I just bought an Amazon Echo for my bedroom because my fetish is imagining Jeff Bezos listening to my wife and I having sex.

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But first for what?
And don’t you work?
Today? Sorta. I had to play diplomat and it didn’t go according to plan.
If only I had the energy to tell a story of what happened to me today.
Let’s just say people can be real fucken classless cunts sometimes.
You don’t have to tell me. I issue credit to customers. There’s no shortage of weasels out there who view their bills as optional.
Thanks for reminding me, I have to make a loan payment.
I just accidentally paid my car loan out of my business account and not my personal account, does that make it a business expense?
Only if you work the car into a Hat and Hair video.
I had to play diplomat and it didn’t go according to plan.
Are you why the Norks are backtracking on meeting with Trump? Fuckin’ knew it. Jobs Americans won’t do my ass.
I don’t usually cotton much to the “darkies” but in this case I’ll make an exception. *sips beer, pretends that it is mint julep*
That bouncy dancing chick gets me every time.
If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.
I haven’t pimped it here in awhile. but here what you get when you have nothing to hide. The star of the. video is yours truly.
I should have added that /sarc tag
I’ve seen it before and it’s still infuriating.
I’m closing in on it happening a year ago. It still pisses me off everytime it comes to mind.
That was infuriating. You and I both know what its like to have a cross-hair drawn on your licence plate. Those guys were fucking with you. Full Stop.
Jeff Bezos isn’t listening, but the NSA are.
The NSA is too busy checking up on their cheating wives. It’s only 4chan listening in.
Why not just invite Bezos over for some sweet MMF action?
If you were to guess, what would be the percentage of married women who would be willing to?
More than would be quantifiable by traditional polling methods.
Mixed Martial Fisting?
Or, Mixed Marital Fisting?
Many Men Felching
*vomits fried pickles on keyboard*
Monday Monkey Fun? You guys are so fucking weird.
It’s time!
don’t cross swords, brah?
Perhaps I’m guilty of Mis-gendering all three parties.
Youtube still bullying Pat Condell:
You guys link to him a lot; but I haven’t been able to watch more than a minute of any one of his diatribes. Meh, not my thing.
We do? I’m more interested in the fact youtube censors him.
I’m indifferent to him. But he does seem to have a following.
I’m still not convinced on all of this ‘Youtube censored me!’ stuff. Maybe some of them, but others it seems more to play into their audiences preconceived notions to get a boost. I mean when you have people out there faking news coverage of tragedies to get clicks it gets hard to believe people.
I think it’s real. To what degree, I don’t know. Conservatives can be, not to be sure it like Robby, a little hyper (thought maybe stye have reason to be).
I believe Jordan Peterson was targeted – or at least talked about it. I know they shut down his Twitter account.
They shut down Peterson’s twitter? For what? The man is not in the least way violent or threatening.
Condell has a knack for exposing the left’s hypocrisy in a very caustic way. I can appreciate that.
Meh, he just comes across as a whiny old man to me, but then again like I said, I’ve never been able to make it through more than a minute of any of his videos.
Straiff, how do you feel about your legacy, or have you still not read it yet?
I’m at work. Tonight I plan on curling up on the bearskin carpet, log in the place and sweet sounds of Todd Lundgren. I’ll crack open then.
Has everyone gotten their Russian Flu vaccine?
What’s the Russian Flu? Do I get it from Anna Chapman? If so, I want to catch it.
You get it from Harvey Weinstein, keep up man.
*throws out the potted plants*
I got my Russian flu from Richard M. Stallman.
Nope, but I was going in for a shot next week and after the info I gleaned today, I will be adding it to my coffee.
+1, Arousal
Is the Echo the one that is randomly laughing?
randomly when people are videoing their echo, like people tend to do.
I guess I have Indian neighbors, as evidence by the loud Indian karaoke playing now. If I wasn’t so tired from work I’d go see if they have any samosas.
Dot not feather?
Of course. I didn’t say I was going to see if they have any raw buffalo liver or hantavirus.
Reality is commods or HPV, but what ever gets your racist on I guess. As by being here we are by fault racist I guess, this world is fucked.
It’s cool. I’m 0.6% Native American, which I assume is higher than Liz Warren.
I think I’m more native american than Liz Warren, even though I’m 100% white. I live between 2 reservations, and have people that I identify as family members (suck it lefties I can play this game to).
They might have garlic naan and chicken tika masala too. Sounds worth investigating to me.
I’m already in for the night, but damn is Indian food really tempting reason to meet the neighbors.
They might also have awful ground nut confections that taste like powdered milk mixed with ground up nuts, covered with a surface layer of gold or silver leaf for extra luxury.
I know there is a lot of racial tension in the world today, but I think it is universally accepted that dessert is the domain of the European.
Dessert is the domain of people who don’t eat enough meat during the meal.
Oh, I don’t know – some things like gulabjam, kulfi and the indian baked items served during diwali are a very positive contribution.
You can’t come in here and just make up words.
FM groks it. I mean…that was positively cromulent!
South East Asia managed to learn some pretty decent French and German dessert culture mixed with their traditionally good offerings.
Fun Fact: A lot of what we see in Indian restaurants – including baltis, chicken tikka masala, vindaloos, phaals etc are not ‘traditional’ Indian food – they’re concoctions created either in Britain or in Indian cities to satisfy European dietary preferences.
To the extent that “curry” is authentic, it’s just something that was cooked in a ‘karai’ as a variety of dish of braised meat.
you should check out finding General Two. It is a documentary trying to find out where that dish was invented. SPOILER: Chinese change their food to suit the customer.
Well, the reason for Indian food doing that is that before the Raj, everyone in India was so piss poor that only the maharajas had the wherewithal to have people cook for them. When the British turned up, anyone above the rank of Captain had his own servants and cooks, which established a kitchen culture that catered to their palette.
I’m regularly called ‘sahib’ or ‘boss’ when I go to an East coast Indian or Bangladeshi restaurant – seemingly without irony. Do any other Glibs also get this?
General TSO, stupid auto correct and no. I don’t think an Indian has ever called me Sahib or boss. Maybe we have a different caste in FL.
I’m wondering if they pick up on the accent. They’re pretty good at hiding their disgust I guess.
I’m still trying to get used to being called sir when people address me, I don’t feel old enough to be a sir yet.
Sir is a funny word, like roads.
So what you are saying is the only good English food is Indian and is a product of colonialism?
– there’s some truth to that
– fuck yeah. And?
And? Well, I hear/read it all the time. Colonialism back in the day, and global trade now ruins a country and enslaves them to a capitalist system that strips them of their natural dignity and the life they had before.
General Two need to meke a deuce.
Quiet you!
Next thing you’ll tell me fortune cookies are american and not chinese, like every other person who is on the internet.
Dan Arel, lover of North Korea and hater of due process, has left twitter.
Nero put the boot in in the last few days. That hasta hurt.
I am a happy man. My Heels beat dook. That’s act 2 of our Revenge Tour through the ACC Tourney. 1 more to go. Dunno if we can step it up for Virginia, but it should be a barn burner.
The main menu description is longer than the actual post. Damn, HM, can’t you follow any social norms?
We all assume that question is rhetorical. You did make me go read the main menu though and damn.
did you sleep for like 2hrs? Japan confuses the fuck out of me. Did you end daylight savings before us? That must be it.
I’m on break. It’s 2:20 pm.
But you’re usually drunk by this time….oh…I see…yep you’re from Wisconsin.
Straff is drunk during morning links.
Damn right! WI represent!
…with some slurring.
are you from WI or just going to UW Madison?
Living and working there now, grew up in CO, probably going to UW Madison for my MBA depending on what I hear from Michigan in a week or so.
Well, if you’re in the south of the state, you can always take a drive up north and have a drink with this glib.
Heck yeah! The bride to be and I love going up north to camp (and hunt), another excuse to go north is always welcome. Whereabouts are you?
between Wausau and Green Bay
Solid country. I am near but not quite in Madison proper, so if you’re ever near this hive of scum and villainy we can hit up one of the hundreds of excessively hipster bars around here for a drink.
I don’t travel much, but sure. And if you’re ever headed up north, give me heads up. (I’ve never been to Madison, and am quite proud of that)
OK, which one of you is responsible?
Before my time. Also, I never kicked anyone, just punched and bit.
No comment, save that I suspect that was filmed well before I lived in Wisconsin.
Alright, I guess your stories check out.
But, I’m watching you two….
I mean, you should. No one on this site is trustworthy.
Maybe I should hide?
Wait, someone else likes Mitchell and Webb?
Yeah. Especially Peep Show.
I was going by Sir Digby at TOS. Right up until the day I decided to change it while simultaneously finding out Glibs was up and running.
Pigs beat Florida man in st. louis.
woo pig sooie
I have no idea what you are referring to.
I have no idea to what you are referring.
/more gooder English?
Nothing against the University of Arkansas but, fuck Mike Anderson. He effectively went into auto pilot mode in regards to recruiting his last two years at Mizzou and essentially dug that program into a pit of ineptitude that took years to dig itself out of.
Mike Anderson has risen my NCAABB program from the dumps. I will hear no criticism.
/JK you’re probably right.
I know this isn’t “what we’re reading”, and I”ll repost this there, but I have to talk about the latest book I finished: The Cadaver King and the Country Dentist : A True Story of Injustice in the American South. It’s by our old friend Radley Balko, and it’s 200+ pages of concentrated nutpunch. Follows the trials of Levon Bell and Kennedy Brewer, two names I know that were brought up a lot on Reason about 10 years back if you were on Reason back then, and the bullshit Dr. Michael West (dentist) and Dr. Stephen Hayne (doctor/coroner) coming together to fuck people over. Hayne’s the one that Radley once told a story about on Reason that looked at a gunshot on autopsy and said that from the angle of the wound he knew that two people had to have been holding the gun at the same time .
I’ll write a better review in the book review thread when it’s not 12:10 AM and I’m not over the legal limit to drink (I need to not do that, given that taking a serious depressant while taking antidepressants isn’t a good thing.) But you should read it. You’ll hate it because it’s like those times we’d have a day of nothing but cop abuse stories on Reason and the last guy kicking you in the nuts had golf cleats on. But it’s still a read. Keep you motivated for those “fuck the state” mantras you need to get through the day.
Why do we do this do ourselves? Because we believe that the inevitable expansion of the state results in widespread murder.
The state is force, and force inevitably expands to murder. The more state you have, the more murder you have.
West and Hayne belong in jail for life.
They knew what they were doing.
Yup. And they belong in general population.
I picked up White Fang for the hell of it. It seems a lot happier than what you’re reading. I think I’d need antidepressants if I read what you’re reading.
solid flick. We always had huskies or malamutes.
My 5 year old and I are watching The Sandlot. My boy laughed like a maniac at the boy all puking on the carnival ride.
Seriously underated movie.
When I had my nephew around he was still of the age that he didn’t watch anything live action except Yo-Gaba-Gaba, which I wouldn’t let him watch, we settled on Gargoyles as something we both liked.
Oh, man. We watched that every other week at the rec center, it seems like. Forgotten staple of my childhood. That, and a bootleg VHS tape that mom got from our aunt with the animated Robin Hood with the animals, The Little Mermaid, and The Land Before Time. We had to have worn that tape down to nubbins.
I ruined our copy of Mickey on Vacation on Beta because I had pickle juice my hands when I wanted to watch it, apparently that wasn’t good for Beta tapes.
I don’t know that I condone those thieving caravaners stealing corn and milk from good, hardworking Americans.
That’s a flash car Mr.
The fuck did Pitt get that role, anyway? YE LIKE DAGS?
I think he was trying to make up for his accent in The Devil’s Own.
Maybe the other candidates were proper fucked?
Now that is a name I have not heard in a long time…
Since you brought up cartoons.
We used to watch Duckman after getting home from Saturday night mass. This is why Catholics are superior to other religions.
I didn’t discover Duckman until high school! We only got Wishbone. Stupid after school programming!
That’s Saturday night vigil!
Late Friday night HM links. * Eats a Tide pod does a line of drano off a corpse’s ass* Fucking rights I’m in!
It’s past my bedtime.
Any good recs for science documentaries on Netflix?
I like to play a game called “learn or fall asleep”. I win either way.
Your science IS too tight!
/Sorry, no recommendation.
Anything presented by Brian Cox. You’ll just be getting lulled into the arms of Morpheus and then he he hits you with “stahs” and it be sleepy time now.
Maple syrup as a sedative?
I challenge you to watch one of his documentaries whilst being halfway tired. That guy’s voice could put a hummingbird to sleep, swear ta God! “Stahs…” He’s almost like that whispering chick.
My ex did a toss-up between old How It’s Made episodes, Iron Chef, and Planet Earth with that soporific English fuck. I get the last one, but the first two… wtf?
If you have enough to drink, sleeping in place will never become a problem for you, Son. Buy the bigger La-Z-Boy, it will work out in the end. Trust me.
This is for all of us us that argue about dat ass.https://youtu.be/TBv3_0j0y_4.
listening to my wife and I
HM does nothing by accident. HM has you precisely where him intends.
That sounds dangerous. HM intentions are much like those of STEVE SMITH. Not to be trusted!
Speaking of which, anyone else notice that Jack Link’s commercials are taking on a decidedly STEVE SMITH tone, lately?
No, I was just drunk.
It’s so weird that it completely sounds so awkward to me in the verbal form when one uses “me” in cases like this, and even when read quickly, usage of “me” sounds off with internal voice. However, from the strict analysis point of view, “me” really is grammatically correct.