

and stay away from the Yucatan!
And WTF, northeast corner of Brazil?! I didn’t know that was such a hot-spot.
I lived in the Northeast of Brazil for a couple years. It is indeed violent, as is the majority of the cities there. Third day in Brazil a guy got shot to death across the street from my apartment. I got robbed at knifepoint by a 12 year old and almost got robbed by a pack of feral children. Almost everyone I knew there (all Brazilians) had some story of getting mugged or worse. My ex girlfriend got kidnapped and brought around to atm machines over a several hour period. I love the place and the people but it is out of control violent. Funny enough it has some of the strictest gun control laws.
Have a look at the gun laws in some of the other violent places on the map…Mexico, Venezuela, South Africa…all have restrictive gun laws.
Does a lot of good, doesn’t it?
Indeed. I’ve spent a lot of time in LatAm and most countries there have very strict gun laws and very high violent crime rates. My favorite gun control argument with lefties is to ask them if we should treat guns just like we treat drugs, since banning drugs has had such roaring success. The topic usually changes pretty quick.
You know who else raided Austria?
Captain Cook?
Wrong Continent
There is an Austrian restaurant in Pennsylvania that I like. They have a sign up which reads, “We don’t know what Australian food is like but we are sure it is very good.”
Julie Andrews?
Charmian Carr.
Oh my. Yes she is
Tempus edax rerum.
Yes, but if my wife looks like that at what…60ish? 70ish? I’d be a very happy man, indeed.
Still might have.
Frederick the Great?
Richard Burton and Clint Eastwood?
G_d damn that’s a good flick.
With a leading actress whose name is an abbreviation for urine.
Harry Lime?
G_d damn that’s a good flick.
Joseph Cotten never gets the credit he deserves.
That’s for damn sure. Cotton is one of my favorites. He is fucking amazing in Shadow of a Doubt
He even brought dignity to his role as a murder victim in Soylent Green.
I have that on the DVR. I need to watch it. I haven’t seen it in 30ish years.
Edward G. Robinson was always good too. Just missed him in The Whole Town’s Talking tonight.
Third Man Museum, Vienna – on my top 10 list.
Out of nostalgia, just queued up the movie.
Ah, it’s always about a woman, in the end.
The Orkin Waffe?
*Just got up, CPRM. Can’t wait to read The Path.
The Marcomanni, Goths, Huns, and Slavs?
Suleiman the Magnificent?
STEVE, Did you Rape everyone in the other glib thread?
Is there anyone STEVE SMITH hasn’t raped?
(considers raising hand, runs away in panic instead)
Wise choice…let sleeping Rapesquatches lie and all that.
It’s a throwdown!
ALL HAIL ZARDOZ! STEVE SMITH CAN KISS MY PASTY WHITE ASS! (Which, let’s be fair, would be an uncharacteristic act of tenderness for the d00d…)
Didn’t need that visual….
STEVE SMITH is an actual rape monster/missing link type thing. ZARDOZ is an horrible movie in which the big stone head is just a curtain for Arthur Frayn to hide behind, ALL HAIL STEVE SMITH, and by hail I mean run for cover and clench up that asspussy nice and tight.
Arthur Frayn is the Wizard of Oz?
ZardoZ is a wholly made Construct of the syndical capitalists designed to Promote Green Bread!
A Conspiracy!!!!!
Gift of the gun vs delayed rape….ALL HAIL ZARDOZ!!!
A rant, not a thought 1. (with apologies to JATNAS)
I really do not like it when service professionals try to increase their tips by flirting. Look, sweetheart, I don’t care how perky your tits are how cute your face, or how doe-like your eyes, flattering me and being touchy is not going to get you any bigger tip (unless you are a stripper or a whore where it is part of the job). You get tipped on how good a job you do cutting my hair and trimming by beard. Nothing else. Also blowing smoke up my ass about how much you like beards and how great mine is, and how soft and how I obviously take care of it isn’t going to move the needle either. Nor will rubbing my shoulders while giving me the hot towel make a difference. Just do what I tell you do, do it quickly, and we can all go about our day after a mutually satisfactory transaction.
But you can’t safely tell your Barber to stick to business, IYKWIM
This is true. It’s a power imbalance. Can I now claim I’ve been sexually harassed? #metoo
I blame the Barberarchy!
Ha, ha! Maybe you just have an irresistible beard.
I must admit that my beard does tend to attract compliments from men and women alike. I have a shirt that says “If you touch my beard, I will touch your butt” that a friend gave me. I wasn’t wearing that one today though.
Let me see what I can do about getting one up somewhere I’m willing to link to.
Lucky! My beard used to grow in calico, random patches of color. Now it just screams “library hobo” so I shave regularly.
Hilarious. You should wear it next time and report back.
Intj, huh?
No, I’m usually test out as an ENTJ. I like being social and don’t mind mild flirtation in such situations. However, I don’t like people trying to manipulate me though, and laying it on too thick comes off as manipulation.
I just want to be in and out as efficiently as possible.
That’s usually an ENTJ thing; getting a task done efficiently, isn’t it?
Process, process, process.
You’re and ENT? i s you real name Treebeard?
Good god, no. I was rooting for Sauron when it came to those slow ass trees.
I am an ENTJ too! We are only about 2% of the population. Nice to meet yet another.
I’m not surprised there’s a fair number among libertarians.
I’m conflicted on the whole legitimacy of MB analysis, but I come out as a moderately “I” INTJ.
4-6% of the population are allegedly INTJ, and about the same for ENTJ
Whoops. 2-4% in each case, not 4-6. Math fail.
M-B is phrenology.
Big Five has much more evidence behind it.
My Big 5 assessment seems to model my personality more accurately.
I’m not sure ‘evidence’ is the right term for something as subjective (or at least, inobjective) as personality assessment. But that’s just me being a contrarian, I guess.
Well, with any ‘social’ science there is going to be that problem because we’re Alice looking from inside the looking glass. I do think that the Big 5 traits are aggregates of various neurological correlates, and that our names for them represent, in some way, how those correlates are bundled in the mind. Likewise, the strong correlations between Big 5 traits and various outcomes suggest that there is something to the theory.
I suspect it is somewhere north of the legitimacy of horoscopes and tarot readings. But that’s about as far as I’d go with it.
What’s happening in Portland RE: World Cup? Last round there was a beer garden on 21st (NW).
I’m not big on soccer, but I’m sure there’s something going on for it. Lot of people here love ’em some soccer.
I am INTJ as are about 80% of the people where I work. Yes, yes, it’s all woo, but interesting how my workplace came out. Seems to explain a lot.
Where the hell do you get your hair cut?
I love my haircut chick, but she’s uncomfortably close to my wife.
Me: I want to grow my hair out.
Her: Ok.
Me: I want a sweet flow.
Her: No
*she reaches for #2 clippers*
It’s a local chain that bills itself as a ‘Rock N Roll Barbershop’. They have loud rock and metal music, give you a beer (even at 9AM), and the barbers are usually attractive chicks that are kind of rock/alternative types. It’s within walking distance of the house which is the main selling point for me.
Located where? This sounds like a place I should visit.
Portland, OR
A bit far for me. Dammit.
My local place is run by a bald beardy guy, and the normal interaction starts with “What’s your poison?”.
Bourbon and scotch is the standard social lubricant, although aged rums appeared a few months back.
That’s even better than a beer.
Here’s the dude.
looks like my sort of place and my sort of barber.
If I had one of these near me I’d stop cutting it myself and start paying for it again.
Um, that sounds like a weird kink to ask a prostitute for, but live and let live I guess.
I haven’t gotten a haircut in 20 years. For 15 of those years, I let the hair grow out, and had a ponytail going down to my waist. Nowadays I shave my head at least once a week with a 1/2 guard.
I should just do what you are doing. I’m doing a 4 on top to 2 in back. The problem is I don’t really like doing it so I go far too long between cuts.
Yeah… I don’t really have a top anymore. Hence the shaving off of all of the hair, I did not want to be that pathetic bald guy with a ponytail.
I highly recommend getting the most expensive clippers you can afford. The difference with the cheap ones you find at the drugstore is like night and day. 10 minutes tops, at least if you’re going all the same length.
Heh I have a top but it’s so heavy when I let it grow that I get all sweaty and gross. And it got worse when it turned white.
I’ve been using a set of Wahl clippers for almost 5 years now, and it takes about 5 minutes for me to shave my head. I will need to find a new beard trimmer set soon, as I doubt my new job wants to have me walk in with a five inch goatee.
I might try doing the same. Dicking around with three different guards and trying to blend between them is a pain in the ass.
Same here for ~20 years. I can’t stand my hair – it’s very thick and dry. And it went white in my 30s so it had to go.
Too hawt. I got tired of waking up with my pillow soaked in sweat.
I forget the reference but it rings true – “Long-haired old guys just start looking like their Moms.”
Is it getting hot in here? *tugs collar*
You’ve never had a beard?
Beard or bear?
I don’t think I qualify as either, at least in this context.
TBH I don’t know what any of that slang means, but a bearded bear sounds like a paradox.
I don’t like bears or beards of any definition.
I also went to Supercuts today.
Well I certainly do care how perky her tits her and how cute her face is… do you have pictures?
Speaking of which, where is Q?
Who’s up for a Dance Party?!? https://twitter.com/FEMM____/status/972278057477193728
Soy-boy Wankfest 2018
Poppy AND FEMM? How can you say that?
Poppy exists outside YouTube?
As a Brutal Exterminator, I’m also the happy papa of a bouncing baby Kel-Tec Sub 2000 Gen II (9mm). I bought it in protest ’cause, as a shareholder/member of Canada’s Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC — sorta like the Canuck equivalent of REI, ‘cepting it’s a co-op), I was pissed when they decided to stop carrying a whole bunch of products from the Vista Outdoor group of companies because one of those companies is Savage Firearms. They wanna virtue signal without even consulting the membership at large, I’ll happily support the very industry they’re trying to boycott.
And fuck ’em anyways. Their exec bowed to pressure from a few thousand on-line protestors, whose very membership in MEC was hard to determine, but weren’t willing to put it to a vote of the five million actual members at the AGM. I’ve been a member for decades, but I go in on the weekend to terminate my membership. They can give my share value to some charity, but I’ll be damned if I’ll give ’em any more of my money or support.
They’ve fallen a long ways from their mission back in the early 1970s. Weiners.
I have spent a bunch of money at MEC. I guess what they are doing is ops normal for that line of greeny stores. I am sure REI would do the same. AFAIK REI is a co-Op too, or maybe I am unclear what a real co-op is.
REI is a also a co-op
from what i understand, MEC modeled themselves after REI.
That’s odd. Normally you can’t shop at a co-op in Canada unless you’re a shareholder. I’ve shopped at REI previously without having to become a member, so “co-op” must mean something different down in the ‘States.
And yeah, REI’s exec also dumped Vista Outdoors, for essentially the same reason.
I worked @ REI during high school and occasionally when home from college.
REI was born as a members-only buyer’s club for getting (usually made in Europe) climbing equipment (eg.. from Chouinard, which became black diamond) @ wholesale prices. When they started opening retail outlets, the standard patter was to get people to take a membership card at the door, and then when they cashed out at the register, they were told that they were being charged a $5 fee in order to complete the sale.
over the years the policy may have changed in varying degrees. every member got voting-sheets mailed to them whenever the company needed to change some manner of doing business. if you shopped there and weren’t a member, you’d have a 10-15% surcharge added to the nominal bill, basically ‘nonmember prices’. It hardly ever happened because unless you were buying a single pair of socks or something, there was no reason not to pay the $5 for the member-discount.
I don’t know what store policies are now, i haven’t been inside one in years.
I didn’t think of that…ALL HAIL STEVE SMITH!
a recent conversation, paraphrased
her: FDR gave us fire side chats; Trump tweets from the toilet!
me: FDR put 100k people in internment camps.
her: [dramatic pause] That’s a false equivalency.
me: No, it isn’t. What FDR did is far worse than anything Trump has done.
her: Well…OK, yeah, that was pretty bad.
I made a what-about-ism, but just to prove a point.
You could also yank that glass of milk out of her hand and dump it on the ground. “What are you doing?”. “FDR stimulus.”
If saying FDR put 100k people in internment camps is whataboutism, then whataboutism away.
It’s like FDR trapped in a Honda Accord…
Good evening mammals, I’m rather hammered
Workin’ on it
Drinking the blood of your rivals?
No, they’ve been a bit sparse lately
I feel like a Hong Kong gong.
Drunken Lizard? Sounds like a good name for a bar in the tropics.
Or a yacht rock band
Yacht Rock, a new style of Reggae/Electronica/Post Punk Disco!
Smooth Music.
Goddamn it.
Higher Def Smooth
Excellent. Your choice of beverage?
I have been running through the entire offering at Copper Tail brewery.
I see some good stuff.
Well I’m glad you can still see straight
Speak for yourself…
Megumi Yokota was only 13 when she was kidnapped from her seaside village in Japan in 1977. Her status in North Korea has not been confirmed, and North Korea has claimed there are no Japanese abductees remaining, following the release of five victims in 2002.
We can hope they’ll get their family members back, but I highly, highly doubt any of them are still alive.
I swear to God that if this summit doesn’t just consist of Trump pulling a holdout pistol and placing 3 bullets into Kim’s head while shouting “THIS IS FOR OTTO!”, I’m starting the revolution myself.
Honestly I would respect him for doing his own killing, instead of hiring it out.
Then blame the death on natural causes.
He insulted Melania! SAD!
That’d get my vote for him in 2020.
Conservatives in D.C. Are Sad Because They Can’t Get Dates
Another White House staffer said, without a shred of self-awareness, that she “typically looks for someone from the South” while swiping through profiles, as she thinks they’ll be more receptive to her support of the president. She swipes left on anyone who went to a small liberal-arts college or has a photo of themselves “wearing one of those pink hats on their heads” at the Women’s March, she says.
“I feel like they look at me and are like, here’s a tall white dude with brown hair wearing loafers, and he probably has a picture of Reagan and the NRA in his bedroom or something.”
C’mon, never happen. That’d be racist.
Maybe she’s just interested in men?
I got my tax return in, so it’s time to drink it away.
I will be drinking Core Brewery’s oatmeal stout. Core is one of larger brewers in northwest Arkansas. We’ll see how it goes. My only stout comparison is Guinness.
I’m hoping to get a return in 2019. 2017 was unkind, tax wise.
I’m going with the Lagunitas Imp. Stout, All Hail Stouts!
Pay no attention the the fact that my last booze of the week was some Gaffel Kölsch.
Lagunitas apparently just started being distributed in central Arkansas and every other beer purchaser at the liquor store was buying it.
Any good?
Their beers are solid, I think the owner is a bit of a dick. And the brewery is completely owned by Heineken if that means anything to you.
Good! Many different offerings, some limited,
agreed: solid shop
but beer is Yankee business; I trust them and drink almost no beer brewed south of the Ohio
whiskey….another business entirely
If you drink nothing south of Ohio, you’re really missing out. No Sweetwater, Cigar City, or St. Arnold’s. All of which are solid breweries. And that’s not even going into the Western states.
I believe I managed to balance federal, state, and city taxes this year. So no return for me, I consider that a win.
David Brooks says maybe try to understand where gun owners are coming from; Current Affairs says gun owners are no different than segregationists.
NJR writes:
The other day, I saw a man in the French Quarter wearing a T-shirt that said “I’m not arguing, I’m just explaining why I’m right.” I think that perfectly captures what makes leftists so angry about the people who criticize them in the name of “open dialogue.” There’s something uniquely irritating about somebody who views what you do as argument and what they do as dialogue, or who constantly interrupts you in order to tell you how much they value listening to other people.
In related news, this is the title of an actual book:
Why I’m No Longer Talking To White People About Race
We didn’t want to listen to you, anyway.
This guy gets it.
Trump is pressing to end the Mueller probe and will trade an interview with his team in exchange for a deadline to end it. Meh. Just make it permanent. The Department of Mueller.
I hope you all enjoyed the little fun with Harvey and Ted. I was unavailable for comment because work, bah. I read the comments, and I thank those of you that praised it, and scorn those of you who didn’t.
Scorned one here, not quite my taste, OTOH I’m skinny so I lurked the Glibfit, so as not to be a Dick,
If I can’t say nice things, I’ll shut up
I like a man who knows his place.
I late read it and I thought it was great.
file under: burn the heretic!
A student at Indiana University of Pennsylvania was recently barred from attending a religious studies class that he needs in order to graduate after he questioned his instructor’s claims regarding the “reality of white male privilege.”
Lake Ingle said he objected to some of the claims made in a video featuring a transgender woman, and countered by arguing that there are only two genders and that the “gender wage gap” is a myth.
According to Ingle, the class was forced to watch a Ted-Talk on February 28 featuring Paula Stone, a transgender woman, who gave examples of “mansplaining,” “male privilege,” and systematic sexism. Following the video, Ingle wrote that the instructor “opened the floor to WOMEN ONLY. Barring men from speaking until the women in the class have had their chance to speak.”
Both the referral form and agreement charge Ingle with “Disrespectful objection to the professor’s class discussion structure; refusal to stop talking out of turn; angry outbursts in response to being required to listen to a trans speaker discuss the reality of white male privilege and sexism; disrespectful references to the validity of trans identity and experience; [and making a] disrespectful claim that a low score on any class work would be evidence of professor’s personal prejudice.”
According to the documented agreement, IUP is now attempting to force Ingle to apologize, stipulating that “Lake will write an apology to the professor which specifically addresses each of the disrespectful behaviors described above.”
Moreover, the agreement proclaims that on March 8, “Lake will begin class with an apology to the class for his behavior and then listen in silence as the professor and/or any student who wishes to speak shares how he or she felt during Lake’s disrespectful and disruptive outbursts on 2-28.”
fuck all these useless twats in the ass, mouth, and eye
… a religious studies class …
None of that sounds like studying religion.
ding ding ding
unless ‘religion’ is just a synonym for ‘cult’.
the class was forced to watch a Ted-Talk
I don’t care what the topic was, that is over the line. Unless it’s STEVE SMITH giving the Ted Talk.
And by “giving the talk” mean…
C’mon Darlin’! You’ve been here since the beginning. Steve Smith speaks ALL-CAPS!
“the class was forced to watch a Ted-Talk”
I’d rather get cigarettes put out on my neck while listening to polka.
I do that every sunday./Wisconsin life
Saturday mornings on KSPC 88.7 fm PolkA to Z with Skip, been listening for 20 years, I fucking Love Polka!
I’m Rolling down the Street with Who Stole the Kishka playing and T he Mexicans think it’s Banda!
/Cause it is
I’d rather watch a naked Chuck Schumer trying to deflate an air mattress by rolling back and forth on it.
I’m going to need a lobotomy now.
One of the few advantages of Catholic school is the amazing mental blocks I can throw up whenever I need to.
Struggle sessions are the new office hours.
Wow, that woman is nuts. And the minute she demanded a Cultural Revolution-esque struggle session as a “sanction” for the alleged violation of the academic conduct code, the VPAA should have told her to fuck off. That is really beyond the pale on anything reasonable.
This is why you shouldn’t have zoologists as college administrators.
You gotta give them a break; it is clearly a school for ‘special’ people, I mean they think Indiana is in Pennsylvania.
The hell I would. I mean, I’d tell them I would, then I’d write an apology alright…
I just dont understand how these schools are not being sued out of existence.
Well, this particular one is public. And the well of taxpayer money never runs dry.
It seems that after catastrophic losses state legislatures would clamp down on these people.
It’s not the state legislatures that have the teeth but the regional university accreditors. Get them to sanction institutions for shit like this and you’ll see change quickly.
this is why mass-shootings happen
the latest offering from the intellectual titans of Jacobin
We Don’t Need More Competition
Trying to fix Obamacare by increasing competition could easily do more harm than good.
What all of the above shows is that counties with monopoly insurers charge higher overall premiums and use silver stretching to drive up subsidy amounts. This sort of practice is good for the vast majority of people on the exchange whose income is low enough to qualify for subsidies, but it’s obviously bad for the small minority who pay full price.
Well knock me over with a feather.
I knew a chic named May (pronounced My), and she introduced me to Noi (pronounced Noy). I loved her for like a week.
Also, the Austrians know fuck all about illegal searches and seizures. You gotta prime the pump leading up to it and blame that shit on the Russians.
I knew a Noi too. She collected my rent.
Same here. Thai gal that made me drinks. I also knew a Neu (Noi) little german boy, friend of my daughters. In nursery school one day, he walked straight up to me and punched me square in the nuts right in front of his mom. I hear his mom yelp, “Are you ok?” I’m wincing and look over and notice that the question was directed at her kid.
Well, was he ok?
So far. We’ll see how far he gets in life with that strategy.
I just took Noi shopping. She must have been doing well.
Friday night Glib entertainment –
The guys at this podcast think I’m bizarre. Ah well, can’t please everyone.
Wow, you sound soo canadian.
Bookmarked for later listening. Thanks!
That was great. Fuck yeah.
Very good. They should kick those two numb nuts off there and put you on instead.
This is local news and I know it unfortunately happens all over the country. However, this dudes mugshot -in addition to knowing what he did- makes me want to do really evil things to him.
Every time I think of supporting prison reform, assholes like that guy make me realize we need a place where they can get their wig split and cheeks busted daily.
Why not a quick bullet?
Double jeopardy? First trial 8 out of 12 jurors voted not guilty?
Something smells here. There is too much information missing in this story.
Eight of twelve voted not guilty, so they held a new trial, with a new jury, and withheld evidence.
Something really stinks in that story. It should be a slam-dunk appeal (assuming the guy lives that long)
Exactly my thought upon reading that.
” That ended in a mistrial when eight of the 12 jurors found him not guilty, which prompted the court to exclude evidence regarding the metal table.”
Sure sounds like a POS, but WTH?
All the reporting on this is -characteristically of this paper- shitty. But here’s the original, and also very light on details, story:
According to the criminal complaint, Thorsteinson stuck the child’s head against a stereo speaker and a metal table. The complaint states Thorsteinson admitted to striking the child because he was angry.
So he admitted to striking the kid, but 8 jurors still wouldn’t convict? OK.
Yeah. I don’t get it either. It’s stories like this when I really despise the junior-high level “journalists” we have around here.
Cool link, bro.
So today I’m walking through the mall on my way to the pet store to get some fish. While I’m walking I start hearing the sound of a young child screaming. As I go it gets louder and louder. When I get close to a costume jewelry store, I see a mother sitting in the piercing chair, fighting to hang on to a 2-ish year old girl. The girl is screaming bloody murder and fighting with every ounce of her energy to get out of the torture chair that mommy is holding her in.
I had to fight the urge to call the cops. Honestly, it really shook me. How the fuck could that mother sit there and hold her daughter for something so vain and superficial as fucking earrings? I literally can’t even.
Because some people consider small children as props instead of people. I… dislike… those people.
A polite way to put it
That’s disgusting. And how does the employee carry on with it? I wouldn’t do it.
This may be a dumb question, but whose ears were being pierced? My reaction would range from annoyance (with a hint of disgust) to pure furious rage, depending on the answer.
Ready to rage?
The 2 year-olds. Mom was holding on tight and the employee was doing her best to poke holes through the little girl’s earlobes.
I got a piece of my dick sliced off when I was 8 days old. That girl needs to harden the fuck up.
8 days? What was the delay?
They needed to call in an expert due to it’s size?
He wasn’t hard enough.
If it was good enough for Jesus…
You must’ve done something really bad to deserve that.
They caught him touching himself at night
He sexually assaulted his mother 8 days prior?
You remember the day?
Yes, and I think why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my leg… and my arm… even my dick. The foreskin I’ve lost… the comrades I’ve lost… won’t stop hurting… It’s like they’re all still there. You feel it, too, don’t you? I’m gonna make them give back our foreskins.
I have no idea what that was, but those lyrics where not in that song. #Fakenews
“That girl needs to harden the fuck up.”
Goddamned right.
That sounds like it would be illegal.
Should be.
Children are chattels.
There’s a good chance the SA cities will move up on that list.
Domestic Intelligence Service?
I think I see the first problem.
You would think that after some of the….issues… that involved Austria (and Austrians) in the 20th Century that the voting public would realize that a Domestic Intelligence Service is a dangerous thing, and is designed to be turned against the People.
I listened to Jason Stapleton’s Wed (727) show this evening. Thanks whoever mentioned his show in the past. Straffin I think? He brought up an angle on fed authority on the removal of illegal immigrants I had not heard argued before. I am not sure he is right, or if I agree with him, but it did make me think and I need to look into it further. Anyone else hear his argument there?
Haven’t listened for a while. He’s not good at putting out content consistently. He’s a more open borders type, IIRC. What’s the argument he’s making?
I will probably mis-splain his argument, but I understood it he was saying that by an enumerated power the fed gov has purview over naturalization, but it is not mentioned/enumerated what they can do with someone who gets in the country illegally. He claims the fate of an illegal immigrant is a states right under the 10th as it is not mentioned in the constitution. I don’t know about that.
Suppose you could check out what The 10th Amendment Center has to say on it. They’re pretty reliable.
The argument against E verify probably touches on the same principle.
This was in a conversation about CA and justice dept dustup.
Hope a lawyer can jump in, but the supremacy clause and 10A seem to be where the argument hinges.
He claims the supremacy clause does not apply as the fate of illegals is not an enumerated power, but that has never stopped them in the past from enforcing the supremacy clause. I had just never heard that argument before and being an open borders IF sort of person it caught my interest. I am all for open borders IF the welfare state ceased to exist. Now we have crony immigration, illegal and legal temp visas that undercut what would be a free market for labor and the states and feds supplement below market wages with welfare. End that and I am all in. Throw in the “invasion” of people who want to vote in more people who are all for more welfare and more government and I think protecting a sovereign nations borders come into it but I might be leaning on my conservative roots there.
I think we’re headed to another civil war.
To quote the great thinker of out time Axle Rose, ‘What’s so civil about war anyway?’
I just watched an excellent hockey game. Duluth East beat Edina in the MN High School Hockey tournament. Cake eaters vs. cake eaters.
I hope you are watching the next game. This is spectacular hockey.
Where you at?
I try to explain how good this tournament is. You get it. The heathen don’t.
Hot sexy ladies. ‘Nuff said.
6 is the only one you need.
15 and 2
15… good choice.
12, 16, 51, 61, 87
If 4’s first initial is not V I will be disappoint.
54- 10 points for griffindor!!!
47 has my ideal body for a lady.
You must have played a different version of the Hitman games than me.
Ah, took me a minute. Also, DON’T OTHER ME!!!
It’s gonna Rain this weekend, I can’t fly my Planes, so I Built this,
to drive a bunch of these,
Drunk driving!
Tennis Channel just showed Caroline Dolehide winning over Cibulková. Dear god Dolehide has a bust line.
Ted tearing up the town on a Friday night.
Breakin the Law Breaking the Law!
He just turns down the TV and cranks some white noise.
Ice dam built up on my eaves and water is trying to enter my ceilings along the joists. I spent my day shoveling the roof. “Super-Happy-Fun-Time!” To think that when I was a kid I used to enjoy that chore and actually wandered the streets with a snow-scoop looking for clients. “I can take that load off your roof, Sir/Madam. Forty Dollahs.”
Amazing ain’t it, the things we did whe we was young’ns
So you offered to take a dump on the rooves of transgendered people? Canada is fucking weird.
^^^ Yes. Yes I did. In all seriousness, when little Festus needed lupins he hustled for them. Mowing lawns, baby-sitting, whatever. When you start smoking at 13 Momma needs some Export A.
Edit – 12 years old. I had to think back into the long ago and it was when I was in Grade Seven. So 12.
Damn this is getting hard to follow. You took dumps on transgendered people’s rooves because you smoked an anime with your mom at 13?
You either don’t get the Dennis Moore reference or are being willfully obtuse. Either/or. It’s all fun and games until someone gets their head on a pike…
Yeah, didn’t get the reference while being obtuse. You’re no fun.
Sorry, I’m just being a grumpy, sore old cunt. I liked your story very,very much! I wanna see what happens when they get to Mar-a-Lago…
No problem, grumpy middle age cunt is where I’m at. Thank you for you for praising my working, which it surely deserves. Godamn I love me.
I have to be out early tomorrow, I may get some Flying in before the rain Yippeee!