So this week, I will try and mix it up a bit. Since for some of us it feels like spring already, I will try to draw some attention to the second coming of Glibertarians Beer it Forward. After discussing it with its owner, the gentleman known around here as Nephilium, I decided to turn this into a bit of a contest. The details of which I will explain later.
This is my review of Grand Canyon Brewery Shaggy Bock.
Williams, AZ is not particularly well known. Most people drive around it, but for a long time they had to drive through it. Like many towns in the area there is a cheap draw for tourism but this one isn’t as flimsy or as popular as a town a couple hours to the east.

Roll Tide
Route 66 is actually a collection of highways that was renamed as a single highway in 1926. It began in Chicago to the east and ended in Los Angeles to the west and routed through 8 states in total. It is romanticized in American culture by John Steinbeck in The Grapes of Wrath as the mother road, a show in the 60’s, and a song first sung by Nat King Cole. Today it is mostly merged with other active highways, notably Interstates-55, 44, 40, 15, 10. There are a number of towns that lay claim to the highway, such as Winslow, and others like Flagstaff maintain it as part of their municipal roadways. It is for this reason I can technically scratch off riding a motorcycle down Route 66 off my bucket list, because it runs through Flagstaff. Another fun fact, there is a restaurant in Flagstaff called the Dog Haus, that claims the entire scene on the corner in Winslow occurred there when it was a Wienerschnitzel. “Flagstaff” just didn’t roll off the tongue like “Winslow.” That is their claim, not mine. If you choose to investigate this yourself, I suggest ordering the chilli dog, they’re pretty damn good.
Where does Williams fall into this? On June 27, 1985 Williams, AZ was the last locality to officially decommission Route 66 as a highway. Being first gets you in the history books, but sometimes there is some honor in being last. Williams is also the starting point of the longest portion of the highway that is still drivable. Williams didn’t die like other towns because of another attraction: The Grand Canyon Railroad.
Here you can avoid driving north to the Canyon and avoid what really is a boring drive once you get past the San Francisco Peaks. It routes north through the mountains and gives you a more scenic ride to the park. They also convert the train to a Polar Express theme around Christmas and steam up towards a “North Pole,”. They’ll even give your kids a bell as a souvenir.
This isn’t a straightforward bock. It is light like all lagers and has a smooth malty character. The twist is this one contains the byproduct of one of our favorite inventions: the woodchipper. They call it a “flavor bomb” but it’s a bunch of wood chips secured in a bag. This gives the beer a similar effect to barrel aging without the added expense of storing it in a barrel. It is quite enjoyable variety in a style that sometimes gets overlooked; Shiner Bock aside. Grand Canyon Brewery Shaggy Bock: 4.0/5.
Here’s where the contest comes in. This is a limited release from a local brand that doesn’t have much of a footprint outside AZ. Which makes it perfect for the Glibertarian Beer it Forward coming up this spring. I have purchased a second bottle and stored it appropriately next to the boiler. Hopefully, I don’t need to turn it on in the next few weeks. In an attempt to generate interest for this next BIF, I will be sending this to the Glib member whose name I will be randomly assigned. So if you think you want this, sign up! This has the added benefit of at least one of you knowing that I’m not crazy. Well, at least within a respectable spectrum of crazy.
Do YOU come with the beer?
Is this where I sign up?
Random MikeS fact: I once drove one of these down a stretch of old Route 66 in Oklahoma.
Obvious questions come to mind. Was it stolen and were you sober?
Unfortunately, no and yes.
It’s OK. We still like you.
You like me!
I got a brand-new combine harvester, you gotta brand new key…
I think that we should get together
And harvest some wheat to see
When is the next Beer It Forward? I’ll be away part of April and May. If it’s then, I’ll pass, but it’s not then, I’m interested.
I used to live about three blocks off Rte 66, when I was in Albuquerque.
I may or may not have gotten kicks.
Sign me up, please. I love Bocks. Thirsty Dog Maibark is a good MaiBock. Hofbrau Munchen is another good one. Troeggs Cultivator is a nice Helles. I really like the Spaten Optimater Dooplebock.
Optimator is great beer.
I always forget to grab one when I’m at the store. I really need to do that.
These are some really good beers and bocks are probably my favorite style. I also like Paulaner Salvator and Ayinger Celebrator. Bells also makes a good dopplebock but it is generally overpriced. The first year I tried it I bought a whole case; now I see it going for $16 a 6 pack.
I’m drinking a Salvator right now.
Salvator and Celebrator are good too. I also have Maximator in my fridge.
Actually… fuck it… if it’s German and a Doppelbock, it’d good.
It is quite enjoyable variety in a style that sometimes gets overlooked; Shiner Bock aside.
I am a fan of Shiner Bock. Back in the day, whats her face number 2 and I often talked about going to Shiner TX for October fest. Apparently it is quite the shindig.
I came across a decent beer on Thursday.
Big Swell Double Overhead. So smooth. Ahhhhh.
Putin and I have something in common
LOL that’s how you do “I don’t give a shit.”
It feels like he’s mocking the west’s obsession with minority-identity
Most likely he decided to be pedantic about the question posed to him in Russian. There are two words in Russian for a Russian person: russkii and rossiyanin. The former implies that someone is ethnically Russian (i.e., not Ukrainian, Jew, Tatar etc.), the latter covers all citizens of Russia regardless of their ethnicity. The distinction is important in Russia. Obviously in English these two words are translated into a single one,Russian. While I’m sure he knows this distinction, the question translated from English most likely referred to russkii spies in the US, so Putin decided to nitpick the minor translation mistake.
I think he’s talking to Russians first and foremost.
yes, just as most political figures do.
he’s better at it than most of his global peers.
e.g. when the US pretends North Korea is a rogue state and a threat to world peace, they gladly comply and go, “YOUR COMMENTS ARE PROVOCATIVE THREAT TO GREAT STATE OF NORTH KOREA AND WE WILL MAKE YOU BURN IN A SEA OF FIRE FOR THIS INSULT YOU RUNNING DOG IMPERIALISTS”. they play the part.
when you accuse Putin of being some enemy-devil-mastermind, and he goes, “nah, i’m not even mad. u mad?”, it takes the air out of your hysteria-balloon.
Do you know who else didn’t care about Russian hacking?
Sean Hannity?
Renato Righetto?
There was wannabe pol in KY who tweeted this out yesterday and said something like: “Funny, this is the same as Trump’s opinion.” and she and her sycophants went on about how evil Trump is because of the similarity and obviously Trump is just a Russian stooge who was put in power by Russia, etc. I don’t like Trump, but these people make me wasn’t to think about voting for him. I definitely wouldn’t vote for her or whomever she supported.
I’ll play, there are a lot of good local breweries to surprise the glibs, how do we sign up?
I live 2 Blocks From Rte 66
Oh and Bobby Fuller was First to sing it, He wrote it
Bobby Fuller was ‘I Fight the Law’ Wiki says you’re thinking of Bobby Ttoup.
Corrected thanks!
What is the Beer it Forward policy on home brews? Is it considered bad form to send homies instead of commercial beers? are people hesitant to try beers made by some weirdo they only know from drunken ramblings online? Would it be an option, as in you can choose to accept homies or not? I’d be in either way and would be willing to try beer made by any of you jerks, except maybe Sugarfree.
I could go either way. I’d prefer commercial, just because it’s fun to try some of the beers that you all talk about that I can’t get here. OTOH, I also wouldn’t mind trying some homebrews, either.
What do we exchange 6 beers? I’d think you might limit homers to only one or two of the total. Unless your specifically doing a home brew exchange, I think it would be déclassé to send nothing but home brews.
I’d drink his beer. It can’t be worse than eating dates off of your boots.
You trying to pawn off your Creme uv Sum Yung Guy Pale Ale?
It’s a stout, with a nice head.
Like a baby’s arn, holding an apple?
I’m working part of this weekend. I haven’t gotten to the gym yet. I hit my alcohol limit for the week last night, so no alcohol to ease the pain of working part of the weekend.
I bought some Andescher Doppelbock Dunkel last night. I put in the queue for later consumption. I’ve had it before. It’s pretty good.
Weyerbacher’s Sunday Morning Stout is available in Massachusetts from what I hear, but I don’t want to drive to Massachusetts to buy it. I’ve asked at a few beer stores in southern NH about it, and they claim they’re going to get it, but none of them know when. I’ve seen Sunday Molé Stout in New Hampshire. I’d buy some, but I still have some from last year. I don’t have any Sunday Morning Stout from last year around. I asked some relatives in Pennsylvania to pick up a four pack of the Sunday Morning Stout for me.
Is that a shim in the video? It’s 2018, I can’t tell anymore.
Hell, I’ll beer it forward. Person may even get a little
Something extra from my stills.
*Hey Nephilium…I’ll make it worth your while if you match up me and gbob*
I have just the Bock for BIF,
Here is one I had two weeks ago in Munich. It was an excellent Dunkel with lots of flavor and character. The setting had a lot to do with it as well. I was eating some type of rolled beef with pickles and apple stuffing, mashed potatoes, and cooked purple cabbage.
Sounds good. The only beer I liked in Germany was the dunkel.
It sounds like you had Roulade. Good stuff.
That beer looks good.
It was a roulade. It was great.
Putin and I have something in common
So what you’re saying is, you’re a Russian trollbot, and want America to be a client state of the Motherland.
Welfare: You’re All Wrong, You Heartless Libertarian Monsters
/Drops mic, pulls lever for Bernie
I forgot to add that I imagine the same people found no evidence of voter fraud in Chicago.
Not to mention that it’s fairly easy to compare generally pre-industrial economies where there has been essentially cronyism and nepotism for more than 50 years to the US. Because, you know, pretty much the same thing.
Idiots. It seems likely that since most of those governments have been throwing around IMF & foreign aid cash for decades, throwing cash to a different group of people probably does make a difference.
For those who don’t know what a Beer It Forward (BIF) is, it’s a way to get a curated selection of local beers from somewhere else in the country. The way it works is that those who are interested can sign up below, and e-mail me at my handle at gmail. I’ll need to know what your handle is here, and at some point your shipping address. I’ll leave sign ups open until April 26th (again, here and e-mail me). A day or two after that, I’ll be drawing names, and assigning each participant someone else to ship to. I’m aiming for shipping the last week in April/first week in May, which should have everyone at a decent temperature for shipping beer. Expect to ship and receive between 72 and 88 ounces of beer (6 pack of 12 oz bottles/4 bombers) from local breweries.
Do not ship with USPS, as it is against the law. You can ship with either UPS or FedEx , here is a FAQ about shipping beer. I’d recommend shipping cans, as they’re lighter and have less of a chance of breakage. If you want to include some swag from a local brewery as well, feel free, but it isn’t necessary. I’m not opposed to including some homebrew in packages, and would suggest those signing up below include if they’re willing to receive homebrew, as well as any information on styles they prefer/dislike.
You can’t fool me, you are feeding this info into an NSA database.
I sent You an email, I wanna play!
If only we could get them to see all government agencies are evil and should be abolished.
On topic: blonde is a type of beer.
Good Christ #31.
Yup. She can bring 30 and 32 along to meet me in the hot tub.
I’m interested in the swap. I have quite a few local beers that you can’t find out side of the region.
Here is one of my favorites.
Speaking of beer and Putin:
Shirtless Putin Nuzzling with Dolphins Bourbon Barrel-Aged Imperial Baltic Porter with Coffee
This is Parody?, please say it’s Parody,
Is it me or does it look like Putin is skiing under water.
He’s holding a dolphins head.
I found This Arsenal at Bev Mo, 3 types I haven’t had, Yet 🙂
16.50$ out the door
/Sierra Nevada!
Here is one I forgot to post about last week in the cream ale article. I used to get a case of these in 16oz returnables for 6$.
Not sure what to think about this
Maybe, “God: unhappy with real estate deal”
Nun involved in lawsuit with Katy Perry over sale of convent dies
So the Archdiocese of Los Angeles put the convent up for sale and the nuns are suing the potential buyers? Where are the Blues Brothers when you need them?
One of them is pushing up daisies and the other is probably warshing hisself with a rag on a stick,.
In 1970 I rode my dirtbike from home outside of Albuquerque to see my (now) wife who lived in the San Fernando Valley. I-40 had taken over much of the highway but the road still diverted into each of the towns. There were two large stretches of two-lane highway; Seligman to Kingman in Arizona and Needles to Barstow in California.
In the service I was stationed in Riverside for a while and drove the road several times in 72-73. Those last two stretches were completed during that time.
I repeated that motorcycle trip in 2010 and wrote about it. Probably too long for a submission here.
… Hobbit
I’ve ridden it about a half dozen times. Last time they had burma shave signs and everything. Oatman, Williams and Jerome are favorite stops (not all on ’66.) There’s a bunch of Europeans out there riding in organized moto tours. They love to talk up Americans on old harleys. Big fun.
I did the run down from the Grand Canyon back to Vegas about 8 years ago. The Burma Shave signs were there. Got lunch in Seligman – first experience of a ‘real diner’ for the kids.
Made me want to buy a Honda 400/4 and do the whole thing.
-Shot a Tavor today; I love it! The name means “bad luck” in Hebrew. I guess naming it “You’re Fucked” would have been too gauche.
-My last name comes from an Irish word that basically means “loud asshole”.
“Faghartach”, a byname for a noisy person.
the literal meaning of faghartach (sounds like Fogarty) is “for a while”, as in “we’re gonna be waiting for a while before this shitdick shuts up”.
-I’m pleased to say that all my hard work has paid off, literally. I have moved up a lot from being comfortably poor.
So Tavor. Did you field dress it and how does it taste? Any recommendations re saute, simmer, bar-b-q?
The New York Times was widely scrutinized on Friday over a story headlined, “Why Is Louis Farrakhan Back in the News?”
The Times piece is essentially an explainer on why the anti-Semitic Farrakhan is back in the news, but the headline resulted in a slew of criticism, tied to criticism of the mainstream media for neglecting coverage of the story.
Mediaite columnist Joseph Wulfsohn recently published a piece pointing out that Farrakhan is “a glaring anomaly from the current denouncement culture” that is typically widespread among the mainstream media. Wulfsohn pointed out that Farrakhan has called white people “potential humans,” blamed Jewish people for the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and even once referred to Adolf Hitler as a “very great man.”
“The media has been largely silent on those who back Farrakhan,” Wulfsohn wrote.
The Times story explains that the 84-year-old head of the Nation of Islam is back in the news because he “gave an anti-Semitic speech at his organization’s annual convention last month” and a previously unreleased photo of Farrakhan and President Barack Obama was recently unearthed. The Times story goes on to explain the Nation of Islam, who exactly Farrakhan is and why liberal leaders such as Tamika Mallory were reluctant to denounce him.
Farrakhan has recently posted several bizarre tweets regarding Jews this week, including the aforementioned tweet about government agencies, specifically the FBI. He has been accused of acting in an anti-Semitic manner previously, including by the Southern Poverty Law Center in 2014.
Farrakhan has denied claims he is anti-Semitic.
Too lazy to see if this has been talked about. They got him now! Trump wrote Putin a secret letter!!
The left’s version of Pandora’s box has been opened. It’s where identity politics has reached peak mass and is about to implode onto itself. They killed the shitstained goose that allowed them to stay in power.
No, I think this means Pandora no longer has a box; not all women have boxes shitlord!
Did he get her friend to show it to him “Mystery” style? Ya know, the folded boat sing-songy thing.
Like this.
Damn, that sounds like exactly my type of beer but I don’t think it would make the trip. I wonder if I can get the Class Six to make a special order…
What is your beer of choice over there? I like Sapporo but I wonder if that is not only marketed to the sushi bar crowd outside of Japan. The one time I flew through Tokyo I don’t even remember what I drank, but I do remember it was damn hard to find a bar in the airport.
Sapporo or Kirin, both of which are available in the States. I haven’t been able to find much else except for some imports from Thaliand and Singapore and other cheap beers. I haven’t looked very hard either though.
Sapporo is good.
I think Sapporo have a brewery in the states somewhere. I picked up a 4-pack of the steel cans about a year ago and seem to remember that the cans were brewed here.
A lot of big breweries have local breweries so that the beer doesn’t have to travel as far.
Coopers in Australia brews Carlberg, Tsingtao, and Sapporo for the Aussie market.
Guinness used to have one in Africa, but it might have been easier to ship from Ireland.
Look around and see if you can find Hitachino Nest. The couple I’ve had have been good, if a bit overpriced (which I blame on shipping from Japan).
I will keep an eye out, thanks!
Chores done, so fuck it, it is time for a cocktail. #CheapTequila
Same here. Just got done moving snow. Time for some cheap rye and some cheap beer.
christ, what a bunch of assholes
Showman Trump abandons cautious Obama approach to North Korea
Trump’s a moron, but he’s no less a ‘showman’ than any other pol. Obama’s entire foreign relations strategy was, “how can i use other countries to stage photo ops for myself”. every “big deal” he tried to arrange – e.g. the “Iran nuclear deal”, the Cuban rapproachment, the 100% bullshit “Climate Agreement” with China, which amounted to ‘we won’t tell you how much greenhouse gasses we emit today, but we promise they’ll be lower in 30 years’….
…and on and on and on. everything obama did was a PR move.
By contrast, meeting with the Norks is one of the few things anyone with half a fucking brain would realize instantly is a huge step in a long history of non-relations. simply agreeing to agree to meet is weird and unprecedented.
which is likely why they’re sneering so hard about it. Obama was ‘cautious’ because he didn’t even try to do anything serious
But your assessment was that Iran was serious?
Iran literally started testing nuclear-capable missiles within a month of Obama waving the Iran deal around as some great diplomatic accomplishment.
those tests were in blatant violation of *previous* UN agreements. (not the new, ‘iran nuclear deal’).
The obama admin handwaved around this and pretended that as long as these missile tests didn’t violate *their deal?*, why then: Everything is fine.
Anyone with half-a-brain recognized that if Iran obviously shits all over pre-existing UN agreements, why should the US be pretending that they’ll adhere strictly to the letter of new ones?
It was an obvious slap-in-the-face by Iran, effectively daring Obama to stop his diplomatic victory-lap and suddenly ‘get tough’. What they wanted was to humiliate the US and show their own citizens that they had out-maneuvered both the UN and US – , winning huge concessions from americans, while putting the US in an awkward position where they’d be telling the UN not to enforce its own rules ‘too harshly’ lest it spoil the narrative of Obama’s great diplomatic achievements.
The old strategy was working, right?
Ya, assholes indeed. By Obama’s own words Iran will have a nuclear weapon in ten years. That deal will go down as one of the most idiotic moves of a US administration in history. Anyone who believes they are not pursuing one because of that deal is a moron. I think the goal was to ensure they got one and get the world off their back while the develop it.
Spring time in Arkansas
My yard looks like it snowed.
my actual yard
Looks like June.
It rained here today.
I’m still going swimming again.
Check your climate privilege.
Hail. It’s been a while since I’ve seen hail. It doesn’t happen up here in New England as often as it did where I grew up in Pennsylvania.
Thus hail is not particularly bug, but there was a lot of it. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen this much.
Why do you have three mail boxes, and you shouldn’t leave your bike out in the yard like that, and you need a rusted out car and a bunch of pallets stacked up somewhere, to match up with my stereotyping of Arkansasians.
2 of those mailboxes are decoys in case Sloopy drives by.
Good point.
My mailbox, my neighbor who lives a half mile behind me, and one for a trailor that used to be on my property. The rusty car and pallets are out back, and my son leaves his bike where ever he decideds to quit riding it. I have to get him to put it up damn near eveyday. I thought about sending him out in the hail to pick it up, but decided I’m not that big of an asshole.
You decided?
Mr T’s ongoing coverage of the Paralympics raises more questions than it answers
‘down hill sitting‘?
You don’t expect cripples to do uphill sitting, do you?
Second glass of Recas La Putere Feteasca Neagra.
Not at all bad, but I have to admit, I did run it thru’ a Magic Decanter first. The ‘nose’ from the bottle wasn’t super-encouraging, and I was too impatient to let it breathe before sampling.
Slightly spicy nose when in the glass, hint of something floral. Pleasant on the tongue, not particularly fruity, seems a bit low in tannins. Probably good with hearty country food, or the cheese board but not so great as a drink-it-alone wine. At the price, it’s a good deal – I’ve spent twice as much in the past and had wine not even half as acceptable.
In its defense, it’s having to overcome the fallout from a rather hot chicken vindaloo that was consumed about an hour ago, but I’ll be pouring myself a third glass in a few minutes.
Just reading that made me gay
Oh! Now we see the violence inherent in the system!
Ahh, the Romanian wine. Nice!
The Hot Chicken Vindaloo sounds like a dance all the crazy kids would do these days.
It’s a family favorite, usually heralded by me putting a couple of rolls of Charmin in the freezer. If we had any of our kids friends over, yes, there might have been dancing. Or running around with their asses on fire.
This wine would have been great with the meal, if I’d thought of it.
I’d make a joke about the obvious British:Beer stereotype…but there were a lot of soccer hooligans drinking wine at Ethiad stadium.