got your house and are dependent on The Fed to keep its value. Don’t touch any entitlements or you’ll make the aging hippies angry. So when the monsters you created come to feast on you, yes you Brett Weinstein, I’m not gonna give a shit. I’ve got victims of the surveillance/prison/crony state that are much more worthy of compassion to point to.
Is this the dude from Evergreen State?
Hillary Clinton on Saturday partly blamed her 2016 presidential loss on white women and said that they voted for Donald Trump because their husbands told them to vote that way.
No, you imbecile. You lost because you decided “Fuck Middle America”. You thought you had a wide lead and decided you could run up the totals to get some coattails. You figured places like Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin were in the bag for you. So, you ran a campaign to gin up the Democratic base in areas where you figured you were going to be able to pull in some Democratic Congressional candidates. And you decided that you could ignore the wishes of voters in the previous places. So, you ran advocating gun control, pushing socialized medicine as a “fix” for Obamacare’s problems and signing off on the identity politics circus. That alienated enough voters in those states that they decided Donald Trump was the lesser poison.
I’m creeping well into the mid-late stage of my life and Trump’s election is the funniest political thing that will ever happen before I feed the worms.
One of the funniest things about it is all Clinton needed to do was run a campaign that said, “You can trust me. I’m a moderate.”. And for much of the election, she did just that. Oddly, after beating Sanders, she decided it was time to let her prog flag fly.
I kind of get it. She got where she is because of who she’s married to. For someone whose whole self-image is based on her conception of herself as a tough, independent, woman, that’s got to play on her ego. This election was her chance to trump (pun intended) him. If she’d won a flat-out victory as a progressive, with significant coattails, she’d have beaten anything her husband had accomplished. But, there was a reason her husband had never tried to accomplish that. But, she couldn’t let reality interfere with her ego gratification.
Super late but this is actually fair and balanced.