Thursday is here, and we’re just two days away from that big clash at near the top of the EPL. But first, let’s all acknowledge Man City for joining Liverpool in the UCL quarterfinals. And let’s point and laugh at Spurs for getting knocked out yesterday. The JV tournament games are today, with Arsenal attempting to stop the embarrassing level of play against AC Milan. Good luck, Wenger. Lose this and you probably ought to just go away tomorrow.
“Jeez, a soccer update right out of the gate” you say? Don’t worry. There’s more to the sports world. Carolina and Louisville managed to win, Oklahoma continued to play like absolute shit and fell, in my opinion, out of the NCAA tournament for good after losing to Okie State. Bucknell punched its ticket to the dance. And Va Tech continued its schizo ways by falling to Notre Dame, and BC knocked off NC State. Much more drama today on the hardcourt.
Only three games on tap in the NHL, with Calgary thumping the Sabres, the Penguins doing the same to cross-state rival Philly. And the Phoenix Coyotes knocking off the Vancouver Canucks. Suck on that, Canada.
Its not every day we get to celebrate the birthday of a man whose work led to help so many people. But today we celebrate the birthday of Karl Ferdinand von Graefe, who is largely credited as the father of plastic surgery. And yes, that means he helped usher in big, ol fake titties. But by “help”, I’m actually referring to the corrective surgeries he helped create like correcting cleft palates, reconstructing other facial deformities and other plastic surgeries that have helped countless people live a more normal life who were largely shunned prior to the developments Graefe helped usher in. Sharing that birthday is the “eminent” jurist and asshole hater of the 1A, Oliver Wendell Holmes. Also born on this day were Alan Hale, the skipper from Gilligan’s Island, Mickey Dolenz from the Monkees, the lovely Kathy Ireland, American treasure James Van Der Beek, Hines Ward and a certain writer who we are not supposed to talk about who used to write for a certain website. Happy Birthday, Lucy Steigerwald.
Man, the pre-links news is starting to spiral out of control. But its good to find out a little trivial information before we step into…the links!
This is a giant pile of big mistakes. Sent two the wrong address…of a meth dealer…totally unprepared. I am already prepared to see calls for more police militarization and a ramping up of the drug war in the wake of this fiasco.
Obviously the biggest story of the day will be that the incoming Trump administration had meetings to set up backchannel communications with a foreign government after he had been elected but before the inauguration. How dare they try to set up communications with a nation the prior admin had been completely hostile to, free from the prying eyes of the outgoing team’s surveillance and outside the “normal protocols” where the outgoing crew took every meeting they were privy to and leaked its contents in the most damaging way possible to your administration.

Nah, let’s blame Trump instead!
Boo fucking Hoo. I sure hope Nancy Pelosi and crew sell this to the American public as Trump’s war on the middle class at the expense of the rich. Because if they do, it will end up with another tax cut on the table just to piss them off. Or maybe it will result in taxpayers from states with huge income taxes, like California’s, will start asking questions about why they pay so much in tax to feed the retirement programs of state unions who let employees pad their salaries in the waning years in order to retire with more money a year than they ever actually earned through their base pay. Either way, its a losing argument I can’t wait for them to make.
In Chicago, the mayor will be forced to give a sworn deposition in the police shooting and killing of a man holding a baseball bat and an innocent bystander. The city had persistently resisted the depositions for some unknown reason, but now Hizzoner Rahm Emmanuel and police Superintendent Eddie Johnson will be put under oath.

Captain Stabby was well known to cops
Maybe instead of trying to disarm people like you and me, the cops ought to focus their energies on nut jobs like this guy. Nah. That would mean doing their job, which is way too tough.
Looks like the Women’s March has got some ‘splainin to do. LOL, JK. They’ll get a pass on their relationship and adulation of the horrible racist because his views aren’t that mainstream. And because there is much more dangerous rhetoric coming from the racist right, who is becoming more mainstream.*
*David Duke, known racist, has 47,000 twitter followers. Farrakhan has 480,000. But its the right whose “racism” is more dangerous and mainstream, right NYT?
I love it when gun control advocates say how much safer people are in countries with strict gun control. Well I’ve got news for them: this is also what happens when innocent people are forced to live in a nation with corrupt police and strict gun control. I can assure you the cartel members that did this would be thinking twice if they weren’t sure every person they tried to intimidate and terrorize was unarmed.
Sorry to end on such a downer. Let’s see if this lovely song makes up for it at all.
Now get out there and seize the day!
“I am already prepared to see calls for more police militarization and a ramping up of the drug war in the wake of this fiasco.”
“After the officers were shot, a SWAT team entered the house and found Waters dead. Investigators have not determined if he shot himself or was killed by the officers, Lowe said.”
So apparently they already have militarized police, but not very good detectives.
To get competence you need accountability.
They need some militarized GPS units.
*puts on faraday hat*
What’s the chance that the police knew they had a drug house but no valid reason to go in?
A unverified 911 call makes a great reason for 3 officers to rush into a house unannounced.
The home that officers should have responded to was in Windsor, about 15 miles away, authorities said Wednesday.
Missed it by that much.
Blame Waze
Move along…
When I had wandered into the $350,000 range on Zillow, I was looking at mansions with parkland under them. And that was in an area not known for inexpensive housing.
Through most of SoCal you can’t buy an entry level house for that price.
End zoning laws and environmental impact privisions.
Housing problem solved.
Bullshit, the house i’m in is worth 310 K, in a nice Neighborhood with good schools etc.
But you’re also in the inland, right? My grandfather’s house, which he bought new in 1975 for $120K (1800 sq. ft, 2.5 baths, sun room) in northern San Diego topped out at $850K value in 2008, and is still assessed by the county for $650K.
My grandfather is the only owner his Long Island house has ever had, bought it brand new in 1953 for something like $12,000. 1400sq Cape Cod. It’s current value on Zillow is $504K.
He said SoCal, it’s a Big place, I live here. I’m within 5 miles of 250K-1million$ houses, He said
“Through most of SoCal you can’t buy an entry level house for that price.” I call BS
Is the inland not in southern california?
In fact, in terms of area, inland covers most of socal.
Yeah, but you drive a Kia, peasant.
Nope, I drive TWO Kias, and yes I am a Peasant, with a PitchFork!
Looks like the Women’s March has got some ‘splainin to do. LOL, JK. They’ll get a pass on their relationship and adulation of the horrible racist because his views aren’t that mainstream. And because there is much more dangerous rhetoric coming from the racist right, who is becoming more mainstream.* – also the satanic Jew is at fault, really
The only reason Farrakhan’s racism is being reported on, or the connections leaders from the Women’s March have with him, is because the Jews run the media. So the problem really is with the Jew after all.
-progressive BDS, Jew-haters
8 hacked-up bodies found in pickup truck in Mexico
Ban pickups.
Ban hacking.
I love it when gun control advocates say how much safer people are in countries with strict gun control. Well I’ve got news for them: this is also what happens when innocent people are forced to live in a nation with corrupt police and strict gun control. – I mean if they were not shot is not that bad
That California flag is excellent, except the birds should be something less noble than vultures; like magpies. Or chickens.
Blue Jays?
Blue jays: The Axe-bros of the bird world.
I assume they’re turkey vultures. And IIRC, those ugly bastards and California condors, also hideously ugly bastards, are the main reason California banned most forms of lead hunting ammo.
Yep and that was bullshit fake science too
Now the Windmills kill the Condors instead
The lead ammo ban was never about Condors.
Ducks: I think ducks have high lead. Big Duck is the powerful lobby in that zone, methinks.
All fresh water plants concentrate heavy metals and there are plenty of heavy metals in fresh water. It makes its way up the food chain from there so yeah, ducks have high lead levels. In Louisiana and East Texas we have one of the largest uranium deposits in the world and it comes right to the surface in lots of places. We even have a town named Urania. My grandfather told me that his father would go for a week every year to a place near Columbia, La with all of the other local men and they would get all the lead they needed for shot for a year. I asked around and finally found out where that place is. I noticed that charcoal from their fires was still there. Then I kicked a rock over and it was blue as hell. Lead for shot, my ass. They were using Uranium.
How were they casting Uranium? it melts at 2070 F
Any uranium that was there wouldn’t have been in elemental form unless it was processed uranium. That’s not to say that any deposits that were being reduced with charcoal *didn’t* have uranium in them, but it would have been as an impurity – and a minor impurity in anything being smelted
I’m about 2 million centuries away from my metallurgical background, but uranium’s chemistry lends it primarily to alloying with gold, silver and copper, and in each case the eutectic point (an optimal blend which melts at the lowest temperature) is comparable to the major element, so a eutectic copper/uranium alloy has a melting point of 1730 deg F. with pure copper at about 1800.
So how many depleted uranium rounds were you able to make?
Ducks: I think ducks have high lead. Big Duck is the powerful lobby in that zone, methinks.
I love it, too.
Maybe the aggressive turkeys?
So, what, is its strategy to get you to die from laughter at it’s stupid walk?
I feel like the removal of Bear Arms from the flag is called for just for the sake of accuracy.
The eternal LA vehicle conundrum: a) stripper b) drug dealer or c) stripper dating a drug dealer
d) a drug-dealing stripper
I went to home party at a coworker’s apartment a few years back. She was a single lady in her late 40’s and always wore pink because she loved Hello Kitty. We walk into her apartment and the entire place was covered in pink Hello Kitty goods. Creepy as hell.
If there was a pink lady, was Jeff there too?
She was a single lady
2 + 2 = 4
Kawaii Culture never dies, it just starts smelling of metamucil amd preparation H.
Mary Kay car?
In the Shadows of Slavery’s Capitalism
Keri Leigh Merritt’s Masterless Men: Poor Whites and Slavery in the Antebellum South is part of an increasingly vibrant discussion of capitalism’s relationship to slavery that goes beyond whether capitalism and slavery were like oil and water. Merritt instead argues that in the mid-nineteenth-century American republic, varieties of capitalism grew in dynamic tension with one another. Masterless Men enters that debate from the unlikely angle of poor white southerners. “During the antebellum period,” Merritt argues, slave-made extremes of wealth created a society in which “very few poor whites could ever hope to rise above the economic class into which they were born” (338). They knew it and resented the realities that kept them down.
The way I see it, slavery is an affront to the free market. But just as well have mixed economy of some free markets and some regulated markets, slavery can occur at the same time as a free market in other sectors. This is not an indictment on capitalism, but the legal system. Do your laws and customs allow for you to own another person? That had always been the deciding factor of this question.
On the other hand socialism requires slavery.
I do have a question. If you supposedly own yourself can you permanantly sell yourself and opt for the mantle of slave?
Many Romans voluntarily became gladiators hoping for eventual fame and fortune.
I’m decently-versed in Roman/gladiatorial history, but of this I’m not certain: Could those that submitted themselves to that lifestyle (which really was their equivalent of being a running back or boxer) go home at night? Did the volunteers have to submit their lives and live with the slave-gladiators, or could they go home and get Pompeian take-out to Chill-and-Senecus with the missus?
From what I understand, they reduced themselves to the level of the slaves and were not free to leave until granted it by their new owner.
Nozick said yes, then changed his mind to no.
My thought: you can always break a contract, even if you have to pay a penalty, so technically, no. Courts may enforce the penalty, but cant require you to fulfill the contract.
That’s been my answer to this supposed paradox for quite a while.
“Democratic Socialism”
Lots of Americans believe that certain rights — viz. life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness — are inalienable.
So, any contract whereby one permanently self-indentures oneself as a slave would be nonbinding.
Of course, that’s an old idea written down on parchment by dead, white guys about a hundred years ago, and since they did not extend those rights outside of the patriarchy, it should be discarded in favor of a state governed by a wise, diverse, and politically correct elite.
Socialism is slavery. Everyone is a slave to the master of the state apparatus in a socialist state.
Socialism is the same as the slavery practice back through time: Give me your shit because I have revealed truth on my side. They can dress it up however they want.
Thank you for delineating between between capitalism and free markets. They are not the same thing. One is like gravity, it happens no matter what you think of it. The other is like justice: man made, hard to attain, but worth the effort.
This is actually very profound – therefore I will be stealing it.
It should be. I basically stole it from Milton Freedman.
My great-great-grandparents were among those poor southern whites.
They would mostly have been baffled by the phrase “realities that kept them down”.
They tried to make a go of it in one place, and if unsuccessful went somewhere else.
The main thing that kept poor whites down was the civil war. Many of them saw it as a bunch of rich plantation owners trying to maintain their power and privilege, using poor whites as cannon fodder (like many other wars). Many of them wanted no part of it, and in some cases banded together to fight off Confederate conscriptors.
Northwestern Alabama was a well–known refuge for deserters from both sides, supported by locals who brought them food and information.
My ancestors, too. I’ve always enjoyed people’s reactions when I tell them that my great-grandfather was a dirt-poor sharecropper – there is this popular conception that only blacks were sharecroppers. My grandma used to tell me stories of growing up in a home where there were gaps in the walls between the boards, no running water, no electricity.
I’ve done a fair bit of genealogical research, and almost all of my relatives who fought for the Confederacy did so only starting in 1864 – when they were forced into it by conscription, I’d guess.
“Obviously the biggest story of the day will be that the incoming Trump administration had meetings to set up backchannel communications with a foreign government after he had been elected but before the inauguration.”
Special counsel Robert Mueller has gathered evidence ….according to people familiar with the matter. …according to the people familiar with the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive matters.
Nader’s account is considered key evidence – but not the only evidence – about what transpired in the Seychelles, according to people familiar with the matter.
People familiar with the matter. They’re…yuu know…familiar….and stuff
According to Mueller’s sister’s brother’s cousin’s nephew’s former roommate.
Thank you , Simone.
His shwartz is as big as Trump’s, but lets see how well he handles it.
What does that make us?
They’ve got him now.
How exactly is this a crime, or even in any way unusual? He was the President-elect, it was their job to set up communications with foreign powers.
Last time I was there, they have telephones in Russia. What exactly is there to set up and how is it backchannel? Is it a matter of deciding who calls whom for this or that purpose? How do you decide who to meet to set up the communications?
Isn’t that the job description of the transition team?
Widger met the officers outside the home and said nothing was going on at the residence. The officers decided to check inside the home anyway to make sure no one was in danger, Lowe said. Waters was the only person in the home. His relationship to Widger was not immediately clear.
‘It is a coincidence they were called to that specific address,’ Lowe said. ‘It is tragic that happened. But the fact is they were in the act of committing crimes within that house. When (the officers) entered that house they were doing what they needed to ensure no one was hurt and there wasn’t any other problems.’
Obviously, the police should be able to enter any random residence to check for unlawful activities. In full battle armor.
They have a right to go home to their families every night…even if they show up armed to the teeth to the wrong address and insist they’re coming in one way or the other.
-people on the political left (only if the house is owned by white people) and right (always)
Ooh, the results from the Civil Service exams are back…
Lul, I got a better score for the higher pay grade exam than for the logical ‘next step’.
higher pay grade – imperial eunuch ?
No, those are political appointees. You can tell them apart from career state employees because they’re always kowtowing to the completely unfeasable requests from above, promising the world and blaming the career people when it proves to be physically impossible to meet the deadlines.
Adeptus Administratum
Adscriptus Administratum?
You failed High Gothic, didn’t you?
Sounds like management at the company I’m leaving… Exit interview is this afternoon.
Congrats. (assuming you have a new job lined up)
Thanks, and I do. Start date is Monday, which means I won’t be here as much in the mornings and afternoons.
They’re all at the Woman’s March.
Her comments came a day after the Women’s March said it would not tolerate “anti-Semitism, racism, misogyny, homophobia, and transphobia,”
At least humor us and mention misandry.
“Don’t be silly, Misandry is a myth perpetuated by the partiarchy”
That would make for a fine Myth Busters episode.
Only if that red-headed piece of ass does the episode in a bikini. For science.
Kari Byron
Would pay for it
Huge rise in people being jailed for knife crime revealed as more than 7,000 put behind bars
The figure of 7,156 jailed criminals – including 612 children – is the fourth annual leap in a row and the highest in at least a decade
Common sense knife control!
“Don’t hold it by the blade”?
Common sense knife control!
Which would fail even more spectacularly than gun control, considering that even prisoners can make knives (or rather shivs, but the effect is the same). This means they will probably go for it.
A reasonable summation from a not-necessarily 100% reliable source, but FWIR, it’s close.
Umm, the linked embedded in the article, not the article itself – it’s a popup.
Although the article itself is informative too.
Uffda. This news could give the FBI’s sterling reputation a black eye.
Turns out the FBI has become very good buddies with the Geek Squad.
The company told Gizmodo that its policies “prohibit employees from doing anything other than what is necessary to solve the customer’s problem.”
I see the problem. You’ve got this pesky 4A thingy stuck in your doo hickey. I’ll just pop that out for ya.
How are the FBI not seen as the KGB/secret police of the US. They act like laws can’t touch them, and in reality, they are correct.
I hate to keep being the Waco-rant guy but if that didn’t solidify them as our very own KGB in the minds of the American people, nothing will
Govt and private enterprise working together for the children.
Caveat: FBI is always the customer.
Best BuyAmazon showroom, needed to figure out some way to keep revenues up.Honestly though, it disgusts me how much the government and big corporations work together. This is the inklings of fascism. They say democracy won WW2 but I think the Nazis just lost, and fascism won
The Nazis lost but fascism won. <—I am stealing that.
Good God, who does business with Best Buy? Worst service ever. This should do wonders for their business.
Old people. That is pretty much their entire customer base.
When BBY started they were pretty good. They don’t sell on commission so they were low key. They would take back any return so you could buy without too much worry. In the really old days they were also pretty open to haggling.
The problem is that once they crushed Circuit City, they felt they could stop doing things that made them popular and become a huge fuck up. It is sort of sad.
I worked on an engagement at BBY back in ’97 or so. Met the owner Dick Schultz many times. He is a pretty smart guy. Even back then he realized that the internet was going to eat his lunch.
I worked for them when there was only a handful of stores. Schultz hired me. They were formerly known as Sound Of Music.
It was a blast for an 18yo music head.
At 18, it’s not Edelweiss that greets you every morning, eh?
Yeah, the origin story of BBY is pretty cool.
Tundra you should have applied to BBY when he was the CEO. There were a lot of Sound of Music folks still running around at pretty senior levels and not doing their jobs. Schultz was really loyal to them though.
Old people. That is pretty much their entire customer base.
I still go to Best Buy on occasion, as I prefer to shop at physical stores instead of online and they are decent for some things, and their customer base seems to be middle aged people. Fry’s skews younger (and dorkier), and the Apple store is the only tech place around here where young people are the plurality. I think the old people buy their tech from Costco.
I buy most of my videogames from best buy because they have a $30/yr subscription that gives you 20% off every new game you purchase. That’s $12 off every standard-priced $60 game. I buy close to 20 games a year so its certainly worth it.
Reposting because it’s so outrageous:
“How to Destroy A Man Now (DAMN): A Handbook
A wave of sexual misconduct allegations about powerful men have exploded recently in the media (e.g., the news, Twitter #MeToo, etc.). A bold social movement has begun with brave women coming forward and being applauded for speaking out and sharing their stories of abuse, discrimination, and harassment. As a result, accused men like Harvey Weinstein, Matt Lauer, Charlie Rose, and dozens more have been removed from power and are suffering the consequences.
In How to Destroy A Man Now (DAMN), Dr. Angela Confidential (a business psychologist, consultant, and human resource professional) empowers women with a step-by-step guide for destroying a man’s reputation and removing him from power.
In easy to understand terms, the handbook reveals and explains the fundamental dynamics between allegations, the media, and authority as they relate to male misconduct in today’s society. It also unveils and details practical real-world methods for leveraging allegations, media, and authorities to dethrone a man from power.”
Remember when feminists insisted that “women never lie about rape” as a given truth? Well, now there is a self-published instruction manual on how to lie about rape. And it’s not some underground text sneakily being passed around in bowels of feminist forums. It’s available on Amazon. Yet somehow, I don’t think they would sell a “STEVE SMITH GUIDE TO LOVEMAKING: HOW TO RAPE”.
The book has a website too:
“You’re probably thinking at this point, “Wow, yeah, that’s powerful! And it’d be awesome to destroy a man by ruining his reputation across the Internet, but I don’t have the resources to do that!” Yet, you do. That’s the beauty and genius of this method. With as little as an Internet connection and minutes of your time, you can destroy a man worldwide, overnight.”
They need to take into account that most people don’t follow the NAP before they take this book’s advice. Hell, I’d be tempted to throw it aside if someone did what this book advocates to me.
If someone is waging information and economic warfare against you, then how is it a violation of the NAP to retaliate?
I guess it depends on what you do to retaliate. I was thinking Death Wish.
If they’re doing it to you, they’re violating the NAP and you can claim self-defense.
They get home without meeting STEVE?
That seems a little too on the nose, are you sure this isn’t an ‘A Modest Proposal’ type thing?
I’ve only read an excerpt. But it didn’t read sound like satire.
The reviews, even the five star reviews, are unkind…
The movie The Outsider is horrible because it focuses on a white man…
I have no idea if the movie is good or not, but if the name is The Outsider, I suspect it would focus on the…outsider.
Huh, so according to a bunch of random bullshit websites including an online video game magazine the movie’s “too white”. That’s some valuable insight right there, boy.
S.E. Hinton has a sad.
Stay gold, Teddy Boy.
The 9th circuit is the gift that keeps on giving
A federal appeals court ruled Wednesday in favor of 21 children and young adults suing the U.S. government for not doing enough to protect their constitutional right to a stable climate.
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals judges refused to grant mandamus relief and block the U.S. District Court in Oregon from hearing the suit, which was originally filed by the environmental group Our Children’s Trust in 2015.
A federal judge in Oregon ruled in 2016 the 21 youngsters had standing to sue. President Donald Trump’s administration and oil and gas groups appealed the decision in June 2017. They asked judges to “end this clearly improper attempt to have the judiciary decide important questions of energy and environmental policy” and upset the balance of powers. The Ninth Circuit disagreed.
“There is enduring value in the orderly administration of litigation by the trial courts, free of needless appellate interference,” Judge Sidney Thomas wrote on behalf of the court.
“If appellate review could be invoked whenever a district court denied a motion to dismiss, we would be quickly overwhelmed with such requests, and the resolution of cases would be unnecessarily delayed,” Thomas wrote.
I’m going to sue to preserve my constitutional right to not be struck by lightning.
Okay, they’re just trolling now.
Alternative headline: “Ninth Circuit Begs to be Broken Up”
Trump would be wise to make it into the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th circuit, divide the radical leftist judges among them, then pack the courts with constitutional conservatives.
…constitutional right to a stable climate.
Somebody needs to remind these folks of the story of King Canute and the tide. It’s amazing that (supposedly) educated 21st century folks have less sense than a 10th century Viking.
what a circus
This ruling should not merely be set aside, but hurled with great force (apologies to the shade of Dorothy Parker).
alternative medicine – more buzzwords than post modern intersectional queer black studies
Live in a state of dynamic enlightenment
Synergistic Scalar Energy Technology shifts your vibration while you sleep, work, relax and play.
The Miracle system opens up a totally new dimension of personal expansion and transformation using Voice Assessment Feedback, Scalarwave Entrainment, Inert Noble Gases, and targeted Golden Six Wave Form Soundtracks.
With the Miracle iQube brain training system, every cell in your body will be imprinted at a deeper level with higher frequencies. You will retrain out the stress patterns creating deep relaxation, creativity, and inner peace.
This is how freedom dies.
Custom tailors hardest hit
“The style these days is to have more room in the seat of the pants.”
Minnesota Twins hardest hit?
Yup. After watching some spring ball and once again lamenting that the Twins didn’t do anything in free agency to upgrade their staff, it is the logical conclusion to assume that they will be hit hard.
Of course, Mike S will come in and be a total Twinks bobo and claim they will make the playoffs again.
Help me out here: this law isn’t against consensual touching, is it?
The headline reads as if the act would always become illegal; that’s probably misleading.
Uninvited and unapproved touching is/should be illegal; a lot of us will fix that before the cops arrive.
It appears to be ramping it up from simple battery to something more.
The way I read it was that when the original law was written they were worried about people getting rung up for simple pats on the ass (called the “Coaches’ Exception”). Now, the wimmen are all upset because people can grope with impunity.
The woman claimed she was groped in a health club but the guy wasn’t charged because of the current loophole.
I know it is anecdotal, but I have had women grab my ass (in my younger years) in bars and it didn’t traumatize me at all. In fact, I look back fondly at those times.
know it is anecdotal, but I have had women grab my ass (in my younger years) in bars and it didn’t traumatize me at all. In fact, I look back fondly at those times.
The only thing that matters is how the women, now.
Literally rape.
…how the women feel, now.
She said: “We know that young people are increasingly carrying knives and I want to find out why that is and what we can do to turn them away from that.
I don’t think you’ll ever solve that mystery. You might as well try to figure out how magnets work.
I know this will come as a shock, but Joe Scarborough thinks a deer rifle is not as powerful as an AR-15 and he does not understand the point of 2A
Joe looks like he has Down Syndrome and his trendy hair styles and glasses don’t counteract this fact.
I’ve run into that before. Show someone a .30-06 round next to a .223 round and ask them which one they’d rather be shot with. Of course these people all consider your deer rifle to be high powered sniper rifle that should also be banned. So to recap: handguns should all be illegal. AR pattern rifles and all other mag fed semi-auto rifles should be illegal. Scoped hunting rifles should all be illegal. Enjoy your shotguns….for now. They’ll be back for those later.
“Have you seen how big a shotgun slug is?”
Ban Time.
Yep, and if you consider each pellet as an individual projectile, it is clear that shotgun shells themselves are actually high capacity magazines and already fall under the previous ban. No new legislation required.
“Scarborough said, “You know every American doesn’t have a constitutional Second Amendment right to carry an AR-15. Yes or no?”
Yes, they absolutely do Joe. They do. This is where we run into problems with the proggies. They dont accept natural rights. This is Tony level ignorance.
That’s fun, because while I have a constitutional right to own and carry one, if I exercise that right in Connecticut, I will be arrested and put in jail.
So Joe is right, but he’s right in the shittiest way possible.
I committed a sin by commenting on another site (I’m hiding as Ole Johnson there) recently. I tried to point out that mob majority doesn’t mean that you lose your rights. And it is dangerous to think about that.
The response I got was the classic proggie response you mentioned Suthen.
I would have replied with “Fuck Off Slaver” but the comments are all moderated there (and I also remembered why I comment on other boards so infrequently).
“And you can talk down to me all you want to.”
Ted-Cruz-Smirk engaged!
I do have a question. If you supposedly own yourself can you permanantly sell yourself and opt for the mantle of slave?
I don’t have a problem with voluntary indentured servitude, if the terms are acceptable to the parties involved.
Let’s just say the black BDSM scene is WAAAAAYYYY underground.
I’ve known a couple of black woman who worked as dommes. Both of them were also models.
…go on.
“Meet Mistress Velvet, a dominatrix who makes clients study black feminist literature. They love it”
Well, then not so underground as it was years ago when I wrote some bona fide smut.
Every contract must have a means of escape for all parties.
Government guaranteed student loans excepted.
Death is always a means of escape.
The team that beat Spurs was Juventus, sloppy. Say it. JUVE. /turns Sloopy over. Ju-ve.
Spurs have a nice team though. Kane is very good. Anyone catch Chiellini’s emotional interview after the game? It was Phil Esposito-esque.
And I’m afraid ac Milan is not the team to embarrass Arsenal.
What a mess the Milan team are mired in. What a mess Napoli made of European play with their ridiculous parochial outlook. What a mess….Serie A is in.
It’s at the lowest ebb since I started watching soccer in the late 70s. How bad is it? French players don’t want to come to Serie A anymore like they once did. The French!
teams Whatever.
Okay. I really messed the comment up but was supposed to be – /turns sloopy over spanking him.
I’m going to stop….right….about….NOW.
I was a Parma fan.
Parma were a blast to watch.
I like their ham.
Since Swiss isn’t around I’m sure he won’t mind…..
/narrows gaze.
Followed by two thumbs up with wide grin.
Turns out the FBI has become very good buddies with the Geek Squad.
See something, say something. Win a prize.
I wonder if they get a bigger prize if they had to really dig around in the user’s PC to find the incriminating shit.
I live relative close to Clinton. I will never believe they were sent to the wrong house, although I doubt they realized exactly what they were walking into.
I don’t feel bad for the shootee. His daughter was on TV talking about what a scumbag he was after she took him in post-release (although in the context that she was sorry she’d actually told him what a scumbag before she attempted to kick him out of the house with no success). He basically took over his kid’s house and turned it into a meth lab.
Still, I don’t believe they were sent to the wrong house because NOBODY is talking about what happened to the people whose house the call came from.
“Hey Lou, isn’t this that meth lab we haven’t been able to get a warrant for?”
“No Chief, this is some woman’s house and there was some sort of domestic disturbance. It’s even listed as owned by a woman in the database.”
“Well I guess we’d better get in there to make sure everyone is safe. Don’t need a warrant for that. Better grab our patrol rifles.”
Brutal but I don’t find scars unattractive.
IANAL, but it seems she may have a pretty good case.
For facial scars, that’s actually not a bad spot for one of that size – Low on the cheek and parallel to the jaw. I would be more distracting if it were across some of the primary facial features.
It’s good to see she’s on the poster, though …
Jeez. Hope she wins. Should’ve used sugar glass in the door if you’re going to have action like that.
I suspect the glass was not supposed to break.
I haven’t kept up with the story but I remember hearing a couple years back about a state in Mexico where the locals, mostly rural farmers and ranchers up in the hills, were tired of getting hassled by the local cartel with no police support. So they just ignored Mexico’s gun ban and started picking up AKs, ARs, whatever they could get their hands on, and would defend their villages themselves against cartel members. And as it turned out, there were a hell of a lot more armed farmers than armed drug dealers, so they wound up running the cartel out of the area. The local government took the surprisingly pragmatic view that they were basically just doing what the police were supposed to do but couldn’t, so they could keep their guns with the government’s blessing.
Sounds like an episode from The A-Team.
Now that I think about it, the cartel in question was called, I shit you not, the Knights Templar of Michoacan.
You can watch the whole story of that struggle between Autodefensas and the Knights Templar Cartel in Cartel Land.
High Plains Drifter
You can’t allow that. They need professionals to fight the bad guys. Amateurs taking the law into their own hands is asking for a plethora of problems.
I don’t understand why the Mexican drug war isn’t front page news in this country. We basically have a failed state on our southern border.
But Syria! North Korea!
We really need to Nation build Mexico if anywhere, what a shithole
Because its our fault… we wouldn’t want anyone to start questioning the drug war more than they already do. Cops might lose their toys/power.
Such reporting would increase support for a border wall and potentially decrease support for our own war on drugs, both things the media in general doesn’t want, so the media is not going to sensationalize those stories. It would also undercut the anti-gun narrative, and paying too much attention to the fact that Mexico has problems would probably be racist (but what isn’t, these days).
That would be the Autodefensas
I remember that. It is the Avocado farmers. I support their efforts but not their production of the devil’s fruit.
In other news, there is a new season of Jessica Jones.
A federal appeals court ruled Wednesday in favor of 21 children and young adults suing the U.S. government for not doing enough to protect their constitutional right to a stable climate.
You have to look carefully. Don’t try to focus your eye directly on it, but look right there at the edge of that penumbra. See it? That shimmer, there? That’s it. Clear meaning, clear intent.
I notice the women’s march story is in the Washington Times but is it being reported in other papers like WaPo or Daily News (ha!), or the NYT?
Speaking of the NYT check this retraction out:
Self employed with a take home of “$89,454” is super typical dontchyaknow. Gee I wonder why they’d use a self-employed consultant who doesn’t have paychecks with taxes already withheld?
College degrees with the highest salary potential
Engineering graduates earn the most after 10 years while those in children’s education earn the least, according to a 2016-2017 College Salary Report
That’s because engineers are mostly men, while children’s educators are mostly women. We need the government to ensure equal pay for women!!
What’s more important, a silly old bridge or our children?
“Feminist ways of Knowing Load Capacities”
“Intersectionalism and Flow Rates”
“Heat Transfer and Menses Fluid Flow”
Chicks hate calculus; people who don’t know the first thing about calculus or chicks will argue, but they just don’t (2% maybe?). They weren’t in the classes (10% maybe), the few who were just barely got through, and then they don’t actually enjoy engineering work.
I’m an egalitarian; I wish my business weren’t entirely stinkly dorky guys, believe me. But even chicks with engineering degrees promptly osmose into tangential roles (which is fine; I’ve done tours in quality and sales and ops management). Nothing wrong with that, but what I have lived and seen is far from confirmation bias.
Size a pump or a motor or a beam? I do not know a solitary gal who does this. Design processes or structures? Nope. Their loss: it’s a ton of fun to see a problem, lay out the answer, size the elements, build and test them, and then see them stand and work for years….it’s a blast.
Except they don’t have fun doing that. You yourself admitted it at the start of this very post. They hate that kind of work, which is why they don’t do it.
I’ve worked in IT in one facet or another for something like ten years. As it turns out, there just aren’t that many women who go through IT programs or who gravitate towards writing code. It’s a thing. Every now and then some group tries to jumpstart it, but at the end of the day most women in IT are project manager, or they do creative work like design or content stuff, but you just don’t see that many women working as DBAs or back-end developers (a joke that tells itself). As you say, there’s a type that’s drawn to the work, and for whatever reason it ain’t well-adjusted, analytically-minded women with good conversational skills. Hell, much as I love my wife my romantic status might have been different if I’d encountered an attractive, personable young woman who actually enjoyed talking about array manipulation over beers on the patio.
Now that’s a euphemism!
This is true in general, but there are always outliers. My wife graduated with honors from a top ten engineering school and spent 6 years as a design engineer before going back to the same school for her PhD. Now she’s a Mech. E. professor bitching about how all of her students, both male and female, are total fucking retards who should never be allowed anywhere near a real life engineering problem.
She also says that the proggie hold on education has infiltrated STEM and her students are every bit the safe space snowflakes that you’d expect in gender studies.
But they all got AP Calculus credit in high school! What happen?
I’m glad I got out before that happened. I’m also glad that I learned I don’t have the temperament for academia.
She also says that the proggie hold on education has infiltrated STEM and her students are every bit the safe space snowflakes that you’d expect in gender studies.
That’s really unfortunate to hear. I hope it’s just a local/regional thing, or else our country is doomed if all the college educated people have been taken in by that stuff.
“Size a pump or a motor or a beam? I do not know a solitary gal who does this. Design processes or structures? Nope. Their loss: it’s a ton of fun to see a problem, lay out the answer, size the elements, build and test them, and then see them stand and work for years….it’s a blast.”
This is why I still do HVAC
Size a pump or a motor or a beam? I do not know a solitary gal who does this. Design processes or structures? Nope.
Meet my wife’s best friend. Oh, and the Glibs’ own RAHeinlein.
I should also mention my sister (BA in applied math, MS in mechanical engineering), who had a long and interesting career designing ballistic weapons for the Army.
Did you know that all of the programming and structure for this site was done by SP, who is not only female, but only 8 years old?
And they’ll tell you about the laws of averages where they are outliers. The personality traits which make them suited to tech work might also be why they suffer through putting up with Glibs.
Not exactly outliers, because even if averages are different between sexes (and they certainly are), the overlap is quite high. We’re not talking about 6 sigma.
You settled for a +five sigma in a lifemate? Have some standards man!
“but only 8 years old”
Go home, grandma
a) also totally cool
b) yup….also also totally cool
PS I lose major points here taking the hard line on who’s an engineer, and I’ll stick to my guns; I love everyone, believe me, but if programmers are engineers, everyone’s an engineer
Totally cool. Wish I bumped into them in my worlds.
Females make up about 40% of the core engineering group I work in. They have been doing the same engineering work as before I was even brought into my employer as a coop student. One of them still does calculus.
I would say that the vast majority of all engineers don’t even directly do calculus without the aid of a computational tool or method anyway.
Most of the calculus I’ve ever done in any engineering project has been to check that the code of the program I’m doing isn’t goofing up something, and thereby outputting incorrect results.
Ever watch the Hallmark channel? My wife watches all the time. I get a kick out of it. It’s the chickiest chick channel you can imagine. The main characters are all owners of cookie stores/garage sale stores/house fixer upppers/ flower shop/bookstore. There are three different shows: Cinderella story, usually with an actual prince – girl/guy has to go back to hometown after years away and meets old flame – murder mystery in the style of that Angela Lansbury show.
Men and women like very different things.
But OMWC is correct, there is noticeable overlap.
Especially where 8 year old website engineers are concerned.
So petroleum engineering is the best paying major? My God, I can feel how triggered people are right now. The best paying major isn’t just the heteronormative patriarchal field of engineering, but engineering for literally Hitler oil companies.
So, my aunt’s sister and her husband are both Petro Engineers. They have 4 homes; one in Anchorage, one in Steamboat Springs and condos in Downtown Denver and London. They have more money than they know what to do with.
I don’t doubt it. I had a friend who went into the profession and he does exceptionally well. I just think it’s funny, because their profession is the combination of all that SJWs hate.
And they probably deserve every penny. Petroleum is the difference between shitting in a dug pit with a wooden box with a hole in it and beasts of burden shitting all over the street, and inexpensive clean fossil fuels for home heating, ridiculously cheap flights on long haul commercial airlines (in spite of getting the shit taxed out of them) and iPhones and all that other good shit.
That was the career I nearly took, except that at the particular time I was graduating, there was huge oversupply. The problem (which your relatives clearly didn’t experience) was that there was – and afaik still is – a choke point in career progression when you need to make the move out of explo and into production/head office, which represents a kind of elevation to royalty.
You don’t see many explo engineers in their 40’s. They’ve been moved up, or out, because it’s no job for a mature person who wants to build a family or stable life.
I remember posters in the engineering school advertising triple the going wage if you were willing to sign a 3 year contract to work in some desert patriarchy.
More than doctors? I would think they earned more than engineers.
“Most of the degrees that lead to meaningful careers for a majority of graduates are within the medical and health field or child education, including music teaching, child development and special education.”
That’s my wife. In the field for 25 years and is fulfilled. I can’t chastise her too much to go out and give lectures (she’s that good at public speaking) because she’s content. However, she does want to go the lecture route as a goal.
It’s interesting because sometimes the girls at work are frustrated and complain. So I tease back saying stuff like ‘why are you here then?’
And they always say ‘because I love children.’
They complain, sure, but that’s the over riding reason why they do what they do: They love kids.
It’s pretty amazing when you think of it.
Me? As long as they pay their fees on time.
That’s probably why women report a higher rate of job satisfaction than men despite the difference in earnings (which is caused by the professions they are choosing).
“More than doctors? ….. That’s my wife.”
You’re, Ben Shapiro?
I love it when gun control advocates say how much safer people are in countries with strict gun control.
Of course, it’s not actually true. I took the liberty of actually running global gun ownership rates and homicide rates through a regression. The coefficient is (insignificantly) negative. I did the analysis fully expecting the opposite result. To get to these claims you have to torture the data by limiting sample sizes and omitting more logical sample size limitations. Seriously, take a look at the research these people cite. It’s almost always a tailored sample.
Did you use Stata by chance?
I was lazy. I just used Excel. For more complex analysis, I generally use R. I’m a cheapskate.
Easy math: just filter out all the citizens that the governments (and occupational governments) of Spain, Argentina, Zaire, USSR, Germany, France, Poland, Italy, Albania, PRoChina, North Korea (you know this list better than I, I’ll quit) murdered….about a 100 million folk without guns murdered by their governments in the last eight years or so.
but the 2A is farcical…..that scenario could never happen
“80” years of course
But they’d have no chance against an organized army!
We can still win in Afghanistan, I swear!
To what lengths are you willing to go to win? What is the metric of victory? If we glass the country, eliminating all of our enemies there, is that victory?
Who knows, man. I’m just pointing out how absurd it is to think that a heavily armed populous can’t win against an organized army on its own turf. Its happened time and time again.
The determining factor has always been the limits to what the intruding force is willing to do and accept. The defender merely needs to make sure the cost will be unacceptable.
“To get to these claims you have to torture the data”
Gun grabbers (and warmistas for that matter, but that’s another story) have no trouble lying in service of their agenda.
Oh, I get that. But, it’s just such obvious bullshit. It’s bullshit that is going to be recognized as bullshit by anyone with a modicum of knowledge or who does a few minutes basic research.
My impression is that the bullshit isn’t really meant to be believed. it’s meant to justify getting the statement out there. IF you get a false statement out there often enough, a lot of people are going to assume it to be the case simply be the case because they’ve heard it so many times, no matter how many times the statement has been disproven.
Most progressives could not care less about your data and statistical analysis. Even if a progressive were to give you time to make your case, he would not believe you even if your data were immaculate, your analysis flawless, and presentation brilliantly articulate.
Progressives have their narrative. That and their good intentions are good enough for them.
I think the usual way of torturing the data is to use ‘homicide by firearm’ instead of ‘homicide’ to get the the PROPER conclusion. (that is: Guns Bad!!!!!, Republicans Bad!!!!!!!)
Death by firearm is better. Then you can include suicides which inflates your numbers even more.
the incoming Trump administration had meetings to set up backchannel communications with a foreign government after he had been elected but before the inauguration.
The outrage over this is/was fucking stupid. OF COURSE you start foreign policy talks during the power transition period, especially when the outgoing admin. is doing everything it can to antagonize a country that it would be preferable to 1) not go to war with and 2) work toward common goals with.
Still, I don’t believe they were sent to the wrong house because NOBODY is talking about what happened to the people whose house the call came from.
Next you’ll tell me they were trying to conduct a warrantless search based on an “anonymous tip”.
Remember all those ‘think’ pieces about how “libertarianism is a pipeline to the alt-right”? Based upon voter patterns in Europe and the United States it would appear that it’s not libertarianism that is feeding the rise of actual neofascist parties in Europe, but instead neoliberalism. Neoliberalism is breathing new life into fascism.
Francis Fukuyama haz a sad.
He’s also a cunt.
Most of those neofascist parties, if that’s really what they are, and the people who vote for them are reacting to the left’s insanity and in that sense Nat Review is correct.
Yeah, not all of the parties can be labeled as fascists, but someone made a good point the other day: “If you continue to tell people that only fascists would consider reducing immigration levels and renegotiating trade agreements then people are going to vote fascist”.
It is the rigidity and ambivalence toward the wishes of voters that has doomed neoliberal parties.
Are you saying that “You are going to eat it and like it” doesnt sell well?
That is a very good point. If you call people like Trump, who’s a 90s Democrat, a fascist, you aren’t dirtying Trump’s reputation so much as you are cleaning fascism’s reputation. And they’ve taken to calling people much more moral and much less autocratic than Trump fascists as well, so that’s just going to compound the problem.
After 30 years of calling everybody a racist, the old, standby invective has lost its sting. So, now progressives call anybody who disagrees regarding any of their opinions a “white nationalist” or “fascist”.
The ruling elite and its mainstream media lies constantly about how great multiculturalism is, denies that there have been significant downsides to immigration, and accuses anybody who disagrees of being racist, Islamophobic, and xenophobic. The objective of the political elite is to shut down debate and to make wrongthink about immigration impossible.
Since they are actually racist, Islamophobic, and xenophobic, the alt-right and fascists are perfectly happy to note that multiculturalism as practiced by progressives is contrary to the interests of native citizens, that immigrants from shithole countries disproportionately engage in serious crime and typically suck welfare resources, and that people who honestly observe how their real-world situation threatens their own culture and interests aren’t necessarily evil. Consequently, a large plurality of people who are typically disengaged from politics have come to see the alt-right and fascists as the truth-tellers, surrounded a pack of lying progressive elites.
Unfortunately, there’s no other political perspective that is consistently honest about this topic: Open borders libertarians are just as deluded as progressives.
13 has one lucky pussy.
Number 27. The eyebrow maintenance indicates a dedication to detail that is full body, IYKWIM.
“We’re All Fascists Now
Christina Hoff Sommers is a self-identified feminist and registered Democrat with a Ph.D. in philosophy and a wicked sense of humor. She is also a woman who says bad things. Things like: Men and women are equal, but there are differences between them. Or: The gender gap in STEM fields isn’t simply the result of sexism. Or: Contrary to received wisdom, the American school system actually favors girls, not boys.
When such a person steps foot on a college campus these days, you know what’s coming. So it was on Monday at Lewis & Clark Law School in Portland, Ore., where Ms. Sommers had been invited by the Federalist Society to give a talk about feminism.
In advance of the lecture, nine student groups, among them the Portland National Lawyers Guild, the Minority Law Student Association, the Women’s Law Caucus, the Jewish Law Society and the school’s Young Democratic Socialists of America chapter sent a letter protesting the appearance by this “known fascist.”
The letter added that her invitation amounted to an “act of aggression and violence” and went on to offer a curious definition of free speech: “Freedom of speech is certainly an important tenet to a free, healthy society, but that freedom stops when it has a negative and violent impact on other individuals.”
Yes, these future lawyers believe that free speech is acceptable only when it doesn’t offend them. Which is to say, they don’t believe in it at all.”
For some reason, I expected better from a Jewish law organization.
As I’ve said, Reform Judaism is no longer Judaism; it’s been replaced by Leftist doctrine. Conservative Judaism is headed that way too; the only “real” Jews left in the US are the Orthos and the Hasidim. Since I have no interest in joining either of those communities, I quit going to synagogue over 10 years ago. I do my own thing.
That reminds me of an article I read yesterday about how AIPAC is struggling to stay non-partisan in the face of a changing Jewish community. The gist of the article was that the younger left-leaning Jews care less for Israel while the younger right-leaning Jews, who are mostly Orthodox/Hasidim, are increasingly becoming Republicans.
The Jewish Law Society.
Come for legal counsel, stay for the jokes!
Yes, these future lawyers believe that free speech is acceptable only when it doesn’t offend them. Which is to say, they don’t believe in it at all.”
So, they’ll be a perfect fit for the ACLU.
The letter added that her invitation amounted to an “act of aggression and violence”
That’s not what the “V” in “RSVP” stands for.
You would think that law students should be able to tell the difference between words and violence.
They were told that “Words are your weapons” and took the metaphor literally.
Simple, yet funny. Nice.
(((Bari Weiss))) wrote this article and far let activists, along with totally non-biased ‘reporters’ who just happen to recite the exact same positions as these far left activists all the time, attacked her for this.
These are also the same totally non-biased ‘reporters’ and far left activists who shrug off Farakahan’s antisemitism. Coincidence?
The true irony is the “Jewish” Law Student group probably wouldn’t protest Farrakhan speaking on campus.
Yeah, I mean, that is unfortunate. I once worked on a Jewish congressional campaign in a very Jewish congressional district and I was always surprised by how much left-wing antisemitism liberal Jewish communities are willing to overlook. I don’t fault them for it, I just think it is shortsighted.
You should fault them for it. They’re idiots.
Freedom of speech is certainly an important tenet to a free, healthy society, but that freedom stops when it has a negative and violent impact on other individuals
I would find it truly hilarious if Ms. Somers demanded the college shut down their National Lawyers Guild, Minority Law Student Association, Women’s Law Caucus, Jewish Law Society and Young Democratic Socialists of America because their letter caused her a “negative and violent impact”. Make them live up to their own standards.
For a case study in how this numbing of the political senses works, look no further than Mitt Romney and John McCain. They were roundly denounced as right-wing extremists. Then Donald Trump cam
Trump is probably less ‘right-wing’ than either McCain or Romney.
“Freedom of speech is certainly an important tenet to a free, healthy society, but that freedom stops when it has a negative and violent impact on other individuals.”
Speech is violence? Unfortunately these little fascists are the ones that gravitate to positions of power and influence.
**Stocks up on guns and ammo.**
And they blame…. the White house, human nature and lack of proportionality and priority…. no mention of the outright hostility directed towards over half of the nation which started well before the 2016 election and, I’d argue, caused the result of the 2016 election in the first place. They also conveniently fail to mention that our schools openly oppose the ideas of proportionality, context and priority through the faux sciences of gender studies and other grievance majors. This article is really straining to say “we know the left is calling everyone fascist.. but its not their fault! Its the Republicans fault we’re acting this way! The Republicans, our DNA and circumstances made us do it!”
Fuck. Off.
That’s Alan Hale, JR, not Alan Hale. The latter was a fine character actor in cinema.
Too late, that ship set sail already.
+3 hour tour.
Believe it or not, I got phreaked this past week. They got into my PBX over the phone through my voicemail system and set up call forwarding so they could call Cuba on my nickel. About $800 before the telephone provider noticed.
So I’m spending my morning try to lock the PBX down, yay.
Damn… that brings back some memories.
No kidding.
Consider yourself lucky — thieves have been known to steal tens of thousands of dollars via premium rate numbers and hacked PBXs.
Wow. What decade is it?
Are you on the hook for that $800 bucks? I would assume if you have your own PBX, you could use the threat to move providers as leverage to get that reduced or zeroed out.
*Previously on Happy Days*
Richie Cunningham: Hey, Fonze, did you hear about those Russian back channels that the current administration was setting up?
Fonzie: Richie, what do you expect? This administration is anti-modernity with its obsession on tariffs and not speaking forcefully enough in favor of Uber.
Richie Cunningham: Yeah, I have no idea how tariffs and Uber have anything to do with this, but I’m not actually sure what the problem is with an incoming administration setting up a back channel with a foreign power.
Fonzie: You’re questioning the NYT and WaPo, which is, in itself, and anti-modernity position. Get thee an Uber
Richie Cunningham: I’m thinking all the car fumes are leaking into your apartment above the garage. That may explain why you sound like an idiot right now
Fonzie: *thumbs up* Ayeeeeeeeeeee
I like these. Do some Welcome Back Cotters.
Up your nose with a rubber hose.
We’re all in our places,
with bright Shiny faces!
Good Morning Mr. Kotter!
Please excuse straffinrun’s spelling-
Epstein’s mom
Puerto Rican Jew mothers never lie.
The Fonz always was a cuck.
What does that make Richie?
The guy who banged Leather Tuscadero while Fonzie watched?
+2 thigh slaps
Yowza Yowza Yowza!
In honor of this Women’s Day, I will observe that Dutch girls tend toward the plump. John would be happy here.
Drinking my free cocktail at the House of Bols. As a museum it sucks.
(apologies if I posted this upthread. Roaming is shit today.)
It’s all those stroopwafels.
Have fun in the Netherlands
So far I’m unimpressed. Amsterdam seems to be a very dirty city. I don’t mean sex or drugs, like trash and debris all over. Even the palace needs pressure washing.
I remember it being pretty clean once you get out of the red light district. Brussels sounds more like what you’re describing. Maybe it’s changed.
once you get out of the red light district.
I’m afraid I don’t follow? Isn’t that why you go to Amsterdam?
Zurich was depressing, although it was probably the weather.
Lucerne was nicer, but I was only there at night.
Lisbon is positively third world.
London was great and loved the experience.
Dublin was nice.
(That’s it so far for my European travels.)
What I saw of London did not impress me. It was as Filthy as downstate New York (so pretty dirty). Disclaimer – I did not stay in London, but I had to get from Heathrow to Paddingon and back several times.
We were there last summer and all four of us would go back tomorrow. It was a big-ass crowded city, sure, but it was so full of things to do, five days was way too short.
Next time stay in the city for a few days. We were near Hyde Park so it was quite pleasant.
I’m not going back to the UK until they ditch their hate speech laws and actually tackle their criminals instead of the people pointing out the problems.
I haven’t been to London in close to twenty years, but I don’t remember it being dirty then.
Vienna was clean except for the sand leftover from the snow melt, but the buildings were decaying.
I liked it there other than the German service personality. Best (sarcasm) was from a Chinese department store clerk speaking German accented English. And then her kvitching with her Chinese coworker in Mandarin. I’m just a beginner but I could pick up more than their German.
Depends where you go in London. Central London is cleaned and swept quite thoroughly, but if you move out of Westminster and The City, you can find some real dirty ‘mean streets’ districts pretty quickly. Some of the non-Central museums are in some quite dubious places, but for the most part, visit anywhere interesting in central, and you’ll be in a carefully curated (drink!) environment where you’re secure beneath watchful eyes.
NY and London – even the earthier parts – are extremely ‘clean’, imo. or at least have been since the mid 1990s.
maybe my perspective is skewed, because everything has seemed super-clean to me ever since giuliani retired most of the old subway cars, and you stopped seeing used condoms and crack vials everywhere
i mean, compared to south philly, west bmore, the wards of new orleans, east st louis… or even any big city that has overpasses/ freeways intersecting within it/through it (like LA), which produces that everpresent sense of smog…
i don’t even know what the standard of “clean” really is for a city. all cities have a certain funkiness (depending on level of sidewalk traffic), but there’s a world of difference between say, “the fragrance of a chinatown alley in august”, and “oh look, a garbage can that’s full in an otherwise-clean subway station”.
“too clean” cities always weirded me out (downtown nashville was sort of like this, aside from the 2 blocks of printer’s alley, or the financial district in london; or vienna, which felt sometimes like a pretty mausoleum). If its too-clean, it means its boring. there’s no food, music, drinking, etc. Its basically a corporate mini-mall. Like Times Sq is now. I vastly prefer a grungier district that has lots of little shops and competing entertainments to spotless, well-maintained, steam-cleaned concrete boringness.
The three metrics of municipal cleanliness I used were – street trash, grafitti, and average hygene of the people. Both NYC and London were low on graffiti in the areas I had to endure, but people appeared to use the sidewalks in preference to the trash cans, and the average human hygene level was deficient.
Neither reached the San Fransisco threshold of measuring the biological effluent and ‘medical’ waste discarded in the streets.
” the average human hygene level was deficient.”
(imagines UCS wearing white gloves and carring a little squirt bottle of disinfectant to ‘spiff’ at people who get too close to him)
where do you live?
I went to London in ’84, and then again 30 years later. The hygiene increase was breathtaking. I credit (and I’m not actually joking about this) internet porn.
I was mostly in the city proper (Westminster, Kensington, West End) Had a video shoot in Putney. Took the tube to Notting Hill to Rough Trade (record shop) which was also a decent area.
Putney is Independent-Reader-land. All the main streets are pretty safe.
Side-roads with red-brick properties are OK, but you’re just up the road from Roehamption which is a somewhat less decent area.
Notting Hill is basically fine, but can get a bit ‘exciting’ by night.
The girlfriend and I noticed the same thing about Dublin when we were there last summer.
Dutch girls tend toward the plump.
Since the Dutch are some of the tallest people in the world, this is quite a feat.
“SAN FRANCISCO (KPIX) — Car break-ins are on the rise across the Bay Area. In fact, 2017 was a record-breaking year for our three largest cities. We’re seeing record numbers of car burglaries in San Francisco, Oakland and San Jose. Chances it has happened to you or someone you know. San Francisco leads the pack with 31,120 break-ins last year. In the same period, San Jose reported 6,476 car burglaries. That number is the highest the city has ever seen and a 17 percent increase compared to 2016. It was also a record year in Oakland with 10,007 reported cases in 2017, up 32% compared to the previous year.
Also, the chances of getting caught are very slim. In San Francisco, for example, not even 2 percent of the thieves are nabbed.
In San Francisco the District Attorney is asking the city for $1 million dollars to form a burglary Task Force. But in most Bay Area cities, it’s a low priority crime. The statistical truth is very few car burglaries get solved. To make matters worse, these statistics are just reported break-ins. Police say the actual numbers are likely much higher, because many car burglary victims don’t even bother reporting them anymore.”
TW: autoplay
Questions that will never be asked:
How many of those that actually are caught are illegal aliens?
How many of those cars were imports? They’re targeting foreigners.
The cake is a lie.
Lefty anti-Semitism; which (((Dems))) are only too happy to tolerate.
Feel good story of the day
How do you get away from London cops? Just drive around for a little while until they crash their little electric clown car. Probably a bad idea to post the chase online.
Shakycam was making me dizzy.
It’s not like they have guns anyway.
“Stop or I’ll yell stop again!”
Probably covered, but…Alexa IS laughing at you.
That makes me wonder if it’s user error, faulty programming, or hackers. I’ve heard the IoT has generally weak security, so I wonder how easy it would be to hack an Echo?
IoT being ‘weak’ is an understatement. Add to that the default passwords on ‘normal’ WiFi devices – Ubiquiti, I’m looking at you!
Like, with an axe?
Kinda old but interesting nonetheless.
I’d really rather not become part of Mexico if it’s all the same to everyone.
Make Mexico Spain Again
“Shootings at Chicago gang members’ funerals getting ‘out of control’, police say
Chicago-area officials trying to prevent funerals for gang members from turning into shootouts say the issue has gotten so far “out of control” that one cemetery has started hiring off-duty police officers.
Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart met Thursday with political, religious and funeral industry leaders to discuss the problem following a funeral procession in December that was marred by gunfire.”
Ban funerals!
I live way out in the boondocks. Not quite Appalachia mountain hillbilly area but still damn far out in the country.
Last year, there was a shootout between Bloods and Crips during a funeral at little country church down the road. There’s plenty of both white and black biker gangs here, but was really surprised to see primarily inner-city gang warfare reach that far out.
Can we use this to point to privatization making things better? I mean, FFS, the cemeteries are hiring the people who aren’t doing the job during their work day.
So his solution is to consult with other gangs.
*dons Robert Reich glasses*
Killing people at a gang member’s funeral results in more funerals for gang members, which causes more killings. Eventually Chicago will have nothing but gang funerals and subsequent killings.
When I read gang funeral this is what popped in my head.
“Shootings at Chicago gang members’ funerals getting ‘out of control’, police say
I’m surprised that”s not illegal.
They should totally strengthen their gun conrol.
I’m surprised and wouldn’t care if it were legal.
Didn’t ADL get the memo? Antisemitism is fine when it’s a lefty icon doing the antisemiting. How are you going to logroll progressive causes if you take exception to a little blatant bigotry between friends?
Well I’m just glad that the NYC ACLU director decided to voice her support recently for Farrakhan’s friends in the Women March. And the ACLU is totally not just a left-wing rag. They totally care about civil liberties for all (note: offer not valid for (((them))), Christians, whites, males, anyone whose politics are ever so slightly to the right of Stalin, gun owners, most Asians, and people who hold wrong thoughts).
American Jewry.
Earn like Episcopalians
Vote like Puerto Ricans,
American Jewry
Sounds like a Chinaman hocking turquoise pendants.
Shoot a dog? Shoot an unarmed citizen? No problem. Try to respond to the scene of a massacre? You’re a disgrace to the badge!
The instinct to run toward danger is a common one in police officers, seen often during terrorist attacks and mass shootings.
Yup, real common. Just like with that Florida shooting, oh wait. Well, there was the Vegas shooting, nope not that one either. Um, a little help here?
That’s the point – they don’t WANT their cops to respond. These guys actually did respond, and now they’re being punished for it.
Wasn’t there recently a former military person that was a police officer that managed to deescalate a situation instead of opening fire and was reprimanded for it? This seems like it’s in a similar vein.
The commonest instinct in police officers is to keep their jobs.
A key component in keeping your job is doing what your commanding officer has directed you to do via either a policy document, or a direct order at the time. Now, there are circumstances where these instructions may be ignored, should they compromise your safety, but usually, the policy documents and direct orders are there to ensure your safety.
On occasion, your department will require a sacrificial victim to throw to the howling mob, and sometimes it’s going to be you, but rest assured that your union, your department and the disciplinary process will ensure that your forced retirement is as comfortable and profitable as possible.
Yesterday, in the course of a conversation about various things the topic of vandalism came up. Specifically, a spree of cars with epithets painted on them, and slashed tires. Being personally unaffected, and not especially interested, I had not followed the saga to its end. Apparently, the perpetrator has been caught, tried and jailed. One person of my acquaintance offered up this gem of insightful child psychology: “He was homeschooled. If you don’t go to school, you don’t have friends. That’s why he dunnit.”
Now, this is the husband of an elementary school teacher, and I honestly don’t believe he was kidding. This is the world we live in.
“The kid in Florida? He was educated at a public school. If you go to public school, you get all fucked up. That’s why he shot up the school.”
No, see, the problem is that we don’t start kids early enough. If he’d gone in at three instead of six he’d be properly adjusted.
More hours and longer school years, too.
Universal public
daycarePreK to the rescue@!I wonder what percentage of troubled teenage homeschoolers were expelled from public high school and so aren’t really homeschoolers, just received that designation out of necessity.
My wife’s cousin was expelled for getting caught fucking some percentage of the football team in the sports shed during school hours. She was then technically homeschooled, but that was just sitting around at home all day doing nothing while her parents were at work because no other school would accept her.
but that was just sitting around at home all day doing nothing
I doubt it.
When I was a teenager, we had state (mental) hospitals and reform schools. Reform school was for kids kicked out of public schools and / or with arrests. The part-time minister in our church worked there as a counselor. And the state hospital was there for the real nutters. Public school was where kids who could behave and do at least some work went to study.
Most of the recent shoot-ups at schools seem to have been conducted by kids who belonged in reform school or the mental hospital.
we had state (mental) hospitals
They used to be called nitwit schools. It’s where kids with donkey brains got shanghaied. Science was real crude back then.
The memo has been received – concentrate all fire on “gunsplaining”!
To refresh your memory, Zack Beauchamp is the twit who thought that Gaza and the West Bank were connected by a bridge.
Actually, I think an understanding of the biology of a heroin overdose is a requirement. Hint: it ain’t the heroin, Zack.
“Saying that I need to know what I’m talking about is wrong.”
Gee, I wonder why people think the West is collapsing
They say ignorance is bliss.
Meh, there’s a kernel of truth in there. I don’t need to understand intersectionality, the victimization hierarchy, or the oppressive structures of systemic power imbalances to have an opinion on racism, sexism, etc. in this country. Gun control is a question of rights, not operation of a firearm.
But the gun-grabbers arguments usually are about the details of certain firearms, therefore they should know the terminology.
Now, the antis that say we should repeal the 2A…they could make that argument.
But the gun-grabbers arguments usually are about the details of certain firearms, therefore they should know the terminology.
I think that’s fair. In fact, I would go a step further and say not only should they know the terminology, they should also understand what they’re talking about. If you’re going to argue details then you better damn well have your facts about those details straight.
My statement was only about the argument as presented.
OK. I define heroin as any and all chemicals a person can put in their body, including water. We’re going to ban heroin.
See how that works?
I like Popehat on lots of legal stuff he talks about, and I get annoyed by a lot of the cultural stuff he talks about. But damn, i this article 100% correct.
The understanding-the-subject matter as it applies to dogs is actually more on point that he says though. Lots of cities have “pit bull” ordinances that at incredibly vague and based on, well, not facts, per se…
“McDonald’s Is Flipping Its Arches Upside Down For International Women’s Day
The iconic “M” is becoming a “W,” as in woman. This is not a joke.”
Yes, it is.
they’re also injecting their meat with twice as much estrogen, in celebration of Trans-awareness month
+1 hot beef injection
A thorough takedown of the dumbest man in American Politics
I don’t see any mention of Ezra Klein. FAKE NEWS!
I take it back, Reich wins the title handily.
Yep, I’d call that an F minus in economics.
Remember when all those construction workers were rich enough to buy sky scrapers
“Wow, I have all this product no one is buying. I guess I’ll just keep on making more and warehousing it, losing money on each unit and incurring storage costs!”
What a fucking moron.
This is one of the absolute dumbest canards that the left has ever farted out of their cavernously empty heads. Every time I hear this brought up in an argument, I pose this question: My relatives own a company that manufactures springs – should they adjust their pay rate so all of their employees are guaranteed to go home with a crate of springs each week?
And what about the East Coast Yacht makers (who are now out of business). They crafted products no one who worked there could afford. Their whole business was built around making products few could buy, because they were status symbols.
Also, we dont live in a democracy. I am getting tired of hearing that shit. We live in a constitutional representative republic.
In Reich’s view, the economy is simultaneously a zero-sum game and a perpetual motion machine.
I always think of Douglas Adams’ bit about Frogstar World B and the Shoe Event Horizon, where you have this trite explanation for why economic calamity occurs. The planet had slightly more shoe shops than normal, and that imbalance inspired people to buy more shoes, but buying more shoes caused more shoe stores to be built, and eventually the only commodity that made money was shoes until the global economy collapsed. It makes no sense whatsoever, but Adams was a comedy writer and Reich appears to want to be taken seriously.
Amanduh is on to us.
Ian Millhiser, who’s possibly worse than Amanduh, had to chime in.
I can’t even
@RuthSample @RuthSample
I teach political philosophy. John Stuart Mill is considered a classical liberal. The alt-righters are usually libertarians who don’t believe in a social safety net and they do believe in a racial hierarchy, which is different.
Individualism = racist. Didnchya know?
“I teach political philosophy.”
Hopefully as like, a hobby, and not for pay. That would be embarrassing.
Not being a pinko = National Socialist
That doesnt seem right
Here’s the interesting thing about segregated lunch counters. They were required by law. Prior to the ban on segregated lunch counters, there was a ban on unsegregated lunch counters. The classical liberal position is that neither law should exist, and people should be free to run their businesses as they choose. That includes black business owners running segregated lunch counters, where the black customers are privileged over the whites or other non-blacks, just as much as the converse.
Saying that segregation should neither be banned nor mandated is not an endorsement of segregation.
Saying that segregation should neither be banned nor mandated is not an endorsement of segregation.
Pshaw! That’s totally what it means. Just like if you think crack should neither be banned or mandated, you are in favor of crack. Or if you think adultery should neither be banned nor mandated, you are in favor of adultery. This is basic logic here.
Morons whose only debate tactic is to label their opponent with some badthink label. Very 2nd grade.
Look, they won’t approve overtime and the arbitrary deadline means some changes have to happen during the nominal workday.
Since no one is working, what’s the problem?
Idiots, KK, that’s who.
Sorry, hon.
Is this a….what day is this?
It must be a Thursday. Kristen never could get the hang of Thursdays.
This is true. And I forgot my towel.
This is what our blog says right now: “Http/1.1 Service Unavailable”
We have a post scheduled for 10:30 am. We have Zimbabwe going whole hog on social media, publicizing a post from yesterday.
Did they document what they did?
If not then they are undocumented migrant servers and they have to be free to migrate whenever they want
My wife’s cousin was expelled for getting caught fucking some percentage of the football team in the sports shed during school hours.
All at once, or by appointment? Asking in the interest of science.
I see Van Der Beek is from CT. No wonder I always found him so boring and nondescript.
He was great in Rules of Attraction
He also did one of the worst Southern accents of all time in Varsity Blues
All I remember from that movie is the whipped cream bikini. And it’s all I want to remember.
I just can’t tell him apart from any other middle-of-the-road leading man type. He’s interchangeable to me with any number of other actors – Channing Tatum, Tobey Maguire, et al.
He was kind of funny in How I Met Your Mother.
We here in Connecticut live life on the edge.
Some days, when I get a coffee, I put french vanilla AND hazlenut creamer in it, just to mix it up a bit.
The only things good about Fairfield County when I lived there was Chez Lenard and Squantz Pond.
Chez Leonard is still there, though under new ownership. Just about everything has churned in the last 20 years, except the town’s leadership.
(Just to note, in case my image is irreparably sullied – I don’t put any kind of creamer in my coffee)
Oh, also the Windmill Diner.
Windmill is still there, but new owners. It’s not that great.
Marcus Dairy? Redeveloped. No more gall-bladder-destroying-1950’s-style milkshakes. No more biker meets.
What was that steak house over on route 7 between Ridgefield and the Danbury Mall? My Ma and I liked to go there.
I’ve never been, but I think you mean Chucks’s.
Still there. Still doing the “Italian Wedding” stuff, but it’s a bit out of the way now they rebuilt Marcus’ land into a Whole Foods/Petco/Panera setup.
That must be the one. It was a big time industrial/trailer park area back in the day. I loved their calamari.
You remember the old Indian Trading Post on Rt 7 by Wooster?
Fancy-schmancy Elks’ Lodge now.
I used to love to coast in neutral on the GW Highway between Ridgebury and the Mall. It was a rare occurrence when you could do that with no slow pokes to ruin it. It was perfectly configured to gain enough speed on the downhills to just barely make it to the top of each hill.
Even rarer now. I dunno, you might still recognize the place.
Business idea:
New cable network GNN, Glibs News Network. All stories delivered from a Glib perspective with requisite amount of snark and inside jokes. Following the Fox News business model, all anchors will be hot women, but instead of blondes they’ll be redheads and hotter (and more scantly dressed), with occasional fill-ins by T H I C C cummies. STEVE SMITH will report on travel and leisure, ZARDOZ will have his own advice show. I’ll be talking to the (((others))) and the Kochtopus to secure funding soon.
Show format: MST3K.
The peanut gallery is a real peanut gallery.
I will donate to your Kickstarter
Add in some Mexican weather girls, you’ve got a winner!
I think Canada beat you to it… Naked News (link is to Wikipedia, and still is NSFW).
“BREAKING: DOJ Announces Fast and Furious Documents Withheld by Eric Holder Will Be Released
The Department of Justice announced Wednesday additional documents related to the Operation Fast and Furious scandal during the Obama administration will be released to the House Oversight Committee. The documents were previously withheld by Attorney General Eric Holder, who was voted in civil and criminal contempt of Congress for refusing to turn them over. President Obama invoked executive privilege in June 2012 to prevent their release just hours before the contempt vote was held.”
This only matters if the people involved get prosecuted.
Not one smidgen of scandal.
“Feds paid $709,000 to academic who studies how glaciers are sexist
Academics at the University of Oregon have determined that glaciers and the science that studies them are deeply sexist.
“Merging feminist postcolonial science studies and feminist political Daily Caller New Foundationecology, the feminist glaciology framework generates robust analysis of gender, power, and epistemologies in dynamic social-ecological systems, thereby leading to more just and equitable science and human-ice interactions,” reads the paper’s abstract. The research was published in the peer-reviewed journal Progress in Human Geography in January.
The study, by historian Dr. Mark Carey and some student researchers, was financially supported by taxpayer dollars. The National Science Foundation (NSF) gave Carey a five-year grant which he used to write his “feminist glaciology” paper. Carey has received $709,125 in grants from the NSF, according to his curriculum vitae.
“Most existing glaciological research – and hence discourse and discussions about cryospheric change – stems from information produced by men, about men, with manly characteristics, and within masculinist discourses,” Carey wrote. “These characteristics apply to scientific disciplines beyond glaciology; there is an explicit need to uncover the role of women in the history of science and technology, while also exposing processes for excluding women from science and technology.”
Carey concluded glacier research is intertwined with gender relations, masculine culture, geopolitics, institutional power and racism — these apparently led to to glacier-related academic and governmental jobs being predominantly filled by men. Damages from melting glaciers target women and ethnic minorities, who “are more vulnerable to glacier changes and hazards than are men,” according to Carey.”
Damages from melting glaciers target women and ethnic minorities, who “are more vulnerable to glacier changes and hazards than are men,”
End of the world, women and minority’s hit hardest.
I thought melting glaciers would raise sea levels and flood houses on the coasts. I wasn’t aware that those pricey homes near the seashore were exclusively owned by women and minorities. I guess I need to science harder
I would have guessed that melting glacier water would hit the low hanging balls of elderly rich men much harder than women….
Further proving that we’ve gone so far off the rails that the Sokal Affair wouldn’t be possible today.
feminist postcolonial science studies
I literally can’t even…
Anything between “Feminist” and “Studies” can always be ignored. It’s just Marxist Pablum however you slice it.
SJW idiocy comes to open source coding projects. FreeBSD adopted a code of conduct with the usual BS social signaling and is getting pushback on their mailing list.
Apparently using a dead name is offensive. Japanese emperors hit hardest.
Hmm, so one half of one percent of the population is in some way trans.
Only about half go so far as to rename themselves.
so one in 40.
Apply that to the population of open source developers.
So this ruling applies to what, 15 people?
Damnit, I really liked the FreeBSD foundation.
Time to fork it and create FreedomBSD
“Fork off, Slaver”?
Git out of here with those puns
Time to get more Subversive.
Academics at the University of Oregon have determined that glaciers and the science that studies them are deeply sexist.
All that thrusting and extrusion. Gross!
“Merging feminist postcolonial science studies and feminist political Daily Caller New Foundationecology, the feminist glaciology framework generates robust analysis of gender, power, and epistemologies in dynamic social-ecological systems, thereby leading to more just and equitable science and human-ice interactions,” reads the paper’s abstract.
If that’s not a hoax, we’re doomed.
DOOOOOOOMED, I tells ya!
Is the feminist iceberg study back in the news?
Only 10% of the feminist iceberg study is being discussed in the news.
For International Women’s Day
Four different people
No Ayn Rand
I had never heard of her before, nice quotes, but obviously she’s not a “real” woman the feminists would celebrate.
LOL – which one are you referring to? They’re from 4 different womminz.
I love it when I can make myself look stupid.
I googled the first one and assumed they were all from the same person.
I’ll have to check the rest now.
I deliberately left off the names to encourage research 🙂
Did my homework, all are great, Tubman is probably my favorite.
All of them are ignored in any women’s day ceremony.
I wonder why that is?
Just like Frederick Douglass is never mentioned as a part of black history.
Exactly…the lefties love to say shit like “Stop erasing women!” or “stop silencing women!”. Stop erasing and silencing conservative women.
Drone Disorientations
Killing with drones produces queer moments of disorientation. Drawing on queer phenomenology, I show how militarized masculinities function as spatiotemporal landmarks that give killing in war its “orientation” and make it morally intelligible. These bearings no longer make sense for drone warfare, which radically deviates from two of its main axes: the home–combat and distance–intimacy binaries. Through a narrative methodology, I show how descriptions of drone warfare are rife with symptoms of an unresolved disorientation, often expressed as gender anxiety over the failure of the distance–intimacy and home–combat axes to orient killing with drones. The resulting vertigo sparks a frenzy of reorientation attempts, but disorientation can lead in multiple and sometimes surprising directions – including, but not exclusively, more violent ones. With drones, the point is that none have yet been reliably secured, and I conclude by arguing that, in the midst of this confusion, it is important not to lose sight of the possibility of new paths, and the “hope of new directions.””
I’ll take WORD SALAD for 1000, Alex.
Is the feminist iceberg study back in the news?
Count Potato, 9:25.
“NBA taking Mark Cuban’s sexual assault case into its own hands”
+1 finger too big to fit into an unlubricated vagina
Wait. unlubricated vagina?
Does that mean that some vaginas are lubricated? Well, now I’ve heard everything.
New cable network GNN, Glibs News Network.
Count me in.
Fuck off, slavers.
Did I do it right?
“Proposed Law Could Mean No More Free Porn In Rhode Island
State legislators introduced a bill last week that would require residents to pay a one-time $20 fee to access pornography sites or other “offensive material” online.
If passed, the law would require Internet service providers in the state to block “sexual content and patently offensive material” by default. Users looking to take a peek at censored content would be able to make a written request to lift the ban. That would require proof that the consumer is at least 18 years old, evidence that the consumer received a “written warning regarding the potential danger of deactivating the digital block,” and an Andrew Jackson, or equivalent legal tender.
The bill, called “An Act Relating to Public Utilities and Carriers — Internet Digital Blocking,” was drafted by Sens. Frank Ciccone and Hanna Gallo, both Democrats. They say it is intended to keep children and minors safe from from accessing inappropriate content. It also seeks to rid the Internet of all child pornography, revenge pornography and human trafficking websites.”
VPN vendors are a bunch of evil, rent-seeking assholes!
Remind me how awesome Net Neutrality would have been, please.
“to rid the Internet of all child pornography, revenge pornography and human trafficking websites.”
A noble and impossible goal!
“human trafficking websites”? Are they talking travel sites, or is there someplace where I can actually order orphans to put to work in the mines?
Please, sirs.
I’ve never used the dark web, but feel like I should. My monocle factories aren’t going to staff themselves.
I don’t think this law would hold up to a court challenge.
Oh really?
/1st Circuit Court of Appeals (50% Obama appointess in active status.)
Sounds like they believe in paying for sex
prohibition spurs innovation.
prohibit heroin –> meth
prohibit autofire –> binary triggers, bump stocks
Shoot, pr0n spurs all sorts of innovation all by itself.
VCR’s for watching pr0n at home (John Waters had some quote about VCR’s killing movies because most people are too chickenshit to masturbate in the theater)
The early internet got super popular when Usenet would distribute pr0n in popular channels*
The web took off because you could go look at pr0n easily (on Usenet, you had to download multiple files, build them into a gif file and finally use a special program to view them – or so a friend told me)
pr0n was the reason that secure credit card payments were developed on the web in the first place.
I actually hope they do implement this law so that RI develops a tech savvy cohort of teen agers who learned how to program so they could defeat the pr0n filter.
Already here. VPN connection to any location worldwide that doesn’t have ridiculous unenforceable laws.
Added bonus – converts more law-abiding citizens to scofflaws.
Kudos to the former head of the NAACP for strongly condemning Farrakhan’s antisemitism.
So I wound up walking home from the bar I stopped off at for a quick beer last night. A nice 15~20km walk. The reason I missed my last train? I was talking to an American guy in his early 30’s and he brings up gay marriage. Evidently, his friend back in Indiana had to leave the state because they don’t allow gay marriage. “Not true.” So, he doubles down. “They only allow civil unions.” Again I say, “Not true.” He argues vehemently with me, but I hate breaking out google to settle stuff like this. Finally I’m getting pissed at his willful ignorance and pull up the Obergefell decision on my phone and show it to him. He just veers off onto some tangent about how some states are not following that decision despite him not knowing about that decision just 5 minutes earlier. His friend pops into the conversation with something along the lines of how reading books suck and that you can learn much more from Reddit threads. Total fucking idiots, but I may be the biggest idiot for arguing with them and missing my train. The walk was nice anyways and it gave me time to think about stuff. Point is this: Glibs is a great place because it reaffirms my belief that morons haven’t taken over the world.
We don’t control the world, so how can we provide bias confirmation that morons don’t?
You’re right. I meant to say, “every corner of the world.” It’s late, waddayagonna do?
Snark online?
I’ll take it. Just give me a corner to crawl in where I don’t have to listen to them anymore.
Okay, but you’ll have to walk 15km to find it.
Saw your early AM post (other thread) re: dystopian novels. Roadside Picnic by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky (Russian novel from 1972) is on my reading list (per multiple recommendations including my Glib son).
Thanks. I’ll check it out. Crime and Punishment mentally exhausted me by the end. I’ll try to get through it, but Russian writers drive me to near suicide.
Pasternak wrote “Scratch a Russian, find a peasant.”
Modification: Scratch a Russian, find a peasant with a LONG, SAD, story.
I’ve noticed more and more that trying to talk politics with many adults is like trying to explain how a TV works to three year old. They don’t even have the slightest grasp of things so simple that I don’t even know how to explain it to them.
I always assume people I meet can teach me something new. I hate being disabused of that belief.
I have a default setting where I assume other people are at least at my level of intelligence or higher. It seems to be a flawed stance all too often.
They probably can, it just more often than not will be something that is not interesting or useful to you. Those politically ignorant fellows you talked to instead of taking the train might have been able to teach you how to increase your twitter followers or how to maintain Robby-like hair.
What flummoxes me all the time is when you try to start from basic principles and you find out that they start from a point in Imagination Land. For example, when you try to start a conversation with the idea that we all accept the Law of Supply and Demand and they instantly disagree with it. It is all fake. How can you have a debate when you can’t agree on basics?
I should get a Nobel in Physics, but the bastards keep insisting that my work actually has to account for Patriarchy shit like wind resistance or gravity. Fuck, they won’t even go along with my commonsense pi control. No one needs a pi that is greater than 3 or has that irrational thing that goes up.
Logic is dying and the news idiots are feeding it arsenic.
If you feed an organism too much arsenic at once it will vomit it all back up and have a better chance of survival.
That’s why it’s been such a long and drawn out process.
If life gives you arsenic, make phosgene.
irrational thing that goes up
It’s shaped like a gun!
I like that I have a place to read and discuss this stuff, get it out of my system, and then go about the rest of my life ignoring the morons.
MORONS! Their everywhere.
Excuse me, that’s “there everywhere”.
“but I may be the biggest idiot for arguing with them and missing my train”
No argument here.
Morons are always going to be in the majority but they cant take over the world because they are morons. Relax and have another beer.
But don’t miss your train.
It’s kind of fun. I do it about twice a year just to force myself to have the walk. Could easily break out the credit card and take a taxi. Meh, walk.
Sounds like the president may be prepared to walk back his tariff ideas after so much resistance.
If so, excellente.
Of course he is walking it back. He was just shining that laser in circles on the floor.
Walked into a MickeyD’s here (in Amsterdam). Half dozen kiosks for self ordering.
Bring it on, Fight for
FifteenAutomation campaign.I went to buy a coffee in McDonalds here in Texas yesterday. Also multiple kiosks.
The kiosks were pretty and all, but it would have been at least a minute faster from me ordering from a person.
Did I ever tell you the story of how famous local John Henry heroically battled the kiosk in the cashier contest? He triumphed but ultimately died from exhaustion.
Hah! The thingsI like are the ability to customize your sandwich and seeing exactly what sauces are available for McNuggets. Of course the humans will still screw up the order or forget to put the sauce in the bag.
Thinking about this, I wonder if Japanese McDonalds use point and calling to get orders right?
I’ve told this before, but I like repeating myself:
Years ago, I did all sorts of IoT work for fast food chains. The work was always feast of famine. The famine times were when you’d try to talk owners into automating something and they weren’t interested because they were pretty complacent about how much they were pulling from their stores with the workers they had. The feast times were always after a raise in the minimum wage. All of a sudden the owners were falling all over themselves to automate processes and lower their labor costs.
Most of the work I did wasn’t even to automate the labor, it was simply reporting on when the labor was actually needed and was it done. For example, filtering a fryer. I would alert the kids when it needed cleaning and then report on when the cleaning was actually done. This forced the kids to do it and let the owner know who was shirking. With cheap labor, an owner would just hire more kids and hope that one of them would filter the fryer eventually.
At $15/hr there is no way that it isn’t cheaper to integrate robots into the stores. They also have the benefit of doing the jobs they were programmed to do.
In addition to kiosks, my local McDs has apparently fired all the long-time staff in favor of apathetic teens with attitudes. But the fries are still boiling hot and fresh.
The hyper-competent McDonalds near my old house in Louisville was staffed mostly by older hispanic women with questionable english. And it wasn’t a hispanic part of town. I think the took the bus out to my end of town. Apathetic teens had no chance at a job there.
That was my local McD’s – middle aged Latinas and Asian women. They would always oooh and ahh at my dog when I brought him through the drive thru.
Did my first Kiosk McD a few weeks back.
It worked, the food was delivered to our table, the order was correct – I could have been mute and deaf – and I would still have got exactly what I ordered.
Hard to see a downside,
If kiosks had existed in 19-dickety-four the mcdonalds brothers would have put them in their restaurant. There is no doubt about that.
The food was still McDonalds.
Automation like this is only an unambiguous good if those whose jobs are being replaces don’t end up on public assistance. Smash the welfare state!
This morning on NPR, they were talking abut the “Death of Stalin” movie and they said “What’s so funny about fascism?”
Was this:
1. An incompetent attempt at headline writing?
2. General NPR incompetence?
3. A further example of “real communism has never been tried?”
I always like to assume ignorance whenever possible as opposed to malice, so I’ll go with #1.
I mean, they didn’t outright admit they killed the guy, but…
I don’t wish death on anyone, but surely career Kremlin apologists have something to fear from taking a fire iron to the back of the skull repeatedly. Maybe it’s the climate.
I mean Kremlin apologists exist (see Stephen F. Cohen), but just expressing the fact that Russia whose GDP is roughly the size of Italy and is run almost exclusively by the mob and whose military capabilities are laughable(see the invasion of Georgia) probably isn’t nearly the geopolitical threat the gov. or the media wants you to believe will get you labeled a kremlin apologist these days.
Says the Russian bot. Go back to the Motherland comrade!
That is comical. See above: fascism actually is funny.
I don’t wish death on anyone, but surely career Kremlin apologists have something to fear from taking a fire iron to the back of the skull repeatedly. Maybe it’s the climate.
What kind of heathen uses a fire iron?
Ice axe, FTW! Comrade.
The Knife. Distortions in the Media. Fun site to snoop around in.
De Blasio is as full of shit as a person with a bowel obstruction.
Alt-right extremist smashes window at peaceful lecture, assaults an officer, found to have a weapon.
Oh, just kidding, she’s a progressive. NOTHING TO SEE HERE!
This will keep escalating until assassinations are carried out.
All the while media hacks lamenting about the rise of the violent reactionary right.
Until, five years from now, lefties begin insisting that preemptive violence is necessary.
Anyone suspected of being a “Nazi” will be dragged from their home and beaten.
I thought they are insisting now.
You’re not wrong.
The Moaists are quickly going Stalinist.
I am concerned that there will be some sort of sudden breaking point, an event where a bunch of innocent people will be killed for engaging in free speech. Scary stuff.
The Kochtopus has its tentacles in everything!
part of an initial $100,000 effort
Are we quite sure it wasn’t a Russian endeavor?
If Kalifornia represents the future, just kill me now.
if by future she means collapses into the sea, all lives lost, then yes i agree.
^i love how spellcheck corrects my spelling of Cthulhu
There will be a backlash. Oh yes, there will be.
“how to fix the broken workplace culture”
What broken workplace culture? Oh, the one that magically started on January 20, 2018. Got it.
OT: Was it customary in olden times to give away the entire plot of a story at the introduction, spoilers and all? (caution: spoilers)
– One of the very first lines of Romeo and Juliet is “A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life”.
– In A Midsummer Night’s Dream, the “rude mechanicals” who are putting on the play briefly describe the entire plot before starting the actual play.
– The play that takes place in Hamlet has a similar situation: the players give a brief summary of the plot as an introduction to the play.
– The full title of Robinson Crusoe is “The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, Of York, Mariner: Who lived Eight and Twenty Years, all alone in an un-inhabited Island on the Coast of America, near the Mouth of the Great River of Oroonoque; Having been cast on Shore by Shipwreck, wherein all the Men perished but himself. With An Account how he was at last as strangely deliver’d by Pyrates.” Another one of Defoe’s books, Moll Flanders, has a title that also outlines the major events of the book.
So, are these just isolated incidents, or is literary suspense a relatively new thing?
Was it customary in olden times to give away the entire plot of a story at the introduction, spoilers and all?
I don’t know, but that’s customary in today’s movie trailers. Now I just watch the trailer and boom, I know the whole dang plot. I save a ton of money this way.
Subject to a few minor changes, you can spoil the plot and still have willing customers.
you won’t believe what happened next!
He fixes the cable?
I was totally shocked the Titanic sank.
I thought he was an idiot.
He should have done as she told, and not let go.