Good lord, this has been an exhausting week. But its gonna end on a high note, as I’ll hopefully be playing golf in the 70s (temp and score) by the early afternoon. And I’ll be drinking a beer every third hole. That’s the plan anyway. I hope it comes to pass, as I just got another auction signed up that will start taking a lot of my time starting Monday. Which reminds me: Dallas Glibs, reach out to me and let’s get together one night this next week. The sale is up there and I’ll be in a hotel from Monday-Thursday. Not sure where, but probably the Galleria area. I’d definitely be up for a beer or two while in town.
Hey, I guess I was wrong about Arsenal. Wenger will live to coach another week at least. Still, all eyes are on Manchester, where the countdown to the HUGE match between the Red Devils and Liverpool is less than 24 hours away. And in other sports news, UVA crushed Louisville, and the world rejoiced. Duke won, and the world wept. Ditto UNC. Kansas is getting their shit together. The Texas Tech Red Raiders got a big win over Texas University. And Villanova and Xavier are on a collision course in the Big East.
Meanwhile, on the ice, a whopping 12 games played yesterday. Winners were: Boston, Winnepeg, Columbus, Buffalo, Army/Vegas, Tampa Bay, Nashville, Carolina, Florida, Edmonton, Los Angeles and San Jose. The MINNESOOOOOOOOOOODA WIIIIIIIIIIILD were off.
Today we celebrate the birthday of Amerigo Vespucci, without whom the entirety of North America might still be a continent of savagery, brutal buffalo hunting and some pretty cool alternative medicine. Sharing the birthday with America is Vyacheslav Molotov, whose cocktails have been keeping revolutionaries and terrorists drunk with excitement for a hundred years or more. Also, Mickey Spillane, Ornette Coleman (for the jazz fans), Yuri Gagarin (for you Space Nuts), chess player Bobby Fischer, house guest Kato Kaelin, hottie Linda Fiorentina, steroid aficionado Brian Bosworth, and supermodel Yamila Diaz. Happy Birthday, you crazy kids.
Is that part of the installment working? Shall I keep it or drop it from the rotation? Anybody suggesting I replace the sports with it will get the cat-ass, so don’t bother (UCS). Anyway, that’s the salad. Now get ready for the steak. And by steak, I mean…the links!

The whole thing is worth it if for no other reason than the terrible photoshops
Then quit, you crazy bitch. I mean…Christ, what an asshole.
Diplomacy: Trump style. I do like the fact that he’s clearly said that sanctions will stay in place until an agreement is reached. I just hope he doesn’t fall prey to the same mistake every President before him for a few decades has fallen for and give away a bunch of free shit only for the Kim regime to renege on every one of the terms they agreed to. Only time will tell if this bears fruit, but its interesting nonetheless.
Quantas Airlines takes retardation to the corporate level. Seriously, read the guidelines they put in place…and check the itinerary for your next trip down under and ensure you fly another carrier. Because if this is their way of thinking on human interactions, I have to wonder if they make equally stupid decisions regarding maintenance. (And yes, I know their record has been exemplary to this point. But that’s when they allowed their employees to interact with customers and coworkers as normal human beings would.)

Punishment for rude kids who can’t read good and stuff
In Chicago communities ravaged by “gun violence”, students are hoping Parkland will lead to change are ignoring the root problem and seek to blame everything on inanimate objects rather than the disintegrating family unit, shitty schools, an unresponsive government and most importantly, the individuals carrying out the violent acts. Good luck, dumbasses. Just because you live in a community rife with violence and have cops that are above the law, don’t think you’re gonna get my guns.
I like this lady’s way of thinking. Although I think those kids need a lesson in grammar as well as manners. Also, is 7km a long walk? Speak American, dammit!
I hope this prick gets tossed in jail for the rest of his life. I mean, he maintained his lie for several years in sworn statements. But if you’ll notice, many of his peers are calling any action against him wrong-headed. At least take his pension away and let his victims sue him for every penny he has. That would be a start.
Have a great day and a great weekend, friends!
I like the addition of birthday trivia to the am links.
But I could do without the killer nanny stories. That’s fucking awful.
There’s really only one kind of Nanny story I enjoy, tbh.
Wow. I didn’t know you were such a Fran Drescher fan. Freak.
I’m sure it’s that cat-in-the-Vitamix voice that does it for him.
It stimulates the same pain receptors that a flogger does. Only along the spine.
*There’s really only one kind of Nanny story I enjoy, tbh.
*Wow. I didn’t know you were such a Fran Drescher fan.
How do you know he’s not talking about Phoebe Figalilly /Juliet Mills?
You could do worse.
Amelia Bedelia – “Stuffs the Sausage”
Jumping in to say, “Agreed!”
” and supermodel Yamila Diaz” but no link to her pics. And you call yourself a
I added her and you guys can take a look. I only referred to her as a “supermodel” because society does. Personally, I think her head looks like a potato with a mop sitting atop it. And she’s got that Jaromir Jagr 1 inch mini-forehead thing going. Pass.
I’m with Sloop on this one.
Tough crowd.
Yamilia Diaz best swimsuit video compilation.
Now that I know who that is, Sloop and Mike S are insane.
I mean, they have a point, I can find more attractive women on the internet, or just let Q do it for me, but she’s better than anyone I’d have an actual shot at so I’m not going to complain.
How many women you shot at?
Oh, wait, I misread that…
You’re probably not a serial killer.
You’re off the list.
Not saying I wouldn’t, but not top heavy enough for my taste.
Ditto. Although, looking at the video, she seems to be one of those people who are more attractive in video or in real life. She’s ironically not that photogenic given her career. The pics I see via a quick Internet search do indeed make her look like Jay Leno’s cousin, but based on the video I’ll bet if I saw her in person in a social setting I’d get the vapors.
“Diplomacy Trump Style” is Nanny Knifed Two Kids?!
Damn, that’s hard core!
Of course Sloopy will fix the link and nobody will know what I’m talking about.
Whatever, Tulpa
What the hell are you talking about?
Who are you? I’ve never seen you before. Fuck off Tulpa.
We’re all Tulpa.
Not me. I’m the Eggman.
I’m the walrus.
Shut up, Donny.
For these ladies I’d take the risk.
I was making a list 2, 3, 4, 5 then I got to the right hand girl on 6 and they can call it. Just shut the site down, we’ve found her. But then Good Lord 7, 15 and 42
In reality, this might be (for my taste) the most orgy-worthy group ever. Minus the crazy eyes of 21 of course. I’ll still be holding out for 6R though.
Agreed. There are a few questionable decisions regarding eyebrows, duckfaces, and general Instagramness, but overall an excellent sample group. I’d like to single out 36 for mention in dispatches. There’s something about a chick who looks like she goes outside and is fun to hang out with that pushes my buttons.
I’m not going to lie. I clicked the first link thinking you gave us a double helping of hotties.
“”Husband” and “wife” were banned because they “can reinforce the idea that people are always in heterosexual relationships,” the packet said.”
That doesn’t even make sense.
Referring to someone as “abrasive” or “bubbly” was discouraged because the terms are rarely used to describe men.
Neither does that.
You seem quite bubbly today straff.
That’s the beer he failed to get in his mouth.
Never happen, but if it did, it’d make me abrasive.
Bier mit sand, a classic Japanese cocktail.
He’s gassy, not bubbly.
I just hope they didn’t ban the word “cunt”, because when Australia loses that, they lose their entire identity.
Ozzy Man hardest hit
That koala turned out to be a total asshole.
Drop bear.
I almost exclusively hear abrasive used for men.
Really? I hear ‘abrasive’ being applied to men all the time.
Admittedly, it’s usually me that they’re referring to, but still…
Nid ydych yn sgraffiniol, dim ond Prydeinig.
Just to be safe, they should ban speech altogether and just point and grunt.
God forbid people use their powerful eyeballing skills to determine whether or not 2 people are indeed in a heterosexual relationship.
4.35 miles. Doable, depending on level of fitness.
*(I mean I’ve had to deal with some land whales that get winded walking to the fridge, so your milage may vary)
7Km is nothing. Get ’em drunk and see if they can do 20K.
You’re a hero, sir. I once felt very proud of doing four miles fueled by drunkenness and spite after arguing with the wife at a bar one night, but that’s nothing.
Question is: How far would you have walked to avoid the fight with the wife? That’s why I walked.
Yeesh, back in the fighting days…tough call but I’d probably say something like five miles before I would have switched tactics and come up with a creative lie.
But if you’ll notice, many of his peers are calling any action against him wrong-headed.
Maybe Obama will make a biopic about him, explaining his noble contribution to civil society.
Oh, Jesus. I couldn’t find the words to link a story about that. And I assume it was linked yesterday afternoon anyway. Why won’t that insufferable prick just go away?
Do I have to cancel Netflix now? Because I will fucking cancel it. They’re already on my shit list for firing Danny Masterson.
Netflix does seem determined to go full progtard.
I’m considering it.
So that Net Neutrality thing was really inspired by a post-Presidential paid gig, huh? This is my shocked face.
“are ignoring the root problem and seek to blame everything on inanimate objects rather than the disintegrating family unit, shitty schools, an unresponsive government and most importantly, the individuals carrying out the violent acts”
Also, the war on drugs.
Of course Sloopy will fix the link and nobody will know what I’m talking about.
These darn old fashioned lights are always flickering. You can never get a stable flame.
“I really do feel that this is different,” said Charlie Ransford, director of science and policy for Cure Violence, a Chicago-based organization that works to implement public-health approaches to violence. “If the (young activists) keep going, they just have a ton of power and influence that can push for solutions for preventing mass shootings and for violence in cities like Chicago.”
I really do feel that “public-health approaches” is gonna cost a shitton of public money. And fail, which leads to requesting more.
If the (young activists) keep going, they just have a ton of power and influence that can push for solutions for preventing mass shootings and for violence in cities like Chicago.”
Oh, they’re gonna call for abolishing public housing, will try to reel in the violent cops, will seek an end of the immoral drug war and will ask that all underperforming public school teachers be fired?
Because those are the only solutions I can see that involve public officials being involved.
Could they tell their peers to quit shooting each other?
Where’s the government money in that?
“If the (young activists) keep going, they just have a ton of power and influence that can push for solutions for preventing mass shootings and for violence in cities like Chicago.”
I can’t comprehend how someone can be dumb enough to believe this. Preventing mass shootings? Even places with strict gun laws suffer mass shootings (see France, Norway, Canada). Solutions for violence? Murder has been illegal for at least 4,000 years, but I guess if we pass just one more law that will finally fix things. SMH.
Not sure if this particular newly minted criminal was mentioned yet – Another grandstander makes an NFA-violating SBR. How many of them do we have to jail before they agree the NFA needs to be repealed?
I guess she was another idiot who felt like she couldn’t trust herself not to take that AR and shoot up a bunch of people, because why else would she think an inanimate object in her possession is a danger?
Next thing she’ll do is have her car crushed and recycled.
“She goes on to explain that she wasn’t happy when her husband bought the AR-15 “a while back.” Mallard adds that after the deadly shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida on February 14, and the renewed outcries for stricter gun control that followed, she and her husband agreed they didn’t want the AR-15 in their home.
The couple later decided they didn’t want it it anyone else’s house, either.”
Yeah, I’m sure her husband “agreed” and “decided”.
“You know how I quit giving you blowjobs after our wedding day; imagine if everything else was also off the table…”
Lysistrata for gun control.
Lysistrata was the reason the Greeks were such fans of pederasty.
You want rape culture? Cuz Lysistrata is how you get rape culture.
You know, classically, holding back that ass was grounds for divorce or annulment, and I believe it still is in most places…
Also, she’s what I’d refer to as “in play” for a woman of a certain age, but unless her husband is a big fat hurting pig he can probably find better and/or younger that won’t bitch about his guns. I know it’s VB and all, but still, in between the meth labs there are some attractive women down there and odds are probably pretty good you’ll find some who have a more robust understanding of concepts such as “partnership”.
Alienation of affection.
Yup, my wife ever tried something like that she’d be told right up front she’s got a week to change her mind and apoligize before I go find someone else to get it from
Primitives and their Totems
the news reporter said by cutting the barrel she turned it into a “sawed-off shotgun”.
these people are fucking stupid.
It started last summer, when he spent weeks learning how to talk people out of conflicts that often lead to gunshots in his North Lawndale neighborhood.
Clearly an expert after weeks of learning.
Sounds like the Chicago community-organizer type. And look how that turned out
The packet was leaked to the tabloid Sydney Daily Telegraph, which ran a front-page story about it headlined “Mumbo Jumbo.”
Some people might characterize that as racist.
Mickey Spillane
Not bad. Anyone else read Ed McBain? I read all the 87th Precinct novels. Loved them
I know that I say this every week, but I’m going to rub it in (and in a bit, out) again. I just got off work and thank god. “It’s the longest possible time before more
church!work!”Soju mixed with energy drink (don’t you dare yuck my yum—although the Koreans who make fun of me can go fuck themselves. Drinkin’ this shit straight just plain ain’t right), pre-gaming until I go to a friend’s going-away party. Moving to Thailand.
The hot-as-fuck, be-dreaded English girl that I furiously made out with last week will be there. Tonight I suppose to we will see if I made a connection with her or if that was just drunken fun. I would take both as long as the attention keeps a’comin’.
Gonna play it coooool. And the cosmic ballet, goes on.
The hot-as-fuck, be-dreaded English girl and the hot-as-fuck housewife?
Hate the Game, not the Evan
I’m in touch with housewife, but I’m scared of that. We talk daily.
New girl actually made me feel romantic emotion for the first time in like 3 years. It was an emotion that I had forgotten existed and how it felt. Much more interested, and jesus is she cute and tiny and unusual.
Who expects a British girl with dreads to use very tastefully sexy makeup and smell absolutely divine?! Unicorn!
“but I’m scared of that”
If she’s a housewife as in, still married, you should be scared. And probably run.
Hold on now. It’s halfway around the world. Let’s see how it plays out.
*narrows gaze*
It already has played out. They’re like 96 hours ahead of US time zones.
I used to drink those Red Bull Vodkas like they were going out of style. Think they destroyed my liver and brought out the nasty drunk in me.
I thought you were a nasty sober.
Hey! True enuff. Carry on.
So what you’re saying is that you’re a rapist?
I forgot to add a legit out-loud larf I had today. The English newspaper (duh) has an article about Trump meeting Kim.
Headline: Dotard Meets Rocket Man
It tickled me.
And I assume it was linked yesterday afternoon anyway. Why won’t that insufferable prick just go away?
I only found out about it looking through the tail end of yesterday’s links. I can only shudder at the thought of he sanctimonious drivel which will be excreted if they actually put that blathering nitwit in charge of buying scripts. I suspect this will be a lot like Chelsea’s job at NBC; a name on a door and and line in the credits. And a fat check.
“I really do feel that this is different,” said Charlie Ransford, director of science and policy for Cure Violence, a Chicago-based organization that works to implement public-health approaches to violence.
So- they’re bringing back the tried and true forcible sterilization and lobotomies approach?
Sounds legit.
Just finished watching Flint Town last night, it’s good and worth a watch. It doesn’t get too cop sucky, it does interview citizens about their legitimate grievances with the police and it treats the police themselves as human beings. The problems in these blighted, post-industrial towns goes a lot deeper than any number of police can solve. The entire time I’m watching, all I can think of is how much the welfare state and unions have fucked this up. That, combined with the loss of bourgeois values among the lower and lower-middle class, creates a perfect poverty creation machine. I’m no SoCon, but I think it’s pretty undeniable that those values function as a wealth and stability creation device among lower class people. The upper classes (who were the driving force behind smashing those values) don’t need them. They already have wealth and a wealth creation mindset, so living messy personal lives has much less of an effect on them. The same can’t be said to those already living in the cycle of poverty. That effect crosses racial and ethnic boundaries BTW (see Hillbilly Elegy).
Repost question from last night to Michiglibs: which is the bigger shithole, Saginaw or Flint?
Lefty Frizzell sez Flint
The upper classes (who were the driving force behind smashing those values) don’t need them.
They don’t think they need them, and they can even go a generation or two without them and still be wealthy, but it always catches up to them.
3 generations – first builds the wealth, second maintains it, third pisses it away. Unless you get 1 and 2 to structure it right, trust fund it, etc. Look at the degenerates and hacks the Hiltons and Pritzkers have turned into. Maybe hotel money does something extra screwy?
Same thing in racing. The first generation of Frances built NASCAR, the second generation maintained the popularity. The third generation did bullshit like lucky dogs and stage racing.
The first Hulman generation made the indy 500 into an American institution. The second generation maintained the popularity. The third generation torpedoed it all in 5 years.
Have you read Coming Apart? It a couple hundred pages of excruciating detail of how this has happened over the last couple decades. And according to this book, the upper class *is* practicing those values, just not preaching them. They (we, I guess I’m part of it), get married and stay married. We intentionally delay having kids till we do so. We go to church at *much* higher rates than the lower class – how’s that for stereotypes.
But we don’t scold poor people who make stupid decisions like get pregnant and drop out of high school, refuse to get a full time job, drop out of church and civic organizations, etc etc etc. I mean, I do. But the upper class as a class doesn’t. Its insensitive. And it doesn’t account for the lived experience of the person we are scolding.
I live about 30 minutes away from Flint. Flint is worse. The shithole part of it is larger than Saginaw’s. In a previous life I worked with an insurance company that serviced lender placed policies so I’d have to inspect some of the shittiest properties in the shittiest parts of Detroit, Saginaw, and Flint. Flint was the scariest by far of all of them. The only place I would feel comfortable after dark is on one block near U of M which also happens to be right by the courthouse and police station, and even then it’s pretty sketchy.
it treats the police themselves as human beings
Cool, I’m always on the lookout for new fantasy series.
The Badge and The Gun meet The Hat and The Hair?
This is going to be a spinoff, like Enos isn’t it?
I’m glad you thought it was good too. The show had me hooked as soon as that kinda asshole-ish cop (but actually just seems really tired) with the girlfriend cop admits that he shot a dude that was unarmed (the suspect had thrown away the gun out of view, but reached into his pockets while standing in front of the police).
What did you think about the arming of the old people in the community as deputy police officers?
“What did you think about the arming of the old people in the community as deputy police officers?”
I loved the idea. They’re more like community peace officers. People with CCWs and a patina of authority keeping their neighbors in line. My guess is that the locals respond a lot better to that than they do to the boys in blue.
Which was Charles Murray’s point in Coming Apart – the upper classes by and large still adhere to the same institutions and values that they actively try to destroy in public life. This doesn’t affect them because, for the most part, their wealth and social status allow them to avoid the pitfalls associated with the decline of those values. A single female attorney with a Harvard education can have children out of wedlock without serious consequences because she can afford nannies and private schools. A 22 year old high school dropout who has three kids by three different men cannot avoid those consequences. A lazy rich kid can survive without a work ethic, coasting along on daddy’s money until he eventually gets a gift job from dad’s golfing buddy. He can overcome a DUI or a possession charge. A poor kid who is lazy, doesn’t work, and gets himself arrested faces much more deleterious outcomes.
Such a good point.
FIint by a country mile.
Some things in life are worth a few risks. For those who don’t enjoy, however, you now have a persuasive out!
See post 4 and check out the ladies for whom it’s worth the risk.
PS: How can you not enjoy that?
Wouldn’t want to blow that opportunity.
Whoops! I have too many people at the distillery today to click on your links while at work. I’ve learned my lesson the hard way!
well shit. the things we do for love amirite.
North Korea and South Korea snooker Trump
Trump is going to kowtow? Is he talking about Donald Trump?
And if Trump refused to meet with Kim, the Wapo would be decrying that as a horror of failure in diplomacy, squandering an opportunity, etc. etc. They have become really transparent about being the propaganda arm of the DNC.
In addition to taking over for the Daily Worker.
They’re scared shitless that Trump could possibly denuclearize the peninsula in his first two years. We know how that would make Obama look.
Hah, they would find a way to give Obama credit, while claiming Trump’s bluster nearly derailed all of Obama’s efforts.
Future WaPo headline:
Fruits come to Fruition? *sigh* I can’t even write a shitty WaPo headline
Watching Squawk – Jim Kramer keeps saying Trump is on his way to a Nobel Peace Prize. The other announcers are becoming quite upset – “stop saying that!”
Seeing as how they give them out like candy to people that haven’t accomplished anything other than winning an election, I could see Trump getting one.
Naw, he’s wrongthinkful. They won’t acknowledge him, whatever he does.
Jim Cramer, deranged edgelord!
You know who else was embarrassed by a Teflon-coated successor who easily resolved an international crisis?
No. I do not.
Welcome Back, Carter?
Right?! They thought it was totes awesome (I assume) when the Light Bringer talked to Ahmadinejad.
I don’t see how this is a bad thing, unless he gives a bunch more concessions with nothing in return up front, a la previous Presidents. I’d love to see Lil’ Kim’s regime collapse, but no one (excluding those with war Viagra) wants a hot war with the Norks. Better to talk and intimidate them into giving us what we want than blowing them up.
Jaw-jaw > war-war.
To be fair, convincing/brainwashing the NoKos that Trump is kowtowing is very different than convincing the rest of the world.
So, here’s a thing I didn’t think about until just now. No one at work talked about this today. Instead, the headline story is of Jo Min-gi committing suicide. He was being #MeTood hard, and after saying the rumors were nonsense, more and more stories came out. Killed himself in a parking garage in Seoul. As of last checking they hadn’t released how he did it. Gun is INCREDIBLY unlikely. Hanging or a tall building is the method of choice here. Not sure how you can do that in a parking garage.
He was a professor at a nearby university and also an…actor…, I’m not exactly sure how that works but them’s the breaks.
President of the US meeting with Kim in a couple of months, and it’s not the banner headline or the office gossip. People here really don’t give a shit. Well, I’m sure they do. The best I can describe is that they are the high school cheerleader who’s too cool to give a fuck and is flippant towards every advance. But deep down there’s obviously something there.
“Parking Garage” says carbon monoxide from redirected tailpipe to me.
I’m embarrassed that I didn’t think of that. Probably right. Still could be a fall if it has an open ascending/descending entrance/exit ramp (ala Batman jumping down and landing on the car in Batman Begins).
I admit the romantic in my pined for a ricin-pellet from an umbrella or a Stashynsky-esque cyanide spray. Sigh. Those were the good old days of spycraft. You get some good shit here and there (Litvinenko, the Iranians magnetically attaching a bomb to an Israeli nuclear scientist’s car while rocking a motorcycle)….but now it’s all seemingly drones drones drones.
Guy jumped out off the parking garage 6th floor next door to me when I was in college. He was pissed at the doctors in the adjoining hospital over something, so he made sure his landing would be in front of the garage exit right before Friday martini lunch time.
They rolled a gurney from the ER down the street, picked him up, and rolled him back. Doctors got their martinis anyway.
Nerve gas is becoming fashionable.
There was Kim Jong Un’s brother, and now in UK a former Russian spy and his daughter were poisoned with some kind of nerve toxin.
From TOS, but broken clock and all.
“A broken clock is right twice a day, unless it is on an airplane.”
If a broken clock leaves a train station heading east at fifty miles an hour…
“But the truth is that patients who take opioids for pain rarely become addicted. A 2018 study found that just 1 percent of people who took prescription pain medication following surgery showed signs of “opioid misuse,” a broader category than addiction. Even when patients take opioids for chronic pain, only a small minority of them become addicted. The risk of fatal poisoning is even lower—on the order of two-hundredths of a percent annually, judging from a 2015 study.
Despite such reassuring numbers, the government is responding to the “opioid epidemic” as if opioid addiction were a disease caused by exposure to opioids, a simplistic view that ignores the personal, social, and economic factors that make these drugs attractive to some people. Treating pain medication as a disease vector, the government has restricted access to it by monitoring prescriptions, investigating doctors, and imposing new limits on how much can be prescribed, for how long, and under what circumstances. That approach hurts pain patients by depriving them of the analgesics they need to make their lives livable, and it hurts nonmedical users by driving them into a black market where the drugs are deadlier.
A large majority of opioid-related deaths now involve illicitly produced substances, primarily heroin and fentanyl. As usual, the government’s efforts to get between people and the drugs they want have not prevented drug use, but they have made it more dangerous.”
So moral panics aren’t based on facts and reason?
They’re based on law enforcement agencies and non-profits smelling a gravy train.
It’s a terrific article. I sent it to a couple of my law’norder buddies this morning. We’ll see if they can stop pounding their banboners for a few minutes and do some learnin’.
Yes, agreed, and the points made need to be spread to a wider audience, especially the average doctor. The physician community has gone off the rails on this one — most of the docs I know now say they just ‘won’t prescribe opioids’ as if that makes them some moral giant, like saying they are a non-smoker. And that’s an enormous shame, because it means a lot of their patients will suffer serious pain needlessly,
In recent years safeguards have been put into place safeguards that have precipitously dropped the overprescribing and doctor-shopping by abusers, so there’s really no need to add even more restrictions. But this crusade seems to be a winner among the politicians, so they just keep jumping on the bandwagon that ‘we need to do something’ — as if there’s candy dishes full of oxycontin on every corner. It is actually embarrassing and scary for people who need the medicines and have been using them responsibly for years.
I’m glad this was linked. This story came in the new Reason print mag the other day, and I wanted to review it then, but good grief they’ve made the print so tiny and light in that mag that it’s nigh impossible to read. They really need to fire the art director, as the current version of the magazine is ugly, dull and the layout looks like a high school literary magazine, as well as having four-point tiny font walls of text that are unreadable.
most of the docs I know now say they just ‘won’t prescribe opioids’
Ditto, but the reasons they give me all have to do with fear of legal repercussions.
You’re a doctor right? How much difference would it make to have an ultra long acting opioid in a time release capsule in fighting dependency? I’ve heard that the fact that Bupropion is released over such a long period makes it non-addictive, whereas if you freebased it it’d basically be like doing cocaine.
They’ve reformulated Oxycontin at least a couple of times to keep people from defeating the time release function. I don’t think anything has worked yet. The first iteration was defeated by grinding finely and snorting.
That was the whole idea behind oxycontin, which is very long-acting do shouldn’t have been addictive, but people got hooked anyway. And yes, my doc colleagues don’t wa
don’t want to prescribe due to legal and liability reasons, but that’s not why they announce it loudly at cocktail receptions.
Because there is no such thing as alcohol addicts?
My best friend is a doc and he won’t prescribe anymore. Says it’s so burdensome and not worth the constant worry the feds will come down on you. He sends everyone to a pain clinic instead. He hates it, but says just not worth the personal risk to him.
Drugs is the only thing TOS is good on these days. I suppose I really wouldn’t know anymore though, since I really don’t visit the site anymore.
Sullum is consistent as hell.
Oh, they’re gonna call for abolishing public housing, will try to reel in the violent cops, will seek an end of the immoral drug war and will ask that all underperforming public school teachers be fired?
Because those are the only solutions I can see that involve public officials being involved.
Some expanded job opportunities through a wholesale shredding of occupational licensing and business regulation might be helpful.
Doors to Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke’s office are getting a nearly $139000 upgrade
So now the media cares about wasteful spending?
Hey, if they all become fiscal hawks that’s OK with me, but we know that’s not what’s going to happen.
From the article: “The work is part of a decade-long modernization of the 1936 building that began before Zinke took office in March 2017.”
At least there are 2,000 kids who won’t wind up becoming Browns fans.
Did I not tell you about ac Milan? Not that Aresnal are impressive a lucky goal off a defender and one late in the 1st after the retarded ref gave 4 phantom minutes of added time.
Oh the irony.
Didn’t they get the memo that IWD was created by the Soviet Union?
“However, the Revolutionary Student Front -Austin, a violent anarcho-communist group on campus, has already taken credit on Twitter. The group showcased their vandalism and advocated for “the necessity of organizing women for revolutionary violence against the capitalist institutions that uphold patriarchy.”
Anarchists for more government.
the necessity of organizing women for revolutionary violence against the capitalist institutions that uphold patriarchy
Aka, overpriviliged children whine about the meritocracy of the real world. Is it bad that I hope they try to bike lock the wrong guy in the face and get mauled?
“they try to bike lock the wrong CCW holder in the face and get shot?”
“You keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means”
I get to quote that line far too often these days.
Chucky Pierce being himself, i.e. a disingenuous twat
Romney was pilloried as an unfeeling capitalist scourge of all that is holy who torments animals and has binders full of women, supposedly waiting for their selection to wear the handsmaid outfit. Also, Pierce throws the comparison to Assad out there, but then glosses it over, not denying it explicitly.
Christ, that’s a garbage take. How is Esquire still considered a men’s magazine?
I wish there was a men’s magazine that took a libertarian position in its politics section.
There’s also this section:
The love how all these attacks on Bari Weiss are only proven how right her point is
Let’s try that again:
“I love how all these attacks on Bari Weiss are only proving how correct her point was in the first place”
Too late, you already accused her of being a Nazi, for which Esquire will agree with you.
Because they are all just variations on ad hominem.
At this rate the proggies will be blaming Your Future Reptilian Overlords by next year…
“This is all bollocks”
Every American that incorporates English terminology into their writing is an insufferable ass. I was waiting in a long line for an elevator once and a tragically hip girl walked up and asked “What’s with the long queue for the elevator?” If she were a man I might have seriously considered punching her in the face. It’s a ‘line’- not a damn ‘queue’!
See: Americans who call soccer, “football”. You’re not European (even though you desperately wish you were), quit sniffing your own farts and use the correct regional terminology fuckstick. You are part of the reason soccer fans get a bad name.
I can’t STAND people who mock the use of ‘soccer’ as if they’re purists. Aside from the fact, who gives a shit, it’s actually British in origins. i especially hate it when they use it to try and dismiss someone’s opinion. ‘What do you Americans (Canadians) know? You call it soccer! Yuk, yuk, yuk!’
It’s especially funny since “soccer” is actually a more precise term than “football” (or rather, the shortened version of the more precise term). “Football” can mean any game descended from the rugby-like ancient game of football. “Soccer” is short for “association rules football”, which is the specific type they play in FIFA.
What rubbish you speak, JS.
*balls up fist*
Don’t get your knickers in a twist, JS.
I sometimes drop British insults/swears into my conversations, but only because I can say something like bollocks at work and not get into trouble with HR.
Russian insults are the best
Pizda ti jopoglazaya
If I want to drop some serious swears, I’ll drop the English and move next door to Welsh. No-one will understand me then.
Cachu bant ti cachu mes.
Google Translate doesn’t understand it, either.
You didn’t hock enough phelgm on the screen for google to realize it was welsh.
It’s slang, machine translation doesn’t deal well with that.
Best translation would be “Fuck off, sheep shagger.”
It’s fascinating how far off English it seems to be.
The two languages have nothing to do with each other. A lot of modern things are an English loan word; coffee is coffi, car is car and so forth. English is a Germanic language with a large romance influence, while Welsh is a Celtic language though. The closest languages to Welsh are Cornish and Breton. Gaelic and Scottish are related, but are from the goidelic branch of Celtic, while Welsh and the others are from the brythonic branch.
Yeh, given the geographic proximity and on an island no less.
Cool stuff.
In general, anything invented or discovered after about 1200AD, and the Welsh just use the English word. Hence, “Breakfast”, “Ambulance”, “Helicopter”, “Gun”, “Doctor Who” etc.
Effectively, it’s a dead language, but it’s got a very full palette of insults.
If you spent all of your time taking to Welshman, you’d be speaking mostly insults as well.
Or people who say “shite” instead of “shit”
I see that more as a Bowdlerization than a pretentious thing; though I guess it depends on the context.
This is the context I had in mind:
At the Swiss Residence
Mrs. Swiss: Honey, what are you doing?
Swiss: Taking pictures of the cat’s butt
Mrs. Swiss: What?
Swiss: Well there’s only so many cat butt pictures online and I’ve used them all. And I’ve about overused that one cow butt picture
Mrs. Swiss: Why do you do this?
Swiss: I told you already. I have to keep the commentariat in line with the threat of a cat butt
Mrs. Swiss: What is it with you and cat butts?
Swiss: Good point. It doesn’t always have to be a cat or a cow. Where’s the dog?
Shouldn’t the last line be Swissy holding up his thumbs and going ‘AAYYYYYYYYY!!’?
Well, that was Swiss…he’s always spot on with his commentary!
*shut up before we get a catbutt!*
Too late.
Oh shite!
I believe you mean cat arse.
Sorry, my metrosexual hipster friend, but just because you watch BBC America a lot doesn’t outweigh the fact that your punk ass is from Crofton, MD, which is why the only time you should say “cheers” is when you have a drink in your hand and you’re making a toast. And it’s fucking “gas”, not “petrol”, you pretentious halfwit.
And it’s fucking “gas”, not “petrol”, you pretentious halfwit.
What’s the ruling on ‘pumping ethyl’? Because I still think that’s funny!
Ok, that gets an exemption.
Still kicking ass probably.
Bloody wankers.
YES, YES, YES, A THOUSAND TIMES YES! I swear, that kind of shit is why my previous disinterest in soccer has morphed into rabid hatred. You’re a fuckin’ American – teams have uniforms, not “kits”. A pitch isn’t a field, it’s what you do in baseball. A team with no points has zero, not nil. And don’t even get me started with the bullshit like aping Euro team naming customs like FC This and That United. It gives the game away as a form of elaborate cosplay rather than true fandom. It’s all an affectation to provide a veneer of sophistication and cosmopolitanism.
I automatically ignore everything said by Americans whose speech is riddled with British expressions.
Sorry. : (
Europhilia is an easy way to tell that someone is a blathering idiot and can be safely ignored.
I must cop to adopting the language when in the country. I got the third-eye stare from fellow Americans when I referred to the elevator as a lift.
But we were in Dublin, Ireland, so I felt justified.
“Today we celebrate the birthday of America Vespucci, without whom the entirety of North America might still be a continent of savagery, brutal buffalo hunting and some pretty cool alternative medicine.”
I believe his first name was Amerigo, though the name for America was derived from him. I like this trivia stuff. Thanks
No. His first name was Americafuckia.
/nervous grin. Ducks from Vaudeville cane.
Which became “America, Fuck Yeah!”
That was the intent. /wink.
I’m just going to leave this here for the straight guys. A lesbian friend posted that she was going to an event called Lezbo a Glow-Glow. Apparently something involving black lights and body paint. And a room full of lesbians.
You’re welcome.
In my experience porn lesbians and real life lesbians are VERY different animals. I have known a couple of hot lesbian outliers, but the rest of the curve? Shudder.
The only attractive lesbian I know in real life is my sister’s wife; unfortunately, being my sister’s wife ruins any potential fantasies.
But not mine, though.
My sister is a professor of organic chemistry as well. That should help make up for her being postpubescent. Oh, and her wife is a natural red head.
Pics are required.
I told you before, talk to number 6, he lives in the same town as them. I’m not risking their wrath.
I’m not reading anything that isn’t grade A fantasy material, Caput.
But does your sister in law have any straight sisters?
No. Truly, G_d has forsaken me.
unfortunately, being my sister’s wife ruins any potential fantasies.
I don’t follow.
I dunno, I find roller derby girls to be pretty attractive.
Indeed, but the willing suspension of disbelief about this is strong in most straight guys. Plus you never know when some LUG might wander in.
Without pics, it’s just a tease. The internet has ruined my imagination. Thank you for your efforts anyways
Here you go. Just missing the blacklights.
Why did I click?
The sight and smell of e bioluminescent phytoplankton in the moonlight.
I puked a little and then I laughed and then puke ran down my chin and pooled in my lap. Then I tossed a tissue at myself and said “Here, go clean yourself up.”
I think public flaying for Rizzo is too good for him. He should stand trial for attempted murder. And if he withheld evidence in a case that resulted in the death penalty being applied, he should be tried for murder one.
I mean, I can fully understand (though don’t personally agree) if you think Bryant is the better player, but I’ll be damned if I’m gonna sit and let you call for Anthony Rizzo’s lynching.
He is by far the best situational hitter on the team; Gold Glove 1B; the team’s heart and soul; after beating leukemia he has made it a personal mission to help kids in cancer wards; and that fucking winning smile.
Ya dead ta me, ya hear. Dead!
I would love to see a case brought where he was charged with murder under the argument that he was using the state’s capital punishment system as a murder weapon. I don’t know how feasible that is, I’m guessing not at all, but it fits nicely with the concept of the state as a weapon.
I’ve always thought that an appropriate penalty for perjury should be whatever penalty is being threatened against the person you perjured against/for. Treating it the way you described might be more fair though. In any case, severe punishment is warranted here.
Re Quantas. Pretty amazing. I’ll tell you what, if they would refer to my wife as anything but what she is, I’d take some offense. It’s okay to be rude to us for others? Go eat a bag of shit. Here’s the irony, I wouldn’t care much if it wasn’t compelled and just one of those quirks or changed organically over time. But it’s compelled and deliberate and rubs me the wrong way. It’s attempting to marginalize the majority to satisfy an unrealistic and irrational ideology of social engineering. The irony is the people it’s attempting to please will never be placated. They will always be perpetually insulted and outraged. Why in the world would you give them an inch?
Go fuck yourself CEO Allan Joyce.
The list of companies engaging in virtue signalling and politics seems to grow by the week. With it, my own check list of ‘don’t go to’.
“…While diversity proponents greeted the airline’s new guidelines”
You mean ignorant progressive tyrannical commies?
The progressive virus is IN THE SYSTEM.
“The irony is the people it’s attempting to please will never be placated.”
The same goes for every other Lefty initiative; they are a black hole that can never be filled. There will always be one more “nonnegotiable” change that has to be made.
I was at a campus function the other day and one of the woman had her name tag on. Under the name was: “They/their/them.” So, apparently we’re now giving pronoun instructions to everyone we meet. Plus, I don’t even know how someone is “identifying” when they use plural pronouns. It’s idiotic. And, of course, I’m probably going to deal with this shit for at least another 15 years.
They’re ploughing through despite the heavy criticism and ostracizing.
They figure ‘let them cry, they’ll submit eventually if we keep to the script.’
Be a rebel. Wear a blank nametag and tell people you identify as the physical manifestation of debilitating ennui.
Fuck you/Fuck them/Fuck off”
Even better.
Under the name was: “They/their/them.”
Just refer to her as “toots”.
Doors to Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke’s office are getting a nearly $139000 upgrade
So now the media cares about wasteful spending?
Is he having them covered with polar bear fur?
That’s a great idea! I need to have that done to my headboard!
*searches Canadian taxidermists*
Stop being such a spoilsport, it’s only 300% higher than the annual median family income of the US.
Seven Klicks is roughly four miles so this is either a one and done or Mom likes to get up at three AM. Four miles for kids nowadays is not believable. Someone wanted some internet fame.
By and large, both Romney and McCain were denounced not as extremists themselves, but for the unprincipled gymnastics they were required to do in order to appeal to a conservative Republican base that has been extremist for at least two decades.
Good news, friends, the chocolate ration has been increased!
Every time someone on the Left accuses anyone on the Right or center of becoming ‘more extreme over time’, I just compare President Clinton’s policy prescriptions with President Obama’s policy positions. And then I end by noting that the Democratic Party would have nominated an avowed socialist as their presidential nominee had the party not stolen the nomination from him. An avowed socialist who has praised the Soviet Union, Venezuela, and Cuba in the past.
Hell, Trump is really just a 90s Democrat. I’ve seen multiple videos of the Clintons and other prominent Dems in the 90s saying and promoting the same policies Trump currently does, only now it’s horrible and extreme to hold those views.
^^^This. The parties have indeed drifted apart, mostly due to a minority of Pubs becoming slightly less squishy while the Dems have sprinted Left at top speed.
I wish Trump would give an immigration speech composed solely of quotes from Democrats.
It would be hi-larious, and would actually serve a useful purpose.
Glenn Greenwald working over time to try and appease the illiberal Left. This is a damn shame
Never wander too far off the reservation comrade, lest you be shot.
Greenwald, while extremely accurate and insightful on particular topics, can be an absolute loon at times.
Commie gonna commie.
That antifa account is a satire but Poe’s law and all.
Jesus Christ.
Netlix talking with Obamas for a show.
This better be a situational sitcom of some sort.
Or else, I’ve no words.
Reality porn. We can finally meet Barry’s male lovers.
I pulled that from the AM links at Re-son. (misspelled out of respect for the diaspora).
A situational situation comedy?
A situational sitcom comedy
Unless it’s an apology tour, no.
“24” Season 15.
A remake of Sanford & Son would be cool. Obama could play the big dummy.
Some days I wonder if us Minnesodans really are the Chosen Ones.
We struggle at times to figure out how to participate in the latest crazes without looking like total rubes. For example, everyone else is having their sons be molested by hot teachers. We should be able to do that, right?
Nope. Our boys are being scarred with inappropriate nudies of lunch ladies.
Have you linked to an article about the new water park that Bloomington gets to pay for yet?
Here you go.
Borrow? Is taking from tax cattle now considered borrowing?
It’s all for the betterment of the
MoA’s ownerscitizens of Bloomington.And I thought only Jim Marshall ran the wrong way in Bloomington.
+1 Purple People Eater
Nicely done.
That was great Straff.
For those who don’t get it
Don’t be making fun of my favorite Viking EVER!!!!!
1. Page
2. Foreman
3. Eller
4. Marshall
5. McDaniel
My favorite. Just for the name alone: Carlester Crumpler.
Why has no one brought up Tommy Kramer?
No love for “Scramblin’ Fran” Tarketon?
I thought of posting a story on that the other day. Can you really blame the MOA management though? They have swindled Bloomington so thoroughly and so many times that why shouldn’t they think that the water park deal would fly through?
It was only last year that the Bloomington Brain Trust spent $32M to buy a farm in preparation for the 2023 World’s Fair. You didn’t know the prestigious 2023 World’s Fair was in Bloomington? Probably because it isn’t going to be. It will be in Buenos Aires. Yup, Bloomington bought the 60 acre farm in anticipation of winning the World’s Fair.
I can’t believe the citizens of Bloomington aren’t burning their city planners at the stake now.
If they want to buy my farm, I’ll let it go for a paltry $1 million.
I didn’t even know the World’s Fair was still a thing. I associate it with the late 19th century, early 20th century and just assumed they stopped having it at some point.
Man kid you may not have been able to get the hot, young Lit teacher, but you don’t have to drop all the way to lunch lady.
“This statute was enacted for the important purpose of prohibiting sexually explicit speech directed at a child that is intended to cause sexual arousal,”
IANAL, but I think I found a good defense for her.
She’s not too bad looking for a lunch lady.
You should have saved your “Ewww” for the fact that they used one of those 10 lb cans of creamed corn for their own little homage to 9 1/2 weeks back in the school’s walk in cooler.
To be fair, it’s a mug shot and we haven’t seen anything below the neck. She might be a ten walking away from you.
+1 Blockerso Disease
Back in the day it was evangelicals burning Rolling Stones records.
Fuckin’ primitives.
The object has magical powers donchaknow.
Well, anything after Some Girls should be burned.
Sacrilege! Undercover is pretty good. Emotional Rescue is decent.
Max Boot’s incoherence on parade
If Trump bothered to talk to North Korea experts, he would undoubtedly learn that Kim’s regime is pursuing its age-old aim of pushing U.S. military forces off the Korean Peninsula, enabling Pyongyang to use its military power to coerce South Korea into unification on the North’s terms — i.e., the extension of a Stalinist dictatorship across the entire peninsula. Even if that’s not possible, North Korea hopes at a minimum for a relaxation of sanctions just when they are beginning to bite.
But, of course, the president doesn’t listen to experts. He just ignored the unanimous opinion of economists that trade wars are calamitous by imposing steel and aluminum tariffs. Now Trump is rushing into a risky summit without having gotten anything substantial in return and without, apparently, having even consulted the State Department.
Trump is stupid and crazy and he’s going to start a war with North Korea, and that’s bad. But wait- now he wants to negotiate with the evil maniac Kim whose sole mission in life is to impose a Stalinist dictatorship on the entire Korean peninsula, and must be stopped by any means available.
WTF? I also can detect nothing even vaguely similar to a suggestion from Boot as to the appropriate course of action. Business as usual, I guess. One thing we may be certain of, if Trump does it, it’s wrong.
Max Boot’s course of action: Cut off all food forever, starve babies, cut off medicene to invalids then bomb the shit out of anything left standing.
BTW. Linked up thread.
So what? Does the State Department have a wonderful record of success with North Korea?
This is what gets me about the TDS people: they freak out when he bypasses some kind of entity that is claimed to be an expert authority, but that authority doesn’t actually have any track record that proves their worth.
We’ve been doing it the State Department’s way for decades. That hasn’t worked, so maybe it’s time to try something different.
Someone mentioned the Netflix doc about the Flint PD yesterday and their takeaways kinda came up in a G. K. Chesterton essay I was just reading:
I think that, at bottom, policing a shithole probably really is a dirty, thankless job with a lot of inherent responsibility and not much external reward. But it’s an important job, and maybe the dirty thanklessness of it is a way of ensuring that only the people most dedicated to following that calling become cops. That said, it doesn’t surprise me if they turn into bad actors, because at some point it stops being a calling and just becomes a job. And when something just becomes a job, it’s a hell of a lot easier to just phone it in instead of doing The Right Thing. Just sucks that there isn’t an easy fix.
I recommended the documentary. There’s actually a cop in the doc that has been in the Flint PD for decades and he describes something similar to what you said above – that he used to see it as a calling, but it just became a job. You can tell the guy is exhausted not only because of the understaffing, but because he wanted to make the community better but he’s just seen it get worse during his time in the PD. He doesn’t go so far as to say that this turns anyone into a bad actor, but you can tell he’s started to give up.
wdalasio also pointed out that incentives are really at the root of these problems. Until we get the incentives right, it doesn’t really matter what else we do about the problem.
“This statute was enacted for the important purpose of prohibiting sexually explicit speech directed at a child that is intended to cause sexual arousal,” Dakota County Attorney Jim Backstrom said in a Thursday statement. “We are pleased to bring Krista Muccio to justice for violating this law.”
Oh, no. If not for those pics from
the lunch ladySATAN, that boy would have remained in a state of grace. He never would have experienced the shame and sin of sexual arousal.“I believe that in ways large and small, peaceful and sometimes violent, that the biggest threat to the future of our children and grandchildren is the poison of identity politics that preaches that our differences are far more important than our common humanity.”
— Bill Clinton
I can’t wait for antifa to show up and deplatform this obvious nazi.
Elon Musk goes on tweetstorm, siding with Trump over tariffs
shit. now i like Musk. stupid Musk.
And I have even more reason to spite the rent-seeking swine.
His Hyperloop will only function with red-blooded *American* steel. Can’t you see that Trump doing this economically illiterate thing is actually good because Americans deserve to pay more for not buying American goods?
A guy who has built all of his business off of exploiting stupid government market meddling is in favor of more stupid government market meddling?
Color me shocked.
In Chicago communities ravaged by “gun violence”, students are hoping Parkland will lead to change are ignoring the root problem
It’s the steel.
So Trump’s steel tariffs are actually common sense gun control!
Was a single homicidal gun brought into the collection which then coopted the others, or had these guns all come from bad backgrounds?
Solid gold.
Hell, Trump is really just a 90s Democrat.
I’d call him a ’70s-model NYC limousine liberal.
Eh… too law and order-y for that.
I don’t think that’s right – his leftism is clearly of the “labor” variety, not “limousine liberal”, which usually implicates the more “bleeding-heart” and progressive side of the left. Trump is hard to pigeonhole, since he’s not motivated by ideology, but I think it would be fair to describe him as a nationalist-populist-labor-conservative, as he borrows from all of those buckets.
Dick’s gets traffic surge after taking stand on gun sales
.interesting and creepy that they are tracking this. They fail to point out Dicks lost gun buyers a long time ago. My theory is that the whole announcement was just a virtue signal in an attempt to drum up business for a retailer that is slowly dying.
It’s the middle of March. Parents are buying cleats and gloves as lacrosse, baseball, and softball practice is starting up. Complete retardation to measure volume month-over-month.
they’re pulling from future demand. we’ll see a dip later.
Diplomacy: Trump style.
I would pay good money for them to refer to each other as “Rocket Man” and “Dotard” in the meeting.
I am quite looking forward to Hat and Hair upcoming from this.
Dan Arel is the Tariq Nasheed of white people.
That’s just all kinds of awesome.
I take back everything bad I’ve ever said about Twitter. That alone was worth it’s creation.
Ridicule of these people is one of the most effective weapons against them.
BTW. Linked up thread.
That’s where I found it. I re-linked for the benefit of those who might not want to hunt for the original link.
Yeah, yeah. I saw the shot you took at me last night after I went to bed.
*Goes into John rage mode*
Call him a half-wit!!!!
So, not a complete idiot?
A Plea:
Would some of you tech-savvy Glibs get together and write a browser with an easy straightforward on/off switch for video? I am so sick and fucking tired of autoplay video (especially the ones that jump around and make it nearly impossible to even pause) that I’m about ready to just get a print subscription to a fucking newspaper. We can talk about the “turn off your adblock” popup-killer later.
There are anti-autoplay add-ons for browsers. I use the very descriptively named “Disable HTML5 Autoplay”
Tried Brave yet? I think they have functionality to do that.
More sports: after a thrilling penultimate round in the Sheffield Shield, culminating in a Western Australia batting collapse to be all out for 93 on the final day, Queensland is almost guaranteed to host the final. Their opponents will almost certainly be either Tasmania or Victoria who meet in the final round.
Across the Indian Ocean, the Australian team struggled to 243 all out in the second test against South Africa.
You’re welcome.
I stopped following cricket when they outlawed Bodyline.
I make a 1930s era cricket joke and I get no responses?
I am disappointed.
I was trying to come up with a pithy response but failed miserably. The best I got is “very droll.”
“Ever wanted to eat Kim Kardashian’s ass? Now you can with this million-dollar, life-sized Kim Kake”
“Why are people tearing down Alexa, a robot WOMAN, on International Women’s Day?”
I’m going to say it. Stop using so much sugar in your cakes, America.
“Those Barbie ‘role model’ dolls you’re all so hyped on? Yeah, they’re actually really bad for women”
*apologies to barfman*
Today’s the start of the Paralympics. I watched a few minutes of the opening ceremonies today. Looks like they put as much into it as they did for the regular Olympics.
The hockey looks pretty cool. The American team (defending gold medalists I believe) has an average age of 27. The Japanese team average is near 40. One guy is in his late 50’s. Good on them all.
I plan to pay it as much attention as the regular olympics.
*returns to writing books*
Can you provide jersey numbers for your buddies on the hockey team?
#4 Brody Roybal, super skilled and I would say one of the top 2 players in the world
#9 Travis Dodson
#24 Josh Misiewisz (my current hockey idol)
#88 Kevin McKee
#32 Jen Lee, backup goalie
I also know #23 Rico Roman, who is from Colorado. He’s on the Toyota commercials.
Very cool. Thanks, Kevin.
No problem. Hope you get to catch a few games. Let me know what you think!
The hockey is going to be great. The American and Canadian teams are both a lot better than the other countries, and they are about evenly matched.
“Those Barbie ‘role model’ dolls you’re all so hyped on? Yeah, they’re actually really bad for women”
*pushes Straitjacket Barbie behind stack of books*
“Hey @realDonaldTrump how about instead of destroying our economy through tariffs on steel and aluminum you place a tax on firearm sales that is used to harden schools, create new manufacturing jobs and save lives? #guntax”
Peak astroturf?
…so now we’re supposed to believe junior even knows what a tariff is, never mind has any kind of expertise on the subject that would make his opinion more worthy of consideration than, say, the lunch lady sending cheesecake pics to the 15-year-old in Minnesota?
The idea we should be seriously listening to snot-nosed 16 year olds for policy advice is laughable no matter what the topic.
again, as Scott Adams of Dilbert fame trumpsplained years ago, you can’t take Trump literally but you have to take him seriously. this tariff proposal is to get China to the table.
And when they laugh and flip us off?
We’ve yet to see a traditionally unattractive Barbie.
Dumpy Lesbian Comedienne Barbie is coming. Don’t be so impatient.
Amy Schumer Drops Out of ‘Barbie’ Movie
Because we all dodged a bullet.
Remember when Budweiser tried to run those election commercials with Amy Schumer and Seth Rogan and then they had to pull them, because they realized that it might have been hurting sales?
It’s like their ad department sat around and said: “Hey, let’s get a commercial with that guy who looks like a muppet and that pudgy blonde who’s always talking about her vagina.”
“I mean, regular Budweiser drinking guys like Jewish Canadian stoners and harridans that remind them of their alcoholic wives in between kid two and kid three, right?”
She dropped out to do the `Stretch Armstrong` remake.
*more apologies to barfman*
You really don’t realize the important function of barfman in our lives until he disappeared.
I wonder if all the barfing destroyed his esophagus. He is missed.
He was both the hero we need, and the hero we deserve.
I would watch Amy Schumer in a live-action Cabbage Patch Dolls movie.
Hey @DavidHogg, why don’t you go back to sucking cock for lunch money?
He is busy taxing manufacturing jobs into existence.
Isn’t he that “high school student” involved in the Stoneman bullshit?
he has to distinguish himself from Watts, Giffords, et al somehow and abject stupidity is one way to do that.
How would “abject stupidity” differentiate him from either of those two?
i have no rebuttal. you win the point.
I thought he was the Commissioner of Hazard County, Georgia.
*prolonged applause*
Well that was an interesting hour. I was on the phone with my account manager at Proxibid and we just cleared the final hurdle on my next sale.
I’m going to be selling all of the office furniture and fixtures of a 200,000 SF office building in Dallas with the proceeds, less my cut, benefiting Habitat For Humanity.
And just to make sure none you consider me a heartless individual, I’ve pledged to donate 10% of my net proceeds after expenses to H4H as well.
Anybody need some cubicles and desks? I’ll have 1400 of them available in a few weeks.
This guy puts together the links with interesting trivia and donates a chunk of money to charity. He thinks he’s better than us, doesn’t he?
Better than you, to be sure.
*balls up fist*
I could use a new desk and chair.
1399 to go!
I’m just glad I’ve got two kids who are on spring break next week to help me catalog it all. Otherwise I’d have to hire people. And we know how that went the last time.*
*Sale is April 5, and I’ll hire people for the load out. So buy stock in Steel Reserve now. If my track record from this last sale is any indication, it’ll be a wise investment.
If you need additional help cataloging, LSD might be around.
Glibs, offering child labor to each other!
She’ll charge him top dolla, but she’ll work hard.
She did her apprenticeship at “Connecticut Monocle” and “Westport Hemp-Pickers, Inc.”, so she knows all about oppressive work conditions, and is well-qualified in creating them.
How big are the cubicles?
I don’t know yet. I’ll find out Monday when I get up there. But I’ll most likely be grouping them in lots of 10 or more.
I don’t have room for ten cubes, sorry.
Goddamn, that’s a big deal! Too bad I don’t need desks.
with the proceeds, less my cut, benefiting Habitat For Humanity.
So what you’re saying is, you hate homeless people.
Channeling my inner P. Brooks today.
A man’s gotta eat, don’t he?
SMH, and now he’s bragging about how he eats homeless people. SAD!
“Sloopys gotta eat, same as worms.”
(I’m very disappointed in all of you – the joke was just *sitting* there. Sad.)
Men have died from time to time, and worms have eaten them, but not for love.
I don’t get it.
Oh, so a Clint reference. Thanks
I thought H4H was Hot For ….
Not gonna say what I that it stood for.
So if the price of Steel goes up 25% and Guns are made of Steel, then the price of guns went up 25%!
Gun Control!
Trump is amazing………
So, young Me. Hogg might wish to reconsider his position on tariffs.
I don’t have room for ten cubes, sorry.
You can use the other nine to build a storage shed in the back yard.
But I don’t have a back yard.
/tiny urban lot
Move out to the sticks and get more for your money plus fresh air. Then you could buy 20 of them.
My plan is to pay off the current tiny house as quickly as possible (I am on track to be done about six years from now), then look for and start acquiring a home in a more suitable state with an eye towards getting it in good shape for when it’s time to ditch this shithole. Then I can offload the tiny house on the next
suckeroccupant.The market is strong now. Why wait and take the risk when people are already fleeing those high tax states for southern climes with more inviting state governments?
Because I haven’t found the area I’d like to move to. This part of why I’ve been doing annual road trips – to get an idea of what areas look like on the ground.
Also, I don’t want to move someplace in time to see it ruined and have to move again.
Are you planning on continuing to be a tax leech wherever you move to?
(I keed! I keed!!!)
Sort of… I recently got a letter from the Comptroller that said I’m fully vested and New York will be paying me until the fund is plundered. (Potentially with a gap if I leave before age eligability)
Midwest leads the way with the most drunken parts of the country. Teetotalers on the coasts have the sadz
“We got nothing else to do, lets get drunk.”
Not quite…
“The things we have to do are more fun when you are drunk.”
I can’t believe that there’s not a Hamburg somewhere in the Midwest.
God’s country
Hawaii seems like an outlier.
“Drink excessively” in 2018 means, what, more than one cocktail?
No, cocktails are exempt. The betters need their parties, you understand. Gin lane and beer street have traded places.
North Dakota is beating us?
Dammit, Wisconsin, you’re falling down on the job! Just for that I’m going to day drink tomorrow.
Haha! NoDak! NoDak! *hiccup* NoDak!
Do the mountain states get an adjustment for altitude?
You haven’t lived until you’ve gone a gin bender at 11,000 feet.
North Dakota, Montana, Minnesoda, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Nebraska. WTF South Dakota? Get with the program!
I don’t even know how this stuff works, but I just had an idea for a social media phenomenon: NotMyMessiah.
A catalogue of the various and sundry people jumping in front of the social-justice-parade-of-the-day. Obviously, Obama would have to be Numero Uno, but that Hogg kid rates a spot, along with buzz-cut girl. I’m sure the list would grow to a completely unmanageable size in no time flat.
i was going to start calling buzz-cut girl “Vasquez” after the marine chick in Aliens but (((Vasquez))) (played by the bodacious Jenette Goldstein) was way cooler.
I don’t have a twatter account (nor would I ever get one), but if I did, I would start this hashtag. Someone else here less social media impaired should do it.
I like this idea. Will there be a newsletter?
Utah State Bar “horrified” by booby pic sent to all state bar members:
Damn URL:
“Streetwear gave men yet another space to socialize and stick together. Only this time, the camaraderie that has long dominated politics, sports, music and art would find its way into fashion. “The [streetwear] industry is predominantly white men, which is not a bad thing, but it started off with white men running the show, hiring white men over and over again, and predominantly selling to men in a very closed off space,” adds Kim.
On this foundation, streetwear was set on a path to gain prominence within the fashion industry and also in other cultural industries, shielded by its reclusive community: the “boys’” club.” Bolstered by male privilege, as streetwear became a well-oiled machine and fortified a new type of style, it also found itself grounded in sexism and the objectification of women.
The harsh reality is that this boys’ club mentality often creates a toxic environment, particularly for women. “There are certain stores in New York that have staffed a whole group of predatory men who many of my friends have been assaulted by,” says Married to the Mob founder and president Leah McSweeney on the early culture and environment in streetwear circles.”
Sounds like voluntary association to me. Outsiders are more than welcome to boycott.
“There are certain stores in New York that have staffed a whole group of predatory men who many of my friends have been assaulted by[.]”
Somehow, I doubt this.
Its considered impressive if you can shoot your age in golf.
I just realized that I have shot the temperature in the past. Advantage of playing golf in 90+ temperatures.
My Dad shot a couple under his age the week before he was diagnosed with leukemia. He was 74.
“My Dad shot a couple under his age the week before he was diagnosed with leukemia.”
Stand your ground law?
Well, it was in Florida.
He was a total shark – destroyed a Jack Nicholas course and all the old fogies there. A week later was in the hospital and the cancer killed him a few months later.
Fuck you cancer.
So to Speak podcast: Bret Weinstein, professor in exile
I’ve never listed to Brent Weinstein or read anything he’s written. He’s a pretty damn interesting guy. He’s a progressive, but I bet most glibs would agree (or at least be receptive) to about 95% of the things he says here.
Makes me want to go read more about evolutionary biology and evolutionary psych. Anyone have any reading recommendations?
I read “Why Beautiful People Have More Daughters” by Satoshi Kanazawa. That was written before he kind of went off the racialist deep end and became an alt-right (legitimate alt-right) fanboi. Some of the stuff will make a real scientist bristle with its post hoc, ergo propter hoc and just so stories; however many of his points make a lot of intuitive sense. It’s a quick read, I’d recommend it.
That’s more evolutionary psychology; why people behave the way they do based on evolutionary pressure. If you want evolutionary biology, try “The Naked Ape” and “The Selfish Gene”.
Why is this a big deal? Maybe they just want more space and lower living costs.
Newsflash – living in a big city has a lot of drawbacks.
I can legally shoot things from my back porch. Try that in the city, suckers.
/BGD member, Chicago
I wouldn’t want to live in a big city; I like being in a place with low housing prices, practically non-existent crime, and lax gun laws. Backyards are also nice. But that’s just my personal preference.
The number one hobby here in Ohio is talking about whether you’re going to move to Los Angeles or New York City when you “finally get out of this crappy state”. The number two hobby is talking about how wonderful it was when you used to live in Los Angeles or New York City.
Only a moron flees to New York or LA. Sheesh, they made two movies about getting out of those shitholes.
+1 Respect for the diversity of human preference, but living in either LA or NYC (or Chicago, Boston, DC, SF, etc. etc.) sounds like hell on Earth. I left Denver because it was getting to big for its damn britches.
Ditto. I’m sure there are scads of reasons why living in those places is appealing to lots of people, but my burg is as big as I’d ever care to live in, and I’m lookin’ to move to somewhere much more spacious. It’s a very small city, but I want to at least be far enough from my closest neighbor that I don’t know if they’re home or not. Minimum 2 acres, 4 or more for preference. I like being able to walk to work and to neighborhood bars, but I’d trade that for space in a heartbeat.
Like UCS, I’ve taken advantage of road trips to scope out new places to live, and while I’ve found a few cities I really loved (Savannah, New Orleans) and some I liked well enough (Orlando, Nashville, Tuscaloosa) but in general I find I’d prefer to live near them rather than in them.
but in general I find I’d prefer to live near them rather than in them
This. I live far enough out from DC that most of the derp is at least 20 miles away. The weapons grade derp in still contained inside the beltway. Out here there are more “don’t tread on me” license plates than coexist bumper stickers. It’s tolerable out here, but I’d like to be another 30 miles out. Wife won’t go that far out from civilization, so we may have to compromise.
I loved living in LA. Of course, I was 26 with no kids at that time.
Yep. When my aunt died, the family offered to let my wife and I stay rent and utility-free in her $900,000 waterfront condo for a couple years. We turned the offer down because it would have meant getting rid of our dogs. I used to joke we had six-figure dogs.
This has to be a parody account.
Current wisdom concludes it’s a Godfrey Elfwick clone/backup account.
Do something you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.
The thing about Arsenal is they always think they can walk it in.
“Planned Parenthood parts ways with Women’s March organizer over ties to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan”
Can’t they just agree they both want to kill (((babies))) and hug it out?
No. Farrakhan is a black nationalist, Planned Parenthood is contining Margaret Sanger’s dream of wiping out the black population. They just won’t mix.
“Disgraced Parkland deputy heard shots inside school building, told cops to stay away
Roundly vilified for not entering a Parkland high school during a mass shooting, Broward Deputy Scot Peterson insisted publicly that he believed that gunfire was happening outside on campus — not from inside the building.
But internal radio dispatches released by the sheriff’s office Thursday show Peterson immediately fixated on Building 12 and even radioed that gunfire was happening “inside.”
And, just as school shooter Nikolas Cruz was fleeing the building after killing 17 people, Peterson warned his fellow officers to stay away — even as wounded students and staff lay inside.
BSO policy calls for deputies to engage an active shooter and eliminate the threat.
“Do not approach the 12 or 1300 building, stay at least 500 feet away,” Peterson said over the radio, according to the records released Thursday.”
And yet there seem to be other claims that the captain on duty instructed the detail sent to the school to form a perimeter.
They need to all get together at a Dunkin’ Donuts and get their stories straight.
These are people afforded ample opportunity, by law, to review all logs and evidence before giving a statement. If this guy couldn’t get his story straight before the media got hold of him, it makes me think Israel cut him loose as a sacrificial lamb before his department was implicated too broadly.
You did something there…and saw it I did.
Well, the damning issue is that this Captain was an Israel appointee, and her resume might compare unfavorably with Tyne Daly’s when it comes to what normies would consider ‘cop work’. There is a reference to a SWAT assignment, but the rest looks pretty ‘blah’.
Her voice is on the log.
She hasn’t made any statements since March 2.
This is how you do media bias/media wars. From the New Jersey Gazette, June 24, 1778 about a story printed in the New York Rivington’s Gazette: “Jemmy Rivington’s royal, loyal, lying Gazette.”
Oh, it was much more than a bias war
Cool, thanks for that.
“Lies spread faster than the truth
We investigated the differential diffusion of all of the verified true and false news stories distributed on Twitter from 2006 to 2017. The data comprise ~126,000 stories tweeted by ~3 million people more than 4.5 million times. We classified news as true or false using information from six independent fact-checking organizations that exhibited 95 to 98% agreement on the classifications. Falsehood diffused significantly farther, faster, deeper, and more broadly than the truth in all categories of information, and the effects were more pronounced for false political news than for false news about terrorism, natural disasters, science, urban legends, or financial information. We found that false news was more novel than true news, which suggests that people were more likely to share novel information. Whereas false stories inspired fear, disgust, and surprise in replies, true stories inspired anticipation, sadness, joy, and trust. Contrary to conventional wisdom, robots accelerated the spread of true and false news at the same rate, implying that false news spreads more than the truth because humans, not robots, are more likely to spread it.”
A lie travels around the World while the truth is putting it’s Boots on,
More rage inducement from the progs: cancel all student debt.
I know this has been floated before, but now they’re trying to connect it to the tax cuts. My rage started in the second sentence.
TW1: New York Mag
TW2: auto-start video ad on page
I have a cousin who is a raging prog. She went to veterinary school and went a couple hundred K in debt for her efforts. She moved to Chicago and can barely make ends meet working is a small animal clinic.
Her #1 political issue is the forgiveness of student debt. It pisses me off.
“Her #1 political issue is using the force of government to have taxpayers bail her out for making a poor choice”
I know a girl that went to vet school. She got a partial scholarship to Sloopy’s favorite college, then got Purina to pay for her masters as she specializes in animal nutrition, and Emory is paying for her doctorate. She’ll graduate in two months debt free and has several 6 figure jobs lined up to choose from. Your cousin dun fucked up.
My cousin charged her way through college. Didn’t work. Took vacations. Took out loans for everything and I’m sure had a great time for the 8 or so years she was there. She thinks the world owes her for her 8 years of good times living. Fuck her.
Delayed gratification does wonders for building wealth.
Dude, I’m the counterexample, or the warning. I’m gonna hit 40 this August and am just now in a position where I’m not in abject poverty as a result of debt incurred during a youth spent spending money like a sailor on leave. That was a hard lesson to learn.
My ex-girlfriend had a full ride to Ohio State on a variety of private scholarships, but she decided to go to Franklin University instead and ended up with a huge amount of debt. Last I heard, she’s a fervent Bernie Sanders supporter who wants the government to cancel all student loan debt.
The Other Site actually had a great article a few years ago about how the US has so many forms of assistance (both public and private) for higher education that the average person can already go to community college at little to no cost. People whine that you can’t get a good job with a community college degree, but that’s not true if you pick a good degree. My friend has an associate’s degree from the local community college in network administration, and I don’t know exactly how much he makes, but he owns a house, new cars, a VR system, and seems to buy new guns whenever he wants.
I went to trade school for 2 years. I’m making 100k a year fixing shit. That you need a expensive college degree to get a good job is a huge ass destructive lie.
Sure, but you do physical work. Snowflakes would last about a femto-second in a steel mill.
Luckily most of us are not snowflakes.
You speak for yourself, shitlord!
I’m more like a piece of hail.
So, what you’re saying is that this woman has a rich history of making poor life choices.
Uh huh. Good to know,
She might actually go out with you 6.
Oooh, llosgi!
She should be so lucky.
Also, the point of community college to begin with is that it’s so cheap basically anyone can afford it. That’s why it exists.
< working my way through community college. It took a stupid amount of time to settle on something I like, but tuition this term was $500. Plus a $60 textbook I found on Amazon.
My best collegiate experience was community college. Best education by far, everyone on campus was localish to me so there was a social element I enjoyed at the time, and the price was right.
Fuck, then what was I doing repaying my student loans all these years? That’ll teach me about trying to meet my obligations!
Yeah, why didn’t I spend half a decade getting stoned and learning about social sciences. If I’d have known it was going to be free, I would have jumped at the opportunity.
I was in college not too long ago, and a petition to have student debt canceled was passed around and I wouldn’t sign it. This infuriated the guy with the clipboard – “why wouldn’t you want free school?!”
I replied “because its not free, I’d just be forcing someone else to pay for it – which is immoral. Also – I agreed and signed a contract for the student loans – they’re my personal responsibility and I intend to pay them back. Cancelling my debt via politics would be immoral.”
He called me an asshole and stormed off.
“Dennis Rodman was either drunk or on drugs (delusional) when he said I wanted to go to North Korea with him. Glad I fired him on Apprentice!
6:39 PM – 7 May 2014”
Never ending fountain of lulz.
“I said ‘with him’…I want go with classier people. And hot women”
/Hat tweeting
Because cows are bad for the enviroment
The popular fast food chain Sonic Drive-In is making a change to the traditional burger — swapping in mushrooms for some of the meat to make it lower calorie and more environmentally friendly.
So long as it’s just one burger, probably not a big deal. If they start doing that to all of their burgers, that stock is going to plummet like a barrel over Niagara Falls.
Boy is my buddy ever gonna be PISSED. He eats a Sonic Chili Cheeseburger for lunch every Thursday. He swears it’s the only fast food restaurant that uses real beef in their burgers. There goes that theory.
From the story it looks like it’s just going to be on one specific burger as a sop to lefty types – their “green” burger. If it’s all their burgers, then yeah, it’s monumentally stupid. The kind of people who give a shit about this kind of thing are largely NOT the kind of people who eat at Sonic.
They all use real beef in their burgers.
Isn’t their key demographic lower-class southern folk? I wouldn’t expect this to go over well with that group.
I don’t know exactly what their business plan is but anecdotally –
I live in lower class southern folk territory and every small town around here has a sonic. In a lot of small towns, it’s the only fast food joint.
I love in rich Dallas suburb, and there are like 8 Sonics here too. Let’s not be elitist.
Yeah, the semi-wealthy suburb north of me has a very busy Sonic.
I’ll take a burger topped with sauteed mushrooms, but you don’t replace the beef like that. Especially not for stupid reasons of warmist dogma.
I get the feeling this is a cost savings move being dressed up as environmental. I don’t think Sonic’s is doing particularly well. All of the closest ones around me have gone out of business, probably due to Cook-Out cleaning their clock for that particular segment.
According to my quick Bing search, mushrooms are significantly more expensive per pound than beef.
Bulking agent.
That quarter-pounder will be a 14/64-burger.
It seems like if you’re trying to cost cuts on something as cheap and essential as ground beef, that’s a big warning sign.
I do love my Sonic drinks I must say. So many options.
They just stopped making pineapple shakes and sundaes.
My senile FiL loves those things, too. It was always the treat I’d bring him.
Fucking Sonic.
I’d consider eating one if it was clearly marked as such, but not for the reasons they’re promoting it.
I love a good portabello burger.
This won’t be.
Throw some tater tots in there and I’ll give it a try.
Unintended consequences in 4, 3, 2, 1…
I think it’s damn absurd to call something enviromentally friendly because it has less beef in it. Are cows an enviromental hazard now? My cows turn grass into shit. Their shit makes my grass grow better. What’s the positive enviromental impact of using less beef?
There is none.
They’re worried about the methane from cow farts.
I’m not kidding.
Yeah, there was this big thing about cow farts.
Some people have said it’s nonsense.
Sonic’s biggest presence is the American southwest where cows are hugely essential to the economy.
There’s the ever-present shrieking about deforestation of the Amazon basin too.
I haven’t actually heard that shrieking in years.
I thought we moved past this once we learned that it takes all of about 10 years for a swath of completely deforested Amazon to grow back.
Everything old is new. At some point, you have to reanimate old shibboleths.
It’s strange that water vapor hasn’t been rolled out in the propaganda. Maybe it’s because it’s hard to shape a narrative when the boogieman is so ubiquitous that every human being with an IQ over 90 is going to draw the obvious conclusion that we’ve had high levels of greenhouse gases for a very long time, and maybe this panic isn’t justified.
Something tells me it hinges more on just who is doing the deforesting. It’d be one thing if it were big US-based multinationals clearing land for factories, but because it’s poor, brown farmers and ranchers, well, you know the drill.
Methane is a significant greenhouse gas, but nature has this funny way of destroying methane pretty quickly via a number of mechanisms, the efficacy of which is so great that the concentration of methane in the atmosphere is relatively constant since they started measuring it.
I’ve been doing my part to eat up all the cows.
Well, it has this nasty tendency to combine with free oxygen to make water and carbon dioxide.
It’s almost as though there might be some kind of scientific reason that one greenhouse gas breaks up into two greenhouse gases!
Proof there is a God.
And he is evil!
But carbon dioxide and water both encourage plant growth. Cow farts green the earth!
Weren’t there a great deal more bovine in North American back when herds of buffalo roamed the plains? The methane from tens of millions of enormous buffalo farts were somehow ‘Gaia-friendly’, but the same farts from fewer cows half the size of buffalo are now destroying the ozone layer.
Are bison as gassy as beef cattle?
Sounds like a study that hundreds of thousands of tax dollars should be
wastedspent on in the name of global warming.There’s a farm with several buffalo down the road from me. Time to write a grant.
I think any of the ungulates whose diet consists primarily of grass and who have multiple stomachs produce a shitload (pun intended) of massive farts as a byproduct of their digestion. I say this as someone who comes from a family of ranchers and has spent a lot of time around cattle. Anyone who thinks cows are cute is an idiot. They’re gross. And delicious.
Given that the methane water/carbon dioxide equilibrium in the atmosphere is pushed so far to the right, I’m not sure it matters if the entire land surface of the US was covered in extravagantly flatulent bison.
Goddamn Nazis!
“extravagantly flatulent bison”
Dibs on the band name.
Never mentioned is that the Injuns burned off half of the continent every year so that grass would grow and the buffalo would come. Burning an acre of grass or weeds makes one shit ton of CO2. The Indians were making more CO2 than we do now.
No matter what we do we cant compete with the amount of methane produced by rotting algae in the oceans.
The whole greenie thing is so absurd that words fail me.
Prog response: (1) cows release methane which contributes to global warming; (2) increased beef consumption leads to clearing rainforests which makes the environment worse.
You are correct Lachowsky. Cows are not bad for an environment. The problem is that pinkos hate your guts and want to stop you from eating what you like. Just a day or so ago someone linked to the UN report claiming that meat causes cancer.
The “Love has no labels” ad I seem to see everywhere used to have a picture of what I had assumed were a couple of lesbians, but today the ad has changed to a picture of two little girls. I can only assume OMWC is behind this.
Two little girls are less triggering to the rest of the LBGTQB2WXYZ coalition than seeing a couple of cis-women make out.
What they need is an unsimulated, uncensored PSA in which a lesbian is facesitting her girlfriend while simultaneously pegging a white-cis-hetero-shitlord, who in turn is orally pleasuring a black midget trans-woman, who xirself in turn is giving a St. Bernard a blowjob. I think that hits all of the major groups.
Assuming the camera is being worked by a disaffected asexual, we should be good.
Nothing like interviewing a porn star about baseless and unsubstantiated allegations regarding the President to raise your level of credibility.
the thing about the “believing the porn star” narrative is how they have pretended that a 150,000 payoff is somehow validating anything.
if you’re a billionaire who’s planning to run for president, when some pornstar starts squealing fake allegations, what makes more sense? Engage in a very-visible and expensive libel suit? or do you throw her some settlement and STFU money?
It would have made no sense for Trump to punch down in this scenario. Based on no evidence whatsoever, I’m not sure I would have paid the blackmail money, but maybe it seemed like a good idea at the time.
It’s hard to accept all this though; all this time, IAFD said Stormy was a devout christian who got into the business only to help her aged parents who both contracted really bad cancers and she needed to support them and pay for treatment as well as running her animal shelter and that foundation for orphaned blind refugee children, while she was working her way thru’ that nursing degree.
You haven’t lived until you’ve gone a gin bender at 11,000 feet.
Your theme song, courtesy of Mojo Nixon.
“He don’t work here.”